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Diphtheria: a re-emerging infectious disease


Abstract and Figures

p class="abstract"> Background: Diphtheria is a fatal bacterial infection which affects the mucous membranes of oropharyngeal and nasal cavity, caused by aerobic gram-positive bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Clinical diphtheria is on the increase worldwide, mainly affecting developing countries and leading cause of morbidity and mortality. We sought to understand its presentation among patients and also early intervention of the disease. The objective of the study was to study the clinico-demographic profile of cases, the relationship between immunization status and clinical disease, the role of microbiological investigations and to identify complications in diphtheria cases. Methods: This study is a hospital based observational study from September 2019 - September 2020 at a tertiary care centre, S.Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka. The cases were analysed with respect to demographic details, clinical features, immunization status, microbiological confirmation and complications of diphtheria cases. Results: 32 cases were suspected to have diphtheria on clinical examination. The mean age of presentation was 15 years. Fever, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, neck swelling and pseudomembrane in oral cavity were the common signs and symptoms. Airway compromise, myocarditis and neurological complications were noted. Antidiphtheritic serum (ADS) was tried in all 32 cases and 8 cases had adverse reactions. Case fatality rate was 12.5%. Conclusions: Shifting of occurrence of diphtheria in the age group of >5 years suggest the need to improve and strengthen the immunization program specially the booster doses.</p
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 475
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Suligavi SS et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):475-480
pISSN 2454-5929 | eISSN 2454-5937
Original Research Article
Diphtheria: a re-emerging infectious disease
Shashidhar S. Suligavi1, Divya K. Vishwanath1*, Shilpa Gokale2, S. S. Doddamani1
Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the exotoxin
produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae.1 The
organisms are locally invasive and secrete soluble
exotoxins, which can lead to serious consequences
mainly involving the heart muscle and nervous system.
Death can occur due to circulatory failure within the first
10 days of infection.2 If diagnosed early, the infection
responds to appropriate antibiotics and prompt antitoxin
The incidence of diphtheria is high in India, especially in
the region of North Karnataka. Factors contributing to
morbidity and mortality include patient’s immunization
status, age at infection, time of infection, clinical type,
and time of intervention.3 An accurate microbiological
diagnosis of diphtheria is crucial and is always regarded
as being complementary to clinical diagnosis because
diphtheria is often confused with other conditions, such
as severe streptococcal sore throat, Vincent’s angina, or
glandular fever.4
Background: Diphtheria is a fatal bacterial infection which affects the mucous membranes of oropharyngeal and
nasal cavity, caused by aerobic gram-positive bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Clinical diphtheria is on the
increase worldwide, mainly affecting developing countries and leading cause of morbidity and mortality. We sought
to understand its presentation among patients and also early intervention of the disease. The objective of the study
was to study the clinico-demographic profile of cases, the relationship between immunization status and clinical
disease, the role of microbiological investigations and to identify complications in diphtheria cases.
Methods: This study is a hospital based observational study from September 2019 - September 2020 at a tertiary care
centre, S.Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka. The cases were analysed with respect
to demographic details, clinical features, immunization status, microbiological confirmation and complications of
diphtheria cases.
Results: 32 cases were suspected to have diphtheria on clinical examination. The mean age of presentation was 15
years. Fever, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, neck swelling and pseudomembrane in oral cavity were the
common signs and symptoms. Airway compromise, myocarditis and neurological complications were noted.
Antidiphtheritic serum (ADS) was tried in all 32 cases and 8 cases had adverse reactions. Case fatality rate was
Conclusions: Shifting of occurrence of diphtheria in the age group of >5 years suggest the need to improve and
strengthen the immunization program specially the booster doses.
Keywords: Diphtheria, Antidiphtheritic serum, Albert stain, Myocarditis
1Department of ENT, 2Department of Microbiology, S. Nijalingappa Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India
Received: 19 December 2020
Revised: 20 January 2021
Accepted: 21 January 2021
Dr. Divya K. Vishwanath,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Suligavi SS et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):475-480
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 476
As per World health organization (WHO) data from 2000
to 2016, over 82% of diphtheria cases occurred in
children above 5 years and over 40% occurred in
individuals over 15 years of age.5 This second shift is due
to the waning immunity as the child grows older and is
the reason why regular booster doses are recommended.
