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Dexmedetomidine is superior to midazolam for sedation and cerebral protection in postoperative hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage patients: a retrospective study

SAGE Publications Inc
The Journal of International Medical Research
  • The First People's Hospital of Kunshan, Jiangsu University, Suzhou, 215300, P. R. China

Abstract and Figures

Objective: Dexmedetomidine has a good sedative effect and does not affect the judgment of the patient's consciousness level. However, its effectiveness for sedation and cerebral protection after craniotomy in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH) patients is unknown. Methods: A retrospective study of 164 postoperative HICH patients who underwent sedation with dexmedetomidine or midazolam was conducted. The Ramsay sedation score, mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2), and respiratory rate were measured at the indicated time points. Human soluble protein-100β (S-100β) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) levels were also compared between the two groups. Results: Dexmedetomidine treatment showed a significantly better effect than midazolam on decreasing the frequency of apparent agitation. The MAP and HR, but not the SpO2, were significantly decreased and lower than those in midazolam group. Detection of plasma S-100β and NSE proteins revealed a significant decrease in the dexmedetomidine group compared with the midazolam group. The 6-month follow-up evaluation indicated a significantly better prognosis of postoperative HICH patients treated with dexmedetomidine than for those treated with midazolam. Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine is effective for sedation in postoperative HICH patients and may be beneficial for their outcome.
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Retrospective Clinical Research Report
Dexmedetomidine is superior
to midazolam for sedation
and cerebral protection in
postoperative hypertensive
intracerebral hemorrhage
patients: a retrospective study
Weiyi Gong*, Shuguang Zhang*, Xiaoliang Li*
and Lei Shi
Objective: Dexmedetomidine has a good sedative effect and does not affect the judgment of the
patient’s consciousness level. However, its effectiveness for sedation and cerebral protection
after craniotomy in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH) patients is unknown.
Methods: A retrospective study of 164 postoperative HICH patients who underwent sedation
with dexmedetomidine or midazolam was conducted. The Ramsay sedation score, mean arterial
pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), pulse oxygen saturation (SpO
), and respiratory rate were
measured at the indicated time points. Human soluble protein-100b(S-100b) and neuron-specific
enolase (NSE) levels were also compared between the two groups.
Results: Dexmedetomidine treatment showed a significantly better effect than midazolam on
decreasing the frequency of apparent agitation. The MAP and HR, but not the SpO
significantly decreased and lower than those in midazolam group. Detection of plasma S-100b
and NSE proteins revealed a significant decrease in the dexmedetomidine group compared with
the midazolam group. The 6-month follow-up evaluation indicated a significantly better prognosis
of postoperative HICH patients treated with dexmedetomidine than for those treated with
Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine is effective for sedation in postoperative HICH patients and
may be beneficial for their outcome.
Department of Neurosurgery, Affiliated Kunshan Hospital
of Jiangsu University, Suzhou, P.R. China
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Corresponding author:
Lei Shi, Department of Neurosurgery, No. 91 Qianjin
West Road, Kunshan City, Affiliated Kunshan Hospital of
Jiangsu University, Suzhou 215300, P.R. China.
Journal of International Medical Research
48(9) 1–9
!The Author(s) 2020
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DOI: 10.1177/0300060520957554
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Dexmedetomidine, midazolam, hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage, prognosis, sedation,
cerebral protection
Date received: 11 May 2020; accepted: 19 August 2020
Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage
(HICH) refers to rupture and hemorrhage
of small arteries because of pathological
changes in the brain caused by prolonged
hypertension and cerebral arteriosclerosis.
Among the various causes of non-traumatic
intracerebral hemorrhage, hypertension
accounts for approximately 60% of cases.
HICH is one of the most serious complica-
tions of hypertension
and is common in
50- to 60-year-old patients, and the inci-
dence in men is slightly higher than that in
women. HICH is one of the most serious
diseases that threaten the health of the
Treatment of HICH is usually con-
servative. However, some patients suffer
from excessive bleeding and coma, often
requiring surgical treatment; that is, hema-
toma removal is performed to relieve the
hematoma, brain tissue compression, and
secondary brain injury.
Postoperative rest-
lessness is a common clinical symptom in
HICH patients. Restlessness can lead to
sympathetic activation, increased oxygen
consumption and brain metabolism, and
even cardiovascular events in elderly
patients, which are not conducive to disease
Severe agitation can cause great
fluctuation of blood pressure, which results
in repeat rupture of the blood vessel, lead-
ing to increased brain hematoma and even
the risk of brain hernia.
Proper sedation
can improve patient comfort, prevent
severe fluctuations in blood pressure, and
reduce re-bleeding.
Therefore, it is neces-
sary to select reasonable sedative drugs to
relieve stress and restlessness.
The benzodiazepine sedative midazolam
is widely used in clinical practice. However,
in recent years, dexmedetomidine has
attracted increasing attention from anes-
thetic and intensive care unit clinicians
because it can produce the approximate
sedative effect of natural sleep and
exhibits weak respiratory depression.
Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective and
specific a
adrenergic receptor agonist and a
common adjuvant anesthetic in clinical
practice. It mainly acts within the locus coe-
ruleus, produces sedative, hypnotic and
anxiolytic effects, activates presynaptic
membrane a
receptors, inhibits the release
of norepinephrine, terminates the transmis-
sion of pain signals, and inhibits sympathet-
ic activity and the stress response.
studies have shown that dexmedetomidine
also has certain neuroprotective effects.
Zhao et al.
confirmed that dexmedetomi-
dine has protective and hemodynamic
effects in HICH patients during the periop-
erative period. Therefore, we analyzed the
effects of dexmedetomidine on sedation and
reducing recurrence after hematoma remov-
al in postoperative HICH patients.
