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Comparison of Outcome and Success Rate of Onlay Island Flap and Dorsal Inlay Graft in Hypospadias Reconstruction: A Prospective Study

Taylor & Francis
Research and Reports in Urology

Abstract and Figures

Background Chordee correction, urethroplasty, and tissue reconstruction are performed to correct and retain standard functionality of the penis in hypospadias. Conventional reconstruction techniques, such as onlay island flap and the dorsal inlay graft, can be performed based on the classification of hypospadias. However, the outcomes and complication rates have not been widely studied. Thus, we aimed to provide preliminary evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of both approaches in hypospadias reconstruction. Patients and Methods A prospective study with two time evaluations of 14 and 180 days post-operatively was performed at the Urology outpatient clinic from October 2014 to September 2019. A proportion comparison of success rate, time to the complication, operation time, catheterization duration, uroflowmetry parameter post-surgery, and mean scores comparison of PPPS were measured as the intended outcomes. Results In a total of 59 pediatric hypospadias, patients who had undergone reconstruction are included in this study. Higher subjects’ age and severe chordee severity were more common in the dorsal inlay graft group (age=7.50 [1–26] months; severe chordee 45.8%) compared to the onlay island flap group (age=4.0 [1–67] months; severe chordee 31.4%), both groups showed similar satisfaction regarding meatal shape and position (P=0.618), glands shape (P=0.324), penile skin shape (P=0.489), and general cosmetic appearance (P=0.526). Complication occurrence and time to complication duration of both groups were also not statistically significant (P=0.464 and P=0.413). There are no significant differences in Qmax, Qmean, voided volume, and PVR of both groups (P=0.125, 0.136, 0.076, 0.260, respectively). Significant differences in operation times and catheterization duration are found in this study (P<0001). Conclusion Outcome evaluation regarding functional, complication and patient satisfaction comparing onlay flap and dorsal inlay graft for hypospadias patients is scarce. This study found that both procedures can be considered safe with comparable incidence of complications.
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Comparison of Outcome and Success Rate of
Onlay Island Flap and Dorsal Inlay Graft in
Hypospadias Reconstruction: A Prospective Study
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Research and Reports in Urology
Johannes Aritonang
Arry Rodjani
Irfan Wahyudi
Gerhard Reinaldi Situmorang
Department of Urology, Cipto
Mangunkusumo General Referral
Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Chordee correction, urethroplasty, and tissue reconstruction are performed to
correct and retain standard functionality of the penis in hypospadias. Conventional recon-
struction techniques, such as onlay island ap and the dorsal inlay graft, can be performed
based on the classication of hypospadias. However, the outcomes and complication rates
have not been widely studied. Thus, we aimed to provide preliminary evidence regarding the
efcacy and safety of both approaches in hypospadias reconstruction.
Patients and Methods: A prospective study with two time evaluations of 14 and 180 days
post-operatively was performed at the Urology outpatient clinic from October 2014 to
September 2019. A proportion comparison of success rate, time to the complication, opera-
tion time, catheterization duration, uroowmetry parameter post-surgery, and mean scores
comparison of PPPS were measured as the intended outcomes.
Results: In a total of 59 pediatric hypospadias, patients who had undergone reconstruction
are included in this study. Higher subjects’ age and severe chordee severity were more
common in the dorsal inlay graft group (age=7.50 [1–26] months; severe chordee 45.8%)
compared to the onlay island ap group (age=4.0 [1–67] months; severe chordee 31.4%),
both groups showed similar satisfaction regarding meatal shape and position (P=0.618),
glands shape (P=0.324), penile skin shape (P=0.489), and general cosmetic appearance
(P=0.526). Complication occurrence and time to complication duration of both groups
were also not statistically signicant (P=0.464 and P=0.413). There are no signicant
differences in Q
, Q
, voided volume, and PVR of both groups (P=0.125, 0.136,
0.076, 0.260, respectively). Signicant differences in operation times and catheterization
duration are found in this study (P<0001).
Conclusion: Outcome evaluation regarding functional, complication and patient satisfaction
comparing onlay ap and dorsal inlay graft for hypospadias patients is scarce. This study found
that both procedures can be considered safe with comparable incidence of complications.
Keywords: chordee correction, urethroplasty, uroowmetry
Hypospadias is a congenital external genital disorder most commonly affecting
boys, with an incidence which varies between 1:200 and 1:300. Based on the
classication of pediatric urology guidelines by the European Association of
Urology (EAU) in 2020, hypospadias can be classied as: distal or anterior;
intermediate or middle; and proximal or posterior.
In most cases, hypospadias in
children are associated with three anomalies on the penis, namely the ventral
meatus, chordee, and dorsal preputial sheath with a ventral preputium decit.
Correspondence: Gerhard Reinaldi
Department of Urology, Cipto
Mangunkusumo General Referral
Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel +62 813 1030 3083
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The surgical procedure has three characteristics, namely
chordee correction, urethroplasty, and tissue reconstruction
that forms part of the ventral radius of the penis (glans,
corpus spongiosum, and skin that aims to improve the
cosmetic appearance of the penis).