India has the maximum number of diphtheria cases in the
world, from 2011 to 2015 India had a total of 18,350
cases of diphtheria.6 Over 40% of cases reported in India
are from individuals over 15 years and about 20% cases
are reported from children under the age of 5 years.7
Aims and objectives
To study the clinico-demographic presentation of
diphtheria cases. To know the immunization status in
diphtheria cases. To know the role of microbiological
investigations in diphtheria cases. To identify the
complications in diphtheria cases.
Place of study
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital.
Study population
All cases with clinical suspicion of diphtheria admitted in
HSK hospital.
Exclusion criteria
Patient who already treated with antibiotic prior throat
Study period
September 2019 to September 2020.
Type of study
Observational case series study.
The case data was analysed with respect to demographic
details, clinical features, pseudomembrane,
microbiological confirmation, complications and
mortality by using openepi software version 2.3.1.
The management of a patient with suspected diphtheria
includes: administration of antidiphtheritic serum (ADS)
as soon as possible after assessing for hypersensitivity to
horse serum, establishing the diagnosis through
appropriate bacterial cultures, administration of
antibiotics and appropriate supportive care to maintain
an adequate airway in the presence of laryngeal or
extensive pharyngeal membrane and to careful monitor
for cardiac rhythm disturbances or other manifestations
of myocarditis.
The following data were recorded: age, sex, clinical
symptoms and signs. Patients were categorized into four
age groups: <5, 520, 20-40 and >40 years.
Immunization status was documented as per the
information given by the parents/ patients. Those who
had received three primary doses at 4-6 weeks interval
starting at 6 weeks of age, followed by booster doses at
18 months and 5 years were recorded as “Immunized”.
Those who had not received any doses and not known
immunization status were considered as “Unimmunized”/
“Unknown status”. Patients who had missed one or more
of the three primary doses or booster doses were included
as “Partially immunized”.
Microbiological investigations
Sample collection
Under aseptic precautions, two throat swabs were taken
from all suspected cases of diphtheria. Swabs should be
collected underneath the pseudomembrane or a piece of
membrane should be removed. One swab was used for
direct microscopy and the other for culture.
Table 1: Paediatric and Adult ADS (antidiphtheritic
serum) dose.
Diphtheria clinical
Pharyngeal or laryngeal
disease of 2 days
Nasopharyngeal disease
Extensive disease of 3 or
more days duration, or
any patient with diffuse
swelling of neck
Skin lesions only (rare
Direct microscopy
Gram staining and Albert staining of swab smears were
carried out.
Culture and sensitivity
Throat swab was inoculated on blood agar, Mc conkey
agar and Potassium tellurite agar. Growth after 24-72hr
incubation was identified using standard methods.
Toxigenicity testing
The isolates confirmed by biochemical reaction was sent
to CMC vellore for PCR test and it detects the tox-
bearing gene.
All the patients registered under the study were given
appropriate antibiotics and antidiphtheritic serum (ADS).
Suligavi SS et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):475-480
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 477
Desensitization was done in case of adverse reaction to
ADS such as rashes, hypotension, serum sickness etc.
1 ml (antitoxin) + 9.0 ml saline = 1:10 dilution
1 ml (1:10 dilution) + 9.0 ml saline = 1:100 dilution
0.1 ml (1:10 diution) + 9.9 ml saline = 1:1000 dilution
1 ml (1:100 dilution) + 9 ml saline = 1:1000 dilution.
Table 2: Desensitization to ADS- intravenous route.
Dilution of ADS
in normal saline
Amount of
Administer at 15 minute intervals.
Out of 32 patients, 2 patients (6.2%) were less than 5
years age group, 24 patients (75%) were between 5-20
years and 6 patients (18.8%) were above 20 years.
Paediatric age group - 21 cases; adults - 11 cases. 16
patients (50%) were males and 16 (50%) were females.
Table 3: Age distribution.
Age group (years)
Number of patients (%)
2 (6.2)
24 (75)
5 (15.5)
1 (3.3)
32 (100)
Immunization status
9 (28.1%) were fully immunized and 17 (53.2%) were
partially immunized and 6 (18.7%) were
unimmunized/unknown status.
Bull neck
Out of 32 patients,19(59.3%) presented with bull neck at
Table 4: Immunization status.
Immunization status
Number of patients
Fully immunized
9 (28.1)
Partially immunized
17 (53.2)
Unimmunized/ Unknown
6 (18.7)
32 (100)
Table 5: Clinical presentation.
