ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Abstract and Figures

Background and Objectives: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric disorder that worsens quality of life and functional impairment. Personality disorders (PDs), in particular Cluster B personality, have a high incidence among BD patients and is considered a poor prognostic factor. The study of this co-morbidity represents an important clinical and diagnostic challenge in psychiatry. Particularly, clinical overlap has been shown between antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and BD that could worsen the course of both disorders. We aimed to detect the frequency of ASPD in bipolar patients with greater accuracy and the impact of ASPD on the clinical course of BD. Materials and Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library through December 2020 without language or time restriction, according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Results: Initially, 3203 items were identified. After duplicates or irrelevant paper deletion, 17 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. ASPD was more frequent among BD patients, especially in BD type I. BD patients with ASPD as a comorbidity seemed to have early onset, higher number and more severe affective episodes, higher levels of aggressive and impulsive behaviors, suicidality and poor clinical outcome. ASPD symptoms in BD seem to be associated with a frequent comorbidity with addictive disorders (cocaine and alcohol) and criminal behaviors, probably due to a shared impulsivity core feature. Conclusions: Considering the shared symptoms such as impulsive and dangerous behaviors, in patients with only one disease, misdiagnosis is a common phenomenon due to the overlapping symptoms of ASPD and BD. It may be useful to recognize the co-occurrence of the disorders and better characterize the patient with ASPD and BD evaluating all dysfunctional aspects and their influence on core symptoms.
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Medicina 2021, 57, 183.
Antisocial Personality Disorder in Bipolar Disorder: A System-
atic Review
Elvira Anna Carbone
, Renato de Filippis
, Mariarita Caroleo
, Giuseppina Calabrò, Filippo Antonio Staltari,
Laura Destefano, Raffaele Gaetano, Luca Steardo Jr.
, Pasquale De Fazio *
Department of Health Sciences, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Viale Europa, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy; (E.A.C.); (R.d.F.); (M.C.); (G.C.); (F.A.S.); (L.D.); rafgae74@li- (R.G.); (L.S.J.)
* Correspondence:; Tel/Fax: +39-0961-712369
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Background and Objectives: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric disorder that wors-
ens quality of life and functional impairment. Personality disorders (PDs), in particular Cluster B
personality, have a high incidence among BD patients and is considered a poor prognostic factor.
The study of this co-morbidity represents an important clinical and diagnostic challenge in psychi-
atry. Particularly, clinical overlap has been shown between antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
and BD that could worsen the course of both disorders. We aimed to detect the frequency of ASPD
in bipolar patients with greater accuracy and the impact of ASPD on the clinical course of BD. Ma-
terials and Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE
and the Cochrane Library through December 2020 without language or time restriction, according
to PRISMA statement guidelines. Results: Initially, 3203 items were identified. After duplicates or
irrelevant paper deletion, 17 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review.
ASPD was more frequent among BD patients, especially in BD type I. BD patients with ASPD as a
comorbidity seemed to have early onset, higher number and more severe affective episodes, higher
levels of aggressive and impulsive behaviors, suicidality and poor clinical outcome. ASPD symp-
toms in BD seem to be associated with a frequent comorbidity with addictive disorders (cocaine
and alcohol) and criminal behaviors, probably due to a shared impulsivity core feature. Conclusions:
Considering the shared symptoms such as impulsive and dangerous behaviors, in patients with
only one disease, misdiagnosis is a common phenomenon due to the overlapping symptoms of
ASPD and BD. It may be useful to recognize the co-occurrence of the disorders and better charac-
terize the patient with ASPD and BD evaluating all dysfunctional aspects and their influence on
core symptoms.
Keywords: bipolar disorder (BD); antisocial personality disorder (ASPD); comorbidity; substance
abuse; outcome; systematic review
1. Introduction
Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a chronic affective disorder characterized by mood fluctua-
tions with recurrent cycles of mania in BD I, or hypomania in BD II, and depression epi-
sodes [1,2], with a highly variable course among patients. The lifetime prevalence of BD
is estimated to be around 2–3% in the general population [3] and sub-threshold forms
affect at least a further 2% [4]. BD is characterized by a worsening in quality of life [5] and
functional impairment [6,7] and is frequently associated with other psychiatric comorbid-
ities that could lead to a worse outcome [8–15]. It has been estimated that patients with
BD are exposed to a second psychiatric disorder with longitudinal rates that can be higher
than 50% and may reach even 70% [16]. The most common mental disorders that co-occur
Citation: Carbone
E.A.; de Filippis
R.; Caoleo, M.; Calabrò, G.; Staltari,
F.A.; Destefano, L.; Gaetano, R.;
Steardo, L., Jr.; DeFazio, P.
Antisocial Personality in Bipolar
Disorder: A Systematic Review. Me-
dicina 2021, 57, 183.
Academic Editor: Woojae Myung
Received: 8 January 2021
Accepted: 15 February 2021
Published: 20 February 2021
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and con-
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
tribution (CC BY) license (http://crea-
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 2 of 17
with BD are drug abuse (33.5%), anxiety disorders (31.8%), alcohol abuse (18.3%), obses-
sive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (21%), eating disorders (33%), attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder (ADHD) (25%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (from 4 to 40%)
[17–23]. In addition, particularly high is the incidences of cluster B personality disorders
in BD that are estimated at 41.2% even in the euthymic phase [24] and, represent a poor
prognostic factor [25–28]. The study of this co-morbidity represents an important clinical
and diagnostic challenge in psychiatry. Furthermore, Cluster B personality disorders have
several common features with BD such as impulsivity, aggressive behavior, and mood
instability, enough to induce some authors to consider them part of the bipolar spectrum
[29]. Instead, features associated with Cluster B personality disorders may be a dimen-
sional aspect of BD, and when combined could result in greater complexity and severity
of the disease [30,31]. Conversely, the presence of BD could worsen the course of a per-
sonality disorder [32]. Several studies have shown that the presence of cluster B personal-
ity in BD is associ ated wi th a hig her number of episodes, substance abuse, illegal behavior,
a higher rate of suicide risk, and a poor treatment adherence [32–34]. In this scenario, re-
searchers have focused on the impact of personality disorder on BD, investigating the
common traits that mutually lead to a worse outcome [34]. Particularly, the clinical over-
lap has been shown between antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and BD.
According to the DSM-5, the ASPD is described as the existence of constant and per-
vasive disposition to disregard and disrupt the rights of others. Other specific features
include frequent violations of the law, mistreatment of others, deceitfulness, impulsivity,
hostility, reckless disregard for the safety of self and others, and imprudent behaviors
with lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy [35].
