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The influence of gas humidity on the discharge properties of a microwave atmospheric-pressure coaxial plasma jet

AIP Publishing
AIP Advances
  • Guiyang University

Abstract and Figures

This paper investigated the influence of gas humidity (1%, 3%, 8%, 10%, and 12%) on the characteristics of a microwave-induced atmospheric plasma jet. The plasma discharge was generated by a microwave solid-state source with a H2O–Ar mixture gas flow of 8.1 L/min. The variation in energy efficiency, O and OH concentrations, rotational temperature of heavy species, shapes of plasma plumes with different humidities, and microwave input powers were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of O and OH increase monotonously with gas humidity at higher input powers while they fluctuate with gas humidity at lower input powers. With an increase in the H2O/Ar ratio from 1% to 12%, the energy efficiency of the plasma generator decreases, and the plasma plumes become shorter and thinner. The rotational temperature of plasma at the nozzle also showed positive correlation with increasing humidity. Adding more input power would make all the values of these parameters increase. This paper is supposed to be helpful for the research of the interaction mechanism of mix gas plasma and microwave power and for improving the effect of plasma treating biomedical materials.
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The influence of gas humidity on the discharge
properties of a microwave atmospheric-pressure
coaxial plasma jet
Cite as: AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059
Submitted: 21 December 2020 Accepted: 26 January 2021
Published Online: 12 February 2021
Jie Yu,1Wencong Zhang,2Xiao Wu,1Li Wu,1,a) Junwu Tao,3and Kama Huang1
1IAEM (Institute of Applied ElectroMagnetics), College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University,
Chengdu 610065, People’s Republic of China
2School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Guiyang University, 550005 Guiyang, People’s Republic of China
3Laplace (Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d ’Energie), INPT - ENSEEIHT, Université de Toulouse, 31071, France
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
This paper investigated the influence of gas humidity (1%, 3%, 8%, 10%, and 12%) on the characteristics of a microwave-induced atmospheric
plasma jet. The plasma discharge was generated by a microwave solid-state source with a H2O–Ar mixture gas flow of 8.1 L/min. The variation
in energy efficiency, O and OH concentrations, rotational temperature of heavy species, shapes of plasma plumes with different humidities,
and microwave input powers were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the concentrations of O and OH increase monotonously
with gas humidity at higher input powers while they fluctuate with gas humidity at lower input powers. With an increase in the H2O/Ar ratio
from 1% to 12%, the energy efficiency of the plasma generator decreases, and the plasma plumes become shorter and thinner. The rotational
temperature of plasma at the nozzle also showed positive correlation with increasing humidity. Adding more input power would make all the
values of these parameters increase. This paper is supposed to be helpful for the research of the interaction mechanism of mix gas plasma and
microwave power and for improving the effect of plasma treating biomedical materials.
©2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
., s
Low-temperature atmospheric-pressure plasma (APP) has
been widely used in various biomedical applications,1–3 for instance,
in killing cancer cells,4–6 sterilization,7–11 inducing cell apoptosis,12,13
whitening tooth,14 cell adhesion,15,16 regenerating skin,17,18 and so
on. To date, most investigations concerning low-temperature APP
have upheld the fact that chemically active species such as reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), contain-
ing oxygen atoms (O), oxygen negative ions (O2), ozone (O3),
hydroxyl radicals (OH), nitric oxide radicals (NO), and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2), play an essential role in biomedical areas as well
as other relevant research domains.15,19–21 To obtain a higher den-
sity of the wanted active species at low temperature, researchers
tend to use mixed gas as the working gas to initiate the plasma.
However, reports show that a slight change in the composition of
working gas may lead to significant variation in plasma properties,
especially active species and their doses, which will affect the plasma
treating results. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate how the gas
composition influences the plasma properties, especially the active
In this paper, the influence of argon humidity variation on the
plasma properties especially on the doses of O and OH is studied
with emission spectra based on a self-designed microwave-induced
coaxial plasma generator. The change law is studied and discussed
by adjusting the gas humidity and microwave input power.
The microwave coaxial plasma generator structure is provided
in Fig. 1. The size of its bottom is designed according to a typ-
ical 7/16 DIN connector (Deutsche Industrie Norm connector).
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-1
© Author(s) 2021
FIG. 1. Structure of the plasma genera-
tor: the (a) vertical section and (b) bottom
The diameters of its inner and outer conductors are 7 mm and
16 mm, respectively. This enables the generator to connect to the
microwave source directly without extra impedance-matching cir-
cuits. The top of the device, i.e., the plasma initiating point, is open-
circuited. To further focus the microwave power at the discharge
point and maintain impedance matching, a gradually tapered struc-
ture from the coaxial structure to the open end is employed. Four
6 mm holes are bored on the side of the coaxial body to form tangen-
tial gas inlets. A short metal annulus is welded to the outer conductor
of the plasma generator to help assembling of gas inlet pipes and the
plasma generator.