Clinical presentation
Number of patients (%)
32 (100)
Throat pain
32 (100)
18 (56.25)
Bull neck swelling
19 (59.3)
12 (37.5)
1 (3.12)
Table 6: Microbiological investigations.
Lab parameter
Data (%)
Albert stain
18 (56.2)
14 (43.7)
Throat swab culture
21 (65.6)
11 (34.3)
Out of 32 patients,12 (37.5%) developed myocarditis and
4 (12.5%) patients died.
Figure 1: ADS adverse reaction- rashes over legs.
Microbiological investigations
Albert staining was performed in 32 cases of which 18
(56.2%) were positive. Culture was performed in 32 cases
of which 21 were positive (65.6%). In our study 20
isolates were found to be toxigenic and 1 isolates was
contaminated in the transportation and toxigenicity
testing was not done for that isolate.
Suligavi SS et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):475-480
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 478
Antidiphtheritic serum (ADS) administration
ADS was administered in all 32 cases out of which 8
patients developed ADS reaction and desensitization was
In the pre-vaccine era, disease was common among
children less than 5 years of age due to natural boost to
the development and maintenance of immunity in
adolescence and adults. However, after widespread
immunization in children, lack of or inadequate booster
doses in children and adult and decrease incidence of
cutaneous diphtheria, there is shift of age for the
occurrence of disease in older children and adults. Such a
shifting of age of occurrence was observed in developed
and developing countries including India.8
Figure 2: (A): Pseudomembrane over tonsils; (B): Bull
Figure 3: (A): Albert’s stain: Smear showing green
colored bacilli with bluish black metachromatic
granules arranged in L or V shape. (B): Potassium
tellurite agar - Black colored colonies.
In present study 93.8% patients were more than 5 years
of age (Table 3). However, Meshram et al (55.32%)
Basavaraja et al (74.1%), Bandichhode et al (66.66%)
also reported resurgence of disease in children of more
than 5 years of age.9-11
In present study, males and females were equally affected
giving sex ratio 1:1 which is almost similar to Meshram
et al.9 Similar types of sex distribution was reported by
many authors, while Mehariya et al observed male
predominance below 10 years of age and few studies
noted predominantly female involvement.12
Most of the patients in the present study were from rural
area and lower socioeconomic class, could be because
our hospital mainly serves to socioeconomically deprived
rural population who have poor access to immunization
and health care system. Similarly, high incidence of
disease in rural and lower socioeconomic class were
reported by Mehariya et al and Singh SN et al.12,13
Present immunization coverage in India is around 61%,
with geographical, religion, rural, urban and gender
variation.14 Minimum immunization coverage of 90% in
children and 75% in adult is required to prevent spread of
diphtheria and current coverage rate in Karnataka is
77.6% which remains inadequate.
Factors contributing to the low immunization coverage
include lack of awareness, misconception, avoiding
immunization for trivial reasons, migration, decline in
enthusiasm to routine immunization, unilateral focus on
pulse polio campaign, short supply of vaccine, not
maintaining proper storage of vaccine (cold chain), poor
clinic organization, non-availability of immunization
services on all day of week, not opening a multidose vial
if enough children are not present and delaying or
postponing vaccination in minor childhood illness.15
In present study, 9 (28.1%) patients were fully
immunized, 17 (53.2%) were partially immunized and 6
(18.7%) were unimmunized/unknown status (Table 4).
This denotes unsatisfactory immunization coverage with
DT/DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) vaccine in
respective rural area.
The clinical manifestation can vary from mild to severe
to the life threatening depending on immune status of
host and severity of infection. All patients presented with
fever, pseudomembrane in throat and throat pain (100%)
followed by bull neck 19 (59.3%), dysphagia 12 (37.5%),
epistaxis 1 (3.2%) (Table 5). Similar clinical details were
reported by various authors from various parts of India.
Cases of diphtheria were seen throughout the year but
more number of cases was observed during month of
June to September during rainy season. Some authors
reported peak during the winter season and some in rainy
In our study Albert stain was positive in18 cases (56.2%)
and growth in culture was seen in 21cases (65.6%) out of
32 tested (Table 6). False negative reports are seen
because of prior antibiotic use, difficulties in proper
throat swab collection due to lymphadenopathy, bull neck
and delayed transportation of sample to the laboratory.
