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Wastewater Treatment Plants in Libya: Challenges and Future Prospects

  • Bani Waleed University Libya

Abstract and Figures

A growing concern stretching across the entire globe is wastewater treatment. It is a chronic situation that is certainly becoming a greater concern due to rapid growth in population and urbanization in developing nations. As such, authorities are increasing efforts to enhance wastewater treatment plans in order to enhance water resources and generate sufficient water. Nevertheless, the number of developing countries that face pollution in the form of wastewater is still high. Libya is one of such nations, especially in its urban regions. The aim of this study is to highlight the current scenario and challenges of managing wastewater in Libya. The later sections are exclusively dedicated to proposed recommendations at the government level that may address Libya' wastewater issues. Findings show a gradually increasing wastewater trend in developing nations following a rise in their population annually. A summary of reviewed historical investigations show that poor government plans, mismanaged wastewater, and human and industrial wastes are among the important challenges that hampers sustainable management in most nations especially Libya. It is vital to consider potential approaches such as improving wastewater management and supply demand. Furthermore, the participation of local residents via increased awareness may be one of the supportive methods to solve the challenges. In order to conserve the cleanliness of our environment, it is important to have efficient use of wastewater along with sustainable environmental and economic management.
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International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Vol. 6, No. 3, 2020, pp. 76-80
ISSN: 2381-7240 (Print); ISSN: 2381-7259 (Online)
* Corresponding author
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Wastewater Treatment Plants in Libya:
Challenges and Future Prospects
Salahaldein Alsadey
1, *
, Omran Mansour
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bani Waleed University, Bani Walid City, Libya
Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Sciences, Bani Waleed University, Bani Walid City, Libya
A growing concern stretching across the entire globe is wastewater treatment. It is a chronic situation that is certainly
becoming a greater concern due to rapid growth in population and urbanization in developing nations. As such, authorities are
increasing efforts to enhance wastewater treatment plans in order to enhance water resources and generate sufficient water.
Nevertheless, the number of developing countries that face pollution in the form of wastewater is still high. Libya is one of
such nations, especially in its urban regions. The aim of this study is to highlight the current scenario and challenges of
managing wastewater in Libya. The later sections are exclusively dedicated to proposed recommendations at the government
level that may address Libya’ wastewater issues. Findings show a gradually increasing wastewater trend in developing nations
following a rise in their population annually. A summary of reviewed historical investigations show that poor government
plans, mismanaged wastewater, and human and industrial wastes are among the important challenges that hampers sustainable
management in most nations especially Libya. It is vital to consider potential approaches such as improving wastewater
management and supply demand. Furthermore, the participation of local residents via increased awareness may be one of the
supportive methods to solve the challenges. In order to conserve the cleanliness of our environment, it is important to have
efficient use of wastewater along with sustainable environmental and economic management.
Wastewater, Treatment, Sustainable Management, Plant, Libya
Received: August 9, 2020 / Accepted: September 1, 2020 / Published online: September 24, 2020
@ 2020 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY license.
1. Introduction
The awareness on minimizing the discharge of pollutants into
the environment started in the late 19th century. Libya is
essentially a desert-filed nation with little source of
freshwater, with only 5% of the country receiving more than
100mm of rain annually. For a long time, Libya tapped into
groundwater reserves. However, there is an ongoing rise in
demand and more groundwater aquifers become brackish as a
result of seawater seeping in. Certain outlying regions do not
have systems and waste water is discharged into the waste
water canal system without prior treatment [1]. According to
officials from the General Company for Water and Sewerage
state, there are 36 wastewater treatment larger plants in
Libyan major cities, with only 9 of them functioning. Non-
functioning sewage stations in Tripoli has resulted in a spill
of over 1,275,000 cubic meters of untreated water into the
sea daily [2]. In general, wastewater is used water which
includes soaps, food scraps, human waste, chemicals and
oils. In domestic houses, this includes water from washing
machines, toilets, showers, bathtubs, dishwashers and sink [3,
4]. The industry and business sector also have their fair share
of used water that needs to be treated. Storm runoff is also
part of wastewater. Contrary to the fact that most people
think rainwater that runs down the road during the storm is
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 6, No. 3, 2020, pp. 76-80 77
clean, storm runoff that wash off rooftops, roads and parking
lots can negatively affect groundwater [5]. Clean water is
vital for our health as well as for a dust-free environment.