Figure 2 shows the schematics of the experimental setup. A
solid-state source (WSPS-2450-200M, Wattsine, Chengdu, China)
working at 2.45 GHz is employed to provide power to the plasma
generator. A circulator is connected to the power source for
protecting it from the reflected power. A dual-direction coupler
(L00PE22DC40A10N, Euler Microwave Element Ltd., Chengdu,
China) is linked to port 2 of the circulator while the matching load is
FIG. 2. Schematic of the experimental setup.
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-2
© Author(s) 2021
connected to port 3 to absorb the reflected power. Two power meters
(AV2433, the 41st Institute of China Electronic Technology Group
Corporation, Qingdao, China) are used to respectively measure the
input and reflected power of this system. Finally, in order to couple
the microwave power to the coaxial structure, a waveguide-to-coax
converter is assembled at the end of this system.
To mix with H2O, pure argon gas flows through deionized
water before entering the plasma generator. A flow controller
(LF420-S, LAIFENG TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD., Chengdu, China)
is used to control and gauge the inflow of the argon gas. In our exper-
iment, for all the operating humidities, the total flow rate sustains at
8.1 L/min. The humidity of the working gas is controlled by adjust-
ing the depth of the gas pipe into the water, and its value is measured
by a humidity transmitter (LY60P-2X, ROTRONIC OEM, Switzer-
land). Before plasma ignition, the argon gas was flowing through
the ventilation system for 15 min to exhaust the air in the pipes
and the water jar. The emission spectrum of plasma at the nozzle is
measured by a spectrometer (AVSRACKMOUNT-USB2, Avantes,
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands) from 290 nm to 820 nm. The optic
probe is placed horizontally at a distance of 8 cm from the nozzle.
To catch the plasma spectrum clearly, a focusing lens and a laser pen
are employed. By adjusting the lens, the light from the plasma dis-
charge at the nozzle can be focused and captured by the optical fiber
A. The energy efficiency at different humidities
Figure 3 shows that the relationship between energy efficiency
(1-Pr/Pin, where Pr/Pin indicates the ratio of reflected power to input
power) and the humidity of mixed gases at various input powers.
It is obvious, from Fig. 3, that the energy efficiency of this device
decreases with increasing gas humidity under the same input power.
An input power of 30 W cannot ignite the argon gas with 12%
FIG. 3. Energy efficiency varies with power under different humidities. Error bars
represent the standard deviation of the measurements.
humidity to generate plasma. By increasing the input power, the
energy efficiency enlarges at the same gas humidity.
These phenomena are easy to address. The dimensions of this
coaxial plasma generator are designed for pure argon gas, according
to the formula of coaxial impedance,
Z0=60εr,eff ×ln(Dd), (1)
where Z0is the characteristic of a coaxial structure, Dand dare
the diameters of outer and inner conductors, respectively, and εr,eff
is the effective relative permittivity of the material (working gas in
this paper) between inner and outer conductors of the coax. Since
the working gas is a mixture (argon gas mixed with H2O), its rela-
tive permittivity can be obtained with the complex refractive index
(εr,eff )1/2=ν1(ε1)1/2+ν2(ε2)1/2, (2)
where ε1and ε2represent the relative permittivity of water and argon
gas, which is 1 0×j and 79–8.77 ×j at 20 C, respectively. v1
and v2are their homologous volume fractions, which satisfy the
relationship of v1+v2= 1.
With Eq. (2), it is obvious that mixing with water will change
the effective permittivity of the working gas, thus altering the
impedance of the coaxial plasma generator. Impedance mismatch
will lead to higher reflected power in the system, which makes the
energy efficiency lower and plasma generation harder. The more
water the argon gas mixes with, the more serious the impedance
mismatch is and the lower the energy efficiency is. That is why the
energy efficiency of this system decreases with higher humidity when
the microwave input power is the same.
To explore more about the reasons causing energy efficiency
variations at different microwave input powers and gas humidi-
ties, the electric field intensity distributions at the nozzle at various
microwave input powers and two humidities are calculated with the
finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics and the Helmholtz
E+ω2μr,eff εr,eff Ð
E=0, (3)
where ωis the angular frequency, μr,eff is the magnetic permeability
of mixed gas, which is 1 in our case, and εr,eff is the relative permit-
tivity of mixed gas. Its value can be calculated with Eq. (2).
Eis the
electric field intensity. In the simulations, the bottom of the plasma
generator is set as a coaxial microwave excitation port. The four gas
inlet ports and the plasma nozzle are the scattering boundaries. The
other edges are set as perfect conductor boundaries.
In this paper, the parameters of pure argon (relative permittiv-
ity is 1) and mixed gas with 10% humidity (relative effective permit-
tivity is 2.95–0.154 ×j) have been used to calculate the electric field
intensity distributions at the nozzle. In order to compare the calcu-
lated consequences under these two gas humidity conditions at dif-
ferent input powers better, the same color range has been employed.
Results are shown in Fig. 4.
