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The genomic prehistory of peoples speaking Khoisan languages


Abstract and Figures

Peoples speaking so-called Khoisan languages—that is, indigenous languages of southern Africa that do not belong to the Bantu family—are culturally and linguistically diverse. They comprise herders, hunter-gatherers, as well as groups of mixed modes of subsistence and their languages are classified into three distinct language families. This cultural and linguistic variation is mirrored by extensive genetic diversity. We here review the recent genomics literature and discuss the genetic evidence for a formerly wider geographic spread of peoples with Khoisan-related ancestry, for the deep divergence among populations speaking Khoisan languages overlaid by more recent gene flow among these groups, and for the impact of admixture with immigrant food-producers in their prehistory.
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The genomic prehistory of peoples speaking Khoisan languages
Brigitte Pakendorf1* & Mark Stoneking2
1CNRS & Université de Lyon
UMR5596, Dynamique du Langage
MSH-DDL, 14 avenue Berthelot, 69007 Lyon, France
Tel : +33- 4 72 72 64 26
2Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics
MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.
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Peoples speaking so-called Khoisan languagesthat is, indigenous languages of southern
Africa that do not belong to the Bantu familyare culturally and linguistically diverse. They
comprise herders, hunter-gatherers, as well as groups of mixed modes of subsistence and their
languages are classified into three distinct language families. This cultural and linguistic
variation is mirrored by extensive genetic diversity. We here review the recent genomics
literature and discuss the genetic evidence for a formerly wider geographic spread of peoples
with Khoisan-related ancestry, for the deep divergence among populations speaking Khoisan
languages overlaid by more recent gene flow among these groups, and for the impact of
admixture with immigrant food-producers in their prehistory.
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In this paper we use the term ‘Khoisan’ as a loose cover term to refer to the indigenous
languages of Southern Africa that do not belong to the Bantu familyand that are most
saliently characterized by their heavy use of click consonantsas well as by extension to the
genetic ancestry associated with the peoples who speak these languages. The term was coined
by the biological anthropologist Schulze in 1928 by combining the Khoekhoe herders’ term
for themselves with their term for foragers (1); variations encountered in the literature are
Khoe-San and KhoeSan. Given the fact that the peoples speaking Khoisan languages are
culturally and linguistically distinct and each has their own particular history, all umbrella
terms are flawed; it is thus of crucial importance to keep in mind that use of a single term does
not signify a unified entity.
Nowadays, peoples speaking Khoisan languages live mainly in Namibia, Botswana, and
Angola, with smaller numbers in Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini (2)
(Figure 1). In South Africa, most historically known Khoisan groups have given up their
original languages and have merged with so-called Coloured populations (3). Two groups
often included in recent genetic studies are the Karretjie people, itinerant sheepshearers of the
Karoo who are probably partly descendants of ǀXam hunter-gatherers (4), and the ǂKhomani.
This latter is a group of people with diverse Khoisan-related ancestries tracing back to the
southern Kalahari, who joined together in the 1990s in order to file a land rights claim (5).
Although an initial broad classification of the languages of Africa identified a single Khoisan
phylum comprising three branches in southern Africa plus two languagesSandawe and
Hadzaspoken in East Africa (6), nowadays specialists of these languages agree that there
are three distinct language families in southern Africa, namely Kx’a, Tuu, and Khoe-Kwadi
(1). Of these, Kx’a and Tuu might ultimately descend from a shared ancestor, but that has not
yet been conclusively demonstrated (7). The Khoe-Kwadi languages are not related to either
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the Kx’a or the Tuu languages (1,8). As for the East African languages, whereas there is no
demonstrable relationship between Hadza and any of the southern African Khoisan languages,
there is some indication that Sandawe might be related to the Khoe-Kwadi family; however
this, too, needs further corroboration (7).
Culturally, too, there is considerable heterogeneity among the Khoisan-speaking peoples of
southern Africa (9): herding groups are known historically from coastal and interior regions of
the Cape, the descendants of whom are the Nama (nowadays settled mainly in southern
Namibia) as well as several Coloured groups in South Africa (9,10). Furthermore, the Kwepe,
small-stock pastoralists from southwestern Angola, are known to have spoken Kwadi, a
language of the Khoe-Kwadi family, although this is nowadays practically extinct (9,11).