In fact, the prevalence of ASPD can be up to five times higher (4.1%) [36] and appears
to be more frequently identified in BD I than BD II [37]. ASPD and BD are both character-
ized by impulsive behaviors [38,39] and substance use disorder [40–42] that frequently
lead to trouble with the law [43,44] and suicidal behavior [45,46]. Studies suggested that
impulsivity and the frequent abuse of drugs, especially alcohol, cannabis and ampheta-
mines, is associated with sensation seeking and a lack of premeditation in ASPD and that
when ASPD is co-morbid with BD it is associated with significant deficits in the ability to
delay reward [47–49] and greater gray matter volume in the mesolimbic reward system
[50]. These characteristics appear more severe when they are combined [50–52] and a more
in depth characterization of ASPD comorbidity in patients with BD may help clinicians to
distinguish both disorders and tailor the treatment. Thus, in an attempt to detect the fre-
quency of ASPD in bipolar patients with greater accuracy and to better clarify the rela-
tionship between ASPD and BD, we conducted a systematic review of the existing litera-
ture on the frequency of ASPD in BD I, BD II and cyclothymia, according to DSM or ICD
diagnostic criteria, evaluating the impact on clinical characteristics and outcomes.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
We searched PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Library for articles
evaluating the comorbidity between BDs and ASPD published up to 1 December 2020. No
language or time restriction were applied. We used the following keywords: “bipolar dis-
order OR affective disorder OR mood disorder OR bipolar disorders OR affective disorders OR
mood disorders OR BD OR cyclothymia AND antisocial personality disorder OR ASPD OR
AABS OR adult antisocial behavior syndrome OR antisocial behavioral syndrome” sorted by best
match. Two researchers independently reviewed all the selected studies. Titles and ab-
stracts of the identified papers were reviewed, and full texts considered relevant were
recovered and revised. The reference lists of eligible studies were also hand-screened to
search additional and useful studies to be included in the review. To improve the clarity
of the review process, the PRISMA Statement criteria and recommendations were fol-
lowed [53]. Figure 1 shows the research strategy.
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 3 of 17
Figure 1. The PRISMA flow chart.
2.2. Assessment of Study Quality
Quality assessment was conducted using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool
(MMAT) developed by Pluye et al. [54]. Piloting suggested that the MMAT was a reliable
and efficient scoring system for appraising the quality of quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed-method studies. It provides a comprehensive manual with detailed instructions.
The methodology was evaluated using five criteria: qualitative, randomized controlled,
non-randomized, observational descriptive, mixed methods [55]. For each study, a score
of 20% was assigned if a criterion was met and 100% if all criteria were met, therefore the
total score could range between 20 and 100%. Studies were assigned quality scores by two
reviewers (E.A.C. and R.d.F.); scores ranged from 80% to 100%. The quality assessment
was finally reviewed and agreed upon the whole review team.
2.3. Selection Criteria
Original articles were reviewed and reported. Relevant publications were identified,
and the full texts of these articles were retrieved and reviewed. The reference lists of in-
cluded studies were also screened in order to search useful literature. Studies with pa-
tients diagnosed with BD I, BD II or cyclothymia and ASPD according to DSM or ICD
criteria, regardless of the phase of the disorder and/or pharmacological treatment, aged
18–65 (we excluded studies on adolescents because personality disorders are not diag-
nosed in childhood) were included in the review article. Studies with patients diagnosed
with BD I, BD II or cyclothymia and ASPD, younger than 18 and older than 65, with neu-
rological comorbidity, or traumatic brain injuries with loss of consciousness were ex-
cluded. We considered the studies concerning the lifetime prevalence of ASPD in BD.
2.4. Data Collection and Extraction
Two blind researchers (E.A.C. and R.d.F.) independently screened the titles and ab-
stracts of the identified articles and performed data extraction. Articles that met the eligi-
bility criteria were read in the full texts, and in cases of disagreement, such as selection
discrepancies, a third researcher (M.C.) made the final decision. Article data included first
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 4 of 17
author name, year of publication, sample size, diagnoses assessed in the study, scales of
measurement and statistical data.
3. Results
Initially, 3203 items were identified. After deletion of duplicates (226) by two review-
ers (E.A.C., R.d.F.), 2977 papers remained. Exclusion of papers by title and abstract was
made by two reviewers (E.A.C., R.d.F.) based on assessment of the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. This process ended in the exclusion of 2751 papers. The title and abstracts screen-
ing was performed for the remaining 226 articles. In all, we excluded 201 articles because
they were reviews, meta-analyses, letters to editors, editorials, guidelines, and case re-
ports. Some of them had only a bipolar subgroup or other personality disorder as a comor-
bidity, or the diagnosis was not clear. Then, 8 manuscripts out of 25 papers were deleted
because they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria: 5 papers included patients aged <18 or
>65, and 3 papers had unclear diagnosis focusing on personality disorders and not speci-
fying the diagnosis. The remaining 17 papers were deemed eligible and included in the
present review (Table 1). A great heterogeneity was reported among studies included and
wide variability in the sample number (from N = 21 to N = 43,093) [49,56]. ASPD preva-
lence in BD ranged between 4.8% and 63% [47,57] and was higher in BD I [37] than II
[17,49,58] and, in particular, in BD patients with substance use disorder (SUD) comorbid
[47–49] with combined cocaine and alcohol abuse was most frequent [48,49,59]. Patients
with BD and ASPD in comorbidity showed early onset [58], a higher number of depressive
and manic episodes [47], higher scores of depression [59] and psychosis [47], more aggres-
sive [60], and impulsive [47,61] traits and more suicide attempts [47]. The psychometric
tools used to assess the psychopathology were the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated
Disabilities Interview Schedule (AUDADIS) [49,57], the 12-Item Short Form Survey (SF-
12) [49,57], the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) [47,58], the Temperament Evaluation
of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego-auto-questionnaire version (TEMPS-A) [62], Ham-
ilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) [60,63], Young mania rating scale (YMRS) [60,63],
Brown–Goodwin Aggression Scale (BGA) [60], and the Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia (SADS-C) [47,63].
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 5 of 17
Table 1. The main characteristics of the included studies.
Authors, Years Sample Measurements Results Comments MMAT
Goldstein et al., 2017 [57] N = 36,309 AUDADIS-5; SF-12
Lifetime prevalence:
ASPD+BD1: 11.8%
AABS+BD1: 4.8%
OR (C.I.) lifetime of BD 1
comorbidity: ASPD 2.9
(1.93–4.28) AABS 1.9
Comorbidity is higher in
the ASPD than in the
AABS. Patients with ASPD
has a 3 times fold risk of
BD, while it is 2 times
greater if it has AABS
Lev-Ran et al., 2013 [49] N = 43,093 AUDADIS-IV; SF-
12-month prevalence: BD
+ CUD + ASPD: 49.9%
OR (C.I.):
2.75 (1.63–4.64)
The bipolar patient with
CUD is almost 3 times
more likely to have ASPD
than the bipolar patient
without CUD
Swann et al., 2013 [58]
N = 55
51 BD I
14 = no Axis II dis-
order (8 men and 6
35 ASPD (20
men and 15
23 Borderline 8
men and 15
17 (7 men and
10 women) both
Diagnosis was
made by Structured
Clinical Interview
for DSM-IV
Schedule for Affec-
tive Disorders and
Barratt Impulsive-
ness Scale (BIS-11)
35 ASPD of 55 BD:63%
17 ASPD + Borderline of
55: 30.9%.
