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Optimal treatment for penile verrucous carcinoma: a systematic literature review

  • Konkuk university Chungju hospital

Abstract and Figures

Background Verrucous carcinoma, a rare low-grade well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, is known for its favorable biological behavior and lack of metastatic potential. However, aggressive resection is problematic in terms of compromised function and aesthetics. Hence, more conservative treatments are needed. Methods: To identify the up-to-date general biological behavior, diagnosis, and treatment trends, we searched PubMed using the keyword “penile verrucous carcinoma” without restrictions on publication date. Results: Current treatments for penile verrucous carcinoma include wide surgical excision, seldom preventive lymphadenectomy, and conservative chemotherapy without surgery or local excision with safe margins. Despite the advent of partial penectomy to minimally impact function and aesthetics, affected patients experience psychosexual problems. Local excision can be used to save the penile shaft and glans penis without preventive lymphadenectomy or adjuvant therapy and can achieve good clinical prognosis with rare recurrence. Conclusions: To preserve the functional and cosmetic aspects, we recommend local excision, especially for tumors measuring < 3 cm and classified as stage T1 according to the 2016 tumor node metastasis clinical and pathological classification for penile cancer.
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Optimal treatment forpenile verrucous
carcinoma: asystematic literature review
Dong In Jo1 , Song Hyun Han1, Soon Heum Kim1, Hye Young Kim2, Hong Chung3 and Hong Sup Kim3*
Background: Verrucous carcinoma, a rare low-grade well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, is known for its
favorable biological behavior and lack of metastatic potential. However, aggressive resection is problematic in terms
of compromised function and aesthetics. Hence, more conservative treatments are needed. Methods: To identify the
up-to-date general biological behavior, diagnosis, and treatment trends, we searched PubMed using the keyword
“penile verrucous carcinoma” without restrictions on publication date. Results: Current treatments for penile verrucous
carcinoma include wide surgical excision, seldom preventive lymphadenectomy, and conservative chemotherapy
without surgery or local excision with safe margins. Despite the advent of partial penectomy to minimally impact
function and aesthetics, affected patients experience psychosexual problems. Local excision can be used to save the
penile shaft and glans penis without preventive lymphadenectomy or adjuvant therapy and can achieve good clinical
prognosis with rare recurrence. Conclusions: To preserve the functional and cosmetic aspects, we recommend local
excision, especially for tumors measuring < 3 cm and classified as stage T1 according to the 2016 tumor node metas-
tasis clinical and pathological classification for penile cancer.
Keywords: Local excision, Penile verrucous carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma
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Verrucous carcinoma, a rare low-grade well-differen-
tiated squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), is known for its
slowly compressive expanding warty growth and rare
metastasis [13]. Aggressive treatment, such as penec-
tomy, has been suggested based on the concept that
penile verruca carcinoma (PVC) is malignant. In con-
trast, less aggressive treatment, such as local excision
without preventive lymphadenectomy, has been sug-
gested based on the concept that the biological behavior
of PVC resembles that of a benign tumor. In patients who
had undergone aggressive wide surgical excision of the
glans penis and penile shaft, many functional, cosmetic,
and psychosexual problems have been reported. To date,
surgical treatment trends have been unclear regarding
the use of preservation surgery. Here we reviewed the
literature to determine the most effective treatment for
PVC and suggest best practices for treatment guidelines.
To summarize the prevalence, causative factors, diag-
nostic methods, treatment methods, clinical behaviors,
diagnostic imaging techniques, and prognosis of PVC,
we searched PubMed for relevant studies using the key-
word “penile verrucous carcinoma” without restrictions
on publication year and retrieved abstracts published in
English that mentioned PVC diagnosis and treatment.
e abstracts were screened according to inclusion and
exclusion criteria. e inclusion criteria were presented
cases and the corresponding treatment methods, micro-
scopic diagnosis of PVC, availability of full text articles,
and publication in English. e exclusion criteria were
lack of tumor staging information and tumor staging
beyond T2 (Stage T2 penile cancers are different from
penile verrucous carcinoma and defined as invasive
Open Access
3 Department of Urology, Konkuk University School of Medicine,
Gukwon-daero 82, 27376 Chungju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and others).
To check the association between treatment method and
conditions of cases, the treatments were categorized into
2 groups—the less aggressive treatment group included
shaving, local excision, and no surgery and the aggressive
treatment group included glansectomy, partial penec-
tomy, and total penectomy. Individual factors included
age, case history, tumor size, tumor shape, tumor loca-
tion, tumor stage, adjuvant treatment, lymph node
metastasis, disease-free status, recurrence, human papil-
loma virus (HPV) infection status, and treatment trends
over time.
e statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for
Windows version 25 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). We
hypothesized that aggressive treatment is more effec-
tive and investigated the difference in efficacy between
the 2 treatments. We performed a t-test, a chi-squared
test, and Fisher’s exact test to ensure data accuracy and
a regression analysis to examine whether the individual
factors were correlated in the 2 groups.
