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Abstract and Figures

Background To evaluate the viability and efficacy of sialendoscopy for the management of parotidomegaly related to eating disorders, 6 patients suffering from eating disorders and recurring symptoms of glandular swelling were followed up at the Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, AOU University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. After the detection of the impaired gland through clinical and radiographical analysis, the diagnostic unit was introduced into the duct and was advanced in, reaching the ductal system. Plaques were washed out, any strictures were dilated both by hydrostatic pressure application and steroid solution injection directly in the fibrotic area. Results Both glands resulted affected in 83% of patients. 11 parotid glands were explored and treated. Strictures were found in 2 glands (33%), sialectasis in 3 glands (50%), strictures and sialectasis together in 1 glands (17%). In 3 parotid glands (50%) Stenon’s duct was affected, in two (33%) only secondary ducts, in 1 (17%) both. We reached symptomatic improvement in 5 patients (83%), reporting the spherical volume of the parotid region and pain reduction. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that sialendoscopy is a safe and effective therapeutic method to treat EDs salivary symptoms. Treating the underlining psychiatric pathology should be the primary goal in patient care to lower the possible recurrence rate and increase the successful outcome of this technique.
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M E T H O D O L O G Y A R T I C L E Open Access
Interventional sialendoscopy in
parotidomegaly related to eating disorders
Giuseppe Colella
, Giorgio Lo Giudice
, Roberto De Luca
, Antonio Troiano
, Carmelo Lo Faro
Vincenzo Santillo
and Gianpaolo Tartaro
Background: To evaluate the viability and efficacy of sialendoscopy for the management of parotidomegaly related
to eating disorders, 6 patients suffering from eating disorders and recurring symptoms of glandular swelling were
followed up at the Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties, Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Unit, AOU University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. After the detection of the impaired gland through
clinical and radiographical analysis, the diagnostic unit was introduced into the duct and was advanced in, reaching
the ductal system. Plaques were washed out, any strictures were dilated both by hydrostatic pressure application
and steroid solution injection directly in the fibrotic area.
Results: Both glands resulted affected in 83% of patients. 11 parotid glands were explored and treated. Strictures
were found in 2 glands (33%), sialectasis in 3 glands (50%), strictures and sialectasis together in 1 glands (17%). In 3
parotid glands (50%) Stenons duct was affected, in two (33%) only secondary ducts, in 1 (17%) both. We reached
symptomatic improvement in 5 patients (83%), reporting the spherical volume of the parotid region and pain
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that sialendoscopy is a safe and effective therapeutic method to treat EDs
salivary symptoms. Treating the underlining psychiatric pathology should be the primary goal in patient care to
lower the possible recurrence rate and increase the successful outcome of this technique.
Keywords: Sialendoscopy, Sialoendoscopy, Parotidomegaly, Sialadenosis, Sialoadenosis, Sialadenitis, Sialoadenitis,
Eating disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia
Plain English summary
Patients affected by Eating Disorders such as Anorexia
Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa often follow compensatory
behaviors to control their weight. Among all behaviors,
if self-induced vomiting is protracted over time, oral
health can be affected on both anatomical and biochem-
ical level. Salivary gland swelling is a pathological alter-
ation that these patients can manifest. The glands can
become visible and sometimes painful, changing the
facial profile. Sialendoscopy is a technique that offers a
minimally invasive approach to non-neoplastic diseases,
allowing the endoscopic visualization of the salivary
glands and their ducts, offering a tool to treat ductal sys-
tem pathologies. The aim of this research was then to
assess the validity of this non-invasive technique to treat
salivary symptoms related to Eating Disorders. The re-
sults showed a reduction of salivary gland volume and
symptom relief in most patients, opening a new path to
treat the consequences of such conditions.