Number of episodes:
ASPD symptoms pre-
dicted a history of many
depressive and manic ep-
isodes (but not either
type alone) and a early
BIS-11 score:
Total, motor, and atten-
tional BIS-11 scores were
predicted significantly by
borderline symptom
scores with no significant
contribution from ASPD
scores. Suicide attempts:
Impulsivity in ASPD +
ASPD symptoms were
more strongly related to
course of illness (i.e., early
age at onset, frequency of
affective episodes, suicide
attempts and substance-re-
lated disorders) but not to
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 6 of 17
BD did not contribute
significantly to history of
suicide attempt
SUD Comorbidity:
ASPD symptoms pre-
dicted history of alcohol,
other substance-abuse
disorder, and smoking.
Mueser et al., 2012 [59] N = 103
SCID-II; Time-line
Follow-back Calen-
dar; AUS; DUS;
Knowledge Test;
21 ASPD of which 11 BD:
Over half of the antisocial
patients are also bipolar *****
Perugi et al., 2012 [62] N = 106 CGI-BP; TEMPS-A;
BD I + ASPD: 8.49%
The authors evaluated the
impact of the affective
phase of BD1 on axis II di-
agnosis, concluding that
ASPD is more represented
among hyperthymic than
cyclothymic, depressive or
euthymic patients and af-
fective temperaments may
influence both clinical fea-
tures and axis I and II
Swann et al., 2011 [61]
N = 133
46 HC
21 BD without per-
sonality disorders
50ASPD without
Immediate Memory
Task (IMT)
Two Choice Impul-
sivity Paradigm
16 ASPD of 37 BD:
Impulsivity was in-
creased in the combined
disorders compared to
both disorders alone.
The combination of ASPD
and BD was associated
with more impulsive TCIP
performance compared to
HC. Compensatory mech-
anisms for impulsivity in
uncomplicated ASPD or
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 7 of 17
In combined ASPD and
BD increased reaction
speed, impulsive re-
sponse bias, and reward-
delay impulsivity oc-
curred. It was independ-
ent of substance-use dis-
order history.
BD appear to be compro-
mised or lost when the
disorders are in comorbid-
Goldstein et al., 2010 [17] N = 2442 AUDADIS-IV
BD1 + ASPD: 45.1% (p <
0.0001) BD2 + ASPD:
8.2% (p < 0.0122)
BD1 + AABS: 32.4%
BD2 + AABS: 5.8%
In subjects with PTSD and
ASPD, comorbidity with
DB 1 is the strongest evi-
dence, that with DB 2, alt-
hough lower, however, is
statistically significant.
Swann et al., 2010 [47]
N = 197
78 HC
61 BD
24 BD + ASPD
12.4% of total sample
SADS-C score:
Higher scores of depres-
sion and psychosis
BIS-11 score:
higher subscale and total
Suicide attempts:
BD + ASPD: 65.4%
BD: 34.9%
SUD Comorbidity:
BD + ASPD: 91.3%
BD: 66.7%
Number of episodes:
Higher number of manic
and depressive episodes
Comorbidity is associated
with a greater tendency to
depression and psychosis,
an increased number of
depressive and manic epi-
sodes, greater impulsivity,
greater risk of SUD and
Garno et al., 2008 [60]
N = 100
73 BD1
27 BD2
Prevalence DB + ASPD:
Comorbidity and BGA:
Bipolar patients with
ASPD have more aggres-
sive traits
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 8 of 17
Higher BGA total score
(p 0.008)
Mitchell et al., 2007 [48] N = 166 MINI
BD + COCA: 52.8%; 1.86
ALCOL:60%; 2.50 (1.23–
ASPD is more associated
with the bipolar group
with cocaine dependence
(almost twice the risk) or
cocaine plus alcohol (twice
and a half risk)
Maina et al., 2007 [19]
N = 204 BD = 21
BD I = 4; BD II = 17
BD + ASPD = 6
Yale-Brown Obses-
Scale (Y-BOCS);
Prevalence DB + ASPD:
SUD Comorbidity:
SUD + BD: 28.6%.
Comorbidity: prevalence
of antisocial personality
disorders + BD: 28.6%
Clinically relevant effects
of comorbid BD on the
personality features of
OCD patients. A higher
rate of narcissistic and
ASPD in BD/OCD pa-
Mueser et al., 2006 [64] N = 178
Prevalence BD + AABS:
Prevalence BD + ASPD:
The prevalence of AABS
and ASPD in the DB is su-
Garno et al., 2005 [63]
N = 100
73 BD1
27 BD2
Prevalence BD + ASPD:
There is no statistically
significant correlation be-
tween YMRS and HAM-D
scores with ASPD.
Mueser et al., 1999 [65]
No ASPD/CD = 293
CD Only = 293
Adult ASPD Only
= 293
Full ASPD = 293
schizoaffective dis-
order (24%), bipo-
lar disorder (22%),
major depression.
BD + Adult ASPD Only:
Prevalence BD + Full
ASPD: 22%
SUD Comorbidity:
Full ASPD group had the
highest rate of substance
use disorder, followed by
either the CD Only or
Adult ASPD Only
Childhood CD and adult
ASPD represent inde-
pendently significant risk
factors for substance use
disorders in patients with
schizophrenia- spectrum
and major affective disor-
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 9 of 17
(19%) and other
groups, with the No
ASPD/CD group lowest
Jackson & Pica, 1993 [66]
112 psychiatric in-
11 antisocial per-
sonality disorder,
65 had other forms
of personality dis-
orders, 36 no per-
sonality disorder.
35 recent-onset
schizophrenic pa-
tients (27 men, 6
women), 26 recent-
onset bipolar disor-
der patients (14
men, 12 women),
30 unipolar affec-
tive disorder pa-
tients (14 men, 16
women), and 21
(11 men, 10
women) with
mixed disorders
(e.g., anorexia ner-
vosa, substance
abuse, somatoform
SCID, Royal Park
Multidiagnostic In-
strument for Psy-
choses, SAPS,
4 patients of 11 antisocial
are affected by BD.
Patients with ASPD were
younger, with lower level
of education and higher
levels of many dysfunc-
tional behaviors, as delin-
quency, sexual inter-
course, drink/drugs abuse,
thefts, vandalism, incon-
sistent work, irritabil-
ity/aggressive, impul-
sivity, recklessness, contin-
ual antisocial behavior
than patients with other or
none PDs.
Turley et al., 1992 [56]
21 recent onset BD
(12 man and 9
The overall ratio of per-
sonality disorders identi-
fied was virtually equiva-
lent for the MCMI- I1 and
the SIDP. However, the
MCMI-I1 was far more
likely to make multiple
diagnoses than the SIDP.