A total of 276 articles were retrieved from PubMed.
Among them, 68 abstracts that mentioned PVC diag-
nosis and/or treatment and were published in English
were selected. e studies were published between 1969
and February 2019. Most of the studies were published
in English; other publication languages included Span-
ish (14), Chinese (3), French (3), Japanese (2), Bulgarian
(1), Israeli (1), and Italian (1). Several studies mentioned
regarding PVC treatment and were simple case reports
[447]. Its rarity is supported by the fact that 1 case in
a 10-year period and 13 cases in a 30-year period were
reported [10, 4851]. Among the 68 studies retrieved,
28 met the inclusion criteria. Of those, 9 were excluded
according to the exclusion criteria. us, a total of 19
studies were subjected to full-text review (Fig. 1) [47,
10, 11, 20, 23, 31, 32, 35, 3740, 43, 4547].
e studies comprised a total of 58 cases of PVC
(Table1). e patients were 28–86years of age. e case
histories were 1–204months long. e tumor sizes were
0.8–10cm. Fifty-4 of the cases included a description of
tumor shape: papillary cauliflower in 30, keratotic horn-
like in 3, and warty verrucous in 21. e tumors involved
the glans in 33 cases, coronoid sulcus in 4, shaft in 4,
prepuce in 7, prepuce and glans in 4, glans and coro-
noid sulcus and shaft in 1, prepuce and coronoid sulcus
in 2, glans and coronoid sulcus in 2, and coronoid sulcus
and shaft in 1. A total of 10 cases involved the coronoid
sulcus, an area in which penile carcinoma would more
rapidly infiltrate the penile fascia. Regarding staging, 52
cases were classified as stage Ta, 4 were classified as T1,
and 2 were classified as T1a. Regarding treatment, no
surgery was performed in 4 cases, local excision was per-
formed in 10, shaving in 3, Mohs surgery was performed
in 2, circumcision was performed in 1, glansectomy was
performed in 3, partial penectomy was performed in
29, and total penectomy was performed in 6. us, 20
cases involved less aggressive treatment and 38 cases
involved aggressive treatment. Fifteen cases of adjuvant
treatment were reported, including 1 of radiotherapy, 6
of chemotherapy, 2 of chemoradiotherapy, and 6 of local
therapy (CO2 laser, cryotherapy, intralesional interferon,
and topical fluorouracil). ere was only 1 case of lymph
node metastasis. e reported lymphadenopathies were
revealed as inflammation without metastasis [46]. One
case of bilateral lymph node metastasis, which was sus-
pected as a mixed tumor condition with moderately
differentiated SCC, was reported [35]. e follow-up
period was 6–228months (19years). ere were 7 cases
of tumor recurrence: 5 in the less aggressive treatment
group and 2 in the aggressive treatment group. All cases
except 2 achieved tumor-free status. e other 2 patients
died due to other malignant conditions [35, 47]. Six
cases were associated with the following diseases: ana-
plastic spindle cell carcinoma suggestive of malignant
transformation after radiotherapy, hybrid verrucous
SCC, moderately differentiated SCC, lichen sclerosis,
pseudoepitheliomatous keratotic and micaceous balani-
tis, and human immunodeficiency virus infection. HPV
infection status was described as negative in 8 cases; the
others were not specified. e reported cases follow-
ing the year of issue categorized in 10-year increments:
1 in the 1970s, 14 in the 1980s, 2 in the 1990s, 15 in the
2000s, and 26 in the 2010s. e main diagnostic method
was biopsy. Chest x-ray, HPV polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), ultrasonography, and computed tomography were
optional. e best diagnostic method was biopsy and
HPV PCR. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offered more precise
information about tumor anatomy and regional lymphad-
enopathy. Two reports mentioned surgical treatment
guidelines according to tumor size [8] and depth [17].
Concerning surgical excision, the main treatment was
radical surgery, including at least partial penectomy [4
47], even with the relatively small tumor size (< 3cm) [8].
e surgical margins were 2cm in cases of partial penec-
tomy and 0.3–1cm in cases of local excision (Table2) [5,
6]. In contrast, some studies have emphasized the good
clinical results of local excision because of the favorable
clinical behavior of PVC [5, 6, 11, 15, 17, 31, 32, 37, 39,
40, 43, 4547].
e results of the t-test using categories of age, case
history, and tumor size and the result of the cross-sec-
tional analysis of the categories of tumor shape, disease-
free status, and HPV status were excluded since some
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
individual data for each case were missing (data not
shown). In the cross-sectional analysis, tumor location,
tumor stage, and recurrence were not significantly associ-
ated with either treatment. Regarding the clinical results,
all but 2 patients (who died of other malignant condi-
tions) achieved disease-free status. Regarding treatment
efficacy, the recurrence rates did not differ significantly
between the less aggressive and aggressive treatments.
