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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and dietary habits in adulthood: A large population-based twin study in Sweden



Associations between adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and dietary habits have not been well established and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We explored these associations using a Swedish population-based twin study with 17,999 individuals aged 20-47 years. We estimated correlations between inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity with dietary habits and fitted twin models to determine the genetic and environmental contributions. Dietary habits were defined as (a) consumption of food groups, (b) consumption of food items rich in particular macro-nutrients, and (c) healthy and unhealthy dietary patterns. At the phenotypic level, inattention was positively correlated with seafood, high-fat, high-sugar, high-protein food consumptions, and unhealthy dietary pattern, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.03 (95%CI: 0.01, 0.05) to 0.13 (95% CI: 0.11, 0.15). Inattention was negatively correlated with fruits, vegetables consumptions and healthy dietary pattern, with correlation coefficients ranging from −0.06 (95%CI: −0.08, −0.04) to −0.07 (95%CI: −0.09, −0.05). Hyperactivity/impulsivity and dietary habits showed similar but weaker patterns compared to inattention. All associations remained stable across age, sex and socioeconomic status. Nonshared environmental effects contributed substantially to the correlations of inattention (56-60%) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (63-80%) with dietary habits. The highest and lowest genetic correlations were between inattention and high-sugar food (r A = .16, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.25), and between hyperactivity/impulsivity and unhealthy dietary pattern (r A = .05, 95% CI: −0.05, 0.14), respectively. We found phenotypic and etiological overlap between ADHD and dietary habits, although these associations were weak. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of common etiological pathways between ADHD symptoms and various dietary habits. K E Y W O R D S
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and dietary
habits in adulthood: A large population-based twin study
in Sweden
Lin Li
| Mark J. Taylor
| Katarina Bälter
| Ralf Kuja-Halkola
Qi Chen
| Tor-Arne Hegvik
| Ashley E. Tate
| Zheng Chang
Alejandro Arias-Vásquez
| Catharina A. Hartman
| Henrik Larsson
School of Medical Sciences, Örebro
University, Örebro, Sweden
Department of Medical Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
Public Health Sciences, Mälardalen
University, Västerås, Sweden
Department of Biomedicine, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
The Department of Psychiatry & Human
Genetics, Donders Institute for Brain,
Cognition, and Behavior, Radboud University
Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Department of Psychiatry, University of
Groningen, University Medical Center
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Lin Li, School of Medical Sciences, Örebro
University, Örebro 701 82, Sweden.
Funding information
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme, Grant/Award Number:
728018; Swedish Research Council, Grant/
Award Number: 2018-02599; the Swedish
Brain Foundation, Grant/Award Number:
FO2018-0273; Vetenskapsrådet, Grant/Award
Number: 2017-00641
Associations between adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms
and dietary habits have not been well established and the underlying mechanisms remain
unclear. We explored these associations using a Swedish population-based twin study
with 17,999 individuals aged 2047 years. We estimated correlations between inatten-
tion and hyperactivity/impulsivity with dietary habits and fitted twin models to deter-
mine the genetic and environmental contributions. Dietary habits were defined as
(a) consumption of food groups, (b) consumption of food items rich in particular macro-
nutrients, and (c) healthy and unhealthy dietary patterns. At the phenotypic level, inat-
tention was positively correlated with seafood, high-fat, high-sugar, high-protein food
consumptions, and unhealthy dietary pattern, with correlation coefficients ranging from
0.03 (95%CI: 0.01, 0.05) to 0.13 (95% CI: 0.11, 0.15). Inattention was negatively corre-
lated with fruits, vegetables consumptions and healthy dietary pattern, with correlation
coefficients ranging from 0.06 (95%CI: 0.08, 0.04) to 0.07 (95%CI: 0.09, 0.05).
Hyperactivity/impulsivity and dietary habits showed similar but weaker patterns com-
pared to inattention. All associations remained stable across age, sex and socioeconomic
status. Nonshared environmental effects contributed substantially to the correlations of
inattention (5660%) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (6380%) with dietary habits. The
highest and lowest genetic correlations were between inattention and high-sugar food
= .16, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.25), and between hyperactivity/impulsivity and unhealthy
dietary pattern (r
= .05, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.14), respectively. We found phenotypic and
etiological overlap between ADHD and dietary habits, although these associations were
weak. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of common etiological path-
ways between ADHD symptoms and various dietary habits.
ADHD, adults, dietary habits, genetic correlation, phenotypic correlation, twin study
Received: 17 April 2020 Revised: 14 September 2020 Accepted: 22 September 2020
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32825
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Am J Med Genet. 2020;111. 1
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neu-
rodevelopmental disorder with an approximate prevalence of 5% in
children and adolescents and 2.5% in adults (Stephen V. Faraone
et al., 2015; Sayal, Prasad, Daley, Ford, & Coghill, 2018; Simon,
Czobor, Balint, Meszaros, & Bitter, 2009). ADHD is associated with
many adverse outcomes across development (Asherson, Buitelaar,
Faraone, & Rohde, 2016; Stephen V. Faraone et al., 2015). The patho-
physiological mechanisms underlying ADHD are unclear and its diag-
nostics and treatment remain challenging (Sharma & Couture, 2014).
Dietary habits, a modifiable lifestyle factor, play a fundamental
role in brain development, physiology, and functioning (Brandt, 2019).
In the two most recent systematic review and meta-analyses, ADHD
was reported to be positively associated with unhealthy dietary habits
(characterized by high consumption of refined sugar and saturated
fat), and negatively associated with healthy dietary habits (high con-
sumption of fruits and vegetables) among children and adolescents
(Del-Ponte, Quinte, Cruz, Grellert, & Santos, 2019; Shareghfarid,
Sangsefidi, Salehi-Abargouei, & Hosseinzadeh, 2020). However, only
two available studies with adult samples were found with conflicting
results. Weissenberger et al. (2018) reported an association between
ADHD symptoms and higher consumption of sweets, while Holton,
Johnstone, Brandley, and Nigg (2019) found nutrient intake was not
associated with diagnosed ADHD.
Due to the lack of evidence from longitudinal studies, previous
studies have failed to explain the exact direction of the associations
and underlying mechanisms. Diet has been suggested as a potential
intervention or treatment of ADHD for many years. According to
double-blind placebo-controlled evidence, a few-foods diet (a diet
based on rice, lamb, lettuce, pears, and water) seems to be the most
promising dietary interventions for a reduction in ADHD symptoms in
children (Pelsser, Frankena, Toorman, & Rodrigues Pereira, 2017).
Although the underlying biological basis remains unclear, recent gut-
brain axis research has shown that human gut microbiota responds rap-
idly to dietary changes and produces neurochemicals comparable to
those produced by the brain (David et al., 2014; Lyte, 2013; Suez
et al., 2014). On the other hand, twin studies have suggested that the
two core symptom domains of ADHD-inattention and hyperactivity/
impulsivity- share genetic factors, but also that the two dimensions also
have significant unique genetic underpinnings (Greven, Rijsdijk, &
Plomin, 2011; McLoughlin, Ronald, Kuntsi, Asherson, & Plomin, 2007).
Therefore, it is possible that the two subdomains of ADHD may con-
tribute to having an unhealthy or less-balanced dietary habit via sepa-
rated, but related, genetic factors (Samuele Cortese et al., 2008;
Samuele Cortese et al., 2015; Nigg et al., 2016). The core symptoms of
inattention, poor planning, and self-regulation deficits, may cause diffi-
culties in adhering to a regular eating pattern, favoring abnormal eating
behaviors (Samuele Cortese et al., 2008; Nigg et al., 2016). In contrast,
deficient inhibitory control and delay aversion, which are expressions
of the hyperactivity/impulsivity component of ADHD may translate
into impulsive eating of highly palatable foods or having no patience to
eat vegetables, which are less rewarding than high-caloric foods
(Samuele Cortese et al., 2008; Mian et al., 2019; Nigg et al., 2016).
However, none of the previous studies on children, adolescents, and
adults has distinguished between the inattentive and hyperactivity/
impulsivity components of ADHD. Consequently, it is not clear whether
the dimensions of ADHD may specifically be associated with various
dietary habits (Samuele Cortese et al., 2008; Nigg et al., 2016).