Low Corynebacterium yield were reported by Basavaraja
Suligavi SS et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):475-480
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 479
et al (16.1%), Bandichhode et al (33.33%), Singh et al
Myocarditis was the commonest complication 12 (37.5%)
followed by palatal palsy 3 (9.3%), airway obstruction 2
(6.2%). Case fatality rate was 12.5% and cause of death
was cardiopulmonary arrest. In India, incidence of
diphtheric myocarditis varies from 16 to 66% because
toxin-mediated inhibition of protein synthesis is known to
be the essential mechanism of all complications of
diphtheria, especially myocarditis, as the exotoxin is
directly cardiotoxic and can cause DNA fragmentation
and cytolysis by inhibiting elongation factor-2 activity in
protein synthesis leading to tissue damage.9,17,18
Palatal palsy was characterized by a nasal quality of
voice, nasal regurgitation commonly occurring in second
and third week and is the earliest neurological
complication which may occur alone or in association
with other types of paralysis. However in Meshram et al
study, 7 (14.89%) patients had palatal palsy and 4
(8.51%) had polyneuropathy with or without cranial
nerve involvement.9
In present study we analyzed all the cases of diphtheria
hospitalized in S N Medical College from a period of
September 2019 to September 2020. Data collected
showed mean age of affected is 15 years. In present
study, 32 cases (100%) were found to have a pseudo
membrane. Authors consider a pharyngeal membrane that
is difficult to peel off and leaves a bleeding area on the
mucous membrane after an attempt to remove it
pathognomonic for diphtheria. All patients were treated
with anti-diphtheritic serum as recommended by WHO
and UNICEF. The most commonly administered
antibiotics were penicillin or erythromycin following
recommendations of the WHO and UNICEF. Every
patient in present study had a throat swab taken and
65.6% of cases had microbiologically confirmed disease.
There was 12.5% mortality in present study and one
patient was COVID positive. This observation suggests
that complete vaccination is essential in preventing
fatalities. Diphtheria is still not a lost entity as cases are
coming to tertiary care level. Immunization activity needs
to be improved and strengthened in borderline districts as
most of the cases in present study were from rural areas.
Present study showed complete immunization, high index
of suspicion and microbiological confirmatory diagnosis
and early prompt administration of antitoxin prevent the
complication and mortality.
Although, we have reduced the incidence of vaccine
preventable diseases by vaccination, diphtheria is still a
matter of concern for public health. Shifting of
occurrence of disease above 5 years age group suggest
the need for completing the immunization schedule,
especially booster doses. A high degree of suspicion and
early initiation of appropriate management as well as
close monitoring for development of complications are
key factors in successful management of individual cases.
Therefore, serious efforts have to be made to increase
immunization coverage and good surveillance systems
ought to be put into place to enable optimum reporting of
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethics Committee
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Cite this article as: Suligavi SS, Vishwanath DK,
Gokale S, Doddamani SS. Diphtheria: a re-emerging
infectious disease. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck
Surg 2021;7:475-80.
... In present study 51.56% patients were more than 5 years of age similar to Meshram [10][11][12][13]. In our study ratio of male: female is 1.6. ...
... Mehariya et al., Jain et al. and Arya et al. observed male predominance below 10 years of age and few studies noted predominantly female involvement, this can be due to geographical variations. [14][15][16] Cases of diphtheria were most commonly seen in monsoon in our study (48.44%) similar to Suligavi1et al [13]. Some authors reported peak during the winter season and some in rainy season. ...
Full-text available
Background: Diphtheria is an important vaccine preventable disease with varied outcome from mild to death. It was observed that the outcome also gets affected with status of immunization. The outcome is relatively milder in immunized children. Objective: To find out the clinical presentation and outcome of diphtheria cases and its association with the immunization status. Methods: A descriptive analysis of 64 diphtheria cases admitted from January 2019 to May 2020 at SMS hospital, a tertiary care referral hospital in Jaipur. Results: Half of (51.56%, 33/60) patients were in the age group of 6-10 years. The peak load (48.44%) of diphtheria cases was seen in the monsoon season. Around 60% of the patients were fully immunized and around 10% partially immunized, every third case was un-immunized. The most common complication was neurological in 13 cases (20.31%), followed by cardiac complications in 11 cases (17.19%), and respiratory (7.81%). The proportion of complication was much lower (26.3%) in immunized cases as compare to partially immunized and un immunized. The proportion of myocarditis was significantly higher in un immunized cases (40%) than partially immunized (16.7%) and filly immunized group (5.3%). Similarly, Bronchopneumonia was also significantly higher (20%) in unimmunized. Conclusion: Our study depicted that there has been a shift of age above 5 years for diphtheria which suggests the need for the booster dose. Also high chances of complications are seen in unimmunized and partially immunized calling for public awareness regarding complete immunization.
