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Anna of Celje (Cilli): in search of the overlooked Queen

  • Institute for Contemporary History, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Abstract and Figures

Anna of Celje (Cilli) (* ca. 1380/1388; † 1416) gained importance and recognition by marrying Władysław II Jagełło (* ca. 1352/1362; † 1434), the Polish King and Lithuanian Grand Duke and therefore became the first queen from the House of Celje (Cilli). With regard to various narrative and documentary sources, the article tries to shed light of her life, to show Anna's firm integration into the family of the House of Celje and the circumstances that led her to the Polish throne. It exposes that upon Anna's arrival to Kraków she was accepted as the legitimate heir to the Polish throne and discusses the importance of her new position for the rise of the House of Celje. The article gives a short overview of Anna's rulership as a Polish Queen and at the end explores her role in the public life of the Kingdom of Poland, which, although it seems a minor one, caused her to fall into disfavour with the Teutonic Order.
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Rijeka 2018
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ISBN: 978-953-7975-71-5
          
Part 1
Royalty, nobility and prelates: hierarchy and geography
Márton Rózsa
          
Aranđel Smiljanić
Mišo Petrović
 
Tomislav Matić
   
Maja Lukanc
Part 2
Interpreting the sources: archaeological, textual and contextual
Jana Škrgulja
         
Andrej Janeš
Kristina Judaš
  
Ivan Missoni
Ivan Botica – Tomislav Galov
Maja Lukanc
Anna of Celje (Cilli): In search of the overlooked
           
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   
            
    
            
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     
About the sources
Annales seu cronicae incliti regni Poloniae
              1 
1  Jan Długosz, Annales seu cronicae incliti regni poloniae, Liber I-XII (Warszawa: Państwowe 
Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1964-2009).
   
       Chronik des
Landes Preussen 
 grafen tochter von Czele   
          
Cronica inedita de expeditionibus in Bohemiam contra
Husistas haereticos      
Cronica der graffen
von Cilli
        
   Kalendarz Krakowski
6 Rocznik miechowski7 Rocznik
8  Annalista Thorunesis
2  More about Długosz: Heinrich Zeissberg, Die Polnische Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters
(Leipzig: Hirzel, 1873).
3 Johann von Posilge, “Chronik des Landes Preussen,” in: Scriptores rerum Prussicarum: die
Geschichtquellen der preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft, vol. 3, ed. by
Theodor Hirsch and Gottfried Ernst Wilhelm Strehlke and Max Pollux Tö ppen (Leipzig: Hirzel,
1866), 79-316.
4 The quotations from the chronicle referring to Anna of Celje can be found in: Janez Mlinar, Podoba
Celjskih grofov v narativnih virih (Ljubljana: Filozofski fakultet Univerze v Ljubljani, 2005), 297.
5 Und darnach gab sein vetter, graff Hermann des obgemeldten graff Wilhelm tochter einem
könig von Krakau zu einem gemahl, als vor gemelt ist worden. Franz Krones (ed.), Die Freien von
Saneck und ihre Chronik als Grafen von Cilli (Graz: Leuschner und Lubensky, 1883), 73. Slovenian
translation: Ludvik Modest Golia (ed.), Kronika grofov Celjskih (Maribor: Obzorja, 1972).
6 Many different redactions of the same source exist, for the needs of the present article the
following ones are used: August Bielowski (ed.), “Kalendarz Krakowski (Calendarii Cracoviensis)”,
in: Monumenta Poloniae Historica, vol. 2 (Lwów: Nakładem własnym, 1872); Zofi a Kozłowska-
Budkowa (ed.), “Kalendarz katedry krakowskiej (Najdawniejsze roczniki krakowskie i kalendarz)”,
in: Monumenta Poloniae Historica, s.n., vol. 5 (Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 
1978) (hereafter: KalKatKrak).
7  Zofi a  Kozłowska-Budkowa  (ed.),  “Rocznik  miechowski,”  in:  Studia Żródłoznawcze, vol. 5
(Warszawa: Poznań: Państwowe wydawnictwo naukowe, 1960) (hereafter: Rmiech).
8  Anna Rutkowska-Płachcińska (ed.), “Rocznik swiętokrzyski,” in: Monumenta Poloniae Historica,
s.n., vol. 12 (Kraków: Nakładem Polskiej Akademii Umieję tnoś ci, 1996) (hereafter: Rświęt).
9 “Annalista Thorunensis,” in: Scriptores Rerum Prussicarum, ed. by Theodor Hirsch, Gottfried
Ernst Wilhelm Strehlke and Max Pollux Tö ppen (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1866), 57-316.
       cum
grano salis
     
