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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Produced by Hematoma Formation after Blood Donation: A Case Report


Abstract and Figures

The occurrence of hematoma and bruise formation, accounting for the majority of donation-related complications in the arm, rarely results in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). We report a 24-year-old man who presented with CRPS on his right upper limb two months later due to hematoma and bruising formation just after a blood donation following with immediate performance of strenuous exercise in the upper limbs. Triple phase bone scan, one of the bone scintigraphic studies, revealed positive findings and was compatible with the symptoms of CRPS, e.g. hyperalgesia, swelling and discoloration. The potentially disabling condition, however, ended up with a thankfully benign outcome because of our early finding and proper treatment that included three-day oral prednisolone and two-week physiotherapy and occupational rehabilitation. To our knowledge, CRPS produced by donation-related complications with subsequent hematoma and bruise due to vigorous exercise is rare. CRPS should be taken into consideration in a blood donor who demonstrated allodynia because of performing heavy exercise immediately after blood donation.
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Citation: Chang CC, Chang ST (2021) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Produced by Hematoma Formation after Blood Donation: A Case Report. Open J
Orthop Rheumatol 6(1): 012-015. DOI:
The occurrence of hematoma and bruise formation, accounting for the majority of donation-related complications in the arm, rarely results in Complex Regional
Pain Syndrome (CRPS). We report a 24-year-old man who presented with CRPS on his right upper limb two months later due to hematoma and bruising formation just
after a blood donation following with immediate performance of strenuous exercise in the upper limbs. Triple phase bone scan, one of the bone scintigraphic studies,
revealed positive ndings and was compatible with the symptoms of CRPS, e.g. hyperalgesia, swelling and discoloration. The potentially disabling condition, however,
ended up with a thankfully benign outcome because of our early nding and proper treatment that included three-day oral prednisolone and two-week physiotherapy and
occupational rehabilitation. To our knowledge, CRPS produced by donation-related complications with subsequent hematoma and bruise due to vigorous exercise is rare.
CRPS should be taken into consideration in a blood donor who demonstrated allodynia because of performing heavy exercise immediately after blood donation.
Case Report
Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome Type 1 Produced by
Hematoma Formation after
Blood Donation: A Case Report
Cheng-Chiang Chang1 and Shin-Tsu Chang1,2*
1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tri-Service General Hospital, School of Medicine,
National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung,
Received: 11 January, 2021
Accepted: 01 February, 2021
Published: 02 February, 2021
*Corresponding author: Dr. Shin-Tsu Chang, Depart-
ment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tri-
Service General Hospital, School of Medicine, National
Defense Medical Center, No.161, Sec. 6, Minquan East
Road, Neihu District, Taipei 11490, Taiwan, Tel: 886-
935-605578; E-mail:
Keywords: Hematoma; Complex regional pain syn-
drome; Blood donation; Triple phase bone scan
Approximately one third of whole-blood donors have an
adverse physical event during or after whole-blood donation.
Most of the common adverse effects associated with arm
ndings after blood donation are bruise (22.7%), soreness
(10.0%), and hematoma (1.7%) [1]. The reasons of the upper
limbs adverse events due to blood donation are multifactorial,
including genetic factors, in ammatory process, peripheral/
central dyssensitization, sympathetic malregulation,
somatosensory cortex reorganization, and psychophysiologic
interactions, and all symptoms are likely a result of different
combinations following with time elapse [2]. Complex Regional
Pain Syndrome (CRPS) induced by hematoma might be another
severe complication of blood donation.
Anatomically speaking, sensory branches of the
musculocutaneous nerve locate below the antecubital veins,
as is classically taught, although they are also above the
antecubital veins or intertwine with them. Local nerve injuries
are unavoidable after phlebotomy because nerve branches
are situated so close to the vessels and are impalpable. The
frequency of nerve irritation is relatively high. Newman
reported an occurrence of 40% of the nerve injuries after a
straightforward phlebotomy [3]. Another study based on a
donor interview reported that sensory changes in the forearm
and hand occur in approximately 1% of whole-blood donors [1].
The nerve distribution in the donor’s arm might play
an important role on the possibility of occurrence of CRPS,
which has been shown to be developed due to abnormalities
in the central and peripheral nervous systems after a
nociceptive painful event. The characteristic of CRPS develops
unproportionately with the painful event and is not limited to
a single nerve course. Pathophysiological aspects including
neurogenic in ammation, impairment of sympathetic
function, and coupling between sympathetic efferents and
nociceptive afferents should all be taken into consideration
Citation: Chang CC, Chang ST (2021) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Produced by Hematoma Formation after Blood Donation: A Case Report. Open J
Orthop Rheumatol 6(1): 012-015. DOI:
[4,5]. The diagnosis is ordinarily made on a clinical basis.
