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DNA metabarcoding provides insights into seasonal diet variations in Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes) with potential implications for evaluating crop impacts

Ecology and Evolution

Abstract and Figures

Diet analysis of potential small mammals pest species is important for understanding feeding ecology and evaluating their impact on crops and stored foods. Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes), distributed in Southwest China, has previously been reported as a farmland pest. Effective population management of this species requires a better understanding of its diet, which can be difficult to determine with high taxonomic resolution using conventional microhistological methods. In this study, we used two DNA metabarcoding assays to identify 38 animal species and 65 plant genera from shrew stomach contents, which suggest that A. squamipes is an omnivorous generalist. Earthworms are the most prevalent (>90%) and abundant (>80%) food items in the diverse diet of A. squamipes. Species of the Fabaceae (fre-quency of occurrence [FO]: 88%; such as peanuts) and Poaceae (FO: 71%; such as rice) families were the most common plant foods identified in the diet of A. squa-mipes. Additionally, we found a seasonal decrease in the diversity and abundance of invertebrate foods from spring and summer to winter. Chinese mole shrew has a diverse and flexible diet throughout the year to adapt to seasonal variations in food availability, contributing to its survival even when food resources are limited. This study provides a higher resolution identification of the diet of A. squamipes than has been previously described and is valuable for understanding shrew feeding ecology as well as evaluating possible species impacts on crops. K E Y W O R D S Chinese mole shrew, ecology of pest, metabarcoding, molecular diet analysis, seasonal diet changes
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Ecology and Evolution. 2021;11:376–
Received: 16 July 2020 
Revised: 11 October 2020 
Accepted: 25 O ctober 2020
DOI: 10.1002 /ece3.7055
DNA metabarcoding provides insights into seasonal diet
variations in Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes) with
potential implications for evaluating crop impacts
Ke-yi Tang1| Fei Xie1| Hong-yi Liu2| Ying-ting Pu1| Dan Chen1| Bo-xin Qin1|
Chang-kun Fu1| Qiong Wang1| Shun-de Chen1| Ke-ji Guo3
This is an op en access arti cle under the ter ms of the Creative Commons Attribution L icense, which pe rmits use, dis tribu tion and reprod uction in any med ium,
provide d the original wor k is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Ecolog y and Evolution published by John Wiley & S ons Ltd.
1College of Life Sciences, Sichuan No rmal
University, Chengdu, China
2College of B iolog y and the Environment,
Nanjing Forestry Universit y, Nanjing , China
3Centra l South I nventor y and Planning
Instit ute of National Forestr y and Gr asslan d
Administration, Changsha, China
Shun-de Chen, College of Life Sciences,
Sichuan Normal U niversity, Chengdu
610066, China.
Email: c sd111@126. com
Ke-ji Guo, Central South Inventor y and
Plannin g Institute of National For estr y and
Grassland Administration, Changsha, Hunan
province 410014, China.
Funding information
Starting Research Fund from Sichuan
Normal U niversity, Grant/Award Num ber:
024341965; Nationa l Natural Science
Foundat ion of China, Gra nt/Award Number:
31670388, 320 01223 and 32070424;
Chengdu Municip al Science and Techno logy
Bureau p rojec t, Gra nt/Award Number:
Diet analysis of potential small mammals pest species is important for understand-
ing feeding ecology and evaluating their impact on crops and stored foods. Chinese
mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes), distributed in Southwest China, has previously
been reported as a farmland pest. Effective population management of this species
requires a better understanding of its diet, which can be difficult to determine with
high taxonomic resolution using conventional microhistological methods. In this
study, we used two DNA metabarcoding assays to identify 38 animal species and
65 plant genera from shrew stomach contents, which suggest that A. squamipes is
an omnivorous generalist. Earthworms are the most prevalent (>90%) and abundant
(>80%) food items in the diverse diet of A. squamipes. Species of the Fabaceae (fre-
quency of occurrence [FO]: 88%; such as peanuts) and Poaceae (FO: 71%; such as
rice) families were the most common plant foods identified in the diet of A. squa-
mipes. Additionally, we found a seasonal decrease in the diversity and abundance
of invertebrate foods from spring and summer to winter. Chinese mole shrew has a
diverse and flexible diet throughout the year to adapt to seasonal variations in food
availability, contributing to its survival even when food resources are limited. This
study provides a higher resolution identification of the diet of A. squamipes than has
been previously described and is valuable for understanding shrew feeding ecology
as well as evaluating possible species impacts on crops.
Chinese mole shrew, ecology of pest, metabarcoding, molecular diet analysis, seasonal diet
The Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes Milne-
Edwards, 1872) is a small insectivore mammal (He et al., 2016;
Hoffmann, 1987; Motokawa et al., 2003), distributed in south-
western China and adjacent areas (He et al., 2016; Motokawa
et al., 2003; Motokawa & Lin, 2002; Wilson et al., 2018). Like
other house shrews (Khanam et al., 2016), A. squamipes is re-
garded as a pest in the agricultural ecosystem (Peng et al., 2018;
Zong et al., 20 17), causin g bot h direc t a nd indi re c t eff ect s (Md angi
et al., 2013). As is widely known, synanthropic species associa-
tion with human habitats widely impact agriculture and human
health through damage to crops and transmission of pathogens
(Khanam et al., 2016; Palis et al., 2007). The Chinese mole shrew
affects crops and human health in China in a multitude of ways
(Peng et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2013). For example, this shrew spe-
cies consumes and contaminates stored grains and crops (Peng
et al., 2018). In addition, it is considered to be a potential source
of various types of viruses and pathogens (Gu et al., 2016; Song
et al., 2007). A. squamipes caused severe damages to crops result-
ing from increased population sizes in Southwest China, especially
in Sichuan Basin (Yang et al., 2013; Zong et al., 2017). Moreover,
due to their peculiar food and foraging habits, existing rodent
control practices are not suitable for controlling the number of
these shrews, resulting in grain insecurity and reduced villager
Diet analysis are important for understanding how animal pop-
ulations respond to resource distribution and variety as well as
how to manage them (Gordon et al., 2019). Dietary information has
been used in addition to pure feeding ecology in a variety of ap-
plied studies (Gong et al., 2017). Accurate identification of foods is a
prerequisite to fully understanding the feeding ecology of a species
and effectively controlling pest numbers (Heroldova et al., 2008).
Better understanding of the feeding habits of house shrews can
help to evaluate how growing populations of A. squamipes affect
human and agricultural systems even during resource-poor seasons
and develop more effective pests management strategies, including
targeted baits and lures (Khanam et al., 2016; Lathiya et al., 2008).
However, very few studies have described the composition and sea-
sonal variations in the Chinese mole shrew diet with higher taxo-
nomic resolution.
For natural populations, it is difficult to accurately and effi-
ciently assess wildlife diets, because of their elusive predatory
behaviors and versatile feeding habits (Gong et al., 2017; Ozaki
et al., 2018). Identifying food items with the highest taxonomic
resolution is nearly impossible with traditional microhistologi-
cal analysis of gut contents and stable isotope analysis (Jeunen
et al., 2019; Murray et al., 2016; Rytkonen et al., 2019). A major
limitation of the classical observational methods is that foods
items are often digested to a greater extent, making identifica-
tion of their remains taxonomically challenging (Berry et al., 2017;
Bessey et al., 2019). Especially in the cases of insectivorous pred-
ators, whose prey is va riable, small in size, and easily disintegrate d
in the gut, direct identification is difficult since their chyme con-
tains a mixture of degraded prey fragment s (Clare et al., 2014;
Rytkonen et al., 2019). Besides, the stable isotope approach is un-
abl e to distinguish prey at the sp ecies level (Bohmann et al., 2018).
Therefore, a broad-spectrum technique with higher taxonomic
resolution is necessar y because shrew species have highly di-
verse and flexible diets that include insects, annelids, and plants
(Churchfield et al., 2010, 2012; Haberl, 2002).
Here, DNA metabarcoding enabled us to identify food DNA (in-
cluding highly degraded DNA) in gut contents or fecal samples with
higher taxonomic resolution (Kartzinel & Pringle, 2015; Pompanon
et al., 2012). To date, among shrew species, only the diets of Asian
musk shrew (Suncus murinus) have been examined through DNA me-
tabarcoding methods (Brown et al., 2014; Khanam et al., 2016). Most
previous studies (Churchfield et al., 2010, 2012; De Pascual & De
Ascenc ao, 20 0 0; Haberl, 20 02 ; Mc Cay & Stor m, 1997) that assessed
diets in shrew species are based on microhistological identification
of insec t fragments in stomach content s or fecal pellets, resulting
in large proportions of poorly resolved plant t axa and dietary infor-
mation mainly at higher taxonomic levels. Little is known about the
invertebrate prey species and plants (especially at the species level)
consumed by Chinese mole shrew, which prevents understanding of
their feeding ecology and thus impedes effective pest control.
In this study, we attempted to characterize the Chinese mole
shrew diet across the four seasons by DNA metabarcoding of stom-
ach samples. We compared dietary richness and composition across
seasons to evaluate the impacts of this pest on crops and enhance
our understanding of dietary breadth and seasonal food preferences
in A. squamipes. Thus, this study may have implications for food niche
and management of Chinese mole shrew as well as help to develop
appropriate pest control strategies.