Patients who received adjuvant therapy tended to ulti-
mately receive less aggressive treatment. Regarding the
test statistics, the X2 was 21.926 and the probability was
0.000. us, the results were statistically significant.
Regarding differences in treatment trends over time, the
X2 was 12.549 and the probability was 0.005. us, the
result was statistically significant (Table3).
Fig. 1 The study flow chart
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Table 1 Clinical manifestations ofpenile verrucous carcinoma
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
1(47) 49 12 5 × 4.5 x 2 Papillary
Ta local exci-
sion Systemic
none 48/no 24 Anaplastic
cell carci-
Negative 1994
shaft Radiother-
apy Malignant
2(46) 62 3 3 Cauliflower-
like Prepuce,
Ta Local exci-
sion None None 54/yes 26 Hybrid
cell carci-
Negative 2000
3(45) 42 4 7 Cauliflower-
like Prepuce,
glans Ta Local exci-
sion CO2 laser None 36/yes None None ? 2008
4(43) 51 24 ? Verrucous Glans,
Ta Recurred
mass Liquid
topical 5%
None 42/yes None None ? 1978
after local
and skin
after local
5(40) 60 ? ? ? Glans Ta Shaving Intralesional
None 30/yes None None Negative 2000
6(39) 69 24 1 Keratotic Glans Ta Shaving Cryosurgery
with liquid
None 36/yes None None ? 2002
7(39) 69 24 1.5 Keratotic Glans Ta Shaving Cryosurgery
with liquid
None 36/yes None None ?
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Table 1 (continued)
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
8(38) 27 12 5 × 5 Verrucous gLans Ta None Intra-aortic
None 214/yes None None ? 2003
9(38) 65 3 4 × 3 Warty Glans Ta None Intra-aortic
None 165/yes None None ?
10(38) 31 48 5 × 5 ? Shaft Ta Total penec-
tomy Intra-aortic
None 149/yes 36/partial None ?
due to
and unbara-
ble pain
11(38) 75 120 2 × 2 ? Glans Ta None Intra-aortic
none 104/yes None None ?
12(37) 70 ? ? Verrucous Shaft, base
of penis T1 Mohs sur-
gery and
and fluo-
with radio-
none 36/yes 16 None negative 2009
after recur-
13(35) 47 3 4 × 3 ? Prepuce,
glans Ta Total penec-
tomy Intra-aortic
Bilateral 37/no 18/partial Moderately
? 2010
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Table 1 (continued)
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
due to
Response Carcinoma,
14(35) 28 72 5 × 4.5x2 Verrucous Prepuce,
glans Ta None Intra-aortic
None 45/yes None None ?
15(32) 42 ? 1 Warty Glans Ta Mohs sur-
gery None
(healed by
None 12/yes None Lichen
sclerosus ? 1987
16(31) 74 12 2 × 1.5 Warty Glans Ta Local exci-
sion Failed cryo-
with liquid
None 48/yes None Pseudoepi-
negative 2000
Nodule (surgical
2 cm)
17(23) 60 7 3 × 3 Verrucous,
ulcerative Prepuce,
glans Ta Partial
None None 24/yes None Human
virus infec-
negative 2015
18(20) 71 6 2.8 × 1.6 Keratotic
hornlike Glans T1a Partial
None None 10/yes None None Negative 1990
total penec-
tomy (due to
on the
19(11) 61 ? 7 × 4 Cauliflower-
like Shaft T1a Local exc-
sion, skin
None None 36/yes None None ? 2019
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Table 1 (continued)
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
20(10) 30 to 86 at least 12 1 to 8 Warty or
fungating 11 glans 10 Ta 9 partial
All none but All 72 to 228 All All none All 1985
mean 47 in 10 cases mean 3.6 (multiple
nodules 2 prepuce 3 T1 3 total
1 radio-
therapy none /yes none ?
(in 5 cases in 7 cases) 1 circumci-
sion (before total
13 cases 2,2,4,8,17 years)
in 3 cases
32(10) (1,2,4 months)
33(7) 40 to 63 8 to 25 2.5 to 6.2 Cauliflower-
like Glans Ta Glansec-
tomy None None 18 to 65 None None ? 2001
mean 54 ± 7 with frozen
section mean
38 ± 14
34(7) Cauliflower-
like Glans Ta Glansec-
tomy None None /Yes None None ?
35(7) Cauliflower-
like Glans Ta Partial
tomy after
None None 3 None ?
36(7) Cauliflower-
like Glans Ta Glansec-
tomy None None None None ?
