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Impacts of an Interdisciplinary Developmental Follow-Up Program on Neurodevelopment in Congenital Heart Disease: The CINC Study

Frontiers in Pediatrics

Abstract and Figures

Objectives: This study investigates the impact of an early systematic interdisciplinary developmental follow-up and individualized intervention program on the neurodevelopment of children with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) who required cardiac surgery. Study Design: We prospectively enrolled 80 children with CHD: 41 were already followed at our neurocardiac developmental follow-up clinic from the age of 4 months, while 39 were born before the establishment of the program and therefore received standard health care. We conducted cognitive, motor, and behavioral assessments at 3 years of age. We used one-way multivariate analyses of variance to compare the neurodevelopmental outcome of both groups. Results: Between-group analyses revealed a distinct neurodevelopmental profile with clinically significant effect size (P < 0.001, partial η² = 0.366). Children followed at our clinic demonstrated better receptive language performances (P = 0.048) and tended to show higher scores on visuo-constructive tasks (P = 0.080). Children who received standard health care exhibited greater performances in working memory tasks (P = 0.032). We found no group differences on global intellectual functioning, gross and fine motor skills, and behaviors. Referral rates for specific remedial services were higher in patients followed at our neurocardiac clinic compared to the historical cohort (P < 0.005). Conclusions: Overall, the impact of the developmental follow-up and individualized intervention program on neurodevelopmental outcomes remains subtle. Nevertheless, results, although limited by several factors, point toward an advantage for the children who took part in the program regarding receptive language skills over children who received standard health care. We hypothesize that group differences may be greater with growing age. Further research involving larger cohorts is needed to clearly assess the effectiveness of neurocardiac developmental follow-up programs at school age.
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published: 06 October 2020
doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.539451
Frontiers in Pediatrics | 1October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
Edited by:
Oswin Grollmuss,
Université Paris-Sud, France
Reviewed by:
Jo Wray,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for
Children National Health Service
(NHS) Foundation Trust,
United Kingdom
Benjamin Bierbach,
University Hospital Bonn, Germany
Anne Gallagher
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Pediatric Cardiology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Received: 01 March 2020
Accepted: 18 August 2020
Published: 06 October 2020
Fourdain S, Caron-Desrochers L,
Simard M-N, Provost S, Doussau A,
Gagnon K, Dagenais L,
Presutto É, Prud’homme J,
Boudreault-Trudeau A, Constantin IM,
Desnous B, Poirier N and Gallagher A
(2020) Impacts of an Interdisciplinary
Developmental Follow-Up Program on
Neurodevelopment in Congenital
Heart Disease: The CINC Study.
Front. Pediatr. 8:539451.
doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.539451
Impacts of an Interdisciplinary
Developmental Follow-Up Program
on Neurodevelopment in Congenital
Heart Disease: The CINC Study
Solène Fourdain1,2 , Laura Caron-Desrochers1,2, Marie-Noëlle Simard 1,3, 4, Sarah Provost 1,2 ,
Amélie Doussau4, Karine Gagnon4, Lynn Dagenais4, Émilie Presutto4,
Joëlle Prud’homme4, Annabelle Boudreault-Trudeau2, Ioana Medeleine Constantin1,2 ,
Béatrice Desnous5, Nancy Poirier1,4,6 and
Anne Gallagher1,2,4*on behalf of the CINC interdisciplinary team
1Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Department of Psychology, Université de
Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Clinique
d’Investigation Neurocardiaque (CINC), Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center, Montreal, QC, Canada, 5Division of
Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, La Timone Hospital, Marseille, France, 6Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal,
Montreal, QC, Canada
Objectives: This study investigates the impact of an early systematic interdisciplinary
developmental follow-up and individualized intervention program on the
neurodevelopment of children with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) who
required cardiac surgery.
Study Design: We prospectively enrolled 80 children with CHD: 41 were already
followed at our neurocardiac developmental follow-up clinic from the age of 4 months,
while 39 were born before the establishment of the program and therefore received
standard health care. We conducted cognitive, motor, and behavioral assessments at
3 years of age. We used one-way multivariate analyses of variance to compare the
neurodevelopmental outcome of both groups.
Results: Between-group analyses revealed a distinct neurodevelopmental profile with
clinically significant effect size (P<0.001, partial η2=0.366). Children followed at
our clinic demonstrated better receptive language performances (P=0.048) and
tended to show higher scores on visuo-constructive tasks (P=0.080). Children who
received standard health care exhibited greater performances in working memory tasks
(P=0.032). We found no group differences on global intellectual functioning, gross and
fine motor skills, and behaviors. Referral rates for specific remedial services were higher in
patients followed at our neurocardiac clinic compared to the historical cohort (P<0.005).
Conclusions: Overall, the impact of the developmental follow-up and individualized
intervention program on neurodevelopmental outcomes remains subtle. Nevertheless,
results, although limited by several factors, point toward an advantage for the children
who took part in the program regarding receptive language skills over children
Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
who received standard health care. We hypothesize that group differences may be
greater with growing age. Further research involving larger cohorts is needed to
clearly assess the effectiveness of neurocardiac developmental follow-up programs at
school age.
Keywords: congenital heart disease, neurodevelopment, neurocardiac program, early intervention,
interdisciplinary, preschool age, developmental assessment
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital
anomaly, affecting up to 1% of live births (14), with the more
severe cardiac malformations requiring surgery or catheter-based
interventions to ensure survival (5,6). Advances in prenatal
diagnosis, surgical techniques, and medical therapies have led
to a significant rise in the survival rates of children with CHD
(5,7). This, however, has been associated with an increase in long-
term neurodevelopmental comorbidity (7), with up to 50% of
children with CHD presenting impairment in motor, language,
and/or cognitive functions (819), along with behavioral
and psychosocial maladjustment (20). These comorbidities
generally limit academic achievement, employability, earnings,
and insurability, and ultimately reduce the quality of life of
patients and their families (10,2023).
Given the aforementioned comorbidities, several studies
have highlighted the need for an early and close developmental
follow-up of children with CHD (2429). In 2012, the American
Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics
recommended systematic developmental surveillance, screening,
and evaluation of patients with CHD throughout childhood
to promote early diagnosis, implement relevant supportive
strategies, and ultimately improve neurodevelopmental
prognosis (30). Subsequently, many cardiac developmental
follow-up programs have emerged in pediatric centers worldwide
(26,30,31). At the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center
(Montreal, QC, Canada), we founded the Clinique d’Investigation
Neurocardiaque (CINC) in 2013 to provide early systematic
and interdisciplinary developmental follow-up for all children
with critical CHD without genetic syndrome (e.g., trisomy 21).
The establishment of the CINC program (i.e., identification of
systematic time points for assessments, selection of assessment
tools, recruitment of clinicians, etc.) is grounded on evidence
from literature on the CHD population and similar clinical
populations (e.g., preterm), and is gradually refined and adjusted
according to probative research findings and hospital resources
(19). The CINC interdisciplinary team is composed of a nurse
practitioner coordinator, a pediatric cardiac surgeon, pediatric
neurologists, cardiologists, developmental pediatricians,
physical therapists, occupational therapists, a psychologist, a
speech-language pathologist, and a nutritionist. Our program
begins at the age of 4 months and consists of systematic and
standardized developmental assessments at multiple pre-
established ages. These include neurological and physical exams,
motor and cognitive assessments, as well as socio-affective and
behavioral screenings using parental questionnaires. While direct
participation of professionals varies across assessments (e.g.,
4-month neurologic exams are performed by developmental
pediatricians or pediatric neurologists and 24-month cognitive
and motor assessments are conducted by a neuropsychologist),
all clinicians are invited to interdisciplinary clinical meetings,
thus having a potential indirect involvement with every patient
regardless of age. The timeline of the CINC developmental
follow-up program is presented in Figure 1.
Early generalized and systematic intervention is also offered.
It includes educational support to the child’s family, such as
information about infant growth and development, explanations
of child behavior, and feedback from a professional on the
parents’ interaction with the child. Children may also obtain
additional care according to their specific needs, therefore based
on the results of the systematic assessments. This additional
care consists of individualized recommendations to parents for
educational activities, daily home exercises, or direct intervention
with a therapist. Data from the scientific literature and the
clinical experience of the CINC professionals have led to establish
fixed criteria to determine the child’s eligibility for further
intervention (19,32,33). For instance, a child performing below
the 10th percentile on the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (34) at
4 months will be considered at risk of gross motor delay (32,
33) and will receive individual sessions for motor intervention
with the physical therapist (35). Similarly, a child with a score
below the 2nd percentile in one scale of the MacArthur–Bates
Communicative Development Inventories (MBCDI) (36), at the
10th percentile on the Communicative Gestures scale of the
MBCDI, or below the 10th percentile in all of its scales will
receive an extensive language assessment by a speech-language
pathologist to determine the needs for speech therapy (19). A
score in the monitoring zone or below the cutoff at the Ages
and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition (37), will also lead to a
referral to a speech-language pathologist for evaluation. Finally,
a child showing a failure to thrive, that is, an insufficient weight
gain for age, an inappropriate weight loss, or a weight inferior
to the 2nd percentile according to standards of growth, will be
referred to a nutritionist.