2.1 | Animal trapping
The animal samples of Chinese mole shrew were trapped from four
seasons (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct) from 2018 to 2019 in Pengzhou,
Sichuan Province, southwest China. The sampling sites occupy a
range of elevations from 515 to 575 m, longitude from 103.80°E to
104.10°E , and lati tu des from 30.96°N to 31 .1 N . All col lec ted spec-
imens were identified based on external characteristics in the field
and were further confirmed according to skull morphology in the
laboratory. As soon as animal specimens were collected, the animals
were immediately stored at 0–4°C in the incubator with ice bags for
transportation. The luminal stomach contents were collected at a
super-clean bench. And stomach contents were stored at −80°C for
DNA extraction. Body mass is often used as a proxy for age in ani-
mals in previous study (Lavrinienko et al., 2018). Age identification
method for A. squamipes referred to Yang et al. (2013). We followed
the weight division criteria: Youth group (1) is less than 23.0 g, sub-
adult, group (2) was 23.1–28.0 g, adult group (3) was 28.1–38.0 g, and
   TAN G eT Al.
old group (4) was more than 38.0 g. A total of sevent y-two of adult
Chinese mole shrew (18 in each season) were used in this study.
2.2 | Stomach content samples and DNA extraction
The all samples of Chinese mole shrew were thawed at room tem-
perature. We obtained stomach contents (SCs) collected from 72 in-
dividuals. We try to collect the foods in the interior of SCs to avoid
the interference of host tissues or cells. The SCs samples were col-
lected according to the guidelines and approval of the Animal Ethics
Committee of Sichuan Normal University. After extracting from the
stomach, the SCs was washed with ultrapure water and wiped off
with other tissue between each extraction. Each SC was homoge-
nized and stored in 95% ethanol for DNA extraction. The SCs sam-
ples of three individuals derived from the same field or woodland
are homogeneously mixed into a mixed sample. Herein, six mixed
SCs samples are used for further sequencing in each season, and a
total of 24 mixed SCs samples are used for further molecular dietary
We ex tracted DNA used the QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit
(ID: 51604, QIAGEN), which is specifically developed for fecal and
gut contents samples, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
An extraction blank was included at each extraction series. The ex-
tracted DNA was further concentrated by evaporating samples in
vacuum and then was stored for metabarcoding analysis.
2.3 | Dietary DNA amplification and sequencing
PC R am p li f ic a ti on wa s car r ie d out usin g mitoc hon dri al COΙ-targeting
primer (LCO-1490/Uni-MiniBar-R), which produced a COΙ (cy-
tochrome oxidase Ι) amplicon of 177 bp (Brown et al., 2014) for
animal identification. Existing COΙ-based approaches is widely pre-
ferred to identify unknown arthropod sequences (Zeale et al., 2011).
The used primers were tested against Chinese mole shrew se-
quences to ensure no signific ant amplification of host DNA. And
the rbcL (ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase gene) primers (h1aF
and h2aR primers) were used to identify the plant species (Pierre
et al., 2007). Sample specific barcode sequences were added to the
COΙ and rbcL primers.
PCR were performed with PCR Using Q5® High-Fidelity DNA
Polymerase (M0 491, NEB) according to the manufacturer's in-
struction. And PCR protocols were conducted primarily following
Bohmann et al. (2018). Blank extraction controls were included on
each PCR plate and for each different primer set. PCR products were
then purified using a PCR purification kit (AX YGEN). Taking the pu-
rified PCR product as the template, quantitative real-time PCR was
performed on a Microplate reader (BioTek, FLx800) using Quant-iT
PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit. The amplicons for each sample were
then mixed and purified according to the next high throughput se-
quencing requirements. Libraries for sequencing were constructed
using the TruSeq Nano DNA LT Library Prep Kit (Illumina, San Diego,
CA, United States) as recommended by the manufacturer. Libraries
were sequenced on an Illumina Miseq plat form (2 × 250 bp paired-
end reads) by Personalbio Bioinformatics Technology Corporation
(Shanghai, China).
2.4 | Sequence processing and data analysis
The raw reads were filtered through trimming and quality control
steps prior to taxonomic assignment according to the QIIME v.1.7.0
quality control process (Caporaso et al., 2012). Adaptor/primer re-
gions were removed, and potential chimeras were removed using
USEARCHv9.2 (Edgar, 2013). Reads were clustered at 97% into
Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit s (MOTUs) according to the
standard setting in USEARCHv9.2 (Edgar, 2013). Rarefaction curves
were gener ated using QIIM E v.1.7.0. and reach ed st able values , indi-
cating that most of the species diversity were captured. High-quality
clean reads that passed quality filtering were queried against the full
NCBI database using BLASTn according to previous study (Berry
et al., 2017). MOTUs were resolved to species, genus, or higher,
for COΙ animals or rbcL plants primer assays based on the percent
similarity threshold: Sequences with identity ≥ 99% to a single spe-
cies were considered as a “species match,” and as a “genus match”
if sequences had 98% similarity to one or more species within
the same genus. DNA sequences in this study were deposited into
the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under accession number:
Alpha diversity (i.e., Chao1, Shannon and Simpson) matrices
were performed using QIIME and displayed using R v.3.3.3. soft-
ware. To evaluate the pattern of dispersion of samples within each
season, beta diversity was calculated with the euclidean distance.
Beta diversity was calculated using QIIME and visualized by two-di-
mensional principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Diversity was com-
pared between different seasons to assess temporal differences in
diet composition. We also compared the relative abundance of food
items at various taxonomic levels and at different seasons based on
the linear discriminatory analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) method
using LEfSe software.
2.5 | Statistical analyses
We used ANOVA to test for a significant difference in the dietary
composition between dif ferent seasons. We also used a nonpara-
metric statistical test (Kruskal–Wallis test) to assess the difference
in alpha diversity index between different seasons. The frequency
of occurrence (the number of pellets containing that foods divided
by the total number of pellets in the species sample, FO) and the
numbers of foods during dif ferent seasons were compared statis-
tically using Dunnett's T3 multiple comparisons test by SPSS 20.0
software. The Mann–Whitney U tes t was also adopted to assess the
difference in relative abundance of food items between different
seasons following our previous study (Tang et al., 2019). Heat maps,
box plots, and taxa summary bar char ts were generated using the
“ggplot2” package of R software (Wickham, 2009).
3.1 | Overview of taxonomic assignment and
dietary diversity
In th e 24 stom ach sa mples analyze d over all se as ons, the mean num-
ber of MOTUs in animal species was 38 ± 6 for spring, 30 ± 5 for
summer, 32 ± 18 for autumn and 4 ± 1 for winter (Table 1). In plant
food items, the mean number of MOTUs was 95 ± 28 for spring,
57 ± 24 for summer, 87 ± 41 for autumn, and 120 ± 42 for win-
ter (Table 1). In total, we identified 38 potential animal food items
(spanning 26 families and 15 orders) ( Table S1) and 113 plant food
items (spanning 39 families and 23 orders) (Table S2) at species level
that are consumed by Chinese mole shrew. Seasonal dietar y changes
were detected in A. squamipes with a general shift toward low di-
etary diversity in winter. As expected, the number of animal food
items at species level decreased significantly in winter (Figure 1a).
Peak consumption of animal food items was detected in spring and
summer, which were significantly higher than those in autumn and
winter. However, we found no significant seasonal dif ferences in the
number of plant food items at genus level (Figure 1a), suggesting that
potential plant food items were constant throughout the year.
Alpha diversity indices (Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson) indicated
seasonal differences in the diversity of animal food items. There was
a significant greater Chao1 diversity index in spring and summer
compared to winter (Figure 2a; p < .01). A higher Shannon diver-
sity index was observed in autumn relative to winter (p < .05). No
significant differences were found in Simpson index of animal food
items (Figure 2a). Overall, our analysis showed a lower alpha diver-
sity of animal food items in winter. However, th e die tary alph a diver-
sity of plant food items did not differ significantly between seasons
(Figure 2b; p > .05), suggesting that the availability of plant-derived
foods were not affec ted by seasons.
The PCoA plot (Figure 3) revealed seasonal dif ferences in ani-
mal-derived diets. Animal food items in spring, summer, and autumn
weakly clustered together and were separate from diets in winter
(Figure 3a). In addition, there was dispersion within winter animal
food items, suggesting a high degree of intragroup variability. We
also obser ved a cluster of plant food items in autumn that was
separated from those in other seasons with apparent dispersion
(Figure 3b), suggesting a high degree of interindividual variability
especially during winter. It could be explained by their opportunism
and broad diet. The dominant family (Poaceae) in autumn likely con-
tributed to this separation.
3.2 | Dietary composition and seasonal variation in
animal food items
We examined seasonal variations in the diet composition of A. squa-
mipes, especially during times of resource limitation (e.g., in winter).