Hunter-gatherers roamed the Cape interior of South Africa in historic times and are still found
in the Kalahari region spanning Namibia, Botswana, and parts of South Africa. But there are
also groups that do not neatly fit into the herder-forager dichotomy. Foremost among these are
the Damara, a peripatetic group (12) who traditionally practiced foraging, small-scale herding
of goats, and blacksmithing in a client relationship to the Nama and the Bantu-speaking
pastoralist Herero. Along the Kavango river the Khwe rely on fishing as well as hunting and
gathering, while in the eastern Kalahari the Shua and Tshwa are transitioning to food
production and are in a client relationship to their Bantu neighbours in addition to their
foraging subsistence.
Given this linguistic and cultural diversity, it is clear that the prehistory of the peoples
speaking Khoisan languages must have been highly complex. Numerous studies over the past
decade have highlighted the considerable genetic diversity found in these groups, the deep
divergence among them as well as between them and other African groups, and the impact of
successive waves of migration of food-producing peoples from East and West-Central Africa
as well as in historical times of European colonizers (see (13) for a recent review). We here
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survey the recent literature and discuss the genetic evidence for an erstwhile wider geographic
spread of peoples with Khoisan-related ancestry, for the deep divergence among populations
speaking Khoisan languages overlaid by more recent gene flow among these groups, and for
the impact of admixture with immigrant food-producers in their prehistory. For convenience
we will refer to peoples speaking a Khoisan language as a Khoisan-speaking group, and to
peoples speaking a Bantu language as a Bantu-speaking group (although of course each group
speaks a particular language belonging to the Kx’a, Tuu, or Khoe-Kwadi families for
Khoisan-speaking groups, or to the Bantu family). Throughout the paper we follow the
nomenclature of Güldemann (1), irrespective of the spelling of group names found in
individual articles.
A wider geographic spread in prehistoric times
Recent genome-wide analyses of DNA from ancient human remains in East Africa have
demonstrated the presence in the past of Khoisan-related ancestry in regions as distant from
the Kalahari as Tanzania and Kenya (throughout this review, for convenience we use present-
day countries to refer to the location of ancient remains that predate country formation). Thus,
approximately 60% of the ancestry of ancient remains from Malawi dated to between 2500
and 8100 BP and ~30% of the ancestry of a 1400-year-old individual from Tanzania is related
to ancestry detectable both in 2000-year-old hunter-gatherer remains from South Africa and
modern Juǀ’hoan (14). Similarly, an ancient individual from Kenya dated to 3500 BP shows
evidence of low levels of Khoisan-related ancestry (15). In addition, there is evidence from
whole genome sequences from modern populations for potential long-distance migrations
involving Khoisan-speaking groups, e.g. in the sharing of private alleles between the Juǀ’hoan
and Mbuti central African rain forest foragers (16).
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Interestingly, the Khoisan-related ancestry in eastern Africa is related in equal degrees to the
deeply diverging lineages identified in modern-day Khoisan-speaking populations (see
below), implying that the Khoisan-related groups settled in eastern Africa were genetically
distinct from those living in southern Africa (14). These results mirror the results of mtDNA
analyses that found a complementary distribution of one of the Khoisan-specific haplogroups,
L0k. Of three deeply divergent branches (L0k1a, L0k1b, and L0k2), only L0k1a is found
among extant Khoisan-speaking groups of Namibia and Botswana, while L0k1b and L0k2 are
found practically exclusively in Bantu-speaking populations settled in Zambia. This implies
that peoples genetically related to currently known Khoisan-speaking groups, yet carrying
distinct lineages, were resident in regions beyond those previously attested (17). There are no
historically known Khoisan-speaking groups in either Zambia or Malawi or further northeast,
and modern-day populations of Malawi show no traces of Khoisan-related ancestry. It is thus
clear that the incoming Bantu-speaking populations must have replaced the Khoisan-related
autochthonous populations with hardly any admixture. Linguistic analyses, too, show that
some Bantu languages of the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area borrowed words with click
consonants from Khoisan languages that are nowadays extinct, in addition to borrowing
words from Khwe and Ju languages (18).
High levels of genetic diversity in Khoisan-speaking peoples
Khoisan-speaking groups are consistently found to harbour high levels of genetic diversity.
Several recent studies of whole genome sequences found highest levels of genetic diversity in
Khoisan-speaking individuals (16,1921), and these individuals also have the highest
frequencies, on average, of population-specific CNV variants worldwide (22). However,
sample sizes and ethnolinguistic diversity of the groups analyzed remain quite limited (Table
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1); there is a clear need for additional whole genome sequence studies of further Khoisan-
speaking groups.
