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Iron deficiency anemia in elderly patients- A cross-sectional study from a tertiary teaching and research hospital in north India



Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) in India is more because of low dietary intake, poor availability of iron & chronic blood loss due to hook worm infestation. A microcytic hypochromic anemia in an elderly individual means iron deficiency due to blood loss until proven otherwise. 433 cases of anemia who were aged 60 years and above attending geriatric and medicine out-patients’ department of a tertiary care hospital were evaluated clinically and investigated thoroughly to establish the type and etiology of anemia. Anemia of chronic disease accounted for 43.64% (n=189) of total cases and 39.72% (n=172) were having IDA. Chronic blood loss was responsible for IDA in 70.35% (n=121). Worm infestation was the most common cause of gastrointestinal blood loss (30.6% of blood loss cases, n=37). Most common worm infestation involved hookworms (30 patients, 81% of worm infestation) followed by Ascaris lumbricoides in 7 patients (19%). Hemorrhoids were the cause of chronic blood loss in 35 patients (28.9% of blood loss cases). From our study it is evident that iron deficiency anemia accounted for more than 1/3rdof total number of anemia patients which is higher than the incidence of IDA in elderly population of the western world. The importance of early diagnosis and management of worm infestation is also emphasized by our findings.
... Anemia is one of the most common diseases among the elderly. This disease has various complications such as dizziness, lack of concentration, distraction, etc. [20]. Diagnosis of anemia can also be recognized by a person's appearance. ...
Today, the interface between the brain and the computer can be designed using intelligent tools. This two‐way communication that is named the Brain–computer interface can make new changes in the world of science. Today, with the development of smartphones, the use of applications and social networks has formed an important part of people's communication. Therefore, the tools must be designed in such a way as to cover the needs of all members of society. For example, for improving the quality of living of aged people, they need to use these facilities with other people. So designing intelligence tools should be such that they can be implemented with the mental decision of people. Also as aging has some effects on activities of daily routines or the human body and their brains, it's important to settle the difficulties in communicating, walking, drive safely, the lifestyle of people, and their health. In this research, the challenging discussion of the effect of a brain–computer interface technology on aged people's life system is discussed and the role of the user interface is examined. Also, deep learning is one of the most important algorithms to make the patterns of subjects. Robots to feed elderly people, intelligent wheelchairs that are controlled by mental decisions, applications to make decisions and help to memorizing information for elderly people with Alzheimer, cameras to synthesize eye movements for aged people with vision disorder people, devices that help to make decisions for elderly people who have had a stroke and getting communication disorders, are high‐tech devices that help to people who are suffering from cognition errors or physical disability. The BCI applications which are based on deep learning algorithms can monitor brain activity. They have programmed signals that can make better decisions in different situations and can help to decrease the decision timing and improve the level of confidence and create a balance between different levels of people in society. Creating a balance between people improves the level of quality in every society and helps to increase the healthy life in society. In this chapter, we explore the relationship between the BCI applications which are based on deep learning algorithms and their applications for elderly people.
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