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Low Power, High Ambitions: New Ventures Developing Their First Supply Chains


Abstract and Figures

This paper investigates sourcing decisions for new ventures. Sourcing decisions are especially problematic for start-ups because they lack resources, knowledge and legitimacy to evaluate and interact with suppliers. We develop and apply a framework that connects global sourcing, relationship development and attractiveness. Further, we investigate how new ventures develop their first supply chains by conducting an exploratory multiple case study of six Norwegian start-ups. Based on our findings, we develop three propositions regarding how start-ups mediate their lack of attractiveness through pre-sales and by choosing shorter supply chains and smaller suppliers. The implications for practice include emphasising the importance of developing a business relationship with the supplier in parallel with making sourcing decisions. This study is a novel contribution to an underexplored topic, and we conclude by proposing a research agenda for future explorations of start-ups and supply chain development.
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Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: Øyvind Bjørgum, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management,
Available online 30 December 2020
1478-4092/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Low power, high ambitions: New ventures developing their rst
supply chains
Øyvind Bjørgum
, Lise Aaboen
, Anna Fredriksson
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491, Trondheim, Norway
Department of Science and Technology, Link¨
oping University, 601 74, Norrk¨
oping, Sweden
Supplier selection
Supplier attractiveness
Global sourcing strategy
Relationship initiation
This paper investigates sourcing decisions for new ventures. Sourcing decisions are especially problematic for
start-ups because they lack resources, knowledge and legitimacy to evaluate and interact with suppliers. We
develop and apply a framework that connects global sourcing, relationship development and attractiveness.
Further, we investigate how new ventures develop their rst supply chains by conducting an exploratory mul-
tiple case study of six Norwegian start-ups. Based on our ndings, we develop three propositions regarding how
start-ups mediate their lack of attractiveness through pre-sales and by choosing shorter supply chains and smaller
suppliers. The implications for practice include emphasizing the importance of developing a business relation-
ship with the supplier in parallel with making sourcing decisions. This study is a novel contribution to an
underexplored topic, and we conclude by proposing a research agenda for future explorations of start-ups and
supply chain development.
1. Introduction
New ventures are increasingly developing and commercializing
novel manufactured products (Mollick, 2014). This growth is the result
of several global trends that have increased the availability of new
technologies and services for start-ups developing physical products
also referred to as hardware start-ups (DiResta et al., 2015). The last few
years have seen high growth in rewards-based crowdfunding opportu-
nities such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo; these allow new companies to
globally pre-sell the most niche products before even nalizing their
prototypes. As 3D-printers have become a part of the public domain and
off-the-shelf components can be directly sourced from anywhere in the
world at a low cost, prototyping new physical products is easier, cheaper
and faster than ever before. Sourcing decisions have always been
important to start-up performance, and due to these recent de-
velopments in global availability, they have become important in even
earlier phases of start-up development. The supply chain is developed in
parallel with the rst product and the start-up itself. This implies, for
instance, that mobilizing the supplierstechnological and managerial
capabilities has become more important than cost-efciency concerns
(La Rocca and Snehota, 2020).
When it comes to supply chains, the start-ups exploring and
exploiting these recent global trends share certain traits with other start-
ups and small rms. For instance, previous literature has established the
supplierbuyer relationship as one of the most important factors to start-
upssuccess (Song et al., 2011). Further, start-ups small size and nov-
elty are a liability (Stinchcombe, 1965); and, when forming business
relationships, their lack of legitimacy (Zimmerman and Zeitz, 2002)
makes them less attractive to potential suppliers (Mortensen, 2012).
Start-ups are usually unable or unwilling to engage in direct control
strategies, thus relying on informal relations and communication in their
supplier relationships (Ellegaard, 2006). Finally, start-ups do not have
functional specialists to handle purchasing (Manzer et al., 1980). Supply
chain decisions are critical for start-up survival, as they generally lack
tangible resources and thus require speedy development (Das and He,
2006) to avoid continued losses (Weiss, 1981). However, this literature
was primarily developed in contexts where supply chain decisions were
made later on in the rm development process and based on less
available information about potential suppliers.
In one sense, the start-ups engaging in these recent global trends
resemble international new ventures (Oviatt and McDougall, 1994)
since they are exploiting opportunities across national borders from the
beginning without sequential entry into different countries. However,
the international new venture literature tends to focus more on
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Ø. Bjørgum), (L. Aaboen), (A. Fredriksson).
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Received 15 April 2019; Received in revised form 29 November 2020; Accepted 22 December 2020
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx
international customers than on international suppliers. In contrast, the
latter are found in the sourcing literature, but there is a paucity of work
on how start-ups develop their supply chains (Jia et al., 2017) instead,
the sourcing literature tend to focus on established companies.
The business-to-business (B2B) literature contains a few studies on
start-upsdevelopment of supplier relationships (La Rocca et al., 2019),
technology sourcing (Jolly and Th´
erin, 2007), operations outsourcing
(Bhalla and Terjesen, 2013) and new ventures as suppliers for estab-
lished rms (Zaremba et al., 2017). These studies indicate that liabilities
of newness limit start-upspower to secure supplier involvement and
resources (Bhalla and Terjesen, 2013), whereas (if mobilized) supplier
relationships simultaneously provide benets beyond component supply
(La Rocca et al., 2019; La Rocca and Snehota, 2020). However,
compared to the B2B literature on suppliers and established companies
(e.g. Mota and de Castro, 2005), and even customers and start-ups (e.g.
Aaboen and Aarikka-Stenroos, 2017), the B2B literature on how
start-ups develop their supplier relationships is still in its infancy.
The recent developments in global sourcing combined with limited
sourcing literature for start-ups has shown that sourcing may be
particularly important and problematic for start-ups. Therefore, we
investigate how new ventures develop their rst supply chains. We
accomplish this by studying six hardware start-ups and their processes
from prototyping and searching for suppliers to producing their rst
commercial product.
The paper is structured as follows. In the theoretical framework
section, we combine literature on operations management, supply chain
management and B2B relationships to create a framework that allows us
to analyse the development of the rst supply chain relationships. The
third section on method explains how we collected data on the six
hardware start-ups and their development of rst supply chains. Section
four presents the details of the case studies. After a cross-case analysis in
section ve, we provide a discussion, suggest an agenda for future
research and conclude.
2. Theoretical framework
Stanczyk et al. (2017) identied the need for improved global
sourcing management in a systematic literature review of the dark side
of global sourcing. They found a lack of understanding of the risks of
global sourcing, especially the dynamic and hidden costs, rm-internal
barriers and decision-making biases (Stanczyk et al., 2017). According
to Jia et al. (2017), earlier literature has treated global sourcing strategy
and global sourcing structure as two separate subjects. However,
because two of the main challenges companies face today are the com-
plex organizational structures coming with global sourcing and man-
aging them, these processes should be seen as interlinked and include
the following (Jia et al., 2017):
Global sourcing strategy
o Goals (cost-reduction, resource-seeking or market-seeking)
o Policies and plans (internal integration, supply internationaliza-
tion, external integration)
Global supply chain structure
o Structural design (organizational complexity, allocation of
decision-making power and specialization)
o Control and coordination (coordination mechanisms, control
mechanisms, information and communication technology
Fredriksson (2011) formulated three questions that must be
answered during the global sourcing process: what to source, who is most
suitable to take over the responsibility and become a supplier and how the
structure and coordination between the focal company and the supplier
should be established and managed. The rst question, what to source, re-
lates to Jia et al.s (2017) sourcing strategy. According to them, small-
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adopt fewer formal or explicit
strategies than multinational companies. Therefore, the what question is
easy for start-ups to answer, as they only have a few (at most) products.
The second (who) and third (how) questions are often challenging for
start-ups to answer; therefore, their goal is to nd a supplier who can
supply them somewhat in accordance with their demand (i.e. become a
preferred customer) (Steinle and Schiele, 2008). The who and how
questions can be further described using the global supply chain struc-
ture category dimensions Jia et al. (2017) developed; these are further
elaborated upon below.