Khoisan-speaking groups are also the first to branch off in genomic studies of African or
world-wide populations (16,19,20,23), with their divergence from other populations dated to
160-300 kya (Table 1). The fact that Khoisan-related lineages are the first to diverge has
sometimes been erroneously interpreted as strong evidence for an origin of modern humans in
southern Africa (e.g. (24), which is based solely on mtDNA lineages; see (25) and (26) for
substantial critiques of this paper). However, as noted above, Khoisan-related groups were
formerly more widespread, and moreover the divergence between Khoisan-speaking groups
and other African groups could, in principle, have occurred anywhere in Africa.
Khoisan-speaking peoples also show evidence of a larger effective population size over time
than other African populations (16,19,20,27). All human populations show a signal of
decreasing effective population size beginning around the time of the divergence of African
from non-African populations, ~50-100 kya; however, Khoisan-speaking groups show less of
a reduction in effective population size than do other populations (16,19,20). Some of this
diversity might be due to archaic admixture from an as yet undiscovered population (28). For
example, whole-genome sequencing (20) suggests approximately 4% ancestry from an
archaic ‘ghost’ population in the four Khoisan-speaking individuals analyzed.
In addition to carrying considerable amounts of genetic diversity, Khoisan-speaking
populations are also quite diverged from one another, as shown by a deep split between
populations residing in the northwestern Kalahari and those from the southeastern Kalahari or
South Africa (29,30), respectively). Recent reanalyses of these data together with some new
data (31)providing the most complete geographical coverage of extant Khoisan-speaking
groupsthat focus solely on genomic segments of Khoisan-related ancestry have
demonstrated a tripartite split into northern, central, and southern Khoisan-speaking groups
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(roughly corresponding to Pickrell et al’s (29) northwestern and southwestern and Schlebusch
et al’s (30) southern groups, respectively, and also corresponding to groups defined by
ecogeographic boundaries in (32); Figure 2). It should be noted that these northern, central,
and southern genetic groupings do not correspond to a previous linguistic classification of
Southern African Khoisan languages into Northern, Central, and Southern branches (6): the
northwestern/northern grouping includes not only the !Xuun and Juǀ’hoan, whose languages
belong to the Kx’a family, but also the Haiǁom whose language belongs to the Khoe family;
the southeastern/central grouping includes populations speaking languages belonging to all
three families, and the southern grouping includes both the pastoralist Nama, whose language
belongs to the Khoe family, and the descendants of foragers, the Karretjie and ǂKhomani,
whose heritage languages belonged to the Tuu family.
However, there is uncertainty as to when this deep split occurred. Initial studies based on
genome-wide SNP array data dated the divergence to ~25-35 kya (2931). The inclusion of
genome sequence data from a 2000-year-old hunter-gatherer individual from South Africa
pushed back the date of divergence between ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ Khoisan to 156-185
kya (23), which might suggest that the SNP array data under-estimate divergence times due to
ascertainment bias. Nevertheless, subsequent estimates based on whole genome sequences
range from ~30 kya to ~160 kya (Table 1); different mutation rates can account for some
differences in these estimates, but not all, leaving this an open question.
In any event, while this deep divergence between northern, central, and southern Khoisan-
speaking populations suggests that they must have been isolated from each other for a
considerable period of time, there is also evidence for gene flow among Khoisan-speaking
groups taking place at a more recent time-scale. This is shown by analyses focusing on
genome segments of Khoisan-specific ancestry that show a high correlation of genetic with
geographic distances, and a clear signal of isolation by distance (31,33). It is therefore
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possible that the deep divergence times arise purely as a consequence of long-distance
separation in what is actually a gradient of relatedness. However, it is also possible that the
signals of isolation by distance reflect more recent processes after initial older divergence
events. In particular, it has been suggested that Khoisan-speaking groups were initially split
by the prehistoric lake Makgadigadi, with gene flow being reinitiated when the lake dried up
around 10 kya (34). One group in particular that shows evidence for admixture are the Naro,
who are both geographically (Figure 1) and genetically (Figure 2) intermediate between the
northwestern/northern and southeastern/central groupings (29,31) and who also show
evidence for gene flow from the Gǀui and an ethnolinguistically undefined group from Xade in
the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (33). Additionally, the ǂHoan, who speak a divergent
language of the Kx’a family nowadays called ǂ’Amkoe, show only 5% shared ancestry with
their linguistic relatives the !Xuun and the Juǀ’hoan (33), while they are genetically close to
the neighbouring Taa (who speak a Tuu language) and the Gǀui, whose language belongs to
the Khoe family (31; cf. 34,35). Distinguishing between long-term isolation by distance, vs.
deep divergence followed by more recent contact, may be possible when more whole-genome
sequence data become available.
