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Rename one class (Leviviricetes - formerly Allassoviricetes), rename one order (Norzivirales - formerly Levivirales), create one new order (Timlovirales), and expand the class to a total of six families, 420 genera and 883 species

  • NIH/NIAID Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick (IRF-Frederick)
July 2020
Code assigned:
Short title: Rename one class (Leviviricetes - formerly Allassoviricetes), rename one order
(Norzivirales - formerly Levivirales), create one new order (Timlovirales), and
expand the
class to a total of six families, 420 genera and 883 species
Author(s) and email address(es)
Callanan J, Stockdale SR,
Adriaenssens EM, Kuhn JH,
Pallen M, Rumnieks J, Shkoporov
A, Draper LA, Ross RP, Hill C;;;;;;;;;
Author(s) institutional address(es) (optional)
Quadram Institute Bioscience, UK [EMA, MP]
NIH/NIAID/DCR/Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick, USA [JHK]
Corresponding author
List the ICTV Study Group(s) that have seen this proposal
ICTV study group comments and response of proposer
Authority to use the name of a living person
Taxon name
Person from whom the name
is derived
Permission attached (Y/N)
John F. Atkins
Thomas Blumenthal
Joan A. Steitz
Submission dates
Date first submitted to SC Chair
Date of this revision (if different to above)
ICTV-EC comments and response of the proposer
Proposer response: We have created legal species names and have chosen to create
July 2020
EC comment: Check monophyly of the families in Fig 3 and Fig 4.
Proposer response: We have made the classification based on the figures more clear. The
RdRP tree (Fig 3) has been remade to be more clear is used for the delineation of the orders.
The phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated maturation, coat protein and RdRP (Fig
4) is used for the delineation of families.
July 2020
Name of accompanying Excel module
(+ssRNA) viruses identified to date contain three core genes; a maturation protein, a coat
protein (CP), and an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP), in that order. We present the
characterization of 1,868 near-
sequences encoding a maturation protein with a minimum length of 350 amino acids and an
RdRP greater than 500 amino acids.
As nucleotide sequences are poorly conserved between bacterial +ssRNA, following the
existing demarcation criteria for viruses classified in family Leviviridae (Allassoviricetes:
Levivirales): pairwise amino-
demarcation were determi
bacterial +ssRNA virus proteins.
Phylogenetic relationships between bacterial +ssRNA virus RdRPs are in agreement with
protein clustering, resulting in a proposed taxonomic structure of two orders, six families,
Text of proposal
Species demarcation criteria
We have chosen 80% pairwise amino-acid identity of the viral core-encoded RdRP protein as the
criterion for establishing species (Figure 1). This cutoff was applied in a bottom-up approach to
1,868 +ssRNA viruses that met specific criteria, including a minimum-length maturation protein
(350 amino acids) and RdRP (500 amino acids). The 1,868 sequences originated from NCBI
available sequences, and the studies of Callanan et al. [1], Starr et al. [2], Shi et al. [3], and
Krishnamurthy et al. [4]. This yielded 883 species, with all sequences assigned a species
membership contained within a distinct genus.
Genus demarcation criteria
We determined that the currently classified bacterial +ssRNA viruses, which are presently
classified in genera Levivirus and Allolevivirus, share 50% amino-acid identity in their RdRPs.
Applying this criterion, the 1,868 bacterial +ssRNA viruses clustered into 420 genera. All
sequences classified with the 420 genera are contained within a distinct family taxon.
New higher taxa and naming origins
Order and family names, which are derived from scientists that studied bacterial +ssRNA viruses,
were arbitrarily assigned to groups. No scientist’s name was deliberately associated with a
particular group of viruses, in order to prevent author bias towards interpreting the merits or
achievements of any individual.
Leviviricetes (formerly named Allassoviricetes): The class is based on the current highest
taxonomic rank encompassing all bacteria-infecting +ssRNA viruses that share the same genome
architecture of their three core genes. Previous analysis of +ssRNA viruses suggested that
bacterial-specific +ssRNA viruses form two distinct groups (Figure 2) [5].
July 2020
Norzivirales (formerly named Levivirales): This order is based on the phylogeny and clustering
of bacterial +ssRNA virus RdRP protein sequences. It is named after Norton Zinder (1928-2012),
who isolated the first bacterial virus that contained RNA as its genetic material and continued to
make crucial findings about these entities.
Timlovirales: This order is based on the phylogeny and clustering of bacterial +ssRNA virus
RdRP protein sequences. It is named after Timothy Loeb (1935-2016) who, with Norton Zinder,
isolated the first bacterial +ssRNA virus.
Familial taxonomic groups were based on distinct phylogeny of bacterial +ssRNA virus RdRP
protein sequences, which is supported by coat protein (CP) clustering using OrthoMCL. There are
nine instances (out of 883 bacterial +ssRNA viruses) for which the predicted CP cluster did not
confidently match its predicted corresponding RdRP cluster (difference in RdRP E-values < 1E-
10). Therefore, no order or familial taxonomic rank is designated for these bacterial +ssRNA
viruses until they are further investigated (see example AVE006, Figure 4).
Atkinsviridae: named after John Atkins (1944-present) for his discovery of the lysin protein from
Escherichia virus MS2.
Blumeviridae: named after Thomas Blumenthal (1943-present) for his findings on the replication
of bacterial ssRNA viruses, in particular the structure and function of the replicase.
Duinviridae: named after Jan van Duin (1937-2017) for his discoveries related to novel bacterial
ssRNA viruses and RNA folding within bacterial ssRNA viruses.
Fiersviridae (formerly named Leviviridae): named after Walter Fiers (1931-2019), who
sequenced the first gene and genome of any organism, Escherichia virus MS2.
Solspiviridae: named after Sol Spiegelman (1914-1983) who discovered an RNA chain of only
218 nucleotides that could be reproduced by an RdRP.
Steitzviridae: named after Joan Argetsinger Steitz (1941-present) for her determination of an
initiation sequence that is central to modern-day ribosome profiling.
Genus and species name generation
Establishing a nomenclature for the 420 proposed genera was conducted as follows: A bacterial
+ssRNA virus was chosen to represent the genus if (1) it was previously described and available
in the ICTV archives, (2) its sequence had been deposited in GenBank, (3) or it was the longest
contig sequence of all remaining available.
Some genera names for isolated phages were manually designed based on their current type
species exemplar isolate names, including their phonetics: Emesvirus for Escherichia virus MS2,
Qubevirus for Escherichia virus Qbeta, Pepevirus for Pseudomonas virus PP7, Cunavirus for virus
C-1, Empivirus for the M-pili dependent virus, Hagavirus for enterobacteria virus Hgal1,
Perrunavirus for Pseudomonas virus PRR1, Apeevirus for Acinetobacter virus AP205, and
Cebevirus for Caulobacter virus Cb5.
While several additional unique genera names were generated manually, others were
manipulated using three different scripts, written to subtly alter the spelling of chosen terms. For
bacterial +ssRNA virus sequences from the Starr et al. study [2], random grass names were
chosen from a list of world grasses, as this was the plant-soil interaction study. All
metagenomically assembled bacterial +ssRNA virus sequences identified in the Callanan et al.
study [1] include within their strain name the accession code for the raw sequence reads (i.e.,
SRR1234567). This code also enables the tracking of each sequence to its original study location.
Unique names were therefore derived from the sequence’s original study location by modifying
the anglicized names of cities, towns, or villages.
July 2020
The name-modifying scripts altered terms as follows. Each letter of the term to be mutated was
randomly assigned number 1, 2, or 3. Characters were then passed through a three-step script to
create the following changes:
a1→ah, b1→p, c1→k, d1→t, e1→eh, g1→j, i1→ih, k1→c, o1→oh, t1→d, u1→uh
a2→e, e2→i, i2→o, o2→u, u2→a
a3→i, e3→o, i3→u, o3→a, u3→e, j3→g, k3→c, p3→b, t3→d
To maximize the likelihood that the mutated term was pronounceable, only the first occurrence of
a repeating letter was kept. All long terms were truncated after the seventh character and
shortened further to the last occurring vowel, if needed (to prevent a hard consonant before the
genus level suffix “-virus”). Each mutated name needed to be a minimum of five characters in
length and contain two consonants and two vowels. All names were checked against the ICTV
Species Master List 2019.v1 to ensure the uniqueness of taxon name word stems
As an example, a unique genus name was derived from a representative phage that was isolated
from a metagenomic study of Japanese environmental samples. A randomly chosen Japanese
city, Kakunodate, was modified to ultimately generate the proposed genus name Kecuhnavirus.
Binomial species names were generated by combining the genus name with a Latin species
epithet based on a characteristic of the exemplar isolate or characteristic of the sample it was
found in. The etymology of the species epithets is indicated in the comments section of the Excel
module. The species naming was inspired by the preprint on Latin binomials for bacteria and
archaea [6].
* The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Aharon Oren for corrections of the Latin
grammar of the proposed species epithets.
Taxonomy assigning profile Hidden Markov Models
Profile hidden Markov models (HMMs designed to detect bacterial +ssRNA viral proteins were
first presented in the Callanan et al. study [1]. Updated HMMs are now available at
These HMMs are designed to aid researchers in finding bacterial +ssRNA viruses and inferring
higher taxonomic assignments. Concatenated HMM profiles for bacterial +ssRNA virus proteins
detect two RdRP protein clusters, three maturation-protein clusters, and nine CP clusters.
