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The First Case of Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Caused by a Large Homozygous Deletion in the C-Terminal Region of COLQ (Collagen Like Tail Subunit of Asymmetric Acetylcholinesterase) Protein


Abstract and Figures

Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are caused by mutations in genes that encode proteins involved in the organization, maintenance, function, or modification of the neuromuscular junction. Among these, the collagenic tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase protein (COLQ; MIM 603033) has a crucial role in anchoring the enzyme into the synaptic basal lamina. Here, we report on the first case of a patient with a homozygous deletion affecting the last exons of the COLQ gene in a CMS patient born to consanguineous parents of Pakistani origin. Electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography (EEG), clinical exome sequencing (CES), and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analyses were performed. The subject was born at term after an uneventful pregnancy and developed significant hypotonia and dystonia, clinical pseudoseizures, and recurring respiratory insufficiency with a need for mechanical ventilation. CES analysis of the patient revealed a homozygous deletion of the COLQ gene located on the 3p25.1 chromosome region. The SNP-array confirmed the presence of deletion that extended from exon 11 to the last exon 17 with a size of 19.5 Kb. Our results add new insights about the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms expanding the spectrum of causative COLQ mutations. It is relevant, considering the therapeutic implications, to apply suitable molecular approaches so that no type of mutation is missed: “each lost mutation means a baby treated improperly”.
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Case Report
The First Case of Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome
Caused by a Large Homozygous Deletion in the
C-Terminal Region of COLQ (Collagen Like Tail
Subunit of Asymmetric Acetylcholinesterase) Protein
Nicola Laforgia 1, Lucrezia De Cosmo 1, Orazio Palumbo 2, Carlotta Ranieri 3, Michela Sesta 4,
Donatella Capodiferro 1, Antonino Pantaleo 3, Pierluigi Iapicca 5, Patrizia Lastella 6,
Manuela Capozza 1, Federico Schettini 1, Nenad Bukvic 7, Rosanna Bagnulo 3and
Nicoletta Resta 3, 7, *
1Section of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Department of Biomedical Science and Human
Oncology (DIMO), University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, 70124 Bari, Italy; (N.L.); (L.D.C.); (D.C.); (M.C.); (F.S.)
2Division of Medical Genetics, Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Soerenza,
71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy;
3Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology (DIMO),
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, 70124 Bari, Italy; (C.R.); (A.P.); (R.B.)
4Neurology Unit, University Hospital Consortium Corporation Polyclinic of Bari, 70124 Bari, Italy;
5SOPHiA GENETICS SA HQ, 1025 Saint-Sulpice, Switzerland;
6Rare Diseases Centre—Internal Medicine Unit “C. Frugoni”, Polyclinic of Bari, 70124 Bari, Italy;
7Medical Genetics Section, University Hospital Consortium Corporation Polyclinic of Bari, 70124 Bari, Italy;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-0805593619
Received: 17 November 2020; Accepted: 15 December 2020; Published: 18 December 2020
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are caused by mutations in genes that encode
proteins involved in the organization, maintenance, function, or modification of the neuromuscular
junction. Among these, the collagenic tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase protein (COLQ; MIM 603033)
has a crucial role in anchoring the enzyme into the synaptic basal lamina. Here, we report on the first
case of a patient with a homozygous deletion affecting the last exons of the COLQ gene in a CMS patient
born to consanguineous parents of Pakistani origin. Electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography
(EEG), clinical exome sequencing (CES), and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analyses
were performed. The subject was born at term after an uneventful pregnancy and developed significant
hypotonia and dystonia, clinical pseudoseizures, and recurring respiratory insuciency with a need
for mechanical ventilation. CES analysis of the patient revealed a homozygous deletion of the COLQ
gene located on the 3p25.1 chromosome region. The SNP-array confirmed the presence of deletion that
extended from exon 11 to the last exon 17 with a size of 19.5 Kb. Our results add new insights about
the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms expanding the spectrum of causative COLQ mutations. It is
relevant, considering the therapeutic implications, to apply suitable molecular approaches so that no
type of mutation is missed: “each lost mutation means a baby treated improperly”.
Keywords: COLQ; congenital myasthenic syndrome; clinical exome sequencing; SNP-array
Genes 2020,11, 1519; doi:10.3390/genes11121519
Genes 2020,11, 1519 2 of 8
1. Introduction
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are a group of genetically and clinically heterogeneous
disorders with impaired neuromuscular transmission and symptoms such as fatigable skeletal muscle
weakness generally confined to ocular, bulbar, or limb-girdle muscles [
]. CMSs can be inherited
in either an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant manner; however, the autosomal recessive
manner is more frequently observed.
CMSs dier from myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disorder that aects the same anatomic region,
because of early age of onset, positive family history, rarity, and lack of response to immunomodulatory
drugs. Clinical presentation of CMSs is highly heterogeneous and ranges from mild symptoms to severe
manifestations, sometimes with life-threatening respiratory episodes especially in the first decade of
life [
]. All subtypes of CMSs share the clinical features of fatigability and muscle weakness, but the
age of onset, presenting symptoms, and response to treatment relate to dierent genetic defects [
CMSs should be suspected in the case of early-onset fatigable muscle weakness, which especially
aects the ocular, bulbar, and limb muscles, positive family anamnesis, clinical and neurophysiological
myasthenic findings with a negative antibody testing profile, and abnormalities of electromyography
(EMG) [
]. Aected patients may also present dysmorphisms, neuropathic pain, seizures, pterygia,
contractures, hyperlaxity of joints, abnormal speech, cognitive impairment, respiratory insuciency,
or skeletal deformities.
