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Physical Conditioning of Freestyle Swimming Athletes

Physical Conditioning of Freestyle Swimming Athletes
Alnedral1* and Bonardo Aritonang2
1,2Dep. of Coaching, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email:
The problem in this study is the low performance of the TirtaKaluang swimming pool athletes in Padang. This study
aims to determine the level of physical condition of athletes, including: explosive power leg muscles, flexibility, and
speed.The design of this research is descriptive research. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique,
amounting to 13 people, 5 sons and 8 daughters in the achievement group. Explosive power of leg muscles was
measured by standing broad jump test. Flexibility is measured by a flexiometer test. Running speed is used for 60
meter sprint tests. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics with frequency distribution in the form of
percentages.The results of the study: (1) The level of explosive power of the athlete's leg muscles obtained an average
value of 186.6 cm (son) and 133.0 cm (daughter) are in sufficient classification. (2) The level of flexibility of athletes
obtained an average value of 10.8 cm (son) and 11.7 cm (daughter) are in the less classification. (3) The speed of the
athlete obtained an average value of 9.9 seconds (son) and 12.1 seconds (daughter) are in the less classification.
Keywords: Physical condition, swimming athlete
An extension of the swimming association and
the spearhead of PRSI (Association of Pool Indonesia).
Through swimming association, the community can get
to know, learn and practice swimming. Thus, the
swimming association grow and develop in the midst of
people's lives is a place for people to practice
swimming, both as achievement, recreation, as well as
giving birth pendidikan.Untuk swimming athletes who
excel in Padang then a variety of resources and efforts
have best dilakukan.Prestasi on lately that has been
achieved by the swimming association athlete
TirtaKaluang Padang is 1 ranked female athlete in the
2017 provincial level events O2SN SD (National
Student Sports Olympiad).
While it is for the athlete son can not obtain a
medal at the number on the prestigious sports week.
Meanwhile, in Porprov XIV 2016 in the city of Padang
and Porprov XV in 2018 in Padang Pariaman regency is
not a single person swimming association athlete Tirta
Kaluang Padang to win the gold medal in the 50 meters
freestyle. Loosening of associations athlete's
performance Tirta Kaluang Padang swimming in the 50
meters freestyle necessarily be caused by various
Sports activities are many contributing factors
that influence to mndapatkan achievements, such as:
physical, technical, tactical, and mental (Soniawan,
2018). In addition to an outdoor sport has physical,
technical, tactical, and mental well also needed a good
mastery of technique on the athletes, because without a
good mastery of techniques that a person can not realize
the athlete's performance.
Achieve peak performance then there are various
factors that influence it. The factors that determine the
achievement in the sport in the opinion of Syafruddin
(2011) is "the physical ability, mastery of technique,
tactics and mental abilities". Then it can be understood
that a swimmer can achieve the best performance if he
has a good physical ability, mastery of a good
swimming technique, the ability to create strategies and
tactics, as well as the mentality and practice. The four
components of achievement existence influence each
other, so it can notbe separated from one another. Thus,
the four factors that affect the achievement must receive
the training portion of proportion.
Based on the interviews the researchers did with
coach Tirta Kaluang Padang on observations dated 10
April 2018, the researchers obtain information related to
the process of training athletes. At this time athlete
swimming association Tirta Kaluang Padang
undergoing physical training preparation process for
dealing with events such observations.Researchers
noticed some problems related to the activity of 50-
meter swimming pool freestyle athlete associations Tirta
Kaluang Padang. The problems that occur in athletes
swimming association Padang Tirta Kaluang latter
should know the cause. These problems can interfere
with the course of the exercise and of course, adversely
impact the achievement of future athletes.
Studying the problems that occur in athletes Tirta
Kaluang strong belief Padang then researchers closely
related to the physical condition. Researchers strong
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sport Sciences, Health and Tourism (ICSSHT 2019)
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 56
suspicion that the physical condition of athletes
association Tirta Kaluang Padang is on the degree or
level is not maximized or low. With low physical
condition then this causes the athlete associations
Kaluang Tirta Padang has a record time of 50 meter
freestyle swimming is still very far away from the
national record. Therefore, to determine the level of the
physical condition of athletes association Tirta Kaluang
Padang is necessary to do an in-depth study. Based on
these problems, researchers are interested to know the
level of physical condition that is owned by the athlete
the 50 meters freestyle swimming Tirta Kaluang Padang
through a study.
