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Fingerprint Based Ignition System and Tracking of Vehicle

IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 8, Issue 6, 2020 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
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Fingerprint Based Ignition System and Tracking of Vehicle
Fazal Ur Rehman Soomro1 Javed Jamshed Korai2 Asif Zahoor Shaikh3
1,2,3Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Abstract The Vehicle Tracking System is world-famed
technology in this modern era, which is used by vehicle
owners, ambulance services, Trains etc. all over the world.
In Pakistan many companies such as V-Tracking, TPL,
Falcon-i etc. offers tracking system but they tracks the
vehicle with difficult process and provide no direct access to
the vehicle’s owner, in addition to that their cost is high
starting from Rs.10000 to onwards. We have designed our
project on vehicle tracking and fingerprint starts of vehicle,
through which we have given direct access to the user with
low price. In today’s modern world the use of smartphone is
general and the popularity of GPS based application is
increasing, it has become more viable or feasible for any
user to track the vehicle through smartphone. We have
designed a device which is used for the Vehicle Tracking
System by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). We
focus on the vehicle tracking system by which we able to
know the location of vehicle through Google map, which
will ensure safety as travelling. In addition to vehicle
tracking system, we have added a new feature through
which we can start the vehicle ignition system through
fingerprint to avoid the vehicle from robbery, snatching or
theft when the vehicle are stand outside the house, hotels,
parking etc. This biometric system in vehicle takes the
image of owner’s finger, then convert it into the binary and
stores it on the database. When the vehicle owner place its
finger on fingerprint module R305 the system matches its
image to that image stored in database if it is matches then
vehicle’s ignition system will start. Our main purpose to
develop the project is to provide direct access to the user by
which one can easily start and track the vehicle from its
current position to destination. Also to provide both features
of tracking and fingerprint start of vehicle low prices and
with very easy process by which every people can fully
understand the system.
Keywords: Ignition System, Tracking of Vehicle
With an advancements in technology, there has been an
increase in the usage of vehicle tracking systems. The
design of vehicle tracking systems enable the display of
a vehicle’s position on Google Maps. The GPS,
GSM/GPRS modules controlled by Arduino MEGA are
placed inside the vehicle. This hardware is placed onto the
vehicle in such a manner that persons who are in or outside
of the vehicle cannot see it. Thus, it is used as a covert unit
which continuously tack the location, or as a result of
interruptions to the system, the tracking device sends
location data to the authorized person through SMS. When a
vehicle is stolen, the location data from the tracking system
can be used to find the location and so inform the police for
further action [1]. When users make a request, the GPS
coordinates of the vehicle SMS are sent to specified mobile.
The user will be provided with the position of the
vehicle in terms of latitude and longitude which can be
viewed using Google Maps. To increase the security of the
system a biometric based start of vehicle is designed with
the help of microcontroller. Biometrics define as the
automatic identification of a living person based on
physiological or behavioral characteristics for authentication
purpose. The existing biometric technologies are the face
recognition, finger-geometry, fingerprint recognition, iris
recognition, vein recognition, voice recognition and
signature recognition, hand geometry. All humans have
unique, immutable fingerprints. A fingerprint is made of
a series of ridges and furrows/valleys that are present on
the surface of the fingers. The inimitability of a
fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges
and valleys as well as the minutiae points [2].
The cost of fingerprint based
recognition/identification systems as compare to other
biometric systems are very low and it’s acceptance is very
high. Quality of fingerprint based identification is that it can
work in a varied range of environments. It has strong core
technology and, the ability of enrolling multiple fingers
can be increased by the system accuracy and the
flexibility dramatically[3]. The current demand for robust
and secure security systems in vehicles are very high.
Therefore, the importance of designing and implementing a
fingerprint based security system helps us to prevent from
unauthorized person to start vehicle ignition without
permission [4].
