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The predictive ability of social self-efficacy and the point of view of the meaning of life among a sample of university students

  • جامعة الامير سطام بن عبد العزيز المملكة العربية السعودية


Abstract The study aims to explore the predictive ability of social self-efficacy and the point of control in the sense of life among a sample of (200) students from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, for the academic year (2019/2020). The effectiveness of social self, and the results of the study resulted in a high level of the meaning of life in the study sample, and the presence of a statistically positive relationship between the meaning of life and the effectiveness of the social self, and a negative statistically significant relationship between the meaning of life and the point of control of the members of the study sample, as the results of the study revealed a contribution The effectiveness of the social self after managing the social self by 17.6%, as well as the contribution of the internal control by 14.5 % in predicting the meaning of life.
ISSN 1316-5216 / ISSN-e: 2477-9555
The study aims to explore the predictive ability
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       
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sample, as the results of the study revealed a
       
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Keywords:  
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      -
  
 -
  -
   
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estudio, ya que los resultados del estudio reve-
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College of Education in Wadi Addawasir/ Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz
University College of Education/ University of Thamar
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
University stage students represent an elite of the nation’s youth and the dean of its re-
naissance, and therefore must be taken care of, and provide all capabilities to support
them academically, psychologically and socially, and direct more attention towards stud-
ying psychological changes that contribute to building their personality, directing their be-
havior, and gives them competence, effectiveness, and positivity in their lives, and helps
Among the advantages of this stage, it provides opportunities to discover the meaning of
life, where students have an urgent need and an increased interest to enjoy a satisfying
and purposeful life, by enriching the spiritual and existential dimension they have, and that
their academic performance is meaningful and purposeful, and they face many challenges
related to the pursuit of independence And self-reliance, taking responsibility, achieving
ships with others, and for the university student to face these challenges, he must feel the
primary and fundamental motivation of man, until he counted the central concept in his
The meaning of life is one of the concepts that began to attract the attention of researchers
    
individual is related to the value of his life and his satisfaction with himself in the sense that
humanity, accepts and interacts with life, responds to it and achieves distinction, unique-
Where many studies have demonstrated that individuals’ awareness of the meaning of
life is positively associated with positive thinking, life satisfaction, happiness, and mental
health, and that it helps them to relieve stress and anxiety arising from individual exposure
feel the goal, they will suffer from a lack of integration with others and increase psycholog-
In our endeavor to achieve meaning for life among university students, it is necessary to
pay attention to studying positive psychological variables that may contribute to develop-
ing and improving the meaning of life for them, and these variables can contribute to help-
ing students feel a sense of their life, the effectiveness of the social self and the direction
his life and his ability to engage in important and necessary social interactions to start and
between individuals, meeting new people, asserting oneself in social situations, establish-
          
  -
As for the point of control, it is among the variables related to personality, which is seen as
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
a personality trait or as a cognitive style of the individual, and it is an important variable for
    
        
destination believe that positive or negative events that occur to them are primarily related
viduals with an external destination, they believe that events, whether positive or negative,
The current study seeks to identify the relationship between the meaning of life and the
effectiveness of social self, and the point of control, and to identify the possibility of pre-
The variables of the study are the meaning of life, the effectiveness of the social self and
the internal control point, among the positive variables that can contribute to raising the
effectiveness of the individual and the level of mental health he has, especially university
        
working in student activities, that some students have a set of symptoms, which can indi-
cate the low meaning of life they have, they do not seem to have a clear message or goals
that they seek to achieve, and he does not feel enthusiasm to complete a work, as well as
a decrease in effectiveness They have a social self, they are socially driven, they do not
 -
This may expose them to fall into the clutches of the existential void, which is the loss of
the purpose of life, and the consequent belief of the individual that his life is devoid of any
a victim of despair, frustration and indifference, and it is one of the most severe and dan-
to suffering many social and psychological problems that hinder the achievement of their
This is what Frankel (1982) pointed out that the loss of meaning in life leads to an existen-
tial void, frustration, personal crises, depression, suicide, aggression, and many psycho-
The results of the studies indicated that the age groups most exposed to emptiness of
The current study tries to reveal the nature of the meaning of life in relation to both the
the effectiveness of the social self and the destination of luck?
      
social self and the point of laughter?
ness of the social self in the study sample?
    