Based on the full year, our results showed that although some small
insect s (ants, spiders, crickets, and beetles) were consumed, the
Chinese mole shrew is primarily an earthworms-eating shrew with a
semi-fossorial foraging mode. Using order-level taxonomy only, spe-
cies of Haplotaxida, Stylommatophora, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera,
and Moniligastrida dominated the diet with species of Haplot axida
representing the highest FO (100%) and highest taxonomic rich-
ness (>74%) of consumption (Table S3). Notably, the consumption
of Haplot axida significant decreased (spring versus winter: 83% ver-
sus 45%, p = .002; summer versus winter: 81% versus 45%, p = .03;
autumn versus winter: 90% versus 45%, p = .004) during winter
(Table S3). Thus, earthworms were considered as the major food
item in the diet of A. squamipes. In addition, as the common prey of
shrews, arthropods (such as Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Dermaptera,
Diptera, and Lepidoptera) were also detected but at low frequencies
and relative abundances in A. squamipes diet (Table S3).
At the species level, the dominant (top five) animal species in
terms of both FO and relative abundance were Metaphire californica,
Amynthas morrisi, Amynthas corticis, Deroceras laeve, and Camponotus
thadeus (Figures 4a, 5 and Table 2). Among the total animal food
items, 12 dif ferent species of earthworms belonging to four families
(Megascolecidae, Enchytraeidae, Moniligastridae, and Lumbricidae)
accounted for 70%−80% of the animal-derived diet (Table 2, Figure 5
and Table S4), indicating that these soil inver tebrates are extremely
abundant and diverse in the studied region. Among them, Metaphire
californica was most frequently detected in all samples, contributing
19.8%−60% of the relative abundance of overall prey consumption
Food types
(Mean ± SE)
(Mean ± SE)
(Mean ± SE)
(Mean ± SE)
Animal (COI) MOTUs 38 ± 6a30 ± 5a32 ± 18ab 4 ± 1b
Assigned to
12 ± 1a13 ± 3ab 9 ± 1b4 ± 1c
Plant (rbcL) MOTUs 95 ± 28 57 ± 24 87 ± 41 120 ± 42
Assigned to
26 ± 7 17 ± 6 30 ± 13 30 ± 9
Note: Dif ferent letters indic ate a difference between seasons (p < .05). A lack of superscript
numbers denotes no signif icant difference. SE, standard error.
TABLE 1 The number of Molecular
Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs)
and identified species of animal and plant
food items in the Chinese mole shrew
(Anourosorex squamipes) diet throughout
the year
   TAN G eT Al.
and peaking at 60% in autumn (Table 2 and Figure 5). The sec-
ond-richest prey (Amynthas morrisi) were eaten more frequently and
made up a larger propor tion (>34%) of the available prey in spring
and summer than in autumn and winter (<5%; Manne–Whitney U
test: p = .0 08). In addition, we found a trend in the consumption of
earthworms that shif ted from higher numbers of earthworms during
spring and summer to lower levels during autumn and the least in
winter (Figure 1b and Table S4). Thus, the relative abundances of
earthworms consumed by Chinese mole shrew during winter were
significantly decreased (p < .01; Figure 1b). Meanwhile, the relative
abundances of the all earthworm species significantly decreased
(p < .01) during winter (Figure 1b), bec ause their availability of
was reduced. Our analysis indicated the animal-derived diets of A.
squamipes contain a high prevalence and diversity of earthworms.
However, during winter, Chinese mole shrew predominantly preyed
on Camponotus thadeus and Deroceras leave with a hi gh FO (5 0%) and
in higher proportions compared to other seasons (Table 2, Figures 4a
and 5). Therefore, our study revealed that Chinese mole shrews have
FIGURE 1 Seasonal variations in the Chinese mole shrew diet. (a) Seasonal changes in animal and plant food items at dif ferent taxonomic
levels. (b) Seasonal changes in the numbers and relative abundances of earthworms at the species level. Different let ters indicate a
difference between seasons (p < .05)
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Plant food items
Animal food items
The number of plant food items at the genus leve
The number of animal food items at the species level
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
a a a
Relative abundance of the earthworm specie
The number of the earthworm species
Relative abundance of the earthworm species
The number of the earthworm species
FIGURE 2 Box-and-whisker plot s for alpha diversity in animal (a) and plant (b) food species estimators (Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson
indices). Dif ferent letters indicate a difference bet ween seasons (p < .05)
Spring Summer
Autumn Winter Spring SummerAutumnWinter
Spring SummerAutumnWinter
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Spring SummerAutumnWinter
Spring SummerAutumnWinter
ab ab
a broad diet comprising many different inver tebrates of various sizes
(dominantly earthworms) based on COΙ metabarcoding approaches.
3.3 | Dietary composition and seasonal variation in
plant food items
Generally, shrews are known to be small insectivorous mammals
that preferentially target invertebrate prey. Interestingly, plant food
items (especially crops) at various taxonomic levels were success-
fully detected from stomach contents of A. squamipes (Figures 6 and
7) . The spe cie s of th e Fa ba cea e fam ily (FO : 88%) we re th e mos t co m-
mon plant food items followed by Poaceae (FO: 71%) based on both
FO and relative abundance (peak value > 50 %) over the co urs e of th e
year (Table 3). The winter plant-derived diet of Chinese mole shrews
was dominated by Fabaceae species (57.2% of plants consumed),
with Arachis hypogaea (peanut) being the most frequently and abun-
dantly eaten species from this family, representing 15.2%−86.8% of
FIGURE 3 Two-dimensional principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of MOTUs of the Chinese mole shrew diet throughout the year. (a)
represents animal food items and (b) represents plant food items. The first two principal coordinate (PC) axes are shown
−0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75
PC1 (50.41%)
PC2 (23.85%)
Animal food items
−0.6 −0.30.0 0.3
PC1 (32.82%)
PC2 (15.33%)
Plant food items
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4 Heat map and FO of predominant animal (a) and plant (b) food items throughout the year. Each number in the heat map
indicates the relative abundance of the corresponding food. Abbreviations: Sp, spring; Su, summer; A , autumn; W, winter
Metaphire californica
Amynthas morrisi
Amynthas corticis
Deroceras laeve
Camponotus thadeus
Gryllotalpa unispina
Spring SummerAutumnWinterYearly
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
83% 100% 67% 50% 75%
100% 100% 100% 50% 88%
100% 83% 17% 0% 50%
67% 100%0% 50% 54%
0% 0% 0% 50% 13%
Frequency of occurrence
Spring SummerAutumnWinter
Arachis hypogaea
Withania frutescens
Oryza sativa
Lactuca sativa
Spring Summer Autumn Wi nter Yearly
33%83% 83%83% 71%
67%83% 100% 100% 88%
67%17% 100% 100% 71%
33%33% 50%17% 33%
33%17% 100% 100% 63%
33%33% 50%83% 50%
Spring SummerAutumnWinter
Frequency of occurrence
   TAN G eT Al.
the identified plant food items (Figures 4b, 6 and Table S2). Poaceae
species were found to significant increase in relative abundance
during autumn (>53%) compared to other seasons (<8%) based on
LEfSe analysis (Table 3 and Figure 7b), suggesting that A . squamipes
feeds primarily on the seeds from Poaceae in autumn, peaking at
53% (Table 3 and Figure 4b). Oryza sativa (rice) as a commonly
eaten crop species from the family Poaceae displayed the highest
frequency (FO: 100%) and proportion (peaking at 26.1%), especially
during postharvest period (e.g., autumn and winter; Figures 4b, 6
and Table S2). In addition, the crop species Withania frutescens (bal-
sam pear) and Lactuca sativa (lettuce) were also identified during the
year but contributed a very low percent of the plant diet (Figure 4b
and Table S2). Our results confirmed that Chinese mole shrews could
cause serious damage to crops or stored grains.
Aside from crops, species from the Caryophyllaceae (31.5%) and
Lauraceae (26.7%) families were also eaten by A. squamipes in high er
proportions during spring compared to other seasons and appeared
in all of the stomach contents samples (Table 3). Chikusichloa aquatic,
which constituted the majority of Poacea e, was observe d at a signif-
icant higher frequency (FO: 100%) and proportion (36.4%) in autumn
compared to other seasons (Table S2). The Oleaceae, Asteraceae,
and Nyssaceae were frequently observed during summer, account-
ing for 19.8%, 10.6% , an d 10.4% of the identified plant diet s, resp ec-
tively ( Table 3). In total, we obser ved high diversity in Chinese mole
shrew plant-derived diet throughout the year. A wide-range foraging
mode may explain the abundant numbers of this shrew even when
food resources are limited during winter.
Our study utilized high-resolution identification to explore the di-
etary compositions and seasonal diet variations of the Chinese mole
shrew present in human habitats, aiming to increase understanding
of shrew feeding ecology and evaluating their impact on the farming
system. The Chinese mole shrew tends to be an opportunistic and
generalized predator of a diverse array of invertebrates and plants,
particularly earthworms and crops. With respect to common preys
invertebrates, we confirm that Chinese mole shrew predominantly
but not exclusively feeds on earthworms with a semi-fossorial forag-
ing mode similar to other shrews in temperate habitats (Churchfield
et al., 2010, 2012; Khanam et al., 2016). Based on molecular tech-
nique, diverse plant materials at the species level were identified in
the shrew stomach contents with frequent observation of several
important crops (e.g., rice and peanut).
