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Incensing (incense stick burning) is an ancient tradition during different rituals in almost every religion. Earlier, it was used explicitly for divine purposes only. However, with the advancement of time, it is being used for secondary purposes, such as air fresheners and insect repellant. Incense sticks burning hold an important place in Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. All religions have their own belief behind the usage of incense sticks. Peoples from different countries, use incense of different sizes and flavors at various occasions. The tradition of incensing and incense stick burning is not new to our society. Peoples are using incense sticks since ancient times on different occasions in different forms. The passing time has brought various changes in the ingredients, functionality, manufacturing, and burning methods of the incense sticks. Today, the incense sticks are not only limited to fragrance purposes but also used as air fresheners and insect repellants. All religions have their own beliefs for the usage of incense sticks.
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al., (In Press)
Virendra Kumar Yadav1, Nisha Choudhary2, Samreen Heena Khan2, Areeba Khayal3, Raman Kumar Ravi4,
Pankaj Kumar4, Shreya Modi2, G. Gnanmoorthy5
1School of Lifesciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 3002017, India
2School of Nanosciences, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382030, India
3Department of Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry Section, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India
4School of Environment and sustainable development, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382030, India
6Department of inorganic chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, T.N.-600025, India
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Incensing (incense stick burning) is an ancient tradition during different rituals in almost every
religion. Earlier, it was used explicitly for divine purposes only. However, with the
advancement of time, it is being used for secondary purposes, such as air fresheners and
insect repellant. Incense sticks burning hold an important place in Hinduism, Christianity,
Buddhism, and Islam. All religions have their own belief behind the usage of incense sticks.
Peoples from different countries, use incense of different sizes and flavors at various
occasions. The tradition of incensing and incense stick burning is not new to our society.
Peoples are using incense sticks since ancient times on different occasions in different forms.
The passing time has brought various changes in the ingredients, functionality,
manufacturing, and burning methods of the incense sticks. Today, the incense sticks are not
only limited to fragrance purposes but also used as air fresheners and insect repellants. All
religions have their own beliefs for the usage of incense sticks.
Keywords: Incense; Incense sticks; Hinduism; Buddhism; Bakhoor
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
Incense is an aromatic biotic material that
releases fragrant smoke on burning [1].
Incense is accessible in different shapes
and sizes around the globe [2]. The incense
is usually made up of fragrant materials
combined with a flammable binding
material [3]. There are several materials
which are used from ancient times either in
combination or alone for incense. Such
type of materials are aromatic woods,
herbs, resins, and essential oils [4]. It was
especially used to eliminate the bad odor,
negative energy from the surroundings and
filled with positive energy [5]. Moreover it
was also used for worshiping the deity in
different religions around the world.
Nowadays, it is being used as an insect
repellent i.e. mosquito repellent [6],
meditation and aroma therapy [2]. The
application of incense for deity purposes is
available in all the ancient literatures.
Today, incense is used at all the religious
places, including churches, temples,
mosques, and other religious places [2].
The incensing is performed by burning the
incense material in different forms like
powder, rope, coil, paper etc. and
different perfumes [7]. Today, incense and
incense sticks market are spread around
the whole world. The major countries that
uses and exports incense and incense
sticks are USA, Brazil, China and India [2].
The market of China and India has
increased drastically in the last few years
due to high demand and production
inside and outside their countries. Different
religions have different beliefs for burning
of incense and incense sticks and
incensing at all the events have become a
common practice. There are several
literatures which suggests the origin of
incense and incense sticks either from
China, India or Egypt [2]. Though their use is
mentioned in all the religious book of all
the religions. Here, in the present review,
insight on the various forms of incense and
incense sticks in the market has been
provided. Here we have also tried to
provide a vision on the beliefs about
lighting the incense and incense sticks
among different followers of religion. We
have also tried to put light on their
composition and importance and origin.
2. Classification of incense sticks on the
basis of burning
Broadly, based on their shape and size, the
incense burning could be classified into
two groups [8-10]. One is direct burning
where the incense and incense sticks are
combusted directly by using fire. While
second method is placing the incense and
incense sticks on a heating object like
heater or other such types of devices. The
preferences of the direct and indirect
burning of incense depends on the culture,
personal choice, and tradition [11]. The
production of direct or indirect burning
incense is manufactured in order to
provide a pleasant smell in the
environment [12, 13]. However, the
composition of both direct and indirect
incense differs due to the previous
prerequisite for stable and sustained
burning. Direct burning incense is burned
independently of anyone, rather than heat
or fire from an external source. For direct-
burning, the incense's tip or end is ignited
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
with a fire until it begins to transform into
ash at the end of the burning. Flames on
the incense are then blown out, with the
incense proceeding to burn without a
flame on its own. Backhanded consuming
incense is a blend of fragrant fixings that
are scorched over a warm source. Indirect
burning incense, bits of the incense is
signed by putting them over a heating
element or onto a hot metallic plate in a
censer or thurible [14]. Both the processes
of burning of incense and incense sticks
are given below in detail [2].
2.1 Indirect-burning Incense and
Incense Sticks
Indirect-burning incense, also known as
"non-flammable incense", is a mixture of
fragrant materials like resins [15]. They do
not contain combustible materials that
require different burning sources. This
fragrance can be different from the
burning time of the surface of the material.
The more delicate fragrance components
tend to burn faster due to larger surface
area than coarser or thicker fragrances
with smaller surface areas [16]. The burning
of incense sticks in such type of incense
and incense sticks are usually is ensured by
charcoal or coal powder [2, 10].
Fig.1 Types of indirect burning of incense sticks
While the indirect burning of incense sticks
and incense, is further alone categorized
into three types; whole, powdered or
granulated and paste [10] which is shown
in the Fig 1. In the whole form of incense,
the fragrant material is directly burned in its
crude natural form over coal embers
[17]. Whereas, in powdered or granulated
one, incense material is converted into
finer particles that help in the burning
process quickly into better pieces. This
fragrance is consumed rapidly and
produces strong smells in a short period of
time [10].