Materials and methods
Statement regarding human participants
All methods and treatments in this study
were performed in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki and the relevant
regulations. The protocols for the study
and the written consent form were
approved by the ethics committee of the
First People’s Hospital of Kunshan, China
2Journal of International Medical Research
(201907621). The study was approved by
the Ethics Committee of each hospital.
Written informed consent was obtained
from all patients providing tissue specimens
prior to surgery, and all patients consented
to the submission of this report for
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Patients were enrolled based on the follow-
ing inclusion criteria: primary hypertension,
evidence of basal ganglia cerebral hemor-
rhage by computed tomography (CT), and
evacuation of hematoma. The exclusion
criteria were as follows: (1) patients with
hemorrhage in other parts of the brain;
(2) patients complicated with chronic liver
disease, heart disease or arrhythmia, and
diseases of the kidney, lung, and other vital
organs; (3) patients complicated with severe
coagulation abnormalities; (4) patients com-
plicated with malignant tumors or hemato-
logic diseases.
Design and therapeutic process
All HICH patients underwent surgical
intervention, including trepanation of a
single burr hole and irrigation of the hema-
toma with urokinase two times a day or
removal of the hematoma through a small
bone window. The former procedure was
performed on 80 patients, and the latter
procedure was performed on 84 patients.
All patients underwent general anesthesia.
A routine cranial CT examination was per-
formed on the first and second days after
surgery. If the patient’s condition worsened,
cranial CT was performed again. The drain-
age tube was usually removed at 2 to 3 days
after surgery according to the patient’s
Patients in the dexmedetomidine group
were first given a loading dose of 1 lg/kg
of dexmedetomidine and then maintained
on a dosage of 0.3 to 0.6 lg/kg/h. Patients
in the control group were first given a load-
ing dose of 0.05 mg/kg of midazolam and
then maintained on a dosage of 0.02 to
0.10 mg/kg/h. The medication was adjusted
to achieve and maintain a Ramsay sedation
score of 2 to 4 for a satisfactory sedation
effect. The use of sedative drugs was
continued until the patient had no obvious
irritability. Labetalol hydrochloride and
urapidil were routinely used to control
hypertension after the operation.
Labetalol hydrochloride (100 mg) was dilut-
ed in 250 mL of a 5% glucose and 0.9%
sodium chloride solution and administered
with an intravenous drip rate of 1 to 4 mg/
minute. According to recommendations,
urapidil was initially delivered at 2 mg/
minute, and the maintenance rate of deliv-
ery was 9 mg/hour. The degree of blood
pressure decline was determined by the
dose of the drug administered within the
first 15 minutes, and then drug delivery
was maintained at a low dose.
Routine follow-up was generally con-
ducted twice a month until 6 months after
the operation.
Ramsay sedation score
The Ramsay sedation score criteria are as
follows: 1, the patient is anxious and agitat-
ed, restless, or both; 2, the patient is coop-
erative, oriented, and tranquil; 3, the
patient responds to commands only; 4, the
patient is asleep and shows a brisk response
to a light glabellar tap or loud auditory
stimulus; 5, the patient is asleep and
shows a slow response to a light glabellar
tap or loud auditory stimulus; 6, the patient
is asleep and shows no response to a light
glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus.
Monitoring index
The Ramsay sedation score, mean arterial
pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), pulse
oxygen saturation (SpO
), and respiratory
Gong et al. 3
rate (RR) were recorded before and after
the medication was administered. The
amount of fentanyl used and the degree of
respiratory depression and agitation during
the course of sedation were also recorded.
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
was used to detect the human soluble pro-
tein-100b(S-100b) and neuron-specific eno-
lase (NSE) levels in the plasma of the two
groups of patients before (0 hours) and
after surgery (6 hours and 12 hours).
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) scores
GOS scores were evaluated at the 6-month
follow-up evaluation after surgery as fol-
lows: 1, death; 2, persistent vegetative
state; 3, severe disability; 4, moderate dis-
ability; 5, mild or no disability. GOS scores
of 4 or higher indicated a good outcome.
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using SPSS version
15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois).
Quantitative variables such as age and
body temperature are expressed as the
mean SD. We used the v
or Fisher’s
test to analyze associations between cate-
gorical variables and the t-test to analyze
continuous variables. Multiple logistic
regression analysis was adopted to analyze
correlations between variables. A value of
P<0.05 was considered statistically
A total of 164 HICH patients with dyspho-
ria after neurosurgery (Ramsay score of 1)
who were admitted to various hospitals
from 2015 to 2017 were selected as subjects,
including 98 men and 66 women. The pre-
operative Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
ranged from 8 to 12 points. According to
whether dexmedetomidine was used after
the operation, the patients were divided
into a dexmedetomidine group (86 patients)
and a midazolam group (78 patients).
No significant differences in routine
monitoring indexes were observed
between the two groups
The demographic and clinical characteris-
tics of the two groups are shown in
Table 1. No significant differences of mon-
itoring indexes, including age, sex, and
weight, MAP, temperature (C), HR, and
RR were found between the dexmedetomi-
dine group and the midazolam group after
the operation and before dexmedetomidine
or midazolam administration (Table 1).
Table 1. The demographic and clinical characteristics of patients in the dexmedetomidine and midazolam
groups before drug administration.
Characteristics Dexmedetomidine group Midazolam group P-value
Age (years) 67.3 9.95 66.9 9.64 0.785
Men/women 51/35 47/31 0.901
Weight (kg) 75.40 10.29 76.83 9.95 0.365
MAP (mmHg) 119.51 5.52 118.26 13.08 0.417
Temperature (C) 37.18 0.58 37.06 0.55 0.184
HR (n/min) 111.0 6.63 109.1 7.35 0.075
RR (n/min) 25.58 4.17 26.54 4.21 0.146
Preoperative GCS 10.5 1.28 10.4 1.38 0.398
Preoperative hematoma volume (mL) 27.8 6.12 25.5 5.61 0.659
MAP, mean arterial pressure; HR, heart rate; RR, respiratory rate; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.