Admixture with immigrating food-producing populations
In addition to gene flow among Khoisan-speaking groups, these have also undergone variable
amounts of admixture from immigrating food-producers (23,36) (Figure 3). Sheep and goat
pastoralists are thought to have immigrated to southern Africa from East Africa a few
centuries before the immigration of Iron Age agropastoralists commonly associated with the
expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples into large parts of sub-Saharan Africa (37). The
presence among southern African populations of the Lactase Persistence variant C-14010
(30,38,39), which is of probable East African origin (40), points towards a demic diffusion of
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pastoralism into southern Africa. Significantly higher frequencies of this variant in pastoralist
populations than in foragers, and in groups speaking languages of the Khoe family than in
Tuu- or Kx’a-speaking populations (39), support the hypothesis that the Khoe-Kwadi
languages were brought to southern Africa by a migration of pastoralists from East Africa (8).
Unexpectedly, however, the formerly Khoe-Kwadi-speaking pastoralist Kwepe from
southwestern Angola have only low frequencies of this allele (41), in accordance with their
low frequency of the East African Y-chromosome haplogroup E-M293. The spread of
pastoralism and the Khoe-Kwadi languages is therefore likely to been a complex process,
which might also have involved shift of Bantu-speaking groups to Khoe-Kwadi languages
(42). Interestingly, two modern-day forager groups, the Gǀui and the Tshwa, show evidence
for ongoing positive selection for the C-14010 allele, indicating a possibly recent reversion
from a herding way of life to foraging (39). Ancient DNA analyses have provided further
direct evidence for admixture with East African pastoralists: a 1200-year-old specimen found
in a herder context in the western Cape was shown to have approximately 40% ancestry
related to an early pastoralist from Tanzania and about 60% ancestry related to 2000-year-old
South African foragers (14). Two Early Iron Age individuals from Botswanawho are likely
to have spoken Bantu languagesconfirm the earlier presence of East African pastoralists
than Iron Age agropastoralists in the region, since they carry ancestry related to the 1200-
year-old admixed herder from the western Cape (15).
The admixture with food producing populations did not take place at the same time or to the
same extent across southern Africa (29,36). Analyses of uniparental data show a strongly sex-
biased signal of gene flow in southern Africa, with Khoisan-speaking populations receiving
paternal lineages from food-producers, while Bantu-speaking groups incorporated mainly
Khoisan-related maternal lineages. The intensity of this sex bias increases from North to
South, possibly indicating changes in social interactions between immigrating groups and
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autochthonous peoples over time (35). Such changes in interactions are also implied by the
varying levels of Khoisan-related ancestry detectable in modern-day Bantu-speaking
populations of southern Africa: populations from Malawi do not show any evidence for
Khoisan-related ancestry (14), and populations from southern Mozambique show only low
levels of such ancestry (4-5% maximum (43)). This is in contrast to populations such as the
Kgalagadi and Tswana from Botswana with 33-39% and 22-24% Khoisan-related ancestry,
respectively (29,36), or the Sotho, Xhosa and Zulu from South Africa with between ~10-24%
Khoisan-related ancestry (43,44). Such changes in social interactions between immigrating
Iron Age agropastoralists and resident Khoisan-speaking populations might also explain
variable patterns of click borrowing in Bantu languages (18,45).
Ethical considerations
Indigenous communities are playing an increasingly prominent role in genomics research,
going beyond merely providing samples to being fully informed about the results and how
they are presented (46,47). Even well-meaning scientists engaged in research on indigenous
peoples can fail to appreciate how their scientific statements about their results may be
viewed and interpreted by the individuals and communities studieda prominent example
involved a study that sequenced the genomes of four Khoisan-speaking individuals (cf. (48)).
One outcome of such misunderstandings was the establishment of the San Code of Research
Ethics in 2017 (, the first such ethics
code by an indigenous African group, and a model for research involving Khoisan-speaking
groups. Nonetheless, ethical difficulties continue to arise (e.g., (49)).
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The stereotypical image of Khoisan-speaking peoples as Stone Age hunter-gatherers who
have lived in splendid isolation since the dawn of humankind can, without any doubt, be laid
to rest. These groups exhibit extensive cultural, linguistic, and biological diversity. They
harbor more genetic diversity, the earliest divergences, and larger effective population sizes
than other human populations. They used to be more widespread in former times, are likely to
have engaged in long-distance migrations, and they have both influenced and been influenced
by at least two migrations, an earlier migration of pastoralists from eastern Africa, and a later
migration of agropastoralists associated with the spread of Bantu languages. Understanding
the complex genomic history and structure of Khoisan-speaking populations has important
implications not only for their individual histories and the history of humans in general, but
also for potential variation in disease susceptibility (cf. (50,51)). There is a clear need for
further whole genome sequence studies of Khoisan-speaking groups, in order to achieve these
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BP is grateful to the LABEX ASLAN (ANR-10-LABX-0081) of Université de Lyon for its
financial support within the program "Investissements d'Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) of the
French government operated by the National Research Agency (ANR). MS acknowledges
support from the Max Planck Society. We thank Linda Schymanski for help with the figures.
