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In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds and their Derivatives on SARS- COV-2


Abstract and Figures

The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 forms a big threat to all people in the world around us. In Iraq, there is a direct increase in the incidence, with a slight decrease in the mortality rate, and that leads us to attempt to find any way to stop or lessen the virus's harmful symptoms. In the current study, we used molecular docking to detect the probable inhibitory effect of fifteen natural compounds of some Flavonoids and their derivatives and two antiviral drugs against two of very important SARS-COV-2 proteins the papain like protease (PLpro) and RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) that was performed using Molecular Operating Environment software(MOE). All the chosen flavonoids and their derivatives, plus the two antiviral drugs docked in the active sites of the viral proteins (PLpro), some of the natural flavonoids like Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide and Theaflavin, gives energy complex scores about-6.96308947 and-6.99058199 Kcal/mol which is better than the energy score is given by Sofosbuvir and Darunavir-6.81020832 and-6.93942785 Kcal/mol respectively. And the docking of the compounds into the active sites of (RdRp) protein gives energy binding scores for Theaflavin monogallate-7.84163618 kcal/mol and that better than the complex's score given by docking of the Sofosbuvir and Darunavir into the same protein which gives-7.30999422 and-7.67598867 kcal/mol respectively. That's mean these flavonoids and their derivatives can be used as COVID-19 treatment. Otherwise, the infected people with COVID-19 can consume food rich with these Flavonoids to inhibit the virus or at least decrease its symptoms. Also from docking of flavonoids into both viral proteins, we can notice that all-natural compounds reported energy binding scores, and the Flavonoid derivatives have a better energy binding score than flavonoid themselves.
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2668| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Research Article
Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some
Flavonoids Compounds and their Derivatives on SARS-
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Basra, Iraq
2Department of Pharmacognosy and medicinal plants, College of Pharmacy, University of Basra, Iraq
Email ID:
Received: 20.04.20, Revised: 10.05.20, Accepted: 05.06.20
The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 forms a big threat to all people in the world around us. In Iraq, there
is a direct increase in the incidence, with a slight decrease in the mortality rate, and that leads us to attempt to
find any way to stop or lessen the virus's harmful symptoms. In the current study, we used molecular docking to
detect the probable inhibitory effect of fifteen natural compounds of some Flavonoids and their derivatives and
two antiviral drugs against two of very important SARS-COV-2 proteins the papain like protease (PLpro) and
RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) that was performed using Molecular Operating Environment
All the chosen flavonoids and their derivatives, plus the two antiviral drugs docked in the active sites of the viral
proteins (PLpro), some of the natural flavonoids like Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide and Theaflavin, gives energy
complex scores about -6.96308947 and -6.99058199 Kcal/mol which is better than the energy score is given by
Sofosbuvir and Darunavir -6.81020832 and -6.93942785 Kcal/mol respectively. And the docking of the compounds
into the active sites of (RdRp) protein gives energy binding scores for Theaflavin monogallate -7.84163618
kcal/mol and that better than the complex's score given by docking of the Sofosbuvir and Darunavir into the same
protein which gives -7.30999422 and -7.67598867 kcal/mol respectively. That’s mean these flavonoids and their
derivatives can be used as COVID-19 treatment. Otherwise, the infected people with COVID-19 can consume
food rich with these Flavonoids to inhibit the virus or at least decrease its symptoms.
Also from docking of flavonoids into both viral proteins, we can notice that all-natural compounds reported
energy binding scores, and the Flavonoid derivatives have a better energy binding score than flavonoid themselves.
Keywords: Flavonoids, Papain like protease, RdRp, Flavonoid derivatives, Theaflavin, 6WX4, 7BV2.