4Journal of International Medical Research
Additionally, the preoperative GCS scores
and hematoma volume were also compared
and showed no differences (P >0.05).
Sedative effect of dexmedetomidine and
As shown in Table 2, to achieve a satisfac-
tory sedation effect with a Ramsay sedation
score of 2 to 4, dexmedetomidine adminis-
tration for 17.97 6.59 minutes was
required, while midazolam administration
for 16.72 6.01 minutes was required.
Statistical analysis showed no difference in
sedation between the two groups. However,
during the 48 hours following sedation, the
frequency of apparent agitation in the dex-
medetomidine group was 4.53 2.48
events, which was significantly lower than
that in the control group (9.50 4.22
events) (P <0.05). Respiratory depression
is a frequent occurrence during sedation.
We further analyzed the frequency of respi-
ratory depression during sedation and
found no cases in the dexmedetomidine
group, but six cases were found with mid-
azolam treatment (P <0.05). These data
suggest that dexmedetomidine is more
effective and safer for sedation after crani-
otomy in HICH patients.
Changes in vital signs after
dexmedetomidine or midazolam
Postoperative HICH patients were immedi-
ately administered dexmedetomidine or
midazolam. As shown in Table 3, after dex-
medetomidine administration for 1 hour or
2 hours, the MAP and HR were more obvi-
ously decreased than those in the midazo-
lam group (P <0.05) when neither group of
patients was given oral or intravenous anti-
hypertensive drugs. However, both of these
variables could be controlled within the
normal ranges. Additionally, the RR was
lower after treatment than before treatment
in both groups (P <0.05); however, no sig-
nificant differences in RR were found after
dexmedetomidine or midazolam treatment.
There was also no obvious difference in the
at various time points between the
dexmedetomidine and midazolam treat-
ment groups. These data showed that dex-
medetomidine treatment could affect the
MAP and HR of HICH patients after sur-
gery. Considering that patients with
Table 2. The Sedative effects of dexmedetomidine and midazolam.
Characteristics Dexmedetomidine group Midazolam group P-value
Sedation time (min) 17.97 6.59 16.72 6.01 0.209
Dysphoria frequency (n) 4.53 2.48 9.50 4.22 0.000
Respiratory depression (n) 0/86 6/78 0.010
Table 3. Changes in vital signs after dexmedetomidine or midazolam treatment.
group (1 h)
group (1 h) P-value
group (2 h)
group (2 h) P-value
MAP (mmHg) 86.71 6.62 96.81 7.16 0.043 76.15 6.17 101.89 10.81 0.000
HR (n/min) 71.6 8.86 97.6 10.16 0.000 79.7 7.60 103.9 11.31 0.000
RR (n/min) 16.65 3.18 18.72 2.76 0.065 17.31 2.87 19.61 3.11 0.051
(%) 98.17 1.07 99.07 0.68 0.617 99.01 0.70 98.76 1.16 0.720
MAP, mean arterial pressure; HR, heart rate; RR, respiratory rate; SpO
, pulse oxygen saturation.
Gong et al. 5
primary HICH usually suffer from exces-
sive blood pressure after surgery, we sug-
gest that dexmedetomidine is a good
choice for sedation.
Dexmedetomidine decreased the plasma
S-100band NSE protein levels in
postoperative HICH patients
S-100band NSE are known outcome pre-
dictors of cerebral damage.
Here, these
two markers were used to confirm whether
dexmedetomidine has neuroprotective
effects on postoperative HICH patients.
We compared the plasma S-100band NSE
protein levels at the indicated times after
dexmedetomidine or midazolam adminis-
tration. Our results showed no statistically
significant difference in plasma S-100band
NSE protein levels between the two groups
before the operation. However, the plasma
S-100band NSE protein levels at 6 and 12
hours after surgery were significantly
decreased in dexmedetomidine-treated
patients compared with midazolam-treated
patients (Table 4).
Dexmedetomidine was beneficial for the
outcome of postoperative HICH patients
A GOS score of 4 or 5 was considered to be
a good outcome for patients. After 6
months, two patients in the midazolam
group were lost to follow-up. In total, 72/
86 patients in the dexmedetomidine group
had a GOS score of 4 or 5 compared with
53/76 patients in the midazolam group.
Additionally, the v
test showed a signifi-
cant difference in the prognosis between
the dexmedetomidine and midazolam
groups (P <0.05), which indicates that dex-
medetomidine administration is beneficial
for the outcome of postoperative HICH
patients (Table 5).
Midazolam is a medication used for anes-
thesia, procedural sedation, sleep disorders,
and severe agitation that produces its effect
by inducing sleepiness, decreasing anxiety,
and causing a loss of the ability to create
new memories.
Dexmedetomidine is an a
adrenergic receptor agonist that is used in
veterinary medicine because of its analgesic
and sedative properties. Dexmedetomidine
is notable for its ability to provide sedation
Table 4. Changes in plasma human soluble protein-100band neuron-specific enolase protein levels in
postoperative hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage patients.
Group 0 hours 6 hours 12 hours
Dexmedetomidine 3.19 0.13 1.90 0.14 1.75 0.11
Midazolam 3.17 0.09 3.55 0.21 3.64 0.97
P-value 0.283 0.000 0.000
NSE (lg/L)
Dexmedetomidine 16.53 0.26 12.78 1.01 10.34 0.20
Midazolam 16.47 0.27 20.28 1.13 22.37 0.23
P-value 0.098 0.000 0.000
S-100b, human soluble protein-100b; NSE, neuron-specific enolase.
