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Global climate changes account for the main trends of conodont diversity but not for their final demise


Abstract and Figures

Free download link for 50 days : Conodonts, one of the longest-lived early groups of vertebrates, have a very complete fossil record ranging from the late Cambrian to the end of the Triassic and persisted through many global climatic and biotic events. In this paper, we analyse a large dataset harvested from the Paleobiology Database to compute global diversity curves at the generic level and explore patterns of conodont paleogeographic distribution. Our results partly confirm the most prominent findings of earlier studies including the occurrence of an Ordovician acme, a Permian nadir and a short-lived Triassic recovery. Major peaks of origination were found in the Early Ordovician and Early Triassic, while major extinctions occurred in the Upper Ordovician and Pennsylvanian. Paleogeographical extent of conodonts was impacted by i) the position of paleo-continents (notably impacting the latitudinal gradient of diversity), ii) the available continental shelf area and iii) ice sheets expansion. Diversity trends were mostly impacted by transitions between hothouse and icehouse ages, with major glaciations and associated marine regressions co-occurring with major extinctions. The influence of global sea level was less marked than that of temperature. However, the final demise of conodonts at the end of the Triassic did not coincide with either a major glaciation or marine regression. This supports the view that extinction of the group was mostly due to biotic factors such as competition with ‘Mesozoic’ taxa.
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Global climate changes account for the main trends of conodont diversity but not for
their \nal demise
Samuel Ginot a,b,, Nicolas Goudemand b
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Past climate
Court Jester
Abiotic drivers
Mass extinction
Conodonts, one of the longest-lived early groups of vertebrates, have a very complete fossil record ranging from
the late Cambrian to the end of the Triassic and persisted through many global climatic and biotic events. In this
paper, we analyse a large dataset harvested from the Paleobiology Database to compute global diversity curves
at the generic level and explore patterns of conodont paleogeographic distribution. Our results partly con\rm the
most prominent \ndings of earlier studies including the occurrence of an Ordovician acme, a Permian nadir and
a short-lived Triassic recovery. Major peaks of origination were found in the Early Ordovician and Early Triassic,
while major extinctions occurred in the Upper Ordovician and Pennsylvanian. Paleogeographical extent of con-
odonts was impacted by i) the position of paleo-continents (notably impacting the latitudinal gradient of diver-
sity), ii) the available continental shelf area and iii) ice sheets expansion. Diversity trends were mostly impacted
by transitions between hothouse and icehouse ages, with major glaciations and associated marine regressions
co-occurring with major extinctions. The in]uence of global sea level was less marked than that of temperature.
However, the \nal demise of conodonts at the end of the Triassic did not coincide with either a major glaciation
or marine regression. This supports the view that extinction of the group was mostly due to biotic factors such as
competition with Mesozoictaxa.
1. Introduction
Biodiversity is impacted by numerous interconnected factors, and
disentangling their effects is a challenge for biologists and paleontolo-
gists alike. In this regard, the relative importance of biotic and abiotic
factors in the variation of global biodiversity through geological times
remains an open debate, often referred to as the Red Queen vs. Court
Jester debate. Biotic factors encompass aspects intrinsic to the living or-
ganisms, as well as interactions between organisms, such as competi-
tion; while abiotic factors include extrinsic aspects, often related to cli-
matic or geological changes (Benton, 2009). At high taxonomic lev-
els and broad timescales, abiotic factors may play a larger role (Ben-
ton, 2009). Yet, it remains dif\cult to test biotic effects in the fossil
record, where the interactions between taxa are hardly accessible, and
the true null hypothesis, namely that diversity follows a random walk
through time is generally ignored. Simulations and modeling, which are
employed more and more frequently, are a way to remedy to this. For in
stance, they allow to assess how trophic relationships in paleo-commu-
nities may affect the stability of the considered ecosystem to perturba-
tions, for instance whether the extinction of a few taxa or functional
groups may lead to cascading effects and eventually to the collapse of
the ecosystem (Roopnarine et al., 2007); or to determine how and
when within a clade history biotic interactions are most likely to con-
trol the dynamics of speciation, extinction and diversity (Aguilée et al.,
2018;Hofmann et al., 2019).
Another currently outstanding challenge is to anticipate the evolu-
tion of biodiversity to the current anthropogenic crisis, based on how
biodiversity reacted in the past to global changes analogous to the ones
Earth is experiencing today (Payne and Clapham, 2012). How are
different parts of the biosphere differentially affected by critical abi-
otic factors? Studies of the fossil record in correlation with major cli-
matic and geological variables remain the most direct way to address
this challenge. Historically, marine biodiversity has been the focus of
such studies, essentially because the fossil record of marine organisms is
Corresponding author at: Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystemes Naturels et Anthropises UMR5023, CNRS, UCBL 3-6 rue Raphael Dubois, Batiments Darwin C & Forel, 43
boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.
4)13 ),,9-::-: (S. Ginot); (N. Goudemand)
Received 14 January 2020; Received in revised form 17 September 2020; Accepted 17 September 2020
Available online xxx
0921-8181/© 2020.
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
more complete and better resolved than that of terrestrial organisms
(e.g. Sepkoski, 1981).
 656,65; ,1=-9:1;@ ;096</0 ;14-
Despite its long and global record, the clade of conodonts remains
understudied in terms of macroevolution. Conodonts form an early and
diverse group of marine vertebrates, most probably associated to extant
cyclostomes (lampreys and hag\shes; Miyashita et al., 2019). Eco-
logically, conodonts are generally considered to have been small active
swimmers, mostly nektonic, primary consumers (Purnell, 2001). This
broad picture is however probably not true for all conodont species, con-
sidering their high morphological disparity and the variety of sedimen-
tological facies in which their remains are found (Purnell and Jones,
2012;Ginot and Goudemand, 2019). Through their long fossil record
(over 300 My, from Cambrian to the end of the Triassic; Dong et al.,
2004,Zhen et al., 2018,Tanner et al., 2004), conodonts as a group
have faced some of the most prominent events in the history of Earth,
including four out of \ve mass extinction crises (end Ordovician, Late
Devonian, end Permian, and end Triassic), and they survived all, ex-
cept the last, eventually disappearing at the end of the Triassic. As such,
they constitute a good model organism to study how the diversity of
small, nektonic organisms may be impacted by major environmental
changes. The responses of conodont diversity to environmental changes
have been generally studied at the scale of individual events only, often
with the biostratigraphic objective of de\ning biozones (e.g. Orchard,
2007), rather than as a whole. Conodont diversity trends have not re-
cently been tackled over large timeframes (Clark, 1983, 1987;Sweet,
1988)although conodont data was included in much broader studies
(Friedman and Sallan, 2012;Whalen and Briggs, 2018)which
is now made possible and more exhaustive by the advent of global fos-
sil occurrence databases (i.e. the Paleobiology Database), and more reli-
able thanks to new methods for the quanti\cation of diversity, origina-
tion and extinction (e.g. Alroy et al., 2008;Alroy, 2010b). Here, we
aim not only at updating the previously published trends of conodonts
diversity, but also at statistically testing their potential control by some
abiotic variables (temperature, sea-level, paleogeography) for which we
collected quantitative data from the literature. Other abiotic parameters,
such as water pH, bathymetry or paleo-currents, may also play a role
but because of a lack of available, appropriate, quantitative data, those
were not included here.
The rise of the Paleozoic Faunaidenti\ed by Sepkoski (1981)
started in the Ordovician, forming what we now call the Great Ordovi-
cian Biodiversi\cation Event (GOBE). Although abiotic factors such as
a cooling of sea water temperatures have been proposed to be linked
to the GOBE, there is still no consensus about the causes of this event
(Servais and Harper, 2018). The plankton revolutionof the Early
Ordovician, which represents the \rst major biodiversity event of the
GOBE, may be linked to increasing sea level, oceanographic changes
and oxygenation. The consequent increase in planktonic resources may
have brought the diversi\cation of other forms. Although the \rst con-
odonts arose during the Cambrian (Dong et al., 2004), their radiation
is mostly part of the GOBE, and may be related to both biotic (plankton
diversi\cation) and abiotic factors. The Ordovician diversi\cation was
interrupted by the end Ordovician extinction, the \rst of the Big Five
extinctions. This two-pulse extinction is generally attributed to a major
glaciation associated with a regression (\rst pulse), followed by a trans-
gression associated with anoxia (second pulse). Although short-spanned
(~1 Ma), it caused important habitat loss and impacted conodonts,
among others, at both pulses (Harper et al., 2014). However, the du-
ration of this glaciation is debated, and may extend to 10 Ma, which
would have put conodonts and the biosphere through an even greater
challenge. The next major climatic episode may have been the Middle
Devonian super-greenhouse, although the nature of this event is now
challenged (Joachimski et al., 2009): the Early Devonian was already
characterized by warm temperatures, and it now appears the Middle De-
vonian was in fact characterized by a global cooling without glaciation
followed by a global warming that led seawater temperatures to reach
two maxima around the Frasnian/ Fammenian boundary (Joachimski
et al., 2009). The two Kellwasser environmental events occurred be-
fore, and in-between those maxima and correspond to cooler and anoxic
episodes. These events are known to have affected both conodont diver-
sity and morphology (Girard and Feist, 1996;Balter et al., 2008).
From the end of the Fammenian, and throughout the Carboniferous and
Permian, a period known as the Late Paleozoic Ice Age, the global cli-
mate was mostly cold and associated with glaciations and low sea lev-
els, (Montañez and Poulsen, 2013). According to Buggisch et al.
(2008), the tipping point between the Devonian greenhouse and the
Late Paleozoic Ice Age was reached in the Mississippian. Two cycles
of glaciation are recorded, the \rst peaking (coldest temperatures) at
the transition between the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian and the sec-
ond around the Carboniferous / Permian boundary (Buggisch et al.,
2008;Montañez and Poulsen, 2013). These glacial events were ac-
companied by important and rapid eustatic variations (e.g. Joachimski
et al., 2006;Barrick et al., 2013;Montañez and Poulsen, 2013;
Bahrami et al., 2014). During this ice age (Pennsylvanian), inverte-
brates showed low rates of origination and extinction and diversity was
low (Stanley and Powell, 2003;Powell, 2005;Alroy et al., 2008).
