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Contemporary Tlingit Subsistence



The customary and traditional harvests of fish and wildlife by Tlingit in the contemporary period are discussed. The multiple meanings and the significance of the activities to identity and transgenerational connections are described. It is suggested that tribes designate elders with special knowledge in certain areas as mentors and require young people to spend time with them.
... Traditional knowledge of environmental phenomena, plant and animal life, and social and cultural values, norms, and practices were transmitted from generation to generation in situ and in vivo, as part of the subsistence lifestyle and seasonal round of activities. This is still true today (Langdon, 2000), and Native epistemologies continue to emphasize learning from elders through shared experiences. ...
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Indeed, hunting, fishing and gathering food is central to all indigenous peoples' survival. It is perhaps felt most poignantly in the thousands of communities scatter- ed across the northern Polar Regions of our planet. The threat that all of the Arctic's indigenous peoples feel to their culture, their language, to their heritage and to their environment is intimately connected to the fear we all have regarding our inherent rights to hunting, fishing, and gathering. - Aqqaluk Lynge (of Greenland), President, Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC); Remarks at the National Forum on the Future of Alaska Natives (1999)
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Este trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo por un equipo de investigadores que han realizado un trabajo de campo sobre unas sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras, las fueguinas, en la Costa Noroeste de América del Norte. Estas sociedades al ser las más primitivas y más simples, sirven para explicar el cambio prehistórico hacia sociedades productoras de alimentos con diferenciación social horizontal. El estudio arqueológico se centró en la utilización de posturas teóricas cercanas al particularismo histórico para poner en crisis el evolucionismo unilineal y la caracterización universal de las sociedades cazadoras como las más primitivas asociaciones de bandas igualitarias.
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