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Focal Spinal Nondisjunction in Primary Neurulation : Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis and Congenital Spinal Dermal Sinus Tract


Abstract and Figures

Spinal dysraphic lesions due to focal nondisjunction in primary neurulation are commonly encountered in paediatric neurosurgery, but the "fog-of-war" on these conditions was only gradually dispersed in the past 10 years by the works of the groups led by the senior author and Prof. Kyu-Chang Wang. It is now clear that limited dorsal myeloschisis and congenital spinal dermal sinus tract are conditions at the two ends of a spectrum; and mixed lesions of them with various configurations exist. This review article summarizes the current understanding of these conditions' embryogenetic mechanisms, pathological anatomy and clinical manifestations, and their management strategy and surgical techniques.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Copyright © 2021 The Korean Neurosurgical Society
Review Article
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188, 2021 pISSN 2005-3711 eISSN 1598-7876
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction in Primary Neurulation :
Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis and Congenital Spinal
Dermal Sinus Tract
Sui-To Wong,1 Dachling Pang2,3
Department of Neurosurgery,
Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery,
Universit y of California, Davis, CA, USA
Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Trust, London, UK
Spinal dysraphic lesions due to focal nondisjunction in primary neurulation are commonly encountered in paediatric neurosurgery,
but the “fog-of-war” on these conditions was only gradually dispersed in the past 10 years by the works of the groups led by the
senior author and Prof. Kyu-Chang Wang. It is now clear that limited dorsal myeloschisis and congenital spinal dermal sinus tract are
conditions at the two ends of a spectrum; and mixed lesions of them with various congurations exist. This review article summarizes
the current understanding of these conditions’ embryogenetic mechanisms, pathological anatomy and clinical manifestations, and their
management strategy and surgical techniques.
Key Words : Limited dorsal myeloschisis · Spinal dermal sinus tract · Dermoid · Nondisjunction · Dysraphism · Focal spinal
nondisjunctional disorders.
• Received : April 21, 2020 • Revised : July 29, 2020 • Accepted : July 29, 2020
Address for reprints : Dachling Pang
Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Trust, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N3JH, UK
Tel : +44-20-7405-9200, Fax : +44-20-7813-8279, E-mail :, ORCID :
This is an Open Access ar ticle distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( licenses /by-nc/4.0)
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Focal nondisjunction of the primary neural tube in its spi-
nal cord region results in a normal or near-normal spinal
cord, except for the presence of a tract anchoring the dorsal
surface of the spinal cord to the base of a characteristic skin
lesion. This tract, depending on its cellular constituents and
its completeness in extent, can lead to tethered cord syndrome
and/or collection of dermal sinus tissue with their dreadful ef-
fects. This review aims to give a concise and updated summa-
ry of the conditions that have been grouped under a common
embryogenetic mechanism, including congenital spinal der-
mal sinus tract (CSDST), limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM),
and their mixed lesions3,5,6,11,25,39,42). A comprehensive study on
these focal spinal nondisjunctional disorders (FSNDs) can be
found in a recent book chapter titled Limited dorsal spinal
nondisjunctional disorders
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
The basis for grouping these conditions as one
Primary neurulation can be broadly divided into four main
stages, occurring sequentially at each axial level of the embryo,
during that the neural plate goes through 1) formation, 2)
shaping, 3) dorsal bending, and 4) closure of the neural groove
to become the primar y neural tube2). At the tissue level, the
last stage actually consists of a complex sequence of three
overlapping events2 ,14, 31,41) (Fig. 1) : 1) A broad overlapping sur-
face epithelium (SE) and neuroepithelium (NE) junction of
several cells thickness is formed at the paired neural folds. It
occurs as the neural folds progressively elevate and converge
towards the dorsal midline, and the NE cells enlarge in height
and drag the flattened SE cells onto their dorsal surface.
2) The two overlapping epithelia through progressive delami-
nation become completely separate, known as disjunction.
The delamination process starts with an inter-epithelial space
in the middle part of the interface of the two epithelia. As the
space expands, it acquires a crescent shape because the basal
lamina of the two epithelia remains attached at the ventro-lat-
eral extreme of their contact (ventral contact point). While the
two neural folds are progressively approaching each other to
close the dorsal midline gap, the inter-epithelial space extends
further dorsally towards the dorsal midline. Ventrally, the
basal lamina bridge at the ventral contact point finally breaks
down, and the two epithelia separate there. A new basal lami-
na then forms on the inter-epithelial surfaces of each of the
two epithelia. When the inter-epithelial space on each side
reaches the dorsal-most meeting point of the two epithelia and
separates them, it consummates disjunction. 3) During the
same period, fusion of the two epithelial layers at the dorsal
midline occurs. Fusion is preceded by apposition of the two
opposing sets of epithelia at the tips of the two neural folds,
and formation of intercellular adhesion at contact points,
Fig. 1.
Normal primar y neurulation. Diagrams showing the major steps in closure of the neural groove in an axial level. A : Elevation of the neural folds
(arrow). B : Progressive elevation of the neural folds. Delamination at the neuroepithelium – surface epithelium interface. C : Components involved in
the nal phase in closure of the neural groove. D : Closed neural tube at an axial level. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
SE : surface epithelium, NE : neuroepithelium, n : notochord, en : endoderm.
Fusion of SE
Fusion of NE
site of disjunction
Inter-epithelial space
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
which are initially discontinuous from superficial to deep33).
In normal embryos, completion of neural groove closure at an
axial level is marked by the appearance of a continuous basal
lamina under the SE across the dorsal midline, and a continu-
ous sheath of basal lamina around the NE (primary neural
tube) at that level15). There are two subtle details of these inter-
calated processes that are important to our embryogenetic hy-
potheses : first, fusion of the two epithelial layers likely pro-
ceeds independently of each other41). Secondly, although the
exact timing of epithelial fusion and disjunction is unknown,
intuitively, fusion of the epithelia must precede disjunction of
the SE and NE.
Faults occurring at a focal point during these last phases of
neural groove closure give rise to FSNDs, which are character-
ized by nondisjunction and incomplete fusion of a focal, or
limited, segment anywhere along the future spinal cord
down to the S1 or S2 cord level9,18 ,19,27). Depending on the aber-
rant behaviours of the various primordial cells involved in the
neural groove closure, several anatomical phenotypes of the
final malformation are seen. In addition, the matured features
of the subtype malformations of FSND are determined by in-
dividual or combined errors of the primordial SE and NE
cells, as well as the mesoderm and neural crest cells (Fig.
At the molecular genetic level, the mechanisms of primary
neurulation have only been partially elucidated. The different
stages of primary neurulation have different key molecular
players2 0). In FSNDs, the underlying faulty molecular events
are likely confined to those related to fusion of the epithelia
and delamination/disjunction occurring at the dorsal midline.
One group of regulator proteins that may be targets in the
genesis of FSND are the Rho GTPases, including Rac1 and
Cdc42. Both Rac1 and Cdc42 are involved in the regulation of
cellular protrusions in SE during dorsal midline fusion20 ,28). As
for the molecular mechanisms of nondisjunction, there is even
scarcer information; one possibly point of aberration may oc-
cur during the caspase-dependent apoptosis of the cells at the
SE-NE border20, 44). There are two general points about defec-
tive molecular mechanisms in FSNDs : 1) to account for the
limited extent of a FSND lesion, a causative molecular de-
Fig. 2.
Proposed embryogenetic mechanisms for different types of focal spinal non-disjunctional disorders. A : Congenital spinal dermal sinus tract
(CSDST). B : Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). C : Mixed CSDST and LDM –
type and
type. D : LDM with hidden dermal elements.
SE : surface epithelium, NE : neuroepithelium.
SE cells
Dermal sinus tract
Mixed CSDST & LDM LDM tract with
hidden dermal elements
LDM tract
Failed fusion of SE
Failed fusion of SE
Failed fusion of NE
“Orthodox” tract “Conjoint” tract
Failed fusion of NE
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
15 4 jkns.2020.0117
fect must involve a small clone of cells during neurulation;
and the mechanisms concerned are probably cell-autonomous
i.e., the presence of wild type cells nearby cannot correct the
error within the af fected cells2 0). And 2) the different pheno-
types described below may be due to different molecular
faults. For example, Rac1 and Cdc42 only involve SE fusion;
thus the clinical phenotypes due to their aberrations could be
different from those affecting proteins regulating NE fu-
sion2 0,2 8).
The embryogenetic mechanisms for the subtype FSND
malformations, described in terms of morphological changes
in the embryonic tissue, are as follows (Fig. 2) : 1) a CSDST
develops, when fusion of the SE fails at a focal point, but the
underlying NE fusion has at least been represented by some
intercellular adhesions, and disjunction at this focal point
does not occur. In this situation, closure of the primary neural
tube immediately cranial and caudal to this focal nondisjunc-
tion spot is unhindered, but the gaping SE is persistently
linked with the NE at this focal spot. This link, a midline gap
in the converging SE and, below it, between the dorsal sclero-
myotomes in opposite sides of the embryo, remains very nar-
row. Further unimpeded development of the surrounding
normal full-thickness dorsal myofascial tissues around the
midline strip progressively sets the primary neural tube into
its normal, primarily intraspinal location. However, a dorso-
median tract of SE tissue persists as the original link between
the closed primary neural tube and the still slightly gaping ep-
ithelial surface. The tract is firmly anchored on the SE side be-
cause its component cells are still essentially part of the SE,
but its deep-end attachment to the NE cells after closure of the
neural groove may not be firm. The deep end of the tract
could therefore be dislodged from the underlying neural tube,
by cellular movements during normal development of the
neural crest cells, meninges and scleromesoderm; so that the
inner anchorage of the tract may end short of the spinal cord
but on the meninges or even the musculofascial layers.
2) A LDM develops, when the fusion of the NE fails at a fo-
cal point but the overlying SE fusion has at least been repre-
sented by some intercellular adhesions, and disjunction at this
focal point also does not occur. Like the reverse of the devel-
opment of a CSDST, the SE gap is closed, but because NE fu-
sion and disjunction never happen at the focal spot, the NE
remains linked with the SE at the spot. This link, a midline
gap in the converging NE and, above it, between the dorsal
scleromyotomes in opposite sides of the embryo, remains very
narrow. Further unimpeded development of the surrounding
normal full-thickness dorsal myofascial tissues around the
midline strip progressively also sets the primary neural tube
into its normal, primarily intraspinal location.
However, a dorsomedian tract of NE tissue (vs. SE tissue in
CSDST) persists as the original link between the focally gap-
ing primary neural tube and the closed epithelial surface24).
The tract is attached on the undersurface of the SE, and affects
the integration of mesodermal tissue at that focal area to form
normal full-thickness skin.
3) A tract with mixed LDM and CSDST develops, when fu-
sion of NE and SE both fail and disjunction never occurs, of-
ten in an orthodox manner with the inner portion of the
tract containing NE tissue while the outer tract consisting
mainly of SE. The pulling forces along the outer and inner
portions of the tract during embryogenesis will determine the
relative proportion of the two kinds of tissues in the final con-
figuration. However, a conjoint ty pe may also occur, where
the entire tract is lined by both SE and NE elements. These
mixed entities are rare but may easily elude detection5 ,11).
4) As for LDM with hidden dermal element - LDMs with
dermal elements but without a sinus tract, the origin of the SE
cells could be from pluripotent cells near the dorsal midline,
or from SE cells somehow being included during the forma-
tion of the LDM stalk5,2 5).
5) FSND with spinal cord lipoma : dorsal spinal cord lipo-
mas have been known to be associated with LDMs, either di-
rectly adjacent to the LDM stalk or continuous with it. Since
both transitional and dorsal lipomas are thought to arise from
premature disjunction, during the same embryogenetic period
as nondisjunction; it is not surprising that nondisjunction and
premature disjunction disorders may coexist25). Equivalent
parallel faults may also account for the coexistence of CSDST
and lipomas.