     
 10         
         
       
  11
   
 
13       
          
      
10 Rolanda Fugger Germadnik, “Podobe Barbare Celjske v slovenskem zgodovinopisju,”
in: Ženske skozi zgodovino. Zbornik referatov 32. zborovanja slovenskih zgodovinarjev, ed. by
Aleksander Žižek (Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, 2004), 37-48, here 39.
11 Anna’s letters and issued charters can be found in following editions of sources: Emond Winkler
(ed.), Elementa ad fontium editiones, t. II. (Rome, 1960) (hereafter Elementa); August Sokołowski 
(ed.), Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, t. I, 1384–1444 (Kraków, 1876-1891) (hereafter CE);
Graż yna  Klimecka,  Formularz ciechanowski: z historii tworzenia zyka dokumentu polskiego
wiekó w ś rednich (Warszawa: Biblioteka Narodowa, 1997); and in the article: Wojciech Świeboda, 
“Tajemniczy list królowej Anny Cylejskiej w sprawie Mikołaja astrologa,” Studia Źródłoznawcze
48 (2010), 85-95.
12  Two  Jagiełło’s  letters  to  Anna  are  published  in  Elementa  and  one  in:  Theodor  Hirsch, 
Gottfried Ernst Wilhelm Strehlke and Max Pollux Tö ppen (eds.), Scriptores rerum Prussicarum:
die Geschichtquellen der preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft, vol. 3
(Leipzig: Hirzel, 1866), 425-427 (hereinafter SRP). To other recipients but connected to Anna:
Karol Gó rski (ed.), Liber folmularum Georgii,castri Cracoviensis notarii ca 1399–1415 =
Formularz Jerzego pisarza grodzkiego krakowskiego  (Toruń :  Towarzystwo  Naukowe,  1950) 
(hereafter Formularz Jerzego); Klimecka, Formularz, 61-64, 70-72.
13 Johannes Voigt (ed.), Codex diplomaticus Prussicus, vol. 6 (Kö nigsberg: Bornträ ger, 1861) (hereafter
CDP); Erich Joachim and Walther Hubatsch (eds.), Regesta historico-diplomatica Ordinis S. Mariae
Theutonicorum, 1198–1525. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1948) (hereafter Regesta).
14 Adam Chmiel (ed.), Księ gi radzieckie Kazimierskie 1369–1381 i 1385–1402 (Krakó w: W druk.
Uniw. Jag.,  1932)  (hereafter  KKaz);  Franciszek  Piekosiń ski  and  Jó zef  Szujski  (eds.),  “Najstarsze 
księgi  i  rachunki  miasta  Krakowa  od  r.  13001400,” in: Monumenta Poloniae Historica, s.n.,
vol. 4 (Kraków: Nakl. Akademii  Umiejetnosci  Krakowskiej, 1878)  (hereafter  NKMK); Stanisław 
Krzyż anowski  (ed.),  Podwody kazimierskie 1407–1432  (Krakó w:  Akademia  Umieję tnoś ci,  1913) 
(hereafter PodwKaz); Aleksander Czołowski (ed.), “Ksiȩ ga przychodó w i rozchodó w miasta 1414–
1426,” in: Pomniki dziejowe Lwowa, t. II. in III.(Lwów:  Gmina  kró l. stoł. miasta Lwowa,  1905) 
(hereafter PomLw); Hubert Wajs (ed.), Rachunki krolewskie z lat 1393–1395 i 1412. Rachunki
podrzę ctwa krakowskiego, rachunki stacji nowosą deckiej (Warsza wa: Wydawn. DiG, 1993) (hereafter
RK); Franciszek Piekosiń ski (ed.), Rachunki dworu kró la Władysława Jagiełły i kró lowej Jadwigi z
lat 1388 do 1420 (Kraków: Nakładem Polskiej Akademii Umieję tnoś ci, 1896) (hereafter Rach).
Youth at the court in Celje
         
