
Method of determining the protection of personal data from trust in social networks

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The analysis of parameters of social networks (information transfer to other users, traffic density, probability of network construction) is carried out. Three variants of solving the equation near the steady state of the system are considered. The protection of personal data increases from the growing factors of trust in information. Mathematical modeling of the dependence of personal data protection on trust is performed. The results obtained in the article showed that the protection of personal data is directly proportional to the reliability and trust, with constant security parameters. The protection of personal data increases with the growth of trust parameters.

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... Attention to these problems is natural [106,107]. If a commercial organization allows the leakage of more than 20 % of important internal information, it goes bankrupt in 60 cases out of 100 [108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116]. Analysis of statistics shows [115,117] that 93 % of companies that left free access to their own confidential information for more than 10 days, left the business. ...
... This is access control; -trust in authenticity: describes the belief in the claimed authenticity of the user. Used in authentication systems [110]; ...
... Witness information (so-called word-of-mouth information or indirect information). Although such information is often used, it is more difficult to use in models of trust and reputation due to the uncertainty of how such information was obtained (may be hidden or distorted by witnesses in their own interests) [110]. ...
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The development of the modern world community is closely related to advances in computing resources and cyberspace. The formation and expansion of the range of services is based on the achievements of mankind in the field of high technologies. However, the rapid growth of computing resources, the emergence of a full-scale quantum computer tightens the requirements for security systems not only for information and communication systems, but also for cyber-physical systems and technologies. The methodological foundations of building security systems for critical infrastructure facilities based on modeling the processes of behavior of antagonistic agents in security systems are discussed in the first chapter. The concept of information security in social networks, based on mathematical models of data protection, taking into account the influence of specific parameters of the social network, the effects on the network are proposed in second chapter. The nonlinear relationships of the parameters of the defense system, attacks, social networks, as well as the influence of individual characteristics of users and the nature of the relationships between them, takes into account. In the third section, practical aspects of the methodology for constructing post-quantum algorithms for asymmetric McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems on algebraic codes (elliptic and modified elliptic codes), their mathematical models and practical algorithms are considered. Hybrid crypto-code constructions of McEliece and Niederreiter on defective codes are proposed. They can significantly reduce the energy costs for implementation, while ensuring the required level of cryptographic strength of the system as a whole. The concept of security of corporate information and educational systems based on the construction of an adaptive information security system is proposed.
... Therefore, the entire saliency map will show strong and weak responses and scattered noise-like responses. The area of interest of the visual system is limited [5]. The imaging resolution of artificial vision systems is limited. ...
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We use mathematical modeling methods to incorporate new elements into the computer graphics technology and visual communication design process. This method realizes the design of a computer image visual communication system. This method uses artificial vision to model and extracts local features. The micro-partial equation obtains the background reference line of the target point in the image sequence to complete the background suppression in the image spatio-temporal domain. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a better tracking effect of subsequent frames of video images and higher tracking efficiency.
... [5] з більшістю кількістю необхідних метрик SNA для аналізу даних. В [6,7] розглянута лінійна модель захищеності системи захисту інформації в соціальних мережах. В [8][9][10][11][12] описані моделі взаємовідносин та взаємовпливу користувачів. ...
The elements of user interaction in social networks are considered: it is shown that the method of analysis of user interactions is based on assumptions when the magnitude of the influence depends on the centrality of users in the social network; the greater the consonance, the higher the nature of the influence, the interaction is a nonlinear function; it is indicated that interaction is a process that has a time interval, the linear model of protection of the information protection system from user interaction is considered; the obtained equations of protection are the equation of a harmonic oscillator with damping amplitude, the iteration of oscillations of the protection system in the pre-resonant, resonant and post-resonant zones is shown.
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In modern conditions, an important role in ensuring the information security of the enterprise and especially its economic component belongs to the processes of information security of the state as a whole. The key role in building security systems of information resources as components of national information resources of the state is played by theory and practice, in which the scientific and methodological basis is the basis for making sound and effective management decisions of the information security of the state at all levels. The article analyzes the approaches to estimating the assessment of economic costs for the information security system. The base model is selected. Using the basic model of assessing the level of protection of information in the social network from external influences on the information social resource, improvements were made to assess the economic feasibility of implementing a mechanism of technical means of information protection in social networks depending on the value of information. The improvement is based on the assumption that the amount of funds allocated by the attacking party is equal to the value of the information, the value of the information is the same for both parties, and the opposing parties are on equal terms. The main parameters on which the efficiency of the proposed model of estimating economic costs depends. The efficiency of the proposed model of estimating economic costs depends on the accuracy of formulating the probability of success of protection and determining the value of information. The prospect of further research and development may be aimed at taking into account in the model additional factors that affect the estimation of costs for the information security system, which will allow calculations to be performed with greater accuracy.
