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Why aren't rabbits and hares larger?


Abstract and Figures

Macroevolutionary consequences of competition among large clades have long been sought in patterns of lineage diversification. However, mechanistically clear examples of such effects remain elusive. Here we postulated that the limited phenotypic diversity and insular gigantism in lagomorphs could be explained at least in part by an evolutionary constraint placed on them by potentially‐competing ungulate‐type herbivores (UTHs). Our analyses yielded three independent lines of evidence supporting this hypothesis: (1) the minimum UTH body mass is the most influential predictor of the maximum lagomorph body mass in modern ecoregions; (2) the scaling patterns of local‐population energy use suggest universal competitive disadvantage of lagomorphs weighing over ∼6.3 kg against artiodactyls, closely matching their observed upper size limit in continental settings; and (3) the trajectory of maximum lagomorph body mass in North America from the late Eocene to the Pleistocene (37.5–1.5 Ma) was best modeled by the body mass ceiling placed by the smallest contemporary perissodactyl or artiodactyl. Body size evolution in lagomorphs has likely been regulated by the forces of competition within the clade, increased predation in open habitats, and importantly, competition from other ungulate‐type herbivores. Our findings suggest conditionally‐coupled dynamics of phenotypic boundaries among multiple clades within an adaptive zone, and highlight the synergy of biotic and abiotic drivers of diversity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Macroevolution of maximum lagomorph body size in North America. (A) Trajectories of maximum lagomorph body mass (M maxlag ; orange), minimum perissodactyl body mass (M minper ; dark blue), minimum artiodactyl body mass (M minart ; blue), and energyequivalent lagomorph body mass for contemporary minimum perissodactyl body mass (red), showing uncertainties in locality ages and body mass estimates across 1,000 pseudo-replicates; gray area corresponds to body mass range in which near-complete reliance on rumen fermentation is energetically sustainable (Demment and Van Soest 1985). Lagomorphs in body size region above red line would be competitively inferior to smallest contemporary perissodactyl according to scaling patterns of local-population energy use (Fig. 2C). (B) Competitive ceiling body mass (M ceiling ; purple), which combines energy-equivalent lagomorph body mass for contemporary minimum perissodactyl body mass (37.5−24.0, 15.0−1.5 Ma) and minimum artiodactyl body mass (24.0−15.0 Ma) as seen in (A). (C) Additional potential predictors of M maxlag , including global benthic δ 18 O (green), mean ungulate hypsodonty (H ung ; beige), and range-through sampling probability for glires genera (R glires ; 1,000 pseudo-replicates in aquamarine). (D, E) Top eight models (out of 11 compared) of maximum lagomorph body mass for 37.5−1.5 Ma, showing number of times each model received most support (D) and distributions of AIC c for 1000 pseudo-replicates (E). Pliohippus silhouette by Zimices ( from PhyloPic (; see Figure 1 caption for additional credits.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Why aren’t rabbits and hares larger?
Susumu Tomiya1,2,3, 4,5 and Lauren K. Miller4
1Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology, Kyoto University Primate Research
Institute, Inuyama, Aichi 484–8506, Japan
2Negaunee Integrative Research and Gantz Family Collections Centers, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL
60605, USA
3Museums of Paleontology and Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
4Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Received June 17, 2020
Accepted February 3, 2021
Macroevolutionary consequences of competition among large clades have long been sought in patterns of lineage diversication.
However, mechanistically clear examples of such effects remain elusive. Here, we postulated that the limited phenotypic diversity
and insular gigantism in lagomorphs could be explained at least in part by an evolutionary constraint placed on them by potentially
competing ungulate-type herbivores (UTHs). Our analyses yielded three independent lines of evidence supporting this hypothesis:
(1) the minimum UTH body mass is the most inuential predictor of the maximum lagomorph body mass in modern ecoregions;
(2) the scaling patterns of local-population energy use suggest universal competitive disadvantage of lagomorphs weighing over
approximately 6.3 kg against artiodactyls, closely matching their observed upper size limit in continental settings; and (3) the
trajectory of maximum lagomorph body mass in North America from the late Eocene to the Pleistocene (37.5–1.5 million years ago)
was best modeled by the body mass ceiling placed by the smallest contemporary perissodactyl or artiodactyl. Body size evolution
in lagomorphs has likely been regulated by the forces of competition within the clade, increased predation in open habitats, and
importantly, competition from other ungulate-type herbivores. Our ndings suggest conditionally-coupled dynamics of phenotypic
boundaries among multiple clades within an adaptive zone, and highlight the synergy of biotic and abiotic drivers of diversity.
KEY WORDS: Body size, competition, macroecology, macroevolution, Lagomorpha.
Efforts to unravel the biotic and abiotic drivers of biological di-
versity can be traced back at least to Lyell’s (1832) Principles
of Geology, which highlighted the deep temporal dimension of
the problem and paved the way for the Darwinian revolution in
evolutionary biology (cf. Egerton 1968). Almost two centuries
later, our constantly expanding knowledge of Earth’s past con-
tinues to provide fresh insights into the dynamics of biodiver-
sity. In this field of inquiry, there has been a longstanding debate
on the relative importance of biotic versus abiotic processes for
shaping diversity (e.g., Van Valen 1973; Vrba 1985, 1992; Ben-
ton 1987), generating dichotomous views that have come to be
called the Red Queen and Court Jester models (Barnosky 2001;
Benton 2009; but see Liow et al. 2011 on the less restrictive orig-
inal Red Queen hypothesis of Van Valen [1973]). Recent stud-
ies, however, point to the critical need to better understand the
linkage of those processes (Ezard et al. 2011; Liow et al. 2011;
Condamine et al. 2019). The present study helps fill that knowl-
edge gap by clarifying the complementary roles of climate, pre-
dation, and inter-clade competition in shaping the evolutionary
trajectory of the mammalian order Lagomorpha (pikas, rabbits,
and hares). While processes that regulate diversity are typically
investigated in clades with strikingly high taxic and phenotypic
diversities, it is difficult to disentangle multitudes of forces act-
ing on disparate constituents of such clades. Less speciose and
more homogeneous groups such as lagomorphs offer uniquely-
valuable study systems because they bring into focus the factors
that limit diversity.
Lagomorphs are, if anything, remarkably successful mam-
mals. The approximately 92 extant species are distributed across
all continents except Antarctica, collectively inhabiting a wide
© 2021 The Authors. Evolution published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Society for the Study of Evolution.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
range of environments from tropical forests to arctic deserts. In
many regions, they are locally abundant and represent a major
element of the small-mammalian herbivore guild (Chapman and
Flux 2008; Lacher et al. 2016). Considering such ecological suc-
cess, the diversity of lagomorphs is strikingly limited both taxi-
cally and phenotypically compared to those of rodents (extant
sister clade of lagomorphs with 2400 living species; Lacher
et al. 2016) and terrestrial artiodactyls (another widespread group
of herbivorous mammals with 380 living species; Wilson and
Mittermeier 2011). Importantly, the narrow phenotypic range of
wild lagomorphs is not a mere reflection of their limited taxic di-
versity: their per-lineage rates of body size evolution have been
low compared to those of rodents and artiodactyls (Venditti et al.
2011), and contrary to the evolutionary lability of domestic rab-
bits under artificial selection (cf. Darwin 1868).
A peculiar aspect of today’s low lagomorph diversity is the
negative skew of their body size distribution (Fig. 1A; sample-
size adjusted Fisher-Pearson coefficient of skewness G1=−1.1
for body mass data from Jones et al. 2009; see also Gardezi and
da Silva [1999]). It is in contrast to the positive skews of rodents
(G1=0.90), terrestrial artiodactyls (G1=0.11), and indeed,
late Quaternary terrestrial mammals in general (Smith and Lyons
2011), which has been attributed to diffusive body size evolu-
tion under the combination of a lower boundary and gradually
increasing extinction risk above the modal body mass (Clauset
and Erwin 2008). The opposite skew of extant lagomorph body
mass distribution therefore suggests the existence of an upper
boundary at 5 kg in the wild in continental settings. This ap-
parent barrier has been crossed by some domesticated rabbits
such as the Flemish Giant rabbit—a breed of Oryctolagus cu-
niculus weighing 78 kg (Roth and Cornman 1916)—and an
extinct leporid from the island of Menorca, Nuralagus rex, with
the estimated mean body mass of 8 kg (Quintana et al. 2011;
Moncunill-Solé et al. 2015). We therefore inferred that the upper
body mass boundary in wild continental lagomorphs is set not in-
trinsically but ecologically by ubiquitous processes (cf. Lomolino
et al. 2012).
