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Stickler Syndrome (SS): Laser Prophylaxis for Retinal Detachment (Modified Ora Secunda Cerclage, OSC/SS)

Taylor & Francis
Clinical Ophthalmology
  • Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education

Abstract and Figures

Purpose To introduce a novel technique of encircling laser prophylaxis (ora secunda cerclage Stickler syndrome, OSC/SS) to prevent rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Stickler syndrome eyes. Patients and Methods After first eye RRD at age 50 and at age 18, respectively, a 53-year-old father and his 22-year-old son with type 2 SS (STL2) gave informed consent and underwent OSC/SS prophylaxis, performed in each fellow eye. A 26-year-old STL2 daughter then suffered first eye retinal detachment and similarly chose fellow eye OSC/SS prophylaxis. A second son, 28 years of age with STL2, chose OSC/SS prophylaxis in both eyes. Results The three OSC/SS treated fellow eyes have gone 12 years, 11 years, and 8 years without RRD. STL1 and less common STL2 eyes are known to have a similar rate of RRD, and 80% of STL1 fellow eyes develop RRD at a median of 4 years in the absence of prophylaxis. Moreover, five of six (83%) known STL2 family members suffered RRD, only the STL2 son with bilateral OSC/SS remaining bilaterally attached. All five OSC/SS treated eyes (average 8.7 years post-prophylaxis) retained preoperative visual acuity of 20/20 to 20/30, with an average, asymptomatic reduction of meridional field in each eye to 50 degrees. In contrast, in the three eyes having suffered RRD prior to presentation, visual acuity ranged from 20/125 to 8/200 and average meridional field was 29 degrees. Conclusion Encircling grid laser (OSC) modified in Stickler eyes to encompass the ora serrata and extend posteriorly to and between the vortex vein ampullae (OSC/SS) is a reasonable RRD prophylaxis option to offer STL1 and STL2 patients as an alternative to no treatment or less effective prophylaxis. Because of rarity and severity, the ultimate proof of safety and efficacy will likely come not from randomized trials, but from a non-randomized, prospective, cohort comparison study of such individual efforts.
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Stickler Syndrome (SS): Laser Prophylaxis for
Retinal Detachment (Modied Ora Secunda
Cerclage, OSC/SS)
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Clinical Ophthalmology
Robert E Morris,
Edward Scott Parma,
Nathaniel H Robin,
Mathew R Sapp,
Matthew H Oltmanns,
Matthew R West,
Donald C Fletcher,
Ronald A Schuchard,
Ferenc Kuhn
Retina Specialists of Alabama, Birmingham, AL,
Helen Keller Foundation for Research
and Education, Birmingham, AL, USA;
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB),
Department of Ophthalmology, Birmingham,
UAB Callahan Eye Hospital,
Birmingham, AL, USA;
Retina Specialists of
Alabama Montgomery, Montgomery, AL, USA;
UAB Department of Genetics, Birmingham,
University of Kansas Medical Center,
Department of Ophthalmology and KU Eye
Center, Kansas City, KS, USA;
Consultants of Southwest Florida, Ft. Myers,
Envision Research Institute, Wichita,
Milos Eye Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia;
University of Pécs, Department of
Ophthalmology, Pécs, Hungary
Video abstract
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Purpose: To introduce a novel technique of encircling laser prophylaxis (ora secunda cerclage
Stickler syndrome, OSC/SS) to prevent rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Stickler
syndrome eyes.
Patients and Methods: After rst eye RRD at age 50 and at age 18, respectively, a 53-year-
old father and his 22-year-old son with type 2 SS (STL2) gave informed consent and underwent
OSC/SS prophylaxis, performed in each fellow eye. A 26-year-old STL2 daughter then suffered
rst eye retinal detachment and similarly chose fellow eye OSC/SS prophylaxis. A second son,
28 years of age with STL2, chose OSC/SS prophylaxis in both eyes.
Results: The three OSC/SS treated fellow eyes have gone 12 years, 11 years, and 8 years
without RRD. STL1 and less common STL2 eyes are known to have a similar rate of RRD,
and 80% of STL1 fellow eyes develop RRD at a median of 4 years in the absence of
prophylaxis. Moreover, ve of six (83%) known STL2 family members suffered RRD, only
the STL2 son with bilateral OSC/SS remaining bilaterally attached. All ve OSC/SS treated
eyes (average 8.7 years post-prophylaxis) retained preoperative visual acuity of 20/20 to 20/
30, with an average, asymptomatic reduction of meridional eld in each eye to 50 degrees. In
contrast, in the three eyes having suffered RRD prior to presentation, visual acuity ranged
from 20/125 to 8/200 and average meridional eld was 29 degrees.
Conclusion: Encircling grid laser (OSC) modied in Stickler eyes to encompass the ora
serrata and extend posteriorly to and between the vortex vein ampullae (OSC/SS) is
a reasonable RRD prophylaxis option to offer STL1 and STL2 patients as an alternative to
no treatment or less effective prophylaxis. Because of rarity and severity, the ultimate proof
of safety and efcacy will likely come not from randomized trials, but from a non-
randomized, prospective, cohort comparison study of such individual efforts.
Keywords: Stickler syndrome, SS, STL1, STL2, retinal detachment prevention, giant retinal
tear, encircling laser prophylaxis, Ora Secunda Cerclage, OSC, OSC/SS
Stickler syndrome (SS) is a heterogeneous inherited disorder of collagen formation with
mutations primarily in the genes coding for type II collagen (type 1 SS, STL1, 80% of
cases) and type XI collagen (type 2 SS, STL2, <20% of cases).
It is usually inherited in
an autosomal dominant fashion and affects the eye, ear, and skeleton. A description of the
important genetic aspects of Stickler syndrome was recently provided by Robin et al.
Ocular-only or predominately ocular versions of SS have been increasingly
recognized, emphasizing the importance of discovery by an ophthalmologist.
Correspondence: Robert E Morris
Retina Specialists of Alabama, 2208
University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35233,
Tel +1 (205) 558-2598
Fax +1 (205) 558-2596
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Ocular ndings in the STL1 and STL2 phenotype include
early-onset myopia, a mostly liquid vitreous cavity from
membranous (STL1) or beading (STL2) vitreous
radial perivascular retinal degeneration,
early-onset cortical cataracts,
and most
importantly, retinal detachment that commonly occurs in
the rst three decades of life, even in infancy.
Stickler syndrome is the leading cause of inherited rheg-
matogenous retinal detachment (RRD). In Stickler patients,
RRD is usually bilateral and is often caused by a giant retinal
tear (GRT) at the ora serrata.