And 6) FSND with split cord malformation : the fibroneural
stalk or dermal sinus tract found in some cases of split cord
malformation may in fact be the remnant the dorsal portion
of an anomalous ecto-endodermal fistula resulting from aber-
rant early gastrulation21,2 3), which is the embryogenetic basis
for split cord malformation.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Variations in the exact cellular types and histological con-
figurations of FSND lesions account for the spectrum of non-
disjunctional disorders, and partial atresia of a tract may ex-
plain certain variants of the full forms8). Concerning the
documentation of the level of a FSND, it should ref lect the
spinal cord level of the initial causative nondisjunctional error,
and accordingly, it should be the level of the laminar defect
through which the fibroneural stalk or sinus tract passes.
Pathological anatomy
A dorsal midline dermal sinus tract (a narrow tubular
structure lined by squamous epithelium) is the essential fea-
ture of a CSDST13,4 0). The size of the ostium in the skin of this
tract is variable but usually small (Fig. 3). How deep the tract
penetrates is also variable; over 60% end intradurally, and
some are firmly attached to the spinal cord (Figs. 4-6)43).
Regarding their location along the vertebral column, over
60% of CSDSTs are in the lumbosacral spine; the rest are dis-
tributed over the thoracic and cervical regions4 3). The shape of
a sinus tract on the sagittal plane varies depending on its level
of origin, because the spinal cord ascends along the vertebral
column for a fair distance during development due to their
discrepant growth rates. A lumbosacral CSDST typically takes
on a V-shape with the apex pointing at exactly the laminar
level of its nondisjunctional error; its subcutaneous tract de-
scends caudally to reach the lamina, and from thence it as-
cends towards the thecal sac. With more cranial lesions, the
subcutaneous tract becomes progressively more horizontal
until it points cranially towards the dura in cervico-thoracic
lesions. At the skin level, other skin stigmata may sometimes
accompany the sinus ostium (Fig. 3). At the laminar level, the
tract may pass through the interspinous ligament, or through
Fig. 3.
A : Dermal sinus ostium, appeared as a pin-point area of dr y
scaling with surrounding red discoloration, but without soft tissue swelling.
B : Magnied view of (A). C : Dermal sinus ostium, appeared as a dot of dark
discoloration with surrounding hypertrichosis and pigmentation. Keratin
material could be seen with light compression. D : Magnied view of (C).
Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 4.
MRI images of a 22-month-old with a dermal sinus tract, which as
confirmed intraoperatively, has the skin ostium at L5 spinous process
level (Fig. 3A and B), passes along the caudal aspect of L5 laminae, and
terminates on the dorsal surface of the conus. A : Mid-sagittal T2-
weighted MRI image showing a tiny T2 hypointense intradural nodule at
L1/L2 vertebral level (long arrow), and another slightly larger one at L4
vertebral level (short arrow). The intradural dermal sinus tract is beyond
the resolution power of MRI. B : Paramedian sagittal T2-weighted MRI
image showing a dermal sinus tract from the skin ostium extending into
the subcutaneous fat (arrowhead). C : T1-weighted MRI with gadolinium
injection image, corresponding to A, showing that only the L4 lesion
(short arrow) and the end of the thecal sac become enhanced due to
active inflammation. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
Fig. 5.
Right panel: 16 serial T2-weight MRI axial cuts over the lumbosacral region of the patient shown in Fig. 4. Only the L4 nodule (short arrow), the
skin ostium and subcutaneous tract (arrowheads), and vaguely the L1/L2 nodule (long arrow) are demonstrable by MRI. Left panel : T2-weighted MRI
image with cut lines numbered 1 to 16. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging, L4 : left
lamina of L4 vertebra, L5 : left lamina of L5 vertebra.
Fig. 6.
MRI images of a 20-month-old with a dermal sinus tract. A, C, and D : T2-weighted MRI images. B : T1-weighted MRI image. Although there is
marked abnormal signal at the skin level, the skin ostium is tiny (Fig. 3C and D). There is a 2 vertebral levels difference between the skin ostium and
where the tract located at the laminar level. The intradural tract (long arrows) appears as a structure that is slightly thicker and more T2 hypointense
than normal nerve roots. Arrowheads indicated that the subcutaneous portion of the dermal sinus tract. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission
from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
a bifid spinous process or lamina. The tract then penetrates
the dura but can also run between the dural layers for a short
length before becoming intradural. Within the thecal sac, it
may be adherent to the nerve roots or filum and, until proven
otherwise, one should always assume all sinus tracts reach the
spinal cord. Any where along the sinus tract, a dermoid cyst
may form from existing keratin material, and it can even be
intramedullary (Fig. 7). In a report of ten intramedullary spi-
nal dermoid cysts, nine had a traceable CSDST7). The rare oc-
currence of spinal dermoid cyst without a sinus tract is proba-
bly due to isolated sequestration of pluripotent SE cells or
atresia of the outer tract8).
Histologically, a dermal sinus tract is lined by keratinizing
stratified squamous epithelium (Fig. 8A and B). Other com-
ponents in variable abundance include hair follicles and
shafts, mesenchymal derivatives such as blood vessels and fi-
brous tissue (Fig. 8A-C), and occasionally even nerve fibers.
Keratin material fills the lumen of the tract and the cavity of
dermoid cysts (Fig. 8D). Sometimes, the lumen of part of the
tract may be obliterated (Fig. 8C). In slender tracts, a transi-
tional zone of epithelial to non-epithelial tissues can be ob-
served over the tracts deep end (Fig. 8E). Within the CSDST,
inflamed granulation tissue containing mixed neutrophils,
plasma cells, lymphocytes, and histiocytes is consistently
found (Fig. 8A-C)4,13 ,38). It is due to chemically induced inflam-
mation from keratin accumulation, and may also be second-
ary to bacterial infections from sinus tracts communication
with the skin surface.
Clinical manifestations
The age of presentation has a wide range; in most series, the
mean is 3 years or below, with some patients f irst diagnosed in
their 30s or even 50s43). The commonest presentation is skin
stigmata, usually a cutaneous pit, frequently associated with
pigmentation, haemangioma, skin tag, subcutaneous lipomas,
or hypertrichosis (Fig. 3). Associated subcutaneous lipoma
should arouse the suspicion for an associated spinal cord lipo-
ma, and hypertrichosis for split cord malformation. In many
published series, over 40% of patients had neurological def i-
cits involving limbs and/or bowel and bladder. In infected cas-
es and in patients harbouring large intradural epidermoid/
dermoid cysts, neurological deficits may arise catastrophical-
In actual practice, there is uncommonly a definitive history
Fig. 7.
MRI images of a 25-month-old with a large intradural dermoid cyst. A and B : T2-weighted images. C : T1-weighted image. D and E : T1-weighted
with gadolinium injection. The dermoid cyst, spanning 5 vertebral levels, extends from L3 to S2. It is heterogenous in signal intensity, but the main bulk
of it is T2-hyperintense, mildly T1-hypointense, and demonstrates periphery gadolinium enhancement. There is also marked gadolinium enhancement
in the subcutaneous tissue signifying active inammation. The intradural dermoid cyst communicates with an outside dermal sinus tract at the caudal
aspect of the S1 laminae (white arrowhead in E). Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
158 jkns.2020.0117
of discharge from a sinus ostium, which is seen only in 25% of
cases; and even rarer, inflamed skin around an obviously in-
fected ostium or a deep-seated abscess, which occurs in less
than 15%. Paradoxically, in some series, a history of recurrent
meningitis or active meningitis is found in up to 40% of cas-
Pure LDM
Pathological anatomy
The two constant features of all LDMs are 1) a cutaneous
stigma and 2) an underlying fibroneural stalk anchoring the
spinal cord to the skin lesion (Fig. 9). The cutaneous marker, a
pearly crater of abnormal skin, commonly known as a ciga-
Fig. 8.
Histological slides. A : Section through the most superficial portion of a dermal sinus tract. B : The portion of the dermal sinus tract in the
intraoperatively identied subcutaneous tissue. C : The intradural portion of a dermal sinus tract (DST). A : The intradural portion of a DST. D : A dermoid
cyst formed along a slender dermal sinus tract (the L1/L2 lesion in Fig. 4). E : The deepest end of a dermal sinus tract where a transition from
epithelialized tissue to connective tissue totally devoid of it can be seen (haematoxylin and eosin stain). Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
rette-burn scar/mark, is due to hindrance on normal skin
development by the stalk attaching to the undersurface of the
SE (Fig. 2). In all instances, the f ibroneural stalk, extending
from the deeper side of the abnormal skin, ultimately merges
with the spinal cord. Only one example of a discontinuous
stalk has been documented8). In all LDMs, the spinal cord is
tethered to the surface myofascial tissue by the fibroneural
stalk22,34,35) and by the meningeal and other mesenchymal in-
vestments condensed around the stalk. The merge point of the
stalk with spinal cord is always above the conus, indicative of
this being due to faulty primary neurulation25). If there are le-
sions truly arising from secondary neurulation defects, but
mimicking the morpholog y of a LDM, they should be classi-
fied as a different entity9,27).
LDMs can be categorized by the external appearance of
their skin lesion into flat (non-saccular) or saccular (Fig. 9).
The f lat LDM is recognisable either by a simple pin-point pit
or a wider crater with non-skin squamous epithelium. In-
ternally, the fibroneural stalk passes through the deep fascia, a
bifid lamina/ the interspinous ligament, and the dura (Fig. 10).
The intradural stalk of a lumbosacral lesion is seen, on mag-
Fig. 9.
Classication of limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) into non-saccular and saccular types, according to the 2 universal features of LDMs, one
external, one internal. The top images depict the various skin signatures of either crater, pit, or the subtypes of sacs. The bottom images feature the
internal broneural connections between the skin lesion and the spinal cord. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Non-saccular Saccular
Limited dorsal myeloschisis
squamous top
Basal noduleNeural stalk Stalk to dome Myelocystocoele
Crater Thin squamous
Pit Dome
Fig. 10.
Lumbar non-saccular (at) limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). A :
Sagittal MR showing subcutaneous fibroneural stalk going through
laminar defect opposite L
, entering dura opposite L
, and joining spinal
cord at L
. B : Axial image where LDM stalk joins spinal cord. Note
trapezoid shape of the cord-stalk junction. C : Intradural LDM stalk dorsal
to the conus (low-lying). D : Intradural LDM stalk dorsal to thickened
filum. E : Extradural LDM stalk at laminar defect. Reused from Pang et
with permission from Springer Nature.
LDM joining
Stalk at
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
netic resonance imaging (MRI), as a separate longitudinal
structure dorsal to the filum and, more rostrally, dorsal to the
conus (Fig. 10A); at the stalk-cord union (merge point), it a
trapezoid shape on axial MRI (Fig. 10B). The fibroneural stalk
is V-shaped on the sagittal plane, similar to the observation in
CSDST, when it is in the lumbosacral region (Fig. 11); but it
becomes progressively horizontal or slanting upwards when
located more cranially (Fig. 12). The tethering effect to the
cord can be very obvious when the fibroneural stalks are stout
(Fig. 13), or when the cord is tented dorsally at the stalk-cord
merge point (Fig. 14). In rare cases, the stalk appears to pull
the cord archly dorsally towards the skin lesion to the extent
that the cord seems to have deformed the overlying bone and
myofascial layers (Fig. 15). In all these examples, the apparent
dynamism of the tethering is obvious.
The saccular LDM arises with the initial embryogenetic ar-
chitecture of a f lat LDM, but the increasing hydrodynamic
pressure of cerebrospinal f luid (CSF) soon changes its ana-
tomical configuration drastically. CSF may be forced up along
the slender dural sleeve surrounding the stalk, or through the
Fi g. 11.
Three cases of lumbar at limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with
V-shaped course of the LDM stalks. Left : Crater is at L
, stalk enters
thecal sac at S
, and joins spinal cord at upper margin of L
. Middle :
Crater at L
, stalk enters dura probably at L
, and joins spinal cord at
. Right : Crater at L
, stalk enters dura around L
, and joins spinal
cord at L
. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
Fig. 12.
Upward coursing limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) stalk in a
thoracic at LDM. A : Sagittal image shows skin crater at L
, extradural stalk
at T
, dural entrance of the stalk above T
, and joining of stalk to spinal
cord at T
. B-E : show axial image of the LDM stalk at corresponding points
shown in (A). Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
Fig. 13.