Conflict of interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Figure Legends
Figure 1: Map showing the approximate location of Khoisan-speaking groups, based on
ethnolinguistic data from (1) and (2), and information on the Karretjie from (52). Colours
indicate the language family affiliation: blue = Kx’a, red = Tuu, green = Khoe-Kwadi.
Languages that are extinct are indicated by crosses. Some of the ǂKhomani still remember
Nǀuu. ǂ’Amkoe is the actual name of the language spoken by the ǂHoan, but since the initial
publication presenting genetic data from this group referred to them by the old language
name, this has been maintained in genetic publications.
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Figure 2: Plot of the first two dimensions of a multidimensional scaling analysis of Khoisan-
speaking groups, illustrating the northern, central, and southern genetic groupings of Khoisan-
speaking groups. The plot is based on genome-wide SNP array data with non-Khoisan-related
ancestry masked. The vertical axis is the first dimension and the horizontal axis is the second
dimension. The contours depict 90% utilization distribution densities, i.e. the smallest area of
the plot in which there is a 90% probability of locating the individuals from the same group,
and are color-coded according to language family: blue, Kx’a; red, Tuu; green, Khoe.
Modified from (31), which should be consulted for further details.
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Figure 3: Variable amounts of Khoisan-related, Bantu-related, and East African-related
ancestries in Khoisan-speaking groups, based on (36).
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Table 1. Salient features of recent studies of whole genome sequences that included Khoisan-
speaking groups.
Sample sizes
and groups
Deepest divergence time
between Khoisan-speaking
and other groups
Fan et al. 2019
4 Juǀ’hoan1
2 ǂKhomani1
~200 kya
et al. 2019 (20)
2 Juǀ’hoan2
1 Taa3
1 ǂKhomani
~190 kya
Bergström et al.
2020 (21)
6 Juǀ’hoan4
~162 kya
Schlebusch et al.
2020 (16)
5 Juǀ’hoan
5 ǂKhomani
5 Nama
5 Karretjie
5 Gǀui/Gǁana5
~200-300 kya
1sequences from (53); Juǀ’hoan samples from HGDP
21 sequence from (53) and 1 sequence from (54); samples from HGDP
3sequence from (55), where this individual (KB1) is labelled a Tuu-speaker
4all samples from HGDP and include the 4 Juǀ’hoan from (53)
5mixed group of Gǀui and Gǁana individuals, see (30) for details
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... Fossil, genetic, and archaeological evidence all strongly favor an African origin for our species; while very deep population relationships can still be found among present-day African hunter-gatherers, there are also high levels of genetic homogeneity across large areas that reflect expansions of food-producing groups (6)(7)(8). Domesticated animals from southwest Asia (Middle East) first spread into North Africa ~8,000 y ago, gradually moving south (9, 10) and entering eastern Africa ~5 kya and southern Africa ~2 kya (11)(12)(13). There appear to be several centers of crop domestication in western Africa, east Sudan, and the Ethiopian highlands, beginning ~4 kya (10,14). ...
... By contrast, in southern Africa, Bantu-speaking groups show substantial amounts of autochthonous (Khoisanrelated) ancestry (identified from foraging and pastoralist groups of the Kalahari), and Khoisan-speaking groups show substantial amounts of Bantu-related ancestry, indicating considerable interactions between them (6,8)). These interactions were strongly sex biased, with primarily Khoisanrelated maternal lineages found in Bantu-speaking groups and Bantu-related paternal lineages found in Khoisanspeaking groups (31). ...
... Multiple genetic studies have found a signature of eastern African-related ancestry in southern African groups (8,13,18), which is usually attributed to the spread of pastoralism. However, Khoe-Kwadi groups have at most small amounts of East African ancestry, which is also found in other southern African groups (8,13,18), suggesting that the pastoral migrants extensively admixed with local hunter-gatherers, with genes flowing in both directions. ...
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Nearly 20 y ago, Jared Diamond and Peter Bellwood reviewed the evidence for the associated spread of farming and large language families by the demographic expansions of farmers. Since then, advances in obtaining and analyzing genomic data from modern and ancient populations have transformed our knowledge of human dispersals during the Holocene. Here, we provide an overview of Holocene dispersals in the light of genomic evidence and conclude that they have a complex history. Even when there is a demonstrated connection between a demographic expansion of people, the spread of agriculture, and the spread of a particular language family, the outcome in the results of contact between expanding and resident groups is highly variable. Further research is needed to identify the factors and social circumstances that have influenced this variation and complex history.
