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Normal value of cephalic index and craniotypes: a pilot sonographic cephalometric survey of pregnant women of Yoruba ethnic origin in Lagos, southwest Nigeria

  • State University Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo-Eno

Abstract and Figures

Background: Sonographic cephalometry is used to identify ethnic differences. Biparietal diameter (BPD) and occipito-frontal diameter (OFD) may be used to compute cephalic index (CI). Methods: A sonographer measured the BPD and OFD in 200 pregnant women of Yoruba ethnic origin. The formula BPD/OFD x 100 was used to compute the CI. Mean CI was used to determine craniotypes. Coefficient of correlation, line graph, and the Bland-Altman plot, were used to determine the relationship between CI, BPD and OFD. Results: Mean CI was 77.24 ± 3.88 mm. There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in mean CI between fetuses of Yoruba, Igbo and Indian ethnic origin. Correlation was significant between CI and BPD (r = 0.163; p = 0.02) and between CI and OFD (r =-0.02; p = 0. 000); 68.0% of fetuses had mesocephaly. The formula CI = 0.0371(BPD) + 74.656 and CI = 0.0035 (OFD) + 77.559 may be used to calculate CI on the basis of respective sonographically measured BPD and OFD. Conclusion: While the skull appeared to have grown to its full length and breadth in the first trimester of pregnancy, a typical fetus of Yoruba ethnic origin in Lagos metropolis most likely would have a long and flat skull at birth. Even as ethnic differences appear to be a major factor in the development of cranial development in the population studied, a simple regression equation can be used to compute cephalic index and to correct atypical craniotypes among fetuses without craniofacial anomalies.
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volume 56 number 2 | NOVEMBER 2018
OPEN ACCESS online only
peer reviewed ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Normal value of cephalic index and craniotypes: a pilot sonographic
cephalometric survey of pregnant women of Yoruba ethnic origin in
Lagos, southwest Nigeria
CU Eze1 BSc (Nig), MHPM (Uniben), MSc (Nig), PhD (Nig) | DC Ene2 BSc (Nig), Pg. Cert Med. Us (Nig) | LC Abonyi1 BSc (Nig),
MSc (Unilag), PhD (Guyana) | DO Omiyi1 DIR (Nig), Pg. Cert (Sheffield), BSc (Edinburgh), MSc (Unizik)
1University of Lagos
2Hospital Support Diagnostic Center, Ketu, Lagos
Background: Sonographic cephalometry is used to identify ethnic differences. Biparietal diameter (BPD) and occipito-frontal
diameter (OFD) may be used to compute cephalic index (CI).
Methods: A sonographer measured the BPD and OFD in 200 pregnant women of Yoruba ethnic origin. The formula BPD/OFD
x 100 was used to compute the CI. Mean CI was used to determine craniotypes. Coefficient of correlation, line graph, and the
Bland-Altman plot, were used to determine the relationship between CI, BPD and OFD.
Results: Mean CI was 77.24 ± 3.88 mm. There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in mean CI between fetuses of
Yoruba, Igbo and Indian ethnic origin. Correlation was significant between CI and BPD (r = 0.163; p = 0.02) and between CI and
OFD (r = -0.02; p = 0. 000); 68.0% of fetuses had mesocephaly. The formula CI = 0.0371(BPD) + 74.656 and CI = 0.0035 (OFD)
+ 77.559 may be used to calculate CI on the basis of respective sonographically measured BPD and OFD.
Conclusion: While the skull appeared to have grown to its full length and breadth in the first trimester of pregnancy, a typical
fetus of Yoruba ethnic origin in Lagos metropolis most likely would have a long and flat skull at birth. Even as ethnic differences
appear to be a major factor in the development of cranial development in the population studied, a simple regression equation
can be used to compute cephalic index and to correct atypical craniotypes among fetuses without craniofacial anomalies.
