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Physical Activity and Sports Participation Associates With Cognitive Functioning and Academic Progression: An Analysis Using the Combined 2017–2018 National Survey of Children’s Health


Abstract and Figures

Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the independent and joint associations between physical activity (PA) and sports participation on academic performance variables within a representative sample of children and adolescents. Methods: Data were analyzed from the combined 2017-2018 National Survey of Children's Health. Household addresses were randomly selected within each US state. One household parent answered health and wellness questions pertaining to one randomly selected household child (N = 37,392; 48.1% female; 6- to 17-y old). Weighted logistic regression models were employed to examine the independent and joint associations between child PA frequency and sports participation with academic performance variables, adjusting for child- and family-level covariates. Results: Child PA frequency independently associated with 37% to 46% lower odds and child sports participation independently associated with 53% lower odds of reported difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (P < .001). For children who participated in sports, PA associated with 47% to 56% lower odds of ever repeating a grade level (P = .01). Conclusions: Frequency of weekly PA and sports participation independently and negatively associated with difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions, whereas the negative association between PA and ever repeating a grade level differed by child sports participation status.
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Physical Activity and Sports Participation Associates With Cognitive
Functioning and Academic Progression: An Analysis Using the
Combined 20172018 National Survey of Childrens Health
Ryan D. Burns, Yang Bai, and Timothy A. Brusseau
Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the independent and joint associations between physical activity (PA)
and sports participation on academic performance variables within a representative sample of children and adolescents.
Methods: Data were analyzed from the combined 20172018 National Survey of Childrens Health. Household addresses were
randomly selected within each US state. One household parent answered health and wellness questions pertaining to one
randomly selected household child (N = 37,392; 48.1% female; 6- to 17-y old). Weighted logistic regression models were
employed to examine the independent and joint associations between child PA frequency and sports participation with academic
performance variables, adjusting for child- and family-level covariates. Results: Child PA frequency independently associated
with 37% to 46% lower odds and child sports participation independently associated with 53% lower odds of reported difculty
concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (P<.001). For children who participated in sports, PA associated with 47% to
56% lower odds of ever repeating a grade level (P= .01). Conclusions: Frequency of weekly PA and sports participation
independently and negatively associated with difculty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions, whereas the negative
association between PA and ever repeating a grade level differed by child sports participation status.
Keywords:adolescent, behavioral science, pediatrics, survey research
Higher levels of physical activity (PA) have consistently been
shown to positively associate with a variety of academic perfor-
mance factors, including cognitive functioning, academic behavior,
and school grades.
The PA, particularly of higher intensities,
manifests physiological mechanisms at the cellular, molecular, and
structural level of the brain to improve cognitive skills,
enhancement of neurogenesis and central nervous system metabo-
In addition to impacting physiological mechanisms that may
improve cognitive skills,
PA may also impact behavior in the
academic classroom.
Potential mechanisms for these positive
effects on behavior may be due to moderatingpsychological arousal
yielding an internal psychological state conducive for learning,
possibly supplementing other physiological, cognitive, emotional,
and learning mechanisms.
Although the links between PA and academic performance have
been relatively well studied, much less is known regarding the
independent association between sports participation and academic
performance. Sport is an organized contest or game in which people
do certain PAs according to a specic set of rules to compete against
each other. In other words, sport participation includes structured
PAs characterized by specic rules and regulations.
Sport partici-
pation also provides exposure to social factors that are often not
present during unstructured PA. Sports participation provides op-
portunities to enhance task-specicself-efcacy, personal enjoy-
ment, prosocial behavior, and a sense of social support from coaches
and teammates.
These characteristics of sport participation may
lead to improvements in specic aspects of academic performance
above and beyond that provided by other modes of PA.
ever, a paucity of work has compared both PA and sports participa-
tion on various aspects of academic performance variables while also
controlling for important factors at both the child and family level.
The yearly administered National Survey of Childrens Health
(NSCH) collects a variety of child- and family-level information
using a representative sample of US children and adolescents.
Specically, the NSCH collects information pertaining to child
physical and mental health, child schooling (including indicators of
academic performance), the reported weekly frequency of a child
meeting the 60 minutes of daily PA recommendation, and whether
or not a child has participated in sports during the past
12 months.
The NSCH also collects important information
pertaining to the family, including adult education, family Federal
Poverty Level (FPL), and the family structure, all of which may
inuence PA, sports participation, and/or academic perfor-
To the authorsknowledge, no study has examined
the independent and joint associations between PA and sports
participation in multiple variables related to academic performance
while concurrently controlling for important potential confounding
factors at both the child and family levels. Therefore, the purpose of
this study was to examine the independent and joint associations
between PA and sports participation on academic performance
variables within a representative sample of children and adoles-
cents from the combined 20172018 NSCH.
The participants were a nationally representative sample of chil-
dren and adolescents from the United States, aged 6- to 17-years
The authors are with the Department of Health and Kinesiology, The University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Burns ( is corresponding
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, (Ahead of Print)
© 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL RESEARCH
old, whose parents completed either the 2017 or the 2018 NSCH.
The NSCH is a national survey that is elded annually by the US
Census Bureau and provides data on multiple aspects of child and
adolescent health and well-being. The data for the 2017 and 2018
NSCH were combined to provide opportunities for analyses using
variables with small sample sizes or low prevalence. A total of 52,129
surveys were completed for 2017 and 2018 combined, with 21,599
surveys completed in 2017 and 30,530 completed in 2018 for children
aged 017 years. The overall weighted response rate was 37.4% for
2017 and 43.1% for 2018. Children younger than 6 years old were
omitted from the current study because PA, sports participation, and
academic performance variables were only collected for children who
were 6- to 17-years old. Data from a total of 37,392 children and
adolescents (48.1% female; 6- to 11-y old = 15,896, 12- to 17-y
old = 21,496) were used in the current study. The NSCH data collec-
tion does not undergo an external institutional review board review.
