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International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
International Journal Of Medicine And
Healthcare Reports
Contents lists available at
* Corresponding author.
Luisetto M, IMA academy Marijnskaya Natural Science
Branch, Italy 29121
E-mail address:
1. Introduction
Since the first stages of life evolution In the earth bio-aereosols
was an crucial environment. This kind of environment follow chemi-
cal-physics rules and are subjected to perturbation of this property. This
bio-aereosols contain various form of life sine also batceria , fungi but
also virus. Actual Covid-19 pandemia must to be analyzed under this
point of view: An bioaeresols that follow chemical-phisics law.
The rapid and logaritmisc explosion of cases in the second wave
in France, UK, Spain in a few time ( weeks) seem to show that not only
transmission. By direct contact and by droplets: also airborne must to
be deeply evalued. The lower PM particle in example penetrate inside
deeply in the lungs then higher and this factor can be related to the
severity of the disease.
But this chemical phisics properties of the link between virus and
carrier in Aereosol are correctly taken in consideration in the prevent-
ing strategies? Chemical physic properties of virus envelope can be re-
sponsible of the link with carrier but also to repulsion between virus
increasing Brownian moto.
Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers,
Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved
Luisetto M 1, Nili BA 2, Khaled Edbey 3, Mashori GR 4, Ahmed Yesvi Rafa 5, Oleg Yurevich Latishev 6
1IMA academy Marijnskaya Natural Science Branch, Italy 29121
2Innovative Pharmaceutical Product Development Specialist, USA
3Professor University of Benghazi Dep, of Chemistry
4Professor Department of Medical & Health Sciences for Woman, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Pakistan
5Founder and President, Yugen Research Organization; Undergraduate Student, Western Michigan University, MI, USA 49008
6IMA Academy president, RU
According Daniel Verreault et al : related the methods for sampling of air-
borne viruses:
Any microorganism, including viruses, can become airborne. Con-
taminated material can be aerosolized in many different ways, ranging
from wind to human and animal activities such as sneezing, mechani-
cal- processes, etc. If the aero-dynamic size of an infectious particle is
appropriate, it can remain airborne, come into contact with humans
or animals, and potentially cause an infection. The probability of an
airborne micro-organism-laden particle causing an infection depends
on its infectious- potential and its ability to resist the stress of aerosol-
ization. Many epidemiological- studies have proposed that viruses can
spread from one host to another by using air for transport. The capacity
of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus to spread by air has been
studied and reviewed over the years and is now being investigated us-
ing computer- models. One of these models predicted that in a “worst-
case scenario” of an FMD outbreak, cattle could be infected as far as 20
to 300 kilometers away from an infectious -source . Dispersion- models
based on meteorological -data and information on the spread of FMD
at the beginning of the 1967-68 epidemic in the UK strongly suggested
that the infection may have spread by the airborne- route over a dis-
tance of 60 km . Airborne- transmission of FMD was also reported to
have occurred during the 1982-1983 epidemic in Denmark. In the latter
Article history:
Received 09 January 2021
Accepted 28 January 2021
Revised 07 Febraury 2021
Available online 12 February 2021
Viral size
© 2021, D. Luisetto M*, Nili BA, Khaled Edbey, Mashori GR, Ahmed Yesvi Rafa, Oleg Yurevich Latishev. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited
Aim of this work is to evaluate the chemical-physical binding between some respiratory virus and their
carrier like particulate matter, water particles dust and other. This make possible to verify if a virus is
airborne or not and the forces that regulate the bioaereosol containing virus. The corona-virus enve-
lope whit their chemical -physical properties and electrical charge are fundamental to fully understand
properties, diffusion pattern, surviving and other relevant in spread of this respiratory disease. Medi-
cine, biology but also chemistry and physics can help in fight with such Pandemic disaster. The result
of this study are then useful in preventing strategy by public international health institution.
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
case, an analysis of epidemiological dynamics using molecular- meth-
ods coupled with meteorological data concluded that the infection had
spread by air over a distance of 70 km . Similarly, the results of a Canadi-
an study on an FMD epidemic reported that airborne- viruses may have
traveled 20 km down-wind from the contaminated source . a recent
study on the O/UKG/2001 strain of FMD virus indicated that it does not
spread efficiently between sheep by the airborne- route.
Other strains may behave differently. Airborne micro-organisms can
represent major health and economic- risks to human and animal -popu-
lations. Appropriate preventive actions can be taken if the threat posed
by such micro-organisms is better understood. Authorities need to be
aware of the nature, concentration, and pathogenicity of airborne-mi-
cro-organisms to better control them. This information can be obtained
by using various air sampling -methods, each of which has its particular
advantages and disadvantages. Many types of samplers and analytical
methods have been used over the years.
A virus can multiply only within a host- cell. Infected cells can spread
viruses directly into the surrounding- air (primary-aerosolization) or to
fluids and surfaces, which can become sources for airborne- transmis-
sion (secondary-aerosolization). Secondary-aerosolization can occur for
any virus, predominantly when air displacements or movements around
contaminated surfaces or fluids disperse the viruses into the air. It can
also occur by liquid- splashes, which can aerosolize viruses in liquids
or on surfaces. Almost any kind of disturbance of infected organisms
or materials, even the bursting of bubbles in sea-water, can produce
airborne, virus-laden particles. Farm-animals have also been studied for
their emission of airborne -viruses. The FMD virus, which is one of the
most widely studied airborne animal- viruses, has been detected in air
contaminated by infected- pigs and ruminants in both laboratory set-
tings and farm environments. This single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus of
the Picornaviridae family is excreted in all body fluids of infected animals
and can become airborne directly from the animals or from the second-
ary-aerosolization of deposited-viruses or virus-laden particles. Other
suspected sources of airborne -viruses, such as burning carcasses of in-
fected animals , have not yet been identified formally as true sources
because additional investigations are needed.
Poultry farms are also potential producers of virus-laden airborne-
particles. The exotic Newcastle- disease virus (Paramyxoviridae family)
was probably the first virus isolated from a naturally contaminated en-
vironment of poultry- houses sheltering infected birds. This 150-nm-di-
ameter ssRNA virus was detected in air samples from 2 farms during
an outbreak in Southern-California in 2002-2003. Air samples in and
around broiler poultry-houses have also been studied for the presence
of viruses such as Escherichia-coli bacteriophages, which are a fecal- con-
tamination tracer. Other animals, such as bats (rabies- virus) , rabbits
(rabbit poxvirus), and mice (polyomavirus), have been studied as sourc-
es of bio-aerosols. These viruses can be released into the air directly
from animals by their breathing, coughing, and sneezing or by second-
ary-aerosolization. It should be noted that the means of aerosolization
has a critical impact on the aerodynamic- size and, thus, on the behavior
of the airborne-particles. Given that virus-laden particles are a complex
mixture of various components (salts, proteins, and other organic and
inorganic- matter, including virus- particles), it is essential to realize
that the size of the viral -particle itself does not rule the airborne-par-
Another study investigating pigs- infected with Aujeszky’s disease-
virus (Herpesviridae family; about 150 nm in diameter; double-stranded
DNA [dsDNA] virus) found that the infectivity of the aerosols collected
in each stage of the three-stage impinger varied over time. The investi-
gators reported that the size- distributions of the aerosols in the three
stages were comparable on day 2 of the infection but that there was an
increase in infectivity associated with larger-particles on days 3 and 4.
no clear association has been made between aerosol- infectivity and a
particular size range. While single virus -particles exist in the air, they
tend to aggregate rapidly. Aggregation speed depends on the size-dis-
tribution of the airborne particles, the concentration of the aerosol, and
the thermo-dynamic conditions . infectious droplets exhaled by animals
shrink rapidly with the lower-humidity outside the respiratory-airway,
creating smaller aerosols. the size distribution of such naturally gen-
erated bio-aerosols depends on the sizes of the particles to which the
microorganisms bind. This binding may occur by diffusion, impaction,
interception, or electrostatic attraction.