Keywords Fetus, simple regression, Bland-Altman plot, craniometry
Morphological features in different ethnic
groups are usually not randomly distrib-
uted. Instead, they appear in geographical
clusters.[1] Cephalometry may literally be
defined as the study and measurement of
the head. Anthropologists were among the
earliest to use cephalometric values to de-
scribe and generalise facial appearances
to specific populations. It is believed that
cephalometry is arguably the most useful
technique in the investigation of cranio-
facial morphology because of its validity
and practicality.[2] Craniometry is useful
in the diagnosis of craniosynostosis (also
known as synostosis) which is early fusion
of two or more bones of the calvarium that
results in an abnormal head shape.[3] Al-
though sporadic cases have been reported,
syndromic craniosynostosis is inherited
and is often associated with genetic disor-
ders such as Apert, Baller-Gerold, Pfeiffer
and Muenke syndromes.[4] Lemon-shaped
head is associated with spina bifida in
31.6% of fetuses; strawberry-shape is as-
sociated with aneuploidy in 18.4% of
fetuses.[5] Trisomy-13, on the other hand,
is associated with facial defects and uro-
genital malformations while trisomy-21 is
characterised by facial dysmorphism.[6-7]
Standardised cephalometric values are
useful when comparing patients with
the normal population and also useful in
pediatrics, forensic medicine, and plastic
as well as orodental surgery.[1-2] In fact,
knowledge of the normal cephalic index
(CI) range is important in determining
atypical fetal head shapes.[8] CI has been
described as the relationship between
the long and short axes of the foetal cal-
varium used to distinguish a normal fetal
head shape from an abnormal one. It is
the ratio of the maximum width (i.e. BPD)
of the head multiplied by 100 divided
by its maximum length (i.e. OFD) and a
quantitative and objective method of de-
termining skull shape.[9-11] To neurosur-
geons, knowledge of the normal range of
CI is useful in a pre-operative work-up as
well as in a post-operative assessment of
correction of skull deformities.[8,12] Crani-
ometry is also useful in studies pertaining
to primate phylogeny.[1]
There are significant variations in cranial
shape and size in different ethnic groups.
Chinese heads, for instance, have been
reported to be more round than their
Caucasian counterparts.[13-15] Among the
Idoma and Igede ethnic nationalities in
northcentral Nigeria, mesocephaly was
reported as the predominant head shape;
dolichocephaly was reported as predomi-
nant craniotype in a population of Yoruba
people of southwest Nigeria.[16-17] Since
geographic, ethnic and dietary differences
exist amongst different population groups,
information about morphometric charac-
teristics becomes important for purposes
of comparison. Due to ethnic differences,
age and population-specific data on cra-
nial morphometry are not only useful in
clinical practice as indicators of growth
and development, but are also important
in determining changes in size and shape
or abnormalities of the crania.[18] With the
existence of ethnic differences in cranial
size well known, it is little wonder that
postnatal cephalometric normal values of
cephalic length, cephalic breath and ce-
phalic index (CI) have been reported for
different ethnic groups.[17,19-20]
Early diagnosis of congenital fetal anoma-
lies helps a physician to choose between
NOVEMBER 2018 | volume 56 number 2
OPEN ACCESS online only
the non-aggressive obstetric management
and termination of pregnancy.[21] In spite
of the role of postnatal craniometry in dif-
ferentiating craniotypes, it is imperative
to note that cranial anomalies are mostly
congenital with cranial vault shape re-
ported to be more dependent on genetic
factors than on cerebral development.[8]
Imaging modalities such as computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), and ultrasonography may
be used for prenatal metric evaluation of
craniofacial form.[1] Sonography does not
involve ionising radiation, it is less expen-
sive than CT or MRI, and is commonly
available in developing countries like Ni-
geria. It therefore is preferred in the intra-
uterine evaluation of the fetus.
In sonographic cephalometry, stand-
ardised measurement of fetal biparietal
diameter (BPD), head circumference
(HC), as well as occipito-frontal diameter
(OFD), may be used to estimate fetal age
as well to diagnose congenital anomalies.
