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Spinous Process Inclination in Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Individuals

BioMed Research International
  • Zefat Academic College

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study is to determine the sagittal inclination of lumbar spinous processes (SPs) in individuals with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS). It is a retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study including 345 individuals divided into two groups: control (90 males, 90 females) and stenosis (80 males and 85 females. The SP inclination was measured in the midsagittal plane from L1 to L5 levels. Stenosis males (L3-L5) and females (L1, L4) manifested significantly greater SP inclination compared to their counterparts in the control group. Males had significantly horizontal SP orientation compared to females (L1, L2). We also found that SP inclination became steeper as we descend caudally. This study indicates that SP inclinations are significantly associated with DLSS.
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Research Article
Spinous Process Inclination in Degenerative Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis Individuals
Janan Abbas ,
Natan Peled,
Israel Hershkovitz,
and Kamal Hamoud
Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel
Department of Physical Therapy, Zefat Academic College, Zefat 13206, Israel
Department of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 3436212, Israel
Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Safed 1311502, Israel
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Baruch Padeh Poriya Medical Center, Tiberias 1520800, Israel
Correspondence should be addressed to Janan Abbas;
Received 28 September 2020; Revised 22 November 2020; Accepted 30 November 2020; Published 15 December 2020
Academic Editor: Parisa Azimi
Copyright © 2020 Janan Abbas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this study is to determine the sagittal inclination of lumbar spinous processes (SPs) in individuals with degenerative
lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS). It is a retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study including 345 individuals divided into
two groups: control (90 males, 90 females) and stenosis (80 males and 85 females. The SP inclination was measured in the
midsagittal plane from L1 to L5 levels. Stenosis males (L3-L5) and females (L1, L4) manifested signicantly greater SP
inclination compared to their counterparts in the control group. Males had signicantly horizontal SP orientation compared to
females (L1, L2). We also found that SP inclination became steeper as we descend caudally. This study indicates that SP
inclinations are signicantly associated with DLSS.
1. Introduction
Lumbar spinous process (SP) morphometry has become an
interesting issue for application in spine surgery. Surgical
procedures associated with the SPs are supposed to be easy
and quick, with minimal blood loss and soft-tissue distur-
bance. Previous studies regarding SP morphometry have
focused essentially on age-related bony changes [1, 2], gender
discrepancy, and the dierences between lumbar levels [35].
Others have investigated SP biomechanical properties [6, 7]
and their morphology regarding the spine devices and surgi-
cal techniques [810].
Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is a common
disorder in the elderly population related to degeneration of
the spine segment. Additionally, it may narrow the spinal
canal and the neural foramen leading to compression of the
neural elements [11, 12]. One of the surgical treatments pro-
posed to those with mild clinical presentation of DLSS is the
minimally invasive interspinous devices [13, 14]. Although
the insertion of these devices depends on the orientation
and size of lumbar SPs, few studies have addressed this issue.
We also believe that information regarding SP inclination
may improve the ecacy of interspinous process devices
and shed light on degenerative changes of the posterior
elements of the spine.
The aims of this study were (1) to determine the sagittal
inclination of lumbar SPs in individuals with DLSS compared
to the general population and (2) to establish whether SP
inclination is associated with age, gender, and lumbar levels.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants. This was a retrospective study including 165
individuals with DLSS-related symptoms who were enrolled
between 2008 and 2012. The age range was 40-88 years (sex
ratio: 80 M/85 F) with one or more levels with stenosis (cross
section area of dural sac <100 mm
) [15]. The diagnostic cri-
teria for DLSS were based on the combination of clinical
symptoms and signs together with the computerized tomog-
raphy (CT) ndings [16]. The exclusion criteria were individ-
BioMed Research International
Volume 2020, Article ID 8875217, 5 pages
uals under 40 years of age as well as those with congenital ste-
nosis (anterior posteriordiameter of the bony canal < 12 mm)
[17], fractures, spondylolysis, tumors, Pagets disease, steroid
treatment, severe lumbar scoliosis (>20 degrees), and iatro-
genic conditions.
A control group (n= 180) without spinal stenosis-related
symptoms were referred at the same period to the Depart-
ment of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel,
for abdominal CT scans due to abdominal problems. The
age range was 40-99 years (sex ratio: 90 M/90 F).