Several hypospadias
reconstruction techniques can be performed based on the
classication of the hypospadias. The two most commonly
used techniques are the onlay island ap and the dorsal
inlay graft.
The onlay island ap technique developed from the
transverse preputial island ap (TPIF) technique, which
was rst reported by Ducket et al
in 1980. Two previous
concepts by Elder et al and Koyanagi et al were adapted
by Mollard et al
to developed this Onlay island ap
technique, which is initially used for distal hypospadias
and preservation of the urethral plate. This technique has
been successfully proven in reconstructing hypospadias
with chordees. This method is carried out by apping the
fascia dartos, suturing, and nally covered with the skin of
the penis on the outside. Meanwhile, the dorsal inlay graft
technique aims to maintain the urethral plate and expand
the healthy surface area of the epithelium.
In addition,
this technique does not leave a new urethra (neourethra)
caused by a long duration of re-epithelialization. Further,
extension from the incision to the neomeatus at the tip of
the glans can also be carried out in this technique.
maneuver is very helpful in hypospadias with at glans,
and can be performed in hypospadias either with or with-
out chordee, by reducing the risk of stenosis.
the advantages and disadvantages between both techni-
ques, the researchers are determined to compare the out-
come and success rate of both procedures.
Patients and Methods
A prospective study of 59 patients with two times evalua-
tion (14 and 180 days post-operatively) was performed at
the Urology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Referral Hospital, Jakarta from October 2014 to
September 2019. Samples are recruited in a total sampling
manner and allocated into two different technique groups
based on indication and operator decision: onlay island
ap and dorsal inlay graft. Surgical indications for the
island onlay and the dorsal inlay are in the cases of
proximal or distal hypospadias, narrow urethral plate,
and moderate–severe chordee. However, in several
patients with a wide urethral plate, the dorsal inlay ap
was used due to brotic tissue and previous surgery his-
tory. As a result, the old urethral plate was not used,
excised, and a new urethral plate was made using an
inlay graft. Only pediatric hypospadias patients aged <18
years who underwent reconstruction for the rst time with
none to mild, moderate, or severe chordee, ventral curva-
ture ≤30º, and with narrow or wide urethral plate were
included in this study. The penile curvature and urethral
plate was assessed pre- and intra-operatively. The urethral
plate was pre-operatively evaluated with physical and
supporting inspection, while pre-operative assessment of
degree was used for penile curvature goniometer. After
that, both the penile curvature and urethral plate were
conrmed intraoperatively. Surgeries were performed by
experienced pediatric urology consultants who regularly
performed both techniques.
Patients’ characteristics observed in this study include
age, type of hypospadias, and concomitant abnormalities
(chordee, penoscrotal transposition, bid scrotum, undes-
cended testis, urethral stricture). Outcomes measured in
this study include functional outcome of maximum ow
(mL/s) measured during uroowmetry (180 days post-
operatively), proportion comparison of success rate, and
mean scores comparison of patient satisfaction index
between both groups. Success rate was measured by the
absence of post-operative complications during evaluation,
while the satisfaction index was measured using the pedia-
tric penile perception screening method (PPPS).
identity and pediatric perception screening method were
lled in by the parents. Data regarding uroowmetry
result, post-operative complication evaluation, and recon-
struction technique were obtained by the researchers.
Surgical Technique
In the onlay island ap technique, the patient was in
a supine position with general and caudal anesthesia.
After that, the chordae, curvature, urethral plate, and dor-
sal hood were examined for further steps. The transversal
ap was taken from the preputial skin with one side con-
tinuously sutured into the edge of the urethral plate, while
the other side was interruptedly sutured, both using poly-
dioxanone (PDS). A 6-Fr silastic stent was used for guid-
ing and applied on neourethra to be rolled into a tube
(tubularization). The second layer was made using subcu-
taneous tissues from the preputial aps. Furthermore, gla-
nuloplasty was implemented before the tip of the distal
ap was sutured into the penile glans. The outer skin was
interruptedly sutured with PDS. Further, the bleeding and
scar were controlled and covered with topical antibiotics
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and sterile gauze. In addition, the stent was removed after
7 days.
Similar to the previous technique, the dorsal inlay graft
technique was performed after reexamining the patient in
supine position under general and caudal anesthesia.
Before conducting the surgery, informed consent was
also carried out to determine which technique would be
performed. If severe chordee, narrow urethral plate, and
proximal type of hypospadias were explored during phy-
sical examination, this technique became preferable com-
pared to another one. In addition, history of previous
hypospadias repair was also considered to apply this tech-
nique. This technique will take the graft, which was pre-
viously measured and harvested from the inner prepuce.
