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Paleostress regime reconstruction based on brittle structure analysis in the Shekarab Mountain, Eastern Iran


Abstract and Figures

Eastern Iran, including the Sistan suture zone, comprises the boundary between Lut block and Afghan block. This research aims to reconstruct the stress regime evolution from the upper Cretaceous to Quaternary based on the brittle tectonic analysis. In this study, three episodic changes in stress regimes were recognized in the Shekarab Mountain using data inversion. In places where conglomerate outcrops are present, the Quaternary stress state is obtained using the youngest slickensides. The Quaternary stress state indicates that the direction of σHmax is close to N026°, which is compatible with the present-day Arabia-Eurasia convergence direction. Reconstruction of stress fields using age and sense of motion of faults shows that the stress regime during the Cretaceous was compressional, which caused the uplift of peridotites and ophiolites in the eastern part of the study area. The state of stress in the upper Eocene and Oligocene was transpressional; in the eastern part of the study area, there is a change from transpression to transtension. The exhumation of igneous rocks in the eastern part of the Shekarab Mountains is due to the local change of the stress regime. According to the results of this study, the first stage of stress state in the Shekarab Mountains was compressive and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) was toward N337°. In Eocene, the tectonic regime was transpressional and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) was toward N003°. In Quaternary, the tectonic regime is strike-slip and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) is toward N026°. This implies that at least 49° clockwise rotation of σ1 happened in the Shekarab Mountain.
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Paleostress regime reconstruction based on brittle structure analysis
in the Shekarab Mountain, Eastern Iran
Maryam Ezati
&Ebrahim Gholami
&Seyed Morteza Mousavi
Received: 1 April 2020 /Accepted: 1 November 2020
#Saudi Society for Geosciences 2020
Eastern Iran, including the Sistan suture zone, comprises the boundary between Lut block and Afghan block. This research aims
to reconstruct the stress regime evolution from the upper Cretaceous to Quaternary based on the brittle tectonic analysis. In this
study, three episodic changes in stress regimes were recognized in the Shekarab Mountain using data inversion. In places where
conglomerate outcrops are present, the Quaternary stress state is obtained using the youngestslickensides. The Quaternary stress
state indicates that the direction of σ
is close to N026°, which is compatible with the present-day Arabia-Eurasia convergence
direction. Reconstruction of stress fields using age and sense of motion of faults shows that the stress regime during the
Cretaceous was compressional, which caused the uplift of peridotites and ophiolites in the eastern part of the study area. The
state of stress in the upper Eocene and Oligocene was transpressional; in the eastern part of the study area, there isa change from
transpression to transtension. The exhumation of igneous rocks in the eastern part of the Shekarab Mountains is due to the local
change of the stress regime. According to the results of this study, the first stage of stress state in the Shekarab Mountains was
compressive and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) was toward N337°. In Eocene, the tectonic regime was
transpressional and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) was toward N003°. In Quaternary, the tectonic regime is
strike-slip and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) is toward N026°. This implies that at least 49° clockwise
rotation of σ1 happened in the Shekarab Mountain.
Keywords Brittle structures .Paleostress .Shekarab Mountain .Eastern Iran
The present tectonics of Iran is due to the north-south conver-
gence between the Afroarabian and the Eurasia plates
(Jackson and Mc Kenzie 1984). This convergence is accom-
modated across the Iranian Plateau and adjacent deformed
zones; the deformation is not uniformly distributed. Much of
the deformation is concentrated in the Zagros fold and thrust
belt in the southwest, Alborz Thrust Belt is bordering the
oceanic crust of the South Caspian depression, Kopeh-Dagh
active thin-skinned Fold Belt in the northeast, and the east
Iranian ranges (Hollingsworth 2007). Results from a regional
GPS network indicate that the total convergence across Iran is
25 mm/year in eastern Iran (Vernant et al. 2004). The late
Cretaceous to Tertiary rocks of the Sistan Suture Zone is char-
acterized by different structural elements and rock associations
and now separates two structurally coherent continental blocks:
the Lut block to the west and the Afghan block to the east
(Berberian and Yeats 1999). Continental collision includes brit-
tle and coeval compressional, extensional, and strike-slip
faulting in the upper crust (Molnar and Tapponnier 1975).
Paleostress analysis a branch of Structural Geology whose
aim is describing stress systems doing in the past from their
record in deformation structures, singularly from fault-slip
data (Simon 2018). Determining stresses allows a better un-
derstanding of the mechanical manner of geological materials
and decipher tectonic mechanisms from those associated with
plate motion at a large scale to those creating jointing and
faulting (Parlangeau et al. 2017). The orientation and shape
of the stress ellipsoid with respect to the earths surface show
the type, direction, and slip sense of faults developed in an
Responsible editor: François Roure
*Maryam Ezati;
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Birjand,
P.O. Box: 97175-615, University Blvd, Birjand,Southern Khorasan,
Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2020) 13:1232
area (Angelier 1994). The inversion results include the azi-
muth and plunge of the main stress axes (Angelier and
Goguel 1979). Stress inversions from fault slip measurements
have now become a standard tool in tectonics; stress inver-
sions are used for characterizing ancient stress fields and also
inactive tectonics (e.g., Angelier 1994). The chronology of
different stress states can be determined from the age of the
rock formations affected by corresponding tectonic regimes
(Shabanian et al. 2010). Brittle tectonic analysis, including
stress tensor inversion, is useful to decipher the sequence of
deformational events that resulted in the present-day structures.
The standard step in brittle tectonic analysis involves data col-
lection in the field, data separation based on age recognition,
computation of stress fields, and finally, characterization and
classification of different events (Navabpour et al. 2007). In this
paper, we attempt to reconstruct the stress regime history of the
study area based on new constraints obtained through the brittle
tectonic analysis of faults and paleostress determinations. The
stress pattern of Shekarab Mountain based on brittle structures
like faults has been presented in this paper. This work intends to
reconstruct the stress regimes that are related to the evolution of
the Shekarab Mountain structures.
This study focuses on the evolution of the upper
Cretaceous to Quaternary tectonic stress regime using brittle
structures; this kind of methodology has been found to be
useful in various researches such as stress field rotation or
block rotation in the Lake Mead fault system (Ron et al.
1993), variation of relative paleostress magnitudes and orien-
tations (Kaymakci 2006), paleostress regimes of brittle struc-
tures (Heuberger et al. 2010), paleostress field reconstruction
(Sippel et al. 2010), paleostress reconstructions of Jabal Hafit
Structures United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Zaineldeen 2011),
paleostress reconstruction and multiphase weak deformation
in cratonic interior (Tripathy and Saha 2015), brittle structural
data evaluation and paleostress calculation (Sasvari and
Baharev 2014), late Cartaceous and Cenozoic paleostress his-
tory (Coubal et al. 2015), kinematic development and
paleostress pattern of the Edremit Basin, western Turkry
(Gürer et al. 2016), paleostress of Huangshan Basin of south-
eastern China (Xu et al. 2016), brittle deformation and state of
paleostress constrained in the central German platform
(Navabpour et al. 2017), stress regime changes in the Main
Boundary Thrust zone, Eastern Himalaya (Patra and Saha
2019), and exhumation of granitoid plutons in the Eastern
Iran (Samimi et al. 2020).
Geological setting
Three phases of Cenozoic deformation have been responsible
for the configuration of the suture zone at present. The defor-
mation of Iran is due to the Arabia-Eurasia collision (Vincent
et al. 2005). The initial Arabia-Eurasia collision probably
dates from as early as ~ 35 Ma (e.g., Agard et al. 2005;
Vincent et al. 2005). The active tectonics of Iran is controlled
by the northward motion of Arabia, at a velocity of ~ 25 mm/
year at longitude 60°E, with respect to the interior of Eurasia
(Vernant et al. 2004). Iran consists of three major orogenic
belts aligned parallel to the border of the country, i.e., the
Alborz-Kopeh Dagh ranges to the north, the Zagros fold and
thrust belt to the southwest, and the Sistan Suture Zone to the
east (Shafiei et al. 2009). The Sistan Suture Zone represents a
deformed accretionary prism that was emplaced during the
destruction of a small Neotethyan ocean basin, referred to as
the Sistan Ocean, which once separated the Afghan and Lut
continental blocks (Sengor et al. 1988). The Sistan Suture
Zone represents a narrow oceanic lithosphere. Since the early
Cretaceous, the Sistan Suture Zone has undergone a rather
complicated history marked by changes in the tectonic envi-
ronment and corresponding changes in the stress regime.
Rifting, subductions, ophiolite emplacement, continental
trench collision, uplift, and at least three phases of Cenozoic
deformation have been responsible for the present configura-
tion of the Sistan suture zone; several magmatic episodes have
been recorded throughout its dynamic history (Camp and
Griffis 1982). The thickness in the Sistan Suture Zone is
thought to be ~ 3540 km (Dehghani and Makris 1983).