In 2017, we published a case study (38) showing significant
motor improvement in a 12-month-old girl with complex CHD
who received early intervention with a physical therapist as
part of the CINC program. Recently, Fourdain and colleagues
described a substantial improvement of gross motor abilities in
CINC patients aged up to 24 months, particularly in children
at risk of motor delay who received physical therapy on a
regular basis (35). Although these results suggest a positive
impact of the CINC program, they could also be associated with
Frontiers in Pediatrics | 2October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
FIGURE 1 | Timeline of developmental follow-up from 4 to 42 months of age Clinique d’Investigation Neurocardiaque (CINC). Systematic screening and assessments
are represented in plain lines; additional examinations based on screening are represented in dotted lines. ASQ-3, Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third edition;
ASQ-SE, Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social–emotional; MBCDI, MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories; MCHAT, Modified Checklist for
Autism in Toddlers; BASC-2, Behavioral Assessment System for Children, Second Edition; SP, Sensory profile; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist.
spontaneous recovery after surgery (39,40). Further research
is therefore needed to quantify the benefits of neurocardiac
follow-up programs on neurodevelopment. To this end, this
study aimed to assess the impact of the CINC early systematic
interdisciplinary developmental follow-up and individualized
intervention program compared to standard health care on
motor, cognitive, and behavioral development in 3-year-old
children with critical CHD.
Patient Population
Since 2013, families of Sainte-Justine University Hospital
Center’s patients presenting with moderate to severe CHD
requiring cardiac surgery have been offered a referral to the
interdisciplinary neurocardiac clinic [Clinique d’Investigation
Neurocardiaque (CINC)]. Children with genetic syndromes (e.g.,
trisomy 21) and children with severe or profound intellectual
disability were not referred to the CINC as they already received
specialized services in thematic clinics or rehabilitation centers.
Since its opening, 16 (4%) families of the patients referred to
the CINC declined the developmental interdisciplinary follow-
up. Reasons for declining included being followed in another
pediatric hospital in the Montreal area for 3 (19%), being
followed in another specialized clinic in the Sainte-Justine
University Hospital Center for 2 (13%), having been referred
early to a pediatric rehabilitation center for 1 (6%), or being
satisfied with the standard health care for 1 (6%). Nine (56%)
families did not specify any reason for refusing the CINC follow-
up. Currently, we provide early systematic and interdisciplinary
developmental follow-ups to 338 children with CHD.
For this research study, we prospectively recruited a cohort
of 43 children with complex CHD, followed longitudinally at
the CINC. A total of 59 CINC patients were approached to
participate in the present study: 14 (23.7%) did not respond to
the invitation, 2 (3.4%) refused to participate due to lack of time,
and 43 (72.9%) accepted the invitation and were scheduled for a
research interdisciplinary standardized assessment at 3 years of
age. Two (4.7%) children did not offer sufficient collaboration
during the assessment to gather valid data. This resulted in 41
children whose data were included in this study and constituted
the Surveillance Group. Among these, 5 (12.2%) did not attend
the 4-month-old evaluation, 2 (4.9%) did not attend the 12-
month assessment, and 2 (4.9%) did not attend the 24-month
follow-up, with all children being present for at least two of
these assessments.
To compare neurodevelopmental outcomes at the age
of 3, we prospectively recruited a group of children with
moderate to severe CHD who were born before the CINC
was established and, as such, were not followed within the
clinic’s framework. These children received standard health care
(pre-established follow-ups with the cardiologist and regular
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Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
medical appointments with the pediatrician or family physician).
As for the CINC referral criteria, we only included children
who did not present genetic syndrome or severe or profound
intellectual disability. Among the 63 eligible families contacted
to participate in the study, 4 (6.3%) did not respond to the
invitation, 19 (30.2%) refused to participate, and 40 (63.5%)
accepted the invitation and were scheduled for the same research
interdisciplinary standardized assessment at 3 years of age. The
reasons provided when refusing to participate were lack of time
for 6 (31.6%), long distance between home and the hospital for 6
(31.6%), stating that the child has no developmental delay for 4
(21%), parent or child having to undergo surgery for 2 (10.5%),
and child being too afraid of hospitals for 1 (5.3%). One child did
not offer sufficient collaboration during the assessment to gather
valid data, resulting in 39 enrolled children who constituted the
Historical Control Group.
A description of the timeline of participants’ recruitment and
assessment is presented in Figure 2. The study was approved
by the institutional research ethics board of the Sainte-Justine
University Hospital Center. All participants’ parents gave written
informed consent.
Research Interdisciplinary Evaluations
Participants of the Surveillance Group and the Historical
Control Group received an interdisciplinary neurodevelopmental
evaluation as part of this research project. It included a cognitive
assessment by neuropsychologists (SF and LCD), a gross motor
assessment by a physical therapist (LD), a fine motor assessment
by occupational therapists (KG and JP), and a behavioral
assessment using a parental questionnaire. Interdisciplinary
research assessments were conducted at the Sainte-Justine
University Hospital Center during one full morning (90 min
for the cognitive assessment, and 15 and 60 min for the fine
and gross motor evaluations, respectively). Due to the young
age of the participants, parents were present in the room
with the child for the whole duration of the assessment. At
the end of the meeting, professionals provided to parents a
retroaction on the child’s cognitive and motor performances,
and behavioral skills during an interdisciplinary feedback session.
Finally, the assessment findings and the resulting relevant
recommendations were summarized in an interdisciplinary
written report.
Cognitive assessment was performed using the Wechsler
Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition
(WPPSI-IV) (41). For 3-year-olds, it includes three verbal
subtests (Receptive Vocabulary, Information, and Picture
Naming), two visuospatial subtests (Block Design and Object
Assembly), and two working memory subtests (Picture Memory
and Zoo Locations). It provides a global cognitive score
(Full-Scale IQ) as well as three primary index scales (Verbal
Comprehension, Visual Spatial, and Working Memory). Mean
performances of 10 [standard deviation (SD) =3] and
100 (SD =15) are expected on the subtest and scale
levels, respectively.
Gross motor skills were assessed using the Peabody
Developmental Motor Scale, Second Edition (PDMS-2)
(42), which includes three gross motor subtests (Stationary,
Locomotion, and Object Manipulation). It produces standard
scores (Mean =10; SD =3) for each subtest as well as
a Gross Motor Quotient (Mean =100; SD =15). Fine
motor assessment was done using the Manual Dexterity
scale of the Movement ABC, Second Edition (M-ABC-2)
(43). It measures manipulative skills through three subtests
(Posting Coins, Threading Beads, and Drawing Trail), each
providing a standard score (Mean =10; SD =3). The M-
ABC-2 also provides a Manual Dexterity composite score
(Mean =100; SD =15).
Behavioral assessment was performed using the Parent Rating
Scale of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second
Edition (BASC-2), preschool version (44). It provides a T
score (Mean =50; SD =10) for 12 syndrome scales and
four composite scales (Externalizing Problems, Internalizing
Problems, Behavioral Symptoms Index, and Adaptative Skills).
Perinatal, surgical, critical, and demographic variables were
collected from medical records for participants of both groups.
Anatomic CHD classification (45) and RACHS-1 scores (46)
were extracted from the descriptions of heart defects and
surgical procedures by a pediatric neurologist (BD). Information
regarding the use of remedial services was collected through
a parental report for both groups. For the Surveillance Group,
FIGURE 2 | Timeline of participants’ births (plain lines) and research assessments (dotted lines) for the Historical Control Group and the Surveillance Group.
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Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
additional information on remedial services was also retrieved
from the CINC records.
Statistical Analyses
Descriptive statistics [means, medians, SDs, and 95% confidence
intervals (95% CI)] were calculated for continuous variables,
and number of participants and percentages were calculated for
dichotomous and categorical variables. Unpaired t-tests, Mann–
Whitney U-tests, and Chi-squared tests were used to compare
both groups on continuous, categorical, and dichotomous
variables, respectively.