Most Stickler detachments
require multiple operations to repair, often with legally
blind visual results despite nal reattachment.
It is thus an
especially devastating disease for those affected.
In a series of 194 untreated STL1 patients with a mean
age of 31.3 years retrospectively reported in 2014, the
Cambridge (England) group observed an RRD prevalence
rate of 53.6% (10.3% unilateral and 43.3% bilateral), with
a median time to rst eye detachment of 18 years. In
patients who had already suffered RRD in one eye before
presenting, there was an 80% chance of a second eye
detachment, at a median of 4 years after the rst eye
Against this natural course, Cambridge employed
a single row of encircling cryopexy crossing the ora serrata
for prophylaxis of GRT. Bilateral controls (no RRD) had
a 5.0-fold increased risk of an RRD (p<0.001) relative to
bilateral-treated eyes matched for age and follow-up (mean
5.9 years).
Prophylaxis failures (9%) occurred at an aver-
age of 5.6 years after treatment, and the mean age at treat-
ment was 21.5 years in failed cases. No long-term
complications of encircling cryopexy were observed.
The (continuing) Cambridge prophylaxis experience of
over four decades exceeds that of all other literature
reports combined. As the only entity designated as
a national center (United Kingdom) for this rare disease,
its Stickler population is diverse and its prevalence gures
are likely higher quality data than cross-study reviews of
much smaller reports having inconsistent diagnostic and
inclusion criteria.
For example, 87.5% of clinically diag-
nosed Cambridge STL1 patients were subsequently proven
as STL1 by genetic testing.
In apparent recognition of the potential risks of more
extensive cryopexy, Cambridge did not extend prophylaxis
posteriorly and specically stated that their treatment was
not expected to prevent tears posterior to the ora serrata. In
contrast, specically to prevent tears posterior to the ora,
we have long practiced a (standard) form of prophylactic
encircling laser retinopexy that has reliably prevented
RRD in high-risk, non-syndromic eyes. It emphasizes
grid treatment of the at-risk peripheral retina extending
from the ora serrata halfway to the vortex vein ampullae.
In effect, this creates a “second ora” behind the posterior
vitreous base which ends 3 mm posterior to the ora (Ora
Secunda Cerclage, OSC, Figure 1).
In our experience, however, the standard OSC prophy-
laxis of Figure 1 has failed to reliably prevent RRD in
Stickler syndrome. Similarly, Alsharani et al recently found
no evidence of efcacy in standard (anterior) encircling laser
prophylaxis, as 36% of 70 Stickler eyes presenting with RRD
had detached despite such prophylaxis.
However, OSC modied for SS (OSC/SS), to encom-
pass the ora serrata and anterior vitreous base (as per
Cambridge) and to extend more posteriorly, has been
a successful SS prophylaxis in our experience of the last
8 years. We here describe the OSC/SS technique, illu-
strated by a single-family series, that may have the poten-
tial to become more widely adopted than the Cambridge
cryopexy encirclement, based on increased provider famil-
iarity with laser retinopexy.
Patients and Methods
This retrospective case series study was determined to be
exempt from IRB approval by the Western Institutional
Figure 1 Illustration of OSC. Laser burns of moderate intensity are placed in a grid
pattern (one to two spot widths separation) extending from the ora serrata
approximately 4 mm posteriorly, in effect producing a “second ora” posterior to
the vitreous base. Used with permission of artist Stephen Gordon, copyright 2020.
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Review Board and was conducted in accordance with the
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki for research involving
human subjects. Patients provided written informed con-
sent for their case details to be published.
A 53-year-old man and his 22-year-old son presented
with an extensive family history of RRD occurring at an
early age. Both the father and son had themselves already
suffered RRD (and redetachment) in one eye at age 50 and
18, respectively, that had been stably reattached after mul-
tiple procedures, albeit with severe vision loss. They were
in search of therapy to prevent RRD in their fellow eyes.
The man and his son stated that three local retinal
specialists had recommended no preventive treatment for
their fellow eyes. A 26-year-old daughter and a 28-year-
old son were said to be nearsighted, and both had been
treated with “spot laser” in each eye for retinal thinning.
Another, youngest son was said to have normal eyes with-
out myopia. The father had four siblings, two of whom had
suffered retinal detachment at age 17 and at age 31, while
two other siblings did not have the Stickler phenotype. His
mother had lattice degeneration, early cataract, and glau-
coma. His maternal grandfather suffered bilateral retinal
detachment by age 47 and was legally blind. The father
himself had cataract extraction at age 40, before suffering
retinal detachment in one eye at age 50.
After each losing substantial vision in one eye to RRD,
the father and son had traveled together to an eye institute
renowned for its expertise in treatment of retinal disease
seeking an additional opinion regarding possible preventive
treatment for their fellow, normally sighted eyes. They
related that they were again advised to have no laser pro-
phylaxis, but to return promptly for treatment if and when
they developed RRD in the fellow eye. They had come to
our clinic at the suggestion of a fth retina specialist.
In addition to rst eye RRD, features of the Stickler ocular
phenotype present in the fellow eyes of the two men
included high myopia from birth, optically clear central
vitreous, cortical vitreous gel opacities, and lattice retinal
degeneration. The father was bilaterally pseudophakic
resulting from early-onset cataracts. The father and son
had pseudophakic visual acuities of 8/200 and 20/125 in
their post RRD eyes, respectively, with visual elds
reduced to an average of 27 degrees in each meridian
(Figure 2A and B, Figure 3A and B).
A full discussion ensued using diagrams and illustra-
tions of vitreous traction, retinal tears, lattice degeneration,
and RRD. A specic form of encircling laser treatment of
the peripheral retina in Stickler syndrome (OSC/SS) was
described as a possible preventive treatment for their fel-
low eyes. Included in the discussion were the rationale and
the risks of treatment, and the fact that there existed no
Figure 2 (A) Final appearance of the father’s right eye fundus after repair of recurrent RRD/PVR in multiple procedures. Postoperative visual acuity is 8/200. Multiple
causative tears with aberrant vitreous traction were noted at RRD repair. (B) Visual eld of the right eye postoperatively.
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prospective clinical trials of this or any other prophylactic
The alternatives described were focal retinopexy lim-
ited to visible lattice;
encircling scleral buckling (more
invasive, and itself not proven);
encircling cryopexy
(performed primarily at Cambridge);
or continued
observation, accepting the natural course of Stickler
Both the father and the presenting son chose OSC/SS
prophylaxis for their fellow eye, gave written informed
consent prior to each treatment, and were treated with
laser delivery via the indirect ophthalmoscope (IDO)
under laryngeal mask general anesthesia (LMA) without
complications (Figure 4A and B).
