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Terrain Estimation for Planetary Exploration Robots


Abstract and Figures

A planetary exploration rover’s ability to detect the type of supporting surface is critical to the successful accomplishment of the planned task, especially for long-range and long-duration missions. This paper presents a general approach to endow a robot with the ability to sense the terrain being traversed. It relies on the estimation of motion states and physical variables pertaining to the interaction of the vehicle with the environment. First, a comprehensive proprioceptive feature set is investigated to evaluate the informative content and the ability to gather terrain properties. Then, a terrain classifier is developed grounded on Support Vector Machine (SVM) and that uses an optimal proprioceptive feature set. Following this rationale, episodes of high slippage can be also treated as a particular terrain type and detected via a dedicated classifier. The proposed approach is tested and demonstrated in the field using SherpaTT rover, property of DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), that uses an active suspension system to adapt to terrain unevenness.
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Terrain Estimation for Planetary Exploration Robots
Mauro Dimastrogiovanni 1, Florian Cordes 2and Giulio Reina 3, *
1Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento Via per Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy;
2DFKI Robotics Innovation Center Bremen Robert-Hooke-Str. 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany;
3Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management, Politecnico di Bari, via Orabona 4,
70126 Bari, Italy
Parts of this paper were presented at the Third International Conference of IFToMM Naples, Italy,
9–11 September 2020.
Received: 5 August 2020; Accepted: 26 August 2020; Published: 31 August 2020
A planetary exploration rover’s ability to detect the type of supporting surface is
critical to the successful accomplishment of the planned task, especially for long-range and
long-duration missions. This paper presents a general approach to endow a robot with the ability
to sense the terrain being traversed. It relies on the estimation of motion states and physical
variables pertaining to the interaction of the vehicle with the environment. First, a comprehensive
proprioceptive feature set is investigated to evaluate the informative content and the ability to gather
terrain properties. Then, a terrain classifier is developed grounded on Support Vector Machine
(SVM) and that uses an optimal proprioceptive feature set. Following this rationale, episodes of high
slippage can be also treated as a particular terrain type and detected via a dedicated classifier. The
proposed approach is tested and demonstrated in the field using SherpaTT rover, property of DFKI
(German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), that uses an active suspension system to adapt
to terrain unevenness.
space robotics; planetary surface exploration; terrain awareness; mechanics of
vehicle–terrain interaction; vehicle dynamics
1. Introduction
The main challenges that planetary exploration rovers must face refer to: long-range operations in
hostile environmental conditions, lack of maintenance, and limited human supervision. It is of primary
importance to increase their autonomy level to reduce the reliance on ground control and maximize
the mission’s scientific return. One of the key technologies for autonomous navigation is the ability
to sense and characterize the incoming terrain, avoiding potential hazards. For example, the terrain
being traversed may exhibit high deformability and low traction properties due to low packing density
and/or limited cohesion. This could result in loss of traction as well as in excessive sinkage that in
extreme cases may lead to robot entrapment. For example, in April 2005, the Mars Exploration Rover
Opportunity became embedded in a dune of loosely packed drift material and delayed its operations
for more than a month. A similar embedding event led to the end of mobility for the Spirit rover in
2010 [1].
Beyond general safety and stability assessment, terrain sensing can be used to improve trajectory
tracking by applying methods for slip estimation and compensation (e.g., [
]) or traction control
(e.g., [
]). Future planetary rovers are expected to be able to extend methods for rough-terrain
navigation to infer scientific information of dierent geological formations [6].
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044; doi:10.3390/app10176044
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 2 of 15
Early research in terrain estimation has relied on forward looking sensors and used limited
learning [
]. Monocular and stereo cameras have been the most common sensors used for terrain
estimation from a distance [
], followed by lidars and radars [
], which have been often proposed
in terrestrial applications [
]. The use of exteroceptive sensing leads to the generation of a local
digital elevation model (DEM) to obtain and maintain a discrete traversability map. The appearance
(e.g., texture, color) of dierent terrain patches can provide important clues to analyze the surrounding
terrain [12].
However, observation of a given terrain from a distance does not provide any information about
its impact on the vehicle mobility. It is known that o-road traversability largely depends on the
interaction between the robot and the terrain [
]. Dynamic ill-eects including wheel sinkage, slippage
and rolling resistance are the result of this complex interplay. For example, ground can be considered
drivable based on the geometric elevation map. Yet, the robot can incur serious risks if this terrain
oers low traction properties due to high slippage and consequent lack of progression as explained
in [
]. An extensive discussion on methods for slippage estimation in planetary rovers can be found
in [
], whereas the impact of the irregularity and deformability of the traversed surface on the robot’s
dynamic response are investigated in [16].
Therefore, recently, methods for terrain estimation have been also presented that use proprioceptive
sensing [
]. The envisaged idea is that terrain properties can be obtained directly by the rover
wheels that serve as tactile sensors. Proprioceptive signals are modulated by the vehicle–terrain
interaction and they contain substantial information, which can help to characterize terrain. In addition,
learning approaches have been introduced in order to make intelligent autonomous robots adaptive
to the site-specific environment [
]. Natural terrains represent a challenging scenario due to
variability in surface and lighting conditions, lack of structure, no prior information, and in which
learning approaches have proved to be more appropriate than expert rule-based or heuristic strategies.
For example, the vertical acceleration was used as the main sensory input to train classifiers based on
dierent learning algorithms, including AdaBoost [
], neural network [
], and Cubature Kalman
filtering [
]. Methods that attempt to directly measure some important terrain parameters such as
friction angle and cohesion have been proposed using a linear least squares approximation of the
classical terramechanics theory [
] or via a Bayesian procedure to deal eectively with the presence of
uncertainty [24].
The general learning approach includes data gathering pertaining to the wheel-terrain interaction
followed by a mapping stage of proprioceptive data with the corresponding terrain. This functional
relationship can help addressing various issues: (a) diculty in creating a physics-based terrain
model due to the large number of variables involved, (b) the mapping from proprioceptive input to
a mechanical terrain property is an extremely complicated function, which does not have a known
analytical form or a physical model and one possible way to observe it and learn about it is via training
examples, (c) a learning approach promotes adaptability of the vehicle’s behavior.
This paper presents an approach for terrain identification by gathering important information
pertaining to the mechanics of vehicle–environment interaction. The underlying assumption is that
characteristic traits of the supporting surface can be extracted using vehicle wheels as “tactile” sensors
that generate signals modulated by the physical wheel-soil contact. First, the main features that hold
the highest discriminative power for terrain identification are studied. They form a feature space
upon which a terrain classifier can be built via support vector machine (SVM). By observing these
features during nominal robot operation, dierent types of surfaces can be discriminated. Following
this rationale, conditions of high slippage can also be treated as a particular terrain and detected
though a dedicated classifier that represents an additional contribution of this research. The idea for
the proposed approach was previously presented in [
], where preliminary results were presented.
Here, the method is fully detailed in terms of optimal feature selection and classifier building. It is also
generalized to include as well the case of slippage estimation. Finally, extended experimental results
are included to quantitatively evaluate the system performance.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 3 of 15
Materials and methods used in this research are presented in Section 2, whereas the proprioceptive
“traits” and the proposed selection approach for the optimal feature set are described in Section 3.