One-way multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) were
computed for intergroup comparisons on neurodevelopmental
assessment scores. Post-hoc unpaired t-tests were carried out to
identify significant differences between groups. Significance level
was set to α=0.05. Alpha adjustment for multiple comparisons
was done according to false discovery rate (47).
Patients’ Characteristics
A total of 80 participants were included in this study: 41
children in the Surveillance Group and 39 in the Historical
TABLE 1 | Clinical and demographical characteristics of infants with CHD.
Male sex, n37 (46.3) 17 (41.5) 20 (51.3) 0.38
Prenatal diagnosis, n41 (60.3) 23 (69.7) 18 (51.4) 0.12
Gestational age at birth, weeks 38.7 (1.8) 38.5 (1.8) 38.9 (1.9) 0.31
Birth weight, kg 3.2 (0.6) 3.08 (0.6) 3.2 (0.7) 0.23
Apgar score at 5 min 8.5 (1) 8.5 (1.1) 8.6 (0.9) 0.63
Confirmed genetic abnormality, n7 (9.3) 5 (13.5) 2 (5.3) 0.22
Cyanotic heart lesions, n46 (57.5) 26 (63.4) 20 (51.3) 0.27
Anatomic classification of CHDa,n0.35
Class I 50 (62.5) 28 (68.3) 22 (56.4)
Class II 25 (31.3) 10 (24.4) 15 (38.5)
Class III 2 (2.5) 1 (2.4) 1 (2.6)
Class IV 3 (3.8) 2 (4.9) 1 (2.6)
Primary cardiac surgery
Age at surgery, days 18 (67) 27 (143) 13 (30.8) 0.09
Cardiopulmonary bypass, n54 (76.1) 32 (84.2) 22 (66.7) 0.08
Cardiopulmonary bypass time, min 165 (80.4) 177 (100) 147.5 (32.2) 0.19
Open chest after surgery, n20 (31.3) 13 (37.1) 7 (24.1) 0.26
RACHS-1 scoreb,c,n0.29
Category 1 3 (3.8) 0 (0.0) 3 (8.1)
Category 2 30 (38.5) 16 (39.0) 14 (37.8)
Category 3 25 (32.1) 17 (41.5) 8 (21.6)
Category 4 18 (23.1) 6 (14.6) 12 (32.4)
Category 6 2 (2.6) 2 (4.9) 0 (0.0)
Primary hospital admission
Hospital length stay, days 17 (23) 20 (23) 16 (21.8) 0.44
Pediatric intensive care unit length stay, days 6.5 (5) 7 (5.5) 6 (5.3) 0.78
Maternal education level, n0.75
High school 24 (30.4) 13 (31.7) 11 (28.9)
Vocational school 21 (26.6) 11 (26.8) 10 (26.3)
College/university 34 (43) 17 (44.7) 17 (41.5)
Age at neurodevelopmental assessment, months 44.1 (1.2) 44.3 (1.2) 43.9 (1.2) 0.13
Data expressed as number of participants (percentages) for dichotomous and categorical variables and mean (SD) for continuous variables. Data for age at surgery,hospital length stay,
and PICU length stay are expressed as median (IQR).
aAnatomic classification of CHD defined according to Clancy et al. (45). Class I: two-ventricle heart without arch obstruction; class II: two-ventricle heart with arch obstruction; class III:
single-ventricle heart without arch obstruction, and class IV: single-ventricle heart with arch obstruction (45).
bData unavailable for two participants of the Historical Control Group.
cSurgical risk category defined according to Jenkins and Gauvreau (46).
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Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
Control Group. Perinatal, surgical, critical, and demographic
characteristics of the participants are presented in Table 1.
The most common heart defects were transposition of the
great arteries (39% in the Surveillance Group and 31% in the
Historical Control Group), coarctation of the aorta (14% in
the Surveillance Group and 28% in the Historical Control Group),
and Tetralogy of Fallot (17% in the Surveillance Group and 18%
in the Historical Control Group). We found a statistical tendency
for a greater proportion of children of the Surveillance Group
who required cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery compared
to the Historical Control Group (P=0.084). There were no
other differences in perinatal, surgical, critical, and demographic
characteristics between groups.
We found no differences between the 80 participants (41
in the Surveillance Group and 39 in the Historical Control
Group) and children who declined participation in the study
(16 CINC patients and 23 children born before the CINC was
established; all P>0.05) regarding sex or medical characteristics
(i.e., gestational age at birth, prenatal diagnosis, anatomic CHD
classification, birth weight, APGAR score at 5, age at surgery,
CPB time, hospital length stay, PICU length stay, and open chest
after surgery). No data were available regarding socio-economic
status for those who declined participation.
Based on parental reports, 14 (37%) children in the Historical
Control Group received at least one remedial service before
3 years of age through references within standard health
care. As expected, this rate was smaller compared to the
Surveillance Group, in which 37 (90%) children received at
least one remedial service before the age of 3, χ2=24.5,
P<0.001. Among the 14 children of the Historical Control
Group who received services, only 7 (50%) had met more than
one type of health professional, whereas 31 (84%) children
in the Surveillance Group had been followed by at least two
different health professionals, χ2=6.1, P=0.013. Physical
therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists,
and nutritionists were the most consulted professionals in
both groups. Among the 20 (49%) children in the Surveillance
Group who received speech and language therapy, 30% received
only indirect intervention, such as recommendations of daily
activities to stimulate language development, whereas 70%
received both indirect and direct speech therapy. In comparison,
only 5 (13%) children in the Historical Control Group
received services from a speech-language pathologist. A detailed
description of remedial services received in both groups is
presented in Table 2.
Cognitive, Motor, and Behavioral Results
The mean age at testing was similar in both groups (P=0.129)
with assessments at 43.9 months (SD =1.2) for the Historical
Control Group and at 44.3 months (SD =1.2) for the Surveillance
Group.Table 3 shows groups’ mean scores for cognitive, motor,
and behavioral measures. Each mean score, including indices
and subtests, was in the normal range, except for the Zoo
Locations subtest and the Working Memory Index, which were
both in the high average for the Historical Control Group.
Although in the normal range, distributions of gross motor
scores were slightly down shifted with an increased proportion
TABLE 2 | Participants’ characteristics relating to the use of remedial services.
Ever received remedial services, n37 (90) 14 (36.8)
Number of remedial services, n
One 6/37 (16.2) 7/14 (50)
Two 16/37 (43.2) 3/14 (21.4)
Three 8/37 (21.6) 3/14 (21.4)
Four 6/37 (16.2) 1/14 (7.1)
Five 1/37 (2.7) 0/14 (0)
Type of remedial services, n
Speech-language therapy 20/41 (49) 5/38 (13)
Physical therapy 37/41 (90) 7/38 (18)
Occupational therapy 15/41 (37) 8/38 (21)
Psychology therapy 0/41 (0) 2/38 (5)
Special educational support 3/41 (7) 1/38 (3)
Nutrition 17/41 (42) 4/38 (11)
Data expressed as sample size (percentages).
aData unavailable for one participant of the Historical Control Group.
of children performing under clinical cutoffs for both groups
[12 (31%) from the Historical Control Group and 7 (19%) from
the Surveillance Group performed equally to or below the 16th
percentile (1 SD or more below norms)].
Differences Between Groups
The one-way MANOVA revealed significant differences between
groups for performances on cognitive subtests, with a clinically
significant effect size, F(6, 57) =5.491, P<0.001; Wilk’s
3=0.634, partial η2=0.366. Post-hoc t-tests revealed that
the Surveillance Group performed better than the Historical
Control Group (P=0.048) on the Receptive Vocabulary subtest.
Individual results revealed that 3 (7%) children from the
Surveillance Group performed equally to or below the 16th
percentile (1 SD below mean), compared to 6 (16%) from the
Historical Control Group on this subtest. t-tests also showed a
statistical trend toward a greater score on the Object Assembly
subtest and a lower score on the Zoo Locations subtest in the
Surveillance Group compared to the Historical Control Group
(both P=0.08). We also found a significant group difference
in cognitive primary indices, F(4, 49) =3.449, P=0.013; Wilk’s
3=0.810, partial η2=0.190. Post-hoc comparisons indicated
that the mean score for the Working Memory Index was
significantly higher for the Historical Control Group compared
to the Surveillance Group (P=0.032), which is coherent with
the results obtained on the subtest level. We found no significant
effect of group on gross and fine motor scores as well as
behavioral scales.
Following the American Heart Association and the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommendations of systematic
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Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
TABLE 3 | Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with CHD.