In sports there are several techniques pool or
swimming styles are studied and diperlombakan, among
others: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.
Freestyle swimming technique is the style most in
demand by the public and the swimmers. This is
because freestyle is a style that is quite easy to master
and is the fastest style of the existing four swimming
styles. Opinion Thomas (2006) says "freestyle is esiensi
of renang.Gaya This allows us to move faster in water
than other styles like breaststroke, backstroke, and
butterfly" . Sismadiyanto and Ermawan (2008)
"characteristic of freestyle is: a rotating arm motion
similar to the motion propeller and down movement
rises crossed legs". Maidarman (2009) "freestyle
swimming technique is highly efficient from the styles
of swimming, because the hands and feet are used in
different ways, which provide a break during the
recovery phase". Hendromartono (1992) "freestyle
(freestyle / crawl) is a style resembling an animal, and
therefore called crawl that means crawling".
Based on some of these opinions can be
understood that the technique is freestyle swimming
style that has a very distinctive characteristic features
compared with other swimming techniques. Freestyle
movement has two major components of the dominant
can be observed, among others, is the movement of the
arm and leg movements. Arm movement freestyle
swimming technique resembles the rotational velocity
of the air propeller, while the movement of the legs is
done by movements in cross punch. The role of the arms
and legs to produce the same amount of thrust, so the
freestyle swimming technique is the fastest swimming
style compared to the butterfly, breaststroke and
Physical condition Becomesone of the factors
that affect the ability, appearance, and even the
achievements of athletes in the sport. Therefore,
physical condition cannot be ignored in the formation,
developing an athlete's ability to achieve its peak.
According Rahayu (2018) says that "physical condition
is a special unit of the components that cannot be
separated without either increase or maintenance."
Meanwhile, according to Akbar, et al (2015) concluded
"there is a positive relationship between sporting
activity pool with physical fitness swimmer ". One
element of the physical condition isexplosive
powermuscle or more commonly also known as muscle
explosive power that is one of the elements of the
physical condition or abilities. Elements of explosive
power is required by the sport, yakninya sports that
require muscle's ability to cope with the load by
directing maximum power and speed at the same
time.According Budiarsa, et al (2014) "muscle
explosive power is a combination of strength and speed
or maximum muscle." So the explosive power of a
blend or combination of power and speed to overcome
the burden or obstacle to the pace of contraction is high.
Muscle contraction is important in sports skills, how to
work the muscles to produce movement. Such as:
running, jumping, throwing, pushing and memukul.Hal
Similar delivered by Pujo, (2015) explosive power is the
product of strength and speed. This means that the
ability of the muscle explosive power can be seen from
the results of a monkey show performed by using the
power and speed.
Based on theory above then explosive powerleg
muscles can be defined as the ability of the leg muscles
to cope with the direct imposition of the maximum
strength of muscle contraction and takes place in a short
time. In this case the load given to the leg muscles can
generate a strong and rapid movement, for example is a
jumping movement.Danardono, et al (2014) "there is a
significant relationship between leg muscle power at a
speed of 50 meters crawl swimming (free)".
If seen from the analysis start movement
freestyle then start the movement is done by relying on
the ability of impulse or repulsion foot against the
starting blocks and assisted with the swing arm. The
impetus for strong and fast from leg swimmer
swimmers result can be pushed to the front, hovering in
the air, into the water, and then slid in the water at a
certain distance. For swimmers to maximize impulse
(repulsion) with strong legs and quick this gives an
advantage for him to be drifting towards the front as far
as possible. Momentum of the strength and speed of
repulsion legs can carry swimmers further body floating
in the water and glide toward the front.