Since December 2019 all the world around us
suffering from a pandemic of Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19). It is the most recently
discovered coronavirus that causes infectious
zoonotic disease (which can infect a broad range of
hosts including humans) named severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
[1,2]. The virus belongs to the family
Coronaviridae, which has four subgroups the alpha
(α), beta (β), gamma (γ), and delta (δ) coronavirus
and the ‘common human coronaviruses’ are 229E
(α coronavirus), NL63 (α coronavirus), OC43 (β
coronavirus) and HKU1 (β coronavirus) [3]. They
usually cause a respiratory infection extending
between the common cold and severe state
diseases, virtually over the past two decades,
coronaviruses (CoVs) have been associated with
significant disease outbreaks in East Asia and the
Middle East, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndromes
(MERS) began to emerge in 2002 and 2012,
respectively [2]. At present-day, the novel
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), causes a disease
characterized by a respiratory syndrome with a
variable degree of severity, ranging from a mild
upper respiratory tract illness to severe interstitial
pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome
COVID-19 is typically rapidly spread from one
person to another via respiratory droplets produced
during coughing and sneezing [3] and generally
has a less severe clinical picture than MERS and
SARS but it can spread in the community more
easily and that made this virus a global health
threat with its continuing pandemic in many
countries and regions [2,4]. Today in Iraq the
number of infected people reaches 168,290 with a
mortality rate of about 3.9 % with a threat of the
second wave in the next autumn and that is
relatively high percent lead us to try to find any way
to stop or lessen the harmful symptoms as well as
the very rapid spread of this virus along with the
community [5, 6].
The using of plants extracts regard as one of the
most ancient and powerful means enabled human
to survive and treat multiple of disease across
years, Despite several advancements in the field of
ISSN 0975-2366
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2669| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
synthetic drug chemistry and antibiotics, Today, the
world is gradually turning to plant formulations
which are known to be effective against a large list
of diseases and illnesses [7]. The plant's secondary
metabolites are a group of plant products which
have low molecular weight compounds formed
generally by specific plant`s organs, tissues, and
cells[8]. They have high pharmaceutical properties
effective for human health and widely used in the
drug and pharmaceutical industry and are include
many related metabolites like alkaloids, amines,
steroids, insecticides, and flavonoids [7].
Flavonoids are a group of polyphenolic
compounds that hold an aromatic ring bearing at
least one hydroxyl group [9]. They are commonly
found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and honey,
etc. They are known to have medicinal properties
and play a major role in successful medical
treatments from ancient times [7]. flavonoids have
been reported on their effective antioxidants,
anticancer, antibacterial, cardioprotective agents,
anti-inflammation, immune system promoting, and
interesting candidate for pharmaceutical and
medical applications [9]. All these valuable
properties directed us to make a study by molecular
docking using Molecular Operating Environment
(MOE software) about the inhibitory effect of some
available and medically important flavonoids on
two of the more important SARS-CO-V2 proteins
the papain like protease enzyme (PLpro) [10], and
RNA dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp) which also
known as NSP12, catalyzes the synthesis of viral
RNA [11].
Medicinal compounds choice
In this study, we tried to select a Multiple of
medicinally reported important and more available
flavonoids and a few of their derivatives to detect
their inhibitory effect on COVID 19 (RdRp plus
PLpro) proteins. The selected flavonoids and their
derivatives are Kaempferol, Myricetin, Epicatechin,
Chrysin, Taxifolin, Glycitein, Malvidin, Theaflavins,
Pinocembrin, Naringenin, Theaflavin monogallate,
Glycitein7-O-glucuronide, Myricetin3-O-
rhamnoside, Epicatechin-o-gallate, and
Preparation of both enzymes and ligands
The download of COVID-19 PLpro and RdRppr
three dimensional structures was done from Protein
Data Bank under PDB ID 6WX4 and 7BV2
respectively [12,13]. Crystallographic properties of
6WX4 and 7BV2 proteins are reported in table 1.
The more suitable region of the receptor that
forming interactions with ligands can be recognized
by the protocol of active site prediction and
isolation [14]. Then Hamiltonian PM3 (Parametric
model 3) set in MOE was used and field strengths
within the MMFF94x (Merck molecular force field)
energy of the protein was minimized. Besides, the
protein surface must be clear from water molecules
because the latter may hide the interaction region
during docking. The active sites of 6WX4 and 7BV2
were identified by using the model of site-finder set
in MOE as shown in Figure 1 and 2.
Table 1: Crystallographic properties of covid-19 proteins.
Papain like
Viral Protein
And Table 2 reports the major chemical structure of
the chosen flavonoids which collected from
(Chequer et al. 2013) [15]. The 2-dimensional (2D)
structures of flavonoids chemical compounds were
downloaded in SDF format from PubChem [16].