... The modern hunter-gatherers living in this region speak Khoesan languages that "share the typological feature of phonemic clicks" but that "cannot all be related genealogically to each other or any established lineage" (Güldemann 2014: 1). Genetic evidence suggests a former geographic range of populations ancestral to modern Khoesan speakers that extended beyond southern Africa and that there are both deep divergences and ongoing gene flow among Khoesan populations (Pickrell et al. 2012;Schlebusch et al. 2012;Kim et al. 2014;Pakendorf & Stoneking 2021). Recent research on ostrich eggshell beads from across East Africa and southern Africa points to the potential of archaeology to complement linguistic and genetic inquiry into the historical dynamics of the ancestors of modern southern African hunter-gatherer societies (Miller & Wang 2022; see also D' Errico et al. 2012 andsubsequent debate in Mitchell 2012;Pargeter et al. 2016). ...
This paper presents preliminary results from a newly excavated open-air Later Stone Age site attributed to the Wilton Industry at Kathu Pan 6 in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Basic data on the lithics, fauna (including a large ivory fragment), and ostrich eggshell (including beads) recovered during two seasons of excavation (2016–2017) are presented and this material is contextualized through comparison with neighboring sites. Spatial analysis of the artifact distribution from the small exposure from the 2017 season suggests a spatially structured occupation. The Wilton open-air occupation of Kathu Pan 6 offers a new perspective on the poorly understood Later Stone Age of the southern fringes of the Kalahari.
Ancient DNA studies reveal the genetic structure of Africa before the expansion of Bantu-speaking agriculturalists; however, the impact of now extinct hunter-gatherer and herder societies on the genetic makeup of present-day African groups remains elusive. Here, we uncover the genetic legacy of pre-Bantu populations from the Angolan Namib Desert, where we located small-scale groups associated with enigmatic forager traditions, as well as the last speakers of the Khoe-Kwadi family’s Kwadi branch. By applying an ancestry decomposition approach to genome-wide data from these and other African populations, we reconstructed the fine-scale histories of contact emerging from the migration of Khoe-Kwadi–speaking pastoralists and identified a deeply divergent ancestry, which is exclusively shared between groups from the Angolan Namib and adjacent areas of Namibia. The unique genetic heritage of the Namib peoples shows how modern DNA research targeting understudied regions of high ethnolinguistic diversity can complement ancient DNA studies in probing the deep genetic structure of the African continent.
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As the ancestral homeland of our species, Africa contains elevated levels of genetic diversity and substantial population structure. Importantly, African genomes are heterogeneous: they contain mixtures of multiple ancestries, each of which have experienced different evolutionary histories. In this review, we view population genetics through the lens of admixture, highlighting how multiple demographic events have shaped African genomes. Each of these historical vignettes paints a recurring picture of population divergence followed by secondary contact. First, we give a brief overview of African genetic variation and examine deep population structure within Africa, including evidence of ancient introgression from archaic "ghost" populations. Second, we describe the genetic legacies of admixture events that have occurred during the past 10,000 years. This includes gene flow between different click-speaking Khoe-San populations, the stepwise spread of pastoralism from eastern to southern Africa, multiple migrations of Bantu speakers across the continent, as well as admixture from the Middle East and Europe into the Sahel region and North Africa. Furthermore, the genomic signatures of more recent admixture can be found in the Cape Peninsula and throughout the African diaspora. Third, we highlight how natural selection has shaped patterns of genetic variation across the continent, noting that gene flow provides a potent source of adaptive variation and that selective pressures vary across Africa. Finally, we explore the biomedical implications of African population genetic structure on health and disease and call for more ethically conducted studies of African genetic variation.