Table 5. Evaluation of the long-term prognosis of
patients in the two groups via the Glasgow
Outcome Scale score.
Group Dexmedetomidine Midazolam P-value
GOS score 1–3 72 53
GOS score 4–5 14 23 0.034
GOS, Glasgow Outcome Scale.
6Journal of International Medical Research
without risk of respiratory depression,
unlike other commonly used sedatives
such as midazolam, and can produce coop-
erative or semi-arousable sedation.
two commonly used sedative drugs, many
studies have been conducted to evaluate the
sedative effects of dexmedetomidine and
midazolam. In a systematic review of its
efficacy and safety, Barends et al. reported
that dexmedetomidine is a promising alter-
native to midazolam for use in procedural
sedation and provides increased comfort
during the procedure for the patient and
A prospective randomized trial
comparing dexmedetomidine and midazo-
lam for conscious sedation conducted by
Elnabtity and Selim showed that dexmede-
tomidine was an effective analgesic alterna-
tive to midazolam during oocyte retrieval
for in vitro fertilization.
Gupta et al.
noted that when dexmedetomidine was
added to intravenous regional anesthesia,
it provided a longer duration of analgesia
than midazolam. In contrast, Kumari
et al.
found that oral midazolam was
superior to oral dexmedetomidine, with
faster onset of sedation, a higher sedation
score, and a lower anxiety score in children.
Additionally, midazolam and dexmedeto-
midine showed no significant differences in
reduction of brain activation in the audito-
ry cortex.
Srivastava et al.
found that
dexmedetomidine was safe and equally
effective for sedation of mechanically venti-
lated neurosurgical patients compared with
midazolam. However, a comparison of the
effects of dexmedetomidine and midazolam
in postoperative HICH patients had not
been performed.
In this study, we compared the effects of
dexmedetomidine and midazolam on seda-
tion in HICH patients and found no differ-
ence in the time required to achieve a
satisfactory sedative effect with a Ramsay
sedation score of 2 to 4. However, the
results also suggested that dexmedetomi-
dine has a greater hemodynamic impact
on postoperative patients than midazolam.
The MAP and HR decreased more signifi-
cantly in the dexmedetomidine group than
in the midazolam group, and the degree of
decrease depended on the concentration of
dexmedetomidine (data not shown).
Dexmedetomidine is an effective a
nergic receptor agonist, and its affinity for
adrenergic receptors is eight times higher
than that of clonidine. Therefore, dexmede-
tomidine can lower blood pressure.
However, midazolam has no such pharma-
cological mechanism. Bhana et al.
found that this effect was induced by a
reduction in plasma catecholamines, which
further resulted in peripheral vasoconstric-
tion and sympatholytic properties.
Consistent with the study by Bhana et al.,
we found no clinically apparent respiratory
depression during dexmedetomidine admin-
istration in postoperative patients.
also showed no apparent decrease.
Considering that many studies have
noted that dexmedetomidine has neuropro-
tective effects, we examined the plasma
expression of the S-100band NSE proteins
after dexmedetomidine administration.
S-100bprotein and NSE are confirmed
markers of cerebral injury.
with our hypothesis, dexmedetomidine
effectively reduced the S-100band NSE
protein levels in patients compared with
midazolam, indicating that dexmedetomi-
dine plays a more beneficial role in brain
protection. The potential mechanism
might be that dexmedetomidine reduces
the release of inflammatory mediators and
neuroendocrine hormones.
Zhang et al.
reported that dexmedetomidine improved
the short-term outcome of lung tissues of
rats with sepsis. However, until now, the
effects of dexmedetomidine on the outcome
of postoperative HICH patients were
In the present study, all patients were
followed up for 6 months, and the good
prognosis rate in the dexmedetomidine
Gong et al. 7
group (83.72%) was higher than that in the
midazolam group (69.74%), suggesting that
dexmedetomidine administration improved
the outcome of postoperative HICH
patients. However, this study is limited by
its small sample size.
Our study shows that dexmedetomidine is
more effective for sedation and is more ben-
eficial for brain protection and the long-
term outcome in postoperative HICH
patients than midazolam.
Author contributions
L.S. conceived and designed the study. W.G. col-
lected the data. S.Z. and X.L. analyzed the
results. W.G. and L.S. drafted the manuscript.
All authors participated in the discussion of
results and reviewed the manuscript.
Data availability
The datasets generated and analyzed during the
current study are available from the correspond-
ing author on reasonable request.
Declaration of conflicting interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
This work was supported by the Brain Clinic and
Basic Research Team Program of the First
People’s Hospital of Kunshan (KYC004). The
funders had no role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
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Dexmedetomidine may upregulate the
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Gong et al. 9
... Several studies have indicated that dexmedetomidine contributes to stabilizing blood circulation, safeguarding brain function, maintaining intracranial pressure stability, reducing cerebral oxygen metabolism, and providing analgesia and sedation. This renders it suitable for anesthesia during craniocerebral surgery [8][9][10]. Nevertheless, the precise mechanism underlying dexmedetomidine's brain-protective effects in patients undergoing craniocerebral surgery remains unclear, and there is insufficient evidence supporting its application in brain protection during such procedures. ...