There is no pathognomonic laboratory nding for CRPS. An
alternative way in bone scintigraphy, the Triple Phase Bone
Scan (TPBS), can show increased uptake in the involved limb
earlier in the process. Multidisciplinary treatment combining
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS),
physical therapy, psychotherapy using behavior modi cation
techniques, and oral medications are sometimes helpful [6].
CRPS induced by formation of hematoma followed blood
donation has never been described in the literature before.
We present a 24-year-old patient, which developed CRPS two
months after blood donation. It was considered that hematoma
with bruise on the antecubital fossa or antecubital cutaneous
nerve injury could probably have led to the development of
Case report
A 24-year-old man experienced progressive painful
swelling of the right upper extremity two months after blood
donation. He had an unremarkable past medical history, and is
enthusiastic about donating blood. Voluntarily, he had already
donated blood two times during his service in the army. Two
months prior to this admission, he donated blood for the third
time via the right antecubital vein as usual in the morning. An
amount of 250 ml whole blood was collected from the vein with
a 16-gauge needle using aseptic technique. Eight hours later
in the early evening, he was ordered to join routine military
training that consisted of chin-ups, push-ups and running and
he practiced them vigorously. Unknowingly, he found bruising
and hematoma appearing on his forearm, which spread from
the site of venipuncture with slight pain during the resting
period. From that day on, he began to suffer intermittent
painful swelling and discoloration in the right upper extremity
after every training course, which became more severe when he
performed grenade-throwing. Two days before the admission,
he developed a burning pain on the right hand with obvious
cyanosis, swelling, weakness and limited active Range of
Motion (ROM) after the strenuous exercise. According to his
statement these problems were not related to any trauma.
On admission, the patient had a pain Visual Analogue
Scales (VAS) of 8/10, and the pain in the forearm progressively
worsened and was unrelieved by rest, with a hematoma on
the antecubital fossa combined with a large area of bruise
by 15x7 cm2. Together with were extensive swelling, mild
hyperpigmentation, allodynia, coldness, cyanosis and limited
ROM of the right upper limb, especially on the right wrist.
The hyperalgesia on the affected muscle-guarding limb was
so intense that to undergo even a slight touch could induce a
burning and tingling pain out of proportion to the injury and
extend beyond the con nes of dermatomal distribution. All
of the following studies were within normal limits, including
C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, white blood cell count, blood
chemistry, rheumatoid factor and nerve conduction studies. The
TPBS showed the increased uptakes in the right forearm, wrist
and hand, and is consistent with the nding of CRPS type 1. He
was undergone physiotherapy with whirl-pool hydrotherapy
and silver spike point stimulation, as well as occupational
therapy such as daily living training, hand function training,
and motor-sensory training. A signi cant improvement was
noted followed by three-day prednisolone administration with
15 mg four times a day on the rst day of admission, and was
weaned by 20 mg a day over three-day period.
All symptoms gradually disappeared in two weeks. The
patient had a VAS of 1/10 before being discharged from our ward.
Three months since outpatient follow-up, he has made fairly
good recovery with regards to his overall general condition.
CRPS type 1 or 2 are both clinical syndromes with symptoms
including burning pain, hyperalgesia, allodynia, edema,
sudomotor or vasomotor changes in the distal extremity. CRPS
type 1 most often occurs following soft-tissue trauma to a limb,
while CRPS type 2 occurs after injury to a peripheral nerve trunk.
The mechanisms underlying these two disorders are poorly
understood, but may be related to changes in the sympathetic
nervous system and/or neurogenic in ammation [6]. Sasano,
et al. reported a 61-year-old woman who presented with CRPS
type 2 in the hand after transradial coronary intervention
for coronary catheterization [7]. Papadimos and Hofmann
reported a rare case of CRPS type 1 following transradial
coronary intervention, which etiology was that the radial
artery was occluded for a distance of 12 cm proximal to the
puncture site, possibly due to the longer period of hemostatic
compression [8]. A ve-year Japanese study revealed 133 cases
of resultant persistent pain and 19 cases of neuropathic pain
after performing venipunctures [4].