Narcissistic and Antisocial
personality disorders were
the most prevalent disor-
ders in this sample of Bi-
polar disordered patients,
followed by Histrionic and
Passive-Aggressive disor-
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 10 of 17
The MCMI-I1 identified a
total of 52 personality
disorders compared with
30 for the SIDP.
Pica et al., 1990 [67]
N = 26
16 BD
10 Schizoaffective
BD + ASPD: 15.39%
Patients with BD showed a
high frequency of PDs. ****
MMAT scores: ***** 100%; **** 80%; *** 60%; ** 40%; * 20%. AABS: Adult Antisocial behavioral syndrome; ACI: Alcohol Clinical Index; ASI: Addiction Severity Index; ASPD: Antisocial
personality disorder; AUDADIS: Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule; AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test- Clinical Procedure; AUS: Alcol
Use Scale; BD: Bipolar Disorder; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; BGAS: Brown-Goodwin Aggression Scale; BIS-11: Barratt Impulsivity Scale; BPRS: Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale;
BRMS: Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale; CAGE: Cut Down on Drinking, Annoyed, Guilt and Eye-opener Test; CGI-BP: Clinical Global Impression-BP; CTQ: Childhood Trauma Question-
naire; C.I.: Confidence Interval; CRS: Clinician Rating Scales; CUD: Cannabis Use Disorder; DAST: Drug Abuse Screening Test; DUS: Drugs Use Scale; FAS: Family Attitude Scale; FEIS:
Family Experiences Interview Schedule; GAS: Global Assessment Scale; HC: Healthy Control; HDRS: Hamilton. Depression Rating Scale; IMT: Immediate Memory Task; IPSM: Inter-
personal Sensitivity Measure; MAST: Michigan Alcohol Screening Test; MCMI-II: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory; MINI: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; MMAT:
mixed-method appraisal tool; MMS: Mini- Mental State; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; OR: Odd Ratio; OR: adjusted Odd Ratio; PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; RPMIP:
Royal Park Multi- Diagnostic Instrument for Psychosis; SADS: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; SANS: Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; SAPS: Scale
for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; SASI: Separation Anxiety Symptom Inventory; SATS: Substance Abuse Treatment Scale; SCID- I:Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
Axis I Disorders; SCID-P: Structured Clinical Interview for Personality Disorders; SCID-II: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders;SF-12: 12-Item Short Form Health
Survey; SIDP: Structured Interview for DSM-III personality; SIMD-R: Semi-structured interview for Mood Disorder; SPSI: Social Problem Solving Inventory; SUD: Substances Use
Disorder; TACE: Tolerance, Annoyed, Cut Down, and Eye- opener Test; TCIP: Two Choice Impulsivity Paradigm; TEMPS-A: Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San
Diego scale; TLFB: Time-line Follow-back; TWEAK: Tolerance, Worry, Eye-opener, Amnesia and Cut Down on drinking Test; YMRS: Young Mania Rating Scale.
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 11 of 17
4. Discussion
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first systematic review that assessed the asso-
ciation and the impact of ASPD and BD. It is worth mentioning how scarce the studies are
that evaluate this association despite the high clinical relevance. The literature demon-
strated a high incidence of Axis II personality disorders in patients with DB [24,68] and
the more frequent were Cluster B personality disorders [19,25–27,69] followed by C and
A [17,47,58,67]. Antisocial personality disorders [59] together with narcissistic [19,70] and
histrionic personality disorder were diagnosed most frequently in BD patients, even in
recent-onset BD patients [56]. Pica et al., found that 62% of BD patients had PDs and ASPD
was present in 15–39% [67]. Moreover, as can be seen from the studies, a prevalence of
30% ASPD in BD was reported, with a superior incidence in BD I than in BD II. A greater
occurrence of antisocial behavior [29] and greater impulsivity during episodes, especially
during mania has been demonstrated [52]. The clinical severity due to the co-occurrence
of the two disorders and therefore the greater demand for access to clinical services could
explain this higher prevalence. This great variability found in this review (4.8% to 63%
[47,57]) may be due to the variable sample size and population selected of included stud-
ies (from N = 21 to N = 43,093) [49,56], the retrospective nature of the included studies, the
methodological differences (e.g., instruments used, phase of the disorder at the time col-
lection) that may negatively affect the ability to discriminate between ASPD and BD diag-
noses due to the high prevalence of BD in the general population and the lack of a precise
tool for ASPD diagnostic assessment.
As expected, ASPD in comorbidity with BD is associated with a more severe course
of illness and poor responsiveness and adherence to treatment [71,72]. ASPD in BD pa-
tients was associated with a poor outcome after a manic episode [73], a higher rate of
suicide attempts [63,74], and a worse course of illness [75], with greater service admission
[76]. Moreover, the greatest number of depressive events associated with the comorbidity
with PDs results in a reduction in the quality of life, and since this is the most frequent
suicide attempt during depressive phases, this may explain why patients with comorbid-
ity also have a greater tendency to attempt suicide [77]. Patients with BD and ASPD
showed an earlier onset of affective symptomatology [58], higher psychopathological bur-
den [58,63], and a higher number of affective episodes [47]. An earlier age at onset of the
antisocial behavior has been also described [32] that often persists in adulthood [78]. No-
tably, earlier onset is associated with a poorer prognosis in both disorders [79,80], proba-
bly due not only to the genetic contribution [81,82] but also to the environmental influ-
ences (e.g., child maltreatment, abuse, violence, harsh and inconsistent parental discipline,
and lower quality caregiving) [83,84]. These patients have been also found to have a
higher score of aggressivity measured with the BGA [60], higher impulsivity measured by
the BIS-11 [47,58,61], and more suicide attempts [47]. Manic episodes can more easily lead
to criminal penalties, illegal conduct therefore indirectly impacts treatment adherence
[85]. Low treatment rates were found in patients with ASPD [57] and reflect affected indi-
viduals’ lack of insight into the seriousness of their problem and consequently lack of ef-
fective interventions. Even if BD demonstrated a higher rate of treatment compared to
patients affected by ASPD, the co-occurrence of two disorders, often in younger patients,
may interfere with treatment, as well as the ability to adhere to the treatment, with conse-
quent poor outcome [59].
ASPD symptoms were associated with a history of alcohol or other SUDs as well as
smoking. Substance abuse before 15 years is strongly related to ASPD [64,86] and ASPD
symptoms were related to age at BD onset independently of gender [58]. Lev-Ran and
colleagues estimated the 12-month prevalence of BD, SUD (cannabis), and ASPD as 49.9%,
compared to 18.2% of patients with BD and without SUD [49]. Studies described cocaine
and alcohol combined abuse as most frequent in BD and ASPD [48,49]. A more severe
course of illness was found in comorbid SUD in bipolar patients, including an earlier on-
set, more rapid progression to dependence, and greater social, legal, and physical use con-
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 12 of 17
sequences [64]. The frequent comorbidity with addictive disorders, suicidality, and crim-
inal behaviors described, could be probably due to a shared impulsivity core feature [52].