Water that enters the train must be treated by waste water
treatment plant before being discharged into the environment.
The most important reason for doing this is to make
discharged water reusable again. The removal of all forms of
dangerous elements is the next part of suppling clean water to
users, including humans, animals, fishing industry and plants.
This study’s significance is to compile comprehensive
information regarding Libya’s wastewater treatment plants.
The wastewater treatment plants’ challenges and respective
solutions are also explored. Lastly, as a civil engineering
researcher, this would give me a better understanding of
Libya’s wastewater treatment plants. This study focuses on
evaluation of the Libyan wastewater treatment plants and
conclude by identifying the problems and obstacles facing
the wastewater in Libya.
2. Water Resources in Libya
Libya is a nation within the Maghreb region of North Africa,
bordered by Sudan to the southeast, Mediterranean Sea to the
north, Chad to the south, Egypt to the East, Tunisia to the
northwest and Algeria to the west. Water sources in Libya
come from four sources: groundwater, providing almost 95%
of the country’s needs; surface water is 2%, including
rainwater and dam constructions; desalinated sea water is
2%; and wastewater recycling is 1% [6]. Despite the fact that
Libya is rich in groundwater resources, it still requires proper
treatment and management. The man-made River Project was
first coined back in the late 1960s while work on its
construction started in the year 1984.
Figure 1. Percentages of available water in Libya in1998.
3. Libya’s Wastewater
Treatment Issue
Waste is a by-product of most human activity.
Developments in the economy and the accompanying rise
in standards of living of nations caused a rise in
production of solid and water waste. The many forms of
liquid waste that are loosely grouped as agricultural,
domestic and industrial waste can range from relatively
non-toxic to very toxic wastewater [7]. Irregular house
scheming, industrialization, and rapid urbanization caused
an increased in wastewater, which thus led to poor water
quality in Libya.
Wastewater is essentially used water that needs to undergo
treatment prior to discharge into another body of water, in
order to reduce pollution of the water source [1]. Most of the
water utilized by industries, business and homes needs to
undergo treatment prior to discharge back into the
environment. Nature can actually withstand minute amounts
of pollution and waste. However, billions of gallons of
sewage and wastewater that are produced on a daily basis
would most definitely overwhelm nature. In this case,
pollutants in waste water is reduced by treatment plants to a
level that is tolerable by nature.
The global mortality due to lack of access to clean water and
proper sanitation is approximately two million children
annually [8]. The world’s poorer communities also pay more
for their use of water compared to developing nations.
Despite the abundant availability of water around the world,
there is uneven distribution of water and logistic challenges
for its transportation. Certain nations utilize more than their
fair share of water due to population growth, irrigation, etc,
without proper handling of water [9]. As towns bustle into
cities, the rapid surge in population growth puts more
pressure onto the environment and negatively affects the
supply of fresh water [10-14]. Around the world, there is now
growing awareness that the issue of human waste demands
better management. In response to growing demand of
cleaner water and better sanitation services, there is now an
increase in waste water treatment plants. The construction of
water treatment plant requires proper solutions. The current
study will shade some light into the history of water waste
treatment especially in Libya, types, functions and design
perquisites of waste water treatment plant, importance of
waste water treatment plant, current waste water disposal and
techniques utilised. This study also differentiate ancient and
modern ways of water treatment besides discussing the
government policies and development towards obtaining
clean water by using modern techniques of water treatment.
