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Unfolding Students' Online Assignment Submission Behavioral Patterns Using Temporal Learning Analytics


Abstract and Figures

This study analyzed students' online assignment submission behaviors from the perspectives of temporal learning analytics. This study aimed to model the time-dependent changes in the assignment submission behavior of university students by employing various machine learning methods. Precisely, clustering, Markov Chains, and association rule mining analysis were used to analyze students' assignment submission behaviors in an online learning environment. The results revealed that students displayed similar patterns in terms of assignment submission behavior. Moreover, it was observed that students' assignment submission behavior did not change much across the semester. When these results are analyzed together with the students' academic performance at the end of the semester, it was observed that students' end-of-term academic performance can be predicted from their assignment submission behaviors at the beginning of the semester. Our results, within the scope of precision education, can be used to diagnose and predict students who are not going to submit the next assignments as the semester progresses as well as students who are going to fail at the end of the semester. Therefore, learning analytics interventions can be designed based on these results to prevent possible academic failures. Furthermore, the findings of the study are discussed considering the development of early-warning intervention systems for at-risk students and precision education.
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Kokoç, M., Akçapınar, G., & Hasnine, M. N. (2021). Unfolding Students’ Online Assignment Submission Behavioral
Patterns using Temporal Learning Analytics. Educational Technology & Society, 24 (1), 223-235.
ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). This article of the journal of Educational Technology & Society is available under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND
3.0 license ( For further queries, please contact Journal Editors at
Unfolding Students’ Online Assignment Submission Behavioral Patterns
using Temporal Learning Analytics
Mehmet Kokoç1, Gökhan Akçapınar2* and Mohammad Nehal Hasnine3
1School of Applied Sciences, Trabzon University, Turkey // 2Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University, Turkey
// 3Research Center for Computing and Multimedia Studies, Hosei University, Japan // // //
*Corresponding author
ABSTRACT: This study analyzed students’ online assignment submission behaviors from the perspectives of
temporal learning analytics. This study aimed to model the time-dependent changes in the assignment
submission behavior of university students by employing various machine learning methods. Precisely,
clustering, Markov Chains, and association rule mining analysis were used to analyze students’ assignment
submission behaviors in an online learning environment. The results revealed that students displayed similar
patterns in terms of assignment submission behavior. Moreover, it was observed that students’ assignment
submission behavior did not change much across the semester. When these results are analyzed together with the
students’ academic performance at the end of the semester, it was observed that students’ end-of-term academic
performance can be predicted from their assignment submission behaviors at the beginning of the semester. Our
results, within the scope of precision education, can be used to diagnose and predict students who are not going
to submit the next assignments as the semester progresses as well as students who are going to fail at the end of
the semester. Therefore, learning analytics interventions can be designed based on these results to prevent
possible academic failures. Furthermore, the findings of the study are discussed considering the development of
early-warning intervention systems for at-risk students and precision education.
Keywords: Precision education, Temporal learning analytics, Educational data mining, Assignment submission
behavior, Learning performance
1. Introduction
A deeper understanding of online learning experiences is required for learning designers and researchers. Studies
on theory and practice on how students learn individually or in groups in online environments by analyzing
students’ trace data have increased in recent years (Yang et al., 2020). In the last decade, learning analytics (LA)
studies employing machine learning methods have been carried out to gain actionable insights such as at-risk
students’ detection, learning outcome assessment, and drop-out detection for improving the teaching quality and
learning process. Precision education is known to be a relatively new discipline in higher education that uses the
core philosophies of LA and data-driven methods. Precision education is, as addressed by (Yang, 2019), a new
challenge for conventional LA, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for solving critical aspects in online
education such as spotting at-risk, drop-out, low-engaged students as early as possible by analyzing online
learning behaviors (for instance, assignment submission pattern, and engagement with learning materials).
Precision education contributes towards maximizing students’ online learning experiences and value proposition,
and therefore, it uses data from the latest learning technology and integrates student support processes to ensure
the highest quality teaching (Wilson & İsmaili, 2019). One of the goals of precision education is to predict
students’ learning performance by analyzing their online learning behaviors and providing timely intervention
for supporting their learning process (Lu et al., 2018). Furthermore, precision education can be leveraged to
uncover various critical aspects of education including behavioral, cognitive and emotional.
While precision education emphasizes employing artificial intelligence and other data-driven methods on large-
scale datasets collected from technology-enhanced learning environments (i.e., learning management systems,
digital textbooks), data about assignment submission behavior can be explored more within the scope of
precision education. Students’ online assignment submission behavior is a meaningful part of online learning
experiences (Akçapınar & Kokoç, 2020) and has a relationship with procrastination (Yang et al., 2020).
Students’ online assignment submission behavior could reveal information about learning behavior such as how
students’ behavioral patterns of online assignment submission change over time or relationships between
students’ online assignment submission behaviors and their learning performance. These insights on learning
behavior are crucial for teachers to monitor their students’ learning progress, particularly to spot at-risk or
inattentive students as early as possible. Therefore, modeling students’ online learning behaviors hidden in the
learning traces is an important LA contribution for precision education. Thus, modeling students’ online
assignment submission behavior using temporal analysis techniques can provide important insights into the
online learning process and help teachers to plan timely interventions for procrastinators and/or at-risk students
for precision education. Furthermore, the temporal aspect of online assignment submission behavior in precision
education has much to offer in diagnosing students’ learning behavior, however, not been explored much.
As of now, much effort has given to explore learning behavior patterns and predict learning performances based
on interaction data, far too little attention has been paid to analyzing temporal and sequential aspects of trace
data of students (Chen, Knight, Wise, 2018; Olsen, Sharma, Rummel, & Aleven, 2020). Several studies have
focused mainly on aggregated data (e.g., the total number of events) without considering temporal aspects of
online learning behaviors (Juhaňák, Zounek, & Rohlíková, 2019). To the best of our knowledge, a limited
number of studies detect patterns in students’ online assignment submission behaviors using temporal analysis
techniques. Considering the importance of temporal analytics in precision education for diagnosing students’
learning, behavioral patterns, and learning performance prediction, this study explored students’ online
assignment submission behavior patterns by using clustering, Markov Chains, and association rule mining
analysis. With these analyses, this study aimed to contribute precision education literature to investigate whether
these patterns can be used to diagnose and predict at-risk students (e.g., who are not going to submit next
assignment and low-performers) as early as possible. Our study addressed the following research questions:
RQ1. What are the students’ behavioral patterns of online assignment submission?
RQ2. How do students’ behavioral patterns of online assignment submission change over time?
RQ3. What are the association rules between students’ online assignment submission behaviors and their
learning performance that can be used to predict at-risk students as early as possible?
This paper aims to employ educational data mining methods for precision education to uncover a core focus of
precision education, namely, understanding learning behavior while the semester progresses. More precisely, this
paper aimed to diagnose and predict at-risk students based on their online assignment submission behavior over
time using temporal LA. Students’ online submission behavioral data were collected from Moodle and analyzed
with regards to- how students’ assignment submission behavior changes over the period of time, finds
association between their assignment submission and final score, and analyzes the factors affecting students’
learning performance at the end of the semester; and visualizes students’ assignment submission patterns so that
the teacher can get an early insight about the students. Thus, the predictive models and the findings of this study
contribute to the core of precision analytics.