... This discipline has led to the development of 'gold standard' interventions which are applied universally without modification or adaptation to national, cultural or economic context. Examples are the DOTS approach to TB control (Kaye and Frieden 1996;WHO 1997); house spraying, bednets and chemotherapy for malaria (Krodstad 1996;WHO 1992;Alonso 1991); and the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (Fee and Krieger 1993). ...
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This paper reflects on current infectious disease control methods, their biomedical history and the management structures they are driven by. It asks whether a broader concept of 'infectious disease policy', with an emphasis on 'process' rather than outcomes, will help to re-frame the control discourse to ensure that infectious disease control is not only a method for preventing and treating infectious diseases, but is also a path for the creation of healthy communities. PIP This paper reflects on current infectious disease control methods, their biomedical history and the management structures they are driven by. It focuses on the broader concept of "infectious disease policy" as a method for preventing and treating infectious diseases, and as a path for the creation of healthy communities. Infectious disease policy broadens the biological perspective of infectious disease control and highlights the common obstacles to policy and intervention, obstacles, which include poverty, inequity, environmental factors, access, and the interrelationship between individuals and communities with health structures. Developing such a policy will encourage a change in focus from purely biomedical program approach to a process-oriented policy approach, which will enable infectious disease control to be integrated, flexible, sensitive to global, national and local contexts, and directly involved in the creation of healthy communities.
Full-text available
Diphtheria is an acute infectious upper respiratory tract disease caused by toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheria and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality in all the age groups. Most of the time diagnosis of diphtheria is clinical. There may be a dirty white patch covering one or both tonsils on examination for which throat swabs are collected for Kleb’s-Loeffler’s Bacillus (KLB) by direct microscopy and for culture and sensitivity of the organism. To find out the association between clinical diagnosis of diphtheria with smear and culture positivity. 674 cases of Clinical diphtheria were admitted from June 2017 to September 2020 at a tertiary care hospital, Sawai Mansingh Hospital, Jaipur. throat, difficulty in swallowing and swelling in the neck. Out of 674 patients of clinical diphtheria, majority 610 cases (90.5%) were found to have both KLB smear and culture negative. 13 cases (1.9%) were found to have both KLB smear and culture positive. 19 cases (2.8%) were found to have KLB smear positive and culture negative and remaining 32 cases (4.8%) were found to have KLB smear negative and culture positive. Out of 19 patients of KLB smear positive,11 cases (3.5%) were found to have complications. Out of 32 culture positive patients,24 cases (7.7%) were found to have complications. Out of 13 patients of both KLB smear and culture positive,11 cases (3.5%) were found to have complications. Our study concluded that the negative report of KLB smear and culture does not rule out diphtheria and it is evident that percentage of complication is high in patients with either KLB smear or culture or both positive with respect to both being negative. The correlation is found to be significant (p < 0.001).
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Clinical diphtheria is on the increase worldwide, mainly affecting developing countries. We sought to understand its presentation among patients at the Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Tropical and Communicable Diseases in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Diphtheria patients presented with fever, pharyngitis, and a patch in the throat. Data collected for each patient included age, clinical presentation, morbidity, mortality, bacteria isolated from culture, and immunization status. Of 61 950 admissions from January 2008 to December 2012, 2925 (4.7%) had clinical diphtheria; 1194 had been immunized and 1731 were non-immunized. Immunized patients had a milder disease. Culture-positive immunized patients were positive for Corynebacterium other than diphtheriae (COD; n=104) or Corynebacterium diphtheriae (CD; n=23); these patients suffered mild disease and recovered completely. In contrast, culture-positive non-immunized patients were positive for COD (n=11) or CD (n=412). Eighty-one patients (3%) died, 77 of whom were non-immunized; death was usually as a result of myocarditis. Seventy-three percent of deaths were in patients aged <5 years. The clinical presentation of diphtheria and its severity and morbidity differ considerably in immunized and non-immunized patients. Disease caused by CD can be deadly, while disease due to COD is mild and responds to treatment.
