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2.5D Computational Image Stippling


Abstract and Figures

We present a novel 2.5D image stippling process that renders the photographic depth-of-field effect direct as an integral feature without any need of image filtering computation. Our approach relies on an additional depth image to produce the effect. The proposed method is based on a recent physically-based blue noise sampling technique, which allows sampling naturally from spatial data, such as a 3D point cloud. The separation of the image data and its spatial information under our proposed 2.5D setting enables additional creative possibilities of image stippling art. Our approach can also produce an animated sequence that mimics the rack focus effect with good temporal coherence.
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12.5D image processing refers to techniques which take advantage of the per-
pixel distance from camera information, i.e. depth information
2.5D Computational Image Stippling
Kin-Ming Wong
Tien-Tsin Wong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
We present a novel 2.5D1 image stippling
process that renders the photographic depth-of-
field effect direct as an integral feature without
any need of image filtering computation. Our
approach relies on an additional depth image to
produce the effect. The proposed method is
based on a recent physically based blue noise
sampling technique, which allows sampling
naturally from spatial data, such as a 3D point
cloud. The separation of the image data and its
spatial information under our proposed 2.5D
setting enables additional creative possibilities
of image stippling art. Our approach can also
produce an animated sequence that mimics the
rack focus effect with good temporal coherence.
1. Introduction
Image stippling has a long history, dating back
to the 16th century as a printmaking technique
introduced by Giulio Campagnola [1] for
reproducing smooth tones, shading and image
details. This image-making technique uses only
strong tone dots as the sole pictorial elements,
and it demands an extremely skilful spatial
arrangement. After centuries, stippling is still
ubiquitous because of its unique aesthetics, the
transparency of the process, and its simplicity as
an art form.
Computational image stippling connects
tightly to blue noise adaptive sampling
techniques. Deussen and Isenberg [2] offer an
excellent comprehensive review of its
development. The term blue noise was formally
defined and characterized by Ulichney [3] in his
dithering research work. Figure 1b shows an
example of how the structureless blue noise
points reproduce pleasantly the underlying
image tone with subtly varying yet uniform
Early research work in computer graphics
related to blue noise and image stippling was
driven by the need for tone reproduction
improvement for early digital printing and
display devices. Floyd and Steinberg [4]
proposed the error diffusion technique, which
stands as one of the best examples of how
dithering improves tone reproduction. In the
rendering research community, Dippé and Wold
[5] proposed the use of Poisson disk sampling in
rendering with reference to work on the study of
spatial pattern of photo-receptors by Yellott [6].
(a) Input pair
(image + depth).
(b) Regular stippling.
(c) Stippling with depth of field using
our method.
Fig. 1. 2.5D computational image stippling examples (10,240 points)
Cook [7] further popularized the effectiveness of
Poisson disk sampling, which is effectively a
quality blue noise sampling point set.
Stippling-focused research work proposed by
Deussen [8] relies on the relaxation technique
proposed by Lloyd [9] to produce quality stipple
drawings. To enable a more interactive
experience, Secord [10] introduced a
precomputed stipple tile-based approach, along
with the weighted Voronoi method.
Ostromoukhov et al. [11] and Kopf et al. [12]
proposed improved tile-based acceleration
techniques for better interactive image stippling.
More modern blue noise research work by
Balzer et al. [13], namely the Capacity
Constrained Voronoi Tessellation (CCVT)
technique, is considered the state-of-the-art blue
noise sampling method. CCVT serves as an
important model, which inspired additional
work. One such work was proposed by De Goes
et al. [14], which formulated the capacity
constrained model into an optimal transport
problem, now commonly known as the BNOT
method. The kernel density model proposed by
Fattal [15] also set a new standard for blue noise
sampling quality.