2.1. Structural design
Local or offshore sourcing depends on how companies decide to
structure their supply chains (i.e. how the links and nodes of the supply
chain are organized). The essential decision here is who to select as a
supplier (the second question of who to source from). Global sourcing
strategies use goals, policies and plans to identify future suppliers
characteristics. However, the nal decision of who to contract forms
part of the structural design because depending upon how the con-
tracts are drawn up it describes the relationship between the focal
company and the suppliers (Jia et al., 2017). Depending on the struc-
tural design, power in the supply chain will differ, and depending on
power structure, the control the focal companies have over their sup-
pliers will also differ. Focal company control of the supply chain refers to
the ability to make the actors in the supply chain coordinate with the
focal companys needs (Fredriksson, 2011). Studies show that devel-
oping business relationships and integrating processes may be especially
difcult within relationship-focused cultures, such as China (Handeld
and McCormack, 2005). Chinese managers expect to see their suppliers
and partners in person much more than their European counterparts
(Song et al., 2007); further, they expect social meetings before they
discuss business, which means negotiations take longer (Handeld and
McCormack, 2005; Song et al., 2007).
Aaboen and Fredriksson (2016) found that when an outsourcing
relationship develops, dependence and power gradually shift between
the supplier and the customer; further, their relationship sets a prece-
dent for the types of relationships that can be developed between the
supplier and its (sub-)suppliers. Because new rms typically lack net-
works, business experience, a proven performance record and have
limited resources and legitimacy (Pena, 2002; Stinchcombe, 1965;
Zhang and Li, 2010), they usually have very little power and control in
the supply chain, allowing the supplier to become more powerful.
2.2. Control and coordination
The third question of how to source is related to control and coordi-
nation, as it includes issues such as coordination mechanisms, control
mechanisms and information and communication technology capabil-
ities all of these are essential parts of the actual physical exchange as
well as the planning of the same. Global sourcing creates supplier-
related risks due to legal, political, nancial and cultural differences
(Fawcett and Birou, 1992). Differences in culture can lead to low de-
livery precision or quality issues (Fredriksson and Jonsson, 2009)
because differences in culture, language, practices and time zones
diminish the effectiveness of information-dependent business processes
like demand-forecasting and planning (Mattsson, 2002; Meixell and
Gargeya, 2005; Mol et al., 2005; Levy, 1995). For example, communi-
cation in a language that is neither partys mother tongue combined
with different cultural contexts can affect how messages are interpreted.
In relation to knowledge, complexity measures the inherent varia-
tions in combining different kinds of competencies (Zander and Kogut,
1995). Complexity has been found to degrade transfer performance
because it slows the learning process (Cheng et al., 2010; Galbraith,
1990; Salomon and Martin, 2008), requires more sophisticated training
(Cheng et al., 2010) and demands more information-processing (Stock
and Tatikonda, 2000). Product complexity comprises three main
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elements: the number of parts in the bill-of-material, product architec-
ture and where each product is located in the product lifecycle (e.g.
engineering changes are more frequent early on in the product lifecycle)
(Novak and Eppinger, 2001). Furthermore, a novel product usually
needs frequent adaptations and changes, which demands a working
relationship with suppliers featuring open communication to avoid costs
related to changes in function, design or work schedule (DiResta et al.,
2015). A novel product is the norm for start-ups.
Overcoming these challenges requires communication and logistics
capabilities within the supply chain (Fawcett and Birou, 1992), which
start-ups often lack. Another way to handle this is exibility. Tachizawa
and Thomsen (2007) dened supply exibility as the ability of the
purchasing function to respond in a timely and cost-effective manner to
the changing requirements of purchased components in terms of vol-
ume, mix and delivery date. According to Duclos et al. (2003), exibility
in the supply chain adds the requirement of exibility within and be-
tween partners in the chain, dependent upon how easily the organiza-
tion can adapt its logistics, supply, organization, information system and
market and operations system to changes in the supply chain (Duclos
et al., 2003). As start-ups usually lack most of these abilities, it is hard for
them to attain the exibility needed to handle complex global supply
2.3. Relationship development
The literature on relationship initiation describes several different
processes divided into stages, states and phases. The major difference
between them is whether it is possible to move between the phases in
any manner or whether this movement is pre-determined. More recent
models hold the view that the relationship can develop multi-
directionally between states (e.g. Batonda and Perry, 2003; Edvards-
son et al., 2008; Halinen, 1997). There are also some differences
regarding how the process begins and ends. For a review of the rela-
tionship initiation literature and the sub-processes in the phases of the
initiation process, see Aaboen and Aarikka-Stenroos (2017). Drawing on
their literature review, we use the following sub-processes: need iden-
tication, matching, attraction, accessing, dening exchange, building
conditions and forming the future (see Fig. 1). The rst sub-processes
include carrying out the initial search and connecting with the poten-
tial producer. There is an overlap between the phases, and the bound-
aries between them are rather fuzzy. Matching, attraction and accessing
all have to be in place to initiate a relationship. Dening exchange is an
important sub-process since this is where the start-up and supplier
interact and negotiate in order to agree on the intended content and type
of the relationship (i.e. the how question). The relationship is very fragile
during this sub-process because the parties need to come to a mutual
understanding even though they lack experience with one another
(Aaboen and Aarikka-Stenroos, 2017; Edvardsson et al., 2008). After the
exchange has been negotiated, the process model continues to cover
early interactions, which are crucial to the future of the relationship.
2.4. Attractiveness
Attractiveness literature builds on social exchange theory and fo-
cuses on how to become a preferred customer. ‘Customer attractiveness
is based on the expectations that a supplier has towards the buyer at the
moment of initiating or intensifying a business relationship(Schiele
et al., 2012, p. 1180). Becoming a preferred customer is also important
for established rms, as it enables them to get higher quality and better
prices than other customers. This may be particularly important in
markets with few suppliers (Nollet et al., 2012). In addition to describing
how to become a preferred customer, including how to ‘sell the com-
pany to the supplier, the literature emphasizes which factors are
important in this process. The initial transactions are particularly
important, as is the t between the companies, how well the relationship
works and the perceived interest in the suppliers activities, business
models and development plans (La Rocca et al., 2012; Nollet et al.,
2012). Unfortunately for start-ups, suppliers tend to value performance
level, economic outcomes, long-term relationships and secure revenues.
Hence, other factors are critical for start-ups.
2.5. Analytical framework
Fig. 1 shows our analytical framework, including the relationship
between the global sourcing process (strategy and structure) and the
relationship-initiation process. The left side illustrates the important
issues of what to source, who to source from and how to source from the
global sourcing literature. The right side shows the sub-processes of
relationship initiation. As Fig. 1 illustrates, the issues in the global
sourcing literature are primarily connected to different sets of sub-
processes in the relationship initiation that takes place in parallel with
the sourcing process. The what to source question of the global sourcing
process is equal to the ‘need identicationof the relationship initiation
process, as both aim to establish what product or component is in focus
for both processes. The who to source from question of the global sourcing
process corresponds to the matching and accessing phases of the rela-
tionship initiation process, as these aim to nd the future supplier and
evaluate them. The how to source question of the global sourcing process
matches the dening exchange, building conditions and forming the
future phases of the relationship initiation process. These all attempt to
Fig. 1. Analytical framework The parallel processes of global sourcing and relationship initiation for start-ups developing their rst supply chains.
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identify how to establish the physical exchange as well as the informa-
tion exchange needed for planning it. Since the relationship can develop
multi-directionally between states, both parallel processes become
iterative. Consequently, when analysing how start-ups develop their rst
supply chains, we focus on how the relationship development process is
connected to the global sourcing process.
3. Method
We conducted an exploratory multiple case study of the supply chain
development processes of six hardware start-ups to investigate how new
ventures develop their rst supply chains. In this context, we dene a
hardware start-up as a start-up developing and selling physical products.
In total, we contacted 10 different rms, all Norwegian start-ups that
had initiated and/or completed mass production of novel products.
However, four of these were not able or willing to participate in the
study. Table 1 provides an overview of the selected cases.
In order to conrm that a venture matched the criteria for being
included in our study, we pre-emptively collected publicly available
data from different sources such as webpages, blogs and Kickstarter
campaigns (which four rms had conducted); these included informa-
tion about the case companies and their potential production partners.