2. Background and literature review
2.1. Precision education
Employing artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in education and psychology has led to
significant developments in related fields such as educational intelligence, self-regulated learning, and precision
education. Depending on the developments in information and communication technologies, a paradigm shift in
learning and teaching has occurred and new pedagogical models have emerged. One of the new educational
models considering personalized learning is precision education. Precision education can be defined as a new
challenge of applying artificial intelligence, machine learning, and LA for improving teaching quality and
learning performance (Yang, 2019). Precision education aims to analyze educational and learner data, predict
students’ performance and provide timely interventions based on learner profiles for enhancing learning (Lu et
al., 2018). For effective learning design in precision education, LA has contributed not only to the dashboards
and intervention tools but also as the conceptual frameworks guiding research experiences.
The ultimate goals of using LA are to increase student success and improve students’ online learning experience
(Pardo & Dawson, 2016). Studies in LA and precision education literature have provided new findings based on
multimodal data and actionable knowledge to increase the learning/teaching context’s effectiveness. There have
been several attempts (e.g., Azcona, Hsiao, & Smeaton, 2019; Tsai et al., 2020) to explore students’ interaction
and behavioral patterns, to predict students’ learning performance based on their online learning behaviors, to
develop early-warning systems for at-risk students, to support students and teachers decision-making processes,
and to investigate effects of interventions and LA dashboards. The results of the aforementioned studies indicate
that LA provides important clues about students’ online learning experiences and LA tools offer personalized
recommendations to students by visualizing and analyzing their trace data to optimize and improve learning. It is
clear that LA and employing educational data mining methods in educational studies contributes to our
understanding of learning.
While many studies have been carried out on profiling learners and prediction learning performances based on
interaction data, less attention has been paid to analyzing temporal and sequential aspects of trace data of
students (Chen, Knight, & Wise, 2018; Juhaňák, Zounek, & Rohlíková, 2019). Rather than modeling the
frequency of clicks and interaction of students in an online learning environment, students’ learning paths need
to be modeled based on time and probability (Cerezo, Sánchez-Santillán, Paule-Ruiz, & Núñez, 2016). Thus,
there is an important gap in the relevant field in terms of behavior modeling. To overcome this gap, event logs
reflecting students’ learning experiences have been modeled using temporal analysis and temporal LA approach
(Knight, Wise, & Chen, 2017). The following section is about temporal LA and its implementation in the
educational context. In precision education, the diagnosis of online learning behavior patterns for using
predictive student modeling is vital to provide students real-time intervention.
2.2. Temporal LA and its role in the educational context
Literature in the educational contexts indicates that both individual and collaborative learning do not happen in
one moment (Knight, Wise, & Chen, 2017). In general, learning happens over a period, which is referred to as a
process. Temporal characteristics of students’ learning data contain valuable insights about the time period or
process of occurrence of particular events (Mahzoon et al., 2018). Thus, analyzing time-related data rather than
just frequencies gives more information about the learning process (Knight, Wise, & Chen, 2017). The temporal
analysis of students’ learning data provides a more in-depth insight into individual and collaborative learning
processes (Nguyen, Huptych, & Rienties, 2018; Olsen et al., 2020). What makes temporal analysis vital in online
and blended learning is that modeling transitions between different students’ actions considering temporal
changes enhance our understanding of online learning behavioral patterns. Also, temporal analysis supports a
more robust prediction model of students’ learning performance to make timely interventions for precision
In the temporal analysis, various techniques are employed for modeling students’ behaviors extracted from their
trace data include process mining, sequential pattern mining, Markov chains, and hidden Markov models. While
process mining discovers a process model from the students’ activity sequences, sequential pattern mining finds
the most frequent patterns through a range of action sequences. Markov chains aggregates sequences of students
actions into transition models and hidden Markov models have been used for discovering students’ behavioral
patterns considering transitions over time (Boroujeni & Dillenbourg, 2019). There is a significant difference
between time-series analysis and temporal LA. While time-series analysis typically looks for recurring patterns
within a time period for numeric features (Mahzoon et al., 2018), temporal analytics methods help researchers
analyze dynamic student data and mode student behaviors over time at different levels of granularity.
There is an increasing trend of temporal analytics methods being used to diagnose students’ online learning
behavior patterns and predict their learning performance based on temporal data for planning timely
interventions (Cheng et al., 2017; Juhaňák, Zounek, & Rohlíková, 2019; Matcha et al., 2019). Previous studies
have shown that temporal analytics is beneficial to predict students’ learning performance (Papamitsiou &
Economides, 2014), to diagnose of learning patterns and behaviors (Boroujeni & Dillenbourg, 2019), to identify
at-risk learners (Mahzoon et al., 2018), to detect learning tactics and strategies (Matcha et al., 2019) and to
explore the relationship between students’ timing of engagement and learning design (Nguyen, Huptych, &
Rienties, 2018). While the importance of analyzing students’ temporal trace data in online and blended learning
has great potential in improving educational practice, applying temporal analytics to student data is less explored
in educational research (Chen, Knight, & Wise, 2018; Knight, Wise, & Chen, 2017). To date, the temporal
analysis of trace data has been mostly employed in modeling students’ online behaviors in the LA field
(Juhaňák, Zounek, & Rohlíková, 2019). These studies highlight the critical role of temporal analysis of trace data
in diagnosing online learning behaviors and predicting studentsfurther actions. Although temporal analysis has
been used to unlock students’ online learning behaviors such as quiz-taking, content navigation, e-book reading,
and video viewing, few studies have paid attention to exploring online assignment submission behavior patterns.
Therefore, in our study, we intended to use the temporal LA method to model students’ online learning behavior
patterns, specifically students’ trace data while engaging in online assignment activities.
2.3. Online assignment submission behaviors
There is an increasing demand for online assignments to assess the learning process and evaluate learning
performance. Submission of online assignments is one of the most performed online learning activities by
students (Cerezo et al., 2016). In addition, assignment activity is a commonly used LMS component in blended
learning environments and fully online courses (Azcona, Hsiao, & Smeaton, 2019). Moreover, several studies
have shown that number of submitted online assignments, assignment scores, and interaction with assignments
are predictors of students’ learning performances (Lu et al., 2018; Zacharis, 2015). According to a study that
modeled LMS-generated interaction data, students’ interaction with assignments and learning tasks are vital
parts of their learning experiences (Kokoç & Altun, 2019). Since online assignments play a meaningful role both
in evaluating to what extent students understand the course subjects and practicing a course topic (Tila & Levy,
2020), online assignment submission behavior can have crucial consequences for learning process assessment.
Thus, the diagnosis of students’ online assignment submission behaviors has been the subject of much attention
in the literature. Previous studies indicated that students who uploaded their assignments previous to the
submission deadline had been better online learning experiences and higher course performance (Akçapınar &
Kokoç, 2020; Paule-Ruiz, Riestra-González, Sánchez-Santillán, & Pérez-Pérez, 2015).
