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Identifying blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) stocks with truss network analysis approach in Indonesian Fisheries Management Area 712


Abstract and Figures

Exploitation rate of the blue swimming crab (BSC) in Indonesian Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712 is over-optimum level in 2016. Stocks concern in sustainable management is needed as an effort to maintain its availability. The objective of this study is to identify the stock unit of BSC based on Truss Network Analysis (TNA) of morphometric characters in FMA 712. The BSC was collect in five different locations, i.e. East Lampung, Lancang Island, Cirebon, Rembang, and Southern Madura. Measurements on TNA were carried out at 14 landmark points with 29 characters in carapace to analyze its morphometric characters. The cluster analysis showed that TNA method revealed two stocks units of BSC in FMA 712. The first stock was the BSC population of Southern Madura, and the other stock was the other four population. The longest Euclidean distance was found at Southern Madura indicating similarity level with other populations was low. The discriminant analysis demonstrated the different result. There were three group populations, which every population in one group were able to represent the other population, namely Lancang Island-Cirebon, East Lampung-Rembang, and Southern Madura. Regarding to this study, it is recommended to manage BSC in Southern Madura separately.
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Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
10(3): 390-401.
E-ISSN: 2460-5824
Identifying blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) stocks with truss network
analysis approach in Indonesian Fisheries Management Area 712
Nurhaya Afifaha, Zairion Zairionbc, Hawis H. Madduppad, Agus A. Hakimc, Yusli Wardiatnobce
a Master Program in Coastal and Marine Resources Management, Graduate School of IPB University, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor
16680, Indonesia [+62 81295380728]
b Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, IPB University, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Bogor 16143, Indonesia
c Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, Kampus IPB Darmaga,
Bogor 16680, Indonesia
d Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, Kampus IPB Darmaga,
Bogor 16680, Indonesia
e Environmental Research Center, IPB University, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Article Info:
Received: 01 - 05 - 2020
Accepted: 15 - 06 - 2020
Discriminant analysis, fisheries
management, Java Sea,
morphometric, Portunidae
Corresponding Author:
Yusli Wardiatno
Department of Aquatic
Resources Management, Faculty
of Fisheries and Marine
Sciences, IPB University;
Tel. +62-251-8622932
Abstract. The exploitation rate of the blue swimming crab (BSC) in Indonesian
Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712 is over-optimum level in 2016. Stocks
concern in sustainable management is needed as an effort to maintain its
availability. The objective of this study is to identify the stock unit of BSC
based on Truss Network Analysis (TNA) of morphometric characters in FMA
712. The BSC was collect in five different locations, i.e. East Lampung,
Lancang Island, Cirebon, Rembang, and Southern Madura. Measurements on
TNA were carried out at 14 landmark points with 29 characters in carapace
to analyze its morphometric characters. The cluster analysis showed that TNA
method revealed two stocks units of BSC in FMA 712. The first stock was the
BSC population of Southern Madura, and the other stock was the other four
populations. The longest Euclidean distance was found at Southern Madura
indicating similarity level with other populations was low. The discriminant
analysis demonstrated different results. There were three group populations,
in which every population in one group were able to represent the other
population, namely Lancang Island-Cirebon, East Lampung-Rembang, and
Southern Madura. Regarding this study, it is recommended to manage BSC in
Southern Madura separately.
How to cite (CSE Style 8th Edition):
Afifah N, Zairion Z, Maduppa HH, Hakim AA, Wardiatno Y. 2020. Identifying blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) stocks with
truss network analysis approach in Indonesian Fisheries Management Area 712. JPSL 10(3): 390-401.
In general, order Decapoda has become a lot of research objects in Indonesia, including blue swimming
crab (Hamid et al., 2015; Hamid and Wardiatno, 2015; Zairion et al., 2015a, 2015b; Hamid et al., 2016a;
Kembaren et al., 2018; Zairion et al., 2020) because of its high economic value (Prabawa et al., 2014;
Jayawiguna et al., 2017). Distribution areas of these species are along northern Java and east Lampung. The
region is incorporated in the 712 State Fisheries Management Areas (FMA) of the Republic of Indonesia and
is an area that intensively provides the highest foreign exchange earnings for crab export fisheries. Based on
Statistics Indonesia (2018), Indonesian crab exports reached 29038 tons in 2015 and the total volume of
Indonesian crab exports was 15867 tons in 2017 (MMAF, 2018). It’s similar with other countries which
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 10(3): 390-401
demand for crab in international trade has increased (Wiyono and Ihsan, 2015). Along with efforts to increase
the yield of crab fisheries, it is necessary to have sustainable crab management in order to decline increased
fishing activity that has the potential to cause a decrease crab population (Wiyono and Ihsan, 2018).