Lipinski’s physicochemical parameters rule [17, 18]
were also studied for each flavonoid (ligand) and
reported in table 3. Chemical structures of main
drugs under clinical tests for the treatment of
COVID-19 are reported in table 4 [19, 11]. Also,
both natural ligands (Flavonoids compounds) and
proposed drugs were submitted to energy
minimizing under default conditions of pH = 7 and
temperature = 300°K.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2670| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Table 2: The chemical structures of flavonoids
Myricetin 3-O-
Table 3: Physicochemical Lipinskis parameters for flavonoids compounds.
Log p
Log s
12.Glycitein 7-O-
13.Myricetin 3-O-
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2671| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Table 4: The chemical structure of the examined antiCOVID-19 drugs.
Chemical structure
Drug bank
Lipinski’s rules
Log P(o/w)
Log S
Log P(o/w)
Log S
Fig.1: The active site of RNA dependent RNA polymerase (PDB 7BV2) in complex with Remdesivir.
Fig.2: The active site of Papain like protease (PDB 6WX4) enzyme inhibited by peptide inhibitor
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2672| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Docking and Building Complexes
Docking using the Dock module in MOE software
consists of positioning ligands into the active site of
6WX4 and 7BV2 with most of the default tools to
expect how molecules interact with the binding site
of the receptor [20]. The first docked molecules
series were proposed drugs and respective
reference inhibitors (PRD_002390 of 6WX4 and
F86 for 7BV2) to compare obtained scores with
scores from chosen ligands of flavonoids and a few
of their derivatives.
All the gained scores of docking of drugs and
inhibitor ligands (PRD_002390 and F86). Under
clinical test with the SARS COV2 proteins (PDB ID
6WX4 and 7BV2) were shown in table 5. As well as
the docking scores of flavonoids compounds with
the same viral proteins were shown in table 6 and
Table 7(a-o) and Table 8(a-o). the natural
flavonoids like Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide and
Theaflavin, gives energy complex scores about -
6.96308947 and -6.99058199 Kcal/mol when
docked within the SARS COV2 PLpro, while the
docking of the Theaflavin monogallate into the
active sites of RdRp viral protein gives energy
binding scores -7.84163618 kcal/mol as shown in
Figure 3 and 4.
Table 5: Score of binding for docking of SARS COV2 proteins with some drugs and inhibitor.
Drugs and Inhibitors
The score of binding (Kcal/mol)
1. PRD_002390
2. F86 (Remdesivir)
3. Sofosbuvir
4. Darunavir
Table 6: Binding score for docking of SARS COV2 proteins with choosing flavonoids and a few of their
Flavonoids and derivatives
The score of binding (Kcal/mol)
11.Theaflavin monogallate
12.Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide
13.Myricetin 3-O-Rhamnoside
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2673| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Fig.3: The2D and 3D possible interaction of Theaflavin and Glycitein-o-7glucorenoid with SARS COV2
PLpro respectively.
Fig.4: The 2D and 3D possible interaction of Theaflavin monogallate with SARS COV2 RdRp protein.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2674| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Table 7: The theoretical binding complex gained by docking of flavonoids and their derivatives with
SARS COV2 Papain like protein ID 6WX4.
2D possible interaction of compounds
Types of binds
a. Kaempferol
The amino acid ASP 164 (H-
donor) with 2.66 A distance
and energy of -14.9
The amino acid GLN 269
form (π-H) bond with 4.31 A
distance and -0.7 kcal/mol.
b. Myricetin
The (H-donor) hydrogen
bonds formed by amino
acids GLY136, ASP164, and
GLY136 with 3.04 A, 2.62
Aand 2.86 A distances and
energy of -2.1,-28.0, and -
1.6 kcal/mol respectively.
The amino acid ASP164
(ionic) with 2.62 A distance
and -28.0 kcal/mol. And The
TYR 264 (π-H) with 4.55 A
distance and energy of -1.0
c. Naringenin
The amino acid ASP164
form (H-donor) with 2.6 A
and energy of 20.2
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2675| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
d. Chrysin
The GLY163 form (H-donor)
bond with 2.94 A distance
and -1.5 kcal/mol. And The
amino acid TYR 264 form -
H) bond with 4.5 A distance
and energy of -0.6 kcal/mol.
e. Epicatechin
The amino acid ASP164
forming (H-donor) bond with
2.59 A distance and energy
of -8.8 kcal/mol.