Eating disorders (EDs) are psychological conditions
based on self-misperception of body shape and weight,
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* Correspondence:
Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive and Odontostomatological
Sciences, Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, University of Naples Federico II, 80138
Naples, Italy
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Colella et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2021) 9:25
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often leading to severe systemic conditions that require
medical treatment. DSM-V lists different behavioral syn-
dromes in the Feeding and Eating Disorders chapter:
Pica, Rumination Disorder, Avoidant/Restrictive Food
Intake Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Ner-
vosa (BN), Binge-Eating Disorder and Unspecified Feed-
ing or Eating Disorder [1]. AN clinical characteristics
lead to two subtypes: Anorexia Nervosa Restricting type
(AN-R) and Anorexia Nervosa Binge-eating/Purging
type (AN-BP) whereas BN is distinguished by compensa-
tory actions after binge eating. Patients may follow in-
appropriate compensatory behaviors in order to avoid
guilt perceived after eating or weight gain, such as chew-
ing and spitting, self-induced vomiting, fasting or intake
restriction after food consumption, drug intake such as
laxatives or diuretics, inappropriate use of enemas, and
over-exercising. The self-induced vomiting behaviour ex-
hibited by some patients sabotages the oral health status,
affecting both hard and soft tissues. Clinically, the pa-
tients may show enamel erosion, tooth decay, periodon-
tal diseases, mucositis, and glossitis. The salivary profile
is also affected both biochemically and anatomically
showing altered salivary flow, increased amylase levels,
decreased pH and bicarbonate salivary levels, salivary
gland swelling (mostly affecting the parotid gland), siala-
denosis, and facial swelling coming from parotidomegaly
[2]. Although the mechanisms underlining salivary gland
swelling are still up to debate, this condition must be
treated by the physician: the impact on the patients
body image is significant, furthermore magnified by the
social pressure to pursuit a symmetric, imperfection-free
face, possibly worsening their dysmorphic disorder. Nah-
lieli and Baruchin introduced rigid salivary gland endos-
copy in 1994 [3]. Since that time, sialendoscopy has
been used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes [4].
Sialendoscopy offers a minimally invasive approach to
non-neoplastic diseases, allowing endoscopic intralum-
inal visualization and offering a tool to treat ductal sys-
tem pathologies, reducing or eliminating the need for
sialadenectomy thus avoiding the related surgical risks
[58]. This paper aims to evaluate the reliability of sia-
lendoscopy in the management of parotidomegaly re-
lated to eating disorders.
Materials and methods
Six patients were referred to the Multidisciplinary De-
partment of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties,
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, AOU University of
Campania Luigi Vanvitelliand were recruited for this
prospective study from November 2012 to December
2016. The inclusion criteria were: diagnosis of EDs, re-
curring symptoms of glandular swelling either with or
without pain, enlarged volume of the parotid region. Ex-
clusion criteria were: any previous sialendoscopic
treatment and/or botulinum toxin treatment of the par-
otid, previous facial surgery.
Patients were diagnosed with EDs by our center ac-
cording to DSM-V. ED related parotidomegaly and siala-
denosis was diagnosed after clinical and radiological
examination, and exclusion of drinking history, parotid
gland infective diseases, sialolithiasis or tumors.. Mor-
phological analysis was performed through ultrasound
and MRI scans. The spherical volume of the parotid re-
gion was measured according to Metzger at baseline
(T0) and 6 months follow-up (T1) as V = 4/3 × π× (r1
× r2 × r3)where r1, r2, and r3 are the semidiameters
for gland height, width, and depth [9]. Signs and symp-
toms improvement were considered as the primary end-
point of this study and it was evaluated assessing salivary
swelling and pain reduction compared to baseline.
After the detection of the impaired gland, local
anesthesia with lidocaine 2% was achieved on the orifice
region. Gradual dilatation of the duct orifice was then
performed, using salivary probes of increased diameter
from 0000 to 0 size and with a 0.5 mm lacrimal probe,
reaching 1.3 mm diameter, matching the outer diameter
of the sialendoscope diagnostic unit (Marchal Sialendo-
scope - Karl Storz). The larger scopes (1.6 mm diameter)
were introduced as needed and a 5 mm papillotomy was
performed in order to prevent false roads creation. The
diagnostic unit was introduced into the duct and was ad-
vanced, until reaching the ductal system while carrying
out continuous lavage with isotonic saline solution. Care
is taken to avoid puncturing or lacerating the duct. The
plaques were washed out; any strictures were dilated
both by hydrostatic pressure application and steroid so-
lution injection directly in the fibrotic area; mucous
plugs and debris were removed with irrigation or for-
ceps. At the end of the procedure, the ductal system was
irrigated with a betamethasone solution (Bentelan 4 mg/
2mlAlfasigma S.p.a., Milano, Italy) under direct vision
while withdrawing the scope, in order to treat the in-
flammation of the ductal epithelium (sialodochitis) and
to promote the dilatation of ductal strictures.
