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Superior Vena Cava Syndrome


Abstract and Figures

Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome comprises a constellation of clinical signs and symptoms caused by obstruction of blood flow through the SVC. The management of patients with life-threatening SVC syndrome is evolving from radiation therapy to endovascular therapy as the first-line treatment. There is a paucity of data and societal guidelines with regard to the management of SVC syndrome. This paper aims to update the practicing interventionalists with the contemporary and the evolving therapeutic approach to SVC syndrome. In addition, the review will focus on endovascular techniques, including catheter-directed thrombolysis, angioplasty, and stenting, and their associated complications.
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Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Abdul Hussain Azizi, MD,
Irfan Sha, MD,
Neal Shah, MD,
Kenneth Roseneld, MD,
Robert Schainfeld, DO,
Akhilesh Sista, MD,
Riyaz Bashir, MD
Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome comprises a constellation of clinical signs and symptoms caused by obstruction of
blood ow through the SVC. The management of patients with life-threatening SVC syndrome is evolving from radiation
therapy to endovascular therapy as the rst-line treatment. There is a paucity of data and societal guidelines with regard
to the management of SVC syndrome. This paper aims to update the practicing interventionalists with the contemporary
and the evolving therapeutic approach to SVC syndrome. In addition, the review will focus on endovascular techniques,
including catheter-directed thrombolysis, angioplasty, and stenting, and their associated complications.
(J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2020;13:2896910) © 2020 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is caused
by the severe obstruction or occlusion of the
SVC and can result in signicant morbidity
and mortality (13). Malignancy is the most common
cause of SVC obstruction, accounting for approxi-
mately 70% of cases. However, recently the inci-
dence of device related SVC syndrome from
central venous catheters and pacemaker or debril-
lator leads has been increasing (Table 1)(2,3). The
management of SVC syndrome is evolving. In the
past, radiation therapy (RT) was considered rst-
line treatment, particularly in patients with airway
obstruction. However, in recent years, endovascular
therapy (ET) is more frequently used rst, or in
combination with RT, to provide rapid relief of clin-
ical symptoms with reduced complications (2). This
paper aims to update the practicing interventional-
ists with the contemporary and the evolving thera-
peutic approach to SVC syndrome. In addition, the
review will focus on endovascular techniques,
including catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT),
angioplasty, and stenting, and their associated
The SVC is formed from the union of the right and left
brachiocephalic veins, which provide venous
drainage of the head, neck, and upper limbs. The
major tributary of the SVC is the azygos vein, which
courses along the right anterior borders of the
thoracic vertebrae to the level of the tracheal carina
and drains posteriorly into the SVC. Other small
mediastinal veins may also drain directly into the SVC
and become more prominent on imaging in the
presence of SVC obstruction (4).
Familiarity with the anatomical variants of the SVC
is essential for interventionalists, as these can have
implications for performance of endovascular revas-
cularization in some patients. Persistent left SVC is
the most common congenital anomaly, with preva-
lence of about 0.3% to 0.5% in general population
ISSN 1936-8798/$36.00
From the
Department of Internal Medicine, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
Department of In-
ternal Medicine, Detroit Medical Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA;
Department of Cardiovascular Diseases,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;
Department of Interventional Radiology, NYU Langone Health,
New York, New York, USA; and the
Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania, USA.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.
Manuscript received June 16, 2020; revised manuscript received July 30, 2020, accepted August 18, 2020.
and up to 5.2% in patients with congenital heart
disease (5). Persistent left SVC coexists with a right
SVC in up to 80% to 90% of cases (6). When a double
SVC is present, the right SVC drains into the right
atrium as usual, while the left SVC drains into the
coronary sinus. Isolated left SVC, which consists of
persistent left SVC with absent right SVC, drains into
the right atrium via an enlarged coronary sinus (7).
Historically, prior to the development of antibiotics,
SVC syndrome was predominantly attributed to
syphilitic aortic aneurysms and mediastinal aden-
opathy from tuberculosis (8). Currently, malignancy
accounts for approximately 70% of cases, with
benign causes including device-related SVC syn-
drome accounting for 30% (Table 1)(3). A small
number of benign nondevice-related SVC syn-
dromes exist, mainly caused by mediastinal brosis
(9). Patients with benign SVC syndrome are usually
younger and, as expected, have a longer life ex-
pectancy (10).
The incidence of device related SVC syndrome has
been increasing due to modern-day use of catheters,
pacemakers, and debrillators (11). In 1 study, 28% of
all SVC syndromes were related to devices (3). Clin-
ically silent venous thrombosis can occur in up to
30% of patients with pacer leads; however, SVC
obstruction is rare and seen in only 0.1% to 3.3% of
patients (11). Stenosis at the SVC-atrial junction oc-
curs due to brin deposition on the surface of the
pacing leads and incorporation into the intima fol-
lowed by vessel wall inammation, brosis,
thrombus formation, and stenosis (11,12). Chronic
mechanical irritation and foreign body reaction
are the primary driving mechanisms. Lead extraction
and subsequent reimplantation also causes
mechanical trauma as additional risk factors
for venous occlusion (12).
Clinical presentation varies depending on the
severity, location, and rapidity of onset of
obstruction and establishment of collateral
veins (Table 2). The most common present-
ing symptoms include facial and neck edema, dis-
tended neck and chest veins, watering eyes, and
dizziness particularly when leaning forward. Pa-
tients may also present with symptoms that are
neurological (headache, blurry vision, decreased
level of consciousness), laryngopharyngeal (tongue
swelling, dyspnea), upper extremities (edema), and
facial (conjunctival/periorbital edema) (8). Patients
also typically describe worsening of their symptoms
in the supine position. Rarely, proximal esophageal
varices may be seen (13).
Some patients with malignant SVC syndrome may
present with life-threatening symptoms of cerebral,
laryngeal, and pharyngeal edema due to sudden
elevation in venous pressures from rapidly occluding
SVC (1,8). SVC obstruction rarely causes hemody-
namic compromise unless there is compression of the
cardiac chamber from an underlying malignancy (2).
Acute mortality owing to SVC syndrome is uncommon
(0.3%) (14); however, the median life expectancy of
patients with SVC syndrome secondary to malignancy
is only 6 months (2).
The severity of SVC syndrome based on the clinical
presentation has been described by Yu et al. (15). The
scoring system proposed by these authors, with
ranges from grade 0 to grade 5, can be helpful in
the diagnostic approach and determination of treat-
ment (Table 3)(15). The Kishi score is another rating
system that was developed to assist in decision
making regarding stent therapy. It includes neuro-
logical, laryngeal, facial, and cardiovascular signs and
symptoms. According to this scale, a Kishi score
of 4 or more warrants endovascular intervention
(Supplemental Table 1)(16).
In SVC obstruction, the ow of blood is diverted to
the right atrium through a collateral venous network,
usual blood ow of the SVC. The severity of presen-
tation of SVC syndrome is inversely related to the
development of these collateral veins and the rapidity
SVC syndrome is caused by obstruction of
blood ow through the SVC and usually
secondary to malignancy; however,
recently, device-related SVC syndrome is
ET is emerging as the rst-line therapy
for the treatment of SVC syndrome.