Studies have demonstrated the effective
use of sonographic CI in the diagnosis of
closure of sutures in the third trimester
of pregnancy, strawberry-shaped cranial
vault and narrow flattened front-occip-
ital region in trisomy 18 while sonogra-
phy has equally been used to determine
normal CI values in early cyesis using the
transvaginal approach in various ethnic
populations.[8,22-25] Data on CI obtained
from fetal sonographic craniometry is
sparse in Nigeria that has many distinct
ethnic groups. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there is no data on sonographic
fetal craniometry in any population of
Yoruba people who make up one of the
largest ethnic groups in Nigeria. The pur-
pose of this study was to perform fetal
craniometry in a Nigerian population
of fetuses of Yoruba ethnic extraction in
Lagos, southwest Nigeria using ultra-
sonography technique in order to provide
baseline cephalometric data, cephalic in-
dices and craniotypes for clinical use and
future reference.
A prospective longitudinal study was
carried out at a private hospital in Lagos
metropolis between November 2016 and
August 2017. Ethics approval was obtained
from the Human Research Ethics Commit-
tee at the hospital located in Ketu, Lagos.
Informed written consent was obtained
from women before they were recruited.
In line with the standards for reporting di-
agnostic accuracy studies (STARD), poten-
tially eligible participants were identified.
They were pregnant women who were re-
ferred to the ultrasound centre at the hos-
pital for routine antenatal examination.
From potentially eligible participants, a
convenience sample of 200 healthy Nige-
rian women of Yoruba ethnic origin with
singleton pregnancy was selected. Partici-
pants were recruited on first-to-come first-
to-be recruited basis. Only Yoruba women
who were married to Yoruba men were
included in the study to ensure that fetus-
es were of Yoruba ethnic origin. Women
who were sure of the date of onset of their
last menstrual period (LMP) who agreed
to undergo first trimester ultrasound ex-
amination for pregnancy dating as well as
2nd and 3rd trimester follow-up examina-
tions were recruited. Sonographic meas-
urement of crown-rump length (CRL)
was done within 7-13 weeks of cyesis.
In line with recommendations,[26] each
participant was included in the present
study only when the difference between
fetal age calculated from LMP and ultra-
sound estimation was 7 days. Socio-de-
mographic and anthropometric data were
collected. Trans-abdominal ultrasonogra-
phy was performed using Mindray DC-N3
ultrasound machine with a 3.5MHz
convex probe. All sonographic measure-
ments were performed by one sonogra-
pher who has >8 years of experience in
obstetric sonography. Each participant
was examined while lying supine. In line
with recommended protocols for perform-
ing obstetric sonography,[27] the probe was
placed perpendicular to the central axis
of the fetal head on a plane that traversed
the thalami and cavum septum pellucid-
ium and care was taken to ensure that
Table 1. Mean Cephalic Index for the population, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester
n = 200
n = 200
n = 200
Cephalic index 77.24 ± 3.88 76.77 ± 3.25 77.58 ± 4.26 0.147§
Range 69.33 - 114.87 69.33 - 84.62 71.80 - 114.87
§ Independent samples t-test for 2nd and 3rd trimester only
Table 2. Comparison of mean CI in the present study with Igbo population in Nigeria
Cephalic index 76.77 ± 3.25 85.92 ± 4.88 0.000-8.677445
Range 69.33 - 84.62 71.80 - 114.87
One sample t-test
Figure 1. Sonogram of fetal head showing BPD and OFD measurement
volume 56 number 2 | NOVEMBER 2018
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cerebellar structures were avoided. Both
BPD and occipito-frontal diameter (OFD)
were measured at the level of the thalami
and septum pellucidium. For BPD (width
of the skull) measurement, the cursor was
placed at the outer edge of the proximal
and then taken to the inner edge of the
distal calvarial wall. For OFD (the longi-
tudinal diameter of the calvarium) meas-
urement, the cursor was placed at the
proximal outer and drawn to the distal
outer calvarial wall (Figure 1). As was pre-
viously done in several similar studies[13,19]
the cephalic index (CI) was thereafter
computed using the formula: CI = BPD/
OFD x 100. Craniotyping was thereafter
performed using Mishra et al’s method[19]
as follows:
cephalic index = 55.0 - 59.9
cephalic index = 60.0 - 64.9
cephalic index = 65.0 - 74.9
cephalic index = 75.0 - 79.9
cephalic index = 80.0 - 84.9
cephalic index = 85.0 - 89.9
cephalic index = 90.0 - 94.9
Mean CI ± standard deviation (SD) was
computed for the population and for 2nd
and 3rd trimester. Paired t-test was used to
compare mean CI in the present study with
previously published means in different
populations. Pearson’s product moment
correlation analysis and line graphs were
used to determine correlation between CI,
BPD and OFD. Bland-Altman plot was
used to determine 95% confidence inter-
val of CI (mean CI ± 2 SD) in the popu-
lation. Thereafter, the proportion for each
head shape (craniotype) was computed.
