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Agriculture has always been the backbone of India. About 40% people of India are involved in some kind of agricultural activity. As soil is one of the most important factors in agriculture and farming, there are many other things which are puzzled when it comes to increased net yield of the crops. There are many techniques which are used for this purpose. In this paper, we have done a comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms and proposed the best fit for our dataset. Since Uttarakhand is a state which is not covered widely in many research papers, we decided to choose our region from Uttarakhand state and took Almora district for our study. This research paper enlightens a better and progressive way to detect crops, suitable for a particular soil type
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
Neelam Singh1, Deeksha Pant2, Devesh Pratap Singh1, Bhasker Pant1
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Graphic Era Deemed to be University,
566/6 Bell Road, Clement Town, Dehradun-248002 (India)
2 Department of Computer Application, Graphic Era Deemed to be University,
566/6 Bell Road, Clement Town, Dehradun-248002 (India)
Received: 14 March 2020 Revised and Accepted: 8 May 2020
ABSTRACT: Agriculture has always been the backbone of India. About 40% people of India are involved in
some kind of agricultural activity. As soil is one of the most important factors in agriculture and farming, there are
many other things which are puzzled when it comes to increased net yield of the crops. There are many techniques
which are used for this purpose. In this paper, we have done a comparative analysis of various machine learning
algorithms and proposed the best fit for our dataset. Since Uttarakhand is a state which is not covered widely in
many research papers, we decided to choose our region from Uttarakhand state and took Almora district for our
study. This research paper enlightens a better and progressive way to detect crops, suitable for a particular soil
Keywords- KNN Algorithm, k-star, naïve bayes, random forest.
Farming in a country like India holds a severe importance because of the dependency of more than 40% of its
population. Therefore, it becomes very important for us to discover, introduce, and embrace such methods so that
the crop yield reaches its expected numbers and the farmers become smart as well as aware of the land in which
they are working. The main goal of today’s scenario is to achieve maximum yield from a lim ited land resource.
Crop selector is applicable in order to maximize the crop yield even when the conditions are unfavorable.
Increment in the production rate of crops plays a vital role in economy of a nation.
It is a matter to recognize that not only the seed selection system but also the crop selection management affects
the yield rate of crops. A lot of research has been done on this issue and the main goal described is to create such a
model that is accurate and efficient for crop classification, soil classification, crop yield prediction, etc.
This paper is divided into various sections with each section covering various contents of the paper. The first
section is the related literature that covers the mentioning of previous work done with the help of these machine
learning algorithms. The next section is the methodology covering the work done to prove which algorithm is best
fit for our dataset, followed by the results and discussion.
India is a country of agriculture where a majority of the population relies on this occupation; it becomes more
important to find a way to increase crop yield and present better methods to select the crops.
A paper proposed a method named Crop Selection Method (CSM) to solve crop selection problem [1].In this paper
a method called Crop Selection Method is used to increase crop yield and crop selection.
Another work in the same field is prediction of rice crop by Bayesian networks [2].Now here, it is just a single
technique that is applied on the used dataset and two methods are compared on the basis of measures like MAE,
RMSE, RAE, RRSE, F1 Score, etc.
Some other machine learning algorithms like J48, Bayes Net, K-star,Random tree[3] shows a comparative study
among the mentioned algorithms. In this comparative study, Random tree is proven to be the best-fit algorithm for
the dataset.
There are many factors that are involved in the production of crops, like, area, climatic conditions, type of soil, etc.
Various subsets of these factors are used for different crops by different prediction models. These Prediction
models are deeply studied and then the results are evaluated. Now these models are broadly classified into two
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
types [4]:
1. Traditional statistics model-Traditional statistic model [5] puts together a single predictive function that
seizes entire sample space, i.e. it generates a global model over entire sample space.
2. Machine learning technique-It is a technology that came into view for knowledge mining which itself is a
hard concept to achieve statistically, by relating input and output variables [4]. In the previous model, the
structure of data model is presumed. Whereas in machine learning model, data model need not to be
presumed. This is useful characteristics for machine learning techniques to model complex nonlinear behavior
in crop yield prediction. Amongst these techniques there are still many advance techniques which are still
undiscovered in crop yield prediction. A lot of research papers have also presented various comparative
studies for these techniques. The main objective to come up with a comparative analysis is that we come
across the best suited technique for a particular dataset. All the emerging advancements in the technology
field like Iot, machine learning, etc have made this task quite easy[6].