In modern ecoregions, terrestrial artiodactyls or ungulate-
like caviomorph rodents frequently occupy the herbivore size
class immediately above those of lagomorphs, and play sim-
ilar ecological roles (Dubost 1968). In fact, lagomorphs have
been described as miniature analogs of ungulates (here loosely
defined as hoofed mammalian herbivores) with regard to their
dietary and locomotor behaviors (Vaughan 1978; Rose 2006).
We, therefore, hypothesized that the evolution of maximum aver-
age body size in lagomorphs has been competitively constrained
by small ungulates and other small ungulate-like herbivores
because lagomorphs lose their competitive advantage above cer-
tain body size (or sizes, depending on the environment). Previ-
ously, Vaughan (1978), Rose (2006), and Yamada (2017) sur-
mised that competitive pressures from other mammalian groups
such as ungulates and rodents may have somehow limited the
diversity of lagomorphs. We distilled this idea into quantitative
models that focused on body size because it defines a major bio-
logical axis along which many physiological, ecological, and life-
history traits strongly covary (Eisenberg 1981; Demment and Van
Soest 1985). Competition between species in the same ecologi-
cal guild is thus expected to intensify with increasing similarity in
body size, unless attenuated by niche differentiation (MacArthur
and Levins 1967; Gotelli and Graves 1996); conversely, to the
extent that body size constraints feeding ecology, size separation
tends to enable coexistence of mammalian herbivores that use
overlapping resources (Laca et al. 2010).
In this study, we first examined the biogeographic patterns
of maximum lagomorph body masses in modern ecoregions and
evaluated their potential biotic- and abiotic-environmental pre-
dictors including the minimum body masses of co-occurring
ungulate-type herbivores. We then examined the scaling of local-
population energy use with body mass (Damuth 1981) in extant
lagomorphs and ungulates to seek a mechanistic explanation for
the observed macrogeographic patterns of body size relationships
from an evolutionary-ecological perspective. Finally, focusing on
North America, which long served as the center stage for the evo-
lution of leporids (Dawson 2008; Lopez-Martinez 2008; Ge et al.
2013), we estimated body masses of fossil lagomorphs within a
phylogenetic framework, and evaluated ecological models of the
maximum lagomorph body mass since the late Eocene, 37.5 mil-
lion years ago. These spatial and temporal analyses compensate
for the shortcomings of each other: on one hand, the modern ge-
ographic distributions and co-occurrence patterns of species may
be heavily affected by human activities (Verde Arregoitia et al.
2015; Lyons et al. 2016); on the other hand, our knowledge of
fossil taxa and their paleoenvironment is much more limited.
Unless noted otherwise, computations were performed in the R
programming environment ver. 3.6.0 (R Development Core Team
2018). Data sets are archived in the Dryad Digital Repository as
Electronic Supplementary Materials (ESMs; Tomiya and Miller
Based on present range maps (IUCN 2013) and species mean
body mass data (Jones et al. 2009), the largest leporid lagomorph
and the smallest ungulate-type herbivore species (excluding lago-
morphs) were identified in 574 non-island ecoregions (Olson
et al. 2001; ESM Dataset 1). We considered the following taxa to
be ungulate-type herbivores (UTHs): artiodactyls, perissodactyls,
Figure 1. Modern macrogeography of maximum lagomorph body size. (A) Global body mass distributions (data from Jones et al. 2009)
in extant lagomorphs (orange), rodents (gray), and artiodactyls (blue); extinct insular leporid Nuralagus rex (black) for comparison. (B)
Bivariate plot of maximum lagomorph body mass (Mmaxlag) and minimum ungulate-type herbivore body mass (Mminuth ; predominantly
and ungulate-like or leporid-like caviomorphs (cf. Dubost 1968;
Seckel and Janis 2008) consisting of Cuniculus,Dasyprocta,My-
nivorous or semiaquatic taxa (suids, tayassuids, hippopotamids,
and Hydrochoerus) were excluded.
We conducted boosted regression-tree analysis (Elith et al.
2008) of the maximum lagomorph body mass (log10Mmaxlag )
with the following predictors: (1) minimum UTH body mass
(log10Mminuth ); (2) mean annual temperature (Hijmans et al.
2005); (3) mean annual precipitation (Hijmans et al. 2005); (4)
precipitation variance (as a measure of seasonality) (Hijmans
et al. 2005); (5) soil nutrient availability (Fischer et al. 2008); (6)
mean tree cover (Hansen et al. 2013; downsampled by averaging
to a 30-minute resolution); (7) elevation (Hijmans et al. 2005); (8)
introduction status of the largest lagomorph; and (9) mean resid-
ual of neighboring ecoregions as a spatial autocovariate (Crase
et al. 2012). Mean predictor values for individual ecoregions
were calculated from digital spatial data using the program QGIS
(QGIS Development Team 2018) and the R packages ‘rgdal’ ver-
sion 1.4-3 (Bivand et al. 2018) and ‘rgeos’ version 0.4-3 (Bivand
and Rundel 2019). The model of Mmaxlag was developed using the
cross-validation method (Elith et al. 2008) and the tree complex-
ity, learning rate, and bag fraction values of 3, 0.005, and 0.75,
as recommended by Elith et al. (2008). This analysis was per-
formed using the package ‘gbm’ version 2.1.5 (Greenwell et al.
2019) and the script ‘brt.functions.R’ (Elith et al. 2008).
The theoretical scaling of energy use Eby a local population of
individuals with body mass Mwas calculated from empirically-
derived allometric scaling patterns of basal metabolic rate (i.e.,
individual energy use) R=aMband local population density
D=cMdas follows (cf. Damuth 1981):
E=RD =acM(b+d),or
log10E=log10 R+log10D=log10 a+log10c
To this end, we performed GLS regression analyses of D
and Ragainst body mass (Paradis and Schliep 2019; Smaers
and Mongle 2020) using published data for extant leporids,
herbivorous terrestrial artiodactyls, and perissodactyls (Jones
et al. 2009), and a time-calibrated species-level mammalian
supertree (Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007, Bininda-Emonds et al.
2008); Pagel’s (1999) λwas constrained to be between 0 and
1 (cf. Revell 2010). Confidence bands for parameter estimates
were obtained using the R package ‘evomap’ (Smaers and Mon-
gle 2020). Data on the basal metabolic rates of perissodactyls
were not available for the taxa with population density data; we,
therefore, assumed that perissodactyls fit the tightly-constrained
scaling of Rcommon to leporids and artiodactyls (Fig. 2B).
‘Energy-equivalent’ lagomorph body masses for observed mini-
mum perissodactyl body masses in the fossil record (see below)
were determined by solving Equation (1).
Fossil occurrence data
Occurrence data for North American fossil lagomorphs, un-
gulates (perissodactyls and artiodactyls excluding helohyids,
entelodontids, anthracotheriids, and tayassuids), and rodents
(to estiamte glires fossil recovery potential; note there are no
ungulate-like terrestrial rodents within the scope of this analysis)
were obtained from the Paleobiology Database (Alroy and Uhen
2020, ESM Dataset S5) for the period of 46.230.5 million years
ago (Ma), and from MIOMAP (Carrasco et al. 2005) and FAUN-
MAP (Graham and Lundelius 2010) databases for the period of
30.50 Ma. Localities (or “collections” [Alroy and Uhen 2020])
and associated taxon occurrence data whose geologic ages had
uncertainties exceeding 4.2 million years (equivalent to the dura-
tion of Ar2—the longest North American Land Mammal ‘Age’
[NALMA] subage) were excluded. Taxonomic names in the oc-
currence data set were checked for synonymy and internal con-
sistency (Janis et al. 1998; Prothero and Foss 2007).