Flexibility is one component of physical
condition is very important to consider the motion in an
appearance, especially concerning the functional
capacity of a joint. Syafruddin, (2011) said that
"flexibility is the ability ankle / joint to be able to move
to all direction with an amplitude of motion (range of
motion) have broad and in accordance with the joint
function-driven ". Arsil, (2009) "flexibility is the ability
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
to move the joints and muscles in the overall room for
Based on some of these opinions, it can be
concluded that the flexibility of the body is the ability of
all joints of the body to undertake the broadest possible
movement (high amplitude) to perform a physical
activity without injury. The primary key or hold a
pivotal role in flexibility is a joints and muscles. The
ability to move the joints in the body widely and all
directions according to function and be assisted muscle
elasticity (longer and shorter) determines the level of
flexibility that is owned by someone.
According to Irrawaddy, (2014) "flexibility is
influenced by: (a) The shape, the type and structure of
the joints, (b) the level of elasticity, (c). Age, (d)
Gender, (e) temperature, (f) muscle strength, and (g)
Fatigue and emotional state ". Syafruddin, (2011)
mentions that the ability is influenced by flexibility and
anatagonis synergistic muscle coordination, joint form,
the temperature of muscles, tendons and ligaments
capabilities, age and gender.
Opinion Kurnia, (2001) "at the swimming sport,
flexibility is needed even at a fairly high level". One
role of flexibility in the sport can be seen swimming in
the swimming movements 50 meter freestyle. 50 meter
freestyle swimming is a physical activity that is
classified in the category of short-distance sprints. A
swimmer is all out (all out) will melakuka rotational
movement of the arm and leg blows. In such situations it
is needed the flexibility of the body, both joints of the
arm, the skeleton joints, and the joints of the leg. All the
joints of the body must be in a state of bending so that
movement freestyle swimming can be carried out
smoothly. If the body is not flexible so it can disturb the
course of movement, resulting in the tempo of
movements performed by the swimmer.
In the 50-meter freestyle swimming are also
required elements of the physical condition of speed.
Opinion Widiastuti, (2011) "speed is the ability to
perform similar movements in a row in the shortest
possible time, or the ability to travel a distance in the
shortest possible time". MenuurtIsmayarti, (2008)
"speed is one important biomotorika ability to do sports
Based on these opinions can be understood that
one of the factors that determine the rate of speed is a
type of muscle fibers, both the speed of running and
swimming speed. Someone who has the dominant type
of white muscle fibers (fast twitch) will have better
speed than someone who is dominant has the red muscle
fibers. Both activities running and swimming activity,
the dominant swimmer or runner that has a kind of
white muscle fibers have a swim speed or running speed
is better than the dominant swimmer has a kind of red
muscle fibers. But it is certainly a swimmer or runner
must master the technique of swimming or running the
Based on the differences in types of muscle
fibers, then the coach must refer to it in terms of
selecting and defining the specification numbers in
sports. The dominant athletes have matching white
muscle fibers are trained on the numbers of short
distances, such as the 50 meters freestyle. While the
dominant athletes have more red muscle fibers suitable
trained on numbers of medium-range and long-distance,
such as the 400 meters, 800 meters and 1500 meters
This research is a descriptive study. The purpose
of this study to determine the level of physical condition
of athletes 50 meters freestyle swimming association
Padang.Tempat City TirtaKaluang research conducted
inLotus swimming pool area of Padang and the parking
lot of the sports hall H. AgusSalim Padang. This
research was conducted on November 22 and January
23 2019saat hour exercise swimming association
TirtaKaluang Padang. The population in this study is
Tirta swimming association athlete Kaluang Padang
totaling 33 people.Data collection techniques performed
on the sample by using test the ability of the physical
condition, which consists of three test items, namely,
explosive leg muscle power measured by the standing
broad jump test, measured by flexiometertest flexibility,
and speed is measured with a test sprint 60 meters.The
data analysis technique used is to use a percentage
1. Explosive Power Leg muscles
To answer the research questions of data
collection and data analysis. Seteleh data collection and
data analysis of the obtained results as contained in the
frequency distribution table as follows:
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
Table 1. Frequency Distribution Data Limb Muscle Power Explosive Athletes No. 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming
Association TirtaKaluang Padang (Man Athletes)
Class Interval (cm)
Absolut (fa)
Relative (%)
> 230.6
Very well
201.3 to 230.6
172.0 to 201.2
142.7 to 171.9
Less than Once
Based on the data in the table can be briefed as
follows: From 5 athletes son then 2 (40.0%) had muscle
power tingkatexplosivetungkaiyang are in good
classification with the acquisition of a value ranging
between 201.3 to 230.6 cm. 1 (20.0%) had muscle
power tingkatexplosivetungkaiyang currently on
klasifikasicukup with acquisition values ranging from
172.0 to 201.2 cm. 2 (40.0%) have high levels of
explosive muscle power currently on with acquisition
values ranging from 142.7 to 171.9 cm. Based on the
data analysis obtained by the average value of leg
muscle explosive power athlete swimming association
TirtaKaluang son Padang186,6 City cm.
