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Analysis and Optimization for Robust Millimeter-Wave Communications

Analysis and Optimization
for Robust Millimeter-Wave
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations.
No. 2111
Cristian Tatino
Cristian Tatino Analysis and Optimization for Robust Millimeter-Wave Communications 2021
Linköping Studies in Scie nce and Technology, Dissertations. No. 2111, 2021
Department of Science and Technology
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköpin g, Sweden
Link¨oping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations. No. 2111
Analysis and Optimization
for Robust Millimeter-Wave
Cristian Tatino
Department of Science and Technology
Link¨oping University, SE-601 74 Norrk¨oping, Sweden
Norrk¨oping 2021
Analysis and Optimization for Robust Millimeter-Wave Communica-
Cristian Tatino
Link¨oping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations. No. 2111
Copyright c
2021 Cristian Tatino, unless otherwise noted
isbn 978-91-7929-734-3
issn 0345–7524
Link¨oping University
Department of Science and Technology
SE-601 74 Norrk¨oping
Printed by LiU Tryck, Link¨oping, Sweden 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
To my family
[IT] ”fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e
[EN] ”you were not made to live your lives as brutes, but to be
followers of worth and knowledge”.
Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia, Inf.26.118-20.
Spectrum scarcity is a longstanding problem in mobile telecommuni-
cations networks. Specifically, accommodating the ever-growing data
rate and communications demand in the extensively used spectrum
between 800 MHz and 6 GHz is becoming more challenging. For
this reason, in the last years, communications in the millimeter-wave
(mm-wave) frequency range (30-300 GHz) have attracted the interest
of many researchers, who consider mm-wave communications a key
enabler for upcoming generations of mobile communications, i.e., 5G
and 6G. However, the signal propagation in the mm-wave frequency
range is subject to more challenging conditions. High path loss and
penetration loss may lead to short-range communications and fre-
quent transmission interruptions when the signal path between the
transmitter and the receiver is blocked.
In this dissertation, we analyze and optimize techniques that en-
hance the robustness and reliability of mm-wave communications. In
the first part, we focus on approaches that allow user equipment (UE)
to establish and maintain connections with multiple access points
(APs) or relays, i.e., multi-connectivity (MC) and relaying techniques,
to increase link failure robustness. In such scenarios, an inefficient
link scheduling, i.e., over or under-provisioning of connections, can
lead to either high interference and energy consumption or unsatis-
fied user’s quality of service (QoS) requirements. In the first paper,
we propose a novel link scheduling algorithm for network throughput
maximization with constrained resources and quantify the potential
gain of MC. As a complementary approach, in the second paper, we
solve the problem of minimizing allocated resources while satisfying
users’ QoS requirements for mm-wave MC scenarios. To deal with
the channel uncertainty and abrupt blockages, we propose a learning-
based solution, of which the results highlight the tradeoff between
reliability and allocated resource.
In the third paper, we perform throughput and delay analysis of
a multi-user mm-wave wireless network assisted by a relay. We show
the benefits of cooperative networking and the effects of directional
communications on relay-aided mm-wave communications. These, as
highlighted by the results, are characterized by a tradeoff between
throughput and delay and are highly affected by the beam alignment
duration and transmission strategy (directional or broadcast).
The second part of this dissertation focuses on problems related to
mm-wave communications in industrial scenarios, where robots and
new industrial applications require high data rates, and stringent re-
liability and latency requirements. In the fourth paper, we consider
a multi-AP mm-wave wireless network covering an industrial plant
where multiple moving robots need to be connected. We show how
the joint optimization of robots’ paths and the robot-AP associations
can increase mm-wave robustness by decreasing the number of han-
dovers and avoiding coverage holes. Finally, the fifth paper considers
scenarios where robot-AP communications are assisted by an intel-
ligent reflective surface (IRS). We show that the joint optimization
of beamforming and trajectory of the robot can minimize the motion
energy consumption while satisfying time and communication QoS
constraints. Moreover, the proposed solution exploits a radio map to
prevent collisions with obstacles and to increase mm-wave communi-
cation robustness by avoiding poorly covered areas.
or telekommunikationsoperat¨orer ¨ar det avg¨orande att ha tillg˚ang
till frekvenser f¨or att kunna ¨overf¨ora information, och det ¨ar en st¨andig
konkurrens om att f˚a anv¨anda nya frekvensband. Fram till den fj¨arde
generationens mobilkommunikation (4G) har st¨orre delen av infor-
mations¨overf¨oringen utf¨orts genom att skicka signaler med frekvenser
mellan 800 MHz och 2 GHz. Framtida kommunikationsbehov kr¨aver
att ¨aven andra, tidigare outnyttjade, frekvenser kan anv¨andas. Med
anledning av detta har kommunikation med millimeterv˚ag (mm-v˚ag)
intresserat m˚anga forskare, d˚a dessa mm-v˚agor anses vara av stor be-
tydelse f¨or att kunna f¨orb¨attra och utveckla nya s¨att att kommunicera
- det h¨ar ber¨or t.ex. utvecklingen av 5G och 6G. En utmaning med
mm-v˚agor, som inneb¨ar att relativt h¨oga frekvenser anv¨ands (30 GHz
- 300 GHz), ¨ar dock att kommunikationsf¨oruts¨attningarna blir mer
besv¨arliga och signalerna n˚ar inte lika l˚angt som om l¨agre frekvenser
Den f¨orsta delen av den h¨ar avhandlingen fokuserar p˚a att f¨orb¨attra
tillf¨orlitligheten och r¨ackvidden f¨or mm-v˚agskommunikation. Detta
¨ar m¨ojligt genom att till¨ampa tekniker som ger f¨oruts¨attningar f¨or
flera samtidiga anslutningar samt att signaler kan vidarebefordras p˚a
ett l¨ampligt s¨att inom ett kommunikationsn¨atverk. Parallella anslut-
ningar och vidarebefordring ¨okar antalet kommunikationsv¨agar som
kan anandas och minskar risken f¨or att information inte n˚ar fram
till avsedd mottagare. or ett tillfredsst¨allande resultat kr¨avs dock
ampliga principer f¨or hur man nyttjar olika kommunikationsv¨agar.
Ol¨amplig hantering kan t.ex. resultera i att resurser anv¨ands p˚a ett
ineffektivt s¨att eller att kommunikationen upplevs vara av bristande
kvalitet. I avhandlingen beskrivs den potential som finns med att
nyttja flera parallella kommunikationsv¨agar och ett tillv¨agag˚angss¨att,
baserat p˚a maskininl¨arning, f¨oresl˚as d¨ar avsikten ¨ar att med ett min-
imalt nyttjande av resurser tillhandah˚alla tillr¨acklig prestanda f¨or ly-
ckad kommunikation. Dessutom presenteras f¨ordelar som kan erh˚allas
om kommunicerande noder i ett n¨atverk samarbetar effektivt, f¨or att
arigenom uppn˚a en prestanda som ej ¨ar m¨ojlig utan samarbete.
Det finns m˚anga kommunikationsutmaningar med koppling till in-
dustriella till¨ampningar, och detta ¨ar n˚agot som avhandlingen ocks˚a
behandlar. Kommunikation till och fr˚an exempelvis robotar kan st¨alla
oga krav p˚a snabb, omfattande och tillf¨orlitlig informations¨overf¨oring.
I avhandlingen f¨oresl˚as en algoritm som har f¨or avsikt att m¨ojligg¨ora
effektiv kommunikation i en industriell anl¨aggning d¨ar mobila rob-
otar f¨ardas och mm-v˚agor anv¨ands f¨or att ansluta till och kommu-
nicera med flertalet omkringliggande noder. Avhandlingen beskriver
ocks˚a hur robotar p˚a ett effektivt s¨att kan navigera och kommunicera
i milj¨oer med f¨arre noder, d¨ar kommunikationsavst˚andet kan vara
orh˚allandevis l˚angt. Det tillv¨agag˚angss¨att som f¨oresl˚as i detta fall ¨ar
att nyttja intelligenta ytor som mm-v˚agor kan reflekteras mot f¨or att
arigenom f¨ardas l¨angre.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Di Yuan
for providing me with the opportunity to undertake my studies at
Link¨oping University. I really appreciate the effort and the time that
he dedicates to my Ph.D. studies. His experience and knowledge have
encouraged me all the time of my academic research and daily life.
I would like to thank also my co-supervisor at Link¨oping University,
Associate Professor Nikolaos Pappas, for his comments and ideas that
are generously shared with me. His expertise, encouragements, and
enthusiasm have been fundamental for my studies and research.
I am deeply grateful to my supervisors at Nokia Bell Labs in
Stuttgart, Dr. Ilaria Malanchini and Dr. Lutz Ewe, for their unwa-
vering support and guidance. Moreover, they provided me the oppor-
tunity to work in one of the most important research laboratories in
the information technology field. I would like to thank also Dr. Danish
Aziz, who has been my supervisor at Nokia Bell Labs for a temporary
period, and Prof. Anthony Ephremides, who gave me important sug-
gestions and the opportunity to conduct my research at the University
of Maryland for two months.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of the
project ACT5G and the funding sources of my Ph.D. work; my re-
search was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
agreement No. 643002 (ACT5G). I would like to extend my sin-
cere thanks to Dr. David Gundleg˚ard and Dr. Erik Bergfeldt for
their insightful comments and suggestions for improving the quality
of this dissertation.