Similar trends were reported by Clark (1983) for conodonts, with a
large drop in origination and extinction rates and in the number of gen-
era between Mississipian and Pennsylvanian.
There is evidence for episodic glacial deposits until the end of the
Middle Permian, and deglaciation in the upper Permian (~260 Ma;
Montañez and Poulsen, 2013). Global temperatures increased and
peaked at the P/T boundary, linked with the volcanic activity of the
Siberian Traps, causing global greenhouse warming, ocean acidi\cation,
associated with episodes of anoxia or euxinia (Sun et al., 2012;Ro-
mano et al., 2013;van de Schootbrugge and Wignall, 2016).
Throughout the Permian only a handful of conodont genera remained,
several of which crossed the P/T boundary (Clark, 1983;Orchard,
2007), and thrived in the Early Triassic, in stark contrast with the ma-
jority of other organisms at the time (e.g. Brayard et al., 2017, and
references therein). The aftermath of the P/T crisis is marked by gen-
erally unstable conditions, several cooling and warming episodes oc-
curring in the Early Triassic (Goudemand et al., 2019). The transi-
tion between Early and Middle Triassic is marked by a global cooling
and the appearance of worldwide monsoon events, among which the
Carnian Pluvial event was the largest (Preto et al., 2010;Sun et al.,
2012). These conditions were maintained through the Middle Triassic
and Late Triassic, during which climate appears to have been fairly sta-
ble (Preto et al., 2010). Conodont diversity apparently progressively
declined throughout the Middle and Late Triassic (e.g. de Renzi et al.,
1996;Hallam, 2002;Martínez-Pérez et al., 2013;van de Schoot-
brugge and Wignall, 2016) and generally had high extinction rates
during this interval, especially at the end of the Norian, which was pre-
viously considered to correspond to their \nal extinction (Tanner et
al., 2004). Indeed the Rhaetian conodonts are represented by a handful
of species only, the last ones eventually going extinct near the Triassic
/ Jurassic boundary. The slow decline of conodont diversity throughout
the Triassic may appear surprising considering the relatively stable con-
ditions of the Triassic, as well as the fact that the explanations for the
P/T and T/J boundary crises are more or less convergent (Lucas and
Tanner, 2004;Mazza et al., 2010), but would \t the null hypothesis
of diversity following a random walk.
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
 "9-=16<: :;<,1-: )5, +<99-5; 796*3-4);1+:
Considering their status of early vertebrates, their amazing re-
silience, and their fairly anti-climactic disappearance, the global diver-
sity of conodonts and its drivers have received surprisingly little atten-
tion since the end of the eighties. Meanwhile, fossil occurrence and pa-
leoenvironmental data have grown enormously. Clark (1983, 1987)
already recognized two diversity maxima in the Ordovician and Devon-
ian, and a last hurrahin the Triassic. He further observed that origina-
tion and extinction peaked in the Ordovician, Mississippian and Trias-
sic, with the latter two intervals corresponding to higher extinction than
origination rates. Clark, however, did not comment at length on the pos-
sible drivers of conodont's diversity ]uctuations. Sweet (1988) mostly
agreed with the pattern Clark described, although he split the Ordovi-
cian diversity peak into two long-term cycles. Sweet went on to suggest
that the \nal extinction of conodonts was due to a sea level drop. On the
contrary, De Renzi et al. (1996) showed that conodonts declined pro-
gressively from the Middle through the Late Triassic, and therefore fa-
vored competition as the main player in the disappearance of conodonts;
an idea recently supported also by Martínez-Pérez et al. (2013). In
other words, the Court Jester vs. Red Queen debate applies also to the
extinction of conodonts. In our opinion, the abundant conodont data at
hand therefore constitute a unique opportunity to understand how abi-
otic factors including large catastrophes may drive the diversity of
nektonic animals, but also possibly how biotic interactions may be in-
strumental in explaining the extinction of such a large taxonomic group.
In this study, we investigate whether the picture Clark (1987) and
Sweet (1988) drew still holds today, using updated dataset and meth-
ods. Using current knowledge on paleoenvironment, we will also aim at
identifying the main abiotic drivers of conodont diversity and associated
paleogeographical patterns, and test whether those drivers may or may
not account for the \nal demise of conodonts.
2. Material and methods
 );):-;
The data used in this study was obtained from the Paleobiology Data-
base. The occurrences were downloaded from the Paleobiology Database
( on 26 June 2018, selecting by taxonomy, with
group name = Conodonta. The resulting dataset included 23,520 oc-
currences, with associated generic or speci\c accepted names, time in-
tervals, localities and paleo-coordinates computed by the GPlates model
implemented in the Paleobiology Database (Wright et al., 2013).
The references on which the dataset is based cumulate a total of 357
unique \rst authors (secondary bibliography available as supplemen-
tary material), the main contributors (> 500 occurrences) being Zhang
( = 1236), Barrick ( = 1167), Männik ( = 964), Ji ( = 904),
Suttner ( = 871), Farrell ( = 832), Bultynck ( = 743), Klapper
( = 714), Aboussalam ( = 602), Gouwy ( = 507). The main enter-
ers (> 1000 occurrences) of the data into the Paleobiology Database
were M. Krause ( = 5735), S. Gouwy ( = 3547), E. Jarochowska
( = 3010), P. Nätscher ( = 1363), J. Sessa ( = 1169), M. Foote
( = 1149), and P. Novack-Gottshall ( = 1086). All subsequent data
manipulation and analyses were run in R (R Core Team, 2018).
 1=-9:1;@ 691/15);165 )5, -?;15+;165
From this data, diversity was estimated for genera at the series
level. First, the dataset was trimmed of single occurrences whose tem-
poral resolution is not constrained to one series: their low stratigraphic
resolution makes them useless and possibly would distort the results.
Therefore the sample was reduced to = 19,737 occurrences. The
genus name was used even for occurrences identi\ed at the speci\c
level. A total of 265 unique genera were recorded in the dataset, af-
ter checking for duplicates due to spelling mistakes. From this subset
was produced a generic presence / absence matrix. Generic diversity
estimates were computed using Alroy's shareholder quorum sampling
(SQS; Alroy, 2010a, 2010b), running 1000 iterations while randomly
resampling the presence / absence matrix with replacement. The \nal
diversity estimate was the average across these iterations, and the as-
sociated standard deviations were also computed. SQS estimates for the
Terreneuvian, Cambrian Series 2 and Lopingian could not be computed
properly due to the very low generic diversity, and are therefore re-
placed by raw generic counts. A similar analysis was run for occurrences
for which the resolution was at the stage level ( = 15,279). Because
the resulting diversity curve was for a large part discontinuous, it is
shown as supplementary material (SM1). Additionally, single-interval
diversity was computed (at the series level) as the number of genera
present in only one series. From the same subset, extinction and orig-
ination rates were computed using the three-timerformulas of Alroy
(2010b). The use of SQS diversity estimates, and three-timer formulas
aims at avoiding several biases present in most paleontological studies
of diversity. These include the edge and Signor-Lipps effects by which
the diversity arti\cially drops before and rises after boundaries (espe-
cially across mass extinctions), but not the Pull of the Recent effect, since
conodonts do not have a fossil record in the Recent. The Lagerstatte ef-
fect, and unique taxa due to taxonomic identi\cation dif\culties in con-
odonts, are taken into account by calculating SQS and independently
computing single-interval generic counts. Finally, poly-cohort contour
graphs (Brayard et al., 2009) were produced, which allow a different
representation of diversity, extinction and origination trends. The trends
revealed by these graphs were similar to results from the SQS, origina-
tion and extinction curves, therefore they are only presented as supple-
mentary material (SM2, SM3).
 656,65; -=63<;165)9@ .)<5):
To re\ne the analysis of conodont diversity, we investigated the ex-
istence of several evolutionary faunasbased on the temporal range of
the various genera, excluding the single-intervalgenera. First, a Mul-
tiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was run on the generic presence
/ absence matrix at the series level, using the MCAfunction imple-
mented in R package FactoMineR( et al., 2008). Hierarchical clus-
tering (function HCPCof FactoMineR) was then used on the produced
multivariate space to form clusters and assign genera to them, to de\ne
evolutionary faunas. Clusters were de\ned arbitrarily, based on two
criterias: inertia gain and non-overlapping of the groups.
Patterns of diversity were assessed for each evolutionary fauna, with-
out using SQS, but only raw generic counts, excluding single-interval
taxa. Scotese's (2016) paleomaps were used to look at the paleobio-
geographical patterns of the different evolutionary faunas, by displaying
the presence / absence of each group as different colors in the cells (see
 -5-91+ +6<5;: )5, %#% ,1=-9:1;@
Excluding single-interval taxa, which are biased by taxonomic dif\-
culties and Lagerstatte effects, raw generic counts at the series level were
computed. The relationship between the decimal logarithm of these
counts and that of the SQS values was tested by a linear regression. The
Terreneuvian, Cambrian Series 2 and Lopingian were excluded of this
model, since their SQS values could not be computed.
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
 ")3-6*16/-6/9)701+)3 7);;-95:
To analyse paleobiogeographical patterns, we used the same ap-
proach as Kocsis et al. (2018). Scotese's PALEOMAPS PaleoAtlaswas
downloaded and the paleomaps data for the Cambrian to Triassic pe-
riod were imported in R (Scotese, 2016). For each map in the atlas,
we de\ned an age range, corresponding to the stage represented by the
map. Using R package icosa(Kocsis, unpublished), a 2D penta-hexag-
onal grid was created, to be projected on the maps, with cells(faces)
of approximately equal surfaces and an average side (edge) length of
740.74 km. These cells were used as a coarse resolution unit for our pa-
leogeographical investigations. Conodont occurrences whose range was
entirely included within the age range of each map ( = 12,448) were
automatically assigned to the corresponding cells, based on their paleo-
latitudes and paleolongitudes, using function locateof package icosa.
The rest of the occurrences, which could not be restricted to the same
resolution as the paleomaps, were excluded in this part, to avoid placing
on the maps occurrences that may not have existed at the time repre-
sented by the paleomap.