Sialendoscopy was considered successful when the en-
tire ductal lumen and its branches were clear of any dis-
ease. An antibiotic prophylaxis treatment was performed
with twice a day doses of Amoxicillin 875 mg and Clavu-
lanic acid 125 mg on post-operative phase for one week.
The patients were followed-up at 3 months, 6 months
(T1), and 1 year.
Our cohort included 6 female patients with a mean age
of 22 years. 4 patients came to our attention with a diag-
nosis of AN-BP, 2 with a diagnosis of BN. In patients 1,
3 and 4, eating disorders familiarity was discovered dur-
ing anamnesis. In patients 2 and 4, Generalized Anxiety
Colella et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2021) 9:25 Page 2 of 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Disorder and Major Depression treated with benzodiaze-
pines were associated. Symptoms onset average from our
medical examination was 12.6 months (Table 1,Fig.1).
Before performing this technique, all patients carried
out analgesic and antibiotic drug therapy without any re-
lief. All patients performed ultrasonography and MRI
scans: in 3 patients the preoperative imaging evidenced
hypoechogenic areas, in 2 patients hypoechogenic areas
and punctate calcifications, in 1 patient hypoechogenic
areas and reactive lymph nodes (Table 1, Fig. 2).
Both glands resulted affected in 5 out of 6 patients
(83%). 11 parotid glands were explored and treated; in 5
patients the procedure was completed with no complica-
tions. However, in 1 case the procedure was discontin-
ued at the initial stage due to pain intolerance and
anxiety. The procedure was then performed again after
1 week (Table 2).
Strictures were found in 2 glands (33%), sialectasis in 3
glands (50%), strictures and sialectasis together in 1
gland (17%). In 3 parotid glands (50%) Stenons duct was
affected, in 2 glands (33%) only secondary ducts, in 1
(17%) both (Fig. 3).
No diagnosis of sialolithiasis was made in our patients.
No major complications such as nerve damage,
hemorrhage, airway impairment, ductal perforation or
kinks were observed. Symptomatic improvement was
reached in 5 patients at T1 (83%). The patients showed
spherical volume reduction of the parotid region and
pain reduction at T1 (Table 2, Fig. 4).
One patient (patient 6) with bilateral parotidomegaly
did not reach symptom relief nor spherical volume re-
duction after performing 4 sialendoscopies in succession
at a time interval of 6 months. In this case, we observed
an endoscopic pattern of sialectasis bilaterally. One pa-
tient (patient 5) did not show immediate improvement
and they underwent a further sialendoscopy within a 3
5 months interval from their first treatment, obtaining
Studies found in literature describe non-inflammatory
swelling of the salivary glands as a symptom underlining
eating disorders [10,11]. The enlarged area of the ana-
tomical region of the parotid gland and, occasionally, of
the submandibular gland, are described in patients with
AN and BN, while other glands may not show any
macroscopic alterations [12,13]. Parotid swelling inci-
dence has been estimated from 10 to 50% and may be ei-
ther uni- or bilateral [1417]. Some studies presume the
etiology of this condition to be a combination of an ab-
normally low body mass index (BMI), nutritional defi-
ciency, functional hypertrophy, and neurovegetative/
hormonal dysregulation. Binge eating and purging be-
haviour by vomiting seems to be directly connected to
Table 1 Patientsdemographics. (AN-BP - Anorexia Nervosa Binge eating/Purging type; BN - Bulimia Nervosa)
Patient Sex Age Symptoms Onset
Comorbidities Ultrasound Findings
1 F 18 12 BN yes None Hypoechogenic areas and punctate
2 F 23 6 AN-BP no Generalized Anxiety Disorder and
Major Depression
Hypoechogenic areas
3 F 25 6 BN yes None Hypoechogenic areas and reactive
lymph nodes
4 F 27 18 AN-BP yes Generalized Anxiety Disorder and
Major Depression
Hypoechogenic areas and punctate
5 F 17 4 AN-BP no Autoimmune Thyroiditis Hypoechogenic areas
6 F 20 3 AN-BP no DM1,
Hypoechogenic areas
Fig. 1 T0 external view examination