A high level of impulsivity has been shown in patients affected by BD in comorbidity with
ASPD measured by the Immediate Memory Task (IMT) and Two Choice Impulsivity Par-
adigm (TCIP). Moreover, faster Immediate Memory Task (IMT) reaction times in BD com-
bined with SUD compared to BD alone have been reported [52]. The results suggest that
loss of compensatory mechanisms may lead to more severe impulsivity in the combined
disorders [52]. Another important aspect is the influence of temperament, which, in BD
patients, can give rise to the predisposition to develop ASPD. Perugi et al. evaluated the
influence of the affective temperament and psychopathological traits in a sample of pa-
tients with BD I and ASPD and found a higher incidence of hyperthymic temperaments
in this population (8.49%) [62], suggesting that affective temperament influences clinical
features of BD when in comorbidity with Axis II disorders [62].
Thus, comorbidity with ASPD seems to impact not only the onset but also the cyclical
nature of BD, increasing the number of episodes, psychopathological scores, suicide at-
tempts, and poor adherence to treatment (Figures 2 and 3). Considering the shared symp-
toms such as impulsive and dangerous behaviors (i.e., substance abuse, driving recklessly,
inappropriate sexual behavior), in patients with only one disease, misdiagnosis is a com-
mon phenomenon due to the overlapping symptoms of ASPD and BD. It may be useful
to recognize the co-occurrence of the disorders and disentangle whether the two disorders
are independent or interdependent conditions.
Figure 2. Main results.
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 13 of 17
Figure 3. Overlapping symptoms between ASPD and BD.
Limits and Future Directions
This review presents gray areas that deserve to be further explored. Potential limita-
tions to consider include: (1) studies selected often determine the course of illness retro-
spectively. Moreover, many studies enrolled patients regardless of the phase of the illness.
The results of the diagnostic assessments may be affected by the state of illness, thus re-
ducing the quality of the included studies; (2) great heterogeneity and wide variability in
the sample number and population selected was reported among studies making it diffi-
cult to correctly define the prevalence; (3) mechanisms underlying ASPD or AABS char-
acteristics may be different in individuals with BD compared to those without BD; 4) ad-
ditional comorbidities with further personality disorders were not systematically evalu-
ated by the included studies. Although this does not affect the epidemiological results, it
could limit their psychopathological interpretation. It should be necessary to better char-
acterize comorbidity, evaluating all dysfunctional aspects of diseases and how they could
influence core symptoms and comorbidity. It may be necessary to evaluate psychopathy
within BD, as it is plausible that comorbid antisocial traits are different from the psycho-
antisocial traits. It should also be necessary to evaluate whether patient profiles with
comorbidity could benefit from different treatments. Psychopathy has not been investi-
gated because of the difficulty of its classification according to DSM in relation to ASPD.
5. Conclusions
ASPD was estimated as more frequent among BD patients, especially in BD type I.
BD patients with ASPD as a comorbidity seemed to have early onset, a higher number of
manic and depressive episodes, more severe affective episodes, higher levels of aggressive
and impulsive behaviors. Comorbidity is associated with a worse prognosis, increased
frequency of relapse, poor clinical outcome, higher frequency of dangerous behaviors, a
higher rate of suicide attempts and poorer treatment adherence. Furthermore, ASPD
symptoms in BD patients seem to be also associated with frequent comorbidity with ad-
dictive disorders (alcohol or cocaine abuse disorder), suicidality, and criminal behaviors,
probably due to a shared impulsivity core feature. Therefore, we suggest better character-
ization of the patient with BD and ASPD. Based on the literature data, considering the
comorbidity between BD and ASPD and common elements between ASPD and psychop-
athy, it would be desirable to carry out clinical trials that also investigate in-depth the
comorbidity among the three conditions together. Indeed, the presence of psychopathy in
patients with BD and ASPD may have important consequences in clinical, prognostic, and
therapeutic terms.
Medicina 2021, 57, 183 14 of 17
Author Contributions: Ideation, P.D.F.; literature search and data analysis, E.A.C., R.d.F. and M.C.;
writing—original draft preparation, E.A.C., R.d.F., M.C. and L.S.Jr.; writing—review and editing,
E.A.C., R.d.F., L.D., L.S.J. and P.D.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data available on request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Additionally, attention, speech, visual span, immediate memory, and delayed memory in the comorbidity group were notably lower than in the non-comorbidity group (p < 0.05). The speech, visual span, and immedi-Introduction Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by altered mood and energy states [1,2]. BD is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression and mania or hypomania, associated with a significant burden of morbidity and premature mortality [3][4][5]. ...
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Objective This study aims to explore the correlation and clinical significance of homocysteine and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels with cognitive function in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD). Methods Patients with BD admitted to our hospital from January 2022 to December 2022 were chosen retrospectively. BPD patients were categorized into comorbidity groups, while those without BPD were assigned to noncomorbidity groups, each consisting of 60 cases. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was utilized to assess serum levels of homocysteine (Hcy) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in both patient groups. Clinical symptoms were evaluated by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) and the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). Cognitive function was evaluated and compared using the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Pearson correlation analysis was performed on the correlation between patients’ serum Hcy and hs-CRP levels and HAMD, YMRS, and RBANS scores. Results In the comorbidity group, patients exhibited significantly elevated serum Hcy and hs-CRP levels compared to the non-comorbidity group (p < 0.05). Patients in the comorbidity group displayed higher HAMD and YMRS scores than those in the non-comorbidity group (p < 0.05). Additionally, attention, speech, visual span, immediate memory, and delayed memory in the comorbidity group were notably lower than in the non-comorbidity group (p < 0.05). The speech, visual span, and immediate memory of RBANS in bipolar depressive patients with comorbid BPD were lower than those in bipolar depressive patients without comorbid BPD (p < 0.05), the speech of RBANS in bipolar manic patients with comorbid BPD was lower than those in bipolar manic patients without comorbid BPD (p < 0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the expression of Hcy and hs-CRP in the comorbid group was positively correlated with HAMD and YMRS scores, and negatively correlated with attention, speech, visual span, immediate memory, and delayed memory, and these differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion High serum Hcy and hs-CRP expression levels may regulate inflammatory responses, aggravating cognitive impairment in patients with BD and BPD. Serum Hcy and hs-CRP expression levels are significantly related to cognitive dysfunction. They are expected to guide the prevention and treatment of BD comorbid BPD patients.
... Other studies have shown that participants with bipolar disorder had poorer QoL than the other groups with different mental health conditions [88]. The poorer QoL of those with bipolar disorder may relate to more "anti-social" behaviours associated with the illness that could impinge on QoL [89,90]. Other studies comparing QoL between mental health conditions have found varying results. ...