Later measurements of leg muscle explosive
power female athlete was also conducted to obtain data
of explosive power leg muscle female athlete. For more
details about the research results of explosive power of
data limb muscle female athlete swimming association
Tirta Kaluang Padang then it can be seen in the table
following frequency distribution and histogram.
Table 2. Frequency Data Distribution Power Muscle Limb Explosive Athletes No. 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming
Association TirtaKaluang Padang (WomanAthletes)
Absolut (fa)
Relative (%)
Very well
Less than Once
Based on the data in the table can be briefed as follows:
From 8 female athlete then 3 (37.5%) had muscle power
tingkatexplosivetungkaiyang are in good classification
with the acquisition of a value ranging between 143.0 to
162.9 cm. 1 (12.5%) had muscle power
tingkatexplosivetungkaiyang currently on
klasifikasicukup with acquisition values ranging from
123.1 to 142.9 cm. 4 (50.0%) had muscle power
tingkatexplosivetungkaiyang currently on
klasifikasikurang with acquisition values ranging from
103.2 to 123.0 cm. Based on the data analysis obtained
by the average value of leg muscle explosive power
female athlete swimming association TirtaKaluang
Padang133,0 City cm.
1. Flexibility (Flexibility)
To answer the research questions of data collection and
data analysis.
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
Table 3. Frequency Distribution Data Flexibility Athletes No. 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming AssociationTirtaKaluang
Padang (Man Athletes)
Class Interval (cm)
Absolut (fa)
Relative (%)
> 24
Very well
Very less
Based on the information in the frequency
distribution table, it can be briefed as follows: From 5
samples of the three persons (60.0%) had a degree of
flexibility capabilities are in good classification with the
acquisition of a value ranging between 12-17 cm. 1
(20.0%) have a level of flexibility that are in the
classification ability enough with the acquisition of a
value ranging between 6-11 cm. 1 (20.0%) had a degree
of flexibility is at klasifikasikurang capabilities with the
acquisition of a value ranging between 1-5 cm. Based
on the data analysis obtained by the average value of
flexibility athlete son sebesar10,8 cm. If the numbers
are interpreted into tables flexibility assessment norms
then the number is included into klasifikasikurang.
Then the flexibility measurements were also
conducted on female athlete using flexiometer test.
Testersebutdilakukan aims to get the data flexibility
female athlete. For more details of data flexibility
Association female athlete Pool Tirta Kaluang Padang
then it can be seen in the frequency distribution table
and the image histogram rod as follows:
Table 4. Frequency Distribution Data Flexibility (flexibility) Athletes No. 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming Association
TirtaKaluang Padang (Woman Athletes)
Class Interval (cm)
Absolut (fa)
Relative (%)
> 24
Very well
very Once
Based on the information in the frequency
distribution table, it can be briefed as follows: From the
8 sample then 1 (12.5%) had a degree of flexibility is at
klasifikasisempurna capabilities with the acquisition of
nilaibesar of 24 cm. 2 (25.0%) had a degree of
flexibility is at klasifikasibaik capabilities with the
acquisition of a value ranging between 19-23 cm. 1
(12.5%) had a degree of flexibility is at
klasifikasikurang capabilities with the acquisition of a
value ranging between 7-11 cm. 4 (50.0%) had a degree
of flexibility capabilities are at klasifikasisangat less
with the acquisition of a value ranging between 2-6
cm.Berdasarkan of data analysis obtained by the
average value flexibility sebesar11,7 cm female athlete.
2. Speed
To answer the research questions of data
collection and data analysis.