Colella et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2021) 9:25 Page 3 of 6
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Fig. 2 MRI assessment shows reduction of the parotid gland volume bilaterally. Coronal T2w at T0 (a) and T1 (b); axial T2w at T0 (c) and T1 (d);
coronal STIR at T0 (e) and T1 (f); axial STIR at T0 (g) and T1 (H). BAR: 1 cm
Table 2 Sialendoscopic features and outcomes. (StD - Stenons duct; SeD - Secondary ducts)
Patient Gland Findings Intervention Complications Parotid region spherical volume
region spherical volume
Sialectasis StD Dilatation and
None 5 cm L
4,8 cm R
4.5 cm L
3.2 cm R
Stricture StD Stricture
Dilatation and
None 4.5 cm 2 cm
Stricture SeD Dilatation and
None 2.9 cm L
4cm R
1.2 cm L
3cm R
Stricture SeD
Sialectasis SeD
Dilatation and
None 3.7 cm L
4.4 cm R
2.1 cm L
3.2 cm R
Sialectasis StD Dilatation and
None 6.2 cm L
6.5 cm R
2.5 cm L
1.8 cm R
Sialectasis StD Dilatation and
Failed 4
6.3 cm L
4.5 cm R
6.2 cm L
4.5 cm R
Colella et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2021) 9:25 Page 4 of 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
the onset of the swelling, usually beginning 26 days after
the trigger episode. This sign tends to fade in early stages if
the behaviour is not protracted in time and is generally pain-
less [18]. Histological examinations show changes within the
parenchyma of the parotids, including hypertrophy of the
cells and increased storage of adipose tissue [10,1416].
Hyposalivation is another typical feature reported in patients
affected by both AN subtypes and BN, thus possibly concur-
ring to the persistence of the glands inflammatory state. The
genesis of this phenomenon could come from vomiting, star-
vation and antidepressant medications that have antisialago-
role in this pathological sign [2,19]. Since this plethora of
signs tend to subside after ED treatment and resolution, due
to the inflammatory trigger removal, a step-by-step treat-
ment approach should be followed: intensive pharmaco-
logical, sialendoscopic and then surgical approaches should
be kept for refractory cases in long-history ED patients. Re-
ports of effective sialogogue drug use such as pilocarpine,
can be found in literature and could be used as primary
treatment in such patients [20,21].
While performing sialoendoscopy, phlogistic findings
were detected. Strictures were founded in 2 glands (33%),
sialectasis in 3 glands (50%), strictures and sialectasis to-
gether in 1 gland (17%). Each of these features, typical of
chronic sialoadenitis, is widely described in literature and
successfully treated with sialendoscopy [21,22].
Sialendoscopy is a technique able to offer a minimally in-
vasive and gland-preserving approach to non-neoplastic sal-
ivary glands diseases. In our work, we obtained encouraging
results that justify the possibility of treating EDs salivary
symptoms with a conservative procedure reaching symptom-
atic improvement in most of the patients treated. The mor-
phological analysis showed spherical volume reduction of the
parotid region, less incidence of salivary swelling and pain re-
duction (Table 2). Only 1 patient with bilateral parotidome-
galy reached neither symptoms relief nor spherical volume
reduction after performing 4 sialendoscopies in succession at
a time interval of 6 months. Botulinum toxin injection of the
salivary glands is used to treat sialorrhea, salivary fistulae, first
bite syndrome, Frey syndrome and sialoadenitis [23]. Cos-
metic off-label use has been reported in literature due to its
parenchymal atrophy effects in order to reduce gland volume
thus performing facial recontouring [24]. This treatment, re-
ported to be possible in both percutaneous and intraductal
infusion, could be used to treat those parotidomegaly cases
refractory to the sialendoscopic therapy [25]. The surgical
treatment (superficial or total parotidectomy) should be care-
fully pondered by the surgeon and used as a last resort, con-
sidering that a slight significant percentage of symptomatic
pain is usually referred, the young mean age of the patients
in question, and the related risks of such surgical procedures.