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Introduction Quality of life (QoL) of patients with mental illness has been examined internationally but to a lesser extent in developing countries, including countries in Africa. Improving QoL is vital to reducing disability among people with mental illness. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the prevalence of QoL and associated factors among people living with mental illness in Africa. Methods Using the PICOT approach, Scopus, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Embase, the Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched. A structured search was undertaken, comprising terms associated with mental health, mental illness, QoL, and a list of all African countries. The Joanna Briggs Institute Quality Appraisal Checklist is used to evaluate research quality. Subgroup analysis with Country, domains of QoL, and diagnosis was tested using a random-effect model, and bias was assessed using a funnel plot and an inspection of Egger's regression test. A p value, OR, and 95% CI were used to demonstrate an association. Results The pooled prevalence of poor QoL was 45.93% (36.04%, 55.83%), I² = 98.6%, p < 0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that Ethiopia (48.09%; 95% CI = 33.73, 62.44), Egypt (43.51%; 95% CI = 21.84, 65.18), and Nigeria (43.49%; 95% CI = 12.25, 74.74) had the highest mean poor QoL prevalence of the countries. The pooled prevalence of poor QoL by diagnosis was as follows: bipolar disorder (69.63%; 95% CI = 47.48, 91.77), Schizophrenia (48.53%; 95% CI = 29.97, 67.11), group of mental illnesses (40.32%; 95% CI = 23.98, 56.66), and depressive disorders (38.90%; 95% CI = 22.98, 54.81). Being illiterate (3.63; 95% CI = 2.35, 4.91), having a comorbid medical illness (4.7; 95% CI = 2.75, 6.66), having a low monthly income (3.62; 95% CI = 1.96, 5.27), having positive symptoms (0.32; 95% CI = 0.19, 0.55), and having negative symptoms (0.26; 95% CI = 0.16, 0.43) were predictors of QoL. Thus, some factors are significantly associated with pooled effect estimates of QoL. Conclusions The current systematic review and meta-analysis showed that almost half of patients with mental illness had poor QoL. Being illiterate, having a comorbid medical condition, having a low monthly income, having positive symptoms, and having negative symptoms of mental illness were independent predictors of poor QoL. This systematic review and meta-analysis emphasize that poor QoL of people with mental illness in Africa needs attention to reduce its negative consequences.
... Furthermore, there is a particularly strong association between AsPD and SUD: compared to controls, individuals with AsPD exhibit 15 times greater risk to develop a drug dependence, and up to 77% of them meet lifetime criteria for alcohol use disorder [9,10]. Another relevant psychiatric comorbidity, that is often addressed as target of pharmacological interventions and greatly enhance the risk of comorbid SUD, includes BD [11]. Indeed, AsPD is one of the most prevalent comorbidities among personality disorders in BD patients, and this association is featured by higher rates of readmission to hospital, lower rates of symptomatic recovery and poorer functional levels at 6 months [12]. ...
Introduction : Antisocial personality disorder (AsPD) is a pervasive pattern of violation of others’ rights, related to the concept of psychopathy. AsPD is stable over time from adolescence, with evidence of conduct disorder (CD) before 15 years. DSM-5 included a specifier “with limited prosocial emotions” (LPE), which characterizes adolescents with higher developmental vulnerability to develop AsPD. Though being relatively frequent with considerable societal impact, AsPD is a difficult-to-treat condition with high comorbidity rates and poor evidence for effective pharmacological interventions. Areas covered : We conducted a narrative review and searched PubMed up to September 2022. We included RCTs and naturalistic studies evaluating pharmacological interventions on AsPD in adults, including those with comorbid substance use disorder or psychopathic traits. Evidence in youths with CD, callous-unemotional (CU) traits and aggression were also reviewed, exploring the role of CU traits as moderators of response. Expert opinion Psychosocial interventions are the first option, with possible improvement of CU traits, beyond behavioral and affective symptoms, particularly if implemented early during development. Limited information, based on low-quality studies, supports the pharmacological options. Second generation antipsychotics, lithium, anti-epileptic drugs, and stimulants are first-line medications, according to different target symptoms. Developmental pathways including ADHD suggest a specific role of psychostimulants.
... Antisocial personality disorder and criminal behavior are frequently observed in AUD and in patients suffering from bipolar disorder, probably due to a shared impulsivity core feature (Carbone et al., 2021 ). Personality disorders are associated with a myriad of serious outcomes and incur significant healthcare costs (Helle et al., 2019 ). ...
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Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is an age-old substance with abuse potential that can lead to a myriad of organ damage as well as behavioral and neurotoxicological consequences. Although no specific receptor for alcohol has been identified, it is known to interact with numerous neurotransmitter systems and cellular components. In this chapter, the behavioral and toxicological effects of ethanol on the adult central nervous system (CNS) as well as its known molecular mechanisms are discussed. In addition, current and potential novel treatments for alcohol use disorder (AUD) are touched upon.
... Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a common and severe mental disease which has a pathological feature of periods in one's mood, energy and functional ability including extremely highs (mania) and extremely lows (depression). According to Miller et al, lifetime prevalence of BPD has been reported that in the general population,it is about 2-3% [1]. This mental disorder significantly affects the quality of life of child or adult patients which results their self-injury behavior and a death rate of suicide approximately to 19% [2]. ...
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Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a common mental disease. Patients have both depressive symptoms and manic symptoms, which affect the quality of life of patients. At the same time, it can be complicated with somatic symptoms. Patients often feel incompetent, or even commit suicide. BPD has a high misdiagnosis rate, accompanied by high morbidity and mortality, so people should pay more attention to BPD. Many factors may lead to BPD, such as the high recurrence rate of patients in families with high emotional expression; the recovery period of patients with negative life events was prolonged; patients with bad social adaptation and environmental stress have an increased probability of serious emotional symptoms or affective disorders; Patients with irregular life are prone to attack when facing negative life events, but most of them are from heredity or environment. According to the pathogenesis or characteristics of BPD, many epidemiological studies have been carried out clinically, such as family research, adoption research, twins research, etc. the treatment of bipolar disorder, in the maintenance treatment of drugs, There are sufficient evidences that lithium salt are effective for both acute manic episodes and depressive episodes, does not cause manic depressive transition, and long-term use can prevent recurrence, also reduce the suicide rate of patients.
... As for aggression, this could result from higher rates of agitation and impulsivity that are typically linked with SUD in people suffering from psychiatric disorders (Clerici et al., 2018). This result is also consistent with the frequent comorbidity between SUD and cluster B personality disorders in BD, particularly antisocial personality disorder, that displays a significant association with the emergence of aggressive behaviors (Carbone et al., 2021). Aggression has also been linked to the presence of mixed symptoms and was proposed as a diagnostic criterion for the mixed features specifier during a major depressive episode (Verdolini et al., 2017). ...