The northward motion of central parts of Iran relative to
western Afghanistan results in north-south right-lateral
shear of ~ 16 mm/year at the present day in eastern Iran
between the longitudes 56°E and 62°E (Vernant et al.
2004). The N-S right-lateral shear component between
central Iran and Afghanistan is accommodated by several
right-lateral strike-slip fault systems bordering the Dasht-e-
Lut desert (Walker and Khatib 2006; Meyer and Le Dortz
2007). This results in a right-lateral shear in the east of Iran
as central Iran moves N-NNE relative to stable Afghanistan
(Walker et al. 2003). The Iran-Afghan border in Sistan is
also a tectonic boundary, separating the distributed defor-
mation in Iran from the virtually aseismic region of western
Afghanistan (Berberian et al. 2000). As Iran is shortened by
the Eurasia-Arabia collision, North-South right-lateral
shear is taken up partly along the west boundary of the
Lut block in central Iran. To the south, the Sistan ranges
merge with the E-W coastal ranges of the Makran (Jackson
and Mc Kenzie 1984; Jackson 1992). The activity on the N-
S Sistan faults decreases to the south because central Iran is
rotating clockwise relative to Afghanistan about an axis
close to the junction of the Sistan ranges with the Makran
(Jackson and Mc Kenzie 1984). The right-lateral strike-slip
faults of the Sistan Suture Zone die away in the thrust faults;
this transition from N-S to the E-W faults involves a change
from nonrotational to rotational deformations in Sistan
Suture Zone (Walker and Khatib 2006). The Nehbandan
fault system with a strike-slip mechanism by N-S general
trend has sub-branches in the Northern and Southern
1232 Page 2 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
terminals. The northern terminal of the Nehbandan fault has
rotated toward the west and its southern terminal toward the
east (Khatib 1998). The Sistan suture zone is dominated by
major N-S or NNW-SSE right-lateral strike-slip faulting
with some NW-SE reverse faults and some E-W left-lateral
strike-slip faults (Camp and Griffis 1982; Berberian and
Yeats 1999). Shekarab Mountain is located in the Sistan
suture zone, eastern Iran (Fig. 1a, b). Shekarab Mountain
was created by a terminal splay of Nehbandan fault (Tirrul
et al. 1983). The Geology map shows that Shekarab
Mountain is composed of peridotite (upper Cretaceous),
phyllite (upper Cretaceous), flysch (upper Cretaceous-
Paleocene), tuff (middle Eocene), andesite (upper Eocene-
Oligocene), and dacite (Neogene) (Fig. 1c).
Fig. 1 aTectonic map of the Iranian and Arab plate as well as theeastern position of Iran on the map. bStructural map of east Iran (Baniadam et al. 2019)
and the study areas location. cGeological map of the study area
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 3 of 18 1232
Material and methods
In this study, the direct stress tensor inversion method
(Angelier 2002) was adopted for computation of the state of
stress. The stress tensor inversion method is based on maxi-
mizing the sum of slip shear stress in the direction of actual
slip for the entire data sets. This sum is calculated as a function
of four independent variables of the reduced stress tensor, i.e.,
three angular parameters for orientation of the principal stress
axes σ1σ2σ3, as well as the ratio of the principal stress
magnitude differences calculated as (Φ) given the direction
and shape of stress ellipsoid (Angelier 2002). In this study,
to obtain the stress tensor, one type of paleostress inversion
method, right dihedron (Angelier and Mechler 1977), was
Physical basis of the methods
The general stress tensor (first matrix term (T)) is associated
with the stress tensor in the principal stress coordinate system
as follows:
x1 x2 x3
y1 y2 y3
z1 z2 z3
σ10 0
x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 z3
This is the matrix expression of a tensor rotation: the trans-
fer from the system of principal axes into a general system of
Cartesian coordinates. The expressions
Aare the unit vectors along
σ1, σ2, and σ3. The stress vector σacting on a fault plane
characterized by its normal unit vector nis given (Fig. 2), in
vector and matrix notations successively, by the following
σ¼Tn ð2Þ
The modulus of the normal stress (ν) is given by the scalar
result of the stress vector using the normal unit vector by the
following equations:
Order ν
The normal stress vector (ν)isthen:
Recognizing the stress vector (σ), the normal stress vector
(ν), and the shear stress vector (τ)is
σ=ν+τthat is:
Reduced stress tensor: by adding to the stress tensor isotro-
pic stress defined by =σ
, then multiplying the tensor by
the positive constant k=1/(σ1σ3), one obtains
ab c
Fig. 2 aStress states σ1, σ2, and σ3 are the principal stress axes. bFault
plane, unite vector perpendicular to fault plane (n), fault plane (F), stress
vector actingon fault plane (σ), normal stress perpendicular to F(ν), shear
stress parallel to F(τ). cDemonstrations of misfit angle fault plane, actual
slip (s) and theoretical shear stress (τ)onafaultplane,(α)misfitangle
(Angelier 1994)
1232 Page 4 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
σ10 0
A, both tensors are
equivalent in terms of directions and senses of shear stresses
(remember Φ=(σ2-σ3) / (σ1-σ3)). The resulting reduced
stress tensorcontains four independent variables and simply
depends on the orientation of the principal stress axes and the
ratio Φ
x1 x2 x3
y1 y2 y3
z1 z2 z3
x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 z3
The variables kand cannot be determined from fault-slip
orientations and senses. Whereas the reduced stress tensor has
four autonomous variables, therefore, at least four distinct
fault-slip data are needed to calculate it (Angelier 1994).
Inversion methods
The inverse problem includes determining the mean stress
tensor (T) and recognizing the senses of slip-on numerous
fault planes. The tensor Thas four passives, but the number
of equations (i.e., the number of fault slips) is much larger;
most direct inversionapproaches use a least-square criterion
in the minimization process. Assuming the least-square crite-
rion, the average reduced stress tensor, T, which best fits the K
fault slip data of the set considered, is obtained by minimizing
asumS, written as follows:
In this total expression, W
is the weight of the datum
number k(a fault-slip set), and F
is a function which ex-
presses the deviation of this datum (F
= 0 corresponds to a
perfect fit with the average stress tensor, and increasing values
of F
represent increasing misfits). The term mrefers to the
particular form adopted for F
and consequently, S(Angelier
Misfit criteria
Misfit criteria are the angle between the shear stress (τ)and
the actual unit-slip vector (s) calculated as a function of the
stress tensor (Fig. 2c) defined as follows:
F1k ¼s;τðÞ ð11Þ
Angelier (1975)used
F2k ¼sin s;τðÞ
changes in the range 0° to 180°, F
changes from 0 to
1, and due to the half-angle (090°), this function allows to
take the slip sense into calculate. Functions like F
and F
(and similar others) solely depend on the angle between ob-
served slip and computed shear. The form of the reduced
stress tensor is chosen according to the mathematical necessity
of the methods, which depend on the form of the misfit crite-
x1 x2 x3
y1 y2 y3
z1 z2 z3
x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 z3
αCOS φþ2π
 β
γβCOS φþ4π
where φ(psi) is an expression for Φthat depends on the
orientations of stress axes (Angelier 1994).
Date separation
Inversion results include the azimuth and plunge of the prin-
cipal stress axes (σ1, σ2, and σ3) as well as a stress ellipsoid
shape parameter Φratio (Φ=(σ2-σ3) / (σ1-σ3) 1). The
inversion method is based on the reduced misfit angle (α),
the misfit angle calculated as the minimization of the angle
between the real striae (s) and the calculated relative shear
stress (τ); acceptable for τ< 25° (Angelier 1984,1990). In
this research, the fault kinematics data, including spatial ori-
entation of fault planes and associated striae, have been mea-
sured from 38 sites (Fig. 3). We carried out stress calculations
from fault data within Cretaceous to Quaternary age in order
to constrain the orientation of the paleostress fields during the
evolution of Shekarab Mountain. The state of stress of
Quaternary deduced from the analysis of the youngest fault
slips observed at sites where there an outcropping of
Quaternary conglomerates. For obtaining stress tensor inver-
sion, brittle structures, including the orientation of fault sur-
faces, slickenside lineation, and sense of motion indicators,
were collected. For determining stress tensor orientation and
stress field in different geological age, we separated the data
sets into homogeneous subsets in order to reconstruct various
stress fields in the study area. We separate brittle structures
related to different geological age, the state of stress, and stress
tensor orientation computed using Wintensor software. In this
study, brittle tectonic analyzed, based on stress tensor inver-
sion of fault slip data, led us to determine the different stress
regimes of the Shekarab Mountain during the upper
Cretaceous to Quaternary age. Inversion of the separated data
sets allows us to distinguish that there are episodic changes in
stress regimes in the Shekarab Mountain. To determine the
stress field rotations, structural evidence were used; calculated
stress fields were defined by direction and plunge of the
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 5 of 18 1232
principal stress axes (σ1, σ2, and σ3), the ratio of stress mag-
nitude differences (Φ), number of data (N), and the reduced
misfit angle (α) were attached to each determination, because
local results of the stress calculations are not equal.