4.1 | Characteristics of animal-derived diet in the
Chinese mole shrew
The diets of the Chinese mole shrew in our study are similar to the
diets of other shrews (such as Sorex and Blarina) (Churchfield, 1982;
Churchfield et al., 1999, 2012; Churchfield & Rychlik, 2006;
Churchfield & Sheftel, 1994; De Pascual & De Ascencao, 2000), which
include diverse invertebrates with a preponderance of ear thworms
(Table 2, Figures 1b, 5 and Table S1). The Chinese mole shrew can
also be considered as an ear thworm-eating shrew. Using molecular
technique, we obtained a sufficiently higher taxonomic resolution of
food identification, especially earthworms (a total of 12 earthworm
species were identified), compared to previous dietary analysis of
shrews. Similar to early studies (Churchfield & Rychlik, 20 06), many
of the invertebrates eaten by A. squamipes are typical soil inhabit-
ants (e.g., Oligochaeta and Formicidae), suggesting that this species
of shrew is mainly subterranean in its foraging mode. Short-tailed
shrews are well adapted to a subterranean lifestyle and can push
through soil and leaf litter with their long proboscis and elongated
FIGURE 5 Relative abundance of the
top 10 animal food items at the species
level based on the COI metabarcoding
Relative abundance (%)
020406080 100
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
TABLE 2 Frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative abundance of the top 20 animal food items in the Chinese mole shrew diet
Tar get Ta xon Spring Summer Autumn Winter Yearly
Family level Species level
abundance FO (N = 6)
abundance FO (N = 6)
Abundance FO (N = 6)
Abundance FO (N = 6)
(N = 24)
Megascolecidae Metaphire californica 0.284 100 % 0.19 8 100 % 0.600 10 0% 0. 288 100% 100%
Amynthas morrisi 0.340 83% 0.346 100% 0.031 67% 0.049 50% 75%
Amynthas corticis 0.059 100% 0.206 100% 0. 261 10 0% 0.077 50% 88%
Amynthas hupeiensis 0.002 50% 00% 0.001 33% 00% 21%
Amynthas gracilis 0.001 17% 0.046 67% 0.001 17% 00% 25%
Euborellia femoralis 00% 0.008 50% 00% 00% 13%
Agriolimacidae Deroceras laeve 0.015 67% 0.004 10 0% 00% 0.305 50% 54%
Formicidae Camponotus thadeus 00% 00% 00% 0.246 50% 13%
Gryllotalpida Gryllotalpa unispina 0.013 100% 0.167 83% 0.001 17% 00% 50%
Enchytraeidae Enchytraeus japonensis 0.130 100% 0.001 67% 0.001 33% 00% 50%
Harpalus calceatus 00% 00% 0.001 50% 00% 13%
Moniligastridae Drawida sp. Watarase 0.097 67% 0.001 33% 00% 00% 25%
Drawida koreana 0.022 67% 0.001 50% 0.008 17 % 00% 33%
Ocnerodrilidae sp. 3
DP-201 5
00% 0.002 50% 00% 00% 13%
Lumbricidae Bimastos palustris 0.009 100 % 0.005 50% 00% 0.007 17% 29%
Aporrectodea af f.
0.002 100 % 0.012 100% 0.011 67% 0.028 33% 75%
Antrodiaetidae Antrodiaetus unicolor 00% 00% 0.058 17% 00% 4%
Anisolabididae Gryllotalpa orientalis 0.017 100% 00% 00% 00% 13%
Carabidae Harpalus calceatus 00% 00% 0.0 09 50% 00% 13%
Lithobiidae Teleogryllus emma 00% 00% 0.015 50% 00% 13%
   TAN G eT Al.
claws (Churchfield & Rychlik, 20 06; Wu et al., 2011). These special
morphological adaptations help to capture earthworms and ants
depending on A. squamipes semi-fossorial foraging behavior (He
et al., 2016).
On the other hand, the preys of the Orthoptera, Formicidae,
Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera families were
occasionally observed during a particular season but only contrib-
uted a small amount of prey volume. Unlike the Chinese mole shrew,
some other shrew species have been reported to predominantly
feed on arthropods, not earthworms. For instance, Diptera (files),
Formicidae (ants) and Araneae (spiders) were the most prey species
among Southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis; Sylvester
et al., 2012). The diet of European water shrew (Neomys fodiens
bicolor) is composed mainly of lumbricids, isopods and dipterans
(Churchfield, 2009). Isopterans (termites) and formicids were found
to be the most frequent food items in the diet of elephant shrews
(Elephantulus myurus; Churchfield, 1987). Lepidoptera larvae are
the most common prey for masked shrew (Sorex cinereus) (Bellocq
& Smith, 20 03; McC ay & Storm, 1997), followed by Coleoptera
(beetles) and Aranea (spiders). The variations in diet compositions
between different shrew species also imply that each one chooses
what types of prey to feed on, presumably in relation to their mor-
phological adaptations or according to the availability of food re-
sources (Bellocq & Smith, 20 03; De Pascual & De Ascencao, 200 0).
4.2 | Seasonal variations in animal-derived diets in
Chinese mole shrew
We also observed decreasing trends in diversity, proportions and
FO of invertebrate consumption from spring to winter (Figure 1
and Table 1). One plausible explanation is the fact that seasonal-
ity has a strong effect on the density, biomass, and reproductive
activity of the earthworm population (Kumar & Sabhlok, 2018;
Monroy et al., 20 06). For inst ance, the maximum density and mating
activity of ear thworms were achieved in spring (Biradar et al., 20 08;
Monroy et al., 2006). Furthermore, freezing weather and harsh cli-
mate conditions in winter influence the abundance and ac tivit y of
food resources that can make it challenging for organisms to obtain
sufficient amounts. For example, the activity of invertebrates is highly
temperature-dependent, and insect flight activity declines dramati-
cally as the ambient temperature drops (Churchfield et al., 2012;
Hope et al., 2014). In addition, a previous study showed that al-
though earthworms were present in the soil profile in winter, their
numbers and activity were sharply reduced (Khanam et al., 2016). In
the case of snow cover and frozen soils, earthworms become dehy-
drated and hibernate (Churchfield et al., 2012). Randolph (1973) and
Rozen (1988) also found that ear thworm biomass clearly decreases
from summer to winter. Moreover, McCay and Storm (1997) found
that earthworms and other arthropods were more abundant in irri-
gated plots during both spring and autumn, suggesting greater avail-
ability of certain foods. Thus, earthworms may not be sufficiently
abundant and available especially in winter. These findings strongly
supported our results with respect to decreases in the proportions
and numbers of earthworms consumed by A. squamipes during win-
ter (Figure 1b). With their large surface-area-to-volume ratios, short
fasting endurance, and high metabolic rates, nonhibernating shrews
need adequate food intake for maintaining endothermy and meeting
high-energy requirements at low temperatures (Brown et al., 2014;
Churchfield et al., 2010, 2012). The increased consumption of rela-
tively unpalatable and unprofitable prey, such as Deroceras laeve
and Camponotus thadeus, in winter (Table 2 and Table S1) suggests
that shrews are less preferential in winter than in summer, which
is consistent with previous findings (Churchfield et al., 2012). Thus,
the Chinese mole shrew selectively shifts its dietary preference
throughout the year to adapt to seasonal foods resource availability.
FIGURE 6 Relative abundance of the
top 10 plant food items at the species
level based on the rbcL metabarcoding
Relative abundance (%)
020406080 100
Spring SummerAutumn Winter
4.3 | Crop impacts due to Chinese mole shrews
Both plant and animal foods were detected in our study, indicating
that A. squamipes may be an omnivorous generalist. No significant
differences were detected in the numbers and alpha diversity of
plant food items between the seasons (Figures 1a and 2), indicating
that the availability of plant-derived foods were balanced through-
out the year. This opportunistic forager supplemented its diet with
plant material, especially grains, in time of food shortages during
winter when invertebrate preys are scarce (Figure 1 and Table 1).
The Chinese mole shrew opts to feed on cultivated crops or stored
grains (such as peanuts and rice) more often during autumn and
winter because of the lack of more preferred prey, especially in win-
ter (Figures 4b and 6). The reason for the abundance and high FOs of
peanuts and rice in the diet may ver y well be their continued avail-
ability during autumn and winter. In southwest China, peanuts and
rice are harvested during autumn. They are the staple food grains and
stored for usage throughout the year. In addition, balsam pear and
lettuce have been detected in the diet, suggesting that the Chinese
mole shrew may cause damage to common vegetables in rural com-
munities. Plant materials were also detected in the diet of several
shrew species, such as armored shrew (Churchfield et al., 2010), and
Southern shor t-tailed shrew (Sylvester et al., 2012), and Asian musk
shrew (Brown et al., 2014). However, very few studies have repor ted
FIGURE 7 Animal (a) and plant (b) food
items at taxonomic levels significantly
differentiated between seasons as
determined by linear discriminatory
analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe). LDA
scores were interpreted as the degree of
difference in relative abundance
Animal food items
Plant food items
   TAN G eT Al.
TABLE 3 The statistics of the top 10 plant taxa at the family level in the Chinese mole shrew diet throughout the year
Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter Yearly
Tax a
NO. of
(N = 6)
(N = 6)
NO. of
(N = 6)
(N = 6)
NO. of
(N = 6)
(N = 6)
NO. of
(N = 6)
(N = 6)
NO. of Occur.