37(6) 73 12 3 Verrucous coronary sul-
cus, shaft Ta Local exci-
sion None None 24/yes None None Negative 2017
38(5) 52 96 6 All coronoid
sulcus all Partial
All none All 6 to 60 All Squamous
All 2011
39(5) 85 48 3 Exophytic
papillary Glans Ta Local exci-
sion None mean 36 None None ?
40(5) 55 24 5 Cauliflower-
like Coronoid
sulcus Partial
/yes None
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Table 1 (continued)
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
41(5) 64 3 2 Glans Partial
42(5) 74 3 3 Glans Local exci-
sion Squamous
43(5) 56 12 2 Glans Local exc-
sion Squamous
44(5) 52 3 2.5 Coronoid
sulcus Partial
45(5) 55 24 10 Shaft Partial
46(5) 68 60 2 Coronoid
sulcus Circumci-
sion, Surgical
2 cm for
0.5–1 cm
for local
47(5) 70 6 4.5 Glans Partial
in 3 cases
48(5) 49 3 3 Glans Partial
For the
limited to
49(4) 35 to 72 All ? 0.8 to 4 All 5 prepuce All All All none All 8 to 108 All All All 2015
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Table 1 (continued)
(Ref.) Age
(years) Case history
(months) Tumor size
(Cm) Tumor
shape Tumor
location Stage
(TNM) Operation Adjuvant
threatment Lymphnode
metasatsis Follow up
disease HPV Year
50(4) mean 51.5 Cauliflower-
like 1 prepuce,
Ta Partial
None /Yes but 1 case but 1
sia with
51(4) 1 glans,
36, 60, 84 partial
52(4) 3 glans
54(4) 10 cases
57(4) 8 Biopsy
58(4) 2 circum-
?; missing individual data, Ref.; reference number
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
According to the regression analysis of age, case his-
tory, tumor size, tumor shape, tumor location, tumor
stage, adjuvant treatment, tumor recurrence, and treat-
ment trends over time did not appear to have a signifi-
cant negative or positive effect (data not shown).
In summary, the associations between tumor location
and treatment method and tumor depth and treatment
method were not statistically significant. Adjuvant ther-
apy tended to be performed alone or with local excision
preventing a penectomy or glansectomy. Partial penec-
tomy cases (aggressive treatment group) were predomi-
nantly reported in the 2010s. No intergroup differences
were seen in clinical results. erefore, our hypothesis
that aggressive treatment is more effective was rejected.
Some studies have reported that PVC is observed in
approximately 2.4–24% of all penile cancers and 20% of
verruciform lesions of the penis; PVC is also observed
in patients with Buschke–Löwenstein, warty carci-
noma, and papillary SCC [13]. Several cases have been
reported during the past 2–3 decades among many coun-
tries due to its rarity [10, 4851]. PVC primarily occurs
in the glans penis, and phimosis and redundant prepuce
are 2 of its important causes [2, 52]. Lichen sclerosus and
pseudoepitheliomatous, keratotic, and micaceous balani-
tis are other possible causes [3133, 53]. Local squamous
epithelial hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis may be impor-
tant in the development of PVC [54, 55]. Clinically, they
do not cause significant pain, but they grow slowly and
uninhibited, sometimes invading the shaft over the glans.
In most cases, the patients present with a slow-growing
mass with multiple papillary lesions [46].
Biopsy and HPV PCR tests are basic diagnostic tools
for differentiating PVC from HPV-related tumors.
Increased immunohistochemical expression of markers
such as Mdm2 and Ki67 and low expression of Bcl-2 may
be useful for the detection of PVC [5658]. Microscopi-
cally, the hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections shows
extension of the epithelium downward into the underly-
ing tissues in a bulbous or drumstick process, while the
tumor exhibits clear boundaries and rich lymphocytic
infiltration into the surrounding mesenchyme [46].
To avoid misdiagnosis, repeated deeper biopsies are
recommended that include the basement membrane of
the papillomatous tumor, especially in cases in which
PVC is highly suspected. However, because the gross
morphology of PVC is very similar to that of condyloma
acuminatum, it can be difficult to identify. HPV is known
to be closely associated with penile cancer and condy-
loma acuminatum in most cases [8]. In contrast, in all
PVC cases, the pathogenesis is not associated with HPV
infection [3, 5961]. us, an HPV-negative status may
be the key in the differential diagnosis of PVC. In our
study, the differential diagnosis from condyloma acumi-
natum was confirmed in only 8 cases. We assume that
diagnostic biopsy played a decisive role since HPV infec-
tion status was unknown.
