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Empowering women's digital literacy with transformative learning: Reducing the gap in the T of STEM

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... • ACM International Conference Proceeding Series and Frontiers in Psychology: Both with 4 articles but a low h-index (1) and very few citations (1 and 6, respectively), this could indicate that they are emerging or niche sources in the field of open innovation and digital competencies [69][70][71][72]. ...
... Italy and Germany had a similar number of papers (21 and 16, respectively), but Germany had a higher citation total (125 versus Italy's 121), suggesting a profound influence on the academic community [29,[96][97][98]. Mexico and the Russian Federation demonstrate commitment in the field (16 and 15 documents, respectively), but with varying impact, as Mexico had 22 citations and Russia had none [70,[99][100][101]. Portugal, the United States, and France round out the list, with France standing out due to a high number of citations (167), despite having fewer documents (10), indicating highly influential research [69,[102][103][104][105]. ...
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This study explored both the evolution and the integration of digital competencies within the context of open innovation, emphasizing the impact of technological advances across various sectors. The goal was to analyze documents indexed in Scopus from 2017 to 2023 using a quantitative and bibliometric approach. The methodology employed RStudio version 4.3.2 and Microsoft Excel 365 for data analysis, focusing on variables such as documents per year, h-index, total citations, and academic sources. The findings indicated a significant increase in research, highlighting a diversity of approaches, a trend towards international collaboration, and an evolution from basic concepts to complex applications, particularly the integration of digitization with sustainability and innovation. This research underscores the transformation of the business sector through digital competencies in open innovation and suggests further exploration into the effects of the pandemic on digital competencies, the role of artificial intelligence, the digital competencies-sustainable development relationship, and their application across different sectors.
... • ACM International Conference Proceeding Series and Frontiers in Psychology: Both with 4 articles but a low h-index (1) and very few citations (1 and 6, respectively), this could indicate that they are emerging or niche sources in the field of open innovation and digital competencies [69][70][71][72]. ...
... Italy and Germany had a similar number of papers (21 and 16, respectively), but Germany had a higher citation total (125 versus Italy's 121), suggesting a profound influence on the academic community [29,[96][97][98]. Mexico and the Russian Federation demonstrate commitment in the field (16 and 15 documents, respectively), but with varying impact, as Mexico had 22 citations and Russia had none [70,[99][100][101]. Portugal, the United States, and France round out the list, with France standing out due to a high number of citations (167), despite having fewer documents (10), indicating highly influential research [69,[102][103][104][105]. ...
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This study explored both the evolution and the integration of digital competencies within the context of open innovation, emphasizing the impact of technological advances across various sectors. The goal was to analyze documents indexed in Scopus from 2017 to 2023 using a quantitative and bibliometric approach. The methodology employed RStudio version 4.3.2 and Microsoft Excel 365 for data analysis, focusing on variables such as documents per year, h-index, total citations, and academic sources. The findings indicated a significant increase in research, highlighting a diversity of approaches, a trend towards international collaboration, and an evolution from basic concepts to complex applications, particularly the integration of digitization with sustainability and innovation. This research underscores the transformation of the business sector through digital competencies in open innovation and suggests further exploration into the effects of the pandemic on digital competencies, the role of artificial intelligence, the digital competencies-sustainable development relationship, and their application across different sectors.
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The social appropriation of knowledge is an emerging descriptor in political agendas, since it drives social development and innovation. The relevance of this strategy lies mainly in the fact that scientific knowledge is made available to the population for its use and application. The purposes of this study were to identify the context and purpose presented by the experiences of social appropriation of knowledge, and to analyze the linkage of the experiences with the sectors that make up the pentahelix. To this end, a systematic review methodology was proposed in the Web of Science (WOS) and SCOPUS. Following the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 14 articles were analyzed. The results showed the emergence of this term, the geographical location of all experiences in Latin America, and the diversity of application of knowledge to favor local development. At the same time, it is shown that the institutions belonging to the government have developed experiences of social appropriation of knowledge in all other sectors of the pentahelix. Finally, we discuss the findings and implications of this study that showed the diverse experiences of social appropriation of knowledge and investigated this concept in connection to open science.