4. Wastewater Treatment
A city’s waste water treatment plant system is composed of
pumping stations, waste water treatment plant, waste water
pipe and canal. Certain outlying areas lack systems and as
such, waste water does not undergo treatment prior to
discharge into the waste water canal system [15]. The main
objective of waste water treatment is to eliminate most of the
78 Salahaldein Alsadey and Omran Mansour: Wastewater Treatment Plants in Libya: Challenges and Future Prospects
suspended solids prior to release of remaining water (also
known as effluent) into the environment [16]. Approximately
60% of suspended solid is eliminated from wastewater via
primary treatment. Secondary treatment removes about 90%
of suspended solid from waste water and thus waste water is
useable after being treated. Wastewater originate from
different sources such as agriculture, domestic and industrial
origins. The issue of water disposal gained prominence as
society transformed from nomadic cultures to raising more
permanent sites. The development of cities required other
steps to solve waste water problems [17]. However, the
existence of larger plants in major cities surrounded by
agricultural areas summarised in Table 1 [1], makes the cost
of treated water conveyance minimal.
Table 1. Technical Details of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Libya.
Treatment plants Installation year Design capacity m
/day Existing capacity m
/day Remarks
Ejdabya 1988 15,600 5,000 -
Benghazi A 1965 27,300 - Out of order
Benghazi B 1977 54,000 - Provisional test
Al-merg A 1964 1,800 - Out of order
Al-merg B 1972 1,800 - Out of order
Al-beada 1973 -9,000 - Under construction
Tobruk A 1963 1,350 - Out of order
Tobruk B 1982 33,000 - Out of order
Derna 1965 4,550 - Out of order
Derna 1982 -8,300 - Under construction
Sirt 1995 -26,400 - Under construction
Abo-hadi 1981 1,000 600 -
Al-brega 1988 3,500 2,700 -
Zwara 1980 41,550 - Not used
Sebrata 1976 6,000 - Out of order
Sorman 1991 -20,800 - Under construction
Zawia 1976 -6,800 - Under construction
Zenzour 1977 6,000 - Not used
Tripoli A 1966 27,000 - Out of order
Tripoli B 1977 110,000 20,000 -
Tripoli C 1981 110,000 -
Tajoura 1984 1,500 500 -
Tarhouna 1985 3,200 1,260 -
Gheraan 1975 3,000 -
Yefren 1980 1,725 173 -
Meslata 1980 3,400 - Not used
Khomes 1990 8,000 - Not used
Ziliten 1976 6,000 - Out of order
Misrata A 1967 1,350 - Out of order
Misrata B 1982 24,000 12,000 -
East Garyat 1978 500 - Out of order
West Garyat 1978 150 - Out of order
Topga 1978 300 - Out of order
Shourif 1978 500 - Out of order
Sebha A 1964 1,360 - Out of order
Sebha B 1980 47,000 24,000 -
Total capacities 546,435 66,233
5. Outcomes and Discussions
5.1. Wastewater Management System in
Waste water system refers to a sewerage system linked to the
line of sewers, treatment works or pumping stations,
disposable pipes and other equipment or structures intended
to collect, convey, pump or dispose treatment sludge, sewage
or effluent. Primarily, the sewerage system is developed to
collect and move waste water from domestic activities of
institutions, commercial areas and/or households. The
sewage needs to undergo treatment before the water is
allowed to return to the environment [18]. The management
infrastructure and waste water development of Libya was
mostly built by developers with the aim of serving their own
scheme. Most of the time, the need of proper management is
surpassed by the pressure of constrained budgets and short
time for completion of project.