HMM profile searches return order and family taxonomic information for RdRP and CP hits,
respectively. By curating the HMM search output to determine the best hit, a scheme for rapidly
advancing bacterial +ssRNA phage taxonomy is available: RdRP_ANorzivirales;
RdRP_BTimlovirales; CP_A, CP_B, and CP_HFiersviridae; CP_CAtkinsviridae; CP_D and
CP_FSteitzviridae; CP_E→Blumeviridae; CP_G→Solspiviridae; and CP_AP205-
The phylogeny of bacterial +ssRNA viral RdRP proteins agree with the current RdRP and CP
clusters used to generate the taxonomy assigning HMM profiles (Figure 3).
July 2020
Supporting evidence
Figure 1. Example of species and genus demarcation cutoffs of 80% and 50%,
respectively, applied to pairwise RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) amino-acid
The pairwise amino-acid comparisons of the RdRP protein sequences for the members of the
proposed Atkinsviridae. The image inset dotted-box (i) shows a distinct species clustering
(red-colored boxes), whereas the dotted-box (ii) shows three species represented by multiple
sequences and a species representing a single sequence, clustered into a genera (yellow-
green-colored boxes). Pairwise comparisons in shades of blue do not meet the species or
genera clustering criteria.
July 2020
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of positive-sense single-stranded (+ssRNA) viral RNA-
directed RNA polymerases (RdRPs) of Leviviricetes.
This information was sourced from Figure 2A of Wolf et al. (2018) [5]. This phylogenetic tree
indicates the predicted separation of bacterial +ssRNA viruses into two clades, termed
Leviviridae” and “Levi-like viruses”. The numbers in parentheses indicate approximately how
many distinct virus RdRPs are present in each respective branch. Symbols to the right indicate
presumed virus host(s). Olive-green dots indicate that these branches are well-supported
July 2020
Figure 3. Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial positive-sense single-stranded (+ssRNA)
virus RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) protein sequences.
Mitovirids and narnavirids were used to root the bacterial +ssRNA viral RdRP tree, generated
using maximum-likelihood-based phylogenetic reconstruction in IQ-TREE with the VT+F+R10
model and 1,000 bootstrap replicates. RdRP sequences used to generate the tree were made
non-redundant at 95% BLASTp identity across 95% of coverage length. The image inset, top
left, shows a simplified version of the phylogenetic tree with bootstrap support values for the
major branches. Sequences without specific corresponding coat protein and RdRP
sequences, and which were not assigned order and familial taxonomic ranks (see text), are
highlighted as “No Order”. RdRP phylogeny is the demarcation criteria proposed for
establishing the Norzivirales and Timlovirales +ssRNA viral orders.
July 2020
Figure 4. Phylogenetic assessment of bacterial positive-sense single-stranded
(+ssRNA) virus core proteins.
This information was sourced from Figure 3 of Callanan et al. (2020) [1]. Phylogeny of
concatenated bacterial +ssRNA viral maturation protein, coat proteins (CPs), and RNA-
directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) sequences, which closely agree with the phylogeny of
RdRP alone. Twenty-nine previously characterized and 1,015 newly identified viruses were
included in this core protein phylogenetic analysis. Branch tip shapes indicate the specific
RdRP protein cluster: circular = Norzivirales, triangular = Timlovirales, while branch tip colors
indicate CP clusters. The +ssRNA viral coat protein clusters are used as the family
demarcation criteria for Leviviricetes viruses. The family Fiersviridae is represented by coat
protein clusters CP_A, CP_B, and CP_H, the family Steitzviridae by clusters CP_D and CP_F,
while all other families are represented by singular coat protein clusters. The encircling
annotation ring depicts Leviviridae ICTV taxonomy (ICTV Master Species List 2018.v2). A
green arrowhead points to virus AVE006, which encodes a unique RdRP and CP association
and is therefore not assigned to an order or family within the Leviviricetes proposal.
July 2020
1. Callanan J, Stockdale SR, Shkoporov A, et al (2020) Expansion of known ssRNA
phage genomes: From tens to over a thousand. Science Advances 6:eaay5981.
PMID: 32083183 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay5981
2. Starr EP, Nuccio EE, Pett-Ridge J, et al (2019) Metatranscriptomic reconstruction
reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil. PNAS
116:2590025908. PMID: 31772013 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1908291116
3. Shi M, Lin X-D, Tian J-H, et al (2016) Redefining the invertebrate RNA virosphere.
Nature 540:539543. PMID: 27880757 DOI: 10.1038/nature20167
4. Krishnamurthy SR, Janowski AB, Zhao G, et al (2016) Hyperexpansion of RNA
Bacteriophage Diversity. PLOS Biology 14:e1002409. PMID: 27010970 DOI:
5. Wolf YI, Kazlauskas D, Iranzo J, et al (2018) Origins and Evolution of the Global
RNA Virome. mBio 9:. PMID: 30482837 DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02329-18
6. Pallen MJ, Telatin A, Oren A (2020) The Next Million Names for Archaea and
Bacteria. Preprint DOI: 10.20944/preprints202010.0160.v1
Figure permissions:
Callanan, J., et al. "Expansion of known ssRNA phage genomes: From tens to over a
thousand." Science advances 6.6 (2020): eaay5981. © The Authors, some rights reserved;
exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. Distributed under
a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-
Realm Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Typ e
Realm Kingdom Phylum Class Or de r Family Genus Species
Typ e
Exe mp lar GenBank
Accession Number
Ex em plar
vi rus name
Vi rus nam e
abbrev n
Ex em plar
cove rag e
composit ion Chang e R ank Comme nt s
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Ren ame clas s
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Riboviria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Rename o rd er
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Ren ame family
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Levivivirus Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Emes v iru s P leas e select ssRNA (+) R en ame genus
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Levivivirus Escherichia virus MS2 1Riboviria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Emes v iru s Emesvirus zinderi 1V00642 phage MS2 CG ssRNA (+) Ren ame s pecies N ew s pecies ep ith et zinderi. Etymology: N.L . mas c. gen. n z inderi, named in honour of American microbiologist Norton Zinder, who discovered the first RNA phage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Emes viru s Emesvirus pis cicola 0BK013361 ssRNA phage AVE017 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et piscico la. Etymology: L. mas c . n. piscis, fis h ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. piscicola, associated with soil
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Levivivirus Escherichia virus BZ13 0Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Emes viru s Emesvirus japonicum 0X03869 Enterobacteria phage GA CG ssRNA (+) Ren ame sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet japonicum. Etymology: N.L. n eut. adj. japonicum, pertaining to Japan where this virus was isolated
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Allolevivirus Riboviria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Qubevirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) R en ame genus
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Allolevivirus Escherichia virus Qbeta 1Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Qubevirus Qubevirus durum 1AF059242 Escherichia phage Qbeta CG ssRNA (+) R en ame s p ecies N ew s pecies epith et durum. Etymology: L. neut. adj. durum, hardy, vigorous, rough,
Ribo viria Orthnornavirae Lenarviricota Allas soviricetes Levivirales Leviviridae Allolevivirus Escherichia virus FI 0Riboviria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Qubevirus Qubevirus faecium 0EF068134 Enterobacteria phage FI 4184 b CG ssRNA (+) Ren ame s pecies N ew s pecies ep ith et faecium Etymology: L. fem gen. pl. n. faecium of faeces
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Adahivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Adahivirus Adahivirus asienecus 1BK014173 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Aldhiuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Aldhiuvirus Aldhiuvirus defluviicola 1BK013368 ss R N A p h age ESE0 0 6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Amubhivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Amubhivirus Amubhivirus agrivicinum 1BK013471 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet agrivicinum. Etymology: L. masc. n. ager, land, field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. agrivicinum, ass o c i ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Andhasavirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Andhasavirus agrivivens 1BK013862 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_17 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet agrivivens. Etymo lo gy: L. mas c. n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. agrivivens, as so c iated with t h e terres trial en viron ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Andhasavirus borborocola 0BK013749 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_13 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies epith et borborocola. Etymo logy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. borborocola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Andhaxevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Andhaxevirus chorenecus 1BK013918 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_26 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet chorenecus. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. chora, land, field; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. chorenecus, as sociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Andhaxevirus choradaptatum 0BK013773 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_44 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Spec ies New s pecies epit h et choradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. chora, land, field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. choradaptatum, as s ociated wi th the terres trial enviro nmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Andhaxevirus chorocola 0BK013549 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_32 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ithet chorocola. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. chora, land, f ield; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. chorocola, as so c iated with t h e terres trial en viron ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Anedhivirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Anedhivirus Anedhivirus chorovicinum 1BK013483 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet chorovicinum. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. chora, land, field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. chorovicinum, ass o ci ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Apukhovirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Apukhovirus Apukhovirus arvihabitans 1BK014037 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.1_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. arvihabitans, as so c iated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ashucavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ashucavirus Ashucavirus caenivicinum 1BK013766 ssRNA phage SRR7976357_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenivicinum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ashucavirus Ashucavirus caenicola 0BK014127 ssRNA phage SRR5467091_8 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies epith et caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ashucavirus Ashucavirus caenihabitans 0BK013688 ssRNA phage SRR6960540_1 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Spec i es New s pecies epit h et caenihabitans. Etymolo gy: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bahscuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bahscuvirus Bahs cuvirus limivicinum 1BK014100 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bathrivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bathrivirus Bathrivirus terrenecus 1BK013548 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_18 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet terr enec us . Etymology: L. f em. n. terra, the earth; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. terren ecu s , as s ociat ed with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Beh evivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Beh evivirus Behevivirus limivivens 1BK014157 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivivens. Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. limivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Behlfluvirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Behlfluvirus Behlfluvirus lutadaptatum 1BK014175 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bertaviru s P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bertaviru s Bertavirus lutihabitans 1BK013720 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bihdovirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bihdovirus Bihdovirus pelohabitans 1BK014047 ssRNA phage SRR6050738_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pelohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bisdanovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Bisdanovirus hydrocola 1BK014220 ssRNA phage SRR5995670_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet hydrocola. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. hydrocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Blafavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Blafavirus Blafavirus pelovivens 1BK014182 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elo viven s . Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elos , mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. p elov iven s , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bohnovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bohnovirus Bohnovirus asienecus 1BK014186 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_11 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bohwovirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Bohwovirus Bohwovirus asiocola 1BK014153 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iocola. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. asiocola, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boloprevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boloprevirus Boloprevirus as iovivens 1BK013701 ssRNA phage SRR6960797_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovivens . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. asiovivens, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boloprevirus Boloprevirus asiohabitans 0BK013583 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_5 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et asiohabitans. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boloprevirus Boloprevirus as iovicin um 0BK013696 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_8 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species New sp ec ies ep ithet a siovicinum. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. as iovicin um, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boloprevirus Boloprevirus borboradaptatum 0BK013602 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_15 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp eci es N ew s pecies epit h et borboradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. borboradaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boschuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Boschuvirus Boschuvirus borborocola 1BK013624 ssRNA phage SRR5208572_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborocola. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. borborocola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Breudwovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Breudwovirus borborohabitans 1BK014134 ssRNA phage SRR6254351_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. borborohabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus defluviicola 1BK013377 ss RNA phage ESE02 9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus terrivivens 0BK013453 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_36 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet terr iviv ens . Etymo logy: L. fem. n. terra, the earth; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. t errivi ven s, ass o c i ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus borborovicinum 0BK013667 ssRNA phage SRR6049586_1 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et borborovicinum. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. borborovicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus borborovivens 0BK013597 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_21 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species New sp ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymology: Gr. masc. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus caenadaptatum 0BK014062 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_22 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenadaptatum. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. caenadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus caenenecus 0BK014069 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_23 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies epith et caenenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. caenenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus caenicola 0BK013714 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_11 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud ; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Brudgevirus Brudgevirus humadaptatum 0BK013440 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.2_7 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet humadaptatum. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. humadaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Buhdavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Buhdavirus Buhdavirus caenihabitans 1BK013697 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cahdavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cahdavirus Cahdavirus humicola 1BK013936 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.2_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet humicola. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, s oil; N.L . mas c./fem. su ff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. humicola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cahrpivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cahrpivirus Cahrpivirus caenivivens 1BK014111 ssRNA phage SRR5466728_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenivivens. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L . neut. adj. caenivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cahrpivirus Cahrpivirus humenecus 0BK014040 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_61 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et humenecus. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. humus, earth, s oil; Gr. mas c n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. humenecus, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Caloevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Caloevirus Caloevirus humivivens 1BK013995 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet humivivens. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. humivivens, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Caloevirus Caloevirus agradaptatum 0BK013437 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_49 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ithet agradaptatum. Etymo logy: L. mas c . n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. agradaptatum, ass o ciat ed with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cauhldivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cauhldivirus Cauhldivirus limenecus 1BK013707 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lim enec us . Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. limen ecu s , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cauhldivirus Cauhldivirus limadaptatum 0BK013636 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_13 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp eci es N ew s pecies epit h et limadaptatum. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. limadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cauhldivirus Cau hldiviru s limicola 0BK013708 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_9 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p eci es epithet limicola. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mu d ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. limicola , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cehakivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cehakivirus Cehakivirus limihabitans 1BK013580 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limihabitans. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chaedoavirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chaedoavirus insecticola 1BK013357 ssRNA phage AIN0 0 2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ins ecticola. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. insectico la, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chahsmivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chahsmivirus agrivicinum 1BK013547 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet agrivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. ager, land, field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. agrivicinum, ass o ci ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chahsmivirus agrivivens 0BK013442 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_17 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew sp ec ies ep ithet agrivivens. Etymology: L. mas c . n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. vivens, livin g; N.L. neut. adj. agrivivens, as s ociated with the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chahsmivirus choradaptatum 0BK013929 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_9 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s p ec i es epithet choradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. chora, land, field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. choradaptatum, as s ociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chah smivirus limivicinu m 0BK013620 ssRNA phage SRR5208570_1 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies epith et limivicinum. Etymo lo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicin um, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chah smivirus limivivens 0BK014106 ssRNA phage SRR5466727_3 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivivens. Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. limivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Chahsmivirus lutadaptatum 0BK014174 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_7 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. neut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chihyovirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chihyovirus Chihyovirus lutenecus 1BK013594 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_14 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chobevirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Chobevirus Chobevirus lutivicinum 1BK013722 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. lutivicinu m, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Choctavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Choctavirus Choctavirus fulmin icola 1BK014221 ssRNA phage SRR7687334_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet fulminicola. Etymology: L. neut. n . fulmen, spring; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. fulminicola, associated with spring water
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cintrevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cintrevirus Cintrevirus pelocola 1BK013650 ssRNA phage SRR5466729_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelocola. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pelocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus edaphadaptatum 1BK014036 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. edaphadaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus arvicola 0BK013856 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_49 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies ep ithet arvico la. Etymology: L. n eut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. arvicola , ass o ciat ed with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus arvenecus 0BK014016 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.1_10 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et arvenecus. Etymology: L. neut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. arvenecus, ass o ci ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus arvihabitans 0BK013972 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_13 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es New s pecies epit h et arvihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. arvihabitans, as s ociated with the terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus arvivicinum 0BK013778 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_28 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet arvivicinu m. Etymology: L. neut. n . arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. arvivicinum, as s ociated with the terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus arvivivens 0BK013859 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_29 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvivivens. Etymology: L. n eut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. arvivivens , as so c iated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus edaphocola 0BK013528 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_66 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphocola. Etymology: Gr. neut. n . edaphos, s oil; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. edaphocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus edaphenecus 0BK013823 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_67 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew species ep ithet edaphenecus. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, soil; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. edaphenecus, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus edaphohabitans 0BK013433 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_38 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et edaphohabitans. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, s o il; L. n eut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. edaphohabitans, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Condavirus Condavirus edaphovicinum 0BK013901 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.3_4 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp eci es N ew s pecies epit h et edaphovicinum. Etymo lo gy: Gr. n eut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut n. vicinu m, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. edaphovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Creshivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Creshivirus Creshivirus fonticola 1BK013365 ssRNA phage EMS014 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet fonticola. Etymology: L. fem. n. f a ex, faeces; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. fo nticola, as s ociated with f aeces
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Creshiviru s Creshivirus pelohabitans 0BK014067 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_9 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et pelohabitans. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pelohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cunavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Cunavirus Cunavirus pretoriense 1JX045649 Enterobacteria phage C-1 INW-2012 CG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet preto rien s e Etymolo gy: N .L. n eu t . adj. pretori en s e pertaining to P reto ria where t h is p h age was isolated
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dahmuvirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dahmuvirus Dahmuvirus insecticola 1BK013358 ssRNA phage AIN0 0 3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ins ecticola. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. insectico la, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Darnbovirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Darnbovirus Darnbovirus asiadaptatum 1BK013618 ssRNA phage SRR7473382_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. asiadaptatum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Decadevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Decadevirus Decadevirus asienecus 1BK013625 ssRNA phage SRR5466337_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Decadevirus Decadevirus asiocola 0BK013643 ssRNA phage SRR5466727_2 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et asiocola . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. as ioco la, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dehcevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dehcevirus Dehcevirus asiohabitans 1BK013635 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_14 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiohabitans. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dehcevirus Dehcevirus soladaptatum 0BK013554 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_13 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et soladaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. solum, soil; L. neut. p art. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. soladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dehcevirus Dehcevirus asiovicinum 0BK013743 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_12 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovicin um. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. asiovicinum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Denfovirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Denfovirus Denfovirus borborenecus 1BK014155 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborenecus. Etymo logy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. borborenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Depandovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Depandovirus solicola 1BK013921 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_15 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet solicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. solum, soil; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. solicola , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dihsdivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dihsdivirus Dihsdivirus solenecus 1BK013849 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.3_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet s ol enec us . Etymology: L. n eut. n. solum, soil; Gr. mas c n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. s o lenec u s, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dohlivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Dohlivirus Dohlivirus borborovivens 1BK013622 ssRNA phage SRR5208570_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Do smizivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Do smizivirus D osmizivirus solihabita ns 1BK013802 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_16 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet solihabitans. Etymolo gy: L. neut. n. so lum, s o il; L. n eut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. solihabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Duhcivirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Duhcivirus Duhcivirus defluviicola 1BK013369 ss RNA p h age ESE0 0 7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Empivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Empivirus Empivirus allolyticum 1JX625144 Enterobacteria phage M CG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet allolyticum. Etymology: Gr. mas c. pron. allos, other; N.L. neut. n. lyticum, able to lyse; N.L. fem. n. allolyticum, showing a different pattern of lysis, in having evolved a different lysis mechanism than other ssRNA bacteriophages
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Fagihyuvirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Fagihyuvirus Fagihyuvirus caenivicinum 1BK013752 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_17 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenivicinum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Febihevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Febihevirus Febihevirus ruminicola 1BK013363 ssRNA phage AVE01 9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ruminico la. Etymo logy: N.L. neut. n. rumen, ru men; N.L. mas c./fem. s uff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. ruminicola, associated with the rumen