It is obvious, from Fig. 4, that the electric field intensity distri-
butions in different cases are the same. The strongest electric field
intensity is located around the inner conductor, and it becomes gen-
erally weaker from the inner conductor to the outer conductor. With
the same gas humidity, higher input power leads to stronger elec-
tric field intensity at the nozzle. One can observe that the electric
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-3
© Author(s) 2021
FIG. 4. Simulated electric field intensity distributions at the nozzle in (a) pure argon
and (b) 10% gas humidity at different powers: [(a1) and (b1)] 30 W, [(a2) and (b2)]
40 W, [(a3) and (b3)] 50 W, [(a4) and (b4)] 60 W, and [(a5) and (b5)] 70 W.
field intensity with 10% humidity is much lower than that with pure
argon at the same input power. These simulation results are consis-
tent with the impedance mismatch theory mentioned above. Adding
water content results in a reduction in the power, which could prop-
agate to the nozzle and lower the electric field intensity. Higher elec-
tric field intensity could ionize more particles and generate higher
density plasma, which enables the plasma discharge absorb more
power. That is why the energy efficiency shows a positive corre-
lation with input power. However, higher reflected power due to
impedance mismatch and lower density plasma at higher humidity
make the energy efficiency lower.
B. The change in plasma plume shape and length
at different humidities
Figure 5 shows the photos of plasma plumes generated at var-
ious humidities and input powers. These photos were captured by
a camera (DSC-RX10M3, SONY, JAPAN) with 1/2500 exposure
FIG. 5. Photos of plasma plumes changing with power at different humidities.
time. Their lengths are listed in Table I. The gas flow rate is stable
at 8.1 L/min. Clearly, the plasma plumes have dominant streamers
and many small streamers when the humidity is low. It is worth
noticing that the branch streamers change quickly while the main
stream seems fixed over time. With increasing input power, the
dominant streamers get thicker, and more small streamers are born
at the ionization front. The higher the humidity, the less the small
streamers and the shorter the dominant streamers. The dominant
streamers will also become thinner with increasing humidity. How-
ever, the changes in plasma plumes, especially the lengths, do not
monotonously obey the above-mentioned variation in humidity and
input power. One could observe from Table I that the plume length
increases with slight fluctuation with input power when the humid-
ity is 1%, 3%, and 8%. The lower the gas humidity is, the larger
the change in the magnitude of the plume length is. The longest
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-4
© Author(s) 2021
TABLE I. Lengths of plasma plumes at different humidities and powers.
Plasma plume length (mm)
Power Power Power Power Power
Gas humidity (%) 30 W 40 W 50 W 60 W 70 W
1 19.2 17.8 18.3 17.8 20.7
3 14.7 13.1 17.5 17.5 17.9
8 6.0 14.7 13.9 15.9 18.3
10 6.0 9.1 12.3 15.1 17.3
12 7.2 10.1 15.4 15.8
flame reaches 20.7 mm under a humidity of 1% and an input power
of 70 W.
These experimental phenomena can be interpreted with the
assistance of streamer theory and impedance mismatch. As men-
tioned above, increasing the gas humidity leads to a more serious
impedance mismatching problem, which causes more power reflec-
tion and less plasma density. It expresses why the plasma plume
becomes thinner and shorter with increasing gas humidity. How-
ever, when the gas humidity is fixed and the microwave input power
is increasing, the higher electric field intensity ionizes more gas.
More frequent electron collision ionization accelerates the avalanche
of electrons in the form of ionization waves, which will raise the
local electric field at the head of the plasma ionization front.24 When
the local E-field intensity is stronger than the critical value, the
plasma plume could generate many ionization fronts.25–27 As have
been indicated in Refs. 28 and 29, the ionization front with the local
enhanced electric field prolongs the dominant discharge, while many
small streamers abandoned by the ionization front grow up in the
axial direction around the main discharge. Moreover, those small
streamers can produce many much smaller streamers but with less
strength. As a result, plasma plumes become longer and thicker. Fur-
thermore, the difference between the E-field intensities of inner and
outer conductors at 70 W is the smallest among these input pow-
ers. The potential plasma initiation area is thus the largest, which
may also generate more plasma discharges and get a longer plasma
C. The emission spectra under different humidities
In order to check the influence of humidity on the plasma
property, the emission spectra of plasma at the generator’s nozzle
from 290 nm to 820 nm under different humidities of argon were
observed. To show and compare the spectra better, they are divided
into segments and demonstrated in Fig. 6 from 290 nm to 600 nm
and from 600 nm to 820 nm.
Figure 6 clearly indicates that, with increasing humidity, the
intensities of species related to H2O such as OH(A2+X2),
Hα, and O (3s5S3p5P) increase. Meanwhile, other excited species
mentioned in Sec. III, like N2+(B2+
g, shown in Fig. 6(a)),
present a great growth. However, the spectral intensities of Ar
I(3s23p54s3s23p54p, shown in Fig. 6(b), speedily drop when the
humidity increases. Analogical changes of different Ar I line intensi-
ties were also observed when adding other gas molecules into argon
FIG. 6. Spectrums of plasma plumes under an input power of 70 W (a) from 290 nm
to 600 nm and (b) from 600 nm to 820 nm.
