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Ski promotes proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in fibroblasts under high‐glucose conditions via the FoxO1 pathway

Cell Proliferation

Abstract and Figures

Objectives The present study clarified the role and signalling pathway of Ski in regulating proliferation and apoptosis in fibroblasts under high‐glucose (HG) conditions. Materials and Methods The proliferation and apoptosis of rat primary fibroblasts were assessed using EdU incorporation and TUNEL assays. The protein and phosphorylation levels of the corresponding factors were measured using immunofluorescence staining and Western blotting. Immunoprecipitation was used to determine the interactions between Ski and FoxO1 or Ski and HDAC1. The Ski protein was overexpressed via recombinant adenovirus transfection, and FoxO1 and HDAC1 were knocked down using targeted small‐interfering RNA. Results The present study found that HG inhibited fibroblast proliferation, increased apoptosis and reduced Ski levels in rat primary fibroblasts. Conversely, increasing Ski protein levels alleviated HG‐induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis promotion. Increasing Ski protein levels also increased Ski binding to FoxO1 to decrease FoxO1 acetylation, and interfering with FoxO1 caused loss of the regulatory effect of Ski in fibroblasts under HG. Increasing Ski protein levels decreased FoxO1 acetylation via HDAC1‐mediated deacetylation. Conclusions Therefore, these findings confirmed for the first time that Ski regulated fibroblast proliferation and apoptosis under HG conditions via the FoxO1 pathway.
Increasing Ski protein levels alleviated HG‐induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis promotion in fibroblasts without affecting the level of Smad2/3 phosphorylation. Fibroblasts were infected with Ad‐Ski or Ad‐EGFP for 48 hour, combined with HG treatment for 48 hour. A, Immunofluorescence staining for Ski expression. Nuclei are indicated with DAPI staining (blue), and Ski expression is indicated by red fluorescence. The left panels show high‐magnification images of the boxed regions in the right panels. scale bar = 100 µm. B, Fibroblasts were infected with Ad‐Ski or Ad‐EGFP for 48 hour. The Ski levels were examined by Western blot analysis. The results were obtained from three independent experiments. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the DMEM group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests. C, CCK‐8 assay was used to evaluate fibroblast viability. n = 8,*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the NG + Ad‐EGFP group; #P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001 compared to the HG + Ad‐EGFP group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests. D, Fibroblast proliferation ability was assessed by an EdU assay, and fibroblast apoptosis was tested by a TUNEL assay, n = 8. Corresponding quantitative analyses are shown (E) and (F). EdU and TUNEL staining, red; nuclei, blue. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the NG + Ad‐EGFP group; #P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001 compared to the HG + Ad‐EGFP group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests. scale bars = 100 µm. G‐H: Western blot analysis of p‐Smad2 and p‐Smad3 protein expression levels. The results were obtained from three independent experiments. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to corresponding NG + Ad‐EGFP group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests
Increasing Ski protein levels under HG conditions promoted the binding of Ski to HDAC1, and the inhibition of HDAC1 significantly reduced the inhibitory effect of high Ski protein expression on Ac‐FoxO1. Fibroblasts were transfected with HDAC1 siRNA or NC siRNA for 24 hours and then infected with Ad‐ Ski or Ad‐ EGFP, as indicated, for another 48 hours in the presence of NG or HG conditions. A, B, IP of Ski and HDAC1 using an anti‐Ski or anti‐HDAC1 antibody as the IP antibody and Western blotting with an anti‐HDAC1 or anti‐Ski antibody. Rabbit IgG served as a negative control, and input is the total cell lysate of the control without anti‐HDAC1 or anti‐Ski immunoprecipitation. C, HDAC1 levels were detected by Western blot analysis. n = 3, *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the NC siRNA group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests. D, A CCK‐8 assay was used to evaluate fibroblast viability. n = 8, *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the DMEM + NG group; #P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001 compared to the DMEM + NC siRNA + HG group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests. E, IP with an anti‐FoxO1 antibody followed by immunoblotting with anti‐acetyl‐lysine (ac‐lysine) or total FoxO1 antibodies. F, Western blot analysis of Ski protein expression levels. The data are presented as the mean ± SEM, and each experiment was repeated three times. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the DMEM + NG group; #P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001 compared to the DMEM + NC siRNA + HG group, one‐way ANOVA, Dunnett's post hoc tests
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Cell Proliferation. 2021;54:e12971. 
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Impaired or delayed wound healing is the main secondar y complica-
tion of diabetes, and it is very har mful and often leads to limb loss and
disability.1,2 The impaired healing of diabetic wounds is the result of
a combination of many factors, such as persistent inflammation of
the wound, impaired angiogenesis and dysfunction of repair cells.1,2
Among these factors, the change in fibroblast function is an import-
ant reason for the damage of epithelialisation and delayed healing of
diabetic wounds,3,4 and this function is related to the decreased pro-
liferation and increased apoptosis of fibroblasts in diabetic wounds.3,4
Therefore, targeted therapy to improve the function of fibroblasts is
an important method to promote the healing of refractory diabetic
wounds.4 -7 The regulation of fibroblast proliferation and apoptosis is
primarily achieved by improving the environment, such as increas-
ing growth factors.4,5,7 The direct targeting of fibroblasts to improve
their proliferation and anti-apoptotic effects may become a new and
more effective way to treat refractor y diabetic wounds.
ski is an intracellular homologue of the viral oncogene v-ski. Its
protein product Ski (called Ski protein in humans and c-Ski protein in
animals) is a multifunctional transcription regulator that participates in
many physiological and pathological processes, such as hematopoietic
Accepted:7Decemb er2020
Ski promotes proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in fibroblasts
under high-glucose conditions via the FoxO1 pathway
Yan Peng | Ren-Ping Xiong | Zhuo-Hang Zhang | Ya-Lei Ning | Yan Zhao |
Si-Wei Tan | Yuan-Guo Zhou | Ping Li
This is an op en access article under t he terms of the Creat ive Commons Attributio n License, which permits use, dist ribution and reproduc tion in any medium,
provide d the orig inal work is proper ly cited .
© 2020 The Authors . Cell Proliferation Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Depar tmentofA rmyOccupationalDisease,
State Key Laboratory of Trauma , Burn and
CombinedInjur y,DapingHospital,Army
Medical University (Third Military Medical
University), Chongqing, China
Key Laboratory of Trauma, Bur n and
CombinedInjur y,DapingHospital,Army
Medical University (Third Military Medical
University), 10 Changjiang Zhilu, Chongqing
400042, China.