An important alternative explanation of the association between
ADHD symptoms and dietary habits is that these two traits may share
some etiological factors. ADHD is strongly influenced by genetic fac-
tors, with heritability estimates (
) between 70 and 80% in both chil-
dren and adults (Asherson & Gurling, 2012; S. V. Faraone et al., 2005;
Larsson, Chang, D'Onofrio, & Lichtenstein, 2014), and there are strong
genetic links between ADHD diagnoses and sub-threshold variations
in ADHD traits, thus supporting a dimensional model of ADHD
(Larsson, Anckarsater, Rastam, Chang, & Lichtenstein, 2012; Taylor
et al., 2019). Diet composition is also reported to be moderately heri-
table, with h
estimates between 27 and 70% (Hasselbalch, Heitmann,
Kyvik, & Sorensen, 2008; Meddens et al., 2018; Wade, Milner, &
Krondl, 1981). Emerging support for the hypothesis that these two
traits may share some etiological factors has been provided by a
recent genome-wide association study of ADHD that reported signifi-
cant genetic correlations between ADHD and several metabolic traits
(genetic correlation, r
= .22.30) (Demontis et al., 2018). An advanced
understanding of the associations between ADHD and dietary habits
has important clinical and public health implications, because dietary
habits may also explain the link between ADHD to health-related out-
comes such as metabolic syndromes (e.g., obesity)(Samuele Cortese
et al., 2015; S. Cortese & Tessari, 2017).
The aims of this study were three-fold. First, we aimed to identify
and quantify the associations between ADHD symptom dimensions
and different dietary habits in adults. Second, given that ADHD was
more common among young people, males and those with socioeco-
nomic disadvantages (Stephen V. Faraone et al., 2015; Rowland
et al., 2018), and healthy dietary habits were also reported to be
related to age, sex, and SES (Johansson, Thelle, Solvoll, Bjørneboe, &
Drevon, 1999), we further explored the association patterns among
different age, sex, and SES groups. Third, we aimed to investigate the
relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to the asso-
ciations between adult ADHD symptom dimensions and different die-
tary habits, and test for a causal association between these
phenotypes by using a large population-based twin sample in Sweden.
2.1 |Participants
In May 2005, a total of 42,582 Swedish twins born between 1959 and
1985 who survived their first birthday, were identified from the popula-
tion based Swedish Twin Register (Lichtenstein et al., 2006). Of the tar-
get population, 25,364 (59.6%) individuals participated in the Study of
Twin Adults: Genes and Environment (STAGE). Participants were given
a web-based survey, which included 1,300 questions, in 34 sections,
regarding lifestyle, mental, and physical health. Up to three reminders
were sent out to nonresponders, and participants were offered a tele-
phone interview if they preferred this over the web-based survey.
Questionnaire data and age information were available for 24,872 indi-
viduals. The response rate for ADHD symptoms and Food Frequency
Questionnaire (FFQ) was 71.84% (n= 17,867) and 36.8% (n= 9,156),
respectively. This resulted in 17,999 individuals who provided informa-
tion about either ADHD symptoms and/or FFQ, who were included in
the analyses (Figure S1). Twins who responded to the FFQ question-
naire were more likely to be female (53.83%), have lower SES (50.26%)
and higher ADHD symptoms scores compared to nonrespondents. No
statistically significant differences were found across age and zygosity
groups (Table S1).
All participants provided informed consent. The project has been
reviewed and approved by the Regional Ethics Committee at the
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (DNR: 03224).
2.2 |Measures
2.2.1 |ADHD symptoms
Self-reported ADHD symptoms were obtained via nine inattention
items and nine hyperactivity/impulsivity items covering the 18 DSM-
IV symptoms of ADHD (Larsson et al., 2013). Each item had a three-
point answer format (0 = No,1=Yes, to some extent,2=Yes).
The items were summed up to create two subscales of ADHD
symptoms-inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Both inattention
and hyperactivity/impulsivity showed good internal consistency, and
Cronbach's αwas .79 and 0.77, respectively. A validation study on our
ADHD instrument can be found elsewhere (Larsson et al., 2013).
2.2.2 |Dietary habits
Habitual dietary intake was assessed using a food frequency question-
naire (FFQ), comprising of 94 food items. For each food item, the partici-
pants indicated their average consumption frequency over the past year
by selecting one of the following frequency categories: never, 13
times/month, 12 times/week, 34 times/week, 56times/week,
1 time/day, 2 times/day, 3 times/day. The frequency for each food item
was converted into number of servings per day. Dietary habits were
expressed in three ways (a) consumption of food groups (fruits, vegeta-
bles, dairy, meat, and seafood), (b) consumption of food items rich in a
particular macronutrient (high-fat food, high-carbohydrate food, high-
sugar food,and high-protein food),and (c) healthy dietarypatterns (fruits,
vegetables, fish, and white meat) and unhealthy dietary patterns (food
with high proportions of refined sugar and saturated fat) respectively, in
line with previous studies on the associations between ADHD and die-
tary (Del-Ponte, Quinte, Cruz, Grellert, & Santos, 2019). Detailed infor-
mation about the definitions of dietary habits can be found in Table S2.
The scores of each dietary habit were calculated as the total daily intake
frequency of each food group.
2.2.3 |Sociodemographic measures
Participants were between 20 and 47 years of age at the time of
assessment and categorized into three groups (2029, 3039, and
4047 years). Socioeconomic status (SES; Larsson, Dilshad, Lichten-
stein, & Barker, 2011) of the participants was indicated by their occu-
pational status: (I) unskilled and semiskilled workers, (II) skilled
workers/assistant nonmanual employees, (III) intermediate nonmanual
collar workers, and (IV) employed and self-employed professionals,
higher civil servants, and executives. Higher SES was defined as those
with occupational status in Class II, III, or IV.
2.2.4 |Zygosity
Standard physical similarity questions that have previously been vali-
dated through genotyping were used to establish zygosity. Individuals
from both complete (n= 10,876) and incomplete (n= 7,123) twin pairs
were included in the twin analyses.
2.3 |Data analysis
The distributions of all main variables were positively skewed (range
of skewness: 0.844.56) and therefore log-transformed before analy-
sis (range of transformed skewness: 0.70 to 0.64) (Table S3).
2.4 |Phenotypic analyses
At the phenotypic level, mean differences in ADHD symptoms and
dietary intake across sex, age, and SES groups were estimated using
linear mixed effect models in SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary,
NC), which allowed us to account for the dependent nature of the
twin observations. Partial pairwise Pearson's correlation coefficients
were estimated to quantify the associations between ADHD symp-
toms and different diets. As the two core symptom dimensions of
ADHD, inattention, and hyperactivity/impulsivity, were highly corre-
lated with each other, we further tested whether the correlations
between one ADHD symptom dimension and dietary habits could be
ascribed to the other ADHD symptom dimension. To test the associa-
tion patterns among different age, sex, and SES groups, we further
conducted exploratory analyses by stratifying on these factors.
2.5 |Genetically informative analyses
The twin method relies on the different levels of genetic relatedness
between monozygotic twins (MZ), who are genetically identical, and
dizygotic twins (DZ), who share on average 50% of their polymorphic
genetic variation. This information was used to decompose the vari-
ance of each phenotype and the covariation between phenotypes into
additive genetic factors (A), dominant genetic factors (D),
environmental factors shared by twin pairs (C) and nonshared or
unique environmental factors (E), including measurement error
(Rijsdijk & Sham, 2002). As the C and D components cannot be esti-
mated in the same model using the classical twin design, we fitted
ADE and ACE models separately and then compared goodness-of-fit
of the two models. A greater intraclass correlation (ICC) is expected in
MZ twins than in DZ twins if there are genetic influences on a trait.
Similarly, in the cross-twin cross-trait correlations (CTCT), where we
estimated the correlations of ADHD symptoms of twin 1 and the die-
tary habits of twin 2, higher CTCT in MZ twins than in DZ twins indi-
cate genetic influences on the covariation between traits.
Structural equation modeling in the statistical software R version
3.6.1, with the OpenMx package (2.14.11), was used to conduct uni-
variate and bivariate analysis based on raw data (Neale et al., 2016).
Maximum-likelihood model-fitting, which allowed handling of missing
data and inclusion of incomplete twin pairs in models, was performed
on each phenotype. In the univariate and bivariate analyses, we first
fitted a fully saturated model to estimate the means, variances, and
covariances in observed data. Several sub-models were fitted to test
assumptions (equating means and variances across twin order, zygos-
ity, and sex) by performing likelihood ratio tests comparing the current
nested model with the previous best-fitting model. Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) was additionally used to assess the fit of each solution.