Paleostress analysis
In this paper, brittle structures, including spatial orien-
tation of fault planes and associated striae, were collect-
ed from 38 sites. The faults and sites of collected data
indicated in the Geological map and Structural map; in
order to reconstruct the stress history of the Shekarab
Mountain, we first attempted to analyze the brittle tec-
tonic data that were collected from different sites. This
paper aims to investigate the variations of stress tensors
direction from Cretaceous time to younger times. Here,
we attempt to make a relationship between stress regime
changes and the exhumation of igneous rocks using
stress tensor variation, so this allows us to analyze re-
gional tectonic regimes and corresponding stress re-
gimes deduced from inversions of fault kinematics. In
this paper, the direction of three principal stress axes
such as major stress axis (σ1), medium stress axis
(σ2), and minor stress axis (σ3) in 38 sites from the
different geological time are determined and presented
in Table 1. Stress determination based on the direct
inversion method (DI) revealed various stress regimes
in the Shekarab Mountain.
Paleostress reconstruction in the Upper Cretaceous to
Eocene age
The paleostress state of upper Cretaceous is the oldest stress
state distinguished since 83 Ma in the Shekarab Mountain; the
Pre-Cretaceous kinematics history and paleostress states re-
main unclear. To determine the stress state in the study area,
the inversion analysis is performed for the fault populations,
including the upper Cretaceous fault kinematics. The
Cretaceous rocks are distributed throughout the study area;
eastern sites are 13, 17, and 19, and western sites are 33 and
34. There are two outcrops of Cretaceous time in the peridotite
and ophiolites rocks (sites 13 and 17), faults observed in these
two sites are reverse, and stress regimes are compressional
(Fig. 4a). Operations of compressional stress regime in the
eastern partof the study area caused the uplifting of peridotites
and ophiolites in the east of the study area, and major stress
axis (σ1) in sites 13 and 17 had an NW-SE trend. Analysis of
data collected from sites 33 and 34 located in the F8 and F9
reverse faults indicates a compressional stress regime. In the
sites 13, 17, 19, and 33, major stress axis (σ1) had an NW-SE
trend; there is also one outcrop (site 34) showing a different
direction of σ1(Table1,Fig.4a). Additionally, the data from
Cretaceous locations have shown compression in the NW-SE
direction. On the other hand, five stress configurations indi-
cate compression which, consistent with the compressional
regime in the region. The NE-SW direction σ
paleostress field represents 74% of the calculated stress ten-
sors. It has been identified at five sites. The estimated mean
tensor has principal stress axes oriented: σ1 = 337/26, σ2=
070/06, and σ3 = 172/64 (Table 2). The ratio of stress
Fig. 3 Structural map of the studied structures and sites of collected data on the shaded relief map
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Table 1 Geological position of brittle structures and reconstructed stress regimes. N, number of faults slips data. Φ, the ratio of stress magnitude
differences (Φ=(σ2-σ3)/(σ1-σ3)). α, the average angle between observed slip and computed shear in degrees
Site NStratigraphic age σ1Dir,Plung σ2Dir,Plung σ3Dir,Plung ΦαLocation Latitude (N°)
Longitude (E°)
1 9 Miocene 311.24 043.05 144.65 0.5 22 Eastern part 33°05́48.05N
2 11 Eocene 069.21 162.09 273.67 0.45 10 Eastern part 33°0832.12N
3 10 Eocene 067.21 161.09 272.67 0.45 3 Eastern part 33°0444.82N
4 12 Eocene 275.31 014.15 126.55 0.79 12 Eastern part 33°0710.09N
5 13 Eocene 296.06 029.27 194.62 0.5 8 Eastern part 33°5946.58N
6 12 Eocene 340.06 248.18 089.71 0.5 19 Eastern part 32°5900.43N
7 13 Eocene 024.12 289.22 141.64 0.5 11 Eastern part 32°5810.87N
8 13 Eocene 266.34 005.14 115.52 0.77 7 Eastern part 32°5657.38N
9 10 Oligocene 059.65 164.07 257.24 0.5 13 Eastern part 33°03
́52.02 N
59° 4
́40. 56 E
10 12 Quaternary 220.07 314.35 120.55 0.83 15 Eastern part 33°55
11 12 Quaternary 221.06 313.16 112.73 0.5 11 Eastern part 32°5519.96N
12 10 Oligocene 282.11 187.22 037.65 0.5 14 Eastern part 32°5736.69N
13 12 Upper Cretaceous 280.08 173.64 014.25 0.5 6 Eastern part 32°5926.07N
14 12 Paleocene 286.07 187.52 021.37 0.54 4 Eastern part 33°0139.38N
15 13 Oligocene 349.13 256.13 123.71 0.5 11 Eastern part 32°5924.36N
16 13 Oligocene 008.60 257.11 162.27 0.65 20 Eastern part 32°58
́45.66 N
́24.30 E
17 13 Upper Cretaceous 342.04 251.20 084.69 0.5 12 Eastern part 33°0019.05N
18 12 Eocene 241.01 151.01 018.88 0.71 22 Eastern part 33°03
́52.02 N
59°4́40. 56 E
19 12 Upper Cretaceous 040.70 139.03 230.20 0.5 12 Eastern part 33° 04́30.36 N
59° 4
́40. 56 E
20 11 Paleocene 307.11 042.24 193.64 0.95 17 Middle part 32°56
́37.20 N
́34.74 E
21 12 Eocene 027.31 295.03 199.58 0.5 24 Middle part 32°58
́17.28 N
́08. 46 E
22 12 Oligocene 056.29 318.14 204.57 1 8 Middle part 32° 56
́17.28 N
58° 51
́34.74 E
23 10 Eocene 068.26 328.19 206.57 0.95 7 Middle part 32°5630.04N
24 11 Quaternary 072.28 334.14 219.58 1 5 Middle part 32°5538.76N
25 12 Oligocene 081.03 348.38 175.52 0.21 3 Middle part 32°5705.93N
26 13 Oligocene 302.12 039.31 194.56 0.5 14 Middle part 32°59
́15. 24 N
́46.98 E
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 7 of 18 1232
magnitude difference (Φ) value is 0.1, confirming that this
tectonic regime was the coexistence of thrust faulting and
compressional stress regimes. There are two outcrops of
Paleocene rocks in the Shekarab Mountain; we collected data
of Paleocene time from sites 14, and 20 inversions of the fault
slip vector indicate that the direction of the major stress axis
(σ1) was NW-SE (Fig. 4b). The Eocene rocks are distributed
throughout the entire region of Shekarab Mountain. There
are 17 outcrops of Eocene in sandstone, limestone, con-
glomerate, and andesite rocks (Fig. 4c); faults observed
are mainly reverse with a strike-slip component. Based
on the direction of the major stress axis (σ1), two subsets
were separated: one with σ1 around N35°E (sites 2, 3, 4, 7,
8, 18, 21, 31, 35, 36, 37, and 38) and one σ1 around
N45°W (sites 5, 6, 23, and 32); there is also one outcrop
(site 28) showing a different direction of σ1(Table1). The
Eocene age mean major stress axis (σ1) had an approxi-
mately North-South trend (Table 2). The N-S σ
paleostress field in the second stage of the stress regime
represented that 71% of the calculated stress tensors is
identified at 17 sites. The estimated mean tensor has prin-
cipal stress axes oriented: σ1 = 003/31, σ2=110/26,σ3=
232/47 (Table 2). The ratio of stress magnitude differences
(Φ) value is 0.29 (Table 2), also confirming that this tec-
tonic regime was the coexistence of transpressive regimes.