Funding information
Nationa lNaturalScienceFoundationof
China,G rant/AwardNumber :81701915.
Objectives: The present study clarified the role and signalling pathway of Ski in regu-
Materials and Methods: The proliferation and apoptosis of rat primary fibroblasts
were assessedusing EdU incorporation and TUNEL assays.The proteinand phos-
phorylation levels of the corresponding factors were measured using immunofluo-
rescence staining and Western blotting. Immunoprecipitation was used to determine
theinteraction sb etweenSk iandFoxO1orSkia ndHDAC1.Th eS kiprote inwasover-
expresse d via recombinant ade novirus transfe ction, and FoxO1 and H DAC1 were
Results: ThepresentstudyfoundthatHGinhibitedfibroblastproliferation,increased
apoptosis and reduced Ski levels in rat primary fibroblasts. Conversely, increasing Ski
proteinlevelsalleviated HG-induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosispromo-
tion. Increasing Skiprotein levelsalso increased Skibinding to FoxO1todecrease
FoxO1acetylation, andinterferingwithFoxO1causedlossoftheregulatoryeffect
ofS kiinfib ro blast sunde rH G.Incre asingSkiproteinlevelsde creasedFoxO1acety la-
Conclusions: Therefore, these findings confirmed for the first time that Ski regulated
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   PENG Et al
cell proliferation, muscle regeneration, bone and nervous system
development, synaptic projection, wound healing, fibrosis, tumori-
genesis and proliferation.8 -11However,therearefewreportsonthe
role of Ski in the HG environment.BecauseSki promotesfibroblast
proliferation12 and inhibits apoptosis by inhibiting the transforming
growth f actor β1(TGF-β1)/Smad signalling pathway.13,14 This suggest s
that Ski, as an important regulator of the biological behaviour of fi-
broblasts, may also promote the proliferation and anti-apoptosis of
promoted fibroblast apoptosis and reduced Ski protein levels, the
present study found that increasing Ski protein levels via trans-
fectionof therecombinantadenovirus Adeno-MCMV-SKI-3Flag-
inhibition and apoptosis promotion without affecting the level of
Smad2/3. Then,FoxO1siRNA was used to verif ythatincreasing
Ski protein levels alleviated HG-induced fibroblast proliferat ion
inhibitionandapoptosis promotion throughtheFoxO1signalling
pathway. Finally,co-immunoprecipitation (IP) andWestern blot-
ting were used to confirm that increasing Ski protein levels under
HG condit ions increased t he interact ion of Ski with FoxO1 and
2.1 | Animals
provided bythe Experimental AnimalCentre of the Army Medical
Centre [CertificateNo.SYXK( Yu)2012-0 010].Allproceduresused
Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals (N IH Publicatio n No. 86-23, Revised 1985) and were ap -
proved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the
Third Military Medical University.
2.2 | Antibodies and reagents
Dulbecc o'smodifiedE ag le'sm edium(D MEM)a ndfoetalb ovinese ru m
and anti-acetyl-lysine (05-515) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(Sigma-Aldrich®, Merck KG). Antibodies against p27kip1 (C67H9,
No.3686), Smad3 (C67H9,No.9524),p-Smad3(Ser423/Ser425,No.
2933),cleavedcaspase-3(No.9661),FoxO1(No.2880), andtheirre-
purchased from Cell Signaling Technologies. Antibodies against Ski
(sc-914 0),PCNA(sc-56)andGAPDH(sc-56)wereobta inedfromSanta
Cruz Biotechnolog y. Protein A/G Plus A garose beads (No. 20423)
2.3 | Primary fibroblast culture
Primar y fibrobla sts were ex tracted f rom the dors al skin of male
Sprague-Dawley rats using the explant technique, as previously
10%FBS,100U/mLpenicillin and 100 μg/mL streptomycin in an
incubator at 37°C and 5% CO2. Fibroblasts from passages 3-5
were used in our study. Before treatment, the cells were precul-
tured in serum-free medium for 24 hour. The medium was changed
to DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS containing 5.0 mmol/L
D- glu cos e( NG,n orm alcon d it i on s),25mm o l/ LD- glu co s e( HG,hig h
glucose)or 5.5 mmol/L D-glucose, and 19.5mmol/L D-mannitol
(HM, high ma nnitol) was us ed as an osmotic co ntrol to maint ain
2.4 | Construction, amplification and purification of
Ad-Ski and transfections
The Ski-overexpressing recombinant adenovirus Adeno-MCMV-
SKI-3Flag-P2A-EGFP (Ad-Ski) and the empty control recombi-
nant adenovirus Adeno-MCMV-3Flag-P2A-EGFP (Ad-EGFP) were
purchased from Obio Technology Corp., Ltd. Human Ski cDNA
(GenBankaccessionnumberNM_003036.3)waspackaged intothe
adenovirus vector. The virus was amplified in human embryo kidney
and titrated as previously described.15 The efficiency of Ad-Ski in-
fection in fibroblasts was demonstrated by Western blotting and im-
munoflu orescence. Pri mary fibro blasts were t reated with HG an d
2.5 | siRNA transfection
Specific small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting rat mRNA
FoxO1(5′- GGACAGCAAATCAAGTTAT-3′), siRNAs targeting rat
HDAC1 mRNA (5′- GGCCTGCACCATGCGAAGA-3′), and the cor-
diluted in r iboFECTTM C P Buffer and mi xed with riboFEC TM CP
Reagent for20minutes. FibroblastsweretransfectedwithHDAC1
2.6 | Cell Counting Kit-8 assay
TheCellCounting Kit (CCK)-8assay(Beyotime)wasusedtoas-
sess cell viability. Briefly, fibroblasts (2 × 10 3/well) were seeded
in96-wellplateswith100μL of medium. After various cell treat-
ments, 10 µL of CCK-8( Beyotime) solut ion was added to e ach
wellandincubated for 2hourat37°Cand5%CO2.Theoptical
 3 of 10
PENG Et al
densit y (OD) values (8 wells/group) we re measured at 450 nm
using a microplate reader (Bio-Tek Instruments). Wells without
cells served as blankcontrols.Each experiment wasperformed
in triplicate.
2.7 | EdU incorporation assay
We assessed fibroblast proliferation using a Cell-Light 5-ethynyl-
2-deoxyuridine (EdU) Apollo567 In Vitro Kit (Ribobio Co., Ltd.)