The occurrence data were grouped into 1.5 million-year time
bins starting at 43.5 Ma; this temporal resolution was selected
in view of the median locality-age uncertainty of 1.1 million
years for the Neogene occurrence data and the median species
duration of 23 million years for North American fossil mam-
mals (Alroy 2009). We used time bins of equal lengths instead of
geochronologic units of uneven durations to simplify the time se-
ries analysis. Species were assumed to be present in North Amer-
ica between their first and last appearances. The species- and
genus-level taxonomy of fossil lagomorphs follows Dawson
artiodactyls) in 547 ecoregions in Indo-Malay (gold), Afrotropical (green), Palearctic (light blue), Nearctic (pink), and Neotropical (brown)
realms, against line of equality (gray). (C–E) Log10Mmaxlag (C), log10 Mminuth (D), and residuals of boosted regression-tree model predicting
log10Mmaxlag (E) across ecoregions. (F) Partial dependence plots from boosted regression-tree analysis of log10Mmaxlag in modern ecore-
gions. Percent values represent relative inuences of predictors. Silhouettes from PhyloPic ( N. rex by Steven Traver,
Cuniculus paca by Margot Michaud, and Moschus chrysogaster by Andrew Farke (;
Leporidae by Sarah Werning (
Figure 2. Model of local-population energy use by extant leporids (orange) and ungulates (blue; herbivorous terrestrial artiodactyls and
perissodactyls). Empirical scaling patterns of local-population density D(A) and ‘basal’ metabolic rate R(B) against body mass M;data
for ungulate-like caviomorphs (gray) are overlaid in (A), with Cuniculus paca labeled. (C) Theoretical scaling of local-population energy
use Eagainst M, illustrating our conceptual model of lagomorph body size evolution: lagomorphs in open habitats experience increased
predation pressure and undergo selection for greater cursoriality, resulting in body size increase (right-pointing arrow); large lagomorphs
are kept out of more closed habitats by competitively superior smaller lagomorphs, while further body-size increase is opposed by the
competitive pressure from larger ungulate-type herbivores (left-pointing arrow). Polygons represent 95% condence bands. See Figure 1
caption for PhyloPic credit.
(2008). Extant species were assigned body masses from the Pan-
THERIA database (Jones et al. 2009).
Body mass estimation for fossil taxa
Body masses of fossil lagomorphs and ungulates were esti-
mated from published and original measurements of mandibular
and dental dimensions (Supplementary Information [SI]; ESM
Datasets S2–S4). For lagomorphs, we newly developed allo-
metric models from our measurements of 164 specimens of 34
extant species, for which associated individual body-mass data
were available. Phylogenetic covariance and intraspecific vari-
ations were incorporated into the lagomorph models (Garland
and Ives 2000; Hansen and Bartoszek 2012; Bartoszek 2019;
Paradis and Schliep 2019) using a time-calibrated molecular
tree (Ge et al. 2013). The parameters of the allometric mod-
els for fossil ungulates were estimated from a published data
set (Mendoza et al. 2006) combined with a time-calibrated su-
pertree (Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007, Bininda-Emonds et al.
Predictor variables
As potential predictors of Mmaxlag in North America since
the late Eocene, we considered: (1) competitive ceiling body
mass, log10Mceiling , consisting of the energy-equivalent lago-
morph body mass for the contemporary minimum perissodactyl
body mass (see Local-Population Energy Use, above) for the
periods of 37.524.0 and 15.01.5 Ma and the minimum ar-
tiodactyl body mass for the period of 24.015.0 Ma; (2) min-
imum perissodactyl body mass, log10Mminper ; (3) global ben-
thic δ18O (1.5 million-year means) as a temperature proxy (Za-
chos et al. 2001); (4) mean North American fossil ungulate
hypsodonty index (Hung) as a precipitation proxy (cf. Fortelius
et al. 2002; Eronen et al. 2010); and (5) logit-transformed
range-through sampling probability for glires genera (i.e., ro-
dents and lagomorphs), Rglires, as a measure of fossil recovery
potential for lagomorphs (cf. Tomiya 2013). The mean ungu-
late hypsodonty index was first calculated for NALMA sub-
ages using published data for artiodactyls and perissodactyls
(Jardine et al. 2012), and interpolated to the midpoints of the
1.5 million-year time bins.
Model evaluation
After exploratory analyses, we compared the fit of 11 linear re-
gression models with autocovariates to the observed time series
of log10Mmaxlag from37.5to1.5Mabasedonthesample-size
adjusted Akaike information criterion (AICc; Burnham and An-
derson 2002). Five of them (Models 15) each included one of
the five predictor variables, and the remaining six models each
included two predictors as follows: Mceiling and Rglires (Model 6),
Mminper and Rglires (Model 7), Mceiling and Hung (Model 8), Mminper
and Hung (Model 9), Mceiling,andδ18O (Model 10), Mminper and
δ18O (Model 11); given the result, we did not consider models
with more than two predictors. The autocovariate for each model
was defined as the initial model residual for the preceding time
bin, obtained from a preliminary regression analysis that ignored
the potential autocorrelation of residuals. For our data set, this ap-
proach was more effective at removing autocorrelation than the
use of first-order autoregressive models, based on inspection of
autocorrelograms and comparison of AICcvalues.
We excluded the most recent 1.5 million-year interval from
our analysis so as to avoid influences of human activities on
species associations and body mass distributions (Lyons et al.
2016; Smith et al. 2018). To take into account the uncertainties
in the ages of fossil localities and body mass estimates, this anal-
ysis was repeated 1,000 times, each time stochastically generat-
ing a set of locality ages (from uniform distributions bounded by
the maximum and minimum ages of individual localities) and a
set of lagomorph and ungulate body mass estimates (from nor-
mal distributions with the means equal to the point estimates and
variances informed by the models; Garland and Ives 2000;
Hansen and Bartoszek 2012). The regression analyses were per-
formed with the R package ‘nlme’ (Pinheiro et al. 2012).
In all 574 modern continental terrestrial ecoregions analyzed,
the smallest ungulate is an artiodactyl, and in 133 of them
(131 of 143 Neotropical and 2 of 107 Nearctic ecoregions), the
smallest ungulate-type herbivore excluding leporids (UTH) is a
caviomorph rodent. At the ecoregional level, the largest lago-
morph and the smallest UTH tend to have similar body masses in
parts of the Indo-Malay and Afrotropical realms, where some of
the smallest extant artiodactyls weighing less than 10 kg occur, as
well as in Neotropical ecoregions with ungulate-like caviomorphs
(Fig. 1B–D). In Palearctic ecoregions, the two groups are typi-
cally separated by a moderately large body mass gap, and in many
Nearctic ecoregions, the body mass gap is especially pronounced
because small ungulates weighing less than 50 kg are gener-
ally absent. Overall, the body mass gap widens with increasing
minimum UTH body mass (Fig. 1B).
Boosted regression-tree analysis of the modern pheno-
geographic data generated a model of log10Mmaxlag with 5,350
regression trees that explained an average of 76% of the de-
viance in cross-validation trials. Of the nine predictors considered
here, log10Mminuth was the most influential, accounting for 43% of
the contributions of all environmental predictors (excluding the
spatial autocovariate; Fig. 1F). Nevertheless, all predictors con-
tributed sufficiently to warrant their inclusion in the final model.
Partial dependence plots (Fig. 1F) show an increase in
Mmaxlag with increasing Mminuth and decreasing mean annual tem-
perature, and to lesser degrees, with decreasing tree cover (but
onlydownto50%), decreasing mean annual precipitation (but
only below 1,500 mm/year), decreasing elevation, and highest
levels of nutrient limitation. In addition, the largest lagomorph
in an ecoregion tended to be larger when it was an introduced
species. The relationship between each predictor and the pre-
dicted maximum lagomorph body mass is generally better de-
scribed as polygonal than simply linear (SI Fig. S1), as is often
the case in macroecological patterns (Brown 1995; Gaston and
Blackburn 2008). Prediction residuals from the global model do
not show any major geographic bias at the level of realms, imply-
ing that similar rules govern Mmaxlag in ecoregions across biogeo-
graphic realms (Fig. 1E; SI Fig. S2).
Next, we compared the expected local-population energy
use in extant leporids and ungulates (predominantly herbivo-
rous terrestrial artiodactyls but also including perissodactyls).
Our analysis suggests that, while the scaling of metabolic rate
with body mass in leporids and ungulates can be adequately de-
scribed by the same regression line (Fig. 2B), the two groups
exhibit markedly different patterns of population density scaling
with body mass (Fig. 2A; SI Table S3). Among leporids, the local
population density can be very high for small-sized species, but
declines sharply with increasing body mass, and much more so
than in ungulates. As a result, the equilibrial body mass in lep-
orids and ungulates with respect to the local-population energy
use occurs at 6.3 kg (Fig. 2C), near the observed maximum
mean body mass of continental lagomorphs at 5 kg. Below this
energetically-equilibrial body mass, leporids are expected to be
competitively dominant over similar-sized ungulates if they share
resources. Above it, ungulates of any size should have an advan-
tage over similar-sized leporids where they co-occur, unless lep-
orids are somehow able to ‘bend’ the allometric curve upwards by
a substantial degree—an evolutionary adjustment that they have
apparently been unable to make.