Onset can be prenatal, during infancy, childhood, or adolescence (rare). Clinical onset may
sometimes be in adulthood with EMG changes not present in all muscles and intermittent [5].
The most common cause of CMS is a molecular defect impacting the function (CHRNA1, CHRNB,
CHRND, CHRNE and CHRNG) or the clustering (RAPSN, DOK7, MUSK, LRP4) of muscle nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. CMS can also be caused by mutations in genes
encoding proteins in the synaptic basement membrane (COLQ, AGRN, LAMB2), in the presynaptic
release machinery (CHAT, VACHT, SLC5A7, SYT2, SNAP25B)
or in protein glycosylation (GFPT1,
DPAGT1, ALG2 and ALG14) [3].
Intra- and inter-familial phenotypic heterogeneity have been described with the same genotype
and a possible gender eect [
]. Thirty CMS disease genes have been identified, and all are functionally
involved in the development and maintenance of neuromuscular endplate. Of these, the collagenic
tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase (COLQ; MIM 603033) forms a triple helix collagenic tail required
for the anchoring of acetylcholinesterase to the synaptic basement membrane. Dierent mutations
have now been identified in each COLQ domain and, depending on their location, they can aect the
assembly with catalytic subunits or prevent the formation of the triple collagen helix [
]. We present
the first report of a homozygous deletion of the C-terminal region of the COLQ protein in a Pakistani
boy with CMS and epilepsy born to healthy parents (first cousins) identified by the clinical exome
sequencing (CES) approach integrated with a copy number analysis algorithm. This approach
expands the genotype–phenotype correlation of CMS and improves genetic counseling and access to
precision medicine.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Patient Recruitment
Written informed consent to perform genetic testing and further studies were obtained from the
family using a form approved by the competent ethics committee in line with the principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki and any other applicable local ethical and legal requirements (approval code
6631-prot. N93990/03/12/2020).
2.2. Clinical Exome Sequencing (CES)
Next generation sequencing analysis was performed on genomic DNA from peripheral venous
blood (QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit) with a clinical exome sequencing panel kit. Approximately 11 Mb
Genes 2020,11, 1519 3 of 8
(114.405 exons) of the conserved coding regions that cover >4500 genes were enriched with
>150,000 probes, which were designed based on human genome sequences (Sophia Genetics SA,
Saint Sulpice, Switzerland). Library preparation and sequencing were performed according to the
manufacturer’s protocol on MiSeq Instrument (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). The mean depth of
coverage was 70
. Raw data were analyzed using SOPHiA
DDM (Sophia Genetics SA) with algorithms
for alignment including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and insertions/deletions (Pepper
Sophia Genetics SA patented algorithm), and copy number variations (Muskat
, Sophia Genetics SA
patented algorithm). The raw reads were aligned to the human reference genome (GRCh37/hgl9),
and an integrative genomics viewer (IGV) was used visualize the binary alignment map (BAM) files.
2.3. SNP-Array Analysis
High resolution SNP-array analysis of the proband and his parents was carried out by using the
CytoScan HD array (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) as previously described [7,8].
This array contains more than 2.6 million markers for copy number variations (CNVs) analysis
and approximately 750,000 SNP probes capable of genotyping with an accuracy greater than 99%.
Data analysis was performed using the Chromosome Analysis Suite Software version 4.1
(Thermo Fisher Scientific) following a standardized pipeline described in literature [
]. Base pair
positions, information about genomic regions and genes aected by CNVs, and known associated
disease have been derived from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser,
build GRCh37 (hg19).
3. Results
3.1. Clinical History
This was the fourth child of first cousin parents born at term (3470 g at 41 weeks) after an uneventful
pregnancy. One neonatal death for unknown causes was reported. The child was discharged home
after three days (Figure 1).
Genes 2020, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 8
>150,000 probes, which were designed based on human genome sequences (Sophia Genetics SA, Saint
Sulpice, Switzerland). Library preparation and sequencing were performed according to the
manufacturer’s protocol on MiSeq Instrument (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). The mean depth of
coverage was 70×. Raw data were analyzed using SOPHiA DDM (Sophia Genetics SA) with
algorithms for alignment including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and
insertions/deletions (Pepper™, Sophia Genetics SA patented algorithm), and copy number variations
(Muskat™, Sophia Genetics SA patented algorithm). The raw reads were aligned to the human
reference genome (GRCh37/hgl9), and an integrative genomics viewer (IGV) was used visualize the
binary alignment map (BAM) files.
2.3. SNP-Array Analysis
High resolution SNP-array analysis of the proband and his parents was carried out by using the
CytoScan HD array (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) as previously described [7,8].
This array contains more than 2.6 million markers for copy number variations (CNVs) analysis
and approximately 750,000 SNP probes capable of genotyping with an accuracy greater than 99%.
Data analysis was performed using the Chromosome Analysis Suite Software version 4.1
(Thermo Fisher Scientific) following a standardized pipeline described in literature [8]. Base pair
positions, information about genomic regions and genes affected by CNVs, and known associated
disease have been derived from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser,
build GRCh37 (hg19).