Since the intensity of the emission spectrum is approximately
proportional to the number of atoms spontaneously transitioned,31
Fig. 6 reveals that the densities of OH, Hα, O, and N2+increase while
that of Ar I (3s23p54s3s23p54p) decreases with increasing humid-
ity. As mentioned above, the total gas flow speed is 8.1 L/min, and
the density of argon in the working gas becomes smaller when the
gas humidity is higher. Less argon leads to less collision probabil-
ity of argon atoms with other particles, which makes the densities of
Ar I (3s23p54s3s23p54p) drop. On the contrary, higher humidity
enhances the collision chances of H2O and other relevant particles,
like N2. The reaction path N2A3++H2ON2+ H+OH32 makes
the intensity of the spectra line of N2+(B2+
D. Changes in rotational temperature
under different humidities
Gas temperature of plasma is another significant factor one
should pay attention to if it is used for medical treatment. It is
reported that the gas temperature of plasma used to be considered
as the temperature of heavy particles, which is also close to the
molecular rotational temperature Trot.33 Therefore, the impacts of
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-5
© Author(s) 2021
FIG. 7. Fitting result of OH radical emission at 12% humidity and 50 W.
gas humidity on the rotational temperature Trot of plasmas at the
nozzle under various input powers are investigated in this section.
In this paper, Trot is diagnosed by the OH(A2Σ+X2) radical
and fitted by the LIFBASE software.34 Figure 7 shows a fitting result.
For the case with 12% gas humidity and 50 W input power, Trot of
plasma at the nozzle is 1550 K.
Figure 8 shows the relationship between Trot and humidity at
various input powers. Above all, Trot is increasing with increasing
mixed gas humidity, which accords with the results in Ref. 35. How-
ever, Trot of plasma does not increase with increasing input power
but decreases slightly when the gas humidity is 1% and 3%.
This phenomenon is relative to the fact that water has a larger
heat capacity than single atom Ar. Even when less water is added
to the plasma gas, significantly more thermal energy is stored in the
FIG. 8. Rotational temperature varies with power under different humidities. Error
bars represent the standard deviation of the measurements.
molecular rotation and vibration modes, resulting in global heating
of the plasma gas; thus, the gas temperature increases.35
However, Trot of plasma does not increase with increasing input
power but decreases slightly when the gas humidity is 1% and 3%.
This is explicable. Even though the energy efficiencies of the sys-
tem at these two humidities increase with input power, the collisions
among different particles are more frequent, which may make the
energies of heavy particles transmit to other particles for sustain-
ing the plasma discharge. Moreover, a larger plasma size (Fig. 5),
i.e., higher plasma density, will dilute the “average” energy of par-
ticles. These two make the energy of the heavy particle to decrease,
leading to lower rotational temperature. When the humidity is lower
(1% and 3%), these two factors add greater weight to the rotational
temperature than water heat capacity. Therefore, their rotational
temperatures decrease with increasing power.
It is worth noticing that the rotational temperatures obtained
as shown in Fig. 8 are those at the nozzle. However, in real appli-
cations, the treated sample is usually put around the plasma plume
head, rather than at the nozzle. To check if this plasma jet can be
employed for material surface treatment, especially for biomedical
treatment, a quartz plate is placed 26 mm above the nozzle and
treated by the plasma jet at different gas humidities and input pow-
ers. A thermal imager (VarioCAM hr, Infretec, Germany) is used
to record the maximum temperature of the quartz plate after being
treated for 2 min, as shown in Fig. 9(a). The measured results are
demonstrated in Fig. 9(b). It is obvious that the quartz plate is heated
up, which indicates that the energy of electrons and ions in plasma
could treat the target surface indirectly. The maximum temperatures
of the plate are low enough for biomedical treatment. Furthermore,
by adjusting the microwave input power and gas humidity, the tem-
perature above the plasma plume head would be much lower and
more suitable to treat human skin or cells.
E. Influence of humidity on spectral intensity
of 309 nm OH and 777 nm O
The excited oxygen atoms can significantly deactivate various
bacterials, such as Escherichia coli,Bacillus subtilis endospores,Bacil-
lus luteum, and so on.8,36 Inducing apoptosis of cancer cells is also
reported to be induced by the concentration of reactive oxygen
atoms.5The hydroxyl radical has strong oxidation and can be used
for tooth whitening to remove pollutants efficiently.14 Since the dose
of these active species plays an essential role on the treating effect,
the influences of humidity and input power on their intensities are
investigated in this section. Results under cases with five different
gas humidities and input powers are shown in Fig. 10.
A glance at Fig. 10 tells that the spectrum intensity of 309 nm
OH and 777 nm O is related to argon humidity and microwave input
power. Increasing the microwave input power increases the inten-
sities of OH and O. However, the increment is not linear, which
diminishes progressively generally as the input power grows fur-
ther. For the impact of humidity, one can observe that the intensities
of OH and O do not always monotonically increase with the gas
humidity. Instead, both OH and O show a wavy change tendency at
lower input powers. The intensity of OH increases from a humidity
of 1%–3% with 30 W. It starts to decline if more H2O is continuously
mixed and increases slightly again when the humidity is at 10%. The
same changing slopes repeat, but the corresponding turning points
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-6
© Author(s) 2021
FIG. 9. Temperatures above the head of plasma plumes under various cases: (a)
a thermal imager being placed H= 26 mm above the nozzle to catch the glass
temperature and (b) the maximum temperature on the glass plate with different
input powers and different humidities.
emerge at higher humidity for 40 W and 50 W. Variations in O spec-
tra line intensity with gas humidity are a little bit different when the
input powers are 30 W and 40 W. The intensity curves show only
one turning point.