Advances in dedicated venous and or
covered stent technology may lead to
further improvement in durability of
endovascular treatment.
CT =computed tomography
CDT =catheter-directed
ET =endovascular therapy
IVC =inferior vena cava
RT =radiation therapy
SVC =superior vena cava
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
with which SVC obstruction develops (1). SVC
obstruction typically causes the venous pressure to
rise as high as 20 to 40 mm Hg proximal to the
obstruction. This increased venous pressure produces
symptoms of facial, neck, and chest wall edema (1).
There are 4 main collateral pathways: 1) the azygous
venous system, which is the largest and consists of
azygos, hemiazygos, intercostal, and lumbar veins; 2)
the internal mammary pathway; 3) the lateral thoracic
pathway; and 4) the vertebral venous pathway
(Figure 1)(17).
Anatomic classication of SVC obstruction includes
3 levels of obstruction: obstruction of upper SVC
proximal to the azygos vein, obstruction at the level
of the azygos vein, and obstruction distal to the
azygos vein (Figure 2A). An obstruction cephalad to
the azygos vein causes the blood to return to right
atrium through the ayzgos system and intercostal
veins into the SVC (Figure 2B). In SVC obstruction at
the level of azygos, blood cannot re-enter the SVC
other collateral veins, leading into the inferior vena
cava (IVC) and from there into the right atrium
(Figure 2C). In SVC obstruction below the level of
azygos vein, blood will be redirected via a robust
azygos and hemi-azygos system in a retrograde
manner ultimately to the IVC, hence causing less se-
vere symptoms (Figure 2D)(18). However, in many
cases, the brachiocephalic veins (or portions thereof)
are also involved, such that the collateral veins
formed are multiple and may include any of the pre-
viously listed pathways (Figure 2A)(19).
various types of SVC obstructions. That stated, the
most widely used is the Stanford method, which
classies SVC obstruction by venography: type I is
partial obstruction of the supra-azygous SVC with
patent infra-azygos SVC and antegrade ow from the
azygos vein. Type II is near-complete obstruction
(>90%) of supra-azygos SVC with patent azygos vein
with antegrade ow. Type III is complete obstruction
of the SVC with patent and antegrade ow in azygos
vein. Last, type IV is complete obstruction of SVC and
1 or more of the major caval tributaries including the
azygos system (20). The Stanford method was devel-
oped to help identify patients at risk for airway or
cerebral compromise warranting surgical interven-
tion, thus not making it widely applicable in patients
with less severe symptoms.
None of the existing classication methods con-
siders both anatomic location and severity of
obstruction. To address this gap, we propose a clas-
sication system that is based on both location and
severity. When used in conjunction with clinical
symptoms, our system may be useful to guide overall
management and facilitate communication among
clinicians (Figure 3). The proposed classication can
be widely used by other researchers, clinicians and
interventionalists with the hope of validating the
association with various procedural and long-term
The diagnosis of SVC syndrome is based on the clin-
ical presentation and advanced imaging. Imaging
modalities include chest radiography, contrast-
enhanced computed tomography (CT) scanning,
duplex ultrasound, conventional catheter-based dig-
ital subtraction venography, and magnetic resonance
venography. Contrast-enhanced CT scanning pro-
vides optimal visualization of the SVC and can
localize the extent of venous blockage, differentiate
thrombosis from extrinsic compression, and identify
collateral pathways (21). CT ndings include lack of
opacication, presence of an intraluminal lling
defect or narrowing of the SVC, and visualization of
the collateral pathways. The presence of collateral
vessels on contrast-enhanced CT is a very accurate
predictor of clinically relevant and symptomatic SVC
syndrome, while delineation of SVC obstruction alone
is a less specic predictor. Of note, the collateral
TABLE 1 Etiologies of SVC Syndrome
Malignant Causes of SVC Syndrome (70%) Benign Causes of SVC Syndrome (w30%)
Nonsmallcelllungcancer(w50%) Central venous catheters, pacemakers, debrillator, indwelling
hemodialysis catheters (2530%)
Smallcelllungcancer(w25%) Other benign causes include radiation brosis, infection (syp hilis
and tuberculosismost common causes 50 years ago), idiopathic
mediastinal brosis, retrosternal thyroid, aortic aneurysm, benign
tumors, mediastinal hematoma, sarcoidosis, and iatrogenic causes
Lymphomas (w10%)
Other cancers including thymoma, primary germ cell neoplasms,
mesothelioma, and solid tumors with mediastinal lymph node
metastasis (e.g., breast cancer) (w15%)
Sources: Friedman et al. (1), Rice et al. (3).
SVC ¼superior vena cava.
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
venous system persists on imaging after endovascular
intervention, even when clinical symptoms improve
Duplex ultrasound of the upper extremities is
useful for evaluating for thrombus in the jugular,
subclavian, and the axillary veins. It is also helpful in
identifying indwelling device-associated thrombi and
for identifying the upper extremity access site for
venography and endovascular intervention. Howev-
er, direct visualization of the SVC and brachiocephalic
veins is challenging, owing to overlying ribs and lung
shadows (21). Digital subtraction venography is the
gold standard for evaluation of SVC obstruction,
including the presence of thrombus. Venography
identies collateral venous pathways and denes the
severity of obstruction, and enables the inter-
ventionalist to develop a strategy for denitive
revascularization. Intravenous access enables
assessment of the hemodynamic signicance of the
blockage, as well as the presence of any congenital
anomalies. The limitation of invasive venography is
the inability, even when combined with intravas-
cular ultrasound, to evaluate the speciccauseof
extrinsic SVC compression (23). Magnetic resonance
venography is an alternative approach in patients
who demonstrate contrast dye allergy, or in cases
where venous access cannot be obtained. Magnetic
resonance venography is equally sensitive and spe-
cic, when compared with conventional venography,
in identifying SVC obstruction (21,24).
The treatment approach in patients with SVC syn-
drome should be multidisciplinary and may include
oncology, pulmonology, radiology, surgery, and
vascular and endovascular specialists. Treatment
options can include chemotherapy with or without
RT, surgical bypass, or ET such as angioplasty,
stenting, and catheter-based thrombus removal
(Central Illustration). For advantages and disadvan-
tages of different treatment modalities, see
Supplemental Table 2.
Initial management for all patients with SVC syn-
drome includes elevation of the head of the bed to
decrease the hydrostatic pressure in the head and
neck. The management of SVC syndrome related to
malignancy is centered on immediate relief of symp-
toms,aswellasspecic treatment of the underlying
cancer. In life-threatening situations, initial stabili-
zation with ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) is
quickly followed by endovascular recanalization with
or without stenting to quickly address the obstruction
and provide relief of symptoms (25). Parenteral glu-
cocorticoids and loop diuretic agents are commonly
used medications in SVC syndrome, but data are
lacking regarding their efcacy (8). Steroids are often
used as prophylaxis against radiation-induced edema
and are also used in patients with airway compromise
(26). If steroids are used, they should be of high po-
tency and duration should be limited (27).