Instead, the process for the review of methods and procedures for the
NSCH was incorporated into the responsibilities of the US Census
Bureau and Ofce of Management and Budget ofcials.
Randomly selected US household addresses were mailed instruc-
tions to access the NSCH online. Addresses were randomly selected
within each US state and the District of Columbia. After 2 reminder
letters and postcard reminders tocomplete the NSCH online, house-
holds that had not accessed the online survey were mailed a paper
screening questionnaire.
An adult within the household was
asked to complete a web or paper screener questionnaire to identify
all children 0- to 17-years old who were living in the household. If a
child or children were reported to live in the household, adult
participants were directed to a detailed age- and web-based topical
questionnaire for one randomly selected household child. Adult
respondents completed 1 of 3 versions of the survey depending on
the childsage:05 years, 611 years, and 1217 years. The survey
topics included child and family demographics, child physical and
mental health status, family health and activities, and parental health
status, among others. Based on web keystroke data and paper
cognitive testing, the estimated survey length for households with-
out children was 5 minutes, and the estimated survey length for
households with children was 39 minutes.
Data Processing
The 20172018 NSCH combined data set contained 2 stratum
identiers corresponding to the state of residence and an identier
corresponding to households agged with children.
The 2017
2018 NSCH combined data set also included an adjusted proba-
bility weight variable that accounted for combining 2 years of
Missing values for child demographic variables were
imputed using hotdeck imputation, and the adult education,
household size, and poverty ratio missing values were imputed
using sequential regression imputation methods.
The dependent variables were 2 items on the NSCH that
aligned with cognitive functioning and academic progression,
which both constitute an academic performance. Aligned with
cognitive functioning, an item asked if the child has had Serious
difculty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition?and was
binary coded (0 = no; 1 = yes). Academic progression aligned with
an item on the NSCH that asked about ever repeating a grade level,
Since starting kindergarten, has this child repeated any grades?
which was binary coded (0 =no; 1 = yes). Repeating a grade level
is a measure of academic achievement, as achieving a passing
grade is needed for progression within US schools.
The primary predictor variables were 2 items on the NSCH that
asked aboutchild PA and sports participation. The PA variable asked
During thepast week, on how many days did this child exercise, play
a sport, or participate in physical activity for at least 60 minutes?
Responses for this item ranged from 0 days (coded 0), 1 to 3 days
(coded 1), 4 to 6 days (coded 2), and every day (coded 3) and were
treated on the ordinal measurement scale. The sports performance
predictor variable asked During the past 12 months, did this child
participate in a sports team or did he or she take sports lessons after
school or on the weekend?Reponses for the sportsparticipation item
were binary-coded (0 = no participation; 1 = participation).
Important child- and family-level covariates were included in
the analysis to adjust for potential confounding associations. Child-
level covariates included child age (611 and 1217 y), child sex
(female and male), child body mass index class (underweight,
normal weight, overweight, or obese), and child race/ethnicity
(White-non-Hispanic, Hispanic, Black-non-Hispanic, other/multira-
cial-non-Hispanic). Family-level covariates included items regarding
highest adult education within household (college degree or higher,
some college, high school/GED, less than high school), household
poverty level (400% FPL or greater, 200%399% FPL, 100%199%
FPL, 0%99% FPL), and the family structure (2 married parents,
2 unmarried parents, single parent, and grandparent).
Statistical Analysis
To account for NSCHs complex survey design and use of proba-
bility weights, the STATA survey prex command svywas
employed to compute weighted prevalence within the descriptive
analysis and to compute appropriate variances and condence
intervals within the primary analyses. Unweighted and weighted
prevalence statistics were computed for the PA and sports partici-
pation predictors in addition for the child- and family-level cov-
ariates. The primary analyses consisted of the use of weighted
simple and multiple logistic regression models to calculate crude
(unadjusted) and adjusted parameter estimates, respectively. Sepa-
rate models were run for each academic performance dependent
variable. Post hoc analyses were employed to examine the joint
associations (interactions) between child PA and sports participa-
tion on each academic performance variable to determine if
the association between PA and a respective dependent variable
differed according to sport participation status. To test for age and
sex effect modication, subpopulation analyses were employed
within the adjusted models using STATAssvy, subpop:prex
command. Communication of the results involved the reporting of
odds ratios with the associated 95% condence intervals. The 2-
sided alpha level was set at P<.05, and all analyses were con-
ducted using STATA statistical software package (version 15.0;
StataCorp, College Station, TX).
Unweighted and weighted prevalence for all variables are
reported in Table 1. During the past 12 months, approximately
10.1% (weighted prevalence = 9.6%) of the parents reported that
their child has had serious difculty concentrating, remembering,
or making decisions, and 5.4% (weighted prevalence = 6.3%)
reported that their child ever repeated a grade level. Approximately
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2Burns, Bai, and Brusseau
21.0% (weighted prevalence = 22.6%) of the parents reported that
their child engaged in 60 minutes of PA every day during the past
week, and approximately 63.9% (weighted prevalence = 57.7%) of
the parents reported that their child participated in sports during the
past 12 months.
Table 2presents the unadjusted crude odds ratios for predicting
each academic performance dependent variable. Any reported child
weekly PA frequency associated with 47% to 64% lower odds of
child difculty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
compared with no reported child PA (P<.001). Child sports partici-
pation associated with 58% lower odds of reported difculty concen-
trating, remembering, or making decisions compared with reported no
sports participation (P<.001). In addition, reported child PA of 4 to
6 days per week associated with 37% lower odds of ever repeating a
grade level (P<.001), and sports participation associated with 39%
lower odds of ever repeating a grade level (P<.001).