          
          
      
    
           
       
            
 Geblüt
   
          
           
    
          
    
          
15 Hedwigis igitur regina Poloniae dum mortem sibi vicinam sentiret et sine liberis esset, vocat ad
se virum suum Wladislaum regem, rogans eum ut si subiret mortem temporalem, quatenus eam audire
dignaretur in duobus, unum quod nullam aliam duceret uxorem quam liam  liae regis Kasimiri
quae desposata fuerat comiti in Zeyl, nomine Annam (Andreas of Regensburg, “Cronica inedita,”
297); ... die alde konigynne, des koniges tochter von Ungern, an irem totbette bat si eden koning Jegil
erin herrin, das her die juncfrow des grefen tochter von Czele noch irem tode sulde nemen czu eynem
wibe (Posilge, “Chronik,” 245). The terstimonial of Posilge was supposedly summarized in the annals
of Długosz: … quod etiam Hedwigis regina e vita excessura assumendum rogaverat, connubium
habitarum (Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 237); Jan Dą browski, Rozbió r krytyczny Annalium Poloniae
Jana Długosza (Wrocław: Zakł Narodowy im. Ossoliń skich, 1961), 58.
16  Peter  Štih,  “Celjski  grofje,  vprašanje  njihove  deželnoknežje  oblasti  in  dežele  Celjske,” 
in: Grafenauerjev zbornik,  ed.  by  Vincenc  Rajšp  (Ljubljana:  Slovenska  akademija  znanosti  in 
umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU and Filozofska fakulteta 1996), 227-256.
     17        
           
          18  
             
            
 
           
        
         
           
 
       
17  Casimir III the Great was married four times. In his fi rst marriage to Aldona, a daughter of the 
Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, as well as in his second marriage to Hedwig of Sagan, the
granddaughter of the same Duke, he became the father of two daughters, but in 1380 both daughters
from his fi rst marriage were already dead.
18 ... item lie regis Polonie unum crinale. Oswald Balzer, Genealogia Piastów (Krakó w: Avalon,
2005), 715-716.
19 SI AS ZL (Arhiv Republike Slovenije, zbirka listin, Ljubljana) 4327; SI AS ZL 4335; SI AS
ZL 4384.
20 Et quoniam virgo prefata nullam linguam preter Almanicam noverat, ordinacione regia octo prope
mensibus Cracowie, sub quibus Polonico imbuebatur idiomate, stetit. Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 238.
21  Maja Lukanc, “Ana Celjska: ogrodje za biografijo,” graduation thesis (Ljubljana: University 
of Ljubljana, 2015), 32-33.
   
Figure 1.     
S anna chvnig Kasimiri
tochter von Polan herczogin zu tek
     
Andlein in the testament of Hermann II of Celje
        
  
         
     
         
        
22  Anna of  Poland  confirms in this charter  that  Hermann  II  paid  the  greater part of the dowry 
which consequently was not transferred to her daughter Anna. SI AS ZL 4384.
23 AT HHStA AUR (Haus- Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Allgemeine Urkundenreihe, Wien), 23 June 1396.
 
             
           
     
            
    
  