Management is guided by the severity of the
symptoms and identication of the underlying ma-
lignancy. A histologic diagnosis is critical to provide a
comprehensive tumor- and stage-specictreatment
plan. Depending on the underlying etiology, some
patients can achieve long-term relapse-free survival
and cure.
RADIATION THERAPY. Traditionally, SVC syndrome
had been viewed as a relative emergency and RT was
considered as the rst-line treatment. Urgent initia-
tion of RT was believed to be the fastest way to
relieve the obstruction in patients with life-
threatening symptoms. Recently, RT has been less
frequently used because of the following reasons:
histologic diagnosis after RT is impossible in
approximately 40% of cases. RT leads to symptomatic
relief in about 80% of patients; however, it can take
TABLE 2 Signs and Symptoms of SVC Syndrome
Signs and Symptoms Incidence (%)
Facial edema 60100
Nonpulsatile distended neck veins 2786
Distended chest veins 3867
Dyspnea and cough 2370
Arm edema 1475
Hoarseness and/or stridor 020
Syncope and/or headache 613
Confusion, obtundation 05
Signs and symptoms are presented in order of most common to least common.
Adapted from Wilson et al. (2).
SVC ¼superior vena cava.
TABLE 3 Grading of SVC Syndrome per Yu et al. (15)
Grade Finding(s)
0 Asymptomatic: SVC on imaging without symptoms
1 Mild: edema of head or neck
2 Moderate: edema in head or neck with functional impairment
3 Severe: mild or moderate cerebral edema/laryngeal edema, or
diminished cardiac reserve
4 Life-threatening: signicant cerebral edema, laryngeal edema,
hemodynamic compromise
5 Fatal: death
SVC ¼superior vena cava.
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
as long as 3 days to 4 weeks for the improvement.
Furthermore, up to 20% of patients do not achieve
symptomatic relief. RT reduces tumor burden, but the
benets are often temporary with 5% to 30% of pa-
tients experiencing recurrence of SVC syndrome
(27,28). In contrast, endovascular stenting results in
more rapid relief of symptoms (29,30).
SURGICAL INTERVENTION. Open surgical interven-
tion, such as bypass grafting and SVC reconstruction,
is reserved for cases of extensive venous thrombosis
or occlusion that are highly symptomatic and not
amenable to endovascular intervention. Open surgi-
cal bypass was once considered a mainstay of treat-
ment for SVC syndrome in patients with a benign
etiology, particularly in those with long life expec-
tancy. The surgical bypass is usually performed from
the innominate or the jugular vein to the right atrial
appendage or the SVC using a spiral saphenous vein
graft (10). Nearly one-half of surgical bypasses
FIGURE 1 Four Main Collateral Pathways UtilizedinSVCObstruction
The azygos system (pink) consists of the azygos, hemiazygos, intercostal, and lumbar veins. Of note, superior vena cava (SVC) obstruction
from infra-azygous occlusion utilizes this pathway, leading to milder symptoms. The internal mammary pathway (blue) consists of internal
thoracic, superior and inferior epigastric, and supercial thoracic veins (not labeled). The lateral thoracic pathway (not labeled) consists of
small veins mainly including the lateral thoracic, thoracoepigastric, supercial circumex, and femoral veins. The vertebral pathway (purple)
collateralizes to the azygos and internal mammary pathways through the vertebral, intercostal, and lumbar veins. IVC ¼inferior vena cava.
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
FIGURE 2 Anatomic Classication of SVC Obstruction
(A) Obstruction of SVC involving the left and right brachiocephalic veins: collateral veins formed can be multiple and may include any of the
described pathways. (B) Obstruction of the SVC proximal to azygos entry point (supra-azygos): blood ow is directed to the azygos through
the right superior intercostal vein. (C) Obstruction of SVC at level of azygos: the azygos venous system cannot be used as a collateral pathway;
other chest wall collateral veins such as superior epigastric and internal mammary veins are formed, and symptoms are usually more severe.
(D) Obstruction of SVC distal to azygos entry point (infra-azygos): retrograde blood ow utilizes the azygos and hemiazygos veins to the IVC
leading to milder symptoms. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
ultimately require endovascular intervention to
maintain secondary patency (10).
ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY. Over the last 2 decades,
endovascular intervention with stenting has become
the standard of care for SVC obstruction, for both
benign and malignant etiologies. The benets of ET
include rapid resolution of symptoms with high
technical success rate and low procedural complica-
tions (Supplemental Figure 1). Additionally, ET does
not adversely affect the outcomes of open surgical
bypass, should patients subsequently need it (10). ET
does not affect the subsequent histologic diagnosis
and can be combined with other treatment modal-
ities including chemotherapy and radiation, if
needed (25).
In the contemporary era, ET is used as the rst-line
particularly those presenting with life-threatening
symptoms such as cerebral or laryngeal edema or
postural syncope. Although there are no prospective
randomized studies of ET in treatment of SVC syn-
drome, observational data suggest a robust technical
success rate of 80% to 98%, with symptomatic relief
in >90% of patients. The results also appear to be
durable with a restenosis rate of 4.3% to 29.5%
(average 11.9%) and recurrence rate of 1.2% to 20.5%
(average 10.5%) (Table 4)(25,3142).
Optimal treatment of pacemaker- or debrillator-
related SVC syndrome is not well dened, as there is
very little evidence to help guide clinicians. The
FIGURE 3 Proposed Classication of SVC Obstruction Based on Location and Severity
Proposed classication system that considers anatomic location and severity of SVC obstruction. When used in conjunction with clinical
symptoms, it may be used to guide management and facilitate communication among clinicians. SVC ¼superior vena cava.
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
presence of leads limits the possible therapeutic ap-
proaches, especially stent deployment. Balloon an-
gioplasty alone has been used to address venous
stenosis from a pacemaker lead; in 1 study, patency
after intervention was noted to be 86% after
12 months (43). In cases in which stenting may be
required to maintain patency, the leads should be
removal prior to stent deployment in order to avoid
entrapment. The incidence of SVC syndrome after
pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-debrillator
lead placement is a very rare adverse event, and
routine anticoagulation as a preventive measure is
not recommended even in high-risk patients, as the
risks of bleeding outweighs the benets.
of SVC obstruction, there is superimposed throm-
bosis, likely related to stagnation of ow, a hyperco-
agulable state from underlying malignancy, or the
presence of indwelling catheters (Figure 4). In such
patients, the presentation is often acute and during
intervention, the guidewire easily traverses the
occluded segment. Thrombus removal with CDT or
aspiration thrombectomy is recommended prior to
revascularization, in order to prevent pulmonary
embolism and reduce the length of lesion to be
treated (44). Thrombolysis or thrombectomy should
be initiated within 2 to 5 days of symptom onset for
treatment to be effective. After several days, the
ability to achieve successful clot lysis drops signi-
cantly as the thrombus becomes organized (45). CDT
both with and without cancer (40). If patients are at
elevated risk of bleeding and have an absolute
contraindication to thrombolytic agents, then me-
chanical thrombectomy may be preferred (46).