The hydroxyl radical (OH) is generated mainly through the
collisions between molecules and other particles like electrons and
excited-state argon atoms37,38 (e + H2O+H + OH, Ar+ H2O
H + OH + Ar). It could also be produced via thermal dissocia-
tion of H2O39 when the gas temperature of plasma is higher than
1500 K (factor 1). The active oxygen atoms are obtained by ioniz-
ing excited state H2O molecules (H2OO + H237). Combining
with the expressions in Secs. III A and III E, it is easy to understand
that the line intensity of OH and O increases with increasing gas
humidity and microwave input power because of more frequent col-
lisions and higher electric field intensity (factor 2). Meanwhile, as
the H2O molecule has strong electronegativity and a large electron
attachment surface, the electrons and H2O molecules will combine
FIG. 10. Absolute intensity of emission spectra varies with humidities at different
powers: (a) the OH 309 nm line (integrated time of 200 ms) and (b) the O 777 nm
line (integrated time of 30 ms). Error bars represent the standard deviation of the
and form negative ions. This leads to fewer collisions between H2O
and electrons and less ionization of excited-state H2O (factor 3). The
densities of OH and O thus decrease. When the gas humidity and
microwave input power are lower, factor 2 dominates the reactions,
and the line intensities of O and OH are proportional to these two
parameters. On increasing the gas humidity further, the influence
of factor 3 appears. When the gas humidity is larger than 8%, fac-
tor 1 begins to work. The detected intensities of OH and O spectra
lines are results of these three factors. That is why the intensities of
these two show a wavy tendency with increasing gas humidity and
microwave input power.
Water was added to the feeding gas of a microwave-induced
atmospheric argon plasma jet to experimentally investigate its
AIP Advances 11, 025131 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0033059 11, 025131-7
© Author(s) 2021
influence on the plasma characteristics. Spectral diagnosis, microwave
theory, and simulation were employed to analyze the interaction
between microwave power and plasma discharge. Results showed
the following:
(1) Increasing the water fraction in the working gas reduces the
energy efficiency of the plasma generator and the plasma
jet length due to impedance mismatching. The more water
the argon gas mixes with, the more serious the impedance
mismatch is and the lower the energy efficiency is.
(2) Increasing microwave input power could obtain more OH
and O. However, adding more water does not lead to higher
densities of OH and O because the electronegativity and the
large electron attachment surface of H2O molecules impeded
the occurrence of collisions and formation of OH and O.
(3) Water addition makes the rotational temperature (gas tem-
perature) higher because the collisional relaxation of H2O
molecules dominates the impact factors. However, when the
gas humidity is lower, the gas temperature remains almost the
same at different input powers.
In short, gas humidity and microwave input power play sig-
nificant roles in plasma properties, especially the intensities of ROS
(OH and O). One could obtain proper ROS densities and gas
temperatures for biomedical applications by controlling these two
This work was supported, in part, by the Science and Tech-
nology Planning Project of Sichuan Province under Grant No.
2018HH0107. It was also supported, in part, by the National Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61801313 and
The data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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© Author(s) 2021
... It was found that the frequency of triggering plasma played a critical role in the plasma particle densities. In addition, previous investigations [15,16] certificated the ROS in plasma can be effectively influenced through increasing the gas humidity. This paper investigated the effects of microwave frequency (2450 MHz and 5800 MHz) and different ratios of H2O/Ar mixed gas (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 6% and 8%) on the ROS and in vitro blood coagulation with a coaxial plasma source. ...
... RAO and ROS have great potential in plasma medical treatments [3,18,19], such as killing the toughest biological agents [20], bacterial spores [21,22], affecting the formation of thrombosis in the vascular system [10], and so on. In our previous study [15], it was found that increasing the microwave input power and operating humidity helped to increase the doses of OH and O in the plasma. This work finds that the driving frequency also has impacts on the species density. ...
... The relationship of driving frequency and gas humidity on doses of OH and O at 2450 MHZ and 5800 MHz are described in Figure 5. (Figure 5b). This is because the strong electronegativity and large electron attachment surface of H2O seriously impeded the occurrence of collisions and formation of O when the water reached a threshold, which was expressed in our previous work [15]. It should also be noted that the microwave driving frequency had an impact on the doses of OH and O. ...
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In this article, the effects of microwave frequency (2450 MHz and 5800 MHz) and gas humidity (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 6% and 8%) on in vitro blood coagulation with cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP) were investigated. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS, OH, O) was measured by optical emission spectra. The exposure temperature on blood droplets under treatment was below 55 °C in all cases, to avoid the thermal effect of plasma on the blood clotting. Investigations showed that, with the increase of frequency, the doses of ROS increased, the blood sample presented a more serious collapse and its surface became drier. The humidity of ionized gas can also accelerate the generation of ROS and the process of blood clotting. Our results propose a method to accelerate in vitro blood coagulation in CAPP by adjusting microwave frequency and gas humidity, and suggest a clinical benefit for plasma treatment as a coagulation device in surgery.