Attempt to manage fisheries resources cannot be generalized in each region. According to FAO (1995),
one important thing that must be considered in management is the stock of its resources in order to maintain a
balance of utilization and conservation. Each population stocks usually characterized by the specific biological
attributes (Secor, 2014). The differences can be seen through phenotype, genetic (Aini et al., 2020), or both
simultaneously (Hollander and Butlin, 2010). A particular geographical area can be said to have different stock
units or have been declared geographically separated from each other if the character of growth, mortality,
meristic and morphometric characteristics, and genetic are different in a relatively long time (Hart and
Reynolds, 2002). The concept explains that important tool for identifying stocks and evaluating the population
structure can be done with morphometric characterization techniques (Rawat et al., 2017; Sajina et al., 2011;
Sen et al., 2011), in more detail, namely the truss network approach (Bhosale et al., 2018). The truss network
approach has emerged as a new tool for understanding population structure in many fish species with more
effective strategies for descriptions of shape, better data collection and diversified analytical tools
(Pazhayamadom et al., 2015). This characterization technique is more effective than manual distance
measurement for the management of fishery resources throughout the world because truss networks are able
to show increased ability to identify differences in the morphological shapes of the bodies of each species
(Mojekwu and Anumudu, 2015). Using truss network approach in determining the stock structure of aquatic
species has been started from the 20th century. This method is applied in several crustacea studies, including
shrimp (Paramasivam et al., 2017; Marini et al., 2017; Rebello et al., 2013), and in BSC (Bhosale et al., 2018).
Data and information about the crab stock structure in morphometric FMA 712 have not been much
studied. However, the exploitation rate of BSC in northern Java waters has exceeded the level of sustainability
or is in the overexploited stage due to the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fishery Decree No. 70/2016.
Therefore, it is expected that the results of a morphometric analysis can be an input for the management of
crab fisheries stocks as an effective, optimal, and sustainable crab resource management concept. The main
objective of this study was to identify BSC stocks based on morphometric characters with truss network
analysis in FMA 712.
Location and Specimen Collection
Figure 1 Sampling location of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Fisheries Management Area
712 as indicated by the open-black rectangles
Afifah N, Zairion Z, Maduppa HH, Hakim AA, Wardiatno Y
Portunus pelagicus samples were collected from five locations, namely East Lampung, Lancang Island,
Cirebon, Rembang, and Southern Madura to represent FMA 712 (Figure 1). Sampling of various sizes was
done randomly from the local fishermen. A total of 476 crab individuals were taken from all location and
analysed at the laboratory.
Digitizing Sample
Each individual carapace of a BSC sample was separated from the rest of the body and then cleaned and
dried using a tissue to analyze its morphometric characters using truss network analysis. Carapace samples
were placed on a flat platform with scaled vertical and horizontal grids for easy calibration of digital image
coordinates. The distance between vertical and horizontal grids covers an area of 1 cm2. The tagging was then
carried out on each individual according to a predetermined landmark. The digitization phase was conducted
in order to become an archive for repeated measurements. Measurements on TNA were carried out at 14
landmark points with 29 characters in carapace (Bhosale et al., 2018). These landmark points were presented
in Figure 2. Labeling was done on each grid paper as a marker of the sample order. The crab was then
photographed with a camera with the help of a modified tripod (Marini et al., 2017). Furthermore, all images
of digitized could be identified based on the tagging attached.
Figure 2 Landmark truss network analysis for the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus)
Morphometric Truss Measurements
Morphometric character measurements with truss network analysis were performed using a combination
of two software, TPSUtil V1.38 and TPSDig2 V2.1 software series (Rohlf, 2006) and Paleontological Statistics
(PAST) which were used to extract morphometric data from each image (Hammer et al., 2001). All images
were first converted from JPEG (*. jpeg) to TPS format (*. tps) using TPSUtil. The TPSDig2 was used for
digitizing landmarks and provided an outline of the distance of landmarks on the image object for geometric
morphometric analysis of objects. The encrypted tps format image file description data was utilized as an input
source in PAST, which was useful for multivariate analysis and paleontological modeling (Bhosale et al.