The 26-year-old daughter was subsequently examined,
with similar ndings consistent with Stickler phenotype,
including myopia of 20 diopters, 3.75 diopters of astigma-
tism, an optically clear vitreous with “stringy” opacities in
the cortical vitreous gel, and lattice retinal degeneration.
She had modest focal laser prophylaxis to lattice OU. Her
corrected visual acuity was 20/25 right eye and 20/30 left
eye. She was offered OSC/SS in each eye for her
While contemplating possible treatment, 6 weeks later
she suffered RRD from a six clock hour GRT in the left
eye that was reattached in her hometown using silicone oil.
Even after silicone oil removal and cataract extraction,
maculopathy limited her nal corrected visual acuity to
20/125 in the left eye and visual eld was reduced to an
average of 32 degrees in each meridian. She then chose
OSC/SS prophylaxis in her fellow right eye and was
treated under LMA in two sessions after written informed
A 28-year-old son was found to have eight diopters of
myopia, early onset cataracts, abnormally clear central
vitreous, cortical vitreous opacities, and lattice retinal
degeneration. He had minimal laser treatment to areas of
thin retina in both eyes. He chose OSC/SS prophylaxis,
gave written informed consent, and was treated OU under
LMA over a period of 4 years on a schedule of his choice.
He then had successful cataract extraction in his right eye.
After subsequent symptomatic posterior vitreous detach-
ment in the left eye 2 years after nal OSC/SS treatment,
he gave written informed consent and underwent left eye
combined cataract extraction and 27-gauge vitrectomy
with removal of symptomatic vitreous veil opacities.
The father, his three affected children, and a 4-year-old
grandson were each tested for mutations in the genes
known to be involved in Stickler syndrome. No family
Figure 3 (A) Final appearance of the son’s left eye after repair of recurrent RRD/PVR. Postoperative visual acuity is 20/125. Initial RRD was from multiple small defects with
lattice. (B) Visual eld of the left eye postoperatively.
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member was noted to have skeletal abnormalities.
A hearing test was performed on the father.
None of the ve eyes in the four family members treated by
OSC/SS prophylaxis experienced either a retinal tear or an
RRD with an average follow-up of 8.7 years (Video S1).
Each of these ve eyes maintained preoperative corrected
visual acuity of 20/20 to 20/30, with an asymptomatic reduc-
tion of visual eld to an average of 50 degrees in each
meridian post-prophylaxis. The three fellow eyes treated
with OSC/SS have now gone 12, 11, and 8 years after rst
eye RRD without suffering a rhegmatogenous event. The
daughter’s right eye fundus image and visual eld, typical
of the OSC/SS treated eyes, are shown in Figure 5A and B,
At vitrectomy performed in the left eye, the eldest son
was noted to have both moderate beading opacities charac-
teristic of STL2 and extensive membranous vitreous veils
(Video S2), distinct however from the anterior membranous
Figure 5 (A) Fundus image of the daughter’s right eye after completed OSC/SS laser prophylaxis. Visual acuity is 20/30 (as preoperatively) corrected with 20.25 +3.75 ×
091. (B) Visual eld of the right eye post OSC/SS.
Figure 4 (A) Step 1 (essential) of OSC/SS. Laser burns of moderately high intensity are placed in a tight grid pattern (one spot width separation) from 2 mm onto the pars
plana to the ora serrata, and approximately 4 mm posteriorly, halfway to the vortex vein ampullae, achieving protection against GRT and anterior defects. Artist Stephen
Gordon. (B) Step 2 (optional) of OSC/SS. Three months after initial treatment, the laser grid is extended posteriorly to and between the vortex vein ampullae, achieving
maximum protection against both GRT and posterior defects throughout the peripheral retina. Used with permission of artist Stephen Gordon, copyright 2020.
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opacity characteristic of STL1 eyes.
He ultimately
achieved 20/25 uncorrected visual acuity in the right eye
and 20/30 uncorrected near visual acuity in the left eye.
Of the ve OSC/SS-treated eyes, one developed pupil-
lary mydriasis that was moderately symptomatic and per-
sisted for 6 months, but ultimately resolved. No eye
developed epimacular proliferation, vitreous traction exa-
cerbated by treatment, or any other complication.
Each affected family member was found to have an
identical “variant of unknown signicance” mutation in the
gene that is associated with STL2 (Col11A1), less common
than STL1, but having similar RRD propensity.
The father
had moderate sensorineural hearing loss. The father and four
of his ve affected siblings/children suffered RRD (5/6,
83%). The one affected child not developing RRD had
received OSC/SS prophylaxis OU, with 7-year follow-up
in the right eye and 3-year follow-up in the left eye.
The Stickler Problem
The fundamental problem in Stickler eyes is that the vitr-
eous cavity is only partially lled with gel vitreous from
The central vitreous does not “liquify” - it never
forms. And aqueous uid is ready to breach any retinal
hole or tear that develops. Cortical vitreous movements
and contraction (Video S3) can give rise to tractional
retinal tears, completely independently of posterior vitr-
eous detachment, at an age when normal eyes with
a completely gel-lled vitreous cavity are impervious to
such an occurrence.
In fact, less than half of Stickler
RRDs have posterior vitreous detachment (Video S3).
Moreover, the vitreous gel that is present adheres to the
retina in a grossly anomalous and unpredictable fashion.
Finally, lattice and perivascular retinal degeneration and
strong foci of vitreous adherence can extend quite poster-
iorly (Figure 6).
As a consequence of these vitreoretinal abnormalities,
and in the absence of prophylaxis, most STL1 (and prob-
ably STL2, as in this family)
Stickler patients experience
RRD, half by age 20, with an 80% probability of fellow
eye RRD within a median of 4 years in the largest obser-
vational report to date.
Two of three affected children in
the current family had rst eye RRD by age 26, and one of
three detachments in this family was from GRT. Yet three
fellow eyes treated by OSC/SS laser retinopexy have gone
12 years, 11 years, and 8 years after rst eye detachment
without developing RRD.
Prevention of RRD by adoption of the Cambridge
cryopexy protocol has been hindered by the fact that
cryopexy is now used very sparingly by most retina
specialists, who regard laser retinopexy as superior,
and who have never in their careers performed encir-
cling cryopexy.
Focal cryopexy and laser retinopexy
are each successful prophylaxis in the hands of surgeons
adept at them. However, the majority of current practi-
tioners are insufciently skilled and reluctant to perform
encirclement with cryopexy, when the laser retinopexy
they expertly perform almost daily is available as
a reasonable encircling prophylaxis alternative.