           
als da der vorg(enannte) ir was user lieber vet(er) selig(er)
auch vormaln also geschaft hat      
24 ... als lang untz das unsere Kind(er) zu ire(n) Jaren komen welher und(er) unseren Sůnn denn
yed(er) eltist ist und wenn d(er)selb dieselb(en) vorg(e)n(anten) uns(er) herscheft und gesloss
selb(er) innhalten gewaltig sein und aussrichten wil. AT HHStA AUR, 23 June 1396. In the light of
this provision the question appears whether the broadly accepted assertion that Hermann’s eldest
son Frederick was born right after their wedding, somewhere around a year 1378. In this case, he
would have turned around eighteen years at the time the record was written and the remark on his
needing to reach the suffi cient age would not have made any sense.
25 CKSL (Centralna kartoteka srednjeveških listin, Inštitut Milka Kosa, Ljubljana), 30 September
1388, s. I.
26 Wir schaff (en) auch das uns(er) Oheim von Ortenburg uns(ere) liebe můemen Andlein graf
Wilhelms vo(n) cili uns(er)s lieb(e)n vet(er)n selig(e)n toch(er) beheyradten und si mit eine(m) mann
aussrichten sol so er nach seinen trewn aller erberlichest und pest than und mag und sol man ir des
ersten zehen taws(ent) guld(en) geb(e)n ze heyradgut und wenn es denn ze schulden komen ist und
das si bei irem gemahel geleg(e)n hat so sol man ir darnach in den nagsten funf iaren alle iar zway
taws(ent) guld(en) beczall(e)n und aussrichten damit ir zwaintzig taws(ent) guld(en) ze heyradgůt
geuall(e)n sull(e)n und daru(m)b si auch gentzl(ich) aussgericht sol werden ynner den funf iaren nach
dem und si bei geleg(e)n hat als das d(er) vorg(enannte) ir va(te)r uns(er) lieber vet(er) selig(er)
auch vormaln also geschaft hat doch also daz man mit ir heyraten sol nach dem landsrechte(n) ze
Stey(er) und sol auch das v(er)brift w(er)den ob das geschah das dieselb Andel unse(re) lieb mům(en)
an leiberb(e)n abging des got nicht enwoll das denn uns(ere) erben dasselb heyradgüt wiss ze vinden
waz des her wid(er) geuall(e)n sull nach dem landsrecht(e) ze Steyr. AT HHStA AUR, 23 June 1396.
       
 
       
The proposal and the prenuptial problem
           
  
     
            rex Poloniae
     
        
        
    
   
          
         
      
            
27 Lukanc, “Ana Celjska,” 37.
28 Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki, A Concise History of Poland (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2006), 37-44; Norman Davies, God’s Playground: A History of Poland. Vol. 1:
The Origins to 1795 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 90-95; Oskar Halecki, A History of
Poland (London and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978), 67; Aleksander Gieysztor et al.,
Zgodovina Poljske (Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 1982), 99.
29  Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 236-237.
       
   
    
    
         
(audit and lacrimas, quas magnitude gaudii eliquabat
         
        
          
30 ... wend die selbe juncfrouwe von aldirs was geborn czur crone … (Posilge, “Chronik,” 245); ...
nomine Annam, eo quod ipsa ex parte matris vera haeres esset regni Poloniae et super hoc peteret
licentiam sedis apostolicae ... (Andreas of Regensburg, “Cronica inedita,” 297); ... sie meynen das
die selbe dienechste erbling sey czum Riche czu Polen ... (CDP VI, 91).
31 CDP VI, 89-91.
32  Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 237.
33 Piotr Wysz (Petro Cracoviensi), Bishop of Krakó w; Nikolaj Kurowski (Nicolao Wladislaviensi),
Bishop of Włocławek; Jan s Tęczyna (Iohanne de Thanczin), Castellan of Krakó w; Jan s Tarnowa
(Iohanne de Tharnow), Duke of Sandomierz; Piotr Kmita (Petro Kmithe), Castellan of Lublin;
Nikolaj  z  Michałowa  (Nicolao de Michalow), Castellan of Wojnicz; Klemens z Moskorzowa
(Clemente de Moskorzow), vice-chancellor of the Crown; Žegota (Zegotha),  ag-bearer of Krakó w. 
Długosz refers to them by the titles they held in the time of negotiations, even though he also knew 
them later, when they occupied higher positions of authority in the state. This is opposed to his
common practice to refer to an individual by the title they have not held in the time of the described
event and was only obtained later on. Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 238.
34 Ulrik Schenk, cup-bearer of Ostrowiec (Vlricus Schenkk de Osterwicz); Albert of Kozjak
(Albertus de Kossyak); Friderik of Lindek (Fridericus Lindeker); Ludvik Sachs (Ludowigus
Szachs); Konrad Verber (Conradus Perner); while I was unfortunately unable to identify the last
two witnesses, Andreas Puxer and Niculaus Volker. Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 238.
35  It is necessary to point out that for some reason Długosz shifts one year back Anna’s arrival to 
Krakó w, her marriage as well as her coronation. It is therefore very likely that he repeated the same
mistake also when making a date entry of her marital contract.
36  Franciszek  Sikora,  “W  sprawie  małżeństwa  Władysława  Jagiełły  z  Anną  Cylejską,”  In: 
Personae colligationes facta, ed.  by  Janucz Bieniak,  93-103  (Toruně:  Zakład  Historii Instytutu 
Historii Pomocniczych Lesson i Archiwistyki w Toruniu UMK 1991), 93-98. Sikora proved on the
basis of two Royal charters, issued 4 and 5 November 1400 that seven of the eight Polish witnesses
were present in Biecz, in the time of Długosz’s reports on signing of the marital contract.
37 PSB (Polski Słownik Biogra czny) I, s. v. “Anna Cyllejska”; Zygmunt Wdowiszewski,
Genealogia Jagiellónow (Warszawa: Pax, 1968), 66-67.
     
