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Abstract and Figures

Electrical stimulation devices have been widely used for therapy and muscle strength training. This study aims to develop these stimulation devices in weight loss, fat percentage, and waist circumference programs for overweight women. Ten respondents who had never undertaken strenuous physical activity aged between 25-35 years were selected with BMI criteria> 25.0 kg / m2, fat percentage> 25%, and abdominal circumference> 80 cm through pretest measurements. Respondents underwent EMS training with isometric body movement training. The training is carried out twice a week for 12 meetings with 80% training intensity (60-80 Hz flow). The post test results showed that the average weight difference was 6.49%; average difference in fat percentage of 15.54%; and the average waist circumference difference of 6.74%. So, bodyweight training with EMS can significantly reduce body fat percentage, and waist circumference.
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ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
Priska Dyana Kristi1, Dr. dr. BM. Wara Kushartanti2, Rifqi Festiawan3
1,2Sports Science Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University
3Physical Education Study Program, Faculty Of Health Science, Jenderal Soedirman University
Received:20 January 2020 Revised and Accepted: 06 March 2020
Electrical stimulation devices have been widely used for therapy and muscle strength training. This study aims to
develop these stimulation devices in weight loss, fat percentage, and waist circumference programs for overweight
women. Ten respondents who had never undertaken strenuous physical activity aged between 25-35 years were
selected with BMI criteria> 25.0 kg / m2, fat percentage> 25%, and abdominal circumference> 80 cm through
pretest measurements. Respondents underwent EMS training with isometric body movement training. The training
is carried out twice a week for 12 meetings with 80% training intensity (60-80 Hz flow). The post test results
showed that the average weight difference was 6.49%; average difference in fat percentage of 15.54%; and the
average waist circumference difference of 6.74%. So, bodyweight training with EMS can significantly reduce
body fat percentage, and waist circumference.
Keywords: Electrical Muscle Stimulation; Bodyweight Training; Overweight.
I. Introduction
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is the application of electric current to bring about muscle contraction.
Muscle contraction with EMS is different from muscle contraction initiated by the central nervous system [11].
The use of electrical stimulation aims to obtain the desired physiological response to illness and injury in humans
[4]. Today, EMS has become a mainstay of physical therapy training to rehabilitate muscles after injury or surgery
to prevent muscle atrophy. Training using EMS has now also been developed into a popular treatment technique
for patients suffering from central nervous system disorders secondary to stroke or spinal cord injury. Research
by Esteve in 2015 that analyzed the effects of the EMS program on muscle strength, functional capacity and body
composition in hemodialysis (HD) patients who experienced decreased physical activity and decreased quality of
life showed that EMS intradialysis of both thighs safely and effectively increased muscle strength , functional
capacity and muscle composition of the patient [3]. On the other hand, Kots research in the Soviet Union suggested
that EMS was more effective than exercise alone in strengthening skeletal muscle in elite athletes [7].
To produce significant changes in biochemical parameters and body composition, electrical stimulation or
electrical stimulation programs are needed combined with physical exercise, so that more muscles are recruited
with a more comprehensive effect [4]. However, the benefits of applying EMS throughout the body have not been
investigated to achieve a physical condition improvement program in healthy individuals. Thus, the aim of this
study is to find out whether EMS can affect weight loss, body fat percentage, and waist circumference in healthy
individuals using the Miha bodytec EMS device which is marketed to the general public.
Related Works/Literature Review
The central nervous system will first activate the smallest alpha motoneuron during activities carried out
according to the will. When the force needed increases, there is a progressive increase in motoneuron. The order
of muscle recruitment depends on the size of alpha motoneuron. The size of alpha motoneuron is related to the
type of muscle conserved by motoneuron. Slow Oxidative muscle types are usually recruited first, whereas fast
glycolitic (FG) is the most difficult to recruit at will activation. The order of muscle recruitment is reversed when
the muscles are activated through electrical stimulation, with the largest diameter muscles namely the FG muscles
being recruited first and the smaller diameter muscles being recruited later [8]. Studies not only claim that the
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
electrically generated force is greater than that produced voluntarily but also that this happens without producing
pain [10].
Jhon P. Pocari tested the increase in muscle strength, reduce body weight and body fat, and improve muscle
ability in healthy individuals [8]. A total of 27 college student volunteers were assigned to the EMS group by 16
people and the control group by 11 people. The EMS group experienced stimulation 3 times per week, while the
control group underwent a shock stimulation session simultaneously. The results of this study indicate that EMS
does not have a significant effect on the parameters measured. Thus, claims relating to the effectiveness of EMS
for apparently healthy individuals are not supported by the findings of this study. From this study, it can be used
as a reference for developing EMS accompanied by high intensity bodyweight training [8].
