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Cellular and Mathematical Analyses of LUBAC Involvement in T Cell Receptor-Mediated NF-κB Activation Pathway

Frontiers in Immunology

Abstract and Figures

The LUBAC ubiquitin ligase complex, composed of the HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN subunits, stimulates the canonical nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation pathways through its Met1-linked linear ubiquitination activity. Here we performed cellular and mathematical modeling analyses of the LUBAC involvement in the T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated NF-κB activation pathway, using the Jurkat human T cell line. LUBAC is indispensable for TCR-induced NF-κB and T cell activation, and transiently associates with and linearly ubiquitinates the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex, through the catalytic HOIP subunit. In contrast, the linear ubiquitination of NEMO, a substrate of the TNF-α-induced canonical NF-κB activation pathway, was limited during the TCR pathway. Among deubiquitinases, OTULIN, but not CYLD, plays a major role in downregulating LUBAC-mediated TCR signaling. Mathematical modeling indicated that linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex accelerates the activation of IκB kinase (IKK), as compared with the activity induced by linear ubiquitination of NEMO alone. Moreover, simulations of the sequential linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex suggested that the allosteric regulation of linear (de)ubiquitination of CBM subunits is controlled by the ubiquitin-linkage lengths. These results indicated that, unlike the TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation pathway, the TCR-mediated NF-κB activation in T lymphocytes has a characteristic mechanism to induce LUBAC-mediated NF-κB activation.
The N-terminal domains in HOIP associate with CARMA1 and MALT1. (A) Endogenous association of LUBAC and the CBM complex upon TCR-stimulation. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods. The cells lysates and anti-HOIL-1L immunoprecipitates were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. (B) HOIP binds CARMA1 and MALT1. Myc-tagged LUBAC subunits and FLAG-tagged CBM components were co-expressed in HEK293T cells, as indicated. The cell lysates and anti-Myc immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with the depicted antibodies. (C) Domain structure and mutants of HOIP. PUB: peptide:N-glycanase/UBA or UBX-containing proteins; ZF: zinc finger; NZF: Npl4-type zinc finger; UBA: ubiquitin-associated; RING: really interesting new gene; IBR: in-between RING; and LDD: linear ubiquitin determining. (D) The B box domain of HOIP is crucial for CARMA1-binding. WT and various mutants of Myc-tagged HOIP were co-expressed with FLAG-CARMA1 in HEK293T cells, and immunoprecipitations followed by immunoblotting analyses were performed as indicated. (E) The PUB domain of HOIP is responsible for MALT1-binding. A similar analysis to that in Figure 2D was performed, using FLAG-MALT1. (F) Domain structure and mutants of CARMA1. CARD, caspase-recruitment domain; BAR, Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs; GBP-C, guanylate-binding protein C‐terminal; PDZ, post synaptic density protein (PSD95)-Drosophila disc large tumor suppressor (Dlg1)-Zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1); SH3, Src homology 3; and GUK, guanylate kinase. (G) The PDZ-SH3 region of CARMA1 binds HOIP. A similar analysis to that in Figure 2D was performed, using WT and various mutants of FLAG-CARMA1 and Myc-HOIP. (H) Domain structure and mutants of MALT1. Ig, immunoglobulin-like. (I) The death domain in MALT1 is the HOIP binding site. A similar analysis to that in Figure 2D was performed, using WT and various mutants of FLAG-MALT1 and Myc-HOIP.
The CBM complex is linearly ubiquitinated upon TCR stimulation. (A) Parental Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods. The heat-denatured cell lysates were immunoprecipitated and immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. Taking the maximum intensities of linear ubiquitination as 100%, the relative intensities of the linear ubiquitinated CBM complex are indicated. Means ±SD (n = 3). (B) HOIP is required for linear ubiquitination of MALT1. Parental and RNF31-KO Jurkat cells were stimulated with PMA/ionomycin as in (A), immunoprecipitated with anti-MALT1, and immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. (C) Suppressed linear ubiquitination of NEMO in the TCR-mediated NF-κB activation pathway. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin or 1 µg/ml TNF-α for the indicated time periods, and cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with an anti-NEMO antibody and then immunoblotted with the depicted antibodies. (D) MALT1 is exclusively linearly ubiquitinated upon TCR stimulation. A similar analysis to that in Figure 4C was performed after anti-MALT1 immunoprecipitation. (E) Linear ubiquitination of MALT1 after stimulation with CD3 and CD28. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 5 µg/ml each of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies as indicated. The cell lysates and anti-MALT1 immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted by the indicated antibodies. (F) Transient activation of canonical IKK. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods. After immunoprecipitation with an anti-NEMO antibody, an in vitro canonical IKK assay was performed using GST-IκBα1–54 as the substrate. Samples were immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies, and taking the maximum intensities of P-IκBα as 100%, the relative intensities are indicated. Means ±SD (n = 3). (A, B, E) *; nonspecific signal.
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Cellular and Mathematical Analyses
of LUBAC Involvement in T Cell
Receptor-Mediated NF-kB Activation
Daisuke Oikawa
, Naoya Hatanaka
, Takashi Suzuki
*and Fuminori Tokunaga
Department of Pathobiochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan,
Division of
Mathematical Science, Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University,
Osaka, Japan,
Center for Mathematical Modeling and Data Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
The LUBAC ubiquitin ligase complex, composed of the HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN
subunits, stimulates the canonical nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) activation pathways through
its Met1-linked linear ubiquitination activity. Here we performed cellular and mathematical
modeling analyses of the LUBAC involvement in the T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated NF-kB
activation pathway, using the Jurkat human T cell line. LUBAC is indispensable for TCR-
induced NF-kB and T cell activation, and transiently associates with and linearly
ubiquitinates the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex, through the catalytic HOIP
subunit. In contrast, the linear ubiquitination of NEMO, a substrate of the TNF-a-induced
canonical NF-kB activation pathway, was limited during the TCR pathway. Among
deubiquitinases, OTULIN, but not CYLD, plays a major role in downregulating LUBAC-
mediated TCR signaling. Mathematical modeling indicated that linear ubiquitination of the
CBM complex accelerates the activation of IkB kinase (IKK), as compared with the activity
induced by linear ubiquitination of NEMO alone. Moreover, simulations of the sequential
linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex suggested that the allosteric regulation of linear
(de)ubiquitination of CBM subunits is controlled by the ubiquitin-linkage lengths. These
results indicated that, unlike the TNF-a-induced NF-kB activation pathway, the TCR-
mediated NF-kB activation in T lymphocytes has a characteristic mechanism to induce
LUBAC-mediated NF-kB activation.
Keywords: linear ubiquitin, LUBAC, mathematical model, NF-kB, T cell receptor, CBM complex
Nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) is a pivotal transcription factor controlling innate and acquired immune
responses, inammation, and anti-apoptosis (1,2). Therefore, impaired NF-kB activity is implicated
in diverse diseases, including cancers, metabolic syndrome, and inammatory, autoimmune, and
neurodegenerative diseases. NF-kB activation is typically classied into canonical and non-
canonical pathways (1,2). The canonical NF-kB pathway is activated by stimulations with
proinammatory cytokines, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and antigen
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 6019261
Edited by:
Anne Spurkland,
University of Oslo, Norway
Reviewed by:
Mads Gyrd-Hansen,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Koji Yasutomo,
Tokushima University, Japan
Takashi Suzuki
Fuminori Tokunaga
These authors have contributed
equally to this work
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
T Cell Biology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology
Received: 02 September 2020
Accepted: 26 October 2020
Published: 23 November 2020
Oikawa D, Hatanaka N, Suzuki T and
Tokunaga F (2020) Cellular and
Mathematical Analyses of LUBAC
Involvement in T Cell Receptor-
Mediated NF-kB Activation Pathway.
Front. Immunol. 11:601926.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.601926
published: 23 November 2020
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.601926
receptors, as well as by genotoxicstress.Inthecanonical
pathway, activation of the IkBkinase(IKK)complex,
composed of the IKKaand IKKbkinases and a regulatory
subunit of NEMO, results in the nuclear translocation of NF-
kB factors, composed of homo/hetero-dimers of p50, RelA (p65),
and c-Rel (1,2). In contrast, the noncanonical NF-kB pathway
functions in different aspects of immune and inammatory
responses through the activation of the IKKadimer, and
predominantly translocates homo/hetero-dimers of p52 and
RelB into the nucleus (3).
The ubiquitin system, composed of ubiquitin-activating
enzyme (E1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), and
ubiquitin ligase (E3), regulates various cellular functions (4,5).
In NF-kB signaling, multiple ubiquitinations, such as Lys(K)63-,
K11-, K48-, and Met(M)1-linked ubiquitin chains, reportedly
function in the course of IKK activation and degradation of
inhibitors of NF-kB, IkBs (6). LUBAC is an E3 complex,
comprising the HOIP (also known as RNF31), HOIL-1L
(RBCK1), and SHARPIN subunits, that specically generates
the M1-linked linear ubiquitin chain, and activates the canonical
NF-kB pathway through the linear polyubiquitinations of
NEMO and RIP1 upon stimulation by inammatory cytokines,
such as TNF-aand IL-1b(79). Since NEMO contains a linear
ubiquitin-specic binding site, the so called UBAN domain, the
linear ubiquitin chain functions as a scaffold to recruit and
activate the canonical IKK (10,11). LUBAC and its linear
ubiquitination activity participate in several canonical NF-kB
pathways induced by proinammatory cytokines such as
PAMPs, T cell receptor (TCR), genotoxic stress, and NOD2-
mediated pathways (12,13), but not in the B cell receptor (BCR)-
mediated canonical or the noncanonical NF-kB activation
pathways (14,15).
Importantly, LUBAC binds negative regulators of
deubiquitinases (DUBs), such as OTULIN and the CYLD-
SPATA2 complex, through the N-terminal PUB domain of HOIP
(1618). OTULIN, an ovarian tumor (OTU)-family DUB, directly
binds to HOIP and exclusively cleaves M1-linked ubiquitin chains.
OTULIN plays crucial roles in limiting cell death and inammation
(19). In contrast, CYLD is a ubiquitin-specicprotease(USP)-
family DUB that was initially identied as a cylindromatosis tumor
suppressor gene in humans (20). CYLD downregulates the NF-kB
activation pathway by hydrolyzing K63- and M1-linked ubiquitin
chains (21), and regulates innate immune signaling (22).