The estimated mean adult body masses for 74 fossil species
of North American lagomorphs from the past 43.5 million years
ranged from 0.1 to 2.6 kg (SI Fig. S3; ESM Dataset S3),
falling within the range of mean body masses for extant species
(0.074.80 kg; Fig. 1A). During the entire existence of lago-
morphs in that continent, the smallest ungulate has always been
an artiodactyl and not a perissodactyl (Fig. 3A; SI Fig. S3).
The oldest lagomorphs in North America (Mytonolagus spp.)
are estimated to have weighed 0.8 kg, comparable to small- to
medium-sized extant species of North American cottontail rab-
bits (Sylvilagus spp.). After first appearing at 4443 Ma (Daw-
son 2008), the maximum body size of lagomorphs increased to
2.6 kg (Megalagus brachydon) by 37 Ma (Fig. 3A), that is, within
the first one-sixth of the group’s history in that continent. The
maximum lagomorph body size remained stable for the subse-
quent 12 million years until the late Oligocene. This same pe-
riod saw abundance of small artiodactyls with estimated body
masses on the order of 0.11 kg, including some of the smallest
known artiodactyls of all time. As a result, the body mass ranges
of lagomorphs and artiodactyls overlapped from the late Eocene
to the Oligocene (Fig. 3A; SI Fig. S4A).
The transition from the Oligocene to the Miocene Epoch
was marked by extinctions of very small artiodactyls and
Figure 3. Macroevolution of maximum lagomorph body size in North America. (A) Trajectories of maximum lagomorph body mass
(Mmaxlag; orange), minimum perissodactyl body mass (Mminper ; dark blue), minimum artiodactyl body mass (Mminart; blue), and energy-
equivalent lagomorph body mass for contemporary minimum perissodactyl body mass (red), showing uncertainties in locality ages and
body mass estimates across 1,000 pseudo-replicates; gray area corresponds to body mass range in which near-complete reliance on
rumen fermentation is energetically sustainable (Demment and Van Soest 1985). Lagomorphs in body size region above red line would
be competitively inferior to smallest contemporary perissodactyl according to scaling patterns of local-population energy use (Fig. 2C). (B)
Competitive ceiling body mass (Mceiling; purple), which combines energy-equivalent lagomorph body mass for contemporary minimum
perissodactyl body mass (37.524.0, 15.01.5 Ma) and minimum artiodactyl body mass (24.015.0 Ma) as seen in (A). (C) Additional
potential predictors of Mmaxlag, including global benthic δ18 O (green), mean ungulate hypsodonty (Hung; beige), and range-through
sampling probability for glires genera (Rglires; 1,000 pseudo-replicates in aquamarine). (D, E) Top eight models (out of 11 compared) of
maximum lagomorph body mass for 37.51.5 Ma, showing number of times each model received most support (D) and distributions
of AICcfor 1000 pseudo-replicates (E). Pliohippus silhouette by Zimices ( from PhyloPic
(; see Figure 1 caption for additional credits.
hare-sized (>2 kg) lagomorphs. Consequently, the body size
ranges of lagomorphs and artiodactyls rapidly segregated, and
their opposing body mass boundaries gradually increased there-
after, closely tracking each other from the late Oligocene until
the middle Miocene, ca. 2415 Ma (Fig. 3A). Beginning in the
latter half of the Miocene, the rise in the maximum lagomorph
body mass appears to have slowed down or hit a ceiling, increas-
ingly lagging behind the minimum artiodactyl body mass and
widening the size gap between the two groups (SI Fig. S4A). This
trend parallels the tropical-to-Holarctic realm-level transition in
modern ecoregions (SI Fig. S5). Still, for most of the past 43.5
million years, the smallest artiodactyls remained smaller than:
(1) the energetically equilibrial body mass of 6.3kg(Figs.2C
and 3A), which would have put them at a competitive disadvan-
tage against similar-sized lagomorphs if their resource uses had
largely overlapped; and (2) the 9.4 kg threshold for transition to
a digestive system that is heavily reliant on foregut fermentation
(Demment and Van Soest 1985; gray areas in Fig. 3A and B).
Unlike the artiodactyls, the smallest perissodactyls—the
likes of which are absent in modern faunas—maintained sub-
stantially larger body sizes (generally by an order of magnitude
or more) than contemporary lagomorphs throughout their history
in North America (Fig. 3A; SI Fig. S4B). However, from the late
Eocene to the late Oligocene and again from the middle Miocene
onwards, the maximum lagomorph body mass closely tracked
the theoretical energy-equivalent lagomorph body mass for the
smallest perissodactyl in the same time bin (red lines in Fig. 3A;
derived from the scaling patterns of local-population energy use
in Fig. 2C). The latter remained relatively stable over the entire
history of coexistence of lagomorphs and perissodactyls in the
continent despite an approximately eightfold increase in the
minimum perissodactyl body mass between 43.5 and 1.5 Ma—a
consequence of the much shallower slope of local-population en-
ergy use against body mass in ungulates compared to lagomorphs
(Fig. 2C).
From these historical patterns, we visually identified a
set of apparent body mass ceilings placed on lagomorphs by
perissodactyls (37.524.0 and 15.01.5 Ma) and artiodactyls
(24.015.0 Ma), here termed the ‘competitive ceiling body
mass’ (Mceiling), as a potentially powerful predictor of the maxi-
mum lagomorph body mass in the North American fossil record
(purple lines in Fig. 3B). In essence, it represents a series of the
smaller of (A) the energy-equivalent lagomorph body mass for
the minimum perissodactyl body mass (red lines in Fig. 3A) and
(B) the minimum artiodactyl body mass (blue lines in Fig. 3A),
which must also be larger than the maximum lagomorph body
mass (hence the “ceiling”). Information-theoretic comparison of
regression models (Fig. 3D, E) showed that taking into consider-
ation the uncertainties in locality ages and body mass estimates,
the maximum lagomorph body mass between 37.5 Ma and
1.5 Ma was indeed best predicted by (and positively correlated
with) the ‘competitive ceiling body mass’ rather than by the
minimum perissodactyl body mass, global benthic δ18Ovalue(a
global temperature proxy; Zachos et al. 2001), mean hypsodonty
index for North American ungulates (Hung, a precipitation proxy;
Eronen et al. 2010), or range-through sampling probability for
glires genera (Rglires, a measure of fossil recovery potential).
Moreover, the next three best models (generally with evidence
ratios of <10) all included Mceiling as one of the predictors, in
combination with δ18O, Rglires,orHung.
Macroevolutionary consequences of competition have long been
investigated in divergent patterns of lineage diversification
among speciose clades (e.g., Van Valen and Sloan 1966; Gould
and Calloway 1980; Stanley and Newman 1980; Cifelli 1981;
Krause 1986; Maas et al. 1988; Janis 1989; Benton 1996; Sep-
koski Jr 1996; Van Valkenburgh 1999; Rabosky 2013; Pedersen
et al. 2014; Liow et al. 2015; Silvestro et al. 2015; Condamine
et al. 2019). However, even when inverse diversity dynamics are
observed among higher taxa (i.e., the rise of one group is accom-
panied by the fall of another), the underlying mechanism is rarely
clear from analysis of taxon counts alone (Jablonski 2008; Liow
et al. 2015). Moreover, there is growing evidence that speciation
and phenotypic evolution in mammals are not as tightly coupled
as traditionally assumed (Venditti et al. 2011; Slater 2015), such
that exclusive focus on taxic diversity may miss important pro-
cesses that shape biological diversity. Additional insights have
come from studies tracking phenotypic ranges of potentially-
competing lineages in the fossil record (e.g., Janis et al. 1994;
Hopkins 2007; Brusatte et al. 2008; Friscia and Van Valkenburgh
2010; Kimura et al. 2013; Benson et al. 2014; Slater 2015). Lago-
morphs and other ungulate-type herbivores together present a rel-
atively simple—and thus ideal—study system for interpreting the
dynamics of phenotypic boundaries because: (1) they are extant
clades with extensive fossil records; (2) their basic ecological
adaptations have remained relatively stable through much of their
evolutionary histories (Wood 1940; Dawson 2008); (3) as pri-
mary consumers, their occurrences are tied directly to vegetation
and closely to climate (Leach et al. 2015a; Vrba 1992; Eronen
et al. 2010); and (4) the potential for inter-clade competition is
high given their broadly similar dietary and locomotor specializa-
tions (cf. Cope 1884; Gidley 1912; Wood 1957; Vaughan 1978;
Rose 2006).