The terrain classifier is described in Section 4providing experimental results obtained from the rover
SherpaTT. Finally, lessons learned, and future developments conclude the paper.
2. Materials and Methods
The system is tested and developed using the rover SherpaTT that is shown in Figure 1. SherpaTT
was built by DFKI for long-distance exploration applications [
], negotiation of highly challenging
terrains or non-nominal conditions (sinkage in soft soil, getting entangled between rocks or alike),
cooperation tasks between heterogeneous rovers in a collaborative sample return mission, search
and rescue and/or security missions. SherpaTT is a four-wheeled mobile robot [
] outfitted with an
actively articulated suspension system, independent drive and steer wheel motors and a six degrees
of freedom (DOF) manipulation arm. The rover is also a hybrid wheeled-leg rover, so it can take
advantage of both wheeled and legged locomotion according to the terrain diculty. SherpaTT has a
mass of about 166 kg and a payload capacity of at least 80 kg. Each of the four suspended legs has
five DOF that include the rotation of the whole leg about the shoulder or pan axis with respect to the
robot body, the two rotations of the inner and outer leg parallelograms, the steer and drive angle of
the wheel. SherpaTT’s footprint can vary between 1
1m in a folded configuration to 2.4
2.4 m in a
maximum square footprint. Various predefined footprint shapes (stances) can be adopted as explained
in Figure 2.
Each of the 20 suspension and six arm joints delivers telemetry data at a rate of 100 Hz.
The telemetry includes joint position (absolute and incremental), speed, current, PWM duty cycle and
two temperatures (housing and motor windings). Additionally, a 6-DOF force-torque sensor (FTS) is
placed at the mounting flange of each wheel-drive actuator enabling the direct measurement of the
generalized forces that each wheel exchanges with the supporting surface. Active force control for
the wheel-ground contact as well as the roll-pitch adaption are two processes of the so-called Ground
Adaption Process (GAP) in SherpaTT [
]. Autonomy modules do not need to cope with the limb
articulation in rough terrain [29].
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 16
in Section 3. The terrain classifier is described in Section 4 providing experimental results obtained
from the rover SherpaTT. Finally, lessons learned, and future developments conclude the paper.
2. Materials and Methods
The system is tested and developed using the rover SherpaTT that is shown in Figure 1.
SherpaTT was built by DFKI for long-distance exploration applications [26], negotiation of highly
challenging terrains or non-nominal conditions (sinkage in soft soil, getting entangled between rocks
or alike), cooperation tasks between heterogeneous rovers in a collaborative sample return mission,
search and rescue and/or security missions. SherpaTT is a four-wheeled mobile robot [27] outfitted
with an actively articulated suspension system, independent drive and steer wheel motors and a six
degrees of freedom (DOF) manipulation arm. The rover is also a hybrid wheeled-leg rover, so it can
take advantage of both wheeled and legged locomotion according to the terrain difficulty. SherpaTT
has a mass of about 166 kg and a payload capacity of at least 80 kg. Each of the four suspended legs
has five DOF that include the rotation of the whole leg about the shoulder or pan axis with respect to
the robot body, the two rotations of the inner and outer leg parallelograms, the steer and drive angle
of the wheel. SherpaTT’s footprint can vary between 1 × 1m in a folded configuration to 2.4 × 2.4 m
in a maximum square footprint. Various predefined footprint shapes (stances) can be adopted as
explained in Figure 2.
Each of the 20 suspension and six arm joints delivers telemetry data at a rate of 100 Hz. The
telemetry includes joint position (absolute and incremental), speed, current, PWM duty cycle and
two temperatures (housing and motor windings). Additionally, a 6-DOF force-torque sensor (FTS) is
placed at the mounting flange of each wheel-drive actuator enabling the direct measurement of the
generalized forces that each wheel exchanges with the supporting surface. Active force control for
the wheel-ground contact as well as the roll-pitch adaption are two processes of the so-called Ground
Adaption Process (GAP) in SherpaTT [28]. Autonomy modules do not need to cope with the limb
articulation in rough terrain [29].
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 4 of 15
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019)
and in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue
terrain [
]. During these field trials, dierent test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints
have been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was dierent from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be eectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized timestamp.
Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a Dierential Global
Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are six axial sensors able
to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on each wheel. The IMU
outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute position of the rover
and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each joint’s electrical current
and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Table 1.
Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description, testing
time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Run ID Test Site Terrain
Type Slope Run
Time [s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
Figure 1. SherpaTT in soft sand dunes during Morocco field trials in 2018.
Figure 2. Examples of possible footprint configurations and resulting support polygons.
2.1. Data Sets
Two extensive field trials have been conducted by SherpaTT in the desert of Morocco (2019) and
in the desert of Utah (2016). Both sites have been shown to be representative of Mars analogue terrain
[30]. During these field trials, different test tracks in natural terrain, GAP-modes and footprints have
been tested. Since the focus of those campaigns was different from the aim of this research, only a
small portion of the data logs can be effectively used for terrain estimation purposes. Table 1 sums
up the datasets available for terrain and slippage classification, clarifying specific terrain, total run
time and logged sensors. Specifically, the only available run in the Morocco campaign is performed
on sandy dunes of flat/moderate slopes, while Utah data logs are available on flat, moderate sloped
and steep sloped rocky terrains. Utah moderate sloped terrain presents an inclination less than 10
deg, while steep sloped terrain had a grade up to 28 degrees. All the available experimental runs are
performed following a straight path. Sensor signals are logged together with a synchronized
timestamp. Four sensor modalities are available on SherpaTT: the four FTSs, the body’s IMU, a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) on the rover body and joint telemetry. The FTSs are
six axial sensors able to measure the three cartesian components of forces and moments acting on
each wheel. The IMU outputs the rover’s attitude ad accelerations, while DGPS provides an absolute
position of the rover and it is used for ground truthing. Joint position and speed, as well as each
joint’s electrical current and PWM duty cycle, are available for this study.
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Table 1. Datasets gathered by SherpaTT during field trials; for each test run, terrain description,
testing time and available logged sensors are indicated.
Type Slope Run Time
[s] FTS IMU DGPS Encoders
R01 Morocco Sand Flat/Moderate 381.5
R02 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R03 Utah Rock Flat 214.8
R04 Utah Rock Moderate 152.4
R05 Utah Rock Steep 453.9
R06 Utah Rock Steep 457.7
R07 Utah Rock Steep 481.2
Proprioceptive data streams have been associated with a sequence of terrain patches with the
same length. In this work, a patch length of 0.3 m is considered. In such a way, for each terrain patch,
a set of features has been computed, as extensively explained in the following section.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 5 of 15
2.2. Data Pre Processing
Each sensor modality could have a dierent sample rate. Table 2specifies sensors logging
frequencies. The highest frequency is adopted for the definition of a common absolute timestamp:
a frequency of 100 Hz corresponding to one observation each of 0.01 s. Signals with lower sample rates
are linearly interpolated to obtain signals at 100 Hz.
Table 2. Sensor sample rates.