Figure 7 Fundus image of a giant retinal tear (GRT) extending from 9 to 5 o’clock
in the left eye. GRT is most commonly seen in childhood retinal detachments of
Stickler syndrome patients.
Figure 6 Fundus image of pigmented perivascular retinal degeneration extending
radially and posteriorly, as seen in some Stickler syndrome pedigrees.
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OSC/SS Technique
In our experience, Stickler RRD emanating from either
GRT (Figure 7; one of three detachments in this family) or
from multiple posterior tears (Figure 8A and B; Video S3;
two of three detachments in this family) can be reliably
prevented by IDO delivery of a dense grid of laser retino-
pexy starting 2 mm anterior to the ora, extending to and
between the vortex vein ampullae posteriorly. OSC/SS
employs slightly higher power and a tighter grid pattern
(one spot width separation) than in standard OSC, as illu-
strated in Figure 4A and B.
This two-step prophylaxis emulates the successful
Cambridge GRT prophylaxis in Step 1. But in Step 2, it
also attempts to prevent the 9% Cambridge failure rate
over 5.6 years of follow-up, due predominately to new
posterior tears.
Step 2 further safeguards treated eyes for
a life expectancy averaging decades beyond the mean age
at which Cambridge cryopexy was performed (14.5 years
bilateral prophylaxis; 22.9 years unilateral prophylaxis).
Treatment of one or both eyes of young, inherently
high-risk Stickler patients is best performed in the operat-
ing room under laryngeal mask general anesthesia (LMA).
In an initial treatment session (Step 1), laser grid treatment
is placed from 2 mm anterior to the ora serrata (reaching
the anterior vitreous base) to 4 mm posterior to the ora
(posterior to the normal vitreous base at 3 mm from the
ora), about halfway to the vortex vein ampullae, taking
care to spare the long posterior ciliary nerves at the three
and nine o’clock meridians (Figure 4A). Step 1 is the
essential step in achieving security for central vision,
with additional steps as described below to be elected by
each patient after further counseling, so as to achieve the
patient’s maximum desired prophylaxis.
After a normal recovery from Step 1 laser retinopexy,
without anterior segment sequelae,
(or as a supplement
to Cambridge cryopexy encirclement) a laser treatment
session 3 months later (Step 2) lls in skip areas and
extends further posteriorly to and between carefully loca-
lized vortex vein ampullae. No treatment is applied
directly overlying visible vortex vein ampullae or their
posterior choroidal drainage vessels. Once sufcient
experience accumulates to assure safety and effectiveness,
it may be possible to offer a trial of OSC/SS in a single
Total OSC/SS treatment is approximately 2000 to 2400
spots (Figure 4B). If a shallow fornix limits the scleral
depression needed to achieve adequate posterior coverage,
an access conjunctival incision can be used. Alternatively,
the posterior extent of treatment can be incrementally
adjusted using a wide-angle contact lens and a slit lamp
in the clinic during a nal session with topical anesthesia.
Beyond accurate grid laser placement, good control of
laser power is critically important. The delicate
Figure 8 (A) Intraoperative image of seven post equatorial retinal tears extending from 8 to 10 o’clock temporally along a prominent circumferential line of vitreous
traction, causing total RRD in the right eye of a 14-year-old female with STL1, congenital extreme myopia (26 diopters), and abnormal vitreous (Video S3). These tears
occurred well posterior to standard OSC prophylaxis performed 4 months previously. (B) Postoperative image of the same retina reattached under silicone oil, with
corrected visual acuity in the eye of 20/30. Note the prominent line of vitreous traction from 5 to 11 o’clock that could not be safely removed during the initial repair
despite retinal stabilization with peruorocarbon liquid. Laser retinopexy extends quite posteriorly to encompass all tears and the traction line that was further reduced
upon silicone oil removal.
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neurosensory retina can develop necrotic defects when the
chorioretinal complex is treated with excessive power
density or overlapping burns, weakening the retina instead
of strengthening it as intended. The denition of “burn” is
“to alter or destroy by the action of heat.”
The distinction
between altering to produce a strengthening adhesion, and
destroying by causing retinal necrosis can be minimal,
requiring vigilance in monitoring grid placement, power
density and the resultant retinal “whitening.”
Posterior Prophylaxis Uncertainty
Optimal prophylaxis in SS must extend more posteriorly
than in non-syndromic eyes because both retinal degenera-
tion and anomalous vitreous traction commonly extend
more posteriorly.
But any encircling laser retinopexy
reduces the peripheral visual eld while increasing central
vision security, and this trade-off increases in OSC/SS
prophylaxis as the retinopexy border is extended more
posteriorly. Potentially greater loss of visual eld under-
standably gives rise to controversy. Yet even after Step 2
of OSC/SS retinopexy, the loss of peripheral eld was
asymptomatic in all four treated members of this family
and rated as a 0% disability by Estermann scoring.
In a 2019 review, Coussa et al noted that encircling
prophylaxis is commonly performed in fellow eyes when
an initial Stickler RRD is repaired, but that the optimal
posterior extent of treatment has not been established.
While posterior tears causing retinal detachment are rela-
tively rare in non-syndromic eyes, in a series of Stickler
detachments, Billington et al noted multiple small tears
with “many post equatorial and at different distances from
the ora serrata.”
In 1968, just 3 years after Gunnar Stickler’s rst report,
Hagler reported on 33 patients with familial radial perivas-
cular retinal degeneration (Figure 6) and ocular features that
have subsequently been shown to characterize SS, including
22 retinal detachments.
None were caused by GRT, but
three related family members suffered GRT detachments.
Hagler reported a 36% failure rate in detachment repair due
to multiple posterior tears and thus referred to these as
“malignant” detachments. In 2002, Parma et al showed that
this same pedigree was indeed genetically STL1. RRD
occurred in 65% of 100 patients, with half bilaterally, and
70% of detachments occurred by age 18.
In a total of four literature reports specically analyzing
Stickler RRD, approximately 82 of 158 eyes (52%) had
multiple small tears, while 43 eyes (27%) had giant retinal
Based on these reports and an estimated
lifetime RRD risk in SS patients of over 65%,
would expect at least a 30% remaining risk of RRD from
posterior tears in SS patients even after GRT prophylaxis.
Thus, posterior prophylaxis via Step 2 OSC/SS laser reti-
nopexy can reasonably be offered to all STL1 and STL2
patients. The Cambridge operative experience with over
250 Stickler detachments might considerably enhance our
knowledge of causative tear locations, further dening the
posterior prophylaxis (beyond GRT prophylaxis at the ora)
needed to optimally secure central vision for a lifetime.