... In summary, when the APPJ impinges the copper target both T rot and T vib are always smaller for the mesh configuration and tend to not differ significantly when the configuration is changed when the target is the glass plate. Furthermore, the T rot and T vib values obtained in this work are in agreement with others reported in the literature for APPJs that employ Ar as the working gas [41,42,43]. ...
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The employment of atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) in a large sort of applications is limited by the adversities related to the size of the treated area and the difficulty to reach the target. The use of devices that employ long tubes in their structure has contributed significantly to overcome these challenges. In this work, a comparison between two different plasma systems employing the jet transfer technique is presented. The main difference between the two devices is how the long plastic tube was assembled. The first one uses a copper wire placed inside a long plastic tube. The other device has a metallic mesh installed in a concentric arrangement between two coaxial plastic tubes. As a result, the two APPJ systems exhibit different properties, with the wire assembly being more powerful, also presenting higher values for the electrical current and rotational temperature when compared to the mesh mounting. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrates that both configurations were capable of inserting O-containing functional groups on the polypropylene (PP) surface. However, the transferred plasma jet with wire assembly was able to add more functional groups on the PP surface. The results from XPS analysis were corroborated with water contact angle measurements (WCA), being that lower WCA values were obtained when the PP surface presented higher amounts of O-containing groups. Surface morphology evaluation showed that the plasma treatment tends to slightly increase the surface roughness of the PP samples with both wire and mesh configurations. Furthermore, the findings in this work suggest that the APPJ with wire configuration is more appropriate for material treatments, while the transferred jet with mesh arrangement tends to present lower electrical current values which makes it more suitable for biological applications.
... which was proved later by measuring the relative humidity (Table 4). It is worth mentioning that 309 nm has been attributed as the main wavelength for OH radicals in different papers; however, 281.1 nm (Soler-Arango et al., 2018), 295-300 nm (Machala et al., 2007;Sarangapani et al., 2016), 306-312 nm (Yu et al., 2021), 305-317 nm (Machala et al., 2007), and 305-322 nm (Parigger et al., 2003) were also ascribed to different transitional system bands of OH radicals. The reduction in the intensity of NO emission peaks during time could be due to the reaction of OH with NO and NO 2 in the system and transform them into HNO 2 and HNO 3 (Soler-Arango et al., 2018) or conversion of NO to NO 2 by reactions (R12) and (R13). ...
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Zearalenone (ZEA) is a mycotoxin that contaminates cereals and grains. Atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) is a novel non-thermal technology that has the potential to degrade mycotoxins. This study evaluated the potential of ACP and the influence of some of the important product and process factors on the degradation of ZEA. The efficacy of 30 s dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) ACP treatment to degrade ZEA in solution and dry condition was 100% and 66.8%, respectively. The ZEA degradation was influenced by the product substrate as the ZEA degradation rates after 3 min DBD-ACP treatment on canola grain, canola meal, and barley grains were 91.6, 83.2, and 64.8%, respectively. Treatment using light pulses (395 nm wavelength) emitted from light-emitting diodes (LED) for 30 min and thermal treatment at 80 °C for 25 min did not exhibit any synergistic effect with ACP on ZEA degradation. The ZEA degradation rates were not significantly different (p > 0.05) when air and 100% N 2 were used to generate the ACP by DBD. Treatment by ACP jet using 85% Ar + 15% O 2 resulted in the highest degradation of ZEA compared to other gas mixtures used. The results of ZEA degradation using ACP jet, DBD-ACP, and different gas mixtures indicated that there could be contributions from factors other than the measured reactive species, such as UV light and high-energy electrons on ZEA degradation.
The development of the streamer discharge has the characteristic of randomness. In this work, based on the statistical and digital image processing method, the effects of the applied voltage, pulse interval and discharge gap on the random path of the spark discharge are studied with a needle-plate electrode configuration. The measurements show that the distribution of the discharges path obeys normal distribution. By calculating its standard deviation, it is concluded that its randomness of the path decreases with the increase of applied voltage, increases with the increase of pulse interval, and increases with the increase of discharge gap. The experimental results indirectly verify that the randomness of spark discharge is affected by the space electron concentration and the applied electric field.KeywordsSpark dischargeRandom dischargePulsed dischargeStatistical
The employment of atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) in a large sort of applications is limited by the adversities related to the size of the treated area and the difficulty to reach the target. The use of devices that employ long tubes in their structure has contributed significantly to overcome these challenges. In this work, two different plasma systems employing the jet transfer technique are compared. The main difference between the two devices is how the long plastic tube was assembled. The first one uses a copper wire placed inside a long plastic tube. The other device has a metallic mesh installed in a concentric arrangement between two coaxial plastic tubes. As a result, the two APPJ systems exhibit different properties, with the wire assembly being more powerful, also presenting higher values for the electrical current and rotational temperature when compared to the mesh mounting. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrates that both configurations were capable of inserting O‐containing functional groups on the polypropylene (PP) surface. However, the transferred plasma jet with wire assembly was able to add more functional groups on the PP surface. The results from XPS analysis were corroborated with water contact angle measurements (WCA), being that lower WCA values were obtained when the PP surface presented higher amounts of O‐containing groups. Furthermore, the results suggest that the APPJ with wire configuration is more appropriate for material treatments, while the transferred jet with mesh arrangement tends to present lower electrical current values, being more suitable for biological applications.