Larger- particles may be relatively less hazardous than smaller ones.
It has been shown on pig farms that a visually clean environment may
be more contaminated by bio-aerosols than a visually dirty one ” [1].
“To our knowledge, the oldest study on the sampling of airborne
-viruses was performed with a laboratory setup using a chamber and an
artificially produced aerosol of influenza- virus “[1].
MK Ijaz, et al., The survival of airborne human-corona-virus 229E
(HCV/229E) was studied under different conditions of temperature (20
+/- 1 degree C and 6 +/- 1 degree C) and low (30 +/- 5%), medium
(50 +/- 5%) or high (80 +/- 5%) relative- humidities (RH). At 20 +/- 1
degree C, aerosolized HCV/229E was found to survive best at 50% RH
with a half-life of 67.33 +/- 8.24 h while at 30% RH the virus half-life
was 26.76 +/- 6.21 h. At 50% RH nearly 20% infectious- virus was still
detectable at 6 days. High RH at 20 +/- 1 degree C, it was found to
be the least- favourable to the survival of aerosolized- virus and under
these conditions the virus half-life was only about 3 h; no any virus
could be detected after 24 h in aerosol. At 6 +/- 1 degree C, in either
50% or 30% RH- conditions, the survival of HCV/229E was significantly-
Virus Optimal RH for maximum
infectivity Family Genetic material Size (nm) Envelope
Influenza virus Low Orthomyxoviridae ssRNA (−) 80-120 Yes
Newcastle disease virus Low Paramyxoviridae ssRNA (−) 150 Yes
Vesicular stomatitis virus Low Rhabdoviridae ssRNA (−) 60 × 200 Yes
Japanese encephalitis virus Low Flaviviridae ssRNA (+) 40-60 Yes
Porcine reproductive and respiratory
syndrome virus Low Arteriviridae ssRNA (+) 45-60 Ye s
Semliki Forest virus Low Togaviridae ssRNA (+) 70 Yes
Human corona-virus 229E Mid-range Coronaviridae ssRNA (+) 120-160 Ye s
Rotavirus Mid-range Reoviridae dsRNA 100 No
Pseudorabies virus Mid-range Herpesviridae dsDNA 200 Ye s
Rhinovirus High Picornaviridae ssRNA (+) 25-30 No
Poliovirus High Picornaviridae ssRNA (+) 25-30 No
Picornavirus High Picornaviridae ssRNA (+) 25-30 No
T3 coliphage High Podoviridae dsDNA 60 (capsid) No
Rhinotracheitis virus High Herpesviridae dsDNA 200 Ye s
St. Louis encephalitis virus All Flaviviridae ssRNA (+) 40-60 Ye s
Table 1: Effects of RH relative humidity on infectivity of a selection of airborne viruses
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
enhanced, with the decay -pattern essentially similar to that seen at 20
+/- 1 degree C. At a low- temperature and high RH (80%), the survival
pattern was completely reversed, with the HCV/229E half-life increasing
to 86.01 +/- 5.28 h, nearly 30 times that found at 20 +/- 1 degree C and
high RH. Although optimal survival at 6 degree C still occurred at 50%
RH, the pronounced stabilizing effect of low -temperature on the surviv-
al of HCV/229E at high RH indicates that the role of the environment on
the survival of viruses in air may be more complex and significant than
previously thought [2].
origin of viruses are divided into 2 opposite categories: those that attri-
bute virus origins to the early development of life, and those that pro-
pose that viruses arose when a cellular life was already in place. These
2 broad views that we may term “viruses without cells” and “viruses from
cells” are not irreconcilable, although reconstruction of ancestral- devel-
opments is challenging. They can be divided into 5 main theories not all
independent or mutually exclusive— which are summarized next.” [3].
Figure 1: As showed in this figure aereosol physics cover different
scientific discipline like Medicine, biology, chemistr y and also physics.
It is not possible to study a respiratory virus disease without not
consider also chemical physical properties in the interfaces of interac-
tion virus – carriers.
Figure 2: Related Bio-aerosols some references are of interest for the
scope of this work: According E. Domingo: A primitive RNA world.
A simplified -overview of a course of events that led to the origin
of biological systems is depicted in Figure 3. The prebiotic synthesis of
potential building blocks which might have been initiated earlier than
about 5000 million years ago renders plausible the existence of a pre-
RNA era that was then replaced by an RNA world in the late Hadean
early Archean periods on Earth. This stage should have been followed
by one in which RNA was complemented by DNA as a repository of ge-
netic- information. Polymers other than DNA and RNA are also capable
of encoding evolvable inheritable- information. Heterogeneous nucleic-
acid molecules (including mixtures of ribo and deoxyribo-polymers) can
give rise to functional nucleic acids. RNA-enzymes (ribozymes), such as
RNA ligases can evolve from random sequence RNAs. The critical polym-
erization -reaction involves the formation of a phosphor-diester bond
and release of pyro-phosphate—analogous to the reactions catalyzed
by the present-day RdRps and represent an incipient, primitive- anab-
olism. In support of a possible link between catalytic RNA-activities
and solid mineral- surfaces in the origin of life, the catalytic activity of
the hammerhead ribozyme of the Avocado Sun Blotch viroid was main-
tained when bound to the clay mineral montmorillonite.
Theories of the Origins of Viruses
Although not in a linear fashion, the number of nucleotides or base
pairs in the genetic- material that presumably reflects the amount of
genetic information relevant to confer phenotypic traits increased as
evolution led to differentiated organisms. The major theories of the
Figure 3: Two possible courses of events regarding when viruses first
appeared and participated in the evolution of the biosphere.
The scheme of time frames and major biological events (RNA- world,
first cells, and organisms) are those displayed in Figure 3. According
to the upper- diagram, viruses (or previrus-like entities) arose together
with the first (pre-cellular) replicating entities. According to the second
diagram, viruses (or pre-virus-like entities) arose when a cellular life had
already been established. Presence of virus is generically represented
by the external, thick, black curves. The internal red, wavy lines repre-
sent generation, dominance, and extinction of multiple viral- lineages
whose numbers and true dynamics will remain unknown. And in article
Airborne Infectious Micro-organisms L.D. Stetzenbach, in Encyclopedia
of Microbiology (Third Edition), 2009.