FIGURE 1 EffectofHGonfibroblast
assay was used to evaluate fibroblast
viabilit y. n =8,Theresultsrepresentthe
mean ±SDofatleastthreeindependent
experiments.*P < .05, **P < .01,
***P < .001 compared to corresponding
was assessed by an EdU assay (B), and
fibroblast apoptosis was tested by a
quantitative analyses are shown (C) and
blue. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001,
withtheHGgroup.Scalebars= 10 0 µm.
red fluorescence. G , Quantification of
immunofluorescence staining; *P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P <.001,Student'st test
group. scale bars = 10 0 µm.H-I,Western
levels. The results were obtained
*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared
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   PENG Et al
according to the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, fibroblasts
(2 × 104/well) were cultured in a Mi llicell EZ SLIDE 8-Well glas s
slide (Merck Millipore Ltd.) and then incubated with 50 μmol/L EdU
(1:1000)for12 hour.Fibroblasts werefixed with 4%formaldehyde
for 20 minutes at 37°C, followed by permeabilisation in 0.5% Triton
X-100at37°C.Then,100μL of Apollo® reaction cocktail was added
to each well and incubated for 30 minutes under light-shading condi-
tions. Af ter three washes with PBS, the nuclei were counterstained
with4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI)for20 minutesat 37°C,
and the EdU-labelled cells were observed by a laser scanning confo-
cal micro scopy (Leica S P8) and normal ised to the tota l number of
FIGURE 2 Increasing Ski protein
inhibition and apoptosis promotion in
fibroblasts without affecting the level of
fluorescence. The left panels show high-
in the right panels. scale bar = 10 0 µm.
The results were obtained from three
independentexperiments.*P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to
was used to evaluate fibroblast viability.
n =8,*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001
#P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001 compared
assessed by an EdU assay, and fibroblast
n =8.Correspondingquantitative
TUNELstaining,red;nuclei,blue.*P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the
NG+Ad-EGFPgroup;#P < .05, ##P < .01,
###P <.001comparedtotheHG+ Ad-
post hoc tests. scale bars = 100 µm.
The results were obtained from three
independentexperiments.*P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to
 5 of 10
PENG Et al
2.8 | TUNEL assay
A TUNEL ass ay was performe d using an In Situ Cel l Detection Ki t,
Briefly, fibroblasts (2 × 104/well) wereplated ina Millicell EZ SLIDE
8-Wellglassslide (MerckMillipore Ltd.). Af ter fixationwith 4%para-
formaldehyde, the fibroblasts were treated with a permeabilisation
solution(0.1%TritonX-100in0.1%sodium citrate) for 2 minutes on
ice and then incubated with 100 µLo fTUNELre ac tionm ix tu reat37 °C
for 1 hourin the dark. Nuclei werelabelled with DAPI, and TUNEL-
positive cells were analysed by a laser scanning confocal microscopy
2.9| Immunofluorescence staining
The fibroblast s were fixed with 4%paraformaldehyde for 20 min-
utesat37°C,permeabilised with 0.3% TritonX-100,andincubated
with primary antibodies against Ski, p-Smad2 and p-Smad3 (1:100) at
4°C overnight. After several washes with PBS, the cells were treated
with a Cy3-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody (1:500, Abcam) for
captured by a laser sc anning confocal microscopy and analysed using
2.10| Western blotting and immunoprecipitation
The lysates were immunoprecipitated with specific primary antibod-
ies overnight and incubated with Protein A/G Plus A garose beads
for 4 hours at 4°C. Total cell lysates or immunoprecipitates were
ferredonto polyvinylidenefluoride(PVDF)membranes (Millipore),
and probed with the indicated antibodies. The membranes were
washed with TBST and incubated with a goat anti-rabbit second-
aryantibodyconjugated with horseradishperoxidase anddetected
with a chemiluminescence substrate (ECL, Amersham Biosciences).
GAPDH ex pression was mea sured in each sam ple to verify eq ual
protein loading.
2.11 | Statistical analysis
Each experiment was repeated at leastthree times, and for all the
quantit ative analyses re presented in hist ograms, the dat a are ex-
pressed as the mean values ±SDThesignificanceofdifferencesbe-
tests. Differenceswereconsideredstatistically significant when P
values were less than 0.05 (P < .05).
3.1 | HG inhibited the proliferation and promoted
apoptosis of rat primary fibroblasts, decreased Ski
and PCNA protein levels, and increased p27, cleaved
caspase-3 and Bim protein levels
To examine the ef fects of HG on t he proliferat ion and apopto-
sis of fibroblasts, we first used theCCK-8kit to detect that HG
significantly reduced primary fibroblast viability compared with
found thatHG not onlyinhibitedthe proliferation of fibroblasts
(Figure 1B an d C) but also prom oted their apo ptosis (Figure 1D
cantly increased the protein levels of p27, cleaved caspase-3 and
3.2 | Increasing Ski protein levels alleviated HG-
induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis
promotion in fibroblasts without affecting the level of
Smad2/3 phosphorylation
Toexaminetheroleofincreasing Ski protein levelsintheinhibi-
tion of fibroblast proliferation and the increase in apoptosis caused
by HG, we use d an adenovir us transfec tion metho d. The result s
showed that Ad-Ski transfection significantly increased Ski protein
and B), and significantly increased the viability and proliferation ca-
pacity of fibroblasts under SG conditions. Ad-Ski transfection also
significantly improved the inhibitory effect of HG on fibroblast
viability and proliferation capacity (Figure 2C-E)andsignificantly
reduced t he HG-induce d pro-apoptoti c effect (F igure 2D and F).
HGdid notaffecttotalSmad2/3proteinlevels,but itsignificantly
increased the levels of p-Smad2/3. Ad-Ski transfection had no sig-
3.3 | FoxO1 inhibition abolished the improvement
observed with increased Ski protein levels on HG-
induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis
promotion in fibroblasts
We examined whether increasing Ski protein levels, which sig-
nificantly improved the proliferation inhibition and pro-apop-
totic eff ect of HG on fibr oblasts , was related to FoxO1. FoxO1
siRNA inhibited FoxO1protein levels in a dose-dependent man-
ner(Figure3A).Theinhibitionof FoxO1proteinlevelsdid notaf-
conditions, but it significantly improved the viability and prolif-
erationcapacityoffibroblast sunderHGconditions(Figure3B-D).