Sialendoscopy is a versatile procedure, worthwhile to
treat EDs salivary symptoms refractory to common
therapy. Despite the small cohort of patients consid-
ered, our results are promising and should push the
researchers to widen its application fields. Treating
the underlining psychiatric pathology should be the
primary goal in patient care, in order to lower the
possible recurrence rate and increase the successful
outcomes of this technique.
Fig. 3 Sialendoscopic photogram of right parotid primary
duct stricture
Fig. 4 T1 external view examination
Colella et al. Journal of Eating Disorders (2021) 9:25 Page 5 of 6
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AN: Anorexia Nervosa; AN-BP: Anorexia Nervosa Binge eating/Purging type;
AN-R: Anorexia Nervosa Restricting type; BN: Bulimia Nervosa; DSM-
V: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders - 5th edition;
ED: Eating disorder; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Not applicable.
Data curation, A.T; formal analysis, C.L.F.; investigation, V.S.; project
administration, G.C.; supervision, G.T.; writingoriginal draft, R.D.L.;
writingreview and editing, G.L.G. All authors read and approved the final
This research received no external funding.
Availability of data and materials
Data are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was approved by the internal ethical committee of the University
(AOU-SUN 165/2011).
Consent for publication
The patients involved in this study granted consent for publication.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties, Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli,
80138 Naples, Italy.
Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive and
Odontostomatological Sciences, Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, University of
Naples Federico II, 80138 Naples, Italy.
Received: 14 September 2020 Accepted: 4 February 2021
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... 5 Recently, interventional sialendoscopy has been proposed as another surgical option, although their efficacy remains to be further determined. 6 Alternative treatment options, such as intraglandular botulinum toxin or triamcinolone injections, have been conducted, but their efficacy has yet to be examined. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intraglandular BoNTA botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA) injections for the treatment of sialadenosis. ...
... Objective studies, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging, can be used to assess salivary gland size and spherical volume of the salivary glands. 6,10 Also, long-term effects of repetitive BoNTA injection still need to be confirmed. Further studies with a prospective design are needed to determine the optimal dose of BoNTA per gland and to compare the efficacy with other surgical treatments, although most of the patients in our study were satisfied with the results during followup and preferred to continue with further injections over invasive surgical intervention. ...
Objectives We aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA) injections for the treatment of sialadenosis. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 20 patients treated with intraglandular BoNTA injections. Patient satisfaction was assessed using Likert scales: a three‐point scale to evaluate improvement in the sense of parotid distention and a five‐point scale to assess improvement in cosmesis. Complications, such as salivary dysfunction and facial weakness, were monitored during follow‐up after injections. Results Patients received a median of two injections (range, one to five injections) of BoNTA (40–50 U/mL per injection) into each parotid gland. Three months after treatment, five (25%), 11 (55%), and four (20%) patients experienced complete, partial, and no relief of salivary gland distention with discomfort, respectively. For esthetic scoring, two (10%), five (25%), 10 (50%), three (15%), and no patients were assigned scores of 3, 2, 1, 0, and ‐1, respectively. Salivary gland scintigraphy was performed for 14 patients before injection. Ten and four patients showed normal and increased uptake by the salivary glands, respectively. At 3 months after injection, salivary gland scintigraphy showed that maximum salivary secretions significantly decreased, whereas salivary flow did not significantly differ between pre‐ and post‐injection. No patient complained of dry mouth or facial weakness during follow‐up. Conclusions Intraglandular BoNTA injections might be an alternative option for treating symptomatic sialadenosis, although it is only partially effective for alleviating parotidomegaly and often requires repeated injections. Long‐term prospective studies are needed to optimize the dosage and treatment intervals of BoNTA injection.
... Sialendoscopy is a procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of salivary obstructive and inflammatory diseases [5][6][7][8]. It can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the level of difficulty of the individual case. ...