2.2. Computed Tomography (CT) Scans. A high-resolution
CT image (Brilliance 64, Philips Medical Systems; voltage:
120 kV; slice thickness: 0.93 mm; current: 150570 mA)
was utilized which enabled scan processing in all planes. All
the CT images for both groups were taken in supine position
with extended knee. This research was approved by the ethi-
cal committee of the Carmel Medical Center (0083-07-
2.3. Spinous Process Inclination (SPI). Spinous process incli-
nation was measured in the midsagittal plane and dened
as the angle between the longitudinal axis of the spinous pro-
cess and the posterior border of the same vertebral body
(Figure 1).
The cross-sectional area of the dural sac [18], lumbar lor-
dosis, and intervertebral disc height [19] were also evaluated
in the current study.
2.4. Statistical Analysis. The statistical analyses were calcu-
lated via SPSS version 20. Independent t-test analysis was
used for each gender separately to compare between the
study groups (stenosis and control) for age, BMI, and SP
inclination. One-way ANOVA and Pearsons correlation
tests were performed to determine the association between
SP inclination and lumbar levels, lumbar lordosis, and disc
height, respectively. A logistic regression analysis via the
Forward LRmethod (separately for gender) was also used
to determine the association between SP inclination and
DLSS (dependent variable: DLSS; independent variable: SP
inclination, age, and BMI).
The intraclass correlation (ICC) coecients were calcu-
lated to determine the intratester and intertester reliability
of the measurements taken (repeated measurements of 20
individuals). Intratester reliability of the measurements was
assessed by one of the authors (JA) who took the measure-
ments twice within intervals of 3-5 days. Intertester reliability
involved two testers (JA and KH), who took the measure-
ments within an hour of each other. Both testers were blinded
to the results of the measurements. Signicant dierence was
set at P<0:05.
3. Results
The intratester and intertester reliability results for all the
measurements were high: 0.984 to 0.933 and 0.942 to 0.890,
3.1. SP Inclination in the Study Groups (Control vs. Stenosis).
The mean values of age and BMI in the study groups for each
gender separately are presented in Table 1.
In all participants, we found that SP inclination angles
were signicantly greater in the stenosis males (L3-L5) and
females (L1-L5) compared to their counterparts in the con-
trol group (Table 1). It is noteworthy that this trend was
maintained when we did the comparison only for older sub-
jects (>60 year); however, signicant dierences in females
were observed only on the L1 level (Table 1). The outcomes
of the logistic regression analysis (adjusted for age and
BMI) revealed that more horizontal SP inclinations in males
(L3, L5) and females (L1, L4) are signicantly associated with
DLSS (Table 2).
3.2. SP Inclination and Age, Gender, Lumbar Levels, Disc
Height, and Lumbar Lordosis. Analysis in the control group
(n= 180) revealed that males had signicantly greater SP
inclination (more horizontal) than females at the L1
(82:1±5vs. 79:9±6,P=0:013) and L2 (81:9±6vs. 80 ± 5,
P=0:039) levels.
In general, SP inclinations for males (L1, L2) and females
(L3, L5) became more horizontal with increasing age
(Table 3). At nearly all lumbar levels, the inclination of SPs
was found to be more vertical/steep as we descend caudally;
however, the dierence achieved signicance only for the
male group: L2 and L3, L4 and L5 levels (P<0:05). In addi-
tion, SP inclination was neither correlated with lumbar lor-
dosis nor with adjacent disc height.
4. Discussion
Our results indicate that lumbar SP inclinations (adjusted for
BMI and age) for both males (L3, L5) and females (L1, L4) are
signicantly associated with DLSS. We found that SP inclina-
tions in DLSS individuals were remarkably horizontally ori-
ented relative to the posterior vertebral border compared to
the control. Our results also showed that the dierences in
SP inclination for each gender seem to be age-related varia-
tions. For example, the greater dierences in SP inclination
for males were seen in subjects above 60 years, whereas those
for females were supposed to be in subjects between 40 and
60 years old. We believe that this result could support the
notion that gender dimorphism aects the prevalence and
severity of lumbar spine degeneration [20, 21].
Even though lumbar SP morphology information (e.g.,
height and width) has been used previously for interspinous
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) Measurement of spinous process inclination is shown.
(b) The location of the midsagittal section of the relevant vertebral
body is shown.
2 BioMed Research International
process devices, we have found no study in the literature that
has addressed the SP inclination in lumbar spinal stenosis
individuals. Therefore, others could not conrm our results.
