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The blood–gas partition coefficient



A partition coefficient (λ) describes the relative affinity of a volatile anaesthetic for two phases and how that anaesthetic distributes itself between the two phases when equilibrium has been achieved. The blood–gas partition coefficient (λb/g), or Ostwald coefficient for blood–gas, is a pharmacological term used to describe the solubility of a volatile anaesthetic agent. Volatile agents with a low blood–gas partition coefficient (less soluble) will exert a high partial pressure and produce a more rapid onset and offset of anaesthetic action.
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2020; 26(6)Supplement
Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2020;26(6 Suppl 3):S8-11
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons License [CC BY-NC 3.0]
South Afr J Anaesth Analg
ISSN 2220-1181 EISSN 2220 -1173
© 2020 The Author(s)
Volatile anaesthetic agents produce their eect through their
action on the brain. The depth of anaesthesia is therefore de-
termined by the concentration of volatile anaesthetic agent in
the brain. The speed of induction and recovery from anaesthesia
is governed by the speed at which this concentration in the brain
changes. For a volatile anaesthetic agent to reach the brain it
must be distributed throughout the body. The extent to which
the volatile anaesthetic gets taken up by the body tissues will
have an inuence on the speed of uptake and elimination by the
Gas laws and gas exchange
Inhalational anaesthetics are administered as gases or vapours,
therefore a specic set of physical principles applies to the
delivery of these agents. Dalton's law of partial pressures states
that in a mixture of non-reacting gases, the totalpressureexerted
is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual
Partial pressure is the pressure a gas exerts proportional to its
fractional mass (Figure 1); this is the same pressure each gas
would have if it alone occupied the same volume:
Ptot = P1 + P2 + P3 … + Pn
Henry's law states that at a constant temperature, the amount
of a given gas that dissolves into a given type and volume of
liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas in
equilibrium with that liquid.3,4 An equivalent way of stating the
law is that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional
to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid:2
C = kP
C – Concentration of dissolved gas (mol/l)
k – Henry’s proportionality constant (specic to solute, solvent
and temperature)
P – Partial pressure of the gas above the solution (kPa)
Volatile anaesthetics or gases equilibrate throughout the
body based on their respective partial pressures and not con-
centrations (Figure 2). Once a volatile anaesthetic agent reaches
steady state, the partial pressure of the agent within the alveoli
(PA) is in equilibrium with the partial pressure in arterial blood
(Pa) as well as partial pressure within the brain (PB). The alveolar
partial pressure (PA) is therefore an indirect measure of brain
partial pressure (PB).5
A partition coecient (λ) describes the relative anity of a volatile anaesthetic for two phases and how that anaesthetic distributes
itself between the two phases when equilibrium has been achieved. The blood–gas partition coecient (λb/g), or Ostwald
coecient for blood–gas, is a pharmacological term used to describe the solubility of a volatile anaesthetic agent. Volatile agents
with a low blood–gas partition coecient (less soluble) will exert a high partial pressure and produce a more rapid onset and oset
of anaesthetic action.
Keywords: blood–gas partition coecient, Ostwald coecient, volatile anaesthetic, solubility
The blood–gas partition coefficient
E Bezuidenhout
Department of Anaesthesiology, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Corresponding author, email:
Figure 1: Partial pressureof a gas is proportional to its fractional
The blood–gas partition coecient
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2020; 26(6)Supplement
How long it takes for each volatile anaesthetic agent to reach
steady state conditions depends on the individual properties
of the agent and numerous physiological factors.6 Kety6 deter-
mined that the alveolar partial pressure curves for all inert gases
(volatile anaesthetics are considered to behave as inert gases)
have the same characteristics.