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Background: Continuous irrigation of the duct with isotonic saline is one of the fundamental stages of a successful sialendoscopic procedure. It allows for an adequate luminal distension for the removal of debris and mucous plugs and for the conservative treatment of strictures. This procedure, which commonly involves the use of a medical syringe, can be laborious, and it is often necessary to interrupt irrigation during surgery due to the high resistance to saline. Setting: Academic university hospital. Method: We propose the use of an irrigation device which consists of a high-pressure syringe barrel, an ergonomic piston handle, and a gauge used to monitor the inflation and deflation of balloon catheters. The system allows for a simple and safe dilation, ensuring good visualization of the salivary duct lumen during sialendoscopy. Conclusions: The irrigation system described can be widely used to perform a diagnostic or interventional sialendoscopy more effectively than with a typical manual irrigation procedure.
... Sialogogues, the direct massage of distal stones out of the duct, and techniques involving interventional sialography, lithotripsy, sialoendoscopy and various surgeries were proposed as treatment choices for sialolithiasis [14]. Our patients were predominantly treated through intraoral surgical excision of the calculi (72.7%), but also through sialoendoscopy, a minimally invasive and versatile procedure that can preserve the gland with the recovery of its functions and without the risk of nerve damage [15]. When sialoendoscopy was carried out, after the dilation and the lavage of the duct, cortisone was injected; the post-operative phase was managed by administering antibiotics along with the gland massages. ...
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Salivary gland disorders are uncommon in children; they show a lower prevalence when compared to adults. The literature has a relative lack of information about the management and the different treatment protocols regarding these diseases. The aim of this research is to investigate the prevalence of both benign and malignant salivary gland disorders, focusing on diagnostic and therapy. An audit of patients diagnosed with salivary gland disorders was conducted from 2000 to 2020. 99 patients’ records were selected and analyzed: 51 males’ and 48 females’, age 10 ± 4 SD. Obstructive pathologies were the most frequently diagnosed (49 patients) followed by oncologic (21 patients), inflammatory (20 patients), rheumatologic (4 patients), malformative (3 patients) and infective disorders (2 patients). The parotid was the most affected major gland in 47 cases with a prevalence of diagnosis of juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP) (40.4%), followed by the sublingual gland in 14 cases of ranula (100%) and the submandibular gland in 11 patients suffering from sialolithiasis (84.6%). Swelling was the most common symptom (75.7% of patients). Seven different neoplasms were documented. A greater prevalence of low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma among the malignant group (38.1% of oncologic cases) was noted. In regards to benign tumors, pleomorphic adenoma was the most common diagnosis (47.6% of cases). The symptoms and outcomes showed statistical significance concerning gender. Although salivary gland diseases in children and adolescents are rare, it is essential to observe and monitor all of the symptoms to intervene if necessary, as painless swelling is a symptom common from both benign and malignant diseases.
In this section, we discuss the management of benign salivary gland disease. Pathologies vary from sialolithiasis, salivary duct stenosis, sialadenitis, infectious glandular disease, autoimmune glandular disease, and radioactive iodine-induced disease. We discuss both novel techniques in the diagnosis and management of these diseases, including ultrasound, sialendoscopy, minor salivary gland biopsy, and botulinum toxin injection, which allow for both the alleviation of symptoms and gland preservation.
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Background Administration of botulinum toxin through intraductal salivary infusion may decrease the risks of percutaneous needle injection and improve delivery to permeate the entire gland parenchyma. Methods The safety of intraductal salivary gland infusion was tested with prospective evaluation of two patients using interviews, clinical examination, and pressure measurement during infusion. Retrospective chart review of two subsequently treated patients assessed treatment of a parotid‐cutaneous fistula and sialorrhea. Results No complications were identified in the safety study. Pressure changes during infusion supported the concept of botulinum neurotoxin delivery to permeate the gland. Patient‐assessed success was subjectively reported as a reduction in the parotid‐cutaneous output “by 95%” and the sialorrhea “by 90%” at 2‐week follow‐up. Conclusions The intraductal route of botulinum toxin delivery to salivary glands was without complication and was effective in two patients treated therapeutically. Pressure measurements during infusion may be helpful to direct treatment. Level of Evidence 4
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To conduct a systematic review with meta-analysis to determine the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy in the treatment of obstructive diseases of the salivary glands in adults. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (no lower limit to October 2010). Reference lists were searched for identification of relevant studies. Prospective or retrospective studies of adult patients treated with interventional sialendoscopy for the management of salivary gland obstruction were selected. Outcome measures included rates of success (symptom-free and absence of residual obstruction), sialadenectomy, and complications. Non-English publications were excluded. Two independent review authors screened eligible studies, extracted relevant data, and resolved discrepancies by consensus when applicable. Weighted pooled proportion, 95% confidence intervals, and test results for heterogeneity are reported. Twenty-nine studies were included in the analysis. The weighted pooled proportion of success rates were 0.86 (95% CI, 0.83-0.89) for studies involving 1213 patients undergoing sialendoscopy alone and 0.93 (95% CI, 0.89-0.96) for the 374 patients undergoing sialendoscopy with a combined surgical approach. Outcomes following interventional sialendoscopy for radioiodine-induced sialadenitis were reported in 3 studies, and success rates were variable. Rates of sialadenectomy were low, and few major complications were reported. Findings from the present systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that sialendoscopy is efficacious, safe, and gland preserving for the treatment of obstructive major salivary gland disease.