This article proposed a new solution to do the plasma cleaning under low pressure based on a domestic microwave oven. A conical bottle was placed in the oven according to the electric field distribution calculated by finite element method and Helmholtz equation. A vacuum pump was employed to make a low pressure environment in the bottle to generate plasma. Experiments demonstrated that discharges in the domestic microwave oven under low pressures from 100 Pa to 300 Pa can be easily triggered and maintained when the working gases were argon and air. The lower the pressure was, the easier to trigger and generate plasma, and the more uniform the plasma inside the conical bottle was. Experiments also found that this low-pressure Ar plasma generated in the domestic microwave oven can efficiently clean up the oils on the metallic sheets or glass substrates without damaging them.
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It is critical to measure the electron density and its transient variation in an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet. In the present study, the transient electron density of a pulsed microwave argon plasma jet at atmospheric gas pressure is measured using a homemade microwave Rayleigh scattering device. First, the high-speed photographs of the plasma jet are captured by an intensified charge-coupled device camera. Then, the radius and length of the plasma jet are determined from the high-speed photographs. Finally, the temporal scattering signal measurement is performed and the time-varying electron density is obtained. The electron density increases to a peak value of 4.55 × 10²⁰ m⁻³ at 45 μs. Then, it decays monotonically until it reaches the detection limit. It is worth pointing out that there is no input microwave power after 40 μs, but the electron density still presents a sharp peak. This indicates that there is a change in the ionization process that further induces a variation in the discharge morphology. In addition, an electromagnetic simulation model is modulated to simulate the scattered electric field distributions produced by two different scatterers (air and plasma). The simulation results indicate that a higher electron density of scatterer leads to the acquisition of more intense scattering signals, which indicate that the microwave scattering process is similar to that associated with dipole radiation. These results verify the accuracy of the transient electron density measured using microwave Rayleigh scattering.
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Guided ionization waves, or plasma streamers, are increasingly important for many applications in spanning materials processing and biomedicine. The highly reproducible, repeatable behavior of the most puzzling kind of the streamers-plasma bullets is highly attractive as it promises a high degree of control in many applications. However, despite a dozen years since the discovery of this phenomenon, the exact reasons for such behavior still remain essentially unclear. To understand the dynamics of the guided ionization wave (plasma bullet), a large number of works have been carried out and many interesting results have been reported. Here, we critically examine the available results and generalize the physical mechanisms of the guided ionization waves, which are of particular interest to practical applications of atmospheric-pressure plasma discharges, in general. The critical examination of the fundamental principles will show that, in order to propagate in a repeatable-mode, the plasma bullet must propagate in a channel with a high seed electron density (HSED), which is on the order of 10 9 cm À3. This review concludes that to distinguish guided ionization waves from traditional positive streamer discharges, it is most appropriate to describe an atmospheric-pressure discharge featuring a plasma bullet behavior as an HSED discharge. When the HSED condition is met, the dynamics of a plasma plume appears to be repeatable. On the contrary, it propagates in an unrepeatable mode and emerges more like a positive streamer discharge when the HSED condition is not satisfied. According to this theory, the transition of the propagation mode of the plasma bullet between the repeatable mode and the stochastic mode can be well explained. Besides by controlling the seed electron density around the transition region between the HSED discharge and the traditional positive streamer, this knowledge will help in better understanding of the positive streamer discharges in air, in cases relevant to practical applications of such plasma discharges in materials processing technologies, industrial chemistry, nanotechnology, and health care. Published by AIP Publishing. https://doi.
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Ionization waves (propagating bullet-shaped plasma) are always present in atmospheric-pressure plasma jets generated by a pulsed DC power supply or low-frequency voltages. Nevertheless, whether these ionization waves exist for pulsed microwave plasma jets remains unclear. In this paper, a coaxial transmission line resonator driven by microwave pulses is capable of generating atmospheric pressure plasma jet plumes. Depending on the discharges, these plasma jet plumes exhibit distinctive characteristics, such as bullet-shaped ionization fronts for argon plasma and ball-shaped for helium plasma. Fast images show argon plasma plumes generating several small branches but only one dominant ionization front travels more distance along the jet axis. Both ionization-wave images and electromagnetic simulation results indicate that the bullet-shaped ionization front forms a plasma jet plume immediately. The dominant ionization wave is resonantly excited by the local enhanced electric field, which originates from the local net charge of the streamer plus surface plasmon polariton located at the open end of the resonator.