Simple logistic regression analysis was
used to produce equations (nomograms)
that could be used to compute CI in the
population. Data were analysed using
SPSS software version 17 (SPSS Inc., Chi-
cago, Illinois, USA). Results were tested
for statistical significance at p0.05.
The mean age of the population was 33.4
± 2 years. The mean CI in the population
was 77.24 ± 3.88 mm; mean CI for the
2nd and 3rd trimester was 76.77 ± 3.25 mm
and 77.58 ± 4.26 mm, respectively. Mean
CI for 2nd and 3rd trimesters was not statisti-
cally different from each other (p=0.147;
Table 1). Mean CI in the population was
statistically different (p=0.000) from mean
CI previously reported in an Igbo popula-
tion (Table 2). There was a statistically sig-
nificant difference (p<0.05) in the mean
CI obtained in the present study com-
pared with means reported in different
Indian populations (Tables 3 and 4). Most
fetuses (68.0%) had mesocephalic head
shape whereas the head was hyper brach-
ycephalic in 3.0% of fetuses (Table 5).
There was significant correlation between
CI and BPD (r=0.163; p=0.02) (Table
6) and between CI and OFD (r=-0.02;
Table 3. Comparison of mean CI in the present study with an Indian population
et al.
16 - 20 76.4 ± 3.2 79.2 ± 3.6 0.0001 -2.793000
21 - 25 76.9 ± 3.6 80.6 ± 3.7 0.0001 -3.743375
26 - 30 76.9 ± 2.4 82.6 ± 6.5 0.0001 -5.719432
31 - 35 77.2 ± 2.4 82.5 ± 1.7 0.0001 -5.284127
36 - 40 78.4 ± 6.4 88.7 ± 2.3 0.0001 -6.09926
One sample t-test
Table 4. Comparison of mean CI in the present study with Manipuri Indian population
16 - 20 76.41 ± 3.16 80.36 0.0001 –3.953000
21 - 25 76.86 ± 3.59 77.00 0.802 –0.143375
26 - 30 76.89 ± 2.44 80.59 0.0001 –4.52447
31 - 35 77.22 ± 2.39 79.77 0.0001 –2.554127
36 - 40 78.42 ± 6.40 80.41 0.054 –1.988171
One sample t-test
Table 5. Classification of fetal head shapes in the population studied
Dolichocephaly 10 (5.0)
Mesocephaly 136 (68.0) *
Brachycephaly 48 (24.0)
Hyperbrachycephaly 6 (3.0)
Total (100.0)
*Mesocephaly was the commonest head shape in the population
Table 6. Correlation of CI with BPD and OFD
Cephalic Index (CI)
Pearson Correlation 1 .163* -.020
Sig. (2-tailed) .021 .782
N 200 200 200
Biparietal Diameter
Pearson Correlation .163* 1 .983**
Sig. (2-tailed) .021 .000
N 200 200 200
Diameter (OFD)
Pearson Correlation -.020 .983** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .782 .000
N 200 200 200
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
NOVEMBER 2018 | volume 56 number 2
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Figure 2. Line graph showing goodness-of-fit HCI/BPD plot. Figure 3. Line graph showing goodness-of-fit HCI/OFD plot.