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
While, the powdered incense material is
combined with a sticky and incombustible
binder such as honey, dried fruits, and resin
transformed into balls or little pastilles. They
can be developed in a controlled
atmosphere in which the fragrances can
be mixed and combined [4]. The best
example of granulated or powdered
incense are "Bukhoor" or "Bakhoor," which
are especially a type of Arabian incense
[18]. Similar kind of incense material is also
used by the Japanese people which is
marked by a kneaded incense, called
nerikō or awasekō [19, 20]. While, such
type of incense i.e. fine powder or
grounded is also used by the Eastern
Orthodox Christian Convention (EOCC). In
such type of incense, crude frank incense
[21] is crushed into fine granules which is
further mixed with different sweet-smelling
essential oils [22].
2.2 Direct-burning of incense and
incense sticks
The direct burning incense is also known as
“combustible incense” [23], is directly
ignited by fire. The shiny embers on the
incense burner will continue to smolder the
incense burner without the application of
outside heat or flame source [24]. In the
direct burning incense or incense sticks, the
incense is either expelled, pressed into a
structure, squeezed, or coated with
supporting material [2, 25]. This type of
fragrance is produced from a moldable
substrate that uses an aromatic finely
ground (or liquid) fragrance material and
an odorless adhesive [26, 27]. The
composition of such types of direct incense
burning must be changed to produce a
suitable fragrance of proper concentration
for smoother burning. The demarcating
features about the direct-burning incense
is that the incense material itself can take
virtually any shape, as indicated by utility
[28]. Out of direct burning some of the
most common types are the coil ones,
which are extruded and formed into a
loop-shaped without a base [5, 10]. This
incense can burn for a more extended
period, from hours to days, and is usually
delivered and utilized by Chinese culture
[29]. Besides, coils, there are cones also
which falls in this family of direct burning of
incense [10]. Incense belonging to the
direct burning, burns rapidly in comparison
to the indirect or other type of incense
burning. Such types of incense were initially
designed in Japan in the 1800s. Another
member in this family is cored sticks; where
such type of incense sticks has a
supporting core of bamboo [30]. The
higher quality of such cored sticks has a
fragrant sandalwood base which in turn is
covered by a thick coat of incense
material that burns with the core's
smoldering heat. This kind of incense is
generally produced and widely used in
India and China [15]. Sometimes the cored
sticks is also called as joss sticks in Chinese
folk prayers [31]. Solid sticks also belongs to
the direct burning of incense and incense
sticks where such types of incense sticks
has no supporting core and is made of
incense material [32, 33]. Such solid sticks,
are designed such that it could be
effortlessly broken into fragments, it
enables one to decide the particular
length of incense they wish to burn. These
are the most commonly used incense in
Japan and Tibet. Powdered form of
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
incense from this class is considered unique
as these are free incense powder form and
used for making indirect incense so that it
can be burned at anyplace without any
further modifications [34]. Both, Japanese
and Tibetans used to prepare a long solid
incense. Besides all above there are paper
type of incense and incense sticks also in
this family which are infused with incense,
collapsed accordion-style, ignited, and
combusted out [2]. While in the rope type
of incense [10], incense powder is moved
into paper sheets, converted into rope,
entangled firmly, grown at that point, and
bent again, creating two strands of rope
[5]. The larger end of such rope type of
incense has harbour or inlet which could
be kept vertically in a shallow stone dish
and the pointed end is used as lit. This kind
of incense could be easily transported to
larger distance by keeping them fresh for a
prolonged period. Rope type of incense
was especially used in the countries like
Tibet and Nepal for a considerable period
[5]. "Joss" is another type of direct incense
burning, which is derived from the Latin
word, „Deus‟ (God) and is derived from the
Portuguese 'deos', Javanese' dejos. Joss
are also lighted at sanctuaries crosswise
over several parts of East, South, and
Southeast Asia [35].
From, the above sections, now it is clear
that there are various incense forms,
including sticks, joss sticks, cones, coils,
powders, rope, rocks/charcoal, and
smudge bundles [5]. The main difference
between the first two forms is that the
former has a slender bamboo base where
the mixture of incense ingredients is
attached, while the latter is without a
central base [10]. Among all the above
types of incense, direct-burning incense
are very common in India [10].
The term incense refers to the substance
itself, not to the smell it produces [36].
Incense comes from tree resins and some
flowers, seeds, roots, and barks that are
aromatic [37]. The perfume originated from
incense shows in the word itself, i.e., 'per'
and 'fumum' means through and smoke or
fumes in Latin [21]. Incense is composed of
aromatic organic materials which release
perfumed smoke when it is subjected to
burn. Incense sticks, a word that in itself
creates an aura of fresh aroma and a
fragrance leading to a relaxed feel to
breathe. The incense stick is cylindrical with
a bamboo base and a mixture of incense
for worshipping gods and other rituals in
houses and religious places [38]. Incense
sticks are used to purify the bad air and fill
the environment with pleasant fragrance
and positive energy. It is believed in most
of the religions that the holy smoke
resealed from such incense sticks that
prevents unwanted negative energy and
an evil spirit from entering home [12, 38].
People of different religions around the
globe uses incense sticks in their daily life
for worshipping the deity. Based on the
geographical area and languages, it is
known with different names such as
“agarbatti” in India [39], joss sticks in China
and other South Asian countries [40], and
“bakhoor” in Arabic countries [27]. In India,
incense sticks are utilized from the ancient
period for religious purposes. Indian
incense sticks have a slender bamboo
base onto which the mixtures of incense
ingredients are attached [12]. The average
dimension of Indian incense sticks is 15-19
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
cm in length of bamboo and diameter of
0.4 cm [2].
3. Types of incense sticks: based on the
source of composition
Based on the source of compositional
origin, incense sticks can be either
synthetic or natural [2]. Natural incense
sticks are sticks that are coated with
materials naturally obtained from nature.