One of the key educational aspects that makes online assignment submission times vital for precision education
is the early identification of students with procrastination tendencies (Yang et al., 2020). Students’ online
assignment submission times have been added to the LA indicators as a proxy measure of academic
procrastination for identifying students at risk of failure (Cormack, Eagle, & Davies, 2020). For example, Yang
et al. (2020) predicted students’ academic performance through submission pattern data reflecting their
procrastination behaviors with an accuracy of 97%. Additionally, previous studies showed that delaying online
assignment submission as a procrastination behavior resulted in lower grades (Cerezo, Esteban, Sánchez-
Santillán, & Núñez, 2017; Cormack, Eagle, & Davies, 2020). This indicates the importance of analyzing online
assignment submission behavior to identify at-risk and procrastinator students for precision education.
Previous studies indicated that the late completion of an online assignment was associated with lower academic
performances and procrastination tendencies (Cormack, Eagle, & Davies, 2020; Yang et al., 2020). Whereas
online assignment submission behavior is essential for the prediction of students’ learning performance and
understanding their online learning experiences, little is still known about it from temporal LA perspectives. To
the best of our knowledge, only one study by Akçapınar and Kokoç (2020) analyzed students’ online assignment
submission behaviors and found that three clusters emerged based on submission behaviors and most of the
students who did not submit the assignment failed in the blended course. Although this study provides valuable
results on the assignment submission behavior process, more LA research is needed to expand our understanding
of online assignment submission behavior in an online and blended learning environment, especially following
temporal analysis and modeling (Azcona, Hsiao, & Smeaton, 2020; Yang et al., 2020). Understanding the
process of students’ online assignment submission behavior can provide important insights into an effective
personalized/adaptive learning environment and help teachers to plan timely interventions for procrastinators
and/or at-risk students for precision education. Thus, our study aims to better understand students’ online
assignment submission transition behaviors by visualizing the patterns and predicting their further assignment
behaviors in a blended learning course. We hope that the study sheds some light on online assignment
submission behavioral patterns and provides actionable knowledge to design timely interventions for improving
3. Method
In order to answer the research questions, students’ assignment submission data were analyzed using state-of-
the-art educational data mining techniques including clustering, Markov Chains, and association rule mining.
Markov models and clustering and predictive analysis are commonly used in precision education research as
they can generate easy-to-understand models to diagnose and predict at-risk students on time by analyzing their
behavioral data collected from the educational learning environments (Boroujeni & Dillenbourg, 2019). These
methods can also help researchers to understand the transition probabilities of different students’ behaviors that
can be valuable to plan further interventions to prevent possible academic failures. The employed combined
method allows us to obtain interpretable models to understand the students’ assignment submission behavior, its
relation with the academic performance, and changes that happened over time. The data collection and data
analysis processes are explained in detail in the following sections.
3.1. Participants and context
The data were collected from an Operating Systems course offered by a public university in Turkey. A total of
sixty-nine students participated in the study. In this course, Moodle was actively used as a part of the lecture
delivery together with face-to-face lessons. The students' activities in Moodle can be summarized as following
the course resources, participating in the discussions, and doing assignments. The assignments included open-
ended questions related to the weekly topics. The purpose of the assignments was to make the students come
prepared for the class. Students are given five-six days before the class to complete the assignments. The starting
time of the class was set as the deadline for the assignment of the last week. During the semester, 10 assignments
were given to the students. In this study, the data related to the assignment given to the students in the 4th, 6th, 8th,
and 10th week were analyzed. These assignments are chosen because they are directly related to course
objectives. The instructor prepares questions in quizzes to promote students’ use of higher-order thinking skills
such as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, revising, and creating. An example of a question
related to the disk scheduling topic is given below. In order to answer this question, the students must know how
the disk scheduling algorithms work and apply them to the given context.
Example Question: Let’s take an example where the queue has the following requests with cylinder numbers as
follows: 90, 198, 27, 112, 16, 104, 69, and 60. Assume the head is initially at cylinder 50. Sort incoming requests
according to the SSTF (shortest-seek-time-first) algorithm.
The students submitted their assignments through the Quiz module in Moodle. Among 69 students, 48 students
submitted the first assignment, 57 students submitted the second assignment, 50 students submitted the third
assignment, and 48 students submitted the fourth assignment. The events that students can perform in the
assignment submission process are presented in Table 1. All the activities related to these events were logged in
Moodle’s database with a time stamp.
Table 1. Activities that the students can perform in the assignment submission process
Assignment viewed
The student viewed the assignment module, saw the assignment description, but
did not open the questions.
Attempt started
This is only the case when the student views the assignment for the first time, and
this does not happen again on subsequent visits.
Question viewed
The student’s displaying each question in the assignment is logged in this way.
Displaying the question also means recording the text in the answer field.
Assignment submitted
This happens when the student completes the assignment. The student can submit
the assignment once and then cannot change the answers.
Question reviewed
If the student displays the assignment after the deadline, it will be labeled as a
review. At this stage, the student can view the answer s/he gave or see the grade if
the assignment is graded.
Within the scope of RQ3, the final grades of the students for the Operating Systems course were considered as
an indicator of academic performance. Students took two written exams (i.e., first in the midterm and second in
the final exam) during the semester. Apart from that, they received assignments regularly in Moodle during the
semester. The students’ final grades were calculated by taking 25% of the midterm exam, 25% of their
assignment scores in Moodle, and 50% of the final exam. The final score was used in the data analysis by
categorizing it as “Passed” and “Failed.” The grades were categorized as “Failed” (n = 30, final score < 50) and
“Passed” (n = 39, final score ≥ 50) considering the indicators in the undergraduate regulations of the university.
3.2. Data pre-processing and feature extraction
A total of 9633 activities of 69 students who submitted their assignments before the deadline are exported from
Moodle’s database. The log sequence for a student can include all the events given in Table 1. Also, Assignment
viewed, Question viewed, and Question reviewed events can take place more than once in a log sequence.
Among the examined records, the shortest log sequence contains only 4 records, while the longest log sequence
consists of 268 records. While an average log consists of 45 records, the median value is 39. An example of a log
sequence consisting of 14 records of a student is as follows: Assignment viewed -> Attempt started -> Question
viewed -> Question viewed -> Question viewed -> Question viewed -> Question viewed -> Question viewed ->
Assignment submitted > Assignment viewed -> Question reviewed-> Question reviewed-> Question reviewed->
Question reviewed. During the data pre-processing, Moodle log records are processed and features were
extracted for each student. This operation was repeated four times for each assignment. Description of the
extracted features are given in Table 2. These features were selected in the light of existing literature (Akçapınar
& Kokoç, 2020; Cerezo et al., 2017; Stiller & Bachmaier, 2019). For example; time-related features (e.g.,
Duration, Time taken) were selected since previous studies showed that time spent on a task is an important
feature while identifying at-risk students as well as understanding their motivation and competencies in
metacognitive learning strategies (Stiller & Bachmaier, 2019). Features related to procrastination behavior (e.g.,
Started on, Completed) were also found to be effective while clustering students based on their assignment
submission behaviors (Akçapınar & Kokoç, 2020) and predicting their academic achievements (Cerezo et al.,
Table 2. Features used in the study and their descriptions
Attempt count
The number of time student view the questions.