In the bivariate models, including one ADHD symptom dimension
(inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity) and one dimension of diets,
we choose to fit an ADE model based on the observation that ICC
and CTCT correlations in MZ twins were consistently more than twice
the size of those in DZ twins. Two sub-models (AE and E models)
were fitted to evaluate whether they would explain the data signifi-
cantly worse than ADE model and test the presence of D and A. The
bivariate models also provide estimates of additive genetic correlation
), dominance genetic (r
) and nonshared environmental (r
) correla-
tions, which vary from 1.0 to +1.0. These statistics indicate to what
extent genetic and environmental influences in one phenotype over-
lap with the other.
To further test the robustness of the nonfamilial overlap and the
causal associations between ADHD symptoms and dietary habits, we
computed the differences of the two ADHD symptom dimensions
between an MZ twin and his/her co-twin. These intrapair differences
in symptoms were then regressed on the MZ twin differences in die-
tary habits. Statistically significant and positive associations (i.e., the
MZ twin with more ADHD symptoms than his/her co-twin also con-
sumes more unhealthy or high-sugar food than his/her co-twin) would
point toward a causal effect.
3.1 |Phenotypic associations
Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the corre-
lations between ADHD symptom dimensions and different dietary
habits. Inattention was positively associated with high consumption of
seafood, high-fat food, high-sugar food, high-protein food, and
unhealthy food, with correlations ranging from 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.05)
for seafood to 0.13 (95% CI: 0.11, 0.15) for high-sugar food. There were
negative correlations between inattention and fruits, vegetables, and
healthy food intake; the range of the correlations was from 0.06 (95%
CI: 0.08, 0.04) for vegetables and healthy food to 0.07 (95% CI:
0.09, 0.05) for fruits. The correlations between inattention and high
consumption of dairy, meat, and high-carbohydrate food were even
weaker, ranging from 0.001 to 0.02. Hyperactivity/impulsivity and die-
tary habits showed similar correlation patterns to inattention, but the
magnitude was smaller, with positive correlations ranging between 0.03
(95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) for high-fat food and 0.09 (95% CI: 0.06, 0.11) for
high-sugar food, and negative correlations ranging from 0.02 (95% CI:
0.04, 0.01) for vegetables to 0.03 (95% CI: 0.05, 0.01) for fruits.
For both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, the strongest correla-
tions with dietary habits were consistently observed for high-sugar food
and unhealthy food.
3.2 |Sensitivity analysis
The correlation patterns between ADHD symptoms and different die-
tary habits were stable across age, sex, and SES. See Figures S2, S3,
S4 and Table S4.
As is shown in Table 2, the correlations between inattention and
different dietary habits were similar, after adjusting for hyperactivity/
impulsivity in the partial pairwise Pearson's correlation models. The
strongest correlations with inattention were still found in high-sugar
food (r= .10, 95%CI: 0.08, 0.12) and unhealthy food (r= .09, 95%CI:
0.07, 0.11). In contrast, the correlations between hyperactivity/impul-
sivity and different dietary habits were largely attenuated after control-
ling for inattention. The only statistically significant correlations with
hyperactivity/impulsivity, after adjusting for inattention were found in
in high-sugar food (r= .03, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.06) and unhealthy food
(r= .04, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.06), but the associations were very weak.
3.3 |Genetically informative associations
Based on the phenotypic correlations, and to maximize statistical
power, the twin analyses focused on ADHD symptoms dimensions,
high-sugar food and unhealthy dietary habits, and were collapsed
across age, sex, and SES.
Twin correlations for each trait and CTCT correlations are shown
in Table 3. We found higher CTCT correlations in MZ twins than in
DZ twins, indicating genetic influences on the covariance between
ADHD symptoms and unhealthy diets. Nonshared environmental
influences were also evident because MZ CTCT correlations were
smaller than the phenotypic correlations.
The univariate model-fitting results are displayed in Table S5.
Table S6 provides the bivariate model fitting results of ADHD symp-
tom dimensions and dietary habits. The parameter estimates of the
ADE models and AE models were presented in Table S7 and Table 4,
TABLE 1 Means and standard deviations (SD) for ADHD scales and total frequency
of various diets, by age, sex and SES group
Age Sex SES
2029 (n = 5,969) 3039 (n = 6,781) 4047 (n = 5,249) Male (n = 7,216) Female (n = 10,783) Low (n = 3,146) High (n = 10,269)
IA 2.16 ± 2.15 1.90 ± 2.05 1.84 ± 2.04 2.02 ± 2.08 1.92 ± 2.09 2.22 ± 2.19 1.80 ± 1.99
HI 2.15 ± 2.11 1.98 ± 2.07 1.80 ± 2.02 1.98 ± 2.09 1.99 ± 2.06 2.10 ± 2.14 1.89 ± 2.02
Food groups (n = 2,9393,116) (n = 3,2993,370) (n = 2,6262,680) (n = 3,2973,352) (n = 5,5675,813) (n = 1,6971745) (n = 4,9695,112)
Fruits 1.39 ± 1.26 1.54 ± 1.32 1.61 ± 1.41 1.16 ± 1.08 1.71 ± 1.42 1.38 ± 1.32 1.59 ± 1.34
Vegetables 2.66 ± 1.98 3.08 ± 2.20 3.33 ± 2.24 2.57 ± 1.87 3.26 ± 2.27 2.74 ± 2.07 3.20 ± 2.16
Dairy 7.18 ± 4.41 7.03 ± 4.11 6.82 ± 4.19 7.66 ± 4.56 6.65 ± 3.99 7.42 ± 4.63 6.84 ± 4.01
Meat 1.37 ± 0.90 1.45 ± 0.83 1.44 ± 0.91 1.55 ± 1.00 1.35 ± 0.79 1.43 ± 0.84 1.43 ± 0.83
Seafood 0.47 ± 0.42 0.54 ± 0.46 0.59 ± 0.48 0.56 ± 0.48 0.52 ± 0.44 0.52 ± 0.46 0.54 ± 0.43
Rich in macro nutrients (n = 3,1073,117) (n = 3,3643,371) (n = 2,6722,685) (n = 3,3453,357) (n = 5,7985,815) (n = 17391747) (n = 5,1025,114)
High in fat 2.70 ± 1.93 2.84 ± 1.83 3.01 ± 1.85 3.20 ± 1.98 2.63 ± 1.79 2.99 ± 2.01 2.82 ± 1.80
High in carbohydrates 10.87 ± 4.56 11.45 ± 4.60 11.94 ± 4.50 11.46 ± 4.67 11.36 ± 4.52 11.32 ± 4.85 11.51 ± 4.41
High in sugar 2.98 ± 2.28 2.72 ± 2.14 2.52 ± 2.08 3.22 ± 2.43 2.48 ± 1.97 3.05 ± 2.41 2.54 ± 1.99
High in protein 9.42 ± 4.94 9.35 ± 4.55 9.13 ± 4.58 10.20 ± 5.12 8.80 ± 4.35 9.73 ± 5.15 9.12 ± 4.41
Dietary patterns (n = 3,1083,110) (n = 3,3673,368) (n = 2,6742,679) (n = 3,3483,353) (n = 2,8015,804) (n = 17401744) (n = 5,1035,106)
Unhealthy dietary pattern 3.92 ± 2.52 3.83 ± 2.27 3.66 ± 2.24* 4.37 ± 2.63 3.49 ± 2.11* 4.07 ± 2.56 3.66 ± 2.16*
Healthy dietary pattern 5.58 ± 3.36 6.33 ± 3.70 6.76 ± 3.70* 5.40 ± 3.14 6.67 ± 3.80* 5.72 ± 3.44 6.55 ± 3.64*
Abbreviations: HI, hyperactivity/impulsivity; IA, inattention.
Times or servings/day.
respectively. The broad-sense heritability (A + D) was 37% for inatten-
tion and hyperactivity/impulsivity. For dietary habits, the heritability
was estimated as 38% (95% CI: 33, 44) for high consumption of high-
sugar food and 36% (95% CI: 31, 42) for unhealthy dietary habits. AE
models provided the best fit to the data on ADHD symptom dimen-
sions and dietary habits. Genetic correlations, except for hyperactivity/
impulsivity and unhealthy food, were statistically significant, ranging
from 0.09 (95% CI: 0.002, 0.19) for hyperactivity/impulsivity and high-
sugar food to 0.16 (95% CI: 0.07, 0.25) for inattention and high-sugar
food. All nonshared environmental correlations were statistically
significant. The bivariate heritability estimates (the fraction of pheno-
typic covariance explained by genetic influences) were 44% (95% CI:
18, 70), 40% (95% CI: 10, 69), and 37% (95% CI: 1, 71) for inattention
and high-sugar food, inattention and unhealthy dietary pattern, and
hyperactivity/impulsivity and high-sugar food, respectively.