2018). Then the crab morphometric points were measured with morphometric truss, which theoretically could
improve accuracy in differentiating morphometrics among samples. The variables extracted from sample
digital images by interconnecting 14 landmarks to form 29 distance variables, as presented in Table 1.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 10(3): 390-401
Table 1 Landmarks, codes, and description used in the morphometric truss of the carapace for the present
blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) study
The midpoint of the abdomen to middle teeth on the forehead
Between first anterolateral teeth
Between third anterolateral teeth
Between fifth anterolateral teeth
Between seventh anterolateral teeth
Between antennule
The midpoint of the abdomen to left antennule
The left abdomen to first teeth of the right anterolateral
The first teeth of the left anterolateral to the right abdomen
The third teeth of the left anterolateral to the first teeth of the right anterolateral
The first teeth of the left anterolateral to the third teeth of the right anterolateral
The fifth teeth of the left anterolateral to the third teeth of the right anterolateral
The third teeth of the left anterolateral to the fifth teeth of the right anterolateral
The seventh teeth of left anterolateral to the fifth teeth of the right anterolateral
The fifth teeth of the left anterolateral to the seventh teeth of the right anterolateral
The left antennule to the seventh teeth of the right anterolateral
The seventh teeth of the left anterolateral to the right antennule
The left abdomen to the first teeth of the left anterolateral
The first teeth of the right anterolateral to the right abdomen
The first teeth of the left anterolateral to the third teeth of the left anterolateral
The first teeth of the right anterolateral to the third teeth of the right anterolateral
The third teeth of the left anterolateral to the fifth teeth of the left anterolateral
The third teeth of the right anterolateral to the fifth teeth of the right anterolateral
The fifth teeth of the left anterolateral to the seventh teeth of the left anterolateral
The fifth teeth of the right anterolateral to the seventh teeth of the right anterolateral
The seventh teeth of the left anterolateral to the left antennule
The right antennule to the seventh teeth of the right anterolateral
The midpoint of the abdomen to the seventh teeth of the left anterolateral
The midpoint of the abdomen to the seventh teeth of the right anterolateral
Data Analysis
Morphometric truss measurement results were all transformed based on data normality characteristics.
Data were transformed by eliminating all things affecting size by using the allometric approach from the
modified formula of Hurlbut and Clay (1998) and Ihsen et al. (1981), namely:
Mtrans = log M−ß (log SL−log SLmean)
Mtrans : truss measurement transformation
ß : the within-group slope regressions of the log M vs log SL
M : truss measurement
SL : length of crab carapace
SLmean: average crab carapace length in each population
Afifah N, Zairion Z, Maduppa HH, Hakim AA, Wardiatno Y
Morphometric data with both methods were analyzed using SPSS software version 15. The transformed
truss measurements were subjected to Kruskal Wallis analysis, cluster analysis, and classification by cross-
validation of discriminant analysis. The Kruskal Wallis test was used to find out the distinguishing
characteristics of morphometric characters which differed significantly in the crab group in five locations
(Ostertagova et al., 2014). The grouping of similar members in one population in BSC could use cluster
analysis assuming that certain amounts of data had a level of morphometric similarity between populations.
This numerical analysis was used to classify organism based on its systematics (Smith et al., 2011). Cluster
analysis was performed using the average morphometric data of the BSC measured from each location. The
results obtained were dendrogram trees based on euclidean distances. This distance explained the level of
kinship between populations. The greater the value of the euclidean distance, the lower the kinship between
populations. Conversely, the smaller the value of the euclidean distance, the higher the kinship between
populations. Variations in BSC morphometrics in this study were analyzed using Discriminant Analysis (DA).
The discriminant analysis was performed to determine groupings and test the equality of group (Hidayani et
al., 2015). This analysis examines and describe simultaneously the differences between two or more mutually
exclusive groups. The results obtained were in the form of a sketch population distribution plot of the five
study sites.
A total dorsal carapace of 235 males and 240 females were used and combined as one in the analysis.
Detailed information on the collected BSC is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2 Sex ratio of blue swimming crab collected from five sampling points of FMA 712
Sampling Site
Number of
East Lampung
Lancang Island
Southern Madura
Normality Test
The normality test was an important step for deciding the measures of central tendency and statistical
methods for data analysis (Mishra et al., 2019). Data normality was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (2-
tailed) test (Ghasemi and Zahediasl, 2012). These test results were the significance value of the SPSS output
results. The significance value (α>0.05) indicated data that are normally distributed. The test was carried out
on all morphometric data of male and female swimming crab at five locations. All male and female swimming
crab characters were found to be normally distributed with an Asympt-sig (2-tailed) value >0.05. Overall data
that were normally distributed could be considered to be representative of the population, and further tests
were carried out in the parametric test.