Figure 4. Bland-Altman plots of horizontal cephalic index and biparietal diameter.
Figure 5. Bland-Altman plots of horizontal cephalic index and OFD.
p=0. 000) (Table 6). Figures 2 and 3 are
line graphs depicting significant correla-
tion between CI and BPD as well as be-
tween CI and OFD. Figures 4 and 5 are
Bland-Altman graphs showing CI ± 2
standard deviations (SD) for CI against
BPD and for CI against OFD, respectively.
Simple regression equation for calculat-
ing CI on the basis of BPD and OFD are
CI = 0.0371 (BPD) + 74.656 and CI =
0.0035 (OFD) + 77.559, respectively.
It is well known that ethnic characteris-
tics of a population are expressed in phe-
notype skeletal morphology. The view
of Williams et al[28] is that their best and
most obvious expression is in the skull.
They also opine that cranial morphom-
etry (CI in particular) establishes the most
significant characteristic for defining the
ethnic difference. It is an established fact
that a comparison of CI between parents,
offspring and their siblings has the poten-
tial to give a reliable clue towards genetic
transmission of inherited characteristics.
Craniometry is also important for facial
reconstruction in cases of disputed iden-
tity. Cephalometry is a simple and accu-
rate method for investigating craniofacial
skeletal morphology hence its continued
popularity in the assessment of such char-
acteristics.[30] This study appears to be the
first to undertake prenatal sonographic
measurement of CI. It provides data that
could be useful regarding cephalic indi-
ces and craniotypes in a population of fe-
tuses of Yoruba origin in Lagos, southwest
There was a statistically significant differ-
ence (p<0.05) in mean CI (77.24 ± 3.88
mm; range = 69.33 - 114.87 mm) in the
present study. In accordance with the clas-
volume 56 number 2 | NOVEMBER 2018
OPEN ACCESS online only
sification of Mishra et al,[19] mesocephaly
was the dominant craniotype in the pop-
ulation studied. This craniotype suggests
that a fetus from the Yoruba ethnic nation-
ality, in Lagos Nigeria, with no craniofa-
cial anomaly will almost certainly have a
long and flat head at birth. We noted a
significant difference when the mean CI
in our study was compared with the mean
CI that was reported by Ugwu et al[8] in
an Igbo population in southeast Nigeria.
There was also statistically significant dif-
ference between mean CI observed in the
present study compared to mean CI report-
ed in different Indian populations.[31-32]
These differences support the view that
ethnicity/genetic makeup plays a role in
the development of craniotypes.[18]
With respect to fetuses in the 16-20 weeks
gestational age range, we observed a sta-
tistically significant difference in mean CI
(76.4 ± 3.2 mm) compared to 79.2 ± 3.6
mm reported by Rajlakshmi et al[31] in Ma-
nipuri, Indian fetuses between the ages of
16 and 20 weeks. While we cannot rule
out that the sonographic technique and
the quality of ultrasound machines used
could have contributed to differences in
CI, we are inclined to believe that our
study appears to reaffirm the opinion that
ethnic differences exist in CI. We observed
a marginal increase in CI mostly within the
2nd trimester which strongly suggests that
fetal head/brain development was proba-
bly more rapid within the first trimester of
pregnancy. Although we did not compute
the rate of cranial growth, our observa-
tion somewhat agrees with Rajlakshmi et
al’s[31] earlier submission to the effect that
CI increased with advance in fetal age.