In addition to gaining deeper knowledge and understanding of the cases,
this search prepared us for the interviews and validated some of the
information from the interviews. We conducted in-depth interviews
with the individuals from the selected ventures who were primarily
involved in developing the supply chain. We interviewed the CTO and
CEO of Plasttech, the CEO of Flytech, the CEO of Magtech, the CEO of
Sporttech, the product manager of Textiletech and the founder (ex-CEO)
and supply chain manager of Camtech.
The interviews took place at the start-ups ofces and lasted for
about an hour each. We informed the interviewees about the general
interview topics beforehand; two members of the research team were
present for each interview. The topics covered during the semi-
structured interviews included the start-upscurrent supplier situa-
tion, how the supplier selection process was initiated, how the rst
manufacturers to be approached were identied, the interaction and
relationship with the suppliers and how production was organized. Each
interviewee was interviewed once, but additional follow-up questions
were asked via e-mail to clarify important issues that arose during the
analysis. We recorded and transcribed all the interviews. By manually
coding specic phrases in the interviews using an inductive approach,
we reduced the data to 1525 emerging themes depending upon the case
company. Examples of emerging themes are supplier search methods,
geographical proximity, liability of newness and screening process. We
then systematically organized the categories in an Excel sheet for each
case company and analysed each case company one-by-one based on our
analytical framework (see Fig. 1). Afterward, we designed tables based
upon the emerging themes and performed a cross-case analysis (Eisen-
hardt, 1989; Miles and Huberman, 1994) by analysing and identifying
differences, similarities and patterns across the case companies.
To further increase the credibility of the research, we took several
measures that Yin (2009) suggests. We strengthened our construct val-
idity via researcher triangulation (two researchers conducted interviews
and analysis), data triangulation (we used secondary data when
possible) and by returning transcripts to the interviewees to avoid errors
and misunderstandings. To ensure external validity, our multiple case
study research design features replication logic (Eisenhardt, 1989). We
strengthened the reliability of the study by thoroughly presenting the
case companies and using a separate cross-case analysis; we also
included quotes from the case companies (in Table 2) to illustrate how
the empirical results are connected to the analytical framework.
4. Case presentations
4.1. Plasttech
4.1.1. What
Plasttechs rst product targets the consumer market and consists of
approximately ten different components. These are mostly off-the-shelf
components except for the optical lenses, which are key to the nal
4.1.2. Who
Initially, the start-up wanted to have local Norwegian suppliers and
visited nearby plastic producers and contract manufacturers; however, it
did not nd any who were both capable of and interested in such small-
batch production. Instead, it used to identify and contact
potential suppliers located worldwide. It conducted its rst screening
process for plastic component suppliers entirely by assessing supplier
websites, suppliersemail responses, language barriers and how inter-
ested the suppliers seemed to be in the product. When explaining why it
ended up with the specic plastic supplier, the CTO stated that ‘at rst, it
was only our gut feeling that this was good quality, because we didnt
actually know how to test quality, illustrating the start-ups limited
experience. After selecting the plastic supplier, Plasttech travelled to
China for closer assessment and to screen suppliers of other components.
This visit was decisive both for the structure of the supply chain and for
choosing the suppliers: the team was so satised with the selected
supplier that it became their contract manufacturer.
4.1.3. How
Plasttech established a primary relationship with a contract manu-
facturer in China, which in turn sourced over ten non-critical compo-
nents from Chinese sub-suppliers and assembled the nal product.
4.1.4. Business relationship
The contract manufacturer was a relatively small Chinese rm with a
CEO who was ‘personally engaged and had an entrepreneurial mindset.
According to Plasttech, the personal relationship with the CEO was
Table 1
Overview of the case studies.
Company Main product
time from
rst supplier
talks to mass
to plan
Plasttech Plastic lenses
plastic, fabric
6 months On time No experience in
start-up team
Textiletech Textiles and
14 months On time Product manager
with sourcing
experience from
Magtech Magnets,
19 months Around 5
No experience in
start-up team
Sporttech Electronics,
optics, plastic
20 months Around 13
No experience in
start-up team,
partnered with
advisory rm
Flytech Electronics,
camera, engine
18 months Around 8
Hired two
employees with
sourcing from
Camtech Electronics,
30 months Around 12
No sourcing
experience, but
hired supply
chain manager
after two years
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crucial to the companys rapid progression from prototype to commer-
cial product, especially when it came to navigating the vast number of
potential Chinese sub-suppliers and setting up the supply chain. How-
ever, to speed up the production process, Plasttech needed to be present
in China, as its small size meant it was given low priority. For example,
just before manufacturing the rst batch (2000 units), one sub-supplier
pulled out because of a larger order that suddenly presented itself. In this
case, the contract manufacturer xed the problem to avoid delays.
4.2. Textiletech
4.2.1. What
Textiletech developed a relatively simple consumer product that
consisted of textiles, batteries and heating elements. It was clear from
the very beginning that it would outsource all of its components and
production to suppliers.
4.2.2. Who
With its relatively simple product consisting of batteries and textile,
China was the start-ups rst priority. Using, Textiletech
quickly narrowed its search to Chinese textile manufacturers with
additional experience in clothing featuring heating elements and bat-
teries. When screening suppliers, Textiletech deliberately sent a speci-
cation with some minor errors to ‘test the suppliersinterest and
competence level. Its initial supplier criteria were price, communica-
tion, response time and interest in the product. Being a very small start-
up with no references, Textiletech had a limited pool of interested
suppliers. In addition, the start-up did not want to deal with a large
number of suppliers due to the increased time and cost related to testing
and negotiating with several suppliers.
4.2.3. How
Textiletechs only relationship is with its contract manufacturer,
which has all the components in-house. It chose this supply chain
structure because its small size made it difcult to manage a supply
chain when the contract manufacturer was far away.
4.2.4. Business relationship
At the time of the interview, the start-up had developed a good
relationship with its key supplier and was preparing for mass produc-
tion. Textiletechs good relationship with its contract manufacturer
made it possible to cut the minimum order quantity from 1000 down to
300 before starting production.
4.3. Magtech
4.3.1. What
Magtech has developed a simple and innovative consumer product. It
began its search for suppliers by dividing its production process into
three jobs: the key product component, the plastic components and nal
4.3.2. Who
Early on, again with the help of, Magtech identied a
Chinese supplier for testing an injection mould; however, this supplier
did not attempt or suggest any improvements on the product or process,
and the resulting manufactured test parts broke down. This experience
with an inactive supplier and poor quality convinced the start-up to
focus its supplier search on Norwegian rms only. Using its network,
Magtech identied ve relevant Norwegian suppliers that could manage
the sourcing of components and nal assembly. Magtech contacted and
visited them, but having never worked with start-ups before, most of
these rms were reluctant to engage in such a collaboration. However, it
selected the one supplier that was pro-active and interested in the start-
ups product to be the contract manufacturer. Magtech was certain that
this supplier was professional and had high-quality products, as the CEO
illustrated: ‘We chose a Norwegian supplier because we felt safe that it
would not fail. Feeling secure about the chosen contract manufacturer,
Magtech did not specify its requirement in a contract nor provide
written terms for the supplier relationship. In addition, the start-up did
not conduct any testing of sample quality from the contract manufac-
turer before launching a pre-sale campaign of its rst product. After a
very successful pre-sale campaign (overselling its target by 800%), the
contract manufacturer increased its price by 400% overnight due to
production problems. In addition, the quality of the nished product
was below Magtechs expectations, causing Magtech to want to quit the
collaboration. Incidentally, the successful pre-sale campaign attracted a
Chinese supplier that suggested it could produce the key component
instead. Utilizing its experience from dealing with its former Norwegian
supplier when entering into the screening process and negotiations with
the new supplier, Magtech signed a deal with the new supplier after
travelling to China to meet the supplier and inspect its facilities.