Comparison of Morphometric Characters
Comparison of crab morphometrics was estimated by using Kruskal Wallis test analysis (Table 3). The
results of the analysis of BSC morphometrics at five locations showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in
twenty-nine characters. This explains that the crab in East Lampung, Lancang Island, Cirebon, Rembang, and
Southern Madura can be distinguished from the overall character. Differences in environmental conditions are
thought to have a significant effect on differences in BSC morphometrics in FMA 712. The environmental
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 10(3): 390-401
condition influences the differences in morphometric characters and could affect the growth rate of a particular
body part (Zairion et al., 2020). Changes in morphological characters become a form of adjustment for each
organism to its environment (Pramithasari et al., 2017). Li et al. (2018) explains that differences in
environmental conditions affect the adaptation patterns of a species. The differences in the morphology of a
species are often occur due to environmental and geographical location differences (Hidayani et al., 2018).
One of the most common forms of adaptation seen is the changes in the morphology and morphometry of the
body. This statement is strengthened by Lai et al. (2010) saying that the adaptation form of an organism to
external factors (habitat and food) is by changing its morphological character. The female crab in pre-molt
phase that living in an environment with limit food availability had a lower growth than the crab with enough
food (Josileen, 2011).
Table 3 Comparison of crab morphometric characters in Fisheries Management Area 712, Indonesia using t-
test at p=0.05
Afifah N, Zairion Z, Maduppa HH, Hakim AA, Wardiatno Y
Portunus pelagicus Population Grouping
The grouping of crab populations can be seen from the level of similarity among populations based on
morphometric characters that are thought to use cluster analysis. The results of the crab cluster analysis are
presented in the form of the dendrogram (Figure 3). The dendrogram formed will show the similarity of BSC
from five locations in FMA 712. The BSC relationship among populations is explained in the results of cluster
analysis. The results of cluster analysis of five crab populations formed two groups, namely the crab population
group of Lancang Island-Cirebon-East Lampung-Rembang crab population group, and the Southern Madura
crab group. BSC located in Southern Madura formed their own group into the second group with low similarity
with BSC populations in four other locations. However, BSC located in the area of East Lampung, Rembang,
Lancang Islang, and Cirebon have the same similarity and form one group. This similarity in closely
geographical location was related to similar environments. However, East Lampung-Rembang crabs, which
are geographically separated populations, have morphological similarity. This result might be due to local
migration between connected locations (Hossain et al., 2010) or the similar ecological impacts (Mir et al.,
Figure 3 Cluster analysis of inter-population of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Fisheries
Management Area 712, Indonesia
Based on the Euclidean distance, the higher the level of population similarity of organisms within the
group will be higher. Things that cause grouping among populations include proximity of geographical
locations (Abinawanto et al., 2018) and similar environmental conditions among locations (Solomon et al.,
2015; Abinawanto et al., 2018; Zairion et al., 2020). The environmental conditions that might play important
role for blue swimming crab are temperature, light intensity, and photoperiod vary seasonally among locations
where the crab lives (Hamid et al., 2016b). Green et al. (2014) explain that crabs are shaped by environmental
variation through the distribution ecology, productivity or even their market traits such as colour and size. The
Euclidean distance among small populations is presented in Table 4.
Table 4 The Euclidean distance among population of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Fisheries
Management Area 712, Indonesia
East Lampung
Lancang Island
Southern Madura
East Lampung
Lancang Island
Southern Madura
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 10(3): 390-401
Morphometric Character Classification
Morphometric character classification at each location was assumed to use discriminant analysis.
Discriminant analysis showed that the grouping of characters formed was marked by differences in the location
of centroids. The crab morphometric character classification (Figure 4) shows that there are three centroid
centers in five locations of FMA 712. The crab morphometric character distribution at each location shows the
level of closeness to other locations. The crab character from Lancang Island has an adjacent centroid point,
and the characters are not completely separated from the crab character from Cirebon, which means it has the
same size between characters. The BSC in these two locations are significantly separated from the BSC in East
Lampung and Rembang, while the BSC in southern madura is not completely separated. The BSC population
in East Lampung is not completely separated from the BSC population in Rembang. Yet it is significantly
separated from the other three locations. This indicates the level of morphological similarity in the BSC
population at that location (Marini et al., 2017).
Figure 4 showed that Function 1 successfully discriminated the individuals into three separate groups.
Muchlisin (2013) saying that the presence of contact among populations indicate the closeness of population
groups. The point of intersecting population indicates that the population has a close kinship. Abinawanto et
al. (2018) state that the overlap among morphometric characters of the two populations shows the high
morphological similarity. The BSC in East Lampung, and Rembang were significantly separated and
significantly different from the BSC in 3 other locations. This shows that there are different habitat preferences
in an organism that can affect population structure. Zimmerman et al. (2011) and Hepp et al. (2012) explain
that adaptations frequently encompass changes in morphology, such as in the size and shape of the carapace
or cheliped or in individual condition. Zairion et al. (2020) explain that BSC was able to adapt in habitats with
variation environmental parameters. It’s indicated that BSC was able to live in a high variation of environment,
such as in dry season even in low proportion (Supadminingsih et al., 2019).