II. Material & Methodology
A total of ten respondents were selected according to the criteria as subjects for this study. The subjects
involved carried out EMS training during 12 meetings. Criteria for inclusion of subjects included women aged
25-35 years with a BMI (Body Mass Index)> 25.0 kg / m2 and had a fat percentage> 25%. The subject is an active
member of the 20 studio FIT Yogyakarta, who takes a minimum package of 12x meetings and is willing to attend
the training program until completion. While the exclusion criteria include pregnancy, injury, and a history of
heart disease.
In detail, the bodyweight training group with EMS consists of 7 people aged 31-35 years and 3 people aged
25-30 years The work of research subjects bodyweight training group with EMS consists of 2 students, 3 career
women, and 5 postnatal women .
Figure 1. Age of Research Subjects
Figure 2. Work subject Research Bodyweight Training with EMS
At the pretest and posttest measurements were carried out, including: Body Mass Index (BMI) consisting of
body weight and height, body fat percentage by measuring the thickness of skin and subcutaneous fat, waist
circumference. The initial test (pre-test) was carried out in order to find out the initial data from the research
subjects. Subject assessment was carried out using a digital scale to weigh weight, skinfold caliper to measure the
thickness of subcutaneous fat, and a measuring tape to measure waist circumference and height. Fat thickness is
mahasiswa wanita karir pasca melahirkan
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
measured 3 times at the next 4 points in the body using biceps, triceps, subscapular, supraspinale [2]. The counting
technique from the four points is summed to find out the thickness of the fold by rounding the number of skin
folds measured and entering the fat percentage table data (table 1).
The implementation of the final test or post-test in this study is the same as the implementation of the initial
test, namely by using and weight measurement tests using weight scales, body fat percentage using skinfold
caliper, and measuring tape to measure waist circumference and height. The purpose of the final test (posttest) is
to determine the difference in the score of the pretest and posttest after the treatment or practice
The method used in this study is an experimental method using a one group pretest-posttest research design
[5]. A Miha bodytec machine is used when doing bodyweight training using the EMS method. For each exercise,
respondents performed bodyweight training movements consisting of Squats, Lunges, 1 leg standing, pull down,
shoulder press, chest press, butterfly, deadlift, standing twist, and plank. Each movement is carried out
isometrically as many as 8 reps. The current used is alternating current (AC) at a frequency of 60 KHz which will
be modulated at a frequency of 80 Hz with an intensity of 80%. The stimulus is applied 4 seconds "on" which is
then followed by 4 seconds "off" or rest time, with a recommended training time of 20 minutes per stimulation
session [10].
The exercises are carried out following the training program that has been prepared. Before being used for
research, the training program is validated by expert lecturers, so that the training program is feasible for research.
Lecturer validation of the training program, namely Prof. Dr. Suharjana. The research process was conducted
during 12 meetings not including pretest and posttest.
To get confidence that the research design has been chosen to be sufficient to test the research hypothesis and
the results of the study can be generalized to the population, then validation of the things or variables in this study
is in accordance with the statement [7]. Controlling a number of these variables includes: Bias selection is a
selection that is distinguished from subjects who are members of the experimental group. This is controlled by
selecting research subjects and research groups according to criteria. So that the experimental process is not
contaminated by historical effects in the form of events outside the training process, it is sought that the training
process takes place in relatively similar situations and conditions.
Furthermore, to avoid losing the research subject, it is carried out by recording the subject that has been
identified as a candidate for the unit of analysis and beginning the implementation until the end of the experimental
process. The effect of regression in this study is by selecting members who are overweight. Statistically they do
not exercise outside, so the change in the results measured after the experimental process is expected to be purely
as a result and the treatment given. Population validity is controlled by: selecting samples according to population
characteristics through procedures and selecting criteria when determining the group of subjects to be treated.
Inform members that they are being the subject of research, do not change the training schedule, the training is
given by experienced trainers, and monitoring of the experiment is carried out by the researcher.
Table 1. Body Fat Standard
Fitness Category
20 29
30 39
40 49
50 59
Essensial Fat
10 13
10 13
10 13
10 13
14.5 17
15.5 17.9
18.5 21.2
21.6 24.9
17.2 20.5
18 21.5
21.3 24.8
25 28.4
20.6 23.6
21.6 24.8
24.9 28
28.5 31.5
Below Average
23.7 27.6
24.9 29.2
28.1 32
31.6 35.5
Source: ACSM’S Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual,
2ndEd. 2008. pg 59.