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Background The protective mechanism of dexmedetomidine on the brains of patients undergoing craniocerebral surgery remains unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of dexmedetomidine on cognitive function, oxidative stress, and brain protection in such patients. Methods Fifty-four patients who underwent craniocerebral surgery at our hospital from January 2020 to June 2023 were retrospectively selected as study subjects. They were divided into two groups: the control group (n = 27) and the study group (n = 27), based on different auxiliary anesthesia protocols. Patients in the study group received dexmedetomidine before anesthesia induction, using a mid-line intravenous pump to assist anesthesia, while the control group received an equivalent amount of normal saline. The remaining anesthesia induction and maintenance protocols were consistent for both groups. Cognitive function was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) before and 1 day after surgery for both groups. Oxidative stress indicators, including malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in the serum of both groups, were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Additionally, changes in postoperative brain injury indicators, namely neuronspecific enolase (NSE) and central nervous system-specific protein (S100β), were detected and compared in the serum of both groups. Concurrently, postoperative adverse reactions were recorded for both groups. Results The MMSE scale scores of both groups of patients 24 hours after surgery were significantly lower than those before surgery. However, the MMSE scale scores of the study group patients were notably higher than those in the control group, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). One hour after surgery, the serum levels of MDA, GSH-Px, and SOD in both groups of patients were significantly elevated compared to pre-surgery levels. Yet, the study group exhibited significantly lower levels of MDA, GSH-Px, and SOD in comparison to the control group, and these differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The serum levels of NSE and S100β in both groups were markedly higher than preoperative levels 24 hours after surgery. However, the study group demonstrated significantly lower levels of serum NSE and S100β compared to the control group, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The incidence of postoperative complications in the study group was 7.41% (2/27), indicating a decreasing trend compared to 18.52% (5/27) in the control group. However, this difference did not reach statistical significance (χ² = 1.477, p = 0.224). Conclusion Dexmedetomidine-assisted anesthesia in craniocerebral surgery can effectively enhance postoperative cognitive function, mitigate oxidative stress, and facilitate overall postoperative recovery for patients. The intervention exhibits a favorable safety profile with no reported serious adverse reactions, establishing it as a relatively safe and reliable approach.
... Dexmedetomidine is a generally preferred agent (primary or adjunctive) for frequent neurological exams and procedural and light sedation, while propofol may still be more effective for deeper sedation needs. In a study of postsurgical patients who suffered intracerebral hemorrhage, no significant differences existed in the time to achieve target sedation between dexmedetomidine and midazolam, but dexmedetomidine was associated with better patient prognosis and lower levels of agitation [63]. In one study of patients with TBI, patients receiving dexmedetomidine experienced higher levels of agitation and required additional sedatives as compared to propofol [59]. ...
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Purpose of review: Patients with acute neurologic injury require a specialized approach to critical care, particularly with regard to sedation and analgesia. This article reviews the most recent advances in methodology, pharmacology, and best practices of sedation and analgesia for the neurocritical care population. Recent findings: In addition to established agents such as propofol and midazolam, dexmedetomidine and ketamine are two sedative agents that play an increasingly central role, as they have a favorable side effect profile on cerebral hemodynamics and rapid offset can facilitate repeated neurologic exams. Recent evidence suggests that dexmedetomidine is also an effective component when managing delirium. Combined analgo-sedation with low doses of short-acting opiates is a preferred sedation strategy to facilitate neurologic exams as well as patient-ventilator synchrony. Optimal care for patients in the neurocritical care population requires an adaptation of general ICU strategies that incorporates understanding of neurophysiology and the need for close neuromonitoring. Recent data continues to improve care tailored to this population.
... The stimulation of neurons and glial cells to a certain extent can lead to a large number of TSP secretions, and TSP2 is an important member of the TSP family (14,15). Previous studies have reported that the role of TSP is closely related to the expression level of MMP (16,17). Studies have also found that TSP1 can inhibit MMP-9, thereby controlling tumor angiogenesis (18). ...
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Background: To analyze the correlation between thrombospondin-2 (TSP2), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, and perihematomal edema, as well as the short-term prognosis of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods: The clinical data of 114 patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to February 2020 were collected and divided into groups according to the levels of TSP2 and MMP-9. We compared edema indexes in patients with different levels of TSP2 and MMP-9, and analyzed the correlation between TSP2, MMP-9 and relative edema volume index (REI), edema change index (AEI). We also assessed the TSP2 and MMP-9 levels in patients with different prognoses, and analyzed the predictive value of TSP2 and MMP-9 for poor prognosis of patients. Results: (I) There was no difference in the REI and AEI values between the low and high TSP2 groups at admission and 24 h after admission (P>0.05), while the REI and AEI values of the high TSP2 group at 5 and 15 d after admission were significantly lower than those of the low TSP2 group (P<0.05); (II) the REI and AEI values of patients with different MMP-9 levels were not different between admission and 24 h after admission (P>0.05), while the REI and AEI values of the high MMP-9 group were significantly higher than those of the low MMP-9 group at 5 and 15 d after admission (P<0.05); (III) Pearson correlation analysis showed that MMP-9 was positively correlated with REI and AEI, while TSP2 was negatively correlated (P<0.05); (IV) among 114 patients, 39 had poor prognosis, 75 had good prognosis The MMP-9 levels of patients with a poor prognosis were significantly higher than those of patients with a good prognosis, and the TSP2 level was the opposite (P<0.05); (V) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve showed that the sensitivity, specificity and the area under the curve (AUC) of the TSP2 + MMP-9 combination in the diagnosis of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage were significantly higher than when TSP2 and MMP-9 were tested separately (P<0.05). Conclusions: In patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage, TSP2 is negatively correlated with edema around the hematoma, while MMP-9 is positively correlated.