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Fiyodovirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Fiyodovirus Fiyodovirus limihabitans 1BK014050 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limihabitans. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gahlinevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gahlinevirus Gahlinevirus luticola 1BK013640 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_17 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet luticola. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. luticola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gahlovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gahlovirus Gahlovirus lutihabitans 1BK013692 ssRNA phage SRR6960549_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Garovuvirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Garovuvirus Garovuvirus peladaptatum 1BK013702 ssRNA phage SRR6960797_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet peladaptatum. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. peladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gehnevirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gehnevirus Gehnevirus pelenecus 1BK014088 ssRNA phage SRR5466365_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elenec u s. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. p elen ecu s, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Glincaevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Glincaevirus Glincaevirus pelovicinum 1BK013677 ssRNA phage SRR6255746_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelovicinum. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; L. neut n. vicin um, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. pelovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Glyciruvirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Glyciruvirus Glyciruvirus geovivens 1BK013877 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet g eov iven s. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. g e, the earth; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. g eo viven s , as s ociated with the terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Glyciruvirus Glyciruvirus geovicinu m 0BK013847 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.1_11 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet geovicinum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. g e, the earth; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. geovicinum, as s ociated with the terres trial enviro nmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gmuhndevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Gmuhndevirus pelovivens 1BK014079 ssRNA phage SRR5208575_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elo viven s . Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elos , mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. p elov iven s , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gorodievirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gorod ievirus Gorodievirus telluradaptatum 1BK013405 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.1_14 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet telluradaptatum. Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus , the earth; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. telluradaptatum, as s ociated with the terrestrial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Grendvuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Grendvuvirus asiocola 1BK014096 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_16 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iocola. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. asiocola, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Gunawavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Gunawavirus borboradaptatum 1BK013739 ssRNA phage SRR7976323_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borboradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. masc. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. borboradaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hagavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hagavirus Hagavirus psychrophilum 1JX045650 Enterobacteria phage Hgal1 CG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet psychrophilum. Etymology: Gr. masc. adj. psychros, c old ; N.L. n eut. adj. philum, lo ving; N.L. fem. n. psychrophilum, cold-loving
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hahdsevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hahdsevirus Hahdsevirus borborenecus 1BK013616 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborenecus. Etymo logy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. borborenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Halcalevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Halca levirus H alcalevirus arvivivens 1BK013429 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_35 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvivivens. Etymology: L. n eut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. arvivivens , as so c iated with the t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hihdivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hihdivirus Hihdivirus caenico la 1BK013585 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_18 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hihdivirus Hihdivirus caenenecus 0BK014056 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_17 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et caenenecus. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. caenenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Hukohnovirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Hukohnovirus limico la 1BK014205 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_20 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limicola. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mu d; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. limicola , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Icumivirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Icumivirus Icumivirus limivivens 1BK013767 ssRNA phage SRR7976357_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivivens. Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. limivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ideskeviru s P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ideskeviru s Ideskevirus lutadaptatum 1BK013721 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Imeberivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Imeberivirus Imeberivirus luticola 1BK014207 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_19 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet luticola. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. luticola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Imeberivirus Imeberivirus lutenecus 0BK013615 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_11 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et lutenecus. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ineyimevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ineyimevirus Ineyimevirus lutivicinum 1BK014215 ssRNA phage SRR7976357_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. lutivicinu m, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ineyimevirus Ineyimevirus lutihabitans 0BK013758 ssRNA phage SRR7976327_1 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epit h et lutihabitans. Etymolo gy: L. neut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Iruqauvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Iruqauvirus Iruqauvirus pelocola 1BK013669 ssRNA phage SRR6253161_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelocola. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pelocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ishugivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ishugivirus Ishugivirus pelohabitans 1BK014198 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pelohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Jiesduavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Jiesduavirus Jiesduavirus defluviicola 1BK013378 ssRNA phage ESE058 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Johnovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Johnovirus Johnovirus asienecus 1BK013700 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Jupbevirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Jupbevirus Jupbevirus asiocola 1BK014095 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_11 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iocola. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. asiocola, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Jupbevirus Jupbevirus asiohabitans 0BK014060 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_10 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et asiohabitans. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kahfsdivirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kahfsdivirus Kahfsdivirus asiovicinum 1BK014046 ssRNA phage SRR6050738_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovicin um. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. asiovicinum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Keghovirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Keghovirus Keghovirus borborovivens 1BK014054 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_16 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Keghovirus Keghovirus caenadaptatum 0BK014195 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_15 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep i thet caenadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. caenadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Keh mevirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Keh mevirus Kehmevirus caenenecus 1BK013619 ssRNA phage SRR7473382_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. caenenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kemicevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kemiceviru s Kemicevirus caenihabitans 1BK013598 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_27 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kemicevirus Kemicevirus caenicola 0BK013581 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_9 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud ; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kenamavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Kenamavirus limadaptatum 1BK013617 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limadaptatum. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. limadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kihryuvirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kihryuvirus Kihryuvirus limihabitans 1BK014061 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limihabitans. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kirnavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kirnavirus Kirnavirus lutenecus 1BK014116 ssRNA phage SRR5467090_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kiwsmaevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Kiwsmaevirus defluviicola 1BK013376 ssRNA phage ESE0 21 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Konkiviru s P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Konkiviru s Konkivirus lutihabitans 1BK014146 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kowinovirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kowinovirus Kowinovirus pelenecus 1BK013646 ssRNA phage SRR5466727_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elenec u s. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. p elen ecu s, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kuhshuvirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Kuhshuvirus Kuhshuvirus pelovicinum 1BK014063 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelovicinum. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; L. neut n. vicin um, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. pelovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Lohmavirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Lohmavirus Lohmavirus borborovivens 1BK014101 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_19 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Loslo virus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Loslo virus Loslovirus caenicola 1BK014158 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Lulohlevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Lulohlevirus Lulohlevirus edaphohabitans 1BK013783 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_22 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. n eut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. edaphohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Luthavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Luthavirus Luthavirus edaphovicinum 1BK013819 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_40 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphovicinum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. edaphovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Luthavirus Luthavirus edaphovivens 0BK013427 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_18 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies epith et edaphovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. n eut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L . neut. adj. edaphovivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Luthavirus Luthavirus pedadaptatum 0BK013846 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_48 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p eci es epithet pedadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. pedon, soil; L. neut. p art. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. pedadaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mahqeavirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mahq eaviru s limicola 1BK013682 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limicola. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mu d; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. limicola , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mahqeavirus limihabitans 0BK013753 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_18 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et limihabitans. Etymo lo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mahraivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mahraivirus Mah raivirus limivicinum 1BK014105 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_18 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Manohtivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Manohtivirus pedenecus 1BK013784 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_22 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pedenecus. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. pedon, s oil; Gr. masc n . enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. pedenecus, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Manrohovirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Manrohovirus lutadaptatum 1BK013699 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_11 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Martavirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Martavirus Martavirus lutenecus 1BK013637 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Meblo wovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Meblo wovirus
Meblo wovirus deflu viicola 1BK013374 ssRNA phage ESE019 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet deflu viicola . Etymology: L. neut. n. defluvium, sewage; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. defluviicola, associated with sewage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mehraxmevirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Meh raxmeviru