3. Results
3.1. Clinical History
This was the fourth child of first cousin parents born at term (3470 g at 41 weeks) after an
uneventful pregnancy. One neonatal death for unknown causes was reported. The child was
discharged home after three days (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Pedigree chart of the family. Squares and circles indicate men and women, respectively. A
diagonal line through a symbol indicates a deceased individual. A small rhombus indicates a
miscarriage. Affected individuals are indicated by filled symbols. Carrier individuals are indicated
by filled-empty symbols. II-4 genetic analysis revealed a homozygous microdeletion involving the
3p25.1 chromosome region that contains part of the collagenic tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase
(COLQ) gene. The microdeletion resulted in heterozygous status in I-1 and I-2.
At 55 days of life (DOL), he was brought to the emergency department (ED) of a local hospital
for dyspnea and cyanosis. He was intubated and ventilated and developed tonic-clonic fits during
hospitalization that were treated successfully with phenobarbitone. He was then discharged after 15
days but was then admitted to our department at DOL84 because of hypotonia, weight loss, and
difficult feeding. Weight, length, and head circumference were all <3° centile for his age. Marked
hypotonia, dystonia, mild palpebral ptosis, and electroclinic fits (chaotic movements, hyperextension
of arms and legs followed by marked hypotonia, apnea and cyanosis) with partial response to
Figure 1.
Pedigree chart of the family. Squares and circles indicate men and women, respectively.
A diagonal line through a symbol indicates a deceased individual. A small rhombus indicates a
miscarriage. Aected individuals are indicated by filled symbols. Carrier individuals are indicated by
filled-empty symbols. II-4 genetic analysis revealed a homozygous microdeletion involving the 3p25.1
chromosome region that contains part of the collagenic tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase (COLQ)
gene. The microdeletion resulted in heterozygous status in I-1 and I-2.
At 55 days of life (DOL), he was brought to the emergency department (ED) of a local hospital
for dyspnea and cyanosis. He was intubated and ventilated and developed tonic-clonic fits during
hospitalization that were treated successfully with phenobarbitone. He was then discharged after 15 days
but was then admitted to our department at DOL84 because of hypotonia, weight loss, and difficult
feeding. Weight, length, and head circumference were all <3
centile for his age. Marked hypotonia,
dystonia, mild palpebral ptosis, and electroclinic fits (chaotic movements, hyperextension of arms
Genes 2020,11, 1519 4 of 8
and legs followed by marked hypotonia, apnea and cyanosis) with partial response to dierent drugs
(levetiracetam, carbamazepine, midazolam, clonazepam, vitamin B6, and vigabatrin) were evident.
Electroencephalography (EEG) showed theta–delta waves starting from the right occipital region with
contralateral spread followed by the depression of the brain’s electrical activity linked to a cyanosis
crisis (Figure 2A–D). Cerebral MRI revealed a normal brain structure except for mild enlargement of
the subarachnoid space. He was discharged after four months at the age of eight months and was
treated with levetiracetam with no new episodes of convulsions.
Figure 2.
Electroencephalography (EEG). (
) High voltage slow waves from right occipital areas with
bilateral involvement. Video EEG recording showed associated chaotic movements. (
) Occipital
bilateral slow waves with suppression of electrical activity. Video EEG recording showed apnea and
lack of motion.
Palpebral ptosis became more evident at 12 months. The EMG revealed a decremental response to
repetitive nerve stimulation on the deltoid muscle at a frequency of 3 Hz. The EMG showed a decrease
in the amplitude of motor unit potential (MUP) with no post-increment. Treatment was started with
noninvasive ventilation (NIV) during nocturnal sleep and pyridostigmine. Pyridostigmine was started
at the dose of 0.78 mg/kg/day in four divided doses. There was only improvement of the ptosis,
no eects on apnea and respiratory crisis. Pyridostigmine was then stopped at 18 months after genetic
diagnosis of COLQ mutation, and both 3–4 diaminopyridine and salbutamol treatments were started
with positive eects on muscular tone and a significant reduction in the apnea and respiratory crisis.
The child is now 20 months old with a mild neuromotor delay. He can walk with support. NIV during
sleep is still needed.
3.2. Genetic Findings
CES of the patient identified a homozygous microdeletion of part of the COLQ gene and
heterozygous status in both parents (Figure 3A). The deleted exons identified by CES were exons 13–17.
No other significant single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in genes related to the clinical features were
detected. SNP-array analysis confirmed the homozygous deletion involving the 3p25.1 chromosome
region. The deleted region was 19.5 Kb in size and was covered by 24 SNP-array probes. The SNP-array
demonstrated the deletion of exons 11–17 of the COLQ gene, which was wider than that revealed by
CES analysis. The discrepancy between the SNP-array and NGS results may reflect the limitation of
the CNV-detection algorithm of the latter technology for large panels due to coverage fluctuations,
as CNV resolution is based on the coverage levels of the target regions. No other CNVs were
Genes 2020,11, 1519 5 of 8
detected apart from known polymorphisms. The molecular karyotype of the patient according
to the International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN 2016) is: arr[GrCh37]
3p25.1(15491478x1,15492150_15511615x0,15511740x1). The deleted region in 3p25.1 contains part of the
COLQ gene (i.e., exons 11–17). Carrier testing in the parents was performed by chromosome microarray
analysis (CMA) using the same platform (i.e., CytoScan HD Array) and resulted in heterozygous
outcomes in both (Figure 3B).