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Study objectives: Sleep and circadian rhythms disorders are frequent in the acute stroke. Sleep modifications are likely to contribute to the development of stroke-related delirium, a common neuropsychiatric complication of acute stroke. This systematic review aimed to clarify the association between sleep modifications and the occurrence of delirium in patients with acute stroke. Methods: The current systematic review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was performed on PubMed and Scopus databases. Only studies that provided data concerning sleep, or pre-existing sleep disorders, in acute stroke and performed a formal evaluation of delirium were included. Results: The literature search enabled the identification of 15 studies, which exhibited high heterogeneity in terms of study design, settings, sleep assessments, delirium measures, and types of sleep intervention. In the study quality assessment, the majority of the studies were rated as weak or moderate. In most of the cases, sleep was subjectively assessed by the patients or rated by clinicians. None of the studies performed polysomnography for the evaluation of sleep. Only four of the studies assessed the impact of a sleep intervention on delirium, suggesting the potentially protective role of sleep promotion in reducing the prevalence and severity of stroke-related delirium. Conclusions: The evidence arising from the present systematic review supports that sleep disruption is a potential promoting factor for stroke-related delirium. We suggest that a formal sleep assessment and sleep promotion should be included in routine stroke care.
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The aim of the study. Highlight the most well-founded knowledge that reflects the dependence of treatment and sedation options for patients in the treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Materials and methods. Literature sources related to the study of the annual number of registered stroke cases in the world were analyzed. The vast majority of patients remain permanently disabled, which leads to a decrease in the able-bodied population. An important factor in the development of complications and increased mortality is the high variability and persistent increase in blood pressure (BP). Traditional tactics have a number of disadvantages. At present, there are no clear recommendations for the use of certain antihypertensive drugs, and the optimal numbers to which BP should be lowered are debatable. The results. It has been established that sedation plays an important role in the treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage. In fact, it helps control pain, anxiety, agitation and synchronicity of the patient with the ventilator, and also reduces cerebral metabolic demands and improves the brain's tolerance to secondary damage. However, combinations of drugs for its implementation may differ even in units of the same hospital. Conclusions. Combination therapy of propofol with opioids or dexmedetomidine with opioids is most common. However, the heterogeneity of the data makes it impossible to qualitatively interpret the obtained results. In turn, due to the uncertainty of the unequivocal tactics of analgosedation, the question of the optimal dosage of drugs is open. Thus, the optimal treatment of acute hypertension in patients with VMC remains a therapeutic dilemma and an important part of scientific research. Adequate correction of the variability of systemic hemodynamics and cerebral perfusion with the help of analgosedation is a promising direction in the treatment of ICH.
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Background: Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage (HICH) is a common clinical cerebrovascular disease and one of the most serious complications of hypertension. Early warning of the occurrence of infection during treatment and timely anti-infective treatment are of great significance for the early prevention and treatment of postoperative infection in patients with HICH. Changes in the levels of inflammatory mediators, which are closely related to the occurrence and development of postoperative infection, and procalcitonin (PCT), which is a sensitive indicator for diagnosing bacterial infections, are widely used in clinical practice. Aim: To explore the application value of inflammatory mediator profiles and PCT in predicting postoperative infection in patients with HICH. Methods: A total of 271 patients who underwent HICH surgery at our hospital between March 2019 and March 2021 were selected and divided into the infection (n = 80) and non-infection (n = 191) groups according to whether postoperative infection occurred. The postoperative infection status and etiological characteristics of the infective pathogens in the infection group were analyzed. Changes in inflammatory mediator profile indices and PCT levels were compared between the two groups, pre- and postoperatively. Results: A total of 109 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected in the infection group, including 67 strains (61.47%) of gram-negative bacteria, 32 strains (29.36%) of gram-positive bacteria, and 10 strains (9.17%) of fungi. The main infection site of the patients in the infection group was the respiratory system (63.75%). Preoperative interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, and PCT levels were higher in the infection group than in the non-infection group (P < 0.05), and there were no significant differences in the IL-2 Levels between the two groups (P > 0.05). The inflammatory mediator profile indices and PCT levels were higher in the two groups of patients on the first postoperative day than preoperatively (P < 0.05), and were higher than those in the non-infection group (P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that preoperative IL-6 and PCT levels correlated with postoperative infection (P < 0.05). Operating characteristic curve analysis results showed that the area under the curve (AUC) values of preoperative IL-6 and PCT levels in predicting postoperative infection in patients with HICH were 0.755 and 0.824, respectively. The AUC value of joint detection was 0.866, which was significantly higher than that of the single index (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Preoperative IL-6 and PCT levels are correlated with postoperative infection in patients with HICH. Their detection is clinically significant for early identification of patients at high risk for postoperative infection.
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Background Surgery is the main method for the clinical treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. Traditional craniotomy faces the disadvantages of the long operation time, easy to cause secondary injury to patients during the operation, and prone to infection after the operation, which is not conducive to the rehabilitation of patients. At present, it is urgent to find a surgical scheme, which can clear hematoma in time, protect brain tissue, and effectively reduce surgical trauma in the clinic.Materials and Methods The case database of our hospital was consulted, and the clinical data of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH) treated with soft channel minimally invasive puncture and drainage from February 2018 to October 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were evaluated for efficacy, and the changes in serum C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), homocysteine (Hcy), endothelin (ET), and vasopressin (AVP) levels before surgery, 3 days after surgery, and 7 days after surgery were analyzed. Clinical data were collected and Logistic regression was used to analyze the prognostic factors.ResultsFinally, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 126 patients were selected as the research object. Among them, there were 24 cases (19.05%) of recovery, 47 cases (37.30%) of markedly effective, 34 cases (26.98%) of effective, 11 cases (8.73%) of ineffective, and 10 cases (7.94%) of death. The total effective rate was 83.33%. The hematoma was basically removed in 116 cases (92.06%). The average evacuation time of hematoma was (7.82 ± 1.63) days. Post-operative intracranial infection occurred in 2 cases (1.59%) and post-operative rebleeding occurred in 5 cases (3.97%). The average hospital stay was (34.16 ± 16.59) days. Serum CRP, TNF-α, IL-6, Hcy, ET, and AVP levels of all patients on the third and seventh days after surgery were lower than those before surgery, and those on the seventh day after surgery were lower than those on the third day after surgery (p < 0.05). The differences in pre-operative Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, bleeding volume, ventricular rupture, complicated cerebral hernia, and attack time to surgery between the good prognosis group and the bad prognosis group were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Pre-operative GCS score, bleeding volume, ventricular rupture, complicated cerebral hernia, and onset time to surgery were all independent factors that affect the prognosis of patients (p < 0.05).Conclusion Soft-channel minimally invasive puncture and drainage treatment of HICH has a significant effect, which is conducive to the complete removal of hematoma, reducing hospitalization time, while adjusting the balance and stability of various cytokines, and improving patient prognosis. Pre-operative GCS score, bleeding volume, rupture into the ventricle, complicated cerebral hernia, and time from onset to operation are all independent factors that affect the prognosis of patients.