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
Table 5. Frequency Distribution Athletes Speed Data Number 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming Association TirtaKaluang
Padang (ManAthletes)
Class Interval (seconds)
Absolut (Fa)
sd - 7.2
Very well
7.2 to 8.3
8.4 to 9.6
9.7 to 11.0
11.1 - ff
Less than Once
based on information in the histogram on the
previous page, it can be briefed as follows: From 5
samples known to one person (20.0%) had levels of
speed running with the acquisition time (value) ranged
from 7.2 to 8.3 seconds included in the classification
well. 2 People (40.0%) had levels of speed running with
the acquisition time (value) ranged from 8.4 to 9.6
seconds included in the classification enough. 1 People
(20.0%) had levels of speed running with the acquisition
time (value) ranged from 9.7 to 11.0 seconds included in
the classification less. 1 People (20.0%) had levels of
speed running with the acquisition time (value) of 11.1
seconds and so included in the classification of less
sekali.Berdasarkan of data analysis obtained by the
average value of the speed of running with the
acquisition value of 9.9 seconds.
Table 6. Distribution Frequency Athletes Speed Data Number 50 Meter Freestyle Swimming Association TirtaKaluang
Padang (WomanAthletes)
Class Interval (seconds)
Absolut (Fa)
sd - 8.4
Very well
8.5 to 9.8
9.9 to 11.4
11.5 to 13.4
13.5 - ff
less so
Based on the information in the frequency
distribution tables and histograms on the previous page,
it can be briefed as follows: From 8 samples known to
two people (25.0%) had levels of speed running with the
acquisition time (value) ranging from 9.9 to 11, 4
seconds included in the classification enough. 6 People
(62.5%) had levels of speed running with the acquisition
time (value) ranged from 11.5 to 13.4 seconds included
in the classification less. 1 People (12.5%) had levels of
speed running with the acquisition time (value) of 13.5
seconds and so included in the classification of less
sekali.Berdasarkan of data analysis obtained by the
average value of the speed of running with the
acquisition value of 12.1 seconds.
1. explosive Power Leg muscles
From the analysis dataexplosive limb muscle
power athletes the 50 meters freestyle swimming
association TirtaKaluang Padang obtained an average
value of 186.6 cm for male athletes and 133.0 cm for the
female athlete. If nilai186,6 cm for the female athlete
interpreted into assessment norms that value will be at
sufficient classification. So also with the value of 133.0
cm (for the female athlete) if interpreted in the
assessment norms on the classification of the scores fall
enough. Thus it can be concluded that the level of
explosive Events limb muscle power athletes the 50
meters freestyle swimming association TirtaKaluang
Padang are in sufficient classification.
Based on biomechanical motion analysis and
the role of leg muscle explosive power on the 50 meter
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 35
freestyle swimming can mainly be seen when the
swimmer to start. At the time of the swimmers start
trying to jump as far as possible towards the front after
hearing the cue start of the starter with a strong
movement.Start expected by each swimmer is how he
was able to start well and correctly, it is characterized
by its ability to can jump as far as possible towards the
front in accordance with the regulations start. To be able
to jump as far as possible can only be realized if the leg
muscles to contract in explosive athletes (strong and
fast). AsZimmermann opinion of the Irrawaddy (2014)
said "Explosive power is the ability to move the body or
body portion is strong at high speed".
2. flexibility (Flexibility)
From the analysis of dataflexibility (flexibility)
athletes the 50 meters freestyle swimming association
TirtaKaluang Padang obtained an average value of 10.8
cm for male athletes and 11.7 cm for female athlete. If
nilai10,8 cm (for male athletes) are interpreted into
assessment norms that value. Likewise with a value of
11.7 cm (for the female athlete) if interpreted into
assessment norms that value will be at
klasifikasikurang. Thus it can be concluded that the
level of Events flexibility (flexibility) athletes the 50
meters freestyle swimming association TirtaKaluang
Padang. Opinion Irrawaddy (2014) "Without a good
flexibility, difficult to do a perfect movement in addition
to limiting the performance quality of motion". Opinion
Kurnia (2001) "at the swimming sport, flexibility is
needed even at a fairly high level".Of that argument, it
can be believed that the conditions of flexibility is
needed by every swimmer. Based on the theory of
flexibility, it can be concluded that flexibility is an
element of physical condition that becomes the deciding
factor for a person in control of a movement / skill,
increase strength, improve agility, and manage the
coordination. Therefore, the coach of the swimming
association TirtaKaluang Padang in order to make the
study's findings as information and evaluation materials.