The limited body size range of North American fossil lago-
morphs reinforces the long-held perception of evolutionary sta-
bility in lagomorphs (Wood 1940; Dawson 2008). Over the past
43.5 million years, their maximum average body mass never ex-
ceeded the presently observed upper limit of 5kginNorth
America (Fig. 3A), and while the history of the crown-group
Lagomorpha likely goes back by an additional 10 million years to
53 million years ago (Rose et al. 2008), we are not aware of any
fossil lagomorph from any continent that would have weighed
much more than 5 kg. At the same time, the trajectory of maxi-
mum lagomorph body mass during the Eocene (Fig. 2A, B) illus-
trates the possibility of rapid body size evolution in lagomorphs
as is also suggested by the gigantism of certain domestic breeds
and extinct insular species (Roth and Cornman 1916; Quintana
et al. 2011; Lomolino et al. 2013; Moncunill-Solé et al. 2015).
Our analyses of the geographic and historical distributions
of lagomorph body masses consistently show that the maximum
lagomorph body mass is strongly linked to the minimum body
mass of ungulates at relatively large spatiotemporal scales, and
suggest that the evolution of lagomorph body size has been con-
strained by ungulates. This view comes into sharper focus when
the local-population energy use Eis considered. First, the dis-
tinct scaling patterns of Ein extant leporids and ungulates gen-
erate the following basic expectations where they compete for
limited resources (Fig. 2C; see also Van Valen 1973; Damuth
1981, 1987, 2007): (1) lagomorphs weighing more than 6.3 kg
are at a competitive disadvantage to, and unlikely to stably co-
exist with, ungulates of all sizes (left-pointing arrow in Fig. 2C);
(2) large, hare-type lagomorphs are at a competitive disadvan-
tage to, and unlikely to stably coexist with, smaller, rabbit-type
lagomorphs. Competitive pressure could be mitigated by dietary
differentiation, but the combination of morphological, digestive,
and behavioral specializations in lagomorphs (Hirakawa 2001;
Hume 2002) is apparently not amenable to major departures from
a primarily folivorous diet (e.g., frugivory as seen in modern trag-
ulids), making it difficult for lagomorphs to escape intra- and
inter-clade competition (Leach et al. 2015b; Hulbert and Ander-
sen 2001).
Expectation 1 is supported by the universal absence of con-
tinental lagomorphs weighing much more than 6.3kgwhere
ungulates co-occur. The close correspondence of the observed
continental maximum lagomorph body mass (5 kg) with the
intersection of the regression lines representing the scaling of
Ein lagomorphs and ungulates (Fig. 2C) is not a mathemati-
cal necessity, and cannot be easily explained without invoking
evolutionary-ecological stability (cf. Damuth 1981, 2007). It is
noteworthy that ungulate-like caviomorph rodents, despite be-
longing to the extant sister clade of lagomorphs, are not con-
fined within the same upper size limit as lagomorphs, and that
they may have achieved large body sizes by maintaining rela-
tively high population densities, as in the case of the lowland paca
(Cuniculus paca; Fig. 2A).
Expectation 2 is supported by the habitat-level segrega-
tion of sympatric small and large leporids into closed and open
habitats, respectively (MacCracken 1982; Flux 2008). This phe-
nomenon may be traced back to the late Eocene (Webb 1977),
when the largest lagomorphs attained the body masses compara-
ble to those of extant hares (Fig. 3A). Because maximum running
speed is correlated with body size (Garland 1983), we interpret
the association of large lagomorphs with open grassland habi-
tats as primarily a consequence of elevated predation risks (Flux
2008) and selection for increased cursoriality (right-pointing
arrow in Fig. 2C). At the same time, the steep decline of the
local-population energy use with increasing body mass and the
resulting competitively-induced restriction on the range of en-
vironments where large lagomorphs can thrive may have con-
tributed to the generally slow per-lineage rates of body size evo-
lution in lagomorphs (Venditti et al. 2011).
The scaling relationship of local-population energy uses in
lagomorphs and ungulates allows for estimation of energetically-
equivalent (at the population level) body masses in the two
groups. When the minimum perissodactyl body masses in the
North American fossil record were converted into energetically-
equivalent lagomorph body masses, much of the apparent body
size gap between contemporary lagomorphs and perissodactyls
disappeared (dark blue vs. red lines in Fig. 3A). Because lago-
morphs exceeding these ecological threshold body masses (red
lines in Fig. 3A) are expected to be competitively inferior to
the smallest perissodactyls (Fig. 2C), the tight body mass ceiling
placed above the lagomorphs by the perissodactyls (purple lines
in Fig. 3B) is interpreted to be an evolutionary constraint for the
lagomorphs. As pointed out by one of the reviewers of this paper
(see also Illius and Gordon 1992), the fact that lagomorphs and
perissodactyls are both hindgut fermenters may have intensified
the resource competition between the two groups.
Small artiodactyls also played a key role in constraining the
body size evolution of lagomorphs, as demonstrated by the model
with the competitive ceiling body mass, and especially during the
period from the late Oligocene to the middle Miocene (Fig. 3A,
B). However, unlike in the case of perissodactyls, the smallest ar-
tiodactyls during this time were within the body size range where
they are expected to have been at a competitive disadvantage
against similar-sized lagomorphs (i.e., below 6.3kginFig.2C).
In that context, the tightly coupled upward shifts of the minimum
artiodactyl and maximum lagomorph body masses between ca.
24 and 15 Ma can be interpreted as gradual displacement of artio-
dactyls by lagomorphs, and the competitive pressure appears to
have only slowed down, rather than prevented, the size increase
in lagomorphs.
The transition from the perissodactyl-dominated to
artiodactyl-dominated constraint on lagomorphs approximately
coincided with rapid expansion of grassland biomes in mid-
continental North America (cf. Strömberg 2005). The resulting
restructuring of the competitive regimes for mammalian herbi-
vores evidently reset the course of evolution for lagomorphs,
and may have been part of a threshold-induced critical transition
in the large-scale ecosystem (Scheffer et al. 2012). The second
transition back to the perissodactyl-dominated constraint was
roughly contemporaneous with the end of the middle Miocene
Climatic Optimum at 15 million years ago (Holbourn et al.
2014) and the onset of a trend toward widespread aridification
(Eronen et al. 2012). Thus, climate change has likely played
major roles in lagomorph evolution, but more as a catalyst of
state shifts than a constant driver of phenotypic evolution (see
also Barnosky 2005; Figueirido et al. 2012; Orcutt and Hopkins
2013). Although evolutionary response to climate change has
been a subject of intense study (see Blois and Hadly [2009] for a
review), the modulating role of climate in inter-clade competition
may be a more prevalent feature of evolution than is generally
realized (cf. Barnosky 2001; Liow et al. 2011).
More broadly, the persistence of dynamic upper body-size
limits in North American fossil lagomorphs is also consistent
with the competitive suppression hypothesis given the 12 mil-
lion years of evolutionary ‘head starts’ that artiodactyls and peris-
sodactyls had over lagomorphs in North America (Rose 2006;
Theodor et al. 2007; Dawson 2008). In fact, lagomorphs co-
existed with artiodactyls for their entire evolutionary histories
in all continents, and in most continents, artiodactyls were al-
ready well established when lagomorphs first appeared there
(Lopez-Martinez 2008; Winkler and Avery 2010; Flynn et al.
2014). Moreover, the same sequence applies to lagomorphs
and caviomorph rodents in South America (Woodburne 2010;
Vucetich et al. 2015). These temporal patterns conform to the
phenomenon of incumbent advantage, or priority effect, at a
macroevolutionary scale, which has been observed in a wide ar-
ray of vertebrate and invertebrate groups (Van Valkenburgh 1999;
Valentine et al. 2008; Schueth et al. 2015; Roopnarine et al.
2019). From this historical viewpoint, the positive association
between the introduction status and body mass of the largest
lagomorphs in modern ecoregions (Fig. 1F), which is mainly ob-
served in the Neotropical realm, may be interpreted as a sign of
major anthropogenic defaunation of native ungulates—and thus
reduction in competitive pressures—where leporids have been in-
troduced (cf. Dirzo et al. 2014).