Thick upward slanting broneural stalk in a thoracolumbar (T
) LDM. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis.
Fig. 14.
Upper thoracic crater type limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM)
showing dorsal tenting of both the dural sac and spinal cord at the site
of the stalk-cord junction, giving the appearance of taut tethering of the
cord. Left : T
sagittal MRI. Middle : T
sagittal MRI. Right : Axial MRI. Note
skin crater, subcutaneous tract and intradural course of the stalk are well
shown on the T
sagittal image. Also, fat is seen within the stalk. Reused
from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic
resonance imaging.
Skin crater
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
potential space within the fibroneural stalks core to reach and
distend the overlying skin into a fluctuant sac. Internally, the
sac of saccular LDMs can have 3 types of content. First, the
content is a segmental myelocystocoele : when the portion of
the cord bearing the dorsal myeloschisis has an associated hy-
dromyelia, the central lumen of the fibroneural stalk may be
Fig . 16.
Formation of saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with segmental myelocystocoele. Fluid from hydromyelic cavity in the underlying
spinal cord dissects through the potential tubular space within the original cutaneo neuroectodermal tract and subsequently balloons out into an
ependyma-lined myelocystocoele, a sac within an outer sac of distended subarachnoid cerebrospinal uid. The sac is covered by a full-thickness skin
base and a thickened, distinctly different squamous epithelial dome. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Thickened squamous
Subarachnoid space
Dural stula
within cord
Full thickness skin
Hydromyelic cavit y
extends into centre of
non-disjunctioned LDM
Fig. 15.
LDM with non-saccular skin crater showing extreme dural
displacement and kinking of the thoracic cord presumably due to
by a short, stout broneural stalk. Left : T
sagittal MRI. Right : T
MRI. This child had early neurological decits. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance
Fi g. 17.
Computed tomography myelogram of a cervical saccular limited
dorsal myeloschisis with segmental myelocystocoele. The myelocystocoele
sac does not contain contrast material, which remains in the subarachnoid
space. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Myelocystocoele Subarachnoid
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
Fig . 19.
Lumbar saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis with segmental myelocystocoele and lipoma in a 2.5-year-old boy. A and B : Sagittal T2-weighted
MRI. C-E : Axial T1-weighted MRI. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Intact conus
caudal to
Fig . 18.
High thoracic saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis with segmental myelocystocoele. A-D : Pre-operative. A : Photo showing the sac with the
epithelial dome. B : Sagittal T2-weighted MRI. C : Axial T1-weighted MRI. D : Axial T2-weighted MRI. E-G : Postoperative MRI images. E : Sagittal T1-
weighted MRI. F : Sagittal T2-weighted MRI. G : Axial T1-weighted MRI. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Skin base
Site of
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
distended by CSF into a large myelocystocoele housed in an
epithelium-covered sac (Fig. 16). This type is most commonly
found in the cervical region (Figs. 17-19)29,34 -36). Second, it has a
basal neural nodule. When there is no hydromyelia, the fibro-
neural stalk and its central lumen remain compressed and
narrow in its deeper course, but the superficial portion of the
stalk swells into a f luid sac with basal neural nodules at its
base, while retaining the original nondisjunctional attach-
ment to the cutaneous epithelium (Figs. 20 and 21)21,22 ,30 ,3 4).
Third, it has a slender fibroneural stalk traversing the CSF sac
to reach its dome (stalk-to-dome) : least commonly in saccular
LDMs without hydromyelia, the normal meninges around the
neural tube extends to ensheath the fibroneural stalk, and
projects to reach the SE. CSF squeezes into the dural fistula
containing the fibroneural stalk and ultimately distends the
thinner, less well-supported squamous epithelial membrane
on the surface into a CSF-filled, skin-based but epithelium-
capped sac. Strands of the fibroneural stalk traverse the fluid
cavity of the sac to reach the part of the dome bearing the edge
of the crater, where the nondisjunction occurred (Fig. 22).
Depending on the f luid pressure and the thickness of the
Fig. 20.
Formation of a saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with basal neural nodule. In these cases, cerebrospinal uid (CSF) dissects along the
dural stula ensheathing the broneural stalk and balloons out the less well suppor ted midline epithelial layer to give a CSF-lled sac, whose base is
skin-covered. The neuroectoderm at the original site of non-disjunction swells to become the basal neural nodule. Reused from Pang et al.
permission from Springer Nature.
Basal neural nodule
Original cutaneous
neuroectoderm junction
Thickened squamous epithelium
Subcutaneous fat
Dorsal musculature
Dorsal fascia
Neural stalk
Bid neural arch
Dural stula (extension)
Patent dural sleeve
around LDM stalk
CSF sac with basal
neural nodule
Fig. 21.
Cervical saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with basal
neural nodule within the base of the cerebrospinal fluid sac at the
original non-disjunction site between cutaneous and neural ectoderms.
Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Basal nodule
LDM stalk
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
16 4 jkns.2020.0117
apical epithelium and adjacent skin, the sac wall varies from
the coarse, purplish, corrugated cap in the not-so-turgid tu-
bular structures in many cervical saccular lesions, to the
translucent membrane topping a tense lumbar sac, and finally
to the giant, diaphanous bubble. A transitional form between
saccular and flat LDMs can be observed, due to transient in-
crease in fluid pressure during straining, in flat LDMs with
the intermittently ballooning central crater (Fig. 23).
As with CSDST, registration of the spinal level of LDMs has
been far from ideal. The challenge is due to the great differ-
ence in the level of the skin lesion, the level where the f ibro-
Fig. 22.
Thoracic saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis with neural stalk
that traverses the cerebrospinal fluid sac and reaches the small skin
crater at the top of the cystic dome, presumably the original site of
disjunction failure. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature.
Fig. 23.
Lumbar limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) showing a
cerebrospinal uid-lled
topped by squamous epithelium that
distends only on straining. Note site of cord-stalk union is with slight
on the cord outline, and a neurenteric cyst (Neu) right at
this site. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Skin bubbleStalk
Fig. 24.
Distribution of LDMs along the spinal axis. Designation of location is determined by the vertebral level where the broneural stalk attaches to
the spinal cord. Note the two peaks at L
and C
, and the absence of sacral lesion. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Spinal level
Distribution of LDMs (n=63)
No. of patients
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Fig. 26.
Histopathology of limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) stalk (haematoxylin and eosin stain). A : Core of glial tissue with a large neuron, framed by
brous tissue. B : Nests of glial tissue (Gl) embedded in a dense brous matrix. C : LDM stalk showing a longitudinal glial core (Gl) containing neurons
(Neu). A peripheral nerve (arrows) issues forth at right angle to the glial core as from a
spinal cord. D : LDM stalk containing glial tissue (Gl) and a
large dorsal root ganglion (DRG). E : Peripheral nerves (N) with Pacinian corpuscle within LDM stalk. Pacinian corpuscle in the stalk indicates the nerves
involved in LDM formation are indeed sensory nerves likely from the adjacent neural crest. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 25.
Distribution of the four types of LDM classied according to external and internal features and assorted by regions of the spinal axis. The four
types are f lat (non-saccular), saccular with basal neural nodule, saccular with neural stalk reaching the cyst dome, and saccular with segmental
myelocystocoele. Note preponderance of the at LDM in the lumbar and lower thoracic regions. Saccular types are seen in both cervical and lumbar
segments. The regions of the vertebral column are coded as : cervical (C1–C7); thoracic-up (T1–T5); thoracic-lo (T5–T11); thor-lumb (T12–L1); lumbar (L1–
L5). Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Tumb ar
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
neural stalk passes through the lamina or penetrates the dura,
and where it merges with the spinal cord. In the largest LDM
series published25), the vertebral level where the stalk merges
with the spinal cord was chosen as the level of the LDM be-
cause it is usually the most unequivocal feature on MRI. The
locations of the LDMs in that series are shown in Fig. 24, while
the distribution of the types of LDMs is depicted in Fig. 25.
Over two-thirds of LDMs in that series are located in the low-
er half of the spinal cord2 5).
Histologically, the central feature of all LDM stalks is neu-
roglial tissue, a hallmark of the stalks origin from the NE. It is
either in large elongated swaths containing scattered neurons
(Fig. 26A), or in nests embedded in dense fibrous tissue (Fig.
26B). Also found in every stalk is a prof use network of periph-
eral nerves randomly admixed with the glial nests, but in
some cases, nerves are seen emanating from a central core of
neuron-containing glia likened to an abortive spinal cord (Fig.
26C). Large nodules of dorsal root ganglion cells are seen in
some cases, attesting to the occasional entrapped neural crest
stem cells during formation of the neural stalk (Fig. 26D). Pa-
cinian corpuscles (Fig. 26E) seen amongst some of these
nerves suggest they are indeed sensory axons. Evidence of
mesenchymal condensation around the lengthening neural
stalk is shown by the almost universal inclusion of numerous
fibrous bands, skeletal muscle, fat (Fig. 27A), and prominent
vascular channels sometimes in the form of a vascular glomus
(Fig. 27B). Glioependymal tissue lines the sac cavities in cases
of segmental myelocystocoeles (Fig. 27C). The cutaneous cig-
arette-burn mark has the histological appearance of a dermal
layer with engorged vascularity, abundant nerve fibres, and an
abnormal collagen f iber matrix. The unevenness of its surface is
due to the ruggedness of the epidermis and dermis (Fig. 28)16,17).
The question is sometimes asked what constitute the mini-
mum criteria for a diagnosis of LDM. It has been shown that
there are patients with clinical and radiological features of
LDM (Figs. 29 and 30) and most of its histological features in-
cluding periphery nerve fibers, but no glial tissue within the
sta lk (Fi g. 31)10 ,16,17). In many of these patients, melanocytes are
also a prominent feature. Since periphery nerves and melano-
cytes are neural crest derivatives, and neural crest cells are lo-
cated in the primary neural tube over the dorsal midline, a
nondisjunctional stalk might drag with it neural crest progen-
Fi g. 2 7.
Histopathology of limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) stalk (haematoxylin and eosin stain). A : LDM stalk containing skeletal muscle (M), fat (F),
and brous band (FB). B : LDM stalk containing prominent blood vessels (V) within a core of glial tissue (Gl), and brous bands (F), in the form of a
vascular glomus. C : Glioependymal lining of a segmental myelocystocoele in a lumbar saccular LDM. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature. Epen : ependyma, Gl : glial tissue.
Fig. 28.
IHistological slide of a skin
cigarette burn mark
increase vascularity, plenty of nerve bres (yellow arrows), and a different
collagen pattern, comparing to the adjacent normal dermis. Yellow
dashed line marks the border between normal and abnormal dermis.
Gross appearance of the skin lesion is shown in Fig. 29A (haematoxylin
and eosin stain). Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature.
Subcutaneous sof t tissue EpidermisDermis
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Fig. 29.
A case of
clinical and radiolgical
limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). A : Cigarette burn mark. B : Mid-sagittal T2 weighted MRI image showing
the intradural portion of the LDM stalk (yellow arrow). Blue arrow means the conus. C : Sagittal MRI just next to B showing the subcutaneous portion of
the stalk (white arrow). D : Axial T2-weighted MRI images corresponding to the cut lines in (B). Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer
Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Fig . 31.
Histological slide of the intradural portion of a limited dorsal
myeloschisis stalk showing the presence of nerve fibres and blood
vessels. Intraoperative photograph is shown in Fig. 30 (haematoxylin and
eosin stain). Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer
Blood vessels
Connective tissue
Nerve bres
Fig. 30.
Intra-operative photographs showing excision of a LDM with a L2L3 laminoplasties. Pre-operative MRI images and the skin lesion are shown in
Fig. 29. The skin lesion was traced to the supraspinous ligament of S1 only; the S1 laminae were untouched. This kind of limited exposure thus left a
small segment of the LDM stalk in situ. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, MRI :
magnetic resonance imaging.
Intradural por tion of LDM
Tip of the conus
Cut end of the lum
Cut end of LDM s talk
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
168 jkns.2020.0117
itor cells without neuroglial progenitor cells2,30,31,37). Thus the
diagnosis of LDM can probably be applied in these patients
with periphery nerve f ibers but no glioneuronal tissue in the stalk.