In this research paper, our primary objective is to find the best suited technique amongst some well-known
techniques to be used for increased crop yield which in turn will help to predict the next best fit crop for the field.
This kind of prediction will help the farmer to get a nearly accurate idea of the type of crop to be grown in that
respective field. It is known that different crops need different conditions to yield better harvest; therefore the
dataset should be taken with respect to the fact that what factors will affect a crop the most. In this research paper,
a training set is prepared and a hypothetical test data is taken to do the prediction. Real data from the sensors
embedded into the field can also be used for the real approach.
KNN- Algorithm-
K-NN is based on samples, as it saves all earlier data sample space for predicting target value for new input sample
predictor. It applies distance function to compute distance from new input sample predictor to all training sample
predictors and then k nearest (or smallest) distances are selected with corresponding target values. Selection of k is
a task that varies with the sensitivity of the dataset. Smaller the value of k,higher the variance and lower the bias
and vice versa. The advantages of k-Nearest Neighbors are it does not require training and optimization. It works
on locality concept and it is used for nonlinear and highly adaptable problem. As KNN uses all data sample during
prediction of new data case, its time and space complexity both are comparably high. It is a laziest technique
among all the machine learning techniques. [2]
In the field of crop yield prediction many researchers have contributed to introduce various methods and
advancements that could make the crop yield better. Other than KNN- Algorithm many other machine learning
algorithms are used and implemented.
Naïve Bayes Algorithm-
Based on Bayes’ Theorem, Naïve Bayes classifiers are a collection of classification algorithms. It is a combination
of various sharing a common principle, i.e. every classification is independent of each other. A classifier, in a
machine learning model, is used to differentiate various objects based on certain features. A Naive Bayes classifier is
a probability based machine learning model that is used for the classification.
Bayes Theorem:
P (A|B) = P (B|A) P (A) / P (B)
Using Bayes theorem, we can find the probability of A happening, given that B has occurred. Here, B is the
evidence and A is the hypothesis. The assumption made here is that the predictors/features are independent. That is
presence of one particular feature does not affect the other. Hence it is called naive.[2]
The development of K*[7] in 2009 by Husain Aljazzar was a part of his PhD work. K* was originally implemented
as part of the DiPro toolset for the generation of counterexamples in probabilistic model checking. In 2017,
Sebastian Haufe has implemented a Java workbench for the K* algorithm. It comprises a Java implementation of
K*, based on the one included in DiPro, that is independent from the DiPro environment.
Random Forest
The Random Forest Classifier is a set of decision trees and these trees are randomly selected subset of training set.
Results of various decision trees are taken to make a final result of the test object[8]. It is also called ensemble
algorithm because it combines same or different algorithms for classifying objects.
In our research we have tried to find the best fit algorithm for Almora district that could be helpful for a better
prediction of crops in different seasons. There are still various factors like variation in climatic conditions (floods,
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
drought, etc) that could affect farming but here we have just tried to find a model that could be productive for this
Proposed Methodology
In a country like India where a major part of population is living on agriculture, it is really important to get such
techniques which could increase the yield and solve the crop selection problems of the farmers.
AREA selected for study-
For this particular research, we have selected Almora district of Uttarakhand as a sample study area. In
Uttarakhand there are in all fourteen districts and each district has a varied agricultural diversity. This agricultural
diversity contributes in fulfilling the demands of the nearby states. Crops like rice (paddy), wheat, potatoes,
tomatoes, vegetables, corn, millets, sugarcane etc are grown in a recognizable amount in the selected area.
In order to apply various algorithms we have used WEKA tool here which is a useful software that makes the
implementation of all machine learning algorithms quite easy.
The dataset used in this research paper is made from Almora district of Uttarakhand state. The dataset is extracted
from dataset that is available on This dataset comprises of features like Year, Area, Production,
Seasons, and Crop for more than three hundred values including different years. The reason for choosing Almora
region was that there were no research works done in the area and since Uttarakhand has a diversity of production
of crops and vegetables, it was quite necessary to explore this region and predict the best fit model to increase the
production of crops.
In order to predict the crop for our dataset we have used a tool named WEKA. Here we have compared various
machine learning algorithms with each other and got the most suitable one for our dataset.
A brief description of Weka tool is mentioned below-
The working-
1. The working of the module starts from preprocessing of the data. Figure 1 shows the result of
preprocessing on the available dataset.