    
           
        39
            
           
 
       
         
            
              
      
  
           
          
  
38 In the supposed time of the signature of the marital contract only one of the Lords of Celje
might be found in the charters from the today’s Slovenian territory. Albert of Kozjak bore a witness
on  25  October  1400  in  Škofja  Loka  and  on  25  November  of  the  same  year  he  was  present  in 
Radovljica. At that time he could therefore not have been, as described by Długosz and confirmed 
by Sikora, present in Poland. To the best of my knowledge, there is no existing charter dating back
to autumn 1401 and proving the presence of any of the witnesses from Celje in Slovene lands.
CKSL, 25 October 1400; CKSL, 24 November 1400; Lukanc, “Ana Celjska,” 45-50.
39  Irena  Sułkowska-Kuraś  and  Staniław  Kuraś  (eds.),  Bullarium Poloniae, t. III, 1378-1417
(Rome, 1988), nr. 753.
40  KalKatKrak, 156;  Długosz,  Annales: Liber X, 238; Anna’s arrival  is also confi rmed by two 
accounting books: NKMK, 265-267, 327-329; KKaz, 538.
41  Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 238. It can only be assumed what physical standards did Anna
not fulfi l. However, any serious body defects need to be excluded as Anna could, according to the 
accounting books, ride a horse on her subsequent journeys: Rach, 319, 449-450; RK, 161.
42  Stefan  M.  Kuczyń ski,  Król Jagiełło (Warszawa: Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej,
1985), 77-78; Zigmantas Kiaupa,  Jūratė  Kiaupienė  and Albinas Kunevičius,  The History of Lithuania
Before 1795 (English edition) (Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of History, 2000), 154; Grażyna Rutkowska,
“Itineraria żon króla Władysława Jagiełły«. Roczniki Historyczne, 64 (1998), 64; Jö rg K. Hoensch, Kaiser
Sigismund: Herrscher an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit, 13681437 (Mü nchen: Beck, 1996), 104-106.
         
Figure 2. 
Marriage, coronation and birth of a daughter
        
           
43 Zawadzky even emphasizes this as the main reason for the engagement of Barbara to
Sigismund. Max Zawadzky, Die Cillier und ihre Beziehungen zu Kaiser Sigmund und Koä nig
Albrecht, unpublished doctoral thesis (Halle: Philosophische Fakultät der Vereinigten Friedrichs-
Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 1911), 16.
44 Decius Ludovicus Iodocus, De vetustatibus Polonorum liber I. De Jagellonum familia liber II.
De Sigismundi (I) regis temporibus liber III (Krakow, Wietor Hieronim, 1521).
45 Posilge, “Chronik,” 245, 255; “Annalista Thorunensis,” 255; RMiech, 129-130. As well as
Długosz, also the entry on the date of the wedding in the Annals of Swięty Krzyż is incorrectly set 
into 1401: Rświęt, 83; Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 243-44.
    
 
  
         
              
 
       
   
     
            
 
 
  
          
   
          
           
        
          
                
46 Formularz Jerzego, nr. 18, 19.
47 Plank Terr. Crac. (Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie: Terrestria Cracoviensia) 3a, 430-31; see
also: Sikora, “W sprawie małżeństwa,” 99; Item pro honose dni Regis ad nupcias ducentas marcas; Item
stulatoribus dni Regis I mrc. ad honorem nupciarum, NKMK, 269; Długosz, Annales: Liber X, 243.
48  Długosz,  Annales: Liber X,  247;  RŚwięt,  83;  RMiech,  130.  In  the  Krakowian  accounting 
book for the year 1403, frequently several expenses are recorded, consequently dated with circa
coronacionem Regine: NKMK, 273, 335, 338; For more on coronation, see also in the judicial
notice of Krakowian legal register: PL ANK Terr. Crac. 3b, 25; About the latter also: Sikora, “W
sprawie małżeństwa,” 99.
49  Sikora, “W sprawie małżeństwa,” 96.
          