When an inert gas is introduced at a constant partial pressure in
the inspired air, it takes time for the tissues in the body to obtain
the gas at this partial pressure. Pulmonary ventilation carries the
gas to the alveolar membrane where it diuses to the pulmonary
blood and gets distributed via the systemic circulation to the
tissues. Diusion across the capillary membranes, interstitial uid
and cellular membrane takes place so that venous blood leaving
the capillary is in equilibrium with the tissue. The blood returning
to the lungs carries a fraction of the inspired gas concentration
and is again equilibrated with the alveolar gas. In this way the
alveolar (or arterial) and venous (or tissue) partial pressures of
the inhaled anaesthetic gradually rise towards equilibrium with
the partial pressure of the inspired gas.7 If this rise in partial
pressure is plotted against time, it produces a curve that is similar
for every inert gas or volatile anaesthetic (Figure 3).6
This curve has an initial rise, a knee and a tail. The steep initial
rise represents the phase where ventilation moves the inhaled
agent rapidly into the lungs. Following this, the knee stage
arrives where lung washout gives place to tissue
saturation. The slope of the knee is determined by
the rate of uptake by the vessel-rich tissues such as
the heart, liver and brain. Lastly, the slope of the tail
is determined by the more gradual rate of uptake of
volatile anaesthetic by the vessel-poor tissues such
as the muscles and fat. The dierence in slopes
between the volatile anaesthetic agents is mainly
determined by the dierence in their solubilities in
tissue and blood (Figure 4).
Recovery from volatile anaesthesia results from
the elimination of anaesthetic from the brain. This
process is simply the reversal (or wash-out) of the
uptake process so the principal factors determining
induction and recovery are the same.7
Blood-gas partition coefficients and
volatile anaesthetic solubility
A partition coecient describes the relative a-
inity of an anaesthetic for two phases and how
that anaesthetic partitions itself between the two phases when
equilibrium has been achieved.3,8,9 The blood gas partition
coecient is dened as the ratio of the amount of anaesthetic
in blood and gas when the two phases are of equal volume and
pressure and in equilibrium at 37 °C.3
A partition coecient is simply the ratio of the concentration
ofanaestheticin one phase compared to another and therefore
has no units (Table I).8,9 For example, halothane has a λB/G of 2.3; if
we had an equal volume of air in contact with an equal volume
of blood and halothane is allowed to move freely between these
compartments until the pressure is equal in each compartment,
we have the equivalent of 1 molecule of halothane in the air to
every 2.3 molecules dissolved in the blood (Figure 5).
Partition coecientsare used to describe the solubility ofvolatile
anaesthetics in a number of dierent solvents. Theblood–gas
partition coecientis an important determinant of the speed of
Figure 2: Partial pressure (P) of the gas is equal between the two
phases even though concentration of the gas in solution (C1 and C2)
Figure 3: Kety’s alveolar partial pressure curve of inhalant during
Figure 4: The rise of alveolar partial pressure (PA) towards inspired partial pressure (PI) in
different volatile anaesthetics8
The blood–gas partition coecient
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2020; 26(6)Supplement
anaesthetic induction and recovery. It describes the distribution
of an inhalational agent between a gaseous phase (alveolar air)
and the blood.The greater the blood–gas partition coecient,
the greater the solubility in blood.4,9
Table I: Partition coefficients of volatile anaesthetic at 37 °C 8
Agent Blood/
Nitrous oxide 0.47 1.1 1.2 2.3 104
Desflurane 0.42 1.3 2.0 27 6
Sevoflurane 0.65 1.7 3.1 48 2
Isoflurane 1.4 2.6 4.0 45 1.4
Halothane 2.4 2.9 3.5 60 0.75
Poorly soluble agents (λB/G < 1) generate a high partial pressure,
which creates a steep gradient between Pa and PB. Volatile
anaesthetic agents with a low blood–gas partition coecient
will therefore exert a high partial pressure and produce a more
rapid onset and oset of action.9
Conversely, soluble volatile anaesthetic agents with a low blood–
gas partition coecient (λB/G > 1) dissolve easily into pulmonary
blood without substantially increasing the partial pressure (Pa).