2. Bio-aerosols
A bio-aerosol is an airborne collection of biological- material. Bio-aero-
sols can be comprised of bacterial cells and cellular fragments, fungal spores
and fungal hyphae, viruses, and by-products of microbial metabolism. Pol-
len grains and other biological material can also be airborne as a bio-aero-
sol. Microbial aerosols are generated in outdoor and indoor environments
as a result of a variety of natural and anthroprogenic activities. Wind, rain
and wave splash, spray irrigation, waste water treatment activity, cooling
towers and air handling water spray systems, and agricultural process-
es such as harvesting and tilling are examples of activities that generate
bio-aerosols outdoors. Indoors bio-aerosols are generated and dispersed
mechanical and human activity. Industrial and manufacturing practices and
bio-fermentation procedures can generate high concentrations of microbial
-aerosols. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water
spray devices (showerheads and humidifiers), and cleaning (dusting, sweep-
ing, vacuuming, and mopping) result in the transport of microbial -materi-
als in the air. Talking and coughing generate bio-aerosols from individuals,
some of which may be infectious. Facilities with medical, dental, or animal
care practices can generate infectious microbial- aerosols.
The individual particle-size of particulate material in bio-aerosols is
generally 0.3–100 μm in diameter; larger particles tend to settle rapidly and
are not readily transported in the air. Virus particles are nanometer in size,
bacterial cells are approximately 1 μm in diameter, and fungal spores are
>1 μm. These micro-organisms can be dispersed in the air as single -units,
but are often present as aggregate -formations. The larger -aggregates have
different aerodynamic properties than single-cell units; therefore their dis-
persal may be different than single-unit particles. Aggregates of biological-
material also afford protection from environmental- stresses such as desic-
cation, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation ozone and other pollutants in
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
the atmosphere. Often bacterial -cells and virus particles are associated with
skin cells, dust, and other organic or inorganic- material. During agricultural
practices (during harvesting, and tilling), fungus spores are released from
plant surfaces and the soil and raft on other particulate matter. This ‘raft-
ing’ affects the aerodynamic characteristics and the survival of the cells in
the bio-aerosol. When biological material is dispersed from water sources (
splash, rainfall, or cooling towers and fountains), it is generally surrounded
by a thin layer of water. This moisture layer also changes the aero-dynamic
properties and aids in the survivability of the micro-organisms while air-
borne. Airborne- particulate will remain airborne until settling occurs or
they are inhaled. Following inhalation, large airborne particles are lodged
in the upper respiratory tract (nose and naso-pharynx). Particles <6 μm in
diameter are transported to the lung where the 1–2 μm particles have the
greatest retention in the alveoli.”
Prakriti Sharma Ghimire, et al. “Bio-aerosols such as airborne- bacteria,
fungal spores, pollen, and others possess diverse characteristics and effects.
A large gap exists in the scientific understanding of the overall physical-
characteristics and measurement of bio-aerosols. Consequently, this review
study aims to devise an appropriate approach to generate more scientific
knowledge of bio-aerosols” [4].
Beijing [China]: Local authorities have said that the novel corona-virus
can spread through direct transmission, contact- transmission, or aerosol
Shanghai officials reveal novel corona-virus transmission modesBy
Zhou Wenting in Shanghai | | Updated: 2020-02-08
“Confirmed transmission- routes of the novel-corona-virus include direct
transmission, contact transmission and aerosol -transmission, a Shanghai
official said on Saturday.
Aerosol transmission refers to the mixing of the virus with droplets in
the air to form aerosols, which causes infection after inhalation, according
to medical experts,” said Zeng Qun, deputy- head of the Shanghai Civil Af-
fairs Bureau.”
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7: Schematics of the experimental setup. (a) Experiments are con-
ducted in a bio-safety cabinet to keep all aerosolized- virus contained.
The setup includes a Collison-nebulizer to aerosolize using compressed-
air and viral solutions provided by a syringe pump. Tubing directs the
airborne viruses into the sampling unit (b): (1) our ESP sampler or (2)
gelatin- filters for comparison. A down-stream vacuum pump maintains
a constant flow and under pressure inside the ESP sampler. (b) Details
of the sampling units: (1) Our ESP sampler includes a three-electrode co-
rona discharge electrostatic- precipitator to capture the aerosol particle
directly into an integrated liquid collector with a miniaturized volume of
150 μL; (2) gelatin filters are used for comparative measurement of the
total amount of virus effectively entering the ESP -sampler after nebuli-
zation. The filters are housed in a specific cassette placed at the aerosol
-inlet.Ladhani L, Pardon G, Meeuws H, van Wesenbeeck L, Schmidt K,
Stuyver L, et al. (2017) Sampling and detection of airborne influenza vi-
rus towards point-of-care applications.
According the new York times 5 oct 2020 Apoor va Mandavilli: 239 Experts
With One Big Claim: The Corona-virus Is Airborne
“The WHO has resisted mounting evidence that viral- particles floating
indoors are infectious, some scientists say. The agency maintains the re-
search is still in-conclusive”.
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
It Is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of Corona-virus Disease 2019
Lidia Morawska, et al. We appeal to the medical-community and to the
relevant national and international bodies to recognize the potential for
airborne spread of corona-virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is signif-
icant potential for inhalation -exposure to viruses in microscopic- respira-
tory droplets (micro-droplets) at short to medium distances (up to several
meters, or room scale), and we are advocating for the use of preventive
-measures to mitigate this route of airborne- transmission. Studies by the
signatories and other researcher- scientists have demonstrated beyond any
reasonable doubt that viruses are released during exhalation, talking, and
coughing in micro-droplets small enough to remain aloft in air and pose a
risk of exposure at distances beyond 1–2 m from an infected- individual . at
typical indoor-air velocities , a 5-μm droplet will travel tens of meters, much
greater than the scale of a typical room, while settling from a height of 1.5 m
to the floor. Several retrospective- studies work conducted after the severe
acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 1 (SARS-CoV-1) epidemic demon-
strated that airborne- transmission was the most likely mechanism explain-
ing the spatial- pattern of infections . Retrospective- analysis has shown the
same for severe -acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) .
In particular, a study in their review of records from a Chinese- restaurant
observed no evidence of direct or indirect -contact between the 3 parties.
In their review of video records from the restaurant, they observed no evi-
dence of direct or indirect -contact between the 3 parties.
Many research studies conducted on the spread of other viruses, in-
cluding respiratory- syncytial virus (RSV), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Corona-virus (MERS-CoV) , and influenza , show that viable airborne- virus-
es can be exhaled and/or detected in the indoor- environment of infected
patients . This poses the risk that people sharing such environments can
potentially inhale these viruses, resulting in infection and disease.
There is every reason to expect that SARS-CoV-2 behaves similarly, and
that transmission via airborne micro-droplets is an important pathway. Vi-
ral-RNA associated with droplets <5 μm has been detected in air , and the
virus has been shown to maintain infectivity in droplets of this size. Other
viruses have been shown to survive equally well, if not better, in aerosols
compared to droplets on a surface . The current guidance from numerous
international and national- bodies focuses on hand-washing, maintaining
social- distancing, and droplet precautions. Most public health -organi-
zations, including the WHO, do not recognize airborne- transmission ex-
cept for aerosol-generating procedures performed in healthcare settings.