Clinical manifestations
Most LDM patients also present at a young age. In a series
with a total of 63 patients, the mean age at presentation of 56
children was 5.9 years; and that of seven adults was 28.2 years.
About half of LDM patients are neurologically intact at pre-
sentation, which underscores the importance of the cutaneous
marker as an initial diagnostic clue25). The pathognomic cu-
taneous marker in both f lat and saccular LDMs is a confined
area of abnormal epithelium over the dorsal midline. In f lat
LDMs, the cutaneous lesion can be a conspicuous crater or a
tiny pit. 1) Crater : the commonest skin abnormality in f lat
LDMs is a sunken crater on the flat skin surface made of
pinkish squamous epithelium (Fig. 32A and B), of ten with el-
evated skin margin (Fig. 32C) and sometimes surrounded by a
capillary haemangioma with irregular corrugated borders
(Fig. 32D) or hyperpigmented skin (Fig 32E). There are occa-
sionally long hair emanating from the crater (Fig. 32F), and
some craters are edged by hooded overhanging skin (Fig. 32G).
Fig. 34.
Subtle pit (within circle) in a flat lumbar limited dorsal
myeloschisis with no surrounding exuberance. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 32.
Flat type skin lesions in limited dorsal myeloschisis. A : Sunken
crater of pale squamous epithelium. B : Sunken crater of pale epithelium.
C : Squamous epithelial crater with rim of elevated skin borders. D :
Crater surrounded by prominent capillary haemangioma with irregular
corrugated borders. E : White non-melanotic, epithelial crater with
surrounding hyperpigmented skin. F : Crater covered with long hair
arising from the rim of surrounding full-thickness skin. G : Crater with
surrounding skin overhang (arrow). Reused from Pang et al.
wit h
permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 33.
Flat LDMs with transitional skin lesions: A : Lumbar LDM with a
flat epithelial crater and an adjacent area made of stretchable, non-skin
epithelium (Mem) that distends into a small CSF-filled bubble when the
patient strains. B : Pink epithelial crater slightly distended into a small blister
by underlying CSF. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, CSF : cerebrospinal uid.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
In several examples, the crater is adjacent to an area of wrin-
kly, over-stretched skin that periodically distends with CSF on
dependent posturing or straining (Fig. 33A). Very rarely, the
centre of the crater is adorned with a CSF-filled blister (Fig.
33B), which is transitional form between f lat and saccular le-
sions. And 2) pit : the most subtle skin abnormality in a flat
LDM is a small midline pit with no other unusual features
(Fig. 34), easily missed on cursory examination, and might be
confused with a CSDST ostium. Sometimes the pit situates
within a capillary haemangioma. Pit lesions are usually found
in low thoracic and lumbar cases.
Externally, saccular LDMs usually appear as a skin-based
sac, but rarely as a translucent membranous sac. 1) Skin-based
sac : the sac wall is thick, skin-based with a dome that is dis-
tinctly abnormal skin. The appearance of the dome cover can
be roughly subdivided into three subtypes. One subtype has a
wide top of purplish, raw-looking, thick stratif ied squamous
epithelium (Fig. 35A). A second subtype has a much smaller,
pale, discrete, puckered crater of squamous epithelium on the
dome (Fig. 35B). A third subtype has a small, almost imper-
ceptible patch of ultra-thin epithelium on the apex of the rela-
tively delicate skin-based dome (Fig. 35C). And 2) membra-
nous sac : this type should be managed urgently as an open
spinal dysraphic lesion, but the fibroneural stalk should not be
missed. An example is a tubular, CSF-filled sac made of a di-
aphanous membrane resembling thickened arachnoid, pro-
truding through a 4 mm skin-lined dorsal defect (Fig. 36). The
base of this sac has a shallow collar of skin similar to the skin-
based sacs. The locations and types of the cutaneous lesions
are summarized in Table 1.
It is noteworthy that other cutaneous markers of dysra-
phism such as hypertrichosis, capillary haemangioma, or mis-
aligned gluteal crease are never seen alone in LDM without
the quintessential epithelial crater or pit. The pearly midline
crater in a non-saccular LDM thus remains the single most
important diagnostic clue for LDM, especially before the de-
velopment of neurological symptoms.
LDMs cause neurological deficits solely by their tethering
effect, which vary in kind and severity by the spinal level of
the LDM. In general, LDM patients tend to have milder dis-
Fig. 36.
Lumbar limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with membranous sac. A : Large ruptured sac made of diaphanous membrane. B : Close-up of the
base showing a small skin defect through which protrudes a tubular basal neural nodule. C : The entire LDM is exposed at surger y to show basal neural
nodules (BN), subcutaneous tract, and intradural stalk (S) attached to the spinal cord. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 35.
Saccular skin lesions in limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). A : A cervical saccular LDM with full-thickness skin at the base and coarse, thick,
corrugated purplish squamous epithelial top. Cervical saccular lesions are usually not turgid. B : An upper thoracic saccular LDM with mostly skin except
for a dome crater of squamous epithelium. C : A turgid lumbar saccular LDM with a skin base and a translucent
epithelial top. Reused from
Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
ability than patients with other forms of dysraphic malforma-
tions such as split cord malformations and spinal cord lipo-
mas. In Pang et al.s series25), half of the LDM patients had
neurological deficits at presentation. About 10% of patients
had significant weakness and neuropathic bladder, and the
rest of the patients had mild or tolerable neurological or uro-
logical deficits, with relatively little hindrance to their lifestyle.
The correlations between the types of deficits and locations of
the LDMs are summarized in Table 2. The proximity of ten-
sion to the relevant cord segments does seem to correspond
with the kind of deficits. For example, only cervical lesions
produce hand and arm weakness; leg weakness is seen in only
9% of cervical lesions, but 22% in upper thoracic lesions, 38%
in thoracolumbar lesions, and 50% in lumbar lesions; and
bladder dysfunction is seen in approximately 15% of lower
thoracic and lumbar lesions but not in cervical or upper tho-
racic lesions. Lumbar LDMs close to the conus are perhaps
more treacherous because they more often implicate the blad-
der yet are more likely to be occult.
Tab le 2 .
Typ es of neurological decits in different LDM locations (n=63)
Neurological status
Number of patients assorted by LDM location
(n =11)
Thoracic upper
Thoracic lower
Normal 4 (36.0) 2 (22.0) 4 (57.0) 4 (50.0) 14 (50.0)
UE weakness/sensory loss 7 (64.0) 2 (22.0)
LE weakness 1 (9.0) 2 (22.0) 3 (43.0) 3 (38.0) 14 (50.0)
LE sensory loss 1 (11.0) 2 (31.0) 1 (13.0) 8 (29.0)
Spastic legs 4 (36.0) 4 (44.0) 2 (31.0)
Back pain 1 (25.0) 3 (13 .6)
Foot deformity 2 (9.1)
Scoliosis 2 (31.0) 1 (16. 6) 1 (4.5)
Neurogenic bladder 1 (25.0) 1 (16. 6) 4 (18.0)
Abnormal URD 1 (25.0) 1 (16. 6) 2 (9.1)
Values are presented as number (%). Reused from Pang et al.25) with permission from Springer Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, UE : upper
extremity, LE : lower extremity, URD : urodynamics
Fi g . 3 7.
Linear regression analysis between neurological grade* and
patient age shows a logistical tendency for older patients with limited
dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) to present with higher grades of neurological
decits (correlative coefficient R
=0.642). Reused from Pang et al.
permission from Springer Nature. *Neurological grading system in LDM :
grade 0, no decits or symptoms; grade 1, mild upper or lower extremity
weakness, or pure sensory deficits
pain; grade 2, moderate to severe
upper or lower extremity weakness
sensory deficits, or neurogenic
bladder without weakness; grade 3, upper or lower extremity
weakness+neurogenic bladder.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age (years)
Regression of gr ade by age (R
Neurological grade
Tab le 1.
Skin lesions in LDM in different LDM locations (n=63)
LDM location*
Skin Lesions in LDM
Crater Pit Saccular Membranous
Cervical 2 0 9 0
Thoracic-upper 3 2 4 0
Thoracic-lower 4 0 3 0
Thoracolumbar 4 2 2 0
Lumbar 16 4 6 2
Reused from Pang et al.25) with permission from Springer Nature. *The
regions of the vertebral column are coded as: cervical (C1–C7); thoracic-
upper (T1–T5); thoracic-lower (T5–T11); thoracolumbar (T12L1); and
lumbar (L1L5). LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Similar to other cord tethering entities, the probability of
neurological injury increases with longitudinal growth of the
spine and with age. Pang et al.2 5) demonstrated that older pa-
tients with LDMs had a tendency to present with more severe
neurological and urological disabilities; and that infants and
young children were more likely to be neurologically normal
(Figs. 37 and 38). Neurological deterioration was observed in
all four adolescents who had had longitudinal follow-up and
delay of surgery of 1 to 9 years.
Mixed LDM and CSDST, LDM with hidden der-
mal elements, and parallel LDM and CSDST in
close proximity
In 2013, lesions definitely composed of the histological find-
Fig. 38.
Clustered bar graphs showing neurological grade assorted by patients
age-groups (birth to 6 months; 6 to 12 months; 1 to 5 years; 6 to 10
years; 11 to 18 years; and over 18 years) within each neurological grade of 0–3. There is a preponderance of younger children with the better
neurological grades and preponderance of older patients with the worse grades. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Age groups
No. of patients
06 months 712 months 15 years 510 y ear s 1018 y ear s >18 y ear s
Fig. 39.
Histological constituents of a mixed LDM-CSDST stalk of the
type. Its supercial portion is of typical dermal tissue lying in tandem
with its deeper portion containing mainly glioneuronal tissue. Insets showing both tissues in high power (haematoxylin and eosin stain). LDM : limited
dorsal myeloschisis, CSDST : congenital spinal dermal sinus tract.
sinus tr act
LDM stalk
Dermoid cyst
Squamous epithelium
Glia (neuroectoderm)
Mixed LDM and CSDST : “Or thodox” type
Contiguous cutaneous and neuroectoderm
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
ings of both LDMs and CSDSTs were f irst described25). They
are rare compared to the pure forms of LDMs and CSDSTs. In
a series of 75 LDM cases, there were five cases of this mixed
type5). In another series of 51 cases that consisted of 40 LDMs
and 11 CSDSTs, another f ive cases were documented11).
Macroscopically, a mixed lesion of LDM and CSDST can
LDM-dermal sinus
Dermoid cyst
Dermoid cyst
LDM-dermal sinus
Fig. 40.
MRI images of a 3-month-old girl with a mixed LDM and CSDST –
type. The diagnosis was made based on intraoperative and
histological ndings (Figs. 41 and 42). MRI images can only show a tract extending from the skin to the spinal cord, but cannot conrm the components
of the tract. A and B : Sagittal T2-weighted MRI images. C and D : Axial T2-weighted MRI images. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, CSDST : congenital
spinal dermal sinus tract, MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Fig. 41.
Intraoperative photos of a patient (Fig. 40) with a mixed LDM and CSDST –
type. A : Skin pit. B and C : Dissection of the extra-dural
portion of the tract. D : Photo taken at the moment before complete detachment of the tract from the spinal cord. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis,
CSDST : congenital spinal dermal sinus tract.
Spinal cord
End of
Cervical pit with yellow-white discharge
Skin pit
Dermoid cyst
sinus track
sinus track
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
mimic either of the pure forms. Even cystic type has been ob-
served11). Thus, their recognition relies on histology. Three
histological types have been documented. In the orthodox
type, the dermal and neuroglial elements are in tandem in
their respective embryologically orthodox order, i.e., an outer
tract of CSDST and an inner tract of LDM elements (Fig.
39)11). In the conjoint type, the entire FSND tract is lined by
both SE and NE elements (Figs. 40-42). The most treacherous
Fig. 42.
Histological slides of a patient (Fig. 40) with a mixed LDM and CSDST –
type showing the presence of a dermal sinus tract within a
bro-glioneuronal stalk (haematoxylin and eosin stain). LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, CSDST : congenital spinal dermal sinus tract.