Sensor Modality Sample Rate [Hz]
FTS 100
IMU 100
DGPS 10–20
Encoders 100
In order to have the same time–space association logic for all datasets, and since DGPS is not
available on Morocco tests, an odometry-based approach is adopted to relate time-stamp with rover
traversed distance. The distance travelled by one of the four rover wheels, d
, between two successive
time-stamps is defined in Equation (1):
is the sampling interval,
is the wheel angular speed measured by the encoder and
is the
wheel undeformed radius. Sensor data have been subdivided into sub-logs that are associated with
each virtual patch. It should be noted that two patches of the same length, in general, may correspond
to dierent actual travel distances due to the extent of wheel slippage. It is also worth mentioning that
the use of “distance” windows is used under the underlying assumption of continuous motion of the
robot without any stop-and-go manoeuvre.
3. Proprioceptive Sensing
This section presents the set of proprioceptive features used to characterize the properties of a
given terrain patch. For each feature, the four statistical moments (mean, variance, skewness and
kurtosis) are computed. Data have been manually labelled in terms of two terrain types (sand for
Morocco and rocky terrain for Utah) and in terms of three discrete classes of slippage (only for Utah,
where slippage can be directly calculated by comparing DGPS with wheel encoders). Data labelling is
necessary, as explained later, for the successive stages of feature selection using validity indices and for
training the terrain and slippage classifiers.
3.1. Proprioceptive Features
A large amount of sensory data can be gathered from Sherpa and potentially used for classification
purposes. However, only a few signals bring significant information related to terrain type.
Here, only the most relevant features that we found are discussed. From the FTSs, three forces
and three moments are available for each wheel. Among these, we retain the longitudinal force F
and the wheel drive torque T
. The wheel drive torque can be also estimated indirectly from the
electrical current, C
, whereas the wheel angular velocity
can be obtained from wheel encoders.
The three body accelerations a
and a
are estimated from the IMU. The mechanical power P
the electrical power PEare computed, respectively, in Equations (2) and (3):
PM=TDω, (2)
PE=VIdPWM, (3)
where V,Iand d
are, respectively, the motor voltage, current and PWM duty cycle of the wheel
drive. Apart from this set of “primary” quantities, a second set of “derivate” features has been found
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 6 of 15
to be eective for terrain characterization. Derivate features can be obtained by combining primary
features according to well-known physics-based relationships. As an example, the friction coecients
µcan be estimated using three dierent sensor data according to Equations (4)–(6):
µ1=FX/FZ, (4)
µ2=TD/RFZ, (5)
µ3=CD/RFZ, (6)
where F
is the wheel vertical force and Ris the wheel unloaded radius. Another key feature is the
so-called wheel speed deviation, SD, that is the absolute value of the dierence between the angular
speed of each wheel
and the average angular speed of the four wheels
as defined by Equation (7):
SD =|ωω|, (7)
Note that the SD can be extended as well to turning motion, as explained in [
]. Wheel
longitudinal stiness LS is computed as the ratio between the friction coecient and the wheel slip
s. In the simplified case of a linear relation between friction coecient and wheel slip, this physical
quantity should represent the slope of friction—slippage plot. Three dierent LS
values are computed
in Equation (8) using the three friction coecients defined before:
s,i=1, 2, 3, (8)
The slippage sis univocally estimated for both accelerating and braking and for each wheel based
on Equation (9):
s=d 1VX
1ωRVX<0, (9)
where V
is estimated with the DGPS and dis positive for accelerating and negative for braking.
An approximate estimate of wheel sinkage zcan be obtained by Equation (10) [32]:
, (10)
Table 3sums up the proprioceptive feature space spanned by the above considerations.
Table 3. Proprioceptive features with relative feature ID number and symbol.
FID Feature Symbol
F1 Longitudinal Force FX
F2 Drive Torque TD
F3 Drive Current CD
F4 Mechanical Power PM
F5 Electrical Power PE
F6 Friction Coecient 1 µ1
F7 Friction Coecient 2 µ2
F8 Friction Coecient 3 µ3
F9 Acceleration X aX
F10 Acceleration Z aZ
F11 Speed Deviation SD
F12 Longitudinal Stiness 1 LS1
F13 Longitudinal Stiness 2 LS2
F14 Longitudinal Stiness 3 LS3
F15 Sinkage z
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 7 of 15
3.2. Statistical Feature and Validity Indices
For the i-th feature, the main statistical moments are estimated: mean
, variance
, skewness
and kurtosis
of the feature signal for a single terrain patch. These statistics are defined according
to Equations (11)–(14):
is the value assumed by the feature at the time-step
is the total number of time-steps
for the considered terrain patch.
In addition, each terrain patch is labelled for terrain type, sand for Morocco data or rock for Utah
data, and slippage level; high slip is for absolute value of slip greater than 0.5 and all other conditions
are low slip.
The statistical features are divided into clusters according to patch labels and a validity index value
is associated with each statistical feature. Two validity indices are proposed to obtain a quantitative
measure of “feature goodness” for terrain patch classification: the WB index [
] and a Pearson
Coecient based index (PC) [
]. These indices are employed in the feature selection method described
in the following section. The WB index is computed as:
SSB , (15)
The sum of square within cluster SSW and between clusters SSB can be computed as follows:
i=1(xiµk)2, (16)
k=1nk(µkµ)2, (17)
where x
is the generic statistical feature value for the patch i,
is the cluster kcentroid value,
is the
overall dataset centroid value, n
is the number of patches in the cluster kand mis the number of clusters.
In this study mis 2 since we have two classes for the terrain classifier. WB index assumes lower values
for higher distance between dierent cluster centroids and for lower variance within clusters. A good
classifier feature allows us to obtain distant and compact clusters, and thus generally corresponds
to a low value of the WB index. A PC index could be computed through the linear regression of a
feature against the m classes, giving a progressive numerical value to each class. A higher value of PC
potentially corresponds to a better classifier feature.
Figures 3and 4show, respectively, the WB1and PC indices values for all the statistical features
computed both on terrain and slippage labelled datasets. Some features are missing because the
correspondent sensor suite is not available in the classification dataset (please refer to Table 1).
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 8 of 15
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
Figure 3. 𝑊𝐵 index values for each feature (F1 to F15), for each statistic (S1 to S4,
respectively, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis) and for terrain (a) and slippage (b)
Figure 3. WB1
index values for each feature (F1 to F15), for each statistic (S1 to S4, respectively, mean,
variance, skewness and kurtosis) and for terrain (a) and slippage (b) classifier.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
Figure 3. 𝑊𝐵 index values for each feature (F1 to F15), for each statistic (S1 to S4,
respectively, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis) and for terrain (a) and slippage (b)
Figure 4. Cont.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 9 of 15
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 16
Figure 4. 𝑃𝐶 index values for each feature (F1 to F15), for each statistic (S1 to S4,
respectively, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis) and for terrain (a) and slippage (b)
3.3. Feature Selection
In a classification problem, plenty of features can be thought of and used for training. Features
can be raw data signals, or a combination of raw signals, signal statistics and so on. However, only a
small amount of the available feature set may be actually relevant to address the classification
The selection of the “most significant features” can be tackled in different ways, i.e., as an
optimization or a search problem [34]. Those techniques can find a local or global optimum feature
set but could be also computationally expensive. The method proposed in this work has a low
computational cost, since the number of its iterations equals the total number of features in the initial
feature space. For the purpose of this work the initial feature space is made up of 15 features and 4
statistics per feature, for a total number of 60 statistical features.