The natural incense sticks are considered
as gift for God, don‟t leave any residue,
and are harmless to an individual [2]. It has
therapeutic effect on the devotees as it fills
the environment with fresh air which helps
in to relax in harmony with nature. These
natural incense sticks produce a pleasing
aroma to ensure that the home is not
choked with undesirable smoke by
maintaining the fragrance level liked by
everyone [10]. Some of the significant
natural incense sticks ingredients are;
sandalwood, mogra, and musk [10].
Sandalwood is a class of wood which is
obtained from trees; incense sticks usually
have essential oil from sandalwood. The
sandalwood, as well as oil, have the
aroma distinct to be accepted for
centuries. The fragrance released from
sandalwood coated sticks marks a religious
significance and is believed to act as an
antiseptic [41]. While the second one is
mogra, which is a flower predominantly
found in India, is a natural source in
incense sticks. It is believed that the mogra
flower has a soothing and long-lasting
aroma without producing a harmful matter
to breathe in. The fragrance has an
aesthetic appeal and involves no artificial
ingredients or polluting agents in its
composition. The third one is musk type
where such fragrance has been used as a
base note in several incense sticks. It is also
an excellent fixative, which minimizes the
evaporation rate and allows the original
composition to last longer by preserving its
right fragrance.
4. Types of incense sticks based on the
Based on the origin, incense sticks could
be categorized broadly into Western
incense and Eastern incense [42]. The
incense stick is used western churches
comes almost exclusively from the gum
resins in tree bark. These resin pieces,
called grains, are easy to carry and release
their fragrance when they are sprinkled on
burning coal [43]. While the Eastern
incense is processed from other plants for
instance sandalwood, patchouli,
agarwood, and vetiver [10]. These plants
and their parts are harvested and ground
using large mortar and pestle and water is
added to make a paste. A potassium
nitrate is mixed in it to help the material
burn uniformly [5].
5. Raw materials and composition of
incense sticks
The incense sticks business depends
intensely on forest items for raw materials.
Manufacturing of incense sticks doesn't
involve any complex synthetic substances
and raw materials. The various
components which are necessary for the
manufacturing of incense sticks are as
follows: nargis powder, raw bamboo sticks,
water, variety of oils, aromatics including
flower essence, sandalwood oil, rose
petals, natural as well as chemical
aromatic ingredients, sawdust, thick paper,
gelatin paper, scissor, waste paper, various
color powder, charcoal and sticky powder
such as Jigat,Sal gum, Guggul (Gum/gum
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
of Commiphor amukul) [2, 12]. The stick of
incense is manufactured from "bamboo
sticks" and fragrance oils whereby both the
component and natural material. Through
in India, the sticks are imported and
produced of bamboo from China. A paste
formed of sawdust through machine
wood, a sort of hardwood, is covered with
the upper part of each stick. The sawdust is
extremely permeable and holds perfume
easily. Charcoal is often employed to
manufacture the permeable punk, and in
incense sticks manufactured in India, it is
preferred [38].
The aromatic oils are derived from the oil
through naturally aromatic plants or
several other perfumes including
fragrances that are blended together in an
oil base. Probably depends on the smell,
small amounts of paint have been used to
color-code the ends of the incense sticks
Aromatic ingredients (oils), both natural
and chemical, are used to add aroma in
incense sticks.
5.1 Jigat
Jigat is an essential element for the making
of agarbatti. It can be separated by
peeling of barks of tree species like Litsea
chinensis (Syn. Litsea glutinosa), Machilus
macarantha trees in the Coorg and
Maland districts of tropical wet evergreen
forests in Karnataka state of India. [44, 45].
The availability of the binding material for
masala incense sticks seems to have
emerged a major problem for the
manufacturers of incense sticks. Currently,
jigat obtained from the glutinous bark
of Persea macrantha is mainly used by the
manufacturers [45]. Jigat is a vernacular
word signifying "sticky" that is used in the
Karnataka province of India. Currently, 50
percent of the demand for Jigat is
accomplished by importing the material
from Malaysia and Thailand. According to
All India Agarbatti Manufacturer's Affiliation
(AIAMA) estimate, the current interest for
Jigat is about 10000 tons per year.
5.2 Bamboo
In the Indian market, the raw material
needed for the production of incense
sticks is widely accessible at a low cost [2].
Bamboo sticks are another key raw
material required for the business. The
center of the incense sticks is produced of
a split, cut, and measured bamboo which
are of two categories: square and a round
part, each roughly 1.5 mm-2mm and 3 mm
thick, and in lengths of either 8" (203.2mm)
or 9" (228.6mm) [2]. The industry utilizes
around 208 billion bamboo sticks every
year. The bamboo stick's expense is just
about 1% of that of the finished incense
sticks [2]. The base material of the Incense
sticks is bamboo, widely accessible on the
Indian market and transported from China
and Vietnam.
6. Composition of incense and incense
The contents of incense are secrets and
vary from one manufacturer to other, but
mainly it has fragrant gums, resins, wood
powders, herbs, and spices, shown in Fig.2,
in the following compositions:-
1) Herbal and wood powder 21%: (coal
powder and sawdust)
2) Fragrant materials 35% traditionally
would be a masala (powder of ground
ingredients) [2].
3) Adhesive powder 11%: or paste-
generally made of charcoal dust or
sawdust and joss/jigit/gum/tabu powder
an adhesive made from the bark of Litsea
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
glutinosa and other trees) [2]. In India,
wood glue called patta or bummi powder
or jigat powder is used.
4) Bamboo sticks 33%: by weight and
generally have two different sizes, 7" and
10" inches.
Moreover, Indian incense stick
manufacturers add 40% calcium phthalate
[38] to reduce the particulate matter and
gaseous products formed during incense
sticks' burning [38]. Since incense sticks are
fully burned, 1/3rd ash by weight of the ash
is formed. About 60-70% weight of incense
sticks comprises of hazardous material.