Mehraxmevirus pedohabitans 1BK013957 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.1_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pedohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. n eut. n. pedon, soil; L. neut. p art. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pedohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mekintivirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mekintiviru s Mekintivirus lutihabitans 1BK014049 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Methovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Methovirus Methovirus lutivicinum 1BK013676 ssRNA phage SRR6255746_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. lutivicinu m, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus soladaptatum 1BK013434 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_19 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet soladaptatum. Etymology: L. neut. n . s olum, s oil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. soladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus pedovicinum 0BK013900 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_30 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies epith et pedovicinum. Etymology: G r. n eut. n. pedon, soil; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. pedovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus pedovivens 0BK013854 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_51 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et pedovivens. Etymo logy: Gr. neut. n. pedon, soil; L. neut. p art. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. pedovivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkro virus so licola 0BK013531 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_25 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet solicola . Etymology: L. neut. n . solum, soil; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. solicola , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus peladaptatum 0BK013674 ssRNA phage SRR6255733_1 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet peladaptatum. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. peladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus pelenecus 0BK013706 ssRNA phage SRR6960802_1 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et p elen ecu s . Etymology: Gr. masc. n. p elos , mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. pelen ec us , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkro virus pelocola 0BK014180 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_3 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et peloco la. Etymology: Gr. masc. n. p elo s , mud; N.L . mas c./fem. su ff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pelocola , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mihkrovirus Mihkrovirus solenecus 0BK013986 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.2_29 CCG ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Species N ew s pecies epith et s o len ecu s . Etymology: L. n eut. n. solum, soil; Gr. mas c n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. s ol enec us , ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mintuvirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mintuvirus Mintuvirus asiadaptatum 1BK014177 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. asiadaptatum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mintuvirus Mintuvirus pelovivens 0BK014099 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_9 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elov iven s . Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elos , mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. p elo viv ens , ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mintuvirus Mintuvirus asienecus 0BK013745 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_10 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep i thet asienecus. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Monamovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Monamovirus asiohabitans 1BK014164 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiohabitans. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Monamovirus asiovicinum 0BK014208 ssRNA phage SRR7976326_3 CCG ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et asiovicinu m. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinu m, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. asio vicinum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Mucrahivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus geohabitans 1BK013445 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet geohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. g e, the earth; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. geohabitans, as so c iated with th e terres t rial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus geocola 0BK013893 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_19 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et geocola. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. g e, the earth; N.L. masc./fem. s uff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. geocola, ass o c i ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus geoenecus 0BK013838 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_15 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et g eo enec us . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. g e, the earth; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. geo en ecu s, as s ociated with the terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus borboradaptatum 0BK013606 ssRNA phage SRR6960801_1 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et borboradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. borboradaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus geovicinum 0BK013899 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.2_10 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp eci es N ew s pecies epit h et geovicinum. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. g e, the earth; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. geovicinum, as s ociated with the terres trial enviro nmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Mucrahivirus geovivens 0BK013521 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.2_30 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ithet g eo viven s . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. g e, the earth; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. g eo viven s , as s ociated with the terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Muyegivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Muyegivirus Muyegivirus borborenecus 1BK014066 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_20 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborenecus. Etymo logy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. borborenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nadsecevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Nadsecevirus borborocola 1BK014070 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_19 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborocola. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. borborocola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahjiuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahjiuvirus Nahjiuvirus borborovicinum 1BK013593 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_26 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovicinum. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. borboros, mud; L. neut n. vicinu m, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. borborovicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahjiuvirus Nahjiuvirus borborohabitans 0BK013655 ssRNA phage SRR5467090_6 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et borborohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. borborohabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahrudavirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Nahrudavirus borborovivens 1BK014160 ssRNA phage SRR6960802_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahsuvirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahsuvirus Nahsuvirus caenadaptatum 1BK013612 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. caenadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahsuvirus Nahsuvirus telluradaptatum 0BK013799 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_23 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew sp ec ies ep ithet telluradaptatum. Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. telluradaptatum, ass o ciat ed with th e terres trial en v iro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nahsuvirus Nahsuvirus telluricola 0BK013812 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.4_27 CCG ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et telluricola. Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. telluricola, as s ociated with the terrestrial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Niankuvirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Niankuvirus Niankuvirus caenivicinum 1BK013665 ssRNA phage SRR5467139_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenivicinum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nihucivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nihucivirus Nihucivirus limihabitans 1BK014190 ssRNA phage SRR7976323_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limihabitans. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Niuhvovirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Niuhvovirus Niuhvovirus limivicinum 1BK014085 ssRNA phage SRR5466364_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Niuhvovirus Niuhvovirus limivivens 0BK014089 ssRNA phage SRR5466366_1 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es New s pecies epit h et limivivens . Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. limivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Noehsivirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Noehsivirus Noehsivirus tellurivivens 1BK013395 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_20 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet tellurivivens . Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. tellurivivens , as s ociated wi th the terres trial enviro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Noehsivirus Noehsivirus tellurivicinum 0BK013863 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.3_11 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ithet tellurivicinum. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. tellurivicinum, as s ociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Nuihimevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Nuihimevirus lutadaptatum 1BK013605 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_24 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oceshuvirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oceshuvirus Oceshuvirus lutenecus 1BK014191 ssRNA phage SRR7976323_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Olmsdivirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Olmsdivirus Olmsdivirus lutivivens 1BK013626 ssRNA phage SRR5466338_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutivivens. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. lu tivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Omohevirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Omohevirus Omohevirus peladaptatum 1BK013614 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet peladaptatum. Etymolo gy: Gr. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. peladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Onohmuvirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Onohmuvirus pelenecus 1BK014197 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_16 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet p elenec u s. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. p elen ecu s, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Opdykovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Opdykovirus Opdykovirus pelocola 1BK014172 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelocola. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pelocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Osigowavirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Osigowavirus ins ecticola 1BK013356 ss RNA p hage AIN001 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ins ecticola. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. insectico la, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Owenocuvirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Owenocuvirus pelohabitans 1BK014170 ssRNA phage SRR7976299_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pelohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlo virus terrivivens 1BK013996 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_19 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet terr iviv ens . Etymo logy: L. fem. n. terra, the earth; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. adj. t errivi ven s, ass o c i ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlo virus terricola 0BK013983 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.3_8 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et terrico la. Etymology: L. f em. n. terra, the earth; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. terricola, as s ociated with the terrestrial envi ronmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlovirus terrenecus 0BK013824 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_12 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et t erren ecu s . Etymology: L. f em. n. terra, the earth; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. terren ecu s , ass o ciat ed with th e terres trial en v iro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlovirus terrihabitans 0BK013489 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_22 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et terrihabitans. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. terra, the earth; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. terrihabitans, as s ociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlo virus terrivicinu m 0BK013569 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_10 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epit h et terrivicinum. Etymolo gy: L. fem. n. terra, the earth; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. terrivicinu m, ass o ciated with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Oxychlo virus Oxychlovirus humadaptatum 0BK013491 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_34 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew sp ec ies ep ithet humadaptatum. Etymo logy: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. humadaptatum, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Palsdevirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Palsdevirus Palsdevirus asienecus 1BK013623 ssRNA phage SRR5208570_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Paysduvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Paysduvirus Paysduvirus asiocola 1BK014128 ssRNA phage SRR5467137_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iocola. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. asiocola, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pehohrivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pehohrivirus Pehohrivirus asiovicinum 1BK013651 ssRNA phage SRR5467090_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovicin um. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. asiovicinum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pehohrivirus Pehohrivirus asiohabitans 0BK013628 ssRNA phage SRR5466364_4 CCG ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et asiohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pehsaduvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Pehsaduvirus asiovivens 1BK013679 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovivens . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. asiovivens, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pepevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pepevirus Pepevirus rubrum 1X80191 Pseudomonas phage PP7 CG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet rubrum. Etymology: L. neut. adj. rubrum red, on account of having bound heme groups in the capsid that colours it red
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pepevirus Pepevirus spumicola 0LT821717 ss R N A phage LeviOr0 1 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet spumicola. Etymology: L. fem n.,spuma, fo am; N.L. masc./fem. suf f. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. spumicola, associated with water
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Perrunavirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Perrunavirus Perrunavirus olsenii 1DQ836063 Pseudomonas phage PRR1 CG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ols enii Etymology: L. mas c . gen. n. o lsenii named in honour of American microbiologist Ronald Henry Olsen (1932 - 2020), who discovered this phage