It is interesting that the smallest living ungulates such as
chevrotains (Tragulidae) and miniature antelopes (Bovidae) are
able to coexist with similar-sized and sometimes even larger lep-
orids at the ecoregional scale (Fig. 1B) in spite of their appar-
ent competitive disadvantage (Fig. 2C). A similar phenomenon
of overlapping body size ranges is observed between artiodactyls
and lagomorphs in the late Eocene to the late Oligocene of North
America (Fig. 3A). These instances of coexistence are likely en-
abled by dietary separation, with the small ungulates tending
more toward frugivory or browsing (Dubost 1984; Gagnon and
Chew 2000; Meijaard 2011) and the leporids having the capac-
ity to be more graminivorous (Ge et al. 2013). The importance
of such dietary separation is also suggested by the biogeographic
history of lagomorphs: in Africa, where tragulids with primar-
ily folivorous rather than frugivorous diet appeared by the early
Miocene (Ungar et al. 2012), the establishment of large, leporid-
type lagomorphs was much delayed until the Quaternary Pe-
riod despite: (1) the presence of the order there since the early
Miocene (Winkler and Avery 2010) and (2) the rapid spread of
leporids across the neighboring continent of Eurasia after 8Ma
(Flynn et al. 2014).
Among ruminants, heavy utilization of high-quality foods
such as fruits is most feasible in small-bodied taxa in tropical
to subtropical forests (Demment and Van Soest 1985; Fleming
et al. 1987). Such environments are rare in the Palearctic and
Nearctic ecoregions, resulting in the frequent absence of very
small ungulates and contributing to the generally greater body-
size separation of the two groups (Fig. 1B; SI Fig. S5). The same
explanation fits the upward shift in the minimum body mass of
ungulate-type herbivores in the late Miocene of North America
(Fig. 3A; SI Fig. S4), which coincided with the spread of arid
biomes across the continent (Eronen et al. 2012). Nevertheless,
we caution against inferring local paleoenvironments from the
body-size relationship of the two groups alone: as a case in point,
the lagomorph and artiodactyl body-mass ranges overlapped sub-
stantially in the late Eocene to the late Oligocene of North Amer-
ica (Fig. 3A), when the most fossiliferous midcontinental regions
were probably cooler and drier than today’s tropics (Retallack
2007; Zanazzi et al. 2007; Boardman and Secord 2013; Eronen
et al. 2015; Pound and Salzmann 2017). Additional research into
the ecology of herbivorous mammals during this peculiar chapter
of mammalian evolution is warranted.
We found remarkably broad concordance between the patterns
of the modern pheno-geography and the paleontological time se-
ries, both pointing to prevalent evolutionary constraints placed
on lagomorphs by ungulate-type herbivores. From the mechanis-
tic standpoint, lagomorphs offer perhaps the clearest evidence yet
for the significant role of competition in dynamic subdivision of
an adaptive zone (cf. Van Valen 1973; Liow et al. 2011), bridging
tiers of evolutionary time (cf. Gould 1985). Our findings also pro-
vide empirical support for Damuth’s (1981, 1987, 2007) energy-
equivalence rule as a powerful guiding principle for interpreting
the history of biological diversity.
S.T. conceived of the study, collected data, carried out analyses, drafted
the manuscript, and coordinated the study. L.K.M. collected data and
improved data collecting procedure. Both authors gave final approval for
We thank Maureen E. Flannery (California Academy of Sciences),
Christopher J. Conroy, Eileen A. Lacey, and James L. Patton (Mu-
seum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley), Patricia A. Holroyd (University
of California Museum of Paleontology [UCMP]), William T. Stanley
(Field Museum of Natural History [FMNH]), and Darrin P. Lunde (U. S.
National Museum of Natural History) for access to specimens under their
care; Brian P. Kraatz (Western University of Health Sciences), Lawrence
R. Heaney and Bruce D. Patterson (FMNH), David M. Grossnickle, Dal-
las Krentzel, and Jonathan S. Mitchell (University of Chicago), María E.
Pérez (FMNH and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio), and mem-
bers of the Sections of Evolutionary Morphology and Systematics and
Phylogeny of the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute for illu-
minating discussions; Anthony D. Barnosky and Kaitlin Clare Maguire
(University of California, Berkeley) for inspirational teaching of evolu-
tionary paleoecology and biogeography; John D. Orcutt (Cornell Col-
lege) for encouragement; and B. P. Kraatz, the editors David Hall and
Anjali Goswami, and two anonymous reviewers for insightful comments
on earlier manuscripts of this paper. The Future Development Funding
Program of Kyoto University Research Coordination Alliance funded
the open-access publication of this paper. This is UCMP publication no.
3012 and Paleobiology Database publication no. 392.
The Electronic Supplementary Materials, including lists of museum
specimens and their repositories, are archived in the Dryad Digital
Repository (
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Associate editor: A. Goswami
Handling Editor: D. W. Hall
Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
Fig. S1. Maximum lagomorph body masses in modern ecoregions predicted by boosted-regression tree model, plotted against individual predictors.
Fig. S2. Residuals from boosted regression-tree analysis of maximum lagomorph body mass (log10Mmaxlag) in modern ecoregions, compared across
biogeographic realms.
Fig. S3. Observed species temporal ranges (horizontal lines and dots [for single occurrences] based on locality midpoint ages) of leporid-like stem
lagomorphs and leporids (orange), ochotonids (pink), artiodactyls (blue), and perissodactyls (dark blue) in North America from 43.5 to 1.5 Ma plotted
against body masses (point estimates).
Fig. S4. Trajectories of body mass difference between minimum artiodactyl (A) or perissodactyl (B) and maximum lagomorph in North America from
Fig. S5. Bivariate plot of maximum lagomorph and minimum artiodactyl body masses in 547 modern ecoregions.
Fig. S6. Illustration of dental predictor variables used in lagomorph body-mass estimation (Lepus townsendii [MVZ 105670] as an example).
Tab l e S1 . Parameter estimates for lagomorph body-mass prediction models (in order of decreasing predictive accuracy as measured by |D|).
Tab l e S2 . Parameter estimates for ungulate body-mass prediction models (in order of decreasing predictive accuracy).
Tab l e S3 . GLS model parameters for population density Dand ‘basal’ metabolic rate Ragainst body mass in extant leporids and ungulates (non-‘suoid’
artiodactyls and perissodactyls).
... We think that this could be caused by the fact that co-occurrence of ungulates and hares at high densities is rare because of their dietary competition. This can be supported by limited variation of lagomorph body size (< 6.3 kg) as an evolutionary adaptation to avoid competition with ungulates (Tomiya & Miller 2021). ...
1. Predation on ungulates exposes large predators to conflicts with farmers and hunters if they kill livestock and shared game species. Therefore, it is crucial to know the drivers of predation on large prey, understand how they differ from predation on smaller prey and reveal general large-scale patterns. 2. We tested three hypotheses in the global Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx population: 1) consumption of ungulates and hares increases with their densities, 2) effects of predictors on ungulate and hare predation differ between continents, latitudes, longitudes and landscapes, 3) effects of predictors are generally applicable regardless of study materials (scats, carcasses and intestinal tracts). 3. We collected information from 70 publications, including data from 174 study cases (107 from Europe and 67 from Asia) and 114 sites in 30 countries, mainly Russia (73 cases and 46 sites). Linear regression of logit-transformed data and logistic regression were used to test the hypotheses. 4. We found that ungulates made up more than half of the lynx diet in areas containing at least 570 individual ungulates/100 km2 and/or located south of 56°N. Predominance of ungulates in the diet could be related to the higher availability of the main medium-sized ungulate prey species, and to the presence of (mixed) broadleaf deciduous forests with open spaces providing optimal hunting conditions. No significant effects on hare consumption by lynx were revealed, possibly because of a small sample size of hare density data from lynx habitats, fluctuations and instability of hares as a food resource, declines of some hare populations and separation in habitat use by lynx and hares. 5. We conclude that the Eurasian lynx is an adaptable predator, not a lagomorph specialist; throughout its range, the lynx takes ungulates according to their availability. The use of practical nonlethal interventions is important to limit the availability of domestic ungulates (livestock and game) for predation by lynx, and to promote human-lynx coexistence.
... Given that body size is an important factor in cursoriality (Biewener, 1989;Garland, 1983;Iriarte-Díaz, 2002;Steudel & Beattie, 1993), it is important to control for this variation in intraspecific studies. The mammalian order Lagomorpha (pikas, rabbits and hares) has been a common study system because the locomotory diversity of this clade spans generalist to cursorial modes (Bramble, 1989;Camp & Borell, 1937;Fomin & Lobachev, 2000;Kraatz & Sherratt, 2016;Seckel & Janis, 2008;Trotter, 1885;Williams et al., 2007a) with relatively minimal body size variation (Tomiya & Miller, 2021). The clade comprises two extant families, the Leporidae (rabbits and hares; 11 genera) and Ochotonidae (pikas; 1 genus) (Chapman & Flux, 2008;Graham, 2015). ...