Most of these procedures are performed in a supine
position in the endovascular suite with local anes-
thesia and conscious sedation. Some patients may
need to have the head elevated or need general
anesthesia with mechanical ventilation depending on
if symptoms worsen by lying at or the presence of
airway edema, respectively (44,47). During angio-
plasty/stenting, additional opiate medications may be
needed, as dilation of the stricture may cause
discomfort (48,49).
Venous access is typically obtained under ultra-
sound guidance. The site and extent of the occlu-
sion will guide the access site selection. In patients
with nonocclusive lesions, a single access site is
often sufcient, although dual access can provide
more options for imaging and better support for
device delivery. Many operators prefer the femoral
approach for convenience (49). In patients with total
SVC occlusion, additional access is advised, for
successful recanalization. Imaging directly from
previous allows for better assessment of lesion
length and facilitates crossing the lesion with the
guidewire (44). Options for access cephalad to the
SVC include the basilic, brachial, axillary, or internal
jugular veins. In patients with SVC stenosis or
TABLE 4 Detailed Characteristics of Studies Reporting Outcomes of SVC Syndrome After Endovascular Stent Placement
FirstAuthor(Ref.#) StentUsed n
Success (%) Restenosis
Recurrence of
SVC Syndrome
Kee et al. (31) Palmaz; Wallstent; Gianturco Z-stent 59 95 5 (8.5) 2 (3.3)
Fagedet et al. (32) Wallstent; Memotherm; SMART 163 84 16 (9.8) 32 (19.6)
de Gregoria Ariza et al. (33) Wallstent; Palmaz 82 100 7 (8.5) 1 (1.2)
Nagata et al. (34) Wallstent 71 100 8 (11.3) 8 (11.3)
Lanciego et al. (25) Wallstent 149 100 20 (13.4) 20 (13.4)
Dinkel et al. (35) Wallstent 84 99 19 (22.6) 8 (9.5)
Urruticoechea et al. (36) Wallstent; Memotherm 52 100 9 (17.3) 5 (9.6)
Nicholson et al. (37) Wallstent 76 100 9 (11.8) 9 (11.8)
Barshes et al. (38) Wallstent; Palmaz 56 100 4 (7.1) 6 (10.7)
Breault et al. (39) Wallstent 44 98 13 (29.5) 9 (20.5)
Maleux et al. (40) Zilver 78 99 8 (10.3) 8 (10.3)
Mokry et al. (41) Sinus XL stent 23 97 1 (4.3) 1 (4.3)
Gwon et al. (42) Covered ePTFE vs. uncovered 73 99 12 (16.4) 12 (16.4)
Total 1,010 98.6 131 (11.9) 121 (10.5)
Values are n (%), unless otherwise indicated.
ePTFE ¼expanded polytetrauoroethylene; SVC ¼superior vena cava.
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
occlusion with extension into the brachiocephalic or
subclavian vein, access from the ipsilateral brachial
or basilic vein facilitates successful traversal of the
lesion. Venography enhanced with digital subtrac-
tion, along with a breath-hold, provides
optimal visualization. In patients with total occlu-
sion, contrast administration in both arms may be
necessary, in order to identify direction of
ow, collateral veins, and presence of thrombus
formed from either upper extremity or lower ex-
tremity. The thrombotic occlusion is typically crossed
with a 0.035-inch hydrophilic guidewire supported
by a 4-F or 5-F diagnostic catheter; smaller caliber
guidewires can also be useful, depending upon the
individual anatomy. Once traversed, a venogram is
obtained to conrm intraluminal position distal to
the occlusion. A thrombolytic infusion catheter with
infusion length tailored to the occlusion span (usu-
ally between 12 cm and 30 cm) is then placed within
the thrombus and CDT initiated using well-
established thrombolytic agents (e.g., tissue plas-
minogen activator at a typical rate of 0.01 mg/kg/h
over 12 to 24 h; TNK and Retevase as alternatives are
also available). The patient is closely monitored,
and repeat venography is performed to assess for
residual thrombus, which can be treated with
FIGURE 4 Superior Vena Cava Obstruction From Catheter-Related Thrombosis
(A) A 29-year-old with congenital heart block status post permanent pacemaker presented with superior vena cava obstruction; coronal
computed tomography of the prominent azygos vein (red arrow) with right-sided collateral veins. (B) Sagittal view of prominent azogyos vein
with venous collaterals (red arrows).(C) Three-dimensional reconstructed images highlighting the azygos vein with various collateral veins.
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
additional mechanical thrombectomy. This is fol-
stenosis. Most patients with thrombotic occlusion are
initiated on systemic anticoagulation after revascu-
larization (50).
Once the optimal imaging angles and length of oc-
clusion is dened, then a guidewire is used to cross
the lesion. Judicious use of multiple access sites
allows the operator to direct the guidewire with
greater accuracy. Multiple different guidewires and
techniques can be employed. Many operators will
rst attempt crossing with a hydrophilic wire (e.g.,
glide wire, angled or straight, stiff, or oppy), sup-
ported by diagnostic catheter. If the lesion cannot be
crossed easily, more aggressive (e.g., total occlusion-
type) guidewires and crossing devices can be uti-
lized. Mechanical devices (e.g., Frontrunner [Cordis,
CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION Proposed Management Algorithm of SVC Syndrome Based on Severity
of Symptoms and Common Etiologies
Azizi, A.H. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2020;13(24):2896910.
ABCs ¼airway, breathing, and circulation; BCV¼brachiocephalic vein; CXR ¼chest x-ray; CDT ¼catheter-directed thrombolysis;
ET ¼endovascular therapy; RT ¼radiation therapy; SCLC ¼small cell lung cancer; SVC ¼superior vena cava.
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
irradiation, or sharp recanalization with hydrophilic
wires can sometimes be utilized to initiate a track;
caution, as rupture or perforation of the SVC is a
catastrophic complication (see the following). Once
the lesion is crossed successfully, pre-dilation with an
undersized balloon (2 to 4 mm) of the stenosis is
recommended. This is followed with sequential dila-
tion with increasing balloon diameters, assessing the
response of the vessel and the clinical reaction of the
patient (e.g., pain) with each dilation. Pre-dilation
facilitates stent deployment and expansion, but
oversizing the balloons to >16 mm has been associ-
ated with increased risk of SVC rupture, dysrhyth-
mias, pericardial tamponade, or cardiac arrest (32,49).
gioplasty alone, without adjunct treatment, can pro-
duce rapid restoration of ow and relief of symptoms;
however, signicant recoil and early restenosis and
reocclusion are common, owing to extrinsic
compression and the broelastic nature of the peri-
vascular tissue. Accordingly, contemporary recanali-
zation of SVC occlusion includes stent placement in a
majority of cases (50).Thechoiceofstentdependson
many factors including severity, length, and tortu-
osity of the SVC obstruction, and resistance to dila-
tion (Table 5)(51).