Table 3presents the adjusted odds ratios for predicting each
academic performance dependent variable. Afteradjusting for child-
and family-level covariates, weekly child PA independently associ-
ated with 37% to 46% lower odds of difculty concentrating,
remembering, or making decisions. Likewise, after adjusting for
child- and family-level covariates, child sports participation during
the past 12 months independently associated with 53% lower odds
of difculty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. No
age or sex effect modication was found using the cognitive
functioning outcome. In addition, after covariate adjustment, re-
ported weekly child PA and child sports participation during the past
12 months did not independently associate with ever repeating a
grade level using the total sample. However, the relationship
between sports participation and academic progression was moder-
ated by age, as sports participation associated with 26% lower odds
of ever repeating a grade level in 12- to 17-year-old adolescents
Table 1 Counts, Unweighted Prevalence, and Weighted Prevalence Statistics for All Observed Variables
Variable Level Count Unweighted % Weighted %
Difculty concentrating, remembering, making decisions No 33,270 89.9 90.4
Yes 3748 10.1 9.6
Repeated a grade level No 34,876 94.6 93.7
Yes 2008 5.4 6.3
60 min of PA 0 D 3312 9.0 9.5
13 d/wk 14,301 38.7 39.9
46 d/wk 11,600 31.3 28.2
Every day per week 7767 21.0 22.6
Sports participation Did not participate 13,270 36.1 42.3
Participated 23,509 63.9 57.7
Child age 6- to 11-y old 15,896 42.5 50.0
12- to 17-y old 21,496 57.5 50.0
Child sex Male 19,415 51.9 51.1
Female 17,977 48.8 48.9
Child BMI class Normal weight 17,310 65.9 62.5
Underweight 1701 6.5 6.7
Overweight/obese 7255 27.6 30.8
Child race/ethnicity White/non-Hispanic 25,867 69.2 49.9
Hispanic 4377 11.7 25.7
Black/non-Hispanic 2497 6.7 14.3
Other/multiracial-non-Hispanic 4651 12.4 10.1
Highest adult education College degree or higher 22,195 59.4 47.3
Some college 9063 24.3 22.3
High school/GED 5127 13.7 19.8
Less than high school 1007 2.7 10.6
Household poverty level 0%99% FPL 4566 12.2 20.2
100%199% FPL 5884 15.7 21.7
200%399% FPL 11,248 30.8 27.1
400% FPL or greater 15,694 42.0 31.0
Family structure 2 married parents 25,744 70.3 64.7
2 unmarried parents 2239 6.1 8.0
Single parent 7108 19.3 21.3
Grandparent household 1262 3.4 4.4
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FPL, federal poverty level; GED, General Educational Development; PA, physical activity.
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Physical Activity and Sports Participation 3
(P= .049) but not in 6- to 11-year-old children. No sex effect
modication was found using the academic progression outcome.
Post hoc analyses consisted of testing the joint associations
(interactions) between reported child PA and sports participation
on each academic performance dependent variable. Covariates that
were found to be statistically signicant within the respective
adjusted models were controlled for within each post hoc analysis.
There was a statistically signicant joint association between child
PA and sports participation on ever repeating a grade level. The
results of this post hoc analysis are illustrated in Figure 1. If a child
did not participate in sports within the past 12 months, PA did not
signicantly associate with ever repeating a grade level. However,
among children who were reported to have participated in sports
during the past 12 months, reported weekly child PA associated
with lower odds of ever repeating a grade level compared with no
reported child PA (OR
= 0.52, P
= .004; OR
= 0.44,
= .001; OR
Every day
= 0.53, P
Every day
= .003).
The purpose of this study was to examine the independent and joint
associations between PA and sports participation on academic
performance variables within a representative sample of US children
and adolescents. After controlling for important child- and family-
level covariates, any frequency of child PA during the past week and
sports participation during the past 12 months associated with lower
odds of reported difculty concentrating, remembering, or making
decisions. Interestingly, sports participation moderated the associa-
tion between child PA frequency and ever repeating a grade level as
any frequency of weekly PA associated with lower odds of ever
repeating a grade level only in those children who participated in
sports. An interpretation of these results and a discussion of potential
future research directions are provided.
Previous research has shown that higher levels of PA associ-
ates with specic aspects of academic performance in children and
Table 2 Crude Parameter Estimates Predicting Academic Performance Variables Using Weighted Simple Logistic
Predictor Level
Difficulty concentrating,
remembering, making decisions
(no = referent)
crude OR (95% CI)
Repeated a grade level
(no = referent)
crude OR (95% CI)
60 min of PA 0 days Referent Referent
13 d/wk 0.53
(0.420.67) 0.83 (0.621.11)
46 d/wk 0.36
(0.280.46) 0.63
Every day per week 0.45
(0.340.59) 0.93 (0.681.28)
Sports participation Did not participate Referent Referent
Participated 0.42
(0.370.49) 0.61
Child age 6- to 11-y old Referent Referent
12- to 17-y old 0.97 (0.841.13) 1.63
Child sex Male Referent Referent
Female 0.58
(0.500.68) 0.66
Child BMI class Normal weight Referent Referent
Underweight 1.59
(1.192.11) 1.40 (0.952.07)
Overweight/obese 1.38
(1.151.66) 1.45
Child race/ethnicity White/non-Hispanic Referent Referent
Hispanic 0.76 (0.761.22) 1.61
Black/non-Hispanic 1.26
(1.011.57) 2.10
Other/multiracial-non-Hispanic 0.87 (0.711.07) 1.07 (0.801.44)
Highest adult education College degree or higher Referent Referent
Some college 1.57
(1.331.84) 2.14
High school/GED 1.70
(1.412.06) 3.08
Less than high school 1.52
(1.062.18) 3.71
Household poverty level 0%99% FPL Referent Referent
100%199% FPL 0.80 (0.631.02) 0.78 (0.601.02)
200%399% FPL 0.55
(0.440.69) 0.44
400% FPL or greater 0.43
(0.350.54) 0.28
Family structure 2 married parents Referent Referent
2 unmarried parents 1.87
(1.362.58) 1.97
Single parent 1.69
(1.431.99) 1.96
Grandparent household 2.48
(1.733.55) 3.34
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FPL, Federal Poverty Level; GED, General Educational Development; OR, odds ratio; PA, physical activity; 95% CI, 95%
condence interval. Note: Bold values indicate the statistical signicance and
statistical signicance, P<.05.