Then, the graft was defatted and sutured onto the incised
urethral plate. A 6-Fr silastic stent was also applied for
tubularization in one stage urethroplasty. A vascularized
tunica vaginalis was used to be the second layer. Further,
the raw surface was covered by interrupted suture using
PDS, and the stent was removed after 14 days.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive analysis was performed using SPSS version
23.0. Patient characteristics were analyzed using chi-
square test. Comparison of functional outcomes (maxi-
mum ow observed during uroowmetry), success and
complications rates and satisfaction indices between
hypospadias reconstruction techniques (Onlay Island
Flap/Dorsal Inlay Graft) were calculated using the Chi-
square or Mann–Whitney test. Independent t-test was per-
formed to calculate the duration of catheterization and
operation time.
Ethical Permission
This study was performed under ethical review and
approval from The Ethics Committee of Faculty
Medicine University Indonesia and Ciptomangunkusumo
Hospital corresponding to ethical approval number 58/
Informed Consent
All study subjects who participated in this study were
properly consented and documented with a standard
informed consent form based on ethical guidelines from
The Ethics Committee of Faculty of Medicine University
Indonesia and Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital. Parental or
legal consent was obtained from all patients under 18
years old. This study also complied with the Declaration
of Helsinki.
A total of 59 pediatric hypospadias patients who had
undergone reconstruction at Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Referral Hospital, Jakarta are included in this
study. Of the 59 subjects included, we gathered 35 subjects
as the onlay island ap arm and the remaining 24 as the
dorsal inlay graft arm (59.3% and 40.7%, respectively).
The pre-operative, post-operative, and 1 month post-
operative clinical appearance of island onlay ap patients
are described in Figure 1. Normality test revealed non-
parametric distribution for age, for which median was used
to describe both groups. Chordee severity was divided into
three categories: none-to-mild, moderate, and severe. Most
of the cases were classied into the moderate chordae
(50.8%), followed by severe and none-to-mild (37.3%
and 11.9%). Hypospadias type was also documented
according to the EAU classication of anterior, middle,
and posterior/proximal of the penis. On all the study sub-
jects, 17 of 59 subjects (28.8%) were categorized with
anterior hypospadias, while 14 (23.7%) and 28 (47.5%)
were categorized with middle and posterior hypospadias,
respectively. A wide urethral plate was observed in 31
(52.5%) of 59 subjects, while the remaining were consid-
ered narrow. Detailed proportions in both of the groups for
chordae severity, type of hypospadias, and urethral plate
size are described in Table 1.
During follow-up evaluation, a standardized PPPS
questionnaire was utilized which documented patients’
satisfaction on four aspects of outcome including position
and meatal position, glands shape, penile skin shape, and
general cosmetic appearance. There is no signicant dif-
ference between both only island and dorsal inlay ap in
all PPPS questionnaire parameter (P=0.125, 0.136, 0.076,
and 0.260, respectively). On both arms, meatal shape and
position, gland shape, and penile skin shape turns out to be
satisfactory for most subjects. While most of the subjects
from both techniques are dissatised about the general
cosmetic appearance post-intervention. In Table 2, the
details spread out of PPPS in both of the groups are
explained. Furthermore, the median observed times to
complication on onlay island ap and dorsal inlay groups
were 19 and 14 months. There is no statistical signicance
between both groups’ complication (P=0.413).
Five (20.8%) complication occurrences were observed
in the dorsal inlay groups which were due to
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urethrocutaneous stula (two; 8.3%), urethral stricture
(one; 4.2%), and failed hypospadias due to brotic tissue
(two; 8.3%). Urethrocutaneous stula were repaired by
redo urethroplasty or excision and primary closure.
Stricture on dorsal inlay groups were treated using
urethroplasty with full thickness skin graft. Redo urethro-
plasty with excision of brotic tissue were done on both
failed hypospadias repair. In the onlay island ap group,
four occurrences of complication (11.4%) were observed,
which consisted of two urethrocunateous stula cases
(5.7%) and two failed hypospadias (5.7%), with one case
suspected with balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO). For
urethrocutaneous stula on onlay island ap group, redo
urethroplasty and stulectomy were conducted while
penile reconstruction and redo urethroplasty were per-
formed to treat failed hypospadias cases in this group.
Uroowmetry examinations were performed after both
hypospadias interventional surgery. There is no statistical
difference in the Q
, Q
, voided volume, and post-
void residual (PVR) between the onlay island ap and
dorsal inlay graft (Table 3). The time needed to perform
both techniques was recorded. Onlay island ap provided
a shorter operation time and catheterization compared to
dorsal inlay graft (169.2±28.6, 5.3±0.6 vs 254.4±40.1, 7.1
±0.3; P<0.001).
This study has been able to gather a total of 59 hypospa-
dias cases in the course of 5 years during the study
intended duration. Since hypospadias occurrence is
approximated to be 1:200 to 1:300 among newborn
males, the total subjects in this study can be considered
smaller than expected, since the number of newborns in
Table 1 Subjects Characteristics
Variables Onlay
Age 4.0 (1–67) 7.50 (1–26) 4.0
Chordee Severity
3 (8.6%) 4 (16.7) 7 (11.9) 0.002
Moderate 21 (60%) 9 (37.5) 30 (50.8)
Severe 11 (31.4) 11 (45.8) 22 (37.3)
Urethral Plate Size
Narrow 17 (48.6) 11 (45.8) 28 (47.5) 0.839
Wide 18 (51.4) 13 (54.2) 31 (52.5)
Type of Hypospadias
Anterior 11 (31.4) 6 (25) 17 (28.8) 0.694
Middle 9 (25.7) 5 (20.8) 14 (23.7)
Posterior 15 (42.9) 13 (53.2) 28 (47.5)
Notes: P<0.002. There is a signicantly statistical difference between the two groups.