It has also been shown that venipunctures may cause
CRPS type 2 [9]. Horowitz reported 11 patients with injury to
upper extremity cutaneous nerves after routine venipuncture
developed causalgia (CRPS type 2), and proposed that nerve
injury appeared secondary to direct trauma via “inappropriate”
needle or bolused material entry into the plane of the nerves
beneath the veins, or nerves overlying the veins [10]. Unek et al
reported a patient with end-stage renal disease presenting with
re ex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (CRPS type 1) on the
patient’s left hand 1 month after Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF)
surgery. Magnetic resonance angiography con rmed a steal
syndrome at the AVF level and the bone scintigraphy con rmed
RSDS in early stage [11]. Genc, et al. also reported an 11-year-old
young girl with CRPS type 1 precipitated by rubella vaccination
[12]. Therefore, intramuscular injections, percutaneous venous
catheter insertion, or percutaneous arterial catheter insertion
might induce CRPS on the affected limbs, which may or may
not be related to the nerve injury adjacent to these punctured
vessels. However, blood donation with subsequent vigorous
exercise induced extensive hematoma and bruise triggering
CRPS has never been reported in the literature. The symptom
of allodynia in our patient was compatible with the image of
TPBS (Figure 1) and was worse on the right hand and wrist
instead of the forearm, the exact site of punctured injury by the
insertion of a 16-gauge needle to the antecubital vein.
Because subjective cutaneous hypoesthesia and
hyperalgesia in the vicinity of the antecubital fossa mainly on
Citation: Chang CC, Chang ST (2021) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Produced by Hematoma Formation after Blood Donation: A Case Report. Open J
Orthop Rheumatol 6(1): 012-015. DOI:
the wrist and hand instead of the punctured site or the path of
the nerve trunk, we thought that the regional reaction did not
result from punctured trauma but from hematoma stasis which
could be an initiating noxious event and lead to CRPS type 1.
Whereas, a negative result of nerve conduction study could not
exclude the contribution of a nerve injury, because the nerve
conduction study only detects dysfunction in larger peripheral
nerves, and also cannot address the issue of whether there are
possible differences of signs or symptoms between patients
with and without dysfunction in smaller nerve bers.
The scintigraphic imaging is valuable in the evaluation
and early detection of CRPS. Adult patients with CRPS
characteristically have a TPBS pattern consisting of diffusely
increased tracer uptake with juxtaarticular accentuation of
tracer uptake on images. However, Hod and Horne, presented
an uncommon adult case of CRPS, whose bone scintigraphy
demonstrated decreased activity on early and late phase
images of in the affected limb [13]. The imaging of TPBS in our
case demonstrated increased uptake in the right forearm, wrist
and hand that was consistent with the nding of CRPS type 1.
The early nding of CRPS can also be seen in brain image as
increased uptake in the contralateral thalamus [14,15], but our
case did not have the perfusion scan at the time.
Diagnosing a CRPS at an early stage is important because
treatment in the early stage may lead to a good outcome.
The best treatment for CRPS is not known yet. For the relief
of symptoms, many kinds of treatment, such as TENS,
corticosteroids, adrenergic blocking agents, calcium channel
blockers, anti-depressants, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and so
on, have been used with varying effects. Two small randomized
controlled trials have reported that a 4- to 12-week course of
high-dose glucocorticoids administered orally 3 or 4 times
daily, can alleviate pain, edema and hyperalgesia in CRPS
patients [16,17]. A latest review article described the various
medical treatment and disease management [18]. Our case
was given analgesics and corticosteroids orally (prednisolone)
60 mg on the rst day after admission, 40 mg on the second
day, and 20mg on the third day. He presented a good response
to the prednisolone administration in combination with
rehabilitation therapy, such as physiotherapy with applying
hydrotherapy and TENS and occupational therapy with hand
function training, ne motor and sensory motor therapy on the
affected right upper limb.
In the present patient, insuf cient rest after blood donation
resulted in the hematoma on the antecubital fossa combined
with a large area of bruising. Furthermore, the ensuing erce
military training including push-ups, chin-ups and a long-
distance running made the ecchymosis even more serious. Two
painful episodes on the forearm following vigorous training
within two months between the time of blood donation and
the rst attack of swelling with allodynia might already denote
CRPS. Moreover, two days prior to his admission, he kept
running at least 2000 meters long together with his right upper
limb immobilized in a guarded position, which may exacerbate
the vasomotor changes in the affected forearm, wrist and
hand because of pain induced by the previous hematoma. This
reminds us that longer and more adequate resting period after
blood donation before facing intense exercise, the possibility of
occurrence of CRPS on account of the formation of hematoma
is reduced.