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A mathematical model has been developed and a study of the model of personal data protection from network clustering coefficient and data transfer intensity in social networks has been carried out. Dependencies of protection of the system from the size of the system (and from the amount of personal data); information security threats from the network clustering factor. A system of linear equations is obtained, which consists of the equation: rate of change of information flow from social network security and coefficients that reflect the impact of security measures, amount of personal data, leakage rate, change of information protection from network clustering factor, its size, personal data protection. As a result of solving the system of differential equations, mathematical and graphical dependences of the indicator of personal data protection in the social network from different components are obtained. Considering three options for solving the equation near the steady state of the system, we can conclude that, based on the conditions of the ratio of dissipation and natural frequency, the attenuation of the latter to a certain value is carried out periodically, with decaying amplitude, or by exponentially decaying law. A more visual analysis of the system behavior is performed, moving from the differential form of equations to the discrete one and modeling some interval of the system existence.Mathematical and graphical dependences of the system natural frequency, oscillation period, attenuation coefficient are presented. Simulation modeling for values with deviation from the stationary position of the system is carried out. As a result of simulation, it is proved that the social network protection system is nonlinear.
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A mathematical model has been developed and a study of the model of personal data protection from network clustering coefficient and data transfer intensity in social networks has been carried out. Dependencies of protection of the system from the size of the system (and from the amount of personal data); information security threats from the network clustering factor. A system of linear equations is obtained, which consists of the equation: rate of change of information flow from social network security and coefficients that reflect the impact of security measures, amount of personal data, leakage rate, change of information protection from network clustering factor, its size, personal data protection. As a result of solving the system of differential equations, mathematical and graphical dependences of the indicator of personal data protection in the social network from different components are obtained. Considering three options for solving the equation near the steady state of the system, we can conclude that, based on the conditions of the ratio of dissipation and natural frequency, the attenuation of the latter to a certain value is carried out periodically, with decaying amplitude, or by exponentially decaying law. A more visual analysis of the system behavior is performed, moving from the differential form of equations to the discrete one and modeling some interval of the system existence. Mathematical and graphical dependences of the system natural frequency, oscillation period, attenuation coefficient are presented. Simulation modeling for values with deviation from the stationary position of the system is carried out. As a result of simulation, it is proved that the social network protection system is nonlinear.
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Соціальна взаємодія суб’єктів у сучасному світі крім позитивних форм має і негативні. Однією з таких форм є інформаційне протиборство, концептуальні засади якого полягають у поширенні в інформаційному просторі супротивника недостовірної інформації для впливу на оцінки, наміри та орієнтацію населення і осіб, що ухвалюють державні рішення. При цьому інформація стає більш важливим ресурсом, ніж матеріальні або енергетичні ресурси. Проведено аналіз законів та властивостей існування та розповсюдження інформації в умовах інформаційного протиборства. Спираючись на аналіз наведених законів та вивчаючи властивості інформації, сформульовані основні особливості сприйняття інформації суб’єктами. Це вибірковість, налаштованість на певну інформацію, авторитетність (репутація), уявна скритність отримання інформації. Показано, що на основі сформульованих особливостей сприйняття інформації суб’єктів можливо створити видимість достовірності інформації, і тоді ніяка сила не переконає, що це спеціально зроблено з метою невірної оцінки, негативної орієнтації населення та осіб, що ухвалюють державні рішення. В якості головної переваги запропонованого алгоритму є тє що у якості параметрів оцінки інформації використовується міра ймовірності розповсюдження недостовірної інформації. Міра ймовірності розповсюдження недостовірної інформації визначается для кожного закону існування інформації окремо. Загальна оцінка ймовірності розповсюдження недостовірної інформації складаєтся з добутку значень мір кожного закону в особистості. В залежності від переваги того чи іншого закону для конкретного типу інформації значення міри буде змінюватися. Тобто запропонований алгоритм на відзнаку від існуючих методів оцінки інформації враховує додатково тип та клас інформації. Напрямок подальшого дослідження: розробка шкали мір оцінки ймовірності розповсюдження недостовірної інформації. Використовуючи у якості коефіцієнтів моделі параметри розробленої шкали мір оцінки ймовірності розповсюдження недостовірної інформації. Створення математичної моделі розповсюдження недостовірної інформації в умовах інформаційного протиборства.
