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Database of National Species List of Korea: the taxonomical systematics platform for managing scientific names of Korean native species

  • InfoBoss Co., Ltd.

Abstract and Figures

A scientific name is one of changeable terms in biology whenever additional research results of specific taxa is accumulated. The Database of the National Species List of Korea (DBNKo) was developed to manage taxonomic information of Korean species, designed to describe the changeable and complex taxonomical structure and information. A Korean Taxonomical Serial Number (KTSN) was assigned to each taxon, different from the normally used systems that the scientific name was considered as primary key to manage higher rank of taxa systematically. Common names were also treated with the KTSN, reflecting that common name is considered as one type of taxon. Additional taxonomic information (e.g., synonyms, original names, and references) was also added to the database. A web interface with an intuitive dashboard presenting taxonomic hierarchical structure is provided to experts and/or managers of the DBNKo. Currently, several biological databases are available in the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) such as a specimen database, a digital library, a genetic information system, and the shared species data based on the DBNKo. The DBNKo started sharing species information with other institutions such as the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources. It is an ideal centralized species database to manage standardized information of Korean species.
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A species is a basic unit for classifying all living crea-
tures on Earth. Following the widespread adoption of
binomial nomenclature by Carl Linnaeus (Linnaeus,
1753), the hierarchical taxonomic structure was estab-
lished and has been continually improving (Stearn, 1959;
Griffiths, 1976; Ereshefsky, 1997). With the develop-
ment of information management technologies, a huge
amount of species names had been deposited into these
taxonomic databases. Several major species databases
are now available; first, the Catalogue of Life (http://
www.catalogueo, which provides all available
species names in the world with simple taxonomic in-
formation of genus, family, order, class, and kingdom
(Roskov et al., 2013). It also provides both a web-based
interface for searching species and an annual checklist.
There are 1,837,565 species archived in this database, as
well as 63,418 extinct species (As of June 2019). A sec-
ond example is the Encyclopedia of Life (EoL; https://; Wilson, 2003) which categorizes 1,999,030
species and higher taxa (NatureServe, 2008). Many re-
searchers have contributed to this database, including
high-quality taxonomic data of each species. A third
example is the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
(GBIF;, which provides species
distribution data (1,393,178,066 occurrences; updated
March 2020) and a comprehensive species list (3,499,326
accepted species and 2,148,205 synonyms; updated June
2019) (Secretariat, 2013). Yet another example is the
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
taxonomy database (
Journal of Species Research 9(3):233-246, 2020
Database of National Species List of Korea: the taxonomical
systematics platform for managing scientic names of
Korean native species
Jongsun Park1,†, Jung-Hyun An2,3,†, Yongsung Kim1, Donghyun Kim1, Byeong-Gug Yang2 and Taeho Kim2,*
1InfoBoss Inc. and InfoBoss Research Center, 301 room, 670, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06088, Republic of Korea
2National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
3Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Incheon National University, Incheon 22012, Republic of Korea
These authors contributed equally to this work.
A scientic name is one of changeable terms in biology whenever additional research results of specic
taxa is accumulated. The Database of the National Species List of Korea (DBNKo) was developed to
manage taxonomic information of Korean species, designed to describe the changeable and complex
taxonomical structure and information. A Korean Taxonomical Serial Number (KTSN) was assigned to each
taxon, different from the normally used systems that the scientic name was considered as primary key to
manage higher rank of taxa systematically. Common names were also treated with the KTSN, reecting
that common name is considered as one type of taxon. Additional taxonomic information (e.g., synonyms,
original names, and references) was also added to the database. A web interface with an intuitive dashboard
presenting taxonomic hierarchical structure is provided to experts and/or managers of the DBNKo.
Currently, several biological databases are available in the National Institute of Biological Resources
(NIBR) such as a specimen database, a digital library, a genetic information system, and the shared species
data based on the DBNKo. The DBNKo started sharing species information with other institutions such as
the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources. It is an ideal centralized species database to
manage standardized information of Korean species.
Keywords: centralized species database, Database of National Species List of Korea, DBNKo, Korean
Taxonomical Serial Number, KTSN, web interface
2020 National Institute of Biological Resources
onomy), which has been utilized as a standard database
of species for many biological databases, such as the
nucleotide database and genome database, managed by
the US National Institute of Health (Federhen, 2011).
The NCBI database frequently updates scientic names
and higher taxa based on an internal review process with
experts and mostly relies on molecular phylogeny data
(Federhen, 2011). However, as its higher taxa classifi-
cation has been subject to controversy, researchers usu-
ally used this taxonomy not as a main reference for their
research. For instance, in plant species, many taxa have
no assigned rank, e.g., higher taxa of Dysphania pum-
ilio in NCBI is classed as Eukaryota (Superkingdom);
Viridiplantae (Kingdom); Streptophyta (Phylum); Strep-
tophytina (Subphylum); Embryophyta (no rank); Tra-
cheophyta (no rank); Euphyllophyta (no rank); Sperma-
tophyta (no rank); Magnoliopsida (no rank); Mesangio-
spermae (no rank); eudicotyledons (no rank); Gunner-
idae (no rank); Pentapetalae (no rank); Caryophyllales
(Order); Chenopodiaceae (Family); Chenopodioideae
(Subfamily); Dysphanieae (Tribe); Dysphania (Genus).
On the other hand, the taxonomic information in the
EoL (; Wilson, 2003) includes more rank-
ing for this species: Eukaryota (no rank); Archaeplastida
(no rank); Chloroplastida (no rank); Streptophyta (no
rank); Embryophytes (no rank); Tracheophyta (no rank);
Spermatophytes (no rank); Angiosperms (no rank); Eud-
icots (no rank); Superasterids (no rank); Caryophyllales
(Order); Amaranthaceae (Family); Dysphania (Genus).
Furthermore, the two sources assign D. pumilio to dif-
ferent families: Chenopodiaceae was merged into Ama-
ranthaceae based on molecular phylogenic result by An-
giosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) (Chase et al., 2016),
while another recent molecular phylogenic study (Her-
nández-Ledesma et al., 2015) and phylogenetic trees
based on complete chloroplast genomes (Chen and Yang,
2018; Kim et al., 2019b; Kim et al., 2019a; Park and
Kim, 2019; Kim et al., 2020), classed Chenopodiace-
ae as a separate family from Amaranthaceae. All of the
aforementioned databases provide a web-based interface
to access species information; however, most of these
databases consist of a single search box for inputting the
scientific name, limiting the results data with specific
conditions for searching scientic names; for examples,
nding synonyms under the specic genera or species.