The amino acid ASP164
forming (Ionic) bond with
3.34A distance and -7.9
f. Glycitein
The amino acid THR 301 (H-
donor) bond with 2.58 A
distance and energy of -0.9
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2676| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
g. Malvidin
The amino acid GLY163
form(H-donor) bond with
2.96 A distance and energy
of -1.6 kcal/mol.
h. Pinocembrin
The amino acid GLY163
forming (H-donor) bond with
2.78A distance and energy
of -2.6 kcal/mol.
i. Taxifolin
Non-perceptible interactions,
only electrostatics (Van der
Waals) interactions are
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2677| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
j. Theaflavin
Both amino acids TYR 268
and THR 301 forming (H-
donor) bonds with a distance
of 2.79 A and 2.69 A and
energy -4.5 and -12.8
kcal/mol respectively.
The amino acid ASP164
forming (Ionic) bond with a
distance of 3.77 A and
energy of -1.0 kcal/mol.
The amino acid ASP164
forms two Ionic bonds with
3.27A and 2.65A distance
and energy of -2.9 and -7.3
kcal/mol respectively.
The amino acid THR 301
forming (H-donor) bond with
2.97A distance and energy
of -0.7 kcal/mol.
One (H-donor) hydrogen
bond by the amino acid
GLU161 with 3.37 A
distance and energy of -0.6
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2678| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
m. Myricetin3-O-
The (H-donor) bond formed
by the amino acid TYR 268
with 3.02 A, 2.99 A, and
2.88A distances and energy
of -0.8, -1.0, and -1.5
kcal/mol respectively.
The amino acid GLY 266
forming (H-donor) bond with
2.82 Adistance and energy
of -3.4 kcal/mol.
The amino acid TYR 268
forming (π-π) bond with 3.65
A and energy of -0.0
o. Epicatechin-o-
One (H-donor) bond by the
amino acid GLU167 with
2.86 A distance and energy
of -5.0 kcal/mol.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2679| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Table 8: The theoretical binding complex is gained by docking of flavonoids and their derivatives
with SARS COV2 RNA dependent RNA Polymerase(RdRp).
2D possible interaction of compounds
Types of binds
a. Kaem
The (H- donor) hydrogen bonds
formed by the amino acids ASP
760, CYS 622, THR 556, and ARG
553 with distances of 2.9A,
4.31A, 3.03A, and 3.03A and
energy of -9.3, -0.7, -2.3 and-4.8
kcal/mol respectively.
b. Myricetin
The (H-donor) bonds formed by the
amino acids THR 680, ASP 760,
and THR 556 with distances of
3.21A, 3.02A, and 3.1A and
energy of -1.4, -2.0, and -2.0
kcal/mol respectively.
c. Naringenin
Two (H-donor) bonds formed by
the amino acids ASP 760 and THR
556 with 3.19 A, 2.72 A, and 3.5
A distances and energy of -0.8, -
7.5, and -0.6 kcal/mol respectively.
The amino acid THR 680 form(H-
acceptor) bond with 2.86 A
distance and energy of -1.3
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2680| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
d. Chrysin
There were non-perceptible
interactions, only electrostatics (Van
der Waals) interactions are
e. Epicatechin
Two (H-donor) bonds by the amino
acids TYR 619 and ASP 761 with
2.77A and 2.82 A distances and
energy of -9.1 and -3.8 kcal/mol
respectively. And two Ionic bonds
formed by the amino acid ASP760
with 2.98 A and 2.73 A distances
and energy of -4.6 and -6.6
kcal/mol respectively.
f. Glycitein
The amino acid ASP760 form 3
bond one (H-donor) bond with
2.81 A distance and energy of -
3.4kcal/mol. And two ionic bonds
with 3.6 A and 3.13 A and energy
of -1.5 and -3.5 kcal/mol
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2681| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
g. Malvidin
The (H-donor) hydrogen bonds
formed by the amino acids ASP
623 and MET 542 with 2.7A and
4.11 A distance and energy of -
6.5 and -4.11 kcal/mol
The amino acid ASN 691 form (H-
acceptor) hydrogen bond with 3.08
A distance and energy of -1.1
h. Pinocembrin
The possible interaction of with the
viral protein as shown there is non-
perceptible interaction, only
electrostatics (Van der Waals)
interactions are perceptible.