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Self-Directed Learning (SDL) is a process in which adult learners initiate their inner motivation to learn by themselves to increase their knowledge, skills and experiences from resources and evaluating learning outcomes. Knowledge Management (KM) is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and resources of an organization. Learners use KM to gain their knowledge. To access to these resources, the learners must know Digital Literacy Abilities (DLA). We developed a model for SDL with KM to enhance DLA: The model was synthesized from related works and verified by five experts in various fields. Data instrument was derived from focus group discussion including a five-level Likert scale of the appropriateness of the model, and experts’ opinions and recommendations. Then, collected data were analyzed with content analysis; mean (\(\bar {x}\)), standard deviation (S.D.). After discussion, the model was adjusted according to the experts’ recommendations. It contained three circles from inner to outer: SDL, KM, and DLA, respectively. SDL had four steps: readiness triggers, setting goal and planning, learning activities, and learning’s evaluation. KM contained five steps: knowledge discovery, knowledge capture and storage, knowledge application and distribution, knowledge evaluation, and knowledge creation. DLA had four aspects: operation literacy, analysis and evaluation literacy, value and creation literacy, and social-culture-organization cooperation literacy. Overall, the results of analyzed data from the experts towards on appropriateness of the model were at high level (\(\bar {x}\) = 4.4, S.D. = 0.6). This model will be continued to implement for adult learners’ activities.
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Futures Literacy is the capacity to design and implement processes that make use of anticipation, generally with the purpose of trying to understand and act in a complex emergent context. This article examines the potential of Futures Literacy to contribute to the realisation of a better balance between learning that is shaped by the supposition that what needs to be learned is knowable in advance, what I will label ‘push’ education, and ‘pull’ learning, that starts from the discovery of not knowing something, initiating the search for hypotheses, experiments, and evidence that eventually lead to understanding. Insufficient Futures Literacy impedes the expansion our anticipatory activities beyond preparation and planning, with the result that at both the individual and institutional levels it is difficult to find the motivation and capability to undertake and organise learning that goes beyond ‘push’ education, or what people ‘need’ to know now in order to get: a ‘good job’, be ‘good citizens’, etc., in the future. As a result humanity may be less able to embrace complexity or pursue a diversification approach to resilience.
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In this paper we analyze the main areas of research into educational videogames and in the evolution of the technologies and design methodologies that are making these interactive systems increasingly natural, immersive and social. We present the design and development of a prototype for a collaborative educational videogame based on a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) engine for use in various educational contexts in (a) university education and (b) secondary education.
There is a critical gender gap in the STEM areas at all levels of education and the labour market. In this context, the European Union has included an increase in female participation in STEM as one of its priorities. It has funded a considerable amount of research projects, so a substantial number of institutions and organizations across Europe has worked on the same objective, but there are not an analysis of the proposals and achievements in all those research projects. This work aims to present an overview of the outputs from European research projects developed during the last five years related to the gender gap in STEM.
Conference Paper
A future in which we can coexist with the environment in harmony. A future in which children can grow up healthy, happy, full of options and potential. Put simply: A sustainable future. How can digital learning strategies and interventions help shape and raise awareness about sustainable development? And how can online tools, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) become better, more efficient and even more successful in reaching out to the general audience? In hopes of finding the answers to these questions, the present dissertation is of exploratory scope with mixed design, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to hear the voice of the users and receive feedback on these questions. A pre-post survey was applied in Rive MOOCs relevant to the theme of sustainable development during the period of January 2019 to June of the same year. As a second part of the study, interviews are taking place with users who have both completed and abandoned the MOOC, in order to compare and contrast the opinion, perspective and advice these participants would provide for future MOOCs that would be designed to teach about sustainable development. So far, the progress achieved during this research shows that users would rather hear about real life cases rather than only theory, and that they would appreciate the involvement of more interactive and social media usage for the activities inside the course in order to share with their contacts how they are learning about sustainable development.
Gender inequalities persist in all areas of social and economic life and across countries. Young women in OECD countries generally obtain more years of schooling than young men, but women are less likely than men to engage in paid work. Gaps widen with age, as motherhood typically has marked negative effects on gender pay gaps and career advancement. Women are also less likely to be entrepreneurs, and are underrepresented in private and public leadership positions.The 2013 and 2015 OECD Gender Recommendations provide guidance on how to advance gender equality in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life; this book discusses recent developments in these areas in one overview chapter and 24 short chapters which each include key findings and policy recommendations. Topics include violence against women, gender budgeting, the unequal sharing of unpaid work, labour market outcomes and migration. The book presents a range of indicators illustrating gender gaps. It also discusses recent policy initiatives, such as pay transparency measures to reduce gender wage gaps and policy reform aimed at fathers taking parental leave. Overall, progress has been slow and there is a strong need for further policy action to close gender gaps in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life.
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