Figure 3.
Schematic representation of the COLQ gene and results of single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP)-array analysis in the patient and his parents (
) COLQ exons with 28 published pathogenic
variants (upper part) and the microdeletion described in this study (lower part). Three COLQ domains:
(1) conserved domains of COLQ include an N-terminal proline-rich attachment domain (PRAD) that
associates each COLQ strand with an acetylcholinesterase tetramer, (2) a central collagen domain that
contains two heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding (HSPBP) domains, and (3) a C-terminal region
needed for assembly of the COLQ strands in a triple helix. (
) Results of SNP-array analysis in the
patient and his parents. The copy number state of each probe is drawn along chromosome 3 from
15.44 to 15.56 Mb (University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser, buildGRCh37/hg19).
The upper panel represents the copy number state of the proband, the middle panel that of the father,
and the lower panel that of the mother. Values on the Y-axis indicate the inferred copy number
according the probes’ intensities. Red bars indicate the deletion identified in the patient (homozygous
state, copy number =0) and his parents (heterozygous state, copy number =1).
Genes 2020,11, 1519 6 of 8
4. Discussion
The usual clinical pattern of CMSs is characterized by abnormal fatigability either permanent or
fluctuating with weakness of extra-ocular, facial, bulbar, axial, respiratory, or limb muscles. There is
often hypotonia with developmental delay. Generalized muscle hypotonia and weakness, feeding
diculties, poor suck and cry, and developmental delay may also be the first signs of CMS [9].
Progressive respiratory failure is also associated with CMSs. In 2002, Byring et al. described
sudden episodes of respiratory distress and bulbar weakness in CMSs elicited by infections, fever,
and stress [
]. In some cases, significant apnea may require intubation and rapid initiation of
ventilation support.
In our patient, the main signs of CMSs in the first month of life were chaotic movements followed
by apnea needing ventilation without the typical clinical features of CMS.
The EEG did not show seizures and the observed chaotic movements of our patient have not
been previously described in CMSs, in which muscular weakness and fatigue, with secondary clinical
manifestations, are typical.
We believe that, during the first months of life of our patient, his muscular response was still not
profoundly compromised so that chaotic movements mimicking seizures represented his physiological
response to the reduced gas exchange due to respiratory impairment, triggered by dierent factors,
such as viral infections.
In other words, before the typical respiratory insuciency with apnea and the need for artificial
ventilation of CMS-aected patients, he was still able during the early phase of his disease, he was still
able to partially react to the developing asphyxia, i.e., acidosis and hypoxemia.
These chaotic movements soon followed by apnea with the need of assisted ventilation did
not occur thereafter, i.e., after the age of six months. They could be interpreted as well as choking
spells, already reported in patients with CMS, that occur when the musculature is not yet severely
compromised [11].
CMSs are caused by mutations in genes that encode proteins involved in the organization,
maintenance, function, or modification of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) [
]. Age of onset,
presenting symptoms, and response to treatment vary depending on the molecular mechanism that
results from the underlying genetic defect. In our patient, we identified a mutation of the COLQ gene
that encodes a multidomain functional protein of the NMJ crucial for anchoring acetyl cholinesterase
(AChE) to the basal lamina and its accumulation at the NMJ [12].
Mutations in COLQ cause AChE deficiency. Patients severely aected by COLQ mutations
abolish AChE activity present during infancy [
]. Less severely aected patients with residual
enzyme activity present during childhood and become disabled later in life. The weakness can aect
all voluntary muscles but can spare the ocular muscles, and in a few patients, the weakness has a
limb–girdle distribution. Clinically, COLQ-related CMSs present with a broad range of features and
severity, but the clinical manifestations are usually severe and can include respiratory failure, as in our
patient [14].
However, biallelic COLQ mutations are responsible for a minority of CMSs cases with mutations
that have been described in each of the three COLQ domains. To date, most reported COLQ mutations
are uniformly distributed on the three conserved domains of COLQ protein: proline-rich attachment
domain (PRAD) [exons 1–4] in the N-terminal region, heparan sulfate proteoglycan-binding domain
(HSPBD) in the collagen domain [exons 4–14], and the C-terminal region [exons 15–17]. The causative
mutations would exert their eects by dierent mechanisms resulting in prolonged synaptic currents
and dierent action potentials due to expanded residence of acetylcholine in the synaptic space. Most of
the COLQ gene mutations are nonsense, frameshift, splicing, or missense. Mutations localized in the
N-terminal domain prevent the collagen domain from associating with the catalytic subunits, and those
in the collagen domain aect the assembly of the triple-helical collagen domain. Most mutations in the
C-terminal domain reduce COLQ expression or prevent the triple helical assembly (Figure 3A) [3].
Genes 2020,11, 1519 7 of 8
To date, multiexon COLQ deletion has been described only in the two following cases. In 1998,
Ohno et al. [
] reported a heterozygous truncation mutation consisting of a large-scale frameshift
deletion [exon 2–3] in a CMS patient that abolished PRAD and followed the domain of the COLQ gene.
Twenty years later, Wang et al. [
] identified a novel copy number deletion encompassing exon 14 and
exon 15 of the COLQ gene in compound heterozygosity with the IVS16 +3A >G variant.