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
Figure 3. Measurement of body weight, fat percentage and waist circumference
Figure 4. Bodyweight training with EMS
III. Results & Discussion
Normality test is done to find out whether the data has a normal distribution. The test used is the
Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Normality testing uses the help of the SPSS for Windows Evaluation Version program.
The criteria used to determine whether or not a distribution is normal is if p> 0.05 (5%) of the distribution is
declared normal, and if p <0.05 (5%) the distribution is said to be abnormal [12]. Based on the normality test
results table (table 2), it is known that the overall p value> 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no
difference in the frequency of observations (results) with the normal expectation frequency which means that all
data in this study are normally distributed. Thus all data can be analyzed using parametric tests.
Table 2. Normality Test Results
Fat Percentage
Waist size
Homogeneous test is a test to find out whether the variances of a number of populations are the same or
not [12]. Homogeneity variance test was carried out to test the similarity of variance in the pre-test and post-test
experimental groups. Homogeneity test uses Levene's Test with F test. Homogeneity test uses the help of a
computer program SPSS 16.0 for Windows Evaluation Version with the formula F test. Homogeneity test rules,
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
if F count <F table and p> 0.05 (5%) then the two variables otherwise homogeneous, otherwise if F count> F table
and p <0.05 (5%) then it is not homogeneous. Based on the homogeneity test results of each variable (table 3), it
is known that the significance value is greater than 0.05 (p> 0.05), so it can be concluded that the data presented
are homogeneous (the same).
Table 3. Homogeneous Test Results
Fat Percentage
Waist size
Next, a t-test is performed to determine whether there are differences in the variables between the pretest
and posttest in the experimental group. The results of the analysis stated there are differences if the significance
value is less than 0.05 (p <0.05). Data obtained from the initial test (pretest) and final test (posttest) will be
analyzed statistically descriptive using the t test using a SPSS computer program with a significance level of 5%
or 0.05. This t-test aims to determine whether or not the influence of bodyweight training on body weight, body
fat percentage and waist circumference in members of 20FIT Yogyakarta.
Hypothesis testing in this study uses two t-test techniques to determine the effect of exercise on the
dependent variable that has the value of two tests (pretest and posttest) using a computer SPSS program. All tests
were carried out at a significance level of 0.05. The following hypothesis is the result of paired t-test:
Effect of Bodyweight Training with EMS on Weight Loss
To make a decision whether the proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected, then it is defined as follows:
Ho :
There was no effect of bodyweight training using EMS on weight loss.
Ha :
The impact of bodyweight training by using EMS on weight loss.
The criteria for making a hypothesis test decision by comparing the probability value (p) with α = 5%. The
decision criteria are as follows: (1) if p> 0.05, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected; (2) if p <0.05 then Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted. The results of the analysis (table 4) note that the value of p (sig.) In the weight variable is
0,000 <0.05; thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted; so it can be concluded "there is an effect of bodyweight
training using EMS on weight loss".
Table 4. Results of Paired t-test Bodyweight Training with EMS for Body Weight
t ht
t tb
Effect of Bodyweight Training with EMS on Fat Percentage
To make a decision whether the proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected, then it is defined as follows:
Ho :
There is no effect of bodyweight training using EMS to reduce fat percentage.
Ha :
There is an effect of bodyweight training using EMS to reduce the percentage of fat.
The criteria for making a hypothesis test decision by comparing the probability value (p) with α = 5%. The
decision criteria are as follows: (1) if p> 0.05, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected; (2) if p <0.05 then Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted. The results of the analysis (table 5) note that the value of p (sig.) In the weight variable is
0.002 <0.05; thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted; so it can be concluded "there is an effect of bodyweight
training using EMS to reduce fat percentage".
Table 5. Paired t-test Bodyweight Training with EMS Tests for Fat Percentage
t ht
t tb
Fat Percentage
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 6, 2020
Effect of Bodyweight Training with EMS on the Waist
Untuk membuat keputusan apakah hipotesis yang diajukan diterima atau ditolak, maka didefinisikan sebagai
Ho :
There is no effect of bodyweight training using EMS to decrease waist circumference.
Ha :
There is an effect of bodyweight training using EMS to decrease waist circumference
The criteria for making a hypothesis test decision by comparing the probability value (p) with α = 5%. The
decision criteria are as follows: (1) if p> 0.05, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected; (2) if p <0.05 then Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted. The results of the analysis (table 6) note that the p value (sig.) In the weight variable is 0,000
<0.05; thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted; so it can be concluded "there is an effect of bodyweight training
using EMS to decrease waist circumference".