Pre-operative data from CT can be very useful to
choose the size and length of stents (1,35). Stent op-
tions include balloon expandable versus self-
expanding stents, and noncovered versus covered
stents. The most commonly used stents are the
balloon expandable stents (e.g., Palmaz stent [Cor-
dis]), self-expanding Wallstents (Boston Scientic,
Natick, Massachusetts) and Gianturco Z-stent (Cook
Medical, Bloomington, Indiana). Balloon-expandable
stents enable precise placement with reduced the
incidence of migration in addition to higher radial
TABLE 5 Venous Stents, Types, Descriptions, Benets, and Drawbacks
Type of Stent Description Benets Drawbacks
Elgiloy braided construction self-expanding
Available in large diameters
Well studied and widely used
Provides stent exibility and efcacious in long
Flexible and undergoes shortening after
deployment leading to decreased deployment
Prone to migration
Poor radial strength
Palmaz stent Balloon-expandable stent High radial force useful in lesions with recoil
Allows staged dilatation of stenosis to larger
Lower propensity for stent migration
Relatively incompressible, which can lead to stent
fracture and reocclusion
Gianturco Z-stent 2530 mm in diameter Preferable for isolated SVC stenosis
Small circumferential hooks prevent migration
Allows precise positioning
Rigid, making placement into tortuous vessels
Open-cell design and low contact with vessel wall
may not inhibit tumor ingrowth as effectively as
other stents do
Given diameter, requires wide bore sheath (up to
16-F) to deploy
Zilver Vena venous
Open-cell design
Available in 1416 mm diameters and 60
140 mm lengths
Created for venous system
Offers exibility and minimal foreshortening
Limited data
Venovo stent Open-cell design
8-F to 10-F platform and comes in 1020 mm
diameters and 40160 mm lengths
Created for venous system
Evidence has shown high patency rates in
iliofemoral venous obstruction
Has not been widely used for SVC syndrome and
data lacking
VICI stent Available in 1216 mm diameters and 60
140 mm lengths
Very good radial force Limited data
Viatorr stent Endoprosthesis designed for TIPS to treat
portal hypertension
Longest stent is 10 cm
Combination of bare stent and covered stent
Conformable to tortuous anatomy
Not widely used in SVC syndrome
Long-term patency of bare section of stent outside
of TIPS has not been studied
Viabahn VBX stent-
Balloon-expandable covered endoprosthesis
Composed of independent
316 L stainless steel ring elements that are
connected via a heparinized uoropolymer
graft material
Minimum slippage
Only covered stent lacking longitudinal struts for
ring linkage allowing maximal exibility while
maintaining excellent radial strength
Food and Drug Administration approved for iliac
artery stenosis
Limited data for SVC syndrome
Sources: Shamimi-Noori and Clark TWI (52), Ganeshan et al. (49).
SVC ¼superior vena cava; TIPS ¼transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
force to overcome recoil. Self-expandable stents
conform better to the vessel wall of the vein and are
resistant to two-point compression.This allows for
volume changes in the patientsthoracicspaceand
vessel diameter caused by respirations (52). To
ensure lesion coverage, use of longer self-expanding
stents is often required, which can lead to jailing of
the contralateral brachiocephalic vein (53). Many
operators currently prefer to use covered stents, such
as the Gore Viabahn (Gore, Newark, Delaware) and
iCast (Atrium, Dallas, Texas), based on reports of
better 12-month patency as compared with uncov-
ered stents. (54). Covered stents can prevent cata-
strophic extravasation in the event of SVC disruption
or frank rupture; however, care should be exercised
to avoid excluding collateral veins when using
covered stents. To date, a difference in clinical suc-
cess rates and overall patient mortality has not yet
been demonstrated between various types of stents
The Food and Drug Administration recently
approved dedicated venous stents (Venovo [Bard,
Minneapolis, Minnesota] and Vici [Boston Scientic]).
The VIRTUS (Safety and Efcacy of the Veniti
ViciVenous Stent System when Used to Treat Clin-
ically Signicant Chronic Non-malignant Obstruction
of the Iliofemoral Venous Segment) and VERNAC-
ULAR (The BARDVENOVO Venous Stent Study A
Prospective, Non-Randomized, Multi-Center, Single-
Arm Study of the Treatment of Iliofemoral Occlusive
Disease an Assessment for Effectiveness and Safety)
trials showed excellent patency rates of these dedi-
cated venous stents in iliofemoral venous obstruction
(56,57). Data regarding the use of these new stents in
SVC syndrome are not yet available. Finally, use of a
hybrid stent-graft with a covered central portion and
uncovered ends, designed for transjugular intra-
hepatic portosystemic shunt placement (Viatorr
stent-graft [Gore, Flagstaff, Arizona]) has been used
successfully for SVC syndrome (58).
VEINS. When SVC obstruction occurs with bilateral
brachiocephalic vein involvement, relieving the
obstruction in 1 of the occluded brachiocephalic veins
often sufces for symptom resolution. Dinkel et al.
(35) showed that recanalization and stenting of 1
instead of both brachiocephalic veins was associated
with lower rates of complications and stent throm-
bosis. Most operators avoid bilateral kissing stenting
if the SVC diameter is <15 mm.
Under certain circumstances, such as when the
occlusion involves the conuence of the brachioce-
phalic veins, reconstruction of the SVC bifurcation
may be appropriate. Typically, this reconstruction is
performed using kissing stents,also known as the
double barrelapproach, by extending stents from
the SVC into the right and left brachiocephalic veins.
Depending on the individual anatomy, the pant legs
approachmay be warranted, in which a separate
stent is deployed in the SVC proper, prior to placing
the 2 kissing stents into each of the brachiocephalic
branches. The benet of having an SVC scaffold into
which the brachiocephalic stents feed may be a more
stable and durable reconstruction, although data are
not available yet to support this. During reconstruc-
tion of the SVC bifurcation, if self-expanding stents
are utilized as the limbs extending from the SVC into
the brachiocephalic veins, deployment of balloon-
expandable stents inside the self-expanding devices
can be performed to enhance the radial strength,
provide additional coverage, and ensure maximum
lumen area. To date, this has been done most
commonly with Palmaz stents within Wallstents, but
double-thickness stenting may also be performed
with newer devices. From a clinical perspective,
reconstruction of the SVC bifurcation with the
double-barrel approach creates natural bilateral con-
duits for future hardware, including catheters and
pacemakers or debrillator leads.
Less commonly used is the Y approach,in
which one stent is passed through the wall of
another stent, then deployed to form a Y shape
(59,60). In contrast to the parallel method, the Y
method has lesser chances of stent migration and
creates a single, larger lumen in the SVC, which may
decrease the incidence of subsequent occlusions.
However, there is potential liability of passing one
stent through the wall of another, which can weaken
the integrity of the stent itself, leading to fracture
and dislocation (59).