Special thanks to Tania, for always believing in me and her tremen-
dous support, and all the people that made the time that I have spent
in Norrk¨oping and Stuttgart enjoyable. Many thanks in particular to
Antzela, Eleni, Manos, Maria, Nikos, Tobias, Wenjian, Xenos, Yannis
A., Yannis P., Francesco, Arianna, Silvio, Alessandro, and Paolo. I
would like to thank all my friends in Napoli, especially Luca, Lorenzo,
Marco, and Roberto for their lifelong friendship, and Domenico, Luca,
Pasquale, Raffaele, and Silvio (Polo) for the inspiring discussions as
well as joyful distractions. Moreover, sincere thanks to Ciro and Anna
for their optimism and affection.
Above all, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents,
Rocco and Rosa, brothers, Dino and Filippo, and my sister, Letizia,
for their unconditional love and constant encouragement. I wouldn’t
be where I am today without them.
Norrk¨oping, February 2021
Cristian Tatino
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
4G fourth generation of mobile networks
5G fifth generation of mobile networks
AF amplify and forward
AP access point
BIP binary integer programming
CA carrier aggregation
CG column generation
CoMP coordinated mutlipoint
D2D device-to-device
DC dual connectivity
DF decode and forward
FCC federal communications commission
FD full-duplex
HD half-duplex
IP integer programming
ILP integer linear programming
IRS intelligent reflective surface
ITU international telecommunication union
LB-BS low-band base station
LP linear programming
LTE long term evolution
LOS line-of-sight
mm-wave millimeter-wave
mmAP millimeter-wave access point
MC multi-connectivity
ML Machine learning
MIP mixed integer programming
NC network controller
NR 5G new radio
NLOS non line-of-sight
QoS quality of service
Rx receiver
SC single connectivity
SCO successive convex optimization
SINR signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
Tx transmitter
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UE user equipment
VAR virtual and augmented reality
WLAN wireless local area network
WPAN wireless personal area network
Abstract v
arvetenskaplig sammanfattning vii
Acknowledgments ix
Abbreviations xi
I Introduction and Overview 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Millimeter-Wave Communications Background 3
1.2 Purpose and Scope 7
1.3 Thesis Outline and Organization 8
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves 9
2.1 Multi-connectivity 11
2.2 Relaying Technology 13
2.3 Intelligent Reflective Surfaces 15
2.4 Mobility Management and Association Opti-
mization 16
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools 19
3.1 Mathematical Optimization 19
3.2 Machine Learning 23
3.3 Queuing Theory 25
4 Contributions of the Thesis 29
4.1 Papers Included in the Thesis 31
4.2 Papers not Included in the Thesis 36
4.3 Conclusions and Future Research 36
Bibliography 39
II Papers 53
Paper I 57
Paper II 77
Paper III 97
Paper IV 147
Paper V 165
Part I
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1
1.1 Millimeter-Wave Communications Background
Wireless communications technologies have already changed the way
to communicate and interact for billions of people. According to [1],
over 70% of the global population will have mobile connectivity by
2023. Even more significant growth is expected by machine-type
connections and autonomous vehicles, i.e., intelligent transportation
systems, drones, and robots that will represent half of the globally
connected devices by 2023. The tremendous increase of connections
will be followed by the development of new data-hungry applica-
tions, e.g., virtual and augmented reality (VAR), that will generate
a huge amount of traffic. This is estimated to grow at an annual
rate of around 55 % between 2020 and 2030 reaching the incredible
amount of 5,000 exabytes (EX) of data traffic [2]. Mainly three ap-
proaches are driving the research to accommodate this ever-growing
connection and traffic demand: i) increase the number of antennas
at the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx), ii) densification of
radio base stations, and iii) increase the spectrum resources by us-
ing new frequency bands. The latter solution identifies millimeter-
wave (mm-wave) communications as a key technology for the next
generations of mobile communications. Specifically, mm-wave com-
munications exploit the huge amount of frequency bands from 30 GHz
to 300 GHz1to meet the rising demand for connections and traffic.
However, as explained in more detail below, the signal propagation at
1Note that also the 24-30 GHz band is usually considered in the mm-wave
frequency range.
1 Introduction and Overview
!"#$%$"&'()"#$(#-&("* *-."&'$(&-(&/'(0-)%*'(1'+2%.'(3456789!(:;<
!"#$% &''"#$%('"#$%!'"#$%
!"!" !"!#
Figure 1.1: Mm-wave candidate bands to the mobile service
by the international telecommunication union (ITU) [3], and
mm-wave spectrum auctioned by the federal communications
commission (FCC) [4].
mm-wave frequency ranges has some peculiarities that decrease the
reliability of communications, especially for scenarios that are char-
acterized by mobility and numerous physical obstacles.
Millimiter-wave Frequency Bands and Propagation Characteristics
Several frequency bands have been identified for accommodating mm-
wave mobile communications, e.g., 24.25-27.5 GHz, 37-40.5 GHz,
47.2-50.2 GHz, 50.4-52.6 GHz, 66-76 GHz, and 81-86 GHz [3]. As
shown in Fig. 1.1, some countries have already performed public auc-
tions for allocating part of them [5], whereas the 60 GHz band is
planned to be assigned to unlicensed mm-wave communications [6].
Measurements and tests at these frequency bands have shown that
mm-wave communications can reach several Gbps of data rate [7, 8].
However, free space path loss and atmosphere absorption dramati-
cally increase at such high frequencies, leading to shorter communi-
cation range [9, 10]. Moreover, mm-waves are characterized by high
penetration loss that leads to frequent interruptions when an obsta-
cle blocks the signal paths (blockage) [11, 12]. In general, the line-
of-sight (LOS), or direct path, presents the highest channel gain in
comparison to the reflected paths, whose channel gains could be 30
dB worse. However, good reflectors, e.g., metal smooth objects and
tinted glasses, can lead to signal paths with higher gains [9].
I Introduction
!"#$%! " #
!"#$%$ " #
Figure 1.2: Beam scanning for the alignment phase with a pre-
defined set of beams (codebook) followed by directional uplink
transmissions. Each beam is labelled with an ID.
Directional Communications and Beamforming
Directional communications can be used to partially solve the high
path loss for mm-waves. Specifically, the small wavelength allows con-
structing arrays of antennas with many elements in a limited space
that can focus the energy in narrow beams towards adjustable di-
rections. Although narrow beams provide high beamforming gain
and can decrease the interference level [13], they are more sensitive
to communication interruptions caused by blockages. Moreover, nar-
row beams introduce further complexity and delay when a connection
needs to be established or recovered. Namely, to reach enough beam-
forming gain, both the receiver and the transmitter need to estimate
the channel during the beam alignment phase. The performance of
this procedure in terms of energy consumption, achieved beamforming
gain, complexity, and duration, highly depends on which beamform-
ing technique is used, i.e., digital, analog, or hybrid [14, 15]. Digital
beamforming supports multi-stream transmissions, but each antenna
is equipped with a radio frequency chain and channel between ev-
ery pair of antenna elements at the transmitter and receiver must be
estimated [15]. Although digital beamforming provides higher beam-
forming gains than analog beamforming, the former is characterized
by higher energy consumption and cost than the latter, which sup-
ports single-stream transmissions. Specifically, in analog beamform-
ing, all the antennas usually share the same radio frequency chain
and the beam alignment phase involves a simpler procedure. As
shown in Fig. 1.2, the transmitter and receiver search for the best
Tx-Rx beam pair that maximizes the gain by sending pilots in a pre-
defined set of directions (codebook) by adjusting the phase shifters for
each antenna element [16, 17]. Finally, hybrid beamforming combines
1 Introduction and Overview
analog and digital beamforming techniques by grouping multiple an-
tenna elements into subarray modules to balance performance and
cost tradeoffs. In general, in digital, hybrid, and analog beamform-
ing, a beam alignment and a channel estimation involve transmissions
of a sequence of pilot signals that consume power, time, and frequency
Initial Access and Mobility Management
Initial access and mobility management are fundamental wireless net-
work functionalities. The former aims to establish an initial connec-
tion between a user equipment (UE) and a cell or access point (AP),
whereas the latter aims to trace UEs while changing their locations to
provide continuous connectivity. At the initial access of a UE, several
procedures must be performed, e.g., cell detection, access request, and
channel estimation [18, 19, 20]. However, the use of narrow beams
and the high path loss increase the complexity of initial access and
mobility management procedures with respect to lower frequencies
communications. Specifically, an omnidirectional cell detection may
not be an appropriate solution for mm-wave communications, and
the mobility of UEs can rapidly lead to beam misalignment [21] that
dramatically reduce the beamforming gains of communications. Thus,
channel estimations must be frequently repeated due to the UE move-
ment. Moreover, the blockage sensitivity and high path loss cause
a spottier coverage. This requires a dense deployment of mm-wave
cells and APs. In such scenarios, the maximum signal-to-noise ra-
tio (SNR) criteria for selecting the cell and AP association can lead
to frequent handovers and costly beam alignment procedures [22].
Thus, optimized mobility management and association would lead to
a significant enhancement of network performance at millimeter-wave
Applications for Millimiter-wave Communications
For all these reasons, mm-wave wireless networks were initially stud-
ied for scenarios and applications that are characterized by short-
range communications, low mobility, and LOS between the receivers
and the transmitters. This view has led to technologies for provid-
ing access to wireless local area network (WLAN) and wireless per-
sonal area network (WPAN), such as the standards 802.11ad [23]
and 802.15.3 [24], both operating in the 60 GHz band. Mm-waves
I Introduction
are also good candidates to provide access to networks in scenarios
that are characterized by high data and density connection demand,
e.g., data centers, malls, airports, and stadiums, for which intensive
measurement campaigns have been performed [25, 26]. Moreover, the
possibility to transmit a huge amount of data and directional commu-
nications make mm-waves ideal solutions for the deployment of low-
cost wireless backhaulings [27, 28]. Directional communications have
been also exploited to develop localization technologies and radars
that work in mm-wave frequency bands [29, 30, 31].