Groups p-values
Mean of scores
Missing data
Mean of scores
Missing data
Cognition (WPPSI-IV)
Full-scale IQ (FSIQ) 100 (11.7) 4 (9.8) 100.9 (13) 0 (0) ns
Verbal comprehension index 93.3 (12.1) 1 (2.4) 97.4 (12.1) 0 (0) ns
Receptive vocabulary 11.4 (3.5) 9.5 (2.4) 0.048
Information 8.8 (3.2) 10 (2.9) ns
Picture naming 9 (3) 10 (2.4) ns
Visual spatial index 103.8 (13.5) 3 (7.3) 100.54 (11.6) 0 (0) ns
Block design 10.1 (2.5) 10.4 (2.2) ns
Object assembly 11.3 (2.8) 10 (2.8) 0.080
Working memory index 102.45 (12. 6) 8 (19.5) 111.1 (13.4) 7 (17.9) 0.032
Picture memory 10 (2.5) 10.9 (2.9) ns
Zoo locations 10.8 (3.2) 12.3 (2.9) 0.080
Gross motor (PDMS-2)
Gross motor quotient 94.6 (9.2) 5 (12.2) 94.1 (11.2) 0 (0) ns
Stationary 9.4 (2.1) 9.1 (2.4) ns
Locomotion 9.2 (2) 9.5 (2.3) ns
Object manipulation 8.9 (1.6) 8.6 (1.5) ns
Fine motor (M-ABC-2)
Manuel dexterity score 97.7 (12.3) 2 (4.9) 99.1 (14) 0 (0) ns
Posting coins 9.6 (2.39) 9.4 (3.2) ns
Threading beads 9.5 (3.15) 9.4 (2.9) ns
Drawing trail 8.8 (3) 9.6 (3.4) ns
Behavior (BASC-2) 10 (24.4) 6 (15.4)
Externalizing problems 48.5 (9) 51.1 (8.4) ns
Internalizing problems 55.3 (10.5) 53.4 (8.9) ns
Behavioral symptoms index 48.3 (8.65) 48. 5 (7) ns
Adaptative skills 54 (6.55) 54.9 (7.4) ns
Data expressed as mean (SD). Mean performances of 10 (SD =3) and 100 (SD =15) are expected on subtest and scale levels, respectively. p-values were calculated using unpaired
sample t-tests with alpha adjustment according to false discovery rate.
WPPSI-IV, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition; PDMS-2, Peabody Developmental Motor Scale, Second Edition; M-ABC-2, Movement ABC, Second
Edition; BASC-2, Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition.
developmental surveillance, screening, and evaluation of
children with CHD (30), many neurocardiac developmental
follow-up programs have emerged worldwide. The feasibility of
implementing such programs has been demonstrated (26,48)
and factors improving follow-ups have been investigated
(49,50). The benefits of early intervention in supporting
neurodevelopment have been shown in other clinical pediatric
populations (e.g., preterms, autistic children) (5155). Despite
variability with regard to the type of interventions (provided at a
clinic vs. home-based interventions) or professionals involved,
studies have demonstrated a positive impact of early intervention
programs compared to standard health care in enhancing
cognitive and behavioral outcomes of children born preterm
(5558). In comparison, literature on interventional effect in
CHD is only emerging but is gathering increasing attention. The
aim of the present study was to assess the impact of the CINC
early systematic interdisciplinary developmental follow-up
program on neurodevelopmental outcomes of preschoolers with
critical CHD compared to standard health care.
Cognitive and Language Skills
Children of the Surveillance Group and the Historical Control
Group demonstrated similar global intellectual functioning.
We found a significant difference, with clinically significant
effect size, in performances on the receptive vocabulary subtest
and a statistical tendency on the visuo-constructive subtest
between groups. These skills have been previously reported to
be impaired in children with CHD (16,19,5961). These results
suggest an advantage of the children who took part in the
CINC early systematic interdisciplinary developmental follow-up
program regarding receptive language competency compared to
children of the Historical Control Group who received standard
health care.
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Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
As part of their developmental follow-up and based on the
MBCDI screening results, 20 (49%) children of the Surveillance
Group were referred to a speech-language pathologist for
an extensive language assessment before the age of 3, with
70% who received both direct speech therapy and indirect
intervention in the form of recommendations to stimulate
language development. In comparison, only 5 (13%) parents of
children from the Historical Control Group reported receiving
services from a speech-language pathologist. These children
were referred only when a language delay was already observed
or if parental concerns were present, whereas all children of
the Surveillance Group underwent early systematic language
screening, which may result in earlier detection of language
impairments and higher referral rates. The individualized
intervention received by children from the Surveillance Group
may have strengthened the development of their receptive
language skills, as illustrated by a lower proportion of receptive
difficulties at the age of 3 (7% in the Surveillance Group compared
to 16% in the Historical Control Group being below 1 SD).
Additionally, we found that the children from the Surveillance
Group tend to have better visuo-constructive skills compared
to children from the Historical Control Group. Occupational
therapists of the CINC sometimes recommended visuospatial
and visuo-constructive activities for parents to perform with
their child, including shape sorting games and stacking toys,
to help stimulate perceptual–motor development and hand–
eye coordination abilities. However, it is not possible at this
point to state that we found an effect of the developmental
follow-up program or the specific individualized intervention on
these skills. This potential benefit in preserving the development
of visuo-constructive skills remains to be demonstrated.
Nonetheless, these results allow us to flag this set of competencies
for further assessment at a growing age.
Beyond the benefits of direct intervention, literature has
previously demonstrated the effects of a more global approach
in improving neurocognitive functions in children at risk
for developmental delay. For instance, several studies have
demonstrated that intervention programs including parental
support could benefit the neurodevelopment of preterm children
(55,58,62,63). In the CHD population, McCusker et al.
(64) have documented better cognitive and communicative
abilities in 8-month-old infants with CHD whose mother
participated in the Congenital Heart Disease Program. Through
psychoeducation, coaching, and therapy, this psychosocial
program notably aimed at promoting child development by
supporting maternal adjustment to the diagnosis and teaching
effective coping strategies. The Congenital Heart Disease
Program also demonstrated gains on measures of maternal
mental health and family functioning, which may indirectly
influence the child outcomes (65). In the CINC program,
psychoeducational support is systematically offered to parents.
Every visit is also an opportunity for parents to ask questions to
pediatric specialists. If needed, the nurse practitioner coordinator
also addresses parental concerns and offers additional support.
In addition to the potential impact of the individualized
direct intervention, the affective and psychoeducational support
given to parents may have had a beneficial effect on the
neurodevelopment of children with critical CHD. Additional
research is needed to investigate the potential benefits of the
CINC program in improving family well-being.
We found that children of the Surveillance Group showed
a significantly lower mean score on the Working Memory
Index compared to the children of the Historical Control
Group. However, this result should be taken with caution as
we cannot exclude that the high rate of missing data on this
scale could have biased group comparisons (see Table 3). For
a substantial number of children, we were not able to obtain
adequate collaboration to acquire valid data for the two subtests
composing this index (Zoo Locations and Picture Memory).
As frequently observed by assessors in both groups, these two
subtests specifically appeared to require substantial efforts from
the participants. The high number of missing values could have
resulted in an over-representation of the highest performances,
potentially explaining the mean performance in the high average
at the Working Memory Index for the Historical Control Group.
This could also have reduced statistical power, thus not reflecting
a true difference on memory span and working memory skills
between groups.
Gross and Fine Motor Functions
Overall, gross motor assessment revealed mean scores in the
normal range. However, this developmental domain still appears
as a specific area of concern, with 31% of the Historical Control
Group and 19% of the Surveillance Group performing equally to
or below the 16th percentile (1 SD or more below norms). In both
groups, gross motor disabilities were characterized by difficulties
with standing balance, decreased lower limbs strength, proximal
instability, and difficulty with hand–eye coordination. Although
some studies document a gradual improvement in gross motor
abilities up to the age of 3, difficulties in this domain persist
at school entry where gross motor impairment rate generally
exceeds normative expectations (9,66).
We found no significant differences between groups for gross
motor functions. Since gross motor impairments are known to
be the first manifestations of altered neurodevelopment in infants
with CHD, it is possible that family physicians and pediatricians,
even outside specialized clinics, may be successful at detecting
these difficulties and thus accurately referred patients to relevant
rehabilitation services or offer parental recommendations on
how to foster the child’s motor development (67). Based on
parental reports, 18% of children in the Historical Control Group
had received treatments with a physical therapist in addition
to the standard health care, physical therapy being one of the
most frequently received interventional services. This could have
preserved their gross motor skills and may explain the absence
of significant differences between groups. As discussed by Kynø
et al. (68) in the preterm population, the standard care offered
to all patients with CHD at the pediatric intensive care unit
(e.g., nesting, post-surgical positioning program, parents present
as much as possible, etc.) may also have supported the child’s
development, therefore reducing outcome differences between
groups. Nevertheless, the greater proportion of children in the
Historical Control Group performing below the 1 SD cutoff
suggests that children who did not undergo early systematic
Frontiers in Pediatrics | 8October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
interdisciplinary developmental follow-ups are at higher risk for
gross motor impairments compared to children who took part in
the CINC program. We cannot exclude either that this absence
of significant statistical differences in gross motor skills could be
due to the small sample size.