Importantly, the USP domain of CYLD binds to the PUB domain
of SPATA2, and the PUB-interacting motif (PIM) in SPATA2
associates with the PUB domain of HOIP (18,2325). Therefore,
LUBAC is a unique E3-DUB complex to scrap-and-build linear
ubiquitin chains.
TCR recognizes major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
molecules expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells
(26). In the TCR-mediated NF-kB activation pathway, the
protein tyrosine kinase ZAP70 is initially activated upon co-
stimulation through TCR and CD28 (27), leading to the
activation of protein kinase Cq(PKCq). PKCqphosphorylates
the scaffold protein CARMA1 (CARD-containing MAGUK
protein 1, also called CARD11 and Bimp3) (28,29). The
activated CARMA1 then recruits heterodimers of B cell
lymphoma 10 (BCL10) and the paracaspase mucosa-associated
lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein1 (MALT1) to
form the oligomerized CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM)
complex, which functions as a scaffold to activate the NF-kB
and MAP kinase signaling pathways (28,29). In TCR signaling,
LUBAC linearly ubiquitinates BCL10 (3032), and MALT1
cleaves HOIL-1L upon stimulation (33,34). However, the
detailed functions of LUBAC in the TCR-mediated NF-kB
pathway remain elusive. The stimulation-dependent cytosol-
nucleus oscillation of NF-kB and its effects on gene expression
have been analyzed mathematically (3538). However, a
mathematical analysis of LUBAC-mediated linear ubiquitination
and OTULIN/CYLD-induced deubiquitination in TCR-mediated
NF-kB activation has not been performed. Therefore, we have
investigated the cellular function and performed a mathematical
simulation for the involvement of LUBAC in the TCR-mediated
NF-kB activation, using the Jurkat human T cell line.
The open reading frames of human cDNAs were amplied by
reverse transcription-PCR. Mutants of these cDNAs were
prepared by the QuikChange method, and the entire
nucleotide sequences were veried. The cDNAs were ligated to
the appropriate epitope sequences and cloned into the
pcDNA3.1 (Invitrogen), pCAGGS (Addgene), and pGEX-6P-1
(Addgene) vectors. For lentiviral transduction, pCSII-CMV-
RfA-IRES-Blast (RIKEN BioResource Research Center)
was used.
The following reagents and kits were obtained as indicated:
recombinant human TNF-a(BioLegend), phorbol 12-myristate
13-acetate (PMA, Sigma-Aldrich), ionomycin (Wako), Human
IL-2 Instant ELISA (eBiosciences), and NE-PER Nuclear and
Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagent Kit (Pierce).
The following antibodies were used for immunoblot analyses: P-
p105 (#4806; 1:1,000), p105 (#3035; 1:1,000), P-p65 (#3033;
1:1,000), p65 (#8242; 1:1,000), P-IkBa(#9246; 1:1,000), IkBa
(#4812; 1:1,000), P-JNK (#4668; 1:1,000), JNK (#9252; 1:1,000),
PARP (#9542; 1:1,000), P-ZAP70 (#2701; 1:1,000), ZAP70
(#3165; 1:2,000), P-IKKa/b(#2697; 1:1,000), CARMA1 (#4435;
1:1,000), MALT1 (#2494; 1:1,000), BCL10 (#4237; 1:1,000),
CYLD (#8462; 1:1,000), OTULIN (#14127; 1:1,000), and GST
(#2622; 1:1,000) were obtained from Cell Signaling. HOIL-1L
(sc-393754; 1:250), IKKa/b(sc-7607; 1:1,000), and c-Myc (sc-40;
1:1,000) were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. HOIP
(ab125189, Abcam; 1:1,000), NEMO (ab178872, Abcam;
1:3,000), SHARPIN (14626-1-AP, Proteintech; 1:3,000), tubulin
(CLT9002, Cedarlane; 1:3,000), FLAG (clone M2, F1840, Sigma-
Aldrich; 1:1,000), DYKDDDDK (1E6; HRP-conjugate) (015-
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 6019262
22391, Wako; 1:10,000), Myc (#562, MBL; 1:2,000), linear
ubiquitin (clone LUB9, MABS451, Millipore; 1:1,000), and
linear ubiquitin (1F11/3F5/Y102L, Genentech; 1:20,000) were
also used. For immunoprecipitation, the following antibodies
were used: HOIL-1L (sc-49718, Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 3 μg),
c-Myc (sc-40, Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 1 μg), FLAG
(clone M2, F1840, Sigma-Aldrich; 1 μg), MALT1 (sc-46667,
Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 3 μg), CARMA1 (sc-166910, Santa
Cruz Biotechnology; 3 μg), BCL10 (sc-5273, Santa Cruz
Biotechnology; 3 μg), NEMO (200-401-GM7, ROCKLAND; 3
μg), and normal mouse IgG (sc-2025, Santa Cruz Biotechnology;
3 μg). For cell stimulation, agonistic anti-CD3 (300314,
BioLegend) and anti-CD28 antibodies (302914, BioLegend)
were used, and the PE anti-human CD69 antibody (310905,
BioLegend) was utilized for ow cytometry.
Cell Culture and Transfection
Jurkat cells (Clontech) were maintained in RPMI 1640 medium,
containing 10% FBS, 100 IU/ml penicillin G and 100 mg/ml
streptomycin, at 37°C under a 5% CO
atmosphere. HEK293T cells
(ATCC) were cultured in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum
(FBS) and antibiotics. Transfection experiments were performed
using Lipofectamine 2000, PEI (polyethylenimine), or TurboFect
(Thermo Fisher). Electroporation of Jurkat cells was performed with
a Gene Pulser Xcell Electroporation System (Bio-Rad) at 250 V with
975 μF. For the stable expression of FLAG-tagged OTULIN-WT in
OTULIN-KO Jurkat cells, lentiviral infection followed by the
selection with 5 μg/ml blasticidin was performed.
Construction of Knockout Cells
The HOIP-decient RNF31-KO Jurkat cells were constructed as
described previously (39). The gRNA_cloning vector (#41824)
and pCAG-hCas9 (#51142) were obtained from Addgene. The
nucleotide sequences 5- AACAAGAATTGTAATGACCC -3in
exon 9 of the human CYLD gene, and 5- ATTAAGCGTAGCTC
CTGAAA -3in exon 3 of the human OTULIN gene, were
selected as the targets for the gRNA. These plasmids and a
puromycin-resistant vector (pXS-Puro) were co-electroporated
into Jurkat cells. Two days after transfection, cells were selected
with puromycin for 3 weeks, and then cell clones were obtained
by limiting dilution. The deciency of the CYLD or OTULIN
protein was conrmed by immunoblotting, and the nucleotide
mutations were conrmed by sequencing.
SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting
Samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to PVDF
membranes. After blocking in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1%
Tween-20 (TBS-T) with 5% skim-milk or bovine serum albumin
(BSA), the membrane was incubated with the appropriate primary
antibodies, which are diluted in TBS-T containing 5% w/v BSA,
followed by an incubation with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated
secondary antibodies (GE Healthcare). The chemiluminescent
images were obtained with an LAS4000 imaging analyzer (GE
Healthcare) or a Fusion Solo S imaging system (Vilber).
Quantication of protein bands was performed with ImageJ
software, according to the manufacturers instructions.
Quantitative PCR (qPCR)
Cell lysis, reverse-transcription, and qPCR were performed with
PCR Master Mix (Life Technologies) respectively, according to the
manufacturers instructions. Quantitative real-time PCR was
performed with a Step-One-Plus PCR system (Applied Biosystems)
by the DDCT method, using the following oligonucleotides: NFKBIA
AGCAACAGGGTGGTGGAC-3, and GAPDH anti-sense, 5-
Flow Cytometry
Parental and HOIP-decient Jurkat cells were stimulated with
anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies for 20 h. Afterwards, 2×10
cells were stained with the PE-CD69 antibody for 30 min on ice,
washed and analyzed with a FACSVerse ow cytometer, using
the FACSuite software (Becton Dickinson).
Immunoprecipitation and Detection of
Linear Ubiquitination
For the detection of linear ubiquitination, Jurkat cells (5×10
cells) were heated at 95°C for 5 min in 1% SDS-containing lysis
buffer, which includes 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 1% NP-40,
0.1% sodium deoxycholate, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 2.5 μM
N-ethylmaleimide, and a protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche). The
samples were then diluted 10-fold with SDS-free lysis buffer. For
the protein interaction assay, Jurkat cells (1×10
cells) or
HEK293T (5×10
cells) were lysed with NP-40 buffer (20 mM
Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 0.2% NP-40, 150 mM NaCl and protease
inhibitor cocktail). Immunoprecipitation was performed with
the indicated antibody together with protein G agarose beads
(GE Healthcare).
In Vitro Canonical IKK Assay
Parental and OTULIN-decient Jurkat cells (2×10
cells) were
stimulated with PMA and ionomycin for the indicated durations.
The cells were then lysed in buffer, containing 50 mM Tris-HCl
(pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, and 1% Triton X-100 (w/v), and
immunoprecipitated with an anti-NEMO antibody and Protein
A Sepharose (GE Healthcare). After extensive washing, the beads
were suspended in buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
and 5 mM MgCl
. The immunoprecipitates were incubated for
30 min at 30 °C with 5 mg/ml of GST-IkBa(aa 154), prepared as
described (40), in a 20 ml reaction, containing 50 mM Tris-HCl
(pH 7.5), 5 mM MgCl
, and 1 mM ATP, followed
by immunoblotting.
Statistical Analysis
One-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Tukey HSD test was
performed, using the GraphPad Prism software. For all tests, a
Pvalue of less than 0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 6019263
Mathematical Simulation
We constructed mathematical models of NF-kB signaling based on
the law of mass action, as described previously (38). In order to
investigate the effect of the CBM complex on IKK activation in T
cells, the following two models were constructed. The rst was the
CBM simplify model (CBM_SM), which includes the reaction of
IKK activation depending on the linear ubiquitin chain of NEMO
and the CBM complex. In this model, we simulated the effect of the
CBM complex on the IKK activation by changing the parameters
related to ubiquitination. The reaction involves the transient
binding of LUBAC with NEMO or CBM, followed by the
LUBAC-mediated linear ubiquitination of the proteins in the
bound state.