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Background: The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of neurobehavioral, hemodynamics and sedative characteristics of dexmedetomidine compared with morphine and midazolam-based regimen after cardiac surgery at equivalent levels of sedation and analgesia in improving clinically relevant outcomes such as delirium.
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Background The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of neurobehavioral, hemodynamics and sedative characteristics of dexmedetomidine compared with morphine and midazolam-based regimen after cardiac surgery at equivalent levels of sedation and analgesia in improving clinically relevant outcomes such as delirium. Methods Sixty patients were randomly allocated into one of two equal groups: group A = 30 patients received dexmedetomidine infusion (0.4–0.7 μg/kg/h) and Group B = 30 patients received morphine in a dose of 10–50 μg/kg/h as an analgesic with midazolam in a dose of 0.05 mg/kg up to 0.2 mg/kg as a sedative repeated as needed. Titration of the study medication infusions was conducted to maintain light sedation (Richmond agitation-sedation scale) (−2 to +1). Primary outcome was the prevalence of delirium measured daily through confusion assessment method for intensive care. Results Group A was associated with shorter length of mechanical ventilation, significant shorter duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stay (P = 0.038), and lower risk of delirium following cardiac surgery compared to Group B. Group A showed statistically significant decrease in heart rate values 4 h after ICU admission (P = 0.015) without significant bradycardia. Group A had lower fentanyl consumption following cardiac surgery compared to Group B. Conclusion Dexmedetomidine significantly reduced the length of stay in ICU in adult cardiac surgery with no significant reduction in the incidence of postoperative delirium compared to morphine and midazolam.
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Background and Aim: Dexmedetomidine (D) is a α2 agonist, has anesthetic and analgesic-sparing property. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous (I.V.) dexmedetomidine on the duration of sensory and motor block, postoperative analgesia, the level of sedation and side effect. Material and Methods: Sixty patients were randomly divided into two groups of thirty each. Group D received dexmedetomidine infusion @1 mcg/kg over 10 min and then @ 0.6 mcg/kg/h for rest of duration during surgery, Group C (control) received a similar volume of normal saline infusion before spinal anesthesia with 3 ml of bupivacaine 0.5%. Time of onset and regression time for sensory and motor blockade, the maximum upper level of sensory blockade, duration of postoperative analgesia, Ramsay sedation score and hemodynamic parameters were recorded. Intraoperative bradycardia and atropine requirement along with other side effect were also recorded. Results: The duration of sensorimotor block was significantly longer in D Group (341.7 ± 20.8 min for sensory block and 278.0 ± 11.0 min for motor block) as compared to control group (329.5 ± 22.1 min for sensory block and 250.0 ± 14.8 min for motor block), which was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The mean time for two dermatomal regression of sensory blockade was significantly prolonged in dexmedetomidine group (115.5 ± 8.7 min) compared to control group (95.8 ± 11.4) (P < 0.001). Intraoperative Ramsay sedation scores were significantly higher in D Group (mean - 3.4 ± 0.7, range – 2–4) as compared to C Group (mean - 2.9 ± 0.3, range – 2–4) (P < 0.001). 26.7% (8/30) cases had bradycardia that required atropine as compared to control group (2/30), and none of the patients in the dexmedetomidine group had postoperative shivering as compared to 10% in control group (P = 0.056). Statistical analysis was performed with statistical package for the social science version-20 using analysis of variance/Chi-square test/unpaired t-test, and P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Conclusion: I.V. dexmedetomidine significantly prolongs the duration of sensory and motor block of bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. Dexmedetomidine provides an excellent sedation during surgery.
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Background: Hypertensive intracerebral haemorrhage (HICH) is the most common form of haemorrhagic stroke with the highest morbidity and mortality of all stroke types. The choice of surgical or conservative treatment for patients with HICH remains controversial. In recent years, minimally invasive surgeries, such as endoscopic evacuation and stereotactic aspiration, have been attempted for haematoma removal and offer promise. However, research evidence on the benefits of endoscopic evacuation or stereotactic aspiration is still insufficient. Methods/design: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial will be conducted to compare the efficacy of endoscopic evacuation, stereotactic aspiration and craniotomy in the treatment of supratentorial HICH. About 1350 eligible patients from 10 neurosurgical centres will be randomly assigned to an endoscopic group, a stereotactic group and a craniotomy group at a 1:1:1 ratio. Randomisation is undertaken using a 24-h randomisation service accessed by telephone or the Internet. All patients will receive the corresponding surgery based on their grouping. They will be followed-up at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery. The primary outcome is the modified Rankin Scale at 6-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes include: haematoma clearance rate; Glasgow Coma Scale 7 days after surgery; rebleeding rate; intracranial infection rate; hospitalisation time; mortality at 1 month and 3 months after surgery; the Barthel Index and the WHO quality of life at 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Discussion: The trial aims to investigate whether endoscopic evacuation and stereotactic aspiration could improve the outcome of supratentorial HICH compared with craniotomy. The trial will help to determine the best surgical method for the treatment of supratentorial HICH. Trial registration:, ID: NCT02811614 . Registered on 20 June 2016.