Figure 4 Canonical distribution analysis using morphometric characters of blue swimming crab (Portunus
pelagicus) collected from five sites in Fisheries Management Area 712, Indonesia
Percentage of BSC population from East Lampung waters, Lancang Island, Cirebon, Rembang, and
Southern Madura has been classified as 84.8%, 62.3%, 62%, 87.7%, and 75.2%, respectively (Table 5). More
than half of the population from East Lampung can describe the location of Rembang marked by a group point
of one location that is in another location group. According to Marini et al. (2017), a percentage value of >80%
indicates that the population of the BSC group at one location truly characterizes the blue swimming crab
group from another population group.
Afifah N, Zairion Z, Maduppa HH, Hakim AA, Wardiatno Y
Table 5 Results of blue swimming crab population grouping in Fisheries Management Area 712, Indonesia
from five locations due to discriminant analysis
Prediction Group
Lancang Island
Southern Madura
East Lampung
Lancang Island
Southern Madura
Based on morphometric characters, population of blue swimming crab (BSC) Portunus pelagicus from
the southern Madura had a low level of similarity with the other four BSC populations. It is recommended to
consider the Southern Madura crab as a separate sub division in the management of crab fisheries in FMA 712.
It is also recommended to create the sub management area in FMA 712 that manages the BSC in Southern
Madura separately. The sub management area of FMA 712 could help stakeholders to establish best strategies
for sustainable use of the BSC.
This paper is part of our research work funded by the Directorate General of Research and Development
Reinforcement, Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education for a research grant in accordance
with the Letter of Appointment for Research Program Implementation Number: 1728/IT3.11/PN/2018. The
first author would like to thank Alvia, Fauziyyah, Denanda, Bagus, and Dinda for their assistance in the field
and laboratory works.
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... Based on the result of analysis, at least 28 characters on the male carapace are also differentiator in female carapace crabs, whiles 11 characters on male abdomen also differentiator in female abdomen crabs ( Table 3). The dissimilar morphometric characters of the crabs are phenotypic variations [11,12]. Crab populations in certain area or habitat have specific distinctive with distinguish variation in degree of growth related to environmental quality and their adjustment to condition [13]. ...
... Dendrogram cuts are seen based on the furthest distance level [16]. The Euclidean distance can also determine the degree of population sameness, where the smaller the Euclidean gap, the more similar the crab population is in the group [12]. The male and female crab populations viewed from the carapace and abdomen using the TNA have similarities, so the crabs in the Bangka and Ketapang locations have a closer relationship than the crab populations in the Bintan location ( Figure 4). ...
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The crab of Portunus pelagicus is a fishery resource with a wide distribution area and quite diverse environmental conditions in Indonesia, giving rise to morphometric diversity. The study aims to analyze differences in morphometric diversity of crab populations ( P. pelagicus ) in the waters of Indonesian Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 711, landed in Bintan, Bangka, and Ketapang, which can describe the condition of the crab stock units. A total of 300 individuals were collected from all locations using random sampling. The crab morphometric characters were analyzed using Truss Network body shape method (TNA). The Kruskal Wallis results analysis showed distinguishing in some morphometric characters for both carapace and abdomen. Cluster analysis shows that there were two population groups: The Bintan group, and the Bangka-Ketapang groups. The discriminant analysis on the carapace characters resulting that the crabs from three locations have the potential for more than one stock unit, so different management is needed.
... This high overall correct classification was also reported in green tiger shrimp P. semisulcatus approximately 87% [33], in blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus was 62.3-87.7% among five populations in fisheries management area of 712 [34]. Truss morphometric study on the three populations of freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus showed that the high corrected classification among population ranged from 63.2% to 100%, and the low charring component among populations, while 4 truss characters (C4, B5, D6, and A6) were revealed to discriminate populations of freshwater crayfish [28]. ...
... The discriminant function analysis accurately assigned 87% of the individuals to their original sample, with the largest percentage (92%) of correctly classified Metapenaeus monoceros to their original group, suggesting a clear separation from all others [25]. According to truss morphometric traits, the blue swimming crab P. pelagicus population from the southern Madura indicated a low similarity level among the four populations [34]. ...