The huge amount of bandwidth at mm-wave frequency bands
is leading academic and industrial researchers to study and analyze
mm-wave technology solutions also for other scenarios and applica-
tions that are characterized by mobility and non line-of-sight (NLOS)
conditions, e.g., cellular access and industrial scenarios. Specifically,
5G new radio (NR) operating at mm-waves are under standardization
by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and have been already
tested successfully for the cellular access [32]. Moreover, mm-wave
communications for industrial scenarios have recently attracted the
interest of researchers [33, 34, 35, 36]. More precisely, real-time indus-
trial applications, such as VAR for assisted manufacturing or mining,
may require Gbps for peak data rates [37] that can be accommodated
in the mm-wave frequency bands.
However, both industrial and outdoor cellular access applications
require reliable and robust connections in dynamic environments that
are characterized by high mobility and obstacle density. Indeed, the
analysis and optimization of solutions for increasing the robustness
in outdoor and industrial mm-wave wireless networks are the main
topics of the five papers presented in this thesis.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
The aim of the thesis is to analyze and optimize techniques that
enhance the robustness and reliability of mm-wave communications.
This would allow the industry to exploit a huge amount of spectrum
also for dynamic scenarios and applications with stringent quality of
service (QoS) requirements. We focus on solutions that optimize mo-
bility management or simultaneously provide multiple connections to
UEs, i.e., multi-connectivity (MC), relaying, and intelligent reflec-
tive surface (IRS)s. With the above-mentioned goal, the following
research questions are stated:
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves
Q1 What are the gains of MC in terms of throughput and relia-
Q2 What are the issues, the main tradeoffs, and costs that char-
acterize MC and relaying techniques?
Q3 What are the gains of cooperative relaying in terms of through-
put and reliability for mm-wave wireless networks?
Q4 What are the key system parameters and mm-wave propaga-
tion characteristics that mostly affect the performance of these
Q5 How do optimized association and mobility management for
mm-wave communications improve the robustness and affect
robot trajectories in industrial scenarios?
Q6 How do optimized robot trajectories improve the robustness
for mm-wave communications in industrial scenarios?
Q7 Finally, how does improving radio coverage to increase robust-
ness enhance the robot energy efficiency in mm-wave industrial
1.3 Thesis Outline and Organization
The thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I, we provide a gen-
eral introduction to the concepts and problems of MC, cooperative
relaying, IRSs, and mobility management for mm-wave communica-
tions. In Chapter 3, we introduce the mathematical tools we have
used to approach the proposed problems. In Chapter 4, we describe
the contributions of the five research papers that form Part II.
Chapter 2
Robust Connectivity in
Robustness is the property of a system to withstand stresses, pertur-
bations, and unpredictable variations in its operating environment
without loss of functionality. Robustness is defined with respect to
particular events that can disturb the operative conditions and is re-
lated to the design of the system. Otherwise specified, in this thesis
we consider the robustness of mm-wave communications with respect
to a connection (or link) failure. Another term that is often used in
this thesis is reliability. This is a quantitative value that measures the
success probability of a system in providing a service under certain
quality constraints. Reliability is usually measured in percentage (%),
e.g., for the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G), ultra reliable
communications require the 99.999 % of successfully received packets.
Reliability and robustness are different concepts, however, in many
cases, by increasing the latter it is possible to enhance the former.
As introduced in Chapter 1, the peculiarities of mm-waves make
the communications in this frequency range less reliable than lower
frequencies and less robust with respect to blockages. Even a human
body can block transmission by decreasing the received power by 30
dB [38]. However, the huge amount of frequency resources represent
a big opportunity for telecom operators to provide high throughput
transmissions and increase the number of served UEs. Therefore,
researchers have proposed several solutions to increase robustness and
reliability for mm-wave communications. This thesis analyzes the
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves
performance gains and provides solutions to distinctive optimization
problems that characterize some of these techniques.
Most of these above-mentioned techniques try to increase the num-
ber of available links and alternative signal paths between Txs and
Rxs. This can be combined with mechanisms that allow Tx-Rx pairs
to fast switch link when the one that is used for the communication
is interrupted. Communication interruptions may occur for several
reasons, such as blockages, a beam misalignment that drastically de-
creases the beamforming gain due to mobility, and increasing Tx-Rx
distance that causes a dramatic drop of the received power. Measure-
ments and analysis have shown a dramatic performance gain when
spatial diversity is used to enhance coverage in mm-wave communi-
cations [39, 40, 41]. By combining a proper coverage plan [42] and
mechanisms for providing connections from multiple APs/cells, e.g.,
MC and relaying techniques, we can significantly improve throughput,
reliability, and robustness in mm-wave communications [43, 44].
Another solution consists of rapidly re-establishing the communi-
cation in case of blockage by using alternative Tx-Rx signal paths,
as proposed by [45]. More precisely, Tx and Rx nodes store several
beam pairs, which are evaluated during the beam alignment phase.
Then, if the beam pair that is used for the communications experi-
ences a blockage, the Tx and Rx can quickly switch to alternative
beams that exploit other signal paths. Note that the strongest path
is represented by the LOS one, and, when this is blocked, alternative
paths are provided by reflections. An example of beams that exploit
direct and reflected paths, which are transmitted by a millimeter-
wave access point (mmAP), is shown in Fig. 2.1. Contributions to
the coverage provided by reflections and reflected beams are analyzed
in [46, 47, 48].
As shown in [46], in some particular scenarios, the contributions
of the reflected beams are not negligible and they can be used as
alternative paths when the LOS one is blocked. However, in many
cases, connections that are established mainly using reflected paths
are unstable and unreliable depending on the obstacles’ positions,
sizes, orientation, and materials. In this regard, IRSs (also referred
to as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces or metasurfaces) are attract-
ing the interest of research as a breakthrough technology. Specifi-
cally, IRSs can efficiently control the reflections of the incident sig-
nals such that these can be either added coherently or destructively to
Rx nodes for increasing the received power or suppress interference,
I Introduction
Figure 2.1: Example of direct and reflected beams.
respectively [49]. In the following sections, we will discuss in more
detail the techniques, i.e., MC, relaying technology, and IRSs, that
are related to our work. Finally, in the last section of this chapter,
we will show how mobility management and association optimization
can improve connectivity robustness and reliability by decreasing the
number of handovers and avoiding coverage holes. These solutions are
particularly effective when applied to autonomous vehicles for which
we can control the mobility.
2.1 Multi-connectivity
Multi-connectivity (MC) is a technology that allows a UE to establish
and maintain multiple connections at the same time. Together with a
proper coverage planning, MC can increase mm-wave communication
robustness. Multiple connections can be established either by using
several resources of the same node (intra-site), e.g., different frequency
bands, or with multiple cells/APs (inter-site). The latter exploits
spatial macro-diversity to provide independent links [50, 39, 40, 43].
We can also distinguish between inter-frequency and intra-frequency
MC, depending on whether the multiple connections use the same fre-
quency band or not. These solutions can be combined, as in Fig. 2.2,
which shows an example of an inter-site and inter-frequency MC sce-
nario where the UE is connected to two mmAPs and one low-band
base station (LB-BS). Moreover, MC can be either throughput or reli-
ability oriented. More precisely, according to [51], MC is characterized
by a tradeoff between reliability and throughput that are improved
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves
!"#$ %&'() *$"*+
Figure 2.2: Inter-site and Inter-frequency multi-connectivity
scenario with two mmAPs and one LB-BS. These are connected
to a centralized network controller (NC) co-located with the LB-
by increasing multiplexing and diversity gain of the communication,
respectively. The main purpose of the throughput oriented MC is to
increase the data rate by transmitting different data on several estab-
lished connections. These, in a reliability oriented approach, are used
by Tx nodes to send the same data that are combined at the Rx node
by using several possible combining techniques (e.g., maximum ratio
combining and selection combining).
3GPP has defined for the fourth generation of mobile networks
(4G) several versions of MC at different layers, e.g., dual connec-
tivity (DC), carrier aggregation (CA), and coordinated mutlipoint
(CoMP) [52]. For 5G, the technical specification [53] defines several
possible solutions and architectures for both stand-alone and non-
standalone MC scenarios. In the former case, 5G NRs are assisted
by legacy standards, e.g., long term evolution (LTE), whereas, for
stand-alone architectures, MC is performed by using only 5G NRs.
Several studies, e.g., [54, 55, 56], have performed analysis of MC in
mm-wave scenarios and have demonstrated the performance gain in
terms of coverage, throughput, and reliability. Mm-waves can also be
assisted by lower frequencies communications. A similar solution is
proposed in [57] that considers a non-standalone mm-wave MC, with
mmAPs and lower frequency technologies, e.g., LTE, that act as the
data and the control planes, respectively. This is a common approach
I Introduction
for 5G systems and it is used also in [58] to improve and speed up
the initial access and the beamforming alignment. Indeed, the latter
represents a serious challenge for MC in mm-waves, where the UE
needs to establish multiple connections and perform beam tracking
with several mmAPs. The number of connections that can be estab-
lished, the beamforming gain, and the duration of the initial access,
highly depends on the beamforming techniques (i.e., digital, hybrid,
or analog), the number of antennas, and radio frequency chains with
which a node is equipped. These important aspects of the MC for
mm-waves are analyzed in [20, 59]. In this regard, machine learn-
ing techniques can be used to reduce the complexity of the channel
estimation and beam alignment with several mmAPs [60].