The extent of laser retinopexy preventive treatment and
placement of the posterior border of prophylaxis in
Stickler eyes are ultimately decisions to be made in each
eye based on each physician’s judgment and each patient’s
preference (Supplemental Report). For the three family
members who lost vision due to RRD in one eye, choosing
maximum retinopexy prophylaxis by both Step 1 and Step
2 OSC/SS was an easier decision. Similarly, other Stickler
patients with one eye detachment or with a multi-
generational family history of detachment would likely
be so inclined.
Vitrectomy as Prophylaxis
It is indisputable that STL1 and STL2 patients are at
extreme risk for RRD, and that tractional tears account for
the preponderance of these detachments.
Consequently, 27-gauge vitrectomy to prevent vitreous
traction (carrying less than a 1% risk in our experience,
when performed with specic precautions) is now
a reasonable, nal preventive option (Step 3) to be consid-
ered in selected eyes after completion of OSC/SS retino-
pexy. Substantial advances in ultra-high-speed vitrectomy
probes, low-end suction control, Kenalog vitreous staining,
and wide-eld microscopes have nally made Step 3
a reasonably safe alternative to complete reliance on pro-
phylactic retinopexy. This nal step helps SS eyes avoid
a lifetime of vitreous tractional events that are more com-
mon but less predictable (as to location) in Stickler eyes
than in non-syndromic eyes. As an example, the seven tears
seen in the Stickler RRD of Video S3 were so posterior that
they likely would not have been prevented even by the
maximum OSC/SS retinopexy prophylaxis here described.
Alsharani et al found that vitreous veils were present at
the site of tears in 70 consecutive Stickler detachments.
Such opacities (Figure 9) may help guide vitreous removal
as a nal prophylactic measure in some Stickler eyes, as in
the vitrectomy performed in the older son of this family
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(Video S2). Moreover, Stickler patients who present with
symptomatic vitreous opacities may be at especially high
risk of detachment. In fact, all Stickler patients and their
parents should be well educated to promptly report pre-
monitory signs of vitreous traction for professional
A recent comprehensive analysis of Stickler syndrome
RRD prophylaxis by the National Institute for Health
Research of the United Kingdom concluded that
a prospective, randomized trial of prophylaxis in this rare
disease was impractical and instead recommended
a nonrandomized, prospective, cohort comparison study
of ongoing individual efforts.
We hope that dissemina-
tion of the OSC/SS technique will be another signicant
step, building on the pioneering work of the Cambridge
group, towards the goal of developing an effective, statis-
tically validated prophylaxis for RRD in Stickler
OSC/SS is a noninvasive treatment whose sole purpose
is risk reduction, and the risk of treatment itself has been
minimal when applied appropriately.
However, each
physician should remain mindful that such treatment is
tantamount to a permanent laser signature and to always
“laser” as much as necessary but as little as possible, with
great care betting the permanent changes inevitably
attending such retinopexy.
Encircling prophylaxis is a reasonable option for
Stickler patients to consider. And yet after undergoing
ve retinal detachment repairs with nal profound visual
loss in three family members, and after being seen by four
retinal specialists over a period of years, none of the four
affected family members had learned of either the widely
used encircling laser prophylaxis option,
or the
Cambridge encircling cryopexy prophylaxis for their fel-
low eyes. Even in the absence of level-one evidence of
we must provide Stickler patients with all
the information we have, enabling them to make their own
fully informed prophylaxis choice. For in the absence of
effective RRD prevention they spend each day “under the
sword of Damocles,” with the eminent and ever-present
danger of sudden blindness.
Data Sharing Statement
Additional material related to this article can be found at
Ethics and Consent Statement
This retrospective case series study was determined to be
exempt from IRB approval by the Western Institutional
Review Board and was conducted in accordance with the
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki for research involving
human subjects. Patients provided written informed con-
sent for their case details to be published.
As in many prior articles, the authors are grateful for
excellent research, clinical, and clerical support by
Christina Sullivan, Jessica Haynes, Dewayne Conn, and
Laura Beckwith. C. Diane Scharper has again provided
expert editing services. The authors also appreciate the
supportive environment provided by the staff and physi-
cians of Retina Specialists of Alabama and the UAB
Callahan Eye Hospital.
Author Contributions
Dr. Robert Morris initally conceptualized OSC/SS, per-
formed all treatments, and wrote the rst draft. All addi-
tional authors made substantial contributions to conception
and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and
Figure 9 Intraoperative image of vitreous veils in the left eye of the elder son,
an STL2 patient (Video S2).
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interpretation of data; took part in drafting the article or
revising it critically for important intellectual content;
agreed to submit to the current journal; gave nal approval
of the version to be published; and agree to be accountable
for all aspects of the work.
Partial funding was provided by the Helen Keller
Foundation for Research and Education, through grants
by the Hanna Charitable Trust and the Kent Companies,
and by Retina Specialists of Alabama LLC.
The authors report no conicts of interest in this work
nancial or otherwise.
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... It then discusses the implications of recent successful prevention treatments in Stickler syndrome for high-risk eyes with other, non-syndromic conditions. [3][4][5] Without treatment, spontaneous detachment of the (neurosensory) retina from the eye wall is the leading cause of acute blindness in the aging eye. Treatment became possible only during the 20th century, after Jules Gonin proved that a full thickness defect in the retina allowed vitreous cavity fluid to enter the potential subretinal space (Figure 1). ...
... 8 Over 90% of such causative tears, atrophic holes, and lattice degeneration occur anteriorly, in retina that provides only far peripheral vision (Figure 1). 9 Therefore, treatments to the peripheral retina typically do not produce substantial visual disability, even if they result in retinal scarring. 3 This critically important point provides the basis for prophylactic treatments to either reduce vitreous traction forces on the peripheral retina by indenting (buckling) the eye wall; or to strengthen peripheral retinal adherence to the eye wall (retinopexy), or both. 10 Vitrectomy removal of vitreous gel could theoretically reduce traction forces without changing the peripheral retina, but it has only recently been described in a form that could likely achieve a net reduction in longterm RRD risk vs the non-vitrectomized eye. ...
... In our experience, this pattern has been safe and effective, however we learned that OSC against giant retinal tear (GRT) required tighter grid placement (one spot width spacing), with slightly higher intensity burns, crossing the ora to include the anterior vitreous base. 3 The goal of OSC is to bond the entire at-risk peripheral retina to the eye wall with sufficient strength to withstand vitreous traction forces that could otherwise cause tears and detachment. Properly controlled laser retinopexy achieves a bond three to five times as strong as unprotected retina, 32 with maximum strength developing over approximately one month. ...