(N = 24)
(N = 24)
Fabaceae 467% 0.111 583% 0.100 610 0% 0.060 610 0% 0.572 21 88%
Poaceae 467% 0.080 117% 0.001 6100% 0.530 610 0% 0.070 17 71%
Caryophyllaceae 6100% 0.315 117 % <0.001 00% 0.000 583% 0.064 12 50%
Lauraceae 6100 % 0.267 350% <0.001 583% 0.016 6100% 0.074 20 83%
Oleaceae 233% <0.001 467% 0.198 233% <0.001 467% 0.006 12 50%
Asteraceae 350% 0.009 583% 0.10 6 467% 0.009 583% 0.053 17 71%
Nyssaceae 467% <0.001 610 0% 0.104 583% 0.069 467% 0.001 19 79%
Phytolaccaceae 00% 0.000 00% 0.000 583% 0.168 117% <0.001 625%
Iridaceae 117% <0.001 00% 0.000 00% 0.000 117% <0.001 28%
Solanaceae 233% <0.001 233% 0.076 467% <0.001 117% 0.039 938%
Cyperaceae 117% 0.016 350% 0.080 00% 0.000 117% <0.001 521%
Bold values denote relative abundance of plant taxa >0.10.
Abbreviations: FO, Frequency of occur rence; No. of Occur., Number of occurrence.
that shrews can cause damage to and contamination in grains. In this
study, the proportional increase in crops eaten in autumn and winter
suggests that the Chinese mole shrew poses a threat to crop pro-
duction and grain stores (Figure 4b), especially in rice-based farm-
ing systems. They have a vast geographic range, occupying a wide
range of elevations from 300 to 4,000 m and latitudes from 18°N
to 35°N (He et al., 2016; Motakawa et al., 2003). The Chinese mole
shrews are abundant especially in Southwest China (He et al., 2016;
Motakawa et al., 2003; Song et al., 20 07), and the number of them
showed an increasing trend in the study area (Liao et al., 2005; Zong
et al., 2017). As a result, there may be potential negative impacts on
agricultural production and people's health due to consumption and
contamination of crops (Oyafuso, 2015). Therefore, development of
methods to control the shrew populations on farmlands is necessar y,
and dietary analysis of A. squamipes can contribute to devising suit-
able poison baits.
Over 100 plant species were identified in stomach content of
A. squamipes. Some of these may have been secondarily ingested via
consumption of many large earthworms as reported by Churchfield
et al. (2010). For A. squamipes, this dietary diversity may be a com-
pensatory strategy to meet its high-energy requirements by exploit-
ing a wider variety of plant food items. However, a previous study
also demonstrated that plant material (seeds or foliage) constitutes a
smaller proportion of the overall shrew diet (Churchfield et al., 2012)
as a result of missing data from highly digested plant foods. Thus,
further investigation of shrew diet with higher taxonomic resolution
is required to better understand the food composition of the species
and determine their actual impact.
In summary, we found that A. squamipes has a diverse diet com-
prising a range of invertebrates and plant material. The single most
important prey item, whether in terms of FOs, dietary composition
or volume contribution, was earthworms. We revealed that the diet
of this shrew contains a much higher prevalence and diversity of
earthworms than previously known. We also found that plant ma-
terials (such as rice and peanuts) were consumed more frequently
during the harvest season, implying that the Chinese mole shrew is
omnivorous and play a pest role, despite being taxonomically classi-
fied as an insectivore. Therefore, the Chinese mole shrew is capable
of shifting its dietary preferences to adapt to seasonal fluctuations
of food resources, particularly during winter when the diversity and
abundance of invertebrates are lowest. Characterizing the diet of
A. squamipes may have implications for the evaluating crop impacts
and control of this shrew species.
This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (31670388, 32001223, 32070424) and a Chengdu Municipal
Science and Technology Bureau project (2015-NY02–00369-NC)
as well as suppor ted by the Starting Research Fund from Sichuan
Normal Universit y (024341965).
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Keyi Tang: Conceptualization (lead); Data curation (lead); Formal
analysis (lead); Investigation (lead); Methodology (lead); Resources
(lead); Software (lead); Writing-original draft (lead); Writing-review
& editing (equal). Fei Xie: Investigation (equal); Resources (equal).
Hongyi Liu: Data curation (supporting); Formal analysis (equal);
Software (equal); Writing-review & editing (equal). Ying-ting Pu:
Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (suppor ting); Software (equal);
Visualization (equal); Writing-original draft (equal). Dan Chen:
Investigation (equal); Methodolog y (equal); Resources (equal). Boxin
Qin: Investigation (equal); Methodolog y (equal); Resources (equal);
Validation (equal). Changkun Fu: Data curation (equal); Formal anal-
ysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Resources (equal). Qiong Wang:
Data curation (equal); Investigation (equal); Resources (equal);
Software (equal). Shunde Chen: Con ceptualization (lead); Data cura-
tion (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Project administration (lead);
Supervision (lead); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing-
original draf t (supporting); Writing-review & editing (lead). Ke-ji Guo:
Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (suppor ting); Software (equal);
Supervision (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing-review & editing
DNA sequences in this study were deposited into the NCBI Sequence
Read Archive (SRA) under accession number: PRJNA637184.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section.
How to cite this article: Tang K-Y, Xie F, Liu H-Y, et al. DNA
metabarcoding provides insights into seasonal diet variations
in Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes) with potential
implications for evaluating crop impac ts. Ecol Evol.
... As a species of insectivorous mammal, A. squamipes often preys on soil arthropods, worms, young rodents and aquatic animals, and it plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance in the food chain [17,36]. At the same time, however, A. squamipes also eats various plants and crops (including their seeds and stems) and damages them as an agricultural and forestry pest, and it has two sides of function in the agroecosystem because of its complex feeding habits [22,36,73]. Moreover, A. squamipes is also an important reservoir host of some zoonoses (zoonotic diseases) such as leptospirosis and hantavirus lung syndrome (HPS), and it is of medical importance [9,11,29]. ...
... Moreover, A. squamipes is also an important reservoir host of some zoonoses (zoonotic diseases) such as leptospirosis and hantavirus lung syndrome (HPS), and it is of medical importance [9,11,29]. In Southwest China, A. squamipes is a common species of small mammal with a large population and it is often an agricultural and medical pest in the region [17,18,22]. Although previous studies reported the mitochondrial genome determination, biological characteristics and population dynamics of A. squamipes shrew [17,18,22,26,66,73], few articles have involved the infestation of the shrew with ectoparasites (including chigger mites) and the related ecology of the mites. ...
... In Southwest China, A. squamipes is a common species of small mammal with a large population and it is often an agricultural and medical pest in the region [17,18,22]. Although previous studies reported the mitochondrial genome determination, biological characteristics and population dynamics of A. squamipes shrew [17,18,22,26,66,73], few articles have involved the infestation of the shrew with ectoparasites (including chigger mites) and the related ecology of the mites. Between 2001 and 2019, our research group carried out a longterm field investigation and accumulated abundant original data on chiggers in Southwest China which includes five provincial regions (covering 24.5% of China's land area), Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet (Xizang Autonomous Region) and Chongqing [71]. ...
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The Chinese mole shrew, Anourosorex squamipes Milne-Edwards, 1872, is a common species of insectivorous mammal in Southwest China. Based on field investigations between 2001 and 2019, the present study reports the infestation of chiggers (larvae of chigger mites) on the shrew in Southwest China and certain ecology parameters for the first time. A total of 3169 chiggers were collected from 1694 A. squamipes and they were identified into 72 species and 10 genera in the family Trombiculidae. The overall infestation prevalence ( P m ), mean abundance ( MA ) and mean intensity ( MI ) of A. squamipes with chiggers reached 11.1%, 1.87 and 16.86, respectively. The species diversity, species composition and infestation of chiggers on A. squamipes fluctuated in different environments (latitudes, altitudes, habitats and landscapes) and on different sexes and ages of the shrew hosts with high heterogeneity and low species similarity. In the established linear regression equation ( M* = 0.173 + 1.054 M ) for dominant mite Leptotrombidium densipunctatum , both the α and β values ( α = 0.173, β = 1.054) exceeded the boundary values ( F = 4.67, p < 0.05), and therefore the spatial distribution pattern of this mite was determined as an aggregated distribution among different individuals of shrew hosts. The species abundance distribution of the chigger community on A. squamipes conformed to the lognormal distribution, and its curve showed a gradually descending tendency from the rare mite species to the dominant mite species. The curve tendency of species-sample relationship implies that more species of chiggers would be found if the host samples infinitely keep increasing.
... Traditionally employed methods, such as direct observation in the field and microscopic examination from fecal samples or stomach contents (Hill, 1997;Zhang et al., 2022), suffer from weak taxonomic resolution and/or limitations due to species feeding habitats that are difficult to observe. Notably, DNA metabarcoding provides a comprehensive analysis of dietary composition and variation (Browett et al., 2023;Cabodevilla et al., 2021;Kartzinel & Pringle, 2020;Lazic et al., 2021;Reese et al., 2019), and it enables us to accurately detect dietary profiles at population scale or at the individual level (Kennedy et al., 2020;Mishra et al., 2016;Taberlet et al., 2007;Tang et al., 2021). ...
... for meeting high-energy requirements at low temperatures (Cui et al., 2019;Tang et al., 2021). This deduction has initially been articulated based on wild observation methods (Guo et al., 2011;Lu et al., 2007;Lyv et al., 2002) and was later confirmed via macronutrient investigation (Cui et al., 2018(Cui et al., , 2019. ...