Another important aspect, on which we will focus in the first two
papers of the thesis, is link scheduling. In an environment where a UE
is in the coverage of several mmAPs, we need to decide which and how
many connections the UE should use for the communications. The
number of links and the selection of them can tremendously impact
the network performance. In general, by serving a UE with multiple
connections, we can increase the throughput and the reliability (by
increasing either the diversity or multiplexing gain), but at the same
time, the interference level and the consumed resources are increased.
Resources here include frequency band, power budget, backhaul ca-
pacity, antennas, and radio frequency chains. Thus, we can observe
that there is a clear tradeoff between the number of served UEs and
the achieved throughput or reliability, or in general, between con-
sumed resources and achieved QoS.
2.2 Relaying Technology
The main purpose of relaying techniques is to provide alternative
paths to the direct one (source-destination) to increase robustness,
reliability, coverage, and throughput of wireless networks. When the
direct path either does not have enough channel gain or it is not avail-
able (e.g., out of coverage or blocked), the UE can transmit to an in-
termediate node called relay. This, in single-hop relaying, transmits
the information to the destination node by either a wired or a wireless
link, whereas, in the multi-hop relaying technique [61], several relays
are used to reach the destination node. Relay nodes usually they do
not have their own traffic and can be either stationary nodes, as pow-
erful as a mmAP, or mobile devices with constrained energy capacity
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves
Figure 2.3: Uplink directional mm-wave communications as-
sisted by a buffer-aided relay. On the left, the UE transmits
a packet directly to the mmAP (destination), whereas, on the
right, the UE transmits a packet to the relay.
and limited computational power as in device-to-device (D2D) relay-
ing techniques [62]. We can distinguish between full-duplex (FD) and
half-duplex (HD) relays [63, 64, 65], depending on whether the relay
node can receive and transmit simultaneously or not. Moreover, we
can differentiate between amplify and forward (AF) [66] and decode
and forward (DF) relays [67]. The latter decodes, re-modulates, and
retransmits the received signal, whereas, the former simply amplifies
and retransmits the signal without decoding. Although AF relays
are simpler and cheaper, DF relays guarantee higher performance.
Furthermore, relays can be equipped with a queue that allows them
to store received packets and to transmit them when then wireless
conditions are favorable [68, 69].
Given the blockage sensitivity and the high path loss of mm-wave
communications, relays can represent a powerful tool. Specifically,
relays can be used to decrease communication interruptions by pro-
viding alternative LOS paths [67, 70, 71, 72], or to overcome the severe
penetration loss for outdoor-indoor communications [73]. When the
relay is fixed, a proper relay placement is crucial to provide LOS links
between the relay and the destination and the Tx nodes. However,
the use of narrow beams in mm-waves introduces further complexity.
More precisely, unlike omnidirectional communications, Txs may not
be able to simultaneously transmit to both the destination and the
relay. As shown in Fig. 2.3, the Tx node chooses to send a packet
either to the relay or to the destination. The effect of directional
transmissions in relaying techniques for mm-waves is studied in the
third paper of the thesis.
I Introduction
When multiple relays are available, multi-hop routing and relay
selection are key functionalities that may highly affect network per-
formance. In this regard, several schemes have been proposed and
analyzed both for mm-wave and low-frequency communications [67,
70, 74, 75, 76, 77]. Moreover, given the high blockage sensitivity, it
could be important for mm-wave wireless networks to account for the
spatial correlation between the Tx-destination and the Tx-relay links
during the relay selection procedure. Specifically, as shown in [78], an
obstacle could block both of these links, and an optimal angular dis-
tance between the relay and the destination to maximize the success
transmission probability can be computed.
2.3 Intelligent Reflective Surfaces
In recent years, intelligent reflective surfaces (IRSs) have been identi-
fied as a breakthrough technology for the next generations of mobile
communications, e.g., 6G [79, 80]. IRSs consist of arrays of reflec-
tive elements that can be electronically controlled to adjust the angle
and the phase of the reflected signals to be either added coherently
or destructively to the receiver [49, 81]. The reflective elements can
be made of several types of material, e.g., reflectarrays, liquid crystal
surfaces, and software-defined meta-surfaces, that have specific elec-
tromagnetic characteristics [82, 83], These reflective elements are elec-
tronically controlled by a controller to change the amplitude, phase,
and even polarization of the incident signal to either increase the
received power at the intended Rx or suppress interference at non-
intended Rx nodes. These functions can be even selected through
a software-defined interface for controlling the electromagnetic en-
vironment [84, 85] to enhance the coverage, throughput, reliability,
and security.
Similarly to AF relays, IRSs are transparent with respect to Tx
and Rx nodes. However, IRSs do not amplify the signals and they
operate in a FD mode without introducing further noise or inter-
ference [82, 86]. In [87], the authors have performed a comparative
performance analysis between IRSs and DF relays and the analysis
has revealed the competitiveness of IRSs with respect to DF relays,
especially when the number of reflective elements is sufficiently large.
Furthermore, IRSs are nearly passive with a negligible energy con-
sumption. All these characteristics make them a low-cost effective
solution as an alternative to AF or DF relays.
2 Robust Connectivity in Millimeter-Waves
𝑮 𝒉𝒓
IRS controller
Figure 2.4: Uplink IRS-assisted mm-wave communications.
The controller is connected to both the AP and the IRS in or-
der to jointly optimize the beamforming at the AP and the IRS.
The terms G,hd, and hrrepresent the IRS-AP, UE-AP, and
UE-IRS channels.
IRSs have also shown to be incredibly effective at mm-wave fre-
quency bands and, similarly to relays, can provide alternative paths
in NLOS conditions to overcome blockages and increase robustness
of mm-wave communications [49, 88]. Moreover, IRSs have been re-
cently tested successfully in the 28 GHz band by NTT DOCOMO [89],
but research is still at the early stage and ongoing trends include: path
loss modelling [81, 90], beamforming optimization [91, 92], designing
and materials [93, 94], and AI controllable environments [95, 96].
Low-cost deployment and small energy consumption of IRSs make
them attractive for improving throughput and reliability of unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted communications [97, 98]. In this sce-
nario, the possibility to control the position of UAVs requires a joint
optimization of IRS beamforming and UAV’s trajectory. A similar
problem arises in mm-wave wireless networks in industrial scenarios
with wirelessly connected robots that are considered in the fifth paper
of this thesis.
2.4 Mobility Management and Association Opti-
Mobility management is a wireless network functionality that aims
to trace mobile users while changing their locations to continuously
provide connectivity. This is a critical functionality for mm-wave
wireless networks operating in dynamic scenarios, where, beam align-
ments and channel estimations must be performed continuously to
I Introduction
!!"# $ !!"# %
!!"# &
Figure 2.5: A robot moving in an area covered by three
mmAPs. The robot is connected to mmAP 1 and, given its
trajectory, it is easy to predict blockages and handovers. For
this scenario, an handover to mmAP 2 will lead to a blockage,
whereas, an handover to mmAP 3 can guarantee a longer con-
nection and more reliable communications.
avoid the degradation of the beamforming gain. More precisely, the
high path loss and penetration loss decrease communication ranges
and cause spottier coverage that requires denser cell deployments.
Moreover, the mobility of the user and obstacles can create tem-
porary blockages and strong reflections. In such scenarios, abrupt
blockages make the maximum SNR criterion to perform associations
highly inefficient leading to unnecessary handovers that cause fre-
quent communication interruptions. These significantly decrease net-
work performance, e.g., throughput, delay, and reliability, which can
be enhanced with handover and blockage prediction and optimized
associations. These schemes can be combined with methods that
reduce the beam alignment and channel estimation overhead. As
shown in [56, 99], MC can be used to avoid communication interrup-
tions during a handover or a blockage by having multiple connections
that are simultaneously active. Other solutions involve methods that
use context information including SNR, beam ID, radio maps, users’
position, and even camera images [100, 101, 102, 103]. Given such in-
formation, the network can predict possible blockages and select the
optimal mmAP to perform a handover with, or reduce the duration
of the initial access and beam alignment. Moreover, machine learn-
ing methods and context information can be jointly used to improve
the performance of context-aware solutions. These methods can be
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools
used to predict blockages and optimize handovers [104, 105], reduce
beamforming complexity [60, 106], and both [107, 108].
As shown in Fig. 2.5, handovers and blockages in multi-mmAP sce-
narios are easier to predict for autonomous vehicles (such as robots) [109]
with respect to conventional vehicles. Namely, robots’ trajectory can
be controlled. This introduces an additional degree of freedom to
avoid coverage holes and minimize the number of handovers that has
been fully exploited in the fourth paper of this thesis.
Chapter 3
Mathematical Modeling
and Solution Tools
In this chapter, we briefly introduce the underlying theory of the main
mathematical tools that have been used in the papers.
3.1 Mathematical Optimization
A general optimization problem can be defined as follows:
f(x) (3.1a)
s.t. gi(x)0, i = 1, ..., p, (3.1b)
hj(x) = 0, j = 1, ..., q, (3.1c)
where, xrepresents the n-dimensional vector of optimization variables
of the problem. Function f(x) is the objective function, gi(x) and
hj(x) represent inequality and equality constraints. The set of all
the possible points xthat satisfy these constraints is called feasible
region. This model describes the problem of finding xin the feasible
region that minimizes the objective function. If f(x) = −∞, then
the problem is unbounded. The problem is infeasible if the feasible
region is empty. Optimization problems can be classified according
to the shape of objective function and constraints (linear, non-linear,
convex, non-convex), and variables (continuous, discrete, binary).