Full-text available
Highly cursorial animals are specialised for fast, sustained running via specific morphological adaptations, notably including changes in limb segment length and mechanical advantage. Members of the order Lagomorpha (hares, rabbits and pikas) vary in cursorial ability; hares are generally highly cursorial, rabbits more frequently saltate, and pikas predominantly trot. Previous investigations of lagomorphs have identified anatomical trends correlated with this ‘cursoriality gradient’, however, the phylogenetic sampling of such investigations has been limited to three American species, namely the American pika (Ochotona princeps), brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani), and black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus). Here, we expand the phylogenetic sample and body size range by including novel data from Australian samples of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and European hare (L. europaeus), alongside unpublished data on the Eastern cottontail (S. floridanus). X-ray Computed Tomography and digital landmarking were used to capture proportions within the appendicular skeleton of ~ 40 specimens of each European species. In doubling the number of species studied, we find the previously-identified morphological gradients associated with cursorial behaviour are complicated when evaluated in the larger sample. The relative length and joint velocity of limbs was found to be lower than predicted in European rabbits and hares. Furthermore, we present a novel assessment of morphological integration in the lagomorph appendicular skeleton, finding between-limb covariation patterns that are generally similar to those of other mammals. Broadly, these results suggest cursoriality is only one of many selective forces driving lagomorph skeletal evolution, with variations in body size and fossoriality potentially having measurable impacts.
... Morphospace occupation also can be limited by pre-emptive occupation or later, displacive conquest of portions of the space by competing clades. Displacive competition seems to be scarce at macroevolutionary scales, but pre-emptive, incumbency patterns or priority effects are evidently more common (see Jablonski, 2008bJablonski, , 2017bBenton, 2009;Tilman & Tilman, 2020;and Tomiya & Miller, 2021 for a study that may find both effects). Other negative interactions, such as predation and parasitism, can promote or impede phenotypic or taxonomic diversification; as can positive interactions such as mutualism, and either type can sometimes increase extinction probabilities (see Vermeij, 1987;Jablonski, 2008b;Hembry & Weber, 2020). ...
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Evolvability is best addressed from a multi-level, macroevolutionary perspective through a comparative approach that tests for among-clade differences in phenotypic diversification in response to an opportunity, such as encountered after a mass extinction, entering a new adaptive zone, or entering a new geographic area. Analyzing the dynamics of clades under similar environmental conditions can (partially) factor out shared external drivers to recognize intrinsic differences in evolvability, aiming for a macroevolutionary analog of a common-garden experiment. Analyses will be most powerful when integrating neontological and paleontological data: determining differences among extant populations that can be hypothesized to generate large-scale, long-term contrasts in evolvability among clades; or observing large-scale differences among clade histories that can by hypothesized to reflect contrasts in genetics and development observed directly in extant populations. However, many comparative analyses can be informative on their own, as explored in this overview. Differences in clade-level evolvability can be visualized in diversity-disparity plots, which can quantify positive and negative departures of phenotypic productivity from stochastic expectations scaled to taxonomic diversification. Factors that evidently can promote evolvability include modularity—when selection aligns with modular structure or with morphological integration patterns; pronounced ontogenetic changes in morphology, as in allometry or multiphase life cycles; genome size; and a variety of evolutionary novelties, which can also be evaluated using macroevolutionary lags between the acquisition of a trait and phenotypic diversification, and dead-clade-walking patterns that may signal a loss of evolvability when extrinsic factors can be excluded. High speciation rates may indirectly foster phenotypic evolvability, and vice versa. Mechanisms are controversial, but clade evolvability may be higher in the Cambrian, and possibly early in the history of clades at other times; in the tropics; and, for marine organisms, in shallow-water disturbed habitats.
... Hunting, trapping and poisoning for various reasons negatively affect their populations (Corlett, 2007;Bogoni et al., 2020). The parallel loss of their natural predators and large mammals may be able to counterbalance this process in some cases as predation risk and competitive pressure decreases (Galetti et al., 2015;Tomiya and Miller, 2021). Despite the importance of the topic, we have little evidence on how these human-induced effects influence the abundance and distribution of small rodents and lagomorphs and thus their seed dispersal service in different habitats (but see Galetti et al., 2015;Rosin and Poulsen, 2016;Zeng et al., 2019). ...
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Zoochory is an ecologically and evolutionarily important seed dispersal type. The decline and extinction of seed-dispersing large herbivores severely threatens dispersal-driven ecosystem processes in many regions. Hence the relative importance of small rodents and lagomorphs (Glires, Mammalia) as dispersal vectors might increase due to their ubiquity, diversity and abundance. Here we provide a review of rodent- and lagomorph-mediated seed dispersal based on approximately 600 papers found in an extensive literature search. We highlight that small rodents and lagomorphs disperse seeds via various mechanisms. The seldom documented epi- and endozoochory are probably universal in these groups. Due to their small home range, short fur and small body size, these mechanisms generally operate at small scales and mainly for small seeds. Taxon-specific feeding, nesting and behavioural characteristics provide a wide spectrum of other seed dispersal types, such as synzoochory (food caching). The studied taxa generally support seed dispersal within a particular habitat patch, contributing to the persistence of local populations, but in rare cases, long-distance dispersal events might occur. Besides seed dispersal, rodents and lagomorphs can also support plant establishment and provide safe sites for seeds where they can survive stochastic events. Studies reviewed here show a strong bias both in scope and geographical distribution: synzoochorous dispersal of woody plants is known in detail, and most studies were conducted in the same few countries and habitat types. In contrast, other mechanisms such as endozoochory, epizoochory and habitat types like grasslands and anthropogenic habitats have rarely been studied. We show examples on ecosystem services and disservices related to rodent- and lagomorph-mediated seed dispersal as well as the importance of these processes in habitat conservation and restoration.
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Essays on evolvability from the perspectives of quantitative and population genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, systems biology, macroevolution, and the philosophy of science. Evolvability—the capability of organisms to evolve—wasn't recognized as a fundamental concept in evolutionary theory until 1990. Though there is still some debate as to whether it represents a truly new concept, the essays in this volume emphasize its value in enabling new research programs and facilitating communication among the major disciplines in evolutionary biology. The contributors, many of whom were instrumental in the development of the concept of evolvability, synthesize what we have learned about it over the past thirty years. They focus on the historical and philosophical contexts that influenced the emergence of the concept and suggest ways to develop a common language and theory to drive further evolvability research. The essays, drawn from a workshop on evolvability hosted in 2019–2020 by the Center of Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, in Oslo, provide scientific and historical background on evolvability. The contributors represent different disciplines of evolutionary biology, including quantitative and population genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, systems biology, and macroevolution, as well as the philosophy of science. This plurality of approaches allows researchers in disciplines as diverse as developmental biology, molecular biology, and systems biology to communicate with those working in mainstream evolutionary biology. The contributors also discuss key questions at the forefront of research on evolvability. Contributors:J. David Aponte, W. Scott Armbruster, Geir H. Bolstad, Salomé Bourg, Ingo Brigandt, Anne Calof, James M. Cheverud, Josselin Clo, Frietson Galis, Mark Grabowski, Rebecca Green, Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Thomas F. Hansen, Agnes Holstad, David Houle, David Jablonski, Arthur Lander, Arnaud LeRouzic, Alan C. Love, Ralph Marcucio, Michael B. Morrissey, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Øystein H. Opedal, Mihaela Pavličev, Christophe Pélabon, Jane M. Reid, Heather Richbourg, Jacqueline L. Sztepanacz, Masahito Tsuboi, Cristina Villegas, Marta Vidal-García, Kjetil L. Voje, Andreas Wagner, Günter P. Wagner, Nathan M. Young