Dermal sinus tract within bro-glioneuronal stalk Stra tied squamous
epithelium-lined tract
epithelial sinus
tract with cheesy
Fig. 43.
A 15-month-old with a LDM with hidden dermal elements. A : Sagittal T2-weighted MRI showing the appearance of a classic lumbar LDM. B :
Photo showing a crater and surrounding haemangioma. C : Histological slide showing a stalk with glioneuronal core and derivatives of squamous
epithelium (haematoxylin and eosin stain). LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Merge point
Giant cells
Squamous nest
Hair follicles
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
mixed lesions have been observed in which the dermal ele-
ments form microscopic squamous epithelial islands within
the neuroglial tissue of an otherwise proper LDM tract –
LDM with hidden dermal elements (Fig. 43)5,3 8). Rarely, par-
allel LDM and CSDST tracts can co-exist in close proximity
from skin to spinal cord (Fig. 44).
The most salient implication in clinical practice with the
discovery of this mixed type is that a mixed lesion cannot be
reliably exonerated at the time of surgery without benefit of
histology. Thus, it seems prudent that in all cases of suspected
LDM, the entire tract is removed from skin to spinal cord. In
addition, all FSND patients should have a delayed post-opera-
tive MRI to rule out a recurrent dermoid cyst.
FSND with spinal cord lipomas, split cord mal-
formations, and other dysraphic malformations
FSNDs have been observed to occur with other dysraphic or
paradysraphic malformations such as spinal cord lipomas,
myelomeningoceles, split cord malformations, and neurenter-
ic cysts (Table 3 and Fig. 45). In such cases, the complex anat-
omy of the other malformations usually dominates the patho-
logical anatomy of the composite malformation, for a pure
FSND lesion is structurally more subtle unless it is a CSDST
with a large intradural dermoid/ epidermoid cyst.
The clinical manifestations of these composite malforma-
tions also follow the usual course of the associated anomalies,
especially when there are only LDM elements without der-
moid cyst. However, if present, the dermal elements can have
Tab le 3.
Associated anomalies in LDM (n=63)
LDM location
(n =11)
Thoracic upper
Thoracic lower
SCM 4 1 1
Terminal lipoma 1 1
Dorsal lipoma 1 2 3
Thickened lum 2 1 3 21
Neurenteric cyst 1
Syringomyelia 1 1
Chiari II 3 2
Hydrocephalus 6
Dermal sinus 111
Velum interpositum cyst 1
Vertebral/rib fusion 2 1
Reused from Pang et al.25) with permission from Springer Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, SCM : split cord malformation
Fig. 44.
Intraoperative photos showing the presence of a LDM and a CSDST in parallel. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, CSDST : congenital spinal
dermal sinus tract.
Dermal sinus trac t
Dermal sinus trac t
LDM stalk LDM stalk
Dermal sinus &
LDM stalk inser t
on adjacent sites
on spinal cord
Parallel LDM stalk and dermal sinus tract
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Fig. 45.
MRI images showing a LDM associated with a transitional spinal cord lipoma in an 11-month-old. The axial cuts are numbered according to the
cut-lines on the T2-weighted mid-sagittal MRI image. Arrowheads mean the subcutaneous portion of the LDM stalk. The stalk was confirmed
intraoperatively to pass through bid S1 and S2 laminae. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance
imaging, LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis.
T1-weighted MRI
T2-weighted MRI T1-weighted MRI
T2-weighted MRI
Intradur al lipoma
Fig. 46.
Double LDMs, both crater type, with accompanying dorsal lipomas.
The lower LDM is at L
, and upper LDM is at T
. Both accompanying lipomas
are just rostral to the LDM stalk. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission
from Springer Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis.
Upper LDM
Upper lipoma
Lower lipoma
Lower LDM
joins cord
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
significant adverse impact due to their inherent risks of in-
flammation, infection, proliferation producing mass effect,
and recurrence if not totally excised. One should therefore al-
ways be vigilant for hidden dermal elements when dealing
with spinal dysraphic malformations.
A thorough clinical history and physical examination are
paramount to elicit the symptoms and signs of neurological
deficits related to the types and spinal level of FSNDs, past or
active infection, and clues to the existence of associated anom-
alies. Urological assessment including urinalysis, ultrasonog-
raphy of the urinary system, voiding cystourethrogram, and
Fi g . 4 7.
Intra-operative photographs showing excision of a dermal sinus tract (DST) with skip laminectomy technique (MRI images of this patient are
shown in Figs. 4 and 5). B- G : Caudal. H-K : Rostral wound. A : Skin preparation. Yellow lines mean skin incisions. Numbers in black on skin mean levels of
lumbar spinous processes. B : L4L5 laminectomy has been done. The subcutaneous portion of the DST (DSTsc) merging with the dura has been fully
exposed. C : Photography taken after opening the dural sheath enveloping a portion of DST that is lying in the dura mater (DSTdu). D : Photography
showing the arachnoid membrane entry site of the DST. E : After opening the arachnoid membrane, the intradural portion of the DST (DSTintradural)
and keratin material are seen. F : The DSTdu has been removed. The DSTintradural is seen adhering to the lum. G : The caudal portion of the DST has
been completely removed via the L4L5 laminectomy. H and I : Operative exposure via a T12L1 laminectomy. (H) is the T12 side of the exposure; (I) the L1
side. A dermoid cyst along a slender DST (DSTrostral) is shown in (I). The DSTrotral was then cut at the yellow cross, and the cyst with the portion of DST
under the intact L2 and L3 laminae delivered from this exposure. The sub-millimeter thickness of the DST testies to the difficulty in detecting them
with MRI. J and K : Complete removal of the deep end of the DST from the dorsal midline of the spinal cord. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission
from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Fig. 48.
Mid-sagittal MRI image
showing the post-operative appearance
of a skip laminectomy technique in
which T12 laminoplasty, L1 laminectomy,
and L4L5 laminectomy were done.
White arrowhead means laminoplasty
level. White stars mean intact laminae
level. Reused from Wong et al.
permission from Springer Nature.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
also urodynamic studies should be performed.
MRI is the imaging technique of choice to delineate the de-
tails of pathological anatomy of the malformation especially
regarding composite lesions. MRI f indings suggestive of
FSND are : 1) a tract linking the skin and the spinal cord even
it does not appear continuous (Figs. 4-6, 10); 2) posteriorly
tacked-up spinal cord (Figs. 10, 11, 13-15); and 3) a cystic lesion
over the dorsal midline (Figs. 7, 12, 17, 21-23). When FSND is
suspected on the MRI, the entire path of the tract must be
traced from the skin through subcutaneous tissue, lamina,
dura, and to the spinal cord. The constituents of the tract are
interpreted as much as possible (Fig. 45) : any cyst along its
course or in the vicinity is particularly noted (Figs. 7, 12, 17,
21-23), as is the presence of any associated anomalies especially
spinal cord lipoma and split cord malformation. Lastly, the
whole spinal axis should be surveyed for the rare coexistence
of multiple FSNDs in the same spine (Fig. 46).
However, the reliability of MRI in delineating FSNDs is far
from absolute. For example, a small tract can be below its res-
Fig. 49.
Intra-operative photographs showing complete excision of an intradural dermoid cyst via L2–L5 laminoplasties and S1 laminectomy (MRI
images are shown in Fig. 7). A and B : Surgical view after opening of dura. The dermoid cyst appears to merge with the conus and nerve roots. The
dermoid cyst communicates with the skin ostium via a dermal sinus tract at the S1 laminar level. C and D : Dissection to free the nerve roots from the
wall of the dermoid cyst. E : Excision cavity after complete excision of the dermoid cyst. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer
Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Dermoid cyst Dermoid cyst
Left sacral roots Nerveroots
Dermoid cyst
Dermoid cyst
Lef t lumbar roots
Fig. 50.
Six-year post-operative MRI images (of the patient shown in
Figs. 7 and 49) showing no recurrence of the dermoid cyst, and post-
laminoplasty changes. A : T2-weighted MRI. B : T1-weighted MRI with
gadolinium injection. Reused from Wong et al.
with permission from
Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
178 jkns.2020.0117
olution (Fig. 5)12,38), and it cannot always differentiate a CSDST
from a LDM, except when the CSDST becomes inflamed and
exhibit abnormal enhancement of the tract, a constituent cyst,
and adjacent meninges (Fig. 4)4). All are essential information
for surgical planning.
All FSNDs can cause functional impairment by tethering of
the spinal cord, while CSDST or any of its mixed forms pose
additional risks of inf lammation, infection, mass effect, and
even secondary hydrocephalus if left untreated. Early surgery
should be performed in all patients with CSDST, and in
symptomatic patients with LDM. In asymptomatic children
Fig. 52.
Exceedingly slender limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) stalk. A : Stalk attaches to discrete spot on dorsal cord surface. B :
En bloc
shows large complicated skin crater and the very slender LDM Stalk. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 51.
Surgical resection of a lumbar crater-type at (non-saccular) limited dorsal myeloschisis. A : Ellipse of resected skin crater and subcutaneous
tract going through defect in lumbodorsal fascia. B : Extradural stalk and dural stula. C : Intradural exposure showing stalk-cord union. D : Resection of
stalk ush with cord surface. E : Normal conus caudal to stalk attachment site. F :
En bloc
specimen showing, from right to left, skin ellipse bearing pale
epithelial crater, the subcutaneous portion bearing fat, the extradural portion of the stalk (between arrows), intradural stalk (between arrow and
arrowhead), and an exuberant cuff of tissue on the cord. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Conus caudal to
stalk attachment
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
Fig. 53.
Moderate-sized limited dorsal myeloschisis stalk. A : Stalk has a ared-out cord attachment. B : Stalk resection leaves a sh-mouth shaped scar.
Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 54.
Long limited dorsal myeloschisis stalk with vascular glomus (at
tip of forceps). Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
Fig. 55.
Moderately thick limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) stalk with exuberant tentacles of blood vessels that seem to crawl on to the dorsal surface
of the spinal cord. A : Before LDM resection. B : After LDM stalk resection showing centripetal distribution of the blood vessels. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
with pure LDM, we also strongly recommend surgery to obvi-
ate the dreadful consequences of late and unrecognized teth-
ering. Observation by serial MRI is probably only suitable for
patients with equivocal MRI f indings or perhaps in asymp-
tomatic adults.
For CSDST patients with active infection and neurological
deficits, urgent surgery covered with appropriate antibiotics
should be done. However, if infection is not accompanied by
Fi g. 57.
Crater type lumbar limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). A : Lumbar LDM stalk (arrows) with a very prominent hump (H) of abnormal tissues on the
cord. B : Resection at the base of this hump. C : Resection produced a very large scar (outlined by arrowheads). D : Dorsal pia-to-pia approximation of
scar with 8- O Nylon sutures. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Neurulated LDM cut surface
Fig. 56.
Thick, complex-looking broneural stalk in a lumbar non-saccular LDM. A : Lesion contains dysplastic spinal cord tissue, large blood vessels,
ample skein of non-functioning nerves, and thickened folded membranes. Spinal cord is lif ted dorsally by the tethering effect. B : Bizarre arrangement
of dorsal roots (DR), and dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) surround a large at myeloschistic scar af ter stalk resection. Reused from Pang et al.
permission from Springer Nature.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
neurological def icits, surgery should be deferred until the in-
fection has been treated with antibiotics and local therapy.
The principles of surgery in all FSNDs are to completely un-
tether the spinal cord and to remove all epithelial elements if
present. For pure forms, a narrow laminectomy for exposure
is usually adequate. Laminoplasty is an option, and dural
grafting is rarely necessary. In cases with a large intradural
dermoid cyst, however, wider bony exposure is usually need-
ed. The extent of longitudinal exposure must include the span
between the skin lesion and where the tract joins the spinal
cord, which is usually apparent where the cord outline sud-
denly becomes trapezoid instead of the normal ovoid. In un-
certain cases, the skin should be widely draped to accommo-
date for extension of the incision. If the lesion is in the
lumbosacral region, the filum terminale may be thickened
and should be cut during treatment of the FSND, so that ap-
propriate provision must be made for more caudal exposure.