Other species databases focus on specific taxonomic
groups (e.g., plants, algaes, and fishes). The Plant List
( provides plant species
names with valid name and synonyms (Kalwij, 2012).
Synonyms are important information as they were used
in the past and reect taxonomic classication history.
The International Plant Names Index (IPNI; http://www. is another database for plant species (Ipni,
2015). The FishBase (http://www. database
contains 34,300 sh species (As of March 2020), provid-
ing a web interface to search for scientic names (Froese
and Pauly, 2009); and Algaebase (http://www.algaebase.
org/) is a specialized database for algal species, covering
157,769 species (As of March 2020). All of these data-
bases deal contain large species lists, which causes one
critical limitation: some scientic names in these data-
bases are neither recent or correct: for example, Humu-
lus japonicus, a Korean plant species, is a valid name in
the National Species List of Korea; however, The Plant
List presents it as a synonym of Humulus scandens. This
inconsistency among databases can signicantly hinder
species database construction. In essence, a species da-
tabase equipped with a simple structure will categorize
H. japonicus and H. scandens as different species, as
the scientific name is used as a unique identifier. This
leads to an increase in the number of species, although
all these synonyms describe the same species. Because
of this problem, localized species databases are required
to validate scientific names by eliminating redundan-
cies as much as possible. Furthermore, the complexities
surrounding scientific names (e.g., synonyms) and us-
er-friendly web-based interfaces should be considered to
construct species database.
The Database of National Species List of Korea
(DBNKo) of the National Institute of Biological Re-
searches (NIBR; was built to
manage scientic names of all Korean species, attempting
to address the limitations of the previous databases. High-
er taxonomical information, synonyms, and references of
past taxonomic history were all included in the database
design and the web-based interface. The DBNKo releases
an updated species list annually, a high quality of species
names was achieved by overcoming the limitations of
previous databases. Moreover, the DBNKo is a central-
ized species database inside the NIBR system, providing
standardized species data with higher taxonomical infor-
mation to other systems managing biological information
in the NIBR, acting as a model for other species systems.
MaterIals and Methods
Database structure of the DBNKo was designed to man-
age scientific names that can be more changeable than
what computer engineers expected. The primary key for
scientic name was dened to each taxon, termed as Ko-
rean Taxonomical Serial Number (KTSN), and then their
hierarchical structure was implemented as parent-child
relation in a table. In addition, we created several cache
tables to retrieve species information efficiently and to
synchronize species information with the other systems.
The DBNKo system was constructed based on an
e-government framework (Sun et al., 2015) to achieve
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 235
high level of online security. The web interfaces for the
DBNKo were developed using JSP and JAVA code with
the Oracle database. JQuery was used to implement dy-
namic functions in the web interface to efciently man-
age taxonomical information. An integrated authorization
system was adopted from the mainframe of integrated
authentication systems in NIBR to control permissions to
access taxonomical data.
The tree interface of the DBNKo system was developed
using the ztree plug-ins (
php#_zTreeInfo), providing useful functions to manage
the taxa stored in the database. A reporting tool was de-
veloped with native JAVA code generated the list of sci-
entific names in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and
Hangul Word Processor format les.
results and dIscussIon
Korean Taxonomical Serial Number
The Korean Taxonomical Serial Number (KTSN) was
dened as a unique, persistent, and non-intelligent num-
ber for taxa originating from Korean species names. Hav-
ing unique KTSN values for individual species indicates
a unique scientic name in the system. This is useful to
track names of old taxa and their past synonyms, as our
database will retain the relationships between the old and
current species names. The non-intelligence aspect means
that there is no specic meaning in the KTSN value ex-
cept some rules: i) The rst three digits indicate the clas-
sication of taxon names (120) or common names (121),
and ii) taxa originating from different hierarchy, such as
Category of Life (CoL) (Roskov et al., 2013) or Angio-
sperm Phylogeny Group IV (APG IV) (Chase et al., 2016)
systems starts from 120000500001. The National List of
Korean species was published in the last six years (Table
1), based on the DBNKo, indicating that this database has
stabilized for Korean species by maintaining KTSNs.
Our database was also designed to manage Korean spe-
cies considering higher taxonomic levels, such as family
and order. These are very important as a summary of
Korean species and understand their taxonomical distri-
bution. Because of this, scientific names (genus +spe-
cies) should have at least two KTSNs: one for the genus
and another for the species. For example, Platanthera
mandarinorum subsp. ophrydioides (KTSN: 1200000
65610), called Gu-reum-je-bi-ran in Korean (KTSN: 1210
00017509), consists of three KTSNs: i) that of Plan-
tanthera (120000065603) called Je-bi-nan-cho-sok in
Korean (KTSN: 121000035386); ii) that of mandarino-
rum (120000065607) called San-je-bi-ran in Korean
(KTSN: 121000002449); and iii) that of ophrydioides
(120000065610), called Gu-reum-je-bi-ran in Korean
(KTSN: 121000017509). This would be tricky to orga-
nize and store in a standard data structure, such as an ex-
cel le; however, each taxon should be considered as an
independent database record to manage hierarchical tax-
onomical structure. To avoid confusion from one species
having several KTSNs, the representative KTSN for each
species was dened as that of the lowest taxonomic rank
of that species. Accordingly, the representative KTSNs
for Platanthera mandarinorum and Platanthera man-
darinorum subsp. Ophrydioides are 120000065607 and
120000065610, respectively. This prevents the system
from assigning duplicated KTSNs to individual species.
Sometimes, genus and higher-ranking taxa change as
new evidence emerges. For example, Chenopodium was
separated into several genera: one of them is Dysphania
genus that consists of 7 to 10 species (Aellen, 1930; Wil-
son et al., 1983) and some species including Dysphania
pumilio were introduced in Korea (Chung et al., 2001).