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
view of the study sample?
     -
     
the personality of university students, elevates their lives and gives them competence and
     
nation seeking progress and advancement, and they have a responsibility to advance so-
ciety, especially since they are in the stage of taking responsibility and self-reliance, and
    
the extent of his sense of its importance, value, and motivation To move positively towards
   -
his skills in dealing with the situations and events that face him during his daily life, and his
          
that the individual employs his behavior to achieve desired goals essentially dependent
on himself, whereas the external control point refers to The belief that other forces outside
   -
ternal adjustment, while an external destination means the examiner has high scores on
The concept of the meaning of life is a common and multi-response concept that describes
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
     -
tance of a meaning for human life, but they differ in the way a person achieves meaning in
The concept of the meaning of life among psychologists has been linked to various con-
         
spite the difference that occurred between the owners of those theories They agreed on
the importance of a meaning for a person’s life, that a sense of fullness of meaning is
necessary for an individual to be healthy and that the process of discovering and achiev-
 
The meaning of life refers to two concepts that must be distinguished between them, the
               
     -
ticular time, so every person has the meaning of his life, and this meaning differs from one
Frankel was interested in distinguishing between the two concepts on almost the same
           
and the second means what he takes from the world in the form of gains and experiences,
while the third means the position he takes from his ordeal in the event that he must face
That is the reason why life never ceases to have meaning, because even a person de-
prived of both innovative and expert values remains before the challenge of the meaning
The concept of the meaning of life consists of three main components, namely the knowl-
edge component, which
Associated with the individual’s awareness of the meaning of life, the experiences that
       
component is, emotional, and which
It is linked to the individual’s foundations that his life has value and his satisfaction with it
 
with his presence in life, his acceptance of himself, his ability to accept the destiny of life,
and the search for bright aspects in it, and that he is compatible with his family and society,
his optimism towards the future, and his belief that life still carries a meaning Despite all
of the individual’s awareness of the goal and meaning of his life, and his mission in the life
      
responsibility, the ability to choose freely, and takes responsibility for whatever he or she
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
          
individual’s ability to search for lofty values and goals that go beyond personal interests
and interests, such as his interest in the group to which he belongs, his understanding of
his problems and his participation in solving it, and the extent of the individual’s awareness
that his presence in the world is an impact as far as It gives it from the community and the
Frankel addressed the meaning of life through his theory of meaningful treatment through
    
human behavior, such as inheritance and the environment, he has the freedom to make
choose from one individual to another and from one position to another, and the will of the
meaning, which includes the pursuit of a person with a concrete meaning for his personal
existence, and therefore he seeks and strives for a goal that deserves to live for him, and
the meaning of life, and means that life has an unconditional meaning, and the meaning of
life is achieved with Individuals through their innovations, and the experiences they gain,
The yalom model
            
represents a key point in the challenge of man and his confrontation with some issues and
against impotence and emptiness of meaning, and is considered a creative response to
face pressure, it is a free human choice, so the individual The meaning of life creates that
related to the strengths of beliefs and values of sublimation such as sincerity and happi-
   
needs of food and drink, and then security, belonging and self-esteem leading to self-real-
      -
   
              
serting oneself in social situations, establishing emotional relationships, and developing
       
acting with others, giving or receiving help, forming emotional relationships, and assessing
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
   
social skills that lead to positive and successful social relationships with successful social
The concept of control point is derived from the social education theory of the world, Rotter
where it refers to the degree to which the individual attributes his personal responsibility
for what is happening to him, as opposed to attributing this to the forces outside his control
internal control who understand that the reinforcement that follows their personal actions
and behaviors is independent and not coordinated with their actions and behaviors, and
they usually interpret the results that they get as a result of luck, chance, The fate or con-
      
    
            
          
         
reasons for their failure or weakness to a failure in their performance or their own factors,
and therefore they can control themselves and their motivations and modify their behavior,
while people with external control refer the causes of their failure or weakness to unavoid-
The following is a review of the most important previous studies, arranged in chronological
        
    
secondary schools, Tikrit district, and the researcher built a measure of the meaning of
    
   
    
is negatively linked to loneliness, and that satisfaction with life and social skills negatively
 
           
the relationship between the meaning of life and some dimensions of positive thinking, and
tolerance in light of the satisfaction with life among male and female university students
    
       
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
the degrees of the meaning of life, and both positive expectations, cognitive openness,
positive acceptance, tolerance and satisfaction with life, and it was found that satisfaction
     
the meaning of life
life and the effectiveness of the social self and the point of control, it becomes clear the im-
portance of the subject of the study and the diversity of studies that dealt with its variables,
but they dealt with each variable separately, and not meeting them with one study, also
notes that there are no studies interested in researching the relationship between meaning
   
             
 
            
    -
          
    -
munication, social initiative, and social perseverance, expressing the beliefs of the individ-
 
      
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
           
           
           
that represent the meaning of life, namely (acceptance and satisfaction, the goal of life,
    
ert method so that the subject answers each phrase of the scale with one of the following
is on one degree, the second on two degrees, and the third on three degrees for negative
phrases, thus the highest degree a student can obtain (171), the lowest degree (57), and
the high degree indicates a high sense of life meaning and a low degree indicates a low
In order for the current researcher to use the scale on the Saudi environment, he calculat-
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
gree of each scale statement with the total degree of the sub-domain to which it belongs
    