DLSS is correlated with degenerative changes in the
three-joint complex and ligamentum avum thickness [11,
22]. Moreover, the prevalence of this phenomenon increases
with age [12, 23]. Intermittent claudication is the main symp-
tom of DLSS that usually worsens in extension and walking
and improves in exion or sitting [24, 25].
The lumbar spinous process is one of the posterior ele-
ments of the spine that protects the neural structures in the
dural canal and stabilizes the spine unit segment [26]. The
interspinous process decompression devices (e.g., XSTOP)
provide a minimally invasive technique for DLSS patients
with mild symptoms [27]. These devices reduce extension
at the symptomatic level(s), intrathecal pressure, and facet
load; stretch the ligamentum avum; and enlarge the neural
foramens, thus improving spinal stenosis symptoms [10, 28,
29]. In 2012, Kim et al. have previously reported a strong
association between degenerative spondylolisthesis and SP
fractures in patients who underwent X-stop devices [9].
The authors believe that the placement of these devices
causes destabilization of lumbar segments aected by degen-
erative spondylolisthesis. One study has recently reported
that disc degeneration and fusion intervention correlate with
district kinematic alterations of interspinous processes at the
involved level [26]. Moreover, spinous process slope has a
direct bearing on the ecacy of interspinous process devices
to achieve indirect decompression of the canal and neurofor-
amina [5]. Accordingly, we assume that variations in SP
Table 1: Age, BMI, and SP inclination of the study groups (control vs. stenosis) for each gender separately by lumbar level.
Variables Males Pvalue Females Pvalue
Control (mean ± SD) Stenosis (mean ± SD) Control (mean ± SD) Stenosis (mean ± SD)
All subjects
Age (years) 62:8 ± 12 66:2±11 0.066 62 ± 12 62 ± 8 0.800
BMI (kg/m
)27:3±4 28:9±4 0.021 27:6±5 31:4±5 <0.001
SP L1 (degree) 82:1±5 81:9±5 0.811 79:9±6 83±4 <0.001
SP L2 (degree) 81:9±6 82:7±5 0.368 80 ± 5 82:4±5 0.006
SP L3 (degree) 78 ± 7 81:6±5 <0.001 77:4±6 80:7±6 0.001
SP L4 (degree) 76:2±7 80:1±6 0.001 76:4±7 80:9±6 <0.001
SP L5 (degree) 72:7±9 76:6±7 0.003 73:3±9 76:5±7 0.017
Subjects > 60 years
Age (years) 72:9±7 71:6±6 0.284 72:5±8 68:2±6 0.004
BMI (kg/m
)27 ± 4 29:4±5 0.003 26:1±4 31:6±5 <0.001
SP L1 (degree) 82:8±5 82:5±6 0.771 80:3±5 82:7±5 0.034
SP L2 (degree) 82:8±5 83:1±5 0.737 81:1±5 82:1±5 0.429
SP L3 (degree) 79:3±7 82:1±5 0.027 77:9±6 80:5±6 0.052
SP L4 (degree) 76:6±7 81±6 0.003 77:2±7 79:7±6 0.072
SP L5 (degree) 72:18 ± 8 76:5±7 0.009 75:9±8 75:8±8 0.957
SP: spinous process; SD: standard deviation.
Table 2: Variables signicantly associated with degenerative
lumbar spinal stenosis (males and females listed separately).
OR CI 95% Pvalue
BMI 1.097 1.018-1.183 0.015
Spinous process L3 1.087 1.030-1.146 0.002
Spinous process L5 1.061 1.018-1.106 0.005
BMI 1.159 1.082-1.242 <0.001
Spinous process L1 1.078 1.011-1.150 0.022
Spinous process L4 1.107 1.048-1.168 <0.001
OR: odds ratios; CI: condence intervals: BMI: body mass index.
Table 3: Pearson correlation values between SP inclination and age
for each gender separately, by lumbar level.
Variable Pearsons correlation Pvalue
Spinous process L1 (degree) 0.211 0.046
Spinous process L2 (degree) 0.187 0.078
Spinous process L3 (degree) 0.213 0.044
Spinous process L4 (degree) 0.123 0.247
Spinous process L5 (degree) 0.015 0.885
Spinous process L1 (degree) 0.157 0.140
Spinous process L2 (degree) 0.226 0.032
Spinous process L3 (degree) 0.123 0.247
Spinous process L4 (degree) 0.171 0.106
Spinous process L5 (degree) 0.291 0.005
3BioMed Research International
inclination such as horizontal orientation could harm the
spine stability due to alterations on the axial loading between
the anterior and posterior column.