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Robert E Morris,1– 3 Ferenc Kuhn,2,4 Timothy Sipos1– 3 1Retina Specialists of Alabama, LLC, Birmingham, AL, USA; 2Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education, Birmingham, AL, USA; 3Department of Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Birmingham, AL, USA; 4Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pécs Medical School, Pécs, HungaryCorrespondence: Robert E Morris, Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education, 2208 University Boulevard, Suite 101, Birmingham, AL, USA, 35233, Tel +1 205 936-0704, Email rmorris@rmeyes.comAbstract: Stickler syndrome, a rare inherited disease, carries a lifetime risk of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) of up to 65%, higher than any other predisposing condition known. Both syndromic and non-syndromic eyes suffer RRD predominately from the same pathogenesis, vitreous tractional tears in the peripheral retina. Consequently, extraordinary publications in 2021– 2022, each reporting successful prevention of RRD in Stickler syndrome, using 360-degree (encircling) laser retinopexy, provide the first strong evidence upon which similar prophylaxis in non-syndromic eyes at high risk of RRD from peripheral retinal tears can confidently go forward.Keywords: retinal tear, retinal detachment, retinal detachment prevention, 360-degree laser retinopexy, stickler syndrome, encircling laser prophylaxis
... Encircling laser treatment to the peripheral retina has recently been shown to reliably prevent retinal tears and retinal detachment (RD) in Stickler syndrome (SS), a rare inherited disease having the highest known lifetime risk of RD. [1][2][3][4][5][6] We reviewed the history of RD prevention in a December 2022 publication, concluding that this recent SS experience constitutes the first strong proof that encircling laser retinopexy applied with the indirect ophthalmoscope (IDO laser cerclage) is a safe and effective RD prophylaxis for all high-risk eyes that share the common pathogenesis of peripheral retinal tears caused by vitreous traction. 7 The current report presents the details of an optimal IDO laser cerclage technique for (non-syndromic) high risk eyes undergoing age-related vitreous traction, concluding with comments on future RD prevention. ...
... Prophylaxis against giant retinal tear/dialyses (as in SS) requires a tighter grid pattern. [3][4][5][6] Slightly higher power density is also advisable. Especially in a tight grid pattern, the effort to space burns requires slower treatment speed and prevents retinal necrosis from overlapping applications. ...
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Encircling (360 degree) retinal detachment prophylaxis using indirect ophthalmoscope laser delivery recently achieved strong proof of safety and effectiveness by preventing the development of peripheral retinal tears and detachments in the eyes of patients with Stickler syndrome (syndromic eyes). Untreated, Stickler syndrome patients have a 65% lifetime risk of retinal detachment (half by age 20, 80% bilateral). This report describes an optimal technique of encircling laser retinopexy to also prevent the more common retinal detachments seen in aging (non-syndromic) eyes that share with Stickler syndrome the common pathogenesis of peripheral retinal tears caused by vitreous traction.
... OSC involves first a laser burn of moderately high intensity placed in a tight grid pattern (one spot width separation) 2 mm onto the pars plana to the ora serrata and 4 mm posteriorly halfway to the vortex vein ampullae. This is followed by an optional step 2 where the laser grid is posteriorly extended to and between the vortex vein ampullae [24]. Although the case series was limited in size, with 8.7 years of follow up, none of the eyes developed a retinal tear or RRD. ...
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Stickler syndrome is the most common cause of pediatric rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. Given the dramatic long term visual impact and difficult surgical management of these detachments, there is increasing interest in determining whether prophylactic treatment can be used to prevent retinal detachments in this population. However, severity of ocular findings in Stickler syndrome can vary by subtype. Three commonly used modalities to provide prophylactic treatment against retinal detachments in patients with Stickler syndrome include scleral buckle, laser retinopexy, and cryotherapy. While laser retinopexy is the most common approach to prophylactic treatment, treatment settings can vary by specialist. In addition, the decision to treat and manage Stickler syndrome is nuanced and requires careful consideration of the individual patient. After reviewing the literature on prophylactic treatment approaches, this chapter will also over guidelines in management of this complex patient population.
Purpose: To evaluate and compare surgical outcomes for syndromes with optically empty vitreous (SOEV) associated rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. Design: A retrospective, cross-sectional, two-arm study of a single pediatric vitreoretinal surgeon's patients from a quaternary referral center with syndromes with optically empty vitreous was performed to examine visual and anatomic outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and laser prophylaxis. Subjects: Patients identified either through slit lamp examination (presence of an optically empty or void space in the vitreous gel structure) or genetic testing. 56 eyes of 49 patients were identified in the retinal detachment arm. 60 eyes of 48 patients were identified in the laser prophylaxis arm. Methods: Comparison of initial retinal detachment (RD) surgical repair via PPV, SB, or PPV-SB with final anatomic success, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and number of surgical procedures. Secondary analysis was performed looking at eyes failing their initial SB, eyes with a GRT at presentation, eyes failing RD repair within specific time intervals, and eyes where hyaloid was elevated during initial vitrectomy. An additional study arm examined the outcomes of final BCVA and the presence and timing of developing a retinal tear or RD in eyes who received laser prophylaxis. Main outcome measures: Visual acuity, Surgical repair techniques (PPV, SB, PPV-SB), Number of Surgeries, Anatomical retinal reattachment success. Results: Initial scleral buckle (SB) had statistically significant better final BCVA (p<0.01) and better final anatomic success (p<0.01). No statistical difference in the number of surgeries needed to achieve anatomic success between the initial SB versus initial PPV-SB/PPV. Hyaloidal elevation during the initial vitrectomy was associated with improved final BCVA and higher final anatomic success without the use of silicone oil (p <0.01 and 0.04 respectively). Lastly, eyes who developed RDs after laser prophylaxis had better final BCVA compared to untreated eyes (p 0.05). Conclusion: Initial SB yields better overall outcomes in SOEV presenting with RRD. Stickler Type-1 patients had similar outcomes compared to other SOEV, suggesting both populations should be treated with similar approaches.