After dissociation, the LUBAC-bound NEMO or CBM was
postulated to exist in a temporarily inactive form (prime symbol
() represents inactive state).
The linear ubiquitin chains are cleaved by DUBs, such as
CYLD and OTULIN. Since CYLD and OTULIN stably bind
LUBAC, LUBAC/NEMOu and NEMOu may have different
deubiquitination coefcients. The model is characterized by the
following equations, and parameters are shown in Table 1;
dt =kCCBM tðÞLtot LCBM tðÞLCBMutðÞð
dt =kCCBM tðÞLtot LCBM tðÞLCBMutðÞLIKK tðÞð
dt =uCLCBM tðÞdC+lC
dt =lCLCBMutðÞadCCBMdu tðÞ
IKKtot IKKu(t)ð
                     LIKK(t)LIKKu(t)IKKp(t)IKKup (t)IKKd(t)IKKdu(t)
                     LIKKp(t)LIKKup(t)IKKdp(t)IKKdup (t)Þ(lc+uN)LIKK(t)
                     piLIKK(t)LIKKu(t)+IKKu(t)+IKKup (t)+IKKdup(t)
dt =uNLIKK tðÞdN+lC
ðÞLIKKutðÞ+dpLIKKup tðÞ
                    pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞLIKKutðÞIKKtot pILIKKutðÞIKKtot
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKutðÞIKKtot
dt =lCLIKK tðÞ+dNIKKdutðÞ+dpIKKdptðÞ
                 pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKd tðÞIKKtot
                 pIIKKd tðÞLIKKutðÞ+IKKutðÞ+IKKup tðÞ+IKKdup tðÞ
dt =lCLIKKutðÞdNIKKdutðÞ+dpIKKdup tðÞ
                  pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKdutðÞIKKtot pIIKKdutðÞIKKtot
dt =pc(LCBMu(t)+CBMdu(t)ðÞIKKtot IKKu(t)LIKKu(t)ð
                    +piIKKtot IKKu(t)LIKK(t)LIKKu(t)IKKp(t)IKKup (t)
                    IKKd(t)IKKdu(t)LIKKp(t)LIKKup (t)IKKdp(t)
                    IKKdup(t)ÞLIKKu(t)+IKKu(t)+IKKup (t)+IKKdup(t)
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞLIKK tðÞIKKtot
                    +pILIKK tðÞLIKKutðÞ+IKKutðÞ+IKKup tðÞ+IKKdup tðÞ
                    dpLIKKptðÞ+dNLIKKup tðÞ
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞLIKKutðÞIKKtot +pILIKKutðÞIKKtot
LIKKup tðÞ
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKutðÞIKKtot +pIIKKutðÞIKKtot
IKKup tðÞ
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKd tðÞIKKtot
                   +pIIKKd tðÞLIKKutðÞ+IKKutðÞ+IKKup tðÞ+IKKdup tðÞ
                   dpIKKdptðÞ+dNIKKdup tðÞ
dt =pCLCBMutðÞ+CBMdutðÞðÞIKKdutðÞIKKtot +pIIKKdutðÞIKKtot
IKKdup tðÞ
The other model, the CBM detailed model (CBM_DM),
focused only on the ubiquitination reaction of the CBM complex
TABLE 1 | Parameters for CBM_SM.
Symbol Value Unit Description
1.482817 1/µM CBM-LUBAC association
0.770128 1/min CBM-LUBAC dissociation
0.217147 1/min CBM ubiquitination
0.178648 1/min CBM deubiquitination
1.210012 1/µM min CBM-NEMO association
0.813971 1/min CBM-NEMO dissociation
0.04963 1/min NEMO ubiquitination
0.399584 1/min NEMO deubiquitination
0.463834 1/µM^2 min CBM-mediated IKK phosphorylation
0.085297 1/µM min NEMO-mediated IKK phosphorylation
dp 0.682746 1/min IKK dephosphorylation
Ltot 0.379065 µM amount of LUBAC
CBMtot 2.317712 µM amount of CBM complex
IKKtot 0.178664 µM amount of IKK
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 6019264
to elucidate the mechanisms of timing shift of ubiquitination.
CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 were distinguished, and the
reaction coefcients of the ubiquitination of each protein were
compared. The model is characterized by the following equations,
and parameters and variables are shown in Tables 2 and 3;
0tðÞ=k0x0tðÞLUBAC tðÞ
LUBAC0tðÞ=k0x0tðÞLUBAC tðÞ
1tðÞ=k0x0tðÞLUBAC tðÞk1x1tðÞ+l1x2tðÞk2x1tðÞ+l2x3tðÞk3x1tðÞ
5tðÞ=k4x2tðÞl4x5tðÞ+k6x3tðÞl6x5tðÞk10 x5tðÞ+l10 x8tðÞl0x5tðÞ
6tðÞ=k5x2tðÞl5x6tðÞ+k8x4tðÞl8x6tðÞk11 x6tðÞ+l11 x8tðÞl0x6tðÞ
7tðÞ=k7x3tðÞl7x7tðÞ+k9x4tðÞl9x7tðÞk12 x7tðÞ+l12 x8tðÞl0x7tðÞ
8tðÞ=k10 x5tðÞl10 x8tðÞ+k11 x6tðÞl11 x8tðÞ+k12 x7tðÞl12 x8tðÞl0x8tðÞ
5tðÞ=al4y5tðÞl6y5tðÞ+l10 y8tðÞðÞ+l0x5tðÞ
6(t)=a(l5y6(t)l8y6(t)+l11y8(t)) + l0x6(t)
7(t)=a(l7y7(t)l9y7(t)+l12y8(t)) + l0x7(t)
8tðÞ=al10 y8tðÞl11 y8tðÞl12 y8tðÞðÞ+l0x8tðÞ
In this study, parameters were set by using a genetic algorithm
(GA) for both CBM_SM and CBM_DM, and the characteristics
of each reaction were analyzed. In addition, in CBM_SM, by
changing the coefcient for ubiquitinating CBM and the
coefcient for ubiquitinating NEMO, the difference between
the activation of IKK via CBM and the activation of IKK via
NEMO was claried.
LUBAC Is a Crucial Regulator of TCR-
Mediated NF-kB Activation
To investigate the involvement of LUBAC in TCR-mediated NF-
kB activation, we previously constructed HOIP-decient human
leukemic T cell lymphoblast Jurkat cells (RNF31-KO) (39).
Moreover, wild type (WT)-HOIP was restored in RNF31-KO
cells to construct RNF31-KO+HOIP-WT cells, to exclude the
TABLE 2 | Parameters for CBM_DM.
Symbol Value Unit Description
0.578 1/µM min CBM-LUBAC association
0.322 1/min MALT1 of CBM ubiquitination
0.386 1/min MALT1 of CBM* deubiquitination
0.133 1/min CARMA1 of CBM ubiquitination
0.121 1/min CARMA1 of C*BM deubiquitination
0.106 1/min BCL10 of CBM ubiquitination
0.124 1/min BCL10 of CB*M deubiquitination
0.362 1/min CARMA1 of CBM* ubiquitination
0.105 1/min CARMA1 of C*BM* deubiquitination
0.182 1/min BCL10 of CBM* ubiquitination
0.0665 1/min BCL10 of CB*M* deubiquitination
0.639 1/min MALT1 of C*BM ubiquitination
0.146 1/min MALT1 of C*BM* deubiquitination
0.184 1/min BCL10 of C*BM ubiquitination
0.0213 1/min BCL10 of C*B*M deubiquitination
0.717 1/min MALT1 of CB*M ubiquitination
0.260 1/min MALT1 of CB*M* deubiquitination
0.770 1/min CARMA1 of CB*M ubiquitination
0.0904 1/min CARMA1 of C*B*M deubiquitination
0.231 1/min BCL10 of C*BM* ubiquitination
0.0273 1/min BCL10 of C*B*M* deubiquitination
0.634 1/min CARMA1of CB*M* ubiquitination
0.0531 1/min CARMA1 of C*B*M* deubiquitination
0.334 1/min MALT1 of C*B*M ubiquitination
1.07 1/min MALT1 of C*B*M* deubiquitination
*ubiquitination state.
TABLE 3 | Variables in CBM_DM.
Variable Molecules
*ubiquitination state, apostrophe (): inactive state.
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possibility of off-target depletion. These cells were stimulated
with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies, and TCR-mediated
NF-kB activation was examined (Figure 1A). Although efcient
phosphorylation of the canonical NF-kB factors, such as p105,
p65 and IkBa, degradation and regeneration of IkBa,and
intranuclear translocation of p65 were detected in parental
Jurkat and RNF31-KO+HOIP-WT cells upon TCR-stimulation,
NF-kB activation was markedly suppressed in RNF31-KO cells.
These results suggested that the LUBAC activity is indispensable
for the TCR-mediated NF-kB activation. Importantly, the
tyrosine kinase ZAP70, which associates with the TCRzchain
and is activated upon stimulation (27), was similarly
phosphorylated in RNF31-KO and the parental Jurkat cells
upon TCR stimulation (Figure 1B). In contrast, the
phosphorylation of IKKa/b, which represents IKK activation,
was strongly impaired in RNF31-KO cells. Thus, the LUBAC
activity is involved downstream from ZAP70, and upstream
from IKK activation. In the absence of LUBAC activity, the
expression of NF-kB targets, such as TNFAIP3 (which encodes
A20), interleukin-2(IL-2), and NFKBIA (IkBa), and secreted IL-2
were suppressed after TCR stimulation by anti-CD3 and anti-
CD28 antibodies or a combined treatment with PMA and
ionomycin, which mimics TCR stimulation (Figures 1C, D,
Supplementary Figure 1). As a result, the expression of CD69,
a T cell activation marker, was suppressed in TCR-stimulated
RNF31-KO cells (Figure 1E). Collectively, these results indicated
that LUBAC plays a pivotal role in the TCR-mediated NF-kB
activation and T cell activation.