Figure 1 Data Preprocessing
2. The next Section is classification of dataset. Here we select the “Choose” option and then select on
“lazy”. Within “lazy” an option named “IBk” is chosen which is our KNN classifier.
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
Selecting “IBk”
3. After clicking on “START” we get the resultant accuracy matrix on the preprocessed and classified
dataset. The accuracy matrix is listed in table 1.
Table 1 Accuracy Matrix
After checking the accuracy matrix we applied KNN algorithm on the dataset for K=3. The accuracy of the
algorithm is checked using the evaluation metrics like Mean absolute error, Root mean squared error, Relative
absolute error, Root relative squared error is obtained. The results of the selected error formulas for KNN is shown
in Table 2.
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
Table 2 Evaluation metric for KNN
Evaluation metric
Value predicted
Mean absolute error
Root mean squared error
Relative absolute error
The results of table 2 shows the accuracy and least error for KNN where K=3.
4. Along with the best accuracy and the least error, we have predicted the crop with respect to various
attributes in the dataset as shown in table 3.
Table 3 Crop prediction based on season
Ragi, Horse gram, potato, sesamum
Wheat, Millets, Soyabean
(Whole Year)
Onion, millets, Potato
The results for the mentioned work is now compared with algorithms like Random Forest, K Star or Naïve Bayes
on the selected dataset with the help of following evaluation metrics.
MAE (Mean Absolute Error)- It is the average of the absolute differences between prediction and actual
observation where all individual differences are equally weighed.
It is given by following formula-
MAE=∑ni=1 |Ai Âi| /n
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)-It depicts the error between two data sets. It compares a predicted
value with a known value. The smaller the value of RMSE, the lesser is the error between predicted and
known value.
It is given by the formula-
RMSE= (ni=1 (Ai Âi)2/n)½
Relative Absolute Error (RAE)- It is the absolute of the difference between the approximate and exact
value divided by the exact value. It is different from relative error.
It is given by following formula-
RAE = | xA xE / xE |
By applying all the evaluation metric on some of the frequently used Machine Learning algorithm for our
dataset we computed the result as given in table 4.
Table 4 Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithm based on evaluation metrics
Algorithm name/
Evaluation metrics
Root mean squared
Relative absolute error
Random Forest
K Star
Naïve Bayes
According to the result computed it can be considered that KNN gives more accurate results for our selected dataset
based on the accuracy value and least error as compared to the algorithm like Random Forest, K Star or Naïve Bayes.
We can now conclude that with the help of above discussed work KNN Algorithm is proved more accurate than
the rest of the mentioned Algorithms. A possibility occurs here with respect to the dataset. With a different dataset
may be the accuracy changes. This work is true for Almora district and may differ on a different dataset. With this
prediction the farmers there can have the idea of what kind of crops can be grown at what period of time. As
mentioned earlier, the production can still be low or high depending on the climatic conditions. As Uttarakhand is
one of the states that produces a variety of crops, vegetables, etc. it was really important to take this area as a
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 12, 2020
research area and find the best fit model in order to increase the productivity in the region.
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... The second factor is crop selection management, used under favorable or unfavorable conditions. Agricultural planning is the subject of numerous research projects to develop an accurate and effective scheme for crop classification, Crop Yield Prediction, crop disease prediction, crop classification based on growth phase, and weather prediction [7,8]. Precision agriculture aims to reduce operating expenses and environmental impact in order to increase agricultural quality and output. ...
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Agriculture is the major source of food and significantly contributes to Indian employment, and the economy is intricately tied to the outcomes of crop management, where the final yield and market prices play crucial roles. The final yield and the market price completely determined the outcome of crop management or agriculture in India. Real-time observation emerges as a critical determinant of overall crop production success. Recognizing the significance of insightful analysis and precise crop yield predictions for effective farming practices, this study proposes an enhanced model to address the imperative of accurate yield forecasting. The pre-processing steps of the proposed model include Min-Max normalization, deletion of irrelevant data, and addition of missing values. The pre-processed data is then subjected to feature extraction using an Improved Shearlet transform (IST). After feature extraction, feature selection is done using an Enhanced multi-objective Grey Wolf optimization (EMGWO) technique. Finally, the prediction is made using an enhanced Gate Recurrent Unit with a Bidirectional LSTM (GRU-BiLSTM) model. This enhanced the accuracy (97%), precision (93%), recall (97.25%) and F-measure (95.14%) of agricultural yield predictions. Various measures related to errors, such as RMSE, MSE, MAE, MedAE, R2 and MSLE, are compared for the proposed model and other existing techniques.