Our nding in the control group showed that the lumbar
SP inclination angle became smaller from L1 to L5. This
result is supported by a previous study in which measure-
ments were based on dry skeletal cadavers (2955 human lum-
bar vertebrae) and found that SP slope became steeper as we
descend caudally [5]. We also believe that this result partially
supports the notion that the maximal slope of the L5 SP in
the general population makes the surgery at the L4 and L5
levels less eective compared to horizontal SPs (L1 through
L4) [5].
Similar to the latter study, we also demonstrate signi-
cant correlations (on some levels) between SP inclination
and age. Although the correlation values are weak (range:
0.221-0.291, P<0:05), it seems that SP inclination became
more horizontal in advanced age. We believe that this associ-
ation could in part be from age-related changes in SP mor-
phology the same as for height and width [1, 2, 30]. With
regard to gender, females manifest smaller SP inclination
angle at the L1 and L2 levels. Indeed, this trend was noted
previously, when Shaw et al. reported that female specimens
had generally steeper SP slope than males [5].
It is noteworthy that our SP measurements have some
superiority, as the posterior vertebral border (axis reference)
is not prone to any age-related changes such as osteoporotic
changes of the vertebral body or degenerative changes of the
upper end plates that could inuence the orientation of the
SP, relative to the upper end plate.
Finally, although it is unclear whether the variation of SP
inclination in subjects with DLSS is a primary manifestation
or secondary process due to aging, we assume that this
unique characteristic has a role in the pathogenesis of DLSS.
However, the mechanism of SP orientation resulting in DLSS
has not been elucidated in detail.
4.1. Clinical Implication. As males (L3, L5) and females (L1,
L5) with DLSS are candidates for horizontally oriented lum-
bar SPs, this implies that the ecacy of interspinous devices
could be greater at these levels; in addition, spinal/epidural
injections could be easier to perform compared with other
levels. We also believe that surgeons should take into consid-
eration the fact that SP orientation could be dierent in sub-
jects with herniated nucleus pulposis, disc disease, lumbar
instability, and spinal stenosis when using dierent interspi-
nous devices [27, 31, 32].
4.2. Limitation of the Study. This is a retrospective study, and
the outcomes should be supported by well-established pro-
spective studies with large numbers of participants with DLSS.
In addition, SP measurements for height, thickness, and width
are needed to shed light on the development of DLSS.
5. Conclusion
Our results indicate that SP inclinations for both males (L3,
L5) and females (L1, L4) are signicantly associated with
DLSS. Additionally, SP inclinations (on some levels) are
dependent for age, gender, and lumbar level.
Data Availability
The data used to support the ndings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
The authors would like to thank the Dan David Foundation,
the Israel Science Foundation (Grant number 1397/08), and
the Tassia and Dr. Joseph Meychan Chair for the History
and Philosophy of Medicine, for funding this research. We
also thank Mrs. Margie Serling Cohn and Mr. Chaim Cohen
for their editorial assistance.
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5BioMed Research International
... All the CT measurements were taken from L1 to S1 levels and included the vertebral body diameters (width, length and height), bony canal dimensions such as anterior-posterior (AP), medio-lateral, and cross-section area (CSA) [8]. We also addressed the facets orientation and tropism [28], pedicle width and height [29], spinous process orientation [30], laminar inclination and inter-laminar angle [8]. Spine pathology such as vacuum phenomenon, intervertebral disc height, and the presence of Schmorl's nodes [31,32] were also recorded. ...
... The results showed that 50-72% of the participants in both groups are between the ages of 61and 90 years. We also found that almost half of the stenosis group (48%) suffered from obesity (BMI ≥ 30) compared to 28% in the control group. It is signi cant that an average of 74% of the stenosis group at L3 and L4 levels manifested CSAs of the dural sac below 70 mm 2 compared to 4% in the control group. ...