Fig. 2 Components of a typical Indian incense sticks
Incense sticks of about 75% are prepared
of the modest quality containing just
charcoal powder or low-quality
sandalwood powder with a blend of 50%
of "wood gun" powder [12]. Essential oils,
refined resins, natural fixatives such as
amber, musk, and civet are available
together with synthetic aromatics in
advanced varieties.
7. Evolution of incense and incense sticks
in world
Throughout the ancient century, the
emergence of the incense sticks could be
attributed to the burning of aromatic
wood. Since achieved by mankind these
fragrant incense sticks played a vital role in
regular rituals and became more religious
[33]. In most of the popular world‟s
religions, incense has performed a key role.
The ancient religions linked the natural
world with their gods. It was claimed that
fragrant plant materials forced demons
away and allowed the gods to come on
the earth; they also had the realistic
application of exiling unpleasant smell. The
Old Testament, the Vedas, and several
other ancient books document the
consumption of incense sticks [46]. Incense
sticks have been extensively found in
various worship places since prehistoric
times, such as churches, monasteries,
mosques, and temples. During
celebrations, ceremonies, and several
everyday rituals in which it is said to worship
ancestors, the Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, and
Shinto religions everyone use incense [47].
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
Incense has been commonly seen in
countries namely Greece, Japan, Egypt
China and India throughout prehistoric
days. Different countries have different
beliefs about incense usage in other
places, purposes, and events [22]. For
instance, in India, the incense sticks usage
includes worshipping the deity as it is
considered a valuable greetings to the
idols [48]. In addition, it is often assumed
that the burning of incense as well as sticks
of incense occupies the environment with
divinity, which would be a tool for comfort
and pureness of the mind. In moulds and
burn-in designs, the Egyptians used to
manufacture cosmetics and perfumes of
incense combined with oils or unguents
and mixed fresh herbs assumed to deliver
better prosperity. During prayers and
ceremonies to visualize the gods, the
Babylonians used incense; their
preferences were resins from cypress, oak,
and pine trees. While exorcisms and for
rehabilitation, they often depended on
incense[47]. Before the Babylonian exile
(586-538 B.C.) they introduced incense into
Israel; and since, both during the exile,
incense has been part of ancient Jewish
worship. In order to scare away spirits and
to satisfy the gods, both the romans and
Greeks employed incense. The ancient
Greeks practiced many sacrificial rites and
gradually started supplementing live
offerings for the burning of incense. In
South Asian countries, such as Japan,
China, and Burma, incense as well as sticks
of incense have a specialized purpose.
The custom of incense in Japan involved
specific racks to hold kimonos, so that the
smoke from burning incense could
penetrate these folds of clothing. The
sideview mirrors have also been immersed
in incense fumes to subtly smell the fur.
Clocks were created of sticks of incense;
various scents from the sticks alerted those
monitoring the time of the shifting hours.
Incense was also used by the Chinese for
different purposes, namely scenting
clothing, fumigating books to eliminate
bookworms, and scenting inks and
documents. Sometimes the fan (an import
from Japan into China) was made with
sandalwood forming the ribs, so the
movement of the fan would disperse the
wood's fragrance. Further the Western
Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox
Church employed incense in services and
ceremonies during Christianity. Incense has
often been introduced more intensively in
Eastern services.[14].
8. Incense sticks and religious beliefs in
different religions
Since ancient times, the incense burning
and incense sticks is practiced by every
religion and this custom is followed even
today. In the world of technology,
companies have also started various
modified incense sticks in terms of aroma,
flavor length, or e-incense sticks. Numerous
companies have also come up with new
incense ash collectors. From all the
evidence, it is concluded that incense and
incense sticks find a unique role in every
religion that has been discussed in present
8.1 Hinduism
In Indian culture, incense sticks is
recognized with lots of importance, all
religions in within India use incense for
worship purposes. The natural aromas of
the incense can help to improve the mood
and allow our minds to focus. It holds
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
specific importance within Hinduism, as
incense sticks has been considered as a
vital part of any Hindu custom. As in Hindu
faith, no prayer session is properly
accomplished despite using these soothing
fragrant sticks. All Hindus are all familiar
with the divine fragrances of the incense
sticks. The ritual of burning incense is
incredibly symbolic in Hinduism. Incense
has now become an aroma that is
synonymous with Indian culture. The
brightly colored sticks and infatuating
scents can be found all over the country
from temples to households. During the
ceremonies, the stick of incense is ignited
to expel the unpleasant smell from the air.
It provides an ideal environment for
promising habits by emitting a pleasant
scent in the air. When they emit fumes,
they also work as organic disinfectants. It
has some psychological advantages also,
as the incense stick's fragrance has a
healing power that soothingly has a
positive effect on the mind. The calming
impact relaxes the brain and aids in
performing rituals with a better
concentration in the prayers, which are
offered with a calm mind that acts as a
meditation process [49].
The worshipers also display their reverence
for the "Panch Bhutas", namely Earth,
Water, Fire, Air, and Space, by lighting this
spiritual stick. Bamboo and bamboo sticks
are not found appropriate in Hinduism and
are seldom used to produce incense sticks.
The bamboo method originated in India
even, as they do not use a bamboo core,
is distinguished from Nepal, Tibet, and
Japanese stick-making methods. Though
the technique is employed in the west,
particularly in America, it is strongly
associated with India. Incense has its
spiritual values. This custom indicates the
human virtue of giving up oneself for
society [2]. In Hinduism, the incense sticks
are utilized as air fresheners amid typical
days and an integral part of every Hindu
8. 2 Christianity
Christians, and before them, Jews started
incense sticks used as part of their religious
practice. A popular view in the late 1800s
strongly argued the use of incense sticks to
cover smells and prevent disease. Modern
theories suggest that incense remembers a
time of sacrifices, a part of religious
expressions that symbolizes God's
incorruptibility. The transformation of resin
to smoke illustrates the change from the
body to the soul. The act of "incensation" or
"thurification" is an unspoken way to
express the blessings of God, which comes
upon them who approach him in the
proper attitude of being unworthy of even
raising eyes to heaven [36]. Early Christian
churches used incense during the
Eucharistic ceremony, in which it
symbolized the ascent of the prayers of the
faithful and merits of the saints. Later,
incense was employed sporadically in the
Church of England and used during divine
worship, and processions have been
continued [12].