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DNA metabarcoding reveals the seasonal variation of dietary composition of Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis), Abstract Dietary analysis in wildlife is fundamental for understanding their flexible response to seasonal changes and developing effective conservation management measures. Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) is the northernmost population of rhesus macaque, currently only distributed in the southern Mt. Taihangshan area. This area belongs to a semi-arid region resulting in limited plant food availability for Taihangshan macaques, with seasonal variation. Herein, we used a chloroplast trnL DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the plant diet diversity and composition from 100 fecal samples of Taihangshan macaque in four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) from 2020 to 2021. The results revealed that (1) a total of 48 distinct families, 88 genera, and 52 species within the 105 food items that were consumed by Taihangshan macaques throughout the year; (2) the diversity of food items exhibited significant differences across the four seasons; (3) Rosaceae, Rhamnaceae, Fagaceae, and Poaceae are the preferential food items for Taihangshan macaques and have different relative abundances, fluctuating with seasonal variation. DNA metabarcoding can expand our understanding of the repertoire of food items consumed by Taihangshan macaques by detecting some consumed food items in this population that were not yet discovered using traditional methods. Therefore, the integrative results from traditional methods and DNA metabarcoding can provide a fundamental understanding of dietary composition to guide the conservation management of Taihangshan macaques. K E Y W O R D S dietary composition, dietary diversity, DNA metabarcoding, seasonal variation, Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)
... Traditionally employed methods, such as direct observation in the field and microscopic examination from fecal samples or stomach contents (Hill, 1997;Zhang et al., 2022), suffer from weak taxonomic resolution and/or limitations due to species feeding habitats that are difficult to observe. Notably, DNA metabarcoding provides a comprehensive analysis of dietary composition and variation (Browett et al., 2023;Cabodevilla et al., 2021;Kartzinel & Pringle, 2020;Lazic et al., 2021;Reese et al., 2019), and it enables us to accurately detect dietary profiles at population scale or at the individual level (Kennedy et al., 2020;Mishra et al., 2016;Taberlet et al., 2007;Tang et al., 2021). ...
... for meeting high-energy requirements at low temperatures (Cui et al., 2019;Tang et al., 2021). This deduction has initially been articulated based on wild observation methods (Guo et al., 2011;Lu et al., 2007;Lyv et al., 2002) and was later confirmed via macronutrient investigation (Cui et al., 2018(Cui et al., , 2019. ...
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DNA metabarcoding reveals the seasonal variation of dietary composition of Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis), Abstract Dietary analysis in wildlife is fundamental for understanding their flexible response to seasonal changes and developing effective conservation management measures. Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) is the northernmost population of rhesus macaque, currently only distributed in the southern Mt. Taihangshan area. This area belongs to a semi-arid region resulting in limited plant food availability for Taihangshan macaques, with seasonal variation. Herein, we used a chloroplast trnL DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the plant diet diversity and composition from 100 fecal samples of Taihangshan macaque in four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) from 2020 to 2021. The results revealed that (1) a total of 48 distinct families, 88 genera, and 52 species within the 105 food items that were consumed by Taihangshan macaques throughout the year; (2) the diversity of food items exhibited significant differences across the four seasons; (3) Rosaceae, Rhamnaceae, Fagaceae, and Poaceae are the preferential food items for Taihangshan macaques and have different relative abundances, fluctuating with seasonal variation. DNA metabarcoding can expand our understanding of the repertoire of food items consumed by Taihangshan macaques by detecting some consumed food items in this population that were not yet discovered using traditional methods. Therefore, the integrative results from traditional methods and DNA metabarcoding can provide a fundamental understanding of dietary composition to guide the conservation management of Taihangshan macaques. K E Y W O R D S dietary composition, dietary diversity, DNA metabarcoding, seasonal variation, Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)
... This approach is based on the comparison of short DNA sequences of the COI gene obtained from the samples to a reference database. Such molecular technique has been used in a few instances in Soricomorpha diet studies to date, for various purposes: to measure dietary competition between alien Asian House Shrew (Suncus murinus) and cohabiting Telfair's Skink (Leiolopisma telfairii; Brown et al. 2014); to assess seasonal diet variations in Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes; Tang et al. 2021); to compare molecular and microhistological methods for diet analysis of small mammal pests including Suncus murinus (Khanam et al. 2016); to precise the diet of the Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus; Biffi et al. 2017a) or to compare it with that of the Eurasian Water Shrew Neomys fodiens (Biffi et al. 2017b). We here present preliminary original data on the diet of individuals of Crocidura olivieri caught in a strictly commensal context in Senegal, with the specific aim to test the hypothesis of a predation by this large-sized shrew on smaller or similar-sized syntopic rodent species, especially the invasive Mus musculus, the nowadays dominant species in indoor small mammal communities in this country. ...
Crocidura olivieri is a large-sized shrew species showing a clear trend towards commensalism in West Africa, where it co-occurs and interacts with a number of rodent species in indoor small mammal communities. Among the rodents present is the house mouse Mus musculus , a major invasive species worldwide. We here test the hypothesis that M. musculus could be part of the diet of C. olivieri in a number of localities of Senegal where the two species are known to coexist. We use a metabarcoding approach based on the high-throughput sequencing of a 133 bp fragment of the COI gene, on DNA extracted from digestive tracts and faeces of a sample of 108 shrews. Beside insects of various groups (ants, beetles and cockroaches especially) representing usual items of shrew’s diet, and traces of domestic mammals and poultry that were probably scavenged, several species of rodents were evidenced. Among them, M. musculus was by far the best represented species, found in 17 of the 54 shrews where at least one prey taxon was identified. This finding tends to confirm the potential role of C. olivieri as predator of house mice, while highlighting the capacity of this species to adapt its diet to environmental conditions.
... Taking the purified PCR product as the template, quantitative real-time PCR was performed on a Microplate reader (BioTek, FLx800) using Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit. The amplicons for each sample were pooled and purified according to our previous study (Tang et al. 2021). ...
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Knowing the diet of endangered wild animals is a prerequisite for species-specific conservation and habitat management. The Sichuan partridge Arborophila rufipectus is a globally endangered Galliformes species endemic to the mountains of southwest China. Existing information on the diet of this species is biased and fragmented owing to traditional observation methods. Little is known about their dietary composition or how they respond to temporal variations in food resources throughout the year. In this study, a dietary analysis was performed on 60 fecal samples using DNA Metabarcoding of invertebrates and plants to determine the primary animal and plant components of the diet across three critical periods of adult life history (breeding, post-breeding wandering, and overwintering). Preys from the dipteran order, followed by the lepidopteran and araneaen spp. were the predominant, animal-derived foods. Symplocos, Rubus, Celastrus, Holboellia, and Actinidia spp. supply a large abundance of fruits and seeds for this omnivorous bird. Substantial temporal dietary changes among the three periods and a general shift toward lower dietary diversity during the breeding season was observed, suggesting that the Sichuan partridge can adjust their diet according to the availability of food resources and their own needs. Characterizing the composition and seasonal changes in Sichuan partridge diets informs the habitat management of native flora (the plant taxa that can generate berries and seeds, such as Symplocos, Rubus, Celastrus and Holboellia, which are likely of conservation interest) to achieve full life-cycle conservation.
... Acorns and beech nuts are generally abundant at our study sites (though variable due to mast cycles) in the leaf litter in the fall and winter, and are much less available in the summer months. Such seasonal dietary shifts have been demonstrated in Eurasian harvest mice (Yamao et al. 2016) and Chinese mole shrews (Tang et al. 2021), both of which consume a largely insectivorous diet during the summer and autumn, and a plant-based and graminivorous diet during the winter and spring. Given that multiple studies have now demonstrated that a diverse assortment of lepidopterans exhibit strong seasonal variation in the intensity of pupal mortality, future research should focus on identifying the sources of this variation (e.g., seasonal diet shifts vs. turnover in natural enemy fauna), and on delineating the demographic consequences of this variation for population regulation. ...
All holometabolous insects undergo a pupal life stage, a transformative period during which the insects are immobile and thus particularly vulnerable to both natural enemies and harmful abiotic conditions. For multivoltine species like the silver-spotted skipper [Epargyreus clarus (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)], which produces both diapausing and nondiapausing generations throughout much of its range, both the duration of the pupal stage and the ecological challenges faced by pupae can differ among generations. We conducted a set of field experiments to investigate the seasonal and annual variation in pupal mortality for E. clarus pupae experiencing different biotic and abiotic conditions. We also examined the behavioral and ecological factors influencing the construction and persistence of pupal shelters by prepupal larvae. Surprisingly, measures of both cumulative and daily pupal predation were significantly higher during the relatively short (10–14 d) nondiapausing (summer) generations, compared with the diapausing (winter) generations, despite a nearly 20-fold longer pupal duration recorded for the latter. Indirect evidence from field censuses suggested that this intergenerational difference in mortality was due to seasonal variation in consumption of pupae by generalist vertebrate predators. The presence of a shelter increased survival in summer, though not in winter, perhaps because winter pupae were likely to be buried under autumnal leaf litter, regardless of initial shelter status. When constructing their shelters, prepupal E. clarus larvae did not prefer host leaves over nonhost leaves, suggesting that induced preferences are unlikely to play an important role in this process. Despite finding marked differences in the decomposition rates of shelter leaves derived from host vs. nonhost plants, several lines of evidence suggest that these differences are unlikely to impact E. clarus pupal mortality during either the summer or winter generations.