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Philtco virus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Philtco virus Philtcovirus borboradaptatum 1BK014077 ssRNA phage SRR5208570_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borboradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. masc. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. borboradaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Phobpsivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Phobpsivirus agricola 1BK013436 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.1_43 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet agricola. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. ager, lan d, field; N.L. mas c./fem. s u ff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. agricola, as s ociated with the terres trial enviro nmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Phobpsivirus agradaptatum 0BK013961 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_10 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s pecies epit h et agradaptatum. Etymology: L. masc. n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. agradaptatum, as so c iated wit h th e terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Phulivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Phulivirus Phulivirus tegeticola 1BK013366 ssRNA phage EOC000 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet teg etic o la. Etymology: L. fem n.,teg es , a mat; N.L. mas c./fem. s uff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. teget ico la , associated with a cyanob ac terial mat
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Phulivirus Phulivirus agrihabitans 0BK013464 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_32 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies epith et agrihabitans. Etymology: L. masc. n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. agrihabitans, as sociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Phulivirus Phulivirus agrivicinum 0BK013487 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_50 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet agrivicinum. Etymology: L. masc. n. ager, land, field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. agrivicinum, as s ociated with the terrestrial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Piponevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Piponevirus Piponevirus borborenecus 1BK014113 ssRNA phage SRR5466729_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborenecus. Etymo logy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. borborenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Piponevirus Piponevirus borborocola 0BK013592 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_11 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborocola. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. borborocola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pipunevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pipunevirus Pipunevirus borborohabitans 1BK014115 ssRNA phage SRR5467090_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. borborohabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pipunevirus Pipunevirus borborovicinum 0BK013662 ssRNA phage SRR5467091_6 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovicinum. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. borboros, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. borborovicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pipunevirus Pipunevirus borborovivens 0BK013608 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_6 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. masc. n . borboros, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. borborovivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pipunevirus Pipunevirus caenadaptatum 0BK013759 ssRNA phage SRR7976356_5 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ith et caenadaptatum. Etymolo gy: L. neut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. caenadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pohlevirus a rvicola 1BK013822 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_29 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvicola. Etymology: L. neut. n . arvum, ploughed land, a field; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. arvicola, as s ociated with the terrestrial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pohlevirus chorovivens 0BK013916 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_52 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec i es epithet chorovivens. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. chora, land, field; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L . neut. adj. chorovivens, as sociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pohlevirus arvadaptatum 0BK013503 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.2_5 CCG ssRNA (+) Create new Sp ec ies New s p ecies ep ithet arvadaptatum. Etymology: L. neut. n . arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. arvadaptatum, as s ociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pohlevirus caenicola 0BK014051 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_4 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud ; N.L. masc./fem. suf f. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohlevirus Pohlevirus arvenecus 0BK013990 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.2_28 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. arvum, ploughed land, a field; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. arvenecus, as so c iated with th e terres t rial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pohtamavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Pohtamavirus caenihabitans 1BK013672 ssRNA phage SRR6255733_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Poncivirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Poncivirus Pon civirus insecticola 1BK013355 ssRNA phage AIN00 0 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet ins ecticola. Etymology: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. insectico la, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Psehatovirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphohabitans 1BK013519 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_14 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphohabitans. Etymo lo gy: Gr. n eut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. edaphohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphadaptatum 0BK013883 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_3 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, s o il; L. n eut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. edaphadaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphocola 0BK013946 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_37 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et edaphocola. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, soil; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. edaphocola, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphenecus 0BK013513 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_38 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphenecus. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, s o il; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. edaphenecus, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphovicinum 0BK013505 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_34 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew s pecies ep ithet edaphovicinum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n . edaphos, soil; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. edaphovicinum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Psehatovirus edaphovivens 0BK013551 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_2 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew species ep ithet edaphovivens. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, s o il; L. n eut. part. vivens , living; N.L. neut. ad j. edaphovivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Psimevirus P l eas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ps imevirus Ps imevirus pedocola 1BK013800 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_30 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pedocola. Etymology: Gr. neut. n . pedon, soil; N.L. masc./fem. suff . cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pedocola, ass ociated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Psimevirus Psimevirus caenivicinu m 0BK014217 ssRNA phage SRR7976357_6 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es New s pecies epit h et caenivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pudlivirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Pudlivirus Pudlivirus limivicinum 1BK014075 ssRNA phage SRR7473382_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Radbaivirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Radbaivirus Radbaivirus tellurenecus 1BK013959 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet tell ur enec us . Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. tel lur enec us , as sociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Radbaivirus Rad baiviru s telluricola 0BK013833 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_14 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p eci es epithet telluricola. Etymology: L. f em. n. tellus , the earth ; N.L. masc./fem. suf f. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. telluricola, as so c iated wit h th e terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Radbaivirus Radbaivirus tellurihabitans 0BK013406 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.4_21 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p eci es epithet tellurihabitans. Etymology: L. fem. n. tellus, the earth; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. tellurihabitans, as s ociated with the terrestrial envi ronmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Rehihmevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Reh ihmevirus terren ecus 1BK013497 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.3_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet terr enec us . Etymology: L. f em. n. terra, the earth; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. terren ecu s , as s ociat ed with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Rehudzovirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Rehudzovirus terrihabitans 1BK013415 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet terrihabitans. Etymology: L. f em. n. terra, the earth; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. terrihabitans, as so c i ated with th e t erres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Rus vo lovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Rusvolovirus Rusvolovirus asiadaptatum 1BK014082 ssRNA phage SRR5466338_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. asiadaptatum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Rus vo lovirus Rusvolovirus asienecus 0BK014132 ssRNA phage SRR6253161_2 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep i thet asienecus. Etymolo gy: G r. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Scuadavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Scuadavirus Scuadavirus asiohabitans 1BK014147 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiohabitans. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sehcovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sehcovirus Sehcovirus asiovivens 1BK013719 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovivens . Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. asiovivens, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sehcovirus Sehcovirus humivivens 0BK013807 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.1_13 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species N ew sp ec ies ep ithet humivivens. Etymo logy: L. fem. n. humus, earth, soil; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L . neut. adj. humivivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sehpovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sehpovirus Sehpovirus borboradaptatum 1BK013577 ssRNA phage SRR6960507_6 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borboradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. masc. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. borboradaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Seybrovirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Seybrovirus Seybrovirus borborohabitans 1BK013725 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. borborohabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shebanavirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Shebanavirus borborovicinum 1BK013660 ssRNA phage SRR5467091_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborovicinum. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. borboros, mud; L. neut n. vicinu m, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. borborovicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shihovirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shihovirus Shihovirus caenadaptatum 1BK014202 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_9 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. caenadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sholavirus Pleas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sholavirus Sholavirus caenihabitans 1BK014143 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sholavirus Sholavirus caenicola 0BK014086 ssRNA phage SRR5466364_3 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es N ew s pecies epit h et caenicola. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud ; N.L. masc./fem. suf f. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. caenicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sholavirus Sholavirus caenivicinum 0BK013613 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_7 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Species New sp ec ies ep ithet caenivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sholavirus Sholavirus caenivivens 0BK014183 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_10 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep i thet caenivivens. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. caenivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shomudavirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Shomudavirus limadaptatum 1BK014058 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_13 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limadaptatum. Etymology: L. masc. n. limus, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. limadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shuravirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shuravirus Shura virus limicola 1BK014068 ssRNA phage SRR6960799_25 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limicola. Etymolo gy: L. mas c. n. limus , mu d; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. limicola , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Shuravirus Shuravirus limihabitans 0BK014073 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_13 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Species New s p ec ies ep ithet limihabitans. Etymo logy: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. limihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sincthavirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sincthavirus Sincthavirus limivicin um 1BK013573 ssRNA phage SRR6050738_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivicinum. Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus , mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. limivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Skhembuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Skhembu virus limivivens 1BK013698 ssRNA phage SRR6960551_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet limivivens. Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. ad j. limivivens, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Smudhfivirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Smudhfivirus lutadaptatum 1BK013724 ssRNA phage SRR7976301_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutadaptatum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. lutadaptatum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Soetuvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Soetuvirus Soetuvirus lutenecus 1BK013732 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutenecus. Etymology: L. n eut. n. lutum, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. lutenecus, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sphonivirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sphonivirus Sphonivirus chorocola 1BK013913 ssRNA phage Zoerhiza.1_35 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet chorocola. Etymology: Gr. fem. n . chora, land, field; N.L. masc./fem. s uff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. chorocola, ass o ciated with th e terres trial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sphonivirus Sphonivirus agrivivens 0BK013933 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_2 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec i es epithet agrivivens. Etymo lo gy: L. mas c. n. ager, land, field; L. neut. part. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. agrivivens, as so c iated with t h e terres trial en viron ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Sphonivirus Sphonivirus choradaptatum 0BK013791 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_26 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec i es epithet choradaptatum. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. chora, land, field; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. choradaptatum, as s ociated wit h the terres trial environmen t