4.3.3. How
In the rst supply chain setup, all the suppliers were Norwegian, and
Magtech had a relationship with each of them. In the nal supply chain,
all the suppliers were in China. In this case, the Chinese contract
manufacturer oversaw the sourcing and assembly of the nal product in
China. The new China-based supply chain consisted of seven suppliers,
and Magtech had direct contact with two of them.
4.3.4. Business relationship
The start-up selected its rst supplier and organized its supply chain
based mainly on ‘gut feeling. This supplier had not worked with start-
ups before, and the good collaboration between the rms only lasted
until production started.
4.4. Sporttech
4.4.1. What
Sporttech has developed a new camera product for the consumer
market. It consists of tens of different components, with plastics, elec-
tronics and software being the central parts. Although most components
are off-the-shelf, the nal product ranks at the top of its product cate-
gory, which demands high quality from the contract manufacturer.
4.4.2. Who
The start-up chose to bypass Norwegian suppliers of electronic
components from early on: ‘We wanted to go directly to the source in
China. However, after discovering that sourcing from China was too
complicated, Sporttech contacted various international advisory rms
specializing in setting up global supply chains for start-ups. It chose a
Norwegian advisory rm because of physical proximity and because ‘it
felt right. The Norwegian partner ended up providing the start-up with
access to an American supply chain company operating in China that
had a large network of suppliers and manufacturers in China. Its busi-
ness idea was to manage the supply chain and negotiations with sup-
pliers on behalf of customers such as Sporttech. The supply chain
company offered to organize the whole process, from sourcing to nal
product assembly. However, Sporttech insisted on testing all compo-
nents from the suppliers themselves since quality was its most important
selection criterion, and because it also wanted to be able to choose
different suppliers in the nal supply chain. Sporttech did not have any
direct contact with suppliers except through the supply chain company,
with the latter also conducting the commercial assessment of these (sub-
4.4.3. How
Sporttechs relationship with the Norwegian advisory rm was
central in ‘making us ready for manufacturing and learning to be very
specic when ordering components. The AmericanChinese partner was
central in managing the entire Chinese supply chain, negotiating with
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sub-suppliers and forming specications.
4.4.4. Business relationship
The ongoing relationship with the Norwegian partner has been key
in enabling Sporttech to manoeuvre among Chinese suppliers. It also
provided the link to the AmericanChinese supply chain company. In
retrospect, the CEO stated that Sporttech should have spent more time in
China closer to suppliers and partners to avoid delays and
4.5. Flytech
4.5.1. What
Flytech sells a complex consumer product. Some components, such
as the engine and the printed circuit board (PCB), are customized and
are critical for the nal product. Most of the other components are
typical off-the-shelf parts, such as electronic components and the bat-
tery, with almost all the potential suppliers located in China and East
4.5.2. Who
Flytech mainly identied suppliers by inspecting components in
other quality products, nding out who made them and testing samples
of these components. was a major source in this search,
which led to a great deal of ‘hit and miss, according to the CEO. In the
selection process, product quality was central, but supplier interest in
and engagement with Flytechs product were also important criteria.
Therefore, after initial testing, Flytech travelled to China to visit the
suppliers of its preferred components. This was important not only
because Flytech could then investigate the suppliers more thoroughly,
but also because the suppliers themselves appreciated these visits and
personal meetings. During the prototyping period, Flytech carried out a
successful pre-sale through its own website, granting it international
publicity. This pre-sale prompted one of the most renowned Chinese
suppliers to make a deal with Flytech. However, the start-up soon
discovered that the renowned supplier did not manufacture the selected
components themselves but instead had their own suppliers or sub-
suppliers manufacture components intended for Flytech. Not only did
the Chinese manufacturer fail to communicate this to Flytech, but there
were large implications for quality, since the provided components were
not the same as the samples that Flytech had tested, all of which led to a
search for new suppliers and further delays. Because of these difculties,
the company decided to move the assembly line, PCB manufacturing and
the nal product testing closer to Norway. Flytech eventually ended up
with a local Norwegian contract manufacturer.
4.5.3. How
The rst supply chain involved the production of PCBs and nal
assembly in Norway, whereas Flytech sourced the other components
from Chinese suppliers. The automated production line made the price
differences with an alternative China-based production line small.
4.5.4. Business relationship
In general, the company realized it could only solve issues related to
delivery and quality by being present on site. Although ‘a lot gets lost in
translation, as the CEO put it, being personally present was key in
solving problems and overcoming barriers related to language, culture
and business practices. However, gaining a complete overview of the
supply chain to avoid delays was hard because Flytech did not have
enough resources to maintain a permanent presence in China. Compared
to China, switching to the Norwegian contract manufacturer and plastic
supplier sped up the process and reduced communication problems so
much that the gains outweighed the extra manufacturing costs.
4.6. Camtech
4.6.1. What
Camtech sells an advanced camera product for both the business and
the consumer markets. In addition to homemade software, the product
consists of optical, electronic and plastic components. Although these
are mostly off-the-shelf components, Camtech demands high quality.
The initial start-up team had experience in R&D and product develop-
ment within the global electronics industry but no direct experience
with suppliers, the manufacturing process or supply chain development.
4.6.2. Who
Initially, Camtech had a list of preferred Chinese suppliers based on
previous work experience and what competitors, especially the big ones,
were doing, as illustrated by the start-ups founder: ‘If GoPro changes
supplier, there has to be some important reason for that. The strategy
was to ‘get out thereand visit potential Chinese suppliers from the very
beginning. However, the start-up found it hard to gain acceptance
among large suppliers and had to agree to an offer from its third choice
among contract manufacturers. The rst test production was well-
received by potential customers, resulting in a large product order
from a global market leader and an injection of venture capital. This
initial success gave Camtech the necessary resources to invest in a new
supply chain set-up and allowed it to hire new people with global supply
chain experience. After evaluating potential contract manufacturers
globally, the rm chose a local Norwegian supplier. The main reasons
for this were as follows: the proximity between manufacturing and R&D
saved time and travel expenses, the smaller Norwegian contract manu-
facturer gave Camtech higher customer priority than the former larger
Chinese contract manufacturer, and the supplier relationship was more
open and trust-based.
4.6.3. How
The rst supply chain, which produced a test series, was entirely
Chinese. Although the Chinese contract manufacturer managed the
supply chain and production, the start-up also had direct contact with
second-tier suppliers. The rst commercial supply chain consisted of a
local Norwegian contract manufacturer with Chinese sub-suppliers.
Camtech formed relationships with all the sub-suppliers in this setup.
4.6.4. Business relationship
The rst contract manufacturer focused more on quantity than
quality; further, communication was poor. The start-up learned the hard
way that ‘a yes is not necessarily a yes things will not always get done.
You need communication experience. Language barriers with the Chi-
nese contract manufacturer made communication unnecessarily
complicated. These difculties became visible in the relationship phase
of dening exchange (before the rst commercial batch was produced).
The relationship with the Norwegian contract manufacturer was more
5. Cross-case analysis
Since all of the case companies are unknown start-ups, they typically
have low control and power in the supply chain, which means suppliers
can more easily dictate the relationship, such as by changing sub-
suppliers (as in the case of Flytech) or prioritizing other customers (as
in the case of Plasttech). We can divide the case companies into two
groups based on the complexity of their products. For Group 1 (con-
sisting of Plasttech, Magtech and Textiletech), the lack of control and
power in the supply chain is somewhat reduced by sourcing simpler
products whose components are easily identied in the market, making
it relatively easy to identify new suppliers. Group 2 (consisting of Fly-
tech, Sporttech and Camtech) initially has considerably more complex
products than Group 1, as they make more electronic products with
many different electronic, optical and mechanical components and a
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more advanced product architecture. This requires a more complex
governance structure, with the start-ups needing to initiate and develop
closer relationships with several suppliers to supply high-quality, and
sometimes customized, components. This is made even more chal-
lenging by the fact that the initial suppliers are global and mostly from
China, which lowers the start-upscontrol and power even more. In
addition, the relationship-focused business culture of China means the
start-ups must invest in relationship development with many potential
suppliers, which is time-consuming, expensive and challenging for start-
In Table 2, we illustrate difculties the case companies faced when
designing their initial supply chain. Overall, the main challenges arose
early on when the start-ups tried to identify, screen and engage suppliers
or later in the relationship when rst product testing or commercial
batches were underway. For the rms in Group 1, the main challenges
were mostly related to the supplier relationships processes of matching,
attraction and accessing (see Fig. 1). For Plasttech and Textiletech, the
main challenge was to identify and engage a contract manufacturer,
whereas for Magtech, the challenges arose in the negotiation and testing
phases when it experienced quality issues and relationship problems
with its Norwegian contract manufacturer. For rms in Group 2, most of
the challenges were related to the relationship process dening ex-
change, such as challenges of being low-priority to suppliers because of
low order volumes or quality problems that became magnied by
physical distance, distance in the business culture and communication
barriers. Thus, as the supplier relationships developed, the initial supply
chain setup became too complex to manage and involved too much risk.