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Several problems happened in a wireless router which is the number of clients that connected to DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) services and also durability in connectivity. Wireless router which is used in the office nowadays usually has a small memory and also CPU power. Memory or CPU sometimes could be running out when a wireless router does some background services. DHCP is one of the services needed to run in a wireless router. DHCP is interrupted when memory or CPU is full. DHCP relay and modification of the backup algorithm needed to overcome this situation when the memory or CPU in the wireless router is limited. The modification of the backup algorithm is a mechanism to switch the main router with the backup router when the main router memory is busy. DHCP relay could become a DHCP server directly when the main router is busy. Wireless router in another side could be formatted with open-source OS such as OpenWRT to become bridge interface that connected to DHCP relay. The scenario that tested in this research is using Cisco DHCP relay services in combination with OpenWRT wireless router, in variation with Mikrotik original “capsman” protocol with DHCP relay in combination with wireless-enabled Mikrotik and also in combination with OpenWRT wireless router. The result shows that OpenWRT in configuration with DHCP relay and backup algorithm could extend the number of a client connected, and also the durability of the wireless router runs its services as DHCP forwarder to DHCP relay and DHCP server. Theoretically, the number of the client that could connect in class C IPv4 address is 253 clients. Practically, in some wireless router brand, the number of the client is limited to 15 to 30 clients because that number is an optimal client for consuming the bandwidth. DHCP relay scenario could extend that limit to have a larger number of the client, and the new backup algorithm in combination also doesn’t decrease IP release time significantly from usual DHCP using a direct connection.
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The dynamical systems given by integro-differentiation models with K-symmetric K-positive-definite operator are considered. The variational-gradient method was applied to those models. The analysis showed that the implementation of this method does not require knowledge of the operator spectrum, in addition, it has a better convergence rate and is more resistant to disturbances than gradient methods. The theorem is proved in this paper, which allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the application of the variational-gradient method for the research of control problems. Investigation of an integro-differential model with a K-positive-definite K-symmetric operator using the variational-gradient method will increase the efficiency of information processing in the processes of control and research of dynamic systems. Application of the variational-gradient method to the control tasks will allow expanding the range of tasks under consideration. It is noted that the development of modern technologies entails an increase in the complexity of control objects, an increase in the quality requirements and the accuracy of control due to the increase in the cost of control error. This makes to be essential further development and improvement of methods that solve the problems of optimal control, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles. As the model example, the application of the variational-gradient method to the models of automated control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles is considered.
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The results of the development of the model of the antagonistic agents behavior in a cyber conflict are presented. It is shown that the resulting model can be used to analyze investment processes in security systems, taking into account the assumption that investment processes are significantly influenced by the behavior of parties involved in a cyber conflict. General approaches to model development are presented. First of all, the system of concepts, assumptions and limitations is formed, within the framework of which a mathematical model of behavior must be developed. Taking this into account, the mathematical model of the conflicting agents behavior, presented in the form of algebraic and differential equations, is developed. The developed model presents both the technical characteristics of the security system and the psychological characteristics of the participants in the cyber conflict, which affect the financial characteristics of the investment processes in cybersecurity systems. A distinctive feature of the proposed model is the simultaneous consideration of the behavior of the parties to a cyber conflict not as independent parties, but as agents mutually interacting with each other. The model also makes it possible to simulate the destabilizing effect of the confrontation environment disturbances on the behavior of the conflicting parties, changing the degree of vulnerability of the cybersecurity system along various attack vectors and the level of their success. Using the developed model, simulation modeling of the interacting agents behavior in a cyber conflict is performed. The simulation results showed that even the simplest behavior strategies of the attacking side (“the weakest link”) and the defense side (“wait and see”) make it possible to ensure information security of the business process loop. The developed model of interaction between the attacker and the defender can be considered as a tool for modeling the processes of the conflicting parties behavior when implementing various investment scenarios. The simulation results enable decision-makers to receive support regarding the direction of investment in the security of the business process loop.
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The properties of the maximal set of the external practical stability of discrete systems: compactness, necessary and sufficient conditions for belonging of a point to the boundary and inside are grounded. For a linear discrete system the Minkowski function, inverse Minkowski function and support function of the maximal set as well as the belonging criterion of a point to its boundary are obtained. The results have algorithmic orientation.