The feature selection method needs as input the labelled initial feature space, the value of a
validity index (VI) associated with each statistical feature and a classifier to be iteratively trained. The
VIs employed in this research were the WB index and the PC index. The classification algorithm is a
linear Support Vector Machine (SVM), one of the most adopted techniques for terrain classification
problem [18], which guarantees good results with a lower computational effort compared with other
techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks [35]. The feature selection algorithm is described
by the following pseudo-code:
01. INPUT: initial feature set (Ifs), VI vector associated with features VIv
02. arrange IFs features in decreasing order of VIv
03. initialize (F1 score)i1 = 60%, initialize reduced feature set (RFs) as an empty set
04. for i from 1 to (number of features)
05. add the i feature from IFs to the RFs
06. train n times the classifier, compute average (F1 score)i
07. if (F1 score)i (F1 score)i1 (F1 threshold)
08. remove i feature from RFs
09. end if
10. update (F1 score)i = (F1 score)i1
11. end for
At each iteration step, a feature is added to the training set and the algorithm verifies if this new
feature leads to a significant increase in the classifier performance. The metric used to quantify the
Figure 4. PC
index values for each feature (F1 to F15), for each statistic (S1 to S4, respectively, mean,
variance, skewness and kurtosis) and for terrain (a) and slippage (b) classifier.
3.3. Feature Selection
In a classification problem, plenty of features can be thought of and used for training. Features
can be raw data signals, or a combination of raw signals, signal statistics and so on. However, only a
small amount of the available feature set may be actually relevant to address the classification problem.
The selection of the “most significant features” can be tackled in dierent ways, i.e., as an
optimization or a search problem [
]. Those techniques can find a local or global optimum feature
set but could be also computationally expensive. The method proposed in this work has a low
computational cost, since the number of its iterations equals the total number of features in the initial
feature space. For the purpose of this work the initial feature space is made up of 15 features and 4
statistics per feature, for a total number of 60 statistical features.
The feature selection method needs as input the labelled initial feature space, the value of a
validity index (VI) associated with each statistical feature and a classifier to be iteratively trained.
The VIs employed in this research were the WB index and the PC index. The classification algorithm is
a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM), one of the most adopted techniques for terrain classification
problem [
], which guarantees good results with a lower computational eort compared with other
techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks [
]. The feature selection algorithm is described
by the following pseudo-code:
INPUT: initial feature set (Ifs), VI vector associated with features VIv
arrange IFs features in decreasing order of VIv
initialize (F1 score)i1=60%, initialize reduced feature set (RFs) as an empty set
for ifrom 1to (number of features)
add the ifeature from IFs to the RFs
train ntimes the classifier, compute average (F1 score)i
if (F1 score)i(F1 score)i1(F1 threshold)
remove ifeature from RFs
end if
update (F1 score)i=(F1 score)i1
end for
At each iteration step, a feature is added to the training set and the algorithm verifies if this new
feature leads to a significant increase in the classifier performance. The metric used to quantify the
classifier performance is the F1 score. In this work the F1 score percentage improvement threshold
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 10 of 15
for a feature to be accepted has been set to 0.5%. The training phase is repeated three times for each
feature (n=3) and an average F1 score of the three trained classifiers is computed. The output of the
algorithm is a reduced feature set, including the only features that bring a significant improvement in
the classifier performance. The algorithm has been tested both with the PC index and the reciprocal of
WB index (
), which allows the first selected features to be potentially the most suitable for the
classifier. Figure 5shows the algorithm results in terms of F1 score for each iteration and for the terrain
(above) and slippage (below) classifier. If the performance increase, the new feature is added to the
“optimal” or reduced feature set (RFs). It is apparent how the most relevant features are found in the
first half of the iterations, where both PC and WB
have higher values. This figure shows that the
chosen validity indices are eective for the selection of relevant features.
Tables 4and 5show the F1 score and the number of selected features for the terrain classifier and
for dierent feature selection methods. PC and WB indicate the feature selection method that uses
the singular VI, as described before. In addition, two combined selections have been also tested that
use the intersection
and the union
of the selected feature set obtained from
selection method. Finally, the training method “All” involves the use of the entire
feature set.
All the proposed selection methods for the terrain classifier achieve similar F1 score of about 93%.
However, the intersection method Int(PC,WB) is the most suitable both for the F1 score and the size of
the reduced feature set. Both single VI methods lead also to similar reduced feature sets. In fact, nine
of the features selected by both WB and PC methods fall into the intersection Int(PC,WB). Taking all
initial features (see “All” method), without any selection phase allows us to reach a good F1 score of
90.4%, but with a higher training set dimensionality and so a higher computational eort.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16
classifier performance is the F1 score. In this work the F1 score percentage improvement threshold
for a feature to be accepted has been set to 0.5%. The training phase is repeated three times for each
feature (n = 3) and an average F1 score of the three trained classifiers is computed. The output of the
algorithm is a reduced feature set, including the only features that bring a significant improvement
in the classifier performance. The algorithm has been tested both with the PC index and the reciprocal
of WB index (𝑊𝐵), which allows the first selected features to be potentially the most suitable for
the classifier. Figure 5 shows the algorithm results in terms of F1 score for each iteration and for the
terrain (above) and slippage (below) classifier. If the performance increase, the new feature is added
to the “optimal” or reduced feature set (RFs). It is apparent how the most relevant features are found
in the first half of the iterations, where both PC and WB1 have higher values. This figure shows that
the chosen validity indices are effective for the selection of relevant features.
Figure 5. Feature selection performance results for terrain (a) and slippage (b) classifier.
Tables 4 and 5 show the F1 score and the number of selected features for the terrain classifier
and for different feature selection methods. PC and WB indicate the feature selection method that
uses the singular VI, as described before. In addition, two combined selections have been also tested
that use the intersection 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑃𝐶,𝑊𝐵 and the union 𝑈𝑛𝑃𝐶,𝑊𝐵 of the selected feature set obtained
from the 𝑃𝐶 and 𝑊𝐵 selection method. Finally, the training method “All” involves the use of the
entire feature set.
Table 4. Comparison of different feature selection methods for terrain classification.
N° features 11 10 9 12 40
F1 score 0.924 0.929 0.931 0.928 0.904
Table 5. Comparison of different feature selection methods for slippage classification.
Figure 5. Feature selection performance results for terrain (a) and slippage (b) classifier.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 11 of 15
Table 4. Comparison of dierent feature selection methods for terrain classification.
PC WB Int(PC,WB) Un(PC,WB) All
Nfeatures 11 10 9 12 40
F1 score 0.924 0.929 0.931 0.928 0.904
Table 5. Comparison of dierent feature selection methods for slippage classification.
PC WB Int(PC,WB) Un(PC,WB) All
Nfeatures 6 10 2 14 60
F1 score 0.939 0.940 0.914 0.936 0.765
The same selection procedure has been performed with the slippage classifier. PC and WB methods
select dierent features. The most relevant features fall into the intersection, which has a slightly lower
F1 but a minimal feature set, hence it can be preferred as the selection method. Table 6collects the
reduced feature space for both algorithms.
Table 6. Reduced feature sets for terrain (a) and slippage (b) classification.