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The morphological difference of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon from Aceh waters is limited to explore for female and male discrimination using morphometric analyses. The study aimed to evaluate the morphological characters between female and male tiger shrimp using traditional and truss measurements. A total of 57 samples (39 females and 18 males) were analysed using 9 characters for traditional morphometric and 40 characters for truss morphometric. Multivariate analyses were applied to reveal the morphometric variation between male and female populations. The result of principal component analysis indicated that 4 characters, i.e: carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW), rostrum length (RL), and sixth segment length (SL6), were significantly different (P<0.05), while three truss morphological characters, i.e: distance between anterior and posterior carapace, distance between ventral posterior sixth segment to telson end, and distance between anterior and posterior second segment, were significantly discriminated (P<0.05) between female and male of tiger shrimp. Overall, 94.9% of the male and 88.9% of the female individuals were assigned to their native populations using traditional morphometric analysis, while truss morphometric was 87.2% and 88.9%, respectively. The individual proportion of 93.0% was properly classified into their original population group for traditional morphometric and 87.7% for truss morphometric characters.
... Brachyuran crabs exhibit significant intra-specific morphometric and morphological variations in their body shape as a plastic response to heterogeneous ecological conditions and phylogenetic relatedness (Silva et al. 2014;Prema et al. 2020). These variations are successfully used in intersexual, inter-population, inter-stock and inter-species differentiation mostly based on linear measurements, meristic data and truss analysis (Silva et al. 2009(Silva et al. , 2010aAfifah et al. 2020). The major Figure 5. Boxplots (maximum, minimum, upper and lower quartiles) for the relative sizes of various carapace measurements (A), relative carapace length (CLR); B, relative distance between frontal lobes (DFLR); C, relative inter-orbital length (IOWR); D, relative distance between first dorsal spine (DFSR); E, relative distance between second dorsal spine (DSSR); F, relative distance between third dorsal spine (DTSR); G, relative distance between intra-orbital spine (DISR) of P. alcocki collected from Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. ...
... A cluster analysis revealed two stock units of P. pelagicus in the Indonesian fisheries management area, the first stock was Southern Madura, and the other stocks were East Lampung, Lancang Island, Cirebon, and Rembang. 1 In Indonesia, especially West Java, P. pelagicus is highly utilized. Its utilization in 2018 reached 8.423,89 tons or 5.127% of the total production throughout Indonesia. ...
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The blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits coastal waters with sandy or muddy substrates of Southeast Asia. Aquatic environment and fishing intensity might influence the variation in morphometric characters of species as a form of adaptation and might characterize the stock unit as well. This study was aimed to analyze the morphometric variation of the blue swimming crab (BSC) population in western and eastern parts of Java Sea as part of Fisheries Management Area (FMA 712) of Indonesia. The representative crab sample for both males and females were taken randomly from three different locations, i.e. East Lampung, Rembang, and Southern Madura Island. Those samples were analyzed with a method called “conventional morphometric method”. Result of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that 10 characters were significantly different between male and female crabs. The cluster analysis also showed that the crabs in East Lampung and Rembang had high similarities which tended to be close population, while Southern Madura’s crabs were seemed to be dissimilar. In addition, discriminant analyses also showed that the BSC population in Southern Madura was different from the other two populations, indicating that the BSC population of Southern Madura is a different stock unit.
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Horseshoe crab (Limulidae) is a living fossil animal often captured in blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) net fishing as a bycatch. The proportion between the blue crab as a main target and the horseshoe crab as a protected animal but also a bycatch in the gillnet fisheries is unclear. The objectives of the research were to assess the proportion and size of blue swimming and horseshoe crab in different depths in Mayangan's waters. The research used a survey by taking activity of bottom gillnet operated by local fishermen in 22 trips in August 2017. The total catch of blue swimming crab was 419 (30%) individuals and horseshoe crab was 957 (70%) individuals. The different depths data analyzes showed that the blue swimming crab under 5 m depth was caught 20.28% with carapace width of 10 cm and the horseshoe crab was caught 79.72% with total length of 21.63 cm. Over 5 m depth the blue swimming crabs was caught 64.56% with carapace width of 11.43 cm and 35.44% of horseshoe crab was caught with total length of 35.14 cm. The average ratio of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) between blue swimming and horseshoe crab in each net panels under <5 m depth was 1.1:3.9% individuals and in >5 m depth was 3.37:1.63% individuals. Blue swimming crab of small size and low number was caught in the lower depth, while the big size and high number of individuals were caught in the deeper waters.