This leads to a slow onset of anaesthesia due to a large fall in PA as
the agent leaves the alveolus, decreasing the gradient for further
diusion and a small gradient between PA and PB.9
Uptake of volatile anaesthetic agents
The rate of uptake of anaesthetic agent by the bloodstream is
predicted by the Fick equation:10
VB = λB/G * Q ((PA-PV)/PB)
VB uptake by blood
λB/G – blood–gas partition coecient (solubility of the volatile
Q – cardiac output
PA – alveolar partial pressure of anaesthetic
Pv venous partial pressure of anaesthetic
PB barometric pressure
Factors affecting the blood–gas partition coefficient
Hypothermia increases the solubility of volatile anaesthetics in
blood. The λB/G therefore increases as temperature decreases and
vice versa.11-13
Haemodilution or a reduction in haematocrit will generally de-
crease the solubility (λB/G) of volatile anaesthetics in blood.11,13,14
The extent to which the λB/G changes is variable and depends on
the particular agent’s anity for red cells. An agent that is less
soluble in red cells, e.g. isourane, will have a decreased blood–
gas partition coecient in anaemia. The λB/G for sevourane and
desurane are mostly unaected by changes in haemoglobin or
Serum constituents
Concentrations of serum constituents such as albumin, globulin,
triglycerides, and cholesterol can inuence the λB/G.15 These
serum molecules eectively act as molecular sinks to bind
anaesthetic agents, thereby increasing their blood solubility.
Serum triglyceride concentrations have an important eect
on the blood–gas partition coecient for halothane because
of its much higher solubility compared to the other volatile
An increase in BMI causes a modest increase in FI/FA and λB/G of
volatile anaesthetic agents; this eect is more pronounced in
those agents with a higher solubility. An increased BMI increases
anaesthetic uptake and the need for the delivered anaesthetic to
sustain a constant alveolar concentration.17
Lower blood–gas partition coecients in children explain in part
the more rapid rise of alveolar anaesthetic partial pressure in
this age group.18,19 λB/G in neonates were found to be 18% lower
than in adults, and for children and the elderly 12% lower than in
adults.18 Halothane, isourane and nitrous oxide are signicantly
less soluble in fetal compared to maternal blood; this nding is
independent of the known dierences in lipid concentration,
protein and haemoglobin content of fetal blood.20,21
The blood–gas partition coecient is a ratio of the concentration
of volatile anaesthetic in blood compared to alveolar gas once
the partial pressure has equilibrated. It is a pharmacological
term used to describe the solubility of a volatile anaesthetic
agent. Volatile agents with a low blood–gas partition coecient
B/G < 1) are poorly soluble with subsequent rapid rise in partial
pressure and onset of anaesthetic action.
Figure 5: Blood–gas partition coefficients for halothane and nitrous
The blood–gas partition coecient
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2020; 26(6)Supplement
Conflict of interest
The author declares no conict of interest.
Funding source
E Bezuidenhout
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Background: The blood/gas partition coefficient of a certain volatile anesthetic is of clinical importance because it determines its velocity of uptake into and elimination from the body of a patient and thus its pharmacokinetic behavior. To date, the blood/gas partition coefficients of isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane have been measured in small numbers of subjects or in particular study groups, for example, healthy volunteers, patients experiencing a common kind of disease, or mothers immediately after giving birth. The objective of this study was to determine the blood/gas partition coefficients of these volatile anesthetics at 37°C in a larger clinically relevant and adult patient population. Furthermore, we tested whether age, gender, body mass index, hemoglobin concentration, or hematocrit had an influence on the coefficients. Methods: Blood samples were taken from 120 fasting operative patients with ASA physical status I to III and aged 19 to 86 years. All subjects were randomly enrolled in study groups for the separate determinations of the blood/gas partition coefficients of isoflurane (n = 41), sevoflurane (n = 41), and desflurane (n = 38) by headspace gas chromatography. To check the quality of the measurements, we determined the distilled water/gas partition coefficients of those anesthetics and compared them with previously published values. Results: We found a blood/gas partition coefficient of 1.45 ± 0.12 (mean ± SD) for isoflurane, 0.74 ± 0.06 for sevoflurane, and 0.57 ± 0.04 for desflurane. Values of this study are 5.07%, 12.12%, and 7.55% higher for isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane, respectively, than the previously published mean values (all P ≤ 0.001). There were only trends for small correlations between the blood/gas partition coefficient of isoflurane and hemoglobin concentration (Pearson r = 0.32; P = 0.041) and hematocrit (r = 0.37; P = 0.016). We found no other potentially significant correlations of the partition coefficients with patient age, body mass index, hemoglobin concentration, or hematocrit (all remaining P > 0.069). Furthermore, the coefficients did not differ significantly between female and male patients. The evaluation of the distilled water/gas partition coefficients of isoflurane (0.59 ± 0.04), sevoflurane (0.37 ± 0.04), and desflurane (0.27 ± 0.03) proved the validity of the gas chromatography method used in this study. Conclusions: The blood/gas partition coefficients of the modern volatile anesthetics, in particular, those of sevoflurane and desflurane, may be higher than that has been hitherto reported. Therefore, their uptake and elimination may occur more slowly in some patients than has been supposed. The blood/gas partition coefficients of isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane measured in this study appear to be representative because they were determined in a clinically and numerically relevant patient cohort.