Incense has been used by many Christian
gatherings since ancient times, especially
in the Roman Catholic and Eastern
Customary holy places, yet also in
Anglican and Lutheran Holy places.
Incense sticks might be utilized in Christian
worship at the Eucharist festival, and at
grave festivals of solemn celebrations of
the Divine Office, particularly at Solemn
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Vespers. Several incense formulations are
presently utilized, regularly with
frankincense, myrrh, styrax, and copal or
different aromatics. The smoke of burning
incense is seen by a considerable lot of the
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
faith as an indication of faith prayer. By the
fourth century A.D., the early Christians had
incorporated incense burning into their
practices, particularly the Eucharist when
the ascending smoke was thought to carry
prayers to heaven. They use a thurible, i.e.,
a kind of censer, for collecting the incense
as it is burned. A server called a thurifer,
sometimes helped by a “boat bearer”,
approach the individual directing the
administration with a thurible with burning
charcoals. Incense is taken from what is
known as a "boat" and is generally
honored with a prayer. The thurible is then
closed and accepted by its chain and
swung towards the individual or thing
being incensed. Grains of favored incense
is put in the Easter flame and the
mausoleum of blessed sacrificial stones
8.3 Importance of incense sticks and
incense in Jews
Ketoret was the incense offered in
the Temple in Jerusalem and is stated in
the Book of Exodus as a mixture
of stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankinc
ense [21].
8.4 Importance of incense sticks and
incense in Islam
Incense burners were no novel vessels
brought to meet Islamic social life.
Although on a fundamental level, as
opposed to luxurious lifestyles, Islam does
not forestall incense utilization. During the
main hundreds of years, the prominence
incense is best shown by the prolonged
legalistic feelings communicated in the
Hadith writing [50]. The significant utilization
of incense was not without impact upon
Islamic individuals' business exercises. The
incense burner is now and again
distributed piece in the Islamic Department
of the Staatliche Museen in Berlin, which is
said to be found in the remnants of al-
Rayy. Burning Arabian incense (Bakhour) is
a typical practice in the Middle East and
Arabian Gulf. All prophets used Bakhour
and the prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) and
his companions regularly and mostly on
Fridays. This tradition was started in Arabia
and subsequently spread in the vast
territory of the Muslim world. It is believed
that the Holy Prophet said, "agarwood is a
trenchant item of paradise. He also
divulged the various healing properties of
agarwood, specified to Hindi Oud, and its
efficacy in treating pleurisy. It is used to
Purify Kaaba and the Tahfidh graduation
ceremony. As claimed in Hadith of
Prophet, Angels love incense smell and
hate repugnant odor. Bakhour is usually
fume in a Mabkhara (traditional incense
burner), accustomed in several Arab
countries to pass Bakhour during majlis,
particularly on Jumma (Friday) or to await
guests [51]. The incense burners brought in
Arabic mijnmar for comparing the needs of
different layers of refined social orders.
Although Arabian incense is a typical
social practice in the Arabian Gulf,
especially inside the home, there is a
significant hole of information about the
substance of the smoke discharged into
the environment [51]. Incense, Myrrha, is
used for custom cleaning and to destroy
the evil and antagonism. Numerous
substances are utilized to create incense,
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including Oud, frankincense, aromatic
wood, herbs, blossoms, fundamental oils,
and fragrances. In most Arab nations, the
most generally utilized incense is Oud,
broadly used by numerous individuals [51].
The Oud tree is known as the Aquilaria
agallocha, which has, at any rate, 15 types
of Aquilaria and is otherwise called lignum
aloe, agarwood, and hawk wood [52]. The
fragrances of the agarwood known as
Oud are essential in Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates. Middle Eastern Oud
is a characteristic indoor aroma,
particularly in wedding parties and
different functions [22]. It is likewise used to
aroma dress and home and to terminate
the tenuous smell of smoke, pet and
cooking smell. Bakhour is one of the most
well-known wellsprings of indoor smoke in
the Arabian Gulf area. People are
presented on a week by week premise in
many homes [53]. Bakhour can shift in the
arrangement, yet it ordinarily contains a
wide assortment of regular fixings, such as
agarwood, woodchips, musk, and
sandalwood that are absorbed scented
oils. In most Arab countries, incense is
burned in scented chips or blocks called
bakhoor, which is used specifically on
weddings or on Fridays or generally to
perfume the house.
8.5 Buddhism, Taoism, and Shinto in
Incense sticks are also termed as joss sticks,
especially in East Asia, South Asia, and
Southeast Asia [40]. Incense has played an
important role in East Asian Buddhist
services and rituals and those of Chinese
Taoist and Japanese Shinto places of
worship. The use of Incense use in religious
ceremonies was first introduced in China.
In the long run, it shifted to Korea, Japan,
and Vietnam. Incense burning is a typical
Chinese religious custom in Chinese
culture, along with Taoism and Buddhism. It
is considered a technique for
decontaminating the environment and
delivering the Buddhist Alamkaraka (Realm
of Adornment). In Chinese Taoist and
Buddhist temples, the internal spaces are
scented with thick coiled incense, either
dangling from the roof or on unique stands.
Worshipers at the temple's lights and burn
incense sticks in substantial packs, which
they wave while bowing to the statues or
plaques of a God. Individual stick of
incense is then vertically put into individual
censer situated before the statues or
plaques either independently or in threes,
depending upon the status of the divinity
or the person's sentiments.
9. Origin and history of incense and
incense sticks in different parts of the world
9.1 History of incense sticks in India
Indian Ayurveda medical system has given
the base of the current and the most
sorted out method for the incense sticks
making system, and that is still in practice.