A mixed pattern of craniotypes was ob-
served in the present study; mesocephaly
was the commonest fetal head shape in
the population. This suggests that most
fetuses of Yoruba extraction in the popu-
lation studied would most likely have
medium sized heads. It also points to the
fact that other factors, other than genetic
makeup, play appreciable roles in cranial
development. The proportion of fetuses
with mesocephaly in our study (68.5%)
is more than 33.6% reported in an India
population.[32] In the same Indian popula-
tion, 54% of fetuses had brachycephaly
whereas 48% of fetuses had brachycepha-
ly in the present study. This suggests that a
typical Indian fetus in the Manipuri region
would most likely be born with a relatively
broader and shorter skull than its Yoruba
counterpart in Lagos metropolis. The
5% of fetuses with dolichocephaly and
3% with hyper brachycephaly observed
in the population studied suggest that it
would not be totally unusual for a typical
Yoruba couple in Lagos metropolis to have
a baby with a relatively long skull or an
extremely short skull in spite of their ge-
netic makeup. More Indian fetuses in the
Manipuri region[32] had dolichocephaly
and hyper brachycephaly (4% and 8.4%,
respectively). This appears to reaffirm
that fetuses in the Manipuri region would
mostly have shorter and broader skull at
birth than their Yoruba counterparts in
Lagos metropolis. While we concede
that errors in measurement could have
contributed to differences in craniotypes
reported, we are inclined to suggest that
ethnic/dietary differences most certainly
played dominant roles in cranial develop-
ment in those populations. It is therefore,
not implausible to submit that fetuses of
Yoruba origin are likely to be born with
flatter/longer skull than their Indian coun-
terparts from the Manipuri region.
Within the 2nd and 3rd trimester of cyesis,
we observed that fetal skull was generally
mesocephalic; no significant difference in
mean CI was observed between 2nd and
3rd trimesters. This suggests that the fetal
skull was more or less fully developed in
the 1st and probably early 2nd trimester
in the population studied. This supports
Tuli et al[33] who earlier reported no sig-
nificant change in CI between the 2nd and
3rd trimester of gestation with fetal heads
generally mesocephalic in the 2nd and 3rd
trimester of cyesis. This study thus reiter-
ates the importance of performing 1st and
early 2nd trimester sonographic evaluation
in a patient with high risk for congenital
anomaly. Our study, however, does not
support Bharati et al’s opinion[34] which
states that the head is usually flat and long
(dolichocephalic) in tropical regions but
generally round (mesocephalic/brachyc-
ephalic) in temperate regions.
We observed a significant correlation
between BPD and CI, and between OFD
and CI in the population studied. While
this might not be totally unexpected as
pregnancy advanced, we believe that it
underscores the need for sonographic
measurement of OFD and subsequent
computation of CI in obstetric evalua-
tion of women at high risk of congenital
anomalies. It also highlights the superior-
ity of sonographic cephalometry in the
evaluation of atypical craniotypes in-
stead of visual inspection and measure-
ment of BPD that is usually done by a few
sonographers in Lagos metropolis. In the
present study, simple regression analysis
showed that atypical craniotypes can be
corrected using an equation while Bland-
Altman graphs showed that within 2-SD
of the mean, CI could be used to catego-
rise fetal head shape thereby reaffirming
that computation of CI should be consid-
ered when the fetus presents with atypical
Mesocephaly had earlier been reported by
Obaje et al[16] as the dominant head shape
among the Idoma and Igede ethnic nation-
alities in northcentral Nigeria. Oladipo et
al[17] also reported dolichocephaly as the
dominant craniotype in a cohort of Yoruba
people in the southwest of the country.
Neither studies[16,17] carried out prenatal
cephalometric studies which made their
results unsuitable for comparison with
ours. Another limitation of our study was
the small sample size in terms of the pop-
ulation of people of Yoruba ethnic origin
in Nigeria. Although it can be argued that
data obtained in the present study were
reliable since only one sonographer per-
formed sonographic measurements, we
think that without further validation, ref-
erence values of CI, craniotypes and the
nomogram developed in the present study
might be valid only among fetuses in the
population studied.
While the skull may appear to have grown
to its full length and breadth in the first
trimester of pregnancy, a typical fetus of
Yoruba ethnic origin in Lagos metropolis
would most likely have a long and flat
skull at birth. Even as ethnic differences
appear to be a major factor in cranial de-
velopment in the population studied, a
simple regression equation can be used
to compute cephalic index and to correct
atypical craniotypes among fetuses with-
out craniofacial anomalies.