Figure 1 Island onlay ap technique. (A) Patient pre-operative proximal hypospadias clinical appearance. (B) Surgical site marking on the patient penis. (C) Post-operative
clinical appearance of patient. (D) One-month post-operative follow-up of the patient.
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Jakarta each year is estimated to be around 200,000. The
incidence might be lower due to several factors, such as
the implementation of universal health coverage and the
mandatory referral system in Indonesia since 2014.
Starting from a similar period which coincided with this
study time frame, we observed a decreased number of
hypospadias cases treated in several referral centers in
Indonesia. However, other factors such as patient care
seeking behavior and screening programs might play
a signicant role in the incidence number of hypospadias.
described their nding on the prevalence of
hypospadias and found the number varies greatly, espe-
cially in Asian countries, due to the different healthcare
systems. Since Indonesia has implemented a screening
program for newborns, infants, and school-age, the major-
ity of hypospadias cases should be recognized from an
early age. However, Pratiwi and Basuk
previously men-
tioned in their study that health seeking behavior in
Indonesia can be considered low, especially in the rural
area where midwives play a huge role on educating the
family to seek medical treatment.
Of the 59 subjects in this study, we gathered 35 sub-
jects on onlay island ap group and 24 subjects on dorsal
inlay graft group. There is a median difference in which
the dorsal inlay group had a higher period of observed
complication occurrence than the onlay group (7.5 [1–26]
months vs 4 [1–67] months) but both numbers can be
considered early since another study with a similar time
frame and population conducted by Nerli et al
a higher number of age mean 48.83±8.29 (range=36–67)
months when undergoing reconstructive surgery.
Comparing the proportion based on chordee severity, we
observed a similar tendency of patients treated on both
groups to be categorized on moderate-to-severe (propor-
tion of moderate and severe chordee of 60% and 31.4% on
onlay island graft group and 37.5% and 45.8% on dorsal
Table 3 Uroowmetry Outcome, Operation Time, and
Duration of Catheterization Comparison Between Onlay Island
Flap and Dorsal Inlay Graft
Outcome Variable Onlay
Uroowmetry Result
5.1 (3–13) 0.136
Voided volume 48
PVR 2 (0–26.9) 2.7 (0–25.7) 0.260
Operation Time
Mean of operation time
169.2±28.6 254.4±40.1 <0.001
Duration of Catheterization
Mean of duration of
catheterization (minutes)
5.3±0.6 7.1±0.3 <0.001
Notes: P<0.001. There is signicant statistical difference between two groups.
Table 2 Outcome Comparison Between Onlay Island Flap and
Dorsal Inlay Graft
Outcome Variables Onlay Island
Dorsal Inlay
Patient Satisfaction
Meatal Shape and
Very Dissatised 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.618
Dissatised 4 (11.4) 4 (16.7)
Satised 22 (62.9) 15 (62.5)
Very Satised 9 (25.7) 5 (20.8)
Glands Shape
Very Dissatised 0 (0) 1 (4.2) 0.324
Dissatised 2 (5.7) 3 (12.5)
Satised 23 (65.7) 14 (58.3)
Very Satised 10 (28.6) 7 (29.2)
Penile Skin Shape
Very Dissatised 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.489
Dissatised 4 (11.4) 2 (8.3) 16
Satised 23 (65.7) (66.7)
Very Satised 8 (22.9) 6 (25)
General Cosmetic
Very Dissatised 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.526
Dissatised 5 (14.3) 3 (12.5)
Satised 25 (71.5) 15 (62.5)
Very Satised 5 (14.3) 6 (25)
Complication Occurrence
Yes 4 (11.4) 5 (20.8) 0.464
No 31 (88.6) 19 (79.2)
Time to Complication
Median Months
19 (10–28) 14 (6–21) 0.413
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Dovepress Aritonang et al
inlay group, respectively). This aligned well with hypos-
padias types observed in this study, which mainly consist
of posterior/proximal type on both groups (42.9% and
53.2% on onlay island ap and dorsal inlay group, respec-
tively) which is similar to several studies.
Onlay island
ap technique is commonly used in both minimal or mod-
erate chordee and severe chordees in our center. After
performing penile degloving, orthoplasty and urethroplasty
by transversal apping in preputial skin were also per-
formed. Urethral plate observed on both intervention
groups returned almost to a 1:1 ratio between narrow and
wide urethral plate and both groups did not show
a signicant difference during statistical analysis.
We presented three outcomes of complication rate,
uroowmetry result, and patient satisfactory score using
the pediatric penile perception screening method.
Complications following hypospadias repair are common
and include stricture, stula, and diverticulum formation.