If Chenopodium pumilio (KTSN: 120000060667) used
in the National Species List of Korea was to be changed
to D. pumilio, two new KTSNs for Dysphania genus and
pumilio species under Dysphania genus will be issued,
and the resulting KTSN for D. pumilio would be different
from that of C. pumilio. Consequently, C. pumilio will be
treated as a synonym of D. pumilio in the DBNKo. All
processes were recorded as historical alterations of tax-
onomic data, such as assigning new KTSNs and treating
synonyms. These historical records track changing scien-
tic names and the reasons for these changes. Moreover,
scientic publications relating to such name changes are
also registered in the database.
Common names, written in Korean and English, also
Table 1. Summary of Korean National Species Lists which have been published ofcially till now
Year published # of taxa Methods
2015 42,756 Excel les from each management taxonomical group.
2016 45,295 List was constructed based on Database of Korean National Species List
2017 47,003 List was constructed based on Database of Korean National Species List
2018 49,027 List was constructed based on Database of Korean National Species List
2019 50,827 List was constructed based on Database of Korean National Species List
2020 52,628 List was constructed based on Database of Korean National Species List
have a unique KTSN (those start with 121). It also con-
tains local names and typos collected from diverse refer-
ences such as books, reports, and records for traditional
species information. Common names of species were in-
cluded in the DNSL given how widely they are used to
distinguish between individual species. However, there
are instances where one common name refers to multiple
taxonomic species or vice versa. To treat these cases, the
relationship between the KTSN of scientic names and
that of common names was maintained as many-to-ma-
ny relationship. We are also planning to expand to local
names and common names in other languages, making
the database more useful to nd diverse common names
of taxa.
The KTSN for taxa start with 120000000001; while
those for common names start with 121000000001, en-
abling users to easily distinguish them from one another.
Based on the current status of species stored in the da-
tabase, additional taxa from the other government insti-
tutes, such as the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Planning, will be integrated into the database.
Taxonomic data structure in the DBNKo
The DBNKo was designed to cover complex layers of
taxonomic information including the taxon itself, the rela-
tionships between valid names and synonym, hierarchical
structure (the parental relationship between KTSNs) with
taxonomical systems, and related references (Fig. 1A).
It covers multiple hierarchical systems, such as the CoL
(Roskov et al., 2013) and APG IV (Chase et al., 2016),
which is plant-specic. Some taxa can be identical in both
hierarchical taxonomic systems: for example, the Mag-
noliaceae family (KTSN: 120000060031) exists both in
the National Species List of Korea and in the APG IV;
it has therefore been assigned a shared parental KTSN
(Order Magnoliales, KTSN: 120000060030) and two
different next parental KTSNs: one for Class Magnoliop-
sida (KTSN: 120000060028) in the National Species List
of Korea and the other one is Kingdom Plantae (KTSN:
120000098391; Fig. 1B). This way to store multiple hier-
archical taxonomic information will be efciently used to
compare the hierarchical structure for different taxonom-
ical systems to improve the National Species List of Ko-
To maintain the database containing these complex
taxonomical data with keeping taxonomical content up-
to-date for researchers, generally, databases for dealing
with species information provide web interfaces for man-
aging species name, taxonomical structure (Fig. 2A),
and common names together with synonyms (Fig. 2B).
Additionally, different properties of categorized species
Fig. 1. Database structure of Database of Korean National Species List. (A) Presents relationship of major entities of the Database of Ko-
rean National Species List. Black thick lines are n:m relationship and blue arrows show detailed content types of each entity. (B) displays
example of hierarchical relations of higher taxa originated from two different systems, KNSL and APG IV.
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 237
(i.e., naturalized species, candidate new species, foreign
species, and candidate new foreign species) are also man-
aged in the database (Fig. 2B). Moreover, synonyms and
original names of the species, important information for
taxonomists, is also stored in the DBNKo (Fig. 2B). De-
tailed taxonomic information is displayed in the middle
section (Fig. 2C). Furthermore, hierarchical structures of
the taxon originated from multiple hierarchical systems
are displayed, if available (Fig. 2D), which is the same as
Fig. 1B. With synonyms and original names, identiers,
identier year (Fig. 2E), and references are also included
in the database (Fig. 2F). Common names in the database
are classified as representative names, majorly used by
people and the remaining common names including local
names (Fig. 2G).
To determine the sources of species names stored in the
database, which are major systems managed in the NIBR,
they were also included as the origin of species in our da-
tabase. In addition, the National Species List of Korea has
been updated annually, this origin covers species list of
each year to show which species names were included in
each year (Fig. 2C).
Since the current National Species List of Korea cov-
ers known species ranging from bacteria to mammals, a
strategy for classifying species names as group is strong-
ly required in the aspect of management species name
Fig. 2. Web interface of taxon in Database of Korean National Species List. (A) Provides hierarchical structure of taxon with the tree in-
terface. (B) shows basic information of taxon including KTSN, species properties, representative common names, and status of KTSN. (C)
displays ranks, names, common names, identiers, origins and etc. (D) displays information higher taxa based on hierarchical systems. (E)
shows the list of synonyms. (F) is the list of references related to this taxon. (G) is the list of all common names except representative name.
(A) (B)
by experts whose major are different. Currently, there
are 27 defined management groups considering taxo-
nomical classication (Fig. 2C), with 26 of those includ-
ing species (Table 3) One group which is recently de-
ned, Cephalochordate, does not have Korean species at
this moment. Administrators for each group as taxonom-
ical experts were assigned to efciently manage species
data. Their roles are i) collecting newly identied spe-
cies in Korea in each group, ii) approving species names
registered by researchers with proper references, and iii)
managing previously constructed taxonomical hierarchy.
Legal species lists managed in the DBNKo
The DBNKo includes several species lists dened un-
der a legal framework, such as species that are almost
extinct in Korea and species lists for international trade
(Table 2). These lists were composed from various legal
documents; they sometimes contain different scientific
names than the current valid names due to errors made
either in the drafting of these documents or because of
time differences and changing denominations since their
publication. These problems can be solved by register-
ing them into the DBNKo once and linking them to the
currently valid name in the most recent National Species
List of Korea (Table 1). To overcome the problem that
changing species list updated annually requires updating
species name based on recent National Species List of
Korea, the DBNKo provides the pipeline to map these
lists against the most recent announced annual species
list of Korean species. The first step of this mapping
process is nding a valid species name in the DBNKo.