Accurate population‐specific sex estimation standards do not exist for southern African Holocene San and Khoekhoe populations. Due to markedly small stature, skeletal gracility, and physically active lifestyle, this population exhibits reduced sexual dimorphism, complicating application of standards developed elsewhere. The effectiveness of common sex estimation approaches were assessed and optimized for San and Khoekhoe populations. One‐hundred seventy‐five adult archaeological San and Khoekhoe skeletons were studied. Sex estimates from seven morphological traits (cranial and mandibular) and six metrical parameters (mandibular, humeral, and femoral) were compared with pelvic (Phenice) sex estimates to assess agreement. Results were analyzed using chi‐squared tests, univariate statistics, and cross‐validated discriminant function analysis. The effectiveness of individual cranial and mandibular traits varied: The mastoid process and mandibular shape produced the highest agreement rates with pelvic sex estimates (73% and 72%, respectively), while mental eminence and nuchal crest produced the lowest (both 53%). The nuchal crest exhibited a strong sex bias. All mandibular and long‐bone metrical parameters were sexually dimorphic; femoral and humeral vertical head diameter (FHD and HVHD) were the most discriminatory. The discriminant function equations showing the highest agreement with pelvic sex estimates were direct multivariate bicondylar breadth, FHD and HVHD (77%), univariate FHD (75%), and stepwise multivariate FHD and HVHD (73%). All variables were sexually dimorphic, but the reduced sexual dimorphism in this population necessitates careful choice of traits. Trait scores considered diagnostic of males and females may require adjustment to improve discriminating power. This study identified the most accurate areas to target for sex estimation and generated the first discriminant functions specific to archaeological San and Khoekhoe people.
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During her palaeoanthropological and ethnoarchaeological research at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, between 2007 and 2014, Lucinda Backwell privately collected a significant amount of objects produced by the San communities who currently live in Kalahari reserves, assigned to them by the governments of Botswana and Namibia: the villages around Tsumkwe, in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy, the village of Kacgae in the district of Ghanzi and the Transfrontier Park on the border between Botswana and South Africa. Initially motivated by the desire to offer some economic support to the communities by purchasing some products of their craftsmanship, the author realized that it would be important to document the culture of the San and the elements in transition. With this in mind, she put together a collection of over 400 artifacts, which in 2018 she donated to the Natural History Museum of Florence. This work aims to document the collection and highlight its ethnographic meaning, considering the archaeological traces that attest to the antiquity of the San culture, and the evidence on the current living conditions of a people threatened in their survival.
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The present-day diversity of southern African populations was shaped by the confluence of three major pre-historic settlement layers associated with distinct linguistic strata: i) an early occupation by foragers speaking languages of the Kx'a and Tuu families; ii) a Late Stone Age migration of pre-Bantu pastoralists from eastern Africa associated with Khoe-Kwadi languages; iii) the Iron Age expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers from West-Central Africa who reached southern Africa from the western and eastern part of the continent. Uniting data and methodologies from linguistics and genetics, we review evidence for the origins, migration routes and internal diversification patterns of all three layers. By examining the impact of admixture and sex-biased forms of interaction, we show that southern Africa can be characterized as a zone of high contact between foraging and food-producing communities, involving both egalitarian interactions and socially stratified relationships. A special focus on modern groups speaking languages of the Khoe-Kwadi family further reveals how contact and admixture led to the generation of new ethnic identities whose diverse subsistence patterns and cultural practices have long puzzled scholars from various disciplines.
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The southern African indigenous Khoe-San populations harbor the most divergent lineages of all living peoples. Exploring their genomes is key to understanding deep human history. We sequenced 25 full genomes from five Khoe-San populations, revealing many novel variants, that 25% of variants are unique to the Khoe-San, and that the Khoe-San group harbors the greatest level of diversity across the globe. In line with previous studies, we found several gene regions with extreme values in genome-wide scans for selection, potentially caused by natural selection in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens and more recent in time. These gene regions included immunity-, sperm-, brain-, diet-, and muscle-related genes. When accounting for recent admixture, all Khoe-San groups display genetic diversity approaching the levels in other African groups and a reduction in effective population size starting around 100,000 years ago. Hence, all human groups show a reduction in effective population size commencing around the time of the Out-of-Africa migrations, which coincides with changes in the paleoclimate records, changes that potentially impacted all humans at the time
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Africa hosts the greatest human genetic diversity globally, but legacies of ancient population interactions and dispersals across the continent remain understudied. Here, we report genome-wide data from 20 ancient sub-Saharan African individuals, including the first reported ancient DNA from the DRC, Uganda, and Botswana. These data demonstrate the contraction of diverse, once contiguous hunter-gatherer populations, and suggest the resistance to interaction with incoming pastoralists of delayed-return foragers in aquatic environments. We refine models for the spread of food producers into eastern and southern Africa, demonstrating more complex trajectories of admixture than previously suggested. In Botswana, we show that Bantu ancestry post-dates admixture between pastoralists and foragers, suggesting an earlier spread of pastoralism than farming to southern Africa. Our findings demonstrate how processes of migration and admixture have markedly reshaped the genetic map of sub-Saharan Africa in the past few millennia and highlight the utility of combined archaeological and archaeogenetic approaches.