The cells including areas of continental platforms and/or coast were
manually counted for each stage as a proxy for the theoretically avail-
able area for conodonts. The number of cells was also computed for each
stage, as a proxy of conodont geographical spread and occupation. The
link between theoretically available area and occupied area was tested
by a linear regression, out of which the residual variation was extracted
to check for potential correspondence with other abiotic events. The
maximal and minimal latitude occupied by conodonts were obtained as
the latitudes of the center of the northernmost and southernmost occu-
pied cells.
 *16;1+ =)91)*3-: ;9-5,:
Sea surface temperature (SST) data were obtained from Song et al.
(2019), and sea-level data were extracted from Hannisdal and Peters
(2011) using the WebPlotDigitizer application (https://apps.automeris.
io/wpd/). Data for the latter ultimately derived from Haq and Schutter
(2008) and Haq et al. (1987). After extracting this data, we averaged
it at the series level, to correlate it with our diversity, origination and ex-
tinction estimates. Those relationships were tested using linear models.
The global mean annual temperature curve from Scotese (2015) was
also extracted using WebPlotDigitizer and added for comparison with
 );1;<,15)3 /9),1-5;:
Finally, latitudinal gradients were investigated at the series level,
by computing generic counts in bins of 10° latitude. No SQS was used
here, the gradients represent raw generic counts. Latitudinal gradients
of diversity were also computed for each evolutionary fauna as a whole
(rather than by series), either as raw generic counts, or as proportion of
their respective generic diversity. Bootstrapping of occurrence was used
(10,000 iterations) to test for significant differences between these gra-
dients across the three evolutionary faunas.
3. Results
 656,65; /-5-91+ ,1=-9:1;@ 691/15);165 )5, -?;15+;165
Conodont SQS diversity (Fig. 1A) shows three conspicuous peaks:
throughout Ordovician, in the Early Devonian, and in the Early Trias-
sic, matching with peaks of single-interval taxa diversity. Diversity is
at its highest throughout the Ordovician. Major decreases occur across
the Ordovician Silurian boundary, Early Middle Devonian boundary,
and Carboniferous Permian boundary. Peaks of conodont origination
rates (Fig. 1B) are observed during the Early Ordovician, Early Sil-
urian (Llandovery), Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Early Trias-
sic. Extinction peaks (Fig. 1B) are observed in the Late Ordovician, the
Late Devonian (smaller peak) and Pennsylvanian (at which time it over-
comes the synchronous origination peak).
There is a significant negative linear relationship between average
SST and extinction rate (adjusted R2= 0.265, "= 0.017, df = 1, 16),
and a positive relationship between average sea-level and SQS diversity
(adjusted R2= 0.195, "= 0.029, df = 1, 18) at the series level. Other
relationships between SST or sea-level and diversity, extinction and orig-
ination were non-significant ("> 0.05).
 =63<;165)9@ .)<5):
The multiple correspondence analysis, followed by hierarchical clus-
tering, revealed three clusters, or evolutionary faunas, based on tempo-
ral distribution of the genera (Fig. 2). The \rst (48 genera) is mostly
restricted to the Ordovician, the second (37 genera) also starts diver-
sifying in the Early Ordovician, but reaches its acme during the Sil-
urian, and starts decaying progressively from the Early Devonian on
(Fig. 3). The latest evolutionary fauna (48 genera) rises in the Early De-
vonian, reaches its acme in the Late Devonian, and then progressively
goes down through the Carboniferous, followed by a steeper decay dur-
ing the Permian. This evolutionary fauna recovers and constitutes most
of the diversity of the Triassic period. Following the classi\cation pro-
posed by Donoghue et al. (2008), the stem Prioniodontida, Balog-
nathidae, stem Ozarkodinida, as well as several Prioniodinina are for the
most part included in the early evolutionary fauna (Fig. 3C). The in-
termediate evolutionary fauna contains stem Ozarkodinina, stem Polyg-
nathacea, as well as some Prioniodinina (!<36,<:). The late evolution-
ary fauna contains some Prioniodinina, and most derived Ozarkodinina
(Polygnathacea and the unamed superfamily containing gondolellids).
 %#% ,1=-9:1;@ -:;14);-: )5, /-5-91+ +6<5;:
The SQS diversity estimates (Fig. 1A) and total of non-single-inter-
val genera (Fig. 3A) are significantly correlated at the series level, ex-
cluding the Terreneuvian, Series 2 and Lopingian (R2= 0.4, "< 0.01,
df = 1, 17; Fig. 4). Discrepancies between SQS and generic counts are
frequent. For the Series 3, Furongian, Guadalupian, and Early Triassic,
generic counts are lower than expected. For the Middle Devonian, Late
Devonian, Wenlock, Ludlow, and Llandovery counts are higher than ex-
pected. The most notable discrepancies are the Middle and Late De-
vonian, and the Guadalupian, during which SQS estimates and generic
counts show opposite trends (Fig. 3A).
 ")3-6/-6/9)701+)3 7);;-95: 6. +656,65; ,1=-9:1;@
Geographically, the \rst occurrences of conodonts are rather spread
out (Fig. 1E, 5A). The number of cells occupied by conodonts sees
an important rise in the Late Cambrian, which is sustained through
the Ordovician despite a short term drop at the Cambrian Ordovi-
cian boundary (Fig. 1C-D). The Hirnantian glaciation clearly reduces
the geographical distribution of conodonts, both in its latitudinal ex-
tremes and number of occupied cells (Fig. 1C-E, 5C-D). The extent of
conodonts then increases again from the Wenlock into the Early Devon-
ian (Lochkovian), but is restricted during the rest of the Early Devon-
ian (Fig. 1C-E, 5F-G). A short-lived spread is seen in the Eifelian (Mid-
dle Devonian), followed by a continued decrease during the remaining
of the Devonian and the Mississippian (Fig. 1C-E, 5H, 6A-B). The geo-
graphical spread of conodonts remains fairly stable through the Missis-
sippian and Pennsylvanian transition (Fig. 1C, E), although the avail-
able space becomes more and more restricted (Fig. 1C, D), it decreases
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2. First two axes of the Multiple Correspondance Analysis (MCA) run on the generic time series presence / absence matrix, excluding single-series taxa. Hierarchical clustering was
used on this MCA, and three clusters were retained based on the inertia gain and non-overlap of the groups. Abbreviations represent the series in which genera were present. Csrl:
Cisuralian, ErlD: Early Devonian, ErlO: Early Ordovician, ErlT: Early Triassic, Frng: Furongian, Gdlp: Guadalupian, Ldlw: Ludlow, Llandovery: Llnd, Lpng: Lopingian, LtDv: Late Devonian,
LtOr: Late Ordovician, LtTr: Late Triassic, MddD: Middle Devonian, MddO: Middle Ordovician, Mddt: Middle Triassic, Msss: Mississippian, Pnns: Pennsylvanian, Prdl: Pridoli, Srs2: Series
2, Srs3: Series 3, Trrn: Terreneuvian, Wnlc: Wenlock. The \rst cluster (magenta triangles) forms the Early Evolutionary Fauna. The second cluster (yellow circles) forms the Intermediate
Evolutionary Fauna. The third cluster (black squares) forms the Late Evolutionary Fauna. See Fig. 3 for more details on these clusters. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this \gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
again at the end of the Carboniferous, with conodonts being restricted
to equatorial latitudes (Fig. 1E). An all-time low is reached during the
middle of the Cisuralian (Early Permian; Fig. 1C-E, Fig. 6D-E), asso-
ciated with the near-total extinction of conodonts (Fig. 1A), and de-
spite ice sheets pulling back. A marked spread can be seen at the end
of the Permian, notably towards the extreme latitudes (Fig. 1C-E, Fig.
6F-G). The extent of conodonts remains high in the Early Triassic, then
goes back down for a short time in the Middle Triassic (Fig. 1C-E, Fig.
6H), before re-increasing in the Late Triassic. The number of occupied
cells is significantly correlated to the number of theoretically available
cells (R2= 0.15, P < 0.01, df = 1, 44), however with a large amount
of residual variation (Fig. 1C-D), the latter being apparently synchro-
nous with the sea level curve until the Early Carboniferous (Fig. 1F).
 );1;<,15)3 /9),1-5;:
Latitudinal gradients of generic diversity (LGGD) at the series level
can be interpreted only from the Early Ordovician on. In the Early Or-
dovician, the diversity is fairly spread out between 50 and 50°, with
multiple modes, two being found around 40° and 30°, and a third
just north of the equator (Fig. 7). Two LGGD modes are also seen in
the Middle Ordovician, one just south of the equator, the other around
25°. During the Late Ordovician the LGGD ]attens, with conodont di-
versity spreading southward, only the northernmost latitudes being de-
void of conodonts. Following the Hirnantian, the southern occurrences
disappear (Fig. 5D) and a fairly classical, mostly unimodal latitudinal
gradient is established, which is maintained until the Mississipian (Fig.
7). One particularity of this latitudinal gradient is that its mode is not
Synthetic view of diversity and paleobio-geographical patterns through the Phanerozoic. Alternating gray and white areas delimit the boundaries between series. A) Black line: average
SQS generic diversity ± std. dev. over 1000 iterations (gray outline). Blue dashed line: count of single-series genera (i.e. genera which occur in only one series). B) Origination (red) and
extinction (black) rates, computed using the 3-timer approach of Alroy (2014). C) Blue line and area: geographical area theoretically available to conodonts, as the number of cells of the
paleomap including continental shelf or coast. Black line and area: geographical area where conodonts occur, computed as the number of cells including at least one occurrence of con-
odont (see Material and Methods). Available and occupied space are not at the same scale. D) Residual variation of a linear regression of number of cells occupied against number of cells
available, i.e. variation in the occuped area after removing the effect of continental shelf / coastal area. E) Median northern (red) and median southern (blue) paleolatitudes of conodont
occurrences, dashed lines are the maximal and minimal paleolatitudes occupied by conodonts, computed as the middle latitude of the northern-most and southern-most occupied cells. F)
Phanerozoic global sea surface temperature curve, from Song et al. (2019; red curve and points, dashed red line is the series-averaged cruve), global mean temperature mod-
i\ed from Scotese (2015); black line), and global sea level curve, modi\ed from Haq and Schutter (2008; blue line and area). (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this \gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
Fig. 3. Diversity trends of the three evolutionary faunas.A) Raw generic count (excluding single-series taxa) by series for genera assigned to the different evolutionary faunas(full
lines), and the sum of these curves (dashed line). Gray outline shows the SQS diversity estimate std. dev. (see Fig. 1A) for comparison. B) Percentage represented by the faunas in the total
diversity in each series. The Early Faunadominates through Cambrian and Ordovician, but is replaced by the Intermediate Faunaat the start of the Silurian. Finally the Late fauna
becomes dominant in the Middle Devonian, although remnants of earlier faunas survive until the Triassic. C) Tree modi\ed from Donoghue et al. (2008), with genera highlighted
according to their evolutionary fauna. Genera not highlighted could not be included in the analysis (i.e. single-series taxa).