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Stehlmavirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Stehlmavirus Stehlmavirus lutihabitans 1BK013718 ssRNA phage SRR7976300_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lutihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . lutum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. lutihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Swihdzovirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Swihdzovirus paludicola 1BK013382 ssRNA phage ESO010 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New species epithet paludicola. Etymology: L. fem. n., palus, paludis, marsh, swamp; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. paludicola, associated with peat marshland
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tahluvirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tahluvirus Tahluvirus peladaptatum 1BK013729 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet peladaptatum. Etymolo gy: Gr. mas c. n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. peladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tapikevirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tapikevirus Tapikevirus peloco la 1BK014103 ssRNA phage SRR5466725_15 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelocola. Etymolo gy: G r. mas c. n. p elo s, mud ; N.L. mas c./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. pelocola, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Teciucevirus Please s el ec t ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Teciucevirus Teciucevirus pelohabitans 1BK013610 ssRNA phage SRR6960803_5 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pelohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c . n. p elo s, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. pelohabitans, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tehdravirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tehdravirus Tehdravirus arvivicinum 1BK013892 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.2_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet arvivicinum. Etymology: L. neut. n . arvum, ploughed land, a field; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. arvivicinum, as so c iated with th e terres t rial en viro n ment
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tehnexuvirus P leas e s elect ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Tehnexuvirus edaphadaptatum 1BK013390 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.1_13 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphadaptatum. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. edaphadaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thidevirus Pl eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thidevirus Thidevirus edaphovivens 1BK013958 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.4_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet edaphovivens. Etymolo gy: G r. n eut. n. edaphos, soil; L. neut. p art. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. edaphovivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thiwvovirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thiwvovirus Thiwvovirus asienecus 1BK013649 ssRNA phage SRR5466729_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asienecus. Etymo lo gy: Gr. f em. n. asis, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. asienecus, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thiyevirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thiyevirus Thiyevirus as iocola 1BK013683 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_10 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iocola. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud ; N.L. mas c ./fem. suf f. co la, an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. asiocola, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thobivirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Thobivirus Thobivirus asiohabitans 1BK014087 ssRNA phage SRR5466365_3 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet asiohabitans. Etymology: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. asiohabitans, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ticahravirus Please s elect ssRNA (+) Create new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ticahravirus Ticahravirus asiovicinum 1BK013757 ssRNA phage SRR7976326_4 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet as iovicin um. Etymo logy: Gr. fem. n. asis, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. asiovicinum, associated with mud
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tohvovirus P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Tohvovirus Tohvovirus borborohabitans 1BK013736 ssRNA phage SRR7976310_12 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet borborohabitans. Etymology: Gr. mas c. n. borboros, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. borborohabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Trucevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Create n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Trucevirus Trucevirus pedenecus 1BK013852 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.1_8 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet pedenecus. Etymology: Gr. neut. n. pedon, s oil; Gr. masc n . enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. pedenecus, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ureyisuviru s P leas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ureyisuviru s Ureyisuvirus caenihabitans 1BK014201 ssRNA phage SRR7976325_14 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenihabitans. Etymology: L. neut. n . caenum, mud; L. neut. part. habitans, an inhabitant; N.L. neut. adj. caenihabitans, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Ushumevirus Pleas e s elect ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae
Ushumevirus caenivicinum 1BK014218 ssRNA phage SRR7976357_7 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet caenivicinum. Etymology: L. n eut. n. caenum, mud; L. neut n. vicinum, a neighbour; N.L. neut n. caenivicinum, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vinehtivirus P l eas e select ssRNA (+) C reate new Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vinehtivirus Vinehtivirus limenecus 1BK013656 ssRNA phage SRR5467090_2 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet lim enec us . Etymology: L. mas c. n. limus, mud; Gr. masc n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. limen ecu s , associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vinehtivirus Vinehtivirus limicola 0BK013687 ssRNA phage SRR6960509_5 CCG ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Sp ecies N ew s pecies epith et limico la. Etymology: L. masc. n . limus, mud; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. limicola, associated with sludge
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vohsuavirus Pleas e s elec t ssRNA (+) Creat e n ew Genus
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vohsuavirus Vohs uavirus solicola 1BK013777 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.3_1 CCG ssRNA (+)
Create n ew; ass ign as
Sp ec ies New s p ec ies ep ithet solicola. Etymology: L. neut. n. solum, soil; N.L. masc./fem. suff. cola , an inhabitant of; N.L. fem. n. solicola , associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vohsuavirus Vohsuavirus pedovivens 0BK014006 ssRNA phage Esthiorhiza.2_35 CCG ssRNA (+) Create n ew Sp ec i es New s pecies epit h et pedovivens. Etymo logy: Gr. neut. n. pedon, soil; L. neut. p art. vivens, living; N.L. neut. adj. pedovivens, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vohsuavirus Vohsuavirus soladaptatum 0BK013472 ssRNA phage Gephyllon.3_12 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ec i es epithet soladaptatum. Etymology: L. neut. n. s olum, s oil; L. neut. part. adaptatum, adapted to; N.L. neut. adj. soladaptatum, associated with soil
Ribo viria
Lena rviricota L eviviric etes Norzivirales Fiersviridae Vohsuavirus Vohsuavirus solenecus 0BK014021 ssRNA phage Gerhypos.4_49 CCG ssRNA (+) C reate new Sp ec ies New s p ecies ep ithet s o len ecu s . Etymology: L. n eut. n. solum, soil; Gr. mas c n. enoikos, inhabitant; N.L. masc n. s o lenec u s, associated with soil
Code assigned
INSTRU C TIONS: Before starting, please familiarize yourself with the instructions and examples in the Help Notes. Present the taxonomic changes you are proposing by reference to old and new taxonomy, using a separate row for each taxon to be changed (i.e., the subject taxon).
1. Columns A to Q (grey). Use these columns only if the subject taxon already exists and is being changed (moved, abolished, renamed, promoted or reassigned as a type species). Enter the taxon's current name and rank in columns A to Q. You do not need to identify all higher taxonomic ranks; you can commence with the rank of family or order if desired, or with the next highest existing rank. If you are creating a new taxon, you should leave colums A to Q blank.
2. Columns R to AM (green). Then describe the new taxonomic name and rank on the right hand side in columns R to AM. List all requested information if relevant to the subject taxon. Commence with the rank of family or order if desired, or the next highest existing rank. Please identify new and changed taxa by using a red font. If you propose to abolish a taxon, you should leave columms R to AM blank.
3. Columns AN to AP (gold). Now use the drop down menus in columns AN and AO to specify the changes shown in each row. Column AP can be used to provide comments.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each proposed change in a stepwise fashion to present all proposed changes involved in the proposal.
5. NOTE: For new taxa of RNA viruses that use cognate RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) for replication but do not fall within an existing order, family or genus, assignment to the realm Riboviria should be indicated.
... The taxonomic proposal (TaxoProp) on the reorganization and renaming of lenarviricot class Allassoviricetes (TaxoProp 2020.095B.R.Leviviricetes), written by the authors of this article [1] and subsequently ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in March 2021 [2], can be found at ICTV ( ictvonline. org). ...
... Five reasons to publish your next article with a Microbiology Society journal 1. The Microbiology Society is a not-for-profit organization. ...
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The vast majority of described prokaryotic viruses have double-stranded or single-stranded DNA or double-stranded RNA genomes. Until 2020, a mere four prokaryotic single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses have been classified in two genera (Riboviria; Lenarviricota; Allassoviricetes; Leviviridae). Several recent metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies revealed a vastly greater diversity of these viruses in prokaryotic soil communities than ever anticipated. Phylogenetic analysis of these newly discovered viruses prompted the reorganization of class Allassoviricetes, now renamed Levivirice-tes, to include two orders, Norzivirales and Timlovirales, and a total of six families, 428 genera and 882 species. Here we outline the new taxonomy of Leviviricetes, approved and ratified in 2021 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, and describe open-access hidden Markov models to accommodate the anticipated identification and future classification of hundreds, if not thousands, of additional class members into this new taxonomic framework.
... In 2020, the family Leviviridae was renamed Fiersviridae [47], but some sequences in the NR database remained Leviviridae. Therefore, we used the sequence names from the NR database. ...
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In this study, we analyzed the transcriptomes of RNA and DNA viruses from the oligotrophic water of Lake Baikal and the effluent from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) discharged into the lake from the towns of Severobaikalsk and Slyudyanka located on the lake shores. Given the uniqueness and importance of Lake Baikal, the issues of biodiversity conservation and the monitoring of potential virological hazards to hydrobionts and humans are important. Wastewater treatment plants discharge treated effluent directly into the lake. In this context, the identification and monitoring of allochthonous microorganisms entering the lake play an important role. Using high-throughput sequencing methods, we found that dsDNA-containing viruses of the class Caudoviricetes were the most abundant in all samples, while Leviviricetes (ssRNA(+) viruses) dominated the treated water samples. RNA viruses of the families Nodaviridae, Tombusviridae, Dicitroviridae, Picobirnaviridae, Botourmiaviridae, Marnaviridae, Solemoviridae, and Endornavirida were found in the pelagic zone of three lake basins. Complete or nearly complete genomes of RNA viruses belonging to such families as Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Blumeviridae, Virgaviridae, Solspiviridae, Nodaviridae, and Fiersviridae and the unassigned genus Chimpavirus, as well as unclassified picorna-like viruses, were identified. In general, the data of sanitary/microbiological and genetic analyses showed that WWTPs inadequately purify the discharged water, but, at the same time, we did not observe viruses pathogenic to humans in the pelagic zone of the lake.
... The recent changes to the ICVCN (taxonomic proposal [TaxoProp] 2018.001 G.R.binomial_species [14]) require submission of TaxoProps to change all established non-binomial species names to binomials by 2023 and all novel species names to be created in the binomial format starting in 2021 [9,10]. Remaining optional is Latinization of species epithets. ...
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The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses recently adopted, and is gradually implementing, a binomial naming format for virus species. Although full Latinization of these names remains optional, a standardized nomenclature based on Latinized binomials has the advantage of comparability with all other biological taxonomies. As a language without living native speakers, Latin is more culturally neutral than many contemporary languages, and words built from Latin roots are already widely used in the language of science across the world. Conversion of established species names to Latinized binomials or creation of Latinized binomials de novo may seem daunting, but the rules for name creation are straightforward and can be implemented in a formulaic manner. Here, we describe approaches, strategies and steps for creating Latinized binomials for virus species without prior knowledge of Latin. We also discuss a novel approach to the automated generation of large batches of novel genus and species names. Importantly, conversion to a binomial format does not affect virus names, many of which are created from local languages.
... ssRNA phages were classified into orders and families based on core protein isoforms [74], while genera and species were estimated using previously established RdRp gene clustering thresholds [27]. Phylogenetic assessment was performed on the concatenated core protein sequences aligned with MAFFT v7.271 [75]. ...