i. Taxifolin
The amino acid ARG 555 that
forms (H-acceptor) hydrogen bond
with 2.93 A distance and energy of
-3.6 kcal/mol.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2682| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
j. Theaflavin
(H-donor) bonds formed by the
amino acids ASP 760, TYR 619,
GLU 811, and ASP 623 with a
distance of 3.06 A, 3.41 A, 2.51
A, and 3.4 A and energy of -2.7,
-0.8, -26.7, and -0.6 kcal/mol
Ionic bonds three of this bonds
formed by the amino acids ASP
760 and one by ASP 761 and one
by GLU 811 with a distance of 3.65
A, 3.04 A, 3.25 A, 3.03 A and
2.51 A and energy of (1.4, 4.2,
3.0, 4.3 and 8.7)kcal/mol
k. Pinocembri
The amino acid ASP 760 forming
one (H-donor) bond and two Ionic
bonds with distances 2.98 A, 2.76
A, and 3.34 A and energy of
(1.9, 6.6 and3.6) kcal/mol
Four (H-donor) bonds formed by
the amino acids ASP 623, TYR 456,
THR 556, and CYS 813, the
distance for the bonds are 3.48 A,
3.01 A, 3.37 Aand 4.25 A with
the energy of (0.7, 1.1, 0.8 and
0.7 kcal/mol) respectively.
Two (H-acceptor) bonds formed by
the amino acids SER 682 and ARG
624 with a distance of 3.27 A and
2.8 A and energy of -0.7 and 2.0
kcal/mol respectively.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2683| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
m. Myricetin 3-
Five (H-donor) bonds formed by the
amino acids ASP 760, THR 556,
and SER 759 with distances of 2.83
A, 2.81 A, 2.87 A, 3.24 A, and
3.09 A, with the energy of (4.7,
3.7, 5.1,1.4 and 1.9 kcal/mol)
Two (H-donor) bonds formed by
the amino acids GLU 811 and THR
556 with distances of 2.78 A and
2.85 A and energy of -5.0 and -
1.0 kcal/mol respectively.
Two (H-acceptor) bonds formed by
the amino acids THR 680 and ASN
691 with distances of 3.53 A and
2.99 A and energy of -0.8 and -
1.7 kcal/mol respectively.
Two ionic bonds formed by the
amino acids ASP 760 and ASP 623
with distances of 3.45 A and 3.65
A and energy of -2.1 and -1.4
kcal/mol respectively.
o. Epicatechin-
The two (H-acceptor) bonds by the
amino acids ARG 555 and LYS 545
with distances of 2.96 A and 3.12
A and energy of -1.8 and -2.1
kcal/mol respectively.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2684| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Under the search for any means that can be used
to inhibit or lessen the harmful effect of
Coronavirus, the present study tried to introduce
some commonly available compounds as resources
can help us to face the pandemic. In the current
study, we chose two SARS-CoV2 proteins according
to the extensive study on SARS-CoV2 which show
that there is a multiple of Coronavirus proteins
have been recommended as a possible target for
antiviral drugs like envelope protein, spike protein,
nucleocapsid protein, membrane protein, 3CL
protease, and papain-like protease [10]. One of
the attractive antiviral drug targets is the SARS-CoV
papain-like protease (PLpro) is part of
(nonstructural protein) NSP3, and this papain-like
protease domain is responsible for the release of
NSP1, NSP2, and NSP3 (which are essential for
viral replication) by the hydrolysis of the peptide
bond from the N-terminal region of polyproteins
1a and 1ab, the latter expressed by the first
coronavirus gene (Open Reading Frame 1ab) [21].