Hand-washing and social- distancing are appropriate but, in our view, insuf-
ficient to provide protection from virus-carrying respiratory-micro-droplets
released into the air by infected people. This problem is especially acute
in indoor or enclosed- environments, particularly those that are crowded
and have inadequate ventilation relative to the number of occupants and
extended exposure periods. airborne -transmission appears to be the only
plausible explanation for several super-spreading events investigated that
occurred under such conditions , and others where recommended precau-
tions related to direct -droplet transmissions were followed” [5].
3. Materials And Methods
Whit an observational point of view some relevant literature are
analyzed and After producing an experimental hypotesys a global con-
clusion is submitted to the researcher. All literature comes from bio-
medical databases ( Pubmed and other opens journal) Some Preprint
are included in reference due to the need to have rapid scientific data in
actual second wave of Covid-19 pandemia.
4. Results
From literature:
Airborne Particulate Matter and SARS-CoV-2 Partnership: Virus
Hitchhiking, Stabilization and Immune Cell Targeting — A Hypothesis
Z. Shadi Farhangrazi, Giulio Sancini, A. Christy Hunter and Seyed Moein
Figure 8
Figure 9
Tatiana Borisova, et al. interaction of SARS-CoV-2 envelope with PM
is possible in water surrounding. After drying, PM can serve as a carrier
for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 immobilized at their surface. PM and
SARS-CoV-2 per se can enter human organism during nasal- inhalation,
and they both use the same nose-to-brain delivery path-ways moving
along axons directly to the brain, influencing the nervous system and
exocytosis/endocytosis in nerve cells. Thus, PM can aggravate neuro-
logicalsymptoms of SARS-CoV-2 and vice versa, due to their identical
nose-to-brain delivery mechanism and possible interference of neu-
ronal effects. different types of PM because of their ability to interact
with the plasma -membranes of nerve cells can facilitate unspecific
SARS-CoV-2 entrance to the cells, and can influence envelope features
of SARS-CoV-2. Detailed studies are required to analyze interaction of
SARS-CoV-2 withPM [7]
Nguyen Thanh Tung, et al, Viable avian influenza viral RNA was
found in PM up to 60 m downwind of commercial turkey farms using
reverse-transcription (RT)-PCR and culture techniques. Influenza viral-
RNA was detected in air samples collected approximately 2 km from
the farms . A research study in the US reported that PM10 had higher
estimated concentrations of avian influenza virus than PM2.5, but PM2.5
may be further aerially transported. That work also reported transmis-
sion of the avian influenza virus via PM2.5 within a state and between
states . Viruses may be adsorbed through coagulation onto PM and re-
main airborne for hours or days, thereby increasing inhaled concentra-
tions of virus via PM in the lungs. PM2.5 may provide a good platform to
“shade” and “carry” the SARS-CoV-2 during atmospheric- transport. PM
containing SARS-CoV-2 could be a direct- transmission model in a highly
polluted area [8].
Luigi Sanità di Toppi, et al. “One notable feature of all particulates
PM is that they can convey (and release) toxic molecules and/or mi-
cro-organisms and/or spores and/or viral particles. These components
can be absorbed or adsorbed by the particulate particles, depending
on whether they enter them (where they are potentially solubilized), or
whether they bind to the external surface. the particles can be broken,
thus multiplying their polluting and carrying power. Particulate matter,
especially fine/ultrafine/nano-particles, can enter the bronchi and the
lung alveoli as well as the blood (both plasma and erythrocytes), the
coronary- arteries, the heart, the lymphatic system, and, ultimately, al-
most all organs, with serious or very serious consequences for health
(carcinogenic and/or teratogenic effects).
PM of various sizes can penetrate the respiratory tract, in some cas-
es up to the pulmonary alveoli. The particulate matter of various sizes
can penetrate the respiratory tract, in some cases up to the Pulmonary
alveoli [9].
Nikolai Nikitin, et al. The human- infectious dose of the influenza- A
virus, when administered by aerosol to subjects free of serum neutraliz-
ing antibodies, ranges between 1.95 × 103 and 3.0 × 103 viral particles.
To determine the concentration of virus -particles in the air, the RT-PCR
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
method is often used. However, RT-PCR analysis provides information
on the total number of viral particles, but not on the number of in-
fectious particles. Influenza virus genomic segments are chosen and
packaged at random, whereby only parts of the virions are infectious.
According to various scientific publications, data about the influence
of the virus subtype on the effectiveness of influenza transmission are
contradictory. The subtype-specific differences in influenza virus trans-
mission were observed in animal models, and recipient animals did
not exhibit a preexisting influenza virus specific immune response the
pathogenicity of a virus subtype depends on the immune- status of the
recipients (human). The second point is (when) how recently viruses of
the same subtype circulated in the population previously.
In research studies conducted by Alford. et al., volunteers were ex-
posed to carefully titrated aerosolized influenza virus suspensions by
inhaling through a face mask. The demonstration of infection in partic-
ipants of the study was achieved by recovery of infectious viruses from
throat swabs, taken daily, or by sero-conversion, that is, the develop-
ment of neutralizing antibodies.
The use of carefully titrated viral- stocks enabled the determination
of the minimal -infectious dose by aerosol inoculation. The approximate
50% human- infectious dose (HID50-50% human infectious dose) of virus
per volunteer was from 1 to 126 TCID50 (the tissue culture 50% infec-
tious dose). The dose for half of the volunteers was 5 TCID50. The other
half of the men, who had very low or non-detectable pre-inoculation
antibody titers, were infected with 0.6 to 3 TCID50. The study reliably
shows that the human -infectious dose of the influenza- A virus, when
administered by aerosol to subjects free of serum neutralizing antibod-
ies, is approximately 3 TCID50. The approaches used in this study allow
the precise number of infectious- particles in the total number of par-
ticles to be determined.Ward, with co-workers, confirmed experimen-
tally that three log10 copies/mL corresponded to 1 TCID50/mL. That is,
one TCID50/mL contains 1000 copies of the viral genome.According to
other reports, the aerosol infection dose for humans was about 1.95 ×
103 viral genome copies, for approximately 300–650 copies of human-
influenza viruses were contained in 1 TCID50, according to previous
studies . During the 2009-2010 influenza- season (from December to
April), Yang, with coworkers, collected samples from a health centre, a
day-care centre, and airplanes. The concentrations of airborne influen-
za viruses (A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) and A/swine/Minnesota/1145/2007 (H3N2))
were measured. The influenza A virus RNA was quantified by RT-PCR.
Fifty percent of the samples collected contained the influenza A virus,
with concentrations ranging from 5.8 × 103 to 3.7 × 104 genome cop-
ies per m3. The average concentration of the virus was 1.6 ± 0.9 × 104
genome copies per m3, corresponding to 35.4 ± 21.0 TCID50 per m3
air. According to Yang et al. , 1 TCID50 of A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) stock was
equivalent to 2.1 × 103 genome- copies, and the ratio for the pandemic
A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) strain was determined to be 452 ± 84 ge-
nome copies per TCID50.