Our case is the first report of a CMS harboring a homozygous extended deletion of 19.5 kb
encompassing exon 11–17 of the COLQ gene (Figure 3A). This mutation truncates half of the collagen
domain consisting of GXY triplets and one of the two HSPB domains as well as the entire C-terminal
domain. It could be particularly damaging considering that the cationic residues of the HSPB
domain interact with the anionic residues in the synaptic basal lamina and help the anchoring of
the COLQ protein and the C-terminal region needed for assembly of the COLQ strands in a triple
helix. The homozygous state of the deletion was identified. The crucial role of the domains involved
could explain the severe clinical presentation in our patient. Congenital myasthenic syndromes are
rare diseases; the prevalence of CMS is estimated at one tenth that of myasthenia gravis, which has a
prevalence of 25:1.000.000–125:1.000.000 [11]. CMS also has genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity;
thus, therapy of CMSs is only symptomatic, and several drugs may exhibit severe side eects. The most
frequently used drugs are AchE-inhibitors [
], 4-diaminopyridine [
], salbutamol [
], ephedrine [
and fluoxetine [19].
In our case, the EMG revealed a myasthenic pattern. As our patient needed NIV during the night
to sleep due to recurrent apnea, pyridostigmine was started. Only a partial response (reduction in
palpebral ptosis) was obtained but after the molecular diagnosis, pyridostigmine was stopped
and salbutamol was given, leading to a significant reduction in apnea and respiratory insuciency.
This finding highlights the importance of timely genetic counselling because the final diagnosis is crucial
for correct CMSs treatment. Non-pharmacological treatments rely on physiotherapy, speech therapy,
and occupational therapy. Sometimes invasive treatments are needed such as nasal intermittent
positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) during the night or the entire day in case of respiratory failure.
PEG is used in the case of dysphagia, failure-to-thrive, or a nutritional disturbance. Surgical corrections
are performed for severe deformities [20].
Prognosis and outcome of CMSs derive only from observational studies, case studies, and case
reports because prospective outcome studies are not available. Due to the clinical variability, outcome and
prognosis may vary considerably accordingly to various CMS types and infections. Fever or psychosocial
stress could also have a negative eect on the outcome of these patients [
]. Our case report confirms
the clinical heterogeneity of patients with CMS, indicating that recurrent apnea and respiratory crises
during the first months of life could be responsible of electro-clinic seizures.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, N.L. and N.R.; Methodology, C.R., P.I. and R.B.; Software, P.I.;
Validation, N.R., N.L., M.C., M.S., D.C., F.S., N.B. and L.D.C.; Investigation N.L., N.R., M.S. and O.P.; Data curation,
M.S., D.C., F.S., R.B., P.L., L.D.C. and C.R.; Writing—original draft preparation, N.R., M.C., O.P., A.P. and
N.L.; Writing—review and editing, N.R., N.L., N.B. and L.D.C.; Supervision, N.R.; Project administration, N.R.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding
Acknowledgments: We are extremely grateful to the family who took part in this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... We present, to the best of our knowledge, the second clinical and molecular genetic diagnosis of CMS type-5 in Morocco and the fourth copy number variation (CNV) worldwide through the case of a Moroccan female patient born to healthy parents (first cousins). She harbored a novel homozygous deletion of exon 13 in the COLQ gene identified by the clinical exome sequencing (CES) approach, integrated with a copy number analysis algorithm [8][9][10][11]. Four other unrelated CMS patients, previously described in the literature with large exon deletions in the COLQ gene are also discussed here. ...
... The COLQ gene encodes a collagen-like strand associated into a triple helix to form a tail that anchors catalytic subunits of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE; MIM*100740) to the synaptic basal lamina. Mutations in the COLQ gene are uniformly distributed on the three conserved domains of COLQ protein: proline-rich attachment domain (PRAD) in the N-terminal region from exon 1 to exon 4, heparan sulfate proteoglycan-binding domain (HSPBD) in the collagen-like domain from exon 4 to exon 14, including the CNV identified in our patient, and the C-terminal region encodes by genomic exons 15 to 17 [11,12]. These causative COLQ mutations cause an endplate AChE deficiency with an abnormality that varies from normal secretion with decreased activity to the total absence of the protein [25,26]. ...
... In 2020, Laforgia et al. identified a homozygous extended deletion encompassing exons 11-17, arr [GrCh37] 3p25.1(15491478x1,15492150_ 15511615x0,15511740x1) of the COLQ gene in a Pakistani male child with severe clinical presentation of CMS [11]. Lastly, in 2021, Luo and their colleagues reported deletion of exons 14-15 at homozygous state in a 12-year-old boy with mild symptoms [29] (Table 1). ...
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Background Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are rare genetic diseases due to abnormalities of the neuromuscular junction leading to permanent or transient muscle fatigability and weakness. To date, 32 genes were found to be involved in CMSs with autosomal dominant and/or recessive inheritance patterns. CMS with acetylcholinesterase deficiency, in particular, was determined to be due to biallelic mutations of COLQ gene with early-onset clinical signs. Here, we report clinical features and novel molecular findings of COLQ -related CMS in a Moroccan patient with a review of the literature for this rare form. Case presentation In this study, we report the case of a 28-month-old Moroccan female patient with hypotonia, associated to axial muscle weakness, global motor delay, bilateral ptosis, unilateral partial visual field deficiency with normal ocular motility, and fatigable muscle weakness. Clinical exome sequencing revealed a novel homozygous deletion of exon 13 in COLQ gene, NM_005677.4(COLQ):c.(814+1_815-1)_(954+1_955-1) del p.(Gly272Aspfs*11). This finding was subsequently confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in the proband and her parents. In silico analysis of protein-protein interaction network by STRING tool revealed that 12 proteins are highly associated to COLQ with an elevated confidence score. Treatment with Salbutamol resulted in clear benefits and recovery. Conclusions This clinical observation illustrates the important place of next-generation sequencing in the precise molecular diagnosis of heterogeneous forms of CMS, the appropriate management and targeted treatment, and genetic counseling of families, with a better characterization of the mutational profile of this rare disease in the Moroccan population.