Table 6. Paired Bodyweight Training t-test with EMS Test on Waist Circumference
t ht
t tb
In more detail, the results of the analysis in the Table above stated that: 1) The bodyweight training group
using EMS had an effect on weight loss, with an average difference of 6.49%, 2) The bodyweight training group
using EMS affected the reduction in fat percentage, with an average difference of 15.54%, 3) The bodyweight
training group using EMS had an effect on decreasing waist circumference, with an average difference of 6.74%.
IV. Discussion
Bodyweight training dengan EMS mengalami adaptasi metabolik yaitu meningkatnya metabolisme lemak
selama olahraga. Latihan dengan intensitas tinggi mampu memacu kerja jantung lebih keras sehingga konsumsi
oksigen meningkat, dengan demikian metabolisme tubuh pun meningkat dan makin banyak lemak yang digunakan
untuk pembakaran [1]. Kemudian terjadi lonjakan dalam epinefrin dan norepinefrin yang dapat melayani peran
katalis untuk meningkatkan penurunan lemak. Hal ini telah terbukti dapat mendorong lypolisis (pemecahan
lemak), dan sebagian besar bertanggung jawab dalam pembebasan lemak dari kedua penyimpanan lemak yaitu
dibawah kulit dan di dalam otot [4]. EMS terbukti mampu menghancurkan lemak yang menutupi otot,
meningkatkan suplai darah ke otot, dan kemudian membantu untuk memberi kekuatan otot perut untuk
menghancurkan lemak dari dalam, melalui kontraksi listriknya [10].
V. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that bodyweight
training using EMS can significantly reduce body weight, fat percentage, and waist circumference.
Acknowledgement: This research is fully suported by the post-graduate program of Yogyakarta State University
VI. References
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... The WB-EMS vest and pants are equipped with 20 conductive electrodes to stimulate the muscles of the arm (2 electrodes), lower back (2 electrodes Subjects warmed up with dynamic stretching movements 5 minutes before the main exercise and cooled down about 5 minutes after the main exercise. (13) For each training session, respondents performed bodyweight exercises including squats, lunges, crunches, and planks (images). Subjects performed 2 sets of movements bearing body weight with a 20-second rest period between each movement. ...
... Subjects performed 2 sets of movements bearing body weight with a 20-second rest period between each movement. (13) Squats and lunges are exercises that can strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes in the lower body. Crunches are an abdominal exercise that strengthens the right part of the abdomen. ...
... Plank is the most basic exercise for central muscles that strengthens the muscles around the spine. (13) Both training groups performed Squat, lunge, crunch 20 times each and plank exercise for 1 minute (2 sets). The number of sets and repetitions was equal between the groups. ...
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Introduction: Nowadays more people are overweight more than before. Overweight can be considered as having more body fat than desired. Overweight or obesity increases the relative risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease in women. Therefore, this research investigates the effect of eight weeks of electrical muscle stimulation on the interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 levels in overweight women. Research method: In this research, we selected 34 overweight women and then randomly divided into three groups: control (10 people), resistance training (12 people) and resistance training + EMS (12 people). Then, two experimental groups performed resistance exercises for 8 weeks and 2 sessions per week, each session 20 minutes. In order to check the research variables, we collected 5 cc of blood from the research samples 48 hours before and after the test. We used Shapiro-Wilk test and analysis of covariance with SPSS version 24 software for statistical analysis of the research. Results: The analysis of IL-6 serum levels of the participants before and after eight weeks of intervention through covariance analysis showed that the difference between groups (control groups, resistance training and resistance training + EMS) was not statistically significant (p = 0.307).
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Imagery atau visualisasi merupakan bentuk kreasi mental yang dilakukan secara sadar dan disengaja dan bertujuan untuk membentuk persepsi sesuatu dengan jalan membentuk imaji kreatif di dalam benak seseorang. imagery dapat dibagi atau diklasifikasikan menurut tujuan dan aplikasinya sebagai berikut: a) Motivational Specific (MS), b) Motivational General-Mastery (MG-M), c) Motivational General-Arousal (MG-A), d) Cognitive Specific (CS) dan e) Cognitive General (CG).Latihan imagery jika dilakukan dengan program yang tepat dapat bermanfaat untuk mempersiapkan olahragawan dalam melakukan suatu gerakan, gaya, atau keterampilan baru. Dapat pula diterapkan untuk memperbaiki suatu gerakan, gaya, atau cara bereaksi. Selain itu juga dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi, meningkatkan motivasi, membangun kepercayaan diri, memantapkan strategi persiapan pertandingan serta, mengurangi rasa sakit dan pemulihan pasca cedera. Imagery dalam kegiatan olahraga dapat digunakan selama periodesasi latihan, yaitu digunakan selama training, kompetisi, dan rehabilitasi. Secara spesifik Imagery dapat digunakan sebelum dan sesudah latihan, sebelum dan sesudah pertandingan, selama waktu istirahat dalam latihan dan kompetisi, selama waktu pribadi di luar latihan resmi dan selama pemulihan cedera.