Change in the stress regime
The fault plane data of Oligocene time from sites 9, 12, 15, 16,
22, 25, and 26 were collected; in these sites, the Φratio was
from 0.21 to 1. Two distinct stress regimes have been distin-
guished throughout the region in Oligocene time: (1)
transpressional stress regimes presented by the sites compres-
sional along major reverse faults and (2) transtensional stress
regime controlled by normal faults. Transtensional stress re-
gime was observed in normal faults such as the F19, F20, and
F26. The two transtensional tensors along with the F20 and
F26 normal faults are controlled by local changes in the fault
geometries (Fig. 5a). Geometric and kinematic analysis of
brittle structures indicate that most faults have reverse compo-
nents which reveal existing of compressional stress in
Shekarab Mountain (Fig. 6), in the eastern part of Shekarab
Mountain as locally there are normal faults; the data of sites 9
and 16 give a transtensional stress regime in the eastern part of
the study area. There is evidence for both transpressional and
transtensional stress regimes in Shekarab Mountain. In the
east part of Shekarab Mountain regionally, there are indicators
of transtensional stress regime such as sigmoidal opening and
extrusion of veins in small shear zones (Fig. 7). Most of the
transtensional regimes are observed along the normal faults,
while the compressional stress regimes are distributed
Table 1 (continued)
Site NStratigraphic age σ1Dir,Plung σ2Dir,Plung σ3Dir,Plung ΦαLocation Latitude (N°)
Longitude (E°)
27 12 Quaternary 260.04 354.39 165.51 0.54 17 Middle part 32°5943.16N
28 11 Eocene 083.24 350.06 246.65 0.5 20 Western part 33°00
́44.22 N
́46.98 E
29 10 Quaternary 068.11 338.00 246.79 0.5 11 Western part 32°5559.27N
30 10 Quaternary 064.04 334.01 237.86 0.75 13 Western part 32°5705.93N
31 13 Eocene 038.00 308.20 128.70 0.5 19 Western part 33°01
́19.32 N
́21.06 E
32 13 Eocene 337.03 233.65 070.24 0.5 14 Western part 33°01
́38.34 N
́19.44 E
33 12 Upper Cretaceous 100.18 007.07 257.71 1 23 Western part 33°0007.94N
34 12 Upper Cretaceous 209.03 300.18 109.72 0.58 9 Western part 33°01́16.56 N
́07.92 E
35 9 Eocene 217.07 113.63 310.26 0.67 6 Western part 33°0153.91N
36 10 Eocene 224.00 133.70 314.20 0.3 8 Western part 33°0157.33N
37 9 Eocene 036.00 127.69 306.21 0.5 5 Western part 33°0155.62N
38 10 Eocene 037.02 132.63 306.27 0.5 9 Middle part 33°0205.87N
1232 Page 8 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
Fig. 4 aCompression recorded in the upper Cretaceous rocks. bCompression recorded in the Paleocene rocks. cCompression recorded in the eocene; Φ
ratio is indicated in the bracket
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 9 of 18 1232
throughout the region. The main question of this paper is
why igneous rocks such as andesite and dacite are more
outcrops in the eastern part of the study area? There are
only a few sites where igneous rocks have been ob-
served; however, they are distributed throughout the
eastern part of the study area (Fig. 1c). To reveal the
reason for more outcropping andesitic and dacitic rocks
in eastern Shekarab Mountain, faults data adjacent to
andesitic and dacitic rocks separated from other
Eocene and Oligocene data, these kinds of faults appear
as a normal fault with a strike-slip component example
of such normal faults indicated in Fig. 5. In the sites,
we observe the exhumation of igneous rocks, the Φ
ratios are close to 0.5, and the stress regime is
transtensional due to a local change in stress regime
(Figs. 5a and 8). We observed the age of Eocene and
Oligocene igneous rocks in the eastern part of Shekarab
Mountain. Consequently, stress regime determination for
these regions needs careful data separation, data analy-
sis, and stress regime computation. The stress tensors
from sites 9 and 16 are different from the regional
Oligocene stress state pattern; those two sites are situat-
ed at the adjacent igneous rocks (Fig. 5a). Our stress
analysis reveals that the outcrop of the igneous rocks in
the eastern part of the study area was due to local
changes of stress regime from transpressive to
transtensive; thus, we determine in these regions as lo-
cally σ1 was vertical and the Φratio was close to 0.5;
therefore, stress regime was transtensive (Table 1). The
transtensive stress regime has caused the exhumation
and outcrop of igneous rocks in the eastern part of
Shekarab Mountain. Stress analysis of Miocene rocks
reveals that in the Miocene time, stress regime was
strike-slip (Fig. 5b). Stages of applied stress based on
brittle structures were analyzed and provided valuable
information about the evolutionary process of the
Shekarab Mountain. As indicated by reconstructed stress
axes variations, our brittle tectonic analysis revealed dif-
ferent directions of compression. Based on the direct
inversion method (DI), the stress determination for σ1
data indicates a variety of σ1 trends within the studied
area ranging (Table 1). Direct inversion methods have
been applied to analyze the kinematic data.
Quaternary stress state
The present-day mean direction of σ
GPS motion relative to Arabia-Eurasia convergence is around
N10°E; the active tectonics of Iran is controlled by the north-
ward movement of Arabia with respect to Eurasia (Vernant
et al. 2004). The computed deviatoric stress tensors, which
belong to the modern stress state of Sistan suture zone defor-
mation domains, reveal a homogenous stress field. The focal
mechanism analysis of the earthquake that occurred in the
Sistan suture zone suggests that strike-slip faulting associated
with the NE-SW compression direction was generated
(Dziewonski et al. 1981). The present-day state of stress was
analyzed by Jentzer et al. (2017) based on the inversion of
earthquake focal mechanisms; they determined that the direc-
tion of σ1 for the present day is N25°E, and it agrees with the
shortening axis given by GPS measurements (Masson et al.
2005;Tavakoli2007). We collected the data of Quaternary
time in the six sites 10, 11, 24, 27, 29, and 30 (Fig. 5c);
analysis of the data of site 27 shows that the stress regime in
this site is strike-slip and the direction of major stress axis (σ1)
is NE-SW. The NE-SW direction σ
) paleostress field
represents 64% of the calculated stress tensors, and it has been
identified at six sites. The estimated mean tensor has principal
stress axes oriented: σ1 = 026/10, σ2 = 193/72, and σ3 = 119/
08 (Table 2). The ratio of stress magnitude difference (Φ)
istence of strike-slip regimes. The modern state of stress was
deduced from the analysis of the youngest fault slip observed
at individual inspected sites where the majority of fault slips
data was measured in Plio-Quaternary conglomerates. The
modern stress field is characterized by N26°E trending hori-
zontal maximum stress axes (σ1) for almost all the studied
sites. However, five of six sites (10, 11, 27, 29, and 30) show
direction of σ1 axes with respect to the regional pattern (Fig.
8). The last one indicates the perturbed and different direction
from the regional modern stress state pattern. This site is sit-
uated at the junction of the two NE-SW trending fault systems.
The average values of σ
axes (NE-SW in the Quaternary)
generated the strike-slip regime resulting from the kinematics
of the faults; this result is consistent with the GPS vectors in
the region. The direction of maximum horizontal stress
axes (σ
) of modern stress solutions is presented in
Table 2. Even though the region is under the influence
of both the Arabia-Eurasia collision and Makran sub-
duction, geometric and kinematic data of structural fea-
tures evidenced the effect of the Arabia-Eurasia current
Shekarab Mountain strike-slip regime. The mean direc-
tion of σ1 computed for the Quaternary times is NE-
SW and stress regime is strike-slip (Table 2). The ratio
Table 2 The direction of main stresses of the axes and ratio of stress
magnitude differences for different geological times
Geological time σ1Dir,Plung σ2Dir,Plung σ3Dir,Plung Φ
Upper Cretaceous 337/26 070/06 172/64 0.1
Paleocene 342/16 199/70 075/11 0.75
Eocene 003/31 110/26 232/47 0.29
Oligocene 006/38 116/52 238/05 0.52
Miocene 020/01 164/28 341/62 0.5
Quaternary 026/10 193/77 119/08 0.5
1232 Page 10 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
of stress magnitude differences (Φ)obtainedinthe38
sites; our analysis indicates that in most sites, shape of
stress ellipsoid is between prelate and oblate and Φ=
0.5 (Fig. 9). Our results demonstrate three dominant
minimum horizontal stress (σ
) axes: NE-SW, N-S,
and NW-SE (Table 2).