The amount of time a student spends on an assignment (in minutes).
Started on
The difference between the date and time the assignment was started and the due date (in
The difference between the date and time the assignment was submitted and the due date
(in hours).
Time taken
The amount of time it took the student to start and submit the assignment (in hours).
3.3. Data analysis
The study used cluster analysis to group the students according to similar assignment submission behaviors. As a
temporal analysis, Markov Chains were conducted to model transition behaviors of online assignment
submission, and association rule mining was used to build predictive rules based on the students’ behaviors and
academic performances. Since the contents, question types, and the numbers of the questions are varied in
different assignments, the students’ assignment submission behaviors are clustered independently for each
assignment. To map the clusters in different assignments, each assignment should have the same number of
clusters and features. The clustering process was carried out with categorical data. Hence, all features were
categorized into three levels using the equal interval method. Data analysis and visualizations were performed
using the R data mining tool (R Core Team, 2017). Specifically, cluster analysis was carried out using the K-
Modes algorithm with the help of the R package named klaR. Markov Chains analysis was performed using the
Markov Chain package and the association rule mining analysis was performed using the arules package.
4. Results
4.1. What are the students’ behavioral patterns of online assignment submission? (RQ1)
Within the scope of the second research question, it was investigated whether the students' homework
submission behavior changed over time. For this purpose, students were divided into three clusters for each
assignment independently. The number of clusters determined to be three due to the high interpretability of
having high, medium, and low engaged clusters. Whether the three clusters solution fits the data is validated
visually using the Elbow method. The scaled cluster centers' distributions formed after the cluster analysis are
presented in Figure 1 for each assignment. The cluster centers showed that students displayed similar patterns in
all four assignments. For example, the students in the second cluster in Assignment1 and the students in the first
cluster in Assignment2, the students in the third cluster in Assignment3, and the students in the first cluster in
Assignment4 displayed the same pattern. The prominent features of these students are- they start the assignment
at the last moment (StartedOn), spent less time to complete the assignment (Duration), and the number of
questions displayed (AttemptCount) is less. In other words, the students in these clusters submitted the
assignment, but they gave a minimum effort for the assignment. Similarly, the students in Cluster3 in
Assignment1, the students in Cluster2 in Assignment2, the students in Cluster1 in Assignment3, and the students
in Cluster2 in Assignment4 also displayed a similar behavioral pattern. The prominent features of these students
are- they started the assignment much earlier than the given deadline (StartedOn), spent more time to complete
the assignment (Duration), there is a significant difference between the start and end time of the assignment
(TimeTaken), and the number of question views (AttemptCount) is much higher than the other students.
Although most of the students in these clusters complete their assignment submission on the last day, they start
working on the assignment much earlier than the other students and they make much more effort to complete the
assignment. Finally, it is observed that the students in Cluster1 in Assignment1, in Cluster3 in Assignment2, in
Cluster1 in Assignment3, and in Cluster3 in Assignment4, exhibit similar assignment submission patterns. Like
the students in the first group, these students start their assignment submission near the deadline (StartedOn), but
they spend more time completing the assignment than the first group.
Figure 1. Box plots of features in different clusters for each assignment
In further analysis, similar clusters in each assignment were labeled as High, Medium, and Low in order to
analyze students who followed a similar assignment submission pattern. Students who did not submit their
assignments are labeled as None. Regarding this analysis, Cluster3 in Assignment I, Cluster2 in Assignment II,
Cluster1 in Assignment III, and Cluster2 in Assignment IV are mapped to the High group. Cluster1 in
Assignment I, Cluster3 in Assignment II, Cluster2 in Assignment III, and Cluster3 in Assignment IV are mapped
to the Medium group. Cluster2 in Assignment I, Cluster1 in Assignment II, Cluster3 in Assignment III, and
Cluster1 in Assignment IV are mapped to the Low group. Students who did not submit their assignments were
manually assigned to the None group. The distribution of students in each group for all assignments are shown in
Table 3.
Table 3. The number of students in each cluster after mapping
Assignment IV
4.2. How do students behavioral patterns of online assignment submission change over time? (RQ2)
Within the scope of the second research problem, it was investigated whether the homework submission
behavior of the students changed over time. For this purpose, firstly, the transition between the sets in which the
students took part in different assignments is visualized in Figure 2. As seen in the graph, there are transitions
between High-Medium, Medium-High, Medium-Low, Low-Medium, Low-None, and None-Low states. On the
other hand, it is also noticed that there are limited transitions between High-Low, Low-High, High-None, None-
High, Medium-None, and None-Medium states. Markov Chains analysis was used to analyze the transitions
between different states in more detail. In this way, the student’s probabilities of transition from None, Low,
Medium, or High status in one assignment to None, Low, Medium, or High status in another assignment were
calculated. The values calculated for Assignment1-Assignment2, Assignment2-Assignment3, and Assignment3-
Assignment4 transitions are presented in Figure 3.
As stated earlier, we clustered students in High, Medium, Low, and None after mapping their assignment
submission behavior. Hence, the Markov Chain analysis in Figure 3 shows the actual transition probabilities
between the groups across the semester.
Figure 2. The students’ assignment submission behaviors over time
Figure 3. Transition probabilities among different assignments
The arrow between the groups indicates the direction of the transition and the numerical values represent the
probability of the transition between each group. The highest probability of each transition is 1 (that is, 100%).
Our Markov Chains analysis uncovered some important assignment submission behaviors of the students;
therefore, we elaborate four key transitions, namely High-to-None, High-to-Low, None-to-High, and Low-to-
High. For High-to-None transition, the Markov Chains analysis indicates that- students in the High cluster who
submitted Assignment I have the transition probability of 0.07 to be in the None cluster in their Assignment II
submission. This means the High-to-None cluster transition is like this that only 7 out of 100 students will not
submit their Assignment II who belonged to the High cluster in their Assignment I submission. Consequently,
for High-to-Low transition, students in the High cluster who submitted Assignment I will have a 0.21 (i.e., 21
students out of 100) transition probability to be in the Low cluster in their Assignment II submission. Similarly,
for the None-to-High transition, the probability is 0.1. This means, only 10 out of 100 students who belonged to
the None cluster in their Assignment I submission will be in the High cluster in their Assignment II submission.
In the case of Low-to-High transition behavior, we found that the transition probability of assignment
submission is 0.07 (7 out of 100 students) between Assignment I’s Low cluster and Assignment II’s High
4.3. What are the association rules between students’ online assignment submission behaviors and their
learning performance that can be used to predict at-risk students as early as possible? (RQ3)
RQ3 was answered using Association Rule Mining (ARM) analysis. The rules related to passing and failing the
course were filtered among the found rules. As a result, 20 rules for students who passed the course and 14 rules
for students who failed the course were obtained. The list of rules obtained and Support, Confidence, and Lift
values for each rule are presented in Table 4.