In this section the design the real time tracking and locking
system of vehicle including hardware and software
implementation. This section also will cover about
designing the fingerprint based starter circuit, LCD,
interfacing of Microcontroller with the relay, programming
and with GSM modem. Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram
of biometric based start of vehicle. We designed this circuit
in Proteus 8.4 Cad Connected. Before going to hardware this
circuit is designed in software to get the desired output. The
control unit is microcontroller Atmega328P which sends the
signal to the relay to open or close contact when an
authorized person place his/her fingerprint is matched with
the fingerprint stored in database [5]. We can also enroll the
new person fingerprint with the help one of the push button.
That image will be stored on database and registered as the
authentic user.
Fingerprint Based Ignition System and Tracking of Vehicle
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 6/2020/080)
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Fig. 1: Schematic Diagram of Biometric Based Start of
Fig. 2 shows the circuit diagram of real time
tracking of the vehicle. The GSM Module sim808 receive
the message from the authority and sends back SMS to the
authority with the help of Arduino Mega. In the SMS
sim808 module send the longitude and latitude as well as
Google map link by clicking that link it shows the exact
location of vehicle [6].
Fig. 2: Circuit Diagram of Real Time Tracking
Fig. 3: Top View of PCB of Fingerprint Based Start of
Fig. 3 shows the top view of PCB designed in
Proteus. The design shows the names of different
components to be connected on the copper clad board top.
This design also shows how to place components on PCB
like positive and negative terminal of capacitors, diode and
LED. Fig. 4 shows the bottom view of PCB of fingerprint
based start of vehicle designed in Proteus. In this diagram it
shows the actual connection of wires with the components
used in the project. The PCB design reduce the wire
connection due to which size of project is reduced and
makes it beautiful.
Fig. 1: Bottom View of PCB
In order to verify the performance of the proposed “Real
time tracking and locking system of vehicle”, a hardware
prototype was implemented with an Arduino Mega and
microcontroller ATMEGA328P. A LCD used which shows
the results of Fingerprint based start of vehicle. First of all
microcontroller with the help of fingerprint module enrolls
the fingerprint of vehicle owner after that it scan the finger if
it is matched the vehicle switch on. The Arduino Mega and
SIM808 Module is used to find the exact location of vehicle
through SMS. The validity of this project prototype is
verified through this test system as follow.
A. Mechanism for starting of a proposed vehicle based on
The result which we expect from our project is that the
vehicle will be ignited only when the authorized person
scans his/her finger on the fingerprint module. The
fingerprints of the authorized person(s) are stored in the
fingerprint module. When any person put his/her finger on
the fingerprint module then the data of the placed finger is
matched with the stored data in the module. If the
fingerprint data is found in the module then match condition
occurs and the microcontroller ignites the bike otherwise
bike will not start.
B. Initialization
Initially the LCD shows the “Fingerprint Start of the
vehicle”. We have used five push button. Their purpose are
given bellow.
Push Button 1: Used for to enroll a new finger print Push
Fingerprint Based Ignition System and Tracking of Vehicle
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 6/2020/080)
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Button 2: Used for scan the fingerprint as well as to go
System mode where a new finger print is stored to the Data
Push Button 3: Used to clear the stored image that are in
Data Base when it goes to the System Mode.
Push Button 4: Used to Stop the Engine
Push Button 5: Used to on the device or reset the device. As
initially we have not registered any fingerprint therefore it
shows “Fingerprints Did not Matched” in Fig. 5. When the
fingerprint not matched then it will shows that unauthorized
person want to start vehicle but it will not start until unless
Fig. 2: Initialization Results
C. Enrolling a Fingerprint
To start the vehicle the first you have to go through a
process called enrollment, where the system learns about all
the person fingerprint which it will have to recognize each
day. During enrollment, each person's fingerprints are
scanned, analyzed, and then stored in a coded form on a
secure database. Typically it takes less than a half minute to
store a person's prints. Below are the steps to enroll any
fingerprint that will be stored on data base. Step1: The step
one is to go to system mode and where there are two options
“Enroll” and “Normal operation”. To go to the system mode
by pressing push button 2 for 5 seconds. In the System
Mode we register any fingerprint. Step2: The second step is
to place your finger on module that will take image and
convert image. After pressing push button one it goes
enrolling mode where it ask user to place its finger. When
user place its Figure in finger print module R305 it take
image of finger. That image then converted to binary Step3:
The final step to verify the image to be enrolled and after
verifying store that image to data base We have to verify
the image before we store the fingerprint to data base.