REVASCULARIZAT ION. Data guiding decision making
regarding intraprocedural and post-revascularization
pharmacologic therapy are also lacking, and practices
vary. In general, anticoagulation should be held, or the
patient bridged,immediately prior to the procedure.
Initial bolus with low-dose heparin may be prudent
lesion is crossed, and intraluminal positioning is
istered to achieve a therapeutic activated clotting
time (ACT). A brief period of triple therapy (anti-
coagulation, low-dose aspirin, and a thienopyridine)
may be considered in patients with thrombotic occlu-
sion if they are not too high a bleeding risk. In patients
with nonthrombotic obstruction, dual antiplatelet
DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910 SVC Syndrome
therapy with aspirin and a thienopyridine is
commonly administered for a month or longer,
although the evidence supporting this is lacking
to date.
COMPLICATIONS OF ET. Complications associated
with SVC revascularization are acceptably low and are
mitigated by operator experience and caution. Minor
complications are very infrequent and include he-
matoma and local infection at the puncture site
(3.2%). Major complications include pericardial tam-
ponade, SVC rupture, stent migration, in-stent
restenosis, pulmonary edema, major bleeding, pul-
monary embolism, and cardiac injury; these can be
catastrophic, even fatal. The cumulative incidence of
these complications is <8% (44). In patients with
malignant SVC syndrome, stent placement carries a
procedural mortality rate of 2% (55).
Pericardial tamponade is arare(0.1%to1.8%)but
dreaded and potentially fatal complication, particu-
larly when balloon sizes <16 mm are used (44). Pa-
tients who have undergone recent radiation may have
an increased risk of SVC rupture and extra caution
should be taken in these patients (1). Facilities offer-
ing this intervention should have availability of
emergency pericardiocentesis equipment and
personnel (23,61).
SVC rupture or extravasation outside the pericar-
dium can be equally catastrophic, resulting in blood
loss into the chest cavity or chest wall with precipi-
tous hypotension, pulmonary compromise, and
death. Interventionalists and staff must be prepared
to respond. Maintaining wire position across the
interventional site is critical, in order to deliver bal-
loons to immediately tamponade the site of disrup-
tion and curtail the blood loss. Emergency surgical
backup should be summoned. Covered stents or
stent-grafts can be used to repairor close the site of
Stent migration can occur as a result of stent
shortening, or if the stent is undersized and can be
managed with endovascular techniques such as
directly snaring the stent or balloon-guidewire
assisted snaring (44). SVC stent occlusion is a
delayed complication and in patients with malig-
nancy is due to inward growth of tumor or extrinsic
compression from the mass. Alternatively, reocclu-
sion can be caused by intimal hyperplasia or
thrombus formation (23). Repeat stenting can often
be effective in treating restenosis and even reoc-
clusion (32). Pulmonary edema is rare and caused by
a precipitous increase in venous return after a
stenting. Patients with underlying poor cardiac
reserve are more susceptible and should be treated
with diuretic agents (44,62). The post-procedure
surveillance includes a close clinical follow-up usu-
ally every 3 months and a repeat venography if
symptoms recur. Patients are advised to call imme-
diately if symptoms recur (23).
The management of SVC syndrome has evolved over
the last 3 decades as interventional techniques have
progressed. Nevertheless, there is paucity of robust
data and a lack of formal societal guidelines or expert
consensus available for clinicians treating patients
with SVC obstruction. Standardized methods are
needed to categorize SVC syndrome, grade the
severity, and guide therapy. The availability of dedi-
cated venous and covered stents provides more op-
tions for treating these patients; the role of these new
devices should be claried with more experience and
The optimal anticoagulation and antiplatelet regi-
mens for patients with SVC syndrome deserves
more attention and will only be established with more
data collection. Currently, for cases of SVC obstruc-
tion with signicant thrombosis, systemic anti-
coagulation is the standard of care, both before and
after revascularization. However, in the absence of
notable thrombosis, the utility of long-term anti-
coagulation or antithrombotic therapy has not been
well established. Some have opined that systemic
anticoagulation can decrease the supposed risk of
in-stent thrombosis (34,35) while others have pro-
posed that antiplatelet therapy alone is sufcient and
appropriate (25).
SVC syndrome affects a small proportion of patients,
but its effects can be devastating. Malignancy re-
mains the commonest cause of SVC obstruction,
although there is an increased incidence of nonma-
lignant SVC syndrome in recent years because of the
proliferation of devices and catheter placement.
First-line treatment of SVC syndrome has evolved
from RT to ET. While treatment options have
expanded and new modalities and devices potentially
offer more safe and durable solutions, there is a need
for standardization of treatment strategies. In the
current paper, we propose a classication system that
integrates severity of symptoms and location of
obstruction to guide subsequent management. Use of
this novel paradigm will enable consistency in
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
reporting and development of an expanded evidence
base regarding management of SVC obstruction.
Dr. Roseneld has served as a consultant for Abbott, Access Vascular,
Accolade, Capture Vascular, Endospan, Magneto, Micell, Shockwave,
Silk Road, Surmodics, Thrombolex, and Valcare; owns equity interest
in Access Vascular, Contego, Embolitech, Eximo, MD Insider, Jana-
care, PQ Bypass, and Primacea; and has received research or
fellowship support from National Institutes of Health. Dr. Bashir
owns equity interest in Thrombolex Inc. All other authors have re-
ported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this
paper to disclose.
Temple University Hospital, Division of Cardiovas-
cular Diseases, 3401 North Broad Street (9PP), Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania 19140, USA. E-mail: riyaz.
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KEY WORDS catheter-directed
thrombolysis, endovascular therapy,
APPENDIX For a supplemental gure and
tables, please see the online version of this
SVC Syndrome DECEMBER 28, 2020:2896910
... The SVC is a thin-walled, low-pressure system that can be compressed intrinsically and extrinsically in the middle or anterior mediastinum. Although the most common cause used to be infectious, such as syphilitic aortic aneurysm and tuberculosis, malignancy is now responsible for more than 90% of cases [2]. The most common malignancy is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (50%), followed by small cell lung cancer (SCLC) (25%) and lymphomas (10%). ...
... While malignancy is the most common cause, it is important to note that with more therapies requiring catheters ending in the right atrium, the incidence of nonmalignant causes is rising [4,5]. When obtaining a history from patients with common symptoms, screening for a history of malignancy and intravascular procedures is crucial [2]. Patients present with progressive symptoms, usually over several weeks, such as facial swelling, upper extremity swelling, distended neck veins, dyspnea, cough, and headaches [2,4,6]. ...
... When obtaining a history from patients with common symptoms, screening for a history of malignancy and intravascular procedures is crucial [2]. Patients present with progressive symptoms, usually over several weeks, such as facial swelling, upper extremity swelling, distended neck veins, dyspnea, cough, and headaches [2,4,6]. In severe cases, confusion, visual changes, syncope, and coma can occur [4]. ...