Using the gas chromatographic headspace sampling technique, we determined the solubility of volatile anesthetics (halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane) in plasma substitutes, albumin solution, intravenous fat emulsions, perfluorochemical FC-43 emulsion, and aqueous solutions at 37°C. The order of magnitude of λ value (liquid/gas partition coefficients) was halothane >enflurane>isoflurane> sevoflurane in all the parenteral infusion fluids except the perfluorochemical emulsion (FC-43). The FC-43/gas partition coefficients of the volatile anesthetics were almost the same at 5.5. The partition coefficients were affected by the osmolarity of solutions, hydrophobicity, and the structure of solutes. Also, the blood/gas partition coefficients in intravenous fat emulsions and FC-43 were calculated. It is suggested that fluid therapy, especially with intravenous fat emulsions or FC-43, may influence the blood/gas partition coefficients of anesthetics, and affect the induction of anesthesia.
Anesthetic blood solubility predicts pharmacokinetics for inhaled agents and is essential for determination of blood anesthetic concentrations from end-tidal gas concentrations using Henry's Law. Though used to model anesthetic effects in humans, there are limited interspecies solubility comparisons that include modern haloethers. This study aimed to measure hematocrit-adjusted blood:gas anesthetic partition coefficients (λ B:G) for desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, and methoxyflurane in humans and animals. Whole blood was collected from 20 rats, 8 horses, and 4 each of cats, cattle, humans, dogs, goats, pigs, rabbits, and sheep. Plasma or cell volume was removed to adjust all samples to a packed cell volume of 40%. A single-agent calibration gas headspace was added to blood in a glass syringe and was mixed and equilibrated at 37°C for 2 h. Agent concentrations in the calibration gas and syringe headspace were measured using gas chromatography. Anesthetic solubility in saline, citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine, and olive oil were similarly measured. Except for goats, all animal species had at least one λ B:G measurement that differed significantly from humans. For each agent, λ B:G positively correlated with serum triglyceride concentrations, but this only explained 25% of interspecies variability. Desflurane was significantly less soluble in blood than sevoflurane in some species (e.g., humans) but not in others (e.g., rabbits). Anesthetic partition coefficients differ significantly between humans and most animals for haloether anesthetics. Because of their similar λ B:G values, goats may be a better animal model for inhaled anesthetic pharmacokinetics in people.
Few studies have determined the effect of obesity on inhaled anesthetic pharmacokinetics. We hypothesized that the solubility of potent inhaled anesthetics in fat and increased body mass index (BMI) in obese patients interact to increase anesthetic uptake and decrease the rate at which the delivered (FD) and inspired (FI) concentrations of an inhaled anesthetic approach a constantly maintained alveolar concentration (end-tidal or FA). This hypothesis implies that the effect of obesity would be greater with a more soluble anesthetic such as isoflurane versus desflurane. In 107 ASA physical status I-III patients, anesthesia was induced with propofol, tracheal intubation facilitated with neuromuscular blockade, and ventilation controlled with 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen to maintain end-tidal carbon dioxide concentrations between 35 and 45 mm Hg. Isoflurane or desflurane was administered in a 1 L/min inflow rate at FD concentrations sufficient to maintain FA at 0.6 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (0.7% or 3.7%, respectively). FD, FI, and FA were measured 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 90, 120,150, and 180 min after starting potent inhaled anesthetic delivery. Fifty-nine patients received isoflurane and 48 received desflurane. BMI ranged between 18 and 63 kg/m(2) and demographic variables did not differ between anesthetic groups. For isoflurane, FD/FA or FI/FA weakly (but significantly) correlated with BMI at 9/18 time points whereas for desflurane FD/FA or FI/FA correlated significantly with BMI at only one time point (P < 0.01). After dividing each group into nonobese (BMI < 30) and obese (BMI > or = 30) patients, with isoflurane, FD/FA or FI/FA was higher in obese patients at four time points whereas there was no difference between nonobese and obese patients for desflurane. Patients receiving isoflurane took longer to respond to command after discontinuing anesthesia but obesity did not increase or decrease awakening time for either isoflurane or desflurane. When BMI was used to normalize FI/FA and FD/FA the median values for isoflurane consistently exceeded the median value for desflurane by factors ranging from 3 to 5, values comparable to the ratios of their blood/gas (3.1), muscle/gas (4.6), and fat/gas (5.4) partition coefficients. BMI modestly affects FD/FA and FI/FA, and this effect is most apparent for an anesthetic having a greater solubility in all tissues. An increased BMI increases anesthetic uptake and, thus, the need for delivered anesthetic to sustain a constant alveolar anesthetic concentration, particularly with a more soluble anesthetic. However, the increase with an increased body mass is small.