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A cold atmospheric-pressure plasma, which has been widely used for biomedical applications, may potentially affect the cell cycle and cause cell apoptosis. In this paper, a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell (HepG2) is treated by a singleelectrode plasma jet device. Further investigation by using flow cytometric analysis demonstrates that plasma treatment increases the percentage of apoptotic cells being associated with cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase. Moreover, the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay shows that the cyclin B1 and Cdc2 are decreased at the transcription level after plasma treatment, while the expression of the p21 Cdk inhibitor, as well as that of tumor suppressor p53, is enhanced. On the other hand, the levels of certain pro- or antiapoptotic genes are checked, and the experimental results suggest that the plasma induces apoptosis by shifting the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio to trigger HepG2 cell apoptosis. The results of the present investigation indicate that the plasma jet device may have potential therapeutic activities, such as sterilization of living tissue and tumor therapy of the postoperative treatment process.
Although plasmas commonly present as electrical neutrality, for plasma jet plume at atmospheric gas pressure, it might appear nonneutral polarity due to plasma bullet being consisted of a large amount of electron avalanches. In this paper, the polarity transition and the ionization enhancement of atmospheric argon plasma jet plumes generated by the repetitive microwave pulses are studied. Three interesting phenomena have been found despite of discharges either with or without the hairpin metal wire, including: 1) a potential voltage pulse with positive polarity invariably arises steeply at each moment of power on; 2) high-speed photograph images show that there are ionization enhancements happened twice in each pulsed periods; and 3) ahead of the confluence point, the polarity transits from negative to positive while behind of this point, its positive polarity changes into the negative one. Moreover, the experiment results and electromagnetic simulations suggest that the theories of guided negative ionization wave and microwave resonant discharge excited by surface plasma polaritons should be used to interpret the spatial-temporal discharge process of the proposed microwave plasma jets.
Plasma bullet is the formation and propagation of a guided ionization wave (streamer), normally generated in atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ). In most cases, only an ionization front produces in a dielectric tube. The present study shows that two or three ionization fronts can be generated in a single quartz tube by using a microwave coaxial resonator. The argon APPJ plumes with a maximum length of 170 mm can be driven by continuous microwaves or microwave pulses. When the input power is higher than 90 W, two or three ionization fronts propagate independently at first; thereafter, they confluence to form a central plasma jet plume. On the other hand, the plasma bullets move independently as the lower input power is applied. For pulsed microwave discharges, the discharge images captured by a fast camera show the ionization process in detail. Another interesting finding is that the strongest lightening plasma jet plumes always appear at the shrinking phase. Both the discharge images and electromagnetic simulations suggest that the confluence or independent propagation of plasma bullets is resonantly excited by the local enhanced electric fields, in terms of wave modes of traveling surface plasmon polaritons.
It is well known that the plasma jets driven by lower frequency voltages or pulsed DC power supply normally present with donut shaped cross sections, especially at where the diffused air mole fractions are less than 0.01. Thence, it is interesting to further study whether the donut shape is still in truth for the pulsed microwave plasma jet or not. In this letter, the cross sectional structures of atmospheric pressure plasma jet plumes driven by pulsed microwaves have been experimented on a cylindrical coaxial transmission line resonator. The plasma jet plumes demonstrate particular characteristics, like argon plasma with a donut shape but helium plasma with an uniform lighten cross section, despite whether the air mole fraction exists or not. For argon discharge, the fast images show that the donut shaped cross section only occurs at the end of each microwave pulses. In combination with helium discharge, the cross sectional patterns are immediately determined by the dominant ionization front of the plasm...
Non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas have recently become a topical area of research owing to their diverse applications in health care and medicine, environmental remediation and pollution control, materials processing, electrochemistry, nanotechnology and other fields. This review focuses on the reactive electrons and ionic, atomic, molecular, and radical species that are produced in these plasmas and then transported from the point of generation to the point of interaction with the material, medium, living cells or tissues being processed. The most important mechanisms of generation and transport of the key species in the plasmas of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets and other non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas are introduced and examined from the viewpoint of their applications in plasma hygiene and medicine and other relevant fields. Sophisticated high-precision, time-resolved plasma diagnostics approaches and techniques are presented and their applications to monitor the reactive species and plasma dynamics in the plasma jets and other discharges, both in the gas phase and during the plasma interaction with liquid media, are critically reviewed. The large amount of experimental data is supported by the theoretical models of reactive species generation and transport in the plasmas, surrounding gaseous environments, and plasma interaction with liquid media. These models are presented and their limitations are discussed. Special attention is paid to biological effects of the plasma-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen (and some other) species in basic biological processes such as cell metabolism, proliferation, survival, etc. as well as plasma applications in bacterial inactivation, wound healing, cancer treatment and some others. Challenges and opportunities for theoretical and experimental research are discussed and the authors' vision for the emerging convergence trends across several disciplines and application domains is presented to stimulate critical discussions and collaborations in the future.
A new formula derived from a simple multi-layered model of biphase dielectric mixtures is proposed for prediction of the mixture's permittivity. When the formula is compared with existing experimental data on dielectric mixtures, results of the calculations fit experimental data with an accuracy better than 2% for inclusions-to-host medium permittivity ratios ranging from 0. 075 to 4. 2. Such an accuracy is obtained for various shape of inclusions and for the whole range of their volume filling factors. Because of its simplicity and accuracy, this formula is recommended for many practical applications.