FIGURE 1 | LUBAC is necessary for the TCR-mediated NF-kB activation pathway. (A) Parental Jurkat cells, HOIP-decient cells (RNF31-KO), or WT-HOIP-restored
RNF31-KO cells (RNF31-KO+HOIP-WT) were stimulated with 1 mg/ml each of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies for the indicated periods of time. Cell lysates and
nuclear fractions were immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. (B) Impaired IKK activation in RNF31-KO cells. WT or RNF31-decient Jurkat cells were
stimulated and analyzed as in (A), using the indicated antibodies. *nonspecic signal. (C) Reduced expression of TCR-mediated NF-kB target genes in RNF31-KO
cells. Cells were stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies as in (A) for 1 h, and qPCR analyses were performed. (D) LUBAC activity is required for efcient
IL-2 secretion. Cells were stimulated with 5 mg/ml each of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies for 18 h, and secreted IL-2 was quantied by ELISA. (E) The
expression of T cell activation marker CD69 was suppressed in RNF31-KO Jurkat cells. WT or RNF31-decient Jurkat cells were stimulated with 3 mg/ml each of
anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies for 20 h. The expression of CD69 was analyzed by a ow cytometer. (C, D) Data are shown as Means ±SD (n= 3). ***P<0.001,
****P<0.0001, NS, not signicant.
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LUBAC Binds CBM Complex Through
To investigate the involvement of LUBAC in the TCR pathway, we
analyzed the interaction of LUBAC with the CBM complex. Upon
stimulation with PMA/ionomycin, the endogenous LUBAC
transiently binds with the CBM complex in Jurkat cells (Figure
2A). Similarly, TCR stimulation by anti-CD3 and anti-CD28
antibodies also enhanced the association of endogenous LUBAC
and the CBM complex in Jurkat cells (Supplementary Figure 2A).
Co-immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting experiments
indicated that HOIP, but not HOIL-1L or SHARPIN, bound to
CARMA1 and MALT1, whereas the direct binding of LUBAC
subunits with BCL10 was negligible (Figure 2B). To identify the
binding sites in HOIP that interact with CARMA1 and MALT1,
various HOIP mutants were constructed (Figure 2C). The results
revealed that the B box (aa 165289) and PUB (aa 1164) domains
in HOIP are the binding sites for CARMA1 and MALT1,
respectively (Figures 2D, E). Moreover, the PDZ and SH3 regions
(aa 667972) of CARMA1 (Figures 2F, G) and the N-terminal death
domain (aa 1126) of MALT1 were identied as HOIP-binding sites
(Figures 2H, I). We further performed transient co-expression
followed by an immunoprecipitation analysis to investigate the
LUBAC-CBM complex, using WT or HOIP-binding region-
deleted mutants of CARMA1 and/or MALT1 (Supplementary
Figure 2B). The results revealed that the CBM containing the
HOIP-binding region-deleted CARMA1
or MALT1
failed to associate with the LUBAC complex, suggesting that the
HOIP-binding sites in CARMA1 and MALT1 are indispensable for
the association of the CBM complex with LUBAC.
The PUB domain of HOIP reportedly binds p97 and DUBs,
such as OTULIN and CYLD-SPTA2 (16,17), and here we
determined that it also binds to the death domain of MALT1. To
examine whether MALT1 binds the PUB domain of HOIP in a
mutually exclusive manner with OTULIN, immunoprecipitation
followed by immunoblotting analyses were performed using PUB
mutants (Figure 3A). Both MALT1 and OTULIN simultaneously
bound the WT-HOIP. In contrast, the Y82A/N85E/N102A mutant
of HOIP, in which the critical OTULIN-binding residues are
replaced (16,17), drastically reduced the OTULIN binding,
although MALT1 binding was not affected. Moreover, neither
MALT1 nor OTULIN could bind the PUB domain-deleted
mutant of HOIP. These results indicated that MALT1 and
OTULIN bind the PUB domain of HOIP in independent
manners. Furthermore, we identied the endogenous association
of CYLD and OTULIN with LUBAC and the CBM complex by the
immunoprecipitation with anti-MALT1 antibody (Figure 3B).
Collectively, these results suggested that LUBAC physiologically
associates with DUBs at the HOIP PUB domain, and further binds
the CBM complex through HOIP upon TCR stimulation to form
signaling complex (Figure 3C).
Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Predominantly Induces TCR-Mediated
NF-kB Activation
LUBAC reportedly linearly ubiquitinates BCL10 in the CBM
complex (32), whereas the effects of LUBAC on CARMA1 and
MALT1 have not been claried. Therefore, we performed SDS-
hot lysis followed by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting
analyses. Unexpectedly, all of the CBM subunits were transiently
linearly ubiquitinated after PMA/ionomycin stimulation of
Jurkat cells with different time courses. Thus, MALT1 was
initially linearly ubiquitinated after 15 min as the maximum,
and subsequently, CARMA1 (20 min) and BCL10 (25 min) were
linearly ubiquitinated (Figure 4A). Indeed, the TCR-induced
linear ubiquitination of MALT1 was abolished in RNF31-KO
cells (Figure 4B), indicating that the LUBAC activity is necessary
for the linear ubiquitination.
We previously showed that NEMO is a physiological
substrate of LUBAC upon TNF-aand IL-1bstimulation
(40), and it functions as a scaffold to recruit other IKK
molecules via its UBAN domain, which specically binds to
linear ubiquitin chains (10). The recruited and concentrated
IKK molecules are then activated by trans-phosphorylation
(11). Indeed, NEMO was efciently linearly ubiquitinated
upon TNF-astimulation in Jurkat cells, whereas the linear
ubiquitination of NEMO was suppressed after PMA/
ionomycin-treatment (Figure 4C). In contrast, MALT1 was
linearly ubiquitinated by a PMA/ionomycin-treatment, but
not by TNF-astimulation (Figure 4D). Not only PMA/
ionomycin-treatment, but also the linear ubiquitination of
endogenous MALT1 was detected after stimulation with
anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies (Figure 4E). These
results suggested that the CBM complex is the major
substrate of LUBAC during TCR-mediated NF-kB
activation. To examine the canonical IKK activity, Jurkat
cells were treated with PMA/ionomycin, and afterwards the
endogenous NEMO was immunoprecipitated and subjected
to an in vitro canonical IKK assay, using GST-IkBaas a
substrate (Figure 4F). The IkBaphosphorylation reached
the maximum after 15 min of stimulation, and declined
thereafter. Collectively, these results suggested that the
linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex by LUBAC
correlates with the canonical IKK activation in the TCR-
mediated NF-kB activation pathway.
OTULIN Is the Predominant Regulator of
TCR-Mediated NF-kB Activation
DUBs, such as OTULIN and the CYLD-SPATA2 complex, bind
to the PUB domain of HOIP and downregulate NF-kB activity
by hydrolyzing the ubiquitin chains (1618). To examine the
effect of these DUBs on the TCR-mediated NF-kBactivation,
we constructed CYLD-andOTULIN-decient Jurkat cells
(Supplementary Figure 3). Upon stimulation with anti-CD3
and anti-CD28 antibodies, the phosphorylation of NF-kB
factors, such as p105, IKKa/b,p65,andIkBa, was enhanced
in OTULIN-KO cells as compared with those in parental cells
(Figure 5A). In contrast, similar activation of NF-kBsignaling
factors was detected in CYLD-KO cells. Interestingly, the
phosphorylation of JNK, a MAP kinase, was enhanced in
both CYLD-andOTULIN-KO cells. The restoration of
OTULIN-WT in OTULIN-KO cells canceled the enhanced
phosphorylation of NF-kBsignalingfactorsinOTULIN-KO
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
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FIGURE 2 | The N-terminal domains in HOIP associate with CARMA1 and MALT1. (A) Endogenous association of LUBAC and the CBM complex upon TCR-
stimulation. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods. The cells lysates and anti-HOIL-1L
immunoprecipitates were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. (B) HOIP binds CARMA1 and MALT1. Myc-tagged LUBAC subunits and FLAG-
tagged CBM components were co-expressed in HEK293T cells, as indicated. The cell lysates and anti-Myc immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with the
depicted antibodies. (C) Domain structure and mutants of HOIP. PUB: peptide:N-glycanase/UBA or UBX-containing proteins; ZF: zinc nger; NZF: Npl4-type zinc
nger; UBA: ubiquitin-associated; RING: really interesting new gene; IBR: in-between RING; and LDD: linear ubiquitin determining. (D) The B box domain of HOIP is
crucial for CARMA1-binding. WT and various mutants of Myc-tagged HOIP were co-expressed with FLAG-CARMA1 in HEK293T cells, and immunoprecipitations
followed by immunoblotting analyses were performed as indicated. (E) The PUB domain of HOIP is responsible for MALT1-binding. A similar analysis to that in
Figure 2D was performed, using FLAG-MALT1. (F) Domain structure and mutants of CARMA1. CARD, caspase-recruitment domain; BAR, Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs;
GBP-C, guanylate-binding protein Cterminal; PDZ, post synaptic density protein (PSD95)-Drosophila disc large tumor suppressor (Dlg1)-Zonula occludens-1 protein
(ZO-1); SH3, Src homology 3; and GUK, guanylate kinase. (G) The PDZ-SH3 region of CARMA1 binds HOIP. A similar analysis to that in Figure 2D was performed,
using WT and various mutants of FLAG-CARMA1 and Myc-HOIP. (H) Domain structure and mutants of MALT1. Ig, immunoglobulin-like. (I) The death domain in
MALT1 is the HOIP binding site. A similar analysis to that in Figure 2D was performed, using WT and various mutants of FLAG-MALT1 and Myc-HOIP.
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cells stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies
(Supplementary Figure 4). These results clearly indicated
that OTULIN down-regulates the TCR-mediated NF-kB
activation pathway.
In OTULIN-KO cells, linear ubiquitination of MALT1 was
augmented ~3-fold over that of the parental Jurkat cells (Figures
5B, C). In OTULIN-decient cells, canonical IKK was transiently
activated with a time course similar to that of the parental cells
(Figure 5D). Moreover, in OTULIN-KO Jurkat cells, the
enhanced linear ubiquitination of NEMO was detected after
TNF-astimulation (Figure 5E). These results suggested that
OTULIN, but not CYLD, plays a major role in the downregulation
of the LUBAC-mediated canonical NF-kBactivationpathwaysin
Jurkat cells.