Table 2 Cumulative data of clinical presentations
Total cases 58
Age (years) 28–86
Case History (months) 1–204
Size (Cm) 0.8–10
Tumor shape
Papillary cauliflower
Keratotic hornlike
Warty verrucous
Location (cases)
Coronoid sulcus
Prepuce and glans
Glans and coronoid sulcus and shaft
Prepuce and coronoid sulcus
Glans and coronoid sulcus
Coronoid sulcus and shaft
Coronoid sulcus involvement
Stage (cases)
T1 52
Treatment (cases)
No surgery
Local excision
Mohs surgery
Partial penectomy
Total penectomy
Adjuvant treatment (cases)
Local therapy (CO2 laser, cryotherapy, intralesional interferon,
and topical fluorouracil)
Lymphnode metastasis (cases) 1
Follow up period (months) 6–228
Recurrence (cases) 7
Disease free (cases) 56
Surgical margin (Cm) 0.3–2
Cases following the year of issue (cases)
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
Surgical treatments reported in other studies focused
on aggressive treatments, including glansectomy and
partial or total penectomy with a 4–20-mm surgical mar-
gin [4, 5, 7, 8]. Partial penectomy with a 2-cm margin has
traditionally been the suggested treatment for tumors
involving the glans penis, with total penectomy being
indicated when the tumor involves a larger portion of the
penile shaft [49].
However, since PVC has a relatively rare incidence and
is termed carcinoma despite its favorable behavior, sur-
geons often lack of experience treating such cases and
decide to unnecessarily remove part or all of the penis.
Moreover, wide excision was commonly performed for
relatively small masses ( 3 cm) [5]. However, since the
1980s, local excision has been advised to preserve the
penis [46],15,17. Mohs surgery was adopted in cases of
PVC showing favorable behavior [15, 62]. e authors
agree that local excision should be the first choice of
treatment because of the favorable biological behavior
of PVC. Treatments have been suggested according to 2
general concepts: penectomy is mandatory because PVC
is malignant; and less aggressive treatment as local exci-
sion is sufficient because the biological behavior of PVC
resembles that of a benign tumor.
Table 3 Cross analysis (chi-square) withFisher’s exact test
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01
Operation Total χ2
Less aggressive
treatment Aggressive
Tumor location Glans Case 11 22 33 2.532
% 55.0% 57.9% 56.9%
sulcus involvement Case 4 6 10
% 20.0% 15.8% 17.2%
Stage Ta Case 17 35 52 .713
% 85.0% 92.1% 89.7%
T1 Case 3 3 6
% 15.0% 7.9% 10.3%
Adjuvant treatment none Case 8 35 43 21.926**
% 40.0% 92.1% 74.1%
Radiotherapy Case 0 1 1
% 0.0% 2.6% 1.7%
Chemotherapy Case 4 2 6
% 20.0% 5.3% 10.3%
Chemoradiotherapy Case 2 0 2
% 10.0% 0.0% 3.4%
Local therapy Case 6 0 6
% 30.0% 0.0% 10.3%
Recurrence No Case 17 34 51 .247
% 85.0% 89.5% 87.9%
Yes Case 3 4 7
% 15.0% 10.5% 12.1%
Treatment trends over time fol-
lowing the year of issue 1970s Case 1 0 1 12.549**
% 5.0% 0.0% 1.7%
1980s Case 2 12 14
% 10.0% 31.6% 24.1%
1990s Case 1 1 2
% 5.0% 2.6% 3.4%
2000s Case 10 5 15
% 50.0% 13.2% 25.9%
2010s Case 6 20 26
% 30.0% 52.6% 44.8%
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
is review revealed that the glans was the area most
often involved in cases of PVC. We expected that distal
and local lesions would be treated less aggressively. How-
ever, as a result, tumor location did not affect treatment
aggressiveness. Interestingly, the coronoid sulcus involve-
ment suggests that, in the absence of a dartos layer, penile
carcinoma would more rapidly infiltrate the penile fascia,
a known low-resistance pathway for local spread; thus,
clinicians would expect a higher risk of tumor recurrence
and inguinal involvement as well as a worse outcome.
us, we expected that coronoid sulcus involvement
would require more aggressive treatment. However, our
results demonstrated 11 cases in the less aggressive treat-
ment group versus 22 cases in the aggressive treatment
group, respectively. Although there were more cases in
the latter than the former group, the intergroup differ-
ence was insignificant.
Regarding tumor depth, PVC is defined as a superfi-
cial stage Ta lesion by the 2016 Tumor Node Metastasis
(TNM) classification, a so-called non-invasive verrucous
carcinoma. Although no statistically significant inter-
group difference was noted, aggressive treatments were
more often applied than less aggressive treatments for
superficial lesions. However, 20 cases of the less aggres-
sive treatment group showed good clinical results. Stage
T1 tumors were seen, even in cases of deeper lesions.
is means that less aggressive treatments with care-
ful follow-up of stage T1 tumors can also result in good
post-treatment results.