In the MZ twin intrapair differences model (Table 5), correlations
of the intrapair differences in ADHD symptoms and the intrapair dif-
ferences in dietary habits, except for hyperactivity/impulsivity and
high-sugar food, were statistically significant, ranging from 0.08 (95%
CI: 0.01, 0.15) to 0.13 (95% CI: 0.05, 0.20). Therefore, in a genetically
FIGURE 1 The correlations with 95% confidence intervals between ADHD trait dimensions and different dietary habits (adjusted the
relatedness of individuals by using Partial pairwise Pearson's correlation analysis), N= 8,731 [Color figure can be viewed at]
TABLE 2 The correlations with 95%
confidence intervals between ADHD trait
dimensions and different dietary habits,
adjusted for relatedness of individuals
and the other trait in each model,
N= 8,731
Food groups Fruits 0.06 (0.08,-0.04) 0.00 (0.02,0.02)
Vegetables 0.06 (0.08,-0.04) 0.01 (0.01,0.03)
Dairy 0.01 (0.01,0.03) 0.02 (0.00,0.04)
Meat 0.00 (0.02,0.03) 0.01 (0.01,0.03)
Seafood 0.02 (0.00,0.04) 0.02 (0.00,0.05)
Rich in macro nutrients High in fat 0.05 (0.03,0.07) 0.01 (0.02,0.03)
High in carbohydrates 0.00 (0.03,0.02) 0.00 (0.02,0.02)
High in sugar 0.10 (0.08,0.12) 0.03 (0.01,0.06)
High in protein 0.02 (0.00,0.04) 0.03 (0.00,0.05)
Dietary patterns Unhealthy dietary pattern 0.09 (0.07,0.11) 0.04 (0.01,0.06)
Healthy dietary pattern 0.06 (0.08,-0.04) 0.01 (0.01,0.03)
Abbreviations: HI, Hyperactivity/impulsivity; IA, Inattention.
Adjusted hyperactivity-impulsivity for the correlations between inattention and dietary habits.
Adjusted inattention for the correlations between hyperactivity-impulsivity and dietary habits.
identical twin pair, the twin who has more ADHD symptoms is likely
to also consumes more high sugar and unhealthy food than
his/her twin.
In this nationwide population-based sample of adult twins, we identi-
fied positive associations between self-reported trait dimensions of
ADHD and intake of seafood, high-fat food, high-sugar food, high-
protein food, and an unhealthy dietary pattern, and negative associa-
tions with consumption of fruits, vegetables, and a healthy dietary
pattern. However, all of the associations are small in magnitude. These
associations were stronger for inattention compared to hyperactivity/
impulsivity. This pattern of associations was also reflected at the etio-
logical level, where we found a slightly stronger genetic correlation of
inattention with dietary habits than of hyperactivity/impulsivity with
dietary habits. Nonshared environmental influences also contributed
TABLE 3 Intraclass correlations and
cross-twin cross-trait correlations with
95% confidence intervals for ADHD trait
dimensions and dietary habits
Intraclass correlations
IA HI High-sugar food Unhealthy dietary pattern
MZ 0.38 (0.33, 0.40) 0.39 (0.33, 0.40) 0.42 (0.33, 0.45) 0.42 (0.33, 0.45)
DZ 0.11 (0.07, 0.15) 0.14 (0.10, 0.18) 0.16 (0.09, 0.22) 0.16 (0.09, 0.23)
Cross-twin cross-trait correlations
dietary pattern HI-high-sugar
dietary pattern
MZ 0.06 (0.00, 0.11) 0.05 (0.00, 0.11) 0.04 (0.02, 0.09) 0.02(0.04, 0.07)
DZ 0.00 (0.05, 0.05) 0.03 (0.02, 0.08) 0.02 (0.03, 0.07) 0.01(0.06, 0.04)
Abbreviations: IA: Inattention, HI: Hyperactivity/impulsivity.
TABLE 4 Estimates of genetic and environmental effect (95% confidence intervals) from bivariate AE models
Bivariate A Bivariate E
IA and high-sugar food
IA 0.34 (0.30, 0.37) 0.66 (0.63, 0.70) .16 (.07, .25) .11 (.06, .16) .13 (.11, .15) 0.44 (0.18, 0.70) 0.56 (0.30, 0.82)
High-sugar food 0.38 ( 0.62 (0.56, 0.67)
IA and unhealthy
dietary pattern
IA 0.34 (0.30, 0.37) 0.66 (0.63, 0.70) .13 (.03, .22) .10 (.05, .15) .11 (.09, .13) 0.40 (0.10, 0.70) 0.60 (0.30, 0.90)
Unhealthy food 0.36 (0.31, 0.42) 0.64 (0.58, 0.69)
HI and high-sugar food
HI 0.35 (0.32, 0.38) 0.65 (0.62, 0.68) .09 (.002, .19) .09 (.04, .15) .09 (.07, .11) 0.37 (0.01, 0.71) 0.63 (0.30, 0.99)
High-sugar food 0.38 (0.33, 0.44) 0.62 (0.56, 0.67)
HI and unhealthy
dietary pattern
HI 0.35 (0.32, 0.38) 0.65 (0.62, 0.68) .05 (.05, .14) .11 (.06, .16) .09 (.07, .11) 0.20 (0.21, 0.56) 0.80 (0.44, 1.20)
Unhealthy food 0.36 (0.31, 0.42) 0.64 (0.58, 0.69)
Note: Bivariate A (bivariate heritability) refers to the amount of covariance between the two phenotypes explained by A, similarly for E.
Abbreviations: A, additive genetic factors; D, dominant genetic factors; E, nonshared environmental factors; HI, hyperactivity/impulsivity; IA, inattention.
TABLE 5 Results from MZ Twin
intrapair differences model Differences (Twin1-Twin2) NCorrelation 95%ci p-value
IA High-sugar food 708 0.13 (0.05, 0.20) <.01
IA Unhealthy food 709 0.12 (0.04, 0,19) <.01
HI High-sugar food 711 0.06 (0.01, 0.14) .09
HI Unhealthy food 712 0.08 (0.01, 0.15) .04
Abbreviations: HI, hyperactivity/impulsivity; IA, inattention.
to the overlap between ADHD symptom dimensions and consump-
tion of high-sugar food and unhealthy dietary pattern. However,
shared environmental influences probably contributed relatively little
to the associations between ADHD symptoms and dietary habits. Our
findings contribute to a better understanding of common etiological
pathways between ADHD symptoms and various dietary habits.
At the phenotypic level, our results are in line with previous study
from adults associating elevated levels of self-reported ADHD symp-
toms with higher consumption of sweet food and lower consumption
of vegetables and fruits (Weissenberger et al., 2018). However, the
casecontrol study with 51 young adults (aged 1825) suggested that
nutrient intake was not associated with ADHD, but the conclusion
was limited by the small sample size leading to low statistical power
(Holton et al., 2019). Our results are also consistent with prior studies
based on children and adolescents (Del-Ponte, Quinte, Cruz,
Grellert, & Santos, 2019), which may indicate that associations
between ADHD symptoms and dietary habits are stable across the
lifespan. We further found that all associations were consistent by
age, sex, and SES. Given the chronic nature of ADHD related prob-
lems, people with ADHD are most likely exposed to unhealthy dietary
factors across a substantial period of time, which may in part explain
the well-established increased risk for a variety of psychiatric and
somatic morbidities (Weissenberger et al., 2017).
Our findings extend the previous literature in four important
ways. First, the current study is the first to identify a dimension-
specific overlap between ADHD and different dietary habits, with a
stronger correlation of inattention with dietary habits than hyperactiv-
ity/impulsivity with dietary habits. Support for a dimension specific
association has also been observed for ADHD symptoms and binge-
eating behavior in adults (Capusan et al., 2017). One explanation for
the minimal contribution of hyperactivity/impulsivity on dietary habits
in adults is that hyperactive/impulsive symptoms tend to decrease at
a higher rate with age compared with inattention symptoms (Willcutt
et al., 2012). Future genomic studies on the association between
ADHD and dietary habits may benefit from including information
about ADHD symptom dimensions and/or subtypes.