... The COLQ gene, located on chromosome 3p25, spans approximately 50 kb and consists of 17 constitutive exons ( Fig. 2A). Mutations in the COLQ gene are found in three parts of the COLQ protein: the proline-rich attachment domain (PRAD) located in the N-terminal region spanning from exon 1 to exon 4, the heparan sulfate proteoglycan-binding domain (HSPBD) located in the collagen-like domain spanning from exon 4 to exon 14, and the C-terminal region, which is encoded by genomic exons 15 to 17 (Fig. 2B) [3,14]. To date, a total of 86 variants of the COLQ gene have been described in the HGMD database (professional 2023.1). ...
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Background Congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) is a group of neuromuscular disorders caused by abnormal signal transmission at the motor endplate. Mutations in the collagen-like tail subunit gene ( COLQ ) of acetylcholinesterase are responsible for recessive forms of synaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes with end plate acetylcholinesterase deficiency. Clinical presentation includes ptosis, ophthalmoparesis, and progressive weakness with onset at birth or early infancy. Methods We followed 26 patients with COLQ -CMS over a mean period of 9 years (ranging from 3 to 213 months) and reported their clinical features, electrophysiologic findings, genetic characteristics, and therapeutic management. Results In our population, the onset of symptoms ranged from birth to 15 years. Delayed developmental motor milestones were detected in 13 patients ( $$\sim$$ 52%), and the most common presenting signs were ptosis, ophthalmoparesis, and limb weakness. Sluggish pupils were seen in 8 ( $$\sim$$ 30%) patients. All patients who underwent electrophysiologic study showed a significant decremental response (> 10%) following low-frequency repetitive nerve stimulation. Moreover, double compound muscle action potential was evident in 18 patients ( $$\sim$$ 75%). We detected 14 variants (eight novel variants), including six missense, three frameshift, three nonsense, one synonymous and one copy number variation (CNV), in the COLQ gene. There was no benefit from esterase inhibitor treatment, while treatment with ephedrine and salbutamol was objectively efficient in all cases. Conclusion Despite the rarity of the disease, our findings provide valuable information for understanding the clinical and electrophysiological features as well as the genetic characterization and response to the treatment of COLQ -CMS.
... Based on objective examinations during follow-ups from 6 to 36 hypothetical extensive differential diagnoses were made in the context of DD/ID lead to the execution of CES analysis. [11]. ...
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Pathogenic variants in genes are involved in histone acetylation and deacetylation resulting in congenital anomalies, with most patients displaying a neurodevelopmental disorder and dysmorphism. Arboleda-Tham syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in KAT6A (Lysine Acetyltransferase 6A; OMIM 601408) has been recently described as a new neurodevelopmental disorder. Herein, we describe a patient characterized by complex phenotype subsequently diagnosed using the clinical exome sequencing (CES) with Arboleda-Tham syndrome (ARTHS; OMIM 616268). The analysis revealed the presence of de novo pathogenic variant in KAT6A gene, a nucleotide c.3385C>T substitution that introduces a premature termination codon (p.Arg1129*). The need for straight multidisciplinary collaboration and accurate clinical description findings (bowel obstruction/megacolon/intestinal malrotation) was emphasized, together with the utility of CES in establishing an etiological basis in clinical and genetical heterogeneous conditions. Therefore, considering the phenotypic characteristics, the condition’s rarity and the reviewed literature, we propose additional diagnostic criteria that could help in the development of future clinical diagnostic guidelines. This was possible thanks to objective examinations performed during the long follow-up period, which permitted scrupulous registration of phenotypic changes over time to further assess this rare disorder. Finally, given that different genetic syndromes are associated with distinct genomic DNA methylation patterns used for diagnostic testing and/or as biomarker of disease, a specific episignature for ARTHS has been identified.
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Congenital myasthenic syndromes are inherited disorders caused by mutation in components of the neuromuscular junction and manifest early in life. Mutations in COLQ gene result in congenital myasthenic syndrome. Here, we present the analysis of data from 209 patients from 195 unrelated families highlighting genotype-phenotype correlation. In addition, we describe a COLQ homozygous variant a new patient and discuss it utilizing the Phyre2 and I-TASSER programs. Clinical, molecular genetics, imaging (MRI), and electrodiagnostic (EEG, EMG/NCS) evaluations were performed. Our data showed 89 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants including 35 missenses, 21 indels, 14 nonsense, 14 splicing, and 5 large deletions variants. Eight common variants were responsible for 48.46% of those. Weakness in proximal muscles, hypotonia, and generalized weakness were detected in all individuals tested. Apart from the weakness, extensive clinical heterogeneity was noted among patients with COLQ-related patients based on their genotypes—those with variants affecting the splice site exhibited more severe clinical features while those with missense variants displayed milder phenotypes, suggesting the role of differential splice variants in multiple functions within the muscle. Analyses and descriptions of these COLQ variants may be helpful in clinical trial readiness and potential development of novel therapies in the setting of established structure-function relationships.