Fig. 4. Plot of raw generic counts (excluding single-series taxa) against average SQS diver-
sity estimate, by series. Black line shows the linear regression line (R2= 0.40, "< 0.01),
dashed red lines represent 95% con\dence intervals. Named points are those outside of
the 95% C.I., i.e. series in which the raw counts do not follow the predicted relationship
with the SQS estimates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this \gure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
equatorial, but located in the Southern Tropics. The whole diversity
of conodonts in this time frame seems to concentrate in the South-
ern Hemisphere. In the Pennsylvanian, the distribution seems to shift
slightly northward, but conodont diversity is drastically reduced dur-
ing the Permian (Fig. 6D-E). In the Early Triassic, a latitudinal gradient
is re-established but ]atter than previously, with a small mode in the
Northern Hemisphere. Diversity is again hit during the Middle Triassic,
before a more marked latitudinal gradient is established in the Late Tri-
assic, with a mostly northern diversity and a single mode in the North-
ern Tropics.
4. Discussion
 )+;69: 147)+;15/ +656,65; ,1=-9:1;@ )5, /-6/9)701+)3 7);;-95:
The large conodont diversi\cation after the Cambrian Ordovician
boundary occurs within a transgressive cycle, peaking in the Middle
Ordovician (Fig. 1F), combined with hot but decreasing temperatures.
It constitutes a part of the Great Ordovician Biodiversi\cation Event
(GOBE, e.g. Harper et al., 2015), as conodonts may have been among
the \rst groups to colonize the water column. The increase in avail-
able shelf area may have enabled the origination of many conodont taxa
(Fig. 1B-C, Harper et al., 2015). However, it also appears that, at that
time, some conodonts colonized open sea environments (Fig. 5B), pos-
sibly via the increase in diversity and abundance of plankton, and the
likely establishment of open marine food chains (Harper et al., 2015;
Servais et al., 2008). Either factors, or their combination, may explain
the dramatic increase in conodont diversity. The level of conodont di-
versity reached during the Ordovician was not equaled at any later time
(Fig. 1A).
The Hirnantian / end-Ordovician extinction brought an end to the
acme of conodont diversity. It was synchronous with a large drop in
seawater temperature and sea level, and with ice sheets spreading (Fig.
5C-D, Harper et al., 2014). The conodonts' geographical distribu-
tion was greatly reduced at that time, especially in southern localities
that became covered by ice (Fig. 1E, Fig. 5D). This extinction mainly
affected the early evolutionary fauna (Fig. 3), while the intermedi-
ate evolutionary fauna remained diverse across the boundary, and di-
versi\ed in the Early Silurian. The global diversity plummeted due to
the loss of early fauna genera, but the intermediate fauna rised. At a
\ner temporal resolution, the drop in conodont diversity appears as a
two-step process, with one extinction event at the Katian Hirnantian
boundary, and a second during the Hirnantian (Harper et al., 2014).
It should be noted that the early fauna taxa that disappeared shared
their geographical and temperature distribution with the earliest inter
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
Fig. 5. Paleobiogeographic evolution of conodont diversity from end-Cambrian to Late Devonian. Paleomaps from Scotese (2015) are divided into a grid of 362 pentagonal and hexago-
nal cells(faces) with approximately equal area and side(edge) length. Average side length is 740.74 km. Conodont occurrences were automatically assigned to the corresponding cells,
based on their paleolatitudes and paleolongitudes from the Paleobiology Database. Each cell occupied by a colored circle includes at least one occurrence. Multi-colored circles denote the
presence of conodont genera belonging to the different Evolutionary Faunasdescribed herein. Note that the proportions of each colour are entirely arbitrary and ,6 56; relate in any way
to the proportions of local generic diversity. Circles were plotted at the center of the cells and their position do not imply that the occurrences are actually found together at a \ner scale
(i.e. within a cell).
mediate fauna taxa (Fig. 5C-E), suggesting that there was no fundamen-
tal difference in the temperature tolerance of the two groups. Therefore
the reason why some taxa survived and others not may instead be re-
lated to the presence of refugias, or to the in]uence of temperature on
the preys of the conodonts. The recovery fauna, which started to diver-
sify at the end of the Hirnantian may correspond to the early radiation
of the intermediate evolutionary fauna. The turnover in conodont diver-
sity may therefore be explained roughly by the disappearance of early
fauna taxa due to the drop in temperatures and loss of available habi-
tat (South Pole glaciation and sea level drop), leaving open ecological
niches for intermediate fauna taxa to diversify later on. Direct detrimen-
tal competition between the two faunas does not seem plausible, as both
were found in the same geographical areas earlier on (Fig. 5A-D). The
Early Silurian peak of origination rate (Fig. 1B) re]ects the large in-
crease in diversity of this intermediate fauna (Fig. 3A). Although it may
have started in the Hirnantian (Harper et al., 2014), most of the di-
versi\cation coincides with a global increase of temperatures, associated
with ice sheets melting and a sea level rise (Fig. 1F).
In the Ordovician, conodonts constituted most of the nekton's diver-
sity. The subsequent increase in nekton diversity during the Silurian /
Early Devonian (Whalen and Briggs, 2018;Klug et al., 2010) may
have played a role in the limitation of the conodont's recovery via ei-
ther predation pressures (the earliest known direct evidence of preda
tion on conodonts dates from the Late Devonian; see Zatoń and
Rakociński, 2014,Zatoń et al., 2017), and/or competition for eco-
logical spaces. This scenario, if real, may converge with that of the \nal
extinction of conodonts (see below).
The peak of conodont diversity in the Early Devonian occurred
within a temperature decreasing trend (with large variations) and co-
incided roughly with a lowstand (switch from a regressive to a trans-
gressive trend) in the middle Early Devonian (Fig. 1A, F). This series
displayed stable standing diversity in the intermediate fauna taxa, while
several late fauna taxa appeared (Fig. 3A). Extinction and origination
rates were almost equal, because several intermediate fauna taxa dis-
appeared by the end of the Early Devonian while the late evolutionary
fauna was rising (Fig. 1B). Although there was an increase of occupied
areas in the earliest Devonian, it was short lived (Fig. 1C-D), and was
not re]ected in the latitudinal extremes of the distribution, which re-
mained stable (Fig. 1E). This geographical pattern may be explained
by the position of the paleo-continents, which started to assemble. Ar-
eas occupied only by intermediate fauna taxa were either emptied or
became shared with late fauna taxa (Fig. 5F-H). This, combined with
the fact that intermediate evolutionary fauna taxa generally constitute
groups that are basal to late fauna taxa along the tree of Donoghue
et al. (2008), could mean that some species of the intermediate fauna
went through an episode of speciation at that time and gave rise to the
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
Fig. 6. Paleobiogeographic evolution of conodont diversity from Late Devonian to Middle Triassic. Paleomaps from Scotese (2015) are divided into a grid of 362 pentagonal and hexago-
nal cells(faces) with approximately equal area and side(edge) length. Average side length is 740.74 km. Conodont occurrences were automatically assigned to the corresponding cells,
based on their paleolatitudes and paleolongitudes from the Paleobiology Database. Each cell occupied by a colored circle includes at least one occurrence. Multi-colored circles denote the
presence of conodont genera belonging to the different Evolutionary Faunasdescribed herein. Note that the proportions of each colour are entirely arbitrary and ,6 56; relate in any way
to the proportions of local generic diversity. Circles were plotted at the center of the cells and their position do not imply that the occurrences are actually found together at a \ner scale
(i.e. within a cell).
late fauna diversity, possibly linked with an increase in sea level (Fig.
The drop in diversity observed in the middle Devonian (Fig. 1A) is
mostly explained by extinctions of intermediate fauna and single-inter-
val taxa (Fig. 1A, 3A), which are not compensated by originations of
late fauna taxa. This drop in global diversity happens despite the coeval
sea-level high and may be related to the mid-Devonian hothouse (Fig.
1F), which may have negatively impacted the intermediate fauna taxa,
while favoring late fauna taxa. The loss of diversity is not re]ected by
a notable extinction peak (Fig. 1B), possibly because single-series gen-
era are not taken into account in the computation of the extinction rate
(Alroy, 2010b). The small peak of extinction rate in the Late Devonian,
despite an increase of SQS diversity (Fig. 1A-B), may also be due to the
loss of single-interval taxa and intermediate fauna taxa. Both intermedi-
ate and late fauna generic diversity go down across the Devonian Car-
boniferous boundary although not re]ected by SQS diversity estimates.
Extinction rate culminates in the late Carboniferous, while some of
the lowest temperatures and lowest sea level of the entire studied pe-
riod are reached (Fig. 1B, F). Repeated or continuous glaciation(s) and
regression(s) marked the Carboniferous (Fielding et al., 2008). Those
clearly had a large impact on conodont diversity, as well as on their ge-
ographical extent, which was reduced to equatorial latitudes by the end
of the Carboniferous (Fig. 1C-E, 6C-D). Following the large extinc-
tion peak of the Pennsylvanian, conodont diversity was reduced to only
a handful of genera (Fig. 1A, 3A). Conodont diversity remained ex-
tremely low during the Early and Middle Permian, with conodonts being
restricted to a few refugia (Fig. 6E). In the Late Permian (Lopingian)
conodont diversity was still very low (Fig. 1A), but the geographical
extent of conodonts started again to increase, possibly re]ecting the in-
creasing temperatures and the concurrent melting of the ice sheets (Fig.