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Hyposalivation is represented by a reduced salivary flow rate and can be caused by etiologic factors such as systemic diseases and intake of various medications or by radiotherapy following head and neck cancer. The aim of this review was to compile data about the qualitative and quantitative changes of salivary components during hyposalivation, and to summarize their consequences for oral health. A Medline/PubMed/Scopus search was conducted to identify and summarize articles published in English and German that reported on etiology of hyposalivation and changes in the salivary composition due to hyposalivation of different origins. The search revealed 94 articles, 71 of which were original articles. Apart from the reduction of the salivary flow rate, the quality of saliva is strongly altered because of systemic diseases, medications, and radiotherapy, including increased viscosity and pH shift to more acidic values and changes in salivary protein compositions. Furthermore, hyposalivation may be accompanied by pronounced shifts in specific microbial components, in particular toward a highly acidogenic microflora. Moreover, therapy of hyposalivation is often restricted to palliative treatment (ie, saliva substitutes or gels). To prevent tooth tissue demineralization, clinicians should consider saliva substitutes that are supersaturated with calcium and phosphates and contain fluoride.
To evaluate, on the basis of our clinical experience, the reliability of an endoscopic approach to the management of obstructive salivary diseases related to Sjögren's syndrome. A retrospective review of all patients affected by Sjögren's syndrome who were followed up at the Maxillo-Facial Unit of the Second University of Naples Hospital and referred from the Reumatology Unit of the same hospital from September 2007 to July 2012 for chronic obstructive sialadenitis unresponsive to medical therapy. A total of 34 patients (29 women and 5 men) were recruited for this study. After the detection of the impaired gland, under local anesthesia with lidocaine 2% to the orifice region and a gradual dilation of the duct orifice, the diagnostic unit was introduced into the duct and was advanced forward until reaching the ductal system, with continuous lavage with isotonic saline solution. The plaques were washed out, and any strictures were dilated. Mucus plugs and debris were removed with irrigation or with a forceps if necessary. Our cohort included 34 patients with a mean age of 51.76 years. A total of 60 parotid glands and 25 submandibular glands were explored and treated. Strictures were found in 38 glands (38 of 85; 45%), mucus plugs in 47 glands (47 of 85; 55%), mucus plugs and strictures together in three glands (3 of 85; 4%), and kinks in two glands (2 of 85; 2%). In 32 parotid glands (32 of 60; 53%) the Stensen duct was affected, in two (2 of 60; 3%) only secondary ducts, and in 18 (18 of 60; 30%) both. In submandibular glands explored, strictures and mucus plugs were mainly observed in Wharton ducts. Symptomatic improvement was achieved in 29 patients (29 of 34; 85%), in a follow-up period ranging from 5 months to 3 years. Interventional sialoendoscopy is a viable technique to treat acute symptomatology in patients with obstructive salivary gland diseases related to Sjögren's syndrome and refractory to conventional management. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Stress is known to influence risk and progression of eating disorders (EDs). However, studies investigating physiological and psychological stress responses under laboratory conditions in patients with Anorexia nervosa or Bulimia nervosa are scarce and often produce conflicting findings. We therefore aimed to compare the neuroendocrine and affective stress response in ED inpatients and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-eight female inpatients with Anorexia or Bulimia nervosa and 26 healthy women were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase (sAA) levels were assessed before as well as repeatedly after stress exposure, while heart rate and heart rate variability were determined before and during the TSST. Negative affective state was assessed at baseline and post-TSST. Results: Compared to healthy controls, ED patients showed blunted cortisol stress responses combined with overall attenuated sAA levels. The latter was reflected in generally enhanced parasympathetic activity indicated by lower heart rate and stronger high-frequency heart rate variability throughout the TSST. Although patients reported more negative affect overall, they did not differ in their affective stress response. Conclusions: In summary, patients suffering from eating disorders show a blunted HPA axis reactivity to stress exposure and a generally reduced sympathetic/exaggerated parasympathetic nervous system activity. This combination may contribute to elevated health risks seen in eating disorder patients, such as enhanced inflammatory activity, and thus provide insight into the underlying stress-related mechanisms.
