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Influence of wet etching in KOH on defects in silicon nanowires formed by cryogenic dry etching


Abstract and Figures

The work is devoted to exploration of arrays of vertical aligned silicon nanowires (SiNWs) obtained by cryogenic dry etching in ICP mode with height of 4.5-5.5 μm and aspect ratio of 7. It was shown that geometry of nanowires has crucial influence on rate of wet etching in KOH since it is higher for 3D objects than for planar wafer, and the diameter should be the same along the nanowire for controlled wet etching. Wet etching in 4% KOH solution during 30 s allowed to save array of uniformity vertical aligned SiNWs with height of 4 μm and diameter of 500 nm. Such treatment reduced concentration of defects detected by deep-level transient spectroscopy, particularly, it drops as minimum in two times for deep level with £0=0.68-0.74 eV placed near to surface of wafer.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Influence of wet etching in KOH on defects in silicon nanowires formed
by cryogenic dry etching
To cite this article: A I Baranov et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1697 012060
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International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
Influence of wet etching in KOH on defects in silicon
nanowires formed by cryogenic dry etching
A I Baranov1,2, D A Kudryashov1, I A Morozov1, A V Uvarov1, K Yu Shugurov1,
A S Gudovskikh1,2
1Alferov University, 194021 St Petersburg, Russia.
2St Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", 197376 St Petersburg, Russia.
Abstract. The work is devoted to exploration of arrays of vertical aligned silicon nanowires
(SiNWs) obtained by cryogenic dry etching in ICP mode with height o f 4.5-5.5 μm and aspect
ratio of 7. It was shown that geometry of nanowires has crucial influence on rate of wet etching
in KOH since it is higher for 3D objects than for planar wafer, and the diameter should be the
same along the nanowire for controlled wet etching. Wet etching in 4% KOH solution during 30
s allowed to save array of uniformity vertical aligned SiNWs with height of 4 μm and diameter
of 500 nm. Such treatment reduced concentration of defects detected by deep-level transient
spectroscopy, particularly, it drops as minimum in two times for deep level with Ea=0.68-0.74
eV placed near to surface of wafer.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, there is movement from classical planar solar cells to structures with layers of low
dimension, which allow to vary the geometry and electronic properties of the materials. For example,
vertically aligned silicon nanostructures (nanowires, nanorods) can enhance the absorption of solar
radiation and can be used for fabrication of double-junction since it allows the use of cheap silicon
wafers and technologies of the silicon industry as the most developed in micro- and nanoelectronics.
Recently, it was experimentally demonstrated for microcrystalline silicon solar cells grown on silicon
nanowires (SiNWs) [1,2]. However, its effective development is hampered by the imperfection of the
applied technologies like metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon wafer or vapour-liquid-crystal for
the fabrication of nanowires due to defect formation from trace of metal catalysts [35]. Recently,
SiNWs are formed by new method of dry etching of silicon wafer in inductively-coupled plasma (ICP)
at cryogenic temperature [6]. Unlike classical reactive ion etching (RIE) this method led only to partially
amorphisation of thin surface layer without degradation of bulk properties in silicon wafer [7]. However,
influence of cryogenic etching process on properties of SiNWs were not studied in details unlike planar
wafer. Therefore, this work is devoted to exploration defect formation in array of SiNWs by capacitance
methods, and research of post-etch treatment to suppress it.
2. Experimental details
Firstly, layer of SiO2 400 nm thick was deposited by chemical vapour deposition on (100) silicon wafer
(2-7 Ω·cm) using Oxford Plasma Lab System 100 setup. Then wafers were covered by latex spheres
with 1 μm diameter using spin-coater. Further, spheres size was decreased by dry etching in oxygen
plasma in Oxford Plasma Lab ICP 380 setup, layers of SiO2 was dry etched in atmosphere of CHF3 in
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
RIE mode down to wafer to form SiO2 mask resisting to cryogenic etching. Finally, wafers was dry
etched in mixture of SF6/O2 in ICP mode at -140 ºC during 3.5 and 4.5 minutes. SEM images of
fabricated structures are presented in figure 1. In result, we obtained uniform array of SiNWs with
diameter of 700 nm and height of 4.5 μm for 3.5 min etch, and with 600 nm and 5.5 μm, respectively,
for 4.5 min of etching. Note that the SiO2 layer was not etched and practically did not decrease, which
confirms its resistance to cryogenic etching and it is suitable for use as a mask. However, diameter of
SiNWs decreases in their upper part, especially, it is noticeably for sample with higher etching time
where it leads to appearance of inverted pyramids, and their shape is like an hourglass. Such behavior
change geometry of nanowires, and it can complicate next operations as wet etching, deposition of layers
or metals etc. Then, all samples were cleared in HF solution to remove remnants of spheres and SiO2
The morphology of wafer with array of SiNWs were characterized by using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) (SUPRA 25 Zeiss). Metal contacts were evaporated in BOC Edwards Auto500 setup
for fabrication of structures with Schottky barrier for further electrophysical measurements. Standard I
V curves were measured using a Keithley 2400 source-meter. Capacitance-voltage characteristics were
performed using a precision E4980A Keysight (former Agilent) LCR-meter at 100 kHz at 300 K.
Capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy were done using an automated installation based on a
Boonton-7200B capacitance bridge in the temperature range of 80-360 K to study interface in different
area of wafers and its defect properties [8].
Figure 1. SEM images of arrays of silicon nanowires obtained by cryogenic etching during 3.5 min
(a) and 4.5 min (b).
3. Results and discussion
As noted before, defects appear in surface layer of 50 nm thick after dry cryogenic etching due to plasma
influence, but it was also showed that wet etching in KOH leads to recovery of lifetimes in silicon wafer
[7]. Furthermore, post-KOH dipping is used an effective method to improve properties of SiNWs
fabricated by MACE [9,10]. Here, the sample after dry etching of 4.5 minutes was taken to explore
influence of wet etching on geometry of SiNW’s array. SEM images for different etching conditions are
presented in figure 2. Firstly, the sample was etched at conditions equal to experiments with planar
wafer: in 20% KOH solution during 60 s (see figure 2a). In result, wafer relief significantly changed:
SiNWs became very thin and almost disappeared, and surface was covered by pyramids that is not
unacceptable for further double-junction solar cell fabrication. For this reason, 4% KOH was used to
slow down the chemical reaction, and also sample was etched during 30 s, 60 s and 180 s. The etching
during 30 s allowed to save structure of SiNWs arrays, but their form is changed: height decreased down
to 2-3 μm, and upper part became rough and spiky (see figure 2b). Subsequent increase to 60 s led to
further destruction of nanowires (diameter and height reduction), and after 180 s they are totally etched
(see figure 2d).
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
Figure 2. SEM images of arrays of silicon nanowires obtained by cryogenic etching during 4.5 min,
after wet etching in 20% КОН during 60 s and in 4% КОН during 30 s (b), 60 s (c) и 180 s (d).
Therefore, sample with array of SiNWs obtained after dry etching during 3.5 minutes (see figure 1a)
was wet etched in 4% KOH during 30 s, and its SEM images are presented in figure 3. In result, relief
of SiNW’s array and their geometry was much better saved than in previous sample, but their height
and diameter decreased to 4 μm and 500 nm, respectively. Consequently, rate etch is strongly depend
on geometry of sample: it is higher for 3D objects than for planar one, and variation of shape uniformity
leads to acceleration of etching. It acts in total side surface, and when NWs have shape as hourglass the
area with the smallest diameter is etched firstly leading to their break, the top surface becomes like peak,
and cylindrical geometry is lost. So parameters optimization of dry etching should be focused on ideal
geometry of SiNWs since it has crucial influence on wet etching. Nevertheless, suggested treatment in
4% during 30 s allowed to etch possible defective surface and save array of SiNWs so below its influence
on defects was studied below for sample obtained by dry etching during 3.5 minutes.
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
Figure 3. SEM images of array of silicon nanowires obtained by cryogenic etching during 3.5 min
after wet etching in 4% КОН during 30 s.
Then, ohmic contact was formed to bottom side of wafer by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition
of highly n-doped GaP layer 20 nm thick [11,12] with subsequent deposition of indium. Further,
Schottky barrier was formed to SiNWs by evaporation of gold through mask with holes with a diameter
of 0.5 mm. SEM image of sample after wet etching and Schottky barrier formation are presented in
figure 4. As shown, metal fully covered side and top surfaces of NWs and area on the bottom between
them so it allowed to explore whole surface of wafer obtained by cryogenic etching.
Figure 4. SEM images of array of silicon nanowires obtained by cryogenic etching during 3.5 min
without (a) and with (b) wet etching in KOH with evaporated gold.
Measurements of current-voltage characteristics for both samples show classical view for Schottky
diode: exponential behavior at forward bias voltages and constant low current at reverse ones, even it is
lower for wet etched sample (see figure 5a). Further, capacitance-voltage characteristics were obtained
at 100 kHz and 300 K (see figure 5b), and profile of concentration of free charge carriers were estimated
(in inset). Curves are almost the same at all range, and concentration (NCV=1×1015 cm-3) exactly
corresponds to the doping concentration of the silicon wafer (2-7 Ω·cm). Due to low concentration, NWs
are depleted even at zero voltage since gold cover total side surface and its diameter is less 700 nm.