Regarding fine motor functions, occupational therapists have
observed limitations in the proximal stability of the upper limbs
in a significant proportion of children from both groups. These
limitations caused distal tremors and difficulties with motor
coordination. Children seemed to succeed in compensating for
these difficulties with both groups performing within the normal
range in fine motor tasks. However, children frequently exhibited
non-voluntary mouth movements, revealing that these tasks
required substantial efforts. In future studies, systematic video
recordings of children’s evaluations could help analyze qualitative
observations from specialists and thus allow the tracing of a
more subtle neurodevelopmental profile. We hypothesize that
these subtle limitations may progress into significant deficits
with growing environmental demands. Conducting a follow-up
at school age is thus crucial to document the developmental
trajectory and to detect motor difficulties that could arise and
significantly impact schooling and social life (9).
Behavioral Functioning
Children of the Surveillance Group and the Historical Control
Group demonstrated similar results on the BASC-2, revealing
behavioral functioning in the normative range for both groups.
At that age, only 2 children (5%) of the Historical Control Group
and no children from the Surveillance Group received services
from a psychologist. However, as it is integrated within the
CINC systematic program, psychologists conduct the 24-month-
old developmental evaluation and thus have the possibility to
provide parental counseling and psychological support without
the need to refer the family to external psychological therapy.
During the evaluation, assessors observed behavioral regulation
issues (e.g., oppositional behaviors, hyperactivity, and difficulties
to mobilize cognitive resources) that have not been reported
in the parental questionnaire. Based on our experience and the
literature, behavioral issues appear gradually with age in children
with CHD and become more salient to parents when the child
enters school. We are following these children and expect parents
to report more behavioral issues at school age.
Use of Remedial Services
Referral rates for interventional services were higher in children
who took part in our interdisciplinary developmental follow-
up program (90%) compared to children who received standard
health care (37%). These referral rates are in accordance with a
previous study we conducted on a subsample of CINC patients
where we reported that 79% were identified at the age of 4
months to be at high risk for gross motor delay and were referred
to the CINC physical therapist for interventional treatment
(35). In the current literature, apart from recognizing that
the prevalence of children with CHD who need interventional
services largely exceeds that of healthy children, there is no
clear consensus regarding the referral rate for additional care,
which depends on available public health resources as well
as insurance coverage (50). For instance, Mussatto et al. (39)
reported that 74% of 3-year-old children with CHD received
remedial services from US regional early intervention programs
or private therapy, and Calderon et al. (69) indicated that 53%
of 5-year-old children with CHD from the Paris area received
at least one rehabilitation service. Another study revealed that
40–95% of 8-year-old children with CHD who exhibited specific
developmental delays did not receive the relevant services (28).
In light of these findings, we think that an early systematic
developmental follow-up program results in a potential earlier
detection of neurodevelopmental impairments associated with
CHD, thus generating higher referral rates and at an earlier age.
However, this remains to be documented, and the relevance of
higher referral rates to be demonstrated in future studies.
Clinical Characteristics
While no statistical differences were found for most perinatal,
surgical, and critical characteristics between groups, a greater
proportion of children of the Surveillance Group required
cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery. This factor has
been shown to be associated with worse neurodevelopmental
outcomes (61,70,71). Children from the Surveillance Group
may have been at higher risk of neurologic sequelae after
surgery, thus affecting their neurodevelopmental outcome.
The higher neurological burden of the CINC patients may
have contributed to blurring group differences. More clinically
equivalent groups may lead to greater effects of interventional
treatment between groups.
First, the small sample size may have prevented us from
clearly demonstrating an advantage of the interdisciplinary
developmental follow-up program over the existing standard
health care, and limits the generalization of our findings to the
whole complex CHD population. The sample size was restricted
in accordance with the hospital’s flow of patients with CHD.
Specifically, the Historical Control Group was recruited and tested
at a time period overlapping the beginning of the CINC program.
Therefore, we reached a maximal sample size since all children
subsequently born with a critical CHD were referred to the CINC.
Second, the use of a historical control group may have introduced
biases due to a different time of enrollment. Although no major
changes in cardiac care (e.g., cardiac surgeon) occurred in the
hospital over this timeframe, subtle changes may have influence
group differences. We might also have conducted the evaluation
too early in the developmental stage to observe significant
differences in high-level cognitive functions, fine motor abilities,
and behavior. We cannot exclude that the CINC program may
have longer-term impacts that would be more precisely measured
in an older cohort as opposed to preschoolers, thus stressing
the importance of following these children up to school age
and even later on. Finally, because evaluations were performed
by the CINC professionals and served for the clinical follow-
up of the CINC patients, it is to be noted that examiners were
not blind to the children’s group, which might have induced an
assessment bias.
Frontiers in Pediatrics | 9October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
Fourdain et al. Impacts of Neurocardiac Follow-Up Program
Results suggest that the CINC early systematic and
interdisciplinary developmental follow-up program might
prevent the emergence of receptive language difficulties
in preschoolers. While these results are promising, they
remain subtle at this age and several factors limit their
generalization. It is therefore crucial to assess the impact of
early systematic developmental follow-ups at school age when
this impact might be greater and higher-order functions and
learning abilities can be assessed. At the CINC, subsequent
follow-ups occur at 5 and 8 years of age, with extensive
motor, cognitive, and language assessments performed by
occupational therapists, neuropsychologists, and speech-
language pathologists, respectively. In addition, we are currently
following the children from the Historical Control Group, who
are now starting to turn 8 years, and we have been able to recruit
more children in this group to increase statistical power. This
second phase of the current study will allow us to more accurately
assess the impact of our early systematic developmental program
at school age.
While neurodevelopmental assessments show that cognitive,
motor, and behavioral development of children with critical
CHD appears globally within the normal range prior to
entry at school, it is not to exclude that subtle limitations
may progress into deficits at school age with growing
environmental demands. Early systematic assessments with an
interdisciplinary team therefore appear to be of great importance
to document the developmental trajectory of these functions
and to detect subtle impairments that may have a functional
impact on behavior, learning, social functioning, and quality
of life.
The datasets generated for this study will not be made publicly
available due to patient confidentiality.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Board of the
Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center. Written informed
consent to participate in this study was provided by the
participants’ legal guardian/next of kin.
SF participated in designing the study and data collection,
conducted the analysis, drafted the initial manuscript, and
reviewed and revised the manuscript. LC-D participated in
data collection and analysis, drafted the initial manuscript, and
reviewed and revised the manuscript. M-NS contributed to
the analysis and reviewed and revised the manuscript. AD,
KG, LD, ÉP, and JP contributed to the design of the study,
collected the data, and reviewed and revised the manuscript. SP,
AB-T, and IC contributed to the data collection and reviewed
and revised the manuscript. NP contributed to the design
of the study and reviewed and revised the manuscript. AG
conceptualized and designed the study, supervised the collection
of the data, contributed to the draft of the initial manuscript,
and revised and critically reviewed the manuscript for important
intellectual content. All authors approved the final manuscript
as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of
the work.
This work was supported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
Canada under grant numbers G-16-00012606 and G-17-0018253
as well as a Canada Research Chair held by AG and by Garnier
Kids Foundation.
We are grateful to the families who participated in the CINC
study. We also thank all the staff of the Clinique d’Investigation
Neurocardiaque (CINC) of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital
Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Laurence Beaulieu-Genest,
MD, Valérie Deslauriers, BSc, Erg, Amélie Fauvelle, MSc,
Erg, Marie-Michèle Gagnon, MSc, PT, Julien Harvey, MSc,
SLP, Julien Leroux, DPs, Psych, Magdalena Jaworski, MD,
Geneviève Lupien, BSc, PT, Manuela Materassi, BSc, PT,
Christine Montmigny, BSc, PT, Perrine Peckre, BSc, Erg, Elana
Pinchefsky, MD, Anne-Marie-Vermette, BSc, RD, and Marie-
Claude Vinay, PhD, Psych. We give particular credit to Lionel
Carmant, MD, for his involvement in co-founding the CINC
and his contribution throughout every step of this study. In
memory of our friend and outstanding pediatric neurologist Ala
Birca, MD.