For some species of insects and invertebrates (e.g., Cam-
ponotus (Colobopsis) nipponicus and Cumella (Cumella)
alveata) of insects and invertebrates) it is more difcult
to find the correct species name because of discrepan-
cies in subgenera names. As the subgenus rank is usu-
ally used to classify species under a specific genus in
more detail, it tends to be more exible than at the genus
level (e.g. molecular phylogeny study can change the
previous classication of subgenera level (Hong et al.,
2017)). In this step, the subgenus is considered an addi-
tional taxon, resulting in a signicantly higher mapping
rate without considering subgenus than that with subge-
nus name. The second step is to include Korean names
when the scientic name could not be mapped to those
in the National Species List of Korea because of limited
coverage of the National Species List of Korea. Once
species name of which Korean name is the same as the
National Species List of Korea is found, the pipeline
will suggest this result to the expert for verication. The
third step and most important step is to update these lists
with every annual publication of the National Species
List of Korea announced by NIBR, including synonyms
and additional relations (e.g., typographic errors) to the
valid name. The above process enables the species lists
managed in DBNKo to be systematically up to date.
Web interfaces to manage hierarchical data
The DBNKo contains data on each taxon, presented in
a tree structure (Fig. 3). To provide a user-friendly data
visualization output on the web interface, a tree-based
interface was designed and implemented. Each node in
the tree indicates a taxon with a unique KTSN (Fig. 3).
If the rank of the taxon is species or lower these nodes
are aggregated with those of species levels, according
to the National Species List of Korea. Once users want
to move to neighbor species or genus, they can click on
specic nodes to see the detailed information (Fig. 3B,
blue arrow) or click the plus icon to open the list of taxa
under it to access the raw data (Fig. 3B, orange arrow).
The search function above the tree interface was im-
Table 2. List of species lists dened by laws managed in Database of Korean National Species List
Name (Korean) Code Last updated date # of taxa
멸종위기 야생생물 EXT 2017-12-29 267
먹는 것이 금지되는 야생동물 DNE 2012-07-27 31
포획·채취 등의 금지 야생생물 DNC 2015-03-25 464
수출·수입등 허가대상 야생생물 EIA 2015-03-25 418
인공증식 또는 재배를 위한 포획·채취 등의 허가대상 야생생물 PRO 2015-03-25 12
국외반출 승인대상 생물자원 EA 3,751
생태계교란 생물 ED 19
위해우려종 HC 4
한국의고유생물 ES 2,302
국가기후변화지표생물 CI 100
획득 신고대상 생물자원 ACQUIRE 3,751
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 239
plemented to directly nd specic taxa (Fig. 3A). In the
search results, the name of taxa and two icons (Fig. 3A,
yellow and grey arrows) were displayed. The folder icon
(Fig. 3A, yellow arrow) provides a function to open
higher nodes of the taxon up, while the check icon (Fig.
3A, grey arrow) provides detailed information of the
taxon in the right section of the screen (Fig. 2B-G).
The DBNKo also provides a search interface with
various options to manage taxa efficiently (Fig. 4A),
reflecting the complexity of the taxonomic data in the
database. After inputting the search terms on the inter-
face, a list of taxa can be obtained, displaying the sta-
tus, management group, KTSN number, rank, name,
identiers, identied year, common name, and origin of
the searched taxon (Fig. 4B). By clicking on the KTSN
number of each taxon, the user can see a brief informa-
tion in the extended layer under it (Fig. 4C) describing
its hierarchical structure. There are more interfaces
to show higher taxon and to print report forms for the
search terms. Additionally, there is a download function
of the species list to export data.
The species list with additional information, including
higher taxonomy, common names, and the date of their
introduction into the National Species List of Korea (Fig.
5), are provided in the website of the platform for bio-
diversity in Korea (; Fig. 6). Users
can access the list by clicking the button located in the
upper right corner (i.e., the dotted box in Fig. 5) prompt-
ing the download of an excel spreadsheet. The ofcial
Fig. 3. Tree interface of taxon. (A) Shows interface to search by
management groups, rank, and name. Yellow arrow indicates fold-
er icon which open all higher nodes of the taxon up and grey ar-
row shows check icon which provides detailed information of the
taxon. (B) displays tree interface for hierarchical structure of taxa.
Plus icon indicated by blue arrow means open the lower taxa in
the specic taxon, and each node (orange arrow) represents each
Table 3. Twenty-six management groups of the Database of Kore-
an National Species List
English name Korean name Code # of taxa
Mammalian 포유류 MM 125
Avian 조류 AV 527
Reptile 파충류 RP 32
Amphibian 양서류 AM 21
Fish 어류 -P 1,294
Urochordata 미삭동물류 UC 128
Invertebrate 무척추동물류
(곤충류제외)IV 9,900
Insect 곤충류 IN 18,638
Vascular Plants 관속식물류 VP 4,576
Bryophytes 선태류 MS 941
Charophyta 윤조류 CR 956
Chlorophyta 녹조류 CL 812
Rhodophyta 홍조류 RD 641
Diatoms 돌말류 DI 2,174
Cryptophyta 은편모조류 CT 15
Haptophyta 착편모조류 HT 7
Dinophyta 와편모조류 DN 442
Pyrrhophyta 황적조류 PY 2
Ochrophyta 대롱편모조류 OR 378
Fungi 균류 FG 4,288
Lichen 지의류 LC 1,133
Protozoa 원생동물류 PR 2,018
Euglenophyta 유글레나조류 EG 354
Cyanobacteria 남조류 CY 377
Bacteria 세균류 BA 2,821
Archaea 고세균류 AR 18
Total 52,628
species lists is updated annually.
Web interfaces to manage additional information of
the National Species List of Korea
The current DBNKo includes additional information,
such as special lists of species dened by law, common
names, and references. Web interfaces to manage lists
of species dened by law provide two main functions: i)
management of types of special species list dened by
law (Fig. 7) and ii) management of species list in each
type of special list defined by law. As we expect new
species to be added to these special lists in the future, the
administrator can add new types of special species list
via the rst function, management of special species list
types. Currently, 15 lists are managed under the DBNKo
(Fig. 7). In each list, an administrator can search species
by KTSN, scientific name, and taxon name (Fig. 8A)
then register the Korean names and any other additional
information (e.g., Red List status) dened in the law (Fig.