Table 4. The list of the association rules extracted
Rule 1 can be interpreted as- students belonging to the Medium cluster who submitted Assignment 4 on time will
pass at the end of the semester. The confidence of this rule is found to be high (Confidence = 1.0, Support =
0.16, Lift = 1.77). Rule 2 also has a high confidence rate as equal (Confidence = 1.0, Support = 0.16, Lift = 1.77)
as Rule 1, where it is established that- students in the High cluster who submitted both Assignment 2 and
Assignment 4 are likely to pass at the end of the semester. Rules 3 to 10 generated by the association rule mining
analysis have the same confidence (Confidence = 1.0) and lift (Lift = 1.77); however, the support values vary.
Rules 11 to 20 that represent the rules for the students who passed at the term-end differ much concerning each
rule’s confidence, support, and lift.
Rule 21 to 34 are for those students who are likely to fail at the end of the semester. For instance, Rule 21
suggests that- the students in the None cluster who had not submitted Assignment 2 and Assignment 4 are likely
to fail in this course. Here, the confidence of our analysis is high (Confidence = 1.0) which means all the
students who are following this pattern failed the course. The rule 22, 23, and 24 for the failed students have
equal confidence (Confidence = 1.0) as Rule 21 revealed that- those students had not submitted Assignment 1-2
& 4, Assignment 1 & 2, and Assignment 2 & 4, respectively.
5. Discussion, conclusion, and limitations
Precision education aims to use artificial intelligence, LA, data analytics, text analytics, image analytics, and
machine learning methods to solve complex educational problems that are yet to uncover in higher education.
Along with LA, precision education also improves teaching quality and learning performance by identifying
inattentive students in the classroom, at-risk students, potential drop-outs, and predicting final scores. By doing
this, precision education aims to assist teachers in re-designing pedagogy, provide special care to those students
in need, and provide timely feedback. A student’s assignment submission is a complex aspect that has always
been crucial for teachers to understand in order to provide timely feedback. In recent days, students are asked to
submit their assignments using online platforms such as Moodle, Blackboard, and Google classroom. Teachers
often find it difficult to understand how well a given assignment is prepared and submitted while using an online
platform. In addition, it is difficult for the teachers to understand a student’s learning process and assess the
learning outcome just by looking at the logs. Therefore, we need to analyze these logs using precision education
guidelines to reveal more insightful learning patterns such as how a student’s online assignment submission
behavior changes as the semester progress or find the association between students’ online assignment
submission behaviors and their final score. Finding these insightful learning patterns are important for teachers
to provide quality education. To date, studies in precision education primarily emphasized online learning
behaviors such as quiz-taking, content navigation, e-book reading, and video viewing. Therefore, most of the
predictive models in the precision education literature are about identifying at-risk and drop-out using online
interaction data such as reading behavior, content viewing behavior, slide navigation behavior, and related.
However, a few studies have been found that analyzed online assignment submission behavior. In addition, to
analyze the online submission behavior, most of the studies have overlooked the temporality (that is, the
temporal analysis of learning interaction data). As mentioned earlier, temporal LA in precision education can
bring new insightful information from online assignment submission behavioral patterns.
This study is conducted to tackle the abovementioned aspects of precision education. In this study, at first, we
employed cluster analysis to profile students based on their online assignment submission behaviors; after that,
we performed the Markov Chains analysis to investigate whether their patterns of online assignment submission
behaviors change over time; and lastly, we applied the association rule mining method to examine the
relationship between students’ online submission behaviors and their course success. Although numerous studies
use educational data mining methods such as clustering, regression, and classification to diagnose students’
online assignment submission behaviors (Yang et al., 2020), temporal analysis has been rarely employed in
educational research (Olsen et al., 2020). Thus, the study combined exploratory methods and temporal LA to
extract actionable knowledge for learning designers and instructors. Our predictive models contribute to the
precision education literature in terms of a deeper understanding of students’ online assignment submission
behavior’s temporal patterns and establish the relation of these temporal patterns with their learning
The first research question concerns profiling the students based on their online assignment submission
behaviors. It was revealed that the students were clustered into three groups according to similar assignment
submission behaviors. This result is consistent with Akçapınar and Kokoç (2020) findings, where it was found
that the students’ assignment submission data yielded three different clusters. Our results indicate that most of
the students in cluster low and medium started their assignment submissions just before the due date. This result
is likely to be related to academic procrastination behaviors. Procrastination involves delaying an assignment
submission and learning task as long as possible (Yang et al., 2020). It is implied that most of the students had
high procrastination tendencies based on their assignment submission behaviors. Our results are supported by
previous studies indicating that time-related indicators reflected students’ procrastination behaviors in online
learning (Cerezo et al., 2017; Paule-Ruiz et al., 2015; You, 2016). The clusters based on the students’ behaviors
can be used as input to online learning environments to prevent procrastination behaviors. This predictive model
can be applied to detect students’ procrastination behavior from their online assignment submission behavioral
data and inform the course instructor about the group of students using procrastination. Hence, our predictive
model would help the instructor in planning an early intervention for those who are using procrastination
regularly in an assigned learning task or a given assignment.
The second research question showed us whether the student followed the same pattern while submitting their
assignments throughout the term. As a result, we found that the probability of shifting between the High and
Low groups was less than 10%. We yield the conclusion that students in the High group have a low probability
of going to the Low or None group. Likewise, students in the Low or None group during the beginning of the
semester have a relatively low probability of going to the high group as the semester progresses. As a result,
students in the Low and None group are at-risk of failing the course at the end of the semester. Nonetheless,
these results support the idea that using temporal analytics provides exciting possibilities to move towards a new
paradigm of assessment that replaces current point-in-time evaluations of learning states (Molenaar & Wise,
The third research question examined the relationship between students’ assignment submission behavior and
academic performance. The relationship was modeled using association rule mining. A total of 34 rules were
generated which are related to academic performance. In practice, these rules can be used by the instructors or
system designers to understand students’ assignment submission patterns while the semester is in progress and to
plan necessary interventions to prevent possible academic failures. Regarding the early prediction of students’
end of year academic performance following rules can be used. For example, based on Rule 14 it can be
speculated that if a student belongs to the High interaction group in the first assignment s/he will pass the course
with a probability of 0.93. However, if s/he is in the Low group the probability of passing the course decreases to
0.56 (Rule 19). On the other hand, if s/he does not submit the first assignment (Assg-I-None) s/he will fail the
course with a probability of 0.90 (Rule 30). Predictive models can be developed by using these rules to provide
teachers with actionable insights to support their decision-making processes (Romero & Ventura, 2020). Thus,
these rules can also be used to develop a rule-based intervention engine to prevent at-risk students, which is a
core focus of precision education. The rules found in the study could be used as an input for student models in
LA dashboards and intervention engines. Furthermore, researchers can use the rules to design automatic early
interventions for increasing students’ performance for precision education. Similarly, Tsai et al. (2020)
concluded that the dropout prediction model in their study could provide early warnings and interventions to at-
risk students for achieving precision education. It can be mentioned that identifying at-risk students is a key
concern of precision education. Therefore, a LA intervention is required to help them to change their behaviors.