Surgical technique for CSDST
The patient is laid prone, the sinus ostium identified, and
the laminae of the planned laminectomy confirmed with ra-
Fig. 58.
Large cervical saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis. A : Exposure of the dorsal stula at the level of the nuchal fascial defect. B : The neck of the
sac passing through large laminar defect. C : The sac is opened from the top; basal neural nodule and the dural stula opening (into the cyst) are seen
through the cavity. D : Dural stula opened into the main thecal sac, showing the thin broneural stalk inserting on to the dorsal spinal cord. E : Stalk
being resected. All insets show exact level of the exposure. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Fig. 59.
Thoracic Saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis with the broneural
stalk (displayed by instrument) traversing the sac cavity and reaching the
dome of the sac. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
diograph (Fig. 47). Standard midline longitudinal skin inci-
sion with a small elliptical island around the ostium is made;
the tract is then traced from superficial to deep through the
subcutaneous layers and deep fascia, to reach the bifid spinous
process or through the interspinous ligament. The laminecto-
my is then carried out carefully around the tract. Dissection
of the tract should be done under magnification to minimize
the possibility of leaving behind residuum4). The dura should
Fig. 60.
Saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with the stalk-to-dome subtype of broneural stalk attachment. A : T
magnetic resonance imaging
shows slight tenting of the cord towards the sac on the sagittal image, and the broneural stalk (dome stalk) traversing the sac to the cord from the
base of the skin crater in the axial image. B : The sac with the slightly darker irregular skin at the lower dome with a slightly thinner covering (skin crater,
lower right) that may be thick squamous epithelium. The transilluminated picture (upper right) shows the small nubbin of (neural) tissue beneath the
skin crater, and the stream of bands traversing the middle of the sac. C : Shows the wide neck of the dural fistula at the base of the sac, and its
relationship with the cord dura. D : Sac opened from the top, showing the white area where the LDM stalk attaches to the cord surface. E : Close-up to
show the strands of the LDM stalk inser ting on the dorsal cord surface (upper). After resecting these strands (lower), the cord surface shows abnormal
clusters of wiggly blood vessels and scar tissue. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature.
Dome stalk Skin crater Skin crater
LDM stalk
LDM bed
Cord dura
LDM stalk
Dural stula
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
always be opened unless the surgeon is absolutely certain that
the tract ends outside the dura. When the tract goes intradu-
rally, a cuff of dura may need to be excised with the tract, and
the latter should be traced to its destination spot on the spinal
cord. Often the tract becomes attenuated and loosely perches
on the surface of the cord. Adequate bony exposure must be
done without compromise to display the full extent of the
tract. If a long tract truly spans many laminar levels, skip lam-
inectomy technique should be considered in which some lam-
inae between the tracts dural entry point and its spinal cord
attachment point are strategically kept intact. The CSDST
tract can be carefully delivered from the laminectomy wounds
Fig. 61.
Lumbar saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis with segmental myelocystocoele. A : A long intradural stalk (S) picked up by micro-forceps. B : Stalk
traced to the hydromyelic portion of the cord after partial stalk resection. Reused from Pang et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. C : conus.
Fig. 62.
Intraoperative photos of the case shown in Fig. 19. A : A large skin-based sac with pearly epithelium, and hypertrichosis around the base of the
sac. B : The non-functional top of the cystocoele has been cut off leaving the functional base with nerve roots. C : Operative view looking through the
neck of the cystocoele into the hydromyelic cavity. D : After neurulation closure of the myelocystocoele neck.
Neurulation line
Rostr al cord
Rostral Cord
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
18 4
Fig. 63.
Intra-operative photographs showing the excision of a LDM – lipoma complex (MRI images are shown in Fig. 45). A : The skin lesion, a cigar
burn crater with surrounding skin discoloration. B : Markings for the skin incision. C : Surgical exposure af ter L4–S2 laminectomies. D : The dura has been
opened. E : Surgical exposure after completion of
crotch dissection
. F : Detaching the stout LDM stalk and lipoma from the spinal cord. G : Residual fat
on the placode before nal trimming. H : Appearance of the spinal cord after neurulation. The nerve roots at the end of the spinal cord were stimulation
positive. Blue arrow means Extradural portion of the LDM. The patient has no neurological decits before and after the untethering surgery. Reused
from Wong et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis, MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
(Fig. 48). Afterwards, primary closure of the dura is usually
The sinus tract may expand along its course or terminate in
a dermoid or epidermoid c yst. Extradurally located cysts are
readily excised. For large intradural cysts, refined microsurgi-
cal techniques are required for their complete removal since
the cyst wall is notoriously adherent to nerve roots and pia
(Figs. 49 and 50). Microbial cultures from adjacent areas
should be obtained, and post-operative antibiotics should be
given until negative growth is confirmed.
Surgical technique for at LDM
The surgical strategy for flat LDMs is similar to that for CS-
DST. After a standard midline skin incision, the skin crater or
pit is excised and the stalk at the base of the skin lesion is care-
fully dissected out and traced through the defects in myofas-
cial layers, and laminae or interspinous ligament (Fig. 51A). To
provide good exposure of the stalk-spinal cord attachment for
Fig. 64.
Post-operative MRI images of the patient shown in Fig. 63. A : T2-weighed sagittal MRI image showing a cord-sac ratio of 33%. B : T1-weighted
sagittal MRI image. C : Serial T2-weighted axial MRI images showing the spinal cord completely surrounded by cerebrospinal uid. Reused from Wong
et al.
with permission from Springer Nature. MRI : magnetic resonance imaging.
Tab le 4 .
Pre-operative, 3-month post-operative, and 1 year post-operative neurological grades in LDM* patients grouped against LDM location
LDM location Pre-operative grade Post-operative grade
3 months 1 year
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Cervical (n=11) 4 4 3 0 4 5 2 0 7 4 0 0
Thoracic upper (n=9) 2 6 1 0 3 6 0 0 6 3 0 0
Thoracic lower (n=7) 4 2 0 1 4 2 1 0 4 2 1 0
Thoracolumbar (n=8) 4 3 0 1 4 3 1 0 5 3 0 0
Lumbar (n=28) 15 83217 64120 701
Total number of patients (n=63) 29 23 7 4 31 22 8 1 41 19 1 1
Reused from Pang et al.25) with permission from Springer Nature. *Neurological grading system in LDM : grade 0, no decits or symptomsk; grade 1,
mild upper or lower extremity weakness, or pure sensory decits±pain; grade 2, moderate to severe upper or lower extremity weakness±sensory
decits, or neurogenic bladder without weakness; grade 3, upper or lower extremity weakness+neurogenic bladder. LDM : limited dorsal myeloschisis
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 | March 2021
a safe excision, at least one level of laminectomy both rostral
and caudal to the stalk-spinal cord merge point should be
planned (Fig. 51B). Again, if the stalk spans multiple levels,
skip laminectomy may be considered.
A midline durotomy is made, centred upon the entry point
of the fibroneural stalk and extended according to the track of
the stalk as demonstrated on the MRI. The usually slender
stalk is most often attached to a discrete linear spot or cleft on
the dorsal midline of the cord (Fig. 51C); it is simply cut flush
with the cord surface (Fig. 51D and E). Any peripheral nerve
twigs, blood vessels, and fibrous bands encircling the neural
stalk are similarly cut. Once the intradural stalk had been dis-
connected from the cord, the entire stalk with its skin ap-
pendage is resected en bloc (Fig. 51F).
The LDM stalk may be exceedingly slender and attaches to
the cord in a minute midline scar (Fig. 52), or the stalk flares
out into a wider hold on the cord so that the cut edge on the
cord resembles a gaping fish mouth (Fig. 53). The stalk may
also contain a glomus of vascular channels (Fig. 54), or its
deep end expands into tentacles of blood vessels that crawl on
the cord (Fig. 55). Rarely, the stalk attachment is stout and de-
ceptively complex, and the dorsal roots surround it like a cuff
(Fig. 56). These attachments are cut f lush as above but sparing
the surrounding nerve root to reveal a large base of raw spinal
cord (Fig. 56B). Rarely, it is necessary to approximate the pial
edges of the large raw bed of a pure LDM to eliminate a poten-
tially adherent surface susceptible to re-tethering (Fig. 57). The
dura is closed primarily.
Surgical technique for saccular LDMs
The surgical technique for tackling the internal structures
of LDMs is basically the same whether the LDM is saccular or
flat. The minor differences between handling the two types
lay in the initial superficial soft tissue dissection. For the sac-
cular LDMs, a large skin ellipse is made at the sessile base of
the sac to expose the dural funnel where the narrow dural fis-
tula fans out to form the sac at the skin level (Fig. 58A). The
dural fistula is then traced to the lamina level as with the f lat
LDM (Fig. 58B).
For the basal nodule type of saccular LDM, the sac is en-
tered at the base to locate the basal neural nodule (Fig. 58C)
and the underlying fibroneural stalk within the dural fistula,
where it is traced to its attachment to the cord and removed
(Fig. 58D and E). Saccular LDMs with very thick stalks that
traverse the sac to reach the dome are exposed from the spinal
cord side up towards the top (Fig. 59). The base of the stalk is
then disconnected from the cord surface. In large saccular le-
sions with slender stalks that may be hard to find, the sac is
opened at the dome and the fibroneural stalk is located at the
base of the abnormal skin crater, then traced to the spinal cord
surface where it is transected (Fig. 60). In saccular LDM with
myelocystocoeles, the stalk may be longer than expected and
its cut end can often be traced directly into the hydromyelic
cavity of the cord (Figs. 61 and 62).
Surgical techniques for FSNDs associated with other anomalies
The operative strategy for these conditions is a combination of
the above techniques for FSNDs with the specific techniques
suitable for the associated malformations2 5,26). The technique
for the associated malformation usually predominates (Figs.
63 and 64). The most salient point to note is the essential total
extirpation of any dermal elements in a complex lesion.
The clinical outcome of FSNDs is dictated by the presenta-
tion clinical status. With proper surgical techniques, surgery
for FSNDs without large intradural dermoid/epidermoid cysts
is usually uncomplicated; recurrence of dermal elements and
re-tethering should be extremely rare; and most FSND pa-
tients without neurological def icits remain neurologically in-
tact af ter surgery1,25 ,42). Over two thirds of patients with pre-
operative neurological deficits improve after surgery; about
one third will not improve though remain stable (Table
4)1,2 5, 41). In CSDST patients with large intradural dermoid/epi-
dermoid cysts or active infections, the results are less salubri-
ous1,7, 40 ,4 3). These statistics thus highlight the importance of
early detection and prompt surgical intervention in FSNDs.
No potential conf lict of interest relevant to this article was
Focal Spinal Nondisjunction | Wong ST, et al.
J Korean Neurosurg Soc 64 (2) : 151-188
This type of study does not require informed consent.
Conceptualization : D P, ST W
Data curation : DP, S TW
Formal analysis : STW
Funding acquisition : DP
Methodology : DP, ST W
Project administration : STW
Visualization : STW
Writing - original draft : STW
Writing - review & editing : DP
Sui-To Wong
Dachling Pang 603-6546
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... Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is a form of spinal dysraphism characterized by "a focal 'closed' midline skin defect and a fibroneural stalk that links the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord" [1,2]. The embryological origin of the lesion has been hypothesized to be an incomplete disjunction between the cutaneous and neural ectoderms during primary neurulation, thereby preventing complete midline skin closure and allowing persistence of a connection (i.e., a fibroneural stalk) between the disjunction site and the dorsal surface of the primary neural tube [3]. The fibroneural stalk has variable thickness, complexity, and length. ...
... This leads some surgeons to reason that the stalk can be cut where it is anchored to the cord to achieve untethering but leave most of the length of a long LDM stalk in situ in order to avoid multi-level laminectomy and the risk of future kyphotic deformity. However, it has recently been found that a significant percentage of "innocent" looking LDM stalks contains embedded squamous epithelial cell nests which have been known to grow into large dermoid cysts within the spinal canal in later life if part of the stalk was left behind [3]. A modification of surgical technique is suggested that avoids long segment laminectomies but still enables complete excision of long LDM stalks after identification of its dural entry and its merge point with the cord. ...