Using the measured airborne -virus concentration and an adult
breathing- rate, Yang, with colleagues , estimated the inhalation doses
during exposures of 1 h (e.g., the duration of a clinical visit), 8 h (a work-
day), and 24 h to be 1.35 × 104, 1.06 × 105, and 3.2 × 106 viral- particles
(or 30 ± 18, 236 ± 140, and 708 ± 419 TCID50), respectively. Compared
with the aerosol HID50 0.6–3 TCID50 , these doses are adequate to in-
duce infection. In other words, over 1 h, the inhalation dose is estimat-
ed to be 30 ± 18 TCID50 or about 16 000 particles of the influenza A
-virus, which is more than enough to induce infection” (10)
Byung Uk Le, Corona-virus-Bio-aerosols Artificially- generated aero-
sols carrying corona-viruses have been studied with testing their sta-
bility. First, the Middle East -respiratory syndrome corona-virus (MERS-
CoV) was aerosolized for 10 min and its viability was measured at 40%
and 70% relative humidity (RH) conditions . The results revealed that
MERS-CoV was stable at 40% RH. the virus viability was significantly lost
at 70% RH. Second, SARS-CoV-2 was aerosolized for 3 hours and its vi-
ability was analyzed. It was found that the virus was viable even after
3 hours, with limited loss of viability. Corona virus genetic- materials
in the air have been detected in several research studies. In a study by
Azhar, et al., in Saudi- Arabia, the MERS-CoV genome was detected in an
air sample from a camel barn of an infected patient . In Wuhan (China)
and Nebraska (US), SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid tests conducted on air- sam-
ples gave positive results at an intensive care unit of a hospital in Wuhan
(China) and in a patient room of a university medical center in Nebraska
(US). In Florida (US), SARS-CoV-2 was detected in air samples at the Stu-
dent Health Care Center at the University of Floridavia RT–PCR analysis.
In this study in Florida, the SARS-CoV-2 concentration was estimated to
be 0.87 virus genomes/L air. in a study by Chia et al. in Singapore, SARS-
CoV-2 was detected in air samples from the airborne- infection isolation
rooms of infected patients via RT–PCR analysis and ORFlab assay. In a
study by Liu (2020), SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in air samples from
hospitals and public areas, such as department stores, in Wuhan (Chi-
na) . The detection of corona virus genes in air samples implies that it
is highly probable that corona-virus bio-aerosols were present at the
sampling locations. In a study by Lednicky. et al., the isolation of viable
SARS-CoV-2 from air- samples of the surroundings (2 to 4.8 m away) of
patients in a hospital was reported in Florida (US) [11].
Estimated minimum. size of particles (assuming homogenous dis-
tribution of viruses in released respiratory fluid particles and virus size
of 0.09 μm) potentially carrying SARS-CoV-2 and corresponding aerosol
suspension times.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
Michael Riediker, et al., “The mean estimated viral load in mi-
cro-droplets emitted by simulated- individuals while breathing- regu-
larly was 0.0000049 copies/cm3, with a range of 0.0000000049 to 0.637
copies/ cm3. The corresponding estimates for simulated coughing in-
dividuals were a mean of 0.277 copies/cm3 per cough, with a range of
0.000277 to 36 030 copies/cm3 per cough. The estimated concentra-
tions in a room with an individual who was coughing- frequently were
very high, with a maximum of 7.44 million copies/m3 from an individual
who was a high emitter. regular breathing from an individual who was
a high emitter was modeled to result in lower- room concentrations of
up to 1248 copies/m3. In this modeling research study, breathing and
coughing were estimated to release large numbers of viruses, ranging
from thousands to millions of virus- copies per cubic meter in a room
with an individual with COVID-19 with a high viral load, depending on
ventilation and micro-droplet formation process. The estimated infec-
tious risk posed by a person with typical viral load who breathes normal-
ly was low. The results suggest that only few people with very high viral
load pose an infection risk in poorly ventilated closed -environments.
These findings suggest that strict respiratory protection may be needed
when there is a chance to be in the same small room with an individual,
whether symptomatic or not, especially for a prolonged- period [12].
Marcelo I. Guzman, Various deposition mechanisms can exist, in-
cluding inertial impaction, gravitational settling, Brownian motion,
turbulent deposition, interception, and electrostatic attraction. The
smallest particles (8 μm) are size dependently deposited from the nasal
passage to the bronchioles. Multiple factors, (age, weight, sex, physical
activity level, and disease state) impact respiration and deposition pro-
files . Larger- particles can be inhaled into the respiratory tract under
exertion breathing because the oral cavity is larger and results in by-
passing of the nasal- cavity filtration mechanism [13].
Silvia Comunian. et al., The avian influenza -virus (H5N1) could be
transported across long distances by fine dust during Asian- storms,
and the correlation between PM concentration and the virus spread has
been observed in the case of the spread of measles in China. PM2.5 con-
centrations in 21 Chinese -cities and the number of measles cases per
day per city were studied. The analysis showed a positive correlation
between those 2 factors. The 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 per day is as-
sociated with a significant rise in the disease- incidence. A similar anal-
ysis of the children’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) spread in China in
2015 shows the same correlation. RSV is a virus that causes damage to
the lungs and bronchitis. A positive -correlation between the virus and
PM- concentration was observed. In fact, pollution increases the risk of
RSV- infection.
A 2018 analysis, carried out in the Po Valley, associates hospitaliza-
tions and the number of new RSV cases with PM10 concentration. The
data for the analysis were collected by ARPA (Regional Environmental
Protection Agency) in the region. The results of this analysis showed
that, in the designated period, the highest number of hospitalizations
occurred in Milan, the city that had reached the maximum concentra-
tion of PM10. This study also shows a correlation between short and
medium term PM10 exposures ( in the two weeks preceding hospital
admission) and increased risk of hospitalization owing to RSV- bron-
chiolitis among infants. There are several mechanisms by which PM in-
duces an increase in infected cases. A mechanism can be that the virus
is bound to particles and transported, if favored by climatic- conditions
Tatiana Borisova. et al., CoVs are large enveloped non-segmented
positive-sense RNA viruses. Viral- envelopes consist of proteins and lipid
components, and enveloped -viruses require the fusion of their lipid- en-
velope with the host cell membrane to entry the infected- cells interac-
tion of SARS-CoV-2 envelope with PM is possible in water -surrounding.
After drying, PM can serve as a carrier for transmission of SARS-CoV-2
immobilized at their surface. In this research study, we have suggested
that lipid- constituents of the viral envelope can be very important for
unspecific interaction of viral particles with different surfaces, including
air -pollution particulate matter- (PM). It should be emphasized that this
interaction capability can be inherent mainly to enveloped viruses. it
was confirmed that air- pollution PM can travel across border for a long
-distance and inhalation with fine and ultrafine- PM (the aerodynamic
diameter is less than 2.5 μm and 0.1 μm, respectively) is associated
with many diseases, including neurological ones . The effect of fine dust
-concentrations in the air in the Republic of Korea (2016–17) on the in-
cidence of viral respiratory- infections caused by the human -corona-vi-
rus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus,
rhinovirus, human bocavirus, human parainfluenza virus, and influenza-
virus was investigated. It was concluded that when the weekly average
concentration of fine dust increased, the incidence of infections by the
human-corona-virus, human meta-pneumovirus, adenovirus, human bo-
cavirus, human- parainfluenza virus, and influenza also increased . In
the USA, the majority of the positive cases of highly pathogenic avian
influenza (HPAI) H5N2 might have received airborne virus carried by
fine air pollution PM, and these results provide insights into the risk of
airborne transmission of HPAI virus via fine dust- particles.