By using these association rules that we generated to address RQ3, the instructor can spot the at-risk students by
using the data from the first assignment (around the 4th week).
In conclusion, the main contribution of the study is unfolding students’ online assignment submission behavior
using temporal LA. Leveraging online assignment submission behavioral data, this study aims to contribute to
precision education literature in various ways, namely by early detection of procrastination behavior, detection
of at-risk students (students in Low and in None group in Figure 2), and generation of association rules for
building a rule-based intervention for the course teacher. Obtained rules can be used to predict students’ end-of-
term academic performance from their assignment submission behaviors at the beginning of the semester. These
predictive models are primarily for instructors, but students can also get benefited from them. By using the
simple visualizations that have been generated by our predictive models, students can take control of their
assignment submissions. For instance, if a student finds him/herself in a Low or None group in the first few
weeks of the semester, s/he can step-up and quickly submit the assignment. Also, a student can control his/her
procrastination behavior. Students can also find their peers who have similar behavior. The study opens up the
space for future studies as well as the design and development of intervention tools based on temporal features of
online assignment submission behaviors. Moreover, the study asks whether clustering analysis, temporal
analysis, and association rule mining analysis could be used to explore specific patterns of assignment
submission behavior. Our results indicate that temporal analysis can be used to detect the students’ online
assignment submission behavior patterns and transitions between related actions. This study also proves that
combining various analytic methods including clustering, Markov Chains, and association rule mining is useful
for modeling temporal patterns of online assignment submission behaviors. This is a methodological
contribution of the study for further studies in precision education, which provides us with deeper insights into
students’ behavior.
This study has some limitations that need to be discussed. First, the small sample size has decreased the
generalizability of our results. To overcome this, a large-scale study in the future may be conducted in the
context of open online courses. Second, this study used a data-driven approach for temporal analysis of students
behaviors. Apart from online assignment submission behavioral features, other features such as the quality of
assignments, learning achievement, gender, and device students used to complete learning tasks are not
analyzed. In developing predictive models, it is important to analyze LMS data combining with multimodal data
to understand the learning process and predictive studies (Olsen et al., 2020). Thus, in future behavior modeling
studies, researchers may collect different data types from different time periods. Third, the present study did not
compare procrastination tendencies, self-regulation skills, and cognitive differences of the students who have the
same sequential behavioral patterns in the learning process. Therefore, future studies regarding the student
modeling of online assignment submission behaviors in precision education would consider these variables.
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... However, few studies analyze the students' evolution throughout the course in terms of procrastination. Akçapınar and Kokoçb did examine student progression over Operating Systems courses [3,21]. The course they analyzed was based on theoretical questions and small problems that were unrelated to each other. ...
... In our analysis, assignments are distributed throughout the course with fixed submission dates, and students need the knowledge from previous assignments to be able to complete the subsequent ones. In their work, Koko et al. [21] concluded that students do not change their procrastination habits during the semester. However, our investigation reveals that although the most common behavior is to remain in the same state between assignments, it is uncommon for students to remain in the same state throughout the whole course. ...
Conference Paper
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Procrastination is one of the most common problems among students causing mental health issues, low motivation, and poor academic performance. The emergence of Learning Management Systems has made it possible to accurately pinpoint when procrastination takes place due to the unobtrusive collection of fine-grained data from students. However, most studies that analyze procrastination regard it as an intrinsic characteristic of students. In this work, we study procrastination as a process that unfolds with time. We use sequence analysis to map the evolution of students' procrastination behavior over a task-oriented programming course. Our findings evince that students' procrastination is not constant throughout a course and that students who tend to procrastinate are those who achieve worse academic performance.
... Indeed, transition analysis in general has been a popular usage for Markovian models and has been used across several studies. For instance, for the analysis of temporal patterns of students' activities in online learning (e.g., [27]), or transitions between latent states [28], or transitions between assignment submission patterns [29]. ...
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This chapter presents an introduction to Markovian modelling for the analysis of sequence data. Contrary to the deterministic approach seen in the previous sequence analysis chapters, Markovian models are probabilistic models, focusing on the transitions between states instead of studying sequences as a whole. The chapter provides an introduction to this method and differentiates between its most common variations: first-order Markov models, hidden Markov models, mixture Markov models, and mixture hidden Markov models. In addition to a thorough explanation and contextualisation within the existing literature, the chapter provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to implement each type of Markovian model using the R package seqHMM. The chapter also provides a complete guide to performing stochastic process mining with Markovian models as well as plotting, comparing and clustering different process models.
... Among others, unsupervised machine learning methods such as clustering and sequence mining have been the most widely used learning analytics approaches to detect students' engagement behaviors (Mirriahi et al., 2016;Walsh & Rísquez, 2020). While these behaviors are typically known as learning behavior or behavioral patterns (Cicchinelli et al., 2018;Kokoç et al., 2021), other researchers interpreted student behavior as a sequence of student actions forming ...
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Lecture capture videos, a popular type of instructional content used by instructors to share course recordings online, play a significant role in educational settings. Compared to other educational videos, these recordings require minimal time and effort to produce, making them a preferred choice for disseminating course materials. Despite their numerous benefits, there exists a scarcity of data-driven evidence regarding students’ use of and engagement with lecture capture videos. Most existing studies rely on self-reported data, lacking comprehensive insights into students’ actual video engagement. This research endeavor sought to bridge this gap by investigating university students’ engagement patterns while watching lecture capture videos. To achieve this objective, we conducted an analysis of a large-scale dataset comprising over one million rows of video interaction logs. Leveraging clustering and process mining methodologies, we explored the data to reveal valuable insights into students’ video engagement behaviors. Our findings indicate that in approximately 60% of students’ video-watching sessions, only a small portion of the videos (an average of 7%) is watched. Our results also show that visiting the video page does not necessarily mean that the student watched it. This study may contribute to the existing literature by providing robust data-driven evidence on university students’ lecture capture video engagement patterns. It is also expected to contribute methodologically to capturing, preprocessing, and analyzing students’ video interactions in different contexts.
... However, it is difficult to reveal the deployment of SRL strategies (Efklides, 2011;Winne & Perry, 2000;Liz-Dominguez, 2022) because of their dynamic and temporal nature in the online learning process. An emerging literature has used online learners' interaction behaviors to understand in online learning platforms (Kokoç et al., 2021) and LMSs (e.g., Baker et al., 2020;Cicchinelli et al., 2018;Jansen et al., 2020;Li et al., 2020). ...
