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Hans Heinrich Brüning and Archaeology

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Batan Grande, occupying an area of some 55 sq. km. in the small coastal valley of La Leche in North Peru, is known as a mecca of grave looting that has yielded a considerable quantity of gold funerary artifacts. These destructive clandestine operations have not only prevented serious fieldwork but also effectively obscured the complexity and significance of archaeological remains that include nearly 50 extensive cemeteries and massive adobe constructions that together span some 2,500 years since the Formative period (ca. 1300 B.C.). Since 1978, the multi-year, interdisciplinary Princeton University Batan Grande-La Leche Project has been carrying out intensive field work with principal research interests in (a) evaluating the role of organized religion in cultural development, (b) establishing a regional chronology, (c) elucidating cultural interaction during the problematical Middle Horizon Period (ca. 600–1000 A.C.), and (d) documenting systemic relationships between cultural and natural processes. This paper presents the major results and interdisciplinary research strategies of the first two seasons as well as a model of the Batan Grande burial and religious tradition.
Enrique Bruning -ein deutscher Forscher in Peru I Enrique Bruning -un investigador aleman en el Peru
  • Wolf Haberland
  • Gang
Haberland, Wolf gang. 1990. "Enrique Bruning -ein deutscher Forscher in Peru I Enrique Bruning -un investigador aleman en el Peru." In Fotodokumente aus Nordperu von Hans Heinrich Briining (I848-I928), edited by Corinna Raddatz, n-q, 29-35. Hamburg: Hamburgisches Museum fur Volkerkunde.
Hans Heinrich Bruning y un Museo en Lambayeque
  • Wolf Haberland
  • Leticia Gonzales
Haberland, Wolf gang, and Leticia Gonzales. 1982. "Hans Heinrich Bruning y un Museo en Lambayeque." Boletin de Lima 24: 47-51.
Identificación y bibliografía de importantes sitios prehispánicos del Perú
  • Hans Horkheimer
Horkheimer, Hans. 1965. "Identificaci6n y bibliografia de importantes sitios prehispanicos del Peru." Arqueo16gicas 8. Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Arqueologia.
Observaciones y estudios del pais y sus habitantes durante una permanencia de 25 aizos
  • Peru
Peru. Observaciones y estudios del pais y sus habitantes durante una permanencia de 25 aizos. Tomo H. La Costa. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Zum Sammler Hans Heinrich Bruning und zu seiner Sammlung im Museum fur Volkerkunde Hamburg
  • Corinna Raddatz
Raddatz, Corinna. 2007-"Zum Sammler Hans Heinrich Bruning und zu seiner Sammlung im Museum fur Volkerkunde Hamburg." Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen, vol. XLIII: I05-I09. Berlin: LIT.
Monumentale Lehmarchitektur an der Nordkiiste Perus
  • Markus Reindel
Reindel, Markus. 1993. Monumentale Lehmarchitektur an der Nordkiiste Perus. Eine reprasentative Untersuchung nach-Jormativer Grqflbauten vom Lambayeque-Gebiet bis zum Viru-Tal.
Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv. Notes Bruning's papers stored at the archives of the Museum for VOlkerkunde Hamburg have been studied repeatedly for anthropological information. His notes on the archaeological sites of the Lambayeque region
  • Bernd Schmelz
Schmelz, Bernd. 2003. "Hans Heinrich Bruning -Ethnographischer Dokumentar der Nordkuste Perus."In Booklet zur CD WalzenauJnahmen aus Peru I9IO-I925 (= Historische Klangdokumente 2), edited by Susanne Ziegler, 28-34. Berlin: Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv. Notes Bruning's papers stored at the archives of the Museum for VOlkerkunde Hamburg have been studied repeatedly for anthropological information. His notes on the archaeological sites of the Lambayeque region, in contrast, have not gained the attention they deserve, except in the paper of Chivez 2006.
Die Fotografien sollten mir dazu dienen spater uber Peru etwas Vollstandiges zu Schreiben,jetzt bin ich zu alt dazu
"Die Fotografien sollten mir dazu dienen spater uber Peru etwas Vollstandiges zu Schreiben,jetzt bin ich zu alt dazu." Letter by Bruning dated 29 October 1927, EMB / AcBru, 6.
Foto Nr. 4" = VIII E
"Foto Nr. 4" = VIII E 5606 (Schaedel 1988: Col. I, Nr. 230).