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Did the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event, by eliminating non-avian dinosaurs and most of the existing fauna, trigger the evolutionary radiation of present-day mammals? Here we construct, date and analyse a species-level phylogeny of nearly all extant Mammalia to bring a new perspective to this question. Our analyses of how extant lineages accumulated through time show that net per-lineage diversification rates barely changed across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Instead, these rates spiked significantly with the origins of the currently recognized placental superorders and orders approximately 93 million years ago, before falling and remaining low until accelerating again throughout the Eocene and Oligocene epochs. Our results show that the phylogenetic 'fuses' leading to the explosion of extant placental orders are not only very much longer than suspected previously, but also challenge the hypothesis that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event had a major, direct influence on the diversification of today's mammals. Molecular data and the fossil record can give conflicting views of the evolutionary past. For instance, empirical palaeontological evidence by itself tends to favour the 'explosive model' of diversification for extant placental mammals 1 , in which the orders with living representatives both originated and rapidly diversified soon after the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) mass extinction event that eliminated non-avian dinosaurs and many other, mostly marine 2 , taxa 65.5 million years (Myr) ago 1,3,4. By contrast, molecular data consistently push most origins of the same orders back into the Late Cretaceous period 5-9 , leading to alternative scenarios in which placental line-ages persist at low diversity for some period of time after their initial origins ('phylogenetic fuses'; see ref. 10) before undergoing evolutionary explosions 1,11. Principal among these scenarios is the 'long-fuse model' 1 , which postulates an extended lag between the Cretaceous origins of the orders and the first split among their living representatives (crown groups) immediately after the K/T boundary 8. Some older molecular studies advocate a 'short-fuse model' of diversification 1 , where even the basal crown-group divergences within some of the larger placental orders occur well within the Cretaceous period 5-7. A partial molecular phylogeny emphasizing divergences among placental orders suggested that over 20 lineages with extant descendants (henceforth, 'extant lineages') survived the K/T boundary 8. However, the total number of extant lineages that pre-date the extinction event and whether or not they radiated immediately after it remain unknown. The fossil record alone does not provide direct answers to these questions. It does reveal a strong pulse of diversification in stem eutherians immediately after the K/T boundary 4,12 , but few of the known Palaeocene taxa can be placed securely within the crown groups of extant orders comprising Placentalia 4. The latter only rise to prominence in fossils known from the Early Eocene epoch onwards (,50 Myr ago) after a major faunal reorganization 4,13,14. The geographical patchiness of the record complicates interpretations of this near-absence of Palaeocene crown-group fossils 14-16 : were these clades radiating throughout the Palaeocene epoch in parts of the world where the fossil record is less well known; had they not yet originated; or did they have very long fuses, remaining at low diversity until the major turnover at the start of the Eocene epoch? The pattern of diversification rates through time, to which little attention has been paid so far, might hold the key to answering these questions. If the Cretaceous fauna inhibited mammalian diversification , as is commonly assumed 1 , and all mammalian lineages were able to radiate after their extinction, then there should be a significant increase in the net per-lineage rate of extant mammalian diversification , r (the difference between the per-lineage speciation and extinction rates), immediately after the K/T mass extinction. This hypothesis, along with the explosive, long-and short-fuse models, can be tested using densely sampled phylogenies of extant species, which contain information about the history of their diversification rates 17-20. Using modern supertree algorithms 21,22 , we construct the first virtually complete species-level phylogeny of extant mammals from over 2,500 partial estimates, and estimate divergence times (with confidence intervals) throughout it using a 66-gene alignment in conjunction with 30 cladistically robust fossil calibration points. Our analyses of the supertree indicate that the principal splits underlying the diversification of the extant lineages occurred (1) from 100-85 Myr ago with the origins of the extant orders, and (2) in or after the Early Eocene (agreeing with the upturn in their diversity known from the fossil record 4,13,14), but not immediately after the K/T boundary, where diversification rates are unchanged. Our findings-that more extant placental lineages survived the K/T boundary than previously recognized and that fewer arose immediately after it than previously suspected-extend the phylogenetic fuses of many extant orders and indicate that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event had, at best, a minor role in driving the diversification of the present-day mam-malian lineages. A supertree with divergence times for extant mammals The supertree contains 4,510 of the 4,554 extant species recorded in ref. 23, making it 99.0% complete at the species level (Fig. 1; see also
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Megafaunal loss Today, it is well known that human activities put larger animals at greater risk of extinction. Such targeting of the largest species is not new, however. Smith et al. show that biased loss of large-bodied mammal species from ecosystems is a signature of human impacts that has been following hominin migrations since the Pleistocene. If the current trend continues, terrestrial mammal body sizes will become smaller than they have been over the past 45 million years. Megafaunal mammals have a major impact on the structure of ecosystems, so their loss could be particularly damaging. Science , this issue p. 310
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15 Volume 6 of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World presents a thorough synthesis of the mam-malian clade Glires, consisting of the orders Lagomorpha and Rodentia. The number of species in each of these two orders is in constant flux as new species are described, recognized forms are split into multiple previously cryptic species, and previously recognized species are lumped into one. There are currently 92 species of lagomorphs treated in this volume. The number of species of rodents will only be fully defined when Volume 7 is completed; it is likely to be close to 2400 species, or about 40% of all living mammals. Given the extremely large number of species, the order Rodentia will be treated partially in this volume and completed in Volume 7. This volume will cover two of the three major groupings of rodents, based upon skull morphology: sciuromorphs (squirrel-like skull morphology) and hystricomorphs (porcupine-like skull morphology). Volume 7 will cover the remainder of the rodents in the suborder Myomorpha, or rodents with mouse-like skull morphology, including the superfamilies Dipodoidea and Muroidea. Those two superfami-lies account for two-thirds of all rodent species. This introductory chapter will summarize the fossil record and early evolutionary history of lagomorphs and rodents, the phylogenetic relations of families of rodents and lagomorphs in their respective orders, and morphological characteristics that help to define their higher-level relationships. It also addresses the diverse array of adaptations in lagomorphs and rodents, their important ecological roles, aspects of their social behavior, and their conservation.
Bringing together a variety of accomplished dental researchers, this book covers a range of topics germane to the study of human and other primate teeth. The chapters encompass work on individuals to samples, ranging from prehistoric to modern times. The focus throughout the book is the methodology required for the study of modern dental anthropology, comprising the scientific methods in use today - ranging from simple observation to advanced computer-based analyses - which can be utilized by the reader in their own dental research. Originating from the 20th anniversary meeting of the Dental Anthropology Association, this is a valuable reference source for graduate students, academic researchers and professionals in the social and life sciences, as well as clinicians.
Significance Many lineages increase in diversity through time, and some of them eventually decline and get replaced. The causes of such diversity decline remain elusive and are especially difficult to understand over a long-time scale and global distribution. Relying on unprecedented species-level fossil datasets spanning the last 140 million years, we investigated the causes of the wax and wane of mackerel sharks (Lamniformes), including the great white shark. We find that both temperature and competition with some ecologically similar members of their sister group, the ground sharks, played a substantial role in the lamniform demise. Our results provide quantitative evidence that the Court Jester and Red Queen can jointly drive the radiation and extinction of entire lineages.
The geological persistence of biotic assemblages and their reorganization or destruction by mass extinctions are key features of long-term macroevolutionary and macroecological patterns in the fossil record. These events affected biotic history disproportionately and left permanent imprints on global biodiversity. Here we hypothesize that the geological persistence and incumbency of paleocommunities and taxa are maintained by patterns of biotic interactions that favour the ecological persistence and stable coexistence of interacting species. Equally complex communities produced by alternative macroevolutionary histories, and hence of different functional structure, may support less stable species coexistence, and are therefore less persistent. However, alternative communities with the same functional structure as a persistent paleocommunity, but variable clade richnesses, tend to be as or more stable than observed palecommunities, thus demonstrating that geological persistence is not the result of constrained patterns, or ecological locking. Numerically modeled food webs for seven tetrapod-dominated paleocommunities spanning the traditionally-recognized Permian-Triassic boundary in the Karoo Basin of South Africa, show that incumbency before the Permian-Triassic mass extinction was maintained by a dynamically stable, community-level system of biotic interactions, thereby supporting the hypothesis. The system's structure was lost through successive extinction pulses, and replaced initially by a rich but geologically ephemeral Early Triassic fauna, which itself was replaced by a novel Middle Triassic community with renewed incumbency. The loss of persistence and incumbency, therefore, did not result simply from the extinction of species; instead the largest declines were accompanied by the addition of new species to the system in the earliest aftermath of the event. We therefore further hypothesize that ecological reorganization and evolutionary innovation in the wake of mass extinctions play key roles in the destruction of highly stable, preexisting systems of biotic interaction. In the case of the Karoo Basin paleocommunities, we estimate that a return to stable interactions, and thus incumbency, was achieved in approximately 4–17 Ma.
After more than fifteen years of existence, the R package ape has continuously grown its contents, and has been used by a growing community of users. The release of version 5.0 has marked a leap towards a modern software for evolutionary analyses. Efforts have been put to improve efficiency, flexibility, support for 'big data' (R's long vectors), ease of use, and quality check before a new release. These changes will hopefully make ape a useful software for the study of biodiversity and evolution in a context of increasing data quantity. Availability: ape is distributed through the Comprehensive R Archive Network: information may be found at