1C-F, 6F).
Finally, diversity rose again after the P-T boundary, with a peak of
origination and large numbers of single-interval taxa, mostly late fauna
taxa (Fig. 1A-B, 3A-B). This occurred while the sea level was very low,
and the temperatures very high (Fig. 1F). At a higher resolution, the
widely ]uctuating climate of the Early Triassic interval (e.g. Goude-
mand et al., 2019) may explain why so many taxa of this interval are
single-interval only, and therefore produced a peak of origination. The
fact that conodonts started to colonize new areas already in the Late Per-
mian may have driven allopatric speciations following the extreme con-
ditions of the P-T crisis.
It is clear from the paleomaps in Figs. 5 and 6 that conodonts were
more abundant along coastlines and on continental shelves. Not sur-
prisingly, the paleogeographical spread of conodonts is significantly cor-
related to the extent of continental shelves (Fig. 1C). Yet, conodonts
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
Fig. 7.
were not restricted to these areas, as evidenced by the open sea loca-
tions during the Ordovician and Devonian (e.g. Fig. 5B, G-H). Residual
variation in the geographical distribution of conodonts (Fig. 1D) corre-
sponds with the sea level curve, and the ice ages of the end-Ordovician
and Pennsylvanian clearly brought restrictions to the extension of con-
odonts, especially in their latitudinal extremes (Fig. 1E). Overall, our
data suggest that conodonts were not ecologically restricted to coastlines
or warm waters, but that they could not adapt to very cold / glacial wa-
ters. Extremely hot waters may also have been lethal to conodonts, but
in general, increased temperatures seems to have favored conodont di-
It appears that the positions of paleo-continents had an in]uence on
the evolution of the latitudinal gradient of conodont diversity (Fig. 7).
Throughout the Ordovician, the LGGD is rather symmetrical between
the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Conodonts were then present
in the northern extent of the Gondwanian continental shelf (Fig. 5B-C),
around Laurentia and Baltica, and further North in the open ocean. From
the Early Silurian (Llandovery) to the Carboniferous, the LGGD became
restricted mostly to the Southern Hemisphere, and was generally uni-
modal. This is in accordance with the southern location of most coast-
lines and continental shelves from the Llandovery until the Early Car-
boniferous. Northern movements of Pangea during the Carboniferous,
combined with the appearance of large South Pole ice sheets produced
a northward shift of the conodonts, and the LGGD became almost cen-
tered on the equator (Fig. 6D, Fig. 7). When conodont diversity recov-
ered in the Early Triassic, Pangea extended from North to South Pole,
with most continental shelves in the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 6G-H).
Consequently the LGGD moved to the Northern Tropics, where it was
maintained until the end of the Triassic (Fig. 7). This interpretation is
in accordance with studies of both past and present latitudinal diversity
gradients that demonstrated a close link with the position of continental
shelves (e.g. Powell, 2009;Chaudhary et al., 2016).
Several of the major biases of the fossil record may affect our results.
Notably, as we showed that most conodonts occurrences are found in
continental shelves environments, their diversity and paleogeographic
patterns might be related to the quantity of preserved sedimentary rock
(Peters, 2005). The correlation between SQS diversity and sea-level,
which is also known to impact the amount of sedimentary rock, may
be an artifact of the preservation bias, although we would favor a com-
mon-cause hypothesis (Peters, 2005). Sampling effort bias is also prob-
ably playing a role in the paleogeographic patterns observed, as con-
odont workers have mostly explored facies expected to yield numerous
fossils. Some paleo-environments (e.g. hypersaline) are undersampled,
but can yield surprising diversity (Jarochowska et al., 2017). Finally,
although multi-element taxonomy has been adopted by conodont work-
ers for several decades now (Bergstrom, 1966), it is not always ap-
plicable, which may lead to taxonomic oversplitting and overestimations
of diversity. Notably, very few complete apparatuses are known for the
oldest conodont genera and the topological schemes used for establish-
ing homologies between elements vary between earlier and later taxa
(Donoghue et al., 2008).
Keeping these caveats and biases in mind, it appears that, indeed,
abiotic factors temperature and sea-level, as well as paleocontinent
positions in]uenced conodont diversity, as it is clear that the largest
Left panel. Paleolatitudinal gradients of conodont diversity through the Paleozoic, com-
puted as raw generic counts for each series, binned by 10° of latitude. Each generic diver-
sity point is plotted against the corresponding mid-bin value. The right panel shows the
extent of epicontinental seas, computed as the total number of grid cells including coast-
lines. The \gure as a whole follows stratigraphic order in relative terms, but does not rep-
resent absolute ages.
%156;)5, 6<,-4)5, 36*)3)5,"3)5-;)9@0)5/- ??? ???? ??????
peaks of origination and extinction and diversity are synchronous with
peaks or lows in the global temperature and/or sea-level curve. When
testing these relationships, however, only a negative link between tem-
perature and extinction and a positive link between sea-level and diver-
sity were significant. Furthermore, both correlations were driven by ex-
treme points. It is interesting to note that it was not a necessary con-
dition to combine both sea-level and temperature to positively impact
conodont diversity. For example, the Ordovician radiation corresponded
with a large transgression and high temperatures, the Early Triassic orig-
ination and diversity peak was concomitant with a very low sea level
and hot and variable temperatures, while the Early Devonian diversity
peak (which was more limited) was synchronous with variable but not
particularly extreme sea-level and temperatures (Fig. 1A, F). This shows
that either factors can be self-suf\cient to have an in]uence. Addition-
ally, our proxy of geographical areas available to conodonts (number
of cells including coast or continental shelf) was significantly related to
occupied area (Fig. 1C), suggesting a partial explanation of how sea
level trends impacted the geographical spread of conodonts (Figs. 5-6).
Conodont mobility may have played a role in maintaining diversity in
times of low sea level and glaciation. Our results suggest that the main
events in the history of conodont diversity were related to extreme abi-
otic conditions. Yet, much variation in diversity, extinction and (in par-
ticular) origination remains unexplained, and could be due instead to
biotic factors. Notably, the \rst origination peak of the Early Ordovi-
cian, the Early Devonian peak of diversity and the \nal extinction of
conodonts require closer investigation, in particular regarding the inter-
action of conodonts with other marine groups.
 647)91:65 >1;0 79-=16<: :;<,1-: )5, 9-4)92: 65 ;0- A5)3 -?;15+;165 6.
Our results regarding global conodont diversity trends are mostly
in accordance with previously published curves (Clark, 1983, 1987;
Sweet, 1988). Most of the major events of the group's history are rec-
ognized, in particular the Ordovician acme, followed by a major drop in
the Silurian. The Permian minimum, and the Early Triassic last hurrah
of diversity are also corroborated. On the other hand, we note discrep-
ancies for the Devonian and Carboniferous. In particular, previous stud-
ies described diversity and origination as low in the Early Devonian and
high in the Late Devonian. Conversely, our results show a peak in diver-
sity in the Early Devonian, followed by a drop in the Middle Devonian
and a very limited diversi\cation in the Late Devonian (Fig. 1A). Like-
wise, previous studies suggested important diversity drops during the
Mississipian and Pennsylvanian, while our results suggest on the con-
trary that diversity was fairly high and stable throughout the Carbonif-
erous, with a major extinction between the Pennsylvanian and the Per-
mian (Fig. 1A). These discrepancies may be due to several factors: i) the
geographical extent of the dataset (e.g. Sweet, 1988 focused on North
American data), ii) the taxonomic rank used (speci\c level in Sweet,
1988, versus generic level in Clark, 1983, 1987, and our study), iii)
the sheer increase in size of the dataset, or iv) methods to assess diver-
sity and rates. Here, we chose to use advances notably promoted by Al-
roy (2010a, 2010b) to limit the impact of several biases: for example,
Clark (1983) used a range-through counting method (although not de-
\ned as such), which is subject to edge and Signor-Lipps effects (the Pull
of the Recent having no impact on conodonts; Alroy, 2010b) meaning
that diversity estimates will tend to artefactually drop before and rise af-
ter boundaries, notably at mass extinction events. Despite these biases,
these older studies did manage to reveal the most prominent elements
also highlighted in the present work (Ordovician acme, Permian low and
Triassic short-lived recovery), suggesting that these trends are real, and
robust to any kind of biases, as well as across taxonomic levels.
Clark (1983) suggested that the \nal extinction of conodonts may
be linked to a drop in sea level, and was followed in this interpreta-
tion by Sweet (1988). However, sea-level was low throughout the Tri-
assic, and its variations are not agreed upon. Furthermore, recent stud-
ies suggest that it may have been rising, rather than dropping, during
the Late Triassic (e.g. Van der Meer et al., 2017). Even if the regres-
sive trend actually took place, its age was likely younger than the start
of conodonts' decline (Middle Triassic; Martínez-Pérez et al., 2013).
Furthermore our results suggest that regressive trends do not necessarily
correlate with major conodont extinctions. Global temperatures in the
Late Triassic were fairly similar to those in the Early and Middle Trias-
sic, and the world was ice-free at that time, as was generally the case
in times when conodonts were thriving. Based on our results, consid-
ering the absence of glaciation and a late drop in sea level and CAMP
province in]uence, we may conclude that two of the most important
abiotic factors (temperature and sea-level) cannot be considered as suf\-
cient to explain the extinction of conodonts. Other abiotic factors, which
are more dif\cult to assess, such as water salinity or pH may have played
a role. Alternatively, and in agreement with De Renzi et al. (1996)
and Martínez-Pérez et al. (2013), biotic factors such as predation by,
or competition with groups of the Modern Fauna(Sepkoski, 1981,
Hu et al., 2010,Brayard et al., 2017), e.g. Neopterygian \shes and
Neoselachian sharks that started radiating in the Middle Triassic (Cuny
and Benton, 1999;Xu et al., 2013), may have driven the last con-
odonts to extinction.