6 of 10 
   PENG Et al
FIGURE 3 AfterinhibitionofFoxO1,
the improvement observed with increased
proliferation inhibition and apoptosis
promotion in fibroblasts was lost.
presenceofNGorHGconditions.A ,
blot analysis. The data are presented as
the mean ±SEM,andeachexperiment
was repeated three times. *P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P <.001comparedtotheNC
used to evaluate fibroblast viability. n =8,
*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared
group; #P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001
ability was assessed by an EdU assay (C),
and fibroblast apoptosis was tested by a
blue. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001
siRNAgroup;#P < .05, ##P < .01,
###P <.001comparedtotheHG+ Ad-
EGFP+NCsiRNAgroup;&P < .01
comparedtotheHG+ Ad-Ski +NCsiRNA
hoc test s. scale bars = 10 0 µm
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PENG Et al
Ad-Ski transfection had no significant effect on the viability or
enceunder HG conditions (Figure3B-D).Similarly,FoxO1 siRNA
increasing Ski levels had no significant effect on HG-inducedfi-
3.4 | Increasing Ski protein levels under HG
conditions increased the binding of Ski to FoxO1 and
thus inhibited FoxO1 acetylation
SkiproteinlevelsdidnotsignificantlyaffectFoxO1 levels (Figure4A).
Co-IP experiment s showed an interaction between Ski and FoxO1
after Ad-Ski transfection under SG conditions, and the combination of
conditions, but its acetylation level was significantly decreased after
3.5 | HG conditions increased Ski protein
levels and promoted the binding of Ski to HDAC1,
while inhibition of HDAC1 significantly reduced the
inhibitory effect of high Ski protein expression on
HDAC1 deacetylation of nuclear transcription factors is a clas-
sic regulation mode of Ski.Wefound that Ski and HDAC1 mutu-
allyboundafter Ad-Ski transfectionunderNGconditions, and the
combin ationofthet wosignificant lyi mprovedunderHGcondi tions
(Figure 5A and B). We confirmed that FoxO1 siRNA inhibited
FoxO1proteinlevelsinadose-dependentmanner(Figure 5C),but
HDAC1 siRNA tra nsfection alon e or co-transfect ion with Ad-Ski
had no signi ficant effec t on fibroblast v iability under H G condi-
thealleviatingef fect of Ad-Ski onAc-FoxO1underHGconditions
(Figure5E).Therewasnosignificantef fectonthetotalSkiprotein
levelunder NG orHGconditionsandregardlessof HDAC1siRNA
The present study found that the proliferation of primary fi-
broblasts from the skin was significantly reduced under HG
conditions, and apoptosis was significantly increased, which
is consiste nt with a previous rep ort indicati ng that HG caused
a decrease in fibroblast proliferation and an increase in apop-
pressio nw as significant ly decreased un der HG conditio ns. Our
results, in combination with previous findings that Ski promoted
fibroblast proliferation and inhibited apoptosis,13,14 suggest that
this protein may be one cause of decreased fibroblast prolifera-
tion and in creased apopto sis under HG condi tions and why di-
abetic wounds are difficult to heal. This result is similar to our
was the main reason for slow wound healing in combined radia-
tion injury.19 In contrast, adenovirus transfection significantly
increasedSkiprotein expression andalsosignificantlyimproved
theeffectof HG onthe inhibitionoffibroblastproliferationand
theinductionofapoptosis.Especiallycomparedwith NGcondi-
tions, the proliferation efficiency of Ski increased from 25% to
37%und erHGcon ditio ns,wh ic hindi cates thatthe de cre aseinSk i
FIGURE 4 IncreasingSkiproteinlevelsunderHGconditionsincreasedthebindingofSkitoFoxO1andthusinhibitedacet ylationof
FoxO1.FibroblastswereinfectedwithAd-SkiorAd-EGFPfor48hours,combinedwithHGtreatmentfor48hours.A ,IPwithananti-FoxO1
antibodyfollowedbyimmunoblottingwithanti-acetyl-lysine(ac-lysine)ortotalFoxO1antibodies.B,C ,IPofSkiandFoxO1usingananti-Ski
mean ±SEM,andeachexperimentwasrepeatedthreetimes.*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P <.001comparedtotheDMEM+NGgroup;#P < .05,
##P < .01, ###P <.001comparedtotheDMEM+HGgroup,one-wayANOVA,Dunnett'sposthoctest s
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   PENG Et al
levelsunderthepathologicalconditionofHGisanimport antrea-
son for the decrease in fibroblast proliferation and the increase
inapoptosis.TheseresultsalsosuggestthathighSki expression
has a power ful effec t on the HG-indu ced changes in fi broblast
proliferation and apoptosis, which may become a new target and
course, the actual effects of this hypothesis must be confirmed in
Previous studies showed that the ability of Ski to promote fibro-
blast proliferation and inhibit apoptosis was associated with the inhi-
bition of TGF-β1/Smad signalling.13,14 In contrast, the present study
found thatSmad2/3 activityin skin fibroblasts underHG conditions
wassignificantly dif ferent fromNGconditions,but the increased Ski
lev elsunderH Gcondit io nshadno significantef fe ctonSmad2/3activ-
ity, which sug gests that the ef fect of increasing Ski levels on promoting
proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis in fibroblasts may not be medi-
InadditiontoTGF-β1/Smad playing a role in the regulation of fi-
broblast proliferation and apoptosis, an increasing number of studies
also involved in the regulation of fibroblast proliferation and apop-
tosis.20 FoxO1, as a mul tifunctio nal transcri ption facto r, is closely
related tocellapoptosis,proliferation,oxidative stress,energyme-
tabolism, etc21,22Increased FoxO1activityin diabetic mice23 plays
a key role in wound healing.24 Therefore, regulating the effects of
mote diabetic wound healing.25
We found for the first time that increasing Ski levels promoted
The cell proliferation rate increases and the apoptosis rate decreases
FIGURE 5 IncreasingSkiproteinlevelsunderHGconditionspromotedthebindingofSkitoHDAC1,andtheinhibitionofHDAC1
significantlyreducedtheinhibitor yeffectofhighSkiproteinexpressiononAc-FoxO1.FibroblastsweretransfectedwithHDAC1siRNA
oranti-Skiantibody.RabbitIgGser vedasanegativecontrol,andinputisthetotalcelllysateofthecontrolwithoutanti-HDAC1oranti-
Skiimmunoprecipitation.C,HDAC1levelsweredetectedbyWesternblotanalysis.n= 3, *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001 compared to the
NCsiRNAgroup,one-wayANOVA,Dunnett'sposthoctests.D,ACCK-8assaywasusedtoevaluatefibroblastviability.n=8,*P < .05,
**P < .01, ***P <.001comparedtotheDMEM+NGgroup;#P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P <.001comparedtotheDMEM+NCsiRNA+HGgroup,
ortotalFoxO1antibodies.F,WesternblotanalysisofSkiproteinexpressionlevels.Thedataarepresentedasthemean± SEM, and each