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Purpose. This is a secondary analysis of previously published data to investigate the effects of electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) on strength of various muscle groups in critically ill patients. Methods. One hundred forty-two consecutive patients, with APACHE II score ≥ 13, were randomly assigned to the EMS or the control group. EMS sessions were applied daily on vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and peroneus longus of both lower extremities. Various muscle groups were evaluated with the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale for muscle strength. Handgrip strength assessment was also employed. Results. Twenty four patients in the EMS group and 28 patients in the control group were finally evaluated. EMS patients achieved higher MRC scores than controls (P ≤ 0.05) in wrist flexion, hip flexion, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion. Collectively, the EMS group performed higher (P < 0.01) in the legs and overall. Handgrip strength correlated (P ≤ 0.01) with the upper and lower extremities' muscle strength and the overall MRC scores. Conclusions. EMS has beneficial effects on the strength of critically ill patients mainly affecting muscle groups stimulated, while it may also affect muscle groups not involved presenting itself as a potential effective means of muscle strength preservation and early mobilization in this patient population.
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The effect of regular aerobic exercise on body fat is negligible; however, other forms of exercise may have a greater impact on body composition. For example, emerging research examining high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) indicates that it may be more effective at reducing subcutaneous and abdominal body fat than other types of exercise. The mechanisms underlying the fat reduction induced by HIIE, however, are undetermined. Regular HIIE has been shown to significantly increase both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. HIIE also significantly lowers insulin resistance and results in a number of skeletal muscle adaptations that result in enhanced skeletal muscle fat oxidation and improved glucose tolerance. This review summarizes the results of HIIE studies on fat loss, fitness, insulin resistance, and skeletal muscle. Possible mechanisms underlying HIIE-induced fat loss and implications for the use of HIIE in the treatment and prevention of obesity are also discussed.
The one-group pretest–posttest pre-experimental design has been widely criticized, yet continues to be used in some clinical nursing research studies. This editorial explains what is wrong with the design, suggests reasons for its continued use, and gives some recommendations regarding what can be done about it.
Electrical muscle stimulation devices (EMS) have been advertised to increase muscle strength, to decrease body weight and body fat, and to improve muscle firmness and tone in healthy individuals. This study sought to test those claims. Twenty-seven college-aged volunteers were assigned to either an EMS (n = 16) or control group (n = 11). The EMS group underwent stimulation 3 times per week following the manufacturer's recommendations, whereas the control group underwent concurrent sham stimulation sessions. Bilaterally, the muscles stimulated included the biceps femoris, quadriceps, biceps, triceps, and abdominals (rectus abdominus and obliques). An identical pre- and posttesting battery included measurements of body weight, body fat (via skinfolds), girths, isometric and isokinetic strength (biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings), and appearance (via photographs from the front, side, and back). EMS had no significant effect on the any of the measured parameters. Thus, claims relative to the effectiveness of EMS for the apparently healthy individual are not supported by the findings of this study.
ACSM's Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual
  • G B Dwyer
  • S E Davis
Dwyer, G. B., Davis, S. E. "ACSM's Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual" 2nd Edition. Baltimore, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (2008).
The effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on muscle strength, functional capacity and body composition in haemodialysis patients
  • V Esteve
  • J Carneiro
  • F Moreno
  • M Fulquet
  • S Garigga
  • M Pou
  • V Duarte
  • A Saurina
  • I Tapia
  • M Ramirez De Arellano
Esteve, V., Carneiro, J., Moreno, F., Fulquet, M., Garigga, S., Pou, M., Duarte, V., Saurina, A., Tapia, I., Ramirez de Arellano, M. (2017). The effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on muscle strength, functional capacity and body composition in haemodialysis patients. Nefrología. 2017;37:68-77.
Electrostimulation (Canadian-Soviet exchange symposium on electrostimulation of skeletal muscles
  • Y M Kots
Kots YM. Electrostimulation (Canadian-Soviet exchange symposium on electrostimulation of skeletal muscles, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 6-15, 1977).