Background Chronic sialadenitis is a relatively common disorder that is frequently referred to head and neck surgeons for diagnosis and management. The management of the disorder is rapidly evolving with the introduction of salivary endoscopy. The purpose of the present study was a review of the indications and techniques of endoscopic-assisted management of chronic sialadenitis at a single U.S. institution.Methods This study is a retrospective case series of patients undergoing salivary endoscopy for chronic sialadenitis. Patient clinical information was reviewed to determine endoscopic findings, associated procedures, complications, rate of gland preservation, and early symptom control.ResultsA total of 51 patients underwent endoscopic-assisted salivary surgery over a 24-month period. Treatment indications included sialadenitis of unclear etiology (49%), sialadenitis with sialolithiasis (47%), and Sjögren syndrome (4%). Findings included obstructive stricture formation in 22 patients (43%). Associated procedures included sialodochoplasty (41%), steroid infusion (39%), and ductal stenting (8%). Gland preservation was achieved in 40 patients (78%). Of those who were treated with endoscopic-assisted techniques alone, 38 patients (84%) had symptomatic improvement whereas 7 patients (16%) did not improve. Minor complications were observed in 12% of the patients.Conclusion Endoscopic-assisted management of chronic sialadenitis is both safe and effective and allows gland preservation with symptom control in the majority of patients. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2011
Background Sialadenosis refers to noninflammatory, often recurrent, enlargement of the salivary glands, most frequently the parotids, which is almost always associated with an underlying systemic disorder. These include diabetes, alcoholism, malnutrition, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. It is thought that the various causes of sialadenosis all result in a common pathogenetic effect in that they produce a peripheral autonomic neuropathy which is responsible for disordered metabolism and secretion, resulting in acinar enlargement.Methods This paper reports a case of sialadenosis as a presenting sign in bulimia and studies the histologic and electron microscopic features of this disease.ResultsLight microscopy showed acini which appeared to be larger than normal and which were composed of plump pyramidal cells containing prominent zymogen granules. There was less interstitial fat, and the ducts were widely dispersed. Electron microscopy showed the acinar cells to be packed with membrane-limited, dark secretory granules some of which showed moulding of their outlines. Cellular organelles and nuclei were inconspicuous.Conclusions Management of sialadenosis depends upon identification of the underlying cause, which must then be corrected. In bulimia, the swellings may be refractory to standard treatment modalities, and parotidectomy may be considered as a last resort to improve the unacceptable aesthetics. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Head Neck 20: 758–762, 1998.
To asses the possibility of an endoscopic technique to diagnose, treat, and maintain the salivary glands in patients with Sjögren syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. A total of 8 patients with Sjögren syndrome and 2 with systemic lupus erythematosus with affected salivary glands were included in the present study. The treatment approach included parotid sialoendoscopy with thorough rinsing, and Stenson's duct dilation using hydrostatic pressure and a high-pressure balloon. Hydrocortisone 100 mg was injected through direct vision into the duct. The study was exempt by the Barzilai Medical Center review board. The main diagnosis of the patients was chronic recurrent parotitis, with the exception of 1 patient, who presented with salivary stones. The pathologic features of the salivary glands resulting from Sjögren syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus can be managed successfully using an endoscopic approach.