Fig. 5 aCompression recorded in the Oligocene rocks. bCompression recorded in the Miocene rocks. cCompression recorded in the Quaternary; Φ
ratio is indicated in the bracket
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 11 of 18 1232
Stress regime direction
There have been four distinct stress regimes in the study area:
(1) compression, (2) transpression, (3) transtension, and (4)
strike-slip. There are three distinct major stress axis (σ1) di-
rections in the Shekarab Mountain, which represents succes-
sive but discontinuous tectonic regimes. Cretaceous time is
the oldest state of stress in Shekarab Mountain. The analysis
of stress stages in the study area shows that the first stage in
Shekarab Mountains was compressional tectonic regime
Fig. 6 Field view of study areas faults, aF17 reverse with a dextral strike-slip component, bF6 sinistral strike-slip with a reverse component, cF9
reverse with a dextral strike-slip component, dF26 normal with a dextral strike-slip component
Fig. 7 Field views of shear zone
indicators in the eastern part of the
Shekarab Mountain, a
photograph of the sigmoidal
opening in a small shear zone
related to shale rocks, b
photograph of calcite veins being
extruded by shear zone in
ultramafic rocks, cveins created
by a small shear zone in
calcareous rocks
1232 Page 12 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
along with the σ1 = 337/26, σ2 = 070/06, σ3 = 172/64 stress
directions and stress ratio was 0.1, which has caused the uplift
of peridotites and ophiolites in the eastern part of the study
area. The Eocene state of stress was deduced from the analysis
of the fault kinematics at the study area; fault slip data collect-
ed at the adjacent andesite and dacite rocks are normal with a
strike-slip component. The second stage of stress has been
transpressive with the direction of the main stress axes σ1=
003/31, σ2 = 110/26, σ3 = 232/47, and the ratio of stress
magnitude differences was 0.29. The third stage of stress re-
gime in Shekarab Mountain is strike-slip with the direction of
the main stress axes σ1 = 026/10, σ2 = 193/72, σ3 = 119/08,
and ratio of stress magnitude differences 0.5 (Table 2). Three
different tectonic regimes were identified following a structur-
al and kinematic study of faults formed during the upper
Cretaceous to the Quaternary periods in the Shekarab
Mountain. In the Oligocene time, stress regime was
transpressional, and in the eastern part, there is a different
stress regime, regionally change of stress regime in the
eastern study area keeping in the mind that this different
stress regime is responsible for the emplacement of an-
desite and dacite rocks. We used the fault data sets to
determine the paleostress history of the study area, and
stress field rotations inferred from regional structural
and tectonic features. Any cluster of fault orientations
is associated with a corresponding direction of the stress
field. Most of the complexities observed in the fault
patterns of the study area are due to distinct stress re-
gimes; therefore, multiple fault sets are formed by dif-
ferent stress regimes.
Fig. 8 Synthesis of upper Cretaceous brittle deformation to Quaternary in the study area, three successive directions of compression (σ1) identified
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 13 of 18 1232
Stress field rotation and structural model
It is probable that in many cases, stress field rotations
take place over geological time; these rotations are
probably slow and gradual (Ron et al. 1993). The sep-
aration of fault kinematics data in the Shekarab
Mountain reveals the existence of three successive and
continuous stress regimes; as shown in Fig. 10,thereis
about 49° clockwise stress field rotation since upper
Cretaceous time in the Shekarab Mountain. There are
other regions that the tectonic history involves the stress
field rotation, such as there is 60° clockwise stress field
rotation in the Basin and Range (Ron et al. 1993),
northern Greece (Pavlides and Kilias 1987), and south-
ern California (Nicholson et al. 1986). The structural
paleostress indicators from the study area indicate that
the sense of this paleostress rotation is consistent with
the sense of brittle structure orientation (Fig. 11). The
current maximum horizontal stress, as inferred from
earthquake fault plane solutions, is oriented N25°E
(Jantzer et al. 2017). This direction is in good agree-
ment with stress orientation derived from Quaternary
deduced from fault kinematics. Inversions of the sepa-
rated data sets allow us to distinguish major changes in
σ1 direction such as the NW-SE trend in Cretaceous
time, approximately N-S trend in Eocene time, and the
NE-SW trend in Quaternary time. Accordingly, the ma-
jor stress axis (σ1) in Shekarab Mountain had clockwise
rotation (Figs. 10 and 11). Similar interpretations of
stress field rotations were suggested for California
(Terres and Luyendyk 1985), Central America (Menton
1987), and Alaska (Stamatakos et al. 1988).
The stress regime rotation in the Shekarab Mountain
is due to the variation of the minor stress fields and
changes in the principal stress field of Arabia plate.
Nehbandan fault system is a shear zone on the edge
of the collision zone between Arabia and Eurasia plates.
In the shear zones, there are minor stress fields, and
direction of these minor stress fields has rotations. The
Arabian plate movement towards Eurasia is a general
motion, and because of this, a number of minor stress
fields have been created and the direction of these mi-
nor stress fields has constantly changed. These minor
stress fields show a number of rotations in the direction
of the principal stresses. Nehbandan fault system is lo-
cated in the eastern part of Iran. It is created by the
relative movement of the Arabian plate to the north
(relative to the Eurasian plate). The principal stress field
of Iran is affected by the Arabia plate motions; the
motion direction of the Arabia plate had changed from
N-S to NE-SW during geological times.
Our results also have implications for understanding
the paleostress orientation during the upper Cretaceous
to Quaternary age and emphasize using the brittle struc-
tures to infer a schematic model for the study area
Fig. 9 The ratio of stress magnitude differences (Φ) histograms for the
paleostress fields obtained in the study area
Fig. 10 Density stereoplots for σ1 orientations for the three paleostress fields obtained,aupper Cretaceous time, bEocene time, cQuaternary time. One
percent contour intervals represented in lower-hemisphere, equal-area projection
1232 Page 14 of 18 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232
using stress regime changes. Reconstruction of the
structural model from an initial compressional stage dur-
ing the upper Cretaceous stage to the final strike-slip
stage during Quaternary reveals the existence of three
successive and continuous stress regimes in the
Shekarab Mountain (Fig. 12). In Cretaceous, major
stress axis (σ1) had NW-SE trend, and stress regime
was compressional, so the compressional stress regime
activities in the NW-SE trend have uplifted the perido-
tites and ophiolites in the eastern part of the study area
(Fig. 12a). The second stage of stress in the upper
Eocene to the Oligocene time was transpressional, and
the major stress axis (σ1) had an N-S trend. The upper
Eocene to the Oligocene magmatic rocks (andesite and
dacite) emplace over the eastern part of Shekarab
Mountain (Fig. 12b). The local change of stress regime
from transpressive to transtensive was responsible for
the exhumation and exposure of andesite and dacite
rocks in the eastern part of the study area. Analyzing
the tectonic pattern of the study area and its evolution
during geological times indicates that Shekarab
Mountain is now a sinistral shear zone. Figure 12 c
presents our proposed model for the third stage of stress
in the study area; in this model, a schematic sinistral
shear zone and related structures based on stress chang-
es and structural analysis along the mountain range
were drawn. In this model, the NW-SE striking thrust
faults and chains are perpendicular to the direction of
current maximum horizontal stress (NE-SW) as inferred
from earthquake fault plane solutions. These results pro-
vide a neat and simple explanation for the puzzling
discrepancy between apparent change in stress orienta-
tion and the exhumation of andesite and dacite rocks in
the eastern part of the study area; therefore, the avail-
able data conclude that the extension in the Shekarab
Mountain is with respect to the regional deformation
event in this sinistral shear zone. Based on the results,
the geometrical relationship between volcanic rocks and
structural patterns of the study area is compatible with
the structural evolution of a sinistral shear zone.
In the north Sistan suture zone, the direction of compressional
stress is close to N25°E. This direction has been obtained from
Fig. 11 Distribution of the σ1 axes obtained from brittle structures throughout the studied area from upper Cretaceous to Quaternary age
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13:1232 Page 15 of 18 1232
the inversion of focal mechanism analysis of earthquake
which occurred between 1976 and 2015 (Jentzer et al.
2017). The Quaternary stress states, deduced from fault kine-
matics analysis, indicate that direction of compression (σ1) in
the Shekarab Mountain is close to N26°E, while the
Quaternary σ1 direction is relatively coincident with the
present-day Arabia-Eurasia convergence direction. Our stress
analysis of brittle structures in the Shekarab Mountain reveals
three drastic changes in stress tensors from the upper
Cretaceous to Quaternary.
The results show that the direction of compression (σ1)
was N337°, N003°, and N026° during Cretaceous-
Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene to Quaternary, respective-
ly. Therefore, the direction of compression (σ1) was rotated in
a clockwise by at least 49° over the last 83 Myr.
Evolutions of the stress regime in the Shekarab Mountain
correspond to various tectonic events. The first stress stage
was compressional, which caused the uplifting of peridotites
Eocene-Oligocene second stage shows two distinct
transpressional and transtensional tectonic regimes. The
changes from transpression to transtension are due to local
variation of stress regime that is responsible for the andesite
and dacite exposures in the eastern part of Shekarab
Mountain. Ultimately, based on the results of this study, the
third stress stage of the study is strike-slip.
Nomenclature Dir, direction; DI, direct inversion method; F, fault; F
function which expresses the deviation of datum; GPS, Global
Positioning System; K, fault slip data; Ma, million years before the pres-
ent; Myr, million years ago; N, number of faults; n, normal unit vector of
faults; Plung, plunge; s, real striae; T, the stress tensor; σ
horizontal stress; σ
,minimum horizontal stress; σ1, major stress axis;
σ2, medium stress axis; σ3, minor stress axis; Φ,ratio of stress magnitude
differences; α,misfit angle; τ,calculated relative shear stress; ν,normal
stress vector; W
,the weight of the datum number k
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... Moreover, most of the faults in these two splays are thrust with left-lateral components, which were activated as a result of the NE-SW direction stress regime. In the Khousf splay direction of the compression (σ1), it is close to N026° (Ezati et al. 2020(Ezati et al. , 2021. Based on our structural analysis of the Khousf region, a schematic model and related structures have been proposed and drawn (Fig. 4). ...