F5S1 F5S1 F2S1 F1S1
F4S1 F4S1 F3S1 F2S1
F4S2 F4S2 F4S1 F3S1
F3S2 F3S1 F5S1 F4S1
F3S1 F4S4 F8S1 F5S1
F2S1 F2S1 F11S1 F8S1
F4S4 F8S1 F4S2 F11S1
F8S1 F11S2 F7S2 F3S2
F1S1 F11S1 F4S4 F4S2
F11S1 F7S2 F7S2
F7S2 F11S2
F3S2 F8S2 F1S2 F1S1
F2S2 F3S1 F3S2 F3S1
F4S2 F8S1 F5S1
F1S2 F3S2 F8S1
F11S1 F15S2 F11S1
F1S3 F5S1 F1S2
F1S2 F2S2
F1S1 F3S2
F11S3 F4S2
F11S2 F8S2
Figure 6shows the 3D scatter plot of the three statistical features that present the highest value of
WB and PC index, respectively, for the terrain and high-slippage classifier. For visualization purposes
and for the terrain classifier only, the corresponding 2D feature distribution is also shown in Figure 7.
As seen from these figures, the feature distribution indicates a good separation level between sand and
rock and it suggests the implementation of a classification algorithm.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 12 of 15
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16
(a) (b)
Figure 6. 3D plot of the first three most relevant features selected for terrain (a) and slippage (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 7. 2D distribution of the most relevant features selected for the terrain classifier: F4S2-F5S1
plane (a), F4S2-F4S1 plane (b).
4. Classification Task
In this section, the results obtained from the two classifiers for terrain and slippage detection are
presented. The classifiers were trained and tested on real data gathered by SherpaTT in the field. The
reduced feature sets to be used for training and testing have been obtained with the intersection
method described in the previous section (refer to Table 6). For both classifiers, the observations
(terrain patches) of the reduced feature dataset have been subdivided into two datasets, according to
the patch class. In addition, 75% of the observations of each class dataset were randomly extracted to
build the training datasets, while the remaining 25% were then used for testing the trained classifiers
[36]. Tables 7 and 8 show the performance metrics of the trained classifiers. The terrain classifier
reaches a global accuracy of 96.3% and a global F1 score of 92.2%, while the slippage classifier has an
accuracy of 99.0% and an F1 score of 92.7%.
Table 7. Performance metrics of the terrain classifier.
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Sand 77.6% 97.7% 96.1% 86.5%
Rock 99.7% 96.1% 97.7% 97.9%
Table 8. Performance metrics of the slippage classifier.
Figure 6.
3D plot of the first three most relevant features selected for terrain (
) and slippage
(b) classification.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16
(a) (b)
Figure 6. 3D plot of the first three most relevant features selected for terrain (a) and slippage (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 7. 2D distribution of the most relevant features selected for the terrain classifier: F4S2-F5S1
plane (a), F4S2-F4S1 plane (b).
4. Classification Task
In this section, the results obtained from the two classifiers for terrain and slippage detection are
presented. The classifiers were trained and tested on real data gathered by SherpaTT in the field. The
reduced feature sets to be used for training and testing have been obtained with the intersection
method described in the previous section (refer to Table 6). For both classifiers, the observations
(terrain patches) of the reduced feature dataset have been subdivided into two datasets, according to
the patch class. In addition, 75% of the observations of each class dataset were randomly extracted to
build the training datasets, while the remaining 25% were then used for testing the trained classifiers
[36]. Tables 7 and 8 show the performance metrics of the trained classifiers. The terrain classifier
reaches a global accuracy of 96.3% and a global F1 score of 92.2%, while the slippage classifier has an
accuracy of 99.0% and an F1 score of 92.7%.
Table 7. Performance metrics of the terrain classifier.
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Sand 77.6% 97.7% 96.1% 86.5%
Rock 99.7% 96.1% 97.7% 97.9%
Table 8. Performance metrics of the slippage classifier.
Figure 7.
2D distribution of the most relevant features selected for the terrain classifier: F4S2-F5S1
plane (a), F4S2-F4S1 plane (b).
4. Classification Task
In this section, the results obtained from the two classifiers for terrain and slippage detection
are presented. The classifiers were trained and tested on real data gathered by SherpaTT in the field.
The reduced feature sets to be used for training and testing have been obtained with the intersection
method described in the previous section (refer to Table 6). For both classifiers, the observations (terrain
patches) of the reduced feature dataset have been subdivided into two datasets, according to the patch
class. In addition, 75% of the observations of each class dataset were randomly extracted to build
the training datasets, while the remaining 25% were then used for testing the trained classifiers [
Tables 7and 8show the performance metrics of the trained classifiers. The terrain classifier reaches a
global accuracy of 96.3% and a global F1 score of 92.2%, while the slippage classifier has an accuracy of
99.0% and an F1 score of 92.7%.
Table 7. Performance metrics of the terrain classifier.
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Sand 77.6% 97.7% 96.1% 86.5%
Rock 99.7% 96.1% 97.7% 97.9%
Table 8. Performance metrics of the slippage classifier.
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Low slip 99.7% 99.2% 92.0% 99.5%
High slip 80.8% 92.0% 99.2% 86.0%
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 13 of 15
The confusion matrix of the training and testing phases are reported in Figures 8and 9. The training
and testing classifier performance are very similar, demonstrating the prediction capability of the two
classifiers on new data.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 16
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Low slip 99.7% 99.2% 92.0% 99.5%
High slip 80.8% 92.0% 99.2% 86.0%
The confusion matrix of the training and testing phases are reported in Figures 8 and 9. The
training and testing classifier performance are very similar, demonstrating the prediction capability
of the two classifiers on new data.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the terrain classifier.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the slippage classifier.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
A general approach for terrain and slippage classification has been proposed and validated
through field experimental data. A SherpaTT rover testing campaign performed in Morocco and Utah
Figure 8. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the terrain classifier.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 16
Precision Recall Specificity F1 Score
Low slip 99.7% 99.2% 92.0% 99.5%
High slip 80.8% 92.0% 99.2% 86.0%
The confusion matrix of the training and testing phases are reported in Figures 8 and 9. The
training and testing classifier performance are very similar, demonstrating the prediction capability
of the two classifiers on new data.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the terrain classifier.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the slippage classifier.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
A general approach for terrain and slippage classification has been proposed and validated
through field experimental data. A SherpaTT rover testing campaign performed in Morocco and Utah
Figure 9. Confusion matrix for training (a) and testing (b) of the slippage classifier.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
A general approach for terrain and slippage classification has been proposed and validated
through field experimental data. A SherpaTT rover testing campaign performed in Morocco and Utah
deserts provided proprioceptive datasets on dierent soil types. A set of features have been defined
and extracted from raw experimental data. Two labels for terrain type (Sand–Rock) and slippage level
(High Slip–Low Slip) have been associated with each terrain patch, together with a set of statistical
features (predictors), obtained from the computation of feature statistical moments on the terrain patch.
Dierent selection methods based on validity index have been tested and proved to be eective for the
extraction of relevant features. Dierent selection methods based on validity index have been tested.
The tested validity indices are the WB index and a Pearson Coecient (PC)-based index. Both indices
are demonstrated to be eective for the extraction of relevant features. Only the features selected by
both WB and PC methods have been kept in the reduced feature set used for classifiers training and
testing. Thanks to the selection, the initial statistical feature set of 60 features was reduced to 9 features
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6044 14 of 15
and to 2 features for slippage classification. The reduced feature set observations, one per terrain patch,
were randomly subdivided into a training set and a testing set, including, respectively, 75% and 25%
of the observations. The two classifiers were trained on the training set and then tested on the new
samples of the testing set, giving as result a global classifier accuracy of 96.7% for terrain classification
and 98.8% for slippage classification.