Accordingly, the start-ups in Group 2 needed to lower the organizational
complexity of their sourcing and increase coordination and control
before producing their rst commercial batches. This process involved
both nding new suppliers and redesigning their supply chains. Flytech
and Camtech did this by switching their contract manufacturers from
Table 2
Cross-case analysis illustrating challenges and solutions.
Company Quote Challenges in establishing GS network Solutions to challenges
Structural design: Who
to source from
Control and coordination: How to
Group 1: Low product complexity and mainly market and modular structures
Plasttech ‘We used Alibaba to contact potential Chinese
suppliers. But actually, Alibaba is a sales channel for
them, so perhaps we came off as a bit
Identifying and
screening suppliers
Using to increase the pool of
potential suppliers
‘The day before our rst 2000 units were to be
produced, our box manufacturer suddenly got a
much larger order and just said it didnt want to
supply us anymore.
Low attractiveness among suppliers Reduced complexity and increased control
by using a Chinese contract manufacturer
to manage the supply chain
Textiletech ‘Suppliers did not bother meeting us at conferences
or talking to us until they were certain we could
order their minimum order quantity.
Low attractiveness
when engaging
Using to increase pool of
potential suppliers to contact and screen
‘I think it was a good choice to choose only one
supplier to have a relationship with that integrates
textiles, battery and heat elements. Two extra
suppliers could have been chaotic.
Long distance to China, challenging
The Chinese contract manufacturer
manages a small Chinese supply chain,
increasing coordination and control and
limiting complexity.
Magtech ‘It sounds rather foolish, but I must admit that we
did not ask for any samples before signing the
contract [with the supplier]. We believed we could
trust a Norwegian rm.
Supplier selection
Learned from these mistakes when
screening next contract manufacturer
‘Instead of offering a discount for all the errors and
delays, it actually raised the price by 400% after our
successful Kickstarter campaign.
Developed poor relationship with
Norwegian contract manufacturer
Switched to Chinese contract
manufacturer that was attracted by the
successful pre-sale campaign; it managed
the new supply chain set-up
Group 2: High product complexity and mainly modular and relational structures
Sporttech ‘After having met three rms, we thought, since we
prefer the Norwegian rm more than two world-
leading American rms, what are the odds of
meeting someone even better? So, I dont actually
have a rational and logical argument for that
Selecting supply chain
consultancy rm
Using unconventional and less resource-
demanding assessment criteria based to a
large degree on a non-rational ‘gut feeling
‘We identied components ourselves, but
negotiating prices with Chinese suppliers was
difcult. So now our partner negotiates with
suppliers for us.
Smallness and communication
problems slowed down supply chain
Increased coordination and control by
having external partners help setup and
manage Chinese supply chain
Flytech ‘We could not speak English with the engineers we
had to use interpreters who did not have technical
Communicating with
Chinese suppliers
Using to increase pool of
potential suppliers to screen; presence in
China lowered communication issues and
increased control
‘Our main supplier got another, smaller supplier to
make the component. But this supplier was also too
big for us, so our main supplier found an even
smaller supplier to make it. We knew nothing about
Low attractiveness among suppliers
due to smallness increased
organizational complexity and
lowered control
Changed to local Norwegian contract
manufacturer to overcome communication
issues and increase quality control
Camtech ‘It was a challenge to identify [suppliers], but
mostly, it was a challenge to be accepted by a large
supplier as a ve-person Norwegian start-up.
Engaging suppliers Presence in China to engage suppliers, but
low attractiveness made preferred supplier
impossible to get as a contract
‘A main problem was poor communication and the
contract manufacturers lack of taking responsibility
for product quality. The contract manufacturer
focused mostly on quantity delivered.
Communication issues and lack of
quality control
Switched to Norwegian contract
manufacturer before rst commercial
batch to increase control, exibility and
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China to Norway. In addition to being closer both physically and
culturally, the Norwegian contract manufacturers were much smaller
companies than the Chinese ones, giving Flytech and Camtech relatively
more control, power and exibility in the supply chain. In contrast,
Sporttech went from doing screening, testing and negotiations itself to
utilizing the competences of its supply chain advisory partners to in-
crease control and power in the supply chain (and to reduce
6. Discussion
In the present paper, we have investigated how new ventures
develop their rst supply chains. To do this, we use relationship initia-
tion and attractiveness to explain the companiesglobal sourcing pro-
cesses. Based on the cross-case analysis and the analytical framework,
we will next develop and present three propositions related to start-ups
sourcing decisions.
6.1. Structural design
Opposite to what the traditional global sourcing literature suggests
(e.g. Francioni et al., 2019; Bozarth et al., 1998; Steinle and Schiele,
2008; Jia et al., 2017) that rms use thorough processes for identifying
a pool of possible suppliers and select the most suitable from this pool
we can see that the search for suppliers among the case companies was
quite different. First, they all focused on a very limited number of
markets (either China or Norway/home) and actors. Second, due to
limited networks and no prior experience, four of the six case companies
used arenas such as to identify possible suppliers. There-
after, they relied on more traditional communication channels such as
emails and cold calls when approaching manufacturers. Third, the
venturesselection criteria differed from the selection criteria of estab-
lished companies due to limited experience, resources and time. The
case companies mainly used price and qualitative criteria such as the
quality of components, suppliers interest in the nal product or in the
start-up, and whether the communication between the companies dur-
ing the process was adequate or provided a good ‘gut feeling(i.e. a
feeling without a logical rationale). This is very different from the more
sophisticated techniques and screening criteria used by established
rms, such as performance history, warranty, technical capability, de-
livery or other quantitative criteria (see e.g. Dickson, 1966; Ho et al.,
2010). In this way, they kept the organizational complexity of the
structural design to a minimum (Jia et al., 2017). However, as will be
discussed later, even minimal organizational complexity can be too
much for a start-up with scarce resources. This led four of the case
companies (Plasttech, Textiletech, Magtech and Sporttech) to actually
focus on suppliers with less specialization but with the ability to help
them manage the supply chain.
Relationship with the suppliers was of great importance, as the case
companies had low legitimacy (Zimmerman and Zeitz, 2002) combined
with typically small volumes, making it hard to attract interest and of-
fers from suppliers, especially desirable suppliers. In such circum-
stances, the decision-making power is almost entirely in the hands of the
supplier. However, our ndings suggest that pre-sales is one way new
ventures can become more attractive. The pre-sale process provides
additional nancial resources, making it easier to engage suppliers by
increasing the new ventures ability to pay for their orders and
emphasizing that the new ventures could become protable long-term
customers this proved true for Sporttech, Magtech and Flytech.
These case companies pre-sales showed huge commercial interest
among end-users, which attracted suppliers. However, public pre-sale
and the promise to deliver the nal product are connected to goal
commitment and the need for achievement. Our ndings show that the
case companies followed the same pattern that Mollick (2014) illus-
trated: the rms that were overfunded by the pre-sale process had higher
risk of experiencing delays. One reason for this could be that having a
successful pre-sale gives the ventures more funding, which means that
they can use more resources and time to nd their preferred suppliers.