   
Aladdin (1982)
The internal destination in the setting, and the second refers to the external destination,
and six exotic paragraphs that have nothing to do with the measurement of the variable
the objective of the measurement, and the subject must read the two phrases together and
then choose which one agrees with his point of view or more acceptable to him, and the
subject is given a score for each phrase indicating the point of the external adjustment, and
In order for the researcher to use the scale on the Saudi environment, he calculated hon-
              
             
         
            
          
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
        
               
   
ure of the meaning of life to the same research, the analysis of students ’answers and
   
This result indicates that university students have a high meaning for life compared to the
This result indicates that university students are distinguished by a high level in the mean-
ing of life in the sense that they have logical goals and a clear message that they seek to
achieve, and perhaps they found the meaning for example in their university studies, and
they have a high ambition in addition to the motivation of academic achievement, which
 -
     -
   
viduals on the meaning of life scale
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
ceptance and satisfaction, goal of life, self-sublimation and all dimensions of the measure
      
between the degrees of university students on the responsibility dimension of the meaning
   
 
between the degrees of university students on the total score of the meaning of life scale
             
meaning of life in its dimensions of acceptance and satisfaction, the goal of life, respon-
sibility, sublimation in particular, and the effectiveness of the social self in its dimensions,
and this can be explained by the fact that the perception of the individual and his sense of
the life of life leads to his sense of his being, his value in his being, his value in his being
    
responsibility, and to rise above himself towards others, and to accept himself and his sat-
isfaction with his life in general, and this has an impact on the effectiveness of the social
   
   -
als on the meaning of life scale
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
tween their scores on the meaning of life scale and their scores on the destination point
The result of the hypothesis indicated that there is a negative (reverse) correlation be-
tween the meaning of life and the point of internal-external control, where the low scores
on the scale of the setting point indicate that the person is internally tuned, which means
that the higher the individual’s scores are on the scale of the meaning of life, the lower his
grades On the scale of the internal-external control point, this indicates that the person
who has goals and meaning in life directs his behavior internally as he sees that achieving
or achieving any goal falls on him, and he is responsible for achieving this goal and the
motivation towards achievement in the areas of his life because he understands that he
       -
dicated that the individuals with internal control are the most controlling and controlling
themselves, their environments and the factors that affect them, whereas individuals with
To test the validity of this hypothesis, use stepwise regression analysis to add or remove
self) after managing the social self in the dependent variable (meaning of life) as it indi-
The result showed that after managing the social self, it contributed statistically with a sta-
 
     -
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
      
meaning of life, and considering that The effectiveness of the social self and the meaning
of life fall under the umbrella of positive features that interact with each other, and con-
     
individual achieves the purpose and purpose of his or her existence in life, and this works
It was found that the results of the study were in agreement with studies whose results
            
It also agreed with the study of Abdul-Jawad, Ahmed Sayed (2017) that showed the con-
tribution of self-management and is one of the dimensions of the measure of the effective-
    
To test the validity of this hypothesis, use stepwise regression analysis to add or remove
Table (7) shows the result of the multiple regression analysis to predict the meaning of life
            
   
Until the point of internal control is negatively related to the meaning of life
There is a negative correlation between the point of internal control and the meaning of life
The result of this hypothesis reached the possibility of predicting the meaning of life for
the study sample through a variable of the internal control point, and the researcher in-
terprets this in light of what he has found as a result of the current study that the point of
internal control is a negative correlation with the meaning of life, and given that one of the
characteristics of those with internal control is that they are more Adapted and compatible
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
with themselves and with society, more able to assume responsibility and self-reliance,
express the normal personality, these positive characteristics and features are indicators
 
          
  
control their success and failure, as they have demonstrated a higher level of occupational
that responsibility and satisfaction with life are the dimensions of the meaning of life scale
and other positive features of the destination of internal control, so the point of internal
   -
communication and thinking skills, volunteer work skills, problem solving, and dealing with
life stresses, especially those related to school pressures At the university, how to deal
with failure and failure that students may be exposed to in their lives, and to consider it the
           
the individual and the community, and encouraging students to participate in them through
moral incentives or degrees added to the rate, because this would increase the level of
effectiveness of their social self, and develop a sense of responsibility and sense With goal
       
  
         -
    
    
        
          
            
Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
          
its relationship to some dimensions of positive thinking in the light of satisfaction with life
  -
 
  
     
         
Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana; ISSN 1316-5216; ISSN-e 2477-9555
Año 25, n° Extra 2, 2020, pp. 292-308
       -
  
   
     
 
An examination of relationshipsbetween the scales of independentbehavior and the social
         -
          
             
Dr. Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh
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