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Descriptive statistics are an important part of biomedical research which is used to describe the basic features of the data in the study. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Measures of the central tendency and dispersion are used to describe the quantitative data. For the continuous data, test of the normality is an important step for deciding the measures of central tendency and statistical methods for data analysis. When our data follow normal distribution, parametric tests otherwise nonparametric methods are used to compare the groups. There are different methods used to test the normality of data, including numerical and visual methods, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the present study, we have discussed the summary measures and methods used to test the normality of the data
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Kembaren DD, Zairion, Kamal MM, Wardiatno Y. 2018. Abundance and spatial distribution of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) larvae during east monsoon in the East Lampung waters, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1326-1333. The blue swimming crab/BSC, Portunus pelagicus, is an economically important species in fishery industry and continuously being exploited, particularly in the East Lampung waters. BSC research in Indonesia during the last decade was only restricted to the adult phase, while research on their larval dynamics in nature has not been done yet. This study aimed to assess the abundance and the distribution of BSC larvae, and to describe their correlation to its environmental conditions. This study was conducted in June 2017 (during east monsoon) in the East Lampung waters. Sampling was done in surface water during the daylight hours on nine sites with three replicates on each site. Plankton abundance and oceanographic profile were also recorded from the same sampling site. The result from this study showed that the water quality from the environment was suitable for the development of BSC larvae. The abundance of the early-stage larvae (Z1-Z3) was relatively higher than the late-stage larvae (Z4 and M). The larval stages of BSC were dispersed and completed their development in the mid-shore and offshore waters. There was a tendency that the early-stage was more abundant in the northern part, while the late-stage was more abundant in the southern part of the study area. The highest larval abundance was found in the mid-shore, particularly in site number five, which was influenced by the water mass density and current direction during the east monsoon. Moreover, oxygen concentration and salinity of the water environment influenced the early-stage larvae abundance more than the late-stages abundance.
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Truss based morphometric approach for the analysis of body shape in Portunid crabs (Charybdis feriatus, Portunus pelagicus and P. sanguinolentus) along Ratnagiri coast, India Mangesh M Bhosale, RA Pawar, MP Bhendarkar, MS Sawant and AS Pawase Abstract The present study was done on blue swimming crabs namely, Portunus pelagicus, P. sanguinolentus and Charybdis feriatus with a view to differentiate them on the basis of body shape using truss network. The truss distances between 14 landmarks on dorsal and 15 on ventral aspect of cephalothorax with 29 and 35 truss variables were measured. The Student's t-test significantly differentiated three species (p<0.05). A suit of multivariate techniques (PCA, FA and CVA) was performed to investigate distinction and pattern of morphological variation between species. PCA and FA performed on truss data yielded similar results where eigenvectors of first two components (PC1 & PC2) had explained 97.40% of variance for dorsal side while first component for ventral side data accounted 92.96% of the total variance. However, CVA strongly differentiated three species with a high magnitude of differences based on Hotelling's (Sequential Bonferroni significance) p-values (p<0.0001) on both the aspects. The findings support the use of truss network to unequivocal identification of numerous species, taxonomic clarification, morphological variation among species and it also provides interesting perspectives for the study of stock identification and geographic variation.
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In order to manage blue swimming crabs in Pangkajene Kepulauan, management measures are required. Since the environment which affects the abundance of the blue swimming crab varies seasonally, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal nature with the aim of developing a management strategy. The objectives of this study are to define the abundance of and fishing season of blue swimming crabs in the Pangkajene Kepulauan waters, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The fishing season was analysed using seasonal index analysis, while fish abundance was analysed by means of Equilibrium-Schaefer. The result of this study demonstrated that fishermen allocate their fishing gear all year, although the fish catch is seasonal. Based on analysis of the result, the fishing season for the blue swimming crabs is short. The peak fishing season starts in May and finishes in June. However, in order to enable their families to earn a living, fishermen operated their fishing gear throughout the year. As a result, both catch landing and effort were close to maximum sustainable yield (MSY). In order to reduce fishing pressure, it is necessary to reduce fishing gear and have a seasonal arrangement regarding fishing gear allocation.
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Abinawanto, Hamidah H, Bowolaksono A, Eprilurahman R. 2018. Short Communication: Biometric of freshwater crayfish (Cherax spp.) from Papua and West Papua,, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 489-495. Freshwater crayfish, Cherax spp. is a native crayfish species in Papua, Indonesia. Biometric information of this crayfish species in Indonesia is limited. Hence, this study aimed to provide these data. Specimens were collected from West Papua Province, i.e., from Uter Lake (Atinjo Subdistrict, Maybrat) and Seremuk River (Haha Village, Seremuk Subdistrict, South Sorong), respectively. Besides, the specimens were also collected from Papua Province in Baliem River at Pike Village, Hubukiak Subdistrict, and Wesaput Village, Wesaput Subdistrict, Jayawijaya. Data were analyzed using canonical discriminant function (CDF). The results showed that the longest carapace of Cherax spp. was 97.83 mm found in Baliem River at Pike Village. CDF analysis showed that there were three population groups of Cherax spp. from four locations. The first group originated from Uter Lake (Atinjo Subdistrict) and Seremuk River (Haha village). The second group was from Baliem River (Pike Village; Hubukiak Subdistrict, Jayawijaya and the third group from Baliem River (Wesaput Village; Wesaput Subdistrict). © 2018, Society for Indonesian Biodiversity. All rights reserved.