Mathematical Model for Linear
Ubiquitination-Mediated IKK Activation in
TCR Pathway
To investigate the characteristics of LUBAC in the TCR-
mediated NF-kB activation pathway, we mathematically
considered the reaction of LUBAC-mediated IKK activation
through the linear ubiquitination of NEMO and CBM (Figure
6A). Since IKK is trans-activated by using the linear ubiquitin
chain as a scaffold, the NEMO-mediated activation of IKK
occurs between ubiquitinated IKKs or between ubiquitinated
IKKs and non-ubiquitinated IKKs. On the other hand, the
CBM-mediated activation of IKK occurs by contact between
ubiquitinated CBM and IKKs that are not distinguished by
their ubiquitination state. In addition, the mass conservation
law for the LUBAC and CBM complex holds, because protein
production and degradation are not considered.
The parameters of CBM_SM were set by a genetic
algorithm, using experimental data of the ubiquitinated
CBM complex and phosphorylated IKK obtained in Figures
4and 5(Figure 6B,Table 1). The estimation was performed
1,000 times with the setting to generate 1,000 generations. We
set the estimation results such that the error from the
experimental data is small and the concentrations of
LUBAC, CBM, and IKK were close to the concentrations of
general signal transduction factors (0.1 μM). However, all
of the parameter settings were values larger than 0.1 μM, since
proteins with different molecular weights accumulate and are
locally concentrated on the linear ubiquitin chains, and T cells
are smaller than general somatic cells. Importantly, the
parameters obtained by the GA showed that the CBM
complex is more likely to bind to LUBAC than NEMO
). Moreover, the ubiquitination rate of the CBM
complex was faster than that of NEMO (u
). These
results suggested that IKK activation induced by the linear
FIGURE 3 | OTULIN and MALT1 simultaneously bind to the PUB domain of HOIP. (A) WT and various mutants of Myc-HOIP were co-expressed with FLAG-MALT1
and/or FLAG-OTULIN in HEK293T cells, as indicated. Cell lysates and anti-Myc immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. (B) The
endogenous association of CYLD, OTULIN, LUBAC, and the CBM complex. Jurkat cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with normal mouse IgG or anti-MALT1
antibody, and subjected to immunoblotting by the depicted antibodies. *; nonspecic signal. (C) Schematic illustration of the LUBAC/DUBs-CBM complex
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ubiquitination of the CBM complex plays a major role to
activate IKK in T cells, by the linear ubiquitination of NEMO.
To quantitatively analyze the effect of the CBM complex on
IKK activation, we performed a simulation by changing the
binding rate of LUBAC and CBM (k
). The
simulation was performed under the following four
conditions (where k
and k
mean the parameter set in
GA) (Figure 6C).
FIGURE 4 | The CBM complex is linearly ubiquitinated upon TCR stimulation. (A) Parental Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml
ionomycin for the indicated time periods. The heat-denatured cell lysates were immunoprecipitated and immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. Taking
the maximum intensities of linear ubiquitination as 100%, the relative intensities of the linear ubiquitinated CBM complex are indicated. Means ±SD (n=3).
(B) HOIP is required for linear ubiquitination of MALT1. Parental and RNF31-KO Jurkat cells were stimulated with PMA/ionomycin as in (A),
immunoprecipitated with anti-MALT1, and immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. (C) Suppressed linear ubiquitination of NEMO in the TCR-mediated
NF-kB activation pathway. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin or 1 µg/ml TNF-afor the indicated time periods, and
cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with an anti-NEMO antibody and then immunoblotted with the depicted antibodies. (D) MALT1 is exclusively linearly
ubiquitinated upon TCR stimulation. A similar analysis to that in Figure 4C was performed after anti-MALT1 immunoprecipitation. (E) Linear ubiquitination of
MALT1 after stimulation with CD3 and CD28. Jurkat cells were stimulated with 5 µg/ml each of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies as indicated. The cell
lysates and anti-MALT1 immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted by the indicated antibodies. (F) Transient activation of canonical IKK. Jurkat cells were
stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and 150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods. After immunoprecipitation with an anti-NEMO antibody, an in vitro
canonical IKK assay was performed using GST-IkBa
as the substrate. Samples were immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies, and taking the
maximum intensities of P-IkBaas 100%, the relative intensities are indicated. Means ±SD (n=3).(A,B,E)*; nonspecicsignal.
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
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FIGURE 5 | OTULIN predominantly downregulates TCR-mediated NF-kBactivationinJurkatcells.(A) Parental, CYLD-decient (CYLD-KO), and OTULIN-decient (OTULIN-
KO) Jurkat cells were stimulated with 4 mg/ml each of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies for the indicated time periods, and cell lysates were immunoblotted with the
depicted antibodies. (B) Augmented linear ubiquitination of MALT1 in OTULIN-decient cells. Parental and OTULIN-KO Jurkat cells were stimulated with 20 ng/ml PMA and
150 ng/ml ionomycin for the indicated time periods, and the linear ubiquitination of MALT1 was compared as in Figure 4A.(C) Semi-quantication of MALT1 linear
ubiquitination in OTULIN-KO cells. OTULIN-KO cells were stimulated with PMA and ionomycin, and analyzed as in Figure 4A. Taking the maximum intensities of the linear
ubiquitination of MALT1 in parental Jurkat cells as 100% (closed circles), the relative intensities of linearly ubiquitinated MALT1 in OTULIN-KO cells are indicated (open circles).
Means ±SD (n=3).(D) Transient activation of canonical IKK in OTULIN-KO cells. OTULIN-KO cells were stimulated with PMA and ionomycin, and analyzed as in Figure 4E.
(E) Enhanced linear ubiquitination of NEMO in OTULIN-KO cells upon TNFatreatment. Jurkat and OTULIN-KO cells were stimulated with 1 µg/ml TNF-afor the indicated time
periods,andanalyzedasinFigure 4C.(AC) *; nonspecicsignal.
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(i) Fix k
and change k
kC=rkCG (r=0:1, 0:2, ,0:9, 1, 2, ,9, 10)
(ii) Fix k
and change k
kN=rkNG (r
=0:1, 0:2, ,0:9, 1, 2, ,9, 10)
(iii) Change k
and k
simultaneously in inverse proportion
kC=kCG=1+rcos qðÞr= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
kN=1+rsin qðÞkNG r= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
kC=1+rcos qðÞkCG r= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
kN=kNG=1+rsin qðÞr= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
(iv) Change k
and k
proportionally at the same time
kC=1+rcos qðÞkCG r=1,2,,9,10ðÞ
kN=1+rsin qðÞkNG r= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
kC=kCG=1+rcos qðÞr=1,2,, 9, 10ðÞ
kN=kNG=1+rsin qðÞr= 1, 2, ,9,10ðÞ
From the simulation results (i) and (iii), when k
is large, the
IKK activation peak rises quickly. Immediately after stimulation,
NEMO-mediated activation occurs earlier, but when the effect of
CBM-mediated activation is greater, the peak maximum is
reached sooner. This is because all IKKs can be activated via
CBM, without depending on the ubiquitination state of NEMO.
In addition, DUBs are stabilized by the ubiquitin chain of CBM,
and thus CBM is rapidly deubiquitinated. Since the activation of
IKK is also reduced, IKK can rapidly switch its active state via
CBM. Furthermore, from the results of simulation (ii), the
activation level decreases when k
is small. In other words,
these results suggest that the NEMO-mediated activation of IKK
is responsible for the strength of the response to the stimulus.
FIGURE 6 | Mathematical simulation of the effects of linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex and NEMO on the TCR-mediated IKK activation. (A) LUBAC
ubiquitinates NEMO and the CBM complex. In this model, ubiquitination is assumed to be a rst-order reaction. (B) Fitting result by GA. Solid lines represent
simulation results, and dots represent experimental data. (C) The simulation results of IKK activation, changing k
and k
. From the blue line to the red line, k
increases under condition (i), and k
increases under condition (ii). Condition (iii) is a simulation result when q=p/4. From the blue line to the red line, k
and k
decreases. Condition (iv) is a simulation result when q=3p/4. From the blue line to the red line, k
decreases and k
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
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The results from simulation (iv) revealed that when the
ubiquitination of both CBM and NEMO is suppressed, the
activation of IKK also decreases, and the peak timing is
delayed. This reects the need for rapid responses to external
stimuli in both pathways.
Mathematical Simulation for Linear
Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Finally, we constructed an expanded model to analyze the timing
deviations in the linear ubiquitinations of CARMA1, BCL10, and
MALT1. By focusing on the linear ubiquitination of the CBM
complex, we constructed a model that distinguishes CARMA1,
BCL10, and MALT1. The amounts of ubiquitinated proteins
were then simulated. If the ubiquitination and deubiquitination
rates of CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 were the same values,
then the CBM_DM is represented by the same model as the
CBM_SM, by equating CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1. In this
model, we assumed that ubiquitination is a rst-order reaction
for simplicity (Figure 7A).
As a result of tting with the GA, the timing shifts of the peaks
of MALT1, CARMA1, and BCL10 could be reproduced (Figure
7B). By focusing on the parameters, we found that MALT1,
CARMA1, and BCL10 have different ubiquitination thresholds
(Tables 2,3). One of the reasons could be that the ubiquitin chain
is extended, thus further stabilizing the ubiquitination. In addition,
the ubiquitinating and deubiquitinating enzymes may evaluate the
states of MALT1, CARMA1, and BCL10. On the other hand, in
this simulation, the increase and decrease of ubiquitination levels
did not match well. Therefore, more detailed modeling of
ubiquitination is needed to solve this problem. Since ubiquitin is
consecutively linked and its activity changes depending on its
length, ubiquitination cannot be expressed well by the assumption
of the rst-order reaction. The model could be improved by
considering the production levels of linear (de)-ubiquitination of
MALT1, CARMA1, and BCL10 as a switch-like reaction; for
FIGURE 7 | Mathematical model for different linear ubiquitinations of the CBM complex. (A) Detailed reaction pathway of the ubiquitination of the CBM complex. The
red lines show parameters that are larger than the average value. The blue lines show parameters that are smaller than the average value. (B) Fitting results by GA in
the CBM_DM. (C) Fitting results by GA. The ubiquitination reaction is assumed to be a Hill function.