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Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by impaired neuromuscular signal transmission due to germline pathogenic variants in genes expressed at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). A total of 35 genes have been reported in CMS (AGRN, ALG14, ALG2, CHAT, CHD8, CHRNA1, CHRNB1, CHRND, CHRNE, CHRNG, COL13A1, COLQ, DOK7, DPAGT1, GFPT1, GMPPB, LAMA5, LAMB2, LRP4, MUSK, MYO9A, PLEC, PREPL, PURA, RAPSN, RPH3A, SCN4A, SLC18A3, SLC25A1, SLC5A7, SNAP25, SYT2, TOR1AIP1, UNC13A, VAMP1). The 35 genes can be classified into 14 groups according to the pathomechanical, clinical, and therapeutic features of CMS patients. Measurement of compound muscle action potentials elicited by repetitive nerve stimulation is required to diagnose CMS. Clinical and electrophysiological features are not sufficient to identify a defective molecule, and genetic studies are always required for accurate diagnosis. From a pharmacological point of view, cholinesterase inhibitors are effective in most groups of CMS, but are contraindicated in some groups of CMS. Similarly, ephedrine, salbutamol (albuterol), amifampridine are effective in most but not all groups of CMS. This review extensively covers pathomechanical and clinical features of CMS by citing 442 relevant articles.
Background Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) refer to a series of inherited disorders caused by defects in various proteins. Mutation in the collagen-like tail subunit of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase (COLQ) is the second-most common cause of CMS. However, data on pharmacological treatments are limited. Objective In this study, we reviewed related reports to determine the most appropriate pharmacological strategy for CMS caused by COLQ mutations. A literature review and meta-analysis were also performed. PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases were searched to identify studies published in English before July 22, 2022. Results A total of 42 studies including 164 patients with CMS due to 72 different COLQ mutations were selected for evaluation. Most studies were case reports, and none were randomized clinical trials. Our meta-analysis revealed evidence that β- adrenergic agonists, including salbutamol and ephedrine, can be used as first-line pharmacological treatments for CMS patients with COLQ mutations, as 98.7% of patients (74/75) treated with β-adrenergic agonists showed positive effects. In addition, AChEIs should be avoided in CMS patients with COLQ mutations, as 90.5% (105/116) of patients treated with AChEIs showed no or negative effects. Conclusion (1) β-adrenergic agonist therapy is the first pharmacological strategy for treating CMS with COLQ mutations. (2) AChEIs should be avoided in patients with CMS with COLQ mutations.
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No data on interstitial microduplications of the 16q24.2q24.3 chromosome region are available in the medical literature and remain extraordinarily rare in public databases. Here, we describe a boy with a de novo 16q24.2q24.3 microduplication at the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)-array analysis spanning ~2.2 Mb and encompassing 38 genes. The patient showed mild-to-moderate intellectual disability, speech delay and mild dysmorphic features. In DECIPHER, we found six individuals carrying a “pure” overlapping microduplication. Although available data are very limited, genomic and phenotype comparison of our and previously annotated patients suggested a potential clinical relevance for 16q24.2q24.3 microduplication with a variable and not (yet) recognizable phenotype predominantly affecting cognition. Comparing the cytogenomic data of available individuals allowed us to delineate the smallest region of overlap involving 14 genes. Accordingly, we propose ANKRD11, CDH15, and CTU2 as candidate genes for explaining the related neurodevelopmental manifestations shared by these patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a clinical and molecular comparison among patients with overlapping 16q24.2q24.3 microduplication has been done. This study broadens our knowledge of the phenotypic consequences of 16q24.2q24.3 microduplication, providing supporting evidence of an emerging syndrome.
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Objectives: Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are a genotypically and phenotypically heterogeneous group of neuromuscular disorders, which have in common an impaired neuromuscular transmission. Since the field of CMSs is steadily expanding, the present review aimed at summarizing and discussing current knowledge and recent advances concerning the etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of CMSs. Methods: Systematic literature review. Results: Currently, mutations in 32 genes are made responsible for autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive CMSs. These mutations concern 8 presynaptic, 4 synaptic, 15 post-synaptic, and 5 glycosilation proteins. These proteins function as ion-channels, enzymes, or structural, signalling, sensor, or transporter proteins. The most common causative genes are CHAT, COLQ, RAPSN, CHRNE, DOK7, and GFPT1. Phenotypically, these mutations manifest as abnormal fatigability or permanent or fluctuating weakness of extra-ocular, facial, bulbar, axial, respiratory, or limb muscles, hypotonia, or developmental delay. Cognitive disability, dysmorphism, neuropathy, or epilepsy are rare. Low- or high-frequency repetitive nerve stimulation may show an abnormal increment or decrement, and SF-EMG an increased jitter or blockings. Most CMSs respond favourably to acetylcholine-esterase inhibitors, 3,4-diamino-pyridine, salbutamol, albuterol, ephedrine, fluoxetine, or atracurium. Conclusions: CMSs are an increasingly recognised group of genetically transmitted defects, which usually respond favorably to drugs enhancing the neuromuscular transmission. CMSs need to be differentiated from neuromuscular disorders due to muscle or nerve dysfunction.