Solubility coefficients for seven inhalation anesthetic agnets were determined in maternal and fetal blood at 37 C. Halothane, isoflurane, diethyl ether, and nitrous oxide were significantly more soluble in maternal than in fetal blood, while methoxyflurane, fluroxene, and cyclopropane were significantly less soluble. Reasons for these differences cannot be accounted for by differences in the type or amount of hemoglobin present.
The influence of haemodilution and cooling on the solubility of halothane in blood during cardiopulmonary bypass was studied in six normothermic and six hypothermic patients undergoing open-heart operations. The solubility of halothane in blood was 2.17 at 30° C and 1.34 at 37° C. There was also an increase in the blood/gas partition coefficient of about 8.7 per cent for each degree celsius of temperature fall. These changes in haemodiluted blood explain the different anaesthetic requirements observed in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass, either at normal temperature or at moderate hypothermia.
SUMMARY In a study of the influence of nutritional state on halothane anaesthesia, results were obtained which showed how the blood/gas partition coeffecient for halothane varied with blood chemistry in 20 patients undergoing elective surgery. For each patient the partition coefficient λ was measured by equilibration at 37 °C of a blood sample with a 1% halothane in 5% carbon dioxide in air mixture, followed by chemical extraction and estimation of the halothane content by gas chromatography. The haematocrit and haemoglobin, serum albumin, total protein, triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations were measured by routine laboratory methods. Regressions were sought of λ on each of these, and on the globulin concentration and the ratios of albumin : globuin and albumin : total protein, deduced from these determinations. The only statistically significant regression (P = 0.0004) was that of λ on the serum triglyceride concentration (T) (mmol/litre): λ = 1.83+0.424T. The dependence of λ on haemoglobin concentration was not statistically significant, but the slope of the regression was consistent with those of previous investigators. The regressions of λ, corrected to the mean triglyceride concentration, on the ratios of albumin : globulin and albumin : total protein were not statistically significant but were not significantly different from an earlier reported result.
To determine the effect of prematurity on the solubility of volatile anesthetics in blood, the authors measured the blood/gas partition coefficients of sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane and the serum concentrations of albumin, globulin, cholesterol, and triglycerides in umbilical venous blood from ten preterm and eight full-term neonates and in venous blood from eight fasting adult volunteers. The authors found that the blood/gas partition coefficient of sevoflurane did not differ significantly among the three age groups. The partition coefficients of isoflurane and halothane in preterm neonates did not differ significantly from those in full-term neonates. However, the partition coefficients of both anesthetics in neonates were significantly less than those in adults. The blood/gas partition coefficients of the three volatile anesthetics in preterm neonates did not change significantly with gestational age. The blood/gas partition coefficients of sevoflurane, isoflurane and halothane for all three age groups combined correlated only with the serum concentration of cholesterol. The authors conclude that the blood/gas partition coefficients of isoflurane, halothane, and sevoflurane in preterm neonates are similar to those in full term neonates and that gestational age does not significantly affect the blood/gas solubility.