5. Conclusion
Our analysis con\rms the in]uence of abiotic factors on conodont di-
versity at a large scale. Notably, despite their mobility, these early ver-
tebrates were strongly impacted by sea-level variations as well as major
glaciations, which restricted the extent of their favored coastal habitat
and probably limited the possibility of allopatric speciation. Biases of the
fossil record should however be kept in mind as potentially confounding
or correlated factors. These abiotic factors do not however explain par-
ticular conodont events such as their Ordovician radiation or their \nal
demise at the end of the Triassic. Instead it is likely that biotic factors
played a prominent role in the extinction of conodonts. Despite the fact
that biotic interactions arguably take place locally in time and space,
the sum of their effects may ultimately emerge as large-scale patterns,
leading for example to the extinction of a highly successful group like
conodonts, which had thrived in oceans for more than 300 Ma.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors have no con]ict of interest to declare.
This work was supported by a French Agence Nationale de la
Recherche @Raction grant (ACHN project EvoDevOdonto
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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... Changes in conodont diversity can be used to infer fluctuations in sea level, water temperature and chemical environments (Sweet 1988;Wu et al. 2008). During the Ordovician, conodonts reached their highest peak of diversification, a level unmatched at any later time (Ginot and Goudemand 2020). This substantial conodont diversification, following the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary, culminated in the Middle Ordovician, likely driven by a gradual decrease in water temperatures (Trotter et al. 2008). ...
... The variation in Lower-Middle Ordovician conodont diversity observed in the Precordillera may be linked to different pulses of the 'Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event' (GOBE). This event has been extensively studied by numerous authors over the years Servais et al. 2009Servais et al. , 2023Harper et al. 2015;Algeo et al. 2016;Servais and Harper 2018;Stigall et al. 2019;Ginot and Goudemand 2020). However, some authors argue that it represents a series of sequential events and should be referred to as the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Interval (Landing et al. 2018;Servais et al. 2023). ...
... Biodiversity among various fossil groups has been influenced by interconnected abiotic and biotic factors in the past (Benton 2009;Ginot and Goudemand 2020). The variation in conodont diversity could be attributed to a series of abiotic factors, including ocean temperature, paleolatitudinal position, global climate, oxygen availability, marine redox conditions, ocean circulation, and sea-level fluctuations, among others (Rasmussen et al. 2016;Edwards et al. 2017;Krause et al. 2018;van de Velde et al. 2018;Stigall et al. 2019;Del Rey et al. 2022). ...
... Conodont coniform elements diversified from the Late Cambrian to the Devonian, and they became quite rare or almost absent in the post-Devonian (Ginot & Goudemand, 2020;Koike, 1998). Here in the Zhangjiawan section, the occurrence of Furnishius triserratus as well as other ellisonidid conodonts from the fossil beds indicates not only that Ellisonidae were much more long-ranging during the Early Triassic, but also that they formed a special nektonic nutrient group rather than those from the other faunas. ...
... 7.2 | Implications for the emergence of Nanzhang-Yuan'an biota and the ecosystem recovery (Ginot & Goudemand, 2020). ...
... Also, their synthetic study showed that sea-level variations and major glaciations strongly affected and controlled the extent of conodonts' preferred coastal habitat. In addition, the radiation during the Ordovician and the final demise at the end of the Triassic of conodonts could not be explained by abiotic factors (Ginot & Goudemand, 2020). Therefore, biotic factors might have impacted the evolution of the conodonts, although more evidence is needed. ...
The largely stagnant marine ecosystem following the Permian–Triassic mass extinction (PTME) was superseded by the appearance of marine reptiles. One of the most abundant Early Triassic (Spathian) marine reptile faunas occurs in the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an area of Hubei Province, South China, and provides remarkable information for understanding biotic recovery after the PTME. Situated on the north edge of the Middle Yangtze Platform in South China, the well‐exposed Zhangjiawan stratigraphic succession in Yuan'an County represents one of the most productive sections, yielding abundant marine reptiles. Intensive sampling of this section reveals a unique conodont community both before and during the emergence of the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an Fauna (NYF). Occurrences of Neostrachanognathus tahoensis below the NYF and deposition of ʻGreen Bean Rock (GBR)ʼ above the NYF restricted this fauna to the latest Early Triassic. Except for the coniform Neostrachanognathus , this conodont community consists of abundant Ellisoniidae characterized by ramiform P 1 elements. Foraminifers and fish found together with the conodont elements form other low‐level parts of the local food web. Other temporally coincident sections nearby, for example, the Yanduhe section of western Hubei Province, yield only rare conodonts. Hence, the unique conodont community from the Zhangjiawan section suggests that the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an area might be a “refuge area” for the Early Triassic marine ecosystem, or at least for the marine reptiles and the conodont communities. Although the direct connection between conodonts and marine reptiles is still uncertain, low‐level consumers—conodont animals‐played important roles in the food webs of NYF. The collision of the South China and North China blocks removed this “refuge area” and witnessed the disappearance of endemic Hupeisuchians.
... Conversely, trilobite diversity decreased sharply in the Devonian (Lerosey-Aubril and Feist 2012; Bault et al. 2022a). This dynamic was not specific to trilobites because the crinoid and conodont diversifications were also interrupted abruptly by the Devonian extinction events (Ginot and Goudemand 2020;Cole and Hopkins 2021). Consequently, the potential protracted increase in disparity during the Devonian could be prevented by extinction events and, consequently, the coupling between changes in diversity and disparity could be an artifactual pattern. ...
Morphological disparity and taxonomic richness are two major aspects of evolution used to understand biodiversity changes. These metrics are often decoupled in time, particularly during the early history of clades. To assess the pervasiveness of this pattern during the post-acme of a clade, both morphological disparity and taxonomic diversity of the well-documented Devonian trilobites from North Africa were analysed. Morphospace occupancy and body size were estimated and compared to genus richness through time. This study highlights that, during the Early Devonian, morphological disparity of the pygidium and the cephalon strongly increased, whereas cranidium disparity remained low. Interestingly, the pygidium and cephalon morphological dynamics were decoupled. Taxonomic diversity also increased. Then, the Middle Devonian anoxic events affected the trilobite communities with simultaneous drastic loss of both morphologies and taxonomic richness. This coupling between diversity and disparity dynamics could be explained by either the intensity of extinctions or strong internal constraints. Finally, the weak Famennian recovery of both disparity and diversity did not reach the Early Devonian levels, thus making trilobites a 'dead clade walking' during their late evolutionary history. Devonian trilobite families are thus identified as 'Bottom-Heavy Clades', characterised by a diversity peak at the end of their history.
... Nutrient availability is a plausible alternative [54] that is also climate-dependent: a warmer climate usually implies more humidity, more weathering, more continental runoff, and may ultimately cause modifications in the communities of prey on which conodonts probably fed; it may also lead to eutrophication, and to hypoxia, another common agent of physiological changes. Ginot & Goudemand [59] have shown that conodonts may be affected by other abiotic factors, such as sea level (see also [53,60]), whose fluctuations may also parallel those of seawater temperatures. Hence, although temperature may appear as a plausible and attractively 'simple' driver (but see [61]) for the described evolutionary trajectories, its role is still elusive. ...
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Can we predict the evolutionary response of organisms to climate changes? The direction of greatest intraspecific phenotypic variance is thought to correspond to an ‘ evolutionary line of least resistance ’, i.e. a taxon's phenotype is expected to evolve along that general direction, if not constrained otherwise. In particular, heterochrony, whereby the timing or rate of developmental processes are modified, has often been invoked to describe evolutionary trajectories and it may be advantageous to organisms when rapid adaptation is critical. Yet, to date, little is known empirically as to which covariation patterns, whether static allometry, as measured in adult forms only, or ontogenetic allometry, the basis for heterochrony, may be prevalent in what circumstances. Here, we quantify the morphology of segminiplanate conodont elements during two distinct time intervals separated by more than 130 Myr: the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and the Carnian-Norian boundary (Late Triassic). We evidence that the corresponding species share similar patterns of intraspecific static allometry. Yet, during both crises, conodont evolution was decoupled from this common evolutionary line of least resistance. Instead, it followed heterochrony-like trajectories that furthermore appear as driven by ocean temperature. This may have implications for our interpretation of conodonts' and past marine ecosystems’ response to environmental perturbations.
... The Late Triassic is characterized by a prolonged interval of stepwise decreased diversity (Rigo et al., 2020, Lucas & Tanner, 2018 which might have been caused not primarily by extinction, but in combination with reduced origination (Bambach et al., 2004). Combining the two latest stages of the Triassic, the marine genus-level percent extinction was 47% (Bambach, 2006) with strong regional decimation of reefs (Lucas & Tanner, 2018) and complete extinction of conodonts (Ginot & Goudemand, 2020). The extinction record for terrestrial tetrapods and plants is very ambiguous, but it likely suggests a turnover rather than an extinction, with regional, but not global extent (Lucas & Tanner, 2015, Tanner et al., 2004. ...