            
         
      
   
    
     
             
     
          
         
             
     
     
50 Rutkowska, “Itineraria,” 84-97. Information on Anna’s travels are summarized according to
the aforementioned itinerary.
51  Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 17-18.
52 Elementa, nr. 40, 41.
53  Małgorzata  Duczmal,  Jogailaičiai biogra žinynas  (Vilnius:  Mokslo  ir  enciklopedijų 
leidybos centras, 2012), 363; Ewa Maleczyńska, Społeczeń stwo polskie pierwszej połowy XV wieku
wobec zagadnień zachodnich: (studia nad dynastyczną polityką Jagiellonó w)  (Wrocław:  Nakł. 
Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego: Skład Głó wny w Księ garni J. Lacha, 1947), 52, 69.
54  Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 23; “Annalista Thorunensis,” 290; RŚwięt, 83. Birth is reported 
in the chronicles as well as in the Krakowian accounting book: NKMK, 279-282.
Anna’s role in public life
           
               
         58
          
            
           
     
   61 
55  There are four letters linked to the birth of the child; two of them are most likely to be  ctitious, 
since one of them is about the birth of the male successor and the other one is about Anna’s tenth
pregnancy – however, it is certainly likely, that at least the latter was to some extent inspired by true
events. Original letters are to be found in: Elementa II, nr. 34, 35; Supposedly fi ctitious ones seen 
in: Klimecka, Formularz ciechanowski, 61, 63-64. See: Lukanc, “Ana Celjska,” 67-71.
56  Edward  Raczyń ski  (ed.),  Kodeks dyplomatyczny Litwy  (Wrocław:  Nakładem  Zygmunta 
Schlettera, 1845), 385-386.
57 For more on the battle, see: Stephen R. Turnbull, Tannenberg, 1410: disaster for the Teutonic
Knights (Westport, Conn: Praeger, 2005), 20; Jučas Mečislovas, The Battle of Grunwald (Vilnius:
National Museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, 2009).
58   Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 59.
59  According to Długosz, not only the Queen but also the Archbishop of Gniezno and the King’s 
deputy  Mikołaj  Kurowski,  the  nobility,  who  maintained  the  Wawel  Castle,  the  University  of 
Kraków, as well as the County of Krakó w received the letters. At least one letter more, addressed
to the Bishop of Poznań, must have been written, since it was together with  the one intended for 
Anna, the only one preserved. It would be wrong to assume that the aforementioned Jagiełło’s letter 
to the Queen was a re ection of a special affection (which is though possible), because the letters 
were mostly used for the purpose of propaganda. SRP, 425-427; Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 125.
60  Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 49.
61 NKMK, 277.
            
 63
          
       
          
       
          
       
           
           
       
         
          
  
 
     
62 Rach, 586; RK, 150-154; Hoensch, Kaiser Sigismund, 162.
63  Długosz, Annales: Liber X/XI, 190-191.
64 Klimecka, Formularz ciechanowski, 70.
65  Tomisław Giergiel and Jan Ptak, “The Heraldic Frieze Discovered in Sandomierz Cathedral,” 
The Polish Heraldry Society Yearbook, new series, 10 (2011), 20-22.
  