(Ahead of Print)
4Burns, Bai, and Brusseau
However, not all research shows this favorable
pattern with null associations observed in a number of longitudinal
and experimental studies.
Singh et al
found that between
48% and 60% of high-quality studies showed a benecial impact of
PA on specic academic performance variables. However, 6 out of
7 high-quality studies (86%) showed a benecial effect of PA on
mathematics performance.
These contrasting results from previ-
ous work highlight that there may be important moderators and
mediators of effect when considering the relationship between PA
and academic performance and that this relationship also differs by
the type of academic outcomes examined (eg, cognitive skills,
behavior, and subject achievement). The novelty of the current
study is the consideration of multiple aspects of academic perfor-
mance and examination of both PA and sports participation
together within the analysis. The results of this study indicate
that both PA and sports participation are independently associated
with lower odds of difculty concentrating, remembering, and
making decisions, an item on the NSCH that relates to executive
control, which is a core cognitive process including inhibition,
working memory, and cognitive exibility.
These cognitive
skills are needed to complete complex goal-directed cognitive tasks
that are often undertaken in academic settings.
The results support prior research identifying the role of PA on
specic cognitive skills and also show that this relationship is
independent of sports participation and several child- and family-
level potential confounding variables.
The current study also
found an independent association between sports participation and
cognitive functioning, a relationship found in other work,
an independent association between sports participation and aca-
demic progression in older adolescents only. Bang et al
found that
sports participation had positive effects on locus of control, or how
well an individual feels that they are in control of their life, which
may contribute to better academic performance. This improved
locus of control may relate to the structured characteristic of sports
participation. The social aspect of sports participation also may
improve social ties between individuals and limit antisocial
Table 3 Adjusted Parameter Estimates Predicting Academic Performance Variables Using Weighted Multiple
Logistic Regression
Predictor Level
Difficulty concentrating,
remembering, making decisions
(no = referent)
adjusted OR (95% CI)
Repeated a grade level
(no = referent)
adjusted OR (95% CI)
60 min of PA 0 days Referent Referent
13 d/wk 0.63
(0.490.79) 1.02 (0.731.44)
46 d/wk 0.52
(0.390.71) 1.00 (0.651.52)
Every day per week 0.54
(0.390.76) 1.20 (0.801.82)
Sports participation Did not participate Referent Referent
Participated 0.47
(0.390.57) 0.84 (0.631.11)
Child age 6- to 11-y old Referent Referent
12- to 17-y old 0.83 (0.661.05) 1.18 (0.881.60)
Child sex Male Referent Referent
Female 0.55
(0.450.66) 0.65
Child BMI class Normal weight Referent Referent
Underweight 1.39
(1.021.89) 1.13 (0.721.77)
Overweight/obese 1.14 (0.931.39) 1.14 (0.891.48)
Child race/ethnicity White/non-Hispanic Referent Referent
Hispanic 0.96 (0.571.01) 1.08 (0.801.46)
Black/non-Hispanic 0.85 (0.661.10) 1.44
Other/multiracial-non-Hispanic 0.79 (0.611.03) 1.11 (0.781.59)
Highest adult education College degree or higher Referent Referent
Some college 1.21 (0.991.48) 1.69
High school/GED 0.98 (0.751.29) 1.90
Less than high school 0.81 (0.481.36) 2.22
Household poverty level 0%99% FPL Referent Referent
100%199% FPL 0.93 (0.661.28) 0.81 (0.581.17)
200%399% FPL 0.70
(0.530.93) 0.56
400% FPL or greater 0.73
(0.560.96) 0.50
Family structure 2 married parents Referent Referent
2 unmarried parents 1.44 (0.952.17) 1.35 (0.892.05)
Single parent 1.38
(1.121.70) 1.22 (0.941.61)
Grandparent household 1.73
(1.152.61) 2.47
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FPL, Federal Poverty Level; GED, General Educational Development; OR, odds ratio; PA, physical activity; 95% CI, 95%
condence interval. Note: Bold values denote the statistical signicance and
statistical signicance, P<.05.
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Physical Activity and Sports Participation 5
behaviors within individuals.
These social relations may, in
turn, promote self-condence, social interactions, and reciprocal
modeling and learning among higher-achieving individuals.
Thus, both the structured and social characteristics of sport may
positively inuence the skills needed for academic success. How-
ever, the independent association between sports participation and
academic progression was only found in older adolescents. A
possible mechanism for this may be that within the higher grade
levels, adolescents who fail a grade may not be allowed to
participate in sports. In addition, athletes who compete in highly
competitive sports programs may enroll in less challenging course-
work to cope with concurrent academic and athletic priorities.