In Beijing, China, association between daily PM2.5 (PM with size
lesser than 2.5 μm) and influenza-like illness ILI risk was investigated
using a generalized additive model. A strong positive- relationship be-
tween PM2.5 and ILI risk at the flu season was established, but the ef-
fect of PM2.5 differed across age groups [15].
Sima Asadi. et al., These results show that dried influenza virus re-
mains viable in the environment, on materials like paper tissues and on
the bodies of living animals, long enough to be aerosolized on non-re-
spiratory dust particles that can transmit infection through the air to
new mammalian hosts [15].
Figure 12: Schematic for Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) experi-
ments to quantify the airborne particulates generated by awake,
un-restrained (mobile) guinea- pigs (GP) (Supplementary Figure 1 (B)
Representative instantaneous particle emission- rate (left axis) and
instantaneous guinea pig movement velocity (right axis) vs. time
for a mobile guinea pig in a cage with granular dried corncob (CC)
bedding. (C) Time averaged particle emission rate over 1 min (N¯(1))
(N¯(1)) vs. time averaged guinea pig movement velocity over 1 min
(V¯(1))(V¯(1)). Solid line is the power law fit with exponent 0.93, cor-
relation coefficient 0.80, and p-value 9.6 × 10−15. (D) Schematic for
APS experiments to measure the particulates produced by anesthe-
tized or euthanized (stationary) guinea pigs. (E) Particle emission
rates, time-averaged over 15 min (N¯(15))(N¯(15)), for three mobile
guinea pigs (GP1, GP2, and GP3). Gray markers denote background
particle counts without a guinea pig in the cage with different bed-
dings (dried corncob granulas (CC), polar fleece-covered absorbent
pads (PF), or no bedding (No) on the plastic- cage floor).(F) Measure-
ments of the particle emission- rates, time-averaged over 15 min
(N¯(15))(N¯(15)), for stationary guinea -pigs, performed prior to inoc-
ulation (day 0) and on days 1, 2, and 3 post-inoculation with influen-
za A/Panama/2007/1999 (H3N2) (Pan99) virus, and after euthanasia.
Horizontal- gray dashed line denotes background particle counts of
empty -cage. Particle emission rates are the total of all particles de-
tected in the size range of 0.3–20 μm in diameter.
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
5. Science News
From research organizations Research exposes new vulnerability for
SARS-CoV-2 Electrostatic interactions enhance the spike protein’s bond
to host cells August 11, 2020 Northwestern University.
The spike protein contains the virus’ binding- site, which adheres
to host cells and enables the virus to enter and infect the body. Using
nanometer level simulations, the researchers discovered a positively-
charged site (known as the polybasic cleavage site) located 10 nano-
meters from the actual binding site on the spike protein. The positively
charged site allows strong bonding between the virus protein and the
negatively charged human-cell receptors.
Leveraging this discovery, the researchers designed a negative-
ly -charged molecule to bind to the positively- charged cleavage site.
Blocking this site inhibits the virus from bonding to the host cell [17]
Sandhya Verma, et al., The corona-virus-nucleocapsid (N) protein is
a multifunctional viral- gene product that encapsidates the RNA genome
and also plays some as yet not fully defined role in viral RNA replication
and/or transcription. A number of conserved negatively charged amino-
acids are located within domain III in the carboxy end of all corona virus
N proteins. Previous studies suggested that the negatively charged res-
idues are involved in virus assembly by mediating interaction between
the membrane (M) protein carboxy tail and nucleocapsids Corona vi-
rus N proteins are phosphorylated. The proteins are highly basic, with
isoelectric points (pI) of 10.3 to 10.7. A three domain structure for the
protein has been proposed based on early sequence comparisons of
MHV strains. The amino terminal and central domains of all corona
virus N proteins exhibit an overall positive charge, whereas the carboxy
terminal domain is acidic. Conservation of negatively charged amino
acids within the carboxy ends of all corona virus N proteins suggests
that the residues are functionally relevant. data from an earlier study
suggest that the carboxyl end of the protein mediates interaction with
the M protein during assembly, and the charged resides within the re-
gion were hypothesized to possibly facilitate the interaction. Within the
carboxy-terminal 22 amino- acids of the MHV-CoV N protein there are
eight negatively -charged residues [18].
spike (S) glycoprotein exhibits 76% amino -acid sequence identity with
the SARSCoV S (Urbani strain) and 80% identity with S proteins of bat
SARSr-CoV ZXC21 and ZC45.
1,2 CoV S-glycoproteins form club-shaped trimers and decorate the
viral membrane, 3 giving corona virus virions their characteristic mor-
phology. As a substantial component of the outer surface of the virion,
S likely plays a critical role in adsorption of viruses onto the solid- sur-
faces under various environmental conditions.
For further clarification, Figure 14A depicts a central -slice through
an electron micrograph of mouse hepatitis- virus, which exhibits the
presence of S on the virion- surface. Viruses adsorb to surfaces through
2 main mechanisms, van der Waals (mainly mineral surfaces and, more
importantly, electrostatic- interactions (charged surfaces in the pres-
ence of ions and or not neutral pH11–13). These 2 forces dictate the
adsorption of viruses to surfaces. Although the interplay between these
2 forces is difficult to separate, indications of the interactions can be
determined from past data. Viruses tend to be more hydro-phobic than
proteins, thus they are attracted to metal- surfaces because of mainly
van der Waals interactions as well as hydro-phobic effects. their ability
to maintain the virus’s viability and allow it to remain infectious is more
of a function of the humidity and temperature, thus the surface energy
of the water molecules plays a large- role in the interaction between a
virus- particle and a surface.
SARS-CoV-2 virions can be adsorbed onto metal- surfaces ( gold
and stainless -steel) in addition to hydroxyl functional group- and oxy-
gen-containing substrates ( wood, cotton, paper, and glass) depending
on the surface chemistry and environmental -conditions ( bulk fluid pH,
surface charge, temperature, etc).Hydrogen bonding plays a key role in
the adsorption of viruses to the hydroxyl-containing surfaces and in the
presence of an aqueous phase thin film- layer. The strength of the bond
to the surface would be high in the presence of –O–H - - -O bonding,
particularly in pH environments where the carboxylic acid on the virus
is de-protonated (typically above a pH of 4). At neutral pH, most viral
particles have a net negative charge because they have an isoelectric
point below 7. However, due to the large- size of virus particles and
their large variety of surface- proteins, there are still multiple patches of
positive and negative charge in the pH range where viruses are stable
(typically from pH 5–8). NH2, NH3+, COOH, and COO groups of amino
acids in the SARS-CoV2 S-protein drive adsorption onto the solid surfac-
es through double electrostatic interactions between the virion’s ion-
ized surface-active species and the oppositely charged surfaces, as well
as hydrogen bonding based on the surface characteristics. at neutral
pH values, the negatively -charged virus particles would be adsorbed
significantly less on a stainless-steel surface because of electrostatic-
repulsion, given that both virion and substrate surface have negative
charges. With augmentation of the cation concentration, however, the
repulsion would be decreased, and the quantity of adsorbed viruses
would increase. Figure 14 presents the potential molecular- interactions
between the SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins and solid surfaces at different
pH values and fluid chemistries. As denoted in Figure 14 A, at pH values
below the isoelectric- point, the overall charge of SARS-CoV-2 could be
positive, given that both the carboxylate and amine groups on the outer
surface are protonated, and hydrogen bonding would be formed to hy-
droxyl-containing surfaces suchas wood, cotton, or paper.