Our empirical ndings suggest:
Proposition 1.During structural design in the global sourcing process, new
1) use less sophisticated and resource-demanding methods for identifying
and screening suppliers than established rms; and
2) can increase their attractiveness among suppliers with the help of pre-
6.2. Coordination and control
Our empirical ndings revealed that the new ventures lacked the
ability to communicate their product components specications,
thereby leaving them unaware of whether the suppliers understood the
specications and if they in turn had provided the correct specications
to the sub-suppliers. Due to their low attractiveness, the case companies
also had problems coordinating and controlling their supply chains
(Schiele et al., 2012). This made it difcult to predict whether the
manufacturers and their sub-suppliers would prioritize the new venture
enough to follow the specications; in some cases, it was also difcult to
know who the sub-suppliers were. The low priority among suppliers is
illustrated in the Flytech case, whose supplier sourced components to
sub-suppliers without further communication. Further, in Plasttech, its
supplier cancelled the order on short notice due to a much larger order
from another customer.
For several of the case companies (e.g. Camtech and Flytech),
problems were exacerbated by language and cultural differences;
further, the lack of resources made it hard to deal with the relationship-
oriented culture in China, which demanded presence on site to solve
problems (Handeld and McCormack, 2005). In addition to being
difcult, the case companies emphasized that relationships that
demanded physical presence were expensive and time-consuming, and
that these challenges escalate further the more suppliers the new ven-
ture initiates relationships with. Established companies have often
solved this problem by establishing local joint ventures, founding their
own subsidiaries on site in China (Fredriksson and Jonsson, 2019) or
even backshoring (see e.g. Kinkel and Maloca, 2009; Di Mauro et al.,
2018). In this study, examples of backshoring were seen in Flytech and
Camtech both companies with high levels of complexity in their
product and production processes (Group 2). One cause of these prob-
lems is the relative ease of nding suppliers in China, causing the case
companies to underestimate the problems that their differing cultures
and languages create. However, the opposite was also witnessed in
Magtech, a company with low complexity (Group 1), who experienced
problems with local suppliers in Norway. It underestimated the supply
chain risks due to having the same language and culture.
Proposition 2.During coordination and control in the global sourcing
process, new ventures
1) experience lack of control and coordination due to low attractiveness;
2) require a short supply chain with a limited number of system integrators;
3) combine more readily with comparably small suppliers.
6.3. The inter-connectedness of the sourcing process and the relationship
initiation process
Our framework enables us to show the importance of developing the
sourcing process and the relationship initiation process in parallel. As
illustrated by Fig. 2 below, ‘dening exchangewas the key sub-process
for the six start-ups in the present paper. It was in this stage of the
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relationship when the start-ups began to interact and negotiate with
selected suppliers about the content and type of their relationship
(Aaboen and Aarikka-Stenroos, 2017) this is where any major prob-
lems become visible. This can be illustrated by Magtech, whose contract
manufacturer quadrupled its production prices almost overnight,
eventually halting their trust-based collaboration. Furthermore, Cam-
tech experienced such difculties communicating and negotiating with
its selected Chinese contract manufacturer that it decided to stop
collaboration after receiving the rst pre-commercial delivery. Thus, our
ndings suggest that one challenge start-ups face is maintaining
attractiveness to keep suppliers from losing interest as the relationship
develops from the initial stages to the sub-process of dening exchange.
This is new knowledge compared to the earlier literature in which
attractiveness has been seen as most important in the sub-processes
matching, attracting and accessing.
Proposition 3.For a start-up it is equally important to maintain attrac-
tiveness during the dening exchange sub-process as during the matching,
attracting and accessing subprocesses.
In Fig. 2 below, we have summarized the propositions and updated
the relationship initiation process for the global sourcing of new ven-
tures. Compared to the analytical framework presented in Fig. 1, the
sub-processes of matching and attraction have in Fig. 2 changed places
with the sub-process accessing. This is because our ndings indicate that
for a new venture to start a relationship with a supplier, it must rst
access a supplier before it can match and attract.
7. Conclusion
We have investigated how new ventures develop their rst supply
chains using a multiple case study of six Norwegian hardware start-ups
and a framework that connects global sourcing, relationship develop-
ment and attractiveness. Our study increases the understanding of new
ventures global sourcing processes, which is an underexplored topic.
Our ndings show some central challenges that start-ups face and
indicate potential strategies to overcome these.
One limitation of the study is its geographical context. Although the
forces driving the new venturessupply chain development are global (e.
g. pre-sales, web portals such as and manufacturing in
China), there may be specic conditions that are distinct to Norway.
Norway has a highly internationally oriented business sector but a
relatively small population (5.5 million) and a limited industrial history.
Thus, there are potentially fewer domestic suppliers and less sourcing
experience available in general, which might make Norwegian start-ups
more likely than new ventures in other countries to try to develop a
global supply chain by themselves. Therefore, similar studies in other
countries and contexts are welcome, especially since there is very little
research conducted on new ventures and supply chain development.
Additionally, all the case companies are technology-based producers,
which may have implications for the availability of soft funding and pre-
sales. Alternative research designs, such as data from other perspectives
than the start-ups and longitudinal data, are needed to gain deeper
understanding of start-upsglobal sourcing processes.
7.1. Agenda for further research based on the propositions
This study is one of very few focusing on new venturessourcing
decisions we believe there are several research possibilities within this
domain. The new ventures in our study tended to use less sophisticated
methods for identifying and screening suppliers compared to established
rms. This is in line with Ellegaard (2006), who also highlighted instinct
and intuition in a research agenda for small rm purchasing. However,
while most of the small rms in Ellegaards (2006) paper tended to use
domestic suppliers, the start-ups in our paper engage in global sourcing
by approaching potential suppliers they found on the internet. This
brings us to the rst point of the agenda: Explore resource-efcient ways to
identify, evaluate and qualify potential suppliers in new channels such as Al and on the internet. This research may benet from building
upon systems developed by established companies for screening and
processing large amounts of information about potential suppliers (e.g.
Dickson, 1966; Ho et al., 2010); however, it needs to consider that the
needs and conditions, and thereby the selection criteria, are different for
a start-up.
The remaining agenda for further research use Proposition 3 as a
starting point since dening exchange is identied as key in whether the
relationship becomes successful or not. As mentioned in Propositions 1
and 2, start-ups lack control and coordination due to difculties being
regarded as preferred or attractive customers (see Schiele et al., 2012).
La Rocca and Snehota (2020) found that start-upsattractiveness among
suppliers is based on different factors compared to established rms. The
authors mention, for instance, the potential for co-development and
exploitation of resources together with the start-up when doing business
with other customers as an important factor for suppliers. In contrast,
our study pointed toward the pre-sales enabled by crowdfunding op-
portunities as a factor that seemed to increase attractiveness. The second
point on the research agenda is as follows: Explore how a start-up may
manage its attractiveness before and during interactions and negotiations
with potential suppliers. As mentioned in Proposition 2, start-ups benet
from short supply chains consisting of suppliers who are small rms in
order to be able to full their own goals of quality, price and product
delivery. Furthermore, as illustrated in Fig. 2, the structural design of the
supply chain is interrelated with the relationship development between
Fig. 2. New ventures relationship initiation process for global sourcing
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the start-up and the suppliers. The third point on the research agenda is
as follows: Explore how start-ups may develop their supplier relationships in
order to achieve short, well-functioning supply chains with limited resources.
Finally, our study also has implications for managers. First, for new
ventures to succeed in setting up their rst supply chain, start-ups should
aim to design a short supply chain consisting of small suppliers with a
limited number of system-integrators. They should also utilize the
attractiveness that comes with pre-sales to gain the attention and in-
terest of relevant suppliers. Managers should be aware that it is in the
interactions and negotiations with suppliers that the potential suppliers
true interest, ability and trustworthiness are revealed. The implications
for practice thereby include emphasize developing a business relation-
ship with the supplier in parallel with making sourcing decisions.
Author statement
This academic paper, entitled ‘Low power, high ambitions: New
ventures developing their rst supply chains, is the result of an equally
share of work and responsibility of the three authors.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
The authors would like to thank the managers of the case companies,
and Emilie Aabakken and Andrea Holvik Thorson for assistance in data
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Ø. Bjørgum et al.