These plausible mechanisms suggest potential bidirectionality
between sports participation and academic progression and,
thus, it should be explored with future research.
A novel result found from this study was the joint association
between reported PA frequency and sports participation with ever
repeating a grade level. Children who participated in any frequency
of PA and participated in sports had lower odds of ever repeating a
grade level. The PA did not associate with repeating a grade level if
the child did not participate in sports. Domazet et al
examined if
PA, sports participation, or active commuting associated with
mathematics performance and inhibitory control in a sample of
adolescents. The PAs associations with academic performance were
mixed, but sports participation signicantly associated with higher
mathematics performance.
However, no joint associations were
tested. Fox et al
also examined the associations between PA and
sports team participation on grade point average among middle- and
high-school students and found that both PA and sports participation
had signicant associations with grade point average with the
associations differing by grade level and sex. Again, however, joint
associations between PA and sports participation were not tested.
The statistically signicant joint associations in the current study
suggests, perhaps, that structured PA with social relations, as seen in
sports, is a type of PA that may more strongly inuence academic
achievement. To the authorsknowledge, this is the rst study to
observe these ndings. Despite the statistical control for a number of
child- and family-level covariates, this joint association should be
interpreted with caution because of the cross-sectional design and
use of survey methods for data collection. However, this unique
nding could spur additional research.
This study provides an evidence of both independent and joint
associations between reported PA and sports participation with
specic aspects of academic performance. However, the broadness
of the PA and sports participation items on the NSCH manifests a
need for additional research on these associations. Specically,
examining the intensity of PA and participation in different types of
sports (eg, team vs individual) will provide important and specic
information. Possible other factors to consider within these rela-
tionships are the time segment characteristics of these behaviors
(eg, weekday, weekend, in school, out of school), how relative time
use of PA intensity associates with specic aspects of academic
performance within a compositional data analytic framework, the
frequency of sports participation, and the interaction between
motor skill competency, sports participation, and academic perfor-
mance. Studies have also shown that children from lower income
households have a lower prevalence of sports participation com-
pared with children from higher income households.
Using the
current 20172018 NSCH sample, there was a relationship
between family poverty level and sports participation, as house-
holds at 400% FPL or greater had 4.8 times greater odds of child
sports participation compared with households at 0% to 100% of
FPL. Family poverty level was controlled for within the analyses in
the current study; however, the strong association between family
poverty level and sports participation provides additional evidence
for the imperative need to provide sports participation opportunities
for children within lower income families. Important socioenvir-
onmental facilitators to provide these opportunities may be parents
and peers, which may mitigate barriers for childrens sport
Most importantly, examining these associations
using longitudinal and experimental research designs will provide
evidence for causal inuences, and testing for bidirectional
Figure 1 Joint association of reported weekly child PA frequency and sports participation on adjusted ORs of ever repeating a grade level. Note:
odds ratio referent = 1; odds ratios adjusted for child sex, race/ethnicity, adult education, family Federal Poverty Level, and family structure. OR indicates
odds ratio; PA, physical activity.
Statistical differences in odds ratios between sport participation groups within a respective PA stratum, P<.05.
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6Burns, Bai, and Brusseau
relationships among these constructs using cross-lagged panel
models may have merit.
This study has several strengths to highlight. First, this study
included a large and representative sample of US children and
adolescents; thus, the generalizability of ndings from this study
is not limited. Second, this study included 2 separate dependent
variables that constitute academic performance. The study also
examined the inuence of both PA and sports participation on
academic performance; most studies tend to examine only one of
these explanatory/predictor variables. Third, the associations exam-
ined in this study were adjusted for a number of child- and family-
level covariates, attenuating the potential confounding inuence of
these factors. Finally, the analyses conducted in this study included
the combined data from 2 consecutive years of the NSCH, which
improves statistical power and provides more precise parameter
estimates compared with the use of 1-year data. Limitations of the
current study included the use of parent self-report, which may be
subject to both recall and response bias. The NSCH is an annual
cross-sectional survey; therefore, all relationships are correlational
and no causal inferences can be made. In addition, the PA dependent
variable only asked about meeting the weekly frequency of the 60-
minute-per-day guideline but did not specically ask about PA
intensity. Finally, the academic performance variables were dichot-
omized for analysis, precluding trend analyses across multiple levels
of a respective variable and the examination of possible U-shaped
associations within the data.
This study provided information on the relationships among PA,
sports participation, and academic performance within a represen-
tative sample of US children and adolescents. Both PA and sports
participation independently and negatively associated with re-
ported difculty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
Most interestingly, the negative relationship between PA and
repeating a grade level was moderated by sports participation;
that is, any reported weekly PA associated with lower odds of
repeating a grade level in children who participated in sports. These
results indicate that PA and sports participation both may inuence
specic aspects of a childs academic performance. Future research
should examine these associations using more objective measures
within longitudinal and experimental research designs. Determin-
ing the types of sports that may more strongly inuence academic
performance may also have merit in future work. Both PA and
sports participation should be considered when utilizing move-
ment-based behaviors to improve specic aspects of academic
performance in youth.
The authors would like to thank the parents who participated in either the
2017 or the 2018 NSCH. No funding was received for this study.
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8Burns, Bai, and Brusseau
... For example Burns et al. (16) used data of a nationally representative sample that exhibited a positive dose-dependent relationship between participation in team sports and academic performance (selfreported A's and B's). In addition Burns et al. (17) indicated that adolescents with sports participation were likely to report better academic performances. The cross-sectional evidence confirmed the positive roles of sports participation on academic performance. ...
... Behavioral covariates-Based on the previous studies (17,18,(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27), some selected behavioral factors were covariates of this study. Study participants answered an item that asked: "Over the last week, how many days did you spend on sports exercises for at least 60 minutes per day?". ...