Pediatric rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is an uncommon but serious event, with potential for permanent lifelong visual loss. Pediatric RRD accounts for 0.5–12.6% of all RRD cases. The etiology of pediatric RRD may include congenital and developmental abnormalities. Marfan syndrome, Stickler syndrome and Wagner syndrome constitute the inherited vitreoretinal syndromes most frequently associated with RRD.KeywordsMarfan syndromePediatric rhegmatogenous retinal detachmentStickler syndromeWagner syndrome
Background: Stickler (STL) and Wagner (WGN) syndromes are rare inherited vitreoretinopathies associated with retinal detachments (RD). There is a paucity of case reports describing these diseases in African American patients. Methods: An IRB-approved, retrospective chart review of African American patients with genetically proven ocular-only STL or WGN was performed, and 6 patients were identified. Results: Three patients had a COL2A1 mutation, two had a COL11A1 mutation, and one had a VCAN mutation. None had Pierre Robin facies. All were myopes with lattice degeneration and five had RD. Three underwent RD repair with vitrectomy (PPV), scleral buckle (SB), endolaser (EL), and silicone oil (SO). Two received laser retinopexy for localized RD and one received a prophylactic SB with 360° peripheral laser retinopexy. Conclusion: STL and WGN should be considered in myopic African American patients with lattice degeneration, giant retinal tears, abnormal vitreous, or spontaneous RD. Prophylactic laser treatment and aggressive surgical treatment of RD should be considered. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2023;54:97-101.].
Background and objective: Stickler syndrome is the most common inherited cause of pediatric rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. The purpose of this study was to survey pediatric retinal surgeon preferences for prophylactic treatment of Stickler syndrome patients. Study design: A voluntary, anonymous 27-question survey was developed by RedCap and distributed to the Association of Pediatric Retinal Surgeons. The survey was distributed on March 17, 2021. Results were tabulated on April 12, 2021 in Microsoft Excel. All surveys returned were included. Results: Thirty-four (76% response rate) respondents completed the survey. Twenty-six (76%) reported primarily using prophylactic laser retinopexy, four (12%) preferred use of cryotherapy, and 12% reported using prophylactic scleral buckle. Conclusions: The majority of the United States. and international pediatric retinal surgeons use laser retinopexy as the primary method of prophylactic treatment. These results may serve as a benchmark for retinal surgeons less familiar with prophylactic treatment approaches. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2023;54:102-107.].
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Purpose To investigate the effect of 360° intra-operative laser retinopexy (ILR) for the prevention of retinal re-detachment in patients treated with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods A retrospective single-institution cohort study was performed. Consecutive patients with primary uncomplicated RRD who underwent 23-gauge PPV with gas endotamponade between July 2013 and July 2016 were included in the study (n = 151). Two cohorts were compared: one which received laser retinopexy only around identified tears/holes/lattice zones (Control group, n = 86), and one which received additional 360° intra-operative laser retinopexy (360° ILR group, n = 65). Results Retinal re-detachment was seen in 4/65 eyes (6%) in the 360° ILR group compared to 18/86 eyes (21%) in the control group. In multiple logistic regression, the 360° ILR was associated with a 75% reduction in the odds of retinal re-detachment compared to control (OR = 0.248, 95% CI [0.079–0.772], p = 0.016). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of epiretinal membrane formation between the two groups. Conclusions Intra-operative 360° laser retinopexy during PPV with gas endotamponade resulted in a significant reduction in the odds of postoperative retinal re-detachment in eyes with uncomplicated primary RRD.
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Stickler Syndrome (SS) is a significant cause of retinal blindness in children. The immediate cause of blindness is retina detachment from giant retinal tear (GRT). It is frequently diagnosed late and the giant retinal tear (GRT) may be complicated by high-grade proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). The surgery for the combined GRT with PVR has limited structural results and the vision mainly remains impaired. In order to improve the visual outcomes, we propose an organized program oriented toward early diagnosis and surveillance. Adding an effective prophylaxis may maintain normal vision in a high percent of patients. The critical diagnostic moments for this program are prenatal and at birth. The tools include a directed history, general physical exam and advanced ophthalmologic exam looking for the particular features of SS. Some features may need advanced skills transfer, because they are not reliably taught in retina fellowships. Much of this program requires a partnership with obstetricians, pediatricians, neonatologists and geneticists. Finally, we review the evidence regarding prophylaxis and discuss our approach in the absence of guidance from a randomized clinical trial.
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Purpose The aim of the study was to present the long-term anatomical and visual outcomes of retinal detachment repair in patients with Stickler syndrome. Patients and methods This study is a retrospective, interventional, consecutive case series of patients with Stickler syndrome undergoing retinal reattachment surgery from 2009 to 2014 at the Associated Retinal Consultants, William Beaumont Hospital. Results Sixteen eyes from 13 patients were identified. Patients underwent a mean of 3.1 surgical interventions (range: 1–13) with a mean postoperative follow-up of 94 months (range: 5–313 months). Twelve eyes (75%) developed proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Retinal reattachment was achieved in 100% of eyes, with ten eyes (63%) requiring silicone oil tamponade at final follow-up. Mean preoperative visual acuity (VA) was 20/914, which improved to 20/796 at final follow-up (P=0.81). There was a significant correlation between presenting and final VA (P<0.001), and patients with poorer presenting VA were more likely to require silicone oil tamponade at final follow-up (P=0.04). Conclusion Repair of retinal detachment in patients with Stickler syndrome often requires multiple surgeries, and visual outcomes are variable. Presenting VA is significantly predictive of long-term VA outcomes.
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Purpose To investigate the clinical findings and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Stickler syndrome on affected and fellow eyes that underwent prophylactic retinopexy. Patients and methods Chart review of 70 eyes (62 patients). Incidence of RRD, postoperative visual acuity, and risk factors were evaluated. Results Twenty-two patients (35%) had RRD in the fellow eye, 37% of the eyes had cataract, 93% had macular detachment, 50% had proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and 41% had posterior vitreous detachment. Success rates were: 60% of patients after scleral buckling; 57.1% after pars plana vitrectomy; and 75% after combined scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy. Sixty-one (93.8%) of patients had successful surgery (including second surgery). Silicone oil tamponade was significantly associated with final anatomic outcome, with a protective odds ratio of 0.11 (P=0.027). Visual acuity improved in 54% of eyes and decreased in 5%. Statistically significant associations were present for eyes with final visual acuity ≥20/200, and total retinal detachment (P<0.001); preoperative cataract (P=0.023); and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (P<0.001). RRD developed in 16/44 eyes despite laser prophylaxis. Conclusion Prophylactic retinopexy was not beneficial for Stickler syndrome patients. Success of primary surgery for RRD remains low. The primary surgery should be vitrectomy combined with scleral buckling and silicone oil tamponade.