We have none to declare.
CUE (University of Lagos) was the main
researcher; DCE (Hospital Support Diag-
nostic Center, Ketu, Lagos) was respon-
sible for data collection; LCA (University
of Lagos) assisted with data analysis and
interpretation of the results. DOO (Uni-
versity of Lagos) drafted the manuscript.
NOVEMBER 2018 | volume 56 number 2
OPEN ACCESS online only
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Cephalic index is an important parameter for classifying populations. The study was aimed at determining the cephalic indices among Ogonis. In the present study, eight hundred (800) subjects comprising 400 males and 400 females with age ranging from 25-45 years of Ogoni ethnic group by both parents and grandparents were measured. The subjects were measured for head length and head breadth and cephalic index was worked out by dividing the head breadth by head length and multiplying by 100. The cephalic indices were calculated and the result analyzed using z-test. On the average, the mean cephalic index was >80 which puts Ogonis in the brachycephalic population. The z-test analysis indicated that there was significant difference between Ogoni males and Ogoni females. Thus cephalic index is sexually dimorphic amongst the Ogonis. The result of this study will be of importance in forensic medicine, anthropology and in genetics.
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Cephalic index (CI) and head shape are greatly affected by geographical, sex, age and racial factors. Such data is of great medico legal and forensic importance which indicates that cephalic index can be used as marker of ethnicity. There is less published literature about cephalic index of Punjab population. Hence, we undertook this study to document the cephalometric characteristics and gender differences in cephalic index of Punjabi community. Head length, head breadth and CI were determined for 500 medical students (17-23 years) of Punjab. The mean cephalic index for males was 80.52 and for females 84.32 which was statistically significant. On comparison with the existing literature the Punjabi community can be categorized as Brachycephalic/Hyperbrachicephalic. This is of immense value in forensic science for facial reconstruction of disputed identity, orthodontics, different oral & maxillofacial surgery or craniofacial surgery, paleoanthropology and phylogeography.
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Cephalic index is an important parameter useful in establishing racial and sexual dimorphism. This study was carried out to determine the cephalic indices of adult Yorubas of age 18 to 40 years. One thousand and twenty (1020) Yoruba adults consisting of 493 males and 527 females were recruited randomly for the study. These were all residents of Port Harcourt, Rivers State of Nigeria. The mean cephalic index of Yorubas without reference to gender was 74.39 ± 5.41. Dominant and rare types of head shapes are dolicocephalic (68.33%) and hyperbrachycephalic (5.00%), respectively. The mean cephalic indices were 75.02 ± 4.76 (mesocephalic) in males and 73.75 ± 5.13 (dolicocephalic) in females. We conclude that Yoruba males are mesocephalic while Yoruba females are dolicocephalic. Besides, this study also reveals dolicocephalization tending towards mesocephalization amongst Yorubas. These findings will be very useful in forensic science, physical and medical anthropology, and clinical practice, most especially craniofacial surgery as it presents a characteristic feature of the head configuration for this Nigerian race.
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Craniosynostosis, a condition in which the cranial sutures prematurely fuse, can lead to elevated intracranial pressure and craniofacial abnormalities in young children. Currently surgical intervention is the only therapeutic option for patients with this condition. Craniosynostosis has been associated with a variety of different gene mutations and chromosome anomalies. Here we describe three cases of partial deletion of chromosome 19p. Two of the cases present with syndromic craniosynostosis while one has metopic ridging. A review of the genes involved in the rearrangements between the three cases suggests several gene candidates for craniosynostosis. CALR and DAND5, BMP regulators involved in osteoblast differentiation, and MORG1, a mediator of osteoclast dysregulation may play a role in abnormal cranial vault development. Additionally, CACNA1A, a gene that when mutated is associated with epilepsy and CC2D1A, a gene associated with nonsyndromic mental retardation may contribute to additional phenotypic features seen in the patients we describe. In addition, these findings further support the need for genetic testing in cases of syndromic craniosynostosis.