During the past decades, the most common technique of
proximal hypospadias repair involved the use of
a vascularized transverse preputial island ap as
a tubularized neourethra or as a ventral onlay over an
intact urethral plate.
The results of these procedures
were satisfactory and improved over time. From our
study, we documented ve complication occurrences
in the dorsal inlay graft group and four occurrences
in the onlay island ap group during the study time
frame on follow-up of 180 days after the surgery. One
patient in this occurrence only comprises of 11.4% group
subjects undergone onlay island ap and 20.8% of subjects
undergone dorsal inlay graft. These incidences can be
considered within the normal limit, since observations by
Sheng et al
showed that complications from hypospadias
repair may comprise up to 32.5% of all treated patients.
Time from hypospadias repair to complication occurrence
observed in this study also aligns well with the
observations of Sheng et al,
which mostly occurred dur-
ing 6–24 months of follow-up. However, this number can
vary wildly from different operators and centers. Findings
by Asanuma et al
seemed to conrm this idea which
observed stula occurrence in oneof 28 subjects at a mean
of 22 months follow-up. Further statistical analysis on
complication occurrence and time to complication for
both intervention groups yielded an insignicant differ-
ence. These ndings may indicate that one approach does
not have higher correlation with complication occurrences
nor time to occurrences compared with another interven-
tion group.
We compared both groups’ satisfaction and documen-
ted the result as shown in Table 2. From Mann–Whitney
analysis, most patient reported satisfactory results in both
groups. Proportion comparison between both groups for
meatal shape and position aspect show an insignicant
statistical difference (P-value=0.618) between both
groups, implying that both techniques produce a similar
satisfactory position and meatal position outcome for the
patients. Between both intervention arms, the majority of
subjects found satisfactory or very satisfactory gland shape
outcome after undergoing the procedure. Subjects replying
as satised and very satised on the PPPS questionnaire
comprised 94.3% and 87.5% in the onlay island ap and
dorsal inlay graft group, respectively, with a P-value of
0.324. Similar results were observed for penile skin shape
and general cosmetic appearance during evaluation with
a P-value of 0.489 and 0.526, respectively. This is aligned
with a study conducted by Weber et al,
which compared
the PPPS score from a normal population and hypospadias
patients from age 7–17 years. The study found that, com-
pared to controls, there are no differences of penile shape
perception between both groups. Another similar study
conducted by Schönbucher et al
also showed similar
results where control groups and hypospadias patients
showed no difference and both groups perceived a high
level of satisfaction. A long-term follow-up by Fraumann
et al
found that even after long-term follow-up, 85% of
18–30 years old hypospadias boys also showed very posi-
tive satisfaction, although 35% of them reported residual
curvature. Another study by Jones et al reported that
almost 31.4% of hypospadias patient perceived their
penis looked abnormal, but, despite this condition, 81%
were satised with the overall cosmetic status and it did
not affect their body image, which conrms our ndings.
Although we did not compare with a normal population as
a control, our ndings show a high level of satisfaction
between both intervention groups and, thus, aligned with
the goal of the reconstruction conducted.
This study also compares the uroowmetry parameter
of Q
, Qv
, voided volume, and PVR between two
interventional groups. There are no signicant differences
in all of those parameters between two groups (P=0.125,
0.136, 0.076, 0.260, respectively). This result suggested
that both the onlay island ap and dorsal inlay graft
produced good and adequate uroowmetry parameters.
Moreover, operation time also took account as
a parameter to see the differences between two techniques.
This study operative duration of dorsal inlay graft is
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espoused to Asanuma et al's
result of 200 minutes
(range=154–249 minutes). The onlay island ap required
a shorter period due to its single stage procedure (169.2
±28.6 minutes). The duration of catheterization is also
important to be observed due to its connection to urinary
tract and systemic infections. Shorter catheterization dura-
tion is observed in onlay island ap groups (5.3±0.6 vs 7.1
±0.3, P<0.001). Therefore, time efciency of onlay island
ap techniques became a reason for the urologist to prior-
itize or choose this technique compared to the dorsal inlay
graft for hypospadias management.
Our analysis is subject to some limitations. First, this is
a prospective study. We did not perform any experimental
intervention in the patient. The classication of patient inter-
vention is then determined solely based on the indication and
discretion by the operator. Second, in the patient group deter-
mination there is no randomization process which increases
the likelihood of bias. Moreover, there is a statistically sig-
nicant gap in the patient characteristics between two groups
in the chordee severity, which means the baseline character-
istics are not sufciently standardized. Some cases have been
monitored for 180 days in our study. There is, however, a small
share of patients that were followed only by 3 months. Among
such categories, there is a chance that the patient is not present
with any complications such as strictures or stula due to lack
of a follow-up period.
Outcome evaluations regarding functional, complication,
and patient satisfaction comparing onlay ap and dorsal
inlay graft for hypospadias patients are scarce. This study
found that both procedures can be considered safe with
comparable incidence of complications. Because hypospa-
dias surgery is a constantly evolving art, long-term studies
(into adulthood) will continue to be important and will
need to be repeated for each new procedure developed if
surgeons are to continue to provide an honest and mean-
ingful account of their results.