Background Substance use disorders (SUD) in bipolar disorders (BD) present relevant impact on psychopathological features and illness course. The present study was aimed at analyzing the clinical correlates of this comorbidity. Methods In- and outpatients suffering from BD were recruited. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were collected. Subjects underwent a psychopathological assessment evaluating affective temperaments and impulsiveness. The appraisal of treatment response to mood stabilizers was conducted with the Alda Scale. Bivariate analyses were used to compare subjects suffering from BD with (SUD-BD) or without comorbid SUD (nSUD-BD) (p<0.05). A logistic regression model was performed to identify specific correlates of SUD in BD. Results Among the 161 included subjects, 63 (39.1%) were diagnosed with comorbid SUD. SUD-BD subjects showed younger age at onset (p=0.003) and higher prevalence of BD type I diagnosis (BDI) (p<0.001). Furthermore, lifetime mixed features (p<0.001), psychotic symptoms (p<0.001), suicide attempts (p=0.002), aggression (p=0.003), antidepressant-induced manic switch (p=0.003), and poor treatment response (p<0.001) were more frequent in the SUD-BD subgroup. At the logistic regression, SUD revealed a positive association with BD type I diagnosis (Odds Ratio (OR) 4.77, 95% CI 1.66-13.71, p=0.004) and mixed features (OR 2.54, 95% CI 1.17-5.53, p=0.019). Limitations The cross-sectional study design and the relatively small sample size may limit the generalizability of the findings. The retrospective evaluation of comorbid SUD could have biased the outcome assessment. Conclusions Subjects with BD and SUD are characterized by higher clinical severity and require careful assessment of treatment response.
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Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the differences in the prevalence and association of medical and psychiatric comorbidities in bipolar disorder (BD) patients versus the general inpatient population. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using the national inpatient sample (NIS). Using the international classification of diseases, ninth revision (ICD-9) diagnostic codes, we extracted the BD inpatients and then obtained information about comorbidities. The odds ratio (OR) of comorbidities in BD inpatients were evaluated using a logistic regression model. Results: Hypertension (31.1%), asthma (11.7%) and diabetes, obesity, and hypothyroidism (11% each) were the prevalent medical comorbidities found in BD inpatients. Hypothyroidism, asthma, and migraine were seen in BD inpatients (OR 1.59, OR 1.37 and OR 1.23; respectively) compared to general inpatients. Drug abuse (33.5%), anxiety disorders (31.8%), and alcohol abuse (18.3%) were the most prevalent psychiatric comorbidities in BD inpatients. They had a seven-fold higher likelihood of comorbid borderline personality disorders compared to general inpatients. Among other psychiatric comorbidities, the odds of the association were higher for drug abuse (OR 4.33), ADHD (OR 3.06), and PTSD (2.44). Conclusion: A higher burden of medical and psychiatric comorbidities is seen in BD inpatients compare to the general inpatient population. A collaborative care model is required for early diagnosis and management of these comorbidities to improve the health-related quality of life.
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Alcohol use disorder (AUD) frequently co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders, including personality disorders, which are pervasive, persistent, and impairing. Personality disorders are associated with myriad serious outcomes, have a high degree of co-occurrence with substance use disorders, including AUD, and incur significant health care costs. This literature review focuses on co-occurring AUD and personality disorders characterized by impulsivity and affective dysregulation, specifically antisocial personality disorders and borderline personality disorders. Prevalence rates, potential explanations and causal models of co-occurrence, prognoses, and the status of existing treatment research are summarized. Several important future research considerations are relevant to these complex, co-occurring conditions. Research assessing mechanisms responsible for co-occurring AUD and antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder will further delineate the underlying developmental processes and improve understanding of onset and courses. In addition, increased focus on the efficacy and effectiveness of treatments targeting underlying traits or common factors in these disorders will inform future prevention and treatment efforts, as interventions targeting these co-occurring conditions have relatively little empirical support.
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Objectives Functional impairment is an important driver of disability in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and can persist even when symptomatic remission has been achieved. The objectives of this systematic literature review were to identify studies that assessed functioning in patients with BD and describe the functional scales used and their implementation. Methods A systematic literature review was conducted of English‐language articles published between 2000 and 2017 reporting peer‐reviewed, original research related to functional assessment in patients with BD. Results A total of 40 articles met inclusion criteria. Twenty‐four different functional scales were identified, including 13 clinician‐rated scales, 7 self‐reported scales, and 4 indices based on residential and vocational data. The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST) were the most commonly used global and domain‐specific scales, respectively. All other scales were used in ≤2 studies. Most studies used ≥1 domain‐specific scale. The most common applications of functional scales in these studies were evaluations of the relationships between global or domain‐specific psychosocial functioning and cognitive functioning (eg, executive function, attention, language, learning, memory) or clinical variables (eg, symptoms, duration of illness, number of hospitalizations, number of episodes). Conclusions The results of this review show growing interest in the assessment of functioning in patients with BD, with an emphasis on specific domains such as work/educational, social, family, and cognitive functioning and high utilization of the GAF and FAST scales in published literature. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Personality disorders (PD) and substance use disorders (SUD) have a high prevalence and an important health and socioeconomic impact so, it is interesting to study the relationship between them. The objectives of the study are: to compare the prevalence of SUD between patients with and without diagnosis of PD, to analyze if any PD is related to the SUD, and if a specific PD is associated with a specific SUD. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study in 837 patients from centers of attention to drug addiction and mental health in Madrid, Spain. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ4+) are used to detect mental disorder and PD, respectively. Results: SUD is significantly higher in antisocial PD (p<0.01); sedative (p<0.01) and alcohol (p<0.05) use disorder in borderline PD; cocaine (p<0.05) and alcohol (p<0.01) use disorder in paranoid PD; and alcohol use disorder in histrionic PD (p<0.01). The SUD for cocaine is lower in obsessive- compulsive PD (p<0.05) and depressive PD (p<0.01). There is a positive correlation between the number of PD of a subject and the number of SUD that it presents. The risk of an alcohol [OR of 1,08 CI (1,01-1,16)] or sedatives [OR of 1,08 CI (1,001-1,17)] use disorders increases if an individual presents more than one type of PD. Conclusions: There is not differences of SUD prevalence between PD and not PD groups. We found an association between SUD and PD of cluster B (antisocial, borderline and histrionic) and also with paranoid PD. The SUD are more common among man with the exception of sedatives.