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example, by applying the Hill equation (Figure 7C). These results
indicated that length of the ubiquitin-linkage allosterically
regulates the generation and degradation of linear ubiquitin chains.
T lymphocytes play crucial roles in the host defence against
pathogens and tumors, and TCR recognizes the MHC-bound
antigen peptide fragments derived from them (26). In this study,
we initially identied that LUBAC is indispensable for the TCR-
mediated NF-kB pathway and IL-2mediated T cell activation
(Figure 1). LUBAC physiologically associates with the CBM
complex, and the PUB and B-box domains of HOIP bind the
death domain in MALT1 and the PDZ-SH3 region in CARMA1,
respectively (Figure 2). The binding of MALT1 to the HOIP
PUB domain did not disturb the association with OTULIN
(Figure 3), indicating that MALT1 simultaneously binds
LUBAC with DUBs, such as OTULIN and CYLD-SPATA2,
through the HOIP PUB domain. The crystal structure of the
PUB-interacting motif (PIM) of OTULIN with the HOIP PUB
domain revealed that several residues, such as Tyr82, Asn85,
Asn101, and Asn102, form hydrogen-bonds with the OTULIN
PIM (16). Importantly, a patient with the Leu72!Pro missense
mutation in the HOIP PUB domain reportedly exhibited
multiorgan autoinammation, immunodeciency,
amylopectinosis, and lymphangiectasia with impaired
distributions and functions of T lymphocytes (41), suggesting
that the effects of the mutation may be due to the dysfunctional
binding of LUBAC to the CBM complex. Importantly, the B-box
domain in CYLD is involved in the intermolecular interaction
(42), and the B-box-containing region in HOIP reportedly
affected the dimerization of HOIP (16). Therefore, the deletion
of this region may affect the architecture of LUBAC, resulting in
defective CBM complex binding. Further detailed structural
analyses will be necessary for clarication.
At present, various E3s, such as c-IAP1/2, Cbl-B, STUB1,
NEDD4, ITCH, RNF181, TRAF6, and LUBAC, reportedly
ubiquitinate the CBM components in the TCR- and BCR-
signaling pathways (43). Although LUBAC is dispensable for
the BCR-mediated NF-kB activation pathway, crosstalk between
LUBAC and the CBM complex in B cells has been reported.
Upon BCR stimulation, BCL10 is linearly ubiquitinated by
LUBAC in a TRAF6-induced K63-ubiquitination-dependent
manner (31). Importantly, the Q622L polymorphism in HOIP,
which enhances the LUBAC activity, is associated with activated
B cell-like diffuse large B cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL) (44), and
c-IAP-1/2mediated K63-ubiquitination is involved in the
LUBAC recruitment and the linear ubiquitination of BCL10 in
ABC-DLBCL cells (45). Although some controversy exists
regarding the necessity of the LUBAC catalytic activity for
ABC-DLBCL pathogenesis (30), LUBAC is crucial for B cell
lymphomagenesis through protection against DNA damage-
induced cell death (46). Therefore, the suppression of LUBAC
activity is a suitable therapeutic target for ABC-DLBCL (44,
In this study, we identied that in addition to BCL10, MALT1
and CARMA1 are also linearly ubiquitinated by LUBAC (Figure
4), suggesting that the CBM complex components are
physiological substrates for LUBAC. Among them, the linear
ubiquitination of MALT1 seems to precede the canonical IKK
activation. In the case of MALT1, TRAF6-mediated K63-
ubiquitination at the C-terminal portion of Lys residues is
reportedly involved in NEMO recruitment, NF-kB activation,
and IL-2 production (48). Subsequently, A20, a DUB, removes
the K63-ubiquitin chain from MALT1 and thus downregulates
the NF-kB activation pathway (49). Moreover, the
monoubiquitination of K644 in MALT1 by an unknown E3 is
required for the constitutive protease activity of MALT1 (50).
Interestingly, the paracasapase activity of MALT1 cleaves the
bond of HOIL-1L, and thus abrogates the linear
ubiquitination activity of LUBAC in B cells (51). We could not
detect the MALT1-induced HOIL-1L cleavage upon TCR
stimulation in Jurkat cells during the experimental incubation
period (~90 min); however, prolonged TCR stimulation may
affect the proteostasis of LUBAC.
We determined that OTULIN, but not CYLD, plays a pivotal
role in the suppression of TCR-mediated NF-kB activation in
Jurkat cells, although JNK was activated in either OTULIN-or
CYLD-deciency (Figure 5). A homozygous mutation in the
OTULIN gene causes autoinammation, named OTULIN-
related autoinammatory syndrome (ORAS), which induces
the degradation of LUBAC subunits in T and B cells (52).
Moreover, TCR-induced JNK activation is required for the
MALT1-mediated proteolytic inactivation at Arg324 of CYLD
(53). Thus, these DUBs are involved in the crosstalk regulation of
the TCR-mediated NF-kB activation pathway.
The mathematical analysis of the NF-kB signaling pathway
has provided a novel paradigm for spatiotemporal activation
mechanism, target gene expression, feed-back inhibition, and
cytosol-nucleus oscillation of the transcription factor, and
various mathematical models have been proposed (3537). In
contrast to TNF-a-mediated NF-kB activation pathway, the
CBM complex, but not NEMO, was preferentially
ubiquitinated by LUBAC upon TCR stimulation (Figure 4),
and the mathematical analysis indicated that linear
ubiquitination of the CBM complex stably promotes IKK
activation (Figure 6). On the other hand, NEMO-mediated
activation of IKK was required to increase the activation level
of IKK. In addition, we identied the differences in the timing of
ubiquitination between CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 in the
CBM complex (Figure 4), although its physiological function
was not clear. The mathematical modeling suggested that by
shifting the timing of the MALT1, CARMA1, and BCL10
ubiquitinations, the scaffolding of ubiquitin chains persists, and
IKK can be stably activated due to the allosteric regulation
(Figure 7). Moreover, DUBs, such as OTULIN, can quickly
downregulate IKK and then restore it to the original state. Thus,
these mathematical simulations were effective in characterizing
the experimentally obtained features in TCR-mediated NF-kB
pathway. However, in order to quantitatively analyze the timing
shifts of the CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 ubiquitinations, a
Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 60192614
model that reects the detailed mechanism of ubiquitination will
be required.
The original contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/Supplementary Material. Further inquiries can be
directed to the corresponding authors.
The protocols were approved by the Safety Committee for
Recombinant DNA Experiments and the Safety Committee for
Bio-Safety Level 2 (BSL-2) Experiments of Osaka
City University.
DO performed cell biological experiments. NH performed the
mathematical simulation. TS and FT coordinated the study. All
authors wrote and commented on the manuscript, and discussed
the results. All authors contributed to the article and approved
the submitted version.
This work was partly supported by MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI grants
(Nos. JP16H06276 (AdAMS), JP16H06575, JP18H02619, and
JP19K22541 to FT, 16H06576 to TS, and JP18K06967,
JP19H05296, and 20H5337 to DO), Takeda Science Foundation
(FT), a Grant for Research Program on Hepatitis from the Japan
Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED
19fk0210050h0001 to FT), GSK Japan Research Grant 2017
(DO), and a grant from the Nakatomi Foundation (DO).
We thank Dr. Eiji Goto, Ms. Wakana Koeda, Ms. Shiori Motoyama,
and Ms. Ayana Sugihara at Osaka City University and Mr. Daisuke
Hamada at Osaka University for technical assistance, and the
Research Support Platform of Osaka City University Graduate
School of Medicine for technical support. We also thank
Genentech Inc. for anti-linear ubiquitin antibody (1F11/3F5/Y102L).
The Supplementary Material for thisarticle can be found online at:
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Oikawa et al. Linear Ubiquitination of CBM Complex
Frontiers in Immunology | November 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 60192616
... CARD-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) signalosomes connect distal signaling of innate and adaptive immune receptors to proximal signaling pathways and immune activation. Four CARD scaffold proteins (CARD9,10,11,14) can form seeds that nucleate the assembly of BCL10-MALT1 filaments in a cell-and stimulus-specific manner. MALT1 (also known as PCASP1) serves a dual function within the assembled CBM complexes. ...
... By recruiting the E3 ligase TRAF6 via two (MALT1 isoform A) or one (MALT1 isoform B) T6BMs, MALT1 scaffolding initiates canonical IkB kinase (IKK)/NF-kB and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathways (6)(7)(8)(9). Furthermore, linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) binds and conjugates linear ubiquitin chains to MALT1 and other CBM subunits, thereby promoting NF-kB signaling by facilitating recruitment of NEMO (NF-kB essential modulator) (10)(11)(12)(13). In parallel, the MALT1 protease starts to cleave protein substrates via its paracaspase domain, conferring an enzymatic activity to the CBM complex (14,15). ...
Full-text available
CARD-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) signalosomes connect distal signaling of innate and adaptive immune receptors to proximal signaling pathways and immune activation. Four CARD scaffold proteins (CARD9, 10, 11, 14) can form seeds that nucleate the assembly of BCL10-MALT1 filaments in a cell- and stimulus-specific manner. MALT1 (also known as PCASP1) serves a dual function within the assembled CBM complexes. By recruiting TRAF6, MALT1 acts as a molecular scaffold that initiates IκB kinase (IKK)/NF-κB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/AP-1 signaling. In parallel, proximity-induced dimerization of the paracaspase domain activates the MALT1 protease which exerts its function by cleaving a set of specific substrates. While complete MALT1 ablation leads to immune deficiency, selective destruction of either scaffolding or protease function provokes autoimmune inflammation. Thus, balanced MALT1-TRAF6 recruitment and MALT1 substrate cleavage are critical to maintain immune homeostasis and to promote optimal immune activation. Further, MALT1 protease activity drives the survival of aggressive lymphomas and other non-hematologic solid cancers. However, little is known about the relevance of the cleavage of individual substrates for the pathophysiological functions of MALT1. Unbiased serendipity, screening and computational predictions have identified and validated ~20 substrates, indicating that MALT1 targets a quite distinct set of proteins. Known substrates are involved in CBM auto-regulation (MALT1, BCL10 and CARD10), regulation of signaling and adhesion (A20, CYLD, HOIL-1 and Tensin-3), or transcription (RelB) and mRNA stability/translation (Regnase-1, Roquin-1/2 and N4BP1), indicating that MALT1 often targets multiple proteins involved in similar cellular processes. Here, we will summarize what is known about the fate and functions of individual MALT1 substrates and how their cleavage contributes to the biological functions of the MALT1 protease. We will outline what is needed to better connect critical pathophysiological roles of the MALT1 protease with the cleavage of distinct substrates.