Background: Stickler syndrome is a collagenopathy caused by mutations in the genes COL2A1 (STL1) or COL11A1 (STL2). Affected patients manifest ocular, auditory, articular, and craniofacial manifestations in varying degrees. Ocular symptoms include myopia, retinal detachment, cataract, and glaucoma. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the prevalence of ocular manifestations and the outcome of prophylactic treatment on reducing the risk of retinal detachment. Method: A systematic literature search was performed in the PubMed database. Information on the cross-study prevalence of myopia, retinal detachment, cataract, glaucoma, visual impairment, severity and age of onset of myopia and retinal detachments. Studies that reported on the outcome of prophylactic treatment against a control group were explored. Results: 37 articles with 2324 individual patients were included. Myopia was found in 83% of patients, mostly of a moderate to severe degree. Retinal detachments occurred in 45% of patients. Generally, the first detachment occurred in the second decade of life in STL1 patients and later in STL2. Cataracts were more common in STL2 patients, 59% versus 36% in STL1. Glaucoma (10%) and visual impairment (blind: 6%; vision loss in one eye: 10%) were rare. Three studies reported on the effect of prophylactic treatment being protective. Conclusion: Ocular manifestations are common in Stickler patients, but the comparison between studies was difficult because of inconsistencies in diagnostic and inclusion criteria by different studies. Sight-threatening complications such as retinal detachments are common but although prophylactic therapy is reported to be effective in retrospective studies, evidence from randomized trials is missing.
Purpose of review: The literature regarding prophylactic treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome remains controversial. We review major published clinical studies and offer a critical analysis of this subject. Summary: Stickler syndrome is a systemic collagenopathy affecting multiple organ systems including the eye, ear, and skeleton. Stickler syndrome is probably the most common cause of genetically determined pediatric rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Congenital developmental anomalies constitute over half rhegmatogenous detachments (RRD) in patients less than 10 years. The majority are caused by hereditary vitreoretinopathies associated with Stickler syndrome. Sixty percent of patients with Stickler syndrome develop RRD's over their lifetime with possible severe visual loss and subsequent lifelong morbidity. In view of these complications, some have emphasized the importance of prophylactic laser treatment to the retina of patients with Stickler syndrome to reduce the occurrence of and/or prevent future rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, but there appears to be insufficient data to support the absolute benefit of such prophylactic treatment. Guidelines regarding the age at prophylactic treatment as well as type and frequency of intervention are scarce and would benefit from additional clinical investigations.
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic 360° laser treatment in the fellow eye of patients with unilateral idiopathic giant retinal tear (GRT) to prevent the occurrence of a (macula-off) retinal detachment. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, nonrandomized case-control study. Clinical data of consecutive patients, undergoing surgery for idiopathic GRT, between 2003 and 2015 were analyzed. The data collected included GRT, retinal detachment, and RTs in the fellow eye. Results: We included 129 patients who underwent surgery for an idiopathic GRT, with a mean follow-up period of 107 months. In the observation group, a retinal detachment developed in the fellow eye in 22/51 patients (43.1%), leading to a macula-off detachment in 9/51 patients (17.6%). By contrast, in the prophylactic 360° laser group, only 10/78 (12.8%) patients developed a retinal detachment, leading to a macula-off detachment in 1/78 patient (1.3%). This difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: This study suggests that prophylactic 360° laser treatment in the fellow eye of patients with an idiopathic GRT decreased the incidence of retinal detachment, lowering the high risk of visual loss due to a macula-off retinal detachment.
Purpose: To determine the microstructure of the fovea in patients with Stickler syndrome using imaging by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD OCT) and swept-source OCT. Design: Retrospective case series study. Participants: A total of 39 eyes of 25 patients with genetically confirmed Stickler syndrome were studied. Methods: All of the patients had mutations in the COL2A1 gene and were diagnosed with Stickler syndrome. Cross-sectional OCT images, OCT angiography (OCTA), and en face OCT images were assessed. The ratio of the foveal inner retinal layer (fIRL) thickness to the parafoveal inner retinal layer (pIRL) thickness, the ratio of the foveal outer retinal layer (fORL) thickness to the parafoveal outer retinal layer (pORL) thickness, and the size of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) were determined. Main outcome measures: The degree of foveal hypoplasia and the best-corrected visual acuity in patients with Stickler syndrome. Results: A persistence of the inner retinal layers in the fovea with an fIRL/pIRL ratio >0.2 was present in 32 of the 39 eyes (82%). Optical coherence tomography angiography showed that the FAZ was smaller, 0 to 0.19 mm(2), than that of normal eyes, in 25 eyes of 17 patients who underwent OCTA. There was no significant correlation between the visual acuities and the fIRL/pIRL ratios. Conclusions: A mild foveal hypoplasia with a persistence of the IRL is characteristic of eyes with Stickler syndrome. The visual acuities were not correlated with the fIRL/pIRL ratios.
To assess the effects of 360-degree laser retinopexy on human corneal subbasal nerve plexus and to investigate correlations among corneal subbasal nerve plexus density, corneal epithelial thickness, and corneal sensitivity. Prospective, observational, nonrandomized study. A total of 15 eyes of 15 patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with 360-degree laser retinopexy for retinal detachment (RD) and 15 eyes of 15 patients who underwent PPV for macular hole (MH) without laser treatment. Corneal sensation, corneal epithelial thickness, and corneal subbasal nerve plexus density were assessed before surgery and 6 months after surgery via in vivo confocal microscopy, anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT), and Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometry (Luneau Ophthalmologie, Paris, France). Corneal subbasal nerve plexus density, corneal epithelium thickness, and central corneal sensitivity. Compared with baselines values, the mean subbasal nerve density (P < 0.001), mean corneal epithelium thickness (P = 0.006), and mean corneal sensitivity (P < 0.001) in the RD group were significantly decreased 6 months after surgery by 74.3%, 4.7%, and 56.6%, respectively. Conversely, in the MH group there were no significant differences in the mean subbasal nerve density (P = 0.34), mean corneal epithelial thickness (P = 0.19), and mean corneal sensitivity (P = 0.42) between preoperative and 6-month postoperative values (0.7%, 0.4%, and 0.8%, respectively). The postoperative decrease in corneal subbasal nerve density after laser retinopexy was associated with a decrease in corneal epithelium thickness (r(2) = 0.42; P = 0.006) and a decrease in corneal sensitivity (r(2) = 0.48; P = 0.004). The postoperative decrease in corneal sensitivity poorly correlated with the decrease in corneal epithelial thickness (r(2) = 0.24; P = 0.045). Postoperative corneal nerve density decreased as total laser energy increased (r(2) = 0.51; P = 0.002). Subbasal corneal nerve plexus density decreases after 360-degree laser retinopexy and is accompanied by epithelium thinning and decreased corneal sensation. Surgeons should eschew heavy confluent retinal laser treatment, and corneal sensitivity should be assessed postoperatively to determine whether significant anesthesia has occurred. In such instances, prophylactic measures may be warranted against the development of neurotrophic ulcers. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.