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools
3.1.1 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
In integer optimization problems, also referred to as integer program-
ming (IP), the variables are constrained to be integer values. If the ob-
jective function is linear, we have an integer linear programming (ILP)
that can be formulated as follows:
IP : min
s.t. Ax =b,(3.2b)
x0 and integer.(3.2c)
This is the same formulation of a linear programming (LP) in stan-
dard form, but with the integrality constraint of the variables. In this
formulation, Ais an mby nmatrix, cTis an n-dimensional row vec-
tor, and bis an m-dimensional column vector. Classes of IP problems
are binary integer programming (BIP) and mixed integer program-
ming (MIP) where the variables are binary or a mix of integer and
continuous variables. Combinatorial problems are a class problems
that are characterized by a discrete set of solutions and often formu-
lated using IP models. Well-known combinatorial problems include
minimum spanning tree, traveling salesman, and cutting stock.
IPs are more challenging to solve than LPs, and global optimality
is hard to achieve in general. Methods that aim to optimally solve
IPs include cutting plane, branch-and-bound, and branch-and-cut al-
gorithms. However, the complexity of these methods grow exponen-
tially with the number of variables. In this regard, computational
complexity theory classifies problems according to their tractability,
and several classes have been identified. Without going into details
(these can be found in [110]), we can first distinguish two classes
of problems: non-deterministic polynomial (NP) and NP-hard prob-
lems. The former is a class of decision problems for which there is
a polynomial-size proof of the answer for any instance for which the
answer is ”yes”, whereas, a problem is NP-hard if any problem in NP
can be reduced to it in polynomial time. If a problem is NP-hard and
its decision problem is NP, then the latter is NP-complete (NP-C).
Finally, polynomial (P) is a class of decision problems in NP that can
be optimally solved in polynomial time. This class of problems is the
easiest to solve, whereas, for NP-hard problems, global optimality is
often hard to achieve, and other methods must be used. These usu-
ally aim to rapidly find a suboptimal solution that is close enough to
the optimal one. In this regard, it is crucial to derive good optimality
I Introduction
bound for the solution of the problem. Specifically, we distinguish
between primal and dual bounds that, for a minimization problem,
provide upper and lower bounds, respectively. Primal bounds can
be obtained by any feasible solution, whereas, dual bounds involve
complex relaxation techniques (e.g., linear, combinatorial, and La-
grangian) [110]. We now present the column generation (CG) method
that has been initially applied to LPs to deal with a large number of
variables. However, as explained in the following, CG can be used for
providing sub-optimal solutions for some IPs that suffers from large
Column Generation
In Papers I and IV, we have used heuristics that are based on a
CG algorithm for solving two combinatorial optimization problems.
CG is a decomposition technique that can be used for solving LPs
that present a large number of variables. At an LP optimum, only
a small subset of variables contribute to the final solution, and these
can be iteratively generated starting from an initial feasible solution.
Specifically, a CG-based algorithm starts from a subset of variables
that correspond to columns of A. This restricted problem is called
master problem that is solved to obtain the optimal dual values for
each constraint. These are used to construct the pricing problem,
of the which solution provides the new variable and corresponding
column of Ato be included in the master problem.
The above process is iteratively repeated until no new improving
column can be generated by the pricing problem. Note that CG re-
quires the variables to be continuous, but we can apply CG to IPs
by considering the continuous relaxation. When the generation of
columns is terminated, we proceed by solving the master problem
that, at this stage, provides an optimal solution for LPs. However,
this does not hold for IPs, for which the variables of the master prob-
lem must be converted to be integer. The resulting problem does not
guarantee optimality and, in some cases, can lead to infeasibility. For
this reason, CG-based algorithms for IP usually include further steps
to generate a final integer solution.
For further detail on IP and CG, the reader is referred to [110,
111, 112].
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools
3.1.2 Convex Optimization
In a convex optimization problem (COP), f(x) and gi(x) are convex
functions, and hj(x) are affine, i.e., hj(x) = aT
jxbj. Given these
conditions, the feasible set is a convex set. Maximization of a concave
function with convex inequality constraint functions and affine equal-
ity constraints is also a convex optimization problem. A fundamental
property of COPs is that any locally optimal point is also globally
optimal. Moreover, strong duality holds for COPs, and necessary
and sufficient conditions to the optimality can be easily found, i.e.,
the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions [113]. More precisely, in
any COP with differentiable objective and constraint functions, any
primal and dual optimal points satisfy the KKT conditions and have
zero duality gap. These properties make COPs particularly easy to
solve and fast algorithms have been developed, e.g., interior point
methods [114].
It is possible to use methods developed to solve COPs to tackle
non-convex problems. However, in these cases, optimality is not guar-
anteed and the optimization can provide a locally optimal solution
that may be far from the global optimum. In this regard, in Paper V,
we have used a successive convex optimization (SCO) algorithm [115].
This technique is particularly effective to solve non-convex problems
by exploiting convex programming.
Successive Convex Optimization
SCO is an heuristic that leverages convex programming to solve non-
convex problems. The goal of SCO techniques is to find a local tightly
convex approximation to a given optimization problem with possibly
non-convex objective and constraint functions. Specifically, consider
problem (3.1), and assume f(x) and gi(x) are non-convex functions.
Then, in a small neighbourhood (trust region) of an initial point x0,
we can find convex upper bounds to f(x) and gi(x), i.e., ˆ
f0(x,x0) and
fi(x,x0), respectively. These are used to replace f(x) and gi(x) in
(3.1) to obtain a local convex approximation of the original problem.
This can be easily solved by using techniques for solving COPs and
the solution is used as next local point to construct the successive local
approximation. The above process is repeated until the convergence
is reached. It is possible to prove that, under certain conditions [115],
the algorithm converges to a KKT point of the original problem. For
further details of COP and SCO, the reader is referred to [113, 115].
I Introduction
3.2 Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) is an application of artificial intelligence that
aims to automatically derive models by extracting patterns directly
from raw data (dataset) to perform prediction, classification and clus-
tering tasks. The main benefits include lower costs for human in-
terventions and the possibility to derive models that describe com-
plex phenomena. Algorithms that can be classified as ML techniques
have been developed since the 1950s, but nowadays ML is experienc-
ing a golden age thanks also to wireless communications and perva-
sive sensor networks that have dramatically increased the possibil-
ity and decreased the cost of obtaining large datasets. ML applica-
tions are countless and include object detection, image classification,
speech recognition, anomaly detection, stock market prediction, and
disease diagnosis. Specifically, ML represents a key enabler tech-
nology for several fields, e.g., robotics, automotive, and image and
video processing. Starting from 5G, ML has been gradually used
for developing algorithms to enhance wireless communication perfor-
mance [60, 106, 108] and it is expected that the role of ML will be
even more crucial for next generations of mobile networks [2, 37].
ML algorithms usually consist of a learning (or training) and a
prediction phase. During the learning phase, the model is inferred
from a set of training examples (training dataset) to maximize the
prediction accuracy (minimize the prediction error). Each example
of the training set usually consists of several features. During the
prediction phase, the model is used to perform one of the following
Regression tasks aim to predict quantitative values, e.g., stock
market value and SNR predictions.
The output of classification tasks is a qualitative response and
takes on values in one of a discrete set of classes. Example
of classification tasks are disease diagnosis, fault and anomaly
detection, and object classification.
Clustering is the task of finding subgroups (clusters) in a dataset,
where, the elements belonging to a cluster present certain simi-
larities in the features. Clustering is used in data compression,
pattern recognition, and market research.
Moreover, it is possible to identify two main learning strategies [116]:
In a supervised learning strategy, the dataset for training the
model includes a set of input training examples and the cor-
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools
responding true values (label) that must be predicted by the
model. Examples of ML techniques that use supervised learn-
ing strategy are linear regression, logistic regressions, neural
networks (NN), decision trees, and support vector machines
for classification and regression tasks. During the learning
phase, the error between the predicted value provided by the
model and the true value is minimized by using several gradient
descent-based algorithms.
Unsupervised learning consists of inferring unknown patterns
and regularities of the data from an unlabeled training set. Pos-
sible applications for this type of learning techniques include
clustering and segmentation by using NNs, K-means clustering
algorithm, and principle component analysis (PCA).
Semi-supervised learning strategy combines labeled and unle-
beled training examples.
Although reinforcement learning uses one of the above-mentioned
strategies, it can be considered a fourth approach because the learn-
ing phase is performed online. Specifically, the training examples
are gradually acquired and, when a new observation is obtained, the
model performs a prediction that is evaluated according to a reward
function and the system learns by experience [117].
Several tradeoffs characterize ML techniques e.g., flexibility (or
complexity)/interpretability and bias/variance tradeoffs. Specifically,
more flexible models are able to learn to describe more phenomena,
however, the interpretation of the model results is more complex.
Moreover, higher and lower flexibility increase the variance and the
bias of the model, respectively, which contribute to the prediction
3.2.1 Decision Trees and Random Forests
Decision trees are ML techniques that can be applied to both regres-
sion and classification tasks. During the learning phase, a decision
tree divides the features space of the training examples into several
regions. For an observation that belongs to a certain region, the aver-
age value and the most representative class of the region are used to
perform the regression and classification tasks, respectively. Despite
the high interpretability of this method, decision trees suffer from
high variance. This can be reduced by training several decorrelated
decision trees (random forests) on different subsets of the training
I Introduction
dataset. During the prediction phase, the results of the different de-
cision trees are averaged. For further detail on ML, decision trees,
and random forests, the reader is referred to [116, 118, 119].