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Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are rare and heterogeneous genetic diseases characterized by compromised neuromuscular transmission and clinical features of fatigable weakness; age at onset, presenting symptoms, distribution of weakness, and response to treatment differ depending on the underlying molecular defect. Mutations in one of the multiple genes, encoding proteins expressed at the neuromuscular junction, are currently known to be associated with subtypes of CMS. The most common CMS syndrome identified is associated with mutation in the CHRNE gene, causing principally muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor deficiency, that results in reduced receptor density on the postsynaptic membrane. We describe the clinical, neurophysiological and molecular features of two unrelated CMS Italian families with marked phenotypic variability, carrying the already reported p.T159P mutation in the CHRNE gene. Our report highlights clinical heterogeneity, intrafamily variability in spite of the same genotype and a possible gender effect; it confirms the efficacy and safety of salbutamol in patients who harbor mutations in the epsilon subunit of acetylcholine receptor.
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Congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) is genetically and clinically heterogeneous.¹ Despite a considerable number of causal genes discovered, many patients are left without a specific diagnosis after genetic testing. The presumption is that novel genes yet to be discovered will account for the majority of such patients. However, it is also possible that we are neglecting a type of genetic variation: copy number changes (>50 bp) as causal for some of these patients. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) can simultaneously screen all known causal genes² and is increasingly being validated to have a potential to identify copy number changes.³ We present a CMS case who did not receive a genetic diagnosis from previous Sanger sequencing, but through a novel copy number analysis algorithm integrated into our targeted NGS panel, we discovered a novel copy number mutation in the COLQ gene and made a genetic diagnosis. This discovery expands the genotype-phenotype correlation of CMS, leads to improved genetic counsel, and allows for specific pharmacologic treatment.
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Neuromuscular junction disorders represent a wide group of neurological diseases characterized by weakness, fatigability and variable degrees of appendicular, ocular and bulbar musculature involvement. Its main group of disorders includes autoimmune conditions, such as autoimmune acquired myasthenia gravis and Lambert-Eaton syndrome. However, an important group of diseases include congenital myasthenic syndromes with a genetic and sometimes hereditary basis that resemble and mimick many of the classic myasthenia neurological manifestations, but also have different presentations, which makes them a complex clinical, therapeutic and diagnostic challenge for most clinicians. We conducted a wide review of congenital myasthenic syndromes in their clinical, genetic and therapeutic aspects. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All rights reserved.
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The congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are a diverse group of genetic disorders caused by abnormal signal transmission at the motor endplate, a special synaptic contact between motor axons and each skeletal muscle fibre. Most CMS stem from molecular defects in the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, but they can also be caused by mutations in presynaptic proteins, mutations in proteins associated with the synaptic basal lamina, defects in endplate development and maintenance, or defects in protein glycosylation. The specific diagnosis of some CMS can sometimes be reached by phenotypic clues pointing to the mutated gene. In the absence of such clues, exome sequencing is a useful technique for finding the disease gene. Greater understanding of the mechanisms of CMS have been obtained from structural and electrophysiological studies of the endplate, and from biochemical studies. Present therapies for the CMS include cholinergic agonists, long-lived open-channel blockers of the acetylcholine receptor ion channel, and adrenergic agonists. Although most CMS are treatable, caution should be exercised as some drugs that are beneficial in one syndrome can be detrimental in another. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are genetic disorders due to mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the neuromuscular junction structure and function. CMS usually present in young children, but perinatal and adult onset has been reported. Clinical presentation is highly heterogeneous, ranging from mild symptoms to severe manifestations, sometimes with life-threatening respiratory episodes, especially in the first decade of life. Although considered rare, CMS are probably underestimated due to diagnostic difficulties. Because of the several therapeutic opportunities, CMS should be always considered in the differential diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. The Italian Network on CMS proposes here recommendations for proper CMS diagnosis and management, aiming to guide clinicians in their practical approach to CMS patients.
Congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) typically presents within the first year of life with fluctuating and fatigable muscle weakness, often affecting ocular and bulbar muscles.¹ In spite of bulbar involvement, vocal cord paralysis (VCP) is an uncommon presentation of CMS,² and is most often seen in peripheral neuropathies such as TRPV4 mutations.³ We report 2 cases of CMS with 2 novel mutations in which VCP was a major sign.
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are a group of heterogeneous inherited disorders caused by mutations in genes affecting the function and structure of the neuromuscular junction. This review updates the reader on established and novel subtypes of congenital myasthenia, and the treatment strategies for these increasingly heterogeneous disorders. The discovery of mutations associated with the N-glycosylation pathway and in the family of serine peptidases has shown that causative genes encoding ubiquitously expressed molecules can produce defects at the human neuromuscular junction. By contrast, mutations in lipoprotein-like receptor 4 (LRP4), a long-time candidate gene for congenital myasthenia, and a novel phenotype of myasthenia with distal weakness and atrophy due to mutations in AGRN have now been described. In addition, a pathogenic splicing mutation in a nonfunctional exon of CHRNA1 has been reported emphasizing the importance of analysing nonfunctional exons in genetic analysis. The benefit of salbutamol and ephedrine alone or combined with pyridostigmine or 3,4-DAP is increasingly being reported for particular subtypes of CMS.