Korean names are defined as common names in the
DBNKo; they can thus be managed through the func-
tion that normally manages common names (Fig. 9). The
DBNKo maintains independent KTSNs for common
names so administrators can add new common names
through this menu. However, this concept is relatively
complex to taxonomists because it is not a one-to-one
relationship, which is easy to understand, so that most of
the management functions of common names are in the
taxon management menu, where an administrator can
register or update common names (Fig. 2G).
References can be altered under the reference man-
agement menu, including registering new references and
assigning references to specic taxa (Figs. 10A and 9B).
New references can be registered or existing ones can be
modified (Fig. 10A). Additionally, the assignment link
(the dotted box in Fig. 10A) provides a web interface to
assign specific references to multiple taxa at one time
(Fig. 10B).
To make the species lists for reports or publications,
the DBNKo also provides a function to generate reports
based on selected taxa (Fig. 11). Users can select and
place taxa into a basket and select options to generate spe-
cies lists (Fig. 11A). As the generation of species lists can
take a relatively long time, the task will be registered and
users can check its status periodically (Fig. 11B). After
nishing this task, three les will be ready for download:
Fig. 4. Web interface of list of taxa with search options. (A) Displays complex interface for searching taxon. (B) is the list view of taxa
searched. (C) shows the example of brief information of taxon which will be appeared by clicking KTSN number in the list view.
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 241
Fig. 5. Introduction page of Korean National Species List. Introduction page of National Species List of Korea in the platform for biodiver-
sity in Korea ( =446&contentKey =14).
a Hangul le, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel les
(Fig. 11C).
The DBNKo as a centralized species database in
Species information is fundamental information for
biological resources, such as specimens, dry samples,
and DNA samples. The NIBR manages several import-
ant biological databases, such as the specimen database
and Wildlife Integrated Genetic Information System
(WIGIS). These databases contain their own tables of
species names in the early phase; after the stabilization
of the DBNKo, they started referring to species infor-
mation stored in the DBNKo. This indicates that species
names in this database were enough to be considered as
Fig. 6. Download page of Korean National Species List. This web page provides the download link of National Species List of Korea in the
main page of the platform for biodiversity in Korea (
Fig. 7. Web page of list of special list of species dened by law. This web page provides management function of special list of species de-
ned by law.
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 243
base to share KTSN data as a standardized species in-
formation. Once the technical process is established and
stabilized, the DBNKo will be a centralized species da-
tabase in Korea.
Future DIrectIons
In recent years, a centralized database (named as Da-
a standardized species list. Now, almost every system
managed by the NIBR uses the KTSN to extract stan-
dardized species information (Fig. 12). Moreover, other
databases managed by government institutes including
Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resourc-
es now obtains their species data from the DBNKo (Fig.
12). Other institutes such as the National Institute of
Ecology are in the process of joining our species data-
Fig. 8. Web pages of management function of special list of species dened by law. (A) Presents the web interface of searching taxon with
ve functions. (B) shows the list of registered species dened by law with Korean name.
Fig. 9. Web page of management of common names in Database of Korean National Species List. This web page displays the list of com-
mon names registered in the database.
Fig. 11. Web interface of reporting tools in Database of Korean National Species List. (A) Presents the basket of report. Dotted box presents
option of generating reports. (B) shows the list of tasks registered for generating report. (C) displays three different formats of report gener-
ated by the Database of National Species List of Korea.
Fig. 10. Web pages of management of references in Database of Korean National Species List. (A) Shows the list of references with func-
tion to assign references to taxa. (B) Web interface of function assigning reference to taxa.
August 2020 Park et al. Database of national species list of Korea 245
structures of the taxa stored in the database, which will be
helpful to every user including researchers via providing
multiple hierarchical taxonomic structure.
This work was supported by a grant from the National
Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the
Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea
(NIBR201805201). We also would like to thank the late
Dr. Won-young Choi to initialize this project and to pro-
vide the direction of the system and Juhyeon Kim to help
management of the National Species List of Korea.
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tabase of National Species List of Korea; DBNKo) has
been created, collating data from the annual publication
of the National Species List of Korea, using the KTSN
as a unique identier. Names of all Korean species are
managed inside the database with the web interfaces
described in this paper. Given the complexity of the tax-
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information not mentioned in this paper is also managed
in the DBNKo: for instance, the Korean Red List of En-
dangered Species was synchronized with species data-
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There is more than one system to classify species at
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sical taxonomical systems of owering plants, Cronquist
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system does not exist in Cronquist, instead, orders Alis-
matales, Hydrocharitales, and Najadales in the Cronquiest
system covers families of order Helobiae. Additionally, an
APG IV system (Chase et al., 2016) constructed from the
results of molecular phylogenic studies in plants adopts
different genus names for sample species. This problem
exists in most management groups, making it difcult to
obtain the correct species name. Soon, the DBNKo will
be equipped with adequate web-based tools and addition-
al database structure to maintain multiple hierarchical
Fig. 12. System structure of Database of Korean National Species List. Grey rectangles represent systems related to the Database of Na-
tional Species List of Korea and blue rectangles indicates systems using species information via Database of National Species List of Korea
outside of NIBR. Black arrows indicate utilization of taxonomic information from the Database of National Species List of Korea and Grey
arrows present communication with institutes outside of NIBR. Dotted grey arrow means commination channel will be established soon.
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Systematic Zoology 25(2):168-173.
Hernández-Ledesma, P., W.G. Berendsohn, T. Borsch, S. Von
Mering, H. Akhani, S. Arias, I. Castañeda-Noa, U. Eggli,
R. Eriksson and H. Flores-Olvera. 2015. A taxonomic
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the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. Willdenowia. pp.
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(L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Understanding Phylogenetic
Relationship in Genus Dysphania R. Br. Korean J. Plant
Res. 32(6):644-668.