experimentwasrepeatedthreetimes.*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P <.001comparedtotheDMEM+NGgroup;#P < .05, ##P < .01, ###P < .001
comparedtotheDMEM+NCsiRNA+HGgroup,one-wayANOVA,Dunnett'sposthoctest s
 9 of 10
PENG Et al
after FoxO1 acetylat ion decreases und er HG conditions, 25 which
may underlie the role of Ski in promoting proliferation and inhibiting
bition ofFoxO1withRNAi alone is equivalentto,orevenstronger
than that of increasing Ski protein levels, which improved the effec ts
in skin fibroblasts. It is suggested that increasing the Ski protein level
may promote proliferation and inhibit apoptosis in skin fibroblasts by
by one stud y that reported that the cell apoptosis rate decreased and
FoxO1isgenerallyacet ylated bylysineacetyltransferases(KATs)
and deacetylated by histone deacetylases (HDACs).26,27 Histone
dea cet yl ase1(HDAC1)isamemberofth ehistonedeacet yl ationf am-
ily,whichregulatesthelevelofFoxO1.28,29HDAC1preventsth egene
transcription protein complex from entering the promoter binding
site by removing the acetyl group on histones, which inhibits gene
transcription and participates in the regulation of cell growth, differ-
entiation, proliferation and apoptosis. The present study found that
increasing the Ski level significantly increased the binding of Ski to
HDAC1under HG conditions and significantlyreduced the acetyla-
tion level of FoxO1.It is suggested thatSki formed a complex with
FoxO1andHDAC1toenhancethedeacet ylationeffectofHDAC1on
regulating the proliferation or apoptosis of diabetic skin fibroblasts,
HDACinhibitorsareoftenusedasatreatmentfo rcardiacf ibrosisand
tumours,31,32 which also shows that it is possible for Ski to regulate
berelated tothe factthatthedeacetylation ofHDAC1requires the
cooperation of the nuclear cofactor Ski.33 The present study found
asignificant reduction inSkiexpressionunderHGconditions, which
The present study did not find that Ski interacted with FoxO1
orHDAC1whenthe Ski levelwasnotincreased. In contrast, after
increasi ng Ski protein leve ls, Ski inter acted with FoxO1or HDAC1
under SG a nd HG conditions. B ecause Ski is gene rally express ed
primarily in the nucleus, and the cytoplasmic distribution of Ski in-
creased w hen it was expr essed at high l evels (Figure 2 A). HDAC1
is generally distributed in the cytoplasm, which indicates that the
binding abilityofSkito FoxO1orHDAC1is notincreasedafterthe
increase in Ski protein level, but the distribution of Ski in fibroblasts
changes after high expressionofSki,whichprovidesthepossibilit y
Overall,the present studyfound for thefirsttime that HGre-
duced Ski protein levels and increasing Ski protein levels significantly
improved the fibroblast proliferation inhibition and apoptosis induc-
tion observed under HG conditions. The underlying mechanism of
action is notrelated to the Smad2/3pathway.However,this func-
tion may be ac hieved by the direc t combination wit h FoxO1 and
for direct intervention in fibroblast proliferation and apoptosis by
regulating Ski to promote the healing of diabetic refractory wounds,
and it reveals a new pathway and mechanism for Ski to regulate cell
proliferation and apoptosis.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
thedata.YP,YLNandYZanalysedthedata.PLand YPdraftedthe
manuscript. The manuscript was reviewed by all authors.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Ping Li
FIGURE 6 SchematicrepresentationofSkiinhibitionoftheroleofFoxO1transcriptionfactorthroughFoxO1deacetylationmediatedby
HDAC1underHGconditions.UnderHGconditions,FoxO1acetylationlevelwasincreased.Asatranscriptionfac tor,FoxO1involvedinthe
induction of a special subset of genes that regulate cellular proliferation or apoptosis, etc Increased Ski protein increased the binding of Ski
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Supporting Information section.
How to cite this article:PengY,XiongR-P,ZhangZ-H,etal.Ski
promotes proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in fibroblasts
Prolif. 2021;54:e12971. https ://doi.or g/10.1111/cpr.12971
... Proliferation assessment utilized the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) and EdU cell proliferation assays, following manufacturer guidelines [34,35] . Proliferation rates were monitored every 24 hours with a multiscanner autoreader (BioTek, VT, US) and a uorescence microscope (Nikon, Japan). ...
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Background: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play a critical role in tumor progression. In this study, we explored the influence of exosomal piR-35462 (piR-35462) derived from CAFs on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) progression. Methods: CAFs and normal fibroblasts (NFs) were obtained from patients-derived samples of OSCC and adjacent normal tissues. Exosomes extracted from CAFs and NFs were confirmed and piRNAs was identified screened. CCK8 assays, EdU and Transwell assays were performed to assess tumor proliferation and metastasis. A nude mouse model was established to assess the impact of exosomal piR-35462 on tumor progression. Results: CAFs-derived exosomes showed a enhanced piR-35462 expression and promoted OSCC cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Additionally, elevated piR-35462 expression in OSCC tissues correlates with poor prognosis. Mechanistically, CAFs-derived exosomal piR-35462 increased the expression of fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) in OSCC cells. By inhibiting N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA methylation, the overexpression of FTO further enhances the stability and expression levels of Twist1 mRNA, thereby contributing to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tumor progression. In vivo xenograft tumor model also confirmed the same results. Conclusion: The achieved outcomes elucidate that CAFs can deliver piR-35462 containing exosomes to OSCC cells and promote OSCC progression via FTO/Twist mediated EMT pathways, and could represent a promising therapeutic target for OSCC.
... In cardiac fibroblasts (CFs), HG induced the phenotypic transformation of CFs via FOXO1, thereby disrupting extracellular matrix (ECM) homeostasis [24]. In the HG environment, Ski promoted fibroblast proliferation and inhibited apoptosis through the FOXO1 pathway [25]. A study has shown that metformin inhibited the HG-induced mesangial cell ECM, inflammation, and proliferation by regulating the SIRT1/FOXO1 axis [26]. ...