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This profiling study deals with the self-regulated learning skills of online learners based on their interaction behaviors on the learning management system. The learners were profiled through their interaction behaviors via cluster analysis. Following a correlational model with the interaction data of learners, the post-test questionnaire data were used to determine self-regulated learning skills scores during the learning process. Regarding the scores, the clusters were named through the prominent interactions of the learners yielding three clusters; actively engaged (Cluster1), assessment-oriented (Cluster2), and passively-oriented (Cluster3), respectively. The profiles in the clusters indicate that assessments were mostly used by the learners in Cluster2, while the frequency of the content tools was high in Cluster1. Surprisingly, some tools such as glossary, survey, and chat did not play a prominent role in discriminating the clusters. Suggestions for future implementations of self-regulated learning and effective online learning in learning management systems are also included.
... Moreover, Hawlitschek and colleagues (2019) found that the time it took to submit an assignment predicted dropouts at an early phase, while factors like error frequency and continuous error streaks were more indicative of later dropouts. In other words, students' assignment submission behaviours can be used to predict academic performance (Kokoç et al., 2021). Broadly, both static and dynamic indicators related to students' backgrounds, behaviours, and performances may be related to course completion (Ifenthaler & Yau, 2020), and different combinations of academic and social data have been used to predict dropouts in CS (see Lacave et al., 2018). ...
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Predictive learning analytics has been widely explored in educational research to improve student retention and academic success in an introductory programming course in computer science (CS1). General-purpose and interpretable dropout predictions still pose a challenge. Our study aims to reproduce and extend the data analysis of a privacy-first student pass–fail prediction approach proposed by Van Petegem and colleagues (2022) in a different CS1 course. Using student submission and self-report data, we investigated the reproducibility of the original approach, the effect of adding self-reports to the model, and the interpretability of the model features. The results showed that the original approach for student dropout prediction could be successfully reproduced in a different course context and that adding self-report data to the prediction model improved accuracy for the first four weeks. We also identified relevant features associated with dropout in the CS1 course, such as timely submission of tasks and iterative problem solving. When analyzing student behaviour, submission data and self-report data were found to complement each other. The results highlight the importance of transparency and generalizability in learning analytics and the need for future research to identify other factors beyond self-reported aptitude measures and student behaviour that can enhance dropout prediction.
... An important point here is that knowledge acquisition, development and use can be identified through the observation and analysis of the handling of tasks [21]. Many studies use good grades as an indication of knowledge acquisition and use [19,17,34,23,9,6,3]. ...
Conference Paper
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Improving competence requires practicing, e.g. by solving tasks. The Self-Assessment task type is a new form of scalable online task providing immediate feedback, sample solution and iterative improvement within the newly developed SAFRAN plugin. Effective learning not only requires suitable tasks but also their meaningful usage within the student's learning process. So far, learning processes of students working on such Self-Assessment tasks have not been studied. Thus, SAFRAN was extended with activity logging allowing process mining. SAFRAN was used in a first-year computer science university course. Students' behavior was clustered and analyzed using log data. 3 task completion behavior patterns were identified indicating positive, neutral or negative impact on task processing. Differences in the use of feedback and sample solutions were also identified. The results are particularly relevant for instructors who can tailor adaptive feedback content better to its target group. The analytics approach described may be useful for researchers who want to implement and study adaptive and person-alized task processing support.
This study reviews the published studies that predict student performance or classify them into performance groups relying on different types of education-related data coming from diverse sources. This review study aims to determine the types of, sources of, and size of data used in educational data mining studies. It also aims to find out the distribution of supervised machine learning models, and tools/software used in educational data mining studies. In order to achieve these goals, 139 relevant publications (i.e., academic journal articles, and conference papers) are located in the Web of Science Citation Index database for review using some including/excluding criteria. Then, each paper is reviewed. The findings suggested that classification studies in educational data mining mostly relies on conventional machine learning algorithms using students’ education record and course/learning activity logs as predominant features for predicting students’ performance or classifying them into performance groups.
With the widespread application of computer technology in engineering education, Online Judge (OJ) systems have become an important platform for programming teaching. OJ systems provide a platform for learners to practice programming skills, submit solutions, and receive feedback. They offer a conducive environment for learners to engage in hands-on coding exercises and enhance their programming abilities. This article explores the use of OJ systems as a software tool for enhancing programming education in engineering. It investigates how the difficulty and order of programming problems affect the users' behavior, performance, and cognitive load in OJ environments. The research data were sourced from Project_CodeNet. Using statistical methods, such as Spearman correlation analysis and differential analysis, the study reveals the factors that influence the users' submission situations, answer order, and learning outcomes. The findings provide useful implications for OJ system developers, teachers, and learners in designing, implementing, and using OJ systems for programming education in engineering. The study suggests that problem difficulty and order should be considered and adjusted according to the users' abilities and progress, to provide appropriate challenges and support, balance the cognitive load, and improve the programming skills of the users.
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The importance of temporality in learning has been long established, but it is only recently that serious attention has begun to be paid to the precise identification, measurement, and analysis of the temporal features of learning. From 2009 to 2016, a series of temporality workshops explored temporal concepts and data types, analysis methods for exploiting temporal data, techniques for visualizing temporal information, and practical considerations for the use of temporal analyses in particular contexts of learning. Following from these efforts, this two-part Special Section serves to consolidate research working to progress conceptual, technical and practical tools for temporal analyses of learning data. In addition, in this second and final editorial, we aim to make four contributions to the ongoing dialogue around temporal learning analytics to help us move towards a clearer mapping of the research space. First, the editorial presents an overview of the five papers in Part 2 of the Special Section on Temporal Analyses, highlighting the dimensions of data types, learning constructs, analysis approaches, and potential impact. Second, it draws on the fluid relationship between ‘analyzed time’ and ‘experienced time’ to highlight the need for caution and criticality in the purposes temporal analyses are mobilized to serve. Third, it offers a guide for future work in this area by outlining important questions that all temporal analyses should intentionally address. Finally, it proposes next steps learning analytics researchers and practitioners can take collectively to advance work on the use of temporal analyses to support learning
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The analysis of multiple data streams is a long‐standing practice within educational research. Both multimodal data analysis and temporal analysis have been applied successfully, but in the area of collaborative learning, very few studies have investigated specific advantages of multiple modalities versus a single modality, especially combined with temporal analysis. In this paper, we investigate how both the use of multimodal data and moving from averages and counts to temporal aspects in a collaborative setting provides a better prediction of learning gains. To address these questions, we analyze multimodal data collected from 25 9–11‐year‐old dyads using a fractions intelligent tutoring system. Assessing the relation of dual gaze, tutor log, audio and dialog data to students' learning gains, we find that a combination of modalities, especially those at a smaller time scale, such as gaze and audio, provides a more accurate prediction of learning gains than models with a single modality. Our work contributes to the understanding of how analyzing multimodal data in temporal manner provides additional information around the collaborative learning process.