3.3 Queuing Theory
Queuing theory represents a powerful mathematical tool with a large
number of applications, e.g., transportation, finance, logistic, and
communication networks. Specifically, queuing analysis can be used
to study dynamic systems and obtain the following key performance
parameters (KPIs): system stability, average queue size, average through-
put, average delay, and outage probability. To derive this information,
we first describe the queuing system by defining the following char-
acteristics: arrival statistics (A), service or departure statistics (B),
number of servers (c), queue size (n), and customer population size
(p). These form what is called Kendall’s notation A/B/c/n/p that,
together with the service discipline, e.g., FIFO (first-in, first-out) or
LIFO (last-in, first-out), completely describes the queuing system.
We can obtain the above-mentioned KPIs by studying the evo-
lution of the state, which is usually represented by the queue size,
at discrete time steps or in continuous time. Moreover, arrival and
service processes can be deterministic or represented by random pro-
cesses. We consider the latter case, where arrival and departures are
described either by Poisson or Bernoulli random processes for contin-
uous and discrete time, respectively. In this setup, it is possible to
prove that the evolution of the state is a Markovian process. More
precisely, the future state of the queue depends only on the present
state and not on its past one.
3.3.1 Discrete Time Markov Chain
In this thesis, we focus on discrete time and discrete states of the
queue, of which the evolution can be modeled by a discrete time
Markov chain (DTMC). Specifically, a DTMC is a discrete-time ran-
dom process that takes values from a discrete set (S). Let define
s(k) as a vector, of which the n-th element is the probability to be in
state nat timeslot k. This vector is called the state distribution vec-
tor. Then, we can distinguish between periodic and aperiodic Markov
chains. In the former case, s(k) repeats its values at regular inter-
vals of time. Moreover, Markov chains can be either irreducible and
3 Mathematical Modeling and Solution Tools
reducible depending on whether or not it is possible from a state to
reach any other state. For an aperiodic and irreducible Markov chain,
the goal is to compute the steady-state distribution s:
s= lim
k→∞ s(k).(3.3)
This can be obtained by computing the transition probabilities be-
tween all the possible states in Sthat form the transition probability
matrix P. Specifically, element ij of Prepresents the probability to
transit from state jto state i(pij). For a DMTC, these probabilities
are fixed and do not depend on the previous history, but only on the
current states, and the arrival and departure processes. Given Pand
s(k1), we can obtain s(k) by using the following relation:
s(k) = P s(k1),k. (3.4)
At the equilibrium, the state distribution assumes values that does
not vary according to kand satisfies the following equation:
P s =s.(3.5)
There are several methods to derive sincluding repeated multiplica-
tion of P,Peigenvector, difference equations, Z-transform, and nu-
merical techniques. For further details of queuing theory and Markov
chains, the reader is referred to [120, 121].
3.3.2 MN/M/1Queue
In Paper III, we have studied the performance of the queue at the relay
that can be modeled as a MN/M/1 queue. Specifically, the arrival
and departures are Markovian processes (Bernoulli random processes)
and there are Nsource nodes and one server. Given discrete time
and discrete states, the evolution of the queue can be studied by
considering a DMTC whose transition probability matrix is a lower
Hessenberg matrix:
a0b00 0 . . .
a1b1b00. . .
a2b2b1b0. . .
a3b3b2b1. . .
a4b4b3b2. . .
I Introduction
The elements of the matrix can be derived according to the arrival
and departure processes. The steady-state distribution and the main
KPIs of this queue can be obtained by using the Z-transformation
method as explained in detail in [120].
Chapter 4
Contributions of the
The thesis analyzes several performance aspects of techniques for in-
creasing the robustness of wireless communications at mm-wave fre-
quencies and deals with specific optimization problems of these tech-
niques. In the first part, we analyze and quantify the benefits of
providing multiple connections to the UEs in mm-wave communica-
tions. We provide rigorous mathematical formulations of two fun-
damental link scheduling problems in MC scenarios that are solved
by using combinatorial optimization and machine learning methods.
These highlight the potential gains of MC in terms of throughput and
reliability and their tradeoffs with the allocated resources addressing
research questions Q1 and Q2. In the third paper, we focus on Q2-Q4
and use queueing theory to provide a mathematical analysis of the
performance of relay-aided mm-wave communications. Simulation re-
sults show the benefits and the effect of directional communications
on cooperative networking for mm-waves.
Finally, in the second part of the thesis, we address research ques-
tions Q5-Q7 and exploit the possibility to control the mobility of
robots in industrial scenarios. Specifically, in the fourth paper, we
consider a problem that aims to jointly optimize the robots’ paths
and the robot-mmAP associations. Then, in the fifth paper, we con-
sider the problem of minimizing the motion energy consumption of a
robot with QoS-constrained mm-wave communications that are aided
by an IRS. Numerical results highlight the importance of the proposed
4 Contributions of the Thesis
problems and corresponding solutions in order to increase robustness
and satisfy QoS requirements for robots connected using mm-wave
The main ideas presented in the five research papers are the result
of discussions among all the authors. The author of this dissertation
has contributed to Papers I-V as the first author working on model-
ing, mathematical analysis, problem formulation, implementation of
algorithms, simulation, and numerical results along with the writing
of the papers. Papers I-V and the corresponding main scientific con-
tributions are summarized in Section 4.1.
The thesis is an extension of the author’s Licentiate thesis:
C. Tatino, ”Performance Aspects in Millimeter-Wave Wireless
Networks,” Link¨oping: Link¨oping University Electronic Press,
2018. Link¨oping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate
Thesis, 1821.
I Introduction
4.1 Papers Included in the Thesis
Paper I: Maximum Throughput Scheduling for Multi- Con-
nectivity in Millimeter-Wave Networks, co-authored with I.
Malanchini, N. Pappas, and D. Yuan. This paper has been pub-
lished in Proceedings of International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt),
May 2018.
In the first paper, we deal with the link scheduling problem in
a low frequency assisted mm-wave MC scenario with multiple UEs.
Namely, we consider a downlink inter-frequency reliability oriented
MC scheme, where the control and the data planes are transmitted
by using LB-BS and mmAPs, respectively. Although multiple con-
nections increase the reliability of the communication, at the same
time, they utilize resources in terms of frequency bands, backhaul
capacity, energy, and antennas. For this reason, we consider several
MC schemes that allow a mmAP to be prepared for communication
with a UE at different levels (states) without transmitting and con-
suming significant resources. A centralized network controller (NC)
has the goal to set the state of several links along with a certain time
window according to the channel conditions and resource constraints
to maximize the network throughput.
This paper addresses research question Q1 stated in Chapter 1.
To do so, we first derive a rigorous mathematical formulation of the
constrained throughput maximization problem as a non-linear binary
integer problem. To solve the latter, we propose a column generation
algorithm that can deal with the exponential growth of combinatorial
solutions. The results highlight the potential gain of the proposed
MC architectures that, in some scenario, can increase the network
throughput of almost the 30 % with respect to a single connectivity
(SC) scheme. Moreover, we show that the proposed algorithm can
numerically approach the optimal solution. In conclusion, the results
highlight that a MC scheme with predictive link preparation provides
high throughput without significantly increasing resource utilization
with respect to a SC scheme.
4 Contributions of the Thesis
Paper II: Learning-Based Link Scheduling in Millimeter-
wave Multi-connectivity Scenarios, co-authored with N. Pappas,
I. Malanchini, L. Ewe, and D. Yuan. This paper has been published
in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC), June 2020.
In the second paper, we consider a complementary approach to the
first paper. Specifically, we solve the problem of minimizing allocated
resources while satisfying user’s QoS requirements in low frequency
assisted mm-wave MC scenarios. We consider a single user downlink
outdoor scenario with several mmAPs and one LB-BS. These jointly
provide coverage and connectivity to a mobile user and are connected
by high-speed backhauling links to an NC. The user needs to receive a
certain amount of data within a deadline. These can be transmitted
by using several links simultaneously including both mm-wave and
low-frequencies communications. In such scenarios, the network per-
formance is highly affected by the number and the selection of trans-
mitting links that depend on several parameters, e.g., type of user
(vehicle or pedestrian), QoS requirements, and blockage frequency.
In this paper, we focus on research questions Q1 and Q2. To
deal with abrupt blockages and channel uncertainty, we propose a
learning-based solution for link scheduling. The proposed method is
arandom forest classifier that can learn the optimal selection of links
with respect to users’ location and QoS requirements to achieve the
following goals: i) satisfying users’ QoS requirements, ii) minimizing
failed transmissions that represent wasted allocated resources, and
iii) offloading low-frequency communications. We show the perfor-
mance of the learning-based model for several mobility types, i.e.,
pedestrians and vehicles. We compare the obtained results with a
genie-aided solution and two baseline methods. The results highlight
how the proposed learning method for predicting mm-wave channel
conditions and corresponding resource allocation is able to optimize
the tradeoff between allocated resources and reliability. Specifically,
the performance evaluation shows that the random forest classifier
outperforms all the considered baseline methods and, for some sce-
narios, it approaches the optimum by minimizing failed transmissions
and satisfying QoS requirements.
I Introduction
Paper III: On the Benefits of Network-level Cooperation
in Millimeter-wave Communications, co-authored with N. Pap-
pas, I. Malanchini, L. Ewe, and D. Yuan. This paper has been pub-
lished in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2019.