The Rig Veda and the Atharva-Veda are
held as excellent sources to gather insights
regarding the old history of incense sticks.
The first phase belonging to Ayurveda
manages the utilization of medications,
where incense was used as a therapeutic
tool for healing purposes. During that time,
Hinduism understood the noteworthiness
and made full utilization of incense, and
continued to turn into a piece of Buddhism
in India [54]. During that time, the status of
the Indian incense was achieved an
invaluable position. It was the incense
sticks that met the source to reach China.
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As, per the facts, the Buddhist priests were
the principal experts around 200 CE. They
obtained the method of incense
production in the beginning periods [9].
9. 2 History and origin of incense and
incense sticks in China
For over two thousand years, the Chinese
have used incense in religious ceremonies,
ancestor veneration, traditional Chinese
medicine, and daily life [55]. With the
introduction of Buddhism, China came
calibrated incense sticks and incense
clocks [55]. Incense stick burning is an
everyday practice in traditional Chinese
religion. Among ethnic Chinese and
Chinese influenced communities, incense
stick is burned traditionally before a home
or business threshold, before the picture of
a Chinese popular religion divinity or spirit
of place, or in small and humble or large
and elaborate shrine found at the main
entrance to every village [40]. Here, the
God of the earth is entrusted with the hope
to bring wealth and health to the village.
They can also be burned in front of the
door or window as a gift to heaven or spirit.
In some areas of China, incense sticks are
used as timing devices. The use of these
aroma timers has spread from Buddhist
monasteries to Chinese secular societies.
There are several types of incense sticks or
incense used for different purposes or on
festive days in China. The significant
differences in Chinese and other countries‟
incenses are that the Chinese incense has
variable shapes and sizes [17, 56]. The
Chinese prefer the process of extruding the
incense mix through a kind of sieve to form
straight or curled strands, like small noodles,
that can then be dried and burned [57].
Extruded pieces left to dry as straight sticks
of incense are called joss sticks [35].
Incense paste is also shaped into
characters from the Chinese alphabet or
into maze-like shapes that are formed.
Many of them are long and thin and are of
different colour like yellow, red, and, more
rarely, black. Thicker sticks are used for
special ceremonies, such as funerals. Spiral
incense is also used regularly, which is
found hanging above temple ceilings with
long burning time [58]. The neighbouring
countries of China including Taiwan,
Singapore, or Malaysia, celebrates the
Ghost Festival [59]. In such type of festival
there is a tradition of lighting a large, pillar-
like dragon incense sticks which in turn
generate so much smoke and heat that
they are only burned outside [59, 60].
The elemental composition of Chinese
incense sticks is comprised of the two most
essential ingredients i.e., agarwood
(chénxiāng) and sandalwood (tánxiāng)
[61]. Chinese incense sticks are generally
used without aroma or only the slightest
trace of jasmine or rose. It is the smoke, not
the scent, which is essential in conveying
the divine prayers to heaven. They are
composed of the dried powdered bark of
a non-scented species of cinnamon native
to Cambodia, Cinnamomum
cambodianum. Though they contain no
sandalwood, they often include the
Chinese character for sandalwood on the
label, as a generic term for incense. Some
Buddhists use highly scented Chinese
incense sticks [9]. These are often quite
expensive due to the use of large amounts
of sandalwood, agarwood, or floral scents
[55]. The sandalwood used in Chinese
incenses does not come from
India. Incense burners, which are
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
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containers made of metal or pottery, were
first used in China as early as 2,000 B.C.
and became an art form during China's
Han dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) [62]. These
burners had pierced lids to allow the
smoke and scent to escape. The designs
from this period through the Ming dynasty
(1368-1644) became omate increasingly
with smoke-breathing dragons and other
imaginative creations.
9.3 History and origin of incense and
incense sticks among Tibetans
Tibetan incense refers to a common type
of incense found in Tibet, Nepal, and
Bhutan. These incenses have a
characteristic "earthy" scent to them.
Ingredients vary from cinnamon, clove,
and juniper, to Kusum flower,
ashwagandha, or sahi jeera. Many Tibetan
incenses are thought to have medicinal
properties. Their recipes come from
ancient Vedic texts that are based on
even older Ayurvedic medical texts. The
recipes have remained unchanged for
centuries [10].
9.4 History and origin of incense and
incense sticks among Japanese
In Japan, the ancient stories of
aromatherapy include art, culture, history,
and rituals. It is often in sharp contrast to
some indistinguishable features from music,
literature, and art. Incense burning may
happen inside the tea function. The
specialty of incense appreciation, or Koh-
do [14], is mostly practiced as different
forms of artistic expression in the tea
ceremony, and generally inside a tea
room of conventional Zen design.
Agarwood (Jinkō) and sandalwood
(Byakudan) are the two most basic and
essential ingredients in Japanese incense
[22]. Agarwood is known as "Jinkō" in
Japan, which deciphers as "incense that
sinks in the water" because of the resin's
weight in the wood. Sandalwood is one of
the most calming incense ingredients and
is perfect for meditation [2] and often also
used in the Japanese tea ceremony [63].
Another essential ingredient in Japanese
incense is kyara, which is also a kind of
agarwood [19, 25]. Japanese incense
companies‟ categorized agarwood into six
types depending on the region obtained
and properties of the agarwood [22]. In
Japanese Shinto altars and Buddhist
temples, the incense sticks are placed
horizontally into censers on top of the ash
since incense sticks commonly lack a
supporting core center [9]. While there are
several Buddhist sects of Japan which uses
a censer called egōro, which are usually
made of brass with a long handle and no
chain. Here they don‟t use charcoal, rather
uses makkō powder which is lit, and the
incense mixture is burned on top [64]. This
method is known as sonae- (religious
10. Conclusion
Burning of incense and incense sticks is a
common practice across the whole globe.