Furthermore, the studies showed that SARS-CoV-
PLpro harbors a proteolytic activity by removal of
ISG15 (interferon-induced gene 15) ubiquitin-like
protein as well as ubiquitin (Ub) from proteins of
the host cell, Due to this action, the SARS-CoV2
PLpro enzyme performs a significant role in the
innate immune response during viral infection by
inhibiting the production of cytokines and
chemokines which are responsible for the activation
of the host innate immune response against viral
infection[13,22,23]. In addition to the SARS-CoV2
papain-like protease, the RNA dependent RNA
polymerase is another viral protein also known as
NSP12 catalyzes the synthesis of viral RNA and thus
plays a vital role in the replication and transcription
cycle of COVID-19 virus, possibly with the
assistance of NSP7 and NSP8 as cofactors,
Therefore, NSP12 is considered a primary target
for nucleoside analog antiviral inhibitors such as
Sofosbuvir which acts as a defective substrate for
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is essential
for the transcription of Hepatitis C viral RNA and
for its high replicative, and Remdesivir, which
shows potential for the treatment of COVID-19
viral infections [11,12], in our study we try to take
only the NSP12 without the NSP7 or NSP8 or any
compound to examine the direct effect of flavonoid
and their derivatives on RdRp protein.
From our results in Table 5 and 6, we can notice
that the antiviral drug and viral inhibitor reported
very high scores of binding with SARS-CoV2 PLpro
enzyme and RdRp ranging from -6.2 to -8.2
kcal/mol despite that the natural Flavonoids like
Theaflavin as well as the Flavonoids derivatives
gave also high scores some times better than the
antiviral drugs as shown in table 5 and 6. The
Theaflavin and Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide reported
a binding score with PLpro enzyme better than both
the Sofosbuvir and Darunavir antivirus drugs, and
the Theaflavin monogallate has a binding score
with RdRp higher than that of both antiviral drugs,
which means some Flavonoids like Theaflavin and
their derivatives have a high affinity to bind with the
COVID-19 viral protein as reported by (Peterson,
2020) [24]. And that also means consumption of
food or drink which are rich with flavonoids or their
derivatives like black Tea which contains
Theaflavin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, and Quercetin,
etc. can inhibit the viral infection or accelerate
patient cure by inhibiting viral proteins [25].
Additionally, the results in table 6 show that the
Flavonoid derivatives specially glycosylated
flavonoids, for example, Pinocembrin7-O-
Rhamnoside and Myricetin 3-O-Rhamnoside
gained a better binding score with both chosen
COVID-19 viral proteins than the Flavonoids
themselves as shown in Table 7 and 8 and that’s
maybe related to the sugar's moiety (like Rhamnose
which increases the compound's affinity to bind
with viral proteins [26]. And from the Table 7 and 8
can be shown that the other Flavonoids derivatives
like Epicatechin o-gallate, Theaflavin monogallate,
and Glycitein 7-O-glucuronide all these flavonoids
have highly reactive acidic groups like Glucuronic
acid and gallic acid which enable them to binds
with the viral protein tightly, the Glucuronic acid in
some cases work as a minor component in
particular sulfated fucans that isolated from brown
algae and showed a wide variety of biological
activities, such as inhibitors of human pathogenic
viruses including HIV, herpes simplex virus (HSV )
and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV ) [27]. while
The gallate compounds (esters of gallic acid) are
widely employed as antioxidants and other
biological activities mainly the anticancer,
antibacterial, and antifungal properties and anti-
herpes simplex virus (HSV)-2 [28].
The docking of some flavonoids and their
derivatives into specific SARS COV2 proteins PLpro
and RdRp form binds in energy scores -which may
exceed the complex energy scores of docking the
antiviral drugs with the same viral proteins-that
enable us to try to use this Flavonoids in COVID-19
treatment also the infected people with COVID-19
virus can consuming nutritions which are rich with
Flavonoids and their derivatives and that can
participate in patients cure of viral infection by
inhibiting of viral proteins.
Rafeef Amer Abdul Jabar et al / In-Silico Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Some Flavonoids Compounds
and their Derivatives on SARS-COV-2
2685| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
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... M pro (−9.2), and RdRp (−9.0) protein that suggest its potentiality towards SARS-CoV-2 [56,58,60]. Similarly, molecular docking of kaempferol showed maximum binding affinity towards spike and ACE2 protein with the binding score of − 8.5 and -7.20, respectively [50,52,57]. Myricetin, an active flavonoid, docked against multiple SARS-CoV-2 proteins, including ACE2, CL pro , and RdRp, and the result demonstrates a satisfactory binding score, i.e., greater than −7 kcal/mol [50,61,62]. ...