Second, our results suggest the association between ADHD
symptoms and different dietary habits is in part explained by shared
genetic factors. Part of the genetic overlap may reflect genetic risk
variants with general effects cutting across boundaries between neu-
ropsychiatric traits and nutrition-related or metabolic problems
(Demontis et al., 2018; Meddens et al., 2018; Watson et al., 2019).
Another more specific mechanism may involve the addictive potential
of highly palatable foods (such as sweet, fatty, and salty foods). It is
well established that the genetic liability of ADHD is in part shared
with the genetic liability of several addiction disorders, such as alco-
holism (Edwards & Kendler, 2012), pathological gambling (Comings
et al., 1999), internet and videogame addiction (Weinstein &
Weizman, 2012), and substance abuse (Zheng Chang, Lichtenstein, &
Larsson, 2012). Our findings may therefore indicate that shared
genetic factors of ADHD symptoms and dietary habits may partly
reflect a common genetic pathway for different addictive behaviors.
Typically, substance use disorders are explained by impulsivity
(de Wit, 2009), although, in line with previous studies on other addic-
tive behaviors (Burke, Loeber, White, Stouthamer-Loeber, &
Pardini, 2007; Wang, Yao, Zhou, Liu, & Lv, 2017) reported attention
problems may potentially play a potent role more broadly in addictive
behaviors beyond diet.
Third, nonshared environmental factors also contributed substan-
tially to the overlap between ADHD symptoms and different dietary
habits. Research has not previously focused on such factors and how
they possibly contribute to the co-occurrence of ADHD symptoms
and different dietary habits. Some studies have reported that screen
time and level of physical activity are associated with ADHD symp-
toms, and there is also support for a link with suggested dietary habits
(Mian et al., 2019; Rios-Hernandez, Alda, Farran-Codina, Ferreira-Gar-
cia, & Izquierdo-Pulido, 2017), but whether such factors explain the
nonshared environmental overlap between ADHD symptom dimen-
sions and dietary habits remains to investigated. Future research on
nonshared environmental risk factors may not only aid in our under-
standing of the association between diet, ADHD and related lifestyle
factors and disorders, but also help identify novel prevention and
intervention target.
Fourth, although the associations between ADHD symptoms and
dietary habits could be explained by common genetic or environmen-
tal determinants, the significant genetic and nonshared environmental
correlations, and significant MZ twin intrapair differences also pro-
vided support for a potential causal link between inattention and die-
tary habits. However, due to the similarity of the etiology of the two
traits, we were unable to further test the test the direction of causa-
tion in the current cross-sectional twin data. Recently, a cohort study
in Dutch children was the first to test bidirectional associations
between ADHD symptoms and diets, indicating that children's ADHD
symptoms predicted poor diet in later life, but that diet quality was
not an independent predictor of later ADHD symptoms (Mian
et al., 2019). Therefore, future longitudinal studies (e.g., cross-lagged
models) and various study designs (e.g., Mendelian randomization) are
needed to replicate this finding in children and adolescents, and to
explore the directions of effect in adults.
4.1 |Strengths and limitations
Our study has several strengths, including but not limited to, a very
large adult twin sample, focus on two separate ADHD trait dimen-
sions and extensive dietary phenotyping as well as an exploration of
potential modifying effects of age, sex, and SES.
Several limitations should be considered. First, the associations
between ADHD symptoms and dietary habits might be biased toward
null as it is known that self-report among adults underestimates
ADHD-symptoms compared to reports from other informants (Brikell,
Kuja-Halkola, & Larsson, 2015; Merwood et al., 2013). Consequently,
the heritability estimates for self-reported ADHD symptoms in adults
were consistent with prior research using self-ratings (S. V. Faraone &
Larsson, 2019; Larsson et al., 2013), but substantially lower than those
based on multiple raters or a clinical ADHD diagnosis (Brikell
et al., 2015; Z. Chang, Lichtenstein, Asherson, & Larsson, 2013; Lar-
sson et al., 2014). Future research needs to resolve if observed pheno-
typic and genetic associations are stronger using other assessments of
ADHD and dietary habits (e.g., 24-hr calls, food records, or macronu-
trients assessment). Second, the response rate in our population-
based twin sample was moderate (59.6%), and FFQ as a voluntary
section had a lower response rate of 36.8%. A previous study from
our team (Larsson et al., 2013) explored differences between partici-
pants and nonparticipants in the STAGE sample, and revealed that
females with higher SES and lower levels of behavioral problems were
more likely to participate in the STAGE questionnaires. In contrast,
when comparing STAGE participants that responded to both the
ADHD questionnaire and the FFQ with those that only responded to
the ADHD questionnaire, we found that females with lower SES and
higher levels of behavior problems were more likely to respond to
both. Thus, our phenotypic results may not generalize to the general
population. However, a similar response rate was found in DZ and MZ
twins, which indicates that bias due to nonrandom missing probably
had little impact on the estimates of the relative contribution of
genetic and environmental influences.
Overall, we have found evidence for both phenotypic and genetic
correlations between ADHD symptoms and unhealthy dietary habits
in adulthood. Future longitudinal studies with various assessments of
ADHD and dietary habits are needed to explore the casual associa-
tions between ADHD symptoms and dietary habits in adults.
We acknowledge The Swedish Twin Registry for access to data. The
Swedish Twin Registry is managed by Karolinska Institutet and
receives funding through the Swedish Research Council under the
grant No. 2017-00641. This project has also received funding from
the Swedish Research Council (2018-02599), the Swedish Brain
Foundation (FO2018-0273) and the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement 728018.
The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; col-
lection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; prepara-
tion, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the
manuscript for publication.
Dr. Larsson has served as a speaker for Evolan and Shire and has
received research grants from Shire; all outside the submitted work.
The remaining authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Lin Li, Katarina Bälter, and Henrik Larsson were responsible for the
study concept and design. Lin Li performed the analyses under the
supervision of Mark J. Taylor. Tor-Arne Hegvik contributed to all the
visualizations. Lin Li drafted the manuscript. Ralf Kuja-Halkola, Qi
Chen, Tor-Arne Hegvik, Ashley E. Tate, Zheng Chang, Alejandro Arias-
Vásquez and Catharina A Hartman gave inputs regarding the overall
interpretation of the method and results and provided critical revision
of the manuscript. All authors critically reviewed content and
approved the final version for publication.
Research data are not shared.
The authors assert that all procedures contributing to this work com-
ply with the ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional
committees on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declara-
tion of 1975, as revised in 2008.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Li L, Taylor MJ, Bälter K, et al.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and dietary
habits in adulthood: A large population-based twin study in
Sweden. Am J Med Genet Part B. 2020;111.
... Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the risk of ADHD. Twin research indicates moderate-to-large genetic contributions; the estimated heritability (that is, the proportion of phenotypic variation attributable to genetic variation) for ADHD is 30-80%, depending on the age, the assessment method used, and the informants [5][6][7]. However, so far, molecular genetic studies identified only a small number of genetic variants that may be directly involved in the aetiology of ADHD, which also explain very little of the variance in ADHD [8,9]. ...
... Emerging evidence indicates that diet may modify the genetic liability underlying ADHD. Previous research found a direct association between the Western/unhealthy diet (characterized by high consumption of refined sugar and saturated fat but low consumption of fruits and vegetables) [7,19,20] and a low adherence to a Mediterranean diet with elevated ADHD symptoms [21]. Higher sugar intake was found to be associated with more ADHD symptoms in children over 7 years old, and adults with elevated levels of ADHD symptoms were found to be associated with a higher intake of high-sugar food, meat and fat, as well as a lower intake of fruits and vegetables [7]. ...
... Previous research found a direct association between the Western/unhealthy diet (characterized by high consumption of refined sugar and saturated fat but low consumption of fruits and vegetables) [7,19,20] and a low adherence to a Mediterranean diet with elevated ADHD symptoms [21]. Higher sugar intake was found to be associated with more ADHD symptoms in children over 7 years old, and adults with elevated levels of ADHD symptoms were found to be associated with a higher intake of high-sugar food, meat and fat, as well as a lower intake of fruits and vegetables [7]. Findings from a twin study further indicated that genetic factors could only explain a minor part of this association [7]. ...
