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Intrusion Detection System for Structured Query Language Injection Attack in E-Commerce Database

  • Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 446
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Intrusion Detection System for Structured Query
Language Injection Attack in E-Commerce Database
Obasi Emmanuela Chinonye Mary *, Nlerum Promise Anebo **
* Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria
** Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria
DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.08.2020.p10455
Abstract- The weakness of the web due to the recent trend of
sophistication in cybercrime has awaken the interest of researches
in securing web applications. Hence web-based information assets
are not secured with increased tendency of hackers to break in.
The enhancement in the features of database servers has made
most of the web applications use Relational Database
Management Systems (RDBMS). Attackers use SQL injection to
gain unauthorized access to databases and manipulate all the
valuable information stored therein. That has created interfaces
that are not free from attack due to the susceptibility of risk attack
in the web application called Structured Query Language (SQL)
Injection. The risk of such attacks increases if the web application
issues error messages each time the attacker makes an attempt.
These messages guide the attacker in reconstructing SQL
statement. Again, if the web application is an open source, the
attacker can find potential vulnerable statements before launching
the attack. The SQL injection passes SQL statements to the
database directly to retrieve and/or modify valuable data. This
paper focuses on the introduction of an SQL injection attack filter
layer (SIAFL) to verify user inputs and filter out the known
attacks. The system was modeled using Object Oriented
Methodology (OOM) and developed in Visual Studio 2008 with
SQL Server 2008.Windows 7 was used as the operating system
Index Terms- Web-based Information, Cybercrime, Hackers,
Intrusion, Database, E-commerce, SQL
The invention of information technology has led to most
businesses being done in the electronic platform. Applications like
e-commerce and social networking create avenue for
communication and rendering of online services. The ease of
running most businesses online creates some loop holes that
hackers exploit. There are many strategies and tactics used by
hackers to steal company’s valuable information. Hacking
techniques that are easily used are malware, phishing, SQL
Injection Attack, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Man in the Middle
Attack and credential Reuse. Among all the attacks, Structured
Query Language (SQL) injection attack is increasingly becoming
a danger to e-businesses that operate on the web. SQL injection
attack is an attack in which malicious code is inserted into
application database with an intention of breaking the security
authorization of that system. This method works on the principle
that any constructs of SQL statements sent to the database server
will be executed by the server. In 1987 Dorathy E. Denning
proposed intrusion detection as an approach to counter the
computer and networking attacks and misuses [1].
Generally an intruder is defined as a system, program or person
who tries to and may become successful to break into an
information system or perform an action not legally allowed [2].
Intrusion is referred as any set of actions that attempt to
compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a
computer resource [3]. The act of detecting actions that attempt to
compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of a
computer resource can be referred to as Intrusion Detection [3].
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or software
application that monitors network and/or system activities for
malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports [4].
SQL is the language for manipulating a relational database.
Create, retrieve, update and delete can be done on a database using
SQL. Servers that holds critical information for websites use SQL
to manage the information in their databases. SQL injection attack
is lunched on this kind of severs. Unfortunately, the server may
divulge important information it shouldn’t. This creates a big
problem if private information of employers or customers such as
usernames, passwords, credit cards etc are stored on such server.
When an intruder is well versed in the knowledge of SQL, he can
maliciously send inputs which are not properly checked or
validated by a system and that results in vulnerability that can
easily be exploited. Intruding into the database via SQL injection
attack has caused great damages to e-commerce. The integrity and
confidentiality of data stored in the database has been
compromised. In an online business, an intruder can gain access
unauthorized through SQL injection attack and make changes to
the prices of the commodities and make purchases. He can also
make use of administrative privileges and alter important
information stored in the database. This causes great loses to
businesses that thrive online. These problems necessitated the
need for the design and implementation of an Intrusion Detection
System which is aimed at detecting and preventing SQL Injection
attack form of intrusion. A Structured Query Language injection
filter layer (SIAFL) is introduced to detect and filter known attacks
for an online supermarket portal that sells its products online.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 447
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
In order to detect and prevent SQL injection attack, many
researchers had developed a variety of methods over time, since
the first public discussions of SQL injection started around 1998
[6] Looked at A Closer Look at Intrusion Detection System for
Web Application. The authors discussed a number of unique
characteristics of the web applications and its traffic which pose
challenges to designing a web IDS and explained their effects
concerning the design of IDS. Their paper would highly facilitate
for developers to craft an efficient architecture of the web IDS.
[7] Proposed an Online Database Intrusion Detection System
Based on Query Signatures. The system they put forth was shown
to protect the web application from SQL injection (SQLI). The
system they proposed uses a new technique of signature- based
detection. It depends on secure hash algorithm (SHA-I), which is
used to check the signature for submitted queries and to decide the
validity or invalidity of submitted queries. The system proposed
can differentiate and prevent attempts by hackers through
detection of the attacker, blocking his/her request and ensuring
he/she is prevented from accessing the web application again.
Sqlmapproject attacking tool was used to test the proposed system.
The web application was attacked with Sqlmapproject (built using
PHP and MySQL server) before and after protection. The results
showed that the proposed system works correctly and it can protect
the web application system with good performance and high
[8] Presented an efficient method that the detection of SQL
injection is done by tampering with the input features of query
strings, analysis of query relating to the sustainability for both
static and dynamic manipulation of users queries.
[9]Surveyed paper on intrusion detection techniques. There focus
was on detection method to increase the detection rate and help the
users to develop information systems that are secured. The
different methods for intrusion detection discussed were Pattern
Matching, State Full Pattern Matching, Protocol Decode-based
Analysis, and Fuzzy Clustering for IDS. They also presented a
four step approach for the generalized working of IDS to include
Data collection, Feature selection, Analysis and Action.
[10]Created a schema, (SQLshield) that changes the data inputted
by the user before the SQL query is sent to the database server .It
deploys a randomization technique. This techniques makes it
impossible for the execution outcome of SQL query to deviate
from its programmer intended execution.
[11] Proposed a misuse detection system called (DEMIDS) which
was meant for relational database systems.
[12] Worked on A Review of Intrusion Detection Systems. They
reviewed some of the intrusion detection systems and softwares,
highlighting their main classifications and their performance
evaluations and measures. They concluded that selecting and
implementing a Network Intrusion Detection System is a
challenging task. To ensure a successful implantation, an
organization should determine its requirements and then locate a
system that meets them.
3.1. Research Design.
The adopted methodology for the proposed system design is the
Water-fall Model. Waterfall Model is a sequential model that
divides software development into different phases. Each phase is
designed for performing specific activity during SDLC (Software
Development Lifecycle Methodology) phase.
3.2 Analysis of the Existing System
SQL injection attack is the type of attack that takes place in web
application that executes SQL statements. These statements are
launched by a database server that works with web application.
Hackers can use it to gain access to sensitive information such as
personal business secrets, personal discoveries, account details
and so on. They can use it to skip authentication and authorization
of a web page and retrieve all information stored in the database.
SQL injection attack can be used to add, modify and delete records
in the database.
In online Kiddies Supermarket, the portal administrator uses his
privilege to log into the admin module and make changes on the
product name and prices. The buyers buy at the right prices using
the appropriate channel. The e-commerce database is vulnerable
to SQL injection attack because there is no SQL Injection Attack
Filter Layer.
The attack buyer, through an SQL injection attack issues query to
the database, changes the usernames and passwords and alters the
price of a commodity from N150,000 to N150 so as to buy at a
much reduced rate as shown in the figure 3.1 below. The attack
buyer can change this information by carefully exploiting the
vulnerability of a SQL injection. He can inject SQL command as
an input through web pages and change the contents of the
database and prices of commodities. This will reduce the
confidentiality of the database since the sensitive data in the
database that can be altered with ease.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 448
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Figure 3.1: Existing System Architecture.
3.2.1 Disadvantages of the Existing System
The disadvantages of the Existing System are:
SQL injection attack usually affects sites that uses an
SQL database such as MYSQL, Oracle, SQL server or
SQL injection attack that is launched successfully can
result in loss of confidential data.
Alteration of data in an online business through SQL
injection can lead to great loss.
3.3 Analysis of the Proposed System
Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing)
e-commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or
services over electronic systems such as the internet and other
computer network [13]. SQL injection attack in E-commerce is a
trick to inject SQL query/command as an input possibly via web
pages in order to change the database contents and select the price
of the commodities. Many web pages take parameters from
webpage, and make SQL query to the database. Take for instance
when a user logs in, the web page that contains user name and
password makes SQL query to the database to check if a user has
valid name and password. With SQL injection, it is possible for an
attacker to send crafted user name and password field that will
change the SQL query and grant something else.
The first part in developing an intrusion detection system for e-
commerce was to develop an online shopping of Kiddies
supermarket. The online supermarket was developed using
ASP.Net which is an advanced software for developing web
applications. A customer makes his transactions online and enters
his details including the credit card information for online
delivery. Making changes to the Kiddies Supermarket website or
the database is being done by a web master administration or those
with privileges to make changes. The administrator enters his
username and password before he is granted access to the
software. When an authorized customer submits his credentials, an
SQL query is generated from these details and submitted to the
database for verification. If valid, the user is allowed access. In
order words, the web application that controls the login page will
communicate with the database through a series of planned
commands so as to verify the username and password
By means of SQL injection, the hacker may put in well-
constructed SQL commands in a specific manner with the purpose
of diverting the login form barrier and seeing what lies at the back
of it. This opportunity is achievable only if the inputs are not well
scrutinized and sent alongside with the SQL query to the database.
SQL injection susceptibility to attack provides the means for a
hacker to pass on information in order to alter the records in a
database. The technologies that easily fall prey to this attack are
dynamic script languages including ASP, ASP.NET, PHP etc.
In the proposed system, there is an introduction of an SQL
injection attack filter layer (SIAFL) to filter out the know attacks.
The Object Oriented Methodology (OOM) was used for this
system development. The rationale behind OOM is to design the
logical design from a physical design based on noting and
recording the features of the "real world". OOM is a new system
development approach encouraging and facilitating re-use of
software components. This methodology can be used to design
and implement a robust system based on reuse of codes of existing
component and this makes easy the sharing of its small units by
other systems. The architecture of the proposed system is shown
in the figure 3.2
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 449
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Figure 3.2: Proposed System Architecture
3.3.1. Advantages of the Proposed System Components
The following advantages of the Proposed System are:
i) SQL injection attack filter layer (SIAFL) caries out data
sanitation and validation
ii It blocks and prevents alterations to data.
Iii Hackers are denied knowledge of database structure which
usually comes from error messages.
3.4. Overall System Flowchart of the Proposed Intrusion
Detection System
3.4.1. The System Flowchart of the Online Shopping
The Flowchart of the Online Shopping Transaction is shown in
figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3. System Flowchart of the Online Shopping Transaction.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 450
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
3.4.2. SQL Injection Attack Prevention Flowchart.
The flowchart for SQL Injection Attack Filter Layer in figure 3.4
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 451
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Figure 3.4. System Flowchart of SQL Injection Attack Filter Layer
Following the system architecture, database design and Object
Oriented Methodology, the system coding was achieved.
Microsoft SQL 2008 server was used as a Database Management
System. A new database named Online Supermarket Database was
created using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager Panel. The
following tables and their corresponding parameters were created
for the database.
To access the web pages, Internet Information System was
installed on the machine for hosting the web pages. The website
was built using ASP.NET. ASP.NET was used to create web pages
and web technologies and is an integral part of Microsoft’s .NET
framework vision. Graphical Interfaces Creation were created as
modules to give the various methods the expected parameters.
Visual Studio was used as a tool for designing the interfaces using
the control toolbox which consists of textbox, image buttons,
labels etc. The system was tested and some sample outputs (screen
shots) as depicted in figure (a-c) were obtained respectively.
Figure 4.0 (a): Home Page for Online Kiddies Supermarket.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 452
ISSN 2250-3153
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Figure 4.0 (b): Payment Details for Goods Bought
Figure 4.0 (c): Admin Login Page with SQL Injection Attack
Filter Layer
If an attacker can construct an SQL syntax correctly and launched
it on a database server, he or she can succeed in carrying out SQL
Injection Attack. Once an incorrect query is sent to a database
server, an error message will be generated. The attacker will read
the error message generated as a result of the incorrect query. This
will guild him to construct again the logic of the original query
and then he will understand how to perform the injection correctly.
The SQL Injection Attack Filter Layer (SIAFL) has proved to be
successful in detecting SQL injection attack in e-commerce. With
this, there is significant level of reliability in online businesses.
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First Author Obasi Emmanuela Chinonye Mary,
B.Tech Computer Science, Second Class Upper
Division, MSc. Computer Science, PhD Computer
Science (in view), Lectures at Federal University
Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Second Author Nlerum Promise Anebo, B.Sc
Computer Science, Second Class Upper Division, MSc.
Computer Science, PhD Computer Science, Lectures at
Federal University Otuoke ,Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Correspondence Author Obasi Emmanuela
Chinonye Mary,,
, 07036673665
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Network security has been one of the most important problems in Computer Network Management and Intrusion is the most publicized threats to security. In recent years, intrusion detection has emerged as an important field for network security. IDSs obtain better results when each class ofattacks is treated as a separate problem and handled by specialized algorithms. Now in days various model and method are available for intrusion detection. In this paper, we present a study of intrusion detection. Detection method to improve the detection rate & helping the users to develop secure information systems.
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Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the security measures being used as an additional defence mechanism to prevent the security breaches on web. It has been well known methodology for detecting network-based attacks but still immature in the domain of securing web application. The objective of the paper is to thoroughly understand the design methodology of the detection system in respect to web applications. In this paper, we discuss several specific aspects of a web application in detail that makes challenging for a developer to build an efficient web IDS. The paper also provides a comprehensive overview of the existing detection systems exclusively designed to observe web traffic. Furthermore, we identify various dimensions for comparing the IDS from different perspectives based on their design and functionalities. We also provide a conceptual framework of an IDS with prevention mechanism to offer a systematic guidance for the implementation of the system specific to the web applications. We compare its features with five existing detection systems, namely AppSensor, PHPIDS, ModSecurity, Shadow Daemon and AQTRONIX WebKnight. The paper will highly facilitate the interest groups with the cutting edge information to understand the stronger and weaker sections of the web IDS and provide a firm foundation for developing an intelligent and efficient system.
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An intrusion detection system (IDS) are devices or software's that are used to monitors networks for any unkind activities that bridge the normal functionality of systems hence causing some policy violation. This paper reviews some of the intrusion detection systems and software are highlighting their main classifications and their performance evaluations and measure.
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— SQL injection (SQLI) is a major type of attack that threatens the integrity, confidentiality and authenticity or functionality of any database driven web application. It allows the attacker to gain unauthorized access to the back-end database by exploiting the vulnerabilities within the system in order to commit an attack and access resources. Database Intrusion Detection System (DIDS) is the defense against SQLI that is used as a detection and prevention technique to protect any database driven web application. In this paper a proposed system is presented to protect the web application from SQLI. This proposed system uses a new technique of signature-based detection. It depends on secure hash algorithm (SHA-1), which is used to check the signature for the submitted queries and to decide whether these queries are valid, or not. The proposed system can distinguish and prevent hacking attempts by detecting the attacker, blocking his/her request, and preventing him/her from accessing the web application again. The proposed system was tested using Sqlmapproject attacking tool. Sqlmapproject was used to attack the web application (built using PHP and MySQL server) before and after protection. The results show that the proposed system works correctly and it can protect the web application system with good performance and high efficiency.
Conference Paper
Computer security, and intrusion detection in particular, has become increasingly important in today's business environment, to help ensure safe and trusted commerce between business partners as well as effective organisational functioning. Various approaches to intrusion detection are currently being utilized, but unfortunately in practice these approaches are relatively ineffective. New ways and means must, therefore, continuously be researched and defined. This paper will propose a proactive and dynamic model, based on trend analysis, fuzzy logic and neural networks that could be utilized to minimise and control intrusion to an organisation's computer system. The model will be based on the assumption that each user is unique and leaves a unique footprint on a computer system when using it. A back-propagation neural network was trained to implement this idea.
Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)
  • K Scarfone
  • P Mell
Scarfone K., P. Mell, "Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)," Computer Security Resource Center (National institute of standards and technology).2007
How was SQL Injection Discovered? In eSecurity
  • S M Kerner
Kerner S.M.,How was SQL Injection Discovered? In eSecurity.2013
Demids: A Misuse Detection System for Database Systems in Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems
  • M Gertz
  • K Levitt
Chung C.Y, M.Gertz, and K.Levitt. Demids: A Misuse Detection System for Database Systems in Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems. Springer. 159-178. 2000