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COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 has changed the world scenario and caused mortality around the globe. Patients who recovered from COVID-19 have shown neurological, psychological, renal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and hematological complications. In some patients, complications lasted more than 6 months. However, significantly less attention has been given to post-COVID complications. Currently available drugs are used to tackle the complications, but new interventions must address the problem. Phytochemicals from natural sources have been evaluated in recent times to cure or alleviate COVID-19 symptoms. An edible plant, Solanum nigrum, could be therapeutic in treating COVID-19 as the AYUSH ministry of India prescribes it during the pandemic. S. nigrum demonstrates anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiviral action to treat the SARS-CoV-2 infection and its post-complications. Different parts of the plant represent a reduction in proinflammatory cytokines and prevent multi-organ failure by protecting various organs (liver, kidney, heart, neuro, and lung). The review proposes the possible role of the plant S. nigrum in managing the symptoms of COVID-19 and its post-COVID complications based on in silico docking and pharmacological studies. Further systematic and experimental studies are required to validate our hypothesis.
ABSTRACT Chalcones with a C6-C3-C6 backbone are a class of plant-derived polyphenolic metabolites structurally related to flavonoids, of which two phenyl rings are connected via an α- and β-unsaturated carbonyl chain. Indeed, these secondary metabolites are precursors of flavonoids, as they are readily converted to the corresponding flavanones by the action of chalcone isomerase. Chalcones are found in various plant resources and possess a myriad of biological/pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects. Given the outbreak of harmful viral diseases like Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Mother Nature has been recognized as the most beneficial choice to look for potential candidates to target the variety of human viruses. So, the leaves of an Indian medicinal plant containing chalcones inhibited in vitro SARS-CoV-2 replication by blocking viral entry into host cells with high safety and low toxicity. Various researchers have also computationally studied the potency of chalcones as antiviral drugs toward SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused COVID-19. As previously reported, prenylated chalcones (i.e., xanthoangelols B, D, E, and F) derived from Angelica keiskei inhibited in vitro the key SARS-CoV enzymes, including 3CLpro (chemotrypsin-like protease) and PLpro (papain-like protease), with IC50 ranges of 1.2‒34.1 μM. Another in vitro study reported that synthetic chalcones, for example, a new ciprofloxacin-chalcone hybrid, can dose-dependently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro in Vero cells (IC50 value of 0.6 μM). Although chalcones may provide excellent anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds, further research is required to investigate their efficiency and safety in clinical trials. This chapter will cover the current knowledge on chalcones and, in some cases, their synthetic derivatives against SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, the inhibition of different enzymes, which are related to different stages of viral replication and progression of COVID-19, will be discussed.
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The ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a huge number of human deaths. Currently, there are no specific drugs or vaccines available for this virus (SARS-CoV-2). The viral polymerase is a promising antiviral target. Here, we describe the near-atomic resolution structure of the SARS-CoV-2 polymerase complex, consisting of nsp12 catalytic subunit and nsp7-nsp8 cofactors. This structure highly resembles the counterpart of SARS-CoV with conserved motifs for all viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, and suggests the mechanism for activation by cofactors. Biochemical studies reveal reduced activity of the core polymerase complex and lower thermostability of individual subunits of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to that of SARS-CoV. These findings provide important insights into RNA synthesis by coronavirus polymerase and indicate a well adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 towards humans with relatively lower body temperatures than the natural bat hosts.
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The devastating effects of the recent global pandemic (termed COVID-19 for "coronavirus disease 2019") caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) are paramount with new cases and deaths growing at an exponential rate. In order to provide a better understanding of SARS CoV-2, this article will review the proteins found in the SARS CoV-2 that caused this global pandemic.
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A novel (COVID-19) responsible of acute respiratory infection closely related to SARS-CoV has recently emerged. So far there is no consensus for drug treatment to stop the spread of the virus. Discovery of a drug that would limit the virus expansion is one of the biggest challenges faced by the humanity in the last decades. In this perspective, testing existing drugs as inhibitors of the main COVID-19 protease is a good approach.Among natural phenolic compounds found in plants, fruit, and vegetables; flavonoids are the most abundant. Flavonoids, especially in their glycosylated forms, display a number of physiological activities, which makes them interesting to investigate as antiviral molecules.The flavonoids chemical structures were downloaded from PubChem and protease structure 6lu7 was from the Protein Data Bank site. Molecular docking study was performed using AutoDock Vina. Among the tested molecules Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside showed the highest binding affinity (-9,7 kcal/mol). Docking studies showed that glycosylated flavonoids are good inhibitors for the covid-19 protease and could be further investigated by in vitro and in vivo experiments for further validation.