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Background: Dietary habits were investigated as environmental risk factors for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, no previous studies explored the effects of dietary factors on modifying the role of genetic factors on ADHD. Methods: Based on a Swedish population-based twin study with 1518 twin pairs aged 20–47 years, we tested whether the importance of genetic and environmental effects on ADHD varied as a function of dietary habits. Self-reported dietary habits and ADHD symptoms were collected. Twin methods were used to test the degree to which high-sugar and unhealthy food intake moderated the genetic and environmental influences on ADHD symptoms. Results: In middle-aged adults, genetic influences on inattention symptoms were statistically significantly higher among individuals with higher levels of high-sugar (45%, 95%CI: 25–54%) and unhealthy food intake (51%, 95%CI: 31–60%), compared with those with lower levels of consumption of high-sugar (36%, 95%CI: 25–47%) and unhealthy foods (30%, 95%CI: 20–41%). Similar patterns were also found for the associations between hyperactivity/impulsivity and high-sugar/unhealthy food intake, even though the moderation effects were not statistically significant. Conclusion The present study suggests that genetic factors play a more prominent role in individual differences of ADHD symptoms in the presence of the high consumption of sugar and unhealthy foods. Future longitudinal studies with multiple assessments of ADHD and dietary habits are needed to replicate our findings.
... behavioral impulsivity, response inhibition, emotional regulation, reward processing) possibly mediated by shared neural circuits [15][16][17][18]. The genetic liability for ADHD seems to overlap with genetic liability for several addictive disorders including alcohol, gambling, internet, and substance abuse [19] and binge eating represents a form of addictive behavior driven by the activation of mesolimbic dopamine pathways triggered by the ingestion of highly palatable foods [20]. The preference for immediate over delayed rewards in ADHD [21] (also reported in binge eating disorders [22]) suggests that individuals with ADHD may prefer highly palatable (more rewarding) foods over healthy alternatives such as vegetables. ...
... The preference for immediate over delayed rewards in ADHD [21] (also reported in binge eating disorders [22]) suggests that individuals with ADHD may prefer highly palatable (more rewarding) foods over healthy alternatives such as vegetables. Twin studies indicate that the well-established association between ADHD and binge eating behavior [16,23,24] may primarily be driven by common genetic factors [16,19]. Finally, and most importantly, the results from a recent Dutch cohort in which the direction of causation between ADHD and poor diet was assessed for the first time demonstrated that while ADHD symptoms in children predict poor diet in later life, diet quality is not an independent predictor of ADHD symptoms [25]. ...
I read with great interest a recent study by Robinette et al. in which the authors use cross-sectional baseline visit data from the Micronutrients for ADHD in Youth (MADDY; NCT03252522) cohort to assess the association between the inattention severity and fruit and vegetable intake in a select pediatric population enrolled in the study [1]. This letter intends to raise several questions that might be of importance regarding the implications of the findings presented in the manuscript: (i) several obvious and important confounders were not taken into account; (ii) a large body of literature strongly suggesting that poor dietary (and lifestyle) choices are more likely a consequence rather than the cause of ADHD was not acknowledged; (iii) the manuscript seems to be a segmented publication based on a fraction of the dataset from the MADDY study available to the authors.
... behavioral impulsivity, response inhibition, emotional regulation, reward processing) possibly mediated by shared neural circuits [15][16][17][18]. The genetic liability for ADHD seems to overlap with genetic liability for several addictive disorders including alcohol, gambling, internet, and substance abuse [19] and binge eating represents a form of addictive behavior driven by the activation of mesolimbic dopamine pathways triggered by the ingestion of highly palatable foods [20]. The preference for immediate over delayed rewards in ADHD [21] (also reported in binge eating disorders [22]) suggests that individuals with ADHD may prefer highly palatable and more rewarding foods over healthy alternatives (e.g. ...
... vegetables). Twin studies indicate that the well-established association between ADHD and binge eating behavior [16,23,24] may primarily be driven by common genetic factors [16,19]. Finally, and most importantly, the results from a recent Dutch cohort in which the direction of causation between ADHD and poor diet was assessed for the first time demonstrated that while ADHD symptoms in children predict poor diet in later life, diet quality is not an independent predictor of ADHD symptoms [25]. ...
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Dear Editors, I read with great interest a recent study by Robinette et al. in which the authors use cross-sectional baseline visit data from the Micronutrients for ADHD in Youth (MADDY; NCT03252522) cohort to assess the association between the inattention severity and fruit and vegetable intake in a select pediatric population enrolled in the study [1]. This letter intends to raise several questions that might be of importance regarding the implications of the findings presented in the manuscript: i) several obvious and important confounders were not taken into account; ii) a large body of literature strongly suggesting that poor dietary (and lifestyle) choices are more likely a consequence rather than the cause of ADHD symptoms was not acknowledged; iii) the manuscript seems to be a segmented publication based on a fraction of the dataset from the MADDY study available to the authors.
... A potential contribution of USI to the formation of certain behavioral phenotypes, especially those associated with externalized behavior (disinhibition, antisocial-aggressive behavior, and substance (mis)use [4]), has been attracting the attention of the scientific public lately, considering that, on one side, unrestricted consumption of high-sugar food and beverages might be linked to the increased obesity epidemic [5] while, on the other side, the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders-like symptoms, impulsivity, and obesity has been recognized, at least in adults [6][7][8][9] (but see also [10,11]). A potential relationship between disinhibited behavior and experiencing downshift (i.e., consumption of less sweet than expected) has not been documented by the existing literature (in rodents, only consequences of limited access to 32% sucrose and related downshift are examined and negative emotional reactions accompanied by voluntary anxiolytics consumption were recognized [12,13]). ...
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A potential relationship between unrestricted sucrose intake (USI), overweight, and emotional/behavioral control has not been well documented. We examined the influence of USI and having less sweetness than expected on body weight (BW), motor/exploratory, anxiety-like, and social dominant behavior in adult C57BL/6J male mice. Animals had free access to water (group 1) or 32% sucrose and water (sucrose groups 2–5) for 10 days. Then, group 2 remained with 32% sucrose while groups 3–5 were subjected to the downshift (24 h access to 4%, 8%, or 16% sucrose). All experimental groups were weighed and tested in the novel-open arena (NA), elevated plus maze (EPM), and tube tests to assess BW, motor/exploratory, anxiety-like, and social dominance behavior, respectively. USI did not influence animals’ BW but produced hyperactivity and anxiolytic-like behavior, which was evident in EPM but not in NA; the outcomes of the downshift were comparable. USI did not influence successes/wins in the tube test but altered emotions that drive the winning, favoring a less anxious behavioral phenotype; this was not evident in the downshifted groups. Observed findings suggest that USI promotes sensation-seeking and motivates dominance, without changing BW, while blunted emotional base of social dominance might be an early mark of the downshift.
... The association between an unhealthy diet and symptoms of ADHD in adults finds sparse support in the literature. Li et al. (2020) performed a population-based twin study in Sweden with almost 18,000 participants 20-47 years old. The authors assessed the consumption of food groups, consumption of food items rich in a particular macronutrient, healthy dietary patterns (fruits, vegetables, fish, and white meat), and unhealthy dietary patterns (food with high proportions of refined sugar and saturated fat). ...
Current treatments for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults are limited by lack of response and side effects in about one third of the individuals. Changes towards a healthier lifestyle could have a positive impact beyond the relief of specific symptoms. However, it is not clear if nutritional interventions influence mental health and cognition. The objective of this study was to summarize the available literature addressing the impact of different diets in ADHD. The most promising dietetic approaches in ADHD are diets considered to be healthy (Mediterranean-type; DASH) and the Few-Foods Diet for children. Studies should take into account the presence of multiple confounders, biases associated with difficulties in blinding participants and researchers, and search for possible mechanisms of action, so we can have better evidence to guide clinical mental care of adults with ADHD.
Attention deficiency hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric disability characterized by attention problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that can affect education, working life, social relationships, and physical and mental health. Research shows a shortened life expectancy in adults with ADHD which has to do with impaired lifestyle habits. In the field of health sciences, it is important to alleviate suffering, promote health, and prevent ill health. The purpose of this chapter is to describe factors that affect the health and lifestyle of adults with ADHD. The method is a literature search. Adults with ADHD were affected by cognitive impairments that affected life to a large extent. Lifestyle habits with a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and drug use were more common in people with ADHD. In addition, comorbidity with both physical and mental health is common. Loneliness and deteriorating quality of life plague many people with ADHD. Combined treatment methods with psychosocial interventions are important. Health-promoting lifestyle programs where support for physical, mental, and social health is important. Conclusion: Research on lifestyle programs for adults with ADHD is lacking. There is some research that supports the idea that continuous health-promoting lifestyle programs based on interpersonal relationships, health education, and health discussions as well as cognitive support can be useful for lifestyle changes among people with ADHD.