At present, the management of primary sewerage system
in Libya is handled by the general company for water and
wastewater in Libya. It is also under the purview of the
Housing and Utilities Government Ministry, which also
makes sure that the waste water undergoes treatment
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 6, No. 3, 2020, pp. 76-80 79
based on environmental standards prior to release into the
public waterway system. There are roughly 200
wastewater treatment plants that are built all over the
nation. However, only a handful of the total number of
plants are operational while the remaining others are
undergoing repairs. Production of water that is appropriate
for agricultural usage is the basis of design for most
wastewater treatment plants [19]. The biggest operating
wastewater treatment plants are situated in Sirte, Tripoli
and Misurata, with a design capacity of 21,000, 110,000
and 24,000 m3/day, respectively [20]. In addition, a
majority of the remaining wastewater facilities are small
and medium sized plants with a design capacity of
approximately 370 to 6700 m3/day. Approximately, the
volume of treated wastewater is 1,324,054 m3/day. Out of
this total volume, the amount of treated wastewater is only
145,800 m3/day or 11% of the initial wastewater. The
remainder of wastewater is released into the sea, black
wells and artificial lagoons without being treated [21].
5.2. Development of Wastewater Treatment
Sector in Libya
The setting of policies related to sewerage and sanitary
board facilities in main towns and appropriate planning
need to be done. The slow sand filters that were cheap and
easily build can be set up. There was a sharp rise in demand
for water following the development of Libya, especially
around Tripoli and other large cities. In response to this, it
was necessary to set up novel water treatment plants to
generate millions of litres of water supply in the cities.
Initially, the sewerage service was managed by the
Environmental health and Engineering unit under the
Ministry of Health. However, in practice, the sewerage
facilities in urban locations were run by the municipal
authorities, especially for building new residential areas or
township. It is important that the government plan to
develop Libya’s sewerage sector be in line with the
country’s physical and economic growth.
6. Conclusions
As the rate of pollution increase, the population in cities of the
coast and the diversity of activities increase. This is especially
the case in big cities such as the Benghazi city and capital city
Tripoli. A few conclusions can be drawn based on the detailed
study of the wastewater treatment plants in Libya. Wastewater
is interfered by other forms of water that are collected in
sewage networks. This raises the pressure on water treatment
plants, which are already limited in number, to reuse them in
fields of irrigation, agriculture, forest establishment,
desertification control and others. Most streams of sewage that
travel towards coastal lakes or the sea are untreated, thus
leading to a rise in harmful water pollutants that endanger
marine neighbourhoods. Furthermore, there is definitely a rise
in the spreading of water-borne diseases, distortion of the
coastlines and unpleasant smells. As in the case of Tajura,
most sewage travel towards the groundwater. This lead to their
wells and groundwater being the most polluted in the nation.
All cities in Libya, especially those in the coastal region,
should treat their wastewater and set up wastewater plants
throughout the nation. Inefficiencies of treatment plants and
drainage networks of cities are not up to good standards.
Potentials of using water that are well treated should be
explored for irrigation, anti-desertification efforts and
agricultural industries. Proactive cooperation between all
parties and authorities is necessary to address wastewater
treatment issues and spur good management practices.
7. Recommendations
Sewerage network in cities should be completed or
improved. The quantity of wastewater treatment plants
should be increased, while ensuring their capacity and
management are also up to good standards. All water should
be treated following quality assured practices prior to release
into the sea. Returned water can also be re-used for other
activities such as agricultural industry and anti-desertification
activities. Professional audit teams should be formed to
investigate wastewater treatment plants that are out-of-
service, whereby detailed reports on the technical status of
these plants can be outlined and addressed accordingly. The
government can also step up to lead initiatives that promote
the reuse and recycling of water by encouraging more
academic studies in the field of water reuse.
The authors wish to thanks the Bani Waleed University -
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... A wastewater treatment is a chronic situation that is becoming a greater concern due to rapid growth in population and urbanization in developing nations which the authorities are increasing efforts to enhance wastewater treatment plans in order to enhance water resources and generate sufficient water (Salahaldein and Omran, 2020). In many developing countries of the world, freshwater scarcity has made wastewater application a common practice in the agricultural sector. ...