In summary, we present a case of CRPS type 1 due to
blood donation complications which was exacerbated with
hematoma and bruising. Early intervention plays an important
role in reducing the long-term sequelae. Whenever performing
a blood collection, donors must be informed to be aware of the
possibility of the formation of hematoma if inadequate resting
period, which may also be noxious for the emergence of CRPS.
In order to shorten the clinical course, to reduce the possibility
of disability, and to prevent long-term morbidity medical
personnel should make an early nding and provide proper
treatment as soon as possible.
Concise Paragraph
1. CRPS type 1 or 2 are both clinical syndromes with
symptoms including burning pain, hyperalgesia,
allodynia, edema, sudomotor or vasomotor changes in
the distal extremity. CRPS type 1 caused by hematoma
per se has rare been reported before, while CRPS type 2
can occur after venipuncture due to nerve injury.
2. Blood donation with subsequent vigorous exercise
induced extensive hematoma and bruise triggering
CRPS type 1 has never been reported in the literature.
3. Whenever performing a blood collection, donors must be
Figure 1: The delayed images of bone scintigraphy demonstrate increased tracer
uptake throughout the symptomatic right forearm, right radius, right ulna, right carpal
and right proximal interphalangeal joints as compared with the left side. There is a
marked hot spot on the left leg of the patient due to stasis of tracer during injection.
Citation: Chang CC, Chang ST (2021) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 Produced by Hematoma Formation after Blood Donation: A Case Report. Open J
Orthop Rheumatol 6(1): 012-015. DOI:
informed to be aware of the possibility of the formation
of hematoma if inadequate resting period, which might
also be noxious for the emergence of CRPS.
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Full-text available
Background: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a heterogenous and poorly understood condition that can be provoked by quite minor injuries. The symptoms and signs of CRPS persist, long after the patient has recovered from the inciting event. In some cases, there is a clear association with a peripheral nerve injury. The degree of disability produced by CRPS is often out of proportion to the scale of the original insult and the condition is associated with protracted recovery times and frequent litigation. Methods: We have performed a PubMed literature search, referenced landmark papers in the field and included a national expert in peripheral nerve injury and repair in our team of authors. Results and conclusions: The diagnostic criteria for CRPS have changed repeatedly over the last two centuries and much of the historical literature is difficult to compare with more recent research. In this review article, we consider how our understanding of the condition has evolved and discuss its pathogenesis, its apparent heterogenicity and the various investigations and treatments available to the clinician.
Full-text available
Venipuncture, the most frequently performed invasive medical procedure, is usually benign. Generally it produces only transitory mild discomfort. Venipuncture-induced neuropathic pain is hard to recognize at an early stage. Medical literature reviews show that there is not adequate medical knowledge about this important subject. The inciting incident in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) can often seem far too trivial to result in a condition with such severe pathophysiologic effects. The practicing physician has little information available to enable early recognition of the condition, initiation of multidisciplinary treatment modalities, and proper referral to pain specialists. We encountered a unique case of venipuncture-induced complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). The patient is a 52-year-old school teacher with no significant past medical history, who presented initially to the Center of Pain Medicine with left upper extremity pain. The pain started while phlebotomy was performed in the patient's left antecubital area for routine blood check. The patient's pain did not improve with multiple medications, physical therapy, or several nerve blocks. The patient demonstrated all the signs and symptoms of chronic neuropathic pain of CRPS in the upper extremity with minimal response to the continuous pain management. We decided to proceed with cervical spinal cord nerve stimulation along with continuing other modalities. The patient responded to this combination. During the follow-up, we noticed that the patient's pain course was complicated by extension of the CRPS to her lower extremity. We will describe the course of treatment for the patient in this paper. In this paper we will discuss the electrical neuromodulation as an important modality in addition to the multidisciplinary pain management for a patient with venipuncture-induced chronic neuropathic pain.
Shoulder-hand syndrome developed in 36 (27%) of 132 hemiplegic patients in a prospective study. Subluxation, paresis of the shoulder girdle, moderate spasticity, and deficits in confrontation visual field testing were the major risk factors. In a placebo-controlled, nonblinded trial, 31 of the 36 patients became almost symptom free within 10 days' treatment with low doses of oral corticosteroids. Shoulder joint capsules taken at autopsy of 7 patients showed signs of previous trauma of the affected shoulder. In the second part of this study on another 86 patients, early awareness of potential injuries to shoulder joint structures reduced the frequency of shoulder-hand syndrome from 27 to 8%. These clinical findings suggest that shoulder-hand syndrome in hemiplegia is initiated by peripheral lesions. A self-perpetuating vicious cycle may be established, followed by the clinical picture of a "reflex sympathetic dystrophy." In the majority of stroke patients, this clinical phenomenon seems to be preventable by avoiding shoulder trauma.