Funding was received from our institution Faculty
Medicine University Indonesia, Ciptomangunkusumo
Hospital, Jakarta, as an operational research grant. We
can conrm that there was no external organization or
company sponsorship in this study.
The authors declare no conicts of interest for this work.
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Research and Reports in Urology 2020:12
Aritonang et al Dovepress
... Like other techniques, urethrocutaneous fistulae, urethral stricture, and recurrence, continue to be the common postoperative complications. All those complications can be attributed to insufficiency of flaps vascularity [1][2][3][4][5][6]. ...
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Background The preputial onlay island flap technique has been popularized for hypospadias repair as a result of offering a consistent combination of acceptable functional and cosmetic results. Like other techniques, urethrocutaneous fistulae and stricture continues to be the most common complications, in addition to other complications, which could be attributed to the compromise in flaps vascularity. Some authors describe a technique that resolves some of these problems by combining the unique benefits of the double faced preputial flaps. The aim of this study:- to evaluate double faced preputial onlay island flap technique for complications rate, outcomes of surgical procedure, and cosmetic results in comparison to transverse inner preputial flap technique. Patients and methods This was a prospective randomized controlled study that included 68 patients with anterior, mid-penile, and posterior penile hypospadias, with shallow and narrow urethral plate of size less than 6 mm, who underwent single-stage repair using preputial flaps, conducted at the department of pediatric surgery (Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt), between May 2019 and October 2021, to evaluate double faced transverse preputial onlay island flap technique. Thirty-four patients underwent double faced transverse preputial onlay island flap (group A) and another 34 patients underwent inner transverse preputial onlay island flap (control group) (group B). The follow-up period ranged from 12 to 26 months. Results The overall complication rate was 20.5% (14 of 68 children). Complications developed in 5 cases (14.7%) in group A who underwent double face onlay island flap (2 glannular dehiscence, 1 penile rotation, 1 fistula, and 1 diverticulum), as opposed to 9 patients in group B (26.4%) who underwent transverse inner preputial flap (3 developed glannular dehiscence, 2 skin flap necrosis, 3 fistulae, and 1 diverticulum). After management of the complications, all patients had good surgical outcomes with satisfactory cosmetic results. Conclusion Double faced transverse preputial onlay island flap is an alternative option to reconstruct narrow urethral plate hypospadias. So that double faced transverse preputial onlay island flap technique appears to achieve satisfactory surgical outcomes with lower complication rate.
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Background: The current research aims to evaluate the risk factors of urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias surgery among the youth in China. Methods: One hundred twenty hypospadias patients were enrolled in our study. All of them were defined as Tanner 4 or 5. The information collected from the participants include age, urethral operation history, urinary comorbidities before operation, urine test before operation, body temperature before and after operation, type of surgical repair, chordee degree, urethral defect length and whether received vesicostomy after surgery or not. Independent t test, chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression were performed to evaluate the risk factor of urethrocutaneous fistula. Results: Among the enrolled patients, 39 patients (32.5%) developed urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias repair. Our result showed significant association between the group with urethrocutaneous fistula and the group without urethrocutaneous fistula with respect to age, pyuria before operation, urethral defect length and the urethral operation history. The following logistic regression showed that urethral defect length and the urethral operation history were the risk factors of urethrocutaneous fistula. Conclusions: Urethral defect length and urethral operation history should be taken into consideration before undergoing hypospadias surgery since our study discovered that the risk of developing urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias repair is associated with urethral defect length and urethral operation history. Age, surgical procedure, type of surgical repair, chordee degree and other factors were not obviously related to the development of urethrocutaneous fistula.
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Introduction: Research on long-term results of hypospadias has focused on surgical techniques and functional outcomes, and it is only recently that patient satisfaction with appearance and psychosocial outcomes have been considered. The aim of this study was to provide an evidence-based systematic review of adolescent and adult patient perceptions of cosmetic outcomes following childhood surgery for hypospadias. Methods: A systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA and PICO guidelines, and studies assessed using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine system. MEDLINE, PsycInfo, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases were searched from 1974 to 2014 for clinical studies containing patient perceptions of appearance, deformity, and social embarrassment following hypospadias surgery. Results: A total of 495 publications were retrieved, of which 28 met the inclusion criteria. Due to study design/outcome measure, heterogeneity data were synthesized narratively. Results indicate (i) patient perceptions of penile size do not differ greatly from the norm; (ii) perceptions of appearance findings are inconsistent, partially due to improving surgical techniques; (iii) patients who are approaching, or have reached, sexual maturity hold more negative perceptions and are more critical about the cosmetic outcomes of surgery than their prepubertal counterparts; (iv) patients report high levels of perceptions of deformity and social embarrassment; and (v) there is a lack of data using validated measurement tools assessing long-term patient perceptions of cosmetic outcomes, particularly with patients who have reached genital maturity. Conclusions: Protocols for clinical postpuberty follow-up and methodologically sound studies, using validated assessment tools, are required for the accurate assessment of cosmetic and psychological outcomes of hypospadias surgery.