3. Speed
From the analysis of the athlete datakecepatan
the 50 meters freestyle swimming association Tirta
Kaluang Padang obtained an average value of 9.9
seconds for the athlete's son and 12.1 seconds for the
female athlete. If nilai9,9 cm (for male athletes) are
interpreted into assessment norms that value will be at
less classification.
So also with the value of 12.1 seconds (for a
female athlete) if interpreted into assessment norms that
value will be at klasifikasikurang. Thus it can be
concluded that the level of athletes speed kodisi the 50
meters freestyle swimming association TirtaKaluang
Padang are in less classification.
Speed condition is an element of the physical conditions
required in the swimming sport. According to Lutan, et
al (1991) say that the speed condition is a component of
the required physical abilities in the swimming sport.
Based on these opinions, it can be understood that the
element is one of the conditions of the physical
conditions required in the swimming sport. Given this,
the condition of the speed in swimming athletes must be
in excellent condition. Without having adequate speed
conditions, it is difficult for a swimmer to get the fastest
time on the acquisition of certain numbers, one of which
is the 50 meters freestyle.
Based on the research that has been described in
the previous chapter can be stated conclusion that the
average level of the physical condition of athletes the 50
meters freestyle bevy of bathing TirtaKaluang Padang
consisting of explosive power leg muscle, flexibility
(flexibility), and the speed is in the category of less,
then it should be given the proper training so that the
physical condition of athletes increases.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
  • Arsil
Arsil. 2009. Development of Physical Condition. Padang: Nikken UNP.
Relation Activities Swimming Sports Clubs Arowana Against Physical Fitness
  • Akbar
Akbar, et al. 2015. Relation Activities Swimming Sports Clubs Arowana Against Physical Fitness, Performance Pool, And Academic Achievement. (, sports coaching education S-1, Vol. 1.No. 1 Issue January 2015).
Effect of Training Single Leg Hops against Explosive Muscle Strength and Power Limbs
  • Budiarsa
Budiarsa, et al. (2014). "Effect of Training Single Leg Hops against Explosive Muscle Strength and Power Limbs". e-Journal of Sport Science Ganesha Education University. Vol I. No. 1, September 2014.
Relationship Between Long Legs, Muscle Power Limbs, And Frequency Limb Movement Speed With 50 Meter Pool Selabora KU Students Crawl Style IV. (, sports coaching Education S-1
  • Danardono
Danardono, et al. 2014. Relationship Between Long Legs, Muscle Power Limbs, And Frequency Limb Movement Speed With 50 Meter Pool Selabora KU Students Crawl Style IV. (, sports coaching Education S-1, Volume.1 1 Edition August 2014).
Sports Picks Pool. Jakarta: Department of Education and the Director General of Higher Education
  • Soejoko Hendromartono
Hendromartono, Soejoko.1992. Sports Picks Pool. Jakarta: Department of Education and the Director General of Higher Education.
Physical Condition and Measurement
  • Hendri Irawady
Irawady, Hendri. 2014. Physical Condition and Measurement. Padang: UNP Press.
Basic guidelines Swimming Sports Achievement
  • Dadeng Kurnia
  • Fostering
Kurnia, Dadeng. Fostering 2001. Basic guidelines Swimming Sports Achievement. Jakarta: PB. PRSI.
  • Rush Lutan
Lutan, Rush et al. 1991. People and Sports. Bandung: ITB cooperation and FPOK / Teachers' Training Bandung.
Effect of Exercise Pliometrics against Limb Muscle Power of Youth Athletes volleyball
  • Danangbroto Pujo
Pujo, DanangBroto. (2015). "Effect of Exercise Pliometrics against Limb Muscle Power of Youth Athletes volleyball". Journal Motion. Vol VI. No. 2, September 2015. 174-185.
The level of PencakSilat Athletes Physical Condition Padepokan PSHT PSHT in Tulungagung
  • Neng Rahayu
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