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A wrench in the works of COVID-19 Understanding the inner workings of the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may help us to disrupt it. Yin et al. focused on the viral polymerase essential for replicating viral RNA. They determined a structure of the polymerase bound to RNA and to the drug remdesivir. Remdesivir mimics an RNA nucleotide building block and is covalently linked to the replicating RNA, which blocks further synthesis of RNA. The structure provides a template for designing improved therapeutics against the viral polymerase. Science , this issue p. 1499
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The emerging coronavirus disease (COVID-19) swept across the world, affecting more than 200 countries and territories. Genomic analysis suggests that the COVID-19 virus originated in bats and transmitted to humans through unknown intermediate hosts in the Wuhan seafood market, China, in December of 2019. This virus belongs to the Betacoronavirus group, the same group of the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and for the similarity, it was named SARS-CoV-2. Given the lack of registered clinical therapies or vaccines, many physicians and scientists are investigating previously used clinical drugs for COVID-19 treatment. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the CoVs origin, pathogenicity, and genomic structure, with a focus on SARS-CoV-2. Besides, we summarize the recently investigated drugs that constitute an option for COVID-19 treatment.
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There is a new world health crisis threatening the public with spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) . Since December 2019, when Covid-19 emerged in Hunan seafood market at Wuhan, South China and rapidly spread throughout the world, the virus outbreak has been declared a public health emergency of International concern by World Health Organization (WHO). We here summarize the current clinical characteristics data to guide potential COVID-19 about Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatments and Prevention of COVID-19. In this review, we extracted data from various Re- search Report, WHO guidelines and other articles. It is important to caution the readers that new data updating nearly every hour regarding clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment strategies, and outcomes COVID-19. Throughout the world the disease has caused varying degrees of illness. Patient shows various symptoms usually fever, cough, sore throat, breathlessness, fatigue, and malaise among others. The disease is being cured through general treatment, symptomatic treatment, by using antiviral drugs, oxygen therapy and by the immune system. It is neces- sary to identify the potential cases as soon as possible and isolate the suspected people from the confirmed cases of COVID-19, to prevent the potential transmission of infection to other patients and health care staff. Keywords: Coronavirus disease-2019, COVID-19, respiratory syndrome, symptoms, SARAS, treatment
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The COVID-19 RNA-synthesizing machine Many in the scientific community have mobilized to understand the virus that is causing the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Gao et al. focused on a complex that plays a key role in the replication and transcription cycle of the virus. They used cryo–electron microscopy to determine a 2.9-angstrom-resolution structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12, which catalyzes the synthesis of viral RNA, in complex with two cofactors, nsp7 and nsp8. nsp12 is a target for nucleotide analog antiviral inhibitors such as remdesivir, and the structure may provide a basis for designing new antiviral therapeutics. Science , this issue p. 779
In December 2019, the first cases of a novel coronavirus infection causing COVID-19 were diagnosed in Wuhan, China. Viral Papain-Like cysteine protease (PLpro, NSP3) is essential for SARS-CoV-2 replication and represents a promising target for the development of antiviral drugs which would be facilitated by an understanding of its substrate specificity. Here, we used a combinatorial substrate library containing natural and a wide variety of nonproteinogenic amino acids and performed comprehensive activity profiling of SARS-CoV-2-PLpro. We found that the P2 site of SARS-CoV-2-PLpro is highly specific for Gly, the P3 site exhibits a high degree of promiscuity, and the P4 site exhibits a preference for amino acids with hydrophobic side chains. We also demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2-PLpro harbors deubiquitinating activity. Both the substrate binding profile and deubiquitinating activity are shared with the highly related SARS-CoV-PLpro which harbors near identical S4-S2 binding pockets. On the scaffold of best hits from positional scanning we have designed optimal fluorogenic substrates and irreversible inhibitors with a high degree of selectivity for SARS PLpro variants versus other proteases. Altogether this work has revealed the molecular rules governing PLpro substrate specificity and provides a framework for development of inhibitors with potential therapeutic value or drug repositioning.