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In Libya there is a growing awareness of increasing demand for fresh water while fossil groundwater supply is limited. This situation of water supply has become more problematic with rapidly increasing population and low rainfall. Hence soon after the discovery of fresh groundwater in the deserts of southern Libya, the local authority has made huge efforts to address its water deficit problems, mainly through the implementation of “The Great Manmade River Project” to sustain its economy. Especially the agriculture sector exceeds its traditional supplies. The Libyan authority began to design and install the hydraulic infrastructure needed to withdraw and transport this fossil water to various demand sites along its Mediterranean coast where most of the population lives and where the water is used. There is an over-exploitation of fossil groundwater resources to meet the irrigation demands as a result of adapting a self-sufficing policy in food. Rapid development of agricultural activity, expansion of irrigated areas and over irrigation practices will lead to more depletion of water resources since most of the country's groundwater resources are non-renewable. The supply-driven approach for water management has demonstrated its inability to deliver a substantial degree of water sustainability on the national Libyan level. Despite the strenuous efforts made by the country, it still faces serious water deficits due to continuously increasing water demands beyond the limits of its available water resources. As pressure on water converges on the country's fossil water resources, an immediate reconsideration of agricultural water extractions is needed and appropriate actions have to be implemented in response to its huge consumption. This policy aims at rescuing the present water situation and at avoiding serious environmental and economical crises. Reorganisation of the water consumption pattern, to maintain the country's standard of living and to ensure the economical security for the future generation is drastically needed. This paper considers the country's water management that requires water policy reforms, with emphasis on supply and demand management measures and improvement of the legal and institutional provisions. This could be achieved by reviewing agricultural water policies in order to minimise some local deficits in water resources and to avoid water quality deterioration in the coastal areas. Developing additional non-conventional sources of water supply needs to be considered. This should be supported by creating authorised water institutions lead by a high-professional staff and enabling them in making the appropriate legislation and decisive measurements to allocate water among consumptive sectors as well as to ensure the protection of the environment.
This paper provides a general overview of the fresh water scarcity that parts of the world are facing today and will increasingly face in the coming decades. It demonstrates why and how many countries, especially developing and newly industrialized regions in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America will be vulnerable to lack of water. It shows how this will affect health, mortality and the prospects for peace if nothing is done to correct the imbalance between supply and demand. It is argued that scarcity is largely the result of poor water management and that with the implementation of proven methods of raising the efficiency of water withdrawal, use and consumption on the one hand, and of more efficient and integrated water supply on the other, the problem could be solved.
The use of conventional water and wastewater treatment processes becomes increasingly challenged with the identification of more and more contaminants, rapid growth of population and industrial activities, and diminishing availability of water resources. Three emerging treatment technologies, including membrane filtration, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), and UV irradiation, hold great promise to provide alternatives for better protection of public health and the environment and thus are reviewed in this paper. The emphasis was placed on their basic principles, main applications, and new developments. Advantages and disadvantages of these technologies are compared to highlight their current limitations and future research needs. It can be concluded that, along with the growing knowledge and the advances in manufacturing industry, the applications of these technologies will be increased at an unprecedented scale.
Urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are among the main sources of antibiotics' release into the environment. The occurrence of antibiotics may promote the selection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), which shade health risks to humans and animals. In this paper the fate of ARB and ARGs in UWTPs, focusing on different processes/technologies (i.e., biological processes, advanced treatment technologies and disinfection), was critically reviewed. The mechanisms by which biological processes influence the development/selection of ARB and ARGs transfer are still poorly understood. Advanced treatment technologies and disinfection process are regarded as a major tool to control the spread of ARB into the environment. In spite of intense efforts made over the last years to bring solutions to control antibiotic resistance spread in the environment, there are still important gaps to fill in. In particular, it is important to: (i) improve risk assessment studies in order to allow accurate estimates about the maximal abundance of ARB in UWTPs effluents that would not pose risks for human and environmental health; (ii) understand the factors and mechanisms that drive antibiotic resistance maintenance and selection in wastewater habitats. The final objective is to implement wastewater treatment technologies capable of assuring the production of UWTPs effluents with an acceptable level of ARB.