There are computational image stippling
methods that are designed to improve the quality
or variety of image stippling art from different
perspectives. Pang et al. [16] proposed an
approach that emphasizes reproduction of the
structural details. Kim et al. [17] proposed an
example-based stippling method that enables the
use of sampled stippling patterns. Wei [18]
introduced multi-class sampling, which enables
more sophisticated stippling possibilities, and Li
et al. [19] proposed an anisotropic technique,
which substitutes dots with adaptive thin
directional pictorial elements. Li and Mould
[20] proposed a structure aware stippling
method, which allows user-defined priority of
stipple emphasis.
For the depth-of-field effect, there is no
shortage of bitmap image filtering-based
techniques [21, 22, 23], which render the
photographic effect using an additional depth
image. To the best of our knowledge, there has
been no attempt to introduce photographic
effects to the image stippling process as an
integral feature without any pre-processing of
the input image.
Our proposed 2.5D image stippling method
renders the depth-of-field effect as a
computation-free feature. We rely on the
physically based blue noise sampling technique
proposed by Wong and Wong [24] as the core of
our approach. This sampling technique models
the sample points as electrically charged
particles, which self-organize by movement to
reach an equilibrium. We apply an intuitive
extension to this blue noise sampling method so
that 2.5D image data can be adaptively sampled.
This dynamics-based approach also allows us to
produce an animated rack focus effect by
changing the focus distance during simulation;
the animated result shows stable temporal
In section 2, we give a brief overview of the
blue noise sampling technique used in our
method and how it inspired our work. Section 3
describes the details of our extension for 2.5D
image data sampling. In section 4, we
demonstrate and evaluate the depth of field
enabled stippling results from an artistic point of
view. And in section 5, we discuss a few creative
stippling applications based on our method.
2. Physically based Blue Noise Sampling
In this section, we review the blue noise
sampling technique proposed by Wong and
Wong [24], which serves as the foundation of
our 2.5 image stippling method. This sampling
method proposed a very intuitive approach,
which models the sampling points as a system of
electrically charged particles, with each carrying
an identical charge. These like-charged particles
repel each other, and the system undergoes self-
organization by movement until it reaches an
equilibrium state by maintaining a uniform
equidistant neighbourhood around each particle.
The particles' positions are then computed by
integrating the equations of motion using a
customized Velocity Verlet numerical integrator
[25, 24], described in the original article. The
whole idea is not totally innovative. It was first
suggested by Hanson [26] and later by Schmaltz
[27], but using a pure 2D electric field.
2.1 Uniform Sampling
Given a system of N particles constrained on an
imaginary 2D plane, the total electrostatic force
exerted on a particle pi based on Coulomb's
inverse-square law is governed by the following
equation (eq. 1):
 
 
where is the amount of charge carried by each
particle, and are the positions of particles
and , respectively, and  is a unit vector
pointing from to , which represents the
direction of force. The process is simulated in a
periodic domain, and the particles self-organize
to reach an equilibrium state. Figure 2 shows a
uniform point set generated using this physically
based technique. This point set exhibits high-
quality blue noise characteristics and is reflected
by its power spectrum, as shown in Figure 2b.
2.2 Adaptive Sampling
What inspired our 2.5D image stippling
approach is the adaptive sampling model
proposed by this sampling method. To
adaptively sample a varying density function,
such as a bitmap image, the sampling method
creates an additional imaginary 2D plane,
named the density plane. On this new density
plane, a regular grid of M non-moving
attractively charged particles is created; each
particle's charge is determined by the
corresponding pixel that it represents. The
amount of charge carried by a given particle
on the density plane is defined as follows (eq.
where is the pixel's intensity value that the
particle represents, and is a positive valued
coefficient determined by the total charge of the
particles on the sampling plane. This
relationship guarantees a total balance of
potential. The force exerted on a particle on
the sampling plane by the charges on the density
plane is governed by the following equation (eq.
 
 
The total force experienced by a particle can
be expressed as the sum of equations (1) and (3).
We carefully examined the stipple images
produced by this blue noise sampling method,
and we noticed that the amount of charge
carried by the sampling particles has an
important impact on the overall image quality.