New experimental tests will be performed in the near future on dierent terrain types and during
various rover maneuvers. Those new data will be used to further validate the proposed approach and
to improve the classifier generalization. The combination of proprioceptive sensing with exteroceptive
perception, as suggested in [18], will be also investigated.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, M.D., G.R.; Methodology, M.D., G.R.; Data curation and experiments
and validation, F.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.D, G.R.; writing—review and editing, F.C. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by the Horizon 2020 European Commission under grant agreement n.
821988 ADE.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... This paper explores the task of Mars terrain segmentation, which aims to identify the drivable areas and the specific terrains. It is of great significance to obstacle avoidance, traversability estimation, data collection, and path planning [5,6], ensuring the safety and productivity of ongoing and future missions to Mars. ...
... From a methodological point of view, the existing methods rely too much on large amounts of training data and lack targeted and effective design. Early works generally defined the set of terrain categories in advance and then directly applied a certain machine learning algorithm such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) [6]. With the rapid development of deep learning, methods based on deep neural networks including but not limited to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are proposed to solve the terrain segmentation task [5,8,9], greatly improving the segmentation performance. ...
Deep learning has become a powerful tool for Mars exploration. Mars terrain segmentation is an important Martian vision task, which is the base of rover autonomous planning and safe driving. However, existing deep-learning-based terrain segmentation methods face two problems: one is the lack of sufficient detailed and high-confidence annotations, and the other is the over-reliance of models on annotated training data. In this paper, we address these two problems from the perspective of joint data and method design. We first present a new Mars terrain segmentation dataset which contains 6K high-resolution images and is sparsely annotated based on confidence, ensuring the high quality of labels. Then to learn from this sparse data, we propose a representation-learning-based framework for Mars terrain segmentation, including a self-supervised learning stage (for pre-training) and a semi-supervised learning stage (for fine-tuning). Specifically, for self-supervised learning, we design a multi-task mechanism based on the masked image modeling (MIM) concept to emphasize the texture information of images. For semi-supervised learning, since our dataset is sparsely annotated, we encourage the model to excavate the information of unlabeled area in each image by generating and utilizing pseudo-labels online. We name our dataset and method Self-Supervised and Semi-Supervised Segmentation for Mars (S$^{5}$Mars). Experimental results show that our method can outperform state-of-the-art approaches and improve terrain segmentation performance by a large margin.
... Terrain segmentation is a subset of semantic segmentation where the pixels of an input image are labeled with different types of terrain features such as sand, soil, and rock. Terrain segmentation is especially important for robotics due to its applications in obstacle avoidance, traversability estimation, sample collection, and energy-aware path planning [15,16]. The basic approach to terrain segmentation is to define a basic set of terrain classes and apply a standard machine learning algorithm such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) [16] or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [15]. ...
... Terrain segmentation is especially important for robotics due to its applications in obstacle avoidance, traversability estimation, sample collection, and energy-aware path planning [15,16]. The basic approach to terrain segmentation is to define a basic set of terrain classes and apply a standard machine learning algorithm such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) [16] or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [15]. The segmentation results can be further refined by applying Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) [17] or connected component labelling [18]. ...
Planetary rover systems need to perform terrain segmentation to identify drivable areas as well as identify specific types of soil for sample collection. The latest Martian terrain segmentation methods rely on supervised learning which is very data hungry and difficult to train where only a small number of labeled samples are available. Moreover, the semantic classes are defined differently for different applications (e.g., rover traversal vs. geological) and as a result the network has to be trained from scratch each time, which is an inefficient use of resources. This research proposes a semi-supervised learning framework for Mars terrain segmentation where a deep segmentation network trained in an unsupervised manner on unlabeled images is transferred to the task of terrain segmentation trained on few labeled images. The network incorporates a backbone module which is trained using a contrastive loss function and an output atrous convolution module which is trained using a pixel-wise cross-entropy loss function. Evaluation results using the metric of segmentation accuracy show that the proposed method with contrastive pretraining outperforms plain supervised learning by 2%-10%. Moreover, the proposed model is able to achieve a segmentation accuracy of 91.1% using only 161 training images (1% of the original dataset) compared to 81.9% with plain supervised learning.
... Chen et al. [14] used two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of the road surface as network input, and used deep learning based on a multi-branch framework to realize the segmentation of road strip repair, potholes, looseness, bridge joints, and the recognition of cracks and block repair. Dimastrogiovanni et al. [15] studied a planetary terrain detection method based on a support vector machine by estimating the motion state of the probe vehicle and the physical variables related to the interaction between the vehicle and the environment. By improving the AlexNet model, Wang et al. [16] constructed a common road-type image perception recognition model with higher network training speed and road image recognition accuracy. ...
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In order to promote the accurate recognition and application of visual navigation robots to the environment, this paper carried out research on the road pattern recognition of a vision-guided robot based on improved YOLOv8 on the basis of road pattern calibration and experimental sampling. First, an experimental system for road image shooting was built independently, and 21 different kinds of road pattern image data were obtained by sampling roads with different weather conditions, road materials, and degrees of damage. Second, the road pattern recognition model based on the classical neural network Resnet 18 was constructed for model training and testing, and the initial recognition of road pattern was realized. Third, the YOLOv8 target detection model was introduced to build the road pattern recognition model based on YOLOv8n, and the model was trained and tested, improving road pattern recognition accuracy and recognition response speed by 3.1% and 200%, respectively. Finally, to further improve the accuracy of road pattern recognition, improvement research was carried out on the YOLOv8n road pattern recognition model based on the C2f-ODConv module, the AWD adaptive weight downsampling module, the EMA attention mechanism, and the collaboration of the three modules. Three network architectures, classical CNN (Resnet 18), YOLOv8n, and improved YOLOv8n, were compared. The results show that four different optimization models can further improve the accuracy of road pattern recognition, among which the accuracy of the improved YOLO v8 road pattern recognition model based on multimodule cooperation is the highest, reaching more than 93%.
... While multi-robot systems offer these advantages, there are instances where they fall short. A single robot such as Matilda [6], Packbot [7], TAROS [8], TALON [9], SherpaTT [10], and Ralter [11], may have diverse manipulation capabilities and additional functions provided by an extensive configuration, but such capabilities often necessitate a larger structure. ...
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This paper presents the path planning and motion control of a self-reconfigurable mobile robot system, focusing on module-to-module autonomous docking and alignment tasks. STORM, which stands for Self-configurable and Transformable Omni-Directional Robotic Modules, features a unique mode-switching ability and novel docking mechanism design. This enables the modules that make up STORM to dock with each other and form a variety configurations in or to perform a large array of tasks. The path planning and motion control presented here consists of two parallel schemes. A Lyapunov function-based precision controller is proposed to align the target docking mechanisms in a small range of the target position. Then, an optimization-based path planning algorithm is proposed to help find the fastest path and determine when to switch its locomotion mode in a much larger range. Both numerical simulations and real-world experiments were carried out to validate these proposed controllers.