Even if a case of PVC is malignant, it may present as a
benign tumor. us, to preserve functional and cosmetic
results, we recommend that local excision with minimal
surgical margins followed by careful observation be the
first-line choice of treatment, especially for tumors meas-
uring < 3 cm and classified as stage T1. In other condi-
tions, the tumor should be considered not PVC and the
excision should be widened. In our study, we excluded
tumor staging beyond T2. Stage T2 penile cancers are
different from PVC and defined as invasive cancers such
as squamous cell carcinoma and others with bad progno-
sis. In these cases, aggressive treatment is recommended.
Regarding adjuvant therapy, preventive inguinal lym-
phadenectomy was hardly used because of rarity of evi-
dent lesions [4, 5, 9, 34, 35, 63, 64]. Conservative systemic
chemotherapy without surgery was reported [35, 38].
Other adjuvant therapies for the verrucous lesion have
been introduced, such as topical aminolevulinic acid–
photodynamic therapy; topical, systemic, or intralesional
interferon; cryotherapy; laser therapy; and radiation
[3545, 65, 66]. Our results demonstrated that adjuvant
treatments were more predominantly applied when less
aggressive treatment was administered. is finding sup-
ports that conservative surgery could be the first choice
of treatment. However, the 4 cases treated with intral-
esional interferon and 1 case of cryotherapy with good
clinical results could not be evaluated due to the absence
of information on tumor stage [25, 41, 42].
is literature review revealed that inguinal lymphad-
enectomy was performed in certain patients; however,
no evident lesions were found in such cases [4, 5, 9, 34,
35, 63, 64]. e 1 case of lymph node metastasis reported
was suspected to be a combined lesion with moderately
differentiated SCC [35]. us, we agree that inguinal
lymphadenectomy is not an appropriate prophylactic
treatment. For lymphadenopathy, treatment with anti-
inflammatory drugs may be the treatment of choice, fol-
lowed by a lymph node biopsy as needed. us, if a case
of PVC is confirmed by biopsy and no signs of inguinal
lymphadenopathy are seen on physical examination, fur-
ther workups such as computed tomography or ultra-
sonography could be postponed initially, and high-end
MRI saved for later and then used if needed to investigate
tumor depth [67].
As for tumor behavior, complicated microlesions of
invasive SCC, a certain number of which eventually
progressed to other invasive types, have been observed
in < 30% of the reported cases of PVC [46, 68]. ere was
one case of recurrent SCC after anaplastic transforma-
tion following radiation therapy [47]. erefore, close fol-
low-up for the early detection of any sign of recurrence
requiring additional resection is essential after a less
aggressive treatment, such as local excision. In our study,
all but 2 cases achieved tumor-free status during long
follow-up periods despite 7 cases of recurrence. Regard-
ing those 2 cases, 1 was suspected as malignant trans-
formation after radiotherapy to anaplastic spindle cell
carcinoma [47] and the other was the previously men-
tioned lymph node metastasis case that eventually failed
treatment and required total penectomy due to partial
response after chemotherapy [35].
Despite the favorable clinical behavior of PVC and the
many studies emphasizing less aggressive treatments, the
use of aggressive treatment was predominantly reported
in the 2010s. However, we do not think that this reflects
the recent treatment trends because the timing of the
reported treatment does not represent the actual clinical
practice at the time.
However, information is still lacking about the associa-
tion between treatment and tumor condition, evidence of
which could lead us to define an appropriate guideline. Due
to the limitations of a literature review, controllable fac-
tors were often undetermined. us, we recommend that
future studies always include a unified scale for multiple
factors including tumor condition and functional outcome.
is mission will require long discussions and consensus of
many experts. Despite this limitation, we believe that our
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Joetal. BMC Urol (2021) 21:13
findings are meaningful since this is the first review of diag-
nostic and treatment trends of PVC, a rare condition.
e review performed here revealed that PVC tends not
to recur or metastasize after resection but that surgical
treatment tends to remove too much tissue. However, in
most cases of local excision, the wound heals well and local
recurrence rarely occurs. erefore, considering the abil-
ity of local excision with minimal surgical margins to spare
the functional and cosmetic aspects of the penile shaft and
glans penis, we recommend it as the first-line choice of
treatment with observation, especially for tumors measur-
ing < 3cm and classified as stage T1 according to the 2016
tumor node metastasis clinical and pathological classifica-
tion for penile cancer.
HPV: Human papilloma virus; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PCR: Poly-
merase chain reaction; PVC: Penile verruca carcinoma; SCC: Squamous cell
carcinoma; TNM: Tumor node metastasis.
We would like to thank Editage (www.edita for English language
Authors’ contributions
HK have made substantial contributions to the conception of the work; SH, SK,
HYK and HC have made substantial contributions to the acquisition and analy-
sis of data; DJ have made substantial contributions to the design of the work
and the interpretation of data and have drafted the work and substantively
revised it. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent to publish
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Author details
1 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Konkuk University School
of Medicine, Chungju, Republic of Korea. 2 Department of Anesthesiology
and Pain Medicine, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Chungju, Republic
of Korea. 3 Department of Urology, Konkuk University School of Medicine,
Gukwon-daero 82, 27376 Chungju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea.