Full-text available
Background Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is the most common spine disease in the elderly population. It is usually associated with lumbar spine joints/or ligaments degeneration. Machine learning technique is an exclusive method for handling big data analysis; however, the development of this method for spine pathology is rare. This study aims to detect the essential variables that predict the development of symptomatic degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) using the random forest of machine learning (ML) algorithms technique. Methods A retrospective study with two groups of individuals. The first included 165 with symptomatic DLSS (sex ratio 80 M/85F), and the second included 180 individuals from the general population (sex ratio: 90M/90F) without lumbar stenosis symptoms. Lumbar spine measurements such as vertebral/or spinal canal diameters from L1 to S1 were conducted on computerized tomography (CT) images (Brilliance 64, Philips Medical System, Cleveland, OH). Demographic and health data of all the participants (e.g., body mass index and diabetes mellitus) were also recorded. Results The decision tree model of ML demonstrate that the AP diameter of the bony canal at L5 (males) and L4 (females) levels have the greatest stimulus for symptomatic DLSS (scores of 1 and 0.938). In addition, combination of these variables with other lumbar spine features is mandatory for developing the DLSS. Conclusions Our results indicate that combination of lumbar spine characteristics such as bony canal and vertebral body dimensions rather than the presence of a sole variable is highly associated with symptomatic DLSS onset.
... It is well accepted that DLSS typically associates with the available area for the dural sac rather than the bony spinal canal diameters [8,9]. However, there is some evidence that correlates this phenomenon with the vertebral bony morphology besides to the degenerative process in the spine segment [10,11]. For example, it has been previously reported that subjects with DLSS have greater vertebral body size than the controls and the pedicle width increases the risk for DLSS development. ...
... They also argue that one of their elucidation does rely on genetics. More so, our finding is compatible with the recent study that showed greater pedicle width among individuals with DLSS compared to control [11]. ...
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The aim of the current study was to establish whether the vertebral morphometry (e.g., vertebral body width and spinal canal diameters) is associated with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS). A retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study from L1 to L5 for two sample populations was used. The first included 165 participants with symptomatic DLSS (sex ratio 80 M/85F), and the second had 180 individuals from the general population (sex ratio: 90 M/90F). Vertebral body length (VL) and width (VW) were significantly greater in the stenosis males and females compared to their counterparts in the control. The mean VL in the stenosis males was 31.3 mm at L1, 32.6 mm at L2, 34 mm at L3, 34.1 mm at L4, and 34.5 at L5 compared to 29.9 mm, 31.3 mm, 32.6 mm, 32.8 mm, and 32.9, respectively, in the control group (P ≤ 0.003). Additionally, the bony anterior-posterior (AP) canal diameters and cross-sectional area (CSA) were significantly smaller in the stenosis group compared to the control. The mean AP canal values in the stenosis males were 17.8 mm at L1, 16.6 mm at L2, 15.4 mm at L3, 15.6 mm at L4, and 16.1 at L5 compared to 18.7, 17.8, 16.9, 17.6, and 18.8, respectively, in the control group. Vertebral length (OR-1.273 to 1.473; P ≤ 0.002), AP canal diameter (OR-0.474 to 0.664; P ≤ 0.007), and laminar inclination (OR-0.901 to 0.856; P ≤ 0.025) were significantly associated with DLSS. Our study revealed that vertebral morphometry has a role in DLSS development.
... All the CT measurements were taken from L1 to S1 levels and included the vertebral body diameters (width, length and height), bony canal dimensions such as anterior-posterior (AP), medio-lateral, and cross-section area (CSA) [8]. We also addressed the facets orientation and tropism [27], pedicle width and height [28], spinous process orientation [29], laminar inclination and inter-laminar angle [8]. Spine pathology such as vacuum phenomenon, intervertebral disc height, and the presence of Schmorl's nodes [30,31] were also recorded. ...
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Background: Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is the most common spine disease in the elderly population. It is usually associated with lumbar spine joints/or ligaments degeneration. Machine learning technique is an exclusive method for handling big data analysis; however, the development of this method for spine pathology is rare. This study aims to detect the essential variables that predict the development of symptomatic DLSS using the random forest of machine learning (ML) algorithms technique. Methods: A retrospective study with two groups of individuals. The first included 165 with symptomatic DLSS (sex ratio 80 M/85F), and the second included 180 individuals from the general population (sex ratio: 90 M/90F) without lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms. Lumbar spine measurements such as vertebral or spinal canal diameters from L1 to S1 were conducted on computerized tomography (CT) images. Demographic and health data of all the participants (e.g., body mass index and diabetes mellitus) were also recorded. Results: The decision tree model of ML demonstrate that the anteroposterior diameter of the bony canal at L5 (males) and L4 (females) levels have the greatest stimulus for symptomatic DLSS (scores of 1 and 0.938). In addition, combination of these variables with other lumbar spine features is mandatory for developing the DLSS. Conclusions: Our results indicate that combination of lumbar spine characteristics such as bony canal and vertebral body dimensions rather than the presence of a sole variable is highly associated with symptomatic DLSS onset.