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In this study, it is aimed to analyze the relationship between student’s assignment submission behaviors and course achievement. For this purpose, the behaviors of 75 students’ who enrolled in the Operating Systems and Applications course at a public university, submission an assignment through the Moodle learning management system given in the fourth week of the course is analyzed. Students who exhibit different assignment submission behaviors are also analyzed in terms of end-of-term grades. During analyzing, the steps followed by the students while submitting their assignments are determined respectively, and students who display a similar pattern are divided into groups by means of cluster analysis. Moreover, using process mining analysis assignment submission processes of students in different groups are analyzed in detail. The analysis shows that students can be divided into three different groups based on their assignment submission behaviors. In terms of course achievement, it is observed that a significant portion of the students who submitted the assignments are successful in the course, while a significant portion of the students who did not submit the assignment failed. The findings will be guideway in determining the students who are likely to fail the course in the early weeks and in designing possible interferences for these students.
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Prediction of students' performance has been reported as a vital task which enables educators to take necessary actions to improve students’ learning. Numerous studies have concluded that students with lower procrastination tendencies archive more compared to those with higher procrastination tendencies. In this study, a new method is proposed to predict students’ procrastination tendencies discerned from their submission behavioural patterns in online learning. In this method, feature vectors signifying students’ submission patterns on homework are firstly drafted. Next, an ensemble clustering method is employed to optimally sort students into various categories of procrastination: procrastinator, procrastinator candidate, and non-procrastinator. Lastly, various classification methods are assessed to discern which one best predicts students’ procrastination tendencies. The efficacy of this approach is assessed through the data from a course comprised of 242 students at the University of Tartu in Estonia. Our study found that our method correctly identifies student procrastination from submission pattern data with 97% accuracy, and that the best performing classifier is linear support vector machine. Investigating the effect of different number of features (homework) on performance of clustering and classification methods indicate that finding the optimal number of feature to use in both clustering and classification methods is a vital task as it could potentially affect prediction power of our approach. More specifically, the results show that in our proposed approach, unlike clustering methods that show a better performance with lower number of features, classification methods mostly tend to show a better performance with larger number of features.
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Abstract The low birth rate in Taiwan has led to a severe challenge for many universities to enroll a sufficient number of students. Consequently, a large number of students have been admitted to universities regardless of whether they have an aptitude for academic studies. Early diagnosis of students with a high dropout risk enables interventions to be provided early on, which can help these students to complete their studies, graduate, and enhance their future competitiveness in the workplace. Effective prelearning interventions are necessary, therefore students’ learning backgrounds should be thoroughly examined. This study investigated how big data and artificial intelligence can be used to help universities to more precisely understand student backgrounds, according to which corresponding interventions can be provided. For this study, 3552 students from a university in Taiwan were sampled. A statistical learning method and a machine learning method based on deep neural networks were used to predict their probability of dropping out. The results revealed that student academic performance (regarding the dynamics of class ranking percentage), student loan applications, the number of absences from school, and the number of alerted subjects successfully predicted whether or not students would drop out of university with an accuracy rate of 68% when the statistical learning method was employed, and 77% for the deep learning method, in the case of giving first priority to the high sensitivity in predicting dropouts. However, when the specificity metric was preferred, then the two approaches both reached more than 80% accuracy rates. These results may enable the university to provide interventions to students for assisting course selection and enhancing their competencies based on their aptitudes, potentially reducing the dropout rate and facilitating adaptive learning, thereby achieving a win-win situation for both the university and the students. This research offers a feasible direction for using artificial intelligence applications on the basis of a university’s institutional research database.
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Many studies have found a relationship between students’ self-reported procrastination and their grades. Few studies have used learning analytic data as a behavioural measure of procrastination in order to predict performance, and there is no systematic research on how this relationship may differ across assessments or disciplines. In this study we analyse nine years’ worth of institutional electronic submission records, a total of 73,608 assignment submissions, to examine the relationship between submission time and grades across assignments, students, courses, and disciplines in higher education. A significant negative relationship was found overall, with students who submitted closer to the deadline obtaining lower grades, however the size of the relationship was negligible, accounting for less than 1% of the variance in grades. The relationship varied significantly depending on student, assignment, course and discipline.
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This survey is an updated and improved version of the previous one published in 2013 in this journal with the title “data mining in education”. It reviews in a comprehensible and very general way how Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics have been applied over educational data. In the last decade, this research area has evolved enormously and a wide range of related terms are now used in the bibliography such as Academic Analytics, Institutional Analytics, Teaching Analytics, Data‐Driven Education, Data‐Driven Decision‐Making in Education, Big Data in Education, and Educational Data Science. This paper provides the current state of the art by reviewing the main publications, the key milestones, the knowledge discovery cycle, the main educational environments, the specific tools, the free available datasets, the most used methods, the main objectives, and the future trends in this research area. This article is categorized under: Application Areas > Education and Learning
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It is still under debate whether learners’ interaction data within e-learning and/or open learning environments could be considered as reflections of their learning experiences to be effective or not. Therefore, it is meaningful to explore the nature of these interactions and to make meaningful conclusions. The purpose of this study is to model learners’ learning experiences based on their interaction data in an LMS. The study was designed to understand the nature of interactions and to observe whether interaction types display an observable meaningful pattern. For this purpose, a course titled Computer Networks and Communication was designed and taught in a learning management system, where learners could receive real-time responses and monitor their process through dashboards as recommendations for their learning process. Thirty-one metrics were gathered from database records, which yielded a common factor with six subfactors, where the highest correlation was between learners–learning dashboards interactions and learners–learning objects. In addition, this factorial structure could be considered a holistic view of a learning experience based on the interaction data within a learning management system. Another finding of this study indicated that learners’ interaction with learning dashboards had been a meaningful dimension of their overall learning experiences. The results of this study present instructional design cues and pedagogical outcomes.
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Different sources of data about students, ranging from static demographics to dynamic behavior logs, can be harnessed from a variety sources at Higher Education Institutions. Combining these assembles a rich digital footprint for students, which can enable institutions to better understand student behaviour and to better prepare for guiding students towards reaching their academic potential. This paper presents a new research methodology to automatically detect students “at-risk” of failing an assignment in computer programming modules (courses) and to simultaneously support adaptive feedback. By leveraging historical student data, we built predictive models using students’ offline (static) information including student characteristics and demographics, and online (dynamic) resources using programming and behaviour activity logs. Predictions are generated weekly during semester. Overall, the predictive and personalised feedback helped to reduce the gap between the lower and higher-performing students. Furthermore, students praised the prediction and the personalised feedback, conveying strong recommendations for future students to use the system. We also found that students who followed their personalised guidance and recommendations performed better in examinations.
As addressed by Stephen Yang in his ICCE 2019 keynote speech (Yang, 2019), precision education is a new challenge when applying artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and learning analytics to improve teaching quality and learning performance. The goal of precision education is to identify at-risk students as early as possible and provide timely intervention on the basis of teaching and learning experiences (Lu et al., 2018). Drawing from this main theme of precision education, this special issue advocates an in-depth dialogue between cold technology and warm humanity, in turn offering greater understanding of precision education. For this special issue, thirteen research papers that specialize in precision education, AI, machine learning, and learning analytics to engage in an in-depth research experiences concerning various applications, methods, pedagogical models, and environments were exchanged to achieve better understanding of the application of AI in education.