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The Sistan suture zone comprises the boundary between Lut and Afghan blocks. The north-south shear between Iran and Afghanistan is accommodated by several right-lateral strike-slip fault systems. The study area (northern Birjand Mountain range) is a part of Khousf splay; the most important faults in the Khousf splay are sinistral with reverse component and thrust with sinistral component faults; the Khousf splay is a sinistral transpressional zone including shear folds, pop-ups, positive flower structures, and duplexes. In this research, we used field data including geometric and kinematic characteristics of the faults to determine the structural deformation model of the northern Birjand Mountain range. In the northern Birjand Mountain range, several ~E-W striking faults cut through geological units; geometric and kinematic analyses of these faults indicate that almost faults have reverse components which reveal existing of compressional stress in the study area. The northern Birjand Mountain range has been characterized by main reverse faults with ~E-W striking faults. Moreover, most of the faults in the Khousf splay are thrust with left-lateral components, which were activated as a result of the NE-SW direction stress regime. The Khousf splay is a sinistral shear zone, and the beginning of deformation in this splay is from east to west. Structural analysis in the study area indicates that the F1 and F2 reverse faults have southward dips and F3 and F4 reverse faults have northward dips. Investigating the faults in the northern Birjand Mountain range implies that these reverse faults join the Nehbandan fault system. The Nehbandan fault system has splays in the Northern and Southern terminals, and the northern terminals of the Nehbandan fault are reverse faults with nearly E-W striking. The main reverse faults of the study area include F1 to F4 faults which are continuations of the Nehbandan fault system. Therefore, the kinematics and geometry of these faults in the northern Birjand Mountain range suggest pop-up and positive flower structures in a sinistral transpressional zone.
... The northward motion of Arabia with respect to Eurasia is controlling the active tectonics of Iran, as indicated by the current mean direction of σhmax (σ1)~N010 • , measured by GPS motion relative to Arabia-Eurasia convergence [6,15,53]. The active subduction of the Arabian Plate below the Iranian micro-continent is visible on the surface of the Makran tectonic province [54]. ...
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This research assessed stress regimes and fields in eastern Iran using fault-slip data and the tectonic events associated with these changes. Our stress analysis of the brittle structures in the Shekarab Mountains revealed significant changes in stress regimes from the late Cretaceous to the Quaternary. Reconstructing stress fields using the age and sense of fault movements showed that during the late Cretaceous, the direction of the maximum horizontal stress axes (σ1) under a compressional stress regime was ~N290°. This stress regime led to the uplifting of ophiolites and peridotites in eastern Iran. During the Eocene, the σ1 direction was NE-SW. The late Eocene and Oligocene stress states showed two distinct transpression and transtension stress regimes. This transition from transpression to transtension in the eastern Shekarab Mountains was the consequence of regional variations in stress regimes. The Quaternary stress state indicates that the tectonic regime in the Quaternary is strike-slip and the σ1 direction is ~N046°, which coincides with the current convergence direction of the Arabia–Eurasia plates. Our paleostress analysis revealed that four distinct stress regimes have been recognized in the area, including compressional, transtensional, transpressional, and strike-slip regimes. Our findings indicated that the diversity of the tectonic regimes was responsible for the formation of a variety of geological structures, including folds with different axes, faults with different mechanisms, and the current configuration of the Sistan suture zone.
... Moreover, in this research, the structural style of the study area was investigated using geometrickinematic analysis. This methodology has been found to be useful in places such as northeast Iran [14,15]; the Himalayan fold-thrust belt [16]; the Andes [17]; the Zagros mountain range [18], the Mosha fault in the Central Alborz range, Iran [19]; NE Ghats Province, India [20], the western Ordos fold-thrust belt, China [21]; the NW Zagros Mountains, Kurdistan Region, Iraq [22]; and Shekarab Mountain in eastern Iran [23,24]. ...
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In this paper, faults, one of the most important causes of geohazards, were investigated from a kinematic and geometric viewpoint in the northern part of the Sistan suture zone (SSZ), which serves as the boundary between the Afghan and Lut blocks. Furthermore, field evidence was analyzed in order to assess the structural type and deformation mechanism of the research area. In the northern Birjand mountain range, several ~E–W striking faults cut through geological units; geometric and kinematic analyses of these faults indicate that almost all faults have main reverse components, which reveals the existing compressional stress in the study area. The northern Birjand mountain range is characterized by four main reverse faults with ~E–W striking: F1–F4. The F1 and F2 reverse faults have southward dips, while the F3 and F4 reverse faults have northward dips. Moreover, the lengths of the F1, F2, F3, and F4 faults are 31, 17, 8, and 38 km, respectively. These faults, with reverse components that have interactive relationships with each other, form high relief structures. The study area’s main reverse faults, including F1 to F4, are extensions of the Nehbandan fault system, while their kinematics and geometry in the northern Birjand mountain range point to an N–S pop-up structure.
... The subduction-originated accretionary complex of the Cretaceous to the Oligocene (Tirrul et al., 1983) is a part of the SSZ that shows en echelon structures organized from at least the Oligocene to present as a result of right-lateral motion (Berberian et al., 2000;Ezati et al., 2020Ezati et al., , 2021Freund, 1970). The recent instrumental seismicity and different morphologic indicators of the main faults indicate the SSZ is a tectonically active structure (Berberian et al., 2000;Walker & Khatib, 2006). ...
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Geodetic and seismological data are crucial for examining the kinematics and active tectonics in structural zones. The current tectonic stress field can be inferred from the focal mechanism stress inversion (FMSI) and the seismic and geodetic strain rates (SSR and GSR). In this study, a reliable focal mechanism solution for earthquakes from 1968 to 2020 and GPS data from 2006 to 2015 were used to calculate the direction and magnitude of maximum principal strain rates to evaluate the seismic potential of eastern Iran, where more than 10 strong instrumental earthquakes (Mw ≥ 6) have occurred over the past three decades. A new stress map was proposed for the study area by analyzing the weighted average of FMSI, SSR and GSR in which the direction of the mean stress was estimated at ~ N36 E. Results show that the northeast of the Lut block is generally controlled by the transpressional deformation zones with oblique faulting. Moreover, we observed left-lateral and right-lateral shearing as well as dip-slip movements in different parts of the area. According to the stress inversion results of focal mechanism solutions, the study area can be categorized into four main groups of stress regimes: strike-slip (43.75%), thrust (35.41%), normal (4.17%), and unknown or oblique faulting (16.67%). The estimated geodetic shear strain rates (GSSR) show a maximum shearing rate around the Abgarm and the Abiz (Ardakoul) right-lateral strike-slip faults in the boundary of the Sistan Suture Zone (SSZ) with the Afghan block. Seismic and geodetic strain rates were compared with seismic and geodetic moment rates (SMR and GMR) to investigate the seismicity pattern and the structural evolution of the area. The high seismic-geodetic moment-rate ratio of about 92.1% reflects a fully seismic deformation of the study region. According to our calculations, the northern part of the SSZ includes about 89.82% of these ratios, indicating high seismic behavior, while the northern part of the Lut block includes about 2.28%, which indicates an aseismic deformation in this part. The data analysis exhibits more significant seismic hazard along the Dorouneh fault zone and Sedeh, Shekarab, south Birjand, and Birjand faults.
... The Quaternary direction of compression (σ1) is relatively coinciding with the present-day Arabia-Eurasia convergence direction (Jentzer et al. 2017). In the Shekarab Mountains, the Quaternary stress state is strikeslip and the average direction of maximum stress axis (σ1) is toward N026° (Ezati et al. 2020). The NW-SE striking thrust faults and chains are perpendicular to the direction of current maximum horizontal stress (NE-SW) as inferred from earthquake fault plane solutions. ...
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In order to evaluate the level of tectonic activities in the Shekarab Mountains, several geomorphic indices such as stream length gradient index (SL), valley floor width to valley height ratio (Vf), hypsometric curve (Hc), hypsometric integral (Hi), drainage basin shape (Bs), and relative tectonic activity (Iat) were calculated. Vf values show fastest uplift, deepest valleys, and highest river incision are associated with the basin 24. The high values of SL in the range of 900 to 3250 on the high resistance rocks related to the western basins indicate that the western part of the Shekarab Mountains has had recent tectonic activities. Moreover, distribution of high Hc and Hi values are related to the highest tectonic activity in the western and northeastern basins. Accordingly, the study area was divided into four subareas based on Iat values, which are the following: class 1, very high relative tectonic activity (10.17%); class 2, high relative tectonic activity (11.77%); class 3, moderate relative tectonic activity (29.96%); and class 4, low relative tectonic activity (48.10%). It can be concluded from the Iat values that different parts of the study area had undergone unequal uplift and tectonic activities in the NE-SW direction are showing the highest uplift rate, which is in consistency with the present time compression direction in the Shekarab Mountains.