Therefore, space charge region penetrates inside the bulk wafer at reverse bias voltage so defect
characterization inside SiNWs or in interface Au/n-Si can be reached only by applying of forward bias
voltage allowing to flatten bands and fill defect levels in this regions.
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Current, A
Voltage, V
-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Data 35 8:31:32 16.04.2020
Capacitance, nF/cm2
Voltage, V
800 1200 1600
Data 4
Ncv, cm-3
Depth, nm
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
Figure 5. Current-voltage (a) and capacitance-voltage characteristics (b) of sample with array of
SiNWs. In inset concentration profiling.
In this case, DLTS measurements were carefully performed at the following conditions: Vinit= 0 V,
Vpulse=+2 V, tpulse=50 ms to explore possible defects near to interface Au/n-Si. Nevertheless, technique
was also applied to explore defects in the depth of wafer at the following conditions: Vinit= -4 V, Vpulse=
+4 V, tpulse=50 ms. DLTS spectra for rate window of 20 s-1 obtained for both modes are shown in figure
160 240 320
-4 V 0 V
0 V +2 V
DLTS signal, fF
Temperature, K
160 240 320
-4 V 0 V
0 V +2 V
DLTS signal, fF
Temperature, K
Figure 6. DLTS spectra for rate window of 20 s-1 for initial (a) and etched (b) in KOH samples for
different modes.
Firstly, when reverse bias voltage is applied there is only one high-temperature peak related to defect
level with abnormally high activation energy, but its concentration lower than 1×1012 cm-3, and its
response almost disappeared in sample after KOH etching. Secondly, for mode with forward bias voltage
during the filling pulse, there is series high peak in range of 240-360 K that corresponds to response
from defect level with an activation energy Ea=0.68-0.74 eV, capture-cross section of σT=1×10-15 cm2
and concentration NT=2×1012 cm-3 estimated from equation for point-like defect, but due to broadened
peak on curve more realistic case is extended defects near surface of silicon. However, after etching in
KOH amplitude of peak dropped in two times so defect concentration also decreased as minimum in
two times. Therefore, additional wet etching in 4% KOH solution during 30 s led to lower defect
concentration in array of SiNWs obtained by cryogenic etching.
4. Conclusion
In result, arrays of vertical aligned silicon nanowires (SiNWs) obtained by cryogenic dry etching in ICP
mode with height of 4.5-5.5 μm and aspect ratio of 7 were explored. It was shown that geometry of
nanowires has crucial influence on rate of wet etching in KOH since it is higher for 3D objects than for
planar wafer, and the diameter should be the same along the nanowire for controlled wet etching. Wet
etching in 4% KOH solution during 30 s allow to save array of uniformity vertical aligned SiNWs with
height of 4 μm and diameter of 500 nm. Such treatment reduced concentration of defects, particularly,
it drops as minimum in two times for deep level with Ea=0.68-0.74 eV placed near to surface of wafer.
The experimental work on wet etching, structural and electrophysical measurements was supported by
the Russian Scientific Foundation under Grant No. 19-79-00338. Sample fabrication by cryogenic dry
etching was supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (research
project FSRM-2020-0004).
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1697 (2020) 012060
IOP Publishing
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... Поэтому в настоящее время возрос интерес к методу сухого плазмохимического травления подложки Si при криогенных температурах менее −100 • C для создания массивов однородных SiNWs [5][6][7]. Ранее нами было показано, что наносферная литография и сухое плазмохимическое травление с индуктивносвязанной плазмой при криогенных температурах позволяют получить равномерный массив однородных SiNWs с диаметром 400−700 nm и высотой 4−5 µm [7], в приповерхностной области которых образуются дефекты с небольшой концентрацией, которая уменьшается после обработки в KОН [8,9]. С другой стороны, имеется мало работ, посвященных исследованию вольт-фарадных характеристик (C−V ) на структурах именно с массивом нановолокон. ...
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Si wire arrays are a promising architecture for solar-energy-harvesting applications, and may offer a mechanically flexible alternative to Si wafers for photovoltaics. To achieve competitive conversion efficiencies, the wires must absorb sunlight over a broad range of wavelengths and incidence angles, despite occupying only a modest fraction of the array’s volume. Here, we show that arrays having less than 5% areal fraction of wires can achieve up to 96% peak absorption, and that they can absorb up to 85% of day-integrated, above-bandgap direct sunlight. In fact, these arrays show enhanced near-infrared absorption, which allows their overall sunlight absorption to exceed the ray-optics light-trapping absorption limit18 for an equivalent volume of randomly textured planar Si, over a broad range of incidence angles. We furthermore demonstrate that the light absorbed by Si wire arrays can be collected with a peak external quantum efficiency of 0.89, and that they show broadband, near-unity internal quantum efficiency for carrier collection through a radial semiconductor/liquid junction at the surface of each wire. The observed absorption enhancement and collection efficiency enable a cell geometry that not only uses 1/100th the material of traditional wafer-based devices, but also may offer increased photovoltaic efficiency owing to an effective optical concentration of up to 20 times.