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The comparative study of cephalometric indices among the Igede and Idoma ethnic groups of Benue State was undertaken due to lack of adequate cephalometry among Nigerians. The anthropometric characteristics of 425 apparently normal adults of ages 17-40 years of Igede and Idoma ethnic extractions of Benue State, Nigeria with no physical deformities of the face and head were randomly selected for this study. Satisfactorily characterizations between the two ethnic groups was clearly established. There were 425 subjects were used for the study of which 158 were Igede and 267 were Idoma with mean age of 22.6±0.45 and 23.0±0.47 year, respectively. The anthropometric variables measured were head length, head width, bizygomatic distance, upper facial length, lower facial length, total facial length, nose width and skull height from which the cephalometric indices were calculated. The result showed that there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in some of the measured variables between the Igede and Idoma tribes of Benue State. The results also showed a positive correlation between the head width and bizygomatic distance and other anthropometric variables which could be used to predict cephalic indices among the Igede and Idoma ethnic groups of Benue State, Nigeria. These results showed that the dominant head form among the Idoma and Igede Ethnic groups were mesocephalic respectively. Facial indices showed dominant hypereuryprosopic face type for both ethnic groups. The results showed that the data obtained from the present study could be used in forensic anthropology and in establishing ancestral relationship and in reconstructive surgeries of the face, head and neck of the 2 ethnic groups of Idoma and Igede of Benue State of Nigeria.
Cephalic index is an important parameter in evaluating racial and gender differences. A large body of evidence shows a clear racial variation in cephalic index. Therefore detailed knowledge of the population specific data on biometric features of the cranium is important in the study and comparison of the crania of populations from different racial backgrounds, assessing growth and development of an individual and in the diagnosis of any abnormalities of cranial size and shape. Despite its' significance, little is known concerning the cranial morphometry in Sri Lankans. Hence, the present study was undertaken to establish the cranial indices and head shapes in an adult Sri Lankan population. A total of 400 subjects with an age span of 20-23 years were included in the study. The cranial length, breadth and auricular head height of the subjects were recorded using a digital sliding caliper and Todd's head spanner. The horizontal, vertical and transverse cephalic indices were calculated using external dimensions of the skulls. There were significant gender differences in all principal cranial dimensions. The mean horizontal, vertical and transverse cephalic indices were 78.54, 78.68 and 100.52 respectively. The predominant cephalic phenotype of the study subjects were brachycephalic, hypsicephalic and acrocephalic. Among males dolicocephalics and among females brachycephalics dominated. The results of this study highlight the racial and gender differences in cranial morphometry and cephalic indices in an adult Sri Lankan population. The data will be of immense use in clinical, medico-legal, anthropological and archeological scenarios.
Scholars have labeled Madison Grant everything from the "nation's most influential racist" to the "greatest conservationist that ever lived." His life illuminates early twentieth-century America as it was heading toward the American Century, and his legacy is still very much with us today, from the speeches of immigrant-bashing politicians to the international efforts to arrest climate change. This insightful biography shows how Grant worked side-by-side with figures such as Theodore Roosevelt to found the Bronx Zoo, preserve the California redwoods, and save the American bison from extinction. But Grant was also the leader of the eugenics movement in the United States. He popularized the infamous notions that the blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordics were the "master race" and that the state should eliminate members of inferior races who were of no value to the community. Grant's behind-the-scenes machina tions convinced Congress to enact the immigration restriction legis lation of the 1920s, and his influence led many states to ban interracial marriage and sterilize thousands of "unworthy" citizens. Although most of the relevant archival materials on Madison Grant have mysteriously disappeared over the decades, Jonathan Spiro has devoted many years to reconstructing the hitherto concealed events of Grant's life. His astonishing feat of detective work re veals how the founder of the Bronx Zoo wound up writing the book that Adolf Hitler declared was his "bible".