Received: 3 January 2020 Accepted: 21 December 2020
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... WLE is the treatment of choice for genital verrucous carcinomas; however, this was a complex case. 7 First, the rapid onset of the lesion raises the possibility of a triggering role of the patient's immunosuppressants. Disease flare with dose reduction resulted in the reluctance of the surgical team to perform excision, resulting in the need for alternative therapies until a WLE could be performed. ...
Full-text available
Giant condyloma of Buschke-Lowenstein (GCBL) is often considered a low-grade verrucous carcinoma with the potential for local aggression, little risk of metastasis and association with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. 29 1-4 We report a case of GCBL in a patient with pemphigus vegetans on high-dose immunosuppressants, successfully treated with intratumoral and systemic HPV vaccine.
Full-text available
Verrucous Carcinoma is a rare but well-differentiated variant of penile squamous cell carcinoma. Its clinical presentation is usually that of an exophytic cauliflower-like lesion with a broad-based growth pattern. We herein report the case of a 61-year-old man who presented with a giant verrucous carcinoma occupying the dorsal surface of the penile shaft. The patient underwent penile-sparing surgery, achieving both disease control and organ preservation. We discuss relevant issues, including clinical features, diagnosis, surgical management, and prognosis and we review the rather sparse literature regarding this rare lesion.
Full-text available
Penile verrucous carcinoma is known for its favorable biologic behavior and lack of metastatic potential. For preservation of function, treatment has been focused on partial penectomy. Despite partial penectomy for preservation of minimal functional and aesthetic aspects, patients have experienced psychosexual problems. A 73-year-old man had a cauliflower-like verrucous carcinoma on the penile glans and coronary sulcus diagnosed by using excisional biopsy. He underwent degloving excision to save the penile shaft and glans penis. Surgical margin was 3 mm. He had been tumor-free at the 2-year follow-up. For maximum preservation of the functional and aesthetic aspects, we recommend degloving excision.
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Mr AB, âgé de 44 ans, sans antécédents particuliers. Il avait consulté pour des néoformations de la verge évoluant depuis 1 an, accompagné de signes urinaires à type de dysurie et pollakiurie, dans un contexte d'apyrexie et de conservation de l'état général. L'examen des organes génitaux externes mettait en évidence 3 tumeurs fixes, exophytiques, rouges, en "chou-fleur", à centre blanchâtre ulcéré. L'IRM pelvienne montrait une importante infiltration des deux corps caverneux et de l'urètre. Les biopsies ont mis en évidence une tumeur bien différenciée avec prolifération épithéliale papillomateuse et hyperkératose, sans anomalies cytonucléaires. Le patient a subi une pénectomie totale avec dérivation urinaire par urétrostomie périnéale. L'examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire a confirmé le diagnostic de carcinome verruqueux de la verge. L'évolution était favorable, avec un recul de 18 mois, sans récidive locale.
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Cancer is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects. Verrucous carcinoma is a peculiarly slow evolving, but relentlessly expanding variant of epidermoid carcinoma that is extremely reluctant to metastasize. A 60-year-old unmarried male patient presented with urethral discharge of 3 weeks duration. Dorsal slit of the prepuce revealed an ulceroproliferative growth measuring 3 cm × 3 cm arising from prepuce and involving glans. Biopsy from the growth in the prepuce showed histopathological features of verrucous carcinoma. Partial amputation of the penis was done. Human papillomavirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction was negative. The patient was started on antiretroviral therapy.
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Penile verrucous carcinoma is an extremely rare disease that, at present, has not been well characterized. The etiology, diagnosis and treatment of this carcinoma remain poorly understood, particularly in the Chinese population. The aim of the present study was to discuss the methods of diagnosis and treatment of penile verrucous carcinoma in the Chinese population. The clinical and pathological data of 10 patients with penile verrucous carcinoma were analyzed alongside a literature review. All the tumors were exophytic papillary lesions, ranging between 0.4 and 4 cm in diameter and all 10 patients underwent partial penectomy with tumor-negative surgical margins. None of the 10 patients underwent ilioinguinal lymphadenectomy. All patients were regularly followed up for 0.7-9 years, which revealed that no patients developed recurrence, and only one case resulted in mortality due to unassociated causes. It was found that penile verrucous carcinoma is a well-differentiated disease with low malignant potential and locally aggressive features, which seldom metastasizes to regional lymph nodes or distant regions. However, misdiagnosis may occur due to an incorrect biopsy. Favorable outcomes can be achieved by surgery, even without any adjuvant therapy, but patients should be carefully followed up.