... Due to the high efficiency of segmentation networks in terrain analysis, the demand for Mars terrain segmentation is increasing, especially in the application of autonomous planning of Mars rovers because of limited exploration time (for instance, the goal for NASA's 2020 Mars rover mission was less than five hours per excursion [4]). Mars terrain segmentation is a prerequisite for autonomous planning, so it is vital for rover traversability cost analysis, obstacle avoidance, and path planning on Mars [33,34]. Consequently, many researchers Data and method design, the problems that Mars terrain segmentation faces, have attracted the attention of many researchers. ...
Mars terrain segmentation facilitates full comprehension of Martian terrain and plays an important role in the autonomous planning of Mars rover missions. However, existing methods face several issues. Since Martian terrains vary greatly over different regions, segmentation performance tends to degrade severely because of differences from the training terrain. Furthermore, it becomes necessary to utilize unannotated data due to the difficulty of annotating data as required for the Mars terrain segmentation task. Finally, mis-segmentation of objects frequently occurs. To address these challenges, three key approaches are proposed in this paper: (1) We propose a new neural style transfer method named SA-CCPL, which converts images from source domain style to target domain style without losing the image details. (2) We implement a thing-class and stuff-class perception enhancement (TSPE) module, optimizing the network’s scene-comprehension capability. (3) An ensemble of multi-scale models (EMSM) pseudo-label construction method is proposed to improve pseudo-label reliability. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed method is effective in improving the performance of Mars terrain segmentation.
... The robotics autonomous three-dimensional reconstruction [2] has similar goals. In addition, autonomous exploration has The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China also been applied to disaster relief [3], terrain exploration [4] and other fields. Because the environment of these tasks is unknown and changeable, the implementation process requires closely integrated excellent navigation and decision making [5][6][7]. ...
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In this paper, we propose a scheme for autonomous exploration in unknown environments using a mobile robot. To reduce the storage consumption and speed up the search of frontiers, we propose a wave-features-based rapidly exploring random tree method, which can inhibit or promote the growth of sampling trees regionally. Then, we prune the frontiers with mean shift algorithm and use the pruned frontiers for decision-making. To avoid the repeated exploration, we develop a decision making method with consistency assessment, in which the status of the robot and frontiers are explicitly encoded and modeled as a fixed start open traveling salesman problem (FSOTSP). Furthermore, a re-decision mechanism is build to reduce the extra computing cost. Simulations and real-world experiments show the significant improvement of the proposed scheme.
... The Lunar All-Terrain Utility Vehicle (LATUV) rover was used to validate the models, and a concrete-making factory and an abandoned mine were chosen to be test sites. Dimastrogiovanni et al. [20] took driving torque, longitudinal force, and friction coefficient as inputs, constructed a terrain classifier through SVM, and associated terrain types with slip level labels. Sand types corresponded to high slip and rock types corresponded to low slip. ...
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Monitoring the rover slip is important; however, a certain level of estimation uncertainty is inevitable. In this paper, we establish slip estimation models for China’s Mars rover, Zhurong, using Gaussian process regression (GPR). The model was able to predict not only the average value of the longitudinal (slip_x) and lateral slip (slip_y), but also the maximum possible value that slip_x and slip_y could reach. The training data were collected on two simulated soils, TYII-2 and JLU Mars-2, and the GA-BP algorithm was applied as a comparison. The analysis results demonstrated that the soil type and dataset source had a direct impact on the applicability of the slip model on Mars conditions. The properties of the Martian soil near the Zhurong landing site were closer to the JLU Mars-2 simulated soil. The proposed GPR model had high estimation accuracy and estimation potential in slip value, and a 95% confidence interval that the rover could reach during motion. This work was part of a research effort aimed at ensuring the safety of Zhurong. The slip value may be used in subsequent path tracking research, and the slip confidence interval will be able to help guide path planning.
Deep learning has become a powerful tool for Mars exploration. Mars terrain semantic segmentation is an important Martian vision task, which is the base of rover autonomous planning and safe driving. However, there is a lack of sufficient detailed and high-confidence data annotations, which are exactly required by most deep learning methods to obtain a good model. To address this problem, we propose our solution from the perspective of joint data and method design. We first present a new dataset S <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">5</sup> Mars for Semi-SuperviSed learning on Mars Semantic Segmentation, which contains 6K high-resolution images and is sparsely annotated based on confidence, ensuring the high quality of labels. Then to learn from this sparse data, we propose a semi-supervised learning (SSL) framework for Mars image semantic segmentation, to learn representations from limited labeled data. Different from the existing SSL methods which are mostly targeted at the Earth image data, our method takes into account Mars data characteristics. Specifically, we first investigate the impact of current widely used natural image augmentations on Mars images. Based on the analysis, we then proposed two novel and effective augmentations for SSL of Mars segmentation, AugIN and SAM-Mix , which serve as strong augmentations to boost the model performance. Meanwhile, to fully leverage the unlabeled data, we introduce a soft-to-hard consistency learning strategy, learning from different targets based on prediction confidence. Experimental results show that our method can outperform state-of-the-art SSL approaches remarkably. Our proposed dataset is available at
Vibration-based Robotic Ground Classification (V-RGC) is an ability of a field robot identifying the ground types (e.g., grass and clay) according to the proprioceptive vibration sequence. It has proved that the accurate and read-time V-RGC contributes a lot to the avoidance of non-geometric hazards, route planning, and pose estimation. However, V-RGC in a dynamic environment (i.e., data distribution may drift) has not yet been taken into consideration, which motivates us to propose a novel classification method named Joint Domain Adaptation Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine (JDA-S2ELM). First, the projected maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) criterion is introduced to expand the classification boundaries from the source domain to the target domain in a computationally-efficient way. Second, the joint-distribution domain adaptation (DA) is proposed to realize a cascaded marginal- and conditional-distribution DA training framework, which shows a higher and more stable accuracy. Third, target-domain manifold regularization is added to smooth the classification boundaries to cut through low-density regions, thus further increasing the target-domain classification accuracy. The real-world experiment demonstrates that the proposed JDA-S2ELM could increase the target-domain accuracy from about 30% to 90%, which means that V-RGC is adaptable to a dynamic environment.
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For wheeled mobile systems, the wheel odometry is an important source of information about the current motion of the vehicle. It is used e.g. in the context of pose estimation and self-localization of planetary rovers, which is a crucial part of the success of planetary exploration missions. Depending on the wheel-soil interaction properties, wheel odometry measurements are subject to inherent errors such as wheel slippage. In this paper, a parameter-based approach for whole-body slip modeling and calibration is applied to a four-wheeled lightweight rover system. Details on the method for slip parameter calibration as well as the system-specific implementation are given. Experimental results from a test campaign on Mt. Etna are presented, showing significant improvements of the resulting wheel odometry measurements. The results are validated during a long range drive of approx. 900 m and discussed w. r. t. the advantages but also limitations of the method within a space exploration scenario.