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Consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) has been associated with reduced wakefulness and various behavioral deficits, including anxiety, depression, and anhedonia. The dopaminergic system, which plays a crucial role in sleep and ADHD, is known to be vulnerable to chronic HFD. However, the association between HFD-induced behavioral and molecular changes remains unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effects of a HFD on the dopaminergic system and its association with behavioral deficits in male mice. The mice were divided into normal diet and HFD groups and were analyzed for sleep patterns, behavior tests, and transcription levels of dopamine-related genes in the brain. The HFD group showed decreased wakefulness, increased REM sleep with fragmented patterns, decreased time spent in the center zone of the open field test, shorter immobile time in the tail suspension test, impaired visuospatial memory, and reduced sucrose preference. Additionally, the HFD group had decreased mRNA levels of D1R, COMT, and DAT in the nucleus accumbens, which negatively correlated with REM sleep proportion and REM sleep bout count. The results suggest that HFD-induced behavioral deficits were resemblance to ADHD-like behavioral phenotypes and disturbs REM sleep by dysregulating the dopaminergic system.
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Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by an inappropriate, pervasive and persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity and associated with substantial functional impairment. Despite considerable advances in the understanding and management of ADHD, some patients do not respond well to methylphenidate (MPH), the first-choice pharmacological treatment. Over the past decades, among non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has proven to be an effective and safe technique to improve behavior and cognition in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, by modifying cortical excitability. However, the effect of tDCS has never been directly compared with that of the MPH. The present randomized sham-controlled trial evaluated the effect of a single session of anodal tDCS compared with the administration of a single dose of MPH in children and adolescents with ADHD. Methods After completing baseline assessment (T0), 26 children and adolescents with ADHD were exposed to 3 conditions with a 24-h interval-sessions: (A) a single session of anodal tDCS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC); (B) a single session of sham tDCS over the left DLPFC; (C) a single dose of MPH. Results Our results showed that after administering a single dose of MPH, children and adolescents with ADHD improved inhibitory control and visual–spatial WM compared with baseline, anodal, and sham tDCS. However, a single session of active tDCS over the left DLPFC was not effective compared with either baseline or sham tDCS. Discussion In conclusion, our protocol in ADHD involving a single tDCS session did not demonstrate consistent improvements in neurocognitive features compared with baseline, sham tDCS, or single MPH administration. Different protocols need to be developed to further test the effectiveness of tDCS in improving ADHD symptoms.
EAT2beNICE Project: The correlation between diet and mental health Jeanette C. Mostert & Alejandro Arias Vasquez from the Departments of Genetics and Psychiatry, Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands, reveal that diet and mental health are linked, as they reflect on the lessons learned from the Eat2beNICE project. We all know the saying, “you are what you eat”. The food we eat provides the building blocks for our bodies, directly linking our diet and mental health. Healthy eating is, therefore, essential for our physical and mental wellbeing.
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The importance of nutrition in human health has been understood for over a century. However, debate is ongoing regarding the role of added and free sugars in physiological and neurological health. In this narrative review, we have addressed several key issues around this debate and the major health conditions previously associated with sugar. We aim to determine the current evidence regarding the role of free sugars in human health, specifically obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cognition, and mood. We also present some predominant theories on mechanisms of action. The findings suggest a negative effect of excessive added sugar consumption on human health and wellbeing. Specific class and source of carbohydrate appears to greatly influence the impact of these macronutrients on health. Further research into individual effects of carbohydrate forms in diverse populations is needed to understand the complex relationship between sugar and health.
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We conducted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of relative intake from the macronutrients fat, protein, carbohydrates, and sugar in over 235,000 individuals of European ancestries. We identified 21 unique, approximately independent lead SNPs. Fourteen lead SNPs are uniquely associated with one macronutrient at genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10⁻⁸), while five of the 21 lead SNPs reach suggestive significance (P < 1 × 10⁻⁵) for at least one other macronutrient. While the phenotypes are genetically correlated, each phenotype carries a partially unique genetic architecture. Relative protein intake exhibits the strongest relationships with poor health, including positive genetic associations with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease (rg ≈ 0.15–0.5). In contrast, relative carbohydrate and sugar intake have negative genetic correlations with waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, and neighborhood deprivation (|rg| ≈ 0.1–0.3) and positive genetic correlations with physical activity (rg ≈ 0.1 and 0.2). Relative fat intake has no consistent pattern of genetic correlations with poor health but has a negative genetic correlation with educational attainment (rg ≈−0.1). Although our analyses do not allow us to draw causal conclusions, we find no evidence of negative health consequences associated with relative carbohydrate, sugar, or fat intake. However, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that relative protein intake plays a role in the etiology of metabolic dysfunction.
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The role of nutrition in health and disease has been appreciated from time immemorial [...]
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Characterized primarily by a low body-mass index, anorexia nervosa is a complex and serious illness¹, affecting 0.9–4% of women and 0.3% of men2–4, with twin-based heritability estimates of 50–60%⁵. Mortality rates are higher than those in other psychiatric disorders⁶, and outcomes are unacceptably poor⁷. Here we combine data from the Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative (ANGI)8,9 and the Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC-ED) and conduct a genome-wide association study of 16,992 cases of anorexia nervosa and 55,525 controls, identifying eight significant loci. The genetic architecture of anorexia nervosa mirrors its clinical presentation, showing significant genetic correlations with psychiatric disorders, physical activity, and metabolic (including glycemic), lipid and anthropometric traits, independent of the effects of common variants associated with body-mass index. These results further encourage a reconceptualization of anorexia nervosa as a metabo-psychiatric disorder. Elucidating the metabolic component is a critical direction for future research, and paying attention to both psychiatric and metabolic components may be key to improving outcomes.
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Background: As an adjuvant for medication, dietary changes focused on specific nutrients have been proposed to prevent or reduce attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. However, whether an overall healthy dietary pattern is associated with ADHD symptom severity during childhood remains unclear. Furthermore, it is not clear what the direction of this association is. Objectives: We aimed to examine the association between dietary patterns and ADHD symptoms in school-aged children. In addition, we aimed to identify the temporal direction of this association-that is, whether dietary patterns predict ADHD symptoms or vice versa. Methods: We analyzed data from 3680 children participating in the Generation R Study, a prospective cohort in Rotterdam, Netherlands. ADHD symptoms were assessed with parent-report questionnaires at ages 6 and 10 y using the Child Behavior Checklist. Dietary intake was assessed at the age of 8 y with a validated food-frequency questionnaire. We computed a diet quality score reflecting adherence to dietary guidelines. We examined bidirectional associations of diet quality with ADHD symptom scores using multivariable linear regression analysis and cross-lagged modeling. Results: Linear regressions showed that more ADHD symptoms at age 6 y were associated with a lower diet quality score at age 8 y (SD score = -0.08; 95% CI: -0.11, -0.05) but that diet quality at age 8 y was not associated with ADHD symptoms at age 10 y. Cross-lagged models confirmed a unidirectional relation from ADHD symptoms to diet quality but not vice versa. Associations did not differ by overweight status or between boys and girls. Conclusion: Our study suggests that children with more ADHD symptoms may be at higher risk of an unhealthy diet but that overall diet quality does not affect ADHD risk.