At pH environments above the isoelectric- point , the outer surface
of virions would be deprotonated and therefore negatively- charged and
cannot be adsorbed on the surface with the same charge. According-
ly, lower virus -adsorption onto the surfaces would occur at higher pH
Instead, they can interact strongly with divalent and/or monovalent
cations if they existed in a brine electrolyte solution (more details are
presented in the following section). The charge and counterions from
the electrolyte could lead to thinner double layer and lower repulsion
forces, and again hydrogen bonding formed to surface hydroxyl groups,
which results in promoting the virus- adsorption process. The gold sur-
face of an electrode in the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) biosen-
sor, which works on the basis of the oscillating frequency alteration
could be employed for monitoring of the virus -surface adsorption and
desorption phenomena with or without the presence of negatively-
charged surface active species in the liquid- phase [20].
Figure 13: Illustration of the rationale of the electrical measurement
for virus titer measurement and classification.
(a) Virions- distributions inside the coaxial -resonator in the absence
of electric field. (b) Polarized-- virions when an electrostatic field is
applied. A coaxial resonator has an inner conductor (the +ve elec-
trode, where positive charges accumulate, +Q) surrounded by a hol-
low space that is surrounded by a conducting shield (−ve electrode,
where the negative- charges accumulate, −Q). (c) Schematic of the
polarized -virus particles inside an alternating current electric field.
From Virus -detection and quantification using electrical -parameters.
Mahmoud Al Ahmad et al, Edris Joonaki, et al. Corona-virus- ge-
nomes are comparatively large for RNA viruses and severe acute re-
spiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) encodes an extensive
complement of non-structural proteins (3-chymo-trypsin-like [3CL] pro-
tease, papain-like protease, etc.) as well as structural proteins as fol-
lows: spike (S) glycoprotein, envelope (E) glycoprotein, membrane (M)
glycoprotein, and nucleocapsid (N) phosphoprotein.1 The SARS-CoV-2
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
Energy landscape theory of SARS-CoV-2 complexes with Particulate
Matter. Gianluigi Zangari del Balzo This manuscript was compiled on
June 24, 2020 Preprinte ResearchGate
“The presence of multiple non-covalent interactions between SARS-
CoV-2 and PMs is a source of cooperativity between them. Only when
these interactions cooperate is a stable 235 single conformation pro-
duced, that of the complex [SARS-CoV- 2][PM]. The complex created
is therefore much stronger than might be expected from the sum of
their individual- strengths. This can explain the rapid spread of the pan-
demic in the areas of the greatest- pollution. This exceptional coopera-
tive optimization can also explain the severity and difficulty of treating
the forms of interstitial pneumonia that occur in Italy and worldwide.
But not only that, it could perhaps also help us understand the origin
and initial mutations of SARS-CoV-2” [22].
Figure 14: Molecular- Interactions at SARS-CoV-2 Viral Interfaces in Different Environmental Conditions- Model of the potential molecular in-
teractions among viruses and between virus and different solid- surfaces having negative -surface charge and/or hydroxyl functional groups at
(A) relatively low pH environment, below the isoelectric -point; (B) relatively high pH- condition, above isoelectric point in presence of external
ions (salts); and (C) way below the isoelectric point in the presence of potential chemistries (for removal from surface purposes) with negative-
surface charge.
Figure 15: Energy rugged funnel landscape for a realistic [SARS-CoV-
2][PMs] complex formation.
6. Experimental Project Hypotesis
In order to verify the effect of electrical charge on virus surface
and the entity of ligand force between virus and carriers ( in airborne
condition ) it is possible to think to 2 closed environment with virus in
aeresols or with carrier like particulate matter:
1) environment under standard condition
2) environament uder with modified condition (differente level low,-
moderate,high): Electrical charge influence, wind flux Chemical
phisic properties (pressure temperature) humidity and other that
can be applied.
After significative time exposure this aeresols must to be tested
to verify the PM particle viral binding whit specific nalitical method.
The PM must to be separated from the aereosol according their SIZE. A
Different data in the 2 enviroment show the influence on weak links on
virus interaction with PM.
7. Discussion
It is interesting that in airborne transmission the smaller particles
are more dangerous then the larger ones: The smaller particles can in-
troduce better in deep lungs zones since alveoli . See behavior of PM
2,5 vs PM 10. Chemical physical properties of virus surface are involved
in the link – binding whit carriers like PM. This link is also responsible
in the severity of disease. The composition and properties of virus sur-
face are directly linked with airborne Pattern. WHO officially recognized
direct contact and by droplet primary way of corona-virus transmission
while airborne less involved. But related the preventive measure adopt-
ed the great number of death worldwide are clearly explained?
8 . Conclusion
Some parametere are relevant in evaluating airborne profile of
some respiratory virus transmission. Many parameteres are involved
but also need to be deeply studied are: Virus size, evelope properties ,
electrical charge, chemical -physic intereaction between virus and car-
rieres, attractive forces and repulsion, weak binds this properties must
to be considered in adoption of preventive measure. Not only medicine
and biology but also chemistry and physic science can help in better
explain some characteristic of respiratory virus, the law that regulate
their diffusion and permanence time in aereols or linked with carrier.
Chemical composition of virus envelope, kind of chemical links with
carriers, Electrical charge, repulsion forces , and environmental factors
influence airborne characteristic of some respiratory virus as well as
time of permanence in aeresols. H- bindings, van der waals interations,
hydrophobic , electrostatic interactions are common weak link between
virus particles and carriers. It is to conclude that is not possible con-
trol a corona-virus pandemia without not consider this last factors. The
same severity of disease is related to the chemical -phisical link between
virus and PM and the therapeutic strategy also.