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The aim of this study was to reveal whether demographic aspect, vertebral morphometry, and spine degeneration are associated with lumbar Schmorl’s nodes (SNs). A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed using data from the Department of Radiology (Carmel, Medical Center, Israel) for 180 individuals: age range between 40 and 99 years; 90 males and 90 females. All participants had undergone high-resolution CT scans for abdominal diagnostic purposes in the same supine position prior to our study, which enabled the processing of the scans in all planes and allowed a 3D reconstruction of the lower lumbar region. Eighty individuals (44.4%) had at least one SN along the lumbar spine, particularly at L3-4 level (30%). Vertebral body length (L1 to L3) and width (L1 and L4) were significantly greater in the SNs group compared to non-SNs group. On contrast, disc height (L3-4 and L4-5) was significantly lesser in SNs group than non-SNs group. SNs was significantly associated with smoking ( X² = 4.436, P=0.02) and degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis ( X² = 5.197, P=0.038). Moreover, the prevalence of SN was significantly greater in individuals with vacuum phenomenon and osteophytes formation (L1-2 to L4-5 levels). This study indicates that vacuum phenomenon on L3-4 (OR: 4.7, P=0.034), smoking habit (OR: 3.2, P=0.003), disc height loss of L4-5 (OR: 0.798, P=0.008), vertebral body length of L1 (OR: 1.37, P<0.001), and age (OR: 1.05, P=0.002) increase the probability of developing lumbar SNs.
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Purpose To measure the morphological dimensions of the spinous process (SP) and interspinous space, and provide a basis for the development of interspinous devices for the Korean or East Asian populations. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the anatomical parameters of 120 patients. The parameters included height, length, and width of SP, interspinous distance (supine, standing, and dynamic), cortical thickness of SP, and spino-laminar (S-L) angle. Correlations between measurements, age, and gender were investigated. Results The largest height, length, and cortical thickness and S-L angle were noted at L3. The largest width was observed at S1. The interspinous distance decreased significantly from L2–3 to L5–S1 and was significantly larger in the supine than in standing posture for L5–S1. Cortical thickness was gradually tapered from the anterior to the posterior position. The S-L angle at L2 and L3 was similar and significantly decreased from L3 to S1. An increased trend in width with aging and a decreased trend in distance (supine) were noted. A significant increase in height, length, and distance in males compared with females was also observed. Conclusions The interspinous space is wider at the anterior, and the cortex is thicker anteriorly. Accordingly, it appears that the optimized implant position lies in the interspinous space anteriorly. The varying interspinous space with different postures and gradually narrowing with age suggest the need for caution when sizing the device. Gender differences also need to be considered when designing implantable devices.
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Background Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is a common health problem in the elderly and usually associated with three-joint complex degeneration. Schmorl’s nodes (SNs) are described as vertical herniation of the disc into the vertebral body through a weakened part of the end plate that can lead to disc degeneration. Since SNs can harm the spine unit stability, the association between DLSS and SNs is expected. The aim of this study is to shed light on the relationship between degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis and SNs. Methods Two groups of individuals were studied: the first included 165 individuals with DLSS (age range: 40–88, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F) and the second 180 individuals without spinal stenosis related symptoms (age range: 40–99, sex ratio: 90 M/90 F). The presence or absence of SNs on the cranial and caudal end plate surfaces at the lumbosacral region (from L1 to S1 vertebra) was recorded, using CT images (Brilliance 64 Philips Medical System, Cleveland Ohio, thickness of the sections was 1–3 mm and MAS, 80–250). Chi-Square test was taken to compare the prevalence of SNs between the study groups (control and stenosis) by lumbar disc level, for each gender separately. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was also used to determine the association between DLSS and SNs. ResultsThe prevalence rate of SNs was significantly greater in the stenosis males (L1-2 to L5-S1) and females (L4-5 and L4-S1) compared to their counterparts in the control (P < 0.001). In addition, the presence of SNs in both males and females was found to increase the likelihood for DLSS. Conclusions Our results indicate that SNs prevalence is significantly greater in the DLSS group compared to the control. Furthermore, SNs are strongly associated with DLSS.