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Frontiers in Pediatrics | 11 October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
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Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
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Copyright © 2020 Fourdain, Caron-Desrochers, Simard, Provost, Doussau, Gagnon,
Dagenais, Presutto, Prud’homme, Boudreault-Trudeau, Constantin, Desnous,
Poirier and Gallagher. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
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Frontiers in Pediatrics | 12 October 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 539451
... The 35 publications included in the scoping review comprised 33 different studies. Of these, 21 studies examined the implementation of specific programmes or care pathways for neurodevelopmental follow-up care, [27][28][29][31][32][33][34][35][36][38][39][40]42,44,[47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54]56 and 12 studies reported on surveys or overviews of current clinical practices in neurodevelopmental follow-up. 9,[13][14][15][16]30,37,41,43,45,46,55 Implementation and evaluation of follow-up programmes or care pathways All studies were published after 2011, with most (15 out of 21) conducted since 2018. ...
... 9,[13][14][15][16]30,37,41,43,45,46,55 Implementation and evaluation of follow-up programmes or care pathways All studies were published after 2011, with most (15 out of 21) conducted since 2018. Fourteen of the studies reported on neurodevelopmental care pathways or programmes based in the USA, 27,[32][33][34][35][36][38][39][40]42,44,[46][47][48][49] with four in Canada, [50][51][52]56 two in Australia, 31,53,54 and one in Europe. 28,29 All were observational in design, with only four studies using comparator groups. ...
... 28,29 All were observational in design, with only four studies using comparator groups. 32,35,39,51 Most studies were small, involving fewer than 100 children. However, one study reported on outcomes for more than 650 children over a 15-year period. ...
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Aim To identify and map evidence describing components of neurodevelopmental follow‐up care for children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Method This was a scoping review of studies reporting components of neurodevelopmental follow‐up programmes/pathways for children with CHD. Eligible publications were identified through database searches, citation tracking, and expert recommendations. Two independent reviewers screened studies and extracted data. An evidence matrix was developed to visualize common characteristics of care pathways. Qualitative content analysis identified implementation barriers and enablers. Results The review included 33 studies. Twenty‐one described individual care pathways across the USA (n = 14), Canada (n = 4), Australia (n = 2), and France (n = 1). The remainder reported surveys of clinical practice across multiple geographical regions. While heterogeneity in care existed across studies, common attributes included enrolment of children at high‐risk of neurodevelopmental delay; centralized clinics in children's hospitals; referral before discharge; periodic follow‐up at fixed ages; standardized developmental assessment; and involvement of multidisciplinary teams. Implementation barriers included service cost/resourcing, patient burden, and lack of knowledge/awareness. Multi‐level stakeholder engagement and integration with other services were key drivers of success. Interpretation Defining components of effective neurodevelopmental follow‐up programmes and care pathways, along with enhancing and expanding guideline‐based care across regions and into new contexts, should continue to be priorities. What this paper adds Twenty‐two different neurodevelopmental follow‐up care pathways/programmes were published, originating from four countries. Twelve additional publications described broad practices for neurodevelopmental follow‐up across regions Common attributes across eligibility, service structure, assessment processes, and care providers were noted. Studies reported programme acceptability, uptake, cost, and effectiveness. Implementation barriers included service cost/resourcing, patient burden, and lack of knowledge/awareness.
... In CHD, one postnatally-delivered psychological intervention targeting mothers demonstrated efficacy in improving infant mental development at age 6 months (198), but this benefit was not sustained (159). Neurocognitive interventions delivered later in life, for children or adolescents with CHD, have had only limited success (199)(200)(201). ...
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Neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) is recognised as one of the most common comorbidities in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) and is associated with altered brain structure and growth throughout the life course. Causes and contributors underpinning the CHD and NDD paradigm are not fully understood, and likely include innate patient factors, such as genetic and epigenetic factors, prenatal haemodynamic consequences as a result of the heart defect, and factors affecting the fetal-placental-maternal environment, such as placental pathology, maternal diet, psychological stress and autoimmune disease. Additional postnatal factors, including the type and complexity of disease and other clinical factors such as prematurity, peri-operative factors and socioeconomic factors are also expected to play a role in determining the final presentation of the NDD. Despite significant advances in knowledge and strategies to optimise outcomes, the extent to which adverse neurodevelopment can be modified remains unknown. Understanding biological and structural phenotypes associated with NDD in CHD are vital for understanding disease mechanisms, which in turn will advance the development of effective intervention strategies for those at risk. This review article summarises our current knowledge surrounding biological, structural, and genetic contributors to NDD in CHD and describes avenues for future research; highlighting the need for translational studies that bridge the gap between basic science and clinical practice.
... 5 There is also growing evidence of the effectiveness of early interventions in the CHD population. 6,7 Moreover, children and families can be offered support, resources, and strategies to functionally adapt to some challenges that cannot be remediated. 8 In an effort to optimise the developmental trajectories of children with CHD, the American Heart Association released a statement emphasising the importance of systematic follow-up services for all children with CHD. 9 This statement indicated that follow-up care for high-risk children with CHD should include surveillance (monitoring of parents' concerns over time), screening (questionnaires), and formal evaluations. ...
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Background: Parents of children with CHD face several barriers when trying to access the services needed to support their child's development. In fact, current developmental follow-up practices may not identify developmental challenges in a timely manner and important opportunities for interventions may be lost. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of parents of children and adolescents with CHD with respect to developmental follow-up in Canada. Methods: Interpretive description was used as a methodological approach for this qualitative study. Parents of children aged 5-15 years with complex CHD were eligible. Semi-structured interviews that aimed to explore their perspectives regarding their child's developmental follow-up were conducted. Results: Fifteen parents of children with CHD were recruited for this study. They expressed that the lack of systematic and responsive developmental follow-up services and limited access to resources to support their child's development placed an undue burden on their families, and as a result, they needed to assume new roles as case managers or advocates to address these limitations. This additional burden resulted in a high level of parental stress, which, in turn, affected the parent-child relationship and siblings. Conclusions: The limitations of the current Canadian developmental follow-up practices put undue pressure on the parents of children with complex CHD. The parents stressed the importance of implementing a universal and systematic approach to developmental follow-up to allow for the timely identification of challenges, enabling the initiation of interventions and supports and promoting more positive parent-child relationships.
... 135 In the Clinique d'Investigation Neuro-Cardiaque (CINC) study, the use of early developmental follow-up programs has resulted in early therapeutic interventions, such as physical, occupational, speech, and language therapy, which resulted in significantly improved ND performance of infants with CHD. 136 In another example, early intervention in an extreme case of a premature CHD infant with preoperative motor delay and a perioperative Rolandic stroke involving the primary motor cortex was associated with the child having normal motor function at 12 months of age, which was attributed to the enhancement of neuroplasticity through early-life stimulation. 137 With enthusiasm, ND outcomes have improved only modestly over time in CHD survivors who had infant cardiovascular surgery, after adjusting for innate patient risk factors. ...
Advances in cardiac surgical techniques taking place over the past 50 years have resulted in the vast majority of children born with congenital cardiac malformations now surviving into adulthood. As the focus shifts from survival to the functional outcomes of our patients, it is increasingly being recognized that a significant proportion of patients undergoing infant cardiac repair experience adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. The etiology of abnormal brain development in the setting of congenital heart disease is poorly understood, complex and likely multifactorial. Furthermore, the efficacy of therapies available for the learning disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders and other neurodevelopmental deficits complicating congenital heart disease are currently uncertain. This situation presents a challenge for prenatal counselling, as current antenatal testing does not usually provide prognostic information regarding the likely neurodevelopmental trajectories of individual patients. However, we believe it is important for parents to be informed about potential issues with child development when a new diagnosis of congenital heart disease is disclosed. Parents deserve a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to this subject, which conveys the uncertainties involved in predicting the severity of any developmental disorders encountered, while emphasizing the improvements in outcomes that have already been achieved in infants with congenital heart disease. A balanced approach to counselling should also discuss what local arrangements are in place for neurodevelopmental follow‐up. This review presents an up‐to‐date overview of neurodevelopmental outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease, providing possible approaches to communicating this information to parents during prenatal counselling in a sensitive and accurate manner. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... 84,85 Third, families should be supported by an interdisciplinary team of professionals in adherence to cardiological and neurodevelopmental follow-up appointments. 86 Surveillance of eligible patients during hospital stay by the developmental team and educating parents about the need for follow-up visits result in significantly higher follow-up rates. 87 Before hospital discharge, socioeconomic barriers to these screenings need to be identified. ...