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Structurally Lut zone is include of the four main trends that N-S and NE-SW trends are more prevalent in the northwest, as well as the magnetic trends confirm these structural trends. In terms of mineralization, the most important parts are related to the eastern and western parts of the Nayband fault zone. The most important mineralizations observed in these parts are lead and zinc. In the Uzbek Kuh areas which are located at the north of Boshrouyeh, the remains of ancient and today mines are considered by geologists and miners. Fault zones with the general NE-SW trend are the most important structures that caused movement and placement of the mineralized solutions. By evaluating and recognizing the relationships between the structural and geophysical features of this part of the Lut structural zone, it is possible to identify suitable areas for the continuation of lead and zinc mineralization.
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سنگ¬های آذرین در راستای پهنه گسلی نهبندان یکی از منابع بی پایان انرژی در خراسان جنوبی هستند. ‌واحدهای سنگی زیرپهنه سیستان در استان¬های خراسان جنوبی و سیستان و بلوچستان، مجموعه ای از واحدهای دگرگونی، رسوبی، آذرین و آذرآواری¬ها هستند که در اثر فعالیت پهنه اصلی گسل نهبندان و سرشاخه¬های آن دچار دگرشکلی و برش خوردگی شدید شده اند. واحدهای آذرین مربوط به دوره چهارم زمین شناسی در خاور ایران می¬توانند یکی از منابع مهم زمین گرمایی محسوب گردند. یکی از جوانترین واحدهای سنگی در خاور ایران که می¬تواند نقش موثری در تولید انرژی ایفا نماید واحدهای آذرین از نوع بازالتی هستند که در نقاط مختلف و از جمله راستای گسل نهبندان در سطح زمین دیده می¬شوند. بدلیل اینکه پهنه گسلی نهبندان دارای شیب زیاد و سازوکار امتدادلغز راستگرد می¬باشد، تداوم آن به اعماق زمین باعث گردیده است که این پهنه گسلی به هجره های ماگمایی راه یابد. فعالیت گسل مذکور و اتصال سرشاخه های آن باعث ایجاد فضای مناسب برای بالاآمدن مواد مذاب ایجاد کرده¬اند. هندسه¬ی پهنه اصلی با راستای شمالی – جنوبی و سازوکار راستگرد و همچنین چرخش بلوک¬های گسلی ناشی از اتصال شکستگی¬های وابسته به آن در رفتار شکننده¬ی سنگ¬ها، باعث ایجاد فضای خالی در حاشیه بلوک¬های گسلی و راه یافتن مواد مذاب به سطح زمین گردیده است. بدلیل جوان بودن حرکات گسل نهبندان از نظر زمین شناسی، واحدهای آذرین در راستای آن در اعماق بسیار کم پوسته ای جای گرفته¬اند و درجه زمین گرمایی نیز در آنجا بالا و دستیابی به منبع انرژی آسان خواهد بود.
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In the Central part of the Kopeh Dagh, there are a set of active right-lateral strike-slip faults that obliquely intersect the range and cause displacement in geomorphological and geological structures. In order to evaluate the rate of tectonic activities in the Central Kopeh Dagh, T, SL, Vf, HI and RIAT morphometric indices were evaluated. The average value of T index is equal to 0.25, and the main rivers are tilted toward the south. So, the E-W trending folds and thrusts, which are parallel to the basins, have caused the main river to tilt to the south. The highest value of the SL index is related to the intersection of the strike-slip faults which cut the sixth and seventh order rivers. The lowest values of the Vf index are related to the northern part of the studied region; hence, the V-shape valleys and high incision rates are associated with the high degree of tectonic uplift in the Shirinrood basin. Moreover, high values of the SL index and low values of the Vf index are related to the intense tectonic activities in the northern part of the Central Kopeh Dagh. The hypsometric integral (HI) indicates that the highest rock uplifts rate happened in the Shirinrood basin. Neotectonic analysis of the Central Kopeh Dagh shows that the northern part of the study area has the highest tectonic activity and earthquake risk.
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We conducted a stress field analysis of the northern part of the ~700 km-long north-south trending, seismically active Sistan orogenic belt of Eastern Iran formed as a result of the closure of a branch of the Neo-Tethys during the early Cenozoic. Fault kinematic data reveal drastic changes in the stress regime of Eastern Iran during the late Cenozoic, with three successive directions of compression (σ1), from 90°N during the middle-late Miocene to 60°N during the late Pliocene and 25°N during the Plio-Quaternary, thereby evidencing a counterclockwise rotation of about 65° of σ1 in less than 10 My. As shown by compilation of paleostress data, Plio-Quaternary direction of compression in Sistan coincides with the one recorded across the whole of Iran and with present-day Arabia-Eurasia convergence direction. This result suggests effective stress transfer from the Zagros collision and that Sistan is at present mechanically coupled and shortened along with the rest of the Iranian crust/lithosphere. By contrast, Miocene compression is markedly different in the Iranian hinterland (e.g., Sistan, Central Iran and Kopet Dagh) and in the Zagros orogen. This could tentatively be related to the end of Sistan collision and/or to the imprint of active deformation occurring further to the east. The intermediate late Pliocene compression (i.e., 60°N) could correspond to the progressive reorientation of the stress regime, as Sistan gets mechanically coupled to the Zagros collision.
The Iranian plateau accommodates the 35 mm/yr convergence rate between the Eurasian and Arabian plates by strike-slip and reverse faults with relatively low slip rates in a zone 1000 km across. Although these faults have only locally been the subject of paleoseismological studies, a rich historical and archeological record spans several thousand years, long enough to establish recurrence intervals of 1000 to 5000 yr on individual fault segments. Several clusters of earthquakes provide evidence of interaction among reverse and strike-slip faults, probably due to adjacent faults being loaded by individual earthquakes. The Dasht-e-Bayaz sequence of 1936 to 1997 includes earthquakes on left-lateral, right-lateral, and reverse faults. The Neyshabur sequence of four earthquakes between 1209 and 1405 respected the segment boundary between the Neyshabur and Binalud reverse fault systems. The two pairs of earthquakes may have ruptured different faults in each segment, similar to the 1971 and 1994 San Fernando, California, earthquakes. The 1978 Tabas reversefault earthquake was preceded by the 1968 Ferdows earthquake, part of the Dasht-e-Bayaz sequence. The North Tabriz fault system ruptured from southeast to northwest in three earthquakes from 1721 to 1786; a previous cluster may have struck this region in 855 to 958. The Mosha fault north of Tehran ruptured in three earthquakes in 958, 1665, and 1830. Five large earthquakes struck the Tehran region from 743 to 1177, but only two that large have struck the area since 1177. Other earthquakes occurred in pairs in the Talesh Mountains near the Caspian Sea (1863, 1896), the Iran-Turkey border (1840, 1843), and the Nayband-Gowk fault system (both in 1981). Other historical events did not occur as parts of sequences. The historic seismic moment release in Iran accounts for only a small part of the plate convergence rate, which may be due to aseismic slip or to the Iranian historical record, long as it is, being too short to sample long-term deformation across the plateau. No historic earthquakes of M ≧ 8 have struck Iran. However, several long, straight strike-slip faults (Doruneh, West Neh, East Neh, and Nayband) have not sustained large historical earthquakes, raising the possibility that these long faults could produce earthquakes of M ≧ 8, thereby removing at least part of the apparent slip deficit. An increased understanding of Iran's seismic hazard could be obtained by an extensive paleoseismology program and space-geodetic arrays, supplementing the abundant historical and archaeological record.