Adult patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), also known as complex regional pain syndrome, of the foot and ankle characteristically have a 3-phase bone scan pattern consisting of diffusely increased tracer uptake with juxtaarticular accentuation of tracer uptake on late-phase images. The authors present an uncommon case of RSD in an adult in whom decreased activity was demonstrated on early and late phase images of bone scintigraphy in the affected limb.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and prognosis of persistent and neuropathic pain induced by venipuncture for blood sampling in clinical practice. Design & Setting. We investigated the incidence of persistent and neuropathic pain after venipuncture for blood sampling and evaluated the prognosis of patients with neuropathic pain at Nihon University Itabashi Hospital, Japan, based on an observational study. Subjects. Outpatients who required venipuncture for blood sampling at the laboratory room of Nihon University Itabashi Hospital between 2004 and 2008 were included as study subjects. Results. In the present study, of the 587,551 venipunctures performed at our hospital between 2004 and 2008, the incidences of persistent and neuropathic pain after venipuncture were 1 in every 4,418 venipunctures (133/587,551) and 1 in every 30,923 venipunctures (19/587,551), respectively. All the 19 patients who were identified as having neuropathic pain recovered completely. Conclusions. We demonstrated that the incidence of persistent pain after venipuncture for blood sampling is low and that its prognosis is good.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a challenging pain condition for doctors and patients, with a natural history characterized by chronicity and relapses that can result in significant disability. CRPS is difficult to diagnose and treat, and requires close follow-up to ensure that progress is being made. Early diagnosis and treatment are required to prevent a long-standing or permanent disability. Clinical features such as spontaneous pain, edema, hyperalgesia, temperature or sudomotor changes, motor function abnormality, and autonomic changes are the hallmark of this disease. The treatment of CRPS remains controversial, and includes medications, physical therapy, regional anesthesia, and neuromodulation.
We present a right-hemispheric stroke patient with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). The regional cerebral blow flow (rCBF) as determined using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed contralateral increase of tracer uptake in the left thalamus accompanied by crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD) in the left cerebellum. After rehabilitation, the CRPS in the right upper extremity recovered, although hemiplegia persisted on the left limbs. The rCBF determined a second time using SPECT showed that uptake was normal in the bilateral thalami, basal ganglia and bilateral cerebella. At a 6-month follow-up, the CRPS had not recurred. Our findings show that analysis of rCBF by SPECT is useful for the clinical evaluation and follow-up of CRPS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case with this particular pattern of symptoms amd symptom resolution.
Twenty-three patients with reflex dystrophy syndrome were randomly allocated to medication with oral prednisone, 10 mg thrice daily, or placebo, previous reports having indicated effect of systemic corticosteroids. The medication was continued until clinical remission, maximally 12 weeks. The diagnosis was based on fulfillment of at least four of seven criteria which included clinical, radiological and circulatory changes. All 13 patients in the prednisone-treated group showed more than 75% clinical improvement within the twelve-week period. Of the ten patients who received placebo, only two reported improvement. Prednisone appears to be superior to other treatment in reflex dystrophy syndrome, although the mode of action is not known.
I examined 11 patients with upper-extremity causalgia secondary to peripheral nerve injury occurring during routine venipuncture. The nerves affected were the medial (n = 5) and lateral (n = 2) antebrachial cutaneous in the antecubital fossa, the superficial radial at the wrist (n = 2), and the dorsal sensory branches in the hand (n = 2). Anatomically, nerves lie on a plane just beneath and in close proximity to veins, making them vulnerable to injury during the procedure.
The striking response of causalgia and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) to sympatholytic procedures together with signs of autonomic nervous system abnormalities suggest that the sympathetic efferent system can generate or enhance pain (sympathetically maintained pain, SMP). This concept is supported by human and animal experiments indicating that sympathetic activity and catecholamines can activate primary afferent nociceptors. Some clinical evidence, however, calls the SMP concept into question and alternative explanations have been advanced. In this review, we describe the clinical features of causalgia and RSD and the evidence for sympatholytic efficacy. The major barrier to proving the SMP concept is that all available sympatholytic procedures are problematic. We conclude that, although the weight of current evidence supports the SMP concept and its relevance to causalgia and RSD, it remains unproven by scientific criteria. More careful adherence to diagnostic criteria and well-controlled trials of sympatholysis are needed to finally settle the issue.