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Objective To compare the use of neonatal conventional brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with that of clinical factors and socioeconomic status (SES) to predict long-term neurodevelopment in children with severe congenital heart disease (CHD). Study design In this prospective cohort study, perioperative MRIs were acquired in 57 term-born infants with CHD undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery during their first year of life. Total brain volume (TBV) was measured using an automated method. Brain injury severity (BIS) was assessed by an established scoring system. Neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed at 6 years using standardized test batteries. A multiple linear regression model was calculated for cognitive and motor outcomes with TBV, BIS, CHD complexity, length of hospital stay, and SES as covariates. Results CHD diagnoses included univentricular heart defect (n = 15), transposition of the great arteries (n = 33), and acyanotic CHD (n = 9). Perioperative moderate to severe brain injury was detected in 15 (26%) patients. Total intelligence quotient (IQ) was similar to test norms (P = 0.11), whereas total motor score (P < 0.001) was lower. Neither postoperative TBV nor perioperative BIS predicted total IQ, but SES (P < 0.001) and longer hospital stay (P = 0.004) did. No factor predicted motor outcome. Conclusion Although the predictive value of neonatal conventional MRIs for long-term neurodevelopment is low, duration of hospital stay and SES better predict outcome in this CHD sample. These findings should be considered in initiating early therapeutic support.
... 2,25,26 These efforts to improve systematic surveillance of children with high-risk CHD through neurodevelopmental programmes may be responsible for a nearly threefold increase in referral rates to interventional services. 27 However, there is considerable variability across cardiac neurodevelopmental followup care programmes with respect to assessment tools and standards for evaluation. 24 Given patients with CHD are at elevated risk for psychosocial and neurodevelopmental difficulties throughout the lifespan, particular attention to transition to adult cardiac care is warranted. ...
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Children with CHD are at risk for psychosocial and neurodevelopmental difficulties, as well as lapses in care during their transition from paediatric to adult CHD providers. The American Heart Association and American Academy of Pediatrics released guidelines for best practices in the neurodevelopmental and transitional care for children with CHD in 2012 and 2011, respectively. CHD providers from 48 (42.1% response rate) geographically diverse cardiac clinics completed a 31-item electronic survey designed to assess the cardiac teams’ consistency with neurodevelopmental evaluation and management recommendations, consultation/liaison patterns for psychosocial services, and procedures regarding transitional services for emerging adults. Responses suggest most cardiac teams refer patients to psychosocial services as needed, and 39.6% of teams screen for psychosocial distress. CHD providers at 66.7% of cardiac clinics reported a formal neurodevelopmental programme/clinic. Nearly half of cardiac teams conduct routine neurodevelopmental evaluations, most frequently occurring at 9 months of age. Less than 10% of cardiac clinics have resources to meet the American Heart Association and American Academy of Pediatrics 2012 neurodevelopmental evaluation and management guidelines. Formal paediatric to adult CHD transition programmes were reported at 70.8% of cardiac clinics and were associated with younger ages of transition to adult CHD care. Care practices varied across the 48 represented cardiac clinics, indicating inconsistent practices for patients with CHD. Barriers and facilitators to the provision of care for children in these areas were reported and are presented. More support is needed for cardiac clinics to continue improvements in psychosocial, neurodevelopmental, and transitional care services.
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Introduction Preschoolers and school-aged children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at higher risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared with the general population. To this day, no randomised controlled trial (RCT) aiming to improve attention has been conducted in young children with CHD. There is emerging evidence indicating that parent–child yoga interventions improve attention and reduce ADHD symptoms in both typically developing and clinical populations. Methods and analysis This is a single-blind, two-centre, two-arm trial during which 24 children with CHD and their parents will be randomly assigned to (1) a parent–child yoga intervention in addition to standard clinical care or (2) standard clinical care alone. All participants will undergo standardised assessments: (1) at baseline, (2) immediately post-treatment and (3) 6 months post-treatment. Descriptive statistics will be used to estimate the feasibility and neurodevelopmental outcomes. This feasibility study will evaluate: (1) recruitment capacity; (2) retention, drop-out and withdrawal rates during the yoga programme and at the 6-month follow-up; (3) adherence to the intervention; (4) acceptability of the randomisation process by families; (5) heterogeneity in the delivery of the intervention between instructors and use of home-based exercises between participants; (6) proportion of missing data in the neurodevelopmental assessments and (7) SD of primary outcomes of the full RCT in order to determine the future appropriate sample size. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval has been obtained by the Research Ethics Board of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital. The findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and presented to the Canadian paediatric grand round meetings. Trial registration number NCT05997680 .
A 2012 American Heart Association statement concluded that children with CHD are at an increased risk for neurodevelopmental delays. Routine surveillance and evaluation throughout childhood are recommended. To assess paediatric cardiologist compliance with American Heart Association guidelines and developmental referral practices, a survey was distributed to paediatric cardiologists nationwide (n = 129). The majority of participants (69%) stated they were somewhat familiar or not familiar with the American Heart Association statement and were concerned about patients not being properly referred to specialists for developmental evaluation. Forty paediatric cardiologists (31%) indicated that their institution did not have a neurodevelopmental cardiology programme. Of these, 25% indicated they generally did not refer CHD patients for neurodevelopmental evaluation, 45% performed surveillance and referred if warranted, and 30% generally referred all patients for surveillance. Lastly, 43% of paediatric cardiologists did not feel responsible for developmental surveillance, and 11% did not feel responsible for referrals. To ensure all children with CHD are appropriately screened and referred, paediatricians and cardiologists must work together to address differing impressions of accountability for surveillance and screening of children with CHD.
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Purpose: This retrospective study aims to describe the gross motor development of children aged 4 to 24 months with congenital heart disease (CHD) enrolled in a systematic developmental follow-up program and to describe the frequency of physical therapy sessions they received between 4 and 8 months of age. Methods: Twenty-nine infants with CHD underwent motor evaluations using the AIMS at 4 months, and the Bayley-III at 12 and 24 months. Results: Based on AIMS, 79% of 4-month-old infants had a gross motor delay and required physical therapy. Among these, 56.5% received one to two physical therapy sessions, and 43.5% received three to six sessions. Infants who benefited from regular interventions tended to show a better improvement in motor scores from 12 to 24 months. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of early motor screening in infants with CHD and suggests a potential benefit of early physical therapy in at-risk children. Abbreviations: CHD: Congenital heart disease; AIMS: Alberta Infant Motor Scales; Bayley-III: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third edition; Bayley-III/GM: Gross Motor section of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third edition
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Neurodevelopmental (ND) impairment is common in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). While routine ND surveillance and evaluation of high-risk patients has become the standard-of-care, capture rate, barriers to referral, and potential patient benefits remain incompletely understood. Electronic data warehouse records from a single center were reviewed to identify all eligible and evaluated patients between July 2015 and December 2017 based on current guidelines for ND screening in CHD. Diagnoses, referring provider, and payor were considered. Potential benefit of the evaluation was defined as receipt of new diagnosis, referral for additional evaluation, or referral for a new service. Contingencies were assessed with Fisher's exact test. In this retrospective, cohort study, of 3434 children identified as eligible for ND evaluation, 135 were evaluated (4%). Appropriate evaluation was affected by diagnostic bias against coarctation of the aorta (CoArc) and favoring hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) (1.8 vs. 11.9%, p<0.01). Referrals were disproportionally made by a select group of cardiologists, and the rate of ND appointment non-compliance was higher in self-pay compared to insured patients (78% vs 27%, p<0.01). Potential benefit rate was 70-80% amongst individuals with the three most common diagnoses requiring neonatal surgery (CoArc, transposition of the great arteries, and HLHS). Appropriate ND evaluation in CHD is impacted by diagnosis, provider, and insurance status. Potential benefit of ND evaluation is high regardless of diagnosis. Strategies to improve access to ND evaluations and provider understanding of the at-risk population will likely improve longitudinal ND surveillance and clinical benefit.
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This longitudinal study aims to describe the trajectory of language development in children with CHD aged 12–24 months assessed through an early monitoring and individualized intervention program. We also sought to determine whether early language performances, at 12 months of age, predict 24-month language abilities. We conducted developmental assessments of 49 children with CHD using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Developmental, third edition (Bayley-III) at 12 and 24 months, and the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MBCDI) at 12, 18 and 24 months. Compared to normative populations, CHD patients showed significantly lower mean scores in both receptive and expressive language scales of the Bayley-III and the MBCDI at 12 months, whereas at 18 and 24 months only expressive language scores were reduced. No differences were found in the cognitive scale. Communicative gestures at 12 months were significantly predictive of language skills at 24 months of age. Our findings indicate specific vulnerability of language outcome, especially in expressive skills, rather than a global cognitive impairment in our patients with CHD. We recommend using communicative gestures as an early marker of language development to improve our ability to detect language delays in this population.