A method to obtain vertically aligned silicon structures with a high aspect ratio, which are interesting for the photovoltaics, using nanosphere lithography and cryogenic plasma etching was explored. For the conventional nanosphere lithography the etching of the latex spheres during the cryogenic plasma process limits the maximum ratio of Si wire length to the diameter at the level of 5/1. The maximum length of 2‐3 μm could be obtained for Si wires with 0.45 µm diameter. An intermediate step of SiO2 hard mask formation before nanosphere lithography was proposed to increase the maximum length. The nanosphere lithography with pre‐deposited SiO2 layer allows to increase the maximum length/diameter ratio to at least 15/1. An array of the Si wires with 0.45 µm diameter and length of 6 µm was obtained on entire surface of 4‐inch Si wafers. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The new design for full silicon multi-junction solar cells, which consists of combination of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and conventional silicon-based hetero-junctions, is proposed in the paper. A top junction is based on SiNWs covered by a-Si:H p-i-n structures while bottom junction is based on amorphous/crystalline silicon (a-Si:H/c-Si) hetero-junctions. Vertically-aligned design of top p-i-n junction is a way to enhance absorption in a-Si:H without rising its thickness and therefore it allows one to increase short circuit current. This is a key issue for current match with bottom a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction. Silicon wires of submicron diameters and micron length are formed by etching. A cost effective technology to form the periodic SiNWs on the silicon front surface was developed based on dry plasma etching using submicron size polystyrene spheres as a mask. A significant photocurrent increase was experimentally demonstrated for a-Si:H p-i-n top sub-cells deposited on SiNWs. While bottom a–Si:H/c–Si heterojunction sub-cells formed on the surface with SiNWs demonstrate strong light trapping effect, which leads to enhanced external quantum efficiency in the long wavelength region compared to planar reference cell.
Silicon nanowires physical properties strongly depend on their growth conditions, as already assessed. We report on the electrical properties of nanowires (NWs) grown by the vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism, one of the most established for NW growth, and by the more recent metal-assisted wet chemical etching (MaCE). Wet etching growth process promises to be an industrial advantageous way for growing Si NWs, because of its cheapness, fastness, relative easiness. The electronic level scheme in VLS grown, boron (B)- and phosphorus (P)-doped NWs has been experimentally investigated. We have demonstrated that the doping impurities induce the same shallow levels as in bulk silicon. The presence of two donor levels in the lower half-bandgap is also revealed, which has been successfully related to VLS growth details. We report, also, on the first results on the physical properties of Si NW arrays grown by MaCE, and compare them to those of VLS grown Si NWs.
We report the first observation of the electronic level scheme in boron (B)- and phosphorus (P)-doped nanowires (NWs). The NWs' morphology dramatically depends on the doping impurity while a few deep electronic levels appear in both kinds of nanowires, independently of the doping type. We demonstrate that the doping impurities induce the same shallow levels as in bulk silicon. The presence of two donor levels in the lower half-bandgap is also revealed. In both kinds of NWs, B- and P-doped, the donor level (0/+) at E(v) + 0.36 eV of the gold-hydrogen complex is observed. This means that the gold diffusion from the NW tip introduces an electronically active level, which might negatively affects the electrical characteristics of the NWs. In P-doped NWs, we observed a further donor level at 0.26 eV above the valence band due to the phosphorus-vacancy pairs, the E-center, well-known in bulk silicon. These findings seriously question both diffusion modeling of impurities in NWs and the technological aspects arising from this.
A new technique, deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), is introduced. This is a high‐frequency capacitance transient thermal scanning method useful for observing a wide variety of traps in semiconductors. The technique is capable of displaying the spectrum of traps in a crystal as positive and negative peaks on a flat baseline as a function of temperature. It is sensitive, rapid, and easy to analyze. The sign of the peak indicates whether the trap is near the conduction or valence band, the height of the peak is proportional to the trap concentration, and the position, in temperature, of the peak is uniquely determined by the thermal emission properties of the trap. In addition, one can measure the activation energy, concentration profile, and electron‐ and hole‐capture cross sections for each trap. The technique is presented with a simple theoretical analysis for the case of exponential capacitance transients. Various traps in GaAs are used as examples to illustrate certain features of the DLTS technique. Finally, a critical comparison is made with other recent capacitance techniques.
  • A Cavallini
  • S Carapezzi
  • A Castaldini
  • A Irrera
Cavallini A, Carapezzi S, Castaldini A and Irrera A 2014 Phys. B Condens. Matter 439 41-5