In the third work, we analyze the throughput and delay of mm-wave
wireless networks that are assisted by a relay to increase robustness,
reliability, and communication range. Specifically, we consider a sym-
metric multi-UE scenario with a FD network cooperative relay and
a mmAP, which represents the destination. The UEs have saturated
queues of infinite size and, in each timeslot, transmit with a certain
probability. We study the effect of directional communications on
cooperative networking by defining two UE transmission strategies:
directional and broadcast. By using the former, the UEs send ei-
ther a packet to the destination or the relay by using narrow beams.
Whereas, by using the broadcast transmission, UEs use wider beams,
with lower beamforming gain, to send a packet to both the mmAP
and the relay in the same timeslot. The relay stores, in an infinite
size queue, the successfully received packets.
We obtain closed-form expressions of the network aggregate and
per UE throughput and packet delay by evaluating the stability con-
dition, the arrival, and service rate of the queue at the relay. These
are numerically evaluated for several scenarios by varying the system
parameters, e.g., the number and position of nodes, transmit prob-
ability, and signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) threshold.
To provide answer to research questions Q2 and Q3, we show that co-
operative networking is characterized by a tradeoff between through-
put and delay and, in some scenarios, can increase the throughput
and the transmission success probability of 25%. Furthermore, we
address research question Q4 by showing how the duration of the
beam alignment phase and directional communications significantly
impact the performance affecting the optimal strategy. This depends
also on the network topology. Namely, we can observe that, for short
distances between the UEs, the relay, and the mmAP, it is often ben-
eficial to transmit by using a wider beam. Although this provides a
lower beamforming gain, it gives the possibility to transmit to both
the mmAP and the relay in the same timeslot. However, when the
distances and the SINR threshold increase, a directional transmission
becomes preferable.
4 Contributions of the Thesis
Parts of the work have been published and presented in the fol-
lowing conference:
C. Tatino, N. Pappas, I. Malanchini, L. Ewe and D. Yuan,
”Throughput Analysis for Relay-Assisted Millimeter-Wave Wire-
less Networks,” in IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps),
December 2018.
Paper IV: Multi-Robot Association-Path Planning in Mil-
limeter -Wave Industrial Scenarios, co-authored with N. Pappas,
and D. Yuan. This paper has been published in IEEE Networking
Letters, November 2020.
In this work, we define and solve multi-robot association-path
planning (MAPP) problems that, in contrast to conventional multi-
robot path planning, aim to jointly optimize the robots’ paths and the
robot-AP associations in mm-wave industrial scenarios. The robots
need to move from their starting positions to their goals within a time
horizon. In this regard, mm-wave can provide high data rates for new
industrial applications, but they are characterized by spotty coverage
requiring dense radio deployments. In such scenarios, coverage holes
and numerous handovers may decrease the communication through-
put and reliability of moving robots. We focus on the type of MAPP
with the goal of i) selecting paths for reaching the destinations in the
shortest possible time, ii) minimizing the number of handovers, and
iii) avoiding AP overloading.
To solve this problem, we use a graph-based method. Specifically,
the robot can move on a directed graph that is defined by using a radio
map on positions that are free from obstacles and covered by at least
an AP. Then, we define the cost of the edges to include association
and time information. Thanks to this choice, we can guarantee the
connections of the robot and solve MAPP problems by using path-
based formulations. Although we prove the NP-hardness of the prob-
lem, and we propose a column generation-based algorithm (PGCP)
that can solve MAPP in polynomial time. To provide answers to re-
search questions Q5 and Q6, we show that paths and the associations
resulting from the optimization of MAPP problems avoid coverage
holes, AP overloading, and dramatically reduces the number of han-
dovers without increasing significantly the traversal time of the paths.
These results highlight the importance of MAPP problems to reach
fully wireless and automated factories for Industry 4.0.
I Introduction
Paper V: QoS Aware Robot Trajectory Optimization with
IRS-assisted Millimeter -Wave Communications, co-authored
with N. Pappas, and D. Yuan. This paper has been submitted to
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020.
Finally, the fifth paper considers the joint optimization of trajec-
tory and beamforming for a wirelessly connected robot using IRS-
assisted mm-wave communications. The goal is to minimize the mo-
tion energy consumption of a robot moving in an area that is par-
tially occupied by obstacles. The robot needs to transmit uplink data
by satisfying a minimum average data rate requirement to an IRS-
assisted AP using mm-waves. This is a fundamental problem in fully
automated factories that characterize Industry 4.0, where robots may
have to perform tasks with given deadlines while maximizing battery
autonomy and communication efficiency. In such scenarios, the low-
cost deployment of IRSs represents an efficient solution for enhancing
robustness and reliability at mm-wave frequencies.
To solve the problem, we account for the mutual dependence be-
tween trajectory and beamforming (at the AP and IRS) optimization.
Specifically, the latter depends on the robot trajectory that must be
optimized to avoid collisions and satisfy time and QoS constraints.
Thus, we first provide a rigorous mathematical formulation as a non-
linear and non-convex problem. Then, we exploit mm-wave channel
characteristics to decouple beamforming and trajectory optimization.
The latter is solved by using a modified successive-convex optimiza-
tion algorithm (RMAP) that accounts for the obstacles’ positions
and a radio map to avoid collisions and satisfy QoS requirements.
We prove that the algorithm can converge to a solution satisfying the
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, and simulation results show
the fast convergence of RMAP.
The proposed algorithm is able to provide solutions that dramati-
cally reduce the motion energy consumption with respect to methods
that aim to find maximum-rate trajectories. Moreover, in this paper,
we focus on research questions Q6 and Q7. More precisely, we first
show how RMAP, thanks to the radio map information, can provide
trajectories that avoid poorly covered areas. Then, we show how the
IRS and the beamforming optimization increase the motion energy
efficiency of the robot by increasing mm-wave coverage and robust-
4 Contributions of the Thesis
4.2 Papers not Included in the Thesis
C. Parera, Q. Liao, I. Malanchini, C. Tatino, A. E. C. Redondi
and M. Cesana, ”Transfer Learning for Tilt-Dependent Radio
Map Prediction,” in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Commu-
nications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 829-843, June
C. Parera, A. E. C. Redondi, M. Cesana, Q. Liao, L. Ewe, and
C. Tatino ”Transferring Knowledge for Tilt-Dependent Radio
Map Prediction,” in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communi-
cations and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2018.
N. Pappas, E. Fountoulakis, C. Tatino, V. Angelakis, and D.
Yuan, ”Pursuing the Potential of New Mechanisms for Perfor-
mance Engineering of 5G,” in Proceedings of IEEE 22nd Inter-
national Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design
of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), June 2017.
C. Tatino, N. Pappas, and D. Yuan, ”Beam Based Stochas-
tic Model of the Coverage Probability in 5G Millimeter-wave
Systems,” in Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on
Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless
Networks (WiOpt), May 2017.
4.3 Conclusions and Future Research
Our research has shown that MC can increase robustness, throughput,
and reliability of mm-wave communications at the cost of additional
allocated resources (e.g., number of connections). An optimized allo-
cation of the resources can lead to efficient MC solutions, of which the
performance can dramatically increase if combined with methods aim-
ing to predict channel conditions. These can be implemented by using
machine learning algorithms that show high performance in minimiz-
ing the percentage of failed transmissions and satisfying minimum
QoS requirements. Moreover, we show that the number of available
links, the type of users, and the scattering environment are the main
parameters that affect the performance of MC techniques. Coopera-
tive networking represents another technique to increase throughput
and reliability, but, as shown by the results, at the cost of additional
delay introduced by queue-aided relays. Directional communications
and beam alignments highly affect the performance of this type of
technique, as well as the network topology and the number of UEs.
Additional results show that the possibility to optimize robot tra-
I Introduction
jectory can make robot-AP communications more robust by selecting
paths that avoid coverage holes and poorly covered areas. Moreover,
by jointly optimizing robot-AP associations and robots’ trajectory, it
is possible to minimize handovers without increasing significantly the
traversal time. Furthermore, we show that the deployment of IRSs
improves radio coverage that increases the energy efficiency of robots
under communication QoS constraints. In this regard, radio maps are
a fundamental tool to achieve the required QoS.
MC solutions present further tradeoffs that have not been deeply
analyzed in this thesis and in literature. Specifically, MC increases
backhauling traffic and needs accurate coordination between the APs
and the NC, and proper coverage planning, which introduce addi-
tional delay, complexity, and deployment cost, respectively. More-
over, emerging technologies for 6G will introduce new possible MC
schemes e.g., with terahertz and satellite communications. The anal-
ysis in Paper III has shown whether to transmit to the relay or to
the AP or both. However, the optimal strategy for a UE depends on
the network topology and selected strategies of possible interferers.
Thus, joint optimization of the transmission strategy at multiple UEs
can improve throughput and reliability. Moreover, IRSs are efficient
alternatives to relays, of which the pros and cons are still not fully ana-
lyzed at mm-wave frequencies. Finally, new problems arise for robotic
systems that will represent important use cases for 6G and beyond.
Joint coverage planning and trajectory optimization and beam track-
ing for mobile robots can represent promising research directions for
mm-wave communications.
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Part II
The papers associated with this thesis have been removed for
copyright reasons. For more details about these see:
Analysis and Optimization
for Robust Millimeter-Wave
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations.
No. 2111
Cristian Tatino
Cristian Tatino Analysis and Optimization for Robust Millimeter-Wave Communications 2021
Linköping Studies in Scie nce and Technology, Dissertations. No. 2111, 2021
Department of Science and Technology
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköpin g, Sweden
... For instance, the multiband V2X operation supplemented by massive MIMO is used for spatial multiplexing and diversity techniques based channel conditions for small cell attains the trinomials. The three interrelated terms robustness, reliability and multiconnectivity were well defined in [30]. The channel robustness measures the links' ability to resist the environment challenges whereas its reliability quantifies percentage of successfully received packets. ...