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The evolution of life on Earth has been driven by disturbances of different types and magnitudes over the 4.6 million years of Earth’s history (Raup, 1994, Alroy, 2008). One example for such disturbances are mass extinctions which are characterized by an exceptional increase in the extinction rate affecting a great number of taxa in a short interval of geologic time (Sepkoski, 1986). During the 541 million years of the Phanerozoic, life on Earth suffered five exceptionally severe mass extinctions named the “Big Five Extinctions”. Many mass extinctions are linked to changes in climate (Feulner, 2009). Hence, the study of past mass extinctions is not only intriguing, but can also provide insights into the complex nature of the Earth system. This thesis aims at deepening our understanding of the triggers of mass extinctions and how they affected life. To accomplish this, I investigate changes in climate during two of the Big Five extinctions using a coupled climate model. During the Devonian (419.2–358.9 million years ago) the first vascular plants and vertebrates evolved on land while extinction events occurred in the ocean (Algeo et al., 1995). The causes of these formative changes, their interactions and their links to changes in climate are still poorly understood. Therefore, we explore the sensitivity of the Devonian climate to various boundary conditions using an intermediate-complexity climate model (Brugger et al., 2019). In contrast to Le Hir et al. (2011), we find only a minor biogeophysical effect of changes in vegetation cover due to unrealistically high soil albedo values used in the earlier study. In addition, our results cannot support the strong influence of orbital parameters on the Devonian climate, as simulated with a climate model with a strongly simplified ocean model (De Vleeschouwer et al., 2013, 2014, 2017). We can only reproduce the changes in Devonian climate suggested by proxy data by decreasing atmospheric CO2. Still, finding agreement between the evolution of sea surface temperatures reconstructed from proxy data (Joachimski et al., 2009) and our simulations remains challenging and suggests a lower δ18O ratio of Devonian seawater. Furthermore, our study of the sensitivity of the Devonian climate reveals a prevailing mode of climate variability on a timescale of decades to centuries. The quasi-periodic ocean temperature fluctuations are linked to a physical mechanism of changing sea-ice cover, ocean convection and overturning in high northern latitudes. In the second study of this thesis (Dahl et al., under review) a new reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 for the Devonian, which is based on CO2-sensitive carbon isotope fractionation in the earliest vascular plant fossils, suggests a much earlier drop of atmo- spheric CO2 concentration than previously reconstructed, followed by nearly constant CO2 concentrations during the Middle and Late Devonian. Our simulations for the Early Devonian with identical boundary conditions as in our Devonian sensitivity study (Brugger et al., 2019), but with a low atmospheric CO2 concentration of 500 ppm, show no direct conflict with available proxy and paleobotanical data and confirm that under the simulated climatic conditions carbon isotope fractionation represents a robust proxy for atmospheric CO2. To explain the earlier CO2 drop we suggest that early forms of vascular land plants have already strongly influenced weathering. This new perspective on the Devonian questions previous ideas about the climatic conditions and earlier explanations for the Devonian mass extinctions. The second mass extinction investigated in this thesis is the end-Cretaceous mass extinction (66 million years ago) which differs from the Devonian mass extinctions in terms of the processes involved and the timescale on which the extinctions occurred. In the two studies presented here (Brugger et al., 2017, 2021), we model the climatic effects of the Chicxulub impact, one of the proposed causes of the end-Cretaceous extinction, for the first millennium after the impact. The light-dimming effect of stratospheric sulfate aerosols causes severe cooling, with a decrease of global annual mean surface air temperature of at least 26◦C and a recovery to pre-impact temperatures after more than 30 years. The sudden surface cooling of the ocean induces deep convection which brings nutrients from the deep ocean via upwelling to the surface ocean. Using an ocean biogeochemistry model we explore the combined effect of ocean mixing and iron-rich dust originating from the impactor on the marine biosphere. As soon as light levels have recovered, we find a short, but prominent peak in marine net primary productivity. This newly discovered mechanism could result in toxic effects for marine near-surface ecosystems. Comparison of our model results to proxy data (Vellekoop et al., 2014, 2016, Hull et al., 2020) suggests that carbon release from the terrestrial biosphere is required in addition to the carbon dioxide which can be attributed to the target material. Surface ocean acidification caused by the addition of carbon dioxide and sulfur is only moderate. Taken together, the results indicate a significant contribution of the Chicxulub impact to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction by triggering multiple stressors for the Earth system. Although the sixth extinction we face today is characterized by human intervention in nature, this thesis shows that we can gain many insights into future extinctions from studying past mass extinctions, such as the importance of the rate of change (Rothman, 2017), the interplay of multiple stressors (Gunderson et al., 2016), and changes in the carbon cycle (Rothman, 2017, Tierney et al., 2020).
The sulfur (S) isotope composition of carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) in carbonate rocks has been used to assess variations in paleo-oceanographic redox conditions and its relationship to biotic changes in Earth’s history, including the Smithian – Spathian transition. However, previous CAS studies of the Olenekian are mostly based on nearshore continental shelf sections and report highly variable δ34S values mostly offset from those of contemporaneous evaporites, casting doubt on the utility of the CAS proxy during this interval. The current study presents new CAS isotopic data from three well-dated carbonate successions which were deposited in continental shelf (Qiakong) and offshore marine (Wadi Musjah and Jebel Aweri) environments during the Olenekian (Smithian – Spathian). The aim of the study was to constrain the temporal and spatial variations in sulfur cycling and its relation to marine redox and faunal changes across the Smithian – Spathian transition (ca. 250.5–248.8 Ma). The CAS dataset is complemented by rare earth element (REE) concentration data and thin section petrography. Using a suite of optical and geochemical techniques, the preservation of near-primary CAS isotopic information in the studied samples is evaluated. Results indicate that of the three sections investigated, the offshore sections mostly preserve near-primary marine sulfate S-isotope compositions while the continental shelf Qiakong section suffers from post-depositional alteration of CAS. Comparisons of our new, as well as previously published CAS δ34S data, with the evaporite δ34S record suggests that although Olenekian CAS δ34S values may have been modified by diagenetic processes, a global and primary seawater δ34S trend can be delineated as follows: seawater δ34S values increased across the middle Smithian and Smithian – Spathian boundary (SSB). Based on our new CAS data, this increase was in the order of 9 ‰ over ca. 1.14 million years. Other short-term variability in the CAS δ34S record most likely reflects diagenetic processes. The middle Smithian to SSB δ34S increase is attributed to a global increase in microbial sulfate reduction and pyrite burial associated with decreasing ocean dissolved oxygen during this time. Calculations of the rate of sulfur cycling and box modeling constraints indicate that Olenekian marine sulfur cycle perturbations occurred while the seawater sulfate reservoir only had between 10 and 25% of the modern marine sulfate inventory. Furthermore, results from the current study suggest that variations in ocean dissolved oxygen levels, inferred from the δ34S and REE data, are not consistently correlated with nektonic faunal changes during the Olenekian in the studied sections. As such, faunal turnover during the Olenekian is unlikely to be explained exclusively by abiotic factors such as oceanatmosphere oxygenation levels.
This chapter describes the Permian period’s geology, including definition, classification, fauna and flora, palaeogeography, and associated tectonics. In this chapter, two Permian rock units are introduced. The Wadi Dome is exposed on the western side of the Suez Gulf, the Eastern Desert, while the Misawag Formation is named after the Misawaeg well, Siwa basin, north of the Western Desert. The addition of these rock units in this work is in order to facilitate correlation with corresponding rock units in neighbouring countries, such as Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Each rock unit is described in detail, including its definition, stratigraphic contacts, lithological characteristics, distribution and thickness, age assignment, and correlation between Egypt and neighbouring countries (Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq). Two paleographic maps are drawn to manifest the possible depositional environments of the Permian rock units. The depositional environments of Egyptian rock units and their equivalent rock units in adjacent countries are interpreted using lithological types and faunal and floral associations.KeywordsPermianWadi DomeMisawagEastern DesertWestern DesertLibyaJordanSaudi ArabiaIraq
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Unlabelled: The Smithian-Spathian boundary (SSB) crisis played a prominent role in resetting the evolution and diversity of the nekton (ammonoids and conodonts) during the Early Triassic recovery. The late Smithian nektonic crisis culminated at the SSB, ca. 2.7 Myr after the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction. An accurate and high-resolution biochronological frame is needed for establishing patterns of extinction and re-diversification of this crisis. Here, we propose a new biochronological frame for conodonts that is based on the Unitary Associations Method (UAM). In this new time frame, the SSB can thus be placed between the climax of the extinction and the onset of the re-diversification. Based on the study of new and rich conodont collections obtained from five sections (of which four are newly described here) in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China, we have performed a thorough taxonomical revision and described one new genus and 21 new species. Additionally, we have critically reassessed the published conodont data from 16 other sections from South China, and we have used this new, standardized dataset to construct the most accurate, highly resolved, and laterally reproducible biozonation of the Smithian to early Spathian interval for South China. The resulting 11 Unitary Association Zones (UAZ) are intercalibrated with lithological and chemostratigraphical (δ13Ccarb) markers, as well as with ammonoid zones, thus providing a firm basis for an evolutionary meaningful and laterally consistent definition of the SSB. Our UAZ8, which is characterized by the occurrence of Icriospathodus ex gr. crassatus, Triassospathodus symmetricus and Novispathodus brevissimus, is marked by a new evolutionary radiation of both conodonts and ammonoids and is within a positive peak in the carbon isotope record. Consequently, we propose to place the SSB within the separation interval intercalated between UAZ7 and UAZ8 thus leaving some flexibility for future refinement and updating. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13358-022-00259-x.
Taxonomy is the very first step of most biodiversity studies, but how confident can we be in the taxa delineation? One may hypothesize that the more abundant the material, the more accurate the description of morphological variability and hence the better the taxonomic delineation. Yet, as we shall see, in the case of numerous transitional forms, this hypothesis may prove wrong. Similarly to rarefaction curves that assess the degree of knowledge on taxonomic diversity through sampling effort, we aim to test the impact of sampling effort on species delineation by subsampling a given assemblage. To do so, we use an abundant and morphologically diverse conodont fossil assemblage from the Smithian of Oman. We first recognize four well established morphospecies but about 80% of the specimens are transitional forms. We quantify the diagnostic characters in a sample of 159 P1 elements using geometric morphometrics and assess, via gradually subsampling the assemblage, the number of morphometric groups (i.e. morphospecies) using ordination and clustering analyses. Four morphospecies were detected when less than 20% of the specimens were considered. The number of detected clusters dropped to two when including more than 30% of the specimens. Such influence of sampling effort on species delineation highlights the complexity of taxonomic work, especially when transitional forms are more abundant than typical specimens. These results should encourage researchers to extensively illustrate, measure and quantitatively compare their material to better constrain the morphological variability and delineation of taxa.