... Nor can current dietary analyses distinguish between predation, scavenging, or meta-prey, the prey of animals that were consumed by the study species. That being said, metabarcoding can provide measures of commonly consumed taxa across a population (Thuo et al., 2020), demographic and seasonal consumption differences within species (Tang et al., 2021), and when combined with ecological survey data whether any correlated changes to prey density numbers are occurring with commonly consumed taxa (Egeter et al., 2019). ...
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Top carnivores are essential for maintaining ecosystem stability and biodiversity. Yet, carnivores are declining globally and current in situ threat mitigations cannot halt population declines. As such, translocations of carnivores to historic sites or those outside the species' native range are becoming increasingly common. As carnivores are likely to impact herbivore and small predator populations, understanding how carnivores interact within an ecosystem following translocation is necessary to inform potential remedial management and future translocations. Dietary analyses provide a preliminary assessment of the direct influence of translocated carnivores on a recipient ecosystem. We used a metabarcoding approach to quantify the diet of Tasmanian devils introduced to Maria Island, Tasmania, a site outside the species' native range. We extracted DNA from 96 scats and used a universal primer set targeting the vertebrate 12S rRNA gene to identify diet items. Tasmanian devils on Maria Island had an eclectic diet, with 63 consumed taxa identified. Cat DNA was detected in 14% of scats, providing the first instance of cats appearing as part of Tasmanian devil diets either via predation or scavenging. Short-tail shearwaters and little penguins were commonly consumed, corresponding with previous surveys showing sharp population declines in these species since the introduction of Tasmanian devils. Our results indicate that the introduction of carnivores to novel ecosystems can be very successful for the focal species, but that commonly consumed species should be closely monitored to identify any vulnerable species in need of remedial management.
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Background: Research techniques in molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and genetics have been accelerated by rapid development of modern genomic technologies. These advances have rapidly evolved the field of biodiversity research, once a branch of natural history focusing on morphology, into an integrated life science. Modern biodiversity studies can now investigate and link element of ecological systems, the species within them, and their genetic diversity. DNA related technologies, among other omics techniques, have continued to develop and launch new sequencing platforms, leading to a reduction of DNA sequencing costs that has already outstripped Moore's Law, which also facilitates a series of breakthroughs in the research fields of biodiversity. Prospects: Here, we introduce emerging trends in DNA-based omics techniques applied in biodiversity research, including species-level genomics as well as genetic diversity and community-levels species diversity. The former includes genomes obtained based on single individuals and genetic diversity of focal populations in both spatial and temporal dimensions, while the latter includes molecular identification approaches, such as metabarcoding, eDNA, iDNA etc. These new methods can be applied in biodiversity estimation for various communities, as well as in monitoring and conservation of flagship species and interspecific interactions.
Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes, Soricidae) is a small mammal, with a large population in the low mountain basin area of Sichuan, China, and it is one of the main pests in farmland. We exposed A. squamipes to cat(a natural predator) and rabbit(a non-natural predator) odors, and compared their behaviors and hypothalamus c-fos mRNA expression. This paper explored the behavioral changes in predator odor stress of A. squamipes, which reveals the shrews’ stress response mechanism to natural predators. In this study, 48 Chinese mole shrew individuals were exposed to different odors for a short time (10 min) under laboratory conditions. Distilled water was used as the control group (CG), rabbit urine odor as the non-predator group (NG), and cat urine odor as the predator group (PG). SuperMaze animal behavior video analysis system was used to observe and record anti-predation behavior data. The real-time fluorescence quantitative nucleic acid amplification detection system (QPCR) was used to determine the expression of hypothalamic c-fos genes. The results showed that 1) both male and female shrews were significantly stimulated by cat odor, and their time of concealment, sniffing, wariness, and escape behavior showed significant increases, showing that the shrews responded strongly to the odors of a natural predator and showed clear anti-predation behavior. 2) different odor stimuli resulted in different expression of c-fos mRNA in the shrews’ hypothalamus, and there was no significant difference between the rabbit odor treatment group and that of the control group. The expression of c-fos mRNA in the cat odor was significantly higher than other two groups, indicating that the stress response of A. squamipes to natural predator is closely related to the expression of c-fos mRNA. The result shows that A. squamipes can recognize the scent of predators and regulate their own behavior by promoting the expression of c-fos mRNA in the hypothalamus, thereby increasing the investment into anti-predation defense strategies.
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The diet of an individual animal is subject to change over time, both in response to short-term food fluctuations and over longer time scales as an individual ages and meets different challenges over its life cycle. A metabarcoding approach was used to elucidate the diet of different life stages of a migratory songbird, the Eurasian reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) over the 2017 summer breeding season in Somerset, the United Kingdom. The feces of adult, juvenile, and nestling warblers were screened for invertebrate DNA, enabling the identification of prey species. Dietary analysis was coupled with monitoring of Diptera in the field using yellow sticky traps. Seasonal changes in warbler diet were subtle, whereas age class had a greater influence on overall diet composition. Age classes showed high dietary overlap, but significant dietary differences were mediated through the selection of prey; (i) from different taxonomic groups, (ii) with different habitat origins (aquatic vs. terrestrial), and (iii) of different average approximate sizes. Our results highlight the value of metabarcoding data for enhancing ecological studies of insectivores in dynamic environments.
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As a natural hibernator, the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is an ideal and intriguing model to investigate changes in microbial community structure and function caused by hibernation. In this study, we used 16S rRNA profiling and metagenomic analysis to compare the composition, diversity, and functional capacity in the gut microbiome of hibernating vs. active Chinese alligators. Our results show that gut microbial communities undergo seasonal restructuring in response to seasonal cycles of feeding and fasting in the Chinese alligator, but this animal harbors a core gut microbial community primarily dominated by Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes across the gut regions. During hibernation, there is an increase in the abundance of bacterial taxa (e.g., the genus Bacteroides) that can degrade host mucin glycans, which allows adaptation to winter fasting. This is accompanied by the enrichment of mucin oligosaccharide-degrading enzyme and carbohydrate-active enzyme families. In contrast, during the active phase (feeding), active Chinese alligators exhibit a carnivore gut microbiome dominated by Fusobacteria, and there is an increase in the relative abundance of bacteria (e.g., Cetobacterium somerae) with known proteolytic and amino acids-fermentating functions that improve host protein-rich food digestion efficiency. In addition, seasonal variations in the expression of β-defensins play a protective role in intestinal immunity. These findings provide insights into the functional adaptations of host–gut microbe symbioses to seasonal dietary shifts to maintain gut homeostasis and health, especially in extreme physiological states.
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Interspecific differences in traits can alter the relative niche use of species within the same environment. Bats provide an excellent model to study niche use because they use a wide variety of behavioral, acoustic, and morphological traits that may lead to multi‐species, functional groups. Predatory bats have been classified by their foraging location (edge, clutter, open space), ability to use aerial hawking or substrate gleaning and echolocation call design and flexibility, all of which may dictate their prey use. For example, high frequency, broadband calls do not travel far but offer high object resolution while high intensity, low frequency calls travel further but provide lower resolution. Because these behaviors can be flexible, four behavioral categories have been proposed: (a) gleaning, (b) behaviorally flexible (gleaning and hawking), (c) clutter‐tolerant hawking, and (d) open space hawking. Many recent studies of diet in bats use molecular tools to identify prey but mainly focus on one or two species in isolation; few studies provide evidence for substantial differences in prey use despite the many behavioral, acoustic, and morphological differences. Here, we analyze the diet of 17 sympatric species in the Chihuahuan desert and test the hypothesis that peak echolocation frequency and behavioral categories are linked to differences in diet. We find no significant correlation between dietary richness and echolocation peak frequency though it spanned close to 100 kHz across species. Our data, however, suggest that bats which use both gleaning and hawking strategies have the broadest diets and are most differentiated from clutter‐tolerant aerial hawking species.
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Diet studies provide base understanding of trophic structure and are a valuable initial step for many fields of marine ecology, including conservation and fisheries biology. Considerable complexity in marine trophic structure can exist due to the presence of highly mobile species with long life spans. Mobula rays are highly mobile, large, planktivorous elasmobranchs that are frequently caught either directly or as bycatch in fisheries, which, combined with their conservative life history strategy, makes their populations susceptible to decline in intensely fished regions. Effective management of these iconic and vulnerable species requires an understanding of the diets that sustain them, which can be difficult to determine using conventional sampling methods. We use three DNA metabarcode assays to identify 44 distinct taxa from the stomachs (n = 101) of four sympatric Mobula ray species (Mobula birostris, Mobula tarapacana, Mobula japanica, and Mobula thurstoni) caught over 3 years (2013–2015) in a direct fishery off Bohol in the Philippines. The diversity and incidence of bony fishes observed in ray diets were unprecedented. Nevertheless, rays showed dietary overlap, with krill (Euphausia) dominating their diet. Our results provide a more detailed assessment of sympatric ray diets than was previously described and reveal the complexity that can exist in food webs at critical foraging habitats.