Figure 3 shows a pair of stipple images produced
using different values of . A higher value of
produces an impression of better contrast. We
believe it is a logical consequence that the larger
force between sampling particles produces more
space in the areas of low density (or brighter
area), so it boosts the overall contrast. It is not
(a) Uniform point set
with = 0.25.
(b) Power spectrum.
(a) = 0.05.
(b) = 0.35.
hard to see that Figure 3b offers better contrast
than Figure 3a. For a lower a value of , we
note that the points are obviously less structured,
and they seem to be more sensitive to subtle
local image structures too. In our experience, a
higher value of accelerates the convergence if
it is a necessary factor to consider.
The density plane is by design placed tightly
and parallel to the sampling plane to control the
local density of the sampling particles. Wong
and Wong [24] briefly demonstrated the impact
of this inter-plane distance to the adaptive
sampling results, and they named it a parameter
for sharpness control. Figure 4 shows the effects
of this parameter. It has an intuitive physical
meaning here because according to Coulomb's
inverse-square law, attractive force should be
weakened and less localized when the distance
between the sampling and the density planes
increases, resulting in a stipple image that gives
a blurred impression, as shown in Figure 4b.
Although the force applied by the density plane,
as expressed in Equation (3), assumes a planar
arrangement of the particles, the model itself
does permit a 3D configuration, as mentioned in
Wong and Wong [24]. Our method exploits this
3D configuration possibility as the foundation of
our depth-of-field effect integrated stippling
3. 2.5D Image Stippling
By extending the idea of using a 2D density
plane for adaptive sampling, we propose
substituting the planar setup of density particles
with a height-field alike configuration. In our
new model, each density particle has its own
depth from the sampling plane defined by an
additional depth image. We also introduce a new
parameter , which defines the focus distance,
so the density particles at a distance from the
sampling plane give an in-focus impression in
the stipple result.
To achieve this visual effect, we displace the
whole density field towards the sampling plane
by , so the in-focus density particles exert a
strong attraction to the sampling particles. Based
on this new proposal, we adapt Equation (3) to
accommodate the changes. The force exerted by
this new configuration is now governed by the
following equation (eq. 4):
 
 
where   is the new position
of density particle ,  is a unit vector
pointing from  to , and maintains a
minimum distance between particles to avoid
instability. To control the amount of depth of
field, the depth component of all density
particles can be globally scaled to achieve the
desired degree of field depth.
We use the same numerical integrator
described in Wong and Wong [24]; the
algorithm is outlined in Algorithm 1. Using
OpenGL compute shaders, we implemented a
simple GPU application based on our method.
Figure 5 shows an example of how our method
is used to create stipple images from the same
input with different focus distances. The average
computation time of this example is 326ms per
iteration, using an nVIDIA Geforce GT 650M
mobile GPU.
Algorithm 1 Numerical Integrator
1. Position Update:
   
2. Acceleration Update:
Compute    using   
3. Velocity Update:
  
   
4. Repeat
(a) Small inter-plane
(b) Large inter-plane
(b) .
where is a user-defined damping factor of a
range of [0,1), which improves convergence.
We find that a value of 0.95 works best in most
scenarios. defines the maximum per time-step
displacement of each particle, which we keep
constantly at 0.002, using a normalized
coordinate system in our periodic simulation
4. Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate the visual quality
and image characteristics of our rendered
output. In the PDF version of this paper, all
stipple images are embedded in vector form for
better visual examination.
4.1 Pre-filtered Depth of Field
The depth-of-field effect is traditionally
achieved by applying adaptive filtering to a
bitmap image, based on a depth map. We
evaluate the qualitative difference between our
results using the traditional approach from an
artistic point of view instead of a technical one
because our method is not designed to parallel
or match the filtering result of the bitmap image-
based technique.