Geometry and kinematics of deformation across the Nehbandan Fault System (NFS) have been studied in the Bibimaryam and Damdameh areas in the Sistan Suture zone (SSZ). Nearly vertical fault planes with sub-horizontal lineations and correlation of these faults analysis with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) indicates a predominantly transpressive regime including right-lateral strike slip faults with reverse components in the region. An assemblage of en-echelon and doubly plunging folds with slip indicators, such as duplexes in their limbs, confirms progressive transpressive deformation. Accompanying hydrothermal alteration has created ideal conditions for reactivating shear fractures during late Cenozoic times that record the last phase of tectonic activity. Intrusive bodies such as the Bibimaryam and Damdameh granitoid plutons are exposed along the NW‒SE faults that branch off the Nehbandan Fault System (NFS). Fault analysis there shows three directions for compression (σ1): N085°, N074° and N024° from the Late Cretaceous to the Plio-Quaternary respectively, on the borders of the NFS. Our results are consistent with recent paleostress studies, which revealed counterclockwise rotation of σ1 during the Late Cenozoic in eastern Iran. Redistribution of σ1 directions along the NFS in the context of general N‒S striking indicates a decreasing pure shear component, and consequently an increasing simple shear component from the Late Cretaceous to Plio-Quaternary. This reconfiguration of σ1 likely triggered the exhumation of the Tertiary Bibimaryam and Damdameh granitoid plutons along the fault zones. Field evidence and lithofacies indicate that exhumation of the intrusive bodies cannot have preceded the late Eocene. Hence, the late Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the Sistan Belt may largely have resulted from the development of a dextral transpressive regime along the NFS in the SSZ. Keywords: Nehbandan Fault System, Sistan Suture Zone, granitoid, compression, exhumation, transpression
Geometry and kinematics of deformation across the Nehbandan Fault System (NFS) have been studied in the Bibimaryam and Damdameh areas in the Sistan Suture zone (SSZ). Nearly vertical fault planes with sub-horizontal lineations and correlation of these faults analysis with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) indicates a predominantly transpressive regime including right-lateral strike slip faults with reverse components in the region. An assemblage of en-echelon and doubly plunging folds with slip indicators, such as duplexes in their limbs, confirms progressive transpressive deformation. Accompanying hydrothermal alteration has created ideal conditions for reactivating shear fractures during late Cenozoic times that record the last phase of tectonic activity. Intrusive bodies such as the Bibimaryam and Damdameh granitoid plutons are exposed along the NW‒SE faults that branch off the Nehbandan Fault System (NFS). Fault analysis there shows three directions for compression (σ1): N085°, N074° and N024° from the Late Cretaceous to the Plio-Quaternary respectively, on the borders of the NFS. Our results are consistent with recent paleostress studies, which revealed counterclockwise rotation of σ1 during the Late Cenozoic in eastern Iran. Redistribution of σ1 directions along the NFS in the context of general N‒S striking indicates a decreasing pure shear component, and consequently an increasing simple shear component from the Late Cretaceous to Plio-Quaternary. This reconfiguration of σ1 likely triggered the exhumation of the Tertiary Bibimaryam and Damdameh granitoid plutons along the fault zones. Field evidence and lithofacies indicate that exhumation of the intrusive bodies cannot have preceded the late Eocene. Hence, the late Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the Sistan Belt may largely have resulted from the development of a dextral transpressive regime along the NFS in the SSZ. Keywords: Nehbandan Fault System, Sistan Suture Zone, granitoid, compression, exhumation, transpression
The Arabia - Eurasia convergence is accommodated across the Iranian plateau and surrounding mountain ranges. Strike-slip faults play significant roles in the current deformation of the Iranian plateau and were responsible for several moderate to large earthquakes, especially in east of Iran. The sinistral Dasht-e Bayaz fault shows conspicuous seismic and geological activities, while the role of the fault in the accommodation of active convergence is still debated. This paper focuses on the Pliocene-Quaternary to present-day states of stress in the region affected by the Dasht-e Bayaz fault. We applied the fault-slip inversion technique to both kinds of seismologic and geological fault slip data. The inversion results indicate a mean N045 ± 5 °E trending σ1 in the modern stress field, which agrees with the present-day tectonic regime (regional N050 ± 05 °E trending σ1) deduced from the inversion of earthquake focal mechanism data. The paleostress state is characterized by a N135 ± 15 °E trending regional mean σ1, with a transpressional stress regime; E-W faults of the region such as the Dasht-e Bayaz fault were reverse dextral in this paleostress field. We show that the shift in fault kinematics during the Pliocene-Quaternary times has not been restricted to northeastern parts of the Iranian plateau. The cross-cutting relationship between active N-S dextral and E-W sinistral faults indicates a crosswise to conjugate fault arrangement in the middle and the eastern end of the Dasht-e Bayaz fault. Integrating our results at a larger regional scale, we present a kinematic model in which the region between Lut and Kopeh Dagh is divided by the Doruneh fault into two tectonic domains. In the northern domain, active convergence is taken up by the extrusion of fault-bounded crustal blocks while, in the southern domain the convergence is accommodated through crosswise strike-slip faulting accompanied by reverse/thrust faulting in confining wedges.
The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) Zone in the Darjeeling foothills, Eastern Himalaya exhibits northerly dipping fault splays, named here as MBT-1 and MBT-2, with Proterozoic Daling Group in the MBT-1 hanging wall, Upper Paleozoic Gondwana rocks between the MBT-1 and the MBT-2, and Neogene Siwalik Group in the footwall of the MBT-2. On the basis of reduced stress tensors from fault-slip analysis and their grouping relative to different stratigraphic units in the MBT zone that crops out over a strike length of ∼20 km, the following successive stress regimes have been interpreted. The earliest brittle deformation recorded only in the basal part of the Gondwana succession was controlled by a pre-Himalayan NW-SE extensional regime. The Himalayan deformation under sustained N-S compressive regime developed in three stages: (a) thrust displacement along the MBT-1, juxtaposing folded Daling rocks against the Lower Gondwana rocks; (b) tilting and fracturing of Lower Gondwana succession and thrust transport over the Siwalik rocks along the MBT-2; (c) strike-slip regime with NW- and NE-trending faults affecting both the Lower Gondwana and Siwalik strata, developed possibly due to increased tectonic loading. The tensor solutions under N-S compressional regime are consistent with the modern plate convergence, supporting a foreland propagating thrust system in the Eastern Himalaya. In addition, an E-W extensional regime led to apparent orogen-parallel extension.
Powerful methods of paleostress analysis from fault-slip data have been used since the 1970's, and have demonstrated their capacity for reconstructing stress fields with tectonic significance. However, in some cases, these methods have been applied to samples that do not fulfill basic requirements, or developed on the basis of unsound conceptual models. Most methods of fault-slip are based on the Wallace-Bott principle (dynamic paradigm), while others invoke the necessity of remaining within the alternative kinematic paradigm, therefore inferring only finite strain or strain rate axes. The scientific community shares neither standard procedures for applying these methods, nor standard parameters for assessing the quality of results. This indicates that paleostress analysis has not attained maturity. It is necessary to see back to the conceptual and methological bases, following accurate procedures of data collection, using additional field observations, and critically assessing the results within the tectonic setting. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of stress fields over all scales makes the mean stress tensor obtained from site analysis just an abstract notion, though indispensable for understanding lithosphere dynamics.
The inversion of calcite twin data is a powerful tool to reconstruct paleostresses sustained by carbonate rocks during their geological history. Following Etchecopar's (1984) pioneering work, this study presents a new technique for the inversion of calcite twin data that reconstructs the 5 parameters of the deviatoric stress tensors from both monophase and polyphase twin datasets. The uncertainties in the parameters of the stress tensors reconstructed by this new technique are evaluated on numerically-generated datasets. The technique not only reliably defines the 5 parameters of the deviatoric stress tensor, but also reliably separates very close superimposed stress tensors (30° of difference in maximum principal stress orientation or switch between σ3 and σ2 axes). The technique is further shown to be robust to sampling bias and to slight variability in the critical resolved shear stress. Due to our still incomplete knowledge of the evolution of the critical resolved shear stress with grain size, our results show that it is recommended to analyze twin data subsets of homogeneous grain size to minimize possible errors, mainly those concerning differential stress values. The methodological uncertainty in principal stress orientations is about ± 10°; it is about ± 0.1 for the stress ratio. For differential stresses, the uncertainty is lower than ± 30%. Applying the technique to vein samples within Mesozoic limestones from the Monte Nero anticline (northern Apennines, Italy) demonstrates its ability to reliably detect and separate tectonically significant paleostress orientations and magnitudes from naturally deformed polyphase samples, hence to fingerprint the regional paleostresses of interest in tectonic studies.
The structural evolution of Central Europe reflects contrasting tectonic regimes after the Variscan orogeny during Mesozoic – Cenozoic time. The brittle deformation related to each tectonic regime is localized mainly along major fault zones, creating complex fracture patterns and kinematics through time with diverging interpretations on the number and succession of the causing events. By contrast, fracture patterns in less deformed domains often provide a pristine structural inventory. We investigate the brittle deformation of a relatively stable, wide area of the central German platform using fault-slip data to identify the regional stress fields required to satisfy the data. In a non-classical approach, and in order to avoid local stress variations and misinterpretations, the fault-slip data are scaled up throughout the study area into subsets of consistent kinematics and chronology for sedimentary cover and crystalline basement rocks. Direct stress tensor inversion was performed through an iterative refining process, and the computed stress tensors were verified using field-based observations. Criteria on relative tilt geometry and indicators of kinematic change suggest a succession of events, which begins with a post-Triassic normal faulting regime with σ3 axis trending NE-SW. The deformation then follows by strike-slip and thrust faulting regimes with a change of σ1 axis from N-S to NE-SW, supposedly in the Late Cretaceous. Two younger events are characterized by Cenozoic normal and oblique thrust faulting regimes with NW-SE-trending σ3 and σ1 axes, respectively. The fracture patterns of both the cover and basement rocks appear to record the same states of stress.