... The rationale for the untethering-only group is to minimize the number of levels of laminectomy in cases of long LDM stalks, in order to diminish the possibility of late spinal deformity. However, most follow-op series are not long enough to observe the development of inclusion cysts observed in Pang et al.'s cohort of LDM [3]. ...
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Objective The fibroneural stalk of an LDM has variable thickness, complexity, and length, which can span 5 to 6 vertebral segments from its skin attachment to its “merge point” with the dorsal spinal cord. Therefore, complete resection may require extensive multi-level laminotomies. In this technical note, a modification of the procedure is presented that avoids long segment laminectomies while ensuring complete excision of long LDM stalks. Results An illustrative case of resection of LDM is presented using skip laminectomies. The technique ensures complete removal of the stalk, thus reducing the risk of future intradural dermoid development, while at the same time minimizes the risk for delayed kyphotic deformity. Conclusions A technique of “skip-hop” proximal and distal short segment laminectomies in cases of LDM optimizes the objectives of complete stalk resection with preservation of spinal integrity.
... It encompasses a wide spectrum of developmental errors that manifest as conditions associated with herniation of meninges and, or neural elements via a defective neural arch. 1 One such example involves focal nondisjunction of the primary neural tube in its spinal cord region, resulting in a normal or near-normal spinal cord, except for a physical tract anchoring the dorsal surface of the spinal cord to the base of a characteristic skin lesion. 2 At this point in time, this rare subgroup (henceforth, referred to as 'FNPN') is hypothesized to originate from a common embryonic mechanism; and includes congenital dermal sinus (CDS), limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM), and their mixed lesions. [3][4][5][6] These unique cases support the hypothesis that CDS and LDM are within a spectrum of an anomaly that is caused by failure of complete dysjunction between cutaneous and neural ectoderms during primary neuralation. ...
... [3][4][5][6] These unique cases support the hypothesis that CDS and LDM are within a spectrum of an anomaly that is caused by failure of complete dysjunction between cutaneous and neural ectoderms during primary neuralation. 2,7 In addition, each of these conditions are differentiated histologically: LDM is characterised by a fibroneural stalk containing neuroglial tissue, while CDS has a tract lined by keratinising stratified squamous epithelium. 2,6,8 Tracts that consist of varied components of LDM and CDS are categorized as 'mixed' types. ...
... 2,7 In addition, each of these conditions are differentiated histologically: LDM is characterised by a fibroneural stalk containing neuroglial tissue, while CDS has a tract lined by keratinising stratified squamous epithelium. 2,6,8 Tracts that consist of varied components of LDM and CDS are categorized as 'mixed' types. 2,4 At the time of this writing, treatment recommendations for FNPN are not fully established. ...
Purpose Tethered cord due to focal nondisjunction of primary neuralisation (FNPN) is a rare form of spinal dysraphism. We present our institutional experience in managing children diagnosed with FNPN. Materials and methods This is a single institution, retrospective study approved by the hospital ethics board. Patients below 18 years of age diagnosed with CDS, LDM or their mixed lesions, and subsequently underwent intervention by the Neurosurgical Service, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, are included. Results From 2001 to 2021, 16 FNPN patients (50% males) were recruited. Eight of them had CDS (50.0%), seven had LDM (43.8%), and one patient had a mixed CDS and LDM lesion (6.2%). The average duration of follow up was 5.7 years and the mean age of surgery was 6 months old. Thirteen patients underwent prophylactic intent surgery (81.2%) and three had therapeutic intent surgery (18.8%). All patients did not have new neurological deficit or required repeat surgery for cord retethering. We observed that detethering surgery performed at or less than three months old was associated with having a wound infection (p = .022). Conclusions Our study reports that early recognition and timely intervention are mainstays of management for FNPN. We advocate a multi-disciplinary approach for good outcomes.
... Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) was firstly described as a distinctive form of spinal dysraphism, characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying 3 spinal cord [1,2]. The embryogenesis of LDM is hypothesized to be incomplete disjunction between the cutaneous and neural ectoderms during primary neurulation, which prevents complete midline skin closure and allows a persistent fibroneural stalk including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunopositive neuroglial tissues between the disjunction site and the dorsal neural tube [1][2][3] (Fig. 1a, b). ...
... Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) was firstly described as a distinctive form of spinal dysraphism, characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying 3 spinal cord [1,2]. The embryogenesis of LDM is hypothesized to be incomplete disjunction between the cutaneous and neural ectoderms during primary neurulation, which prevents complete midline skin closure and allows a persistent fibroneural stalk including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunopositive neuroglial tissues between the disjunction site and the dorsal neural tube [1][2][3] (Fig. 1a, b). Based on its external skin manifestations, LDM is originally classified as saccular or nonsaccular (flat) [1,2]. ...
... In the original description by Pang et al. [1,2], 3 dysraphic malformations (spinal lipoma of dorsa-type [dorsal lipoma], congenital dermal sinus [CDS], and split cord malformation) were associated with LDMs in frequencies not accountable by mere coincidence, and which have important implications in their genesis. While the detailed clinicopathological findings of CDS and split cord malformation have been fully described [3][4][5][7][8][9][10], there is no detailed report of dorsal lipoma. ...
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Purpose Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is thought to arise from focal incomplete disjunction between the cutaneous and neural ectoderm during primary neurulation, while spinal lipoma of dorsal-type (dorsal lipoma) arises from premature disjunction. Thus, simultaneous occurrence of an LDM and dorsal lipoma are not surprising, and may represent slightly different perturbations of disjunction caused by the same insult in neighboring loci. However, the clinicopathological findings of the LDM with dorsal lipoma have not been fully determined. Methods Of 21 patients with LDM, 3 (14.3%) had dorsal lipoma. We retrospectively analyzed the clinicopathological findings of these 3 patients, especially the histopathological distribution of the fibrocollagenous LDM tract and fibroadipose tissue of the lipoma. Results Patients 1 and 2 had flat skin lesions, while patient 3 had a human tail-like cutaneous appendage. In the tethering stalks linking the skin lesion at the lumbosacral lesion to the low-lying conus medullaris of the three patients, fibrocollagenous tissues embedding adipose tissues at the subcutaneous site, and with abundant adipose tissues at the extradural site, were changed to fibroadipose tissue at the intradural site. While glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive neuroglial tissues were observed in 2 (patients 1 and 2), peripheral nerve fibers were observed in every stalk. Smooth muscle fibers were noted in patient 1, while a large amount of striated muscle fibers were seen in patients 2 and 3. Conclusion These cases showed various tissues with different origins in the stalk. There may also be a seamless continuation between fibrocollagenous LDM tissue at the distal site and lipomatous tissue at the proximal site. Peripheral nerve fibers and smooth muscle fibers of neural crest origin may be dragged into the stalk during incomplete disjunction, while the striated muscle fibers of mesodermal origin may enter the stalk along with the lipomatous tissues during premature disjunction.
... Limited dorsal myeloschisis is thought to be a defect in the next consecutive stage after gastrulation, that of primary neurulation, when the neural plate folds up dorsally with the surface ectoderm still attached to its two "shoulders" (the neural folds), which ultimately undergo dorsal fusion in the midline to complete the shape of the primary neural tube. LDM probably results from a focal non-fusion of the conjoint surface and neural ectoderms, and consequent nondisjunction of the one ectoderm from the other so that a physical link, or stalk, often containing neural or meningothelial tissue, remains, connecting the base of the future skin to the dorsal midline of the otherwise completely formed spinal cord [4][5][6][7]. ...
... In the extreme case, the affected hemi-neural plate completely fails to elevate, resulting in an open hemi-myelomeningocoele [3]. If somehow the affected hemi-neural plate elevates and the two edges oppose each other but fail to undergo proper midline fusion, disjunction between the surface and neural ectoderms on each side may be halted, perhaps due to malfunction of the Rho GTPases system, including Rac 1 and Cdc42, at the surface-neuroectoderm border that normally enables the disjunction process [6,7]. A hemi-LDM will result (Fig. 12). ...
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This is a case report of an exceedingly rare case of a limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with its stalk inserted on the midline dorsal surface of one of a pair of hemicords in a type II split cord malformation. This entity, literally a “hemi-LDM,” has been seen only once by the senior author in his catalogue of over 200 cases of LDM (Pang et al., 2020), nor has it been reported elsewhere before. We postulate that here the mechanism of focal nondisjunction of the hemi-neural plate during primary neurulation, which produces LDMs, occurs at the cusp of the consecutive developmental stages of gastrulation and primary neurulation, right after the appearance of the hemi-neural plates and hemi-notochords caused by the endomesenchymal tract. This child also had a terminal lipoma attached to the end of the conus, indicating that disruption of all three tandem stages of neural tube formation, namely, gastrulation, primary neurulation, and secondary neurulation, can occur in the same individual.
... There are two opinions about the origin of FSN: a violation of primary neurulation [21,22] or secondary [20]. Our study showed that in terms of the frequency of combination with different malformations, this group of patients is closest to MMC, myeloschisis, and spinal lipoma type 1: the frequent presence of simple spina bifida was noted, while other vertebral anomalies were rare. ...
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Purpose To analyze the relationship between spinal cord and vertebral abnormalities from the point of view of embryology. Methods We analyzed the clinical and radiological data of 260 children with different types of spinal cord malformations in combination with vertebral abnormalities. Results Among 260 individuals, approximately 109 presented with open neural tube defects (ONTDs), 83 with split cord malformations (SCMs), and 83 with different types of spinal lipomas. Pathological spina bifida emerged as the most frequent vertebral anomaly, affecting 232 patients, with a higher prevalence in ONTD. Vertebral segmentation disorders, including unsegmented bars, butterfly vertebrae, and hemivertebrae, were present in 124 cases, with a higher prevalence in SCM. The third most common spinal anomaly group consisted of various forms of sacral agenesis (58 cases), notably associated with blunt conus medullaris, spinal lipomas, and sacral myelomeningocele. Segmental aplasia of the spinal cord had a typical association with segmental spinal absence (N = 17). Conclusion The association between SCM and neuroenteric cyst/canal and vertebral segmentation disorders is strong. High ONTDs often coincide with pathological spina bifida posterior. Type 1 spinal lipomas and focal spinal nondisjunction also correlate with pathologic spina bifida. Segmental spinal absence or dysgenesis involves localized spinal and spinal cord aplasia, sometimes with secondary filar lipoma.
Introduction: Congenital dermal sinus (CDS) is an open neural tube defect (NTD) that occurs in 1 in 2500 births a year and often goes undetected until patients present with complications like infection and neurological deficits. Early diagnosis and repair of CDS may prevent formation of these complications. In utero diagnosis of these lesions may improve long-term outcomes by enabling referral to specialty services and planned postnatal repair, however only two such cases have been reported in the literature. We present a third case of in utero diagnosis of CDS with a description and discussion of findings from surgical exploration and pathology. Case presentation: Routine prenatal ultrasound scan detected a tethered cystic structure arising from the back of the fetus at 20 weeks gestation. Dedicated fetal ultrasound confirmed the presence of a cystic lesion protruding through a lamina defect while fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an intact spinal cord and meninges, suggesting a diagnosis of CDS. Neurosurgery followed along closely and took the child for surgical exploration on day 2 of life. A fibrous stalk with an intradural component and associated cord tethering was excised. Histology showed fibrous tissue without an epithelial-lined lumen. Conclusion: CDS is a form of NTD that occurs from nondisjunction of the cutaneous ectoderm and neuroectoderm during formation of the neural tube. Slight differences in how this error occurs can explain variations seen in this spectrum of disease, including CDS without an epithelial-lined lumen as seen in this case. Newborns with CDS can go undiagnosed for years and present with long-term complications. Fetal imaging can assist in early recognition and surgical excision of CDS in newborns.