Background: Suicide attempts (SA) are more frequent in bipolar disorder (BD) than in most other mental disorders. Prevention strategies would benefit from identifying the risk factors of SA recurrence in BD. Substance use disorders (SUD) (including tobacco-related) are strongly associated with both BD and SA, however, their specific role for the recurrence of SA in BD remains inadequately investigated. Thus, we tested if tobacco smoking - with or without other SUDs - was independently associated with recurrent SA in BD. Methods: 916 patients from France and Norway with ascertained diagnoses of BD and reliable data about SA and SUD were classified as having no, single, or recurrent (≥2) SA. Five SUD groups were built according to the presence/absence/combination of tobacco, alcohol (AUD) and cannabis use disorders. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify the correlates of SA recurrence. Results: 338 (37%) individuals reported at least one SA, half of whom (173, 51%) reported recurrence. SUD comorbidity was: tobacco smoking only, 397 (43%), tobacco smoking with at least another SUD, 179 (20%). Regression analysis showed that tobacco smoking, both alone and comorbid with AUD, depressive polarity of BD onset and female gender were independently associated with recurrent SA. Limitations: Lack of data regarding the relative courses of SA and SUD and cross-national differences in main variables. Conclusion: Tobacco smoking with- or without additional SUD can be important risk factors of SA recurrence in BD, which is likely to inform both research and prevention strategies.
Background This study, for the first time, compared illness and antidepressant response characteristics of young subjects with major depression (MDD) at low (LRMDD) or high-risk (HRMDD) for developing bipolar disorder with characteristics of young bipolar (BPD) subjects and healthy controls (HC). Methods One hundred and six young (15–30 yr), medication-free subjects MDD subjects (HRMDD, N = 51; LRMDD, N = 55) were compared with 32 BPD (Type I: 14; Type II: 18) as well as 49 HC subjects. Baseline illness characteristics and frequency of comorbid conditions were examined using Analysis of Variance and Cochran-Armitage trend test. Additionally, in MDD subjects, the effect of open-label antidepressant treatment for up to 24 months with periodic assessments was compared between HRMDD and LRMDD groups for treatment response, remission and (hypo)mania switch while controlling for attrition. Results Significant gradation from LRMDD to HRMDD to BPD groups was found for increasing occurrence of alcohol dependence (p = 0.006), comorbid PTSD (p = 0.006), borderline personality traits (p = 0.001), and occurrence of melancholic features (p < 0.005). Antidepressant treatment response was similar between the two groups except that for the 12-month period HRMDD showed a trend for a lower response. Switch to (hypo)mania was infrequent in both groups though the HRMDD showed a higher occurrence of spikes in (hypo)mania symptoms (>25% increase in YMRS scores)(p = 0.04). Conclusion Findings of the study indicate that a substantial proportion of young MDD subjects share BPD illness characteristics. These HRMDD subjects, if treated with antidepressants, need to be monitored for development of BPD. Trial registration NCT01811147.
INTRODUCTION: Appraising the quality of studies included in systematic reviews combining qualitative and quantitative evidence is challenging. To address this challenge, a critical appraisal tool was developed: the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The aim of this paper is to present the enhancements made to the MMAT. DEVELOPMENT: The MMAT was initially developed in 2006 based on a literature review on systematic reviews combining qualitative and quantitative evidence. It was subject to pilot and interrater reliability testing. A revised version of the MMAT was developed in 2018 based on the results from usefulness testing, a literature review on critical appraisal tools and a modified e-Delphi study with methodological experts to identify core criteria. TOOL DESCRIPTION: The MMAT assesses the quality of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. It focuses on methodological criteria and includes five core quality criteria for each of the following five categories of study designs: (a) qualitative, (b) randomized controlled, (c) nonrandomized, (d) quantitative descriptive, and (e) mixed methods. CONCLUSION: The MMAT is a unique tool that can be used to appraise the quality of different study designs. Also, by limiting to core criteria, the MMAT can provide a more efficient appraisal.
Background: Confusion abounds when differentiating the diagnoses of bipolar disorder (BD) from borderline personality disorder (BPD). This study explored the relative clinical utility of affective instability and self-report personality trait measures for accurate identification of BD and BPD. Methods: Receiver operator characteristics and diagnostic efficiency statistics were calculated to ascertain the relative diagnostic efficiency of self-report measures. Inpatients with research-confirmed diagnoses of BD (n = 341) or BPD (n = 381) completed the Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) and Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Results: The total score for DERS evidenced relatively poor accuracy for differentiating the disorders (AUC = 0.72, SE = 0.02, p <.0001), while subscales of affective instability measures yielded fair discrimination (AUC range = 0.70–0.59). The PID-5 BPD algorithm (consisting of emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity, hostility, depressivity, impulsivity, and risk taking) evidenced moderate-to-excellent accuracy (AUC = 0.83, SE = 0.04, p <.0001) with a good balance of specificity (SP = 0.79) and sensitivity (SN = 0.77). Conclusion: Findings support the use of the PID-5 algorithm for differentiating BD from BPD. Furthermore, findings support the accuracy of the DSM-5 alternative model Criteria B trait constellation for differentiating these two disorders with overlapping features.
Background: It has long been recognized that bipolar disorder (BD) and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) co-occur in an uncertain proportion of patients, recognized commonly in juvenile years. There is growing suspicion that such co-occurrence is associated with several clinically unfavorable characteristics. Accordingly, we compared 703 type I or II BD subjects with vs. without a lifetime diagnosis of ADHD. Methods: We compared 173 BD patients with vs. 530 without co-occurring ADHD for selected demographic and clinical factors, using standard initial bivariate comparisons followed by multivariable logistic regression modeling. Results: ADHD was found in 25% of BD subjects, more among men and with type I BD. Those with ADHD had higher scores at the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS), were more likely to have had less successful school performance, unemployment, lower socioeconomic status, less marriage and more divorce, as well as more substance abuse, suicide attempts, and [hypo]mania, but were less likely to have an anxiety disorder or a family history of mood disorder. Multivariable logistic regression modeling found six factors differing between BD subjects with versus without ADHD: less education after high school, higher ASRS score for inattention, ever separated or divorced, irritable temperament, male sex, and lower scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) at intake. Comments: Co-occurrence of ADHD with BD was identified at a moderate rate, and was associated with several unfavorable outcomes as well as a tendency toward [hypo]mania.
Objective: To assess the association between sub-types of bipolar disorder (BD) (types I and II) and sub-types of eating disorders (EDs) (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-eating disorders) as well as their relative order of occurrence. Methodology: A systematic review of articles estimating prevalence rates for BD among patients with ED and vice versa. We also analysed all articles assessing their relative order of occurrence. Results: Comorbid BD is common among patients with an ED. From 0.6 to 33.3% of bipolar subjects have an eating disorder. Conversely, from 0 to 35.8% of subjects with an ED can present a BD. This co-occurrence has mostly been observed among patients with anorexia of the bulimic/purging type, with bulimia or with binge-eating disorders. The association is less frequent in cases of anorexia of the restrictive type. In contrast, the BD sub-type does not seem to have an impact on the association with EDs. Whilst age at BD onset is earlier in case of a comorbid ED, age at ED onset does not seem to be impacted by the presence of an associated BD. There has been little data on the relative order of occurrence of the two disorders or on the impact of the thymic phase on the expression of EDs. Conclusions: EDs and BD are frequently comorbid, suggesting the need for crossed screening of these pathologies, in particular for EDs with purging behaviours and for patients with early BD onset.