       
           
          
   
          
66  The two letters to Sigismund and to Hermann II were both published in: August Sokołowski 
(ed.), Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, t. I, 1384-1444.  (Kraków:  Nakładem Akademii 
umieję tnoś ci,  1876-1891)  and  in:  Władisław  Sekńo  (ed.),  Piotr Wysz z Radolina i jego dzieło
“Speculum aureum” (Warszawa: Inst. tomistyczny ojcó w dominikanó w, 1995), nr. 32, 33. The
letter to pope is still waiting for publication.
67 There is a doubt whether the letter had ever been sent, since there is no trace of seal on it. Besides
that, it was found in Krakow. It seems quite possible it was only a template for the latter clean copy.
More on the reasons for writing this letter and its content analysis in: Wojciech Świeboda, “Tajemniczy 
list królowej Anny Cylejskiej w sprawie Mikołaja astrologa,” Studia Źródłoznawcze 48 (2010), 85-95.
68 Elementa II, nr. 2, 3.
69 Noch erim (Jadviga) tode nam her zcu wibe des graven tochter von Zcele; dy was weder den
ordin und herte den konyng und dy Polen zcu dem krie; und sy vorstarb korczlich, sy hette anders
mer ungeluckes gebruwin (Posilge, “Chronik,” 370).
          
    
      
(Paulus Vladimiri71    
        
      
  
70 Elementa II, nr. 57.
71 Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusade (London and New York: Penguin Books, 1997), 221-231.
72 Lukanc, “Ana Celjska,” 96-98.
73 Anna’s coats-of-arms is a part of the heraldic frieze of nine coats of arms on the northern wall of
the chancel. Seven of those coats of arms are also to be found in the Jagiełło’s seal of majesty, while 
there were two additional ones in the frieze: the Double Cross of Jagiełło and the Stars of Celje. The 
latter supposedly represents the authority of the Royal couple, and symbolizes the continuity of the
dynasty (Anna’s coats-of-arms), as well as changes to the Polish throne (Jagiełło’s coats-of-arms). 
Heraldic frieze in the sacral institution also indicates inclusion of the symbols of authority to the
religious narrative of the paintings, the part of which it was. On the southern part of the chancel
– opposite the heraldic frieze – there is a fresco with a motive of Apostolic Commission, which,
however, does not match any of the other frescoes, dedicated to Mary. The victory of Grünwald
was fought on 15 July on the very same day when the feast dispersio apostolorum (Apostolic
Commission) was celebrated; therefore the presence of the aforementioned fresco assumingly
proves that Sandomierz Cathedral was dedicated to the anniversary of the victory over the Teutonic
Order, which  could be  further  confi rmed through Anna’s coat  of  arms. Giergiel  and  Ptak,  “The 
Heraldic Frieze,”  3-38;  Tomisław Giergiel and Jan  Ptak,  “The newly-discovered  heraldic  frieze 
from the reign of Władysław Jagiełło,” Questiones Medii Aevi Novae 16 (2011), 365-384.
          
  
          
        
        
  
            
            
           
74  Długosz, Annales: Liber XI, 59; KalKatKrak, 917, 919; RŚwięt, 85-86.
75 Tadeusz Wojciechowski, Koś ció ł katedralny w Krakowie  (Krakó w:  Nakł.  Akademii 
Umieję tnoś ci, 1900), 64.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The Heraldic Frieze Discovered in Sandomierz Cathedral
  • Tomisław Giergiel
  • Jan Ptak
Tomisław Giergiel and Jan Ptak, "The Heraldic Frieze Discovered in Sandomierz Cathedral," The Polish Heraldry Society Yearbook, new series, 10 (2011), 20-22.
Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, t. I
The two letters to Sigismund and to Hermann II were both published in: August Sokołowski (ed.), Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, t. I, 1384-1444. (Kraków: Nakładem Akademii umieję tnoś ci, 1876-1891) and in: Władisław Sekńo (ed.), Piotr Wysz z Radolina i jego dzieło "Speculum aureum" (Warszawa: Inst. tomistyczny ojcó w dominikanó w, 1995), nr. 32, 33. The letter to pope is still waiting for publication.
There is a doubt whether the letter had ever been sent, since there is no trace of seal on it. Besides that, it was found in Krakow. It seems quite possible it was only a template for the latter clean copy. More on the reasons for writing this letter and its content analysis in: Wojciech Świeboda
There is a doubt whether the letter had ever been sent, since there is no trace of seal on it. Besides that, it was found in Krakow. It seems quite possible it was only a template for the latter clean copy. More on the reasons for writing this letter and its content analysis in: Wojciech Świeboda, "Tajemniczy list królowej Anny Cylejskiej w sprawie Mikołaja astrologa," Studia Źródłoznawcze 48 (2010), 85-95.