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The macrovascular complications of diabetes cause high mortality and disability in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The inflammatory response of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) runs through its pathophysiological process. Salvianolic acid B (Sal B) exhibits beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. However, its role and mechanism in diabetic vascular inflammatory response remain unclear. In this study, we found that Sal B reduced vascular inflammation in diabetic mice and high glucose- (HG-) induced VSMC inflammation. Subsequently, we found that Sal B reduced HG-induced VSMC inflammation by downregulating FOXO1. Furthermore, miR-486a-5p expression was obviously reduced in HG-treated VSMC. Sal B attenuated HG-induced VSMC inflammation by upregulating miR-486a-5p. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments had proven that the transfection of the miR-486a-5p mimic inhibited HG-induced VSMC inflammation whereas that of the miR-486a-5p inhibitor promoted HG-induced VSMC inflammation, thereby leading to the amelioration of vascular inflammation in the diabetic mice. Furthermore, studies had shown that miR-486a-5p inhibited FOXO1 expression by directly targeting its 3′-UTR. In conclusion, Sal B alleviates the inflammatory response of VSMC by upregulating miR-486a-5p and aggravating its inhibition of FOXO1 expression. Sal B exerts a significant anti-inflammatory effect in HG-induced VSMC inflammation by modulating the miR-486a-5p/FOXO1 axis.
... Animal experiments have demonstrated that hyperglycaemia reduces the integrin receptor expression on the surface of rat dermal fibroblasts, impairing their migration ability, thereby affecting wound healing 19 . Additional studies have demonstrated that under high glucose (HG) conditions, the proliferation of skin fibroblasts is significantly reduced, while cell apoptosis is significantly increased 20,21 . These findings indicate that HG levels could affect fibroblast function, thereby affecting wound healing. ...
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To understand the changes in the peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2) expression level in the wound margin tissue (T-PRDX2) of patients with diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) before and after negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Additionally, the study aimed to explore the association between PRDX2 expression and the treatment outcome of DFUs to provide a new theoretical basis for revealing the mechanism of NPWT promoting the healing of DFUs. Fifty-six type 2 diabetes patients with foot ulcers undergoing NPWT (the DFU group) and 28 patients with chronic lower limb skin ulcers with normal glucose tolerance undergoing NPWT (the skin ulcer control [SUC] group) were included in the study. T-PRDX2 was detected using Western blotting, and the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and the malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels were detected using a biochemical method. In addition, in vitro experiments were conducted to determine the effect of PRDX2 expression on normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. Before NPWT, the DFU group exhibited a significantly lower T-PRDX2 expression level compared with the SUC group. After one week of NPWT, the T-PRDX2 expression level, SOD activity, and GSH content in the wound margin tissues of the DFU and SUC groups significantly increased compared with the before NPWT levels. Conversely, the inflammatory indicators (white blood cell, neutrophil percentage, C-reactive protein, and procalcitonin) and MDA content were significantly lower than the before NPWT levels. The expression changes of T-PRDX2 before and after NPWT in the DFU and SUC groups were positively correlated with the 4-week wound healing rate. In vitro experiments demonstrated that PRDX2 could alleviate the oxidative stress in NHDFs, thereby promoting their proliferation and migration, while reducing cell apoptosis. NPWT promotes DFU healing by increasing T-PRDX2, and changes in the T-PRDX2 might be associated with the therapeutic effect of NPWT.
... Since its rst discovery as an oncogene in 1986, the Ski gene has been widely recognized as an oncogenic regulator of a variety of malignancies, mediating cancer cell proliferation, differentiation, metastasis and invasion through a variety of mechanisms [28]. In the course of subsequent studies, researchers also found that Ski plays a key role in regulating the activation and proliferation of broblasts as well as broma cells [50][51][52]. In a previous study by our group, we found that Ski was signi cantly upregulated in rat spinal cord and activated astrocytes after spinal cord injury [32]. ...
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The glial scar that forms at the site of injury after spinal cord injury (SCI) is an important physical and biochemical barrier that prevents axonal regeneration and thus delays functional recovery. Ski is a multifunctional transcriptional co-regulator that is involved in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes in humans. Previous studies by our group found that Ski is significantly upregulated in the spinal cord after in vivo injury and in astrocytes after in vitro activation, suggesting that Ski may be a novel molecule regulating astrocyte activation after spinal cord injury. Further studies revealed that knockdown or overexpression intervention of Ski expression could significantly affect the proliferation and migration of activated astrocytes. To further verify the effect of knockdown of Ski expression in vivo on glial scar formation and functional recovery after spinal cord injury, we prepared a rat spinal cord injury model using Allen's percussion method and used lentivirus as a vector to mediate the downregulation of Ski in the injured spinal cord. The results showed that knockdown of Ski expression after spinal cord injury significantly inhibited the expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (Gfap) and Vimentin, the hallmark molecules of glial scar, and increased the expression of Neurofilament-200 (Nf-200), a key molecule for axonal regeneration, and Synaptophysin, a key molecule for synapse formation. In addition, knockdown of Ski after spinal cord injury also promoted the recovery of motor function. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Ski is an important regulator of glial scar formation at the injury site and promotes axonal regeneration and synapse formation after spinal cord injury, and is a potential target for targeted therapy after spinal cord injury.
... This model of chronic complex wound is therefore overloaded by a network of inflammatory cytokines, an uncontrolled production of local proteases, cytotoxic reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, and a polymicrobial biofilm [59]. Mechanistically speaking, this phenotype seems to be driven by three major factors: precocious cellular senescence, proliferative arrest, and unscheduled apoptosis of granulation tissue-productive cells [5,57,[60][61][62][63][64]. ...