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Background Data about minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) has been reported. However, no quantitative knowledge about the biomechanical characteristics of the spinous processes in patients with DDD after operation was reported in the literature. Methods Fourteen adult patients with DDD at the L3-4 level were recruited and scanned using computed tomography (CT) to construct three-dimensional (3D) anatomical vertebral models of L2-5. These patients were asked to maintain four positions to acquire 6DOF data about the area of the spine being investigated (L2-5). Fluoroscopy was used to capture spinal motion. 6DOF data from the fluoroscopic images of the four positions was compared to evaluate the kinematics before operation and 6 months after direct lateral interbody fixation (DLIF). Results Altered kinematics were found mainly in rotation. For the images captured while patients were in the supine position, no significant differences were detected in different functional positions before and after operation. At other positions, the most kinematic involved level was the L3-4 level, which was followed by the L4-5 level. The range of flexion-extension motion at all levels decreased after operation (by an average of 1° to 7°) while different trends were found in left-right bending/rotation. Overall, after surgical treatment, functional activities were partially restored. Conclusions Overall the lumbar spinous processes (LSP) at each level responded differently, regarding rotation, before and after DLIF. This data provides new insights for the evaluation of function before and after surgical treatment in patients with LSP disease.
A brief history, classification, clinical presentation, acid pertinent anatomy of spinal stenosis is presented. A thorough understanding of the etiology, pathologic features, and the correlation between symptoms and precisely where the thecal sac and nerve root impingement occurs is essential to interpret imaging studies and plan appropriate treatment.
Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) affects more than 200 000 adults in the United States, resulting in substantial pain and disability. It is the most common reason for spinal surgery in patients over 65 years. Lumbar spinal stenosis is a clinical syndrome of pain in the buttocks or lower extremities, with or without back pain. It is associated with reduced space available for the neural and vascular elements of the lumbar spine. The condition is often exacerbated by standing, walking, or lumbar extension and relieved by forward flexion, sitting, or recumbency. Clinical care and research into lumbar spinal stenosis is complicated by the heterogeneity of the condition, the lack of standard criteria for diagnosis and inclusion in studies, and high rates of anatomic stenosis on imaging studies in older people who are completely asymptomatic. The options for non-surgical management include drugs, physiotherapy, spinal injections, lifestyle modification, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation. However, few high quality randomized trials have looked at conservative management. A systematic review concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend any specific type of non-surgical treatment. Several different surgical procedures are used to treat patients who do not improve with non-operative therapies. Given that rapid deterioration is rare and that symptoms often wax and wane or gradually improve, surgery is almost always elective and considered only if sufficiently bothersome symptoms persist despite trials of less invasive interventions. Outcomes (leg pain and disability) seem to be better for surgery than for non-operative treatment, but the evidence is heterogeneous and often of limited quality.
Over the last ten years, the median age of the United States population has increased by 1.4 years, with more than two million additional people who are sixty-five years old or more91. As the population continues to age, more older people are maintaining an active lifestyle. Consequently, functional limitation and pain due to symptomatic degenerative disease of the spine is becoming more common. Lumbar spinal stenosis remains one of the most frequently encountered, clinically important degenerative spinal disorders in the aging population. Lumbar spinal stenosis is defined as a narrowing of the spinal canal that produces compression of the neural elements before their exit from the neural foramen3,84. The narrowing may be limited to a single motion segment (two adjacent vertebrae and the intervening intervertebral disc, facet joints, and supporting ligaments) or it may be more diffuse, spanning two motion segments or more. Lumbar spinal stenosis can be classified on the basis of either etiology or anatomy. The original etiological classification, described by Arnoldi et al., distinguishes congenital or developmental stenosis from acquired or degenerative spinal stenosis3. Congenital or developmental stenosis is due to either idiopathic narrowing of the spinal canal or developmental narrowing secondary to a bone dysplasia such as achondroplasia. Acquired or degenerative stenosis also may occur as a result of an underlying metabolic disorder such as Paget disease, a tumor, an infection, post-traumatic osteoarthrotic changes, or instability with spondylolisthesis following a previous operation. Anatomical classifications of lumbar spinal stenosis are used to identify specific areas of narrowing of the spinal canal and are particularly useful as guides for operative decompression. The anatomy of the spinal canal at each vertebral segment can be understood better by dividing the canal into a series of transverse regions (three levels from cephalad to …
To investigate the morphometric data of the lumbar spinous process dimensions in Chinese population. Forty-six adult subjects (22 males, 24 females, age range 26-45 years) were studied using the method of the three dimensional CT reconstruction in our hospital. The following parameters were measured: the distance between two adjacent spinous processes (DB), distance across the two adjacent spinous processes (DA), thickness of central of spinous processes (TC), thickness of the superior margin of spinous processes (TS), thickness of the inferior margin of spinous processes (TI), and height of spinous processes (H). Variance and correlation analysis were conducted for these data. Data met with normal distribution and homogeneity of variance. Similar variation trend of the parameters of lumbar spinous process for male and female was found. DB became shorter gradually from L1-2 to L4-5, and increased at the L5-S1. DA became larger from T12-L1 to L1-2 for male and L2-3 for female, and then became shorter from L1-2 for male and L2-3 for female, respectively. The largest H of male and female were both noted at L3. TS of the adjacent spinous processes were lower than that of TI for male and female. Statistical significance between male and female were found in H, TC, TS, TI (L1, L3 and L4), and DA (except for L4-5). Compared to male, the spinous processes of female were shorter, thinner and lower. These data may be useful for clinical application and the design of interspinous implant in Chinese population.