In different religions and parts of the world
incense and incense sticks are used in
different forms i.e. varying from powder,
cone, ropes, paper or sticks. Their size and
shape might have varied in religion to
religion and parts of the world but the aim
was to worship the deity, elimination of
bad energy and fill the environment with
positive energy. While their recent
modifications, they have been used as an
insect repellant. From, the religious
literature it has been found that incense
2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
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and incense sticks were used from ancient
times only. The present review highlights
the importance of incense sticks in religious
processes across the world.
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2020 November Edition | |Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 9(6), pp: 00-00, 2020 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Yadav et al.,
It was shown that the effect of local action of hydrogen peroxide solution on such dense biological masses as pus, mucus, sputum and blood clots depends not only on the concentration of the main ingredient, but also on the alkalinity of the solution as well as on the temperature of the interaction media. In particular, an increase in solution temperature from +24 - +26 to +45 - +55 C and its alkalinity from pH 7.0 to pH 8.4 - 8.5 increases the pyolytic, mucolytic, hemolytic, bleaching and oxygen-releasing activity of hydrogen peroxide solutions. The indicated level of hyperthermia is provided by simple physical heating of the solution, and the indicated level of alkalinity is provided by introducing sodium bicarbonate into it. It has been found out that hyperthermia according to the laws of physics reduces viscosity of biological masses, increases their fluidity, permeability to the antiseptic solution, miscibility and solubility in it as well as increases the rate of chemical, physico-chemical and biochemical processes according to Arrhenius law. In particular, increasing the temperature of interacting media accelerates the process of alkaline saponification of proteins and protein-lipid complexes that form the basis of colloidal biological masses. In addition, hyperthermia accelerates and strengthens the process of enzymatic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas, which takes place under the action of the enzyme catalase, which is always present in most biological masses. At the same time, the released molecular oxygen forms gas bubbles, which simulate the process of cold boiling and due to this "explode" biological masses, turning them into a fluffy white foam. The fact is that oxygen in an alkaline environment oxidizes biological pigments, including hemoglobin and its metabolites of different colors, and discolors them.
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The mechanism of action of drugs is traditionally considered the specific action of the main active ingredients. Therefore, to study the mechanism of action of drugs, specialists use selected chemical compounds in chemically pure form. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, studies have reported that the action of drugs in dosage forms (tablets, solutions, etc.) is different from the action of chemically pure ingredients. The fact is that tablets, solutions, and other dosage forms contain not only the main ingredients but also auxiliary, shape-forming ingredients, and gases that supplement the specific action of the main ingredients with their nonspecific action. The gases penetrate the dosage forms from the air; however, selected gases can be introduced into the drugs under excessive pressure. Evidence presents that purposefully altering the gas content of drug tablets and solutions can regulate their mass, volume, specific gravity, porosity, physicochemical activity, and local pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, especially when drugs are administered locally. Examples are shown on how the use of this regularity has allowed the development of a new generation of drugs in Russia, namely, drugs with a specific gas composition. Studies have reported that changing the gas composition of old (registered) drugs may turn them into new drugs. Some drugs invented in Russia included gases in their formulation, which play the role of auxiliary, shape-forming, and even main ingredients. Thus, the gas composition of drugs was proposed as an additional indicator of their quality and an important factor in their physicochemical activity. An expanded list of new generation drugs was hoped for in the near future.
Across the globe, online learning has become the new order in tertiary education, and Nigeria is no exception. The traditional face-to-face and classroom method of teaching and learning is slowly being replaced by online teaching and learning, which causes some students to stress due to the difficulties they encounter. It may also cause health issues. Study aims to discover if there is a possible link between student stress and online learning in Jos, Nigeria. In this study, students at the University of Jos, Plateau State Polytechnic, Federal School of Medical Laboratory Science in Jos, and School of Nursing in Jos were asked to complete Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaires. Using the PSS scale, the study shows prevalence of low stress as 17% (N = 85), medium stress with 66% (N = 330), and high stress is 17% (N = 85) among the students in Jos, Nigeria. According to the sample results, the mean PSS-10 tally is 18.65 (SD = 6.37). The PSS-10 total score held no gender differences which indicates that women (M = 17.35, SD = 5.06) felt similarly stressed to men (M = 18.05, SD = 5.07). With coordinated coping mechanisms, students should experience less stress and mental health challenges when utilizing online learning at Jos tertiary institutions. In a stress-filled environment, they can use the stress as an incentive to improve their performance and learning. While the distress component must be reduced, coping may be considered for some limits.
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The burning of incense sticks is a common practice around the world either as a part of their custom, for fragrance or as insect repellent. The market of incense sticks is rapidly increasing worldwide, due to their high demand in our everyday life. It's application in not only restricted to worship, instead it is used for meditation, yoga and aroma therapy. The global incense sticks market is currently dominated by United States of America (USA), Brazil, China and India. The low labor costs, availability of raw materials, has drawn the attention of the whole world towards India, and as a result, India is now one of the largest producer and exporter of incense sticks. Some of the Indian states are leading manufacturers of incense sticks. Indian incense sticks market contributes a major share in the economy of the country. The Indian incense sticks market is dominated by South-India especially, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka having the popular Mysore scents and some other world renowned brands. There is a high turnover of incense sticks market, which draws the government's attention towards them. The current review deals with the market potential of incense sticks in India, purchasing patterns, and current global competitors of Indian incense sticks.