We used commercial software [28] to obtain a
pre-filtered bitmap, which is made to match the
degree of depth of field in Figure 5b. Figure 6b
shows a regular stippling result of the pre-
filtered depth-of-field input using our method; it
is not hard to observe that the stipple image
using pre-filtered input maintains better contrast
and a stronger photographic impression. Our
depth-of-field result in Figure 5b, however, has
a stronger illustrational and handcrafted quality.
As our approach does not intend to accurately
simulate the bitmap image filtering process, we
believe that our result has a unique look with its
own aesthetic qualities.
4.2 Degree of Depth of Field
Our model allows different degrees of depth of
field by globally scaling the depth component of
the input depth map. Figure 8 shows two
stippling results rendered with different depth
scaling factors, while all other settings remain
identical. The one with shallow depth of field,
(a) Input pair
(image + depth).
(b) Focus on the front, depth = 0.25.
(c) Focus on the back, depth = 0.55.
(a) Pre-filtered
(b) = 0.3.
Fig. 5. Image stippling examples with depth-of-field effect using our method; both used = 0.3 and 150 iterations to converge.
Fig. 6. Stipple image of the pre-filtered depth of field image.
shown in Figure 7b, demonstrates stronger tone
and local contrast on the dark in-focus areas. We
believe this is a consequence of the relatively
stronger attraction force and denser in-focus
4.3 Tone and Feature Reproduction
As mentioned above, the sampling particle's
charge has an impact on the overall image
contrast. This is an inherent property of the
sampling method [24], but we take a deeper look
at how this parameter affects the overall
image quality. We use a pair of stipple images
with the same depth of field settings using a
lower number of sample points (5,120 points) to
illustrate our observations more clearly.
Figure 8a is produced using a smaller particle
charge. It is not hard to observe that the stipple
points on this image are far less structured than
the ones in Figure 8b. The stipple points rely on
various subtle and continuously varying density
distributions to reveal the underlying image.
This characteristic helps to maintain the subtle
local tonal changes, and the whole image
possesses a more organic quality from an artistic
point of view.
In contrast, the stipple points in Figure 8b are
more structurally organized; this is especially
clear on the silhouettes and other sharp features.
The overall image has more technical clarity,
and better overall image contrast. We believe
this setting is good for instructional or graphical
illustration purposes.
(a) Medium depth of field.
(b) Shallow depth of field.
(a) Particle charge = 0.1.
(b) Particle charge = 0.5.
Fig. 7. Different degrees of depth of field image.
Fig. 8. Effects of particle charge.
5. Creative Possibilities
In this section, we explore various creative
possibilities with our proposed method, ranging
from general manipulation to photographic
processing and animated sequence output.
5.1 Mixed Input as Masked Processing
As our method relies on a separate given depth
image, users can always use a depth map that is
not necessarily related to the image as a means
to achieve other creative effects. Figures 9 and
10 show two creative uses of mixing an
unrelated depth map to an image map to create a
masked stippling.
5.2 Image Processing
To render the depth-of-field effect for bitmap
images, image features more distant from the
focus require more processing because of a
larger filter kernel to process, but this does not
apply to our stippling method. For general
bitmap image processing based on convolution,
we may loosely relate the filter kernel radius in
bitmap image processing with the depth
component of a density particle in our method.
As an example of this connection, we follow
how bitmap image processing creates a tilt-shift
effect to a given image; this is usually achieved
by applying a blurring process with a global
radially increasing filter kernel radius. We
reproduce it with a depth map which mimics the
approach. Figure 11 shows the input pair and the
We believe this analogy between the kernel
radius and the density particle's depth would
serve as a good research direction for exploring
systematic processing techniques for stipple
images, or more precisely, point-based images.
5.3 Temporal Coherence of Stipple Image
We include with this paper a short video as
supplemental material to demonstrate how our
dynamics-based stippling method can be used to
generate an animated sequence of stipple images
that mimics the rack-focus effect. It can be used
direct as the initialization point set for the next
stipple computation. As long as the focus
distance shifts slowly, the convergence of the
new stipple image can happen in one or just a
few time-steps in our experience.