Kim, Y., Y. Chung and J. Park. 2019b. The complete chlo-
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Mosyakin & Clemants(Amaranthaceae). Mitochondrial
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Kim, Y., Y. Chung and J. Park. 2020. The complete chloro-
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Submitted: May 20, 2020
Revised: July 14, 2020
Accepted: July 15, 2020
... Two Agrimonia species, A. coreana and A. nipponica, were collected on the Korean Peninsula (Table 1). Both are native Korean plant species (Park et al., 2020a) collectable without special permission in Korea. The sampling process for Agrimonia was conducted while also adhering to all local, national, and international guidelines and laws. ...
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The genus Agrimonia L. (1753) is a small group consisting of 19 species and three varieties. We completed two Agrimonia chloroplast genomes, Agrimonia coreana Nakai and Agrimonia nipponica Koidz, collected in Korea and conducted comprehensive analyses of six Agrimonia chloroplast genomes. Two of the Agrimonia chloroplasts genomes have a typical quadripartite structure with lengths ranging from 155,161 bp to 151,362 bp, similar to the remaining AAgrimonia chloroplast genomes. High nucleotide diversity was detected in the ycf1 gene, which can serve as a molecular marker. Intraspecific variations of four A. pilosa chloroplast genomes and interspecific variations of three Agrimonia species revealed that KY419942 is distinct to the other three A. pilosa chloroplast genomes. A phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that KY419942 was clustered with A. nipponica, requiring further analyses to understand Agrimonia species in East Asia. A comparison of simple sequence repeats identified from the six Agrimonia chloroplast genomes suggests potential molecular markers to distinguish species or populations of the same species. Our results define the phylogenetic relationship of three Agrimonia species and provide insight into the intraspecific features of Agrimonia chloroplast genomes with which to gain a better understanding of the genetic structure of Agrimonia species
... This discrepancy was primarily caused by differences in the criteria utilized for species listing and an insufficient sequence database [39,40]. The list of diatom species based on microscopic observations is currently derived from the diatom species record of the "National List of Species of Korea" [10,41]. However, the gene sequence database based on eDNA relies on species names entered by researchers worldwide. ...
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In urban and agricultural streams, assessing aquatic ecosystem health is critical due to widespread pollution. Traditional methods for evaluating attached diatoms crucial for ecosystem monitoring face limitations such as species misidentification and sample damage. This study was conducted in the Miho River within the Geum River system and highlights the effectiveness of environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques for more accurate and efficient genetic-based analysis than conventional microscopic analysis methods. When eDNA-based assessments were compared with traditional microscopic methods, this study found that eDNA analysis often revealed poorer ecosystem health. Notably, eDNA assessments showed a stronger correlation with phosphorus concentrations, underlining their precision and importance in ecological studies. These findings suggest that eDNA has potential as a valuable tool for comprehensive biomonitoring. However, the use of international genetic barcode databases in eDNA analysis could lead to the identification of unrecorded species in Korea. Therefore, this study recommends developing a localized genetic barcode database and constructing eDNA information through meta-barcoding, focusing on native species. This approach is crucial for enhancing the accuracy and applicability of eDNA-based health assessments in national biomonitoring efforts.
... In Korea, research on diatoms has been conducted since the 1910s. According to the Database of the National Species List of Korea (DBNKo) (Park et al., 2020), the first study on Fragilaria was conducted by Chung and colleague in 1965, reporting four species, F. capucina Desmazières, F. crotonensis Kitton, F. intermedia (Grunow) Grunow, and F. striatula Lyngbye. Now, at least 20 species of Fragilaria have been discovered in Korean waters (Chung, 1968;Cho, 2000), and most species were researched from the Han River, one of the largest rivers in South Korea (Chung et al., 1965;Chung, 1968). ...
... There are official lists of native and naturalized Korean plant species, including (1) the Database of National Species List of Korea (Park et al., 2020a), (2) (Table 1). The difference between the numbers of plant genome sequences and the taxa indicates that multiple genomes of some plant taxa were sequenced, making this a good resource to understand intraspecific variations at the level of the genome. ...
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Owing to the rapid development of sequencing technologies, more than 1,000 plant genomes have been sequenced and released. Among them, 69 Korean plant taxa (85 genome sequences) contain at least one whole-genome sequence despite the fact that some samples were not collected in Korea. The sequencing-by-synthesis method (next-generation sequencing) and the PacBio (third-generation sequencing) method were the most commonly used in studies appearing in 65 publications. Several scaffolding methods, such as the Hi-C and 10x types, have also been used for pseudo-chromosomal assembly. The most abundant families among the 69 taxa are Rosaceae (10 taxa), Brassicaceae (7 taxa), Fabaceae (7 taxa), and Poaceae (7 taxa). Due to the rapid release of plant genomes, it is necessary to assemble the current understanding of Korean plant species not only to understand their whole genomes as our own plant resources but also to establish new tools for utilizing plant resources efficiently with various analysis pipelines, including AI-based engines.
... Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. is distributed mainly in Central Asia, Mongolia, and China (Hayashi and Sudo, 2009). Together with two sister species, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Glycyrrhiza inflata Batalin, G. uralensis is one of important traditional Chinese medicine used as sweetener (Rizzato et al., 2017), and has long been cultivated in China and Korea (Hayashi and Sudo, 2009;Park et al., 2020a). Because G. uralensis is recognized as the best species among three Glycyrrhiza species with recent decease of production of G. uralenesis in inner Mongolia, the closely related species of G. uralensis have been considered as alternative species (Lee et al., 2010;. ...
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The chloroplast genome of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch was sequenced to investigate intraspecific variations on the chloroplast genome. Its length is 127,689 bp long (34.3% GC ratio) with atypical structure of chloroplast genome, which is congruent to those of Glycyrrhiza genus. It includes 110 genes (76 protein-coding genes, four rRNAs, and 30 tRNAs). Intronic region of ndhA presented the highest nucleotide diversity based on the six G. uralenesis chloroplast genomes. A total of 150 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 10 insertion and deletion (INDEL) regions were identified from the six G. uralensis chloroplast genomes. Phylogenetic trees show that the six chloroplast genomes of G. uralensis formed the two clades, requiring additional studies to understand it.