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Discussions on colonialism are pervasive in western scholarship but are hardly ever applied to the archeology of China. The present paper shows how concepts of colonialism and migration research can be successfully applied to understand Han imperial expansion into southwest China and how the Chinese material can in turn contribute to developing theories and methods of colonialism research further. Taking the Shamaoshan cemetery as a case study, the present paper combines archeological, textual, environmental, and isotope data to gain insights into strategies and processes of Han imperial expansion into southwest China. The insights gained here show that the long-accepted story-line of simple “Sinicization” and political control is far from accurate. Instead, it took over a century of cross-cultural exchange with immigrants and locals adopting each other’s customs to varying degrees. While in the beginning the Han seem to have taken a top-down approach to “civilizing” the region through their elites, the present study suggests that in the end it was the lower levels of society that intermingled most intensively and helped integrate migrants and locals successfully. Moving away from the exclusive focus on exceptional graves and large sites, the present study thus shows the great value of approaching small, poorly equipped graves with new methods, combining isotope research with a nuanced analysis of burial remains. Evaluated together with the evidence from the well-known exceptional graves, lesser-known settlement material, and historical accounts, the Shamaoshan case study has made it clear that various types of contact, colonial and otherwise, play out quite differently within different social groups and historical situations. This study thus proposes a multisource, multimethod approach that moves away from a narrative dominated by the history-writing elite segments of the colonizing force to a multivoiced account integrating local and outside perceptions at various social levels, an approach that might successfully be applied in other parts of the world.
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Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.) fragrance and its origin in stress make it probably the most suitable model to study stress-induced aroma. Production being confined only to certain small pockets of South and Southeast Asia, agarwood is arguably the costliest wood in the world. Formation of fragrant agarwood resin is the outcome of complex biotic, abiotic, and physical stress on the Aquilaria trees. The intricate mechanism by which some 150 odd fragrant molecules that constitute agarwood aroma is formed is still not clearly understood. The present review therefore aims to bring to focus this less known but highly valuable stress-induced aroma from Asia. Discussions on agarwood species, occurrence, distribution, formation, and products have been included as foundation. Although global trade in agarwood and its products is estimated at US$6 billion to US$8 billion, no reliable data are readily available in literature. Therefore, an effort has been made to review the current status of agarwood trade. The element of stress and its correlation to agarwood aroma is discussed in the subsequent sections. Natural agarwood formation as well as technologies and interventions in agarwood induction are stress-based (natural and artificial injury, insect and fungal attack, chemical induction). The molecular triggers are gradually coming to light as new studies are implicating jasmonate, LOX signaling, and other stress reaction routes as the source of agarwood aroma. This review therefore has strived to compile the information that is scattered across scientific as well as other authentic literature and update the reader on the current status. More information about the specific roles of other vital stressors like insects, abiotic, and genetic factors is eagerly awaited from ongoing and future research to further understand the unique fragrance of agarwood.
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Agarwood, a highly precious non-timber fragrant wood of Aquilaria spp. (Thymelaeaceae), has been widely used in traditional medicine, religious rites, and cultural activities. Due to the inflated demanding and depleted natural resources, the yields of agarwood collected from the wild are shrinking, and the price is constantly rising, which restricts agarwood scientific research and wide application. With the sustainable planting and management of agarwood applied, and especially the artificial-inducing methods being used in China and Southeast Asian countries, agarwood yields are increasing, and the price is becoming more reasonable. Under this condition, illuminating the scientific nature of traditional agarwood application and developing new products and drugs from agarwood have become vitally important. Recently, the phytochemical investigations have achieved fruitful results, and more than 300 compounds have been isolated, including numerous new compounds that might be the characteristic constituents with physiological action. However, no one has focused on the new compounds and presented a summary until now. Alongside phytochemical advances, bioactivity screening and pharmacological investigation have also made a certain progress. Therefore, this review discussed the new compounds isolated after 2010, and summarized the pharmacological progress on agarwood and Aquilaria plants.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Essential oils obtained from resins of Boswellia carteri Birdw. and Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl., commonly known as frankincense and true myrrh respectively, have been used extensively since 2800 B.C. for the treatment of skin sores, wounds, teeth, inflammation, and urinary tract diseases in traditional medicine; for preparation of mummification balms and unguents; and also as incense and perfumes. Since ancient times, burning of frankincense and myrrh in places of worship for spiritual purposes and contemplation (a ubiquitous practice across various religions) had hygienic functions, to refine the smell and reduce contagion by purifying the indoor air. Aim of the study: The general purpose of the study was to assess the in vitro antimicrobial potential of the liquid and vapour phases of B. carteri and C. myrrha essential oils and burn incense, as well as to test the effectiveness of their in situ application to cleanse microbially-contaminated air within the ambient of an investigated 17th-century church. Materials and methods: The chemical composition of B. carteri and C. myrrha essential oils, obtained by hydrodistillation of frankincense and true myrrh oleo gum resins was determined using GC/MS, and antimicrobial properties of their liquid and vapour phases were assessed by the broth microdilution and microatmosphere diffusion methods. Chemical analysis of burn incense fume obtained using bottle gas washing with dichloromethane as a solvent was performed by GC/MS, while its antimicrobial activity was evaluated using a modified microatmosphere diffusion method to evaluate germination inhibition for fungi and CFU count reduction for bacteria. The in situ antimicrobial activity of B. carteri burn incense and essential oil vapour phase was assessed in the sealed nave and diaconicon of the church, respectively. Results: The dominant compounds of B. carteri EO were α-pinene (38.41%) and myrcene (15.21%), while C. myrrha EO was characterized by high content of furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (17.65%), followed by curzerene (12.97%), β-elemene (12.70%), and germacrene B (12.15%). Burn incense fume and soot had α-pinene (68.6%) and incensole (28.6%) as the most dominant compounds, respectively. In vitro antimicrobial assays demonstrated high bacterial and fungal sensitivity to the liquid and vapour phases of EOs, and burn incense fume. In situ application of B. carteri EO vapour and incense fume resulted in reduction of air-borne viable microbial counts by up to 45.39 ± 2.83% for fungi and 67.56 ± 3.12% for bacteria (EO); and by up to 80.43 ± 2.07% for fungi and 91.43 ± 1.26% for bacteria (incense fume). Conclusions: The antimicrobial properties of essential oil derived from frankincense, a compound with well-known traditional use, showed that it possesses a clear potential as a natural antimicrobial agent. Moreover, the results suggest possible application of B. carteri EO vapour and incense fume as occasional air purifiers in sacral ambients, apart from daily church rituals.