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This study presents the electromechanical design, the control approach, and the results of a field test campaign with the hybrid wheeled‐leg rover SherpaTT. The rover ranges in the 150 kg class and features an actively articulated suspension system comprising four legs with actively driven and steered wheels at each leg’s end. Five active degrees of freedom are present in each of the legs, resulting in 20 active degrees of freedom for the complete locomotion system. The control approach is based on force measurements at each wheel mounting point and roll–pitch measurements of the rover’s main body, allowing active adaption to sloping terrain, active shifting of the center of gravity within the rover’s support polygon, active roll–pitch influencing, and body‐ground clearance control. Exteroceptive sensors such as camera or laser range finder are not required for ground adaption. A purely reactive approach is used, rendering a planning algorithm for stability control or force distribution unnecessary and thus simplifying the control efforts. The control approach was tested within a 4‐week field deployment in the desert of Utah. The results presented in this paper substantiate the feasibility of the chosen approach: The main power requirement for locomotion is from the drive system, active adaption only plays a minor role in power consumption. Active force distribution between the wheels is successful in different footprints and terrain types and is not influenced by controlling the body’s roll–pitch angle in parallel to the force control. Slope‐climbing capabilities of the system were successfully tested in slopes of up to 28° inclination, covered with loose soil and duricrust. The main contribution of this study is the experimental validation of the actively articulated suspension of SherpaTT in conjunction with a reactive control approach. Consequently, hardware and software design as well as experimentation are part of this study.
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In this paper, a modified pure-pursuit path following algorithm is presented. The proposed modification utilizes piecewise linear path representation and reduction of lookahead distance based on tracking error. A key safety requirement in application to planetary rovers is to keep the rover within a safety corridor of the path. The main shortcoming of the original algorithm, cutting corners during turns, is addressed through the proposed modifications. Presented simulation results show a reduction of path tracking error of up to 15% compared to the original algorithm while respecting the safety corridor.
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This paper presents the evaluation of a heterogeneous robotic team for planetary exploration purposes. An extensive test campaign with a duration of four weeks was conducted in October/November 2016 in the desert of Utah, USA. The employed robotic systems were tested on natural and unstructured Mars analogue terrain and remotely operated from a control station in Bremen, Ger-many. The paper details the performed system tests as well as the conducted cooperative mission sequences in the scope of a sample return mission. Furthermore, the planning and preparation of the field trial campaign as well as the infrastructure setup in Utah and Bremen and the test execution are presented with regard to lessons learned in the field and at the control center in Bremen.
Physical space exploration missions usually include exploring craters that are composed of various slopes and covered with fine regolith. Wheeled mobile robots (WMRs), commonly known as rovers, are widely used in these missions to find a host of information on topography, mineralogy, geological processes, etc. In traditional terramechanics theories, at least seven experiments under various slip ratios are required to estimate the terrain parameters and drawbar pull that determines a WMR's slope climbing capability. Moreover, the wheel sinkage—an important index that indicates whether the fine and soft planetary regolith would become a dangerous trap—cannot be estimated in-situ currently. In this paper, highly coupled terramechanics equations are simplified into closed-form analytical models, whose effectiveness is experimentally validated after wheels enter quasi-static conditions. Based on these validated equations, the goal of in-situ estimation of terrain parameters, drawbar pull, and wheel sinkage can be accomplished by directly measuring physically measureable quantities. Thus, wheeled rovers will have the ability to perceive the planetary regolith's mechanical properties and the wheels’ running condition by mounting an instrumental wheel that contains a rotation force/torque sensor.
The extent of vibrations experienced by a vehicle driving over natural terrain defines its ride quality. Generally, surface irregularities, ranging from single discontinuities to random variations of the elevation profile, act as a major source of excitation that induces vibrations in the vehicle body through the tire–soil interaction and suspension system. Therefore, the ride response of off-road vehicles is tightly connected with the ground properties. The objective of this research is to develop a model-based observer that estimates automatically terrain parameters using available onboard sensors. Two acceleration signals, one coming from the vehicle body and one from the wheel suspension, are fed into a dynamic vehicle model that takes into account tire/terrain interaction to estimate ground properties. To solve the resulting nonlinear simultaneous state and parameter estimation problem, the cubature Kalman filter is used, which is shown to outperform the standard extended Kalman filter in terms of accuracy and stability. An extensive set of simulation tests is presented to assess the performance of the proposed estimator under various surface roughness and deformability conditions. Results show the potential of the proposed observer to estimate automatically terrain properties during operations that could be implemented onboard of a general family of intelligent vehicles, ranging from off-road high-speed passenger cars to lightweight and low-speed planetary rovers.
This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of well-known machine learning algorithms for estimating discrete slip events associated with individual wheels in planetary exploration rovers. This analysis is performed with various tuning configurations for each algorithm (55 setups). This research also shows the key role that environment plays in the performance of the learning algorithms: rover speed (0.05–0.25 [m/s]), type of terrain (gravel vs. sand), and tire type (off-road tires vs. smooth tires). These contributions are validated by using a broad data set collected using a planetary rover equipped with proprioceptive sensing. This work not only identifies the best algorithm to be deployed for discrete slip estimation, but it also helps with the selection and the mounting position of the sensing systems to be employed in future robotic planetary missions.
Plant phenotyping, that is, the quantitative assessment of plant traits including growth, morphology, physiology, and yield, is a critical aspect towards efficient and effective crop management. Currently, plant phenotyping is a manually intensive and time consuming process, which involves human operators making measurements in the field, based on visual estimates or using hand-held devices. In this work, methods for automated grapevine phenotyping are developed, aiming to canopy volume estimation and bunch detection and counting. It is demonstrated that both measurements can be effectively performed in the field using a consumer-grade depth camera mounted on-board an agricultural vehicle. First, a dense 3D map of the grapevine row, augmented with its color appearance, is generated, based on infrared stereo reconstruction. Then, different computational geometry methods are applied and evaluated for plant per plant volume estimation. The proposed methods are validated through field tests performed in a commercial vineyard in Switzerland. It is shown that different automatic methods lead to different canopy volume estimates meaning that new standard methods and procedures need to be defined and established. Four deep learning frameworks, namely the AlexNet, the VGG16, the VGG19 and the GoogLeNet, are also implemented and compared to segment visual images acquired by the RGB-D sensor into multiple classes and recognize grape bunches. Field tests are presented showing that, despite the poor quality of the input images, the proposed methods are able to correctly detect fruits, with a maximum accuracy of 91.52%, obtained by the VGG19 deep neural network.
Surface irregularity acts as a major excitation source in off-road driving that induces vibration of the vehicle body through the tire assembly and the suspension system. When adding ground deformability, this excitation is modulated by the soil properties and operating conditions. The underlying mechanisms that govern ground behavior can be explained and modeled drawing on Terramechanics. Based on this theory, a comprehensive quarter-car model of off-road vehicle is presented that takes into account tire/soil interaction. The model can handle the general case of compliant wheel rolling on compliant ground and it allows ride and road holding performance to be evaluated in the time and frequency domain. An extensive set of simulation tests is included to assess the impact of various surface roughness and ground deformability through a parameter study, showing the potential of the proposed model to describe the behavior of off-road vehicles for design and performance optimization purposes.
Future lunar/planetary exploration missions will demand mobile robots with the capability of reaching more challenging science targets and driving farther per day than the current Mars rovers. Among other improvements, reliable slippage estimation and compensation strategies will play a key role in enabling a safer and more efficient navigation. This paper reviews and discusses this body of research in the context of planetary exploration rovers. Previously published state-of-the-art methods that have been validated through field testing are included as exemplary results. Limitations of the current techniques and recommendations for future developments and planetary missions close the survey.