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Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) comprised of tunable unit cells have recently drawn significant attention due to their superior capability in manipulating electromagnetic waves. In particular, RIS-assisted wireless communications have the great potential to achieve significant performance improvement and coverage enhancement in a cost-effective and energy-efficient manner, by properly programming the reflection coefficients of the unit cells of RISs. In this paper, free-space path loss models for RIS-assisted wireless communications are developed for different scenarios by studying the physics and electromagnetic nature of RISs. The proposed models, which are first validated through extensive simulation results, reveal the relationships between the free-space path loss of RIS-assisted wireless communications and the distances from the transmitter/receiver to the RIS, the size of the RIS, the near-field/far-field effects of the RIS, and the radiation patterns of antennas and unit cells. In addition, three fabricated RISs (metasurfaces) are utilized to further corroborate the theoretical findings through experimental measurements conducted in a microwave anechoic chamber. The measurement results match well with the modeling results, thus validating the proposed free-space path loss models for RIS, which may pave the way for further theoretical studies and practical applications in this field.
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Establishing and tracking beams in millimeter-wave (mmWave) vehicular communication is a challenging task. Large antenna arrays and narrow beams introduce significant system overhead configuring the beams using exhaustive beam search. In this paper, we propose to learn the optimal beam pair index by exploiting the locations and types of the receiver vehicle and its neighboring vehicles (situational awareness), leveraging machine learning classification and past beam training data. We formulate the mmWave beam selection as a multi-class classification problem based on hand-crafted features that capture the situational awareness in different coordinates. We then provide a comprehensive comparison of the different classification models and various levels of situational awareness. Furthermore, we examine several practical issues in the implementation: localization is susceptible to inaccuracy; situational awareness at the base station (BS) can be outdated due to vehicle mobility and limited location reporting frequencies; the situational awareness may be incomplete since vehicles could be invisible to the BS if they are not connected. To demonstrate the scalability of the proposed beam selection solution in the large antenna array regime, we propose two solutions to recommend multiple beams and exploit an extra phase of beam sweeping among the recommended beams. The numerical results show that situational awareness-assisted beam selection using machine learning is able to provide beam prediction, with accuracy that increases with more complete knowledge of the environment.
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The integration of millimeter wave (mmWave) and low frequency interfaces brings an unique opportunity to unify the communications and positioning technologies in the future wireless heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which offer great potential for efficient handover using location awareness, hence a location-aware handover (LHO). Targeting a self-organized communication system with autonomous vehicles, we conduct and describe an experimental and analytical study on the LHO using a mmWave-enabled robotic platform in a multi-radio environment. Compared to the conventional received signal strength indicator (RSSI)-based handover, the studied LHO not only improves the achievable throughput, but also enhances the wireless link robustness for the industrial Internet-of-things (IIoT)-oriented applications. In terms of acquiring location awareness, a geometry-based positioning (GBP) algorithm is proposed and implemented in both simulation and experiments, where its achievable accuracy is assessed and tested. Based on the performed experiments, the location-related measurements acquired by the robot are not accurate enough for the standalone-GBP algorithm to provide an accurate location awareness to perform a reliable handover. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that by combining the GBP with the dead reckoning, more accurate location awareness becomes achievable, the LHO can therefore be performed in a more optimized manner compared to the conventional RSSI-based handover scheme, and is therefore able to achieve approximately twice as high average throughput in certain scenarios. Our study confirms that the achieved location awareness, if accurate enough, could enable an efficient handover scheme, further enhancing the autonomous features in the HetNets.
In this paper, a novel framework is proposed to optimize the downlink multi-user communication of a millimeter wave base station, which is assisted by a reconfigurable intelligent reflector (IR). In particular, a channel estimation approach is developed to measure the channel state information (CSI) in real-time. First, for a perfect CSI scenario, the precoding transmission of the BS and the reflection coefficient of the IR are jointly optimized, via an iterative approach, so as to maximize the sum of downlink rates towards multiple users. Next, in the imperfect CSI scenario, a distributional reinforcement learning (DRL) approach is proposed to learn the optimal IR reflection and maximize the expectation of downlink capacity. In order to model the transmission rate’s probability distribution, a learning algorithm, based on quantile regression (QR), is developed, and the proposed QR-DRL method is proved to converge to a stable distribution of downlink transmission rate. Simulation results show that, in the error-free CSI scenario, the proposed approach yields over 30% and 2-fold increase in the downlink sum-rate, compared with a fixed IR reflection scheme and direct transmission scheme, respectively. Simulation results also show that by deploying more IR elements, the downlink sum-rate can be significantly improved. However, as the number of IR components increases, more time is required for channel estimation, and the slope of increase in the IR-aided transmission rate will become smaller. Furthermore, under limited knowledge of CSI, simulation results show that the proposed QR-DRL method, which learns a full distribution of the downlink rate, yields a better prediction accuracy and improves the downlink rate by 10% for online deployments, compared with a Q-learning baseline.
This work considers a point-to-point link where a reconfigurable intelligent surface assists the communication between a transmitter and a receiver. The system rate, energy efficiency, and their trade-off are optimized by tuning the number of reflecting elements to be activated and the phase shifts that they apply. Unlike most previous works, the considered resource allocation problem explicitly accounts, at the design stage, for the time and energy that are necessary for channel estimation and for reporting the optimal configuration of the phase shifts to the reconfigurable intelligent surface. Numerical results confirm the optimality of the proposed methods and show the potential gains of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces.
Millimeter wave (MmWave) communications is capable of supporting multi-gigabit wireless access thanks to its abundant spectrum resource. However, severe path loss and high directivity make it vulnerable to blockage events, which can be frequent in indoor and dense urban environments. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) as a new technology to provide effective reflected paths to enhance the coverage of mmWave signals. In this framework, we study joint active and passive precoding design for IRS-assisted mmWave systems, where multiple IRSs are deployed to assist the data transmission from a base station (BS) to a single-antenna receiver. Our objective is to maximize the received signal power by jointly optimizing the transmit precoding vector at the BS and the phase shift parameters used by IRSs for passive beamforming. Although such an optimization problem is generally non-convex, we show that, by exploiting some important characteristics of mmWave channels, an optimal closed- orm solution can be derived for the single IRS case and a near-optimal analytical solution can be obtained for the multi-IRS case. Our analysis reveals that the received signal power increases quadratically with the number of reflecting elements for both the single IRS and multi-IRS cases. Simulation results are included to verify the optimality and near-optimality of our proposed solutions. Results also show that IRSs can help create effective virtual LOS paths and thus substantially improve robustness against blockages in mmWave communications.
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication is considered as a key enabler of ultra-high data rates in the future cellular and wireless networks. The need for directional communication between base stations (BSs) and users in mmWave systems, that is achieved through beamforming, increases the complexity of the channel estimation. Moreover, in order to provide better coverage, dense deployment of BSs is required which causes frequent handovers and increased association overhead. In this paper, we present an approach that jointly addresses the beamforming and handover problems. Our solution entails an efficient beamforming method with a few number of pilots and a learning-based handover method supporting mobile scenarios. We use reinforcement learning algorithm to learn the optimal choices of the backup BSs in different locations of a mobile user. We show that our method provides an almost constant rate and reliability in all locations of the user’s trajectory with a small number of handovers. Simulation results in an outdoor environment based on narrow band cluster mmWave channel modeling and real building map data show the superior performance of our proposed solution in achievable instantaneous rate and trajectory rate.
In this paper we present the theoretical considerations and the design evolution of a proof-of-concept reconfigurable metasurface, primarily used as a tunable microwave absorber, but also as a wavefront manipulation and polarization conversion device in reflection. We outline the design evolution and all considerations taken into account, from the selection of patch shape, unit cell size, and substrate, to the topology of the structure that realizes the desired tunability. The presented design conforms to fabrication restrictions and is co-designed to work with an integrated circuit chip for providing tunable complex loads to the metasurface, using a commercially available semiconductor process. The proposed structure can perform multiple tunable functionalities by appropriately biasing the integrated circuit: Perfect absorption for a wide range of incidence angles of both linear polarization states, accommodating a spectral range in the vicinity of 5 GHz, with potential also for wavefront control, exemplified via anomalous reflection and polarization conversion. The end vision is for such a design to be scalable and deployable as a practical HyperSurface, i.e., an intelligent multi-functional metasurface capable of concurrent reconfigurable functionalities: absorption, beam steering, polarization conversion, wavefront shaping, holography, and sensing.
Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) technologies are the main driver to deliver the multiple-Gbps promise in next-generation wireless access networks. However, the GHz-bandwidth potential must coexist with a harsh propagation environment. While strong attenuations can be compensated by directional antenna arrays, the severe impact of obstacle blockages can only be mitigated by smart resource allocation techniques. Multi-connectivity, as multiple mm-wave links from a mobile device to different base stations, is one of them. However, the higher reliability provided by several access alternatives can be fully exploited only if uncorrelated link statuses are guaranteed. Therefore, spatial diversity must be enforced. Moreover, since interposing obstacles can block a link, short access links allow reducing the link unavailability probability. Smart base-station selections can be made once the network is deployed, however, our results show that much better results are achievable if spatial diversity and link-length aspects are directly included in the network planning phase. In this article, we propose an mm-wave access network planning framework that considers base-station spatial diversity, link lengths, and achievable user throughput, according to channel conditions and network congestion. The comparison against traditional k-coverage approaches shows that our approach can obtain much better access reliability, thus providing higher robustness to random obstacles and self-blockage phenomena.