Despite interest in lumbar spinous process-based surgical innovation, there are no large published studies that have characterized morphometry of lumbar spinous processes. To provide accurate level-specific morphometric data with respect to human lumbar spinous processes using a human cadaveric lumbar spine model and to describe morphometric variation of lumbar spinous processes with respect to gender, race and age. Anatomic observational METHODS: This study utilized 2,955 cadaveric lumbar vertebrae from 591 adult spines at the Hamann-Todd Human Osteological Collection. Specimens were ages 20-79 years. Each vertebra was photographed in standardized positions and measured using ImageJ software. Direct measurements were made for spinous process (SP) length, width, height, slope and caudal morphology. Gender, race and age were recorded and analyzed. SP length was 24.8±4.6 mm (L5) to 33.9±3.9 mm (L3). Effective length varied from 19.5±2.6 mm (L1) to 24.6±3.3 mm (L4). Height was shortest at L5 (18.2±2.7 mm). Caudal width was greater than cranial width. Slope, caudal morphology and radius measures showed large inter-specimen variation. Slope at L5 was steeper than other levels (23.7±10.5 degrees, p<0.0001). Most specimens demonstrated convex caudal morphology. L4 had the highest proportion of convexity (80.7%). L1 was the only level with predominantly concave morphology. Measurements for female SPs were smaller, but slope was steeper. Anatomic and effective SP lengths were longer for specimens from white individuals. Specimens from black individuals had larger width and height, as well as steeper slope. Black specimens had more convex morphology at L4 and L5. With increasing age, SP length, effective length and width increased. Height increased with age only at L4 and L5. Slope and caudal radius of curvature decreased with age and increasingly convex morphology was noted at most levels. This large cadaveric study provides level-specific morphometric data regarding the osseous dimensions of lumbar spinous processes relevant to techniques and devices targeting lumbar spinous processes or the interspinous space. Of particular importance is the recognition that L5 has relatively different morphology when compared to more cranial levels. Potentially important differences were noted comparing female to male, black to white and aging populations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (Hong Kong) and Osteoporotic Fractures in Women (Hong Kong) represent the first large-scale prospective population-based studies on bone health in elderly (age ≥65 years) Chinese men (n = 2,000) and women (n = 2,000). We undertook the current study to investigate the prevalence of lumbar disc space narrowing in these subjects, and to identify the potential relationship between disc space narrowing and sex, bone mineral density (BMD), and other demographic and clinical data. Methods On lumbar lateral radiographs, L1/L2–L4/L5 disc space was classified into 4 categories: 0 = normal; 1 = mild narrowing; 2 = moderate narrowing; 3 = severe narrowing. We compared demographic and clinical data between subjects with and those without total disc space narrowing scores ≥3. ResultsDisc space narrowing was more common in elderly women than in elderly men. The mean ± SD disc space narrowing score for the 4 discs was 2.71 ± 2.21 for men and 3.08 ± 2.50 for women (P < 0.0001). For the 3 age groups of 65–69 years, 70–79 years, and ≥80 years, the average disc space narrowing score increased with increasing age in both men and women, and to a greater degree in women than in men. The average disc space narrowing score differences between women and men were 0.12, 0.40, and 0.90, respectively, in the 3 age groups. For both men and women, a disc space narrowing score ≥3 was associated with older age, higher spine and hip BMD, low back pain, and restricted leg mobility. Conclusion The prevalence and severity of disc space narrowing are higher in elderly women than in elderly men. With increasing age, disc space narrowing progresses at a greater rate in women than in men. A disc space narrowing score ≥3 is associated with higher spine and hip BMD.