The middle–late Tournaisian (Hastarian–Ivorian) transition is marked by isotopic and sedimentological evidence of climatic cooling and glaciations accompanied by a sea level fall and changes in global ocean circulation. At this time, the extinction among conodonts was followed by its gradual recovery in the late Tournaisian–early Viséan. Siphonodellids, representing an important part of conodont assemblages in the early–middle Tournaisian, became extinct. This study aims to compare conodont diversity dynamics in Northeast Laurussia and Northeast Siberia. The materials used range in paleolatitudinal gradients from 20°N (the north of the Urals and Pechora Craton) up to 45°N (Northeast Siberia), and in paleoclimatic gradient from an equatorial to a warm subtropical climate. The middle and late Tournaisian conodont associations of these regions demonstrate a high similarity in taxonomic composition and diversity dynamics, which may suggest that the glaciation and the following decrease in temperature probably was not the direct cause of conodont extinction; instead, the changes in the food web implied by the carbon isotope compositions of conodont elements and host carbonates could have been the main driver of the crisis in conodont diversity
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Conodonts are among the first vertebrates to have evolved mineralized tooth-like structures. Among these, the so-called P 1 elements are known to have been used to break down food and display a wide variety of morphologies. In particular, the repeated independent evolution of platform-like P 1 elements have been suggested to correspond to similar functional constraints linked to diet. To test this hypothesis of convergence, we measured size (as element length) for various conodont taxa and used it as a proxy for trophic level. We then tested the correlation between size and platform presence/absence, both on raw data and in a phylogenetic context. Retaining or excluding the platform traits from the character matrix has limited impact on the resulting phylogeny. Contrary to platform presence/absence, size shows no phylogenetic signal. Using the raw data, size and platform presence appear positively correlated. That correlation, however, is no longer significant if one corrects for the phylogeny. We conclude that platform presence cannot be explained by an enlargement of the conodont element, be it via a trophic-level change or developmental constraints. This suggests that conodonts as a whole, and in particular platform-bearing conodonts, were an ecologically diverse group and that the various known platform types are likely to reflect different, rather than convergent, ecological niches.
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Ocean temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations are critical factors that control ocean productivity, carbon and nutrient cycles, and marine habitat. However,the evolution of these two factors in the geologic past are still unclear. Here, we use a new oxygen isotope database to establish the sea surfacetemperature(SST) curve in the past 500 million years. The database is composed of22,796 oxygen isotope values of phosphatic and calcareous fossils. The result shows two prolonged cooling events happened in the late Paleozoic and late Cenozoic, coinciding with two major ice ages indicated by continental glaciation data, and seven global warming eventsthat happened in the late Cambrian, Silurian-Devonian transition, late Devonian, Early Triassic, Toarcian, Late Cretaceous, and Paleocene-Eocene transition.The SSTs during these warming periods are about 5-30 °C higher than the present-day level.Oxygen contents of shallow seawater are calculated from temperature, salinity, and atmospheric oxygen. The results show that major dissolved oxygen valleys of surface seawater coincide with global warming events and ocean anoxic events. We propose that the combined effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen account for the long-term evolution of global oceanic redox state during the Phanerozoic.
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Hagfish depart so much from other fishes anatomically that they were sometimes considered not fully vertebrate. They may represent: ( i ) an anatomically primitive outgroup of vertebrates (the morphology-based craniate hypothesis); or ( ii ) an anatomically degenerate vertebrate lineage sister to lampreys (the molecular-based cyclostome hypothesis). This systematic conundrum has become a prominent case of conflict between morphology- and molecular-based phylogenies. To date, the fossil record has offered few insights to this long-branch problem or the evolutionary history of hagfish in general, because unequivocal fossil members of the group are unknown. Here, we report an unequivocal fossil hagfish from the early Late Cretaceous of Lebanon. The soft tissue anatomy includes key attributes of living hagfish: cartilages of barbels, postcranial position of branchial apparatus, and chemical traces of slime glands. This indicates that the suite of characters unique to living hagfish appeared well before Cretaceous times. This new hagfish prompted a reevaluation of morphological characters for interrelationships among jawless vertebrates. By addressing nonindependence of characters, our phylogenetic analyses recovered hagfish and lampreys in a clade of cyclostomes (congruent with the cyclostome hypothesis) using only morphological data. This new phylogeny places the fossil taxon within the hagfish crown group, and resolved other putative fossil cyclostomes to the stem of either hagfish or lamprey crown groups. These results potentially resolve the morphological–molecular conflict at the base of the Vertebrata. Thus, assessment of character nonindependence may help reconcile morphological and molecular inferences for other major discords in animal phylogeny.
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Biotic interactions such as competition, predation, and niche construction are fundamental drivers of biodiversity at the local scale, yet their long-term effect during earth history remains controversial. To test their role and explore potential limits to biodiversity, we determine within-habitat (alpha), between-habitat (beta), and overall (gamma) diversity of benthic marine invertebrates for Phanerozoic geological formations. We show that an increase in gamma diversity is consistently generated by an increase in alpha diversity throughout the Phanerozoic. Beta diversity drives gamma diversity only at early stages of diversification but remains stationary once a certain gamma level is reached. This mode is prevalent during early- to mid-Paleozoic periods, whereas coupling of beta and gamma diversity becomes increasingly weak toward the recent. Generally, increases in overall biodiversity were accomplished by adding more species to local habitats, and apparently this process never reached saturation during the Phanerozoic. Our results provide general support for an ecological model in which diversification occurs in successive phases of progressing levels of biotic interactions.
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How ecological interactions, genetic processes, and environmental variability jointly shape the evolution of species diversity remains a challenging problem in biology. We developed an individual-based model of clade diversification to predict macroevolutionary dynamics when resource competition, genetic differentiation, and landscape fluctuations interact. Diversification begins with a phase of geographic adaptive radiation. Extinction rates rise sharply at the onset of the next phase. In this phase of niche self-structuring, speciation and extinction processes, albeit driven by biotic mechanisms (competition and hybridization), have essentially constant rates, determined primarily by the abiotic pace of landscape dynamics. The final phase of diversification begins when intense competition prevents dispersing individuals from establishing new populations. Species' ranges shrink, causing negative diversity-dependence of speciation rates. These results show how ecological and microevolutionary processes shape macroevolutionary dynamics and rates; they caution against the notion of ecological limits to diversity, and suggest new directions for the phylogenetic analysis of diversification.
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The colonization of the water column is among the most important transformations in the evolution of animal life and global ecosystems. The Devonian nekton revolution has been identified as a major macroevolutionary event signifying the rapid occupation of the water column by independent radiations of swimming animals. Using new data, an expanded taxonomic coverage, sample standardization and increased ecological resolution, we analysed patterns of nektonization during the Palaeozoic. We find that nekton and eunekton were well established prior to the Devonian and did not diversify dramatically during any Palaeozoic interval. Relative nektic diversity and occurrences decreased rather than increased during the Devonian. Eunektic diversity and occurrences increased throughout the Palaeozoic, but this rise was protracted and cannot be attributed to any single interval. Our new data indicate that the metazoan colonization of the water column was considerably more complex and gradual than previously understood.
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Mass extinctions are defined by extinction rates significantly above background levels and have had substantial consequences for the evolution of life. Geographically selective extinctions, subsequent originations and species redistributions may have changed global biogeographical structure, but quantification of this change is lacking. In order to assess quantitatively the biogeographical impact of mass extinctions, we outline time-traceable bioregions for benthic marine species across the Phanerozoic using a compositional network. Mass extinction events are visually recognizable in the geographical depiction of bioregions. The end-Permian extinction stands out with a severe reduction of provinciality. Time series of biogeographical turnover represent a novel aspect of the analysis of mass extinctions, confirming concentration of changes in the geographical distribution of benthic marine life.
In the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction (~252 Ma) ― the most dramatic biotic crisis of the Phanerozoic ― changes in climate, the carbon cycle, and biodiversity patterns remained extremely variable for several million years. In particular, the Smithian-Spathian boundary crisis, which occurred ca. 1.5 Ma after the Permian-Triassic boundary, coincided with drastic changes in global climate, a major extinction of nektonic organisms, and major shifts in the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of marine carbonates and phosphates. However, the timing of these events and their interrelationships remain controversial. Previous studies concluded that the latest Smithian-earliest Spathian interval was a time of extremely high temperatures, which would have precluded marine (macro)-vertebrates from inhabiting the equatorial realm. Conversely, based on oxygen isotope measurements of conodont elements collected at high temporal resolution from the Salt Range record (Pakistan), we report a major cooling event during that time interval. These results suggest that the interplay between climate and biodiversity patterns is more complex than usually portrayed.
Conodonts and microbrachiopods of latest Cambrian–earliest Ordovician age are documented from the Handler Formation of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Five spot samples from allochthonous limestone clasts collected during expeditions conducted by the Korean Polar Research Institute in 2013–2014 yielded the conodonts Cordylodus proavus, C. lindstromi, Hirsutodontus simplex, and Teridontus nakamurai, associated with four species of brachiopods (two indeterminate acrotretides, a zhanatellid lingulide, and a siphonotretide tentatively referred to Schizambon reticulatus). The four conodont species are distinctive taxa occurring in the widely distributed Cordylodus lindstromi Biozone of the latest Cambrian and the Iapetognathus Biozone at the base of the Ordovician. The allochthonous limestone clasts in the Handler Formation were likely derived from now-lost carbonate shelves developed locally (in the Bowers Arc) or transported from further north. Fossil evidence from the Handler Formation indicates that the final episode of the Ross Orogeny that uplifted and deformed the Robertson Bay Group was no older than early Tremadocian (earliest Ordovician). Striking similarities in fossil content, ages and depositional settings between the limestone olistoliths in the Handler Formation and latest Cambrian–earliest Ordovician autochthonous and allochthonous carbonates of the post-Delamerian Orogen recognized in the Koonenberry Belt (Gnalta Shelf) in far western New South Wales support the depositional model considering the Robertson Bay Group as the synorogenic deposits of the Ross Orogeny.
The Ordovician biodiversification has been recognized since the 1960s; the term ‘The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event’, abbreviated by many as the ‘GOBE’, has been used for the past 20 years. The conceptual development and terminology applied to this crucial episode in marine life signify its considerable complexity. The GOBE includes successive biodiversity phases of the pelagic and benthic biotas, possibly decoupled. Put simply, the GOBE can be seen as a sequence of diversifications of the planktonic (late Cambrian–Early Ordovician), level-bottom benthic (Early–Middle Ordovician) and reef communities (Middle–Late Ordovician), although the boundaries of these ‘events’ are diachronous (as for the entire GOBE), and it is logical to assume that these communities co-evolved and interacted. The GOBE also includes several Biotic Immigration Events (BIMEs), such as the ‘Richmondian Invasion’ and the ‘Boda Event’, recording the large-scale dispersal of taxa from one biogeographical area to another. The GOBE is thus the sum of the diversity trends of all individual fossil groups showing rapid increases, diachronously, during different intervals and across different regions. It thus spans the entire Ordovician, capturing the increasing total diversity of marine organisms during the period. The GOBE is not simply one, but many sequential events.