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Background: The most commonly performed operation to repair distal hypospadias is the Tubularised incised plate (TIP) repair. The key step is midline incision of the urethral plate, which widens a narrow plate and converts a flat into a deep plate groove, ensuring a vertical, slit neomeatus and a normal-calibre neourethra. At times in cases of proximal hypospadias, the urethral plate is very narrow and needs to be augmented or substituted for further tubularisation. We report our experience with primary single stage dorsal inlay urethroplasty using preputial skin grafts. Patients and methods: Children with proximal hypospadias with a narrow urethral plate formed the study group. Children needing transection of the urethral plate, having undergone circumcision/hypospadias repair previously or having an inadequate prepuce was excluded. Results: Twelve children with a mean age of 48.83 months underwent primary dorsal inlay preputial graft urethroplasty for proximal hypospadias with a very narrow urethral plate. At an average follow-up of 42.16 months, 2 (16.66%) children had a breakdown of ventral shaft skin. None of the children had meatal stenosis, and none of these 12 children developed urethrocutaneous fistula. Conclusion: Primary dorsal inlay inner preputial graft urethroplasty successfully fulfills all traditional hypospadias repair criteria. It offers a viable, safe, rapid and easy option in the management of proximal hypospadias with a narrow urethral plate.
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Hypospadias is a challenging field of urogenital reconstructive surgery with different techniques being currently used. Modern surgery claims that it is possible to create a functionally and cosmetically normal penis. Continuous re-evaluation and assessment of outcome may have a major impact on future clinical practice. Assessment of outcome includes: complication rate, cosmetic appearance of the penis, functional outcome (micturition, sexuality), and psychological factors such as quality of life and psychosexual life. This article briefly reviews current strategies of outcome assessment. Somehow in the future, we will be able to give an accurate estimation of the long-term consequences of being born with hypospadias.
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The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an instrument that allows assessment and comparison of penile perception of patients, parents and surgeons. A total of 77 boys 6 to 17 years old who had undergone hypospadias repair were interviewed by a psychologist with a standardized questionnaire concerning penile self-perception with regard to meatus, glans, skin and general appearance. The Pediatric Penile Perception Score was derived from the sum of these 4 items. The results were compared with a control group of age matched boys following inguinal hernia repair. Parents were asked via questionnaire to report the penile appearance of their son using the Pediatric Penile Perception Score. A total of 56 patients accepted standardized photographic documentation, and their pictures were sent for evaluation with the Pediatric Penile Perception Score to 6 blinded urologists. The Pediatric Penile Perception Score allowed us to assess perception of the genitalia by patients, parents and urologists. Statistical analysis of the Pediatric Penile Perception Score assigned by the urologist revealed good interrater reliability (interclass correlation 0.75 to 0.88) and stability (r = 0.59 to 0.83). Intercorrelation of the items "meatus," "glans" and "skin" with "general appearance" was good among the boys, parents and urologists. Patients with hypospadias expressed high satisfaction with the penile appearance, which did not differ significantly from age matched controls. However, parents and urologists were less satisfied with the penile appearance than were the patients themselves. The Pediatric Penile Perception Score is a reliable instrument to assess penile self-perception in children after hypospadias repair, and for appraisal of the surgical result by parents and uninvolved urologists.
Indonesia is a rapidly growing middle-income country with 262 million inhabitants from more than 300 ethnic and 730 language groups spread over 17 744 islands, and presents unique challenges for health systems and universal health coverage (UHC). From 1960 to 2001, the centralised health system of Indonesia made gains as medical care infrastructure grew from virtually no primary health centres to 20 900 centres. Life expectancy improved from 48 to 69 years, infant mortality decreased from 76 deaths per 1000 livebirths to 23 per 1000, and the total fertility rate decreased from 5·61 to 2·11. However, gains across the country were starkly uneven with major health gaps, such as the stagnant maternal mortality of around 300 deaths per 100 000 livebirths, and minimal change in neonatal mortality. The centralised one size fits all approach did not address the complexity and diversity in population density and dispersion across islands, diets, diseases, local living styles, health beliefs, human development, and community participation. Decentralisation of governance to 354 districts in 2001, and currently 514 districts, further increased health system heterogeneity and exacerbated equity gaps. The novel UHC system introduced in 2014 focused on accommodating diversity with flexible and adaptive implementation features and quick evidence-driven decisions based on changing needs. The UHC system grew rapidly and covers 203 million people, the largest single-payer scheme in the world, and has improved health equity and service access. With early success, challenges have emerged, such as the so-called missing-middle group, a term used to designate the smaller number of people who have enrolled in UHC in wealth quintiles Q2–Q3 than in other quintiles, and the low UHC coverage of children from birth to age 4 years. Moreover, high costs for non-communicable diseases warrant new features for prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles, and investment in a robust integrated digital health-information system for front-line health workers is crucial for impact and sustainability. This Review describes the innovative UHC initiative of Indonesia along with the future roadmap required to meet sustainable development goals by 2030.