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The incidence of emerging infectious diseases in humans has increased within the recent past or threatens to increase in the near future. Over 30 new infectious agents have been detected worldwide in the last three decades; 60 per cent of these are of zoonotic origin. Developing countries such as India suffer disproportionately from the burden of infectious diseases given the confluence of existing environmental, socio-economic, and demographic factors. In the recent past, India has seen outbreaks of eight organisms of emerging and re-emerging diseases in various parts of the country, six of these are of zoonotic origin. Prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases will increasingly require the application of sophisticated epidemiologic and molecular biologic technologies, changes in human behaviour, a national policy on early detection of and rapid response to emerging infections and a plan of action. WHO has made several recommendations for national response mechanisms. Many of these are in various stages of implementation in India. However, for a country of size and population of India, the emerging infections remain a real and present danger. A meaningful response must approach the problem at the systems level. A comprehensive national strategy on infectious diseases cutting across all relevant sectors with emphasis on strengthened surveillance, rapid response, partnership building and research to guide public policy is needed.
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Sir, Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most important social determinants of health and disease, thus, widely studied constructs in the social sciences. Usually composite scales are used to measure SES, which has a combination of social and economic variables. Several ways of measuring SES have been suggested for categorizing different rural and urban populations in last decades. The most widely used scale for urban populations is Kuppuswamy's socioeconomic scale, which was devised by Kuppuswamy in 1976. Kuppuswamy scale is a composite score of education and occupation of the head of the family along with monthly income of the family, which yields a score of 3‑29. This scale classifies the study populations into high, middle, and low SES [Table 1]. (1) Usually education and occupation of head of family are not changeable with time. However, the income ranges in the scale lose their relevance following the depreciation in the value of the rupee. (2) Steady inflation, lower interest rates, and country's current account deficits are the main factors contributing to fall in the value of currency. Therefore, it is needed to update the scale regularly for socioeconomic classification of study populations. In the past, Kumar (3) had tried to update Prasad Scale's income limits using consumer price index (CPI) as a first attempt of its kind. In this letter, we attempted to link income limits of the Kuppuswamy socioeconomic scale with CPI and revised the scale. Such linking of the scale with price index not only makes it relevant and meaningful but also provides a built in opportunity for its constant updating in future. The family income per month (in rupees) for 1976 was calculated according to base year 1960 = 100 (using the
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Forty eight patients with a clinical diagnosis of diphtheria, admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of a tertiary care teaching hospital, from December 1994 to 2002, were analyzed retrospectively with respect to demographic details, clinical features, immunization status, complications and mortality. Several variables were compared among the survivors and non-survivors to define the predictors of outcome More than half 27 (56.3%). of the patients were unimmunized. Complications seen were: airway compromise 34 (70.8%), myocarditis 32 (66.6%), renal failure 17 (35.4%) and thrombocytopenia 15 (31.3%). Out of the 48 patients, 21 survived and 27 died (56.3%). The immediate cause of death was myocarditis 23 (85%), airway compromise 3 (11.1%) and septic shock due to nosocomial sepsis(1). Inadequate immunization, hypotension at admission and presence of any complication like airway compromise, myocarditis and renal failure had a significant (P <0.05) adverse effect on outcome; multiple regression analysis ascertained that, development of myocarditis was the only independent predictor of death (Adjusted OR 0.061; 95% CI 0.009-0.397; P = 0.003).
Background: Although DPT immunization has been a part of universal immunization program since its inception, still diphtheria continues to be endemic in India and also leading to morbidity in children, especially in areas in the border of the two states. Cases coming to tertiary care level are only tip of iceberg. Objectives: To study the clinical profile, morbidity, and mortality of the diphtheria cases admitted to the Pediatrics Department of a tertiary care hospital and to study their immunization status. Materials and Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from 1 January, 2012, to 31 June, 2013, on clinically suspected diphtheria cases. Detailed history and clinical examination were done, and their immunization status was recorded. Results: Total 36 clinically suspected children of diphtheria were studied. Sex ratio was 1:1. 12 cases were from 1 to 5 years age group, whereas 15 cases were between 6 and 10 years and remaining 9 cases aged more than 10 years. Among 36 cases, 4 (11.11%) were fully, 11 (30.55%) were partially immunized, and 21 (58.33%) were not immunized. The most common symptom observed was fever in 34 (94.44%) cases followed by throat pain in 25 (69.44%) cases and difficulty in swallowing in 23 (63.88%) cases. Case fatality rate was 13.88%. Maximum numbers of cases were observed during the rainy season. Conclusion: High prevalence of diphtheria in the age group of 5-15 years suggests the need for completing immunization schedule specially booster doses. Immunization activity needs to be strengthened in borderline districts as most of the cases in the present study were from the areas in the border between states.