... NS), which is recruited by TAB1/2, signals to IKKβ (17), and is critical to interferon-γ production by CD8 + T cells (35); TNIK [found in only one co-immunoprecipitation (IP) experiment], which binds to TRAFs, may recruit NCK to link TRAFs with TCR signaling mechanisms (12) and is critical for the generation of CD8 + memory T cells (36); and SHARPIN (FC = 13.6, t = −1.21), a component of the linear ubiquitination complex that promotes activation of the IKK complex downstream of TNF family receptors (37,38), ubiquitinates the CARMA-BCL10-MALT complex (39), and may bind directly to TRAF1 (40). ...
Cells rely on activity-dependent protein-protein interactions to convey biological signals. For chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells containing a 4-1BB costimulatory domain, receptor engagement is thought to stimulate the formation of protein complexes similar to those stimulated by T cell receptor (TCR)–mediated signaling, but the number and type of protein interaction–mediating binding domains differ between CARs and TCRs. Here, we performed coimmunoprecipitation mass spectrometry analysis of a second-generation, CD19-directed 4-1BB:ζ CAR (referred to as bbζCAR) and identified 128 proteins that increased their coassociation after target engagement. We compared activity-induced TCR and CAR signalosomes by quantitative multiplex coimmunoprecipitation and showed that bbζCAR engagement led to the activation of two modules of protein interactions, one similar to TCR signaling that was more weakly engaged by bbζCAR as compared with the TCR and one composed of TRAF signaling complexes that was not engaged by the TCR. Batch-to-batch and interindividual variations in production of the cytokine IL-2 correlated with differences in the magnitude of protein network activation. Future CAR T cell manufacturing protocols could measure, and eventually control, biological variation by monitoring these signalosome activation markers.
... The authors showed in a mouse model that the CMB is crucial for balancing T cell activation and homeostasis. In addition, Oikawa et al. (11) have added the new finding that this CBM complex is ubiquitinated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase called LUBAC. Using Jurkat cells in various assays and mathematical simulation, they demonstrated that LUBAC controls the activation of NF-kB, critically mediating T cell functions. ...
... LUBAC is the only known E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in vertebrates assembling M1-linked ubiquitin (also called linear ubiquitin) chains on substrates downstream of several immunoreceptors activating the canonical NF-jB pathway [27]. Interestingly, all CBM complex components are linearly ubiquitinated by LUBAC upon TCR stimulation [28,29], which has been suggested to mediate the recruitment of other signalling proteins such as NEMO, A20 and ABIN-1 [30][31][32]. Moreover, all three LUBAC components play essential roles in late thymocyte differentiation and Treg cell homeostasis [33], suggesting a potential role for MALT1-mediated HOIL-1 cleavage. ...
Full-text available
The uniqueness of MALT1 protease activity in controlling several aspects of immunity in humans has made it a very attractive therapeutic target for multiple autoimmune diseases and lymphoid malignancies. Despite several encouraging preclinical studies with MALT1 inhibitors, severe reduction in regulatory T cells and immune‐mediated pathology seen in MALT1 protease‐dead (MALT1‐PD) mice and some, but not all, studies analysing the effect of prolonged pharmacological MALT1 protease inhibition, indicates the need to further unravel the mechanism of MALT1 protease function. Notably, the contribution of individual MALT1 substrates to the immune defects seen in MALT1‐PD mice is still unclear. Previous in vitro studies indicated a role for MALT1‐mediated cleavage of the E3 ubiquitin ligase HOIL‐1 in the modulation of nuclear factor‐κB (NF‐κB) signalling and inflammatory gene expression in lymphocytes. Here, we addressed the immunological consequences of inhibition of HOIL‐1 cleavage by generating and immunophenotyping MALT1 cleavage‐resistant HOIL‐1 knock‐in (KI) mice. HOIL‐1 KI mice appear healthy and have no overt phenotype. NF‐κB activation in T or B cells, as well as IL‐2 production and in vitro T‐cell proliferation, is comparable between control and HOIL‐1 KI cells. Inhibition of HOIL‐1 cleavage in mice has no effect on thymic T‐cell development and conventional T‐cell homeostasis. Likewise, B‐cell development and humoral immune responses are not affected. Together, these data exclude an important role of MALT1‐mediated HOIL‐1 cleavage in T‐ and B‐cell development and function in mice.
... Then, PKCθ phosphorylates CARMA1 and promotes assembly of the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex, followed by its recruitment to the cell membrane. The CBM complex binds to HOIP in LUBAC, resulting in linear ubiquitination of CBM components (38). In addition to linear chains, K63 ubiquitin is also conjugated to BCL10 in the CBM complex. ...
Polyubiquitination is a post-translational modification involved in a wide range of immunological events, including inflammatory responses, immune cell differentiation, and development of inflammatory diseases. The versatile functions of polyubiquitination are based on different types of ubiquitin linkage, which enable various UBD (ubiquitin binding domain)-containing adaptor proteins to associate and induce distinct biological outputs. A unique and atypical type of polyubiquitin chain comprising a conjugation between the N-terminal methionine of the proximal ubiquitin moiety and the C-terminal glycine of the distal ubiquitin moiety, referred to as a linear or M1-linked ubiquitin chain, has been studied exclusively within the field of immunology because it is distinct from other polyubiquitin forms: linear ubiquitin chains are generated predominantly by various inflammatory stimulants, including tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and act as a critical modulator of transient and optimal signal transduction. Moreover, accumulating evidence suggests that linear ubiquitin chains are of physiological significance. Dysregulation of linear ubiquitination triggers chronic inflammation and immunodeficiency via downregulation of linear ubiquitin-dependent nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling and by triggering TNF-α-induced cell death, suggesting that linear ubiquitination is a homeostatic regulator of tissue-specific functions. In this review, we focus on our current understating of the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which linear ubiquitin chains control inflammatory environments. Furthermore, we review the role of linear ubiquitination on T cell development, differentiation, and function, thereby providing insight into its direct association with maintaining the immune system.
... As TNFRs, they lack intrinsic enzymatic function and depend on several E3 ligases, including TRAFs (TRAF1/2/3), cIAP1/2, and LUBAC, to guide numerous Lys63, Lys48, and linear ubiquitination events along the signal transduction cascade leading to NF-κB activation. The deubiquitinases A20, CYLD, and OTULIN counteract these ubiquitination events to impair NF-κB activation [81,[180][181][182] (Figure 2). ...
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The advent of T-cell-based immunotherapy has remarkably transformed cancer patient treatment. Despite their success, the currently approved immunotherapeutic protocols still encounter limitations, cause toxicity, and give disparate patient outcomes. Thus, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of T-cell activation and inhibition is much needed to rationally expand targets and possibilities to improve immunotherapies. Protein ubiquitination downstream of immune signaling pathways is essential to fine-tune virtually all immune responses, in particular, the positive and negative regulation of T-cell activation. Numerous studies have demonstrated that deregulation of ubiquitin-dependent pathways can significantly alter T-cell activation and enhance antitumor responses. Consequently, researchers in academia and industry are actively developing technologies to selectively exploit ubiquitin-related enzymes for cancer therapeutics. In this review, we discuss the molecular and functional roles of ubiquitination in key T-cell activation and checkpoint inhibitory pathways to highlight the vast possibilities that targeting ubiquitination offers for advancing T-cell-based immunotherapies.
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 (MALT1) is a multifunctional protein. MALT1 functions as an adaptor protein to assemble and recruit proteins such as B-cell lymphoma 10 (BCL10) and caspase-recruitment domain (CARD)-containing coiled-coil protein 11 (CARD11). Conversely it also acts as a paracaspase to cleave specified substrates. Because of its involvement in immunity, inflammation and cancer through its dual functions of scaffolding and catalytic activity, MALT1 is becoming a promising therapeutic target in B cell- and T cell-related diseases. There is growing evidence that the function of MALT1 is subtly modulated via post-translational modifications. This review summarized recent progress in relevant studies regarding the physiological and pathophysiological functions of MALT1, post-translational modifications of MALT1 and its role in B cell- and T cell- related diseases. In addition, the current available MALT1 inhibitors were also discussed.
This book presents original papers reflecting topics featured at the international symposium entitled “Fusion of Mathematics and Biology” and organized by the editor of the book. The symposium, held in October 2020 at Osaka University in Japan, was the core event for the final year of the research project entitled “Establishing International Research Networks of Mathematical Oncology.” The project had been carried out since April 2015 as part of the Core-to-Core Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). In this book, the editor presents collaborative research from prestigious organizations in France, the UK, and the USA. By utilizing their individual strengths and realizing the fusion of life science and mathematical science, the project achieved a combination of mathematical analysis, verification by biomedical experiments, and statistical analysis of chemical databases. Mathematics is sometimes regarded as a universal language. It is a valuable property that everyone can understand beyond the boundaries of culture, religion, and language. This unifying force of mathematics also applies to the various fields of science. Mathematical oncology has two aspects, i.e., data science and mathematical modeling, and definitely helps in the prediction and control of biological phenomena observed in cancer evolution. The topics addressed in this book represent several methods of applying mathematical modeling to scientific problems in the natural sciences. Furthermore, novel reviews are included that may motivate many mathematicians to become interested in biological research.
The linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), composed of the HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN subunits, activates the canonical nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway through the Met1 (M1)-linked linear ubiquitination activity. On the course of the T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated NF-κB activation pathway, LUBAC transiently associates with and linearly ubiquitinates the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex. In contrast, the linear ubiquitination of NEMO, a substrate of the TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation pathway, was limited in the TCR pathway. A linear ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinase (DUB), OTULIN, plays a major role in downregulating LUBAC-mediated TCR signaling. Mathematical modeling indicated that linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex accelerates the activation of IκB kinase (IKK), as compared with the activity induced by linear ubiquitination of NEMO alone. Moreover, simulations of the sequential linear ubiquitination of the CBM complex suggested that the allosteric regulation of linear (de)ubiquitination of CBM subunits is controlled by the ubiquitin-linkage lengths. Thus, unlike the TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation pathway, the TCR-mediated NF-κB activation in T cells has a characteristic mechanism to induce LUBAC-mediated NF-κB activation.