Crop yield prediction (CYP) is a critical challenge for decision-makers of any kind of levels, including regional and national decision-making. Farmers might use effective CYP model to help them determine what to cultivate or when to grow it. The primary aim of precision agriculture (PA) is to increase crop growth and yield thereby decreasing production costs and emissions. Various developmental factors influence potential yield, including soil properties, irrigation, weather, fertilizer maintenance, and topography. CYP is critical to worldwide agricultural production. To improve the global food security, policymakers depend on reliable forecasts to make timely exports and imports decision. The main aim of this paper is to predict the crop yield using machine-learning technique. The collected data are pre-processed using Kalman filter algorithm and then certain features are extracted using the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The CYP is done using the improved extreme learning machine (IELM). The output weight of the extreme learning machine is improved using the chimp optimization algorithm (COA). The implementation tool used in this method is PYTHON and the dataset used for the CYP is farm yield prediction. The experimental results showed an accuracy of 99.99% which is better when compared to existing methods.
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Agriculture is the most important sector in the Indian economy and contributes 18% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). India is the second largest producer of sugarcane crop and produces about 20% of the world's sugarcane. In this paper, a novel approach to sugarcane yield forecasting in Karnataka(India) region using Long-Term-Time-Series (LTTS), Weather-and-soil attributes, Normalized Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Supervised machine learning(SML) algorithms have been proposed. Sugarcane Cultivation Life Cycle (SCLC) in Karnataka(India) region is about 12 months, with plantation beginning at three different seasons. Our approach divides yield forecasting into three stages, i)soil-and-weather attributes are predicted for the duration of SCLC, ii)NDVI is predicted using Support Vector Machine Regression (SVR) algorithm by considering soil-and-weather attributes as input, iii)sugarcane crop is predicted using SVR by considering NDVI as input. Our approach has been verified using historical dataset and results have shown that our approach has successfully modeled soil and weather attributes prediction as 24 steps LTTS with accuracy of 85.24% for Soil Temperature given by Lasso algorithm, 85.372% accuracy for Temperature given by Naive-Bayes algorithm, accuracy for Soil Moisture is 77.46% given by Naive-Bayes, NDVI prediction with accuracy of 89.97% given by SVR-RBF, crop prediction with accuracy of 83.49% given by SVR-RBF.
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Efficiently managing the irrigation process has become necessary to utilize water stocks due to the lack of water resources worldwide. Parched plant leads into hard breathing process, which would result in yellowing leaves and sprinkles in the soil. In this work, yellowing leaves and sprinkles in the soil have been observed using multimedia sensors to detect the level of plant thirstiness in smart farming. We modified the IoT concepts to draw an inspiration towards the perspective vision of 'Internet of Multimedia Things' (IoMT). This research focuses on the smart employment of internet of Multimedia sensors in smart farming to optimize the irrigation process. The concepts of image processing work with IOT sensors and machine learning methods to make the irrigation decision. sensors reading have been used as training data set indicating the thirstiness of the plants, and machine learning techniques including the state-of-the-art deep learning were used in the next phase to find the optimal decision. The conducted experiments in this research are promising and could be considered in any smart irrigation system. The experimental results showed that the use of deep learning proves to be superior in the Internet of Multimedia Things environment.
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Background/Objectives: Soil is an essential key factor of agriculture. The objective of the work is to predict soil type using data mining classification techniques. Methods/Analysis: Soil type is predicted using data mining classification techniques such as JRip, J48 and Naive Bayes. These classifier algorithms are applied to extract the knowledge from soil data and two types of soil are considered such as Red and Black. Findings: In this paper, Data Mining and agricultural Data Mining are summarized. The JRip model can produce more reliable results of this data and the Kappa Statistics in the forecast were increased. Application/Improvement: For solving the issues in Big Data, efficient methods can be created that utilize Data Mining to enhance the exactness of classification of huge soil data sets.