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Diabetes mellitus remains as a pandemic disease, associated to progressive and irreversible complications including lower extremity ulcerations, derived from a predisposition to ischemia, neuropathy and an intrinsic wound healing failure. The molecular operators supporting wound chronicity remain elusive, but a local deficit of growth factors is invoked as a common cause for proliferative arrest, apoptosis, and cells senescence. The prodegradative environment of these lesions contributes to reduce growth factors availability and receptors’ physiology. The introduction of growth factors in the clinical arena was precocious since critical pieces of chronicity pathophysiology had not been identified. The topical administration of these agents failed by the effect of local proteolysis, narrow bioavailability window, inadequate diffusion, and a harsh polymicrobial biofilm. To circumvent these pharmacodynamic limitations, we envisioned an intra-ulcer infiltrative delivery route for epidermal growth factor (EGF), based on the rationale derived from experimental evidences. The clinical development program with this procedure has comprised from a proofof- concept to post-marketing studies in poor-prognosis, ischemic, neuropathic, and neuroischemic wounds, involving more than 300 000 patients along 20 years. Pharmacovigilance studies demonstrated that infiltrated EGF is therapeutically effective and safe to circumvent the limitations of the classic topical administration. This pharmacological intervention has remained as an adjuvant therapy to conventional treatments and wound care protocols. Generation of EGF nanovesicles is envisioned as a promising future direction to trigger the re-epithelialization of stagnant, non-resurfaced diabetic wounds upon topical administration.
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Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are one of the most challenging and prevalent refractory wounds associated with diabetes mellitus. It is characterized with long courses, high recurrence and disability rates. Hydrogel-based wound dressings have been demonstrated an effective and promising strategy for treating diabetic wounds. However, the complexity of the pathogenesis and microenvironment in diabetic wounds have restricted both the experts in functional hydrogels and clinicians. The former had no inspiration for clinical demands in the design process, and the latter was confused about clinical use because they knew little about the tremendous potential of the functional hydrogels. Here, important targets for DFUs treatment were listed, and effective products underlying the molecular pathogenesis were suggested for the designer. Then, the application of hydrogels into DFUs were classified in accordance with their functional targets and active ingredients. Hence, it is very convenient for clinicians to make a perfect option for different wounds. Finally, research gaps and future prospects for wound-healing hydrogels were presented. We envision that this review can inspire creativity and innovation in the development of hydrogel-based wound dressings for diabetic foot ulcer treatment.
Tracheal fibrosis is a key abnormal repair process leading to fatal stenosis, characterized by excessive fibroblast activation and extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition. GATA6, a zinc finger-containing transcription factor, is involved in fibroblast activation, while its role in tracheal fibrosis remains obscure. The present study investigated the potential role of GATA6 as a novel regulator of tracheal fibrosis. It was found that GATA6 and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) were obviously increased in tracheal fibrotic granulations and in TGFβ1-treated primary tracheal fibroblasts. GATA6 silencing inhibited TGFβ1-stimulated fibroblast proliferation and ECM synthesis, promoted cell apoptosis, and inactivated Wnt/β-catenin pathway, whereas GATA6 overexpression showed the reverse effects. SKL2001, an agonist of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, restored collagen1a1 and α-SMA expression which was suppressed by GATA6 silencing. Furthermore, in vivo, knockdown of GATA6 ameliorated tracheal fibrosis, as manifested by reduced tracheal stenosis and ECM deposition. GATA6 inhibition in rat tracheas also impaired granulation proliferation, increased apoptosis, and inactivated Wnt/β-catenin pathway. In conclusion, our findings indicate that GATA6 triggers fibroblast activation, cell proliferation, and apoptosis resistance in tracheal fibrosis via the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Targeting GATA6 may represent a promising therapeutic approach for tracheal fibrosis.
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Sin3/HDAC complexes function by deacetylating histones, condensing chromatin, and modulating gene expression. Although components used to build these complexes have been well defined, we still have only a limited understanding of the structure of the Sin3/HDAC subunits assembled around the scaffolding protein SIN3A. To characterize the spatial arrangement of Sin3 subunits, we combined Halo affinity capture, chemical crosslinking, and high-resolution mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to determine intersubunit distance constraints, identifying 66 interprotein and 63 self-crosslinks for 13 Sin3 subunits. Having assessed crosslink authenticity by mapping self-crosslinks onto existing structures, we used distance restraints from interprotein crosslinks to guide assembly of a Sin3 complex substructure. We identified the relative positions of subunits SAP30L, HDAC1, SUDS3, HDAC2, and ING1 around the SIN3A scaffold. The architecture of this subassembly suggests that multiple factors have space to assemble to collectively influence the behavior of the catalytic subunit HDAC1.
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The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans possesses a unique (with various isoforms) FOXO transcription factor DAF-16, which is notorious for its role in aging and its regulation by the insulin-PI3K-AKT pathway. In humans, five genes (including a protein-coding pseudogene) encode for FOXO transcription factors that are targeted by the PI3K-AKT axis, such as in C. elegans. This common regulation and highly conserved DNA-binding domain are the pillars of this family. In this review, I will discuss the possible meaning of possessing a group of very similar proteins and how it can generate additional functionality to more complex organisms. I frame this discussion in relation to the much larger super family of Forkhead proteins to which they belong. FOXO members are very often co-expressed in the same cell type. The overlap of function and expression creates a certain redundancy that might be a safeguard against the accidental loss of FOXO function, which could otherwise lead to disease, particularly, cancer. This is one of the points that will be examined in this “family affair” report.
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FoxO1 is a conserved transcription factor involved in energy metabolism. It is tightly regulated by modifications on its mRNA and protein and responds to environmental nutrient signals. FoxO1 controls the transcription of downstream genes mediating metabolic regulation. Dysfunction of FoxO1 pathways results in several metabolic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and atherosclerosis. Here, we summarize the mechanism of FoxO1 regulation behind these diseases and FoxO1-related drug discoveries.
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Fibroblast plays a key role in wound healing, and the advantages of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) secretome in wound healing have previously been reported. In the present study, we investigated the impact of human bone marrow MSC-conditioned media (CM) on skin wound healing in diabetic rats and found that some improvements occurred mainly through fibroblast functions. Then, we scrutinized the impact of MSC-CM treatment on fibroblast cellular behavior by culturing human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) in a high-glucose (HG) medium, as an in vitro diabetic model. In vivo findings revealed significant improvements in some healing kinetics of diabetic wound which received MSC-CM. Particularly, MSC-CM-treated diabetic wounds reached considerably higher percentages of wound closure. Also, the granulation tissue of these wound had less pronounced inflammatory response, better tissue remodeling, and more vascularization compared with non-treated diabetic ones. Gene expression analyses indicated that MSC-CM treatment leads to upregulation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) genes. In addition, a significantly higher cell viability/proliferation, migration, and bFGF gene expression were observed when MSC-CM was used to treat HDFs in HG culture media. Based on these findings, it is suggested that MSC-CM could promote wound repair and skin regeneration, in some major processes, via improvement of cellular behaviors of fibroblasts in the diabetic microenvironment. The beneficial advantages of mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned media on fibroblast cellular behaviors and wound healing may lead to establish a novel approach as an alternative therapeutic procedure to cure chronic wounds in diabetic conditions.