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Importance Psychiatric traits associated with categorically defined psychiatric disorders are heritable and present to varying degrees in the general population. It is commonly assumed that diagnoses represent the extreme end of continuously distributed traits in the population, but this assumption has yet to be robustly tested for many psychiatric phenotypes. Objective To assess whether genetic risk factors associated with psychiatric disorders are also associated with continuous variation in milder population traits. Design, Setting, and Participants This study combined a novel twin analytic approach with polygenic risk score (PRS) analyses in a large population-based twin sample.Phenotypic and genetic data were available from the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden. Inpatient data were available for January 1, 1987, to December 31, 2014, and outpatient data for January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2013. The last day of follow-up was December 31, 2014. Data analysis was performed from January 1, 2017, to September 30, 2017. Main Outcomes and Measures Questionnaires that assessed traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning difficulties, tic disorders (TDs), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, major depressive disorder (MDD), mania, and psychotic experiences were administered to a large Swedish twin sample. Individuals with clinical psychiatric diagnoses were identified using the Swedish National Patient Register. Joint categorical/continuous twin modeling was used to estimate genetic correlations between psychiatric diagnoses and continuous traits. The PRSs for psychiatric disorders were calculated based on independent discovery genetic data. The association between PRSs for each disorder and associated continuous traits was tested. Results Phenotype data were available for 13 923 twin pairs (35.1% opposite sex and 31.7% same-sex females) at 9 years of age, 5165 pairs (36.9% opposite sex and 34.0% same-sex females) at 15 years of age, and 4273 pairs (36.5% opposite sex and 34.4% same-sex females) at 18 years of age. Genetic data were available for 13 412 individuals (50.2% females). Twin genetic correlations between numerous psychiatric diagnoses and corresponding traits ranged from 0.31 to 0.69. Disorder PRSs were associated with related population traits for ASD (β [SE] = 0.04 [0.01] at 9 years of age), ADHD (β [SE] = 0.27 [0.03] at 9 years of age), TDs (β [SE] = 0.02 [0.004] at 9 years of age), OCD (β [SE] = 0.13 [0.05] at 18 years of age), anxiety (β [SE] = 0.18 [0.08] at 9 years of age; β [SE] = 0.07 [0.02] at 15 years of age; and β [SE] = 0.40 [0.17] at 18 years of age), MDD (β [SE] = 0.10 [0.03] at 9 years of age; β [SE] = 0.11 [0.02] at 15 years of age; and β [SE] = 0.41 [0.10] at 18 years of age), and schizophrenia (β [SE] = 0.02 [0.01] at 18 years of age). Polygenic risk scores for depressive symptoms were associated with MDD diagnoses (odds ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.02-1.32). Conclusions and Relevance These results suggest that genetic factors associated with psychiatric disorders are also associated with milder variation in characteristic traits throughout the general population for many psychiatric phenotypes. This study suggests that many psychiatric disorders are likely to be continuous phenotypes rather than the categorical entities currently defined in diagnostic manuals, which has strong implications for genetic research in particular.
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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly heritable childhood behavioral disorder affecting 5% of children and 2.5% of adults. Common genetic variants contribute substantially to ADHD susceptibility, but no variants have been robustly associated with ADHD. We report a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 20,183 individuals diagnosed with ADHD and 35,191 controls that identifies variants surpassing genome-wide significance in 12 independent loci, finding important new information about the underlying biology of ADHD. Associations are enriched in evolutionarily constrained genomic regions and loss-of-function intolerant genes and around brain-expressed regulatory marks. Analyses of three replication studies: a cohort of individuals diagnosed with ADHD, a self-reported ADHD sample and a meta-analysis of quantitative measures of ADHD symptoms in the population, support these findings while highlighting study-specific differences on genetic overlap with educational attainment. Strong concordance with GWAS of quantitative population measures of ADHD symptoms supports that clinical diagnosis of ADHD is an extreme expression of continuous heritable traits. © 2018, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.
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Decades of research show that genes play an vital role in the etiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its comorbidity with other disorders. Family, twin, and adoption studies show that ADHD runs in families. ADHD’s high heritability of 74% motivated the search for ADHD susceptibility genes. Genetic linkage studies show that the effects of DNA risk variants on ADHD must, individually, be very small. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated several genetic loci at the genome-wide level of statistical significance. These studies also show that about a third of ADHD’s heritability is due to a polygenic component comprising many common variants each having small effects. From studies of copy number variants we have also learned that the rare insertions or deletions account for part of ADHD’s heritability. These findings have implicated new biological pathways that may eventually have implications for treatment development.
Background and aims Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent chronic psychiatric condition in children world wide. This study was aimed to provide an overview of food groups and dietary patterns in ADHD children as a systematic review. Methods The relation between dietary patterns and this disorder was also investigated through meta-analysis. Databases including Google Scholar, SCOPUS, ISI Web of science, and PubMed were searched up to June 2017. Studies on posteriori derived dietary patterns and food intakes of ADHD children were included. The achieved Relative Risks (RR) and Odds Ratio (OR) were pooled together for ADHD to compare the most and the least adherence to major dietary patterns. The heterogeneity was assessed by Cochran's Q test and I-squared methods. Results This systematic review consisted of 6 dietary patterns and 6 foods or macronutrients studies. In this regard, 6 dietary patterns studies (n: 8816) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled analysis established that “healthy” dietary pattern significantly decreased the risk of ADHD (OR: 0·63; 95% CI: 0·41, 0·96), whereas “Western” (OR: 1.92; 95% CI: 1.13, 3.26; p:0.016) and “junk food” (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.16; p: 0.024) dietary patterns increased it. Conclusions “Healthy” dietary pattern highly loaded with vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fish has decreased the odds of ADHD up to 37%. In addition, adherence to “junk food” pattern containing sweetened beverages and desserts as well as “Western” dietary pattern including red meat, refined grains, processed meats, and hydrogenated fat increased it.
Background: The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder characterized by persistent symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. The diet during childhood has been investigated as a factor potentially involved in the ADHD etiology. Objective: To review systematically the evidence of the association between dietary patterns and ADHD. Methods: Two independent literature searches were carried out in PubMed, LILACS and PsycINFO databases. The studies included were only those that assessed dietary patterns and ADHD in children and adolescents. Due to heterogeneity between the studies random-effects models were used to pool the estimates. Results: We included fourteen observational studies (four cohorts, five case-control and five cross-sectional studies). In the pooled analysis, healthy dietary patterns were protective against ADHD (OR: 0.65; 95% CI: 044 - 0.97), while unhealthy dietary patterns were found as risk to ADHD (OR: 1.41; 95% CI: 1.15-1.74). After stratifying the studies by design (cohort/case control or cross-sectional), continent (Europe or Asia/Oceania) and sample size (≥1000 or <1000) the effects remained. Limitations: Absence of randomized controlled trials at the literature on this subject and scarce evidence from more robust designs, such as cohort and case-control studies. Conclusion: This study suggests that a diet high in refined sugar and saturated fat can increase the risk, whereas a healthy diet, characterized by high consumption of fruits and vegetables, would protect against ADHD or hyperactivity. Nevertheless, giving the number and the design of most of the studies available in the literature, the current evidence is weak. More studies using longitudinal design need to be performed to reinforce this evidence.
Objectives: To evaluate dietary intake among individuals with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to evaluate the likelihood that those with ADHD have inadequate intakes. Methods: Children, 7–12 years old, with (n = 23) and without (n = 22) ADHD, and college students, 18–25 years old, with (n = 21) and without (n = 30) ADHD comprised the samples. Children’s dietary intake was assessed by a registered dietitian using 24-hour recalls over 3 days. College students kept a detailed food record over three days. Dietary information for both groups was entered into the Nutrition Data Systems for Research database, and output was analyzed using SAS 9.4. Nutrient analyses included the Healthy Eating Index-2010, Micronutrient Index (as a measure of overall micronutrient intake), and individual amino acids necessary for neurotransmission. Logistic regression was used to model the association of nutrient intake with ADHD. Models were adjusted for age, sex, IQ (or GPA), and energy intake (or total protein intake) as appropriate. Significance was evaluated at P = 0.05, and using the Benjamini–Hochberg corrected P-value for multiple comparisons. Results: No evidence existed for reduced nutrient intake among those with ADHD compared to controls in either age group. Across both groups, inadequate intakes of vitamin D and potassium were reported in 95% of participants. Children largely met nutrient intake guidelines, while college students failed to meet these guidelines for nine nutrients. In regards to amino acid intake in children, an increased likelihood of having ADHD was associated with higher consumption of aspartate, OR = 12.61 (P = 0.01) and glycine OR = 11.60 (P = 0.05); and a reduced likelihood of ADHD with higher intakes of glutamate, OR = 0.34 (P = 0.03). Among young adults, none of the amino acids were significantly associated with ADHD, though glycine and tryptophan approached significance. Discussion: Results fail to support the hypothesis that ADHD is driven solely by dietary micronutrient inadequacy. However, amino acids associated with neurotransmission, specifically those affecting glutamatergic neurotransmission, differed by ADHD status in children. Amino acids did not reliably vary among college students. Future larger scale studies are needed to further examine whether or not dietary intake of amino acids may be a modulating factor in ADHD.