Luisetto M et al. / International Journal Of Medicine And Healthcare Reports
Luisetto M (2021) Bioaerosols and Corona Virus Diffusion, Transmission, Carriers, Viral Size, Surfaces Properties and other Factor Involved. Int J Med Healthcare Rep, 1(1); 1- 10
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Importance Individuals with asymptomatic or mild coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported to frequently transmit the disease even without direct contact. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has been found at very high concentrations in swab and sputum samples from such individuals. Objective To estimate the virus levels released from individuals with asymptomatic to moderate COVID-19 into different aerosol sizes by normal breathing and coughing, and to determine what exposure could result from this in a room shared with such individuals. Design, Setting, and Participants This mathematical modeling study combined the size-distribution of exhaled breath microdroplets for coughing and normal breathing with viral swab and sputum concentrations as approximation for lung lining liquid to obtain an estimate of emitted virus levels. Viral data were obtained from studies published as of May 20, 2020. The resulting emission data fed a single-compartment model of airborne concentrations in a room of 50 m³, the size of a small office or medical examination room. Main Outcomes and Measures Modeling was used to estimate the viral load emitted by individuals breathing normally or coughing, and the concentrations expected in the simulated room at different ventilation rates. Results The mean estimated viral load in microdroplets emitted by simulated individuals while breathing regularly was 0.0000049 copies/cm³, with a range of 0.0000000049 to 0.637 copies/cm³. The corresponding estimates for simulated coughing individuals were a mean of 0.277 copies/cm³ per cough, with a range of 0.000277 to 36 030 copies/cm³ per cough. The estimated concentrations in a room with an individual who was coughing frequently were very high, with a maximum of 7.44 million copies/m³ from an individual who was a high emitter. However, regular breathing from an individual who was a high emitter was modeled to result in lower room concentrations of up to 1248 copies/m³. Conclusions and Relevance In this modeling study, breathing and coughing were estimated to release large numbers of viruses, ranging from thousands to millions of virus copies per cubic meter in a room with an individual with COVID-19 with a high viral load, depending on ventilation and microdroplet formation process. The estimated infectious risk posed by a person with typical viral load who breathes normally was low. The results suggest that only few people with very high viral load pose an infection risk in poorly ventilated closed environments. These findings suggest that strict respiratory protection may be needed when there is a chance to be in the same small room with an individual, whether symptomatic or not, especially for a prolonged period.
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Sars-cov-2 virus (Covid-19) is a member of the coronavirus family and is responsible for the pandemic recently declared by the World Health Organization. A positive correlation has been observed between the spread of the virus and air pollution, one of the greatest challenges of our millennium. Covid-19 could have an air transmission and atmospheric particulate matter (PM) could create a suitable environment for transporting the virus at greater distances than those considered for close contact. Moreover, PM induces inflammation in lung cells and exposure to PM could increase the susceptibility and severity of the Covid-19 patient symptoms. The new coronavirus has been shown to trigger an inflammatory storm that would be sustained in the case of pre-exposure to polluting agents. In this review, we highlight the potential role of PM in the spread of Covid-19, focusing on Italian cities whose PM daily concentrations were found to be higher than the annual average allowed during the months preceding the epidemic. Furthermore, we analyze the positive correlation between the virus spread, PM, and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a receptor involved in the entry of the virus into pulmonary cells and inflammation.
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It is well-known that atmospheric pollution, first and foremost the particulate matter (PM), causes serious diseases in humans. China’s metropolises and Italy’s Po Valley have in fact achieved a concerning degree of notoriety thanks to runaway air pollution problems. The spread of viral respiratory diseases is facilitated in polluted environments, an example of which is the respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. In this opinion paper, we consider the possible relationship between air pollution, primarily airborne PM10–2.5, and the spread of the novel coronavirus in Northern Italy. If it is true that the novel coronavirus remains active from some hours to several days on various surfaces, it is logical to postulate that the same can occur when it is adsorbed or absorbed by the atmospheric particulate matter, which may also help carry the virus into the human respiratory system. As the Earth presents us with a very high bill to pay, governments and other authorities need to take prompt action to counter excessive pollution levels, both in Italy and in other countries.
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Bioaerosols are biologically originated particles present in the atmosphere that can be formed from any process involving biological materials. They comprise of both living and non-living components including organisms, dispersal methods of organisms, and excretions. Bioaerosols such as airborne bacteria, fungal spores, pollen, and others possess diverse characteristics and effects. A large gap exists in the scientific understanding of the overall physical characteristics and measurement of bioaerosols. Consequently, this review aims to devise an appropriate approach to generate more scientific knowledge of bioaerosols. In addition to comparisons and discussions about the various factors affecting bioaerosols, sampling, handling, and the application of various devised analytical techniques, this review offers insight into the current state of bioaerosol research. The review focuses on instrumental and methodical strategies to understand bioaerosol measurement. Numerous studies have investigated conventional methods, advanced methods, and real-time methods that can be applied for bioaerosol monitoring. Each method is different in terms of working principle, characteristics, sensitivity, and efficiency. For the first time, this review explains and compares different methods of conventional, offline, online, and real-time detection methods of bioaerosols based on their working principles, sensitivity, and efficiency on a single platform. This will provide a clear concept and better options for selecting the appropriate method based on the research proposal. Furthermore, recent advances are summarized, and future outlooks are emphasized for bioaerosol identification and categorization. This study also encourages developing affordable and standardized methods to avoid the inter-laboratory and sampling variability to obtain a better understanding and comparison of bioaerosol measurements worldwide. Nevertheless, this work can assist researchers in selecting appropriate methods for bioaerosol measurement and investigation.
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Here we identify and quantitate two similar viruses, human and feline immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and FIV), suspended in a liquid medium without labeling, using a semiconductor technique. The virus count was estimated by calculating the impurities inside a defined volume by observing the change in electrical parameters. Empirically, the virus count was similar to the absolute value of the ratio of the change of the virus suspension dopant concentration relative to the mock dopant over the change in virus suspension Debye volume relative to mock Debye volume. The virus type was identified by constructing a concentration-mobility relationship which is unique for each kind of virus, allowing for a fast (within minutes) and label-free virus quantification and identification. For validation, the HIV and FIV virus preparations were further quantified by a biochemical technique and the results obtained by both approaches corroborated well. We further demonstrate that the electrical technique could be applied to accurately measure and characterize silica nanoparticles that resemble the virus particles in size. Based on these results, we anticipate our present approach to be a starting point towards establishing the foundation for label-free electrical-based identification and quantification of an unlimited number of viruses and other nano-sized particles.
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Influenza is one of the most contagious and rapidly spreading infectious diseases and an important global cause of hospital admissions and mortality. There are some amounts of the virus in the air constantly. These amounts is generally not enough to cause disease in people, due to infection prevention by healthy immune systems. However, at a higher concentration of the airborne virus, the risk of human infection increases dramatically. Early detection of the threshold virus concentration is essential for prevention of the spread of influenza infection. This review discusses different approaches for measuring the amount of influenza A virus particles in the air and assessing their infectiousness. Here we also discuss the data describing the relationship between the influenza virus subtypes and virus air transmission, and distribution of viral particles in aerosol drops of different sizes.
The surface stability and resulting transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, specifically in indoor environments, have been identified as a potential pandemic challenge requiring investigation. This novel virus can be found on various surfaces in contaminated sites such as clinical places, however, the behaviour and molecular interactions of the virus with respect to the surfaces are poorly understood. Regarding this, the virus adsorption onto solid surfaces can play a critical role in transmission and survival in various environments. In this article, firstly an overview of existing knowledge concerning viral spread, molecular structure of SARS-CoV-2, and the virus surface stability is presented. Then, we highlight potential drivers of the SARS-CoV-2 surface adsorption and stability in various environmental conditions. This theoretical analysis shows that different surface and environmental conditions including temperature, humidity, and pH are crucial considerations in building fundamental understanding of the virus transmission and thereby improving safety practices.