... While mature firms are wellestablished, older, more stable, and have a good credit history (Bulan and Yan, 2010), startups are young , have a high mortality rate (Freeman et al., 1983), have no track record, and suffer from limited resources (Das and He, 2006). As a result, suppliers could perceive startups as unattractive (Bjørgum et al., 2021) and decide not to do business with them (Bolumole et al., 2015). Consequently, startups might experience several obstacles when dealing with suppliers. ...
... In short, suppliers may demand higher prices or avoid doing business with startups altogether. Evidence indicates that suppliers mostly find startups unattractive (Bjørgum et al., 2021). ...
... Third, we provide additional support for early findings and extend the emerging research field of customer attractiveness in startups and young firms (Bjørgum et al., 2021;Jenkins and Holcomb, 2021;La Rocca and Snehota, 2021), and that of low-leverage buyers (Kragh et al., 2022). We support the literature empirically by highlighting the importance of the following factors: (1) innovation by strengthening the literature that links innovation and technical competence to customer attractiveness (Jenkins and Holcomb, 2021;Kragh et al., 2022;La Rocca and Snehota, 2021). ...
... Despite the strategic importance of suppliers for startups, startups may be unattractive customers (Bjørgum et al., 2021): ...
... As a result, purchasing operational processes to manage purchase orders, order material and approve and pay supplier invoices (Rozemeijer, 2008;van Raaij, 2016) may be rudimentary in startups. Hence, suppliers may avoid selling to startups, perceiving startups as unattractive (Bjørgum et al., 2021). In short, suppliers may see startups as risky (Bolumole et al., 2015) and inconvenient customers. ...
... Consequently, there is a call for purchasing research that addresses startups (Baraldi et al., 2020;Bjørgum et al., 2021;Wagner, 2021). This paper aims to fill this gap by asking two research questions: ...
Purpose This study aims to analyze how startups organize their purchasing activities to improve operative excellence and become attractive customers. Design/methodology/approach The authors use a two-phase exploratory approach with semistructured interviews and a World Café. In total, 20 startup purchasers and suppliers participated. It is an international study with participants from eight countries (Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA). Findings The authors find that startups organize the purchasing function in five ways: partial outsourcing, transactional-oriented, strategic only, outsourced purchasing and full department. Each type has advantages and disadvantages regarding operative excellence. The authors identify type-specific antecedents to operative excellence: forecasting, payment habits, ordering process, contact accessibility and quick decision-making. Research limitations/implications The value of this paper is that it offers entrepreneurs a framework to organize startup purchasing activities, including outsourcing options. Furthermore, it provides theoretical contributions that expand the topic of purchasing and supply organization and operative excellence to the startup context. Originality/value The value of this paper is that, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is the first to explore purchasing organization and operative excellence in startups.
... When applying the framework to empirical data on 20 start-ups, four different patterns of the customer relationship development states in the portfolio emerge: Paradise lost, Pearls on a string, Picture perfect, and Persuasion. Thereby, the present chapter contributes to previous start-up studies applying the IMP perspective (e.g., Aaboen et al., 2011;Baraldi et al., 2019;Bjørgum et al., 2021;Ciabuschi et al., 2012;Ingemansson & Waluszewski, 2009;La Rocca et al., 2013;La Rocca et al., 2019;Santos & Mota, 2020;Snehota, 2011) by exploring early customer relationships as a portfolio with a focus on relationship development states, connecting relationship dynamics to a start-up's early strategizing. ...
This chapter explores patterns of relationship development states in the early customer portfolios of start-ups. Our theoretical framework combines literature on customer portfolios and relationship development states. We use this framework to analyze data on customer relationship development captured through interviews with 20 start-ups. Our main contribution is that we identify four patterns in the portfolios of customer relationship development states: Paradise lost, Pearls on a string, Picture perfect, and Persuasion. Start-up managers can use these patterns to map their current customer portfolio, to assess the degree of fit between their current customer portfolio and their strategy, and to provide input on how to strategize in a resource efficient manner to achieve such a fit. To our knowledge, this is the first study to combine the literature on relationship development states with that on customer portfolios.
... In the nascent body of literature on circular startups, studies have shed light on the circumstance that circular startups collaborate with different types of sectoral and cross-sectoral partners (c.f., Henry et al., 2020Henry et al., , 2022Närvänen et al., 2021;von Kolpinski et al., 2022; for an overview also see Suchek et al., 2022), but not yet on how startups try to gain legitimacy in initiating these partnerships. Accordingly, Bjørgum et al. (2021) call for research on how startups increase attractiveness for potential partners to form a beneficial relationship for the circular economy. ...
... Furthermore, they argue that new venture firms can enhance their outsourcing capabilities if they possess 'technical, evaluation, relational, entrepreneurial, and integration competencies' (Bhalla and Terjesen 2013, 175). Bjørgum, Aaboen, and Fredriksson (2021) recommend that new venture firms should source directly from suppliers (not through intermediaries) and engage in pre-sales activities. ...
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We build on dynamic capability (DC) theory and apply inductive case study research to shed light on how new venture manufacturing firms develop and nurture supply chain (SC) capabilities. Our findings discern SC capabilities related to dimensions of DCs (sense, integrate, develop, reconfigure) and show how these SC capabilities evolve throughout new venture life cycle stages. We find that SC capabilities steadily substitute improvisation and imitation. Our study also reveals that SC capabilities serve as dual-purpose capabilities with an operational as well as a dynamic role. On the one hand, they are needed to operate the supply chain and enable the development and reconfiguration of the internal resource base. On the other hand, they allow for the sensing and integration of external resources and create new or update and modify existing SC capabilities. New venture firms can benefit from our study by mimicking the development of the different SC capabilities.
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This research applies a qualitative, exploratory approach and uses the research methodology of design science to analyze power dynamics in a digitalized SCM landscape. Through 15 expert interviews and comprehensive case studies, the study develops a design theory approach that offers insights into how digitalization influences power structures, strategies, and interactions within supply chains, bridging the research gap in this domain. A three-level supply chain model is introduced to represent interactions among supply chain insiders, enablers, and the digital supply chain backbone. Furthermore, a power model adapted for the digitalized environment was developed. Case studies featuring Amazon, SAP, Mercedes Benz, NVIDIA, VW, and Prevent validate the relevance of the design theory. Findings emphasize the need to differentiate power dynamics in analogue and digital contexts within SCM, contributing to theory development and understanding of the evolving power landscape in the digital era. The findings contribute to the advancement of supply chain management theory in digital transformation and shed light on the intricate relationship between power structures and digitalization within supply chains.
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The research of company efficiency can be quite challenging when using different methods of multicriteria decision-making. This paper looks into the efficiency of trade companies in Serbia using the ARAS method, with the aim to achieve improvements in the future. The empirical results of efficiency evaluation of trade companies in Serbia for 2020 using the ARAS method reveal that the most efficient company is MERCATA VT. It is followed by DELHAIZE SERBIA, NELT CO., PHOENIX PHARMA, LIDL SRBIJA, KNEZ PETROL, AGROGLOBE, MERCATOR-S, MOL SERBIA, and LUKOIL SRBIJA. This ranking of trade companies in Serbia was influenced by economic climate, but even more significantly by management efficiency as regards human resources, assets, capital, sales and profits. Obviously, this efficiency differs in these companies, depending on the skills and competences displayed by their management. Another important aspect is full digitalisation of operations. Those who had embarked on e-commerce early enough were able to avoid some of the negative consequences of COVID-19 pandemic. As is the case elsewhere in the world, e-commerce has significantly alleviated the negative impact of the pandemic on the performance of trade companies in Serbia. Keywords: efficiency, factors, ARAS method, trade, Serbia
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This paper examines how knowledge properties of a manufacturing activity transfer in international manufacturing network impact performance during the transfer itself and after steady state has been reached. Hierarchical regression was used to test the relationship on survey data from 178 companies. Knowledge properties as a group was significantly affected by both performance measures when controlling for the effects of sender unit experience, sender unit size and receiver unit experience. The activities transferred thus impact the success of the transfer. The control variables of sender unit experience and receiver unit experience have their relatively strongest performance effects after steady state has been reached. Independency was the single knowledge property dimensions with the strongest relative performance effect. This is one of the first survey studies to cover both the performance of the transfer itself and after reaching steady state of manufacturing transfers. Several strands of further research were therefore identified.