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DNA extraction from environmental samples (environmental DNA; eDNA) for metabarcoding‐based biodiversity studies is gaining popularity as a noninvasive, time‐efficient, and cost‐effective monitoring tool. The potential benefits are promising for marine conservation, as the marine biome is frequently under‐surveyed due to its inaccessibility and the consequent high costs involved. With increasing numbers of eDNA‐related publications have come a wide array of capture and extraction methods. Without visual species confirmation, inconsistent use of laboratory protocols hinders comparability between studies because the efficiency of target DNA isolation may vary. We determined an optimal protocol (capture and extraction) for marine eDNA research based on total DNA yield measurements by comparing commonly employed methods of seawater filtering and DNA isolation. We compared metabarcoding results of both targeted (small taxonomic group with species‐level assignment) and universal (broad taxonomic group with genus/family‐level assignment) approaches obtained from replicates treated with the optimal and a low‐performance capture and extraction protocol to determine the impact of protocol choice and DNA yield on biodiversity detection. Filtration through cellulose‐nitrate membranes and extraction with Qiagen's DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit outperformed other combinations of capture and extraction methods, showing a ninefold improvement in DNA yield over the poorest performing methods. Use of optimized protocols resulted in a significant increase in OTU and species richness for targeted metabarcoding assays. However, changing protocols made little difference to the OTU and taxon richness obtained using universal metabarcoding assays. Our results demonstrate an increased risk of false‐negative species detection for targeted eDNA approaches when protocols with poor DNA isolation efficacy are employed. Appropriate optimization is therefore essential for eDNA monitoring to remain a powerful, efficient, and relatively cheap method for biodiversity assessments. For seawater, we advocate filtration through cellulose‐nitrate membranes and extraction with Qiagen's DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit or phenol‐chloroform‐isoamyl for successful implementation of eDNA multi‐marker metabarcoding surveys.
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Diets play a key role in understanding trophic interactions. Knowing the actual structure of food webs contributes greatly to our understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The research of prey preferences of different predators requires knowledge not only of the prey consumed, but also of what is available. In this study, we applied DNA metabarcoding to analyze the diet of 4 bird species (willow tits Poecile montanus, Siberian tits Poecile cinctus, great tits Parus major and blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus) by using the feces of nestlings. The availability of their assumed prey (Lepidoptera) was determined from feces of larvae (frass) collected from the main foraging habitat, birch (Betula spp.) canopy. We identified 53 prey species from the nestling feces, of which 11 (21%) were also detected from the frass samples (eight lepidopterans). Approximately 80% of identified prey species in the nestling feces represented lepidopterans, which is in line with the earlier studies on the parids' diet. A subsequent laboratory experiment showed a threshold for fecal sample size and the barcoding success, suggesting that the smallest frass samples do not contain enough larval DNA to be detected by high‐throughput sequencing. To summarize, we apply metabarcoding for the first time in a combined approach to identify available prey (through frass) and consumed prey (via nestling feces), expanding the scope and precision for future dietary studies on insectivorous birds.
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Background Animal skin and gut microbiomes are important components of host fitness. However, the processes that shape the microbiomes of wildlife are poorly understood, particularly with regard to exposure to environmental contaminants. We used 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to quantify how exposure to radionuclides impacts the skin and gut microbiota of a small mammal, the bank vole Myodes glareolus, inhabiting areas within and outside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ), Ukraine. Results Skin microbiomes of male bank voles were more diverse than females. However, the most pronounced differences in skin microbiomes occurred at a larger spatial scale, with higher alpha diversity in the skin microbiomes of bank voles from areas within the CEZ, whether contaminated by radionuclides or not, than in the skin microbiomes of animals from uncontaminated locations outside the CEZ, near Kyiv. Similarly, irrespective of the level of radionuclide contamination, skin microbiome communities (beta diversity) showed greater similarities within the CEZ, than to the areas near Kyiv. Hence, bank vole skin microbiome communities are structured more by geography than the level of soil radionuclides. This pattern presents a contrast with bank vole gut microbiota, where microbiomes could be strikingly similar among distant (~ 80 km of separation), uncontaminated locations, and where differences in microbiome community structure were associated with the level of radioactivity. We also found that the level of (dis)similarity between the skin and gut microbiome communities from the same individuals was contingent on the potential for exposure to radionuclides. Conclusions Bank vole skin and gut microbiomes have distinct responses to similar environmental cues and thus are structured at different spatial scales. Our study shows how exposure to environmental pollution can affect the relationship between a mammalian host’s skin and gut microbial communities, potentially homogenising the microbiomes in habitats affected by pollution. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s40168-018-0595-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Mammals are mainly exposed to trace metals via consuming contaminated food. Several studies have demonstrated relationships between metal concentrations in food and in animal tissues. However, potential effects of trace metals on feeding behaviour of wildlife have been poorly documented under field conditions, despite experimental evidence showing that food selection is impacted by resource contamination. Here we test the hypothesis that the diet of a generalist rodent, the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), is altered by soil trace metal contamination in the field. Wood mice were sampled in spring and in autumn along a gradient of soil contamination in the surroundings of a former smelter located in northern France. Available resources in the field were inventoried and the diet of the animals was analysed using DNA “metabarcoding”. We demonstrated that (i) relationship between the resource richness in the diet and their richness in the field was altered by soil metal contamination. Wood mice specialised their diet along the gradient of soil metal contamination for both plant and invertebrate resources in spring. We also showed that (ii) preference for Salicaceae, a plant family accumulating metals, decreased when soil contamination increased. These results suggest that environmental trace metal pollution could act as a force modulating trophic interactions in terrestrial food webs, thereby affecting wildlife exposure to contaminants by trophic route. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Metabarcoding diet analysis has become a valuable tool in animal ecology; however, co‐amplified predator sequences are not generally used for anything other than to validate predator identity. Exemplified by the common vampire bat, we demonstrate the use of metabarcoding to infer predator population structure alongside diet assessments. Growing populations of common vampire bats impact human, livestock and wildlife health in Latin America through transmission of pathogens, such as lethal rabies viruses. Techniques to determine large scale variation in vampire bat diet and bat population structure would empower locality‐ and species‐specific projections of disease transmission risks. However, previously used methods are not cost‐effective and efficient for large scale applications. Using blood meal and faecal samples from common vampire bats from coastal, Andean and Amazonian regions of Peru, we showcase metabarcoding as a scalable tool to assess vampire bat population structure and feeding preferences. Dietary metabarcoding was highly effective, detecting vertebrate prey in 93.2% of the samples. Bats predominantly preyed on domestic animals, but fed on tapirs at one Amazonian site. In addition, we identified arthropods in 9.3% of samples, likely reflecting consumption of ectoparasites. Using the same data, we document mitochondrial geographic population structure in the common vampire bat in Peru. Such simultaneous inference of vampire bat diet and population structure can enable new insights into the interplay between vampire bat ecology and disease transmission risks. Importantly, the methodology can be incorporated into metabarcoding diet studies of other animals to couple information on diet and population structure. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Comparative studies of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and clone sequencing in diet analysis have not been conducted. This study compares the performance of NGS and clone sequencing to analyze the diet of Asian great bustard (Otis tarda dybowskii). Identification of known taxa using NGS method was significantly greater than by clone method (t = 8.12, df = 14, p < 0.01), which has highlighted the higher sensitivity of the NGS approach. The proportion of occurrence for NGS method and clone method was significantly correlated (r = 0.63, p = 0.01), suggesting the prey taxa present at low frequency could not be identified by clone method. The cost and time of NGS method was also low compared with the clone method. We recommend the NGS opens up for new possibilities in the diet study, and has wide applicability to other species whose faeces can be collected easily and non-invasively in the field.
The population size of Anourosorex squamipes in twelve different types of habitats was surveyed during April to September in 2014. According to the order of trapping success and the degree of human disturbance of the different habitats, we analyzed trends of habitat selection of Anourosorex squamipes. Simulated population disturbance was executed by the way of artificial capture. The investigation consisted of population size, age group and sex ratio for different habitats specified as one of four typical sorts (grassland, abandoned pear garden, bush-land and landscape planted woods) after 1, 2, 3 and 4 months of human disturbance. It is shown that the trapping success for Anourosorex squamipes in the 12 habitats presents a sequence from large to small for five grades as follows: forest area>human habitat environment or abandoned pear garden>landscape planted woods or bush-land or abandoned vineyard or grassland>Eucalyptus woods or vegetable field>bamboo woods or vineyard or rape field. It was found that Anourosorex squamipes select their habitat more likely in a sequence as follows: habitats with intermediate disturbance and environmental heterogeneity, habitats with high disturbance and low environmental heterogeneity, habitats with low disturbance and high environmental heterogeneity, and habitats with excessive disturbance or environmental heterogeneity or both. Moreover, the population of Anourosorex squamipes in all the habitats was reduced significantly at the beginning of human disturbance, and then could be restored to the normal level in 2 months. More specifically, the average sex ratio was increased by 3.52%, the pregnancy ratio changed slightly, the rate of adult group was decreased by 1.71%, the rate of old age group decreased by 7.53%, the rate of young group increased by 2.33% and the sub-adult group increased by 6.91% after the human disturbance. Nevertheless, the increasing of rate of young group and sub-adult group suggests that Anourosorex squamipes populations would maintain a continuous growth trend in a long period.