Full-text available
Thermal unit is often used as the main driving force in crop simulation models. However, simulation models built with this approach often do not lead to a satisfactory accuracy of prediction when it regards to soybean; mainly due to strong photoperiod influence on soybean and complicated interactions between photoperiod and temperature. This study tried to simulate and predict soybean phenological growth using calendar-day based approach. Field experiments were conducted at the Delta Research and Extension Center, Stoneville, Mississippi, USA. Five year (1998-2002) field data were used with 24 sowing dates from maturity groups (MG) III to MG VI soybean varieties. Three methods, artificial neural network (ANN), k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and regression were used to construct prediction models. Vegetative and reproductive growth stages were modeled separately. Results indicated that calendar-based prediction model in soybean growth calculation is a feasible approach. All three methods achieved the acceptable prediction accuracy. On average, prediction errors of ANN, kNN and Regression methods were 3.6, 2.8 and 3.6 days for vegetative stage and 4.4, 3.5 and 4.7 days for reproductive stages, respectively.
Accurate yield estimation and optimised nitrogen management is essential in agriculture. Remote sensing (RS) systems are being more widely used in building decision support tools for contemporary farming systems to improve yield production and nitrogen management while reducing operating costs and environmental impact. However, RS based approaches require processing of enormous amounts of remotely sensed data from different platforms and, therefore, greater attention is currently being devoted to machine learning (ML) methods. This is due to the capability of machine learning based systems to process a large number of inputs and handle non-linear tasks. This paper discusses research developments conducted within the last 15 years on machine learning based techniques for accurate crop yield prediction and nitrogen status estimation. The paper concludes that the rapid advances in sensing technologies and ML techniques will provide cost-effective and comprehensive solutions for better crop and environment state estimation and decision making. More targeted application of the sensor platforms and ML techniques, the fusion of different sensor modalities and expert knowledge, and the development of hybrid systems combining different ML and signal processing techniques are all likely to be part of precision agriculture (PA) in the near future.
Conference Paper
Rice crop production plays a vital role in food security of India, contributing more than 40% to overall crop production. High crop production is dependent on suitable climatic conditions. Detrimental seasonal climate conditions such as low rainfall or temperature extremes can dramatically reduce crop yield. Developing better techniques to predict crop productivity in different climatic conditions can assist farmer and other stakeholders in important decision making in terms of agronomy and crop choice. This paper reports on the use of Bayesian Networks to predict rice crop yield for Maharashtra state, India. For this study, 27 districts of Maharashtra were selected on the basis of available data from publicly available Indian Government records with various climate and crop parameters selected. The parameters selected for the study were precipitation, minimum temperature, average temperature, maximum temperature, reference crop evapotranspiration, area, production and yield for the Kharif season (June to November) for the years 1998 to 2002. The dataset was processed using the WEKA tool. The classifiers used in the study were BayesNet and NaiveBayes. The experimental results showed that the performance of BayesNet was much better compared with NaiveBayes for the dataset.
Conference Paper
Agriculture planning plays a significant role in economic growth and food security of agro-based country. Se- lection of crop(s) is an important issue for agriculture planning. It depends on various parameters such as production rate, market price and government policies. Many researchers studied prediction of yield rate of crop, prediction of weather, soil classification and crop classification for agriculture planning using statistics methods or machine learning techniques. If there is more than one option to plant a crop at a time using limited land resource, then selection of crop is a puzzle. This paper proposed a method named Crop Selection Method (CSM) to solve crop selection problem, and maximize net yield rate of crop over season and subsequently achieves maximum economic growth of the country. The proposed method may improve net yield rate of crops.
We present a directed search algorithm, called K⁎, for finding the k shortest paths between a designated pair of vertices in a given directed weighted graph. K⁎ has two advantages compared to current k-shortest-paths algorithms. First, K⁎ operates on-the-fly, which means that it does not require the graph to be explicitly available and stored in main memory. Portions of the graph will be generated as needed. Second, K⁎ can be guided using heuristic functions. We prove the correctness of K⁎ and determine its asymptotic worst-case complexity when using a consistent heuristic to be the same as the state of the art, O(m+nlogn+k), with respect to both runtime and space, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges of the graph. We present an experimental evaluation of K⁎ by applying it to route planning problems as well as counterexample generation for stochastic model checking. The experimental results illustrate that due to the use of heuristic, on-the-fly search K⁎ can use less time and memory compared to the most efficient k-shortest-paths algorithms known so far.
Experimental Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Agricultural Dataset for Improving Crop Yield Prediction
Experimental Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Agricultural Dataset for Improving Crop Yield Prediction, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 -8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019.