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Background The proteins S100B, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1), and neurofilament light (NF-L) have been serially sampled in serum of patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) in order to assess injury severity and tissue fate. We review the current literature of serum level dynamics of these proteins following TBI and used the term “effective half-life” (t1/2) in order to describe the “fall” rate in serum. Materials and methods Through searches on EMBASE, Medline, and Scopus, we looked for articles where these proteins had been serially sampled in serum in human TBI. We excluded animal studies, studies with only one presented sample and studies without neuroradiological examinations. Results Following screening (10,389 papers), n = 122 papers were included. The proteins S100B (n = 66) and NSE (n = 27) were the two most frequent biomarkers that were serially sampled. For S100B in severe TBI, a majority of studies indicate a t1/2 of about 24 h, even if very early sampling in these patients reveals rapid decreases (1–2 h) though possibly of non-cerebral origin. In contrast, the t1/2 for NSE is comparably longer, ranging from 48 to 72 h in severe TBI cases. The protein GFAP (n = 18) appears to have t1/2 of about 24–48 h in severe TBI. The protein UCH-L1 (n = 9) presents a t1/2 around 7 h in mild TBI and about 10 h in severe. Frequent sampling of these proteins revealed different trajectories with persisting high serum levels, or secondary peaks, in patients with unfavorable outcome or in patients developing secondary detrimental events. Finally, NF-L (n = 2) only increased in the few studies available, suggesting a serum availability of >10 days. To date, automated assays are available for S100B and NSE making them faster and more practical to use. Conclusion Serial sampling of brain-specific proteins in serum reveals different temporal trajectories that should be acknowledged. Proteins with shorter serum availability, like S100B, may be superior to proteins such as NF-L in detection of secondary harmful events when monitoring patients with TBI.
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Objectives Postictal agitation (PIA) represents one of the most common complications during a modified electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) course. Its clinical management can be challenging especially in cases with poor response to benzodiazepines. Dexmedetomidine, a highly selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist acting predominantly in the locus coeruleus, exerts sedative effects without causing relevant respiratory depression. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that aimed to assess the impact of dexmedetomidine use with S-ketamine anesthesia on PIA reduction in ECT. Patients and methods We retrospectively analyzed 7 patients who underwent 178 ECT sessions with S-ketamine anesthesia between June 2011 and July 2015 at the Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim. In 101 sessions, the patients received dexmedetomidine in combination with S-ketamine anesthesia. The decision for dexmedetomidine use was based on individual clinical presentation (patients with positive PIA history). A multivariate repeated measurement logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of dexmedetomidine use on the occurrence of PIA. We hypothesized that the use of dexmedetomidine reduced the incidence of PIA also in combination with S-ketamine anesthesia. Results The prevalence of PIA in ECT sessions with dexmedetomidine administration was lower (mean per patient, 34% vs 62%). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the use of dexmedetomidine predicted the non-occurrence of PIA in a highly significant manner (P=0.001, z=−3.83, odds ratio =0.011–0.303). Conclusion Adjunctive use of dexmedetomidine to S-ketamine anesthesia in ECT seems to be a promising tool for the management of intractable PIA syndrome.
Dexmedetomidine is often used in anesthesia and critical care medicine practice to sedate patients. Its neuroprotective effects have been shown in various ischemic and hemorrhagic brain injury models of animals. Randomized clinical trials have indicated that dexmedetomidine can improve outcome of patients under intensive care. Clinical trials are needed to determine whether dexmedetomidine can provide neuroprotection against ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
Background Intracranial lesions, trauma or surgery-related damage activate immune inflammation and neuroendocrine responses, causing ischemic brain injury. Studies have shown that inflammatory cascade mediated by neuroendocrine hormones and proinflammatory mediators is implicated in the pathophysiology of ischemic brain injury. Alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists, dexmedetomidine, is widely used as neuroprotectants in anesthesia practice. However, it is still lack of a comprehensive meta-analysis to evaluate the neuroprotection of dexmedetomidine against ischemic brain injury via suppressing these two physiological responses. Method Searched the Cochrane Library, Pub-Med, EMBASE, EBSCO, Ovid, Chinese biological and medical database (CBM). Related literatures published in English or Chinese before January 2017 were enrolled. We assessed the quality of eligible studies and synthesized predefined outcomes with a random-effects model or fixed-effects model. Result Nineteen Randomized Controlled Trials including 879 patients were included. Findings for meta-analysis of various outcomes were summarised. Primary results shown that compared with placebo, dexmedetomidine reduced a surge of TNF-α [SMD = − 2.34, 95%CI (− 3.25, − 1.44)], IL-6 [SMD = − 2.44, 95%CI (− 3.40, − 1.47)], S100-β [SMD = − 2.73, 95%CI (− 3.65, − 1.82)], NSE [SMD = − 1.69, 95%CI (− 2.77, − 0.61)], cortisol [SMD = − 2.48, 95%CI (− 3.38, − 1.58)] and glucose [SMD = − 1.44, 95%CI (− 1.85, − 1.04)]; maintained the level of SOD [SMD = 1.36, 95%CI (0.62, 2.10)]; decreased the rise in CRP level at postoperative one day. In response to stress reaction, dexmedetomidine attenuated the stress-related increasing of MAP, HR and intracranial pressure without significant effects on cerebral oxygen metabolism. Conclusion Alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists, dexmedetomidine, could reduce the release of inflammatory mediators and neuroendocrine hormones as well as maintain intracranial homoeostasis, alleviating ischemic brain injury and exerting an effect on brain protection.