The swimming crab (Portunus sp.) has distinct morphological characteristics. They come in a variety of colors and most have white patterns on their carapaces. The aim of this study is to determine the morphology and morphometric variation of male swimming crabs collected from the East Sahul Shelf in Indonesia. The sample was collected in West Papua, representative of the East Sahul Shelf area. The sampling locations were Sorong (30 crabs), Raja Ampat (45 crabs) and Kaimana (76 crabs). The morphological analysis determined the color, white patterns on carapace and shape of the gonopodium. While the morphometric characteristics were determined by measuring the length and width of the crabs’ carapaces and meri. Data regarding the morphometric characteristics were analyzed using Stepwise Discriminant Analyses. The distance of genetic variation based on morphology and morphometric characteristics between populations was analyzed using Predicted Group Membership and Pairwise Group Comparison and the Test Equality of Group Means was used to analyze the more specific characteristic of the crab. Results indicated that the morphological characteristics based on color and the white patterns on the carapace of the swimming crab from West Papua were similar to Portunus pelagicus. However, based on the shape of the gonopodium, crabs from Sorong, Raja Ampat and Kaimana had characteristics similar to those of the Portunus armatus with the percentage of similarity being 30%, 40% and 25%, respectively. Morphometric analysis showed a significant difference between the crabs’ morphometric characteristic and their populations from the three locations of sampling (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the swimming crabs from West Papua exhibit large variations in morphologic and morphometric characteristics. Thus, it can be concluded that the swimming crab from West Papua shows intraspecific variation.
The Arabian red shrimp (Aristeus alcocki Ramadan, 1938) is a deep-sea penaeoid shrimp that forms a major commercial fishery in the Indian coast. However, the spawning population of this species along the Indian coast is poorly known. To study this, stock structure of A. alcocki using truss morphometry was employed. A total of 1842 matured specimens were collected from five geographical locations (Tuticorin (SET), Chennai (SEC), Nagapattianam (SEN), Sakthikulangara (SWS), and Kalamuku (SWK)) along the Indian coast. Thirty-nine truss distances were extracted from each specimen and analyzed by multivariate methods (i.e., principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant functions (DF), and hierarchical cluster analysis). The results of the PCA indicated that the first two components cumulatively explained >70% (female: 72.1%; male: 71.5%) of the total morphometric variation. Stepwise DF analysis indicated that abdominal variables significantly discriminated the populations at different locations. The results clustered the five samples into a minimum of two groups: samples from SWK clustered in group I, whereas rest of the samples clustered in group II. Morphometric variation between the groups was significant for each sex. Significant differences between the groups may be attributed to geographical and environmental conditions, suggesting separate management strategies for resource sustainability. Keywords: Aristeus alcocki, truss morphometry, PCA, deep sea shrimp, DF
Crabs play important roles in coastal ecosystems and are useful indicators for evaluating ecosystem health. Many previous studies have examined the distribution patterns of crabs among different habitats. However, we know little about what the key factors determining crab burrow distribution among types of habitats. Different kind of crab species may have different preferences of environmental conditions, here, we focus on the dominant crab species Helice tientsinensis in the Yellow River Delta. To identify the drivers of crab burrow distribution in intertidal marshes of the Yellow River Delta, we examined crab burrow density among seven habitats across different marsh zones, with reference to abiotic (water depth, soil hardness, water content, bulk density, porewater salinity, organic matter, total nitrogen and total carbon) and biotic (plant coverage, above- and belowground biomass, macrofauna species richness, abundance and biomass) factors that might explain crab burrow distribution patterns. Differences of all above factors were examined by one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among different habitats. The best single predictors of crab burrow density were tested by liner regression across the entire study area. Our results showed that patterns of crab burrow distribution were more strongly affected by abiotic drivers (water depth, water content, salinity, soil hardness, organic matter and total carbon) than biotic drivers. Crabs prefer habitats with softer and wetter edaphic conditions. In the future of coastal management, building habitats first, thereafter attracting crabs settling down and regulating feeding area of water birds and other benthic communities are good strategies to follow.