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National species lists are getting important because it defines the boundary of biological resources in the nation. Currently, several national species lists have been managed in Korea: e.g., 'Checklist of Vascular Plant in Korea' and the 'National Species List.' However, species coverage of these lists including valid names, synonyms, and general names are slightly different from each other, causing confusion sometimes. As a first step to construct the integrated national plant species list in Korea, we compared the two major national plant species lists, 'Checklist of Vascular Plant in Korea' and the 'National Species List of Korea.' We found that the number of common valid names from both lists is 3,158 accounting for 55.96% of non-redundant valid names originated from both lists. In contrast to the discordance of valid names, the number of common Korean names in both lists is 3,884 accounting for 60.68% of total Korean names used in both lists. Several cases of typos or incongruent ranks scientific names between two lists were also identified, which can be guide for managing plant species lists in near future. Based on our comparison
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In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of the invasive insect species Melanoplus differentialis captured in Korea. The complete mitochondrial genome of M. differentialis is 15,625 bp long and comprises 13 protein‐coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and 22 transfer RNAs, with a GC ratio of 25.2%. In total, 353 SNPs and 11 INDEL regions (total length 67 bp) were found against the previously sequenced M. differentialis mitochondrial genome recorded as public genome data. The number of interspecific variations was greater than the number of intraspecific variations in this insect. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the mitochondrial genome clustered the Melanoplus clade with two previously reported Melanoplus sequences. However, the sequences were not divided at the species‐level clade possibly as a consequence of misidentification caused by an error in the public database. Our results extend the molecular database status of Melanoplus by providing a novel complete mitochondrial genome sequence for M. differentialis that could serve as reference for further molecular studies.
Background: A giant root that resembled the root of Cynanchum species (Giant Cynanchum) was found on a mountain in Gangwon Province, Korea, in March 2021. The root was 10 m long and weighted 20 ㎏. Its morphological characteristics highly resembled those of Cynanchum wilfordii (Cw) and Cynanchum auriculatum (Ca). Methods and Results: The giant root collected in Gangwon Province has been permanently exhibited at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Admin-istration, Eumsung, Korea. The plants were clonally propagated for further research at the Seoul National University farm. Seven molecular markers were applied to the root for accurate species authentication. However, the species could not be clearly identified because the results of seven markers yielded contradicting results: one Cw-type, two Ca-types, and four unidentified types. The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal RNA coding gene and four plas-tid DNA barcoding regions (matK, rbcL, trnL-trnF, and psbA-psbH) were analyzed for sequence comparison and phylogenetic tree construction. The results showed that the species was close to Ca. However, the results obtained form the phylogenetic tree are not definite because Cynanchum species were not monophyletic Conclusions: The species of the giant root is assumed to be close to Ca, but additional research is necessary to clarify the exact species and its origin. Moreover, this root might be a valuable plant resource for the bio-industry. © 2022, Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science. All rights reserved.
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Utricularia tenuicaulis Miki 1935 is an aquatic carnivorous plant species found in East Asia including Korea and Japan. In this study, the chloroplast genome of U. tenuicaulis was successfully sequenced. The assembled genome (153,976 bp; GC ratio, 37.0%) contains four subregions, with the large single copy (LSC; 84,596 bp; 34.9%) and small single copy (SSC; 17,946 bp; 30.5%) regions separated by 25,718 bp of inverted repeat regions (42.7%), and includes 126 genes (81 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNAs, and 37 tRNAs). Phylogenetic analyses based on the whole-chloroplast genomes of 18 species, including 17 Lentibulariaceae species and one outgroup species, suggest a close relationship between U. tenuicaulis and Utricularia macrorhiza Leconte 1824. A comparison of genomic variation between U. tenuicaulis and U. macrorhiza confirmed the validity of the specific discrimination of U. tenuicaulis.
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Atriplex gmelinii C. A. Mey. Ex Bong._1838 is an annual halophytic herb found in East Asia and North America. The chloroplast genome of A. gmelinii was successfully sequenced. The assembled genome (151,852 bp; GC ratio, 37.3%) is composed of four subregions, with the large single copy (LSC; 83,872 bp; 35.4%) and small single copy (SSC; 17,812 bp; 30.9%) regions separated by two regions of inverted repeat regions (25,084 bp; 42.8%). A total of 130 genes were predicted with 85 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNAs, and 37 tRNAs. The phylogenetic analyses inferred from whole chloroplast genomes of 35 species, including 34 species in Amaranthaceae and one outgroup species, suggest a close relationship between A. gmelinii and A. centralasiatica.
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Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch is an annual halophyte. In this study, we presented complete chloroplast genome of O. glauca as the first chloroplast genome of genus Oxybasis, which is 151,655 bp long and has four subregions: 83,759 bp of large single-copy (LSC) and 17,914 bp of small single-copy (SSC) regions are separated by 24,991 bp of inverted repeat (IRs) regions including 129 genes (84 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNAs, and 37 tRNAs). The overall GC content of the chloroplast genome is 36.9% and those in the LSC, SSC, and IR regions are 34.7, 30.4, and 42.8%, respectively. Phylogenomic tree shows that O. glauca belongs to tribe Atripliceae forming a monophyletic clade with genus Chenopodium and Atriplex.
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Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants which belongs to Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae sensu in APG system has been known as a useful plant in various fields as well as an invasive species spreading all over the world. To understand its phylogenetic relationship with neighbour species, we completed chloroplast genome of D. ambrosioides collected in Korea. Its length is 151,689 bp consisting of four sub-regions: 83,421 bp of large single copy (LSC) and 18,062 bp of small single copy (SSC) regions are separated by 25,103 bp of inverted repeat (IR) regions. 128 genes (84 protein-coding genes, eight rRNAs, and 36 tRNAs) were annotated. The overall GC content of the chloroplast genome is 36.9% and those in the LSC, SSC and IR regions are 34.9%, 30.3%, and 42.7%, respectively. Distribution of simple sequence repeats are similar to those of the other two Dysphania chloroplasts; however, different features can be utilized for population genetics. Nucleotide diversity of Dysphania chloroplast genomes 18 genes including two ribosomal RNAs contains high nucleotide diversity peaks, which may be genus or species-specific manner. Phylogenetic tree presents that D. ambrosioides occupied a basal position in genus Dysphania and phylogenetic relation of tribe level is presented clearly with complete chloroplast genomes.