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Structural variants contribute substantially to genetic diversity and are important evolutionarily and medically, but they are still understudied. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of structural variation in the Human Genome Diversity panel, a high-coverage dataset of 911 samples from 54 diverse worldwide populations. We identify, in total, 126,018 variants, 78% of which were not identified in previous global sequencing projects. Some reach high frequency and are private to continental groups or even individual populations, including regionally restricted runaway duplications and putatively introgressed variants from archaic hominins. By de novo assembly of 25 genomes using linked-read sequencing, we discover 1,643 breakpoint-resolved unique insertions, in aggregate accounting for 1.9 Mb of sequence absent from the GRCh38 reference. Our results illustrate the limitation of a single human reference and the need for high-quality genomes from diverse populations to fully discover and understand human genetic variation.
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Population substructure within human populations is globally evident and a well-known confounding factor in many genetic studies. In contrast, admixture mapping exploits population stratification to detect genotype–phenotype correlations in admixed populations. Southern Africa has untapped potential for disease mapping of ancestry-specific disease risk alleles due to the distinct genetic diversity in its populations compared to other populations worldwide. This diversity contributes to a number of phenotypes, including ancestry-specific disease risk and response to pathogens. Although the 1000 Genomes Project significantly improved our understanding of genetic variation globally, southern African populations are still severely underrepresented in biomedical and human genetic studies due to insufficient large-scale publicly available data. In addition to a lack of genetic data in public repositories, existing software, algorithms and resources used for imputation and phasing of genotypic data (amongst others) are largely ineffective for populations with a complex genetic architecture such as that seen in southern Africa. This review article, therefore, aims to summarise the current limitations of conducting genetic studies on populations with a complex genetic architecture to identify potential areas for further research and development.
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Chan and colleagues in their paper titled “Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations” ( report 198 novel whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and infer that ‘anatomically modern humans’ originated in the Makgadikgadi–Okavango palaeo-wetland of southern Africa around 200 thousand years ago. This claim relies on weakly informative data. In addition to flawed logic and questionable assumptions, the authors surprisingly disregard recent evidence and debate on human origins in Africa. As a result, the emphatic and high profile conclusions of the paper are unjustified.
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The recent publication by Chan et al (2019) entitled “Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations” fails to meet scientific standards for publication in two ways. First, it neglects its scientific duty to discuss the entire body of scientific evidence around human origins, which leads to unsupportable claims. Second, it reinforces racialized power dynamics within the science of human origins. We argue that the authors would have benefitted from a more diverse team that included social scientists and humanists, and that the editorial process failed to uphold thorough and morally responsible science.
The Khoisan are a cluster of southern African peoples, including the famous Bushmen or San 'hunters', the Khoekhoe 'herders' (in the past called 'Hottentots'), and the Damara, also a herding people. Most Khoisan live in the Kalahari desert and surrounding areas of Botswana and Namibia. In spite of differences in their way of life, the various groups have much in common, and this book explores these similarities and the influence of environment and history on aspects of Khoisan culture. This is the first book on the Khoisan as a whole since the publication in 1930 of The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa, by Isaac Schapera, doyen of southern African studies.
Addressing Indigenous rights and interests in genetic resources has become increasingly challenging in an open science environment that promotes unrestricted access to genomic data. Although Indigenous experiences with genetic research have been shaped by a series of negative interactions, there is increasing recognition that equitable benefits can only be realized through greater participation of Indigenous communities. Issues of trust, accountability and equity underpin Indigenous critiques of genetic research and the sharing of genomic data. This Perspectives article highlights identified issues for Indigenous communities around the sharing of genomic data and suggests principles and actions that genomic researchers can adopt to recognize community rights and interests in data. In this Perspective article, the authors discuss how Indigenous Peoples' desires for greater involvement and oversight when participating in genomic research projects can be balanced against calls for unrestricted data access. They provide practical recommendations for the handling and sharing of Indigenous genomic data, with the aim of achieving mutual benefit for the research community and participating Indigenous communities.
Genomes from around the globe Genomic sequencing of diverse human populations to understand overall genetic diversity has lagged behind in-depth examination of specific populations. To add to our understanding of human genetic diversity, Bergström et al. generated whole-genome sequences surveying individuals in the Human Genome Diversity Project, which is a panel of global populations that has been instrumental in understanding the history of human populations. The authors' study adds data about African, Oceanian, and Amerindian populations and indicates that diversity tends to result from differences at the single-nucleotide level rather than copy number variation. An analysis of archaic sequences in modern populations identifies ancestral genetic variation in African populations that likely predates modern humans and has been lost in most non-African populations. Science , this issue p. eaay5012