... Commonly SVC syndrome can initially present as an extrinsic compression secondary to an undiagnosed tumor in up to 70% of cases. Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) account for around 50% of the cases, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is around 25%, and around 10% are due to lymphomas [4]. Following those imaging modalities and biopsies, treatment approaches are multidisciplinary in this setting. ...
Full-text available
Key Clinical Message This case image describes the complex proposed etiologies of a case of superior vena cava syndrome. Hence, different diagnostic and therapeutic modalities are needed in a multidisciplinary team approach.
Innovations in oncology have expanded treatment eligibility, leading to a rise in cancer patients requiring critical care. This necessitates that all critical care clinicians possess a fundamental knowledge of prevalent oncological conditions and identify emergent scenarios requiring immediate action. This article will explore key oncological complications and their management approaches.
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A 77-year-old female patient with multiple pacemaker leads experienced hypotension and syncope during right heart catheterization. Imaging studies revealed a stenotic inferior vena cava with superior vena cava obstruction and well-developed retrograde collateral vessels, suggesting that balloon obstruction of the sole venous return site caused low cardiac output leading to syncope.
Purpose Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is a constellation of symptoms that results from partial or complete SVC obstruction. Endovascular SVC stenting is an effective treatment for SVC syndrome with rapid clinical efficacy and low risk of complications. In this study, we assess the technical and clinical outcomes of a cohort of patients with SVC syndrome treated with the Abre TM self-expanding venous stent (Medtronic, Inc, Minneapolis, MN, USA). Methods An institutional database was used to retrospectively identify patients with SVC syndrome treated with Abre TM venous self-expanding stent placement between 2021-2023. Patient demographic data, technical outcomes, treatment effectiveness, and adverse events were obtained from the electronic medical record. Nineteen patients (mean age 58.6) were included in the study. Thirteen interventions were performed for malignant compression of the SVC, 5 for central venous catheter-related SVC stenosis, and 1 for HD fistula-related SVC stenosis refractory to angioplasty. Results Primary patency was achieved in 93% of patients (17/19). Two patients (7%) required re-intervention with thrombolysis and angioplasty within 30 days post-stenting. Mean duration of clinical and imaging follow-up were 228.7 ± 52.7 and 258.7 ± 62.1 days, respectively. All patients with clinical follow-up experienced significant improvement in clinical symptoms post-intervention. No stent related complications were identified post-intervention. Conclusions Treatment of SVC syndrome with the Abre TM self-expanding venous stent has high rates of technical and clinical success. No complications related to stent placement were identified in this study.
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In the healthy patient, blood returns to the heart via classic venous pathways. Obstruction of any one of these pathways will result in blood flow finding new collateral pathways to return to the heart. Although significant anatomic variation exists and multiple collateral vessels are often present in the same patient, it is a general rule that the collateral pathways formed are a function of the site of venous blockage. Therefore, knowledge of typical collateral vessel systems can provide insight in localizing venous obstruction and characterizing its severity and chronicity. In addition, knowledge of collateral anatomy can be essential in interventional procedural and/or surgical planning, especially when placing catheters in patients with venous blockage. In this pictorial review, we provide a systematic approach to understanding collateral pathways in patients with venous obstruction in the upper body.
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Two Year Outcome After Chronic Iliac Vein Occlusion Recanalisation Usingthe Vici Venous Stent Stephen Blacka,*, Adam Gwozdza, Narayan Karunanithyb, Justinas Silickasa, Karen Breenc, Beverley Huntc,Alberto Smitha, Ander Cohenc, Prakash SahaaaAcademic Department of Vascular Surgery, Guy’s and St. Thomas’NHS Trust, King’s College London, London, UKbDepartment of Interventional Radiology, Guy’s and St. Thomas’NHS Trust, London, UKcThrombosis and Haemophilia Centre, Guy’s and St. Thomas’NHS Trust, London, UK WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS This is thefirst report of two year outcomes with a new dedicated venous stent: the closed cell designed ViciVenous StentÒ. The stents were placed in patients with chronic post-thrombotic iliofemoral occlusion, withfrequent stent placement beneath the inguinal ligament. Good secondary patency rates were observed over a 24 month follow up, although a more formal assessment to grade venous inflow may improve stenting out-comes in this region. While reduction in severity of post-thrombotic syndrome was most marked in thefirst sixmonths after stenting, sustained clinical benefit was observed over 24 months. No significant differences werefound in clinical and stent outcomes in patients with stenting terminating above or below the inguinal ligament,suggesting that stenting across the inguinal ligament is not a significant factor in patency and clinical outcomes. Objective/background:The aim was to assess two year outcomes with placement of the Vici Venous StentÒinpatients with chronic iliofemoral venous occlusions (complete blockage).Methods:This was a retrospective single centre study comprising patients treated with the Vici Venous Stent forvenographically verified iliofemoral venous occlusion and post-thrombotic syndrome (Villalta score�5 points) atleast 12 months after acute deep vein thrombosis. Venography and intravascular ultrasound were used peri-operatively; duplex ultrasound was used to assess stent patency during follow up. Results: Eighty-eight patients (101 limbs) had stent placement between March 2014 and October 2016. Median pre-treatment Villalta score was 14 (range 5e33). Stenting extended across the inguinal ligament in 63 limbs(62%) in order to land in a healthy venous segment. Six patients (7%) required endophlebectomy andfistulacreation. Median imaging follow up was 21 months (range 0e41 months). Primary, assisted primary andsecondary patency rates at one year were 59%, 78%, and 87%, respectively, and two years 51%, 73%, and 82%,respectively. Forty-three limbs (43%) had re-intervention (lysis, venoplasty, and/or placement of stent) duringfollow up; median time to re-intervention was 32 days (range 0e520 days). At 24 months, 37 of 53 limbs (70%)with available Villalta assessment showed clinically significant improvement (>30% reduction of baseline score).Villalta scores at the 6, 12, and 24 month clinical follow up were significantly lower than before stenting(p<.001, all time points). In a subset analyses of limbs with stenting terminating above and below the inguinalligament, secondary cumulative patency rates at 24 months were 90% and 79%, respectively; clinical outcomeshowed 58% vs. 73% of limbs with clinically significant improvement, respectively. There was no statisticallysignificant difference in patency or clinical outcomes. Conclusion:The Vici Venous Stent is associated with a good secondary patency rate and durable and substantialsymptomatic resolution in patients with chronic post-thrombotic occlusions, regardless of whether stentsextended beneath the inguinal ligament. Two Year Outcome After Chronic Iliac Vein Occlusion Recanalisation Using the Vici Venous Stent® | Request PDF. Available from: [accessed Aug 24 2018].
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Purpose To report the endovascular reconstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC), innominate and internal jugular veins following stenosis due to mediastinal fibrosis. Case Report A 36-year-old female with mediastinal fibrosis was referred for symptomatic SVC syndrome (SVCS). A covered stent was inserted in the SVC with 2 kissing stents in the innominate and jugular veins via anterograde right femoral vein access with sandwich technique. She exhibited near-immediate relief of debilitating symptoms. Computed tomographic scan demonstrated patent vessels at 1 year. Conclusions Extensive endovascular venous reconstruction is an effective treatment for SVCS due to mediastinal fibrosis.