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The NF-κB and interferon antiviral signaling pathways play pivotal roles in inflammatory and innate immune responses. The LUBAC ubiquitin ligase complex, composed of the HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN subunits, activates the canonical NF-κB pathway through Met1-linked linear ubiquitination. We identified small-molecule chemical inhibitors of LUBAC, HOIPIN-1 and HOIPIN-8. Here we show that HOIPINs down-regulate not only the proinflammatory cytokine-induced canonical NF-κB pathway, but also various pathogen-associated molecular pattern-induced antiviral pathways. Structural analyses indicated that HOIPINs inhibit the RING-HECT-hybrid reaction in HOIP by modifying the active Cys885, and residues in the C-terminal LDD domain, such as Arg935 and Asp936, facilitate the binding of HOIPINs to LUBAC. HOIPINs effectively induce cell death in activated B cell-like diffuse large B cell lymphoma cells, and alleviate imiquimod-induced psoriasis in model mice. These results reveal the molecular and cellular bases of LUBAC inhibition by HOIPINs, and demonstrate their potential therapeutic uses.
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The transcription factor NF-κB performs various cell functions, such as regulating proliferation and differentiation and blocking apoptosis, by inducing the expression of multiple genes. The shuttling of NF-κB between the cytoplasm and nucleus is involved in its transcriptional activity in the canonical NF-κB pathway. The transcription of the NF-κB target genes is regulated by the phosphorylation of both IκBα and the RelA subunit of NF-κB, suggesting that these phosphorylation events are crucial for the oscillation. In this study, we constructed a new mathematical model of NF-κB activation to explore the modulation of the oscillation by the phosphorylation of IκBα and RelA. Based on a stability analysis around the equilibrium point, we confirmed that IκBα phosphorylation added a structure with a stable periodic solution to the phosphorylation model. The stable periodic solution appeared to transiently respond to the attenuation of the concentration of active IKKβ. Because the NF-κB oscillation is caused by the periodic solution, the amplitude and period of the NF-κB oscillation in the phosphorylation model was constant regardless of the initial conditions; we defined this property as the reproducibility of the oscillation. On the other hand, the amplitude and period of the NF-κB oscillation depended on a parameter related to the RelA phosphorylation, suggesting that the oscillation period is regulated by RelA phosphorylation. In addition, the region of the periodic solution that is dependent on active IKKβ also depends on a parameter related to RelA phosphorylation. Therefore, we conclude that the phosphorylation of both IκBα and RelA regulates the robustness of the NF-κB signaling module oscillation. That is, by appropriately controlling the phosphorylation process, it becomes possible to control the NF-κB oscillation and appropriately induce the NFkB-dependent expression gene. We anticipate that this study will contribute to the future elucidation of the mechanism underlying the nuclear cytoplasmic (N-C) oscillation of NF-κB.
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OTULIN (OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity) removes linear polyubiquitin from proteins that have been modified by LUBAC (linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex) and is critical for preventing auto-inflammatory disease1,2 and embryonic lethality during mouse development 3 . Here we show that OTULIN promotes rather than counteracts LUBAC activity by preventing its auto-ubiquitination with linear polyubiquitin. Thus, knock-in mice that express catalytically inactive OTULIN, either constitutively or selectively in endothelial cells, resembled LUBAC-deficient mice 4 and died midgestation as a result of cell death mediated by TNFR1 (tumour necrosis factor receptor 1) and the kinase activity of RIPK1 (receptor-interacting protein kinase 1). Inactivation of OTULIN in adult mice also caused pro-inflammatory cell death. Accordingly, embryonic lethality and adult auto-inflammation were prevented by the combined loss of cell death mediators: caspase 8 for apoptosis and RIPK3 for necroptosis. Unexpectedly, OTULIN mutant mice that lacked caspase 8 and RIPK3 died in the perinatal period, exhibiting enhanced production of type I interferon that was dependent on RIPK1. Collectively, our results indicate that OTULIN and LUBAC function in a linear pathway, and highlight a previously unrecognized interaction between linear ubiquitination, regulators of cell death, and induction of type I interferon.
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The nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway ubiquitously controls cell growth and survival in basic conditions as well as rapid resetting of cellular functions following environment changes or pathogenic insults. Moreover, its deregulation is frequently observed during cell transformation, chronic inflammation or autoimmunity. Understanding how it is properly regulated therefore is a prerequisite to managing these adverse situations. Over the last years evidence has accumulated showing that ubiquitination is a key process in NF-κB activation and its resolution. Here, we examine the various functions of ubiquitin in NF-κB signaling and more specifically, how it controls signal transduction at the molecular level and impacts in vivo on NF-κB regulated cellular processes.
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Ubiquitination is a versatile post-translational modification that regulates a multitude of cellular processes. Its versatility is based on the ability of ubiquitin to form multiple types of polyubiquitin chains, which are recognized by specific ubiquitin receptors to induce the required cellular response. Linear ubiquitin chains are linked through Met 1 and have been established as important players of inflammatory signalling and apoptotic cell death. These chains are generated by a ubiquitin E3 ligase complex called the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) that is thus far the only E3 ligase capable of forming linear ubiquitin chains. The complex consists of three subunits, HOIP, HOIL-1L and SHARPIN, each of which have specific roles in the observed biological functions of LUBAC. Furthermore, LUBAC has been found to be associated with OTULIN and CYLD, deubiquitinases that disassemble linear chains and counterbalance the E3 ligase activity of LUBAC. Gene mutations in HOIP, HOIL-1L and OTULIN are found in human patients who suffer from autoimmune diseases, and HOIL-1L mutations are also found in myopathy patients. In this paper, we discuss the mechanisms of linear ubiquitin chain generation and disassembly by their respective enzymes and review our current understanding of their biological functions and association with human diseases.
Linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) is a key regulator of NF-kB signaling. Activating single-nucleotide polymorphisms of HOIP, the catalytic subunit of LUBAC, are enriched in patients with activated B cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL), and expression of HOIP which parallels LUBAC activity is elevated in ABC-DLBCL samples. Thus, to clarify the precise roles of LUBAC in lymphomagenesis, we generated a mouse model with augmented expression of HOIP in B cells. Interestingly, augmented HOIP expression facilitated DLBCL-like B-cell lymphomagenesis driven by MYD88-activating mutation. The developed lymphoma cells partly shared somatic gene mutations with human DLBCLs, with increased frequency of a typical AID mutation pattern. In vitro analysis revealed that HOIP overexpression protected B cells from DNA damage-induced cell death through NF-kB activation, and the analysis of human DLBCL database showed that expression of HOIP positively correlated with gene signatures representing regulation of apoptosis signaling, as well as NF-kB signaling. These results indicate that HOIP facilitates lymphomagenesis by preventing cell death and augmenting NF-kB signaling, leading to accumulation of AID-mediated mutations. Furthermore, a natural compound that specifically inhibits LUBAC was shown to suppress the tumor growth in a mouse transplantation model. Collectively, our data indicates that LUBAC is crucially involved in B-cell lymphomagenesis through protection against DNA damage-induced cell death, and is a suitable therapeutic target for B-cell lymphomas.
Antigen receptor-induced signaling plays an important role in inflammation and immunity. Formation of a CARD11-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) signaling complex is a key event in T- and B cell receptor-induced gene expression by regulating NF-κB activation and mRNA stability. Deregulated CARD11, BCL10 or MALT1 expression or CBM signaling have been associated with immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and cancer, indicating that CBM formation and function have to be tightly regulated. Over the past years great progress has been made in deciphering the molecular mechanisms of assembly and disassembly of the CBM complex. In this context, several posttranslational modifications play an indispensable role in regulating CBM function and downstream signal transduction. In this review we summarize how the different CBM components as well as their interplay are regulated by protein ubiquitination and phosphorylation in the context of T cell receptor signaling.
T cell receptors (TCRs) are protein complexes formed by six different polypeptides. In most T cells, TCRs are composed of αβ subunits displaying immunoglobulin-like variable domains that recognize peptide antigens associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. TCR αβ subunits are associated with the CD3 complex formed by the γ, δ, ε, and ζ subunits, which are invariable and ensure signal transduction. Here, we review how the expression and function of TCR complexes are orchestrated by several fine-tuned cellular processes that encompass (a) synthesis of the subunits and their correct assembly and expression at the plasma membrane as a single functional complex, (b) TCR membrane localization and dynamics at the plasma membrane and in endosomal compartments, (c) TCR signal transduction leading to T cell activation, and (d) TCR degradation. These processes balance each other to ensure efficient T cell responses to a variety of antigenic stimuli while preventing autoimmunity. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Immunology Volume 36 is April 26, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.
T cells possess an array of functional capabilities important for host defense against pathogens and tumors. T cell effector functions require the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). The TCR has no intrinsic enzymatic activity, and thus signal transduction from the receptor relies on additional signaling molecules. One such molecule is the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase ZAP-70, which associates with the TCR complex and is required for initiating the canonical biochemical signal pathways downstream of the TCR. In this article, we describe recent structure-based insights into the regulation and substrate specificity of ZAP-70, and then we review novel methods for determining the role of ZAP-70 catalytic activity-dependent and -independent signals in developing and mature T cells. Lastly, we discuss the disease states in mouse models and humans, which range from immunodeficiency to autoimmunity, that are caused by mutations in ZAP-70. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Immunology Volume 36 is April 26, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.
The nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) family of transcription factors is activated by canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways, which differ in both signalling components and biological functions. Recent studies have revealed important roles for the non-canonical NF-κB pathway in regulating different aspects of immune functions. Defects in non-canonical NF-κB signalling are associated with severe immune deficiencies, whereas dysregulated activation of this pathway contributes to the pathogenesis of various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Here we review the signalling mechanisms and the biological function of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway. We also discuss recent progress in elucidating the molecular mechanisms regulating non-canonical NF-κB pathway activation, which may provide new opportunities for therapeutic strategies.