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Background The rhizosphere is a hotspot for microbial activity and contributes to ecosystem services including plant health and biogeochemical cycling. The activity of microbial viruses, and their influence on plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, remains undetermined. Given the impact of viruses on the ecology and evolution of their host communities, determining how soil viruses influence microbiome dynamics is crucial to build a holistic understanding of rhizosphere functions. Results Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of crop management on the composition and activity of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, and root viral communities. We combined viromics, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics on soil samples collected from a 3-year crop rotation field trial of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.). By recovering 1059 dsDNA viral populations and 16,541 ssRNA bacteriophage populations, we expanded the number of underexplored Leviviricetes genomes by > 5 times. Through detection of viral activity in metatranscriptomes, we uncovered evidence of “Kill-the-Winner” dynamics, implicating soil bacteriophages in driving bacterial community succession. Moreover, we found the activity of viruses increased with proximity to crop roots, and identified that soil viruses may influence plant-microbe interactions through the reprogramming of bacterial host metabolism. We have provided the first evidence of crop rotation-driven impacts on soil microbial communities extending to viruses. To this aim, we present the novel principal of “viral priming,” which describes how the consecutive growth of the same crop species primes viral activity in the rhizosphere through local adaptation. Conclusions Overall, we reveal unprecedented spatial and temporal diversity in viral community composition and activity across root, rhizosphere soil, and bulk soil compartments. Our work demonstrates that the roles of soil viruses need greater consideration to exploit the rhizosphere microbiome for food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability.
... F-specific RNA phages, a fraction of F-specific coliphages, were the first phage candidates suggested as a potential MST tool. These viruses belong to the family Fiersviridae (Francki et al. 1991) and are divided into two genera, Emesvirus and Qubevirus (Friedman et al. 2009, Callanan et al. 2021, each of which are classified in two serotypes or genogroups: genogroups I and II for Emesvirus and III and IV for Qubevirus (Hsu et al. 1995, Beekwilder et al. 1996. The proportions of these genogroups in faecal pollution can serve to discriminate between human and warm-blooded animal inputs, given that groups II and III predominate in the former, and groups I and IV in the latter (Furuse 1987, Havelaar et al. 1990, Hsu et al. 1995. ...
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The raw sewage that flows through sewage systems contains a complex microbial community whose main source is the human gut microbiome, with bacteriophages being as abundant as bacteria or even more so. Phages that infect common strains of the human gut bacteriome and transient bacterial pathogens have been isolated in raw sewage, as have other phages corresponding to non-sewage inputs. Although human gut phages do not seem to replicate during their transit through the sewers, they predominate at the entrance of wastewater treatment plants, inside which the dominant populations of bacteria and phages undergo a swift change. The sheer abundance of phages in the sewage virome prompts several questions, some of which are addressed in this review. There is growing concern about their potential role in the horizontal transfer of genes, including those related with bacterial pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance. On the other hand, some phages that infect human gut bacteria are being used as indicators of fecal/viral water pollution and as source tracking markers and have been introduced in water quality legislation. Other potential applications of enteric phages to control bacterial pathogens in sewage or undesirable bacteria that impede the efficacy of wastewater treatments, including biofilm formation on membranes, are still being researched.
... Reducing Hoministercoradaptatus to, say, Hosterca would certainly create a name that is easier to use. In addition, it would be easy to create software that sampled and concatenated syllables from relevant stems to create arbitrary names that retained links to descriptions but were easy to use, particularly given that a similar approach has recently been used to create genus names for viruses [45]. ...
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The remarkable success of taxonomic discovery, powered by culturomics, genomics and metagenomics, creates a pressing need for new bacterial names, while holding a mirror up to the slow pace of change in bacterial nomenclature. Here, I take a fresh look at bacterial nomenclature, exploring how we might create a system fit for the age of genomics, playing to the strengths of current practice, while minimising difficulties. Adoption of linguistic pragmatism—obeying the rules, while treating recommendations as merely optional—will make it easier to create names derived from descriptions, from people or places or even arbitrarily. Simpler protologues and a relaxed approach to recommendations will also remove much of the need for expert linguistic quality control. Automated computer-based approaches will allow names to be created en masse before they are needed, while also relieving microbiologists of the need for competence in Latin. The result will be a system that is accessible, inclusive and digital, while also fully capable of naming the unnamed millions of bacteria.
... Hoministercoradaptatus to, say, Hostercus would certainly create a name that is easier to use. In addition, it would be easy to create software that sampled and concatenated syllables from relevant stems to create arbitrary names that retained links to descriptions but were easy to use, particularly given that a similar approach has recently been used to create genus names for viruses (41). ...
The remarkable success of taxonomic discovery, powered by culturomics, genomics and metagenomics, creates a pressing need for new bacterial names, while holding a mirror up to the slow pace of change in bacterial nomenclature. Here, I take a fresh look at bacterial nomenclature, exploring how we might create a system fit for the age of genomics, playing to the strengths of current practice, while minimising difficulties. Adoption of linguistic pragmatism, obeying the rules while treating recommendations as merely optional will make it easier to create names derived from descriptions, from people or places or even arbitrarily. Simpler protologues and a relaxed approach to recommendations will also remove much of the need for expert linguistic quality control. Automated computer-based approaches will allow names to be created en masse before they are needed, while also relieving microbiologists of the need for competence in Latin. The result will be a system that is accessible, inclusive and digital, while also fully capable of naming the unnamed millions of bacteria.
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More than 300,000 mammalian virus species are estimated to cause disease in humans. They inhabit human tissues such as the lungs, blood, and brain and often remain undetected. Efficient and accurate detection of viral infection is vital to understanding its impact on human health and to make accurate predictions to limit adverse effects, such as future epidemics. The increasing use of high-throughput sequencing methods in research, agriculture, and healthcare provides an opportunity for the cost-effective surveillance of viral diversity and investigation of virus-disease correlation. However, existing methods for identifying viruses in sequencing data rely on and are limited to reference genomes or cannot retain single-cell resolution through cell barcode tracking. We introduce a method that accurately and rapidly detects viral sequences in bulk and single-cell transcriptomics data based on highly conserved amino acid domains, which enables the detection of RNA viruses covering up to 10^12 virus species. The analysis of viral presence and host gene expression in parallel at single-cell resolution allows for the characterization of host viromes and the identification of viral tropism and host responses. We applied our method to identify novel viruses in rhesus macaque PBMC data that display cell type specificity and whose presence correlates with altered host gene expression.
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Background The rhizosphere is a hotspot for microbial activity and contributes to ecosystem services including plant health and biogeochemical cycling. The activity of microbial viruses, and their influence on plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, remains undetermined. Given the impact of viruses on the ecology and evolution of their host communities, determining how soil viruses influence microbiome dynamics is crucial to build a holistic understanding of rhizosphere functions. Results Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of crop management on the composition and activity of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, and root viral communities. We combined viromics, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics on soil samples collected from a 3-year crop rotation field trial of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.). By recovering 1,059 dsDNA viral populations and 16,541 ssRNA bacteriophage populations, we expanded the number of underexplored Leviviricetes genomes by > 5 times. Through detection of viral activity in metatranscriptomes, we uncovered evidence of “Kill-the-Winner” dynamics, implicating soil bacteriophages in driving bacterial community succession. Moreover, we found the activity of viruses increased with proximity to crop roots and identified that soil viruses may influence plant-microbe interactions through the reprogramming of bacterial host metabolism. We have provided the first evidence of crop rotation-driven impacts on soil microbial communities extending to viruses. To this aim, we present the novel principal of “viral priming”, which describes how the consecutive growth of the same crop species primes viral activity in the rhizosphere through local adaptation. Conclusions Overall, we reveal unprecedented spatial and temporal diversity in viral community composition and activity across root, rhizosphere soil and bulk soil compartments. Our work demonstrates that the roles of soil viruses need greater consideration to exploit the rhizosphere microbiome for food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability.
Viruses, Giardia cysts, and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts are all major causes of waterborne disease that can be uniquely challenging in terms of inactivation/removal during water and wastewater treatment and water reuse. Ozone is a strong disinfectant that has been both studied and utilized in water treatment for more than a century. Despite the wealth of data examining ozone disinfection, direct comparison of results from different studies is challenging due to the complexity of aqueous ozone chemistry and the variety of the applied approaches. In this systematic review, an analysis of the available ozone disinfection data for viruses, Giardia cysts, and C. parvum oocysts, along with their corresponding surrogates, was performed. It was based on studies implementing procedures which produce reliable and comparable datasets. Datasets were compiled and compared with the current USEPA Ct models for ozone. Additionally, the use of non-pathogenic surrogate organisms for prediction of pathogen inactivation during ozone disinfection was evaluated. Based on second-order inactivation rate constants, it was determined that the inactivation efficiency of ozone decreases in the following order: Viruses >> Giardia cysts > C. parvum oocysts. The USEPA Ct models were found to be accurate or sufficiently conservative in predicting inactivation of viruses and C. parvum oocysts, however they overestimate inactivation of Giardia cysts at ozone Ct values higher than ∼1 mg min L⁻¹. Common surrogates of these pathogens, such as MS2 bacteriophage and Bacillus subtilis spores, were found to exhibit different inactivation kinetics to mammalian viruses and C. parvum oocysts, respectively. The compilation of data highlights the need for further studies on disinfection kinetics and inactivation mechanisms by ozone to better fit inactivation models as well as for proper selection of surrogate organisms.