More importantly, the two consecutive stipple
images often demonstrate good temporal
(a) Mixed inputs.
(b) Stipple output.
(a) Mixed inputs.
(b) Stipple output.
(a) Input pair.
(b) Stipple output.
Fig. 9. Mixed input for stylized stippling.
Fig. 10. Mixed input for graphic design.
Fig. 11. Tilt-shift alike image filtering.
coherence. This is the advantage of the global,
dynamics-based blue noise method proposed by
Wong and Wong. [24] This temporal coherence
is often hard to achieve with the sequential
method or algorithms which rely on
Theoretically, this temporal coherence
characteristic should also apply to animated
video clip input, provided there is no vigorous
change in image content, but this potential was
not explored in the original paper.
6. Performance
We implemented a simple graphics processing
unit (GPU) application using OpenGL compute
shaders without any specialized algorithmic
acceleration. Stippling computation time
depends only on the number of sample points
and the input image size; the degree of depth of
field has no impact on our performance. For a
stippling of 10,240 points and an input bitmap
of size 256 256, each iteration takes less than
150ms on a modest Geforce GT650M notebook
Our compute shader parallelizes in a per
sample point fashion, and the OpenGL compute
shader allows us to maximize the use of local
memory to minimize the GPU global memory
bottleneck. A summary of timing information is
provided in Figure 12, showing how
computation time increases with the number of
sample points under different input bitmap sizes.
Although we believe our method should run
impressively on more modern GPUs, to
compute stippling with several hundred
thousand sample points at an interactive rate, an
algorithmic level acceleration is definitely
necessary. The physically based blue noise
sampling method [24] we use is practically an
N-Body simulation, so any algorithmic
acceleration for an N-Body simulation should
work for our method too. The multi-level
summation method proposed by Hardy et al.
[29] and the non-equidistant fast Fourier
transform-based acceleration method by
Gwosdek et al. [30] are both applicable to our
In addition, the electric field of the density
particles can be theoretically precomputed as a
high resolution look-up table for runtime
Fig. 12. Per-iteration time performance on GT650M.
(a) Regular stipple image.
(b) Our stipple result with depth of field.
Fig. 13. Inconsistency of perceived brightness.
7. Discussion
We have presented a novel 2.5D image stippling
method which is able to render certain
photographic effects for free. Based on a global
blue noise sampling technique, our method
generates an animated sequence with effects
with good temporal coherence.
However, we are aware that our method
cannot maintain the consistency of the overall
image brightness across stipples. Figure 13
shows a pair of images; Figure 13a is a regular
stipple image, and in Figure 13b the depth-of-
field effect was applied. There is an obvious
tone difference between them, which can be
explained by the concentration of attraction
force. To provide overall brightness
consistency, we believe that an algorithm to
adjust the number of sample points has to be in
place. This could be considered for future
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We present a physically based blue noise sampling approach which can be evaluated efficiently by using the N-body simulation method. A set of sample points is modeled as electrically charged particles on an imaginary 2D plane where they self-organize by movement to minimize the electrostatic force that they each experience. The resulting particles’ positions at equilibrium exhibit an equidistant neighborhood characteristic that fulfills the essential requirement of a quality blue noise point set. We propose to use the Velocity Verlet algorithm commonly used in molecular dynamics simulation as our integration method, and we apply custom adaptation to improve the convergence rate for our purpose. Our method uses the magnitude of electrical charge of particles as an intuitive control parameter of the spectral behavior of the generated blue noise point sets. We are able to obtain high-quality blue noise point sets comparable to the state-of-the-art results, and we have also implemented a simple GPU application to evaluate our method on the image stippling application.
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We present a molecular dynamics computer simulation method for calculating equilibrium constants for the formation of physical clusters of molecules. The method is based on Hill’s formal theory of physical clusters. In the method, a molecular dynamics calculation is used to calculate the average potential energy of a cluster of molecules as a function of temperature, and the equilibrium constants are calculated from the integral of the energy with respect to reciprocal temperature. The method is illustrated by calculations of the equilibrium constants for the formation of clusters of two to five water molecules that interact with each other by an intermolecular potential devised by Watts. The method is compared with other procedures for calculating the thermodynamic properties of clusters.
Conference Paper
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In this work, we focus on stippling as an artistic style and discuss our technique for capturing and reproducing stipple features unique to an individual artist. We employ a texture synthesis algorithm based on the gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) of a texture field. This algorithm uses a texture similarity metric to generate stipple textures that are perceptually similar to input samples, allowing us to better capture and reproduce stipple distributions. First, we extract example stipple textures representing various tones in order to create an approximate tone map used by the artist. Second, we extract the stipple marks and distributions from the extracted example textures, generating both a lookup table of stipple marks and a texture representing the stipple distribution. Third, we use the distribution of stipples to synthesize similar distributions with slight variations using a numerical measure of the error between the synthesized texture and the example texture as the basis for replication. Finally, we apply the synthesized stipple distribution to a 2D grayscale image and place stipple marks onto the distribution, thereby creating a stippled image that is statistically similar to images created by the example artist.
We present a new general-purpose method for optimizing existing point sets. The resulting distributions possess high-quality blue noise characteristics and adapt precisely to given density functions. Our method is similar to the commonly used Lloyd's method while avoiding its drawbacks. We achieve our results by utilizing the concept of capacity, which for each point is determined by the area of its Voronoi region weighted with an underlying density function. We demand that each point has the same capacity. In combination with a dedicated optimization algorithm, this capacity constraint enforces that each point obtains equal importance in the distribution. Our method can be used as a drop-in replacement for Lloyd's method, and combines enhancement of blue noise characteristics and density function adaptation in one operation.
We present a fast, scalable algorithm to generate high-quality blue noise point distributions of arbitrary density functions. At its core is a novel formulation of the recently-introduced concept of capacity-constrained Voronoi tessellation as an optimal transport problem. This insight leads to a continuous formulation able to enforce the capacity constraints exactly, unlike previous work. We exploit the variational nature of this formulation to design an efficient optimization technique of point distributions via constrained minimization in the space of power diagrams. Our mathematical, algorithmic, and practical contributions lead to high-quality blue noise point sets with improved spectral and spatial properties.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a new fast, automatic method for structure-aware stippling. The core idea is to concentrate on structure preservation by using a priority-based scheme that treats extremal stipples first and preferentially assigns positive error to lighter stipples and negative error to darker stipples, emphasizing contrast. We also use a nonlinear spatial function to shrink or exaggerate errors and thus implicitly provide global adjustment of density. Our adjustment respects contrast and hence allows us to preserve structure even with very low stipple budgets. We also explore a variety of stylization effects, including screening and scratchboard, all within the unifying framework of stippling.
Electrostatic halftoning is a high-quality method for stippling, dithering, and sampling, but it suffers from a high runtime. This made the technique difficult to use for most real-world applications. A recently proposed minimisation scheme based on the non-equispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT) lowers the complexity in the particle number M from $\mathcal{O}(M^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(M \log M).$ However, the NFFT is hard to parallelise, and the runtime on modern CPUs lies still in the orders of an hour for about 50,000 particles, to a day for 1 million particles. Our contributions to remedy this problem are threefold: we design the first GPU-based NFFT algorithm without special structural assumptions on the positions of nodes, we introduce a novel nearest-neighbour identification scheme for continuous point distributions, and we optimise the whole algorithm for n-body problems such as electrostatic halftoning. For 1 million particles, this new algorithm runs 50 times faster than the most efficient technique on the CPU, and even yields a speedup of 7,000 over the original algorithm.