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Ski, an evolutionary conserved protein, is involved in the development of a number of tumors, such as Barrett's esophagus, leukemia, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, hemangiomas and melanoma. However, studies on the functions of Ski in osteosarcoma (OS) are limited. In this study, firstly the differential expression of Ski in OS tissues and osteochondroma tissues was detected, and the expression of Ski in both human OS cell lines (MG63 and U2OS) and normal osteoblasts (hFoB1.19) was then detected. The results demonstrated that Ski expression was significantly upregulated in both human OS tissues and cell lines. The results led us to hypothesize that Ski may play an essential role in the pathological process of OS. Thus, Ski specific small interfere RNA (Ski‑siRNA) was used. The results revealed that OS cell proliferation was markedly inhibited following the knockdown of Ski, which was identified by CCK8 assay, EdU staining and cell cycle analysis. In addition, OS cell migration was significantly suppressed following Ski knockdown, which was identified by wound healing assay. Moreover, the protein levels of p‑PI3K and p‑Akt in OS cells declined prominently following Ski knockdown. On the whole, the findings of this study revealed that Ski expression was significantly upregulated in OS tissue and OS cells. The knockdown of Ski decreased OS cell proliferation and migration, which was mediated by blocking the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Thus, Ski may act as a tumor promoter gene in tumorigenesis, and Ski may prove to be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of OS.
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Fibrosis is characterized by excessive deposition of the extracellular matrix and develops because of fibroblast differentiation during the process of inflammation. Various cytokines stimulate resident fibroblasts, which differentiate into myofibroblasts. Myofibroblasts actively synthesize an excessive amount of extracellular matrix, which indicates pathologic fibrosis. Although initial fibrosis is a physiologic response, the accumulated fibrous material causes failure of normal organ function. Cardiac fibrosis interferes with proper diastole, whereas pulmonary fibrosis results in chronic hypoxia; liver cirrhosis induces portal hypertension, and overgrowth of fibroblasts in the conjunctiva is a major cause of glaucoma surgical failure. Recently, several reports have clearly demonstrated the functional relevance of certain types of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in various kinds of fibrosis and the successful alleviation of the condition in animal models using HDAC inhibitors. In this review, we discuss the therapeutic potential of HDAC inhibitors in fibrosis-associated human diseases using results obtained from animal models.
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Non-adhering dressings are commonly used during granulation, tissue formation, and re-epithelialization. Elucidating cytotoxic effects and influence on proliferation/migration capacity of cells like fibroblasts is of interest. Dressings’ effects were investigated by comprehensive in vitro approach: (1) MTT assay measuring cell viability after direct contact, (2) ATP assay determining effects on cell proliferation, and (3) scratch wound assay featuring an in vitro wound healing model. One cotton-based dressing with vaseline (vas) was included in the study and four polyester dressings containing vas and technology-lipido-colloid matrix (TLC), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), hydrocolloid (HC), or glycerin (gly) as additives. A polyamide dressing with vas + CMC and three silicone-based dressings (AT, CC, M) were tested. Polyester + vas + CMC did not negatively affect cell viability or proliferation but it was found that fibroblast layers appeared more irregular with decreased F-actin network structure and tubulin density possibly leading to hampered scratch closure. Silicone AT, polyester + gly and polyamide + vas + CMC caused distinct cell damage. The latter two further reduced cell viability, proliferation and scratch healing. From the overall results, it can be concluded that cotton + vas, polyester + TLC, polyester + vas + HC and the silicone dressings CC and M have the potential to prevent damage of newly formed tissue during dressing changes and positively influence wound healing.
Diabetic wounds are a common complication of diabetes, and therefore a pressing issue for clinicians. High‐glucose (HG)‐induced fibroblast senescence is mainly responsible for delayed wound healing. Calcium silicate (CS), a kind of bioceramic, is thought to have regenerative properties. The aim of this study was to determine the regenerative and protective effects of CS on senescent fibroblasts induced by HG. Fibroblasts were passaged five times and treated with HG and CS. Compared with the normal glucose (NG) group, the proliferation, migration, and differentiation capacity of HG‐induced fibroblasts significantly decreased (p < 0.05). After treatment with CS, the functions of HG‐induced senescent fibroblasts were partly restored (p < 0.05). The mechanism of the regenerative and protective effects of CS may be related to the decreased reactive oxygen species generation, improved senescent state (SA‐β‐gal expression decreased), upregulated expression of Smad2 and phosphorylated Smad2, and downregulated expression of p16, p21 and p53. An in vivo experiment also demonstrated that CS had a therapeutic effect on diabetic wounds via differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts and enhanced collagen deposition. These results indicate that CS may be a promising candidate for diabetic wound therapy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The application of conventional approaches to diabetic wound regeneration has some limitations. Thus, skin substitutes could be a new therapeutic possibility. In this regard, fibrin scaffolds are promising materials due to their desirable characteristics. Since defective fibroblasts caused by diabetes can disrupt regeneration, it seems that the use of living cells can improve the healing process. Thus, based on this fact, a cellular fibrin membrane was used to evaluate the diabetic wound healing in rats. The fibrin membrane was fabricated using fresh frozen plasma on which isolated fibroblasts were cultured. The wound model was created on 36 diabetic rats that were randomly divided into three groups: control, membrane, and cellular fibrin membrane (CM). Wound photogramography and immuno-histopathological staining were performed during consecutive days after treatment. Macroscopic evaluation of the wounds indicated a noteworthy enhancement of wound closure in the CM group. In the CM group, the re-epithelialization rate on day 7, 10 (p < 0.001), and 14 (p < 0.05), the fibroblast percentage on day 3 (p < 0.01) and 7 (p < 0.05) and the collagenization in all days were significantly higher than those of other groups (p < 0.001). The fibroblast number in the CM group on day 10 was significantly (p < 0.01) lower than that in the other groups. Contrary to the neutrophil and angiogenesis percentages that had no significant difference among the groups at different points of time (p > 0.05), the macrophage percentage on day 7 (P < 0.01), 10, and 14 (p < 0.05) was significantly lower in the CM group as compared to that in other groups. Overall, it seems that the use of a fibroblast-loaded fibrin membrane is an attractive strategy to promote diabetic wound healing.