Background: Although, diphtheria is eliminated by many developed countries by effective immunization, still diphtheria continues to be endemic in India and leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in areas in the border of the two states. The objective of the present study was to recognize the clinical profile, morbidity and mortality pattern of diphtheria and to study their immunization status as a retrospective observational study performed in pediatric wards and paediatric intensive care unit.Methods: The medical records were recovered from the case files, searching for cases diagnosed as diphtheria from the Medical Record Section and Statistical Service of the institute. A pre-established protocol was formed after approval from institutional ethical committee. Case study included suspected, probable and confirmed cases of diphtheria as per the WHO definition guidelines. All the relevant data and information regarding age, gender, residence, socioeconomic status, immunization status, clinical details, laboratory investigation, complications, and treatment provided, and outcome were recorded.Results: Amongst 47 patients, 55.32% were >5years and mean age was 6.46±3.08 years with no difference in sex distribution. 2(4.25%) patients were completely immunized, 27(57.45%) were partially immunized and 18(38.30%) were not immunized. An immunization rate was less in females as compared to males. All patients presented with fever and membrane in throat followed by throat pain 95.74%, enlarged/congested tonsils 80.85%, respiratory difficulty 68.08%, dysphagia 59.57% bull neck 48.94% and voice change 36.17%. Myocarditis was the commonest (42.55%) complication followed by palatal palsy (14.89%), polyneuropathy (8.51%), acute renal failure (4.25%) and DIC & shock (4.25%) were observed. Case fatality rate was 21.28%. Maximum numbers of cases were noted during the rainy season.Conclusions: Shifting of occurrence of diphtheria in the age group of 5-15 years suggest the need to improve and strengthen the immunization activity specially booster doses in the border districts as most of the cases were from areas at the border of two states.
Objectives Diphtheria is a re-emerging disease with changing epidemiology. We aimed to identify clinical and demographic characteristics of diphtheria cases and predictors of mortality, reported scarcely. Methods This was a retrospective study of 279 diphtheria cases admitted at tertiary care hospital over 2 years. Demographic, clinical details & outcome were recorded. Clinical diagnosis was based on presence of typical membrane or palatal palsy with febrile illness. Microbiologic confirmation could be established in 34 of 111 cases investigated. Categorical variables were analysed by Chi-square test and continuous variables by independent t-test or Mann–Whitney U test. Complications found significant on univariate analysis were analysed by logistic regression to find predictors of mortality. Results The 1–5 yr age group represented 49.5% of the cases & 5–10 yr represented another 43%. Most cases were either unimmunized (79.6%) or partially immunized (18.3%). Majority (83.9%) presented with illness of less than 14 days. The overall case fatality was 48%. Airway obstruction (adjusted OR = 21.7), respiratory paralysis (adjusted OR = 57.7), bradyarrythmia (adjusted OR = 7.0), renal failure (adjusted OR = 5.5) and shock at admission (adjusted OR = 2.9) were independent predictors of mortality. Conclusion Diphtheria among children reflects poor immunization coverage. Airway obstruction, respiratory paralysis, bradyarrythmia, renal failure and shock at admission predicted mortality.
Despite the success of mass immunization in many countries, diphtheria continues to play a major role as a potentially lethal resurgent infectious disease. Early, accurate diagnosis is imperative since delay in specific therapy may result in death. The microbiologic diagnosis of the disease, the identification of contacts and carriers, and the appropriate clinical management of these patients are therefore crucial. The epidemiology of diseases caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae has changed dramatically over the decades, a situation that is highlighted by the resurgence of infections in the European region. These factors have strengthened the need for laboratories to screen for C. diphtheriae. Many modified and new methodologies are now used widely within laboratories for diphtheria diagnosis. Recent developments have focused upon methods for detection of the lethal and potent exotoxin produced by the causative organism, C. diphtheriae; this detection is the definitive test for the microbiologic diagnosis of diphtheria.