For this study, we reviewed 56 standard-of-care CT examinations over a timespan of 2 years from patients with superior thoracic inlet venous obstruction and identified eight thoracic collateral pathways for venous blood return to the right heart. We evaluated each pathway individually from an anatomic and a pathophysiologic perspective for a better understanding of how such pathways form and what patterns can be expected. All 56 patients were scanned according to our standard CT protocol. Images of the thoracic region were acquired in the craniocaudal direction during breath-holding using a second-generation dual-source CT scanner. Contrast medium was administered via a cubital or antecubital vein; the amount of contrast material ranged from 49 to 81 mL depending on patient body weight. Of the 56 patients, CT showed superior vena cava syndrome exclusively in 22 (39%) patients and showed superior vena cava syndrome and involvement of the left or right brachiocephalic vein or even the subclavian vein in the remaining 34 (61%) patients. We could not find any remarkable feature leading to the formation of only one collateral pathway or to a specific pattern depending on underlying cause or the level or the extent of obstruction. Thus, we believe that there are no specific patterns for how these venous detours form and that they are most probably driven by pressure gradients. Recognizing imaging findings associated with venous collateral pathways may prevent misdiagnosis or unnecessary follow-up examinations. Furthermore, knowledge of these collateral pathways and an understanding of the underlying cause can support interventional radiologists and vascular surgeons in planning interventional procedures and revascularization procedures.
Through 105 highly-illustrated chapters, Interventional and Endovascular Tips and Tricks of the Trade equips interventional radiologists, surgeons, and cardiologists with unique techniques for solving complex clinical problems that may arise during both vascular and non-vascular procedures. The techniques are presented as succinct steps with particular attention paid to applications, challenges, and potential pitfalls. The accessible outline format and illustrative case examples optimize learning, patient selection, and outcomes. Suggested further readings are included with each technique. The "outside-the-box" strategies presented in this volume are useful solutions to clinical challenges in the ever-evolving field of interventional medicine, with its innovative technology, devices, and procedures.
Few areas of venous disease provide a more satisfying experience for both the patient and the vascular specialist than reconstruction for superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Relief from severe, frequently incapacitating symptoms of venous congestion of the head and neck is almost instantaneous, and benefit after reconstruction is generally long lasting. This article reviews the etiologic factors, clinical presentation, and diagnostic evaluation of SVC syndrome, and current techniques and results for the endovascular and open surgical treatment of SVC occlusion.
Venous outflow obstruction is a dominant contributor to chronic venous disease. Treatment of venous disease has historically been limited by available vascular stent technology not specifically designed for the venous system. The ideal venous stent must provide requisite flexibility, strength, and accurate deployment for the anatomic and pathophysiologic conditions of chronic venous disease. Venous stent technology is advancing with multiple dedicated venous stents currently available in Europe and with investigational device exemption studies ongoing in the United States. These technological advancements are promising for patients suffering from chronic venous disease. This manuscript discussed the current status and future directions of venous stents.
Purpose: To identify whether long-term symptom relief and stent patency vary with the use of covered versus uncovered stents for the treatment of benign SVC obstruction. Methods and materials: We retrospectively identified all patients with benign SVC syndrome treated to stent placement between January 2003 and December 2015 (n = 59). Only cases with both clinical and imaging follow-up were included (n = 47). In 33 (70%) of the patients, the obstruction was due to a central line or pacemaker wires, and in 14 (30%), the cause was fibrosing mediastinitis. Covered stents were placed in 17 (36%) of the patients, and 30 (64%) patients had an uncovered stent. Clinical and treatment outcomes, complications, and the percent stenosis of each stent were evaluated. Results: Technical success was achieved in all cases at first attempt. Average clinical and imaging follow-up in years was 2.7 (range 0.1-11.1) (covered) and 1.7 (range 0.2-10.5) (uncovered), respectively. There was a significant difference (p = 0.044) in the number of patients who reported a return of symptoms between the covered (5/17 or 29.4%) and uncovered (18/30 or 60%) groups. There was also a significant difference (p = < 0.001) in the mean percent stenosis after stent placement between the covered [17.9% (range 0-100) ± 26.2] and uncovered [48.3% (range 6.8-100) ± 33.5] groups. No significant difference (p = 0.227) was found in the time (days) between the date of the procedure and the date of clinical follow-up where a return of symptoms was reported [covered: 426.6 (range 28-1554) ± 633.9 and uncovered 778.1 (range 23-3851) ± 1066.8]. One patient in the uncovered group had non-endovascular surgical intervention (innominate to right atrial bypass), while none in the covered group required surgical intervention. One major complication (SIR grade C) occurred that consisted of a pericardial hemorrhagic effusion after angioplasty that required covered stent placement. There were no procedure-related deaths. Conclusion: Both covered and uncovered stents can be used for treating benign SVC syndrome. Covered stents, however, may be a more effective option at providing symptom relief and maintaining stent patency if validated by further studies.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of a dedicated venous stent (the VICI VENOUS STENT; VENITI, Fremont, Calif) for treatment of symptomatic iliofemoral venous outflow obstruction. Methods: Thirty patients (24 female; median age, 43 years) were enrolled in the feasibility phase of an international, multicenter investigational device exemption trial from June 2014 to February 2015. All patients exhibited unilateral venous disease with ≥50% stenosis in the iliofemoral veins. Patients within 3 months of acute deep venous thrombosis or with prior surgical or endovascular intervention of the target vessel were excluded. Lesions were primarily of post-thrombotic causes (63%), with a left limb-right limb ratio of 5:1. Nine patients (30%) had lesions extending beneath the inguinal ligament. Median baseline stenosis was 91%; 11 patients (37%) had occlusions. Results: Fifty-one stents were implanted successfully in 30 patients. Median residual stenosis was 0%, as estimated by venography and intravascular ultrasound. Median follow-up was 701 days. At 12 months, primary, assisted-primary, and secondary patency was 93%, 96%, and 100%, respectively. The stent occluded in two patients through the 12-month window (occurring at 19 and 385 days). Both occlusions occurred in patients presenting with post-thrombotic obstruction. No patients in this cohort exhibited stent fracture at 12 months. Symptomatic improvement of ≥2 points on the Venous Clinical Severity Score was observed in 23 patients (85%) at 12 months (median score improvement, 5 points). There was a median 12-month pain reduction of 20 mm on the visual analog scale score and 15-point improvement on the Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire score. Scores improved significantly on all three clinical and quality of life scales at 6 and 12 months. Conclusions: The VICI VENOUS STENT is safe and feasible for treatment of symptomatic iliofemoral venous obstruction, with excellent 12-month patency rates and significant improvement seen in clinical symptoms and quality of life indices. The pivotal phase (170 patients, 22 centers) of this investigational device exemption trial is currently ongoing.