The functional outcome following hypospadias repair is as important as the cosmetic outcome. Currently, structured scoring systems, patient questionnaires and evaluations of photographs and uroflowmetry are used to assess the results of hypospadias repair. In the present study, we assessed the outcomes of two-stage hypospadias repair using Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation-HOSE and measures of uroflowmetry. Over a period of eight years, from January 1997 to December 2004, 126 hypospadias patients were treated, 90 of these patients received two-stage repairs and 36 patients received single-stage repairs. HOSE questionnaire and uroflowmetry data were obtained to evaluate the long-term outcome of the two-stage hypospadias repairs. The age at the time of assessment ranged from 8 to 23 years-old, with a mean follow-up time of 39.78 months. Thirty-five patients had proximal hypospadias, and 20 had distal hypospadias. Of the 55 patients who received complete two-stage hypospadias repair and agreed to participate in the study, nineteen patients had acceptable HOSE scores and 36 patients had non-acceptable scores. The uroflow rates of 43 of the subjects were below the fifth percentile in three patients, equivocal (between the 5(th) and 25(th) percentile) in four patients and above the 25(th) percentile in 36 patients. Two-stage repair is a suitable technique for all types of hypospadias with varying outcomes. HOSE and uroflowmetry are simple, easy, non-invasive and non-expensive tools for objectively assessing the long-term outcomes of hypospadias repair.
Objective Few studies of hypospadias repair in childhood have used validated questionnaires to investigate outcomes of cosmesis, urinary function, and sexual function in adulthood. We sought to investigate long-term outcomes in adult patients who had undergone severe hypospadias repair as children using an existing web-based application available to multiple institutions in order to develop an online patient survey of previously validated questionnaires. Materials and methods Patients aged 18 years or older who underwent severe hypospadias repair between 1992 and 1997 at our institution were contacted to complete an online survey. Through medical chart reviews, we analyzed the location of meatus, type of repair, and complications. The online survey included questions about penile appearance, and validated questionnaires to assess urinary and sexual function. Results Of 58 patients who met the inclusion criteria, we contacted 19, and 13 completed the survey. Fifty-nine percent had complications, with an average of 2.2 procedures per patient. Most (85.0%) were satisfied with penile appearance, although 38.0% had residual penile curvature. Hypospadias patients had mean lower orgasmic function than normal controls. Mean scores for urinary function and other domains of sexual function were similar to normal controls. Conclusions Although the majority of adult patients were satisfied with the outcomes of penile appearance, urinary function, and sexual function, our online survey suggests decreased lower orgasmic function as measured by validated questionnaire. An online survey accessible to multiple institutions with validated questionnaires may facilitate assessment of long-term hypospadias results. © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Journal of Pediatric Urology Company.
To accurately measure the correction obtained by the release of the skin and dartos fascia and that obtained by mobilization of the urethral plate and resection of the underlying fibrous tissue (according to Koyanagi and Mollard), in the release of chordee. From February 1996 to February 2011, 234 patients underwent surgery for proximal hypospadias by 1 surgeon. Lateral photographs were taken during successive saline erection tests for 205 patients. The first test was performed at the beginning of the operation, the second test after the release of the skin and dartos fascia, the third test after possible mobilization of the urethral plate and resection of the underlying fibrous tissue, and the last test at the end of surgery. Preservation of the urethral plate was possible in 191 patients (93%). Analysis of the lateral photographs showed that stripping of the penis resulted in complete correction of all chordee <45°. For curvature >90°, stripping of the penis was insufficient in 88% of the cases. However, mobilization of the urethral plate with resection of the underlying fibrous tissue resulted in very low correction (10°-20°), although the blood supply to this plate was preserved. The results of the present study have shown that correction of the curvature that accompanies proximal hypospadias is obtained mainly by release of the skin and dartos fascia.
Background: Transverse preputial tubularized island flap (TPTIF) urethroplasty has been used for the repair of moderately severe hypospadias since Duckett described the procedure in 1980. In spite of the excellent results reported by Duckett, subsequent studies showed high complication rates. A TPTIF procedure modified to reduce the complication rate is presented. Methods: Between 1996 and 1997, 13 boys with moderately severe hypospadias were repaired with the TPTIF procedure. Patient age ranged from 10 months to 3 years with an average age of 23 months. To prevent urethrocutaneous fistula, the neourethra was constructed with a two-layer closure and the portion of anastomosis was wrapped between the native urethra and the neourethra with the tissue of the corpus spongiosum. Results: The moderately severe hypospadias was repaired without complication in 12 of 13 patients. A urethrocutaneous fistula developed at the midshaft of the penis in one patient. No meatal stenosis, urethral stricture or diverticulum developed. Conclusion: Transverse preputial tubularized island flap urethroplasty provided excellent cosmetic and functional results for moderately severe hypospadias, and postoperative complications could be decreased by the two-layer closure of the neourethra and application of the wrapping technique of the proximal anastomosed portion with corpus spongiosum tissue.