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We completed chloroplast genome of Dysphania pumilio (R.Br.) Mosyakin & Clemants isolated in Anyang city in Korea. Its length is 151,960 bp consisting four subregions: 83,756 bp of large single copy (LSC) and 17,742 bp of small single copy (SSC) regions are separated by 25,231 bp of inverted repeat (IR) region. 128 genes (84 protein-coding genes, eight rRNAs, and 36 tRNAs) were annotated. The overall GC content is 36.9% and those in LSC, SSC, and IR regions are 34.8%, 30.4%, and 42.7%, respectively. 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms and two insertions and deletions suggest multiple invasive origins in Korea.
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Phylogenetic analyses were performed using multiple nuclear (ITS and ETS) and chloroplast regions (ndhF-trnL, psbA-trnH, psbD-trnT, and trnT-trnL) to test the monophyly of Aconitum subgen. Lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae) and reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the subgenus. The subgenus as currently circumscribed is revealed to be polyphyletic. To achieve its monophyly, sect. Galeata and sect. Fletcherum, both being unispecific and each having a unique array of characters (the latter even having the aberrant base chromosome number of x = 6), must be removed from the subgenus. The subgenus Lycoctonum should thus be redefined to include only two sections, the unispecific sect. Alatospermum and the relatively species-rich sect. Lycoctonum. The section Alatospermum, which is both morphologically and karyologically in the primitive condition, is resolved as the first diverging lineage of the subgenus Lycoctonum clade. The monophyly of sect. Lycoctonum is strongly supported, but all the ten series currently recognized within the section are revealed to be para- or poly-phyletic. Five major clades are recovered within the section. We propose to treat them as five series: ser. Crassiflora, ser. Scaposa, ser. Volubilia, ser. Longicassidata, and ser. Lycoctonia. Thus, a formal reclassification of subgen. Lycoctonum is presented, which involves segregating both sect. Galeata and sect. Fletcherum from the subgenus as two independent subgenera within the genus Aconitum, reinstating one series (ser. Crassiflora) and abolishing six series (ser. Laevia, ser. Longibracteolata, ser. Micrantha, ser. Ranunculoidea, ser. Reclinata, and ser. Umbrosa) within sect. Lycoctonum. The series affiliation of some species within the section is adjusted accordingly.
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The Caryophyllales constitute a major lineage of flowering plants with approximately 12500 species in 39 families. A taxonomic backbone at the genus level is provided that reflects the current state of knowledge and accepts 749 genera for the order. A detailed review of the literature of the past two decades shows that enormous progress has been made in understanding overall phylogenetic relationships in Caryophyllales. The process of re-circumscribing families in order to be monophyletic appears to be largely complete and has led to the recognition of eight new families (Anacampserotaceae, Kewaceae, Limeaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Montiaceae and Talinaceae), while the phylogenetic evaluation of generic concepts is still well underway. As a result of this, the number of genera has increased by more than ten percent in comparison to the last complete treatments in the Families and genera of vascular plants” series. A checklist with all currently accepted genus names in Caryophyllales, as well as nomenclatural references, type names and synonymy is presented. Notes indicate how extensively the respective genera have been studied in a phylogenetic context. The most diverse families at the generic level are Cactaceae and Aizoaceae, but 28 families comprise only one to six genera. This synopsis represents a first step towards the aim of creating a global synthesis of the species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales integrating the work of numerous specialists around the world.
The E-Government standard describes how governments work, share information and deliver services to external and internal stakeholders. It harnesses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to transform relationships with citizens and businesses and between the branches of government. The benefits may include reduced corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience, higher revenues, and lower costs. The current E-Government 2.0 describes user-oriented portal services that are integrated into and provided through one portal site using Web 2.0 technologies, such as RSS, blogs, social networks, etc., and that are accessible from various channels. However, building E-Government 2.0 is difficult because the transition from E-Government to E-Government 2.0 should be an organizational integration agenda, not only a technology one. Agencies may encounter many unpredictable design challenges and tensions that must be managed. Governments are now beginning to focus on the larger and more holistic task of service innovation in order to provide more productive and better services. One of the key observations about making progress with service innovation is that agencies need a framework to help them move forward. Our objective in this study is to propose a novel implementation framework for E-Government 2.0. This framework integrates the processes, resources, back offices, and front offices of online systems to carry out the stakeholder-oriented participatory E-Government 2.0. Finally, we use Korea, Antigua and Barbuda, and Ecuador as cases to validate it.
The Plant List ( is an on‐line database of plant names that aims to be comprehensive for all described plant species. Version 1 of The Plant List includes 1 040 426 plant name records, of which 298 900 are accepted names. The Plant List is the product of a consortium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. In this review, I evaluate the use of this plant taxonomic database for plant ecologists. The web interface of The Plant List allows a quick search for species names and corresponding synonyms. Moreover, users are able to download search or browse results to compile a customized checklist of plant names. The combination of a straightforward web design and the possibility to download search results provides a valuable resource of plant nomenclature information for a wide range of plant ecologists.
The Linnaean system of classification is a threefold system of theoretical assumptions, sorting rules, and rules of nomenclature. Over time, that system has lost its theoretical assumptions as well as its sorting rules. Cladistic revisions have left it less and less Linnaean. And what remains of the system is flawed on pragmatic grounds. Taking all of this into account, it is time to consider alternative systems of classification.
Genetic analyses indicate that single-banded leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) phenotypes in tetraploid Chenopodium reflect homozygosity for null alleles at either locus of a polyduplicated pair. Other duplicated isozyme loci show simplification to the diploid phenotype. Loss of duplicate gene expression in the LAP system has occurred independently in putatively specialized taxa occupying the distributional periphery of a New World tetraploid complex. The geographic/taxonomic pattern of genetic variation suggests that fixation of null alleles is mediated by stochastic genetic phenomena associated with migration. Plants homozygous for null alleles at both LAP loci show no detetable activity in assays involving several exopeptidase substrates, although growth and fertility of double-null plants are not markedly reduced. Our data confirm that loss of duplicate gene expression can occur in isozyme systems of polyploid plant taxa. Thus, lack of electrophoretically detectable duplicate gene expression is not a certain indication of diploidy. However, loss of duplicate gene expression in population systems known to be of allopolyploid origin is a clear indication of phyletic derivation.