Background: Verrucous carcinoma in penis is a rare disease characterized by verrucous lesions. The traditional methods for verrucous carcinoma resulting in loss of sexual function are not satisfactory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and effect of topical aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy in the treatment of verrucous carcinoma in penis. Materials and methods: In this study, four male patients, average age of (47 ± 7.58) years old, with penile verrucous carcinoma were treated with topical aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) combined with curettage. First, the lesions were removed under local anesthesia. Then, the first session of PDT was performed right away. Ten percent 5-ALA cream was applied to surface of the lesions with occlusive dressing for a 3-h incubation period and the lesions were irradiated for 10 min by using a 635-nm laser beam of 177 mW/cm2 intensity. The ALA-PDT was repeated after 1 and 3 weeks and two other treatments applied if necessary. Results: All patients were cured off treatments, only one case relapsed at 3 months. There was no other recurrence at 5 years off treatments. The satisfaction rate of patients was 75% at 3 months after treatments. Conclusions: Topical PDT is an effective and successful treatment modality for verrucous carcinoma in penis.
Objective: To explore the clinicopathological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of penile verrucous carcinoma (VC). Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data about 18 penile VC patients at the mean age of 52 (35-66) years. The tumors were cauliflower-like, measuring 2.5-8.7 cm in diameter, all with mucopurulentive discharge. A giant tumor invaded the perineum in 1 case, which had a history of surgical excision of penile condyloma acuminatum. The lesions invaded the glans penis in 2 cases, the shafts in 4 (all with a history of phimosis or redundant prepuce), and the whole penis in 11. Partial penectomy was performed for 2 cases with the proximal coronary sulcus involved and another 2 with the condylomata located in the glans penis and measuring <3.5 cm in diameter. Radical surgery was done for 2 cases of glans VC >3.5 cm in diameter, 11 cases with the whole penis involved, and 1 case with the perineum invaded. Results: Postoperative pathology showed well-differentiated tumor cells, negative surgical margins, papillary epithelia with hyperkeratosis and hyperplasia, and lymphocyte infiltration in the surrounding interstitial tissue in all the cases. Neither recurrence nor metastasis was found during the 1 to 8 years of follow-up. Conclusions: Penile VC is a special type of squamous cell carcinoma with little invasiveness and rare regional lymph node or distant metastasis, for the treatment of which partial penectomy or radical surgery confers good prognosis.
• A 71-year-old man with a penile verrucous carcinoma presenting as a large cutaneous horn is described. Both verrucous carcinoma and penile cutaneous horn are relatively uncommon entities and have not been previously reported to occur concomitantly. A brief review of the relevant medical literature and methods of therapy is included. (Arch Dermatol. 1990;126:1208-1210)
Background: Although penile cancer is rare in developed countries, it occurs more frequently in other parts of the world and causes significant morbidity and mortality. Objective: To review the current literature on the pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical presentation, staging, and treatment of premalignant and malignant tumors of the penis. Materials and methods: A literature review using PubMed was conducted searching for articles on penile malignancies. Results: The majority of penile cancers are in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas, although other rare tumors of the penis occur, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, extramammary Paget's disease, and soft tissue sarcomas. Conclusion: Physicians should be aware of the risk factors and clinical presentation of penile malignancies because early diagnosis is essential in effective management and cure. Accurate staging is imperative for risk stratification and treatment planning. Depending on the type of tumor, size of tumor, location, staging, and grading, treatment modalities vary and may include topical chemotherapy, surgical excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, laser excision or ablation, systemic chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
Penile squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and their corresponding precancerous lesions can be classified in 2 major groups: human papillomavirus (HPV) related and HPV unrelated. In the former (warty and basaloid SCC), there is a predominance of undifferentiated basaloid cells. In the latter (eg, usual, papillary, and verrucous SCC), the predominant cell is larger with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Based on these morphologic features, a new term, "penile intraepithelial neoplasia" (PeIN), was proposed. PeIN was further subclassified into differentiated and undifferentiated, with the latter being subdivided into basaloid, warty, and warty-basaloid subtypes. Macroscopically, PeIN subtypes are indistinguishable. Microscopically, differentiated PeIN is characterized by acanthosis, parakeratosis, enlarged keratinocytes with abundant "pink" cytoplasm (abnormal maturation), and hyperchromatic cells in the basal layer. In basaloid PeIN the epithelium is replaced by a monotonous population of uniform, small, round, and basophilic cells. Warty PeIN is characterized by a spiky surface, prominent atypical parakeratosis, and pleomorphic koilocytosis. Warty-basaloid PeIN show features of both warty and basaloid PeIN. There is a significant association of subtypes of PeIN with specific variants of invasive SCCs. This is a simple and reproducible nomenclature for penile precancerous lesions based on cell type and differentiation. It takes into account the similarities between vulvar and penile pathology and the hypothesis of a bimodal pathway of penile cancer progression.