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In the present study, the relationship between academic achievements and participation in a sports team in adolescents has been identified using nationally representative data. The study sample was created by referring to the U.S. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance 2019 cycle, of which were eligible samples in the current study. A self-reported questionnaire was used to assess the participation in sports (0, one, two, three or more teams) and academic performance (mostly A, mostly B, mostly C, mostly E, mostly F). Controlling variables included sex, age, grade, race/ethnicity, adherence to physical activity, sleep guidelines and screen time, respectively. A binary regression model with an odds ratio (OR) at 95%CI confidence interval was performed to examine the association between sports team participation (0 teams as reference) and academic performance (combination of mostly C, E, F as reference). Results showed that compared with study participants with no participation in any sports teams, participating in one, two, three or more teams were more likely to self report better academic performance (1 teams: odds ratio [OR] = 1.48; two teams: OR = 2.34; three or more = 2.72), demonstrating a dose despondent association. This dose-dependent association varied slightly across sexes and grades. In conclusion, consistent with previous studies, the current study confirmed the positive roles of sport participation on academic outcomes in adolescents. Sex- and grade-specific strategies should be considered for academic-relevant promotion.
... Interestingly, our study also revealed that meeting the PA guidelines alone was not related to better AA. This research finding is inconsistent with prior research [43][44][45]. However, we further found that meeting combinations of either ST or sleep guidelines and PA guidelines was related to better AA. ...
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This research is designed to investigate the relationship between the 24-h movement guidelines (24-HMG) and self-reported academic achievement (AA) using nationally representative data derived from the 2019 U.S. National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey. A multiple-stage cluster sampling procedure has been adopted to ensure a representative sample (N = 9127 adolescents; mean age = 15.7 years old; male% = 49.8%). Logistic regression has been adopted to obtain the odds ratio (OR) regarding the associations between adherence to 24-HMG and AA while controlling for ethnicity, body mass index, sex and age. The prevalence of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines in isolation and combination varied greatly (physical activity = 23.3%, screen time = 32.5%, sleep = 22.3%, and 24-HMG = 2.8%), while the percentage of highest-class AA was 42.5%. Compared with the situation when none of 24-HMG is met, the achievement of any of the combined guidelines (except for meeting the physical activity guidelines) was significantly associated with higher odds of achieving first-class AA. Meeting the sleep guideline had 1.42 times increased likelihood to achieve highest-class AA as compared with not meeting the sleep guideline. Meeting screen time guidelines and physical activity guidelines, respectively, were 1.32 and 1.13 times more likely to report first-class AA; but meeting the guidelines of physical activity was not significantly related to AA. Meeting the 24-HMG had the highest odds of achieving first-class AA (OR = 2.01, 95%CI: 1.47-2.73). In both sexes, adolescents who met 24-HMG self-reported better AA (boys OR = 2.05, 95%CI: 1.34-3.15; girls OR = 2.26, 95%CI: 1.36-3.76). Significant relationships were observed in adolescents from 9-10th grade, but not higher grades. Our research findings suggest that optimal movement behaviours can be seen as an important This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
... Sports participation provides a wide variety of benefits to student athletes, such as physical and psychological well-being [1,2], and improved academic performance [3]. However, injury a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 occurrence paralleled with sports participation has been an issue that cannot be overlooked [4]. ...
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Limited literature has investigated epidemiology of sports-related fatalities during high school organizes sports in Japan. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to determine the frequency and incidence rate of sports-related fatalities in Japanese high schools by cause and sports, and to examine the type of on-site first responder. Insurance claim data of sports-related fatalities in Japanese high schools reported to Japan Sports Council Injury and Accident Mutual Aid Benefit System between 2009 and 2018 were retrieved as the primary data source. All fatalities were classified into direct or indirect type by the reported etiology and further categorized into cardiac-related, head and neck injury, exertional heat stroke (EHS), or other. Frequency and incidence rate were calculated by cause of death and sports, and incidence rates were expressed per 100,000 athlete-years (AY) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Information regarding first responder to the incident was also retrieved and examined by frequency. A total of 63 sports-related fatalities were analyzed. The overall incidence rate was 0.45 (95%CI = 0.25–0.65) per 100,000AY. The incidence rates of direct and indirect fatalities declined from 0.36 and 0.50 per 100,000AY to 0.28 and 0.00 per 100,000AY, respectively. The leading cause of deaths was cardiac-related (n = 30/63, 47.6%), followed by head and neck injury (n = 15/63, 23.8%) and EHS (n = 14/63, 22.2%). The number of fatalities was highest in male baseball (n = 12/63, 19.0%) and the incidence rate was highest in male judo (4.79 per 100,000 AY, 95%CI: 0.68–8.15). Coach was the most frequently reported first responder onsite (n = 52/63, 82.5%). Medically trained personnel were involved in onsite care in two cases (3.2%). In conclusion, the occurrence of sports-related fatalities has declined over time from 2009 to 2018. To deliver appropriate medical care onsite for better survival, employment of medically trained personnel should be promoted in high school sports setting in Japan.
... Sports participation provides a wide variety of benefits to student athletes, such as physical and psychological well-being [1,2], and improved academic performance [3]. However, injury a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 occurrence paralleled with sports participation has been an issue that cannot be overlooked [4]. ...