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Motivations underscoring offshoring and backshoring are typically investigated as separate entities in the academic literature. This separation undermines a deeper comprehension of the two phenomena, and implicitly denies the conceptualization of backshoring as a possible step of the firm internationalization process. Our paper seeks to fill this gap by (1) understanding the relations (if any) among offshoring and backshoring motivations at firm level; (2) exploring whether backshoring is a "failure" of the offshoring initiative, or rather the evolution of the firm's competitive and location strategies. A content-based literature review provides the base for the identification of the key motives for offshoring and backshoring, which are then organised using a theory-grounded framework. Next, we conduct a multiple case study analysis based on four companies, searching for common patterns in offshoring and subsequent backshoring initiatives. Cases allow understanding how the motivations (Why) connect with the governance modes (How), and the location choice (Where). Building on the case findings, the paper presents some propositions for future empirical research.
Prior research has shown that new ventures can complement their capabilities and extend their limited internal resources by drawing on suppliers. Yet, our knowledge of the supplier mobilization process in new ventures is limited. In this paper, we take a relational perspective on the mobilizing process, which entails investigating the scope for mobilizing suppliers in new ventures and new ventures' attractiveness to suppliers. Drawing on three new venture cases, we posit that for new ventures the scope for mobilizing suppliers: 1) ranges from the use of suppliers for the procurement of well-defined existing inputs to the co-development of various resources and capabilities with suppliers; 2) varies across ventures, reflecting the new venture's distance to market; and 3) depends on the supplier's assessment of the new venture's attractiveness as a customer. We also argue that the attractiveness of new ventures as customers to the suppliers is based on elements that differ from those found in studies of ongoing businesses, and include: 1) stimuli to innovate and develop new competencies, 2) reputational benefits and prestige, and 3) personal satisfaction.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to deepen the global sourcing (GS) phenomenon from the acquiring firms’ viewpoint by analyzing the Italian craft beer sector. This industry has been chosen since it represents a perfect context for the GS activities’ analysis. Notably, different features characterizing this business force Italian breweries to turn to suppliers, located outside their national borders, to purchase the necessary raw materials. Design/methodology/approach The paper adopts a multiple case study concerning four Italian agricultural breweries located in the Marche region. Findings Results identify the main motivations, drivers, risks, obstacles and costs related to the adoption of the GS activities, by corroborating a positive interconnection with the GS literature findings. Research limitations/implications The main limitation is related to the fact that the study is based on a survey carried out on a specific region and product category. Therefore, future research could analyze other Italian regions and/or different types of products. Practical implications The study identifies different gaps characterizing the Italian supply market. Managerially these gaps can be converted into critical opportunities for the future development of the entire Italian brewing sector. Moreover, the results detect several actions the investigated breweries will seek to develop in the near future, which could strongly support the growth of the Italian beer sector. Originality/value The study deepens a topic little explored by literature, especially with reference to the supply activities of the Italian agricultural breweries.
New business ventures have rather limited resources, generally suffer from liabilities of smallness and newness and rely on external business relationships, typically with suppliers, for developing and acquiring necessary resources. Yet, to date, research on how new ventures develop initial relationships with suppliers and how these affect the nascent business has been limited. Taking the business network perspective and relating it to studies of supply chain and supplier involvement in product development, our study contributes to the rather limited body of knowledge on new ventures' supplier relationships. Empirically, we draw on a longitudinal, in-depth single-case study of the first two years of operation of a start-up. Our study shows that the development of the key initial supplier relationships starts from open-ended expectations of mutual future relational benefits and involves a stepwise 'inter-definition' of solutions in interaction between the parties. We observe that interdependences arise between the new venture and its key suppliers and these enable but also limit, the development paths of both partners. We argue that the key initial supplier relationships extend a new venture's resource and capability base and are an integral part of a new venture's business model.
This paper focuses on a quantifiable matrix approach for small business vendor selection. The matrix evaluates many of the critical decisional variables in vendor selection, showing considerable sensitivity to subjective processes. The speed and simplicity of the matrix are uniquely suited to the problems and constraints frequently encountered by small business firms.
Purpose To develop an understanding of how start-ups initiate business relationships and to identify the subprocesses that characterise business-relationship initiations in a start-up context. Design/methodology/approach The paper builds on business relationship–initiation models, develops a theoretical framework of relationship initiation and its subprocesses and, in a multiple-case study, applies this framework to seven relationship initiations by start-ups. Findings The key findings of this study describe the process of business-relationship initiation by start-ups, which comprises six subprocesses. Our detailed and structured initiation-process analyses show how the initiation process occurs in a start-up context and how start-ups develop their relationships. Our analyses also reveal typical patterns and critical issues, such as asymmetry, that characterise start-ups’ business-relationship initiations, particularly with bigger players. Research limitations/implications This paper develops a model of the relationship-initiation process, uses it in a start-up context and identifies the critical characteristics, including asymmetry, of start-up initiations; these contributions address both the literature on start-ups and the literature on relationship initiation and development. Originality/value This paper is the first to focus on how start-ups initiate business relationships; previous studies of business-relationship initiation have focused on mature firms. Using the industrial marketing and purchasing approach, the paper contributes to shifting the focus from interactions between resource entities to relationship-initiation processes in the context of start-ups.
Purpose - There has been much research on manufacturing flexibility, but supply chain flexibility is still an under-investigated area. This paper focuses on supply flexibility, the aspects of flexibility related to the upstream supply chain. Our purpose is to investigate why and how firms increase supply flexibility. Methodology/Approach - An exploratory multiple case study was conducted. We analyzed seven Spanish manufacturers from different sectors (automotive, apparel, electronics and electrical equipment). Findings - The results show that there are some major reasons why firms need supply flexibility (manufacturing schedule fluctuations, JIT purchasing, manufacturing slack capacity, low level of parts commonality, demand volatility, demand seasonality and forecast accuracy), and that companies increase this type of flexibility by implementing two main strategies: "to increase suppliers' responsiveness capability" and "flexible sourcing". The results also suggest that the supply flexibility strategy selected depends on two factors: the supplier searching and switching costs and the type of uncertainty (mix, volume or delivery). Research limitations - This paper has some limitations common to all case studies, such as the subjectivity of the analysis, and the questionable generalizability of results (since the sample of firms is not statistically significant). Implications - Our study contributes to the existing literature by empirically investigating which are the main reasons for companies needing to increase supply flexibility, how they increase this flexibility, and suggesting some factors that could influence the selection of a particular supply flexibility strategy.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic review of the literature concerning the negative aspects of global sourcing (GS). It complements prior research on the positive aspects of GS, advances theoretical understanding of the phenomenon, and suggests an agenda for future research. Design/methodology/approach The sourcing, international business and supply chain management literature is systematically reviewed and findings from 83 previous studies are investigated. Findings Research on the downsides of GS has intensified over the last decade, but the related knowledge has been very fragmented and oftentimes latent. This literature review extracts knowledge around 28 antecedents to GS downsides from the literature and illustrates their potential harmful effects along operational and financial performance dimensions. Findings suggest that future research should focus more on the effects of decision-making biases and the effects of firm-internal barriers. The dynamic and hidden costs of GS should also be scrutinized in more depth. Originality/value This study is the first systematic literature review of the downsides of GS. It facilitates a more balanced and nuanced picture of GS to help managers make better-informed GS decisions. The review also offers a holistic research framework that opens up avenues for much-needed research into the “dark side” of GS.
- This paper describes the process of inducting theory using case studies from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Some features of the process, such as problem definition and construct validation, are similar to hypothesis-testing research. Others, such as within-case analysis and replication logic, are unique to the inductive, case-oriented process. Overall, the process described here is highly iterative and tightly linked to data. This research approach is especially appropriate in new topic areas. The resultant theory is often novel, testable, and empirically valid. Finally, framebreaking insights, the tests of good theory (e.g., parsimony, logical coherence), and convincing grounding in the evidence are the key criteria for evaluating this type of research.