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Background Globally, access to healthcare and diagnostic technologies are known to substantially impact the reported birth prevalence of congenital heart disease (CHD). Previous studies have shown marked heterogeneity between different regions, with a suggestion that CHD prevalence is rising globally, but the degree to which this reflects differences due to environmental or genetic risk factors, as opposed to improved detection, is uncertain. We performed an updated systematic review to address these issues. Methods Studies reporting the birth prevalence of CHD between the years 1970–2017 were identified from searches of PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Data on the prevalence of total CHD and 27 anatomical subtypes of CHD were collected. Data were combined using random-effect models. Subgroup and meta-regression analyses were conducted, focused on geographical regions and levels of national income. Results Two hundred and sixty studies met the inclusion criteria, encompassing 130 758 851 live births. The birth prevalence of CHD from 1970–2017 progressively increased to a maximum in the period 2010–17 of 9.410/1000 [95% CI (confidence interval) 8.602–10.253]. This represented a significant increase over the fifteen prior years (P = 0.031). The change in prevalence of mild CHD lesions (ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus) together explained 93.4% of the increased overall prevalence, consistent with a major role of improved postnatal detection of less severe lesions. In contrast the prevalence of lesions grouped together as left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (which includes hypoplastic left heart syndrome) decreased from 0.689/1000 (95% CI 0.607–0.776) in 1995–99, to 0.475/1000 (95% CI 0.392–0.565; P = 0.004) in 2010–17, which would be consistent with improved prenatal detection and consequent termination of pregnancy when these very severe lesions are discovered. There was marked heterogeneity among geographical regions, with Africa reporting the lowest prevalence [2.315/1000 (95% CI 0.429–5.696)] and Asia the highest [9.342/1000 (95% CI 8.072–10.704)]. Conclusions The reported prevalence of CHD globally continues to increase, with evidence of severe unmet diagnostic need in Africa. The recent prevalence of CHD in Asia for the first time appears higher than in Europe and America, where disease ascertainment is likely to be near-complete, suggesting higher genetic or environmental susceptibility to CHD among Asian people.
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Objectives: We aimed to compare preterm, neurodevelopmentally disordered and healthy full-term children. Methods: We enrolled 47 children who were born preterm, 40 neurodevelopmentally disordered children, and 80 healthy children as control participants, in order to assess the cognitive functioning and the risk of behavioral problems at the age of 5. Children were assessed using the Korean Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-4th edition (K-WPPSI-IV), the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Results: The mean K-WPPSI-IV score of the preterm group was 87.19±17.36, which was significantly higher than that of the neurodevelopmental disorder group (69.98±28.63; p<0.001) but lower than that of the control group (107.74±14.21; p<0.001). The cumulative CBCL scores of the preterm children were not significantly different from those of the control group. Additionally, the TCI scores for reward dependence of the preterm children were higher than those of the control group. Conclusion: The cognitive performance of preterm infants was lower than that of healthy full-term infants at the age of 5, and there was an association between slower growth and decreased cognitive ability.
Objective: To assess cohort and individual neurodevelopmental stability in children with congenital heart disease across childhood. Study design: The Reachout Study is a cohort study at the University Children's Hospital Zurich. Data from 148 children with congenital heart disease who underwent cardiopulmonary bypass surgery and 1-, 4-, and 6-year neurodevelopmental assessment were analyzed using mixed models. Results: Cognitive and motor functions of the total cohort improved over time (cognitive: P = .01; motor: P <.001). The prevalence of children with cognitive impairment at age 6 years was 22.3%. Socioeconomic status showed a significant interaction with age on cognitive and motor development (cognitive: P <.001; motor: P = .001): higher socioeconomic status was associated with better neurodevelopmental outcome over time. Weight and head circumference at birth showed a significant interaction with age on motor development (weight: P = .048; head: P = .006). The correlation between test scores at different ages was weak to moderate (cognition: age 1-6 years: rho = 0.20, age 4-6 years: rho = 0.56, motor: age 1-6 years: rho = 0.23, age 4-6 years: rho = 0.50). Conclusions: Children with congenital heart disease show a mild improvement in cognitive and motor functions within the first 6 years of life, particularly those with higher socioeconomic status and larger head circumference and weight at birth. However, individual stability is moderate at best. Therefore, follow-up assessments are crucial to target therapeutic intervention effectively.
The common approach to the multiplicity problem calls for controlling the familywise error rate (FWER). This approach, though, has faults, and we point out a few. A different approach to problems of multiple significance testing is presented. It calls for controlling the expected proportion of falsely rejected hypotheses — the false discovery rate. This error rate is equivalent to the FWER when all hypotheses are true but is smaller otherwise. Therefore, in problems where the control of the false discovery rate rather than that of the FWER is desired, there is potential for a gain in power. A simple sequential Bonferronitype procedure is proved to control the false discovery rate for independent test statistics, and a simulation study shows that the gain in power is substantial. The use of the new procedure and the appropriateness of the criterion are illustrated with examples.
Objective Mortality rates for children with congenital heart disease (CHD) have significantly declined, resulting in a growing population with associated neurodevelopmental disabilities. American Heart Association guidelines recommend systematic developmental screening for children with CHD. The present study describes results of inpatient newborn neurodevelopmental assessment of infants after open heart surgery. Outcome measures We evaluated the neurodevelopment of a convenience sample of high‐risk infants following cardiac surgery but before hospital discharge using an adaptation of the Newborn Behavioral Observation. Factor analysis examined relationships among assessment items and consolidated them into domains of development. Results We assessed 237 infants at a median of 11 days (interquartile range [IQR]: 7‐19 days) after cardiac surgery and median corrected age of 21 days (IQR: 13‐33 days). Autonomic regulation was minimally stressed or well organized in 14% of infants. Upper and lower muscle tone was appropriate in 33% and 35%, respectively. Appropriate response to social stimulation ranged between 7% and 12% depending on task, and state regulation was well organized in 14%. The vast majority (87%) required enhanced examiner facilitation for participation. Factor analyses of assessment items aligned into four domains of development (autonomic, motor, oral motor, and attention organization). Conclusion At discharge, postoperative infants with CHD had impairments in autonomic, motor, attention, and state regulation following cardiac surgery. Findings highlight the challenges faced by children with CHD relative to healthy peers, suggesting that neurodevelopmental follow‐up and intervention should begin early in infancy.
Infants with congenital heart disease are at risk of impaired neurodevelopment, which frequently manifests as motor delay during their first years of life. This delay is multifactorial in origin and environmental factors, such as a limited experience in prone, may play a role. In this study, we evaluated the motor development of a prospective cohort of 71 infants (37 males) with congenital heart disease at 4 months of age using the Alberta Infant Motor Scales (AIMS). We used regression analyses to determine whether the 4-month AIMS scores predict the ability to walk by 18 months. The influence of demographic and clinical variables was also assessed. Fifty-one infants (71.8%) were able to maintain the prone prop position (AIMS score of ≥3 in prone) at 4 months. Of those, 47 (92.2%) were able to walk by 18 months compared to only 12/20 (60%) of those who did not maintain the position. Higher AIMS scores were predictive of a greater likelihood of walking by 18 months (P < .001), with the scores in prone having a higher predictive ability compared to those in other positions (Exp(B) 15.2 vs 4.0). Shorter hospital stays and female gender were also associated with an earlier onset of walking. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that early ventral performance in infants with congenital heart disease impacts the age of acquisition of walking and could be used to guide referral to rehabilitation.
Objective: To investigate the concurrent validity of AIMS in relation to the gross motor subtest of the Bayley Scale III/GM in preterm infants. Methods: A total of 159 gross motor development assessments were performed with the AIMS and Bayley-III/GM. Linear regression was used to assess the correlation between AIMS and Bayley-III/GM scores. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and the Bland-Altman plot were used to analyze intra- and inter-rater reliability. Results: There was a prevalence of delayed gross motor development of 20.8% according to the Bayley-III/GM, and 11.9% for the 5th percentile and 21.4% for the 10th percentile of AIMS. A good correlation of AIMS with Bayley-III/GM scores and intra- and inter-rater reliability was encountered in this study. Conclusion: AIMS proved very capable of detecting delayed gross motor development in preterm infants when compared with the Bayley-III/GM. The 10th percentile of AIMS provided the best combination of indicators, with greater specificity