Objective To evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of closed dysraphism (CD) and its correlation with postnatal findings and neonatal adverse outcomes. Methods A retrospective cohort study including pregnancies diagsnosed with fetal CD by prenatal ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a single tertiary center between September 2011 and July 2021. Results CD was diagnosed prenatally and confirmed postnatally in 12 fetuses. The mean gestational age of prenatal imaging was 24.2 weeks, in 17% the head circumference was ≤fifth percentile and in 25% the cerebellar diameter was ≤fifth percentile. US findings included banana sign in 17%, and lemon sign in 33%. On MRI, posterior fossa anomalies were seen in 33% of cases, with hindbrain herniation below the foramen magnum in two cases. Mean clivus‐supraocciput angle (CSA) was 74°. Additional anomalies outside the CNS were observed in 50%. Abnormal foot position was demonstrated prenatally in 17%. Neurogenic bladder was present in 90% of patients after birth. Conclusion Arnold Chiari II malformation and impaired motor function can be present on prenatal imaging of fetuses with CD and may be associated with a specific type of CD. Prenatal distinction of CD can be challenging. Associated extra CNS anomalies are frequent and the rate of neurogenic urinary tract dysfunction is high.
The publication of a comprehensive report on limited dorsal myeloschisis by the senior author (DP) in 2010 has brought full attention to the concept of limited myeloschisis that he first formulated in 1992 and ignited interests in the whole spectrum of focal spinal nondisjunctional disorders. Now that focal nondisjunctional disorders have become well known, new clinical reports on these conditions or relevant subjects are frequently seen. Here we present an updated review on the full spectrum of focal spinal nondisjunctional disorders and extend the scope to include a discussion on the embryogenesis of cranial focal nondisjunctional malformations.KeywordsLimited dorsal myeloschisisDermal sinus tractDermoidNondisjunctionDysraphismFocal spinal nondisjunctional disordersFocal cranial nondisjunctional disordersEncephalocele
Introduction Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) with nonsaccular (flat) skin lesions has features similar to those of congenital dermal sinus (CDS); both show a tethering tract extending from the skin lesion to the intraspinal space. CDS may be found within the fibroneural LDM stalk because of the shared origin of the LDM and CDS. Thus, it can be difficult to distinguish between LDM and CDS. We surgically treated a boy in whom CDS and filar lipoma were located in close proximity to each other at the dural cul-de-sac, mimicking flat LDM. Herein, we describe the comprehensive clinicopathological findings of this patient. Case presentation The patient was noted at birth to have a small dimple in the lumbosacral region. Magnetic resonance images showed a slender tethering tract that started from the skin lesion, entered the dural sac through the dural cul-de-sac, and joined the low-lying conus at L2-3, which is characteristic of LDM. However, the operative and histopathological findings revealed that the epidural stalk was pure CDS, terminating at the dura, and that the intradural stalk was a filar lipoma. Both were present in close proximity at the dural cul-de-sac and were approximately 1 mm in diameter. Conclusion The diagnosis of LDM and CDS should be established on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of clinical, neuroradiological, operative, and histopathological findings.
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Background: Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. CASE PRESENTATION : A 7-month-old girl with a lumbosacral "cigarette-burn" flat skin lesion underwent untethering surgery. The intradural tethering stalk appeared to originate at the dural wall and join the cord with no extradural stalk linking to the skin lesion. Histological examination of the intradural stalk revealed glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive neuroglial tissues in the fibrocollagenous band, which is the central histopathological feature of an LDM stalk. Conclusion: It is conceivable that the LDM stalk in our patient was originally linked to the skin lesion and subsequently regressed and was replaced by mature adipose tissue. We should be mindful of possible variations in the morphological features of LDM.
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PurposeLimited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is characterized by two invariable features: a focal closed neural tube defect and a fibroneural stalk linking the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. Although detailed histopathological findings of the LDM stalk were originally described by Pang et al., the precise relationship between the histopathological findings and clinical manifestations including intraoperative findings has not been fully determined. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the histopathological findings of the almost entire stalk and their relevance to the clinical manifestations in six Japanese LDM patients with flat skin lesions. ResultsGlial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunopositive neuroglial tissues were observed in three of the six patients. Unlike neuroglial tissues, peripheral nerve fibers were observed in every stalk. In four patients, dermal melanocytosis, “Mongolian spot,” was seen surrounding the cigarette-burn lesion. In three of these four patients, numerous melanocytes were distributed linearly along the long axis of the LDM stalk, which might represent migration of melanocytes from trunk neural crest cells during formation of the LDM stalk. Conclusion Immunopositivity for GFAP in the LDM stalk was observed in as few as 50% of our patients, despite the relatively extensive histopathological examination. We confirm that the clinical diagnosis of LDM should be made based on comprehensive histopathological examination as well as clinical manifestations. The profuse network of peripheral nerve fibers in every stalk and the high incidence of melanocyte accumulation associated with dermal melanocytosis might assist the histopathological diagnosis of LDM.
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Purpose: The term limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) was used by Pang et al. (2010) to describe a distinct clinicopathological entity. LDMs are characterized by two invariable features: a focal-closed neural tube defect and a fibroneural stalk that links the skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the neurosurgical pathologic findings of four LDM patients. Results: Case 1 had a saccular skin lesion with nonterminal abortive myelocystocele at T11-12. Cases 2, 3, and 4 had a non-saccular (flat) skin lesion in the lumbosacral region. The morphologic features of the lesion in case 2 were those of meningocele manque. Cases 3 and 4 had accompanying non-LDM anomalies, caudal-type lipoma and type II split-cord malformation with neurenteric cyst, respectively. At preoperative diagnosis of the LDM stalk, magnetic resonance imaging, including 3D heavily T2-weighted image was useful; however, minute findings were often missed in the complicated cases 3 and 4. All patients had a favorable outcome following untethering of the stalk from the cord. The central histopathological feature of the LDM stalk is neuroglial tissue in the fibrocollagenous band; however, the stalk in cases 2 and 4 did not have glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive neuroglial tissues. Conclusions: Therefore, the diagnosis of LDM should be made based on comprehensive evaluation of histologic and clinical findings.
Background: Limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is postulated to be a result of incomplete dysjunction in primary neurulation. However, clinical experience of LDM located below the first-second sacral (S1-S2) vertebral level, which is formed from secondary neurulation (S2-coccyx), suggested that LDM may not be entirely explained as an error of primary neurulation. Objective: To elucidate the location and characteristics of LDM to investigate the possible relation of its pathoembryogenesis to secondary neurulation. Methods: Twenty-eight patients were surgically treated for LDM from 2010 to 2015. Since the level where the LDM stalk penetrates the interspinous ligament is most clearly defined on the preoperative MRI and operative field, this level was assessed to find out whether the lesions can occur in the region of secondary neurulation. Results: Eleven patients (39%) with typical morphology of the stalk had interspinous defect levels lower than S1-S2. These patients were not different from 17 patients with classic LDMs at a level above or at S1-S2. This result shows that other than the low level of the interspinous level, 11 patients had lesions that could be defined as LDMs. Conclusion: By elucidating the location of LDM lesions (in particular, the interspinous level), we propose that LDM may be caused by errors of secondary neurulation. The hypothesis seems more plausible due to the supportive fact that the process of separation between the cutaneous and neural ectoderm is present during secondary neurulation. Hence, incomplete disjunction of the two ectoderms during secondary neurulation may result in LDM, similar to the pathomechanism proposed during primary neurulation.
Background: The existence of tethering tracts in spinal dysraphism, other than congenital dermal sinus (CDS), has been recognized and has been summated into an integrated concept of limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). Objective: To elucidate the underlying embryology of LDM in relation to CDS by focusing on the pathological features of special cases of tethering tracts. Methods: Out of 389 spinal dysraphism patients who were operated on from 2010 to 2016, 5 patients who had tethering tracts composed of both CDS and LDM (or "probable LDM" if only fibrous tissue was found) were identified. Their clinical presentation, radiological images, operative findings, and pathology were thoroughly reviewed. Results: Three nonsaccular-type patients harbored stalks in which the squamous epithelial lined sinus (CDS) was found in the distal portion, and fibroneural (LDM) or fibrous (probable LDM) tissue in the proximal part. Two patients had saccular lesions, and a stalk was found inside the sac, connecting a small pit on the skin to the spinal cord. The tracts were pathologically identical to a CDS. Conclusion: This study reports the coexistence of CDS and LDM (or probable LDM) components. These unique cases support the hypothesis that the CDS and LDM are among a spectrum of an anomaly that is caused by failure of complete dysjunction between cutaneous and neural ectoderms. Neurosurgeons should be aware of the possibility of coexisting "CDS" components in cases suggestive of LDM. In such cases, not only untethering but also meticulous removal of the squamous epithelium is critical.
BACKGROUND The existence of tethering tracts in spinal dysraphism, other than congenital dermal sinus (CDS), has been recognized and has been summated into an integrated concept of limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM). OBJECTIVE To elucidate the underlying embryology of LDM in relation to CDS by focusing on the pathological features of special cases of tethering tracts. METHODS Out of 389 spinal dysraphism patients who were operated on from 2010 to 2016, 5 patients who had tethering tracts composed of both CDS and LDM (or “probable LDM” if only fibrous tissue was found) were identified. Their clinical presentation, radiological images, operative findings, and pathology were thoroughly reviewed. RESULTS Three nonsaccular-type patients harbored stalks in which the squamous epithelial lined sinus (CDS) was found in the distal portion, and fibroneural (LDM) or fibrous (probable LDM) tissue in the proximal part. Two patients had saccular lesions, and a stalk was found inside the sac, connecting a small pit on the skin to the spinal cord. The tracts were pathologically identical to a CDS. CONCLUSION This study reports the coexistence of CDS and LDM (or probable LDM) components. These unique cases support the hypothesis that the CDS and LDM are among a spectrum of an anomaly that is caused by failure of complete dysjunction between cutaneous and neural ectoderms. Neurosurgeons should be aware of the possibility of coexisting “CDS” components in cases suggestive of LDM. In such cases, not only untethering but also meticulous removal of the squamous epithelium is critical.
OBJECTIVE Since the entity limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) was proposed, numerous confusing clinical cases have been renamed according to the embryopathogenesis. However, clinical application of this label appears to require some clarification with regard to pathology. There have been cases in which all criteria for the diagnosis of LDM were met except for the presence of a neural component in the stalk, an entity the authors call “probable” LDM. The present study was performed to meticulously review these cases and suggest that a modified surgical strategy using limited laminectomy is sufficient to achieve the surgical goal of untethering. METHODS The authors retrospectively reviewed the imaging findings, operative notes, and pathology reports of spinal dysraphism patients with subcutaneous stalk lesions who had presented to their institution between 2010 and 2014. RESULTS Among 33 patients with LDM, 13 had the typical nonsaccular lesions with simple subcutaneous stalks connecting the skin opening to the spinal cord. Four cases had “true” LDM meeting all criteria for diagnosis, including pathological confirmation of CNS tissue by immunohistochemical staining with glial fibrillary acidic protein. There were also 9 cases in which all clinical, imaging, and surgical findings were compatible with LDM, but the “neural” component in the resected stalk was not confirmed. For all the cases, limited exposure of the stalk was done and satisfactory untethering was achieved. CONCLUSIONS One can speculate based on the initial error of embryogenesis that if the entire stalk were traced to the point of insertion on the cord, the neural component would be proven. However, this would require an extended level of laminectomy/laminotomy, which may be unnecessary, at least with regard to the completeness of untethering. Therefore, the authors propose that for some selected cases of LDM, a minimal extent of laminectomy may suffice for untethering, although it may be insufficient for diagnosing a true LDM.
Neural tube closure has been studied for many decades, across a range of vertebrates, as a paradigm of embryonic morphogenesis. Neurulation is of particular interest in view of the severe congenital malformations - 'neural tube defects' - that result when closure fails. The process of neural tube closure is complex and involves cellular events such as convergent extension, apical constriction and interkinetic nuclear migration, as well as precise molecular control via the non-canonical Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway, Shh/BMP signalling, and the transcription factors Grhl2/3, Pax3, Cdx2 and Zic2. More recently, biomechanical inputs into neural tube morphogenesis have also been identified. Here, we review these cellular, molecular and biomechanical mechanisms involved in neural tube closure, based on studies of various vertebrate species, focusing on the most recent advances in the field.