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We describe an approach for unsupervised learning of a generic, distributed sentence encoder. Using the continuity of text from books, we train an encoder-decoder model that tries to reconstruct the surrounding sentences of an encoded passage. Sentences that share semantic and syntactic properties are thus mapped to similar vector representations. We next introduce a simple vocabulary expansion method to encode words that were not seen as part of training, allowing us to expand our vocabulary to a million words. After training our model, we extract and evaluate our vectors with linear models on 8 tasks: semantic relatedness, paraphrase detection, image-sentence ranking, question-type classification and 4 benchmark sentiment and subjectivity datasets. The end result is an off-the-shelf encoder that can produce highly generic sentence representations that are robust and perform well in practice. We will make our encoder publicly available.
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For functions from the sets C βψC and C βψL s , 1 ≤ s ≤ 1, generated by sequences ψ(k) > 0 satisfying the d’Alembert condition \( {\lim_{{k\to \infty }}}\frac{{\psi \left( {k+1} \right)}}{{\psi (k)}}=q,\;q\in \left( {0,1} \right) \), we obtain asymptotically sharp estimates for the deviations of de la Vallée-Poussin sums in the uniform metric in terms of the best approximations of the (ψ, β)-derivatives of functions of this kind by trigonometric polynomials in the metrics of the spaces L s . It is proved that the obtained estimates are sharp in some important functional subsets of C βψC and C βψL s .
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We study the properties of the maximum set for practical weak stability of discrete inclusions. The properties of boundary and interior points and compactness of the set of initial data are proved. The Minkowski function, the inverse Minkowski function, and the support function are obtained for discrete linear inclusions.
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For functions from the sets C ψβL s , 1 ≤ s ≤ ∞, where ψ(k) > 0 and \( {\lim_{{k\to \infty }}}\frac{{\psi \left( {k+1} \right)}}{{\psi (k)}} \), we obtain asymptotically sharp estimates for the norms of deviations of the de la Vallée-Poussin sums in the uniform metric represented in terms of the best approximations of the (ψ, β) -derivatives of functions of this kind by trigonometric polynomials in the metrics of the spaces L s . It is shown that the obtained estimates are sharp on some important functional subsets.
The application of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) with voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) has been increasing recently. However, given the lack of infrastructure, the quality of service (QoS) for VoIP traffic in MANET is reduced when a large number of calls are handled. In this type of dynamic environment, the development of a new infrastructure becomes increasingly costly and time consuming. In this paper, we propose an efficient method called QoS-nearest neighbor (QoS-NN), which improves the QoS level for VoIP in order to manage huge numbers of calls over MANET networks. We utilized the ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) protocol as the underlying routing protocol to implement our proposed method. We then evaluated the proposed QoS-NN method using Network Simulator version 2 (NS2). The performance of the proposed QoS-NN method was compared with that of the lexicographic order method. The comparison was evaluated in terms of R-factor, end-to-end delay, packet loss ratio, and packet delivery ratio performance metrics. In addition, the proposed method was evaluated in terms of different network parameters, namely, VoIP CODECs, node mobility speed, number of calls, and number of nodes. The comparison results indicated that the proposed QoS-NN outperformed the lexicographic order method.
Natural Language Generation (NLG) is defined as the systematic approach for producing human understandable natural language text based on nontextual data or from meaning representations. This is a significant area which empowers human-computer interaction. It has also given rise to a variety of theoretical as well as empirical approaches. This paper intends to provide a detailed overview and a classification of the state-of-the-art approaches in Natural Language Generation. The paper explores NLG architectures and tasks classed under document planning, micro-planning and surface realization modules. Additionally, this paper also identifies the gaps existing in the NLG research which require further work in order to make NLG a widely usable technology.
In this paper we consider the problem of practical stability for differential inclusions. We prove the necessary and sufficient conditions using Lyapunov functions. Then we solve the practical stability problem of linear differential inclusion with ellipsoidal righthand part and ellipsoidal initial data set. In the last section we apply the main result of this paper to the problem of practical stabilization.
A control method is proposed for the construction of a quality assessment of scientific and technical documents in natural languages based on the formalization of the perceptions of a document’s content-related context. A method is provided for using the models of documents characterizing their subject and content alongside bibliometric and scientometric data and indicators to identify both the objective and subjective (authors’ and readers’) content-related context of the analyzed document. An outlook is given as to how the context analysis of scientific and technical documents, taking into account quantitative measures of quality (information capacity, significance, and independence of content), as well as traditional bibliometric and scientometric indicators (the document’s citation index and the journal’s impact factor) provides for an objective assessment of the document’s quality¹.
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Modification of the algorithm (OFM) S-box, which provides increasing crypto resistance in the postquantum period
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