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Before- and after-school programs can be excellent opportunities for schools to provide supplemental physical activity (PA) and reinforce the knowledge, skills, and dispositions taught in physical education, particularly when some schools may perceive PA during the school day as competing with academic learning time. Before- and after-school PA programs can be offered directly by school staff, or in partnership with community organizations, and can include offerings like intramural sports, mileage clubs, active childcare programs, interscholastic sports, active transport initiatives, and PA clubs. Research findings suggest that before- and after-school programming can contribute meaningfully to children and adolescents’ daily PA accrual and offer additional benefits related to cognitive health and social-emotional wellbeing. Careful attention should be paid by program leaders and staff to the structure of these programs to maximize potential benefits for youth. The purpose of this article is to provide a brief summary of the research conducted to date on before- and after-school PA programs with a specific intention to extend the content reviewed since the last special issue of JOPERD on CSPAP nearly a decade ago (Beighle & Moore, 2012). In this article, we endeavor to translate the literature on before- and after-school PA programming and evidence of its impact into tangible strategies that school stakeholders can use to deliver these programs effectively in schools.
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This study sought to examine associations between (a) sports team participation, (b) lifestyle behaviors (e.g., sleeping, alcohol and tobacco use), and (c) dietary behaviors with self-reported academic achievement using data derived from the 2017 US National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. A multi-stage cluster sampling procedure was employed to obtain a representative sample of US adolescents from among whom the number with usable data was 14,765. We used weighted logistic regression models to examine the associations between sports participation, lifestyle behaviors, and diet with reported academic achievement (mostly A’s and B’s), adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, and race/ethnicity. After controlling for lifestyle behaviors, diet, and other potentially confounding variables, we found that adolescents participating in one or more sport teams throughout the past year also reported higher academic achievement (A’s and B’s) compared to adolescents participating in zero sports teams (OR = 1.39 to 2.40; p < 0.001). This relationship was dose dependent, as participating in multiple sports teams (i.e., > 3) showed a stronger association with academic achievement than participating on only one sports team (p < 0.001). Other independent behavioral correlates with similarly high grades included daily breakfast consumption (OR = 1.40, p < 0.001), sleeping at least eight hours per night (OR = 1.21, p < 0.001), and regular consumption of vegetables (OR = 1.56, p < 0.001) and salads (OR = 1.30, p < 0.001). We discuss the meaning and implication of these findings.
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The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the acute effect of vigorous physical activity on executive control in eighth grade students from the U.S. Participants were eighth grade students (N = 68; 26 girls, 42 boys) recruited from one middle school located in the Mountain West region of the U.S. Two groups of participants were assigned to receive either a vigorous physical activity or a sedentary condition within a counter-balanced cross-over design using a 2-week washout. Both groups were administered Trails Making Tests A (TMT-A) and B (TMT-B) at 20- and 25-minutes post-treatment, respectively. Mixed design ANOVA tests with repeated measures examined differences between treatments on TMT-A and TMT-B performance and the modifying effect of sex. Students who completed the physical activity condition displayed a faster time to completion on the TMT-B compared to students who completed the sedentary condition (Mean difference = −6.5 seconds, p = 0.026, d = 0.42). There were no differences between treatment groups on TMT-A and no sex × treatment interactions (p > 0.05). This pilot study suggests that vigorous physical activity may improve executive control in middle-school students and adds to the existent literature that continues to examine the emerging link between physical activity and cognition in school-based settings.
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Introduction Identifying a dose of physical activity (PA) that can improve cognitive function in children has important implications for school-day PA recommendations. Researchers and educators have interest in this link as it relates to both health and academic performance. This study examined the dose-response relationship between PA and improvement in cognition in a sample of fifth and sixth grade students. Methods Participants (n = 156) from eight classes each completed two of four different cognitive assessments on an iPad, both before and after exposure to one of four randomized, 10-min PA conditions (sedentary, light, moderate, and vigorous). Conditions were standardized through use of videos to lead movement, and participants wore accelerometers to confirm fidelity to PA condition. The four cognitive assessments were selected from the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery, and included Dimensional Change Card Sort, Flanker, Pattern Comparison, and Picture Sequence Memory tests. Hierarchical linear regression models were used to estimate the effects of condition on each test using an intention to treat analysis. Results Fidelity to PA condition was acceptable for sedentary and light conditions, but became less precise for moderate and vigorous conditions. No significant time by condition interaction was observed for any of the cognitive assessment scores. Conclusions Results did not substantiate a dose-response link between PA intensity and selected measures of cognitive function. More research is needed to investigate the potentially nuanced effects of short bouts of PA on cognitive functioning in children.
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Background Identifying factors that can influence young peoples’ physical activity and sedentary behaviors is important for the development of effective interventions. The family structure in which children grow up may be one such factor. As the prevalence of single parent and reconstituted families have increased substantially over the last decades, the objective of this study was to examine whether these family structures are differentially associated with young people’s MVPA, participation in organized sports and screen-time activities (screen-based passive entertainment, gaming, other screen-based activities) as compared to traditional nuclear families. Methods The data stem from the 2013/2014 “Health Behaviour in School- aged Children (HBSC) study”. A large Norwegian sample of 11–16 years old students (n = 4509) participated. Cluster-adjusted regression models were estimated using full information maximum likelihood with robust standard errors (MLR). Results After adjusting for covariates, living with a single parent was negatively associated with days/week with 60 min MVPA (b = −.39, 95%CI: −.58, −.20), and positively associated with hours/weekday of total screen time (b = .50, 95%CI: .08, .93). Young people living with a single parent were also more likely to report no participation in organized sports (OR = 1.40, 95%CI: 1.09, 1.79). Living in a reconstituted family was negatively associated with days/week with 60 min MVPA (b = −.31, 95%CI: −.53, −.08), and positively associated with hours/weekday of total screen time (b = .85, 95%CI: .37, 1.33). For all outcomes, the interaction effects of family structure with sex, and with having siblings were not statistically significant. For material affluence, a significant interaction effect was found for participation in organized sports (χ² [4] =13.9, p = .008). Those living in a reconstituted family with low or high material affluence had an increased risk for not participating in organized sports whereas those with medium material affluence did not. Conclusion This study suggests that living with a single parent or in reconstituted families was unfavorably associated with physical activity, sport participation and screen-based behaviors among Norwegian youth. The findings indicate that family structure could be an important factor to take into account in the development and testing of interventions. More in-depth research is needed to identify the mechanisms involved.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, diet, and academic achievement in a sample of adolescents from the US state of Nevada. A two-stage cluster random sampling method was used to recruit Nevadan adolescents (N = 4,625). The 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey was administered to students within public, private, and charter schools. Weighted multilevel generalized linear mixed effects models were employed to examine the relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, diet, and academic achievement. Additional analyses were run to examine the relationship between meeting multiple health behavior criteria with academic achievement. Data were collected in the US state of Nevada in 2015 and analyzed in the US state of Nevada in 2018. Adolescents who participated in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day had significantly higher odds of achieving mostly A’s and B’s (adjusted OR = 1.18; 95% C.I.: 1.02, 1.38; p=0.029). Additionally, adolescents who consumed salad weekly (adjusted OR = 1.24; 95% C.I.: 1.06, 1.46; p=0.007) and who consumed breakfast everyday (adjusted OR = 1.72; 95% C.I.: 1.48, 2.00; p<0.001) had higher odds of achieving mostly A’s and B’s. Finally, adolescents who reported meeting 3 or more health behavior criteria had significantly higher odds of achieving mostly A’s and B’s compared to adolescents meeting only 0-2 health behaviors (adjusted OR = 1.66; 95% C.I.: 1.44, 1.92; p<0.001). Self-reported physical activity, specific dietary behaviors, and meeting multiple health behavior criteria significantly related to academic achievement in adolescents.
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Acute physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity has been shown to improve cognitive functions in children. However, the empirical evidence associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children is still limited, in particular regarding which specific cognitive functions benefit. This study investigated the effects of an acute bout of physical activity on multiple aspects of executive functions (inhibition, switching, and visual working memory) in children with ADHD. Forty-six children (8-12 years old; 82.6% boys) were randomly assigned to either 15 minutes of acute exergaming (physical activity of moderate intensity) or to a control condition (sedentary). Executive function performance in inhibition, switching and visual working memory were assessed before and after each condition, using a modified version of both the Flanker and the Color Span Backwards Task. The results revealed that participants in the exergaming group performed significantly faster than those in the control group in terms of both inhibition and switching, but there was no significant difference in the accuracy of the two tasks nor in visual working memory performance. These findings suggest that acute physical activity utilizing exergaming has the potential to improve specific aspects of executive functions (reaction times in inhibition and switching) in children with ADHD.
Youth sport participation has been found to have many beneficial physical, psychological, and social consequences, as well as risks for those involved. If the benefits are to outweigh the detriments, youth sport must be thoughtfully constructed. Research can play a major role in understanding how to positively structure youth sport. This paper describes how the youth sport landscape has changed over the past 4 decades and how these changes may influence the outcomes of involvement. Critical issues of contemporary concern in youth sport that urgently need scientific attention include physically based issues (e.g., role of youth sport in combating physical inactivity, youth sport injuries), psychological issues (e.g., reducing stress and burnout, enhancing young athletes’ mental health), access and structural issues (e.g., lack of opportunities for poor and less-skilled youth), sport culture issues (e.g., the professionalization of youth sport, child safety, maltreatment and bullying), issues associated with significant others (e.g., coach, sport parent, and peer influences and needs), economic issues (e.g., youth sport as business), governmental and legislative issues (e.g., the need to become more politically active in the setting of policy, legislation, and funding), and translational science and program-evaluation issues (e.g., the need for research dissemination and evaluation research).
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sport participation on locus of control and academic performance among eighth-grade students. In the analysis, particular attention was placed on the differential effects of sport participation of racial and linguistic minority groups who often times lag behind. Participants were eighth graders from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Cohort (2006). Data were analyzed by employing path analysis with partial least square estimation and group analyses. Results showed the positive effects of sport participation on locus of control and reading and math performance among white and Hispanic groups while the effect was not significant for black and non-English-speaking students.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive relationship among physical activity, health-related fitness, and on-task classroom behavior in children using a discriminant function analysis. Method: Participants were a convenience sample of children (N = 533; Mage = 8.8 ± 1.9 years) recruited from 77 1st- through 5th-grade classrooms at 3 low-income schools in a capital city in the Southwest United States. Percent of the school day spent in sedentary behavior (%SED), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (%MVPA), and health-related fitness scores (body mass index [BMI] and Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run [PACER] laps) were assessed during school hours. Classrooms were observed for on-task behavior during the academic year with the use of 5-s momentary time sampling methodology. A discriminant function analysis was performed using a binary on-task behavior outcome, stratified by an 80% on-task behavior cut point. Results: The results yielded 1 function (r2 = .26, F = 13.1) explaining approximately one quarter of the total variance. The standardized function coefficients were -.29, .29, -.48, and .48 for %SED, %MVPA, BMI, and PACER laps, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the derived function for classifying a child into an on-task or off-task classroom were .79 and .73, respectively. Children who belonged to classrooms that achieved 80% on-task behavior displayed shorter times in sedentary behaviors (d = 1.01), lower BMI (d = 0.13), and higher PACER scores (d = 0.22) compared with children who belonged to off-task classrooms. Conclusion: School-day physical activity behaviors and health-related fitness scores can moderately discriminate children who belong to classrooms from low-income schools that are categorized as being sufficiently on task.