“Place Same Finger again” to verify the image. After
verifying the image it will store that image to data base and
register the image as authentic user.
D. Start the Vehicle with the Authentic User
As we have enrolled and stored the fingerprint in data base.
Now to start vehicle with that fingerprint. To start the
vehicle with fingerprint we have to press the push button 2
after pressing the push button it ask the user to place their
finger on fingerprint module R305. The module will take the
image and convert it into binary number. Now the
microcontroller match that binary number to the stored
image binary code if it is matched with that number the
relay will normally close if not than normally open. The
results are attached below.
Fig. 6: Matching of Fingerprint
User placed the finger in fingerprint module R305
after that the image is converted and microcontroller match
the image with the stored image. If there is an authentic user
then image is matched and LCD shows as “Valid User” the
results are shown in Fig. 7. When the image is verified as
authentic user the microcontroller close the contact to start
vehicle through relay.
E. Tracking of Vehicle
The tracking system is used to track the exact location of
vehicle. This system is an integration of several modern
embedded and communication technologies. To provide
location and time information anywhere on earth, Global
Positioning System (GPS) is commonly used as a space-
based global navigation satellite system. The block diagram
is shown below [7].
Fig. 7: Block Diagram of Tracking System
Fig. 8: Received Message from SIM808 Module
Fingerprint Based Ignition System and Tracking of Vehicle
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 6/2020/080)
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Fig. 9: Vehicle Location
The received message from tracking device and
location of vehicle in real time are shown below. Fig. 8
shows the message received from the sim808 module in
message there is Google map link. By clicking the link it
will shows the location in map through Google map. We
have taken result when vehicle moves in different locations
as shown in Fig. 9.
In our research paper we have developed a vehicle
tracking system as well as fingerprint based start of
vehicle” which is flexible, customizable and accurate.
The GSM modem was configured and we tested and
implemented the tracking system to monitor the vehicles
location via SMS and online on Google map. The Arduino
Mega is the brain for the tracking device and the GSM
modem is controlled by AT commands that enable data
transmission over GSM network while the GPS provide the
location data. We thought of designing a vehicle tracking
system in our thesis keeping the scenario of Pakistan in
mind where vehicle theft is rapidly increasing. The vehicle
are also stolen while they are stand in front of house and in
parking area due to weak security. The Key based start of
vehicle ignition can be easily start by joining the wires than
there no need of key. We have improved the security of
vehicle by starting the vehicle ignition using fingerprint. As
fingerprint system are secure and reliable it accepts only
authentic user finger image to start the vehicle. The
fingerprint take the image, convert it into binary and match
with the stored image in database if it is matched then
vehicle ignition start otherwise not. This thesis has widely
increased our knowledge of GPS, Biometric identification
specially fingerprint system and also improved our
programming skills. We have also ensured the reliability of
our system through various field tests that we have done
during our thesis and the initial results that we
obtained through our prototype are very promising. This
makes our thesis complete, robust and we can even think of
commercialization of this system in future.
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[2] Omidiora E. “A Prototype of a Fingerprint Based
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[3] R.K. Moloo, V.K. Digumber, "Low-Cost Mobile GPS
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[4] S. Manoharan, "On GPS Tracking of Mobile Devices",
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Full-text available
Biometric systems have overtime served as robust security mechanisms in various domains. Fingerprints are the oldest and most widely used form of biometric identification. A critical step in exploring its advantages is to adopt it for use as a form of security in already existing systems, such as vehicles. This research work focuses on the use of fingerprints for vehicle ignition, as opposed to the conventional method of using keys. The prototype system could be divided into the following modules: fingerprint analysis software module that accepts fingerprints images; hardware interface module and the ignition system module. The fingerprint recognition software enables fingerprints of valid users of the vehicle to be enrolled in a database. Before any user can ignite the vehicle, his/her fingerprint image is matched against the fingerprints in the database while users with no match in the database are prevented from igniting the vehicle. Control for the ignition system of the vehicle is achieved by sending appropriate signals to the parallel port of the computer and subsequently to the interface control circuit. The developed prototype serves as an impetus to drive future research, geared towards developing a more robust and embedded real-time fingerprint based ignition systems in vehicles.
Full-text available
An integrated GPS-GSM system is proposed to track vehicles using Google Earth application. The remote module has a GPS mounted on the moving vehicle to identify its current position, and to be transferred by GSM with other parameters acquired by the automobile's data port as an SMS to a recipient station. The received GPS coordinates are filtered using a Kalman filter to enhance the accuracy of measured position. After data processing, Google Earth application is used to view the current location and status of each vehicle. This goal of this system is to manage fleet, police automobiles distribution and car theft cautions.
Surveillance system using phone line for security and tracking ". Based on the above statement, it is targeted that this project will serve as good indication of how important it is to curb car theft in the country. Surveillance is specified to car alarm system and the means of sending the data to the owner of the vehicle using SMS when the alarm is triggered. Due to the inefficient conventional car security system, the possibility of the car can be stolen is high. The main reason is that the alarm is limited to the audible distance. Somehow if there is another way of transmitting the alarm to the car owner ,tracking the vehicle ,knowing the exactly that the car is been stolen at the same time that is not limited to the audible and line of sight, the system can be upgraded. SMS is a good choice of the communication to replace the conventional alarm, because it can be done and does not require much cost. Although most of people know GPS can provide more security for the car but the main reason people does not apply it because the cost. Advance car security system is too expensive. Cost for the gadget is too high. Beside that, people also must pay for the service monthly. Tracking systems were first developed for the shipping industry because they wanted to determine where each vehicle was at any given time. Passive systems were developed in the beginning to fulfill these requirements. For the applications which require real time location information of the vehicle, these systems can't be employed because they save the location information in the internal storage and location information can only be accessed when vehicle is available. To achieve automatic Vehicle Location system that can transmit the location information in real time. Active systems are developed. Real time vehicular tracking system incorporates a hardware device installed in the vehicle (In-Vehicle Unit) and a remote Tracking server. The information is transmitted to Tracking server using GSM/GPRS modem on GSM network by using SMS or using direct TCP/IP connection with Tracking server through GPRS. Tracking server also has GSM/GPRS modem that receives vehicle location information via GSM network and stores this information in database. This information is available to authorized users of the system via website over the internet.
In this paper, we propose a vision-based vehicle detection system. We use a method composed of a hypothesis generation (HG) step and a hypothesis verification (HV) step, following the general approach to vision-based vehicle detection systems. In the HG step, the system extracts hypotheses using shadow regions that appear under vehicles. In the HV step, the system classifies feature vectors extracted from hypotheses to determine whether those hypotheses are vehicles. Along with the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), we propose and implement a new type of feature vector, i.e., HOG symmetry vectors, in this paper. We also propose a new classification method that uses data importance in the HV step. The data importance value is based on the locations of hypotheses to prioritize hypotheses that have greater risks of accident. Experimental results show the strong performance of our proposed system.
Conference Paper
Tracking living beings and devices using the Global Positioning System (GPS) has become prevalent and indispensable over the last few years. Applications range from military and national security to personal safety and comfort. This paper reviews some of the recent application areas and discusses the benefits and issues of GPS tracking. It then presents a software architecture of a general tracking system to locate lost and misplaced devices (and those that carry such devices).
Two Wheeler Vehicle Security System
  • Prashantkumar
Prashantkumar "Two Wheeler Vehicle Security System",©IJESET